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Evalc's RP: Disc Three

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"If this is the only way that Mobius is going to be free, then I will handle it," answered Sonia.

"Good, very good," chuckled Bossman as he took another drag from his brown cigar.

This sounds better than it did at first, thought Sonia. It sounded like we were going to have to be at Bossman's beck and call when it came to fighting Evalc, but if our objective is to travel to different systems and get the help we need, then I'll do whatever it takes to get that help! Mobius depends on it.

A brief flash of fear rose up inside her as she realized they would be flying into space, and she had never been up into space before. And the prospect of being a diplomat to other races frightened her even more. But the thought of Evalc lording over the galaxy with the lack of respect for life that he had shown so far hardened her resolve. Of course, these people had also messed with her mind...

"Wait," Sonia said, holding up a hand as another, more urgent fear arose in the forefront of her mind. "Where's Mr. Bayfield? I was told he would be here."

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"That sounds too much like the offer you made Prower..." Breech clutched her head, "And if an offer sounds too good to be true... it probably is."

But she knew her resolve was flickering, "Claw... what about Claw?" she asked Evalc.

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Evalc glanced over at Claw who was in a fierce sword fight with James.

I haven't decided, General Loader, what do you suggest? If you like, we could kill him. Or we could simply capture him or leave him here... your call, General, use your best judgement. Either way, there are battle plans to be drawn and it appears your other friend wants to drag you back to Felus replied Evalc as he pointed at Gusion.


Bossman raised an eyebrow and grunted, "Looks like the kids runnin' a bit late. Ich!"

Ich-Hast appeared at Bossman's side.

"Go see if ya can find Mr. Bayfield, him bein' a Warden apprentice could help impress foriegn blue-bloods," ordered Bossman.

Ich-Hast bowed, "Yes sir, Boss. He was on his way here, he must simply be lost."

Suddenly Ich-Hast flashed from sight, using his psionic powers to propell himself up a building side and into the main Mobotropolis streets.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

"Drag her back?" Gusion smirked, "I'm only offering her the chance to be the Empress of an entire planet, and later the entire galaxy. Does that sound so incredibly awful to you?"

Breech pulled away from Evalc, "This is a trick! I knew it! I don't want any part in your scheme to hurt Claw, I won't do it!"

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Speaking of that rascal of a squirrel, he was still trailing Rick, who was still going to find Toby after all the force disturbancey sixth sense "ohmygedhe'sfightingEvalc" stuff...

He still felt a twinge of guilt for walking off and leaving Sonia in the dust, but what else could he do? Rick wanted him close, so close he would be.

OOC: Ah, screw the 4th wall. My character is being referenced, I may aswell post, even if I have nothing to go on :p

Posts: 2928
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He bumped into the fox who'd stopped suddenly, quickly regaining his balance with squirrel like precision.

Xira was still without her helmet due to showing Toby and the other her real self. She turn when the newcomers arrived on the scene. Rico froze.

The female rabbit and he locked in a stare for an uncomfortable amount of time. Craig knew Rico well enough by now to see all manner of fear, stress, disbelief, betrayal, and anger manifest itself in his body and face.

Xira sighed, "It's been a long time since you've seen me, hasn't it Ricky."

The fox's eye literally twitched at what he was seeing and hearing. Craig flinched as he felt the fox grab his hand and squeeze it hard. "Connie... No, its surgery... or something. You aren't Connie you can't be, its a trick."

The rabbit nodded slowly, "I'm afraid I am, Rick. You can ask your new apprentice if you want conformation." The fox twitched again and gave the squirrels paw a hard squeeze speaking to Craig but not taking his eyes off the femme fatale, "What is she talking about?"

OOC: Think this was done, but its gone so I'm going at it from another angle.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

"She told me everythin'" Craig confirms, with narrowed eyes and a light layer of annoyance aimed at Connie "an' I've no d'aat that she's Tobe's mum, and I've got no reasun ta believe 'er at all! I'd luv for it to be a lie an' all, but I think we've gotta face facts..."

Posts: 2928
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Rico was silent, almost as if he was hoping he could will the rabbit to drop dead on the spot. Xira sighed again and shook her head, "And what facts are those?"

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

"Tell your own damn backstory, I'm not an exposition!squirrel" Craig growled, irrately "You're Tobe's mum an' all and I sympathise with ya in sum respeks, but can we all can the hostility? We've got bigger fish ta fry than your petty squabbling and disbelief, like a certun rabbit dat's owt der! Geez, this convo can wait, alrighty?"

Posts: 2928
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Rico sneered almost trembling with anger, "Right now, Toby's safer wherever he is. And I could give a damn about Evalc. But this..." He pointed a finger at Xira, "You, you're..." The word to describe his feelings hadn't been invented by either Mobian or Kydane, rather he settled for something less being his mind was too messed up to think, "you're a monster. I don't believe that all you've done... All we've been put through... the whole damn time you were doing this all your own son." He gritted his teeth, "I have to stop her, Craig. I won't blame you if you don't want to help me, you don't know what she's done."

Xira wrinkled her nose, "What would you do, little Rico? Kill me and prove Warden are nothing but power mad lunatics?" The fox narrowed his eyes, "Yes."

She looked back at Craig, "Maybe you should try to talk some sense into your friend before he alienates himself further from the rest of your entourage."

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Craig moves his hand and rests it on Rick's shoulder, turning him away from Xira "Come on, man, don't lissun to 'er, jus ignore, k. She wants you ta attack, either way, she wins, so just don't play 'er game, wot does it matter if she's Tobes mum anyways, don't make her any more or less of a persun den she was before we knew, maybe less for the decepshun, maybe more for wanning ta protect Tobe. I dunno. But, let's just get out of 'ere and get Tobe, alrite?" he shot his friend and mentor a happy smile, hopeful that he could calm Rick before he did anything silly.

Posts: 195
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If you wish Claw to live, then he shall live, his life lies in your hands Loader. However should you turn against me then I will be forced to defend myself explained Evalc easily ignoring Gusion for the moment.

Claw growled angrily as he fought the power-infused James.

"This will only end in failure, Prower," growled Claw.

"The only one who has failed is you," spat James.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Rico sighed, "You always have been a haven for me. It may be a fake smile, but its one you put on for me. Yeah, you're right, lets find Tobe and Kevin and get outta here."

Failed? No, that damn alien brat should be helping me by now. Things cannot end this way, the timeline MUST be held if the plan is to succeed. Why must it all end in violence. The last line ran through her mind with sorry laced with hatred. "Your lover is in the infirmary, Underwood."

Suddenly a massive explosion erupted from the side of the building, oddly focused around one room. Never-the-less still shaking the building to its very foundation.

Rico's quirky smile vanished, the look an feeling of pure dread washed over him, turning his skin pale white under his fur. The fox shook off Craig and ran, ran as fast as he could to the building. He knew the room, he knew what she'd just done, but his mind wouldn't focus, would let him believe it. Untill to stopped under the shower of paper and dust from the small section that had been utterly vaporized. His legs felt numb and weak as he bent down and picked something up. A bloody silver locket. He turned it over in his hands, feeling like he was in a bad dream. He opened it as if hoping it wasn't Kevin's, hoping he wouldn't see the red magus stone, hoping he wouldn't see the picture of them. But all his hopes were shattered.

There was no manical laughter to torment him, Xira stood silent watching as Craig ran to his friend and tried to plead again to get him to run. Get him to hide from her. She slowly blinked and took a few steps closer, "Do you understand the price of apathy now? Your decision to ignore what you were meant to do has cost that boy his life."

The fox's legs gave way and he fell onto his rump into the dirt and ashes of what had been Kevin's room. Would Craig be next? Cj? Toby? Jeremy? Rocky? They were all at her mercy. It was as if Kaiser Sosa himself stood over him in female rabbit form, her ability to cause him crippling pain without hurting him was unbelieveable.

"Rick, com'on, Kev woun't wancha ta die! Get up!" He could hear Craig's voice yelling at him, the smile was gone, not even the master of faking happiness could keep his rouse now. Rico stared at the locket, at the picture, and at the past.

Images played like tv in his mind. He watched himself arguing with Jeremy about trusting robots. How the troubled young man had pushed his own problems aside to help a stranger realize his past experiences shouldn't dictate his life.

Of how a scared immature kit could grow so fast and yet still remain loyal to everyone he was around. And even after so much pain and suffering would gladly give his life for a friend.

Of how a alien street bum could go from stealing his gun to saving his life. Then continue on to become a close friend and confidant in a matter of days.

"I can't run anymore, Craig. I can't let it happen anymore." Rico said quietly.

More images of the others heroics over the months past and even some of his own bouts with heroism and his own darkside.

A love he couldn't return, because a love he was to scared to return. One was lost now, and the other was dead now. Dead because of a curse that would follow him forever, till he was dead.

He looked up at Craig and put a hand on his friend's arm to help himself to his feet, "Xira isn't going to leave us alone, I realize that now. She won't give up, she won't lose us, she just will not stop. I have to end this or someone else is gonna die. I wonder... I wonder if you could do me a favor, bud. Go find Toby, and keep him safe till this is over."

Craig's mouth opened a little, detecting finality in the fox's words reguardless their meaning. Then the squirrel's face got as serious had it could be, "No. You been 'arping on me ta stay by ya an' now y'ant me t'leave? Nuh uh, I'm stayin."

Rico glared, but only for a moment. A kind of grim smile cross his face, "I knew that was coming... Thanks." He looked up keeping his hand on the squirrel's shoulder like a crutch, "You look confused... I know you're not Connie, I don't even think you're Xira anymore. Not after all this. Why would you come here? If you wanted me dead you could have done so a lot easier than this. Why betray your troops? Why pretend to be Connie? None of it makes any sense for Xira to do. What are you?"

Xira did look suprised, even more so at the last sentence. Craig looked at the fox oddly then raised an eyebrow at Xira. The female closed her eyes for a moment, then chuckled, "So... Thats it. Kenji's more resourceful than I gave him credit for." She shook her head, "Stupid kids, let me tell you a little story. Years ago at the dawning of the Refusal War, your father came into possession of the original manuscripts of the first Kenji Pendragon's Remembrance. Or so we thought. The prose told of the rise of the Warden, its corruption, and its downfall at the hands of the Third Rememberance. Kane is the Second Kenji, you know that. The original prophecies told of a Third. That he would be born from lustful turmoil, excel in both natural and super natural power, and remain innocent for the course of his life." She glared at the fox, "Kane told me of that prophecy, he made sure to note your families problems because of Tobias's birth, and always informed me of the boy's untrained progress simply watching you, and even went so far as to give him a stone just to prove every last prophetic word his forbearer wrote. As icing on the cake he even told me of a vision he'd had of a pack of wolves. They all changed into foxes and slunk along the ground stealthfully, then to hares that leapt gracefully through the air, save one lone white wolf. That wolf tried as he might but couldn't change.

That bastardous old man laid his plans so very well. I was convinced my son was the one Kenji spoke of. When that ignorant brother of yours insisted on bringing you back, I was one that told Russell to come with him, so the prophecy would furfill itself and I'd be left as sole ruler of Kyzarie. But to my surprise Tobias did not kill him, YOU did. Your birth was the start of your family's curse, YOU learned to use magic AND a sword with no effort at ALL. And reguardless of how you look the thought of anything mature makes you lock up like a cold fish, you're as innocent as Tobias if not MORE. Even Kane's vision fits, neither you NOR Tobias ever gained the Kydane shapeshifting ability." She pointed at Rico, "You are the Third Loremaster. You killed my husband. And now, you're going to die for it."

Craig's mind filled with panic. She had suddenly gone from enigmatic she-witch to pure homicidal. In the panic he heard his own voice yell out, "No! I killed 'em! I killed 'er 'usband!" Xira paused and glared at the squirrel, his mind suddenly began screaming at him for saying it, screaming at him to run even though would it probably do no good. But he couldn't let her just kill Rico, he couldn't have just remained silent.

"Touching, but I'm not stupid. No simple being could destroy Russell Underwood, don't waste your life on this boy, he'll cause you nothing of but pain."

Rico looked sheet white. He was staring with a mix of awe and confusion at Craig. His mind latched onto truths that were scarier than fiction. Craig had been the one to 'end' the tyranny of Russell Underwood. Even though he hadn't shot him, it was that fight that lead to the old man seeing the error of his ways, in effect ending his grip on the Warden Order. His turmoiled mind always gripped the ease with which Craig seemed to grasp use of The Art, and his natural athetic abilities. From what Rico knew his friend didn't talk much about his parents, that usually meant he didn't want to. And again the young man's appearance hit him, he looked younger than he was, almost like a youth, and he would stay that way... because of Kenji.

It all gave at once, and before Craig could speak to ask Rico what was wrong, the fox attacked. Charging Xira and ramming her, the nimble bunny landed gracefully some yards away and an explosion hit the fox. He shrugged off the debris and let lose a trademark lighting bolt into her, the point to point nature of it was unavoidable and caused her to let out a high pitched yelp of pain.

Suddenly as the the fox was readying himself, Xira turned offensive, the attack came so fast Craig barely caught it even with his quick reflexs. Dust whisped from the speed of it leaving the rabbit's sword against Rico's empty sword sheath. He'd managed to block it, somehow.

A flash of energy, a slashing sound, and Rico's yelp of pain echoed a moment later. It happened before Craig could let out a sigh of relief or even ready himself to attack Xira. It all happened so fast his command to his mind to ready himself to attack the woman killing his friend couldn't respond and react fast enough to do so. He was too slow. Blood was left on the ground as Rico went literally flying, landing behind a large pile of rubble.

Xira didn't speak, she stood ready. She hadn't keep alive be underestimating others or claiming victory early. She knew Rico Underwood did most things for a reason, the question was why had he attacked so recklessly when he knew he would not have been able to stand up to her.

Finally the response hit, and in a matter of moments Xira felt her side scream with pain to the tune of crackling ice. She leap aside, staring in mild shock as her eyes met the frozen bloodied wound staring back at her. Then those some piercing ice blue eyes turn on Craig. The Evolian was standing in the best defensive stance he knew with a smoking glowing blue sword trained on her. "Not possible. How did you do that, you're not a Kydane. No alien is that proficent with magic at a young age. No matter, if death is what you seek, then its what you will find."

His ears popped feeling a massive change in the pressure around him. "Craig! Run!" Toby's youthful voice yelped out as the yellow blur came from nowhere and collided with him and sent them both tumbling to a heap as a ear splitting concussive blast erupted where the squirrel had been standing. The young rabbit was in bad shape, his side was cut and bleeding from his belly to his shoulder. Craig winced seeing the ugly wound. The boy gave a pained but determined grin, "Heh, it's nuttin', I'm okay." Craig nodded then froze, they'd forgotten about Xira.

*Crack* The sound of a fist hitting hard resounded before the two could turn around to defend themselves. Xira went flying into the side of a ruined brick building, landin on one knee and grimacing before charging a complete unhurt Rico. She slashed at him but uncannily he dodged the attack as if he knew it was coming, then another sicken crack hit their ears as the rabbit was hit squarely in the jaw. Another loud crack, followed by the sound of Xira's legendary body armor shattering as he brought a hammerfist down on her back. The body armor fell apart, shocking the female more and causing her to lurch back and make a jump to safety, a fake one. The fox's guard dropped to get ready for a powerful attack, then pain, and blackness.

"Come on! Keep up! haha!" Rico's voice sounded cheery laughing at the clumsy little boy bunny trying to keep up with him. "Come on Tobe!"

He felt himself flying, or at least that was sensation. "One day you're gonna be the one carrying me, bro. One day you're gonna be the one protecting me, cool huh?" He looked down seeing a smiling Rico carrying him. It really did feel like he was flying, like he was happy, like he was in heaven.

"RICO!" The squirrel's voice cracked watching Xira's sword slice the fox nearly in two.

"TOBE!" Toby shrieked out in horror. Craig blinked at looked over at the boy, not understanding. But there was no time, Xira turned on them and shot forward.


She fell from the force of the bullet. Then lept up and spun around causing the top of a nearby building to collaspe as she did.


Xira jerked as the bullet hit from the back, going straight for the hole Rico had caused in her armor.


Each shot send a spasm through her body as they destroyed internal organs. She turned to face Toby and Craig blood dribbling off her muzzle, "Tricky boy... You win. *HACK*" A savage convulsion sent her to the ground. A few more silenced the legendary warden forever. Leaving her in a puddle of her own blood.

Craig and Toby looked at each other, their question was answered in a few moments by two approaching figures. Fading light revealed Myca Bant and a heavily bandaged Kevin toting a large rifle, the rifle he'd just used to finish off Xira Aramae once and for all. Toby's face ignited seeing them, despite his hideous injury the boy ran to him and latched on to the gerbil. "Kev! I thought she killed you, thank god." The rodent squeaked, "Ack! Hey, easy kiddo, I'm still sore." Reguardless the pain, he didn't let go of the rabbit. He looked on at the two corpses muttering quietly, "I'm sorry Tobe, I was too late. This damn wound... I'd be dead of Bant hadn't pulled me out of there. I even left... huh?" He felt the boy squeeze his hand tightly leaving something behind in it. He knew by feeling it what it was, his locket. Kevin fought tears and shoved it into his pocket.

Craig felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see the coyote's sympathic face. "This wasn't supposed to happen. This ain't right." Craig couldn't speak, it was like a bad dream, one he wanted to wake up from so badly it hurt.

"I'm sure more of 'em are gonna come to claim the body for burial rights. It ain't safe here, kids." Myca said plainly. "You're welcome on Mesric for as long you'd like to stay."

Toby looked down, knowing he really had no choice. Kevin grunted and looked around, shifting the rifle off his injured shoulder then walking over to the squirrel at looking up at him, "It's yer choice, I think I'm going to stay here. Mobius has been my home for too long to leave now. I can't stay with the others though, Rick was the only one keeping them from killin me. If ya decide to go... Take Tobe with ya, you'd make a better big brother than I would."

OOC: You got one more decision to make Craig, and I have one more post to clear it all up.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's just a big blur. A misty memory as senses took a back seat, and emotion painted the picture for a scene. The rapid heart beat drumming away at your chest in panic as a situation spirals out of control in a nightmarish pace, fear, panic, the need to stay alive. Adreneline pumping through your veins, to such a degree that time stops, everything just moves in slow motion, instinct takes control and there are no more thoughts, just emotion, and action.

A spike of panic, you can just about feel the electricity pulsing through your nerves at lightning speed to dodge, barely fast enough, fear levels rise, accompanied by rage and anger directed at the attacker.

Righteous rage all controlling now, your heart is moving you fast you can barely feel each individual beat as the next one drowns it out. Sweat running heavy, the frosty blade suddenly weighs more than any man can bare to load.

The world begins to speed up now, ever so fast as matters slip through the fingers of your control and a great relief washes over you, lowering defenses, calming the beast, slowing the heart, making everything more real.


That spike of numbness rises and the mind is too slow to react, like a dear in a headlights you struggle to command, but your body isn't listening. Your heart is pounding again, each beat becomes the next before it's started.

You finally get control, emotion driving you to fight on.

Your heart stops.

A cold flush rushes through your body, like falling endlessly from the highest tower to the deepest pit.

Your nerves shut down. Mind is lost, and with all emotion shocked out of your system, the rage builds up at frightening levels. Your mouth moves as you scream in anguish.

This can't be happening.

It's a bad dream.

This isn't how things are supposed to happen.

and that's it. Everything after that is nothing. The ever accumulating rage, now lost, no direction to point it but a harmless dead body.

Your heart feels heavy now, each lazy beat is strained, your body gives up and you sink in sorrow.

People are talking. You hear them, but right now you don't care.

The rage has grown too strong, with nowhere to turn it's formed a black hole, sucking all other emotion away, injecting anesthetic into your soul, numb rejection of reality. You can almost close your eyes and pretend it never happened.

But it did.

He's gone.

and that's what death feels like.

So Craig knelt, heavy in heart, with clench fists resting on the floor to support himself, he could have spouted an angst filled speach, he could have summoned back the rage and started hacking at Xira's bullet ridden corpse. He could have done alot of things.

But, really, he couldn't. It was too much to bare, was it even possible to care about someone you've only known a few days this much? It honestly felt like there would be no going on from here, that life was unliveable without Rico's guidance and direction, his friendship, his care, his heart.

Such a selfish approach.

Through the grief and numb sorrow, his mind managed to conjure forth memories, not only those he had shared with Rick, but Jeremy, Rocky, Beene, Elaine, Sonia. Everyone.

"Ok" he finally breathed, his face was so lax and lost of it's usual smirk or glare, it just didn't feel like Craig at all, it was an empty expression, large eyes which shimmered sorrow and empty features.

He turned to look at Myca, then Kevin "I'll go, and take care of Toby like he was my brother"

My brother's brother is mine too.

"But we're not abaandunin' everyone jus' yet, k" he stated, summoning what little strength existed under his grief, too much was hanging on the line right now, moarning and sorrow could wait, the squirrels brow narrowed slightly and his eyes sparked back to a more familiar life "Rick wouldn't want us haulin' tail to avoid Xira's fanatics, when Jeremy, Cee-Jay an' the othas are stuck in this brewin' war!"

He turned from the gerbil and coyote, looking at Toby, feeling the weight returning to his heart, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around the rabbit comfortingly, he sighed and simply whispered "I'm sorry Tobe..."

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"It shoulda worked... He said it would work." The boy whimpered quietly. Craig slowly sat back a little, hoping through some miracle that the boy's innocent blue eyes would make the pain go away. But what met his gaze defyed all explaination. The eyes he was looking, were green.

Even through the horrific pain in his heart from what had happened, some things seemed to surface that had happened in the battle. Rico emerged unscathed from Xira's attack, while Toby had saved him and was and still was suffering from a massive slash wound. Then he remembered something else, his mind still deseparate tried to block Rico's final moments, but he heard in his mind what Toby had yelled seeing it. Something wasn't right. But something in the young rabbit's eyes, discolored as they were, pleaded with him not to say anything.

"But... What should we do then? Evalc's gone with the witch and that new guy, what should we do?" Kevin said looking at the squirrel as if he knew the answers.

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

Faster, stronger, more fluid James' movements became as he slipped deeper and deeper into the energies that surrounded him. There was no longer any doubt in his mind that Evalc was helping him; he couldn't have learned control this fast. He didn't care. It felt wonderful. It felt like being free.

The simple metal staff became a terrible device of destruction in his hands; whirling and smashing against Claw's defenses. He felt and anticipated each move his opponent was about to make and countered it. The cyborg fox chuckled, just basking in his unleashed potential. He didn't care who was fighting against or for.

Suddenly, he found himself on his knees, short of breath, his heart feeling like it had frozen. The energies around him changed. It rippled outward from a single point behind him, an explosion of change. In those ripples, he felt a familiar presence. The presence of one whom he had respective, if not always agreed with. The presence of a man who had always been there for his son when he was not. That presence was melting away on those ripples, becoming one with the flow of lifeforce, leaving the physical world behind. But instead of sorrow...James only felt peace in his passing.

Peace. Happiness. Joy. These feelings passed through James' mind, snapping him out of his rage. Suddenly, he again questioned just what he was doing.

Claw's sword was swung at his head in slow motion. He drew the staff up to deflect it, and knocked the alien warrior away from him with a sweeping kick. James rolled to his feet and paused, still stunned.

He then did something noone had expected. He ran. Towards the source of the ripple.

Posts: 195
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Evalc staggered backwards, as if being drawn towards a massive whole in space. He could feel it... she was dead. But there was something more in this.


We have no more time for games Breech. Forgive my actions but tremendous oppurtunities have just been revealed. Evalc said as he recovered from the shock of the energy disturbances.

Suddenly psionic energies began to swirlf violently around Evalc. With flick of his wrist he sent Claw flying through a brick wall. Another shapr movement of his hands and Breech found herself drained.


Claw is not dead, but someone else is and we must see what effect it will have on the events to come replied Evalc, already knowing Breech's thoughts as he hefted her effortlessly over his shoulder and shot into the air with incredible power.

Seconds later Evalc was hovering over a battle site...

Ich-Hast tracked down Craig quickly but had not anticipated the events to come. A mangled corpse covered in mangled armor lie in the center of the wreckage and Craig, his mission, was witness to it all.

"Such power..." trailed Ich-Hast, in awe of what he had just seen.

The Wardens were truly as mysterious as they were deadly. Ich-Hast landed quietly near the rim of the battle zone and slowly slinked over to where Craig, Bant, and the others had gathered. Even Ich-Hast, who was deeply involved with the politics of Bossman, Evalc, and the war knew when to set such things aside and pay reverence. Psionics and Wardens weren't that much different. A Warden was a protector, a Psionic was a warrior, either could be twisted to good or evil but many principles were the same. Ich-Hast bowed his head, uncaring if his presence was known by anyone or not.

Claw was thrown threw the brickwall. He had not anticipated such a violent and abrupt end to the fight.

"Rico... you damned fool..." growled Claw, suddenly feeling the change in ther energies of the universe.

Claw jumped to his feet and rushed towards the billowing smoke and ruined buildings. Before he even arrived he knew what had happened. Claw and Rico had been at odds since the very beginning yet "The Bladed Terror" had grown to respect Rico and even grow a little protective of him, even though Claw would never had admitted to it.

"Damn it Underwood," growled Claw again, a hint of anguish obviously showing through his gruff exterior.

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"I... don't understand..." Breech managed, weakly.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Craig hadn't notice Ich-Hast at all, which was probably for the best at the moment.

He nodded understandingly at Toby, confused but able to fill in some blanks.

"Mummy Man we can deal with" he stated in the most confident voice his grief stricken (and torn) state would allow, something about the way Kev was asking him made it seem like he had to stay strong for everyone.

"I reckon we should talk ta Jeremy and Cee-Jay first, doh, they're still 'ere and need ta know what 'appened, and I'm certain they can 'elp matters. Rushin' in ta fight is stupidity, we'll manage this as a group or not at all. Le's go chatta Rick's friends"

As he finished, looking as adamant as he could manage, he turned back to Toby, looking for his reaction.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

The posts're deleted, so I can't be sure... but I thought that Rocky and Jeremy were both with you guys - or at least close enough to've heard the racket and been watching from somewhere close?

*feeling the need to post rather than lurk in the light of Rick's "if you've got an RP problem talk to myself, CJ or Terg" comment in EVC...*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

OOC: If that is the case, I appologise for forgetting. If you'd like I can edit to factor you in, or you could just run in and react.

I mentioned Jeremy primarily to invite you back in anyway :)

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

"What is there we should be talking about?"

The hound was standing on the edge of Craig's field of vision. Drawn up to his full height, head erect, chest slightly out, moist eyes catching the light slightly... Facing sacrifice and grief with a public facade of military precision.

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The squirrel turned, visibly knocked back by the presence of the hound "How long have you been standing there?" he asked, slightly unnerved and knocked out of his bravado "Well..." he stuttered, frantically trying to regain it "Evalc... we can't jus' sit back an' 'ope it'll vanish. We need to gathah wot info we can. From what Rick and Winslow told me about mattahs, seems Nate and Cee-Jay are ours keys, as formah 'osts. I reckon Cee-Jay is the best bet ta chat to, he mus know summin' we don't, wouldn'tcha think?" seeing the little squirrel trying to act brave and leaderly, moments after his friend had died was an interesting sight, he drew his rugged and small body up in a way it clearly wasn't supposed to be and held a narrowed brow and serious expression which was so put on that it would be a struggle not to outright laugh in his face. Still, he couldn't sit back and let Bant take control of matters if his best COA was to get the hell off the planet before Xira's followers beamed down from lord only knows where.

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"Isn't there something we should do with the body first?" he asked. "Do Wardens have any kind of rites or something?"

He looked from Craig to Toby in anticipation. The little rabbit was immature, yes, but not all that innocent. He'd seen things. He knew things. He might know this.

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Bant shrugged, "Every group has their own customs. Rico didn't belong to any group, at least not that he claimed. I'd use mobian customs, he thought of himself as one of you anyway." He looked at Craig, "If you want ta stay its up to you. I've been ordered back in light of this. Mesric doesn't want to loose or divert its forces for something like this." The coyote looked at Toby. The rabbit's face suddenly got serious. "Com'on kiddo, we need to get ready to leave." He said reaching over.

The rabbit lurched back and growled, "No. I don't belong with them. I'm not a Warden, I never was. This is my home." He yelped out balling up his fists. Bant suddenly looked ill, the flaring green eyes he was facing suddenly made everything more clear. Toby wrinkled his nose, "You should have never come in the first place. We were HAPPY! Just.. Just LEAVE!"

Myca took in a breath, "So thats it. Hehe, guess it is a Kydane ability and not a Warden. I don't envy you kid, you gotta a heavy burden on ya now. I don't know much about karma or attonement or nothing, But if this has taught this old dog anything, its that Underwood's are the most resourceful family around when it comes to surviving. Good luck, and take care of this planet."

Toby looked down and breathed heavily to calm himself. The coyote gave the others a nod and walked off.

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Jeremy hadn't been talkking to them. It took some self control not to join in when Toby told them not to butt their noses into other people's business.

He wiped his eyes with the back of a paw and watched and waited until Toby's small fists stopped shaking.

He bent down.

"So what do you think we should do?" he asked.

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A slow transformation began, the fists stopped shaking, the rabbit's eyes shut, and over the course of several held breaths changed to more sadness than anything. "I don't know. I want it all to go away. I want him back. It's not fair, it shoulda been me. She was after me. I let him die for me."

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"No. He chose his fate, not you.", said James as he approached Rico's body. He kneeled down beside him, looking down at someone he considered a rival at times, an ally during others. The memories blurred.

"Don't mourn him. He has it easy now. Death is not a bad thing for the one who has died. It is the people who are left behind who must suffer. That's the thing about death...not everyone dies at the same time. It would be great if that was how it is. We all just die at once and go to the afterlife together. But no...we get seperated. And it means that there has to always be one person unlucky enough to live on after every one of his or her loved ones has died."

The old cyborg fox frowned and tilted his head as he looked down at the mortal vessel that had been Rico's. He reached down, brushed, and straightened facial fur that had been messed up in the battle.

"...I never thought I would outlive you, of all people. I half-expected you to live forever. You're probably reunited with my son right now, catching up on lost time. ...I envy you. ...I know you never liked me much, but could you please do me a favor? Say hello to my familly for me..."

James closed his eyes and hung his head low. He gripped the retracted staff in one hand.

I know you can hear me, Evalc, even when I don't speak out loud. Tell me...tell me what I can do. What is the extent of my power? Can I...prevent this sort of thing from happening? Protect the innocent from untimely death? Punish those who would dare take life from others? ....I must know, for I have nothing left.

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Toby fell back unto his rump beside Craig frustration etched so hard into his face that on some level he didn't look much like a cub, "You... You don't understand."

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The kit twitched, his eyes opened wide.

Something had happened, something big.

But he had no strength to get up and find out.

Cj Kitmyth stared at the doorway to his room, watching, waiting for the answer.

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Elaine and Vane were walking through the halls of the infirmary when the explosion hit, shaking the floor violently and causing them to stumble. "What was that?!" asked Elaine, regaining her balance against the wall.

"It was an explosion! Maybe that alien ship is attacking again!"

Elaine's heart pounded with fear. "Oh no, what if...CJ!"

"The two-tailed foxdude? You were looking for-...ohmigosh..." Vane trailed off as he realized the same thing Elaine had.

The two of them ran, Vane surprised at how quickly Elaine could run considering she looked like an ordinary Mobian. But neither of them were fast enough to get to the scene until the present moment, where they skidded to a halt at the scene of the destruction, where Craig, Toby and Jeremy all were.

Elaine looked and saw the body of Rico, and she halted, her heart aching. Not another death, we've already lost so many, she thought, tears welling up in her eyes. Even though she and Rico had not always gotten along, he had been a dear friend to CJ and she respected that. And now he was gone...

She tensed as she felt cold metal around her back and shoulder, and she looked up at Vane, who had extended one massive metallic wing around her much like an arm around her shoulders. She glared at him suspiciously and he held up his hands defensively as he withdrew the wing. "Look, I didn't mean it like that, I was just-"

"I'm sure you were," muttered Elaine, wiping the tears from her eyes as she stepped forward and looked up at the others. "U-um, excuse me," she began to ask with raised voice, "but what happened here? And where's CJ?"

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With the power you're capable of, many things are possible. I died once, but by my will alone I would not let death be the end, I still have things to do. You can accomplish similar feats. At one point I even helped ressurect Nate Fox, where he is today now is anyone's guess. With enough practice one can force life to resume, one can not only cheat death, but utterly beat death to a pulp. With trainning, Prower, you too can know how to beat death, how to live longer than what some would say is natural. But time is against us, I have received report that my aramda has currently laid siege to Felus. Take your sorrow and depression and channel it into vengence, vengence against those who took your precious Breech from you. Your time as a General in my army has come, Prower... General Prower...

"I think you better come with me, Mr Bayfield. Sonia is waiting for you. Bossman welcomes your friends Rocky and Jeremy as well. It is important that you be involved seeing as your the apprentice of a great war hero," interjected Ich-Hast as slid up behind Craig.

Before Craig could respond Ich-Hast held up his hand, "We must hurry, Lord Evalc is paying his respect to a fallen warrior such as Psionic Custom dictates but we cannot linger here long. Bossman has sent Sellsa to retrieve Cj Kitmyth, his abilities will prove useful."

Something about Ich-Hast chilled Craig to the core.

Sellsa, the lizard-like alien from Geoscia slinked reverently in to Cj's room.

"Your friend has fallen but as destroyed a great giant in the process, you would be proud," explained Sellsa simply and bluntly, without any explanation as to who he was or how he knew Cj and Rico were close.

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Toby stumbled to his feet quietly, watching Ich-Hast start to usher Craig away. Suddenly a large tension sliced into the air around him, then fell away as soon as it came. His paws went limp from there balled state and he watched helplessly.

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General Prower...

Yes, he could do that. He could work alongside Evalc in the fight against Felus. He certainly wanted to. He had dreamed of revenge every single day since the day he lost his love to that dirty hellhole. He never believed he would have the power to, but now Evalc was offering it to him. Not only power for himself, but command over an entire armada of warships.

James' eyes snapped open as he rose to his feet and placed the retracted staff in its holster. Yes, he would have no problem accepting that offer. Not only would he get a great deal of personal satisfaction, but he would be removing a great threat from the universe. The Felusians couldn't be trusted. They were a race of backstabbing, homocidal lunatics.

James took decades of pent-up loss and misery and fed it to the furnace of his hate.

For the good of the galaxy, the Felusians had to be exterminated, and James wanted to be the one holding the planetary-sized can of Raid.

Yes. I will carry out this master. I will show Felus something they've never seen before. And it will be the last thing they see. I pledge myself to your teachings. Train me to use this power, to control life and death itself, and I will serve you loyaly. But first, I will need some items from my old guardsman days, my armor and sword. I will also need a ship.

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Having heard Evalc's promises, Breech burst into tears, "No, that's my planet, my home..." she wept, "Nobody teaches it a lesson bar me!"

She started to scream in misery and rage, beating her fists against Evalc's back.

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The voice rang darkly in Breech's mind, so coldly and directly that she knew its source instantly. Through tear-soaked eyes he looked to the ebony power ring on her wrist, the unnatural opposite of the glorious golden power rings of Sonic the Hedgehog's day.

Unleash my power, came the voice again, weaker this time but no less distinct to Breech's mind. The dark ring pulsed, and the air around it intensified in coldness briefly. Unlike the promises that Evalc had made to her, this ring was not attempting to deceive her into service. It was demanding to be used, though now it fell silent.


"Whoa, wait a second, what do you need CJ for?" asked Elaine suspiciously, running around in front of Ich-Hast to block his path. Her relief at knowing CJ was okay, inferred from CJ being sent for in the first place, was replaced by a sneaking doubt "He's still injured from all the fighting that happened before, how will you do anything with him if he's not fighting fit?"

"We can help him to heal in time for him to assist us, Your Highness." explained Ich-Hast. "Our aim is to stop Evalc's galactic conquest. Or would you rather have Evalc conquer your planet and enslave your people?"

Elaine's eyes widened at that, some of her anger vaporising. "Evalc..."

"Yes, the warlord who even at this moment is here on this planet. We wish to help you, but the only way we can do that is by undermining his Empire before it grows too late. Your friend Sonia has already seen the logic in taking the fight to the enemy and is ready to assist us."

This is too much, all at once, thought Elaine, realizing that her best friend and her love were both about to be taken from her by these complete strangers. "I want to see Sonia and CJ, where are they?"

"If you will come with us, Your Majesty, we can bring you to Sonia. CJ is currently in the infirmary, that way, a few doors down-"

Elaine was already running off down the hall before Ich-Hast could complete the sentence. It did not take her long to find CJ's room, and she burst inside, seeing the reptilian alien who she could only assume was the one sent to retrieve CJ. "CJ!"

Vane was not far behind.

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Jeremy reached a long arm down and attempted to take one of Toby's paws in his own, slightly damp one.

"You can tell us what to understand whenever you're ready," he said quietly.

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The kit only blinked


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Toby looked up, then worriedly over at Craig and Ich-Hast, then back to Jeremy. "I, can't." He said defeatedly. "I don't wanna be hated again. I don't wanna lose my friends."

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"...but...Rick...!" the squirrel murmered, as Ich-Hast strongly swooped and ushered giving the squirrel little room to resist.

He looked helplessly and desperately at Toby, not wanting to be torn apart at a time when the two of them needed eachother the most.

That is about the time Elaine had arrived, using the distraction, Craig retreated to the rabbit.

"Come on, Bayfield! We're leaving" Ich ordered, in his chilling voice.

"I'm not going..." he weakly muttered "I can't! Don't try to force me"

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Jeremy raised a curious eyebrow. The rabbit was seemingly more and more preoccupied with what was happening with Craig than his own situation. Odd concidering even though he and the squirrel were friends Toby hadn't ever been more on about the alien than himself. At the events unfolding he felt the rabbit small hand squeeze his own tightly, a look of defiance starting to appear on his face, a look he'd seen before but couldn't quite place. Then it felt something odd, the fur on the back of his neck starting to pickle.

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Feeling as though he had a stray flea under his collar, Jeremy gave the rabbit's paw a slight squeeze in return.

"I don't know why someone'd hate you," he said in a voice that probably only the two rabbits could hear. "But just remember that you can tell someone whenever you're ready, Tobe."

Craig backed up so hastily that he almost knocked Toby flat on his face. Jeremy looked Ich-hast dead in the eye.

"The last time I looked, this wasn't a dictatorship and you definitely aren't monarch of it. He said no. Leave. Him. Alone."

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Ich-Hast frowned, he could sense something was... off... about Toby. Bossman had warned him not to anger the half-blood.

"My apologies, Mr. Bayfield. I would not think to seperate you from your friends. I will simply tell young Sonia and the Boss that you had other concerns," sympathized Ich-Hast in that icy cold manner of his that could of put ice in any one's veins.

Sellsa turned around and spotted Vane and Elaine.

"No doubt you have come to help me restore Kitmyth," hissed Sellsa, not taking his reptillian eyes off the injured kitsune.

Meet me five miles south of Knothole. I know you know where it is. My ship is there, we must get off-world and head to Felus as soon as we can, General Prower transmitted Evalc.

Before Evalc could say anything else he set Breech on the ground.

As for you, General Loader, Prower will need your help to undo Felus's defenses and bring that planet under the yoke and protection of the Evolian Empire. I realize your exhausted but we must make our move if we are to make a move at all. You know where to meet me, General Loader explained Evalc.

Suddenly Breech found herself next to James Prower at ground zero where the events with Xira and Rico and played out. Evalc had dissapeared and was no doubt waiting for them.

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Craig's fist clenched and his teeth clashed together in a low growl, at mention of Sonia.

The icy chill of Ich-Hast's words had more than a literal effect upon Craig as a small wave of chilled air emitted like an aura.

"Dammit" he growled, to himself, looking at Jeremy and Toby for guidance. Jeremy's stern and solid expression which seemed to radiate strength, wether it put on or genuine, and Toby's needful expression, the amount of fear and emotion in his green shimmering eyes; both shone out and added to the squirrel's resolve.

"Sorry, mate!" Craig said to Ich, feeling a strength of being backed up by his friends "Wot Sonia's doin' with you guys I dunno, an' I wanna talk 'er out of it, but this ain't the time. Tell 'er I'm sorry, but my loyalties lie here"

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Toby's mouth open a little, that fierce loyalty was still there. Almost like he knew. The rabbit's sour glare returned, it was more childish now than anyway, but it was obvious he didn't like the man trying to take away Craig.

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"Indeed," spat Ich-Hast coldly as he suddenly dashed off, using that frightening psionic speed to propell himself out of sight.

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Breech stared at the Dark Power Ring. Unlike Evalc's decieving words, there was no option.

She had no idea as to what would happen if she unleashed the Ring's power - or even how she was to do it. It would probably be the polar opposite of the ancient Gold Power Rings.

She remembered the wretched hare who had put it on her wrist, and made a mental note to kill him later.

She knew she couldn't trick Evalc into employing her - how she loathed Psionics - and she did not want to give in anyway.

"General Loader?" she said, with sneer #34, That's Pathetic, "Ha!"

With that, she stopped hating the stupid ring, and started to wonder what it really did.

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She's not going to join us, Lord Evalc. She one of them. A Felusian. Worse then that, she's a mockery of the woman I once knew. She will die along with the rest of them.

James rose to his feet, turned to Breech, and gave her a sneer he had learned, #111, I'll Kill You Last. Then the fox turned and started jogging for the location near Knothole. Evalc was right; there was no time to waste.

He had some unfinished buisness on Felus to attend to.

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Breech snatched James' wrist, "I don't know what you're concocting in that venomous little Mobian brain of your, Prower," she snarled, "But Felus is my place, and if you want to destroy it, you'll have to go through me."

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Ich-Hast returned to the small meeting in the back alley. Sonia looked hopefully at the psionic.

"Mr. Bayfield is occupied with other matters at the moment. He cannot attend," stated Ich-Hast coldly.

"Unfortunate, but that doesn't change things... you look distracted, Master Pendragon," said Bossman suddenly.

It was strange, it was as if Bossman had not felt the great energy shock Rico's death had caused.

Winslow struggled to his feet after the shock had happened. He stumbled towards the war zone and saw destruction.

"Mr. Underwood?" asked Winslow in shock.

He spotted Craig, Jeremy, and Toby and stumbled over to them in bewilderment.

"Wh-what happened?" asked Winslow, his head feeling numb from the answer he already knew.

Claw stood quietly.

In the far reached of space, three planets key to Evalc's succesful domination of the universe begin to converse on impending events. Despite their differences, they all agree on one things... Evalc's Evolian Empire is a threat to free like all over the galaxy. This triumverate was still lacking leadership and a negotiator to help for an effective resistance...

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