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Evalc's RP: Disc Three

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Elaine's eyes darted from the reptilian alien to CJ and then back. She was partially distracted by the psychic link she shared with CJ, which she had almost forgotten about - as short a time as she had known CJ, she was already taking their special link for granted. "Restore him? What are you talking about?"

"I have come to heal him so that he can help save the galaxy from Evalc," stated the alien matter-of-factly, not a hint of strong emotion rising out of him. "I can do it myself, but you can help it work better."


"Elaine, you sure you wanna trust this guy?" questioned Vane, the red lights in his eyes "narrowing" in suspicion.

"How do I know I can trust you?" she asked back, her emerald eyes glittering dangerously as she glanced back at him. "Besides, that's the same story that other alien was giving, so it might be true. If he can heal CJ, then I'll help him."

"All right, I'll help too," volunteered the MRH bat as he stepped forward, putting himself between Elaine and Sellsa. "Just in case something goes wrong," he added.

"Close your eyes. Think of CJ when he was healthy. I will help to restore him to that state," explained Sellsa.

Elaine closed her eyes obediently, tense from suspicion but desperate to see CJ well again. *CJ, can you hear me?* she thought through the link to CJ, relief and happiness at seeing him balanced by the sadness of Rico's passing.


The black power ring merely sat on Breech's wrist, silent as stone. It had made its offer - it was now up to Breech to figure out how to unlock its true power.


"He's occupied?" asked Sonia in surprise. "But I was hoping..."

She went silent, realizing that she was revealing too much to these strangers. Not that they don't already know I like Mr. Bayfield, she thought with a frown. But it just sounds like he's helping these people here on Mobius. I was hoping we could...get to know each other better.

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James looked down at the paw that gripped his wrist and snarled. Anger welled up within him, drawing energy within him until it reached a critical breaking point. He gestured with his free paw towards Breech, unleashing raw force that shoved the feline away from him hard.

"You have no say in the matter!", he snapped furiously, and then added, "Just stay out of this. All of it. Run away and forget about Felus and magic powers and battles for away before its too late and you can never break free."

With that, James took off towards the location of Evalc's ship.

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The old wolf had a quirky sort of smile on his face, "Not at all. A passing moment for the death of a child, nothing more." He turned to Sonia, "My apologies young lady, it seems the young Master Underwood has found an apprentice in your Josi... ehem I mean Craig Bayfield."


Toby turned and looked at Winslow as if he'd been called on. Then winced and looked down.

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Breech picked herself up, furious, "Paorar!" she shouted after James, "Murderer!"

She sat down again, miserably burying her face in her paws, then stood up and looked around for Claw.

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Breech felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Claw, badly beaten from his run-ins with Evalc, standing behind her.

Evalc was waiting as James appeared, his running had helped focus his mind as Evalc knew it would. Prower has ever becomming more and more an effective psionic pupil.

I see you weeded out the weak one postulated Evalc, reffering to Breech.

Sellsa too closed his eyes, focusing not on Cj, for he did not know the kitsune well, but instead focused the strong thoughts and feeling of Elaine, and bolstered them. Already Sellsa could see the accelerated healing in Cj's body aided by psionic intervention and especially by the intriguing link Cj shared with Elaine. Cj's skin growth was briefly accelerated, forcing off old scabs and replcing bandages with skin and fur. The mortal wounds that had kept Cj bedridden grew shallower and shallower. Never had Sellsa seen such a fast recovery.

The link... something about that link...

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"He can take his stupid job and stuff it," said Breech, loudly.

She wrapped Claw in a warm embrace. After a few seconds, she started checking him over gently, growing ever more relieved that though his wounds looked bad, they were only superficial.

"I'm sorry," she said, "This is all my fault..."

She blinked, realising that for the first time in months she'd apologised for something.

So she held Claw close again.

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James slowed to a walk, and timed his steps in a march, respectful of his new teacher. He approached the Evolian and bowed.

"Yes. She has chosen her loyalties, just as I have mine. ...Where is the ship you speak of?"

He needed to know the strength and numbers of the forces being sent to Felus, but he supposed he would learn that soon. He was fairly certain that Evalc already knew what old guardsman items he wanted and had them ready for the fox.

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Evalc nodded approvingly as he motioned towards a chest just to the side.

Inside the chest lies your armor and sword as well as parts to modify your exsisting guardsman blade into a weapon more befitting a General stated Evalc simply.

"Modification?" asked Prower.

Yes, they will allow you to channel your power through your sword... very destructive. However, I did not presume modify your weapons, I will leave that choice to you explained Evalc.

The ancient psionic lord clicked a small button on a remote. The skie was filled with a dull roar that got ever louder as a magnificent Evolian transport hovered just above the trees.

This transport will take us off-world. We will rendevous with the armada blockading Felus. From there you will be given command of a capital ship of your choosing and the option to build your own ground units from the army aboard the armada. You will be briefed more thoroughly on the situation when we arrive. Are you ready General Prower? asked Evalc as the Evolian transport hovered close to the ground a ramp slid out from it's smooth hull.


Claw returned the embrace with some pain.

"Evalc has one less problem to worry about now," growled Claw as he reffered to Xira's mangled corpse.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Breech, her head still buried in Claw's chest.

"Bossman has concocted some plan to unify the remaining planets to fight against the Evolian Empire. It's a long shot but if the universe can unify against him... I think... I think he can be beaten," replied Claw.

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Breech looked up, "Felus is a neutral planet," she said, "It wouldn't join your Bossman - not without a serious change of political party."

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"I'm not sure Felus was ever part of Bossman's plans, he assumes the planet will fall to the Evolian Army... and rightfully so," replied Claw grimly as he looked to the sky.

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"That's my birth planet!" Breech protested, "That nutjob of a Mobian Fox is gonna kill off billions of reasonably innocent people just cus he's crazy! What's right about that?"

She felt more miserable than ever, almost ready to give up, "You need to get a real doctor to check you over," she said, "Your injuries could get infected."

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"A doctor must never be allowed to examine me... ever," said Claw with a chill so cold it send a shudder of dread through Breech.

"As for Felus, I can only hope that they hold their own until we can develop a resistance," continued Claw.

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Breech opened her mouth to ask why, then stopped. Something about Claw told her that would be the most stupid thing she could possibly say right now.

She sagged instead, "Well... if you're adamant-"

"Yes," Claw replied, firmly.

Breech shook her head. None of this felt right, "What's Bossman got to do with any of this?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

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"It's been awhile since I've been the organized crime bit, but I do remember that Bossman was one of the big names in smuggling. Seems like he's moved up in the world to command the likes of those psionics. We should probably get moving, can you stand?" asked Claw.

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James had already begun slipping into his old guardsman armor and cloak, clicking the plates of armor in place over his body. The black cloak attatched to the old-fashioned looking grey armor, and then his sword and scabbard. It felt strange wearing the suit again after so long...

"I'm ready", he said as he marched up the smooth ramp into the Evolian starship.

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'I'm pretty much fine, it's you I'm worried about,' said Breech, holding Claw up. 'I still think-'


'Okay, okay,' Breech shrugged and wrapped an arm around Claw's waist.

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OOC: Josi? oo I'm afraid I can't finish that reference out, so the joke is lost on me.

Correct me if I'm wrong on Sonia's assumptions, BTW. I'm trying to tie in an idea from a discussion I had with Cooki about Sonia.

"Wait a second, Master," Sonia said, using the wolf's title respectfully, "'death of a child?' What does that have to do with Mr. Bayfield? I already knew he was apprenticed to Rico, but why isn't he coming with us?"

"Mr. Bayfield is a very talented young man, that's why we approached him in the first place," explained Bossman as he blew a smoke ring from one side of his mouth. "His apprenticeship to Master Underwood is important because he'll learn how to tap into his true potential. He'll stay here to finish out his training while we go and bring these three planets together. We'll meet back up again for the war, and Mr. Bayfield will be a powerful Warden by that time." Another drag from the cigar. "Perhaps powerful enough to win the war."

"Wow...that's very brave of him. All right, Bossman, I'll help in any way that I can. If this is what it'll take to stop Evalc once and for all, then I'm in."

"You've got some psionic potential of your own, Miss Sonia," commented Bossman, out of the blue. "We might be able to teach you some things on the way."

"What?" asked Sonia dumbly. "What do you mean, psionic? I'm nowhere near what Claw or any of the others can do."

"What about your super speed?" asked Bossman. "Just think about it, and about who you're related to. You'll figure it out. We just need to wait a little longer for CJTails to join us."

Sonia was perplexed by the idea that she had psionic powers. Who I'm related to? But Elaine's the real heir of Acorn, so that means I'm not...

OOC: More to come, I need to go for class now.

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OOC: Kenji's name for Craig is Josie. Noone's sure why.


The old wolf sighed, "You haven't actually given any thought to anything I have told you. I guess you will find out for yourself, like the others." He turned away from Bossman to Sonia, "I am sorry to have to be the one to say this but I fear Tobias has died. A few moments ago I felt anger from him, then nothing. Even unconsciousness will yield emotion, only death can rid someone of all emotion." He saddened from seriousness, "When you hear appentice you think of training to fight, to kill. That is not an accurate depiction of what their paths will entail. Rico's own has been long and arduous, but it has been longer for those that contined to look after him. Many did not make it see this day. It seems in the end only young Bayfield is left."

He took in a slow breath, "If he chooses the safest path, you will never see him again. But you both will live longer, happier lives." The wolf looked skyward, "If he chooses the path Rico did so many years ago you will see him again, maybe sooner than you think. But like Rico his life and the lives of those around will be frought with misery and death. Such is the life of a Warden that allows themselves to feel emotion."

He looked at Bossman, the old wolf's eyes seemed sad for the first time. "I am sure you must be curious. Yes, I am an empath. No, only someone close to me can be felt at such distance as we are from Mobius."

Anyone that had talked to Kenji would have been very unnerved by this point. The old wolf had always spoken of Rico as a child, his 'idiotic apprentice'. Now, he had refered to him as a "young master". Moreover speaking plainly, not cryptically. It was obvious something serious had happened, serious enough to have forced a change of attitude for Kenji himself.

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Claw and Breech staggered into the group Bossman had gathered.

"Let's get that pompous bastard," growled Claw irritably.

"Patience, Bladed Terror, we're waiting on the cleric," replied Bossman.

Bossman kept an eye on Kenji, unsettled by the sudden change in temperment, "You gonna be alright, Master Pendragon?"

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The wolf's ice blue eyes stared back, "You need not concern yourself with me. I am, as you put it, a powerful Warden warrior."

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"Good, s'what I like to hear," barked Bossman as he blew out a stream of pungent cigar smoke as he slapped Kenji heartily on the back.

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Gus wandered up to the group, and bit off the end of a cigar, then spat it into the road and lit it, "I'm ready to help sort out that arrogant psionic," he said, amicably, "I'll snap him like a twig, then use him for kindling."

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Claw eyed Gusion suspiciously.

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"All this crazy fast healing" Cj muttered to himself as he flexed his free arms again "I swear, this is going to have some crazy side effect on my body one day...."

He swung his legs out of the bed and stretched his arms "Probably gonna collapse or end up fat or something" he finished.

For the first time though in a long time, Cj was out of bed.

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The rat smirked, "However your psionic tries, he can't control me, or harm me permanently. I'd say I'm good to have on your side."

"Why are you getting involved?" Claw asked him.

Gus just smiled, "Did you ever hear the tale of the donkey who wouldn't mind his own business?" he asked. And that was all the answer he would give.

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Elaine threw her arms around CJ, embracing him. CJ stiffened at first, but then he returned the hug warmly. "So good to see you again," mumbled Elaine over CJ's shoulder. "It feels like it's been forever..."

"Honorable CJTails, you must come with me," interrupted Selssa. "Your assistance is required to fight against Evalc's empire. Bossman wishes to brief you on the situation personally."

CJ pulled out of the embrace, though he still kept an arm around Elaine's waist as they faced the reptilian alien. "Now just wait a moment!" said Elaine. "I appreciate that you helped CJ, but I want to know more about what's going on. What do you mean, Evalc's empire? He's been here on Mobius since we got back from Evolia, how could he start up an empire?"

"Evalc! He's still alive? I thought those were only rumors," mentioned Vane.

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"Evalc has been planning his return for two hundred years. His psionic sleepers have been awaiting his prophecized resurrection since he first fell to that fateful mutiny. Once given the signal, the sleepers easily pulled their strings and toppled the already unsteady Evolian democracy that had taken hold after Evalc's first death. Old favors have been called in and shadow governments who benefitted under Evalc's old rule have reemerged and united under the Imperial Evolian Flag. Evalc's plans are working perfectly and we must hurry before the curtain falls. There is a small grouping of planets who resisted Evalc two hundred years ago and routed the old shadow governments years ago in past civil wars. These planets are the only hope at forming an effective resistance against Evalc's ever growing Imperial War Machine. Evalc knows he can never persuade these planets to follow him diplomatically, so he will attempt to do so by force," explained Sellsa gravely.

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"So that's why he's threatening Felus!" Breech exclaimed, "If they give in - which I can assure you they won't - he'll not let that stuck-up captain blow them up after all! If they don't - which they won't..."

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Sonia was startled by the news of Tobias's death, which only added to the impact of everything that was going on. It reminded her of Elaine's desperate feelings about the fighting never ending. Of how already they had lost good people like Sir Charger and Adrian Briggs.

But she hadn't known Rico or many of the others very well in the first place, and the thing that bothered her the most now was Bossman's cryptic hints that she had psychic potential. If anything, that frightened her. The only psychics she knew were people like Evalc, Claw and Bossman's own minions, people who used their powers for their own ends, manipulating others like pawns...

Wait...there was someone else...

And then the horrible thought struck her as she remembered the only other psychic she could think of. Provost! He looked just like me when we first met! Which means...Bossman didn't mean that, did he? It's not possible, but...

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"Come we must meet with the others," hissed Sellsa impatiently.


Claw growled something unintelligible as he turned away from Gusion. Something about that guy he didn't like.

Bossman blew another cloud of cigar smoke then chomped back down on the soggy end of it.

"I'm supplyin' a flag ship that can act as a meeting place for the resistance. We needs to get planetary leaders on this ship so we can begin massin' an army and puta stop to Evalc's army. I figure the easiest way to go about doing this is split up into three groups, each group goes to one of tha planets, meets with the leaders, gets 'em to help us out. Bada bing bada boom we gots ourselves an army," explained Bossman.

"You make it sounds simple, what planets are you talking about?" growled Claw irritably.

"And what makes you think royalty is going to want to meet with the likes of us?" spat Breech.

"Simple, we got our own royalty to speak of. Sonia can represent the royaltly for one group. Master Pendragon can represent royalty for another, and perhaps Cj Tails can represent yet another," explained Bossman.

"Cj?" asked Sonia still reeling from a realization that lingered just on the fringe of her mind.

"Didn't ya know, kitmyth wasn't always a kitsune. The kids a survivor of a ravaged planet, as such that makes him important. Makes him rare, makes him special. He could claim to be a high priest and no one would be the wiser," laughed Bossman.

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"In case you didn't notice, Evalc's wiped the floor with every one of us," Breech said, "It's not his stupid army we got to worry about, it's him. Even without his army he can kick our asses."

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Bossman puffed some smoke from his cigar towards Breech's direction. He gave a smirk.

BOSSMAN: You ain't needing to worry, missy. I've heard some things....and I think once we have a few more members join us, we'll be able to take him on with a real large army, no sweat.
BREECH: Oh yeah? Like who?

Bossman looked down at his cigar.

BOSSMAN: Oh.....but that's a secret at the moment....


General Prower's ship seemed ready for takeoff at first look. Gleaming in the eerie light, it would be James Prower's ticket to vengeance.

But vengeance was a powerful motive for one other person.


With a small blast of psionic energy, small enough for it to be unnoticed by Evalc, Provost blasted out a hole in the engine. A light brown liquid began to trickle out of it, dripping onto the floor.

PROVOST: Let's see you leave now.

It wouldn't be long before it was discovered. But, at this rate, Evalc wouldn't suspect them...yet.

Quietly, Provost slipped out of the ship and into the desert.

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Bossman scratched his chin, "Also, keep in minf it was an army that managed to take down Evalc once, if we gotta big 'nuff one not even Evalc can fight them all of."

"You under estimate him," growled Claw, "Every time I've fought him, and every time I've seen him fight... I can tell he's holding back... like he's just toying with us."

Bossman sized up Claw then turned his attention to Sonia, "That may be true, 'Terror' but a group of skilled and more importantly determined heroes can stand up to the likes of a power mad dictator. That's just how thing's is."


Set the auto-pilot, General to take us out of the atmospehere commanded Evalc.

General Prower flipped a switch in compliance. Instead of a smooth transition from manual to auto the shipped let out a series of beeps and flashed an array of warning signs.

"Fuel leak detected," stated the onboard computer in that typically cool calm demeanors navi-computers are meant to have.

Damn it bellowed Evalc suddenly and violently as he banged his fist into the arm of his chair.

"Lord Evalc?" asked James, his nerves as cool and hard as steel.

Take us down, and set the ship to auto-repair. Something's not right replied Evalc.

James nodded and with the help of the intuitive Evolian controls he guided the ship down the sandy surface of the desert.

Stay here, General and see that this ship is repaired... something is amiss here ordered Lord Evalc as he stepped out into the hot desert sand.

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Sabotage, was the first thing that came to James' mind. Although his senses weren't as refined as Evalc's, he too could feel that there was something wrong, other than the fuel leak.

The fox was comfortable staying in the ship for a while longer. He drew his sword and practiced with it in the shuttle's cargo hold, remembering how it felt. Doing so allowed him to focus, not just on his growing powers, but the situation he found himself in.

He wasn't sure that he was doing the right thing, now that he had a chance to calm down and think about what he was doing. There was a side of him that had been re-awakened by tapping his innate powers, an ancient, primal, animal side that took what it wanted and crushed what it hated. But there was another side to him, his guardsman side, the kind side of him that loved rather than hated, that was uncertain of the path he found himself on.

Was he doing the right or wrong thing? Either way, he couldn't do anything at the moment. He had to go along for the ride. He could decide what was right later. Until then, he would learn what he could from Lord Evalc.

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"That's a secret at the moment," Bossman said smugly.

"That means you either don't know, or you don't think we'll agree, so you're holding out until it's too late to change our minds," Breech growled.

She continued, "Heroes don't win wars. That's for comic books and movies and fairy tales. Superior forces and better tactics win wars. And right now, I'd say that Evalc is in the lead."

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"Look, if you want to give up, then don't hang around and tell us how hopeless it is," snapped Sonia at Breech. "I've seen people die fighting the battles that just happened during the past month or so here on Mobius, and they did so much more than anyone could have expected of them! If Evalc's empire has just been rebuilt, then it won't be very stable for a while, and that gives us the chance we need to gather help and strike directly at Evalc! That way we don't even have to fight a war, we just need to beat one person!"

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"She's right yah know. We just need a big enough resistance to catch the Evolian Army off guard so that we can hit that wind bag directly," agreed Bossman with a hearty laugh.

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"If you can, how do you intend to kill him?" Kenji spoke up bluntly.


Toby finally swallowed and stared at Rico's corpse, "So... What do we do now?" It wasn't clear if he was talking to Craig, Winslow, or one of the others, or maybe all of them.

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Breech smiled, "Absolutely," she said, and then venom entered her voice, "We just need to find enough suckers willing to sacrifice their lives while we go kick the rear of the soft spot! I'm sure people will be just queueing up to die!"

Knowing the stupidity of the vast majority of the universe, it probably wouldn't be as difficult as it sounded.

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"Erm....okay" the kit blinked, rather unsure of what was going on. "Lead...the way?"

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Sellsa nodded, as if Cj had issued a command.

"Come," urged Sellsa as he exited the room.

Elaine and Cj looked at each other dubiously. It had been awhile since Cj had been back on his feet and to tell the truth... he felt great. The rapid acceleration of his metabolism had left no side-effects!

After a few moments of follwing Sellsa out of the Infirmary and down a narrow alley way, they had arrived in the midst of Bossman and the others.

"Greetings, Mistah Kitmyth," waved Bossman with billow of smoke.

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OOC: Going to move some plot points forward, if there are any objections, just hollar at me.


Evalc walked out into the desert, allowing James to tend to the minor repairs.

Come out worm taunted Evalc grimly.

"Your time on this plane ends here. The time of the Provosts has come," chanted a hundred voices in unison from seemingly nowhere.

So you've decided to come out from hiding have you? laughed Evalc grimly.

A harsh desert wind crashed through air, and for a few moments Evalc could see nothing but his psionic senses could feel a flurry of activity. Wind the great storm passed there stood a great army of thousands upon thousands of Provosts. Evalc stood like a statue, a beacon before a sea of clones.

"You've turned a blind eye to us, Evalc, and now you will suffer," chanted the thousand strong voice of Provost.

Enough talk, we shall see which is mightier once and for all, quantity or quality replied Evalc.

And for a dreadful moment there was absolute silence as Evalc squared off with the thousands of Provosts.

Nothing stirred.

Even the desert winds grew still.

And then it began. Evalc ripped the massive, 7ft. long zweihandler off his back and dashed forward with lightening speed and goliath strength. The Provost army charged forward while the back half of the army gathered psionic energy into balls and fired the destructive waves of energy at the Psionic Lord. Evalc swung his tremendous broadsword and cleaved a swath of Provosts into a bloody heap, but more filled in and charged.

The psionics fought.

"Come," urged Bossman as he waved the group through a rusty chainlink fence and out into an open blacktop. The basketball goals had been destroyed by alien attacks. The air was filled with the hum of skip drive engines as three moderately sized space ships floated down from the sky.

"Eacha these ships is programmed to go towards one of the three planets that need to join the resistance. They will go to the capitols of the planets and I have arranged for meetings with the leaders of these planets. You just need to convince them," explained Bossman with a wave of his arm.

Ich-hast and Mahrethis both stood by the first ship.

"The first ship will head to the molten planet of Dak'reth. Master Pendragon, take those who would follow you and convince the Dak'rethans that they need to stand up fight against Evalc before it's too late. Tell 'em to join the resistance," explained Bossman.

Gol and Sellsa stood by the second ship.

"The second ship will head to Gaieth, home of the earth giants. Diplomat Kitmyth, take any who will go with you and get the Giants to join too," explained Bossman.

Finally Bossman and Rodger walked over to the last ship.

"This ship will head to the States of Asteroid Union (S.A.U.) We'll need they're space armada to combat the Evolian Spaceforce. Miss. Sonia, if you would be so kind to come with us and represent Mobius," offered Bossman.

And thus the three paths were laid bare. It was time to unionize or die.

Evalc became engulfed in green psionic energy as he began to draw it in as a shield. He hurled his energy engulfed body like a fireball into a huge line of Provosts. The deteremined Provost army was ripped into pieces as Evalc hurled through their ranks. But then the Provost army struck back, piling on top of Evalc, stabbing with their sword, trying desperately to penetrate that wave of psionic energy that surrounded Evalc.

"Die! Suffer!" demanded the Provosts, their chants filling the desert as the winds ripped over the sands.

Evalc's mighty blade ripped through the dogpiles as he released an incredible wave of energy.

RHHHHHHHHHHAGH! bellowed Evalc's powerful psionic transmission.

James felt an instinctual urge to aid his master, but he was mindful of Evalc's command. James closed his eyes and meditated on the energies that swirled around him and the violent surges of power ripping through sand dunes all around him.

Slowly but surely, the thousands of Provosts dwindled into the hundreds...

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"What about Felus?" asked Breech.

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Bossman seemed for the first time uncomfortable.

"I always forget you Mobians aren't wired into the Hypernet," sighed Bossman regrettebly as he pointed at a small deviced welded behind his ear, "Felus is under bloackade by the Evolian armada. Even if we wanted to these ships could nevah get through that blockade. But if we hurry we can catch the Armada off guard, sandwhich them between a resistance and an angry Felusian army."

"Then there's no time to lose, let's get moving," growled Claw irratably as he pushed through the group and into Ship number one.

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Breech rolled her eyes, "What do you mean, you Mobians?" she asked, as Claw pushed her into the ship.

Over On Felus...

Felus was a permanently bad-tempered planet. And its current ruler, Nduli Nyang'au, was in a bad mood.

Felus was the best planet in the Omniverse. It had to be, because Felusians said so. Only the Humans of Earth rivaled them in arrogance.


He hung up. All the mercs that Felus had trained would be on their way back now. But it would take weeks for them to actually gather into

Felus didn't have a big army. It didn't need one. After all, who wanted to invade a planet whose primary natrual resource was spiders? Its main export was people. Felus exported the best mercenaries in the galaxy. It was planetary policy for every kitten to be trained in at least two deadly arts before its seventh birthday.

Now it was discovering that a home army would be a good thing. You couldn't just band together a bunch of civillians and expect them to fight a war, no matter how good at killing they were.

Nyang'au cursed and continued to make phone calls.

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*CJ, I can't go with you,* thought Elaine to CJ through the psychic link they shared as she turned to face him. *I have a responsibility to Mobius now that I can't set aside. And to be honest, I'd rather you stay here with me.*

*But, why? You know this is important for Mobius as well as the rest of the galaxy,* thought CJ back.

Elaine sighed. *I think the deroboticizer didn't change me back permanently...I've started changing back into a robot. And if I change all the way, I'd need you to be here with me to keep me from losing my mind again...*

She threw her arms around him, not wanting to let go. *And I've already nearly lost you too many times, CJ. Being in charge of an entire planet is scary. I don't want to lose you after all we've been through...*

Vane was standing on the sidelines, watching Elaine and CJ. She really is's too bad she's got a boyfriend already.

Sonia, on the other hand, immediately got up into the third ship, making her way to a seat in the cabin. This will be the first time I've ever gone into space, she thought tensely as she sat down. She had already made a tearful goodbye just a little bit earlier with Elaine, and she had mostly recovered from that emotional breakdown. But somehow in her heart, she knew that this was what she would have to do to help free Mobius from Evalc's corrupting taint once and for all.


"Whaddya mean, you've lost contact with her?" bellowed Caleb Terrigan at the main headquarters in Mobotropolis.

The nervous guard held up a hand. "She cut off contact herself, sir, there's not much we can do...the only clue we have is that she was headed to the infirmary at the palace."

"Figures. She's probably gotten herself into a mess of trouble by now. But then again," Caleb said with a chuckle as he pulled out his cigar and let out a puff of smoke, "it runs in the family, doesn't it, Captain?"

"Zat would be two families that eet runs in, " replied the figure who stood in the shadow of the doorway. "And I haff told joo before, not to call me Capitan."

"Roger, Captain," chuckled Caleb. "But we'd better get moving if we're gonna catch up to Her Majesty, the last thing we need with all of these Wardens running around is for her to get into any trouble. And that's besides the looters and other problems we've got lately."

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Parts of Evalc's armor had been torn off in the struggled, and he had a thin gash across his bare left shoulder. But Evalc seemed totally envigorated by the fight. A look of madness and triumph burned bright in Evalc's eyes as psionic energy swirled around him like a violent tornado. The energy was so intense that the very sand he hovered just inches above melted and fused into glass.

The Provost army lie scattered across the desert like a blight. Dead mangled bodies littered the dunes. only a few hundred Provosts remained.

I'm just getting warmed up Provost. I told you I would tear all of you to peices, one by one if I had to. Now you have failed.

The Provosts said nothing as they struggled to pull together, but it was useless, Evalc had scattered them with powerful psionic techniques. The one true, original Provost had begun to lose hope. This wasn't supposed to happen! This was supposed to be his greatest moment! But now his carefully crafted clone army lie broken.

I can sense it, you are the first... the original... laughed Evalc.

Provost turned around in horror to find Evalc standing right behind him. For the moment, Evalc's swirling aura of energy had dissipated. Provost readied his sword and made a swing to decapitate Evalc. Using psionic speed, Evalc easily grabbed the fatigued Provost's armed and with a quick movement, snapped his forearm in to.

"AAAGH!" excalimed Provost as he dropped the sword and stared his broken arm in shock.

Before Provost could react to anything else, Evalc had already slammed his fist deep into Provost's gut. Provost could blood and vomit bubble in the back of his throat. Evalc grabbed the top of his head and forced down onto his knee, sending Provost flying on his back. Dazed and in intense pain, Provost prepared for what seemed like the inevitable.

Evalc stood over him now, his large, armored foot placed over Provost's throat.

Bella has failed and your army is broken. And now you are ready to die. But death is too good for you. No, you will live to see ultimate victory, you will live with your failure. But just so you don't get anymore ideas...

Suddenly Evalc gathered psionic energy and flung it down on the pinned Provost then suddenly flung his hands into the air. Energies swwirled in the air and Provost felt as if his brain was on fire.

"Wh-what have you done to me!" coughed Provost miserably.

You will never assimilate another living being as long as you live. I have destroyed that ability permanently. We are done here scoffed Evalc as he removed his foot from Provost's throat and began to walk away.

"Coward! Finish what you start! I am worthy of a warrior's death!" demanded Provost angrily, his broken form quivering in the hot desert sun.

"If Felus is as harsh as I remember it being, than it will take awhile for the Armada to do anything. Felus can buy us enough time to form a resistance," assured Claw, a hand on Breech's shoulder.

Bossman followed Sonia into the ship.

"You have great spirit, kid, I like that," admired Bossman as he leaned back in a seat adjacent to Sonia.

Bossman took chomp on his cigar and drew in the fumes then blew them out in a tremendous billow of pungent smoke.

Sonia tried her best to hold in a cough. Bossman noticed the discomfort he was causing.

"Sorry, bad habit, I know. Keeps me calm," laughed Bossman as he ground out his cigar in the arm of his seat.

After a few awkward moments of silence Bossman cleared his throat.

"How long 'ave you had that psionic speed, sister?" asked Bossman casually.

James heard a knock on the hull of his ship. He didn't have to look at the security sensors to know it was Evalc. Prower lowered the ramp. Evalc stomped in, covered in the mist of battle.

"My Lord...," started James.

It is done, General Prower, initiate the auto-pilot and get us off this pathetic rock replied Evalc irritably.

Provost stared into the sun. Evalc's words had stung him deeper than any wound he could have inflicted.

"I have... failed?" asked Provost to the sky.

"Not neccisarily, my child," answered a cold, familiar, female voice.

Provost didn't turn his head, he knew the voice well.


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"Hey, this 'pathetic rock' is my home, you know...", James grumbled, a hint of irritation in his voice. The fox sat down in the cockpit and ran a systems check, making sure that the repairs would hold. Everything looked alright to him.

The evolian shuttle lifted off and smoothly cruised into the sky. The sky was blue, and then purple, and then black with dots of white as they left Mobius behind them. James guided the ship into an orbit around the planet as they neared the correct vector to make the jump to Felus and the armada. The cyborg fox looked down at his blue homeworld, a feeling of worry in his gut. This would be the second time he had left Mobius behind. The last time ended in disaster.

But this time would be different. He aimed the shuttle away from the planet and punched in the cooridinates of the evolian fleet. At the press of a lever, space distorted into a brightly colored blurr as the shuttle jumped into hyperspace.

They would reach Felus in a few hours. Until then, James imagined his new mentor had lessons to teach him.

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Evalc rubbed the bridge of his nose with a gloved hand, a sigh escaped his metal jaw plate.

"Something wrong?" asked James.

No General, I simply expended more energy than I intended dispatching those bothersome insects replied Evalc.

Evalc settled into his seat, his armor banged up and his cape tattered yet he still held a presence of domineering power.

General, you did very well against the Bladed Terror. He is not to be taken lightly congratualted Evalc, his mood shifting to that of optimism.

"I felt incredible power. I felt as if you were... helping," replied James.

Indeed, your senses are far more refined than I expected. No doubt you have accesed your ancestral powers before. I could tell by the way you handled yourself, by the way you channeled the very energy that runs through your blood replied Evalc approvingly.

"Yes... I have tapped into these powers before... but this time felt different," agreed James.

I can see it in your mind, you unleashed your powers to protect the ones you held so dear to your heart. I sense regret. You think that if you had better control of your powers you could have saved them... saved them all postulated Evalc.


Bella kneeled down to her fallen "son"

"My Provost, you have performed magnificently," assured Bella.

Provost coughed up a jet of blood, "Magnificent! Look at me you crazy old woman! I can barely move! My army is defeated! Evalc has won"

Bella, cool and calculated, just nodded her head, "Provost, you were never meant to be split into thousands of clones, that was only a step to your true self. All these years I had you believe that you were a failure, a useless tool, every aspect of your life I engineered so that one day you would be great. Your assimilation abilities were never meant to sustain you, but add to a step in your evolution."

Provost closed his eyes, "You're riddles sicken me."

"Riddles? What I have to say will rejuvenate you. Although it is true Evalc permanently destroyed your ability to assimilate, he didn't destroy you, and that will be his first and his greatest mistake. Provost, rise from the sands, gather all the bodies of the dead clone army pile them up," urged Bella.

Provost looked at Bella like she was mad, "What!?"

"You have not failed as long as you do not give up. Rise, I will help you gather the dead. Reset your arm, you must learn from pain and defeat, it is the way of the psionic. Pain and rememberance," explained Bella.

Provost felt the rage building within him, a rage directed at nothing yet everything and suddenly he was crawling to his feet. Pain rippled through his body from the beating he had received. His broken arm hung uselessly from his shoulder. Provost gritted his teeth and jerked his arm back into place and ripped off some of his clothing to make a sling.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" howled Provost, the pain and rage mingling to form an unholy scream.

Bella smiled grimly to herself as she began gathering corpses.

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James looked out the viewport into the swirling blue of hyperspace.

"If I had an eighth of the power you have displayed, I could have battered those crowds of psychotic felusians out of my way and escaped with Breech unharmed. I could have stormed Robotnik's HQ, hacked through his robots, battered through his defenses and struck him down. Hell, I could have killed him during the coup, saved my familly and the kingdom and prevent untold amounts of suffering. I could have sensed the evil intentions in traitorous guardsmen I trusted before they..."

The sound of metal bending echoed in the cockpit, a dent forming in the ceiling. James shuddered and sighed, forcing himself to calm.

"...You get the idea. I could have made everything better, had I been trained to use my abilities. I can feel my potential, now that I've tapped it, and I know I could do some amazing things, if I just could be trained to focus it."

James looked over at the evolian, sadness in his eyes.

"Its too late for me now. But maybe I can prevent that suffering for others. And maybe dish out some well-deserved payback along the way. Felus is a threat to the galaxy, its populous are unreasonable murderers, and they must be punished for their crimes."

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