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Evalc's RP: Disc Three

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OOC: Please forgive any plotholes or sudden character jumps, it's been awhile since I've been able to get back to the guild, I'm probably a bit rusty


"Lord Evalc, your orders?" screeched the intercom on Evalc's private transport.

Evalc looked bemused as he looked down on Felus, this was the first planet that offered any resistance to him. The universe had become soft, unorganized, chaotic and selfish. Evalc intended to fix that. James Prower, the Fallen Guardsmen who had allowed the dark energies of hatred and revenge twist his once steadfast integrity stood silently by Evalc's side. The intensive training he had undergone under Evalc's cruel yet effective tutelage had added deadly psionic powers to his already sharpened warrior skills from his years in service to the royal family of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Evalc telepathically responded to the General of his forces, Commence the attack

Operating like a massive collective, the great array of ships blockading the planet of Felus lurched forward simultaneously. Evolian fighter crafts erupted from the carious carrier to rain hell upon the Felusian military pinned down below.

"Sir, the Evolians are attacking-" The urgent warning was cut-off with a ear-shattering explosion.

"Felusians never surrender! Felusians, to arms! Send this corpse back the way he came!" howled the Felusian dictator.

He sat back in large elaborate chair and rested his forehead on his closed fist. He had heard all of the stories about how ruthless and utterly overwhelming the Evolian Army had been a hundred years ago. For the first time in his infamous career as despot to the planet of Felusia... he felt fear.

There, Prower, there lies your objective transmitted Evalc telepathically.

The all-powerful psionic pointed at the towering building off in the distance. The Felusian Capitol building.

Evalc's private transport was surprisingly nimble and easily avoided the anti-aircraft lasers as it swooped below the city skyline and behind an alley.

Now go Prower, release your wrath upon them, avenge your lost love who was so brutally taken from you. Let them remember and repent as you deliver them into oblivion

James Prower hardly heard Evalc's voice thundering in his head as he stepped onto solid ground. Memories suddenly flooded his mind. Breach... the Breach he knew years and years ago... the Breach he had loved. Her own kind had killed her. He had been worn how cold the Felusian society was, but nothing prepared him for the years of despair that Breech's lost caused him. Then that girl... that bounty hunter that looked just like his lost love, even shared her name! It dug up old hatreds, hatreds he would show the Felusians.

James unsheathed his broadsword and broke into a sprint towards the tower. In the distance he could see the garrison stationed at the towers base. He could see his victims.

"Lord Evalc! We're detecting a disturbance in skips space! It looks like another armada!"

Impossible, the Felusians posses no such fleets

"They don't appear to be Felusian, my lord."

"Preparing to leave skip space, man your battle stations!" blared the loud speakers over the Samothrice's bridge.

General nodded grimly. Everyone had been briefed. Those who were capable would accompany various landing parties and help them accomplish their missions. Claw, Provost, and Breech were directed towards their transport. They had been assigned to help reinforce the garrison around the capitol. From the initial intel the scouters had picked up indicated that the bulk of Evalc's forces were there and that Evalc's personnel transport had been picked up on radar. The megalomaniac himself was there.

Claw and Provost strapped themselves in. Breech lingered at the window. She hadn't been to Felusia in ages and she shuddered at the thought of having to return to protect the bastards that had thrown her away like garbage.

She glanced at Claw, she had grown tired of pretending to not have feelings for him. He might be a cold-blooded mercenary, but he was her cold-blooded mercenary. She secretly vowed to herself that she would tell everything to Claw... if she survived this that is.

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"Brace yourselves!" barked the pilot as the allied transport rocked through the atmosphere of Felus.

Mega-Lasers blazed by the hull. Evalc's blockade hadn't been prepared for the sudden arrival an Armada backed by the universe's various free governments. Evalc's massive capital ships did their best to wheel around to encounter the new threat, but not before a moderately sized cadre of fighter craft and transports managed to slip by the siege.

"We're hit!"

"How bad is it?!"

"I still have a little control... just maybe," grimaced the pilot as he nosed the transport up.

A collective cry emanated from the cargo area as the transport bounced off the top of a building.


The transport sideswiped another skyscraper as it quickly descended to street level. Sparks poured like a waterfall from the bottom of the ship as it skidded across the dry pavement and slammed through the plate glass window of a jewelry store before coming to a halt.

"You alright?" growled Claw.

"Yeah, luckily I think my stomach only did about six somersaults this time around," muttered Breech as she ripped open the door of the transport.

Provost crawled out of his seat and followed Breech silently out of the craft.

Prower found himself covered the sprayed blood of his enemies. A soldier approached from behind. Prower deftly flipped his sword under his own armpit and thrust it behind his back, impaling the would be assailant in the chest. Prower pulled the sword loose. He swung in a large arc. Three more dead, blood jetted from perfectly cut gashes in their neck.


Prower concentrated ambient energy in his hand. He launched at one of the barricades, sending it flying across the garrison's station, crushing more Felusian soldiers. Prower launched himself forward. More soldiers fell at his feet. His once proud, shining broadsword was dull with the dark red hue of blood. The fallen guardsman focused energy through his legs and propelled himself through the heavily fortified doors of the capitol building, sending the heavy iron gates clattering to the ground.

James Prower made his way to the elevator.

Nate Fox had kept to himself since he come aboard the Samothrice . He wasn't the person he once was. All he craved was the rush power he had felt when Evalc had possessed his body, had dominated his mind.

"What would Crystal think of you now?" asked an all to familiar voice.

"Rico? I saw you die, leave me alone," snapped Nate.

"Are you proud of what you've become?" asked the voice.

"Shut up! You're just a hallucination! You think I don't know? I had Evalc in my head, I've had the very master of hallucinations tinker in my head!" howled Nate.

"I may be just figment, but whatever's left of the real Nate, the Nate you used to be is speaking to you through this voice. Is it because you and Rico were friends? What would he think of you now?" asked the voice in his mind.

"Rico was a self-absorbed twit! He had power! Power beyond power! He could've ended this!" snarled Nate.

"Ended what?" asked the voice.

The stress in his mind erupted, all of his friends, CjTails, Nate, Rico, Toby, Jeremy, and even his one true love...

"Arrrrgh!!!" screamed Nate as he clutched his head and fell to his knees.

His wallet tumbled out of his jeans and opened up. Nate opened his tightly shut eyes, allowing the world to come back into focus. With a shaky hand he picked up the wallet. In it was a picture of him, or rather who he used to be, hugging Crystal. Suddenly tears streamed the dark shadows under the fox's eyes. He had given up everything, and for what? Evalc?

Nate held the picture close to his chest for a moment as he looked up at the ceiling.

"No," whispered Nate.

He folded the wallet back into his pocket and rose to his feet. He unsheathed the sword strapped to his back and pointed it at the window overlooking the orbiting battle below.

"No, no anymore, I won't let you torture me anymore, I'll end you Evalc," whispered Nate furiously.

"I'll get my life back!" growled Nate.

He quickly sheathed his sword and stormed towards the space hangar.

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Breaking the ties the blind: Epilogue of Tobias Underwood

Is he awake?

Who'd do that to a poor little thing like him?

Why are his clothes so... funky?

Lori! thats rude, maybe his family was poor. It's not his fault

A small crew was gathered in what looked like the sleeping quarters of a equally small ship. Notables included a older canine mix of some sort, probably in his late twenties. An obvious leader type with mix of brown, gray, and white fur splotched over what parts of his frame weren't obscured by the almost military looking fatigues he was wearing. A second member that seemed to stick out was a small human girl with blond hair, she looked rather the tomboy with overalls and grease spots adorning her garb and hands as her expression varied from concern to annoyance at this 'boy' stealing her bed.

Hours passed and the majority of the crew returned to work, leaving just the two behind when their parcel finally opened his eyes. He sat up with a start calling out mindlessly, "Rico!" Eyes open he began to become aware of his surrounds, and the girl's ear he'd just screamed in.

"Oy! Geez! Are ALL you furries this noisy when you first get up? You can hear Rob from three rooms down." She grimaced rubbed her ears. The canine snorted in a gruff voice, "Oh come on, my singing is not THAT bad."

The yellow bunny looked bewildered between the two strangers that had greeted his return to the conscious world for a moment before muttering quietly, "Where am I? Where's my brother?"

The older canine sneered a little, "Found ya on the planet, considering the mess of things Lori wouldn't let us leave ya. Don't guess it woulda been the right thing to do seeming as you were alone and your clothes don't even fit."

Toby blinked, "I was alone?" Lori nodded, her annoyance fading, "Ya, we saw a few other ships departing earlier. Maybe your brother was on one of those." The boy seemed to tense up, "He... he left me then." Rob sighed, "Probably, don't guess you have anywhere to go, do ya?" Before he could respond Lori added, "It's ok, you can stay with us till whenever."

The canine grunted, "Lori, we ain't in the happen of picking up strays, 'specially little ones ain't got no skills ta offer us." Lori folded her arms and sneered pull out a pistol, "See this? This is not some runt of the mill piece of junk. Someone modded this little baby to the point where it could probably blast through solid steel like nothing. And I don't see anyone else around 'sides him to do it."

Toby looked sadly at the gun, Rico's gun, the one he'd spent so much time, on being waved around like a toy by some human. He wordlessly lay back down and turned to face the wall. Rob groaned, "Even if he did, considering the situation he's about as damaged as they come." The girl smirked, "So you and he will have something in common, huh Robert?" The dog grunted in defeat, "Fine. But he's your baggage, and till you get a bed built he's sleeping with you."

The girl turned red, "WHAT?! Wait!" The hound had already darted back into the corridor. Toby muttered quietly, "Sorry." The girl sighed, "It's not your fault. I sure would like to give whoever left a kid on that hellhole a piece of MY mind though." The rabbit sat up finally muttering back, "I doubt you'll get that chance. Erm, I'm Toby, thanks for.. you know." "Saving you and making sure Robby didn't punt you off the ship? No problem, but I'm going to expect something in return."

The rabbit looked embarrassed at what that "favor" might be, stammering back, "W... What?" Lori smirked, "Tell me how you did this to this gun." The bunny's ears started to perk up a little, "Well, it's a little complex..." The girl narrowed her eyes, "Are you trying to say I'm stupid cuz I'm a girl?" The rabbit blinked, "No, but humans generally aren't as intelligent as..."


The young rabbit sat rubbed the welt on his head, "OW! Dammit, I'm injured here. What the heck was THAT for!"


"OW! Why are you beating on me!"

Lori folded her arms and turned away with a snort, "Rule 1, you're MY lackey. That means I'm better than you, I'm a human, so no bigoted crap towards humans. Rule 2, no cussing. Just because those oversized oafs on this ship do it doesn't mean you can. They're dumb, we're not."

The rabbit blinked, "y, yes ma'am." Then thought to himself still rubbing the bumps on his head, John was right, human females are scary. "Oh! And by the way!" Toby winced in preparation for another whapping, "Clean this place up while I'm at work, and you're sleeping on the floor, Ciao!" Lori fired off with a superficially sarcastic tone before slipping out the door.

The rabbit blinked, the flopped back to the bed with a groan. He looked down at himself, he wasn't sure who's pants he was wearing, they looked rather raggedy though. His torso was bandaged up and sore, and Rico's clothes were sitting on a chest by the cot-like bed. In fact there were about a dozen beds suspended from the walls of this room. Everyone must sleep in here, and it was filthy.

He stared at Rico's sword laying on top of the trenchcoat and other garments. I remember using that shapeshifting technique so Rico could get the drop on Xira, but after that it's all a blur. He felt his shoulder, the pain was horrible, he must of gotten hurt really bad. Maybe Xira saw through the disguise, maybe was still chasing Rico, maybe thats why he left without him. Toby sighed sitting up and putting his head in his hands, "Thats a lotta maybes, but he wouldn't just leave me like that. Thats gotta be it, I'll just hang with these guys for awhile. Keep an ear to the ground and I'm sure he'll do the same. We'll find each other in no time. Now I just have to clean..." He looked over the piles of dirty clothes and junk food wrappers in awe.

What a bunch of pigs. This is gonna take years to clean. I guess it is free room and board though, and that girl was cute for a human, and being a violent @#%$. How bad could it be?

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Claw grimaced as he saw the carnage strewn out before him. The lingering aura of manipulated energies hung in the air. They were definitely Psionic, but something wasn't right about them.

"Whoever did this didn't use a gun, all these scorch marks are from Felusian battle rifles," observed Breech, the carnage didn't bother her a bit.

"He used a sword," growled Claw.

"How do you know it was a he?" mused Provost.

Claw didn't answer for a moment as he looked around at patterns of blood etched into the walls, "Just a hunch. Let's get moving."

Nate quietly creeped into one of the small, agile fighter ships. He disengaged the ship from the dock and rocketed out into space. For a moment he was mesmerized by the blackness of space and fear gripped him as he realized the only thing he had ever piloted was a small biplane. Nate took a deep breath and grabbed the twin throttle and began to test the crafts maneuverability. The fighter responded intuitively to his commands.

Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.

General Valen looked around the bridge, something was off. There was a group of soldiers here a minute ago, led by a guy named Bossman, where had they gone?

A shudder shot through the hull of the Samothrice as warning sirens blared to life.

"General, someone's tampering with the life support systems!" reported one of the engineers from the bridge.

"Send a detachment down to Bio and get those life support systems stabalized!" barked Valen.


Claw, Provost, and Breech walked into the lobby of the capitol building and headed towards the elevator.

"No need to go any further than that," rasped a voice from behind the trio.

Breech glanced behind and saw the blue-skinned Trathian, Ich-Hast standing at the entrance of the lobby. In his hand he casually tossed a set of keys up and down.

"The only way you're going to be able to activate that elevator again is with these," rasped Ich-Hast as he dangled the keys, "And the elevator is the only way you'll reach Nduli Nyang'au in time."

Nduli Nyang'au, the despot of Felus, Breech shuddered with anger at the mention of his name.

"We don't have time for this," growled Claw as he swiftly drew his katana from his cloak and pointed it at Ich-Hast.

Breech quickly drew and fired three fast rounds at Ich-Hast. The Trathian moved like lightening, dodging the bullets and closing the long distance between them. He elbowed Breech hard in the gut. Claw swiped with his katana. Ich-Hast ducked under Claw's arm and grabbed from behind. Claw could feel an icy dagger pressed against his neck.

Before Ich-Hast could drag the sharp blade across Claw's vital arteries and veins Provost appeared and landed a punch square in the Trathian's jaw. The Trathian flew to the ground, rubbing his face.

"Damn you, Mobian!" rasped the angry psionic.

Breech pulled herself off the floor and fired more rounds. Ich-Hast catapulted into the air, avoiding the gun fire and landing a kick into Provost's chest. Claw grabbed the Trathian out of the air and slammed him hard into the ground. Claw held him down in a chokehold while he attempted to jab Ich-Hast's face with an open-palm. The Trathian grabbed Claw's hand keeping it inches from his face.

"Fool," laughed Claw as he extended his claws right into Ich-Hast's face.

The Trathian convulsed for a brief second before lying still. Claw withdrew his claws, rivulets of blood flowed from the tips. He reached down and snatched the keys out of Ich-Hast's hand. Breech pulled Provost off the ground as they wordlessly made their way into the elevator.

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Colt and Kayla at each other and through no words were exchanged, they decided to join the detachment going down to the Bio level. CjTails, who had remained quiet during the scramble followed distantly behind the two siblings. He knew that they wouldn't welcome him, but he had a feeling they would be needing him.

The elevator jolted to a halt.

"Damn," growled Claw.

"What is it now," sighed Breech.

"A trap," grumbled Provost.

The elevators slid open.

"This is as far as you go," boomed a deep voice.

Both Claw and Provost sensed the build-up of massive psionic energy.

"Breech! Move!" demanded Claw.

The trio leapt from the elevator as a goliath of a creature rushed forward, psionic energies cascading in front of him like a firey cone of destruction. The elecator shaft groaned under the power of it's assailant. Suddenly the cable broke and the elevator plummeted to the bottom.

"Bossman say no one gets up top," boomed the voice.

"It's you," snarled Provost.

Before the trio stood a large Burrisian (Burrisian's were known for their size and strength, but he was even larger). He was Gol, the giant who was the muscle behind Bossman's elite unit.

Gol bellowed at the top of his lungs as brilliantly colored energy swirled around his fists, making him even stronger.

Images of murder and rape flashed through Colt's mind. Images of Colt being savagely slaughtered by shadowy figures invaded Kayla's mind. Further back, CjTails clutched his head.

There's no room for you here, Cj. Everything McEvlaw told you was a lie. Turn back!

Colt shook Kayla by the shoulders, "It's just an illusion, its that's damn Calorian, Mahrethis!"

Kayla remembered the short, beady-eyed creature who was the mind reader of Bossman's psionic unit. This wasn't the first time Mahrethis had tried to attack her mind, or Colt's for the matter.

Colt yanked out his sawed-off shotgun from his trench coat

Stop!!! demanded the voice.

This time it was real. Neither Colt nor Kayla could move. CjTails clattered to the ground. Colt turned aimed.

"Dammit, why the hell are you following us!" demanded Colt.

"Not now, Colt," urged Kayla as she turned his attention towards the short figure approaching them.

"This ship and everyone on it, will die," rasped Mahrethis menacingly.


Nate Fox fired rained a volley of plasma missiles on one of the Evolian carriers. Something violent ruptured from within the ship, a plume of fire erupted into space and suddenly the giant carrier began falling into Felus's gravity.

"I'm coming for you, Lord Evalc."

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Provost brushed himself off.

"Show me what ya got," sneered Provost.

Psionic energy cascaded from Provost's form as he allowed his body to be filled with energy.

"Fool," boomed Gol as the gigantic Burrisian charged forward.

Without needing a cue, Breech extended her electric staff, charge it at full power then tossed like a javelin at Gol's feet. The staff tripped up the giant, sending him crashing to the ground, electricity poured over his body.

"Djaaaarggg!" bellowed the giant.

Provost leapt high in the air, he had to time this right. The electrical charge in the staff snapped off.

"Die!" yelled Provost he pulled out his longsword and jammed it through Gol's thick back.

Gol ripped himself off the floor. Provost jumped sideways to avoid the massive giant's force. Gol looked down, almost confused, at the sword tip sticking through the left part of his chest.

"M-my... my heart," gasped Gol as blood ran down his massive pectorals and created a steadily growing pool at his feet.

Gol fell to one knee, "T-the boss," he coughed a rivulet of blood, "The boss was afraid this might happen, he warned us, but we took you, too, lightly. Don't worry Ich... I'll be there soon.

Gol collapsed in the river blood pouring from his gigantic body. Provost walked over, twisted the longsword and ripped it from the giant's back. Claw examined the exposed cables where the elevator used to be.

"Looks like we're taking the stairs," growled Claw.

James stormed towards the great doors that housed Felus's dictator, Nduli Nyang'au.

"Finally, my love, you're death will be avenged," growled James to himself.

"Not so fast, apprentice," snickered a voice from behind.

James turned a fired a large ball of firey psionic energy behind himself. The figure barely sidestepped the attack.

"You singed my coat!" exclaimed the voice angrily.

It was Roger, the Earthling who was head of the covert operations of Bossman's unit.

"Aren't you one of Bossman's lackeys? What the hell has the war got to do with him?" snapped James.

"More than you know, fallen guardsman," laughed Rodger.

"If you're here to stop me, it's useless. I'll slaughter you and whoever else stands in my way," threatened James as he pointed to tip of his sword at Rodger's neck.

"Hey there, buddy, don't get so jumpy, we're on the same side. Bossman's got no use for the current Felusian government either. We here to make sure the Evolian's succeed."

First there was one figure, now there were two. It was so dark. What was going on. All the voices. They swarmed around Kayla, Colt, and Cj like flies.


Die, Muerte, Shinai!

Something shot out of the darkness.

"Duck!" barked Colt as he pushed Kayla to the ground.

Two kunai launched out of the darkness stuck in the wall behind Kayla.

"Sellsa, the Geoscian is here too?!" exclaimed Kayla.

Sellsa was the sniper and weapons expert of Bossman's group.

"I've got something to throw too!" growled Colt as he fired his shotgun into the darkness.

"You missssssed," hissed Sellsa's insidious voice.

More kunai, Colt swung them away with the but of his shotgun.

"Kayla? Kayla!" hollered Colt as he realized she was no longer at his side.

"Eat this!" screamed Kayla as the sound of a single gin shot echoed through the hallway.

Suddenly light returned, the voices stopped. Mahrethis looked lifelessly ahead of himself as the trickle of blood from a single gunshot wound to the head trudged it's way down his craggy skin.

"Mahrethissss! You basssstardsssss," hissed Sellsa as he leapt from the ceiling at Kayla.

"Not this time, snake," spat Colt as he charged forward and fire his shotgun, hitting Sellsa square in the back.

Sellsa's eyes dilated as the life drained from his reptilian body.

Cj shakily climbed to hi feet, "Well, I guess it's my turn now."

Cj withdrew a small laptop from his bag and plugged it in to an interface near one of the consoles. With a series of clicks and button presses, the ship's life support systems whirred to life.

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James grabbed Rodger by the collar, "What the hell are you talking about, Bossman wants to stop my master."

Rodger put his hands as a sneer formed over his mouth, "Your master really didn't tell you anything did he? He knew your former allies could prove a nuisance to his war efforts so he used us to get close and find out if there would be a resistance. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get a message out Lord Evalc quick enough to warn him of actual formation of Universal Alliance or the fact that their armada would intercept him here at Felus. So we all boarded the Samothrice made plans to sabotage Lord Evalc's enemies."

James dropped Rodger, "You're lucky you serve Lord Evalc."

"Don't think just cause your Evalc's new lapdog that you can push around Bossman's soldiers," sneered Rodger.

He's more than just a lapdog, Rodger spoke Evalc telepathically.

Both James and Rodger spun around to face Lord Evalc standing at the far end of the corridor.

Show this so-called soldier the meaning of respect boomed Evalc.

The blood from Rodger's face drained instantly as he staggered backwards. James returned Rodger's sneer as he rammed his sword deep in the human's gut.

"L-Lord Evalc... why?" gasped Rodger as he collapsed to the ground.

Evalc walked by him and studied the ornate doors leading to Felus's dictator.

Your vaunted Bossman has failed me, your unit is in shambles. Look like I'll have to take care of those bothersome gnats myself. But first, James must ascend to greatness. Evalc looked over at James and motioned towards the door Go and make your revenge complete .

Claw stopped.

"What's the matter?" asked Breech.

"He's here. Evalc. I can sense his power," growled Claw.

"Let's not keep him waiting," spat Provost.

Nate made his way to the tower. He could sense that dark power that had once gripped him.

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Nduli Nyang'au staggered backwards. Despite his best attempts to maintain a game face, he wasn't prepared for the sheer presence of power Evalc projected as he stepped into his grand office. James followed quickly behind and soon was in fron of Nduli.

"Why aren't you moving you son of a @#%$! Is this something you've never felt before? It's called fear you bastard," snarled James as he pressed the edge of his sword to the Felusian dictator's neck.

"W-who are you," gasped Nduli.

James's eyes flared with rage and blood.

"You killed her! You and the swine I slaughtered outside killed her! You took the only thing that mattered from me and now I'm here to repay the favor! I'll tear this planet apart with my bare hands, I'll leave this place a crator!" bellowed James as he swiped the blade through Nduli's wrist, sending a bloody hand thumping to the floor.

Nduli whimpered as blood poured out of the stump where his hand used to be. Never had he been so utterly mortified in his life. Only in legend had he heard of the ruthlessness of psionic warriors, never did he think he would be the victim of one.

"Prower! Put 'em down!" growled Claw.

Both Evalc and James turned their attention to the battered doors. Claw, Breech, and Provost all stood ready for the ensuing fight.

James's heart leapt into his throat for a split second when he was this young, amazingly similar girl standing just a few yards across the room. She looked just like his Breech, she even shared the same name!

"Look, man, I bet your girl wouldn't want you to go tearing apart her home planet," sassed Breech.

James laughed bitterly on the inside, she even spoke like the Breech he knew.

Finish it! Now! Take you vengeance! bellowed Evalc's orders in Prower's head.

This time James faultered as he pressed the tip of his blade lightly into Nduli's stomach. Is this what she really wanted. He couldn't answer. The rage building in him wasn't his own anymore. The old Breech from his past wouldn't have fallen in love with the monster he had become, she had fallen on love with the Guardsman he was meant to be. James closed his eyes as tears streamed down his face, knowing full well he would never fully get over the loss of his one true love, no matter how many he killed. The tip of his blade slowly left the threatening position it has taken over Nduli's gut.

What are you doing! demanded Evalc.

"I am James Prower, Former Captain of the Royal Guard to the House of Acorn and servant to the crown who is held by Sonia T. Hedgehog, rightful, righteous, and just Queen of Mobotropolis. For your crimes against the kingdom of Acorn and the planet Mobius you shall be punished!" crowed James as he swung his blade at Evalc.

Evalc deftly stopped the blade in mid swing using only psionic energy, with another pulse he sent James flying to the other side of the room.

You insolent fool! I was to teach you all I knew of psionic power and you dare spit in my face! You would throw away everything over some ridiculous oath to a fragile monarchy hundreds of lightyears away on a backwater planet! When I crush you and your friends, now that Mobius will be turned into glass ocean by my fleets! bellowed Evalc violently.

Nate suddenly burst out of the shadows and slashed his sword. Evalc looked surprised as the sword cut a gash in his arm. Grey blood trickled from the wound.

I couldn't sense you gasped Evalc in surprise.

"It's because you know my mind to well, my approach didn't set off any mental alarms in your head," spat Nate as he rushed forward.

Evalc sent hiom backwards with a powerful psionic blast.

Fools! Allow me to demonstrate... rasped Evalc

Psionic energies gusted violently around the room as Evalc summoned them to his aid. The walls groaned and ached under an invisible stress. All of the glass in the office shattered violently, papers danced in the air, the desk smashed into splinters against the wall. Nduli huddled behind Provost. Suddenly the walls blew out and the ceiling twisted into the sky and disappeared into the swirling fires of war below. Evalc hovered into the air as the entire top of the building was ripped apart by his will.

... my power, Evalc's RP, Evalc's Real Power!

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"Damn!" growled Claw as he watched one of those most powerful psionics in the known universe and in in all of history for that matter, rise into the the air effortlessly.

"Where is this power coming from," gasped Provost as the stepped backwards, realizing just how short he had fallen in being a so called "clone" of Evalc.

"What the Hell?" hissed Breech, never had she felt so much force swirl around her, so utterly controlled; a blast that could destroy the top of a skyscraper should have killed all of them yet the energy was directed expertly by Evalc.

James gulped hard, he never imagined Evalc had this kind of power.

I'll dispose of you all at once, slowly laughed Evalc.

He stretched out his hand and suddenly Claw, James, Breech, Provost, Nate, and Nduli all begin to rise off the ground. The air was forced out their lungs simultaneously, their organs and muscles began to twitch uncontrollably, sending exquisite pain ripping through their collective bodies.

Visions of the Breech he loved, the one he so longed for flashed before James's eyes.

Visions of Crystal, of happier times on Mobius before Evalc had ever ruined him flashed before Nate's eyes.

Visions of what precious few moments Breech had shared with the lonely Claw floated before Breech's eyes.

Visions of all the unfinished work, or a better time on a now dead planet and the awkward comfort he felt with Breech filtered through Claw's scarred mind and across his pupiless eyes.

Farewell boomed Evalc's wretched and piercing telepathic voice.

Laser blasts erupted from the skies. Evalc stuck out his other hand and deflected them with his psionic shield. The clouds burst apart and the massive flagship of the Alliance burst through the city skyline, firing capitol ship-grade laser blasts at Evalc.

"Sir, he's deflected our auxillary lasers!" reported Cj Tails as his hands flew over the keyboard of the weapons console.

General Valen glanced over at the determine cleric, "Focus all main and sub weapons on Evalc, we have to tax those psionic powers of his!"

Cj wiped the nervous sweat from his brow, he would have to throw all the erngy from this ship at Evalc, but if he didn't direct it just right, he could kill Evalc's newly found hostages.

"Fire!" Barked Valen

Cj took a deep breath and flicked the switch, the great flagship Samothrice shook violently as all of it's power was directed to the forward main and sub cannons and all sent in a sustained fire at Evalc.

A hiss escaped from Evalc's empty throat as he dropped Claw and the others from his psionic grip and turned to face the massive amount of ordinance headed his way. The laser blasts hit him full on but were stopped by Evalc's shield. The fire power was sustained. Evalc, for the first time witnessed by anybody from this century, began to panic and strain under the energy of the Samothrice .

"Payback," growled Claw.

Provost gathered energy in his palms much like Evalc had once done and fired a beam of psionic energy at Evalc. The blast connected and Evalc hissed under the force of the blast but stayed in the air as Provost's psionic beam burned his flesh. Breech extended her electric bo staff and leapt into the air brought the end of the staff down hard on Evalc's head. Another raspy howl escaped from beneath the metal plat where Evalc's mouth would be. Suddenly Evalc began to lose altitude and soon touched down on the office floor all the while keeping the Samothrice's laser volley at bay and enduring Provost's searing beam.

Breech set the staff on Evalc's shoulder and engaged the electrical current at full blast. Evalc hissed in anger. Nate ran forward and dug his sword deep into Evalc's waist. Evalc buckled to his knees but maintained his shield.

Claw prepared his katana.

"Good Night, Lord Evalc," growled Claw as he rushed forward and sent his katana, sheathed is violent psionic energies, through Evalc's back and deep into his heart.

I... am... gasped Evalc's declaration as psionic energies rippled sporadically.


"Move! Move!" barked Claw.

James, Breech, Provost, Nate, Nduli, and Claw all dashed towards the remnants of the elevator shaft and jumped down it as Evalc's energy focused into one final blow.

With his dying breath, Evalc focused his very soul into the shield. He howled at the top of lungs as the metal jaw plate burst of his face, revealing a withered grimace that hadn't been used in centuries. Evalc's body disintegrated into pure psionic energy and blasted back at the Samothrice

"Brace yourselves, huge energy spike headed our way!" exclaimed Cj.

The powerful of the lasers of the Samothrice were rendered useless as they overloaded. As Evalc's Real Power hit the ship the hull of the great capitol ship groaned painfully. The power failed as the ship plummeted through the great city of Felus, carving a gigantic ugly scar across the planets surface.

All was quiet as the remainder of Evalc's forces were routed and sent into a retreat. The battle of Felusia was won.

Lord Evalc was dead.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

His Father's Son: Epilogue of Richard Underwood

He'd been huddled away from the other's. It was taken for granted a small boy like him would though. The older youths and adults would do the fighting for him. The small rabbit was pressed into a corner watching the battle, watching the people that had befriended him fight with all the fury of the imaginary heroes he'd read about in stories.

But as the battle drug on his eyes further changed, furrowed and tilted they turned to a jaded state far beyond even what had been seen on Rico's face in all the time these people had known him. The boy's face had twisted to the point that barring his stature he bore no resemblance to a child. Then, slowly, as the great Evalc was felled before him by this team of happenstance companions, his body changed. It's mass enlarged and forced his eyes shut and perspiration to coat his torn clothing as horrific pain shot through his increasingly larger frame. Bones lengthened and fur fell out to be replaced with a darker, orange coat. The cartilage in his ears contracted at the will of some unseen force as the bones of his face did the the reverse. One could only imagine the pain felt by the creature enduring the process. The youth sized clothing forced to it's breaking point ripped further.

And as the mighty Evalc's body vanished back into the Psionic energy from which it came, the creature that had been Toby opened it's new set of piercing green eyes. It was hard to tell who it was, something about the transformation had not gone correctly. The being now barely clothed looked to be some kind of cross between the two true son's of Underwood. It seemed to be the mourned Rico, but the apathetic and proud features of his face seemed to be more reminiscent of the decreased Trevor. Whatever the name he sat glaring at the end the horrible ordeal that was the end of Evalc's reign of terror.

It's over, they're gone. Tobias is dead because of my weakness and inaction, I've lost Kevin because of it as well. These people suffered more than necessary because of that same damnable hesitation. I considered them friends and did nothing to help while they forced themselves to make their final stand. I was weak, I was a fool. Just like Kenji.

I stood idle while a great evil ran free. And why? Because I didn't want it to effect me? Didn't want it to harm my loved ones? What a stupid, naive, and infantile thought process. We must prepare for war, not run from it.

It was then at he felt something, a second voice, no a second feeling. A burning flame in his mind and body agreeing with him. Even as he scolded himself for being so trusting and unguarded it did the very same. He grimaced as a overwhelming burning sensation overtook his right hand. He knew what it was, his secret and his alone, it had happened not all that long ago when the person he thought was his brother had been slain. A fire had entered him, something that wasn't him, a kind of second intelligence. Something he'd suppressed until now. It had told him this would happen without speaking at all, just feelings forced into his mind.

He slowly stood up, his newly reformed bones and tendons cracking popping into place. The fox raised his fist, palm in up to the scene of celebration in front of him. Then opened his hand.

A fiery surge engulfed the appendage for a few moments then vanished leaving no scar or burn behind. Richard smiled a ambitious and knowing smile muttering lowly, "No more hesistation. Noone will ever suffer in front of our eyes again. These people have proved heroes DO exist, so do Gods. We will be both. We'll become greater than Russell ever was, Tansoytat*"

Tansoytat: A word taken from the Kydane word Tan'Soytat, a mythical fiery fox creature.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

*watches and waits, but got far too overwhelmed by the James and Breech show and the amount of supernatural firepower on show to expect an opening for a couple of non-magical characters*

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

*Holy crap, was that character actually once mine? Ugh, how embarassing. But hey, at least I know I've improved since then, and this RP seems finished, more or less.

How long ago was this thing, anyway? A year? Longer? Ahh, it sure brings back memories, though. Good times.*

Posts: 195
Estimable Member
Topic starter

OOC: Sorry to keep bumpin' this up to the front, every now and then I get the hankerin' to skim over the last few posts and realize this thing was several years (4-5 I think!) in the making and with the help of everyone who shaped this RP I realized that towards the end, Evalc's RP seemed to spiral out of control (perhaps due to the infamous ezHack or due to my incompetence and waning ability to keep things fresh and compelling). I would like to issue my sincerest apology for taking the reigns and driving this RP to a conclusion but it pained me to see Evalc's RP collect dust with no ending, no conclusion. That being said I would like to thank everyone who contributed, forged, added, and created this RP, it is my belief that this RP was made legendary by your efforts and your efforts alone. In an age when the RP Guild was going through a so-called "Golden Age" (I say this with sarcasm and in reference to an infamous RP poster known for his less than sterling RPs, many older RPers will know EXACTLY to whom I'm reffering) it seemed that Evalc's RP had the perfect cast of initial posters, among them being Rico, Sam, CjTails, Nate, Colt, and many others who joined later on that were tired of the "Golden" RP formula and wanted something deeper. I fear that I might've ended this RP in one of these "Golden" fashions although I pray this is not the perception.

This all being said, I'm glad to see that there are still some familiar names on the RP Guild *salutes Rico, Froggy, and Sam*

As far as the end game story is concerned, anyone is more than welcome to add epilogues and/or comments to the end of this RP as I would be very interested to hear your thoughts as well as what became of everyone's characters after the dramatic death of Evalc. I have to say I'm very intrigued by Rico's epilogue.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

OOC: I'm going to try my best, man, I haven't seen you on MSN even when you ARE on. If you have a new IM name drop it at fox(NOSPAM) (remove the spam filter obviously.)

If you wanna make appearances with some old NPC's you're more than welcome to.


Posts: 8
Active Member

Nate sat alone, the room was dark, but that hardly felt strange or uncomfortable. No, this was a state that he often found himself, in the time following Evalc's destruction. The shadowns in the room only shown by the small bits of light that creeped in through the cracks of the window shades. The fox sitting in the lone chair, in the middle of an appartment. One that was once not only his own home, but had also belonged to someone he had lost. A part of him that would never be whole again, a gap that seemed to fit in with the darkness that now surrounded him.

It was not the only thing that made this lightless home his. It was a feeling, another loss, something that haunted him. Something that pulled for him but he could never find it. It was the power he once felt. Having been there, having held that power, and having felt it course through his veins. It was a rush, it was a satisfaction that he could never replace. Nothing seemed to fill that second gap, and nothing probably ever would.

It was those two things that left the fox to reside in this dark room. Leaving only when he needed to, coming back as soon as he could. Why should he enjoy the light? What was left of that light for him? Nothing... This was his home now, and nothing could change that. Could it?

Answers come from strange places, and in this case the darkness would cause it's own destruction. For the lack of light in the room would always lead the fox to feel tired. His eyes would feel heavy, and eventually he could no longer will them open. As they fell, it was only further darkness. The shadows on the walls would disappear, and suddenly all sounds would fall into nothing. But that's when things changed. Suddenly there was a light. At first, it was just a small pin point, far far off in the distance. For some reason, the fox couldn't stop himself.

He was standing. How did this happen? Nate didn't care, it didn't even occur to him. He was drawn to this source, this light, this hope. He'd end up walking towards it, but at the same time, the light seemed to be coming for him. Was he dead? The fox almost chuckled as he thought he heard someone say. "Head for the light, Nate." But it was probably just his imagination.

Soon enough the light had grown, it was no longer just the small speck, but now a shinning circle could be seen. Furthermore, there was a lone figure that started to take shape within the light. The closer he got, the more of the shape would become seen. Then suddenly, he knew what...Who it was.. The fox's eyes grew wide, his heart sank, and he'd start to run.

He ran right in front of her, but stopping just short. Nate fell to his knees, he couldn't even look up into her eyes. "Is it...Is this real?" And at first no voice returned. He couldn't bring himself to look up, for he worried the vision would no longer be there. But suddenly.

"It's as real as you want it to be, Nate." Said Crystal. Her voice just as he rememebered it. So warm, so inviting, maybe she really was there. He'd slowly raise up his eyes, and opened his mouth to speak. But Crystal shook her head, and his words would disappear before he could take shape.

"Nate, he does not own you. His power was never yours, and you were never meant to have it. It's time to move on." Crystal spoke again, and Nate knew she was speaking of Evalc, and the power that left the void in his heart. "Remember me, and remember what's out there for you. Be happy again."

This time Nate had to speak. Tell her that he couldn't be happy without her, but with one blink of his eyes, it was all gone. The light was replaced by the shadows on the wall. He was sitting again, and he felt that drowziness that had washed over him.

Did he just dream all of that? Maybe, but for the first time since it had all ended. The fox felt calm, he finally felt at peace. He got to his feet, went to the nearest windown and drew the blinds. The light flowing in through the glass felt like it burned his eyes, but it felt so wonderful. Nate made it for his door. His hand would twist the handle and soon it would be open. Slipping on passed, the fox had finally broken free. Evalc's RP no longer held him down. Crystal was right.

It was time to move on...

OOC- I have to applaude you all for keeping this going as long as you did. I am amazed to see some of you still here. I always did come by here from time to time to check in on things. Wish I had said hi every once and a while. So, a million hellos for missed time. Anyways, I thought I'd just put in something for Nate for old time's sake.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

OOC: Haha, say his name and he appears. Nice ending Nate. ;)

Ha, figures Toby's 1k was in Evalcs. Awesome.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I've been trying to keep up even when this deadified; I agree with Evalc, really a conclusion to this RP felt necessary and I have to admit, it didn't seem like that was going to happen after the EZhack - so at least now this saga has reached an end-point.

I may decide to write an epilogue in for my characters later when I have more time, but at the present, just making myself heard here as well as wanting to comment a bit on the "Golden Age." You all probably remember (the older RPers that is) that I came into the Guild around the time that the Golden Age RPers were being shunted out and the new generation of Guild RPers were coming into their own. The year or so after that probably saw the most creativity and activity the Guild has ever seen, with good story posts in multiple RPs from a variety of talent. I would truly cast that as the true Golden Age of the RP Guild. I was proud to be one of the members of that new generation, and still am.

This RP was one of the initial ones that set a new trend for deep character development, plot building, and touching into serious subjects like racism (the Robians near the beginning of the series, for example) and losing parts of one's self (the Mobian-Robian Hybrids). In a sense, it was as if Evalc's RP was the flagship of the new generation that liberated the Guild and allowed it to become the pool for creativity and story development that it became.

Sadly, we don't have that same level of activity anymore - the EZhack as well as general board conditions contributed to this. But that is a standard that we can surely reach again given effort and time.

Thank you Evalc for starting this RP, and for continuing it to the end. It is several years' worth of writing and effort; it deserved to be finished.

Posts: 8
Active Member

😛 Yeah Toby, that's right xD. And the real nifty thing is, if you say my name three times in front of your bathroom mirror and in the dark. I will show up at your home.

But please don't do it right away, I am kind of busy.

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