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[experimental][survival][MFW]Lord of the PiEs

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Posts: 2232
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Dear Diary,

I know I've never written in you before, didn't see much point. Heck, I only bought you because I was drunk and it seemed like a good idea at the time... heh. Oh well. I'm rambling, lets start over.

Dear Diary,

I appear to be in a bit of a pickle. Here's the problem, I decided that it would be a good idea to get away from it all, all the stress and wierdness of living in the city, all the responsibilities of modern living, all of it, and get a nice vacation. So I booked a holiday, and hopped on this coach off to... well, to be honest, I can't even remember, it didn't matter to me as long as there was sun, a bar, and people without adequate clothing. Ahhh, that would be nice right now.

But of course, something went wrong.

The coach crashed. Went right off the road, the driver (Rest in peace) was hopped up on goof balls or something, we drove like a madman, completely off course, tore out the satnav and cut into the forests by the road. I can't remember much of it, it was a blurr. And now we are all stuck out here, in the wilderness, far from civilisation, supplies are low to non exisistant, and nobodies phones have signal.

Oh? We? Yeah, there was a bunch of us on the bus. I can't recall who or how many, since I was pretty out of it on my travel pills, and I hit my head in the crash. But theres a few of us here. I just hope that somebody among us can figure a way home.

I've got to go lie down now. I think somebody is crying about something. Somebody is yelling to start a fire...
It's madness. My head hurts.

Talk to you soon diary. (I hope)

~Crimson Darkwolfe.


SO! What is this?! You may very well ask. It's an RP, of course, what else would it be doing here. But it's a different kind of RP. It's a post-action RP written after the fact. Srol tried something like this once, and I thought I'd give it a go. What happens is each time I update (About once a week, when I have access) I'll put up a post describing what happened in the interviening time. Or at least Crimson's view of it. Then you lot put up your character's views of the events. And so on and so forth

If you have an idea for something that happened? Go for it. Just don't go overboard, this is meant to be wilderness survival not power-rangers.

So, you want in? Just put in your character's thoughts on the crash, be it diary, letters home, or just self musings. As for the characters? Try to limit powers a little, but not too much. The setting is based on the MFW, but you don't have to limit yourself to MFW characters. After all, it's just a bit of fun.

See you next week!
