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This is an RP is set in an altenate universe in a sonic dimension, where the overlanders won the war. The furries are treated as scum, made into slaves, put in concentration camps, and some of the unlucky ones are experimented on by overlander scientists.
There are concentrataion camps all over Mobius, and there was one on the moon. A group of highly dangerous furries were sent there, so even if they escaped, they couldnt get to earth without a lot of private data.

A group of furries were sent to the Lunar camp but managed to escape, first taking over Prison ship 9, then managing to escape on a space transport back to Mobius once they reached their destination.
None of the prisoners could have been freed if it werent for the small team of furrie fugitives that somehow escaped from their cells, took out several guards, and against all odds, eventually blew up the Lunar camp, (which was really a Lunar Lab, where furries were being experimented on for living machines, not even the Overlanders back on Mobius new about it) these furries were:

Angelo the bat (presumed dead), Breech Loader the domestic cat, Gren the Ocelot, James Prower the fox, Kamatz the wolf (presumed dead), Keith the tiger, Maize the wolf, Nightshade the panther, Paragus the Zebra (Presumed dead), Selena the wolf, Serenity Hedgehog the hedgehog, Sparks the Lynx, as well as Surge the hedgehog who was a stow-away attempting to rescue Serenity (aka the Violet whirlwind).

There were also two Overlanders who aided in the escape, John and Captain Meeka, John was a stow-away attempting to get away form Earth and ended up on Prison ship 9, and Captain Meeka is a friend of Maize who was working for the scientists on the Lunar lab.
Now the remaining group (all of the above apart from the presumed dead) as well as over 70 furries are about to land on Mobius.

Thats it for the history! May the present day commence!

Posts: 240
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Nightshade watched the map on the screen showing everyone how close to Mobius we were, a timer decreased in number at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
1:02:43 remaining.
The slightly metallic panther made a quick decision, she turned and went to discuss something with Maize,
I was thinking, maybe we should have a meeting and discuss what were going to do when we get back to Mobius, I think we should see if there are any common goals, or any future ideas. We have about 90 furries or something, Id hate to see all of them ending right back where they started in a camp.
You have a point there, alright, lets tell the others and then we can break the news to the rest over the Pilots announcer in the cockpit.
As Maize moved to inform Selena of their intentions, Nightshade made her way towards another person in their group

Okay the meeting has come into order, basically we all called you here because we need to discuss what everyone will be doing when they get back to Mobius, I suspect most of you will just want to get away from here and go into hiding as most do, but I have a plan to try and join the Freedom fighters, there are best option at getting back at the Overlanders. Unfortunately, they are so secretive that not even another furrie knows how to contact them, unless you are, or once were a member yourself. Among us is such a furrie, I am hoping that she can lead us back to the freedom fighters, from there we will not only be safer than on the streets, but more able to strike back at our enslavers. No offence John or Captain Meeka. I leave it to you to decide what to do, who will come with me?

OOC: Feel free to join, you have to options, 1) Follow Nightshade on her quest to join the freedom fighters 2) Or wander off and do your own thing.
You can be a furrie already stationed on Mobius if you like, or even an Overlander if you want. Though I must add none are on the ship at the moment.
Just the basic profile for joining heres mine.

Name: Nightshade
Gender: Female
Species: Panther
Appearance: She has pure black fur, with blue eyes, and bits of metal merged to her (like robotisizing) from overlander experimentation.
Charges: Attempted escape, murder of Dr. Kintobor, assaulting scientists from Zeek corp.
Equipment: None
Abilities: Enhanced hearing and sight from experimentations, good computer hacking kills, bar bending strong, weakness to water.
History: She is suffering from amnesia, and therefore doesn't know her parents or how she ended up in Zeek corp, but just recently she discovered her father on the Lunar lab who unfortunately died, but she managed to rescue her brother Raoul who is now with the others on the ship headed for Mobius.

By the way this is a joint RP between mwa and Super ferret

Posts: 3
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Shadowcat looked at the furries around her. She was regarded as one of the leaders of the furries, yet so many times she had regretted this. So many times she felt so alone. She didn't regret her choice in joining the Freedom Fighters, it was what she believed in. She just sometimes wondered if things would have been easier if she hadn't chosen to be an outcast. If only her family were still here. If only her one true frind hadn't left
"Nightshade" she sighed looking at the stars "where are you? Are you ever coming back?"

ok here's a begining profile

Name: Shadowcat
Race: Human/Cat
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Alignment: Neutral, leaning good
Weapon: A curved sword, although not used in cat form
Hair/fur colour : Black
Hair Length: shoulders
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: Human form - black jeans, hot pink tie-up shirt
Powers: super agility and levitation. can change into a cat, but the same heght and can stand upright if needed. No special powers in cat form but its not needed with cat-like abilities and super sharp claws!!
Background: Family was killed by assassins. To get revenge shadowcat trained to become a warrior with a tribe that used mysterious powers to call the inner animal spirit. She especially enjoys battles where she is helping otherwise helpless victims. She has been know to help the bad guys in the past but at the moment has joined a group of freedom fighters

Posts: 279
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Gender: Male
Species: Panther
Age: 14
Appearance: Black all over but he has broight purple eyes.
Abilities: None that he knows of
Weaknesses: He is claustrophobic
History: Raoul is Nightshade's brother. He grew up in the camp and basically caused problems, he was sent on Prison ship 8 to the Lunar camp, and was experimented on there aswell as other things until he was rescued.

"I'm coming with you!" Nightshade turned to see her brother raising his hand in the crowd, she smiled,
"That's one, anyone else?"

Posts: 481
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OOC: we go...I'm in, of coarse...No IC at the moment, though, I need to be doing something....

Posts: 774
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OOC: Yay sequels!

Name: Spartacus "Sparks" Xavius
Species: Lynx
Age: Unknown
Abilities: Can manipulate heat at a near-molecular level. Capable of going Inferno (ultimate form) if exposed to enough and intense enough heat.
History: Sparks was one of the earlier genetic experiments by Overlanders. He was an ordinary lynx until genetic experiments gave him the ability to control heat at its most microscopic levels. This also led to a somewhat high degree of mental instability and psychosis. He's known as Firebug, due to flame manipulation being his second favorite thing (causing Overlanders to internall combust is the first...i told you he wasn't sane) and has at least fiftysomething reasons why the Overlanders want him dead, Lunar Base being the newest.

IC: "I don't know honestly. I'll have to think about it."
Sparks had generally worked alone before. This, due largely in part to the fact that he, well, blew up everything he attacked, killing any salvage ideas or capture attempts. His flames mostly scared off potential partners, not encouraged them. He would indeed have to think abou this. He walked out of the bridge room and down the corridor...

Posts: 409
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OOC: Huzzah! We live! :D

Name: Maize (My-ees)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Appearance: Old reference pic of Maize
Charges: Many murders; one escape attempt (it earned her her facial scar)
Equipment: Sword
Abilities: Agile fighter; skilled in many arts; is very stealthy
History: Belonged to a tribe of wolves, who appointed her tribe guardian. Years later, Maize picked out two young ones, and began to train them to take her place and fight with her. Selena and Kamatz were doing well, until the tribe was ambushed and badly wounded. The three stayed together, but were then dragged in the whole Prison Ship 9 affairs.

Name: Selena (Sull-een-uh)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Appearance: Selena is a sky-blue wolf with tan muzzle, tan tipped tail, and orange eyes. She has purple hair with a yellow highlight, which is tied into a high ponytail. She wears a strapless teal top with a matching skirt and white sandals with brown straps. Selena has a darker blue tattoo on her left shoulder (and both ears) representing her tribe. On that same arm, there is a golden arm-band. On her right wrist, she has a golden-wrist-band, and wears a tribal necklace.
Charges: Murder and attempted escape
Equipment: None
Abilities: Can produce glowing balls of light that blind and stun enemies; also very agile and quick on the uptake; knows much about fighting
History: See above profile on Maize

Name: Kamatz (Kah-mahtz) or Matzy (currently presumed dead)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Appearance: Kamatz is a red wolf with a tan muzzle, tan tipped tail, brown eyes, and blue bangs. He wears baggy-looking tribal pants and has two swords. The sheathes the swords are held in are criss-crossed, creating an "x" like band on the wolf's chest. On his left shoulder he, like Selena, has a dark blue tattoo showing what tribe he belongs to. He wears little slipper-shoes. (like Peter-Pan.)
Charges: One murder and attempted escape
Equipment: Two swords
Abilities: Can produce small electrical charges from his two pointer fingers; is very agile and a good fighter (not as good as his sister on account of lack of expreience and age)
History: See profile on Maize

Name: John Meeka
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Overlander
Appearance: Dark, red hair, brown eyes, wears an eye patch over his left eye; wear a standard capain's uniform with a utitlity belt and has a lighter red cape; black boots.
Equipment: Two guns
Abilities: Trained as a military man
History: Is a spy for a resistance group on Mobius. Meeka was sent aboard a ship previous to Prison Ship 9 to "work" at the Lunar Lab, relaying as much info. to his friends as possible. Maize and co. helped him board that ship, so he had since then befriended them and helped them all escape from LL.


Selena sighed, looking out the window once more. On any occasion, she would've thought the starry sky quite beautiful...but now it only served as a painful reminder of her brother, whom she had lost whilst escaping. To keep herself from crying again, the she-wolf bit her lip, so hard it bled a little, then raised her hand.

"I'm in." Her eyes flickered, then lowered back down to the ground. "Guess I'll tag along..." She muttered.

Maize looked at Selena for a moment, before turning to Nightshade, "Where she goes, I go." Then she smiled, "I'd like to meet these 'Freedom Fighters'."

The purple wolf once again returned her gaze to Selena, who absently turned to stare out the window again. Maize could understand the loss of someone she had lost her own brother years ago in the ambush. Sighing, the blue-eyed wolf tried to push the thoughts of her past out of her mind and far they were un-needed.

"Guess I'm game. They might want to know what they were doing up at the Lunar Lab." John Meeka put his hands in his pockets and let out a long sigh, shrugging. In truth, he just wanted to tag along with Maize and Selena to see if they were alright...


Amongst the wreckage of the Lunar Lab, two swords lay crossed upon a pile of still smoldering metal beams. The weapons were slightly burnt along the edges, but still in good use. Suddenly the beams began to shift, until one toppled over, revealing a red furry head, all bloodied and bruised. Kamatz gasped for air, his whole body in pain, burning and stinging and throbbing...

"" He croaked, before slumping over, unconcious.

OOC: Let's just say there's an air-tight, indestructable bubble around the Lunar Lab. ^__^

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

OOC: Yay! Nice to see familiar chars.
Nightshade smiled again, she'd be glad to have the two wolves along, they would be very useful...

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

OOC: Yessum, jus' like good ole times. ^__^


Maize looked up at the map displayed, a blinking red dot showing where they were, and a white blip showing where the had to be. Only a few more hours, and they'd be on land. On Mobius. The guardian wolf grasped the hilt of her sword, closed her eyes, and murmured a quick prayer for safe landing. When she opened them, she saw Meeka standing beside her.

"Think Selena'll be ok?" He asked, staring at the map.

"It will...take some time, John. I was like that when I lost my own brother.....and I know how much it hurts," Maize replied, turning to face the overlander captain.

John nodded, "Yeah...but what if....what if the kid was still alive? Just-"

"John, you know no one could survive that. I think highly of Kamatz's brave actions, but not even I could survive that! You and I both know that-"

"Yes, but there's always the what if's, Maize. I was just implying, what if he was alive? Hmm?" Meeka turned to face the purple wolf.

Maize's eyes narrowed, "Implying or not, the fact still remains..." She rubbed her face with her hand and sighed. "He's dead, John..let's leave it at that, shall we?"

Sighing, Meeka looked down at the floor of the ship. He didn't bother to answer, because deep in his gut, he knew something wasn't right. However, Maize was not willing to listen, and he didn't wish to upset her.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member



Name: Princess Serenity Alicia Acorn Hedgehog
Cell number: formerly Max. Security Cell # P1
Gender: Female
Species: Hedgehog
Appearance: (check profiles thread...don't have time to put it all here)
Cybernetic alterations: Metalic retractable claws, optical implants in her eyes, audio recepters in her ears, a laticework of metal and wires across her back, shoulders, and arms, her right leg above the knee was replaced with a metal one. She was being prepped to be a top-secret overlander spy. The scientists also attached someting to her skull after knocking her one (but the scientists) know the purpose or existance of this device (not even Reni, as she was KO'd durring the attachment of it)
Charges: General Resistance activity, Breakout of her orriginal Concentration camp, freeing of several small concentration camps, taunting and insulting overlander guards, general escape-artistry (the reason she's in a high security cell)
Equipment (if any): (check profile)
Abilities: her inherited speed, what else? ;P
History (optional): (may fill this in later)
Weaknesses: (PIZZA! Ahem...anyway...) She would do anything for a slice of her fav. food, pizza, she has increadibly BAD luck, being imprisoned for long tends to make her either extremely unpredictably violent or completely depressed.


Name: Sergei "Surge" Breaker
Cell number: NA (stowaway)
Gender: male
Species: Hedgehog
Appearance: (check profiles thread)
Charges: NA (stowaway)
Equipment (if any): NA
Abilities: Electrical manipulation
Weaknesses: His powers are very hard to control...If he goes Power (his super form) he's just as likely to unintentionally hurt friends as foe
History (optional): (Later)

no IC right now.

Posts: 13
Active Member

OOC: I'm in.

IC: A green hedgehog steeped forward. "I'm in", his voice said calmly. He really didn't care about the freedom fighters. He wasn't going to try and save anybody. He was in this for one thing: Vengance.

OOC: Ok, time for a profile.

Name: Boom the Hedgehog
Age: 21
Appearance: Black armor stretches over his chest, with shoulder guards. His legs have armor on the front,but ot the back. A cape stretches down his back, attatched to the armor. He has messy green fur, blue eyes, and a scar stretches don his right eye.
Gender: male
Species: Hedgie
Equips: A pistol and a small dagger.
Personality: A serious, firm man, but you can trust him, and he will never let you down if you are able to be his friend. the keyword being "able". Is sometimes selfish.
History: ??? Nobody really knows anything about him, except that his mother was killed, and that a horrible ex[irement left his life changed forever.

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

There was a movement somewhere in the wreckage, someone staggered up from the remains of a part of section 2's ceiling, with a deffinite limp a person moved off down the corridor, heading towards the hangar bays...
OOC: Hmm...who could that be I wonder?:evil

Posts: 409
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OOC: THE LIVING DEAD! *gasp* *shot* xD


Kamatz didn't know how he did it, nor did he care. Somehow, he had managed to pull himself from the rest of the still hot wreckage and lay gasping for breath, atop what looked like a desk. Or what was formerly know as a desk. The wolf felt immense pain coming from his legs, which, he deduced, were probably broken. His arms had a series of cuts and gashes, and a nice chunk had been taken from the top of his left ear. Needless to say, he should be dead, but wasn't. Which didn't make sense. At least to him.

Well...if I'm not dead now.....I'll probably die later. Kamatz grimaced, gritting his teeth as the stinging in his ear became more and more painful.

OOC: Poor Matzy. :D

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

OOC: I never was patient.

"Okay, look, the rest of you decide when we land, you can think on it." Nightshade stepped down feeling a dlittle disheartened, not that many had chosen to come with them. Suddenly a cat, Fang, tugged at her arm.
"Nightshade, the pilot says there are lots of bleeps on the screen."
Nightshade ran into the cockpit, to see in shock green lasers firing up from the planet below. The pilot spoke, his eyes focused ahead of him,
"They're firing their defense systems." He struggled to manouver out of the way of a laser.
"But how did they know...unless-"
She was cut off by the shudders on impact as one laser came and caught them on the side.
"The ships landing gear on the left side is completely gone."
"Your kidding!"
"Do I look like I'm kidding!"
He veered away from another glowing projectile,
"They're trying to disable us!"
"Destroy us more like it."
"Either way we're going to get a few more than a few casualties if we don't get out of this soon."
"Um...try transferring all the remianing power to the engines or something."
"Okay, I just hope this works..."
The lights went off in the room behind them, Nightshade flinched as she heard the cries of fear and surprise.
"Can I please talk to the passengers for a moment?"
The pilot ( a grey fox) handed over the microphone and she spoke into it:
"Okay, you may have noticed the lights and all other electrical things are no longer working. This is due and the power will soon come back on...soon."
She clicked it off, and flinched again when she heard from the room.
"The left side of the ship's on fire!!!!"
"Brilliant. Just, brilliant."
Angry she opened the door and yelled,
"Oh just SHUTUP! You're not going to die. Now I advise that you find a seat, strap yourself in, and prepare for a bumpy landing."
The panther walked back into the cockpit...
OOC: Told ya.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member


Serenity just happened to be limping by the cocpit at exactly the moment the lasers started fireing on them. She hung her head in shame. "It's because of me...they're seeing through my eyes..." She muttered, limping on past, listlessly dragging her new robotic replacement leg behind her. She had not yet learned to used it properly. Truthfully, part of her didn't want to. Part of her still clung beligerently to the irrational desire to get her real leg back...


OOC: Short, I know...but it's late...

Posts: 18
Active Member

OOC: Mind if I join? Regrettably, I was not involved in the original, but hopefully that won't make too much of a difference. I did send a PM to the originator of the RP (well, one of them: Super Ferret) a few days ago with regards my entry into this RP, but thus far I've had no word back. Since I don't want to let the RP get too far in waiting and thus limit my opportunities for joining, I'm going to post my character profile here and request confirmation.

Name: Lokki Gallansbayne
Age: 250+
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 143lbs
Appearance: Tall and skinny. Long, unruly brown hair tied back into a pony-tail extending to his lower back. Grey-blue eyes. Generally wears a black trenchcoat, heavy brown boots and a dull turquoise tunic and breeches. N.B.: he appears to be in his mid-twenties (methinks he'd be a bit rotten by now if 250 were his apparent age also).
Abilities: Very agile and can be somewhat stealthy if needs be (though from the requisite level for an assassing or assassin or spy) Average constitution, but quite weak in terms of physical strength. Has had considerable combat experience - especially with the rapier and halberd - but is very much self taught. Can manipulate the air to some extent, mainly to augment his physical abilities. Possesses a range of magical attacks, mainly fire-based, but these tire him out quickly. Also, he is ageless. (If needs be, I will tone done his less mundane abilities or remove them completely).
Personality: Outwardly, Lokki is cheerful, optomistic and extroverted even in the worst of times. Perhaps some what eccentric as well. Intelligent and confident, even borderline arrogant and tends to use fancy verbiage. Quite chivalrous, particularly towards women. Determined, but not afraid or ashamed to back down or run away (in fact, he is quite adept in this) if needs been. Interests include literature, music, history and drinking.
Bio: I shan't go in to any great detail (two and a half centuries is a long time, after all), but suffice to say Lokki is, in his home universe, a bard - and a very well-travelled one at that. However, in recent decades, he has - with the help of an ancient sorceror specialising in translocative magicks - acquired the capacity to transverse the barriers between realities themselves.
Equipment: A mundane rapier, a mundane hybrid weapon consisting of a pole with a halberd blade at one end and two pump-action shotgun barrels at the other (known as the Shotberd), a small amount of ammunition, a lute and a flask of metheglin.

Let me know if you want anything changed.

No IC until I get the go-ahead.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Sparks was not two steps out of the room when he heard the word "fire". He immediately bolted for the suit closet. "C'mon, c'mon...there!" he found a suit that didn't fit him too loosely and activated the seals. "This is Sparks. I'm going to see what I can do about the fires."
He ran off down the corridor towards the flames...he could sense the heat...

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: Yep, I read it, and it's all fine by me.

Raoul ran around helping furries to seats and trying to calm them down.
"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine!" he tried to be heard over the noise but it was kind of hard to tell if anyone heard him at all.
Come on, come on! We've gotta get out of this soon!

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

"Okay Sparks, be careful."
She clicked the communicator off again,
"How are we doing?"
"We're only a few minutes away from hitting the atmosphere, but due to having to change our flight plans a little..." the pilot was silent a bit,
"We're going to have to make an emergency landing in a forest. There will be some considerable damage if I don't find a clearing in time."
"Well hurry then!"
"Now, um...unfortunately the guidance system malfunctioning, that's what casued the problem in the first place."
"Then how do you know there's a forest?"
"Well, that was the last thing it was reading until it went all sparky like."
Nightshade sighed, then had a spark of insperation,
She clicked on the com,
"Selena and Maize please HURRY to the cockpit imediately, we have some need of you."
She clicked it off and hoped they'd come soon.
"How long do we have?"
"I'm not sure, but about 20 minutes before it's a bit too late to change coarse and 10 more minutes later we hit dirt."
"Well, that isn't sooo bad."
"Well, I may not be accurate..."
"What do you mean. Don't tell me the distance/time thing is gone too!"
"Well, not really, but semi gone, it's half not working, it's hard to calculate how long, I may be just a little off, or WAY off, we'll fnd out soon, we also have to take into account that we're picking up speed as we come closer to the ground-"
"Yeah yeah, lots of stuff, basically we're going to be on tonnes of trouble if we don't do soemthing quick right?"
"Pretty much."
"Great just great." Nightshade wondered where Maize and Selena were, she was hoping there talents might be of use...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

OOC: I'm the same as Lokki above. Not in the origional, but would like to join if poss^^

Character name: Unknown. Simply referred to as "Xan" (nickname created by the Overlanders)

Apperance: Kommodo Dragon. Over 9 feet tall. Black, scaily skin, and a long thick tail. Wears nothing but a ragged pair of black shorts, that look like they've seen better days. Lots of scars all over his body (where the Overlanders were experimenting on him), including one large one on his neck (the Overlanders actually removed his vocal cords, so he can't speak, but it isn't much of a problem as he rarely speaks anyway).

Age: Unknown, but estimated to be around 30.

History: Unknown. As he can't speak, he can't tell anyone his past, and doesn't seem to want to anyway. Was on the lunar base when everyone else escaped, and simply tagged along.

Equips: None, but posseses great physical strength and stamina, and knows some martial arts.

That ok for everyone? Let me know if there's a problem. I won't go IC until it's confirmed ok. (Don't want to ruin the rp for everyone : )

Posts: 18
Active Member

OOC: Now that I've had the go ahead, let's get this show on the road...

Lokki paced hither and thither as the withered magician put the finishing touches into the ritual. He always was getting impatient by this time.

"There we go, done," the wizard rasped momentarily, "Well, then, where to?"

Lokki smirked. "You should know that by now, Eroneas: anywhere'll do."

Eroneas nodded and, with a final command, a swirling portal opened in a metal ring in the centre of the chamber, eventually condensing into a clear (though slightly wavering) image of a forest.

"Looks nice," remarked Lokki, sticking his head through. Turning the aperture to look round, he confirmed "Nary a critter in sight," and stepped through.

Stretching as he breathed in the crisp, outdoor air and portal closed behind him, Lokki scanned his surroundings. Mild temperatures, pretty sunny, not too many clouds in the sky. Much better than the last universed he had visited, certainly. With a quick check of his particulars, he set off into the forest: interdimensional travel always left him hungry.

OOC: Just in case you hadn't already worked it out, Lokki's popped out in the same forest that the ship is about to crash land in. I'll probably just leave him there until the ship gets a lot closer (i.e. visible).

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

OOC: Just so you guys know, this is the same person as Lokki; check the alts thread in MFC2 for proof. I got logged out somehow and logged into this account out of habit.

"I should imagine, Ms. Maize," offered Lokki, "That i- er, he means to imply that you can ascertain his name from this 'John' fellow. After all, he doesn't seem very loquacious himself."

Lokki's eyes wandered to the campfire also and he was reminded of his own spilt lunch. In all the excitement that had taken place, he had forgotten how long it was since he had eaten himself and how hungry he was consequently. He decided he would rather wait to be offered food than to ask; he did not wish to push his luck, even slightly.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Lokki was already on his feet? Since when? lol Ok just pretend Xan pushed him back away from Serenity then.)

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Nightshade watched as Lokki looked off to the campfire, he was probably thinking of food, he was a curious being. Then she turned her attention to Serenity.
"Hey, are you alright?"

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

@Wraith: Since Xan picked Lokki up on page three (straight after he landed) and handed him to Nightshade. Going purely on explicitly stated actions, she still actually has hold of him, though I should imagine she's put him down by now. In any case, he hasn't fallen, lain, crouched or sat down since you picked him up. It's a minor point, though, so I shan't disrupt things more by discussing this further.

Another realisation dawned upon Lokki: he had not checked his inventory since arrival, in spite of being knocked down by crash landings, hurled through the sky by explosions and tossed about by panthers and giant lizards. He knew he still had his rapier and shotberd, though the dared not inspect them for fear of giving the wrong impression.

Sticking his hands in his pockets, he found that he had dropped a few shells, but still had his journal and charcoal pencil. Not that he could write anything down, as that would look awfully suspicious.

Reaching behind his back, he brought his lute round to the front and looked it over. Miraculously it was intact. Perhaps he should have a sing-song later, though he had no idea how well that would go down with his present company.

Finally, his hand went to the small flask at his side. Even if he did not eat tonight, he could at least help himself to a little drink of metheglin. Removing the cap, he took a small swig - barely a shot's worth - and replaced it. He guessed he would have to conserve it; it was a relatively little-known drink even where he came from, so he suspected he would have little hope finding any here of all places - mead, maybe, but certainly not metheglin.

He turned back to face the feline and the reptile once more. They did not seem inclined to answer his earlier query - the panther was now tending to the hedgehog and his minder did not even seem to speak - so, taking one last glance at the lizard, he meandered off in the direction of the centre of camp, trying to draw as little attention as possible to himself.

Sorry for the mostly instrospective post, but things are pretty slow so I'm just posting what I can. :

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Maize stared at Lokki for a moment, "Yes, I suppose so...I'll see to the matter later."

The wolf followed his gaze to the campfire, and remembered what had been said about Lokki having to "drop his lunch and run". Fingering the sword on her hip, she spoke up once again.

"How about we invite our..guest to a late dinner, hm? I'm sure sharing a little of our rations would not hurt...there's always hunting," Maize said, gesturing to the forest surrounding them.

OOC: Will write more later. I'm kinda busy at this moment.

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Nightshade turned to Maize briefly and said,
"Yes, he's welcome to food, but it's equal to what the others get. No more, no less." Then she turned back to Serenity...

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: Okay, time to give this a small push.
*Gets out a sledge ahmmer and swings hard...*

Raoul was just patrolling around his area when he heard the voices, he climbed a tree and looked ahead...
They were coming through the foliage, they were also armed with guns, and they had fairly good looking gear they were obviously searching for survivors.
He moved quickly, running back silently to the camp. When he reached it, he quickly reached his sister, pating slightly, he gave her his message;
"Nightshade! Overlanders, they're coming, we have to get out of the forest, have to start on our way to Freedom fighters!"

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

OOC: Ow, a sledgehammer?

Nightshade sighed, this was obviously going to be a busy day.
"Right. Thankyou, pleae go alert the other lookouts, I'll see if I can get everyone organised and moving."
Raoul saluted and ran off, heading for the others.
She turned to face Maize,
"Maize I'm going to try and round everyone up, loks like people will have to decide on the run what they're going to do."
She looked aorund for the Komodo dragon and spoke to him as well;
"Hey, could you pick up Lokki, make sure he isn;t too much troble, if he tries to escape, well...just do what you need to. Okay?"
She didn't wait for an answer and then raqn towards clumps of chatting furries, she started rounding them up and sorting them out...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Xan had no idea if "pick up Lokki" was intended literally or not, but he was inclined to act on it literally anyway. He strode over to the seemingly daydreaming bard and, wrapping an arm around his middle, hoisted him clear of the floor. Then he stepped to the edge of the clearing, waiting for everyone else to be ready.

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