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Festival of Fun (NEW PLAYERS WELCOME - see FIRST post)

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UPDATE - 15/10/2005: until further notice, new players (or returning players) are welcome to (re-)join this RP. New players are not obliged to read any of the backstory, either here or in the original thread over on EliteBoard, though you are welcome to do so if you wish and you are advised to read the information in this first post before joining, particularly the italicised section, though what follows the horizontal bar may be out of date (where conflicting information occurs, refer to the most recent emboldened section).

There is no global plot or ultimate goal for characters in this RP. However, there are two current subplots:-

o The water park in Hydrocity was sabotaged with a mysterious contaminant that congealed all the water, endangering all of the occupants. Currently the park is closed to visitors and the incident is under investigation by civilian volunteers and one Moderator, since the forum's law enforcement is tied up elsewhere. The culprits, who are a duo, are still at large.
o There is a mini-RP occuring within the RP based around the Legend of Zelda games. However, due to malfunctions in the virtual reality system that maintains the artificial role-play environments, all characters in the RP are trapped there until something can be done to fix the problem.

If you wish to join either of these plots, you should read the posts pertaining to them, which are spread across this thread and the latter pages of the EliteBoard thread, before doing so. Otherwise, you are free to come in any where else in RP, since the rest of what has happened has been almost purely character interaction between the various characters in the RP. Hopefully, as more people join, it should be easier to find opportunities to insert new characters into the action.

The following is a list of characters belonging to active players and their last known locations:-

Tergonaut - Justin Hobbes: Hydrocity. Stahlmansche, Espadrille: Main Street.
Wraith the Echidna - Wraith: Hydrocity. Vixie: Main Street.
D B Vulpix - DB: Hydrocity.
Pachamac - Ash, Darmunio: Role Players' Guild
Nuchtos - Lokki: Hydrocity. Joy: Main Street. Nuchtos, Roux: Offworld, may return later.
Wayfarer - Mickey: Hydrocity. Michael (Matilda): Role Players' Guild.

Any players who were previously involved in the RP not listed here, do not be offended. The only reason for this omission is that you haven't posted for a couple of pages at least and and thus not considered active for the purposes of this list. This does not mean you are in anyway excluded from the RP.

This is an RP that ran for a while on EliteBoard but trailed off when the problems with ezBoard blew over and there was no further use for the EliteBoard MFC. In order to try and get it going again, I decided to take it over here.

Please note that this is not my RP. It's Tergonaut's RP, he's just given me the honour of handling the transfer.

Original OOC intro, cross-posted from EliteBoard:-

"OOC: This is an RP in which the objective is NOT to save the world from an evil villain, or to gather the Chaos Emeralds, or any of your other epic quests. The point of this RP is for you to roleplay your characters in mostly ordinary circumstances, without worrying about mission objectives or death beyond the reasonable expectations of normal life.

So, here are the baseline rules: respect other people's characters (as always), and do not at any cost turn this RP into an adventure. These rules may be augmented as time goes on, but these are really the two baseline rules.

Now, this doesn't mean that this is a happy-happy RP where everyone gets along and it's all nice. As you roleplay your character, you may find that your character might develop a grudge against another character for one reason or another. And that's encouraged! Roleplay your character and think of how they would react to someone stronger or faster or better looking than them, or what your character would do if someone bumped into them in a crowd. Combat is discouraged to solve problems, as your character might prefer to humiliate or ignore or deal with others in a way differently than mentioned.

And then there's the opposite side of the spectrum: romance! Also allowable, and it often creates the most interesting situations when love triangles develop, but be realistic about it. Even if your character falls in love with another character at first sight, the other character might be repulsed or otherwise turn down your character. If that happens, just roleplay it and remember that it isn't meant to be an Out-Of-Character insult if that happens. As for kissing and all that nice stuff, if anyone's characters do get to that point, don't just post back and forth with making out, and keep it down to a PG level (which I would dictate as holding hands, hugging/embracing, and kissing, and that's about as far as anyone needs to know. If anyone has questions on that, feel free to ask).

Finally, this is all an experiment in a different style of RP, one where combat is minimized and character interaction is maximized. I want to see how people like this, and if they do, see what we can do to improve on the concept.

Okay, now to the more fun parts: the RP itself is going to take place in Sega City, a sprawling metropolis in the Mobius Forum World. However, this will NOT be MFW canon and should not be considered as such. In fact, you can roleplay as any character you like from any background, as long as you can reasonably tie in your character to the scenario which will soon be described. Obviously, not all characters are appropriate for the RP for one reason or another, so use your best judgement before hopping in. Super powers are allowed, just don't let them become automatic answers to problems. Use your head!"

One key thing that was left out of that intro but was stressed in later OOC comments is that this is an interactive world that RPers can add to as they see fit; you don't just have to work with what's already there and what the GM gives you.

The original topic is located here. Since most of this is pure character interaction, new RPers could theoretically come along and leap into the action without reading through the whole thing, but it's probably best to do so anyway in order to get a feel for the characters and the environment.

If you don't feel like wading through what's already been posted, here's a quick run-down.

These are the main areas as I remember them:--

Hydrocity - Basically a giant water park with pools and slides and what have you. Also, this area is home to what's known as the poolsphere, which is a huge, spherical volume filled with special water that allows you to float and breathe as though you were in air. Hydrocity seems to be the focal point of attention.
Carnival Island - This area is more like your typical theme park or carnival, as the name might suggest, with all kinds of rollercoasters and the like. It also contains an expansive gaming arcade and casino area.
Main Street Fair - I always imagined this as a sort of high street type place, except pedestrianised for the purposes of the festival and filled with all kinds of stalls and carnival/village fte type attractions.
Role Player's Guild - Giant massive virtual reality area where people go to RP.

Many of the characters involved have mostly been hanging around in Hydrocity. Currently located there are Wraith, Cari, Mega, Silver, Silver (yes, I meant to write that one twice), Vixie and Mickey, all of whom are in the poolsphere, as well as Lokki, DB and Geogwe, who are in or around the changing facilities.

In Main Street, Ed had just finished making arrangements with Stahlmansche and ran off to buy a suit. Meanwhile, Stahlmansche's robotic (but you can't tell she's a robot) aide Espadrille has been scouting out Ed's associates and just recently bumped into Joy. Elsewhere, a theif named Rapu set up a stall to sell prizes he had obtained from Carnival Island - where he is dealing with T - and Ed's younger sister Nuchta has gone missing. Previously, an artist named Ash had been doing portraits, but has packed up for the day after finishing a painting of Roux, who has dashed off to take said piece of art home.

Ash has now gone to the Role Player's Guild with Lena to do some RPing, which presumably shall lead to a bizarre RP-within-an-RP scenario. Justin Hobbes is also in this area, but doing maintenance work rather than role-playing.

Carnival Island is empty at the moment, but there Lokki met up with Geo and DB and cheated on some slot machines, only to be robbed slightly by Rapu.

Back over in the pool area, there is are imminent swimsuit and bodybuilding competitions. However, a mysterious duo have just now sabotaged the water supply in Hydrocity by contaminating it with a congealing agent that will transform the water into a viscous purple goo. The process is apparently extremely rapid and will take mere minutes to complete.

And that's the jist of it. Sorry if the writing is a little crude and informal, but I have just summarised 10 pages worth of RP in a few short paragraphs.

I'll probably IC tomorrow, since it's pretty late and I have to refresh my own memory as it is. Meanwhile, existing players, feel free to carry on where you left off if you so desire. New players can join in too if they want.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Yey this was awesome! I'm glad it's back!

I'll repost my last post here to start things off.^^)

Wraith grinned slightly as he came out of a flip. "What exactly WERE we doing anyway? Heh, I can't remember." he joked.

"I interrupted your game." replied Vixie, looking pained. "I'm sorry, I'll let you get on."

"Hey no problem!" smiled Cari. "You can join us if you like!"

Vixie smiled. "Thanks, but I'll pass if that's ok. I was about to go see some other parts of the festival."

Wraith brought his hand to his chin in a thoughtful look. "Say Cari...truth be told I'm getting a bit tired of all the water myself...would you mind if I head out too? I want to try the RP Guild sometime soon, and there are a few other places I want to see before the festival ends."

He was worried Cari may take offence (his paranoya acting up again maybe) but she just smiled widely. "Sure no prioblem."

Wraith was temporarely destracted as out of the corner of his eye he saw Vixie slipping the glo-sticks the Human had given her into a pouch on her stomach, a ittle like a marsupial! He had assumed that this girl was just a normal MoFo World Kitsune, but could he have been mistaken?

He dragged his thoughts back to the topic at hand...he could think about that later.

"Of course you could come too if you like...we could all go together as a group if everyone wants..." he smiled, looking from Cari to Vixoria and back again...

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

OOC: I'll get back on this as soon as I can, but first, two comments:

1. Has Spirited Shadow Sage been informed about this? I don't think she hits the RP guild regularly...

2. Also in the RP Guild is my other character, Mike. I didn't see him mentioned above, so I wanted to clarify that.

Posts: 1134
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Topic starter

OOC: I'll let Sagey know when I next see her (she's away on AIM at the moment). Sorry for leaving your other character out, Wayfarer, but I was basically summarising ten pages of RP that's been dormant for weeks - if not months - from memory, so I was bound to leave out a few details. I also omitted Crimson Darkwolfe's character from the summary as well; he's in a jacuzzi in Hydrocity.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I let Triple S know about this, just to letcha know. I shall try to rejoin as time goes on.

Note that while in the original post it says no violence, what I meant primarily was no super-cool anime-style battles to save the world. If people want to get in a fistfight at the festival, they can, or if they want to commit pranks or whatever, then they are free to do so. But besides the reactions of the other characters to deal with, there is an operant system of law in the city, so expect the Sega City Police Department to be keeping an eye on things, and any Moderator characters will most likely do their best to enforce the law.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

(OOC: Yep, I do know about this ^^)

Cari glanced away for a moment; she had been enjoying the calmness of the pseudo-water. Being a water-elemental as well didn't help. But if your new friends want to leave, the last thing you should do is ditch them.... After a few seconds, she turned back to Wraith and smiled.

"Sure, I'm sure there are other things to do outside the waterpark!" she exclaimed. Her eyes danced with excitement as she reflected back on the many attractions she saw while walking down the main road, as well as the sign that pointed towards the amusement park and.....

"So anybody have any ideas as to where to go? ....or what time it is?" she asked, looking up towards the ceiling of the spherepool.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith shrugged. "It's up to you two really. I wanna head to the RP Guild sometime, but I could do that tomorrow. And as for what time it is...I have no idea."

(OOC: lol bit of bad timing actually. Pretty soon I'll be going on holiday for a few days. Hope to be back around Sunday. Keep it up, and I'll catch up when I get back^^)

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: I'm all for this. =D It's just that my character and the story going on with Ash and Lena probably won't be updated for a little while since Torn's gone on holiday for a little while, that is, if he's still willing to carry this on. So yeah, I'll have to continue after Torn's back. :)

Posts: 1984
Noble Member


The weightlifting and swimsuit contest had just begun. It started off with the weightlifters. A platform was set up above the water and had steps leaving off on opposite directions. An array of weights of all sizes were set upon the stage. The announcer called. "Who is ready to go first? Lets see just how strong you are!"

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Back all^^ Free to continue any time ;) )

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

OOC: Just posting to reestablish my characters into the RP.

Justin leaned back on the floor of the RP Guild's control center, wiping his forehead with the back of his arm. Patches of grease covered his shirt and cargo shorts, but he looked pleased with himself as he stood up and wiped his hands on a clean cloth. "Well, at least I figured out what the problem is. Actuator crystal does need replacing. But that shouldn't affect things too badly, Dome #3 can still operate without it, the level of control just won't be as good. We could still leave it running until we get the crystal."

"But Justin, what about the remote possibility that an RP started there will go haywire and trap the players inside it until it can be fixed from the outside?" asked the blue hedgehog wearing the technician's jumpsuit next to Justin, one of her eyebrows raised in quizzical seriousness.

Justin shrugged his shoulders. "That's a pretty low chance, I mean, it's like zero point fifteen percent...and even if it does happen, all we need to do is get an actuator crystal put into place, and baboom, we got it fixed. By the way, where are the extra ones, Charlie?"

Charlie shook her head. "We're all out. The production facility in the Sailorness District is having a strike right now, so they do have some we could get, but it'd mean having to pick them up ourselves, since their delivery girls are on strike too."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Aye, that's no good. I'll just go and pick it up myself then, I've got today all free."

"Just don't go killing all the ladies there, Justin," said Charlie smirkingly as Justin made his way to the exit door.

"Charlie, you just wish I'd make a pass at you sometime," joked Justin over his shoulder as he opened the door and left, cutting off the hedgehog's witty reply.


Georgia Stahlmansche was still listening to her earpiece device even as she continued to walk down the street. Her destination was her personal suite located at the top of her company's building; she would have to get ready for the corporate ball happening later that night, and she had to take into consideration what sort of dress might best appeal to the young Edward Night whom she had met.

Of course, she hadn't fallen in love with him or anything like that; rather she wanted to take as much advantage of his company and steal its resources in any way she could find, without letting him know what she was doing until it was too late and she owned him.


OOC: I don't remember exactly how this part went before and I'm currently too lazy to go back and look.

Espadrille, a six-foot brunette, looked down coldly at the woman who had bumped into her and was getting up in front of her. The secret was, however, that Espadrille was actually a robot in disguise, underneath a sophisticated holographic projection hid her true form. Her sensors were scanning the interloper before her.

"Excuse me," she asked without any attempt to help the woman up, "but do you know a man named Edward Night?"


At the water park, the water was turning into a thick, purplish liquid. It was spreading first through the slides, but it wouldn't be long before the contamination reached to the breathable waters inside the poolsphere area as well...

Posts: 2234
Noble Member



actually a robot in disguise

Gasp! Autobot or Decepticon? Maximal or Predacon? :p

IC: RP Guild

Before Ash could continue speaking to Lena, his consciousness was shifted. He had already completed his desired character for the roleplay and the Guild operation system identified as it being complete, so in fact he had only a few moments left to speak to Lena before finding that he was in fact removed from his surroundings and now entered into something completely different and more. In fact, Ash had unexpectedly walked backwards into a dome which would send his consciousness into the roleplay; Dome 3. He felt like more then before. And yet, at the same time less.

He looked at his body, his new body. This wasnt his real body, but instead a substitute body for his mind to be creative and explore a story, a world one might not be able to do if it wasnt for the RP Guild. It was a Legend of Zelda RP and the roleplay scenery reflected this. He managed to spot several locations in the distance he could memorize and familiarize himself from the games. Death Mountain. Hyrule Castle. Hylian Lake.

He wondered what the exact scale of the new environment was exactly, though. He had participated in a few RPs before and experienced them, but there had been some changes since the last time he was here. They had been upgrading it, although there still was a few similarities to the older version. He wondered if the landscape, the places he could travel were far more broader then before, and in fact, he wondered if there were any limits in it. That would be truly incredible, if there wasnt any. If he could actually explore the whole world.

But, although that might have been the point of the Zelda games, it was not so for an roleplay like this, which made it strange to liken it to a Zelda one. Zelda games were solo affairs, a sole hero destined to save the world. Role plays were designed to interact with other people, and Ash wondered if he would be easily able to meet up with some of these other players in such a huge world. He stepped forwards, of a lighted spot with which he was sent into the new world. He knew he should wait for Lena, but if she wished to join she would be able to appear in the world and hopefully meet up with him easily enough.

Ash concentrated, and mentally brought up his profile again, examining it to make sure he followed it properly.

Name: Ash.

Description: Standard black trousers, a blue vest with outer, curved armour on top of it, arm gauntlets as armour above his arms, a pale skin texture, brown hair and a bandana around his head. The shoes were simple boots. It was a bit of a strange appearance, but it would do.

Personality: A rather care free man who enjoys life. He is a simple traveller who crosses the land in order to help those in trouble or who are threatened, and because of these instances he can become quite determined. Once he decides on a course of action he will follow it through no matter what.

Abilities and skills: Proficient with a lance and is able to use one skilfully. The armour he wears is quite light despite strong, and because of it he can jump quite high and has slightly above average speed.

Strengths: His kind hearted nature can ensure that those in trouble will be helped and his determination can also lend itself to this. Again, has quite strong body and arm armour and can jump high. Slightly above average speed.

Flaws: His determination and belief of seeing anything and everything through upon deciding it can be a flaw as well, if its a wrong decision in which he aims to pour his effort in. His care free nature can also be quite nave and his desire of aiding anyone who is in trouble may put him in deep danger against a much more powerful enemy or threat.

Ash again examined his surroundings. Hyrule Field, a centre point to the rest of the locations in the game. He turned, and saw the Hyrule castle gates, and figuring if this was anything alike the Ocarina of Time games, there would be a market centre in the beginning area of the castle, the place where people would normally meet up. If he would find any other RPers in this game, it would be in there.

Ash smiled slightly, before starting to run forwards towards Hyrule Market, although still feeling slightly guilty about leaving Lena behind. His mind was filled with no other reality concerns though, although, why would it? He had no knowledge that there was a problem with the RPing dome he was in; Dome 3, or what the problems could be if any arised. Or, if it would be anything like the great RPing disaster of 1997-98 when the RP Guild was first set up and the problems or errors that there might have been in the very beginning

OOC: Terg, if there are any problems with having an accident in the beginning of what I assume was the RP Guild's introduction, then just say and I'll edit. I just thought it might have been interesting to add since whatever problem which happened there could happen again, and I think that even though Templar Tech is so powerful and such, I'm sure that in the beginning of its use people were unsure of how to truely use it and problems might have happened. Either small problems, or big problems like an accident. Either way it's up to you. ;)

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Cari smiled. "Then we'd better find a way out of here to find a clock or something," she said, swimming slowly towards the tunnel they all had come from. "Perhaps we can find something to do out there as well...y'know, see what's open and what's not."

She whirled around, her long hair following weightlessly behind, and nodded towards the exit, looking at the small group they had seemed to form. "You guys wanna come too? The more, the merrier afterall." She glanced back at Wraith with what seemed like an apology in her eyes.... she had originally joined up with his group and now she seemed to be taking charge. I hope he's not irritated with a larger group of people.....

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"I'll come...if that's okay." smiled Vixie. "You're right Cari, the more the merrier! I was kinda getting bored alone."

"I'll come too." grinned Wraith, then suddenly he went silent in embarassment. He hoped that his enthusiasm hadn't sounded like he just wanted to be with the girls, especially so quickly after Vixie had said. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with them, he did, but not in the way of...he was digging himself a hole again. Of course it was quite possible that they had not thought anything of the sort and had no idea what was going through his mind right now. They seemed to be smiling amiably enough...

His attention was destracted as he noticed that he was having a little trouble breathing. He glanced around, puzzled. "Is it me or does the water seem thicker...not quite as clear?"

Vixie blinked. "I hadn't noticed..."

Wraith grunted. "Hm...maybe just me then." He turned back to the others and grinned, if a little meekly. "But yeah I'll come. Race you to the outside!" With that he motored off down the tube, swimming as fast as he could!

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

IC: Hydrocity

After seeing no sign of her two new acquaintances. DB began to loose heart in entering the contest. But she had only been lightly considering it anyway. And besides they were only just acquaintances. If even that!

DB decided she would much rather have fun on the water slides. The lines had begun to thin out when the contest started, meaning that waiting to go down didn't take as long. She climbed up and got ready to slide down one of the many tubed slides. "Alright, here I go!" She pushes herself off and down she went! Screaming in delight.

Until she got stuck. "What in the world?!"

She was stuck in the slide! The water that was supposed to have been flowing under her was now replaced by a thick purple gooey substance. She tried moving but the goo held down her body. "HEY! I can't get out! I can't get out of this thing!" Her voice echoed dully from inside the tube slide.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Lena looked at the machine and thought of a history and an appearance for herself. She still didn't understand this Legend of Zelda thing but she trusted Ash would be able to help her more. She put in her own history and appearance and then stepped back. The place around her changed from the inside of the dome to a large open field. She looked off to her side and could see a huge castle and a large town surrounding it. She looked her other way and could see a large forest and a huge tree deep in the forest. "Where's Ash?" She thought to herself. She looked around and decided to head for the town.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

OOC: Before I post, I have a couple of things I'd like to say...

SSS: I never did apologize for not using your char like I said I would. I had enough of a grip and whatnot to do it, but I just lost ambition. The bold drive I had when I suggested it didn't last long enough. Nonetheless, I thank you for the opportunity. I also want to apologize for referring to you as Tricia, as I believe that was too forward of me. So, I apologize for my rudeness and insincerity.


At the bottom of the Poolsphere, Mickey finished filling his pockets with his glo-sticks. "There! Now, if I'm careful...I should be able to get out of here without losing them all again!"

Mickey began to climb a wall ladder, and in a short while he reached the platform that had been occupied by Wraith and the others. He hopped onto it, and saw them far down the hall now (OOCC: therefore, this occurs once they move, as that is what I am assuming will happen). The thought struck him that he hadn't asked them if they had seen Michael! He was wondering where his friend was, and since they looked so alike, odds are that one of them would have seen him. He decided to follow them, but then a fear entered his heart. He felt he would be rude and offensive if he approached them again so soon. So, he began to follow them, carefully keeping his distance and trying to stay out of sight.

RP Guild

Michael frowned as he entered the Legend of Zelda RP again. As the world shifted around him, and he entered the RP world from the eyes of his character, he mentally looked-up the character profile he had written:

Name: Matilda
Description: Female Hylian. Light build. Small size, 4 feet, 4 inches. Shiny blond hair, light blue eyes, pale skin. Black boots, black tall socks, black shorts, black tunic, black bandana, all of which with at least one horribly cracked and disfigured skull on it. Eight red armbands with dagger holders, four on each arm. Moves with a litheness unmatched even by most cats. Voice is soft, but not gentle.
Personality: In one word, Martyr. Matilda risks it all every day of her life. She is dedicated to hunting and slaying evil, while at the same time embracing the evil she hunts. She hates people, and the only reason she doesn't murder people all the time (not that she lets anyone know that's what she wants to do) is because the law enforcement is stronger than her. A second word that would be very descriptive is Nihilist. She wants everything to die, and worships death. She wants to ensure that chaos and death fill the world before she herself dies. Personally believes that evil should die first, and then good, because good is, in her mind, so easy to kill (those silly peaceful citizens, namely). Her likes include poetry (especially poetry related to death; dark themes), sharp things, and spiders.
Abilities and Skills: Minor control over Dark Magic; Capable of creating and controlling the undead; An Assassin in training; Juggling (esp. knives); Ballet dancing; Sneaking and hiding.
Strengths: Has speed above that within the normal human realm; Fast physical and mental reaction speed; High pain tolerance.
Flaws: Doesn't wear armor, so vulnerable; Is negative about virtually everything; Hates the sun.

Satisfied with the profile, Mike began adjusting to the surroundings. Matilda wasn't as tall as Michael was, so everything appeared a bit larger and different than he was used to. Ready, he now assumed the mindset of Matilda.

Matilda looked around. She was in Hyrule Field. The creator of the RP had left the intro 'post' open, so there were many people entering the Field. It was only a matter of time before they started meeting each other and interacting. She was tired, and decided to take a nap, so she picked the shade of a tree near Hyrule Castle (and therefore close to the town), and sat down there. It was much nicer there, out of the light of the sun. She planned ahead, deciding to nap for a little while, and then enter the town, hitting the shadows of the alleys for information from her contacts.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Ash walked along the large Hyrule Field with a steady, and relaxed pace and stride. Within the games themselves, it was always faster to run, as the character you played as wouldn't tire and stop. Here though, he simply couldn't be bothered. The Hyrule Market wasn't far ahead of him, and already he was almost there.

He stopped in front of the large drawbridge to the castle. It was open as it would be within the day time of the roleplay, until it would shut at night to prevent the wandering undead skeleton Stalchildren from entering.

Ash's attention was automatically drawn towards a figure sitting under the shade of a tree close to the drawbridge. In this RP, sometimes you wouldn't be sure of who were actual Players, or just NPCs, but here, the person's appearance obviously looked like a Player. No other NPC would look as striking as this person.

Ash decided to start walking forwards towards her. The whole point of a roleplay was interaction, so it's what he had to do.

"Hello," he said, startling Matilda slightly. "My name is Ash. Might I inquire as to how are you?"

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Matilda jumped to her feet, an alarmed look on her face. She had both her hands wrapped around the handles of two of her daggers, and was in the process of pulling them out. Then, conscious thought took over. With a disconcerned smile on her face, she leaned back against the tree, closing her eyes and sliding the daggers back in their holders, and crossing her arms. "Meh, I actually dozed off!" She opened her eyes again, to look at him. "Ash, huh?" Even though he hadn't specified a height, and had been pushed into a relatively average size proportional to the rest of his profile, she was still more than a head shorter than him. "I'm...well, I suppose. My name is Matilda. And you, Ash? How are you doing today?"

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

OOC: As a reminder, since both the Human And Hedgehog Silvers are in this one, the Hedgehog Silver is to be reffered to as Siv to prevent Confusion.

Siv And Silver Had already begun swimming around again. "Hah! Beat ya!", Siv said, after the tenth short race. "Heh... man, I must be really tired, It's getting harder to swim...",Silver said. "Wait, you noticed it too?", Siv replied. "I think something's wrong... we should get out of here.", Silver said. Siv nodded. They began to swim to the exit as fast as possible.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

At the sound of a challenge, a grin widened on Cari's face as she whirled around and took off after Wraith. She began to slow down...but thought nothing of it. She had been swimming for awhile, it could just be......

....but no. The distance between her and Wraith grew larger and larger as she continued to slow through the slowly fogging water. She squinted to try to see through the purplish water, glancing forward to see how far she had to go before reaching the exit, and back to see how the others were faring in this strange cloudy and hard-to-swim-in water.

She took a breath in and started to shout, "Wrai--" before coughing.... apparently the cloudy water didn't work well with the breathable water. The exit is almost there, keep going....... and make sure your friends keep going too. This looks like it could be bad....

She could see a light further through the cloudy water, but exactly how far ahead couldn't be determined. She could barely see a few feet in front of her. Still, she pressed on, hoping Vixie and Mickey and anybody else that was in their group had been following.

OOC: Hey, don't worry about it Wayfarer ^_^ And it's okay if you called me "Tricia", many people do, it's quite fine. ^^ No need to really apologize, though I do appreciate it. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Suddenly Cari felt hands grab her under her shoulders, and she found herself being propelled forward at some pace! At least, it felt like it, judging by the feel of the water on her face. She could barely see the walls anymore, so she couldn't really see movement.

Then, suddenly, the open air surrounded her again!

She fell out of the Sphere Pool opening, landing with a bump on the floor. Wraith was beside her, a concerned look on his face.

"You two okay? What the hey is going on???"

Cari coughed again, temporarely unable to speak. As she recovered she glanced around to see who had helped her, and noticed Vixie was lying on the floor beside her, also coughing roughly. Something about her had changed though! From her back, over her shoulder blades, sprouted two large, luxuriously fethered wings, colored a shimmering golden brown! Each one was almost six feet long, pushing her wingspan to over eleven feet!

She cought her gaze. "Sorry for the push." she said sheepishly. "I saw the water getting cloudy and figured something was amiss, so I moved us out as quick as I could." Cari nodded slowly, still staring at the kitsun's wings in amazement. They were far to big to be completely unfurlled in the small tube of course, but she must have used them to accelerate the two of them through the water!

Wraith, meanwhile, was staring at the Sphere Pool entrance. "Dang...!" he muttered as he stared wide-eyed at the mass of viscus purple ooze that the water had become. The forcefield, designed to keep liquid in not semi-solids, was beginning to fail and some of the purple jelly was beginning to leak out, slopping down the wall like small purple slugs.

"There are still people in there!" exclaimed Wraith, running a hand through his dreads. "We've got to do something!"

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Todays been an alright day, I suppose. Ash replied to Matilda, whose appearance still intrigued Ash through the unusual design of it. Ive just been scouting around, checking various places to make sure everything is still safe from monster attacks, especially as theyre picking up in intensity

I just got back from Kakariko Village which is safe, and I was just about to pick up on some supplies within the Town Market. You should be careful and watch yourself though. Although Im sorry for waking up your sleep, in a way I suppose its a good thing. If you slept for too long when it turned to night time youd be in big trouble the drawbridge would be closed and the Stalchildren theyd be up and about. There must be literally hundreds of them then if you do wish to sleep, Id really recommend it if you did so within the market. True, youd have to pay for an inn if you wanted the comfort of a proper bed but at any rate, in there would be a lot more safer.

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"My, it sounds like you've been busy! Nevertheless, you're right, it was good you got me up. I've got some things to take care of in town. I've got to get back out here before nightfall, though; I'm going to be hunting Stalchildren tonight."

The confidence Matilda had as she said that added to Ash's perplexed feelings. "All night?" he asked, doubt on his face.

Matilda didn't skip a beat. "Naw. Only as long as I need to." she opened a belt pouch, and held out a bone. "I'm trying to assemble all of the bones of a Stalchild, in order to practice some magic. I'll hunt as long as I need to. There's always a safe place somewhere, right?"

Matilda put the bone away, and started walking to the drawbridge.


Mickey saw three of them go down the tunnel, but before he could follow, he was being trapped by something! Mickey tried to shout out something, but quickly realized that his breath was limited! He moved down as far as he could, and caught one last breath before fighting through the purple to the hallway!

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Wraith couldn't help himself...he had to do something! Taking a deep breath he jumped forward, plunging into the purple jelly head first. The material stung his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and kept them open, using whatever little vision he had left in the purple slush.

Swimming was now almost impossible...the jelly just slopped out of the way of his hands and slopped back as they passed. Clenching his fists (and shivering with revultion as some of the ooze got caught in his palms) he lashed out at the sides of the tunnel, digging his knuckledusters into the tiled surface. Then, hand over hand, he began to pull himself along, deeper into the purple void.

He couldn't go too deep; too far and he wouldn't have enough air to get back out! Maybe there was someone near the entrance though, that him over there!

Squinting, Wraith caught sight of a thin figure a little way ahead, floundering somewhat in the jellylike surroundings. Anchoring his left hand in the tunnel wall, Wraith reached forward and grabbed the figure by the wrist, dragging him forward towards the exit. The question was, would they both have enough breath to get out in time?

Outside the Sphere Pool entrance, Cari was helping Vixie to her feet.

"What's going on?" asked the vixen, staring incredulously at the slides and pools of the Hydrocity, each of them steadily getting thicker and thicker with the purple ooze. "How's this happening?"

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Cari brushed the mess of blue hair out of her face after making sure Vixie was on her feet again, frowning at the purple residue left behind on her hand (and everywhere else).... but that wasn't important right now.

"Hey, did you see wher--" Cari started, looking around for the familiar echidna who was just there a few seconds ago.

"How is this happening?" Vixie asked as Cari headed towards the edge of one of the pools.

"I dunno, but we can figure that out later!" she called in reply as she scanned the rapidly changing water in the main pool. Most of the people had gotten themselves out, or at least towards the shallow end of the beach-like pool. Cari's eyes widened in fear as two kids in the center of the pool tried their hardest to keep their heads above the purple jelly-like substance.

Without a second thought, she took a flying leap as far as she could into the goo. She seemed to just slide through the purpleness, sending a rather small splash into the air. Using her height as an advantage, she waded through the pool to the frightened kids.

"Hey!" she called with a smile on her face to try to get the kids to calm down. They spun as best as they could through the goo and quieted down a bit. Without a word, they reached for both of Cari's arms and clung to her as she turned and begun wading back.

The journey to the edge of the pool proved to be much more difficult.... the sludge grew thicker and thicker with each step she took, and the added weight of the children wasn't helping either. Still, she persisted and after several minutes of incredibly slow walking, the three made it to the stone edge of the pool. The children scrambled out, hastily thanking Cari and hurried to find their parents.

Cari returned to Vixie near the entrance to the spherepool, asking again. "Hey, have you seen Wraith at all? I mean... he was just here, wasn't he?" She looked around again, wondering if she had missed him the first time she searched.

OOC: Might bring those kids back later. They could be cool :3

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Noble Member

(OOC: Don't want to end up like my characters are super heroes rescuing everyone here, but I've just had another idea^^)

"I don't know." replied Vixie shaking her head. "You don't suppose..." She turned to look at the purple hole in the wall that was the Sphere Pool.

Cari's eyes widened. "He couldn't...could he?"

Suddenly Vixoria looked round, frowning. "You hear that?"


The kitsune turned and moved off a little way, toward one of the larger water slides. Her ears were flicking from side to side, listening. "There's someone inside one of those tubes!" she exclaimed. "I'll be right back!"

Spreading her long wings, she jumped into the air and flew across to the tube, landing a short way up where there was an open section. Careful not to slip on the smooth plastic, she ducked down inside and called out: "You okay?"

His lungs were bursting...

but the gloop was definitely getting lighter! They had to be near the entrance!

Wraith reached forward and dragged himself and the figure along a little further. It was still getting tougher! Just how thick was this jelly going to get???

For a moment his mind flicked onto all those in the lower reaches of the Shere Pool...those who had no chance of making it to the exits...

He was nearly sick. What a way to go! He shivered, trying to push the image out of his mind.

His lungs screamed at him to breathe! He couldn't hold on much longer! Just-a-little-further!

With a strainge SHLURPing noise he finally reached the entrance, collapsing onto the tiled floor. The forcefield, strugling to keep the ooze in, finally gave way as he passed through it, and slowly some of the purple mess began to slop out onto the floor beside him. Very slowly was getting less viscous by the minute!

"There you are!" eclaimed Cari, bending down next to them. "You okay?"

Wraith was unable to speak for a moment, panting to regain his breath, but he nodded slightly. When he had regained his composure sufficiently he sat up and looked across at the figure he had pulled out...

(OOC: The option's there for the person in the Spherepool to me Mickey, but it doesn't have to be if you don't want Wayfarer.

Also, the figure in the pipe could be DB, but again, it doesn't have to be if you don't want DB^^)

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OOC: I was going to have it be Mickey, but I have another idea.


Mickey watched as Wraith blindly grabbed Siv, and 'swam' back out to the entrance. While it was odd that he could see just fine through the substance, he knew why. Not being able to move, and rapidly running out of air, Mickey felt like he had no choice. "Here goes...Michael, I'm sorry if this is a bad time, but I need your help!"

A glow surrounded Mickey, and he rapidly glided down to Silver. With a push, he forced Silver to go 'flying' through the goo. With a satisfied smile, Mickey saw that Silver landed next to Siv and Wraith. Looking around, he saw that almost everyone else had gotten out already, and those that hadn't were so close to an exit that they would be out in a moment. The glow began to fade around Mickey, and his eyes widened in panic! "No! Not yet! Everyone else is safe, but what about me?!"

The aura payed no heed to his pleading. He grabbed one last breath before the glowing aura faded. He was so tired...the power he used was exhausting. He had only one chance now. Putting all of his effort into it, he opened one of his swim trunk pockets, and grabbed a specific red glo-stick from among the rest. He pressed the three hidden buttons on it, and pushed it as far from him as he could. beep...beep...beep...

Mickey was mentally yelling, "Hurry up!"

BOOM! The glo-stick exploded! The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the goo, and Mickey was propelled down an exit tube! The force was enough to send him flying out the tube, right over Cari's head! He took a deep breath, and then began to scream as he fell down! Seeing he was falling toward a pool, he shouted, "Belly flop!" Landing in the shallow end of a pool, the goo stopped the bulk of his fall, causing a large splash! He rapidly managed to pull himself out of the pool, and collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, almost all of his energy drained. "So...tired..."

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"Whoa!" Cari watched as people continued to drag themselves out of the spherepool from various exits. She jumped in surprise upon seeing Silver launch through the forcefield, and nearly fell over when Mickey flew right over her head and into the pool farther away. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she glanced over to make sure her new friends were doing all right, before hurrying to the edge of the pool where Mickey had dragged himself out and collapsed.

She kneeled down beside him. "You need some help there?" she asked concernedly, before a grin took over her face. "That was awesome, how you just flew out of the pool!"

Her face fell again as she surveyed the waterpark. The once sparkling blue water had all changed to the thick, purple goo. It seemed almost everybody had found their way out somehow, and those who were still stuck were being helped by people nearby. People stood wrapped in towels, trying to scrub any purple residue off of their bodies. Cari frowned and ran a hand through her hair again. The goo was starting to cake in, and she wondered how it would ever get out.... but no, it wasn't the time for thoughts like that.

"This is so bizarre.... what in the world happened to this place?" she asked in a quiet voice, standing up slowly. She, too, was exhausted, but others came first and she extended a hand down for Mickey to take if he needed help up.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Noble Member

Mickey took the offered hand, and made it to his feet. Smiling, he said, "Thank you!"

He checked himself, and smiled upon finding himself basically unharmed! "Ah, good! I knew smuggling in a stick of dynamite was a good idea! Ha!"

RP Guild

Matilda suddenly went pale, which was worriesome as she was already pale! Collapsing to her knees, she tried to catch her breath! Her eyes glazed over, as...

Michael mentally pulled out of the character for a moment, checking on his body's condition. Upon realizing that the Astral Link between him and Mickey had been activited, he thought, "What on earth could be going on that he needs to do that for?" Finding that he was simply fatigued, and in no real danger, he pulled back into his character.

Matilda's eyes returned to normal, and she saw a very concerned Ash next to her. "Are you okay?" He repeated, now that it looked like she could hear him again.

She was rapidly recovering, the connection between herself and Michael seperating. "Yeh...thanks."

As she got to her feet, Ash helping her up, she glanced around, and saw another character approaching. "Oh, look, another adventurer. I wonder if she lives as exciting a life as you do?"

OOC EDIT: lol, I posted while Pach was typing! Ehh...what to do...?

Posts: 2234
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Ash raised an eyebrow as he watched Matilda walk away towards the draw bridge and enter the Hyrule Castle Market Town. What she was aiming to do was certainly something new. Although he had known there was magic in the world, the fact that she actually purposely wanted to fight Stalchildren, to get their bones and perform magic, was strange and interesting. Hed keep and eye on her.

Ash looked back, across the large Hyrule Field before going into the Market. He could see someone running in this direction, towards the Market as well and wondered if it was Lena.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Justin had just entered the edge of the Sailorness District when he walked past an eletronics store, but backpedaled and stoodto watch the news on the holographic TV projectors that were in the front window, displaying the news.

"This just in: the Hydro City water park has been sabotaged mysteriously. The water has been replaced with a mysterious purple gel. Police on site report that everyone made it out of the poolsphere section of the park, which is entirely underwater, safely. Hydro City officials are now considering new measures to protect swimmers in case a similar event occurs. While there have been no casualties, it is unclear whether this was an act of terrorism or merely a prank."

Whoa, I could've been still back there if I hadn't met Lena when I did, thought Justin as he continued on his way. But she's back at the Guild, so she should be safe. Just hope she doesn't go into Dome Three until we get that actuator crystal back in place...

He passed by a couple of Sailors, who giggled and hurried on their way. But back to the present, I've still got to pick up that crystal and get out of here, he thought as he picked up his pace. I'm only in the outskirts right now, but soon I'll hardly see anyone but Sailor Scouts. It's not always a good thing to be a guy wandering around in here, I mean, some of the Sailors are feminazis because of their personality aspects. Let's just hope that none of them are around that strike...

Justin walked along the sidewalk, the scenery still resembling the familiar urban environment of Sega City, but of course there were the decorations and balloons and confetti here in this section as well, although more themed for the Sailor Scouts since this was their District of the city. Even most of the vendors were Scouts, though there were one or two men who tried to sell jewelry or flowers. But it looked like they weren't getting much business compared to the kiosks around them, and Justin felt somewhat sorry for them as he walked on by.

But then he turned the corner, and his eyes were greeted by the sight of a hundred Sailor Scouts marching around the production facility. Each one was carrying a sign that carried some catchy yet biting slogan on them.

Some guys would be looking forward to seeing this many women in one spot, thought Justin as the hair on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end. But these chicas have unique super powers that could make this turn ugly if this isn't handled just right...


Posts: 1984
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OOC: (Arg! I'm gone for just a few days and all this happens?! *hits self*)

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(OOC: lol I know the feeling DB ><

Since DB got stuck in the pipe the main things that have happened are the Spherepool turning to jelly, causing a mass exodus of everyone in there. Also, my character Vixie heard someone calling for help in one of the pipes and has gone to help. It's up to you if this is DB or if it's someone else. Just let me know ;) )

Posts: 1984
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OOC: (Thats fine! It can be DB! When I got her stuck in that slide/pipe thing I didn't give much thought about how she would be rescued.)

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Vixie began to edge down the pipe, bracing her hands against the side to stop herself sliding away. Fortunately the purple jelly in the pipe was now so sticky that she could walk on it without her feet slipping out from under her.

"Anyone here?" she called. She was sure she'd heard a voice a moment ago, bu it had gone quiet now.

"Yes!" came a reply. "Where are you?"

"Up above you." Vivie called back. "Hang on, I'm coming." Carefully she continued forward, the bright yellow plastic of the pipe surrounding her. The voice was coming from around the corner up ahead.

A moment later she reached the corner, and turned it to see the kitsune sat a little further down the pipe, apparently stuck in the goo. She looked around over her shoulder as Vixie approached. "Hi." smiled the vixen. "I'm Vixoria. What's your name?"

(OOC: DB just for the record, how old is DB again? (o.O that sounded

Wraith stood up, still breathing deeply, but largely recovered from his breathing difficulty. He knelt down beside Siv, who was sat staring at the purple sludge dripping slowly out of the Spherepool. "You okay?"

Siv nodded, and Wraith stood up and moved over to where Cari was helping Mickey up. "This is insane." he muttered, looking round at the frozen slides and almost solid pools.

Suddenly a voice echoed over the speaker system: "Ladies, Gentlemen and Androdgenous races, we regret to inform you that the Hydrocity Water Park will be closed until further notice. Please retrieve your belongings and proceed to the exits. I repeat..."

Wraith turned to the others, his eyebrows raised. "Well that little escapade was different!" he muttered. "What shall we do now?"

Posts: 1984
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OOC: (I believe I had her age at 17 years. I'll post something soon hopefully.)

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With a laugh, Cari gestured down to her purple-gooed black swimsuit. "I think we should change into normal clothes before we do anything else...."

The sun hung in the western sky, casting longer shadows near tall objects and painting the sky with light pinks and yellows, which faded to the still bright blue above. "I'd say it's about five o'clock," she commented. "...I heard there's a really awesome fireworks display later this evening! Anyone feel like sticking around till then?"

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

DB struggled in vain in the thick purple stuff. "My name is DB, can you get me out of here?" It was easy to tell that she was eager to get out!

(sorry for ultra shortness!)

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"I can try." said Vixie, smiling warmly to try to ease DB's fears. Carefully she bent down and took hold of the kitsune under her shoulders, lifting her with all her strength.

Not a movement. DB looked down at the purple sludge that was holding her, a worried look on her face. "Am I ever going to get out?"

Vixie was thinking. "We need to let air into the gap." she muttered. "It's the suction that's got you." She knelt down, trying to get a better position in the cramped confines of the pipe. "Tell you what, I'll try to pull you out again, and as I do, you try to brush some of the jelly away from you, ok?"

DB nodded and Vixie once again started trying to pull her free. As she did so, DB clawed at the jelly around her with her fingers.

Suddenly there was a loud shlurping sound and the kitsune moved slightly as the air rushed in underneath her! "It's working!" grinned Vixie. "Keep it up!"


"Yeah I'm into fireworks." grinned Wraith, running his fingers through his dreads to clean off the goo. "Hey I know a nice restaurant that overlooks the pier! They always set off the fireworks from the pier...we'd have a fantastic view, and we'd be able to eat while we watch!"

Did that sound like an invitation to a dinner date??? The thought suddenly dawned on him and he went redder than his fur already was! He hoped to goodness Cari wouldn't take it the wrong way. Surely she couldn't...Mickey was there too, and Siv was nearby, so it wouldn't seem like a date would it? But even so he couldn't help worrying...

Posts: 1984
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DB suddenly felt herself being released from the goop. Almost as if it had lost interest in holding her.

Like this stuff is....alive....oh Please!

She was out of the slide, taking big breaths and hugging her middle. That stuff, whatever it was, was just starting to crush the air out of her. Thankfully Vixie was there just in time. "Thankyou for saving me."

Posts: 383
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"...I heard there's a really awesome fireworks display later this evening! Anyone feel like sticking around till then?"

"Sure, i guess that nothing could be worse than that." Siv said, looking atthe dome again. He worked some of the purple goo out of his spines. "Gah... what is this stuff?", He said, getting the last of it out. "Oh! I forgot to thank you guys for saving us. I don't know how much longer I would've lasted down there...", Silver said, opening one of the provided lockers and getting his and Siv's stuff.

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Having pried DB out of the mess (and admiring her calmness! All around them were shouts and screams from some of the other trapped holidaymakers!) Vixie helped her climb the sludge until they reached the open section of the pipe again, then, spreading her wings, the vixen lefted the two of them out of the pipe and landed them both on a nearby platform.

"Thankyou for saving me."

Vixie smiled as she rubbed the bottom of her paws, knocking off some of the purple residue that had stuck to her feet. "No problem." she replied. Her eyes drifted out to the sea of purple. "This is so strainge...I've never seen anything like it!"

Posts: 1984
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DB gazed at the site. All of Hydro City was a complete mess! It might take days to clear this mess away. Talk about a damper on good swim time.

"Oh well." she sighed. "I guess we have no choice but to pack up our stuff and look for fun someplace else." then she thought. "Seems just too odd that something like this would randomly happen. Somebody is trying to make weird jokes."
Vixie noddes her head. "People could have been hurt. They must have not had enough sense to know that!" she looked cross when she thought about it.

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OOC: Y'know, considering I was so enthusiastic to get this thing ported over, you'd think I would have posted more.

All of a sudden, Lokki came running up to DB and her winged companion, still in his underwear that served as make-shift swimwear.

"Aha! There you are," he exclaimed, "You wandered off after I quit the changing rooms and I searched high and low for you after the water began to congeal. You had me worried there; 'tis a great relief to know you're safe. So much for swimming."

Then, Lokki took note of DB's saviour. "Though every cloud has a silver lining," he thought. He introduced himself with an ostentatious bow: "I'm Lokki Gallansbayne, and I'm terribly greatful for your having saved my friend." He then took the vixen's hand and, without caring how she would react, kissed it. "And who might you be?"

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Vixie raised an eyebrow at Lokki's straightforward approach, but she was grinning wryly. "My name's Vixoria, but everyone calls me Vixie." she replied. "A pleasure, Mister Galansbayne."

She glanced at DB then back at the newcomer. "I take it you two know each other then?"


"Hey no probs man." replied Wraith as he followed Silver towards the changing rooms and too the lockers. "I just did what had to be done."

He opened his locker and retreaved his things, but before he set off to the male changing rooms he turned to Cari. "Meet up at the Hydrocity entrance then?" he asked.

Cari nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Wraith smiled and turned to follow Silver, but a thought struck him and he paused. "Say where did Vixie go?"

Posts: 1984
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DB was still trying to get purply gunk out of her ears, but she also took note of Lokki's very straight-forward behavior.

"What was that? Oh, Oh yes. I know him...for a couple of hours anyway." Somewhat satisfied she left her ears alone. "I guess its a good thing I didn't try that hydro-sphere thingy. I am not the world's fastest swimmer." Taking another look around caused her to wrinkle her nose in disgust. What genious decided to pull this?

DB turned to Lokki,"So what do we do now? And where is your friend Geo?"

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Cari started to walk ahead to her own locker, but paused after hearing Wraith's question: "Where did Vixie go?"

She glanced up at the sky, calling behind her, "She was with us... but she heard somebody in trouble and went to help. I'm sure she'll be back here soon." While she opened her locker and took out her belongings, she continued, "Do ya wanna wait for her till she gets back or just let her catch up with us later?"

She smiled. "Either is fine with me. Afterall, it's always fun to have a larger group!"

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1321
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Mickey had also gone to find his locker, and gather his belongings. He was honestly surprised that no one commented about the dynamite. "I mean, who carries high explosives when they go swimming?"

Either way, he decided now would be a good time to ask them. "Hey, have any of you seen a friend of mine by the name of Michael? He looks a lot like me."

At the responses in the negative, Mickey nodded. "I thought as much. Still, I thought I'd check. I'm just worried about him, is all. I know I'm not really invited, but you're the only people I really know here, so maybe I'll tag along? Eh, naw, I'll just be annoying if I hang around. But who knows, maybe we'll run into each other later! But right now, I need to get changed, and see if I can get the rest of this purple stuff offa me! I like purple, don't get me wrong, but this is just plain inconvenient!"

Mickey started to walk off, heading for the changing rooms.

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Lokki pondered DB's inquiry. "Geo? I suspect he lost track of us in the changing rooms. Either he's looking for us or he vacated the area when the violet catastrophe struck.

"As for what happens now, I'd suggest we all get dressed before doing anything, since I doubt anyone's going to be swimming for some time. After that, perhaps we should investigate this most peculiar sabotage. Or we could leave that to the authorities, but where's the fun in that? In any case, for the contaminant to have spread so quickly, there has to be some kind of pump system or somesuch to keep the water flowing. If we could locate the main mechanism of that, it might be a good starting point. Of course, 'tis only a suggestion; we could do something else if you two'd rather."

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