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From Another's Eyes...
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From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

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(OOC: o.O sorry SL did you have plans for her? Events involving Rhymane have made him somewhat famous (or infamous) in the forest, so the creatures there would all recognise him. I hope I haven't interrupted anything you were thinking though.)


"Used to be..." muttered Rhymane, still running. "Apparently she now doesn't agree."

They turned a corner and found themselves facing a blank wall. "What the...?"

"Down there, behind the bins!" muttered Wraith, pointing with his nose. Sure enough, there was a small opening in the wall behind the trash cans, barely visable from where they were standing. Without another word Rhymane darted forward, squeezing through the small hole...

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Meeka looked up at the trees suspicously.
"Who big voiced thing in trees, hiding and frightening poor Meeka, you big nasty thing to eat Meeka? Trick Meeka so Meeka come out and you munch on Meeka and leave Meeka all chew chew to cat cats to nibble on thing of tree shadow?" Gabbled the rat, managing to grasp some confidence from the safety of his hole.

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Amber leapt after the fox, slipping through the hole with ease and following him, easily keeping up with him.

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Ruby had scrambled through the hole and turned a corner, hoping to be able to run across the tracks before another train came by. She knew and recognized Rhy, but she hadn't exactly run away out of fear. She felt embarrassed to be caught in such a stupid position, one where she knew she hadn't been thinking. It had been careless to try and climb the jet ski, when the knew it was unstable. The vixen scowled at herself, until she tripped on a crack in the pavement, landing on her sore paw with a yelp.

Stormcloud just glanced at Rhymane with a curious look in her blue eyes, then followed him through the hole. A yelp coming from around the corner alerted her, and she guessed Ruby had stumbled...

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Rhymane turned the corner quickly, almost running into the fallen vixen. He checked himself and looked down at her.

"You okay?"

"Go away!"

"Ruby, I only want to help..."

"I want nothing to do with you! Leave me alone!"

Rhymane sighed. "Okay, I will, but before I do, I just want to make sure you're allright."

Ruby fixed him with a glare, but she nodded curtly.

"Okay." replied Rhymane quietly. "I'm sorry for desturbing you."

The others had now caught up and were stood close by. Rhymane stepped backwards and wondered over to the other side of the street, hoping to put Ruby at ease by his distance. Her cold eyes followed him as he moved, burning into him like diamonds.

He found a small patch of grass and lay down on it, watching his small group of friends and the injured vixen. He didn't show it outwardly, but inside, he felt like crying...

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(OOC: Wraith PMed me and we talked things over a little. Changing Ailia's name)

Ruby's gaze faltered. The vixen then began to lick her paw, ignoring Stormcloud's curious glance every now and then. Finally, she watched as the Stray padded over to Rhy, laying down next to the fox.

"Well then...she sure is a stubborn thing," Storm remarked, watching Rhymane's face for his reaction. "She is definitely full-"

"Rhy. Rhymane!"

The two looked up to see Ruby limping toward them, ears back, face set in a frown. Rhy stiffened beside Stormcloud.

"I'm not far enough away from you, am I?" He asked, eyes narrowing.

"Oh shut up!" Ruby retorted, glaring at him. "You should know how I am." And sitting down in front of him, the vixen softened her glare. "I am curious. You scared the daylights out of me...why were you in there anyway?"

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"We're going to the forest and that was a short-cut."

Ruby blinked, staring at Rhymane wide-eyed. "You' are going to the forest?"

Rhy nodded. "We need to see the Admin White. There's something strainge going on with the Humans and she's the only one who can read their language."

"It's risky seeing her..." replied Ruby thoughtfully.

"We know," interjected Strom, "Marshall told us, but we have no choice. Fenix and lots of others could be in danger."

"Fenix...?" echoed Ruby quietly, glancing at Rhymane. The dog fox stood up, shaking himself.

"Yeah." he confirmed. "Looks like she was taken by the Humans...her cubs as well. You'll forgive us if we seem rude, but we have to press on." He sighed, and his tone softened. "I'm sorry if I upset you." he murmured. "I know it's hard for you to see me, but I have to help in any way I can. It's...the least I can do for her..."

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A hurt look crossed Ruby's features, but only momentarily. The vixen nodded, looking away, before turning to look Rhymane straight in the eye. There was something in her gaze that got to the other fox...something he'd never noticed. A certain.....wistfulness, was it?

"I see. Well then, if you don't mind, I'll tag along." Her voice, slow and quiet, broke through his thoughts.

Wraith sighed impatiently, "Look, we haven't got all day! We NEED to get this little reunion party moving. We've only got a few more hours until the train passes through!"

Stormcloud looked thoughtful. "Yes...Wraith is right. Are you sure you'll be able to keep up with us? Ruby, was it?"

Ruby nodded. "Yes. I'll keep up."

Storm had seen that same look in her eyes, and wondered...just wondered, if perhaps there was more to Ruby's actions than just being concerned.

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Amber sat watching while the foxes exchanged looks and words until finally Ruby joined them.
The tabby got up and got ready to move, a look of concern crossed her face as she looked at the paw, but she shook it off, you musn't show weakness in front of a potential threat.

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Rhy was momentarilly rivited to the spot, his face showing a look of suprise, then he took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Okay..." he faltered, as though unsure of what to say. "Let's get going then. This way."

He set off up the road, somewhat muted. His eyes were fixed on the floor, as though he was deep in thought.

Then, suddenly, the silence was broken by a noise, quiet at first, but growing louder by the second! A steady rattling noise, accompanied by a loud roar...the train tracks! They were close, very close!

"From what I've seen they seem to come at around twenty minute intervals." muttered Rhymane as the sound died away. "Let's see if we can make it across before the next one comes."

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Ruby nodded. She wanted so much to press against Rhy's side, let him know she wasn't afraid of him. But her fear of what he might say if she did kept her from doing anything but nodding. The vixen walked quietly up to Rhy's side, wincing slightly because of her bruised paw. It was most likely to give her trouble as she went, but she was unwilling to let it show. Ruby didn't want to come off as weak to Rhymane and his gang.

Stormcloud nodded to Rhy to start walking. The Stray was just as nervous as any other animal walking along train tracks. Her fur was sticking up, a sure sign that she was ready to bolt if anyone felt even the slightest of vibrations.

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The tabby kept her eyes on the way ahead of her, forcing herself not to run across the tracks immediately, but her ears flicked bak and forth and her feet pressed hard on the metal, like Stormcloud, she was all ready for running if sound or movement was sensed.

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Rhymane noticed the others were tense, but he just couldn't concentrate. His mind was spinning, and for the first time, he felt just a little hopeful. Maybe his reception wouldn't be that bad after all! But then...was Ruby more forgiving that most? Did she have some ulterior motive...?

The group stepped out onto a large train bridge over the river (the same bridge that Blood had hidden under for months, althogh they didn't know it). This was the most dangerous part of the trip. If anything should happen here, there was nowhere to run; the barriers on either side of the bridge blocked escape routes.

"Almost there." muttered Rhymane destractedly. Storm and Amber were glancing round aprehensivley, noticing the confinement of their predicament. Wraith didn't seem to care.

"Finally!" he muttered to himself.

Suddenly a blinding light flashed on ahead of them, stinging their eyes and forcing them to look away! Then the rails began to shake, and the deafaning roaring noise started up!

"What the???" cried Amber in shock.

Unknown to the animals, the last goods train out of the London station had been delayed severely due to loading problems, and to save fuel the driver had switched off the engine! Now fully loaded though, the train was getting underway!

The light began to advance forward, slowly at first, but steadily gathering speed! As it left the station and rumbled onto the bridge the floor began to shake even more violently than before! The deafening roaring and screeching was terrifying!

Rhymane's eyes widened as the massive metal obelisk accelerated towards them.


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Gem opened her eyes, consciousness coming back to her. As she looked around in the dim light, she thought back to the last thing she could remember. The noise...the one everyone went to investigate. Gem hadn't seen what it was, only that the others were following it...down a tunnel? A hole in the wall? Either way, she was behind everyone else, and...back in the present, she looked up. An old part of the floor had collapsed! So, she was now in what looked like an old tunnel, just beneath the arcade. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

Her voice echoed eerily down the dark corridors, and she shivered with fear. It seemed obvious that the others had already gotten too far away. Alone and afraid, she began to make her way in the direction she thought the forest would be in. Her best bet was to find an alternate route, and met up with the group. There was no way she could climb these stone walls. The thick stench of moss hit her, as she realized much of the walls were covered in lichen, and that there was water dripping somewhere down the old, collapsing tunnel. Off in the distance above her, somewhere, she heard a train.

Central Park

There was no reply from the trees. A rustling of leaves several trees away seemed to be William's way of letting them know where he was.

Marshall's dark comrade said one last thing before vanishing into the night... "You'd better prepare to receive Eikichi's report. He'll be here soon."

Marshall rembered the rat, and looked out at the storm. "Oh, man, if he's still out there..."

Leaving his sentence hanging, Marshall made short dashes between trees, until he neared the camp. He found Mossbelly, who was near a little kitten. His tone of voice was much more polite this time. "Miss Mossbelly, is everything going well?"

Marshall hesitated, upon seeing the cat Leon nearby. He most certainly couldn't have a Stray nearby when Eikichi returned! Choosing to not comment about it or force him out, the Dane turned back to Moss.

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"Move it!" Yowled Stormcloud, panic clear in her voice. The others didn't need telling twice. The two Strays, Amber and her, being the smallest and lightest, rapidly gained the lead.

Ruby yelped with alarm as she began to pick up speed. Ignoring the throbbing in her left forepaw, the vixen ran as if the train was closer than it actually was. However, she was going a little too fast....and ended up getting her hind leg caught between one of the rails. Stumbling, she cried out, "Help! Ugh, guys! Rhy! I'm STUCK!"

Stormcloud skidded to a halt, hesitated, then ran back the way she came. In her haste, she had forgotten about Ruby specifically. The silver and white flecked she-cat stopped, and, with hurried motions, began to loosen Ruby's leg.

~*Admin Camp*~

Mossbelly nodded her head, "Mostly. The kit is alright, and, as soon as the storm lets up and the sun rises, I'm taking her home. We had a little scare from a certain legless lizard....and I doubt it'd be wise for her to stay longer than needed."

Finished her short report, the feline observed Marshall, who had a few cuts and scrapes. Most interesting of all was the juice from the flower that Gem had pasted upon the wound inflicted by Blood. Mossbelly raised her eyebrows and purred with curiosity.

"My lord Marshall...what happened to you?" She asked.

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With the powerful effect of the herbs, Marshall had completely forgotten he had injuries! "Er, those? When I tried to go out on patrol, I didn't get very far before some other animals and I were attacked. As of right now, it's...a long story. The snake you're talking about did help us in the fight. I, uh, really don't know where to begin. I don't want to trouble you with the details..."

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Heh, you might not want to trouble her with the details, but I sure as heck do! came another voice from behind them all, which made them turn automatically to look at it and then look down, lower to the ground at the smaller figure. A rat. Eikichi.

Eikichi! Youre back! Marshall said.

At long last, darn rain. Nice weather were having, hmm? Eikichi said sarcastically. Ive done my job, got the details and everything Eikichi suddenly stopped, as he turned towards the cat, Leon. He wasnt familiar at all, certainly not an admin. And he looked like a stray cat. That was a definite worry. And who are you? Eikichi said brashly.

My names Leon. The tabby replied. I was just here, looking to see if anything new had happened. Im leaving after it stops raining.

Youre after information, eh? Eikichi looked towards Leon curiously, before shooting Marshall the look. The look that he didnt trust him, and of the cats possible loyalties. Marshall nodded back, understanding. Well, nothings happening here as you might well know.

But you just said youve got details, of what you just did in your job. Isnt there information in there? Leon began to ask.

Butt out, scruffy! Ever hear a funny term called Curiosity killed the cat? My details arent anything to do with Central park at all. Just a little bit of personal, private information between me and the oladmins.

Leon glared at Eikichi, before slowly nodding. That the way, huh? Then I wont keep you. Im out of here. Leon said, before turning and darting out into the rain and towards the exit to the southern part of the city.

Huh. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Eikichi muttered.

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Rhymane had reached the end of the bridge and dived off to the side before realising anything was wrong.Glancing round at the others who were running, he realised in shock that Storm and Ruby weren't among them!

He looked back across the bridge, his face turning to absolute horror as he saw their predicament! "Oh no...!"

The air was rent in two by the train's blaring horn, an ear-splitting blast that knocked Rhy dizzy!"You two, get out of there!" he roared as the horn finished, although wether they heard him or not after that blast was another question.

Storm managed to free Ruby's leg and together they began to run from the advancing monster. But by now the train was picking up considerable speed...!

Storm lunged off the bridge and dived sideways off the rails, her fur standing on end with the excitement. Ruby, though, thanks to her limp, was going slower.

The blinding light grew bigger and bigger, bearing down on the small vixen like a hawk with a mouse! Closer...closer...

Ruby reached the end of the bridge, but the train was on top of her!


Without thinking Rhymane dived forward, head down, charging into Ruby at pace! A split second later the train obscured them both from view!

The others cowered as the roaring, rumbling beast thundered past, hardly dearing to breathe! The dark shadows of the wagons loomed over them as they raced off into the night, ominous like shadowy monsters...

Then suddely, the train was gone, roaring off into the night leaving only a distant echo in it's wake.

The group at the side of the tracks looked up urgently, wondering what had happened to Rhymane and Ruby!

The vixen was there, lay on the other side of the tracks. She panted slightly as she rolled over and sat up. She was winded, but alive!

Rhymane, though, was nowhere to be seen...

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Amber ran over to the tracks, looking left and right in surprise, searching for any sign of the fox, but he was gone. She turned her attention to Ruby,
"You okay?" She asked, even so, she looked sideways at the tracks, she could grieve later, but maybe he had somehow survived...

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"Rat rat friend! Cried Meeka happily pelting out from the cover of tree roots, forgetting his fears for the time being.
"Now Meeka no alone, if you rat rat no hurted by cat cat and woofs then Meeka be safe in presence of nasty big things that eateth rat rats like Meeka normal likely."

Posts: 2234
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Heh, woah woah woah! Its always good to see another rat round these parts, yknow? But you seem a bit off the deep end, my friend. Eikichi said, looking over Meeka with confusion and generally, being unimpressed. My advice to you, kid, is to get some backbone. Stop being such a coward! True, these guys might be bigger then us, more dangerous and could quite easily kill us without any problem, but youre a rat! And us rats can take care of ourselves, yknow what Im saying? Stop worrying so much and look on the positive side of yself.

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Ruby nodded, gulping some air to hopefully soothe her burning lungs. Her chest heaved with the effort to outrun the train, and she was about to thank Rhymane, until she noticed Amber's look...panic began to well in her stomach. The vixen whipped her head around in both directions, ignoring how much more her paw hurt. Gathering all the breath she could muster, Ruby began shouting, "Rhy! RHYMANE! Where are you!?!? Rhy??? PLEASE, answer me!!"

Stormcloud bounded over to the spot where Rhy and Ruby had been, inspecting it with her keen sense of smell. Of course, their scents were still fresh...but Rhy's scent was gone. Peering down through the heavy wooden planks set between the rails, the she-cat tried to catch her breath at the same time.

C'mon, Rhy...You can't go and get run over now.... The Stray thought, all of a sudden feeling guilty.

Ruby, meanwhile, was frantically searching up and down, going as fast as she possibly could. This time, though, she was more cautious about her footing. Oh why hadn't I been more careful?? This is all my fault.... She felt miserable.

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He watched the flashing lights curiously as his body slowly rotated. It was a strainge sensation...not at all unplesent though.

The lights looked like they were traveling at speed, blurred into long lines that slowly floated past him as he turned...they were moving so slowly though.

Was this death...?

He had never believed in life after death or anything like that...most of the birds did, and some cultures in the forest believed it too, but it struck him as a little absurd.

But now, floating some way above the floor, slowly rotating as the world moved in slow motion around him, Rhymane wasn't quite so sure...

The train lights were pretty, as were the few lights that he could see in the city. Lightning flashed across the sky; he saw it slowly cascade down from the clouds, twisting and turning as it reached out towards the floor. It was strainge, yet beutiful.

He saw the ground coming up to meet him, a large rock directly in his path. He cried out, but all sound was muted, and was drowned out by the dull thumping of the train anyway. He tried to move, but he had no control over his trajectory. Even though everything was moving so slowly, he could do nothing to stop the impact...

Pain splintered through his brain, followed by a dense blackness...

Unknown to him and the other animals, the train hadn't actually hit Rhymane. It had missed him by inches, but the draft caused by it's passing was enough to throw his small body high into the air, sending him a good thirty feet down the track and knocking him into a large rock on the embankment...

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Stormcloud sniffed around, finally having caught her lost breath. She noticed Wraith wasn't anywhere to be found. The silver and white-flecked Stray also noticed, with a sense of guilty panic, that Gem wasn't in sight either.

"Oh, bother..." She hissed crossly. They were just losing animals left and right!

"Yo! Stormy."

With a somewhat relieved sigh, Stormcloud spotted Wraith pulling himself up onto the tracks. The wolf's paws were a little muddy and grimy, much to the she-cat's curiosity. Wraith noticed her gaze and jerked his large canine head in the direction of the rived below them.

"Found 'em." And, saying no more, Wraith turned back the way he came. Wordlessly, Storm followed.

Ruby, who was by this time feeling very hopeless, stopped her searching long enough to ponder Wraith's words. With an anxious bound the vixen scrambled off the tracks to follow the wolf and the cat. Amber trailed behind, looking nervously back at the train station in the distance.

The four animals made sure to be careful as they descended the muddy embankment. Ruby cried out as she spied Rhymane's still body next to a big rock. She rushed over to him much faster than Stormcloud could have imagined possible.

"Rhy! Rhymane...can you hear me? Oh Rhy, please wake up..." The vixen murmured.

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Amber ran to Rhymane's still form, concern written across her features, amazed that he had been flung from the train she scampered over and looked with a wince at the rock.
"He must have hit that when he landed"she thought grimly, she turned to look him over hoping she wouldn't see anything that mant the worst...

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A dull thudding, repeating over and over, like the train wheels were pounding on his head, one wheel after another, bang, bang, bang, "Bang."

Ruby dropped her head close to his. "What? Rhy, was that you?"

He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. "Ugh...wh...where am I...?

The small group breathed a sigh of relief as he spoke. "Oh thank goodness!" exclaimed Ruby emotionaly. "We thought we'd lost you!"

Rhymane lifted his head, wincing in pain. Blood trickled from a gash on his forehead where he had struck the rock. "The train..." he muttered uietly. "Is everyone okay? Did everyone get off the tracks in time?"

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Stormcloud used her paw to gently lay Rhy's head back down. "Yes, yes, everyone is alright. Thanks to you."

Ruby moved forward and gave the gash a few gentle licks before looking Rhymane straight in the eye. "Thanks for saving me Rhy...I guess I owe ya one."

Storm watched the vixen tenderly lick the cut clean for a few moments, before a thought struck her. She'd completely forgotten! "Rhy...I think when we rushed off after Ruby we left Gem behind. I couldn't find her."

Rhymane tried to sit up once again. "What? We need to go get her! I can't believe I didn't notice..."

"Oh hush up knucklehead and lay down," Ruby said, pushing him back down. "You won't be going anywhere any time soon. Leastways, you're in no condition to cross the bridge again."

Everyone was silent for few moments, until Stormcloud spoke up. The Stray sighed, "I'll go back and get her."

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He felt helpless.

He wanted to help, but clearly Storm wasn't going to let that be an option. Maybe it was for the best, but it didn't make him feel any better.

He lay his head down again, sighing as he did so. His brain still ached, and the occasional thunderclaps from the raging storm didn't help one bit! The rain was drenching his fur, but he didn't mind it. It eased the pain from his cut a little.

Wraith seemed impatient, as usual. "You're going back for her? We're supposed to see the Admin White urgently, in case you'd forgotten!"

"Lives are more important than missions." retorted Storm as she turned to leave. "She was only young too, and had never been outside. We have to make sure she's okay."

Rhymane glanced up at Ruby, who had finished cleaning his wound and was lay beside him on the grass. She met his gaze and smiled. "Thanks." he muttered, smiling weakly.

"It was the least I could do, considering..."

There was a pause, as Rhymane suddenly looked serious. "Ruby," he murmured quietly, "it's not true what they say about me. was an accident, I didn't mean it!"


Horrible whether. Truly discusting.

Still, the rain did bring out the small mammals. That was some comfort. Who cared what those idiot furs said about the park being a "Sanctuary of Life", he saw a mouse, he was going to eat it!

Blood slithered along silently, his scales glistening in the rain. Being cold blooded he had to make sure he got some moisture and his skin didn't dry out, but this was rediculous! He was used to the open marshlands of Venesuailla, plenty of water to swim around in, and yet plenty of sun beating down from cloudless skies, warming the water and his blood constantly!

This continuous monsoon was freezing!

He had completed survey of a sizable ammount of the park now, acting on the patrol orders he had recieved from Marshall, and had sizably reduced the park's mouse and vole population too. It was only what they deserved, the rodents, pests.

Now though he was getting bored. He had agreed with Marshall to help out in whatever crazy scheme the dog had planned, but at the moment he couldn't really see much progress towards starting out on it. He was staying awake and active for this...he'd be very annoyed if it turned out he was keeping active for nothing.

He altered his course, heading back towards the Admin camp. Just how long would this proposed mission be in starting?

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Ruby smiled weakly, "I know, I know Rhy. Believe me, I knew how you felt...I still do. I never once believe that you deliberately did what you wasn't like you, no matter what the other animals said."

Before Rhy could reply, Stormcloud interrupted saying, "Rhy, once you feel better, go straight to Admin White, even if I don't get back in time with Gem. Got it? Good. I'll see you later...." And with that, she bounded up the muddy embankment and back onto the train tracks.

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Rhy was about to protest, but Storm was gone before he could. Oh well, what she said was right, they needed to see the Admin White as soon as possible.

"Let's get going then." He stood up, wobbling a little. Ruby looked about to say something, but he stepped forward before she could. "Come on all, let's get moving." He climbed the bank onto the train tracks again, then turned and set off over the bridge, glancing backwards to make sure the others were following.

His head still ached, but he could live with it...

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OOC: Sorry all, for my general absence. No real excuse, just haven't felt like it, I guess.


Central Park

Marshall glanced between Mossbelly and Eikichi. "Mossbelly, times are rough. For right now, I'm giving you the full powers and rights of an Admin. Eikichi, give us your report."

Tunnels beneath Abandoned Mall

Gem could go no further. The tunnel was broken up in places, and some minor leaks had filled the holes with water. There was a large pit immediately in front of her, and it was too large to jump over, and too deep to wade through. Gem really had no experience with swimming, and wasn't too fond of the idea of learning now. She shook her head, and commented, "I'm sorry, Mom, it seems I've made a mess of things. I wasn't careful, and I've jeapordized the mission. I just hope that the others don't stop the mission because of me. I'm not that important, not more important than saving Fenix."

There was a sploosh down the tunnel! Gem could see that it bended, but couldn't see much else past the water. The splooshing, she decided, were large footsteps, and they were getting closer! She folded her ears back, ready to run. Whatever it was, it wasn't moving fast. "Oh please, don't let this be the end!"

A human! An aging man, wearing dirty old clothing, was wading through the water. It was hard to see his face behind his big fuzzy beard, but his beady little eyes were not unfriendly. He quickly saw Gem, and stopped. In a clear voice, he said, "Kitty! Don't run off. Who's Fenix?"

Gem's jaw dropped. "What? You...can understand me?"

The old man smiled. "I can. I share a rare gift. Those above say that I'm crazy, that they do, but they don't hear the voices, hear the world beyond their own! Now, this may be the end of the road for you, but by no means will it be your end! What are you after, down here in the dangerous dark?"

Gem hesitated, but obliged the crazy old man. "I fell through the ceiling, er, the floor of the mall, and lost my friends. I'm looking for them. We were heading to the forest."

The man nodded. "The forest? This is the right way, then! Want me to give you a lift over the water? You don't look like the swimming type."

"I, uh, I don't know...we don't know each other very well, and-"

"Ah, hogwash! I ain't gonna hurt you, nosiree! If'n you wanta find your friends, this tunnel reaches a place in the mall near the train tracks. A train just went by there, even, so it should be safe. Now, my name's John, Crazy John, they call me. Little lady, what's your name?"

"Gem. They call me Gem."

John started to move forward, slowly. "Gem. That's a pretty name. Will you let me help you?"

Gem had a conflict in her mind. Her instincts told her to run, the same feeling she'd been having ever since she was abandoned. But, something in his eyes, his manner of speech, reminded her of Kylie. They seemed to share the same sort of gentle spirit. Gem fought her instincts, stood still, and nodded. "Yes, John. Thank you very much."

John didn't reply. Gem looked up at him again, and followed his gaze to behind her. In the distance, dozens of glowing red lights, all of different sizes and shapes, were coming closer! Eyes! "Gem, we've got to get out of here! Hold on!"

Before Gem could reply, John splashed forward, grabbed Gem around the middle, and ran back the way he had come, down the tunnel! The eyes gave chase, more and more coming every moment! "What are they?!"

John managed to answer between breaths as he ran. "They're the Plagued! Animals who've got rabies and other things, make 'em go crazy! Our only chance is to get outside, out of this old place!"

Gem thought to herself, "So that's one reason why this place is 'haunted'..."

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Ruby had begun to reassure Rhy that she did indeed believe him. In truth, she had doubted him at first....been angry and miserable. But she had been angry and miserable because she knew the reason behind his actions...and that had hurt her more than anything. Still, she had eventually gotten around to forgive Rhymane, even if he didn't believe it.

Sighing, Ruby followed her friend back up the hill, noticing for the first time that the rain had numbed her sore paw, which relieved her greatly.

"Finally..." Wraith grumbled impatiently. "I haven't got the time for all this nonsense."

The vixen shot him a glare, "Then why did you come?"

When the big wolf did not answer, she turned her attention back to their path, and, more importantly, to Rhymane. Just in case Ruby jogged to catch up with him, wanting to be there in case he fell.

--Railway/Abandoned Mall--

Stormcloud bounded down the train tracks with great, long strides for a cat, huffing and puffing all the way. In her mind, she told herself she never should have volunteered for this...she was not as young as she used to be, after all. But then she would frown and think: I might not be a young kit again, but that doesn't matter. I was the best one for the job. And then she would nod her head and resume her huffing and puffing.

Even though she was a big, muscular Stray, Storm was still a cat, and cats were small, light, and agile. Because of those factors, the she-cat was able to get across the bridge in record time. As she stood under the canopy of the ticketmaster's booth, catching her breath yet again, Stormcloud noticed that the night sky was streaked with daylight. It would be a good few hours before the sun came out and the rain stopped. Shaking her fur of most of the rainwater, the Stray sat down and began to wash her paws.


Stormcloud emerged through the hole in the wall and shook herself dry again. The Stray had had search for the gap by walking along the wall and prodding and poking it at random intervals since she could not pick up the scent trails she and the others had left behind. Finally she had found it, and had shouldered her way inside. And even though she had caught a slight chill from being drenched with rain, that wasn't why she was shivering right now. The abandoned mall seemed more eerie and spooky than when she was here with Rhy and the others...but there was no point in turning back now. Knowing Rhymane, he had probably insisted upon moving on.

Storm was slightly relieved that she could smell the individual scents left behind by the group now. The were a little stale from being at least an hour or two old, but still easy to follow. The silver and white-flecked feline retraced their steps, hoping to come across Gem's scent trail. It didn't take long for her to find it, though. Apparently, the Persian cat had disapeared right when they had gone to ivestigate Ruby's cry. Or at least, that's what Stormcloud assumed, seeing as Gem's trail had stopped right outside the arcade. To the Stray's surprise, there was a big hole in the floor where rotting tile had given way.

Now that I remember, this part of the floor did feel a little unstable.... She thought, eyeing the damage from a distance. Perhaps, given the weight the rest of us put on it, Gem was the last straw...

Storm's brow creased in worry, for she now knew the reason for Gem's sudden disapearance. She also felt guilty for not making sure the young cat was following them at all times.

Well, there's no use in fretting about what should have been wasn't done, so there. Nodding her head, the she-cat took a few tentative steps forward, careful not to get too close in case she was handed the same fate as Gem. Well, I came here to get Gem, and my only choice is to go in after her... Storm glanced apprehensively at the dark below her, hearing the faint sound of gurgling water. Pinning her ears flat against her head, the Stray shook her head...Here goes nothing!

And, unaware of the danger below her, took a running leap and flung herself into the hole...

--Admin Camp--

Mossbelly nodded her head respectfully, "I understand Marshall. Thank you for this honor and this privelage."

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Between the thick tree trunks on the outskirts of the forest, the rain was less intense. Broken up by the tree canopy, it collected together in large, heavy drops rather than the squalling, stinging mass that it sheeted down as in the open.

Two figures moved between the trees, their bright red fur betraying them as foxes. Both of them carried a chicken in their jaws, hanging limp and lifeless.

They came to a small clearing and deposioted their catches on the floor. They were slightly out of breath, and were panting a little.

The bigger of the two turned to face the other, his face angry. "Okay, next time YOU destract the dogs and I'LL raid the coop!" he exclaimed. "Maybe you wouldn't mess that up so much!"

"Hey, come off it." replied his brother, lying down and licking his lips. "These things are hard to catch! They run around like crazy!"

Shane, the larger fox, let out a slight growl of irritation. "It only takes a moment fo the farmer to get his gun!" he muttered.

His younger brother Aarus ignored his anger. "We got out before he could, didn't we." he replied, opening his mouth and tucking in to the chicken.

Shane shook his head. It was like reasoning with a tree stump! He gave up and prepared to lie down and eat himself, but a movement caught his eye between the trees some way off. He looked over.

"Who are they?" he muttered, spotting a small group of animals headed their way.

"Who are who?" asked Aarus, not looking up from his chicken. Apparently food was more important to him right now.

Shane took a step forward though, his meal forgotten. "You gotta be kidding!"

His brother's tone of voice caught Aarus' interest, and he looked up. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in disbelief as he saw the figure near the front of the pack. "Is that who I think it is???"

Rhymane looked around. Things looked the same as he remembered them. He hadn't been to this part of the wood in a long time!

His head was feeling much better...there was still a dull throb every now and then, but generally speaking he was okay.

"Hey look, more foxes." muttered Wraith disinterestedly. Rhymane followed his gaze, and took a deep breath as he spotted the two figurs ahead.

"Maybe they'll know where the Admin White is." said Amber, smiling.

Rhymane shook his head slowly. "Maybe so..." he muttered, "...but there'll be trouble first." He waited until they were just twenty meters from the waiting brothers, then Rhymane turned to the others. "Listen, everyone, wait here, okay? No matter what happens, just don't intervene."

Ruby's eyes widened. "Rhy..."

"I mean it Ruby...just let it go."

"I'm getting sick of this!" exclaimed Wraith angrily. "Just when are you planning to tell us what's going on here eh?"

Rhymane shook his head. "I can't...not until the Admin White allows me. I'm sorry...just try to bear with it okay?" With that he turned back to the two foxes ahead and slowly stepped forward.

"You completely lost your mind?" spat Shane bitterly, narrowing his eyes at the newcomer. "Or maybe you've decided you can't live with yourself anymore and want to die?"

Rhymane's voice remained calm and level. "We need to speak to her."

"What???" scoffed Shane in disbelief. "Hold come back here after everything you've done and think you can give orders to everyone???"

"I know I'm not welcome here. As soon as our buisness is done I'll leave, but we need to see her."

Aarus grinned slyly. "There's a whole lot of people in these woods that would like to see you leave feet first!" he retorted.

Rhmane let out a sigh. "Okay fine, you want to kill me? When all this is over I'll come back here and let you, but right now we need to see the Admin White urgently! Now are you going to help us or not?"

Shane began to advance on him, fangs bared. He looked rather small compared to Rhymane's large, impressive frame, but that didn't seem to deter him! Behind him, his brother also stood and began to step forward.

"And just why should we wait?" asked Shane, growling. "Why don't we do that part right now?"

(OOC: No plans here, Shane and Aarus are npcs, feel free to use them^^)

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Totally ignoring Rhy's warning, Ruby shouldered her way up beside him. Surprise flashed across Shane and Aarus' faces, but only for a moment. Ruby growled, deep in her throat.

"Ruby! Go back with the others...NOW." Rhymane said, giving the vixen a sidelong glance.

"No. Not until I give these losers a piece of my mind," Determination flared in her eyes, and Rhy looked questioningly at her.

"Listen you two, when Rhy says it's an emergency, he darn well means it. There's been trouble in the city, far as I've been told. Admin White might be the only one who could help right now." Ruby stopped to glare at the two brothers.

Shane raised an eyebrow, staring at the two before him incredulously. "Yeah? So? What happens in the city doesn't concern us, and it shouldn't concern Admin White anymore."

Without faltering, the vixen replied, "Maybe not now, but what happens when and if it spills over? Supposing the humand responsible (if indeed they are) decide that city pets aren't enough, eh? Didn't think of that, did you?" She added, causing Shane to exchange glances with his brother.

Rhymane stared at her, surprised that Ruby could make such predictions as alarming as that. He was beginning to wonder just why exactly she had been so quick to forgive him. After all, no one else in the forest had forgiven him...and he doubted they ever would.

With an exhasperated sigh, Ruby asked, "So...are you willing or unwilling?"

(OOC: BTW, Storm told Ruby what was happening and what had happened in a brief summary. That's how she knows)

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Amber walked boldly forward up beside the other two.
"I don't know what this is about but I don't care, Rhy risked his life for Ruby only a few moments ago so he deserves a chance, whatever it is he's done."

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"If you lived here in the forest you'd be striking a different tone!" growled Shane, baring his teeth at Amber, but then he glanced across at Ruby and sighed, as though thinking.

He looked up at Rhymane, narrowing his eyes. "You'll get yours." he muttered. "I'll see to that." Then, turning, he set off into the forest, his brother close on his heels (carrying his unfinished meal in his mouth...he wasn't going to let anything get betwen him and his chicken!).

Rhymane let out a long sigh, like he had been holding his breath. "Thanks you two." he said quietly, looking at his two allies. "But please, don't do this. Amber, you don't know what's going on, it's too big. Ruby, I don't know why you're standing up for me, but please, you mustn't! There may be some big trouble ahead and I don't want you two involved! I want you safe!"

He flashed a meaningful look at the two girls, then set off into the forest after the two brothers.

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Ruby loped after Rhymane, sighing, "Rhy, I'm not a little kit any more...I'm not a city-fox either, you know? I can take care of myself. And whether you like it or not, I'm sticking this one out."

Rhymane narrowed his eyes at her, "No way Ruby, no way. You still have a future in the forest...and I don't wanna ruin that for you. I've ruined mine."

"I don't think so."

"How can you say that?? Everyone hates me here...they want me dead Ruby. That's why I left. I couldn't live with myself...." He averted his gaze to the ground.

"You know, not everyone hates you. Not everyone is incapable of forgiveness," Ruby whispered, reaching out to nuzzle Rhy's shoulder. "I know I'm not."

"Are we going to go?? Hmm? I didn't do this for charity." Wraith appeared, his lip slightly curled as he glared after Shane and Aarus. Amber shrugged as she met Rhymane's glance.

"Hey! Are you guys coming or not???" Shane called, agitated.

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(OOC: Oh that's all right Wraith, I'll take care of it. ^^ I'll go back and edit)

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Report? Ill give you that report and then some! Eikichi said in a slightly angered tone, looking between all the people.

Its no news the fact that the Don has aspirations to dominate the entire city, yknow what I mean? But the olfat cats stepping things up and is coming pretty dang close to setting whatever hes got planning in motion. Eikichi began. Marshall frowned. He wanted to know what the plan itself was exactly, but before he could speak Eikichi carried on.

Now, I dont know what exactly the plan is. Whatever the Dons got in store, hes keeping it in his head. He didnt even tell his men about it yet probably so as to avoid any traitors, yknow? But the Dons definitely planning to take over Central Park anytime soon! Despite it being a safe haven for all animals, he getting ready to take control of it all for himself and as only the first stronghold against controlling the rest of the city! Eikichi shouted.

Meeka looked immediately worried and hid behind Marshalls leg.

Now, although the Don and his men are only cats, theyve got more then enough power by themselves. Theyve got like a whole army brewing! And the men that he does have are the best of the best, understand? The strongest, fastest, agile well, none of them are only big in the brains department for obvious reasons since they are cats, but you know what Im saying.

Mossbelly glared at him.

Add in the fact that there all these nave housecats coming in too and hes got all the potential for an army right there. An untapped army scary, eh?

Marshall grimly nodded, as he began to consider this.

There are also rumours going around that the cause of all these house pets coming onto the streets is because of something caused by the humans. What exactly I dont know, but the Dons got this info you know anything about that, boss doggy?

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"Rhymane I'm coming too, and don't bother telling me that you don't want me and Ruby involved and stuff, its innevitable, especially on Ruby's part, though I stil think you should tell the rest of us what's going on I'm willing to be patient and just follow you, but if anything happens...I'm going to help you. Okay?" The she-cat stared defiantly back at Rhymane, daring him to object a second time.

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Blood had arrived back at the camp just as Eikichi had started his report. He had been emerging from the foliage, but paused as he listened to the rat's account, staying stock still with only his head and neck showing. Because of his stillness and coloring no one had noticed his arrival.

Interesting. he thought to himself. A fight could be very interesting...

His eyes flicked across to Marshall to hear the reply...


Rhymane nodded silenhtly and set off into the forest after the two brothers. His mind was racing, but outside he kept his calm, collected air.

He was worried what the reaction might be of some of the other animals when they saw or heard about him in the forest...he was even worried just how the Admin White would react for that matter! He didn't know what to expect at all, but whatever it was, he'd face it head on. He had too, for Fenix!

As he stepped forward he glanced again at his companions. How would Amber and Wraith react if ever they found out...which they may well doo soon? And why had Ruby been so quick to forgive him, so loyal to his cause? Surely it couldn't simply be that she was convinced of his sincerity, could it? Surely she must have doubts...?

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EDIT OOC: Well, it took a few hours of edits, but I finally filled this out! Grab a soda, kick back, and read! This is the long-awaited doozy of a post I promised!


Tunnels beneath Abandoned Mall

Gem was completely lost now. The tunnels were like a maze, and Crazy John seemed to be taking paths at random. The Plagued were still in pursuit, and they kept up a good pace. "John?"

Huffing and puffing, John replied, "Yeah?"

"Are we lost?"

John winked at the Persian. "I've been here a long time, miss. I know exactly what I'm doing!"

Just after they rounded a corner, John slid into a dark little niche in the side of the wall. He quickly picked up a small, flat, smooth stone, and deftly tossed it so it hit the water. It skipped, and continued to bounce along the surface of the water, making noise as it went. The swarm of animals passed right by them, lured on by the stone.

A few moments later

Stormcloud stopped at the edge of the large pool. This was where Gem's trail ended, masked by a lot of other animals, with scents that worried her. The sound of splashing caused Storm to become alert, looking for an escape route. A man carrying a cat came into view! Gem shouted happily, "Stormcloud!"

Storm was a bit surprised by this. "Are you okay, Gem!?"

John stopped a few paces from Storm. "She's doing fine! Little lady, lemme carry you, too. I know a shortcut to the edge of the forest. The feral animals down here have cut off my normal route, but I always have a backup plan!"

Storm gave a questioning look to Gem. Gem nodded. "Come on, I'll explain everything as we go!"

Just outside the North Gate of Central Park

Eric the Red skittered along. He had gotten enough information to deduce that the Wolf must have gone near here. He stopped, when he saw a human agent creeping around near the gate. Moving closer, he chirped. The human turned. "Ah, Eric. Good." The human saluted. "I, Marvin, just found out that the target Wolf headed to the forest, with allies. I'm to capture the Squirrel. You are to continue pursuit of the Wolf."

Eric chirped again, showing that he understood. Running now at a very fast pace, Eric headed straight for the forest! At this pace, he would get there very quickly! Marvin turned back to the Park.

Central Park

Marshall glanced back and forth among the group. "I wish I didn't know about it, but humans are involved. I don't know how they are doing it, but Slayer found out a specific group is engineering the whole stray situation! They're not police, and they're almost impossible to find. As for taking over Central Park, only an army could do that as long as William and I are here!"

Eikichi said, "That's exactly what the Don is building up! He had men out there, gathering as many abandoned cats as they could! They numbered not a few..."

A squirrel climbed down a nearby tree. "Pardon, Marshall mon, but William told me to tell you that one of those humans is at the North Gate."

Marshall glanced around. "I will take care of this. Eikichi, you're off-duty for now, do what you will. Try to rest a bit from your ordeal, and thank you for your service."

Blood grinned at the opportunity, and followed Marshall carefully, silently.

Marshall bounded through the pelting rain, thankfully lessened because of all the trees. He stopped near the North Gate, and saw the human mentioned. He was wearing a uniform similar to the ones that had attacked earlier, a grey full-body suit, which was repelling the falling water easily. He had more little gadgets along his belt and on his wrists. He was looking through a set of binoculars (unknown to Marshall, thermal ones), trying to find William in the trees.

Jack the woodpecker, despite the rain, was flying back to the Park from patrol, and happened to fly over the human. "William! Hey, William! I've got news! Zenobia is-"

Jack was cut off, as an arrow sliced through one of his wings! The human grinned as he loaded another arrow into his wrist-bow. "Can't let information get through..." He whispered.

"Jack! Noooo!" As Jack fell, Marshall's blood began to boil. Letting out a scream of rage, he charged forward, right for the man!

Marvin dodged to the side, deflecing Marshall's attack with metal claws that slid out of his other wrist! Using the opening, Marvin kicked Marshall a solid blow to his side, sending the Dane rolling! Marvin, satisfied, turned his attention to the Anaconda, whom he had spotted only by motion. "You want some too?"

ASU (Animal Storage Unit)

Slayer was panting heavily, many bruises and a few cuts all along his body. His opponent, the tarantula Attila, was also showing signs of being winded, but hadn't really gotten hurt to this point. Slayer could barely believe how fast she was!

Attila flicked a leg forward, launching a few spines at Slayer! Slayer jumped out of the way, and then charged forward! For a moment, both Attila and Slayer were in the air. The next moment, they landed. A moment later, two of Attila's legs fell next to Slayer! Slayer turned, expecting to see a defeated spider, but instead, Attila was laughing! "What is wrong with you!?"

Attila checked herself to see which legs exactly had been removed. "You're good. This had been a wonderful thrill, dog. But it is over now. I hope you have learned your lesson."

A blur of motion to his sides made Slayer jump in surprise, but it was too late to react! The severed legs moved of their own accord, and one rammed into Slayer, while the other shot him with lightning! Slayer yelled in pain one last time before he blacked out.

A human, a lab assistant, came by the room, and checked inside, after hearing the commotion. "Oh, Attila! Good work! I'll secure this animal, and then get you to Dr. Mobius for repairs."

Attila looked very pleased with herself, and she skittered across the floor to her mechanical legs, which crawled over to her. She had won!


Fenix crawled along in the ventilation shaft. She thought she heard Slayer yell in the distance, but there was nothing she could do now. She stopped at a grate, and looked through it. Her eyes widened at what she saw!

Dr. Mobius stood there, over a large machine. Nearby, was a giant cage - with her kits inside! An assistant was just pulling one of them out of it, and setting it on the large machine! Dr. Mobius strapped him down to the machine, and soon it was whirring, lights flashing!

Her kit was very scared, and she wanted so desperately to go down there and comfort him, but she had to wait.


All the lights went out. After a moment, red emergency lights came on, dimly illuminating the room. Dr. Mobius sounded upset. "Report!"

The assistant checked a nearby console. "The storm outside knocked out the power in this section of town. It will take at least a half-hour to get full power back up. All tests will have to wait until then."

The Doctor nodded glumly. "Okay. Put the test subject back in the cage with the others, we'll continue later."

After about a minute, the two humans left the room and closed the door behind them. Fenix began to wrestle with the grate. It didn't take long for her to loosen it enough to knock it off! Jumping down into the room, and landed in the darkness. A couple of her kits noticed. "Mom! Mommy!"

Fenix rushed over to the cage, tears of happiness filling her eyes. "I'm here, my babies, I'm here! I'll get you out, I promise!"

Forest Clearing

The wolf pack were gathering in the clearing. The scouts reported animal movements, and the return of Rhymane. The Alpha Wolf, having this information, approached the 'Ice Throne'. The Alpha bowed in reverence at the base of the large white boulder. "Mistress White, city animals come to see you."

The top part of the white boulder moved. It turned out that there was a snow-white wolf on top of the boulder! She stood up to her full height, dwarfing even the impressive size and might of the Alpha. The White Wolf stretched, and turned her ice-cold eyes onto the Alpha, who averted his gaze to the ground. A strange smile curled on her lips. "Very well, then. Bring them here. Have the pack stay out of sight, but nearby, until you recieve the signal."

The Alpha nodded, bowed respectfully, and returned to the group. He glanced back but a few moments later, and White had vanished!

Giving the signal to a couple of his scouts, the Alpha prepared his pack to recieve the city animals. They would be here in but a few minutes!

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Wowzers! Nice work Way lol! I'd never have been able to keep track of all that!)


Blood hissed viciously, his face contorting into an evil leer. "Puny Human." he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Marvin fired off another arrow, aiming for the snake, but Blood leaned out of the way, and the arrow harmlessly impaled a tree behind him.

"Playing tough, huh?" the Human grinned. He knew he couldn't afford to take his eyes off the snake to reload the bow. He'd have to use other methods.

He raised his arm, brandishing the claws on his wrist menacingly. "You still got time to run away, worm." he muttered, beginning to edge towards Blood slowly.

The anaconda matched his gaze with his own leer. "Like I'd want to..." he replied quietly, knowing the Human couldn't understand him, but speaking anyway. "I've been waiting for this!"

He began to slither forward too, slowly drawing his body out of the bushes ready for battle...


He recognised the clearing up ahead. He had only been here once before, but it hadn't changed a bit!

Rhymane paused, closing his eyes as a flood of bad memories washed over his mind. So terrible...and now, how would he be treated...?

He felt a nose touch his shoulder, and he looked round. Ruby was beside him, concern on her face, looking up at him with her large, deep eyes. Silently he shook his head, partly at Ruby and partly to clear his mind from the memories. He glanced around at the others.

"Let's get this over with."

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Amber had slowed down to flank Rhymane with Ruby, she nodded, her eyes flicking around, she could sense other animals in the tree cover but couldn't see them.
"I hope I don't regret this" she thought, keping close to her new found friends.
"Funny," she pondered, "I've already considered them friends," she continued her search still wonderng what Rhymane had done to have people wanting to kill him...

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The Ice Throne

Rhymane and the others looked up at the massive boulder, at the center of the clearing. They had arrived. Their senses began to pick up movement all around them, but they couldn't see anything. A cold chill seemed to dominate this clearing, accompanied by the absence of the storm above, like there was a hole in the storm as it raged all around them. A voice from a tree above them caused them to look up! "Rhymane."

The snow-white wolf was standing on a thick branch, gazing down at them. With a graceful leap, she landed on the boulder, then bounced down to the ground, and faced them. The chill seemed to surround White, and moved as she moved, getting colder the closer she got to them. "And Ruby." She glanced at Amber and Wraith, and the two brothers, Shane and Aarus. "And two I do not know. Shane, Aarus, thank you for leading them here. You are free to go."

She turned, and began to pace. "Rhymane and his little band..." She stopped, and turned back to them. White said, in a very authoritative voice, "all of you, state your names, and your business for coming here!"

Just outside the Forest

Crazy John set down Gem and Stormcloud. "Here you go. I hope you find your friends again, soon."

Gem looked up at him. "Thank you for your help." She suddenly felt the same kind of sadness, though less intense, that she had felt when she had to leave Kylie.

John smiled, his wrinkled face crinkling. "My pleasure, ladies! Better get a move on. The forest should have stopped enough of the rain so that you will be able to track your friends. Well, I've got to get going. I've got dinner and a nice sleep waiting at my home!"

John jumped back into the tunnels, leaving the cats under the cover of a tree.

OOC: Shadow Lady, I don't mean to cut you and any responses you may have off, I'm just moving it forward. If you wanted to add anything, go ahead. If Storm would refuse to get picked up,, that would be funny!

Without any delays, the two kitties should make it to White shortly, as a couple wolf scouts will find and escort them.


Central Park

Marvin felt the adrenaline pumping now! He had been trained for this, to fight animals effectively. His reaction speed was significantly faster than other humans. Now, all he had learned would have to be brought to bare! Holding his claw hand defensively in front of him, he reached his bow hand to a belt device, and held it up. It was a tennis-ball sized metal sphere. With a cocky smirk, he tossed it in the air, above Blood, so that it was impossible to see! With a pop, the ball expanded and took the shape of a net, and as it fell, the net kept on spreading out!

Marshall was winded, but he tried to stagger to his feet. The human had landed him a good shot, but he wasn't seriously hurt. It might still take him too long to get his balance, though; he might not be able to help Blood!

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~*Ice Throne*~

(OOC: That's quite alright Way; I've been a bit busy, so I don't mind :) )

Ruby nodded her head toward the she-wolf in a respective manner, struggling to keep control of the raging river of emotions that coursed through her head. With a sniff, Wraith took a step forward, obviously scenting the rest of the pack.

Lip curled ever so slightly, he spoke. "My name is Wraith, and I agreed to accompany this fox into the forest." For a moment, Ruby was worried that the arrogant tone in his voice would offend Admin White, but the other wolf just listened with a blank look on her face.

She relaxed a little when Amber introduced herself, with the white wolf nodding. However, before Admin White could say anything, Ruby added, "We're expecting two others...cats."

White stared at her, and the vixen went on to explain. "Gem and Stormcloud. Gem disapeared and Stormcloud went back to look for her."

The she-wolf blinked before smiling. With a flick of her big bushy tail, two shadows flashed by on either side of the group, and Ruby assumed the Admin had sent members of the pack to meet up with their friends. Glad that was taken care of, the vixen waited for Admin White to speak again, all the while wondering how Storm and Gem would react...

~*Outskirts of the Forest*~

Stormcloud sat down to give her paws a few licks (they were quite sore and dirty from all this running around), watching as Gem went to do the same. Once the two felines were done, they set off into the forest with Storm leading the way, following the others' path. As they went along, the Stray taught Gem how to follow scent trails more closely and how to identify individual scents. Gem looked thoughtful as she took in all the information.

"It's a very useful talent to have..." Storm was saying as the Persian stopped to scent the air.

"Stormcloud?" She asked.


"I smell What is it?" The housecat had begun to sniff vigorously, trying her hardest to place the new scent. The she-cat beside her opened her mouth, drinking in the air and searching for this mysterious new smell.

When she had finally found it, Stormcloud narrowed her eyes speaking quietly. "Wolves, I think."

Gem looked alarmed, "W-well, how can you tell?"

"They smell somewhat like Wraith...leastways, they have the same base scent. All wolves do."

"Then what..."

Before the blue-furred feline could finish her sentence, two large wolves appeared as strange shadows. One was brown and they other was black with a white circle around his eye. Storm tensed, her fur rising along her spine with aprehension. One hungry looking move from those canines and she'd be bolting up the nearest tree...

"We mean you no harm," The brown one said, his voice deep.

The second mumbled something, eyeing the two cats in a way that made Stormcloud uncomfortable. The brown wolf ignored his companion and spoke once more, "If you will state your names, please."

Since Gem looked like she wanted nothing more than to bolt back the way they came, the silver and white-flecked cat next to her decided to do the introductions. "My name is Stormcloud and this is my friend, Gem."

The two wolves' ears perked up, and the first wolf nodded, giving her a small smile. He gestured with his head for them to follow him. "Good, good. You shall come to us and we will lead you to Admin White and your friends."

As the pair of wolves started off, the Stray reluctantly followed, nudging Gem along. The housecat was still nervous and obviously thought better of following two large wolves through the forest. Storm understood. For all they knew, the canines could be lying and leading them right to a trap.

"You'll just have to trust us," The black wolf called over his shoulder, to which Storm only nodded warily.

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"We're here because..." The She-Wolf's eyes flicked onto him, burning into him like diamonds, and Rhymane faultered a moment. Her expression was unreadable as ever. Even when he had last been here, during his trial, she had rarely shown any emotion. Just what was running through her head...what did that ice cold gaze mean...?

He started again. "We're here because we need your help. A group of Humans are kidnapping animals in the city, we don't know why, but the possibillity of experimentation has come up. They've already captured a number of animals, including Fenix and her cubs."

There was a moment's silence, then White spoke, quietly and softly. "And you believe I can help how?"

"We need to find out more about these Humans, so we need an animal that can read Human writing. Marshall said you could, so he told us to come see you."

"Marshall sent you?" Rhymane was about to reply a simple "Yes", but then it struck him...her inflections...the tone of her voice had risen slightly on the last word!

This was it...the moment he'd been dreading...the moment of truth...

"Yes, me." he replied. "I volenteered. I had to! Marshall allowed me to join."

"Oh I'm sick of this!!!"

Everyone looked around at Wraith, who was sat slightly behind Rhy. One of the wolves around the edge of the clearing growled. "Speak when you are spoken to, outsider!"

"No, I've had enough of this!" exclaimed Wraith angrily. "Everyone's there moping around saying Rhymane is bad and evil, and yet no one will say why! I'm sick of it! I want to know what it is he's done, and I want to know now!"

Rhymane shook his head slowly. "You can't Wraith, not unless White allows it, and that's..."

"I'm not shutting up until I find out!" interrupted Wraith angrily. "I'm fed up of all the beating around the bush and messing around! How are we even supposed to know if we can trust you, eh???"

"Silence!" The command was uttered quietly, calmly, but with a force behind it that made everyone sit up and pay attention! Everyone turned back to the Ice Throne, looking up at the Admin White in silence...


Blood hissed angrily as the net wrapped itself around his head. It had only caught a small part of his long body...most of his body and tail were sticking out from under the net, but in order to pull his head out he would have to take his time and reverse out, and while he was doing that, he was vunerable!

The Human stepper forward, grinning. "Should've known better than to try me, fool." he muttered slyly. Slowly he bent down, reaching out to grab hold of Blood by the neck.

Suddenly he let out a cry of agony as Blood's sharp teeth anchored themselves in his palm. He may not have been venomous, but Blood's powerful jaws could give a painfully deep, powerful bite!

The anaconda released his grip and the Human staggered backwards, cursing and holding his hand. Blood was seeping through his fingers, dripping to the floor and mingling with the rain.

Blood saw his chance. Even with his powerful jaws he wasn't able to bite through the was made of some tough plastic material (very flexible, allowing him to bite around the netting, but not through it), but while the figure ahead was destracted he could make his escape from the net and level the playing field again! He'd have to be quick though...

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Meeka had followed Marshal in the hopes he was going somewhere safer, he'd decided with all this talk of cat cats that he was safer with a large woof, now he had been frozen in fear while the man-thing attacked a peckybird then Marshal and now Blood, though it looked like the slinkie wasn't prepared to be taken down that easily. Deciding that he should help the big woof that had helped him from the giant slinkie earlier so the rat darted out quickly, taking the man-thing by surprise as he scuttled up his trouser leg and onwards to the head where he bit him on the ear.
"Meeka kill kill nasty man-thing hurter of friend big woof Marshal, at least Meeka thinkses his name be Marshal if not Meeka still call Marshal orbig woof because that's all Meeka can_" but he was interrupted in the middle of his odd jabbering and was flung off into the bushes.
"Eeep, Meeka no like flying, flying for birds, not for poor Meeka." He muttered, rubbing his sore head with his paw...

Posts: 1321
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Topic starter
Central Park

Marvin could see he was at a disadvantage. He hadn't even gotten close to his target, and he was outnumbered. "Training or no training, you'd have to be stupid to hang out here!"

Marvin turned and ran out of the park. He was fast, and once he was a few blocks down, he retracted his claws, and began to bind his wound. He faced the park, so that he wouldn't be caught unawares, keeping his senses alert. He muttered to himself, "that squirrel was going to be trouble by himself. But three more?"

Despite his show of confidence, he knew he was outmatched. He would have to come up with a new plan, with that snake there and all...

Marshall gently moved Jack's limp form beneath the cover of a tree. "Oh, Jack..."

Jack popped an eye open, and managed to smile. "Marshall...Zenobia is gathering as many of the abandoned dogs as he can...massing an army."

The Great Dane nodded glumly. "Then a war is coming, and we're right in the middle. Quiet, friend, and rest easy, your mission is complete. Many thanks unto you."

Three of William's squirrel troupe climbed down the tree, gently picked Jack up, and carried him back up the tree, to recieve medical attention from William. One of them whispered to Marshall, "we can't do much, but we can ease his pain."

Marshall turned to where Meeka had fallen, and Blood. "Thank you for your help. But the fight's not over yet! Blood, I'm going to wager that human is after something in here, and won't go far. Do you want to come with me and chase him down, or shall we stay here and set up an ambush?"

Ice Throne

White stepped right up in Wraith's face, and they stared each other down. A stalemate. Neither submitted, nor showed any signs of fear. As this scene dragged on, Stormcloud and Gem arrived, and the wolf escorts vanished into the trees.

Gem glanced around, and saw both Rhymane's injuries and Ruby's hurt paw. "Oh! Hold on a moment, I'll get on that!" Gem ran over to a tree, and grabbed some small plants growing at the base of it. As she trotted back, she saw White. Her jaw dropped. "Holy cow of India!"

White turned. "Gem, daughter of Gem." She glanced at Storm, then turned her gaze back to Gem and walked to the base of the boulder. "And the other must be Stormcloud. So, Gem, getting involved in business that shouldn't concern you, just like your mother. How nostalgic."

Gem didn't know how to respond, but White flicked her tail approvingly, and Gem moved to bind Ruby's wounds with vine-like herbs.

White cast a glance at Wraith. "You are both fearless and foolish. Those traits often go hand in hand. Were you my enemy, you would have learned respect. As you are not, your concerns have been duly noted."

Standing at her full height, her nearly-regal stature became fully apparent. She faced Rhymane, who met her gaze with unease, then showed respect by looking at the ground in a gesture that could be considered a bow. White began to laugh. "Marshall...this is his doing? Amusing. That bricks-for-brains always did have a knack for getting his way. And your motivation is Fenix?" White closed her eyes for a moment. "Didn't you learn your lesson last time?"

Ruby was about to make a retort, but White's eyes snapped open, and she interrupted. "Rhymane, come with me, to the Ice Throne."

White began to climb the boulder. It had a ramp-like surface around the outer edge, and Rhymane climbed up that. Now they stood, facing each other at the top of the Ice Throne. Rhymane recognized the challenging look White was giving him, and had seen this scene once before - though he had been on the ground, not up here! The view was remarkable, but White was distracting him from it. They began to circle each other, not taking their eyes from each other.

White continued to speak. Their voices easily carried from the boulder down the the waiting animals. "Wraith, you desired to know about Rhymane. It is up to you to decide whether or not you can trust Rhymane. Now, the past shall be uncovered again!"

Rhymane was shaking. This situation was not good! The Ice Throne was used by White to deal out judgement to animals who had broken laws! This ritual was the trial. Once White was done with her story, Rhymane knew what would come next. " we have to do this?"

"Once, not a very long time ago, there was a beautiful vixen. She was loved dearly by the animals of the forest, and she had many suitors, but only two caught her eye. One was a bold and dashing fox, the other a gentle giant of a fox. After many contests between the two, the bold fox won her heart, and they ran off to the city. The vixen loved helping other animals, and became a leader there. She learned the art of healing from a wise, if gossipy, cat. She had many friends, and would sometimes visit the forest again to see them..."

"...her mate had been looking forward to spend time in the city. He was ambitous, and wanted to show the humans the harm they had caused the animals. His risky lifestyle worried his mate, and he promised to be more careful. He took every precaution, and spent much time with her to comfort her. Happy news came. The vixen was pregnant! Soon they would be parents. Their love for each other had never been stronger. Then, one fateful night, the bold fox was outwitted by his enemies, the humans, and they slew him mercilessly. The vixen was heartbroken, but with the support of her friends, has moved on with life, and is now happy with her children..."

"...but those of the forest know that there is more to this story than even the vixen knows. For you see, the bold fox did not die at the hands of humans. He would go back to the forest periodically, to hunt, to meet with old friends, and to rest. One of his friends wanted to talk to him, so they met together one dark, quiet night. This friend was the gentle giant of a fox. They hadn't talked for a while, and the bold fox happily greeted the giant. They enjoyed each other's company for a time. Then, the topic of the vixen came up..."

"...few know the exact details. Some say it began with the giant pointing out his concern for the vixen, because of how she worried over the bold fox's rash behavior. Others say it was a sudden, chilling madness. Whatever the exact nature of it, they had an argument. They began to fight, neither wanting to hurt the other. But the giant of a fox didn't know his own strength, and once the argument was over, and once his anger had faded, he found himself standing over the limp form of the bold fox, blood staining his teeth and claws! The forest cried out for revenge, and in his panic, the giant of a fox ran to the city, and escaped judgement."

Throughout all of this, White and Rhymane had been circling each other on top of the Ice Throne. The challenge of combat hung powerfully in the air. Ruby was practically at tears with anticipation and worry! The other animals were in a state of awe and shock at the story, and at what it implied.

White bared her fangs. "The vixen is Fenix, the bold fox was Striker, her mate, and the giant of a fox is Rhymane. This is the justice of the forest, the long-awaited trial of Rhymane! Rhymane, even though it was an accident, you murdered Striker! Do you have anything to say, before the verdict is given? Do any of you have anything to say before judgement goes to the unpunished?"

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Inside, he was petrified, scared stiff by what was to come, but he knew he had no choice. He kept his face calm and matched White's stare as he spoke, softly but boldly:

"You compare the time back then to this. That's wrong. Back then I was overcome by my jelousy, my mind was clouded by envy. Now, for the first time in years, my mind is clearer than it's ever been. How dare you accuse me of a crime for fighting to save lives!"

He took a deep breath, gritting his teeth. "If love is a crime, then I'm guilty as charged. I would have done anything for her, and I still will!" His voice began to crack, and his eyes became watery. "I loved her...dearly! I know that after what I've done I don't deserve her, but I just want to make sure she's okay! That's why I'm here!"

The others were watching the scene with baited breath, some of them touched by the emotion in Rhymane's voice. Ruby, sat in the center of the clearing had her eyes closed tight, tears running down the sides of her muzzle.

Rhy took another deep breath, his body shaking from emotion. "I made a mistake," he murmured, "a terrible, unforgivable mistake. I'm not denying that, and I accept that I have to pay the price, but please, there are more important things to be delt with first! There are lives at stake!"

His eyes narrowed as he stared into the White's eyes, his voice dropping to little more than a whisper. "We have to save her, and everyone with her...then after that, do with me what you will."


Blood's face wore a sly smile. "For a carnivore you aren't much of a hunter." he muttered wryly. "Right now he's wounded and on the run. If we wait and let him heal he'll be twice as hard to kill next time. He'll know what to expect."

The snake glanced up at the rain-soaked sky, his face dipping to a scowl. "Besides, like I said, if I stay still too long my blood cools. Going after him sounds much more fun than sitting here while my brain freezes."

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