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From Another's Eyes...
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From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

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"It's a trap." hissed a voice from behind them. Blood was staring at the Doctor and..."Fenix"...through norrow eyes...for once he wasn't wearing his customary leer, his face was a mixture of anger and apprehension. "The wolf knew all along, and she's led us here to be killed, or worse...experimented on."

Rhymane's gaze was fixed squarely on the face of the figure in front of him. "No..." he muttered. "It can't be...Fenix would never allow...and if she was forced she would never aimiably accept..."

A thought flashed across his mind. "Where are her cubs?" he growled, much louder. "She would never leave them! This isn't her, everyone...I don't know what it is, but it isn't Fenix!"

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Dr. Mobius moved his arms as he spoke. "Your confusion and fear are understandable. This has never happened before. But, I can assure you that this is the Fenix you know!"

Fenix nodded, and outstretched an arm appeasingly. "He's right, I am Fenix. I know my children are safe, Rhymane, that's why I'm not panicking."

White had a bitter expression from Blood's comments. "I confess I knew about this. But I didn't lead you into a trap; you followed Rhymane here."

Fenix tried to reassure them by saying, "please, I know this is a lot to take in, and I really don't understand a lot of the details myself...and, please don't be angry with me, but...I like this new body."

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Amber felt dizzy, this wasn't possible! The other animals...
Turning to the human she felt a surge of nearly un controllable rage, to change someone, against all the laws...
Before she even realised what she was doing she turne towards the human and with harsh hiss and yowl leapt at him, claws beared...

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The human didn't even flinch as the cat went for him. Amber was caught in midair by White, and pinned to the ground. She fought viciously against the wolf's grip, though White didn't seem to mind. White growled, "it's a lot better for you if you don't try to attack him. Why do you think I have metal on my neck?"

Dr. Mobius's sly smile grew. "Why, White, I didn't know you cared."

White growled at him. "I don't. I've only got three days left to live. But this one has a lot longer. I don't think this is something worth throwing away a young life."

As this was going on, Gem was inching forward. "I...I'm not...afraid."

Fenix carefully stepped out of the chair, and knelt down, stretching out a hand slowly. Gem carefully sniffed the hand over, as Fenix said softly, "yes, there's no reason to be afraid."

Gem let Fenix pet her head and back, and they touched noses.

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Stormcloud cautiously took a few steps forward, thinking that if Gem was brave enough to approach this new Fenix...well, an experienced stray like her should be able to do it too! Storm's fur was a little prickly with nervousness as she approached Fenix.

Ruby watched the two cats walk up to Fenix and wondered if she should try it too...then she remembered Rhymane, standing confused and puzzled beside her.

"Rhy...are you alright?" She asked him quietly.

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She looked round as she spoke, and in shock, saw tears streaming from his eyes! He was backing away slowly, shaking his head, his teeth bared in a mixture of rage and fear. He was visably shaking, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. "Wh...what sort of...madness is this...???"

Blood, lay nearby, still had his eyes fixed firmly on the creature before them. "For once we are in agreement, fox." he muttered. "I am no Human will have no fun with me. If you try, you will die!" He let out a menacing hiss, bearing his sharp teeth, his tail flicking from side to side visiously.

Fenix looked pained. She stepped forward, towards Rhymane, her hands outstreached. "Rhy..."

"Don't touch me!!!" the fox barked, jumping backwards."What have they done to you Fenix...broken your mind too? What sort of monster have they turned you into???"

"Not a monster." muttered Dr Mobius. "A triumph! A wonder! You heard yourself she said she liked her new body."

"And what caused it...brainwashing?" retorted Rhy, shouting. "Fenix, you couldn't possibly go along with this! You wouldn't! Your children...they need you! They need you as you a mother to them! What will happen to them when they see you like this???"

"Rhymane...calm down." muttered White, narrowing her eyes.

Rhy's gaze turned to her. "And went along with led us here to be slaughterd...yes I say slaughterd...a fate like that is worse than death! I respected you, looked up to you!"

White's face was stone cold as she stared at him unblinking.

"Turns out I was wrong." Rhy spat. "You're a traitor, and a monster!"

White began to advance slowly. "Oh am I..." she muttered, glaring at Rhymane through her cold eyes.

Instantly Blood was in front of her, his mouth open in a loud hiss. "You deserve nothing but death!" he growled. "Somjething I'd be happy to arrainge!"

"Everyone we have to get out of here!" called Rhymane, looking at the others with a new determination. "Everyone follow me, right now!"

With one final glance at Fenix, he murmured: "Fen, you know it's wrong! This can't be what you want, and think of your children!" He turned and set off down the corridor at top speed, hoping the others were following.

Blood heard him leave, and with a flick of his tongue he retreated. "This isn't over." he hissed to White in a tone that would make normal animals quail, then he turned and followed Rhy as fast as he could...

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Dr. Mobius' face fell into a frown. "Ingrates and simpletons, just like the humans...fools! I should have known better..."

Fenix was stunned by Rhymane's words. "I...but, Rhymane...!" And he was gone. Tears came unbidden to her eyes.

White, seeing the situation, let Amber go and stepped next to Dr. Mobius, silently watching.

Gem looked from Fenix's face to the hall Rhymane had just run back down. Her heart felt like it was twisting...should she stay or should she go? Looking back into Fenix's face, she decided to stay, to try to understand the truth. Maybe following Rhymane was the right thing to do, but someone had to be there for Fenix...

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"Meeka no likie this, no right right, no no no..." Meeka shook his head from side to side in confusion then slowly back ed away.
"Poor Meeka trapped in world of big foxes Mereka no livie too long, poor poor Meeka." As an after thought he added, "Poor foxies too, poor foxies no foxies no more, foxies manthinxies." Meeka looked up at the human Dr. Mobius and chittered angrily,
"Why you changing foxies to manthinxies? Nasty manthing big thing Meeka no likie too much-much? Meeka bite you if not big white woof near you biting Meeka, poor Meeka, in halfie with nasty much sharp sharp teeth teeth that big woof be having!"
Meeka spat at the human instead backing out cautiously to where Rhymane and Blood had gone.
"Me no trusty nasty manthing, nasty nast manthing, mayeth many nasty things eat you in some nasty thing thing way!"
With that finall yell he suddenly turned and scuttled out of the room.

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Ruby, upon seeing Rhy's tears, felt some tears of her own leaking from her eyes. With one last look at Fenix the vixen took off down the hallway after Rhymane, hoping to catch him before he deserted her. She didn't want to be left alone in this place!

Stormcloud watched the other animals take off, wanting so much to follow them. Yet, there was a certain curiosity that had instilled itself in her mind. How had Fenix allowed this to happen? What was going on? did it feel to have a body like that? Storm knew she shouldn't think such a thing. After all, what would her beloved daughter say if she heard her mother's thoughts? Mossbelly certainly wouldn't be all that pleased, and the old stray knew that.

Blinking, Stormcloud realized that she, Gem, Amber, Wraith, and White were the only ones left who hadn't fled. Storm doubted White would leave any time soon, but Wraith looked the exact opposite. His lips were raised in a snarl and his ears were pinned against his head, tail flicking, showing that he would attack anyone who came his way.

Amber looked quite shaken by White's actions, for the young she-cat was catching her breath, huddled over on the floor. Gem was staring with a certain sadness at Fenix, looking to Storm as if she wanted to comfort Fenix. The blue-furred housecat also had the same curious look Stormcloud knew she herself had.

Well, at least I'm not alone...She thought grimly.

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Tears were flowing from Rhymane's eyes like rivers as he ran down the corridors of the base, desperately trying to remember the way out. His teeth were gritted and his breathing coming out in short gasps as he tried to run while crying. His mind was spinning.

"I don't like running from a battle Rhymane!" hissed Blood alongside him. "You'd better know what you're doing!"

"You'd rather die?" asked the fox bitterly.


Rhy came to an intersection in the corridors, and looked from one to the other hurredly, trying to remember their path. He tried to use his nose, but he just couldn't concentrate hard enough to do it.

He glanced over his shoulder and saw that many of the group had followed, but not all. He bit his lip. How could they stay???

Ruby caught up to him and met his eyes appealingly. "Rhy what are you going to do, where are we going?"

He closed his eyes tight, his head dropping. "I...I don't know." he wept. "It's too much...we...we just have to get out of here....tell Marshall...he'll...he'll know what..."

"What about the others?"

"They have allied with our enemy...they have made themselves enemies and should be treated as such." stated Blood, matter-of-factly.

Ruby turned to look at him. "How can you say that???"

"It's true." muttered Rhymane. "If they've joined Doctor Mobius then we can't trust them...Amber was restrained, maybe she'll follow yet, butthe Doctor may brainwash them like he did Fenix and White."

He turned back to the split in the corridor. "While we're here, if anyone catches the scent of Fenix's cubs, we have to rescue them! I dread to think how it would affect them to see her like that! We need to shield them until we've rescued her and got her back to normal." He took a deep breath. "They need a mother, not a monster."

By now the others had caught up, Meeka bringing up the rear, his small rat legs having trouble keeping up with the larger animals. "Oh no..." he panted. "Poor Meeka. No biggie animals wait for poor Meeka!"

Rhymane glanced over his shoulder at the rat. "Blood, carry him on your back."

The snake's head whipped round and he opened his mouth to protest, but before he could, Rhymane continued in a growl. "This is no time for discussion or games, snake! We're all getting out of here together and alive, and you answer to me!" He nodded to Meeka,"Get on." then he turned and set off down one of the corridors. "This way!"

He hoped it was the right FELT like it, but he wasn't sure...

Blood didn't look happy, but he didn't reply. He simply turned and looked across at the rat, a slight look of revultion on his face...

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White looked up at Dr. Mobius. "I'm surprised you didn't stop them."

Dr. Mobius looked thoughtful. "They aren't a major threat, and if they found us, then this facility is compromised anyway. I'm going to make preparations to pull us out of here, and move to another lab. And you, White, what are you going to do? If you have changed your mind, I can extend your life by providing a new body for you."

White shook her head. "I haven't changed my mind. It is dawn outside, and people are starting to move around again. I plan on staying here until nightfall, then heading back to the forest to spend my last hours in peace. And, hopefully, I'll be able to end my life with one more glorious battle, just like the old days..."

During this conversation, Fenix moved back to the chair, and both Gem and Stormcloud moved closer, trying to reassure her. "I...thank you. But maybe it would be best if you went, as well."

Gem rubbed gently against her. "I won't leave. Not until I know the truth, and make sure you're okay."

Fenix was still struggling to contain herself. "...thank you..."

Dr. Mobius glanced again at White. "I see. And what of your mission, to rescue the animals here?"

"It was Rhymane's mission, but..." she glanced at Amber, who was inching for the door, "but I think this one won't leave without them."

Dr. Mobius laughed quietly. "That is ironic...I need to prove to my superiors that the animals are more advanced than they thought. They need constant reminders that my work is worthwhile. If you wish, you can free them all. It will be counted as a loss due to uncontrollable circumstances."

White looked up at him with a surprised expression. "You won't stop her? Even after all the effort you went through?"

Dr. Mobius looked content with his reply. "No, I won't stop them. Believe it or not, it's better if they are rescued. And besides, now that I've got Fenix, I don't need hosts of animals to experiment on. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Dr. Mobius walked out of the room through a door in the back. White turned to Amber and Wraith, who were at the door and ready to run. "If that's the case...then, if you're willing, may I help you free them? It's the least I can do to make up for this...misunderstanding."

(OOCC: For Amber and Wraith, what I'm thinking here is that they were torn between courses of action, but were going to decide to follow Rhymane. Armed with the information that it's okay for them to free the captive animals, they might do that as well. It's okay if they say no to White; just try to think of what your character would do.

If you wanted to do something else, speak right up. Like I said before, anything can happen, so if you wanted your char to already be with the others, then it can be done.)

Over in the animal cages...

Slayer the Dalmatian perked his ears up, and looked to the door that led to the hallway. He thought he heard something...some sort of scream? Had his gang finally tracked the place down, and had just taken out the guards? He could do nothing but wait and see. He was comforted to know just by looking that the doors to the animal cage rooms would open by motion on either side, as they were automatic doors, and so he was confident they would come for him.

Underground Vehicle Depot

Attila the Hun was supervising the humans and their packing of the equipment. She didn't like to be away from her partner, but he had requested that someone competent, someone he could depend upon, would watch out for the fragile equipment. While it was a tedious task, the mission she and her partner shared was dependant on this, so she was more than happy to do her part.

At times like this, though, she had the time to worry about her brother...

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Amber looked across at White, still a little sore by the strong grip she'd been held in.
Unsure now wether or not she could trust her Amber slowly nodded.
"I intend to free them, I hope you're notlying, I trusted you, now..."
She didn't finish, White would understand.
Ambers eyes flicked to Wraith.
"Are you going to stay here andtry to kill Dr. Mobius, turn round and follow Rhymane, or help us try and free the others. Your choice." She asked, a bit snappy due to nerves.

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(OOC: Okay, I'll act for Wraith the wolf here, because I am still under the impression that Bentleee is having trouble in RL with getting connected on a regular basis. Bentleee, if you wanna do something else, we'll do that.)


Wraith stole another glance at White. "The best thing I can do right now is help free the others. If this is as bad as it looks, we're gonna need all the reinforcements we can get."

White nodded, keeping her distance. "...then let us proceed."

Amber and Wraith led the way, their minds clear enough to remember the path to the animal storage areas. White was trailing a good distance behind, trying to feel less imposing. She hoped Rhymane's group wouldn't get lost, because then they might meet again, too soon for either of them.

Once the others had left, it was just Fenix, Gem, and Stormcloud in the comfortable room. Fenix was ashamed to be seen crying in front of them, but she didn't try to hide it. She didn't try to speak, afraid of what she might say at this time. Things were so confusing, and had happened so suddenly. It would take her a few minutes to regain her composure.

Gem was a warm body, doing her best to comfortingly hug Fenix. She was lost for words, and when Fenix started to calm down, Gem looked to Storm with a pleading look of, 'what do I say?'

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Stormcloud nodded at Gem with a look saying 'Let me try to talk first'. Gem looked relieved at that, but was still curious as to what the stray had to say.

"Fenix...Fenix, it's alright. Try to forget what Rhymane said. He was a little shocked, that's all. First the forest, then White, then seeing you for the first time in a long time.....and not as he remembered you, well, Rhy was bound to be a little wound up. Don't worry about that." Storm rubbed her head against the vixen's arm. A weak smile flickered on Fenix's muzzle for a moment.

"I suppose...but, well....."

"It will be alright. You just take one thing at a time, OK?" Fenix nodded to Stormcloud, and the stray gave a comforting smile.

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Fenix was still on the brink of not being able to control herself. "But...what if he was right, and I have become...a Monster?"

A sudden thought struck Gem. "Maybe you do look different, but no matter what happens, you're still you."

"I'm...still me?"

"That's right. No matter what others may think about you, it doesn't change who you are. You choose that." Gem glanced to the floor, her eyes half closing. "And...our timing was bad. If we'd only come earlier...things would have been different."

At that moment, Dr. Mobius entered the room again. "...and you might have tried to stop my experiment, and I would have been forced to kill you, and I see now that would have truly been a waste. You are all fantastic example of what animals can be! If you would allow me to perform the same operation on you..."

In an incredibly fast motion, Fenix jumped from the chair, landing in front of Dr. Mobius! She grabbed him roughly by the collar, lifting him an inch off the floor! "Doctor, I want you to change me back right now! I need to go find Rhymane, and make this right!"

Dr. Mobius was surprised, and for the first time, Gem and Stormcloud saw the slightest glint of fear in his eyes! "I, Fenix, I'm sorry, but to complete the technology to reverse the process might take weeks, months, even years!" Then, a small smile formed on his face. "Of course, I would be more than happy to perform the operation on Rhymane, and then you could be together again..."

Fenix was frustrated, and was going to toss Dr. Mobius across the room, but she forced herself to set him down gently. She turned away from him, and looked at her hands as she held them out in front of her. "...I don't want him to hate me...not him...but I also want to share the amazing feelings of this body with someone..." She fell to her knees, curling into a ball! "I-I don't want to be alone!"

Gem cast a look at Stormcloud, then looked up at Dr. Mobius. "Sir, um...I want the operation done on me, as well."

Stormcloud's eyes widened a bit. Fenix's tears stopped, and she looked up in surprise. Dr. Mobius wrung his hands together in anticipation. "Very well then, let me go prepare the machine, and we can have it done in just a minute!"

Stormcloud moved over to Gem. "Gem, what are you doing?"

Gem glanced at the floor, unsure, then looked up with a wistful smile. "If you can see the process actually happen, then you could report to Rhymane about the truth, and maybe sort out this mess. We can get a second witness to what it's really like. As a cat, I guess it's natural, but I am truly curious. And, I don't want Fenix to be understand, don't you?"

Fenix blinked in wonder. "You...would do that for me?"

Gem smiled as she turned to her. "Yes. It's what I feel is right."

(OOCC: Dun dunnn! Will Storm stop Gem? Will she demand to trade places with Gem? Or will the horror continue? Stay tuned!)

As Amber, Wraith, and White reached the main junction, White noticed a problem. "Amber, Wraith, I'm afraid that despite what I said earlier, I must leave you now. If Rhymane sees me with you, he might think of you as traitors as well. You have my best wishes, for at one time, I was like you."

And, without waiting for a reply, she turned and vanished down another hall.

Central Park***

Marshall paced back and forth. "It's already dawn...where could they be??"

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(OOC: I was kinda waiting for Gerbil to post, but I'll carry on anyway. Way I hope this is alright...let me know if it isn't and I'll edit.)

"Darn this place!" muttered Rhymane as he charged down the corridors, the others in tow. "It all looks the same!"

"Wonderful." muttered Blood sourly. "We escape the clutches of death to find ourselves coming right back at them again."

Rhy suddenly stopped and spun round, baring his teeth. "I'm sick of your attitude! You have a problem, say it!"

Blood hissed again. "We're going round in circles! Pretty soon we'll be back with Doctor Mobius!" he growled. "If you really want to get out of here you'll have to get a grip, or I'll force you too!"

Rhymane looked ready to explode, but Ruby nudged him on the shoulder. "He's right Rhy...we need to slow down, not just charge around randomly. Take our time...use our noses..."

Blood's tongue was flicking in and out, testing the air. "Speaking of noses..." he muttered, "maybe you should use yours now."

Rhymane took a long, deep breath to calm himself down, trying to stop his head from spinning. Then he concentrated on his nose, sniffing the air.

Blood was right! There was a familiar smell around! Familliar...yet...different...

"The cubs!" he murmured suddenly. He turned and set off down the corridor at a run, following the scent. It wasn't long before they came to a room that stood off the corridor, the door of which was open. Carefully he stepped inside.

The room was deserted, but over in one corner was a large cage, the bars of which were closely spaced, as though to stop smaller animals. From inside he cage came the sound of whimpering...the occupants, and there were many, were scared!

His heart melted and he almost wept again as he heard a small, plaintive voice cry out: "Mommy? Mommy?"

He glanced over his shoulder at the others, his teeth gritted and his eyes watery. "Not a word!" he hissed. "It would probably scar them for life to know! We have to rescue her and get her back to normal, for their sakes!" Then' turning back into the room, he stepped forward.

The cubs heard him coming, and pressed their faces to the side of the cage, their little noses sticking between the bars like spikes on a hedgehog. "It's okay kids," he said reassuringly, "we're here to save you. Just keep calm."

"Where's mommy? I want mommy!" came the reply, and many of the children burst into tears!

"We're here to rescue her too...we'll find her and save her, but first we need to get you out." said Rhymane, trying desperately to stop his voice wavering. How was it possible for Fenix to just forget about them??? She musy have been brainwashed by the doctor, it was the ONLY answer! No mother in her right mind would ignore her children's cries!

He began to examine the cage carefully, and eventually found a small control pannel on the top of it, with a few small buttons on. He turned round and fixed his eyes on Meeka. "Meeka, if I lift you onto the top of the cage, could you hit those buttons? I think one of them unlocks it!"

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"Meeka can do that, yes yes, Meeka do that, helpie poor smaller foxies, yes yes, Meeka shall do that. Yes."
He hurriedly hopped off Blood, relaxing after the tension of sitting ontop of what would normally make him run around in circles in a frothy mouthed panic.
Meeka climbed up Rhymane's bushy tale and reached his head.
"Meeka already now for smaller foxie rescuing mission now now yes yes? Yes? Yes."
Rhymane lifted himself up and leant agaisnt the cage, allowing Meeka to scramble on top. Scuttling over to the buttons he sat on his haunches and hovered a claw over a button.
"Innie binnie minni mouse," He recited dutifully, his claw moving over a different button with each new word,
"Sitting in her comfy house,
Nasty comes a long,
Minni eaten end of song."
He then paused, and afetr a few seconds of thinking, jumped on the button he'd selected.
The sprinklers came on.
"Meeka no know how that happpne." He pressed it again and they turned off, sniffing the air, he noticed that even in the damp that one button had been used earliest.
"Okay, Meeka try again."
He jumped on his chosen button...

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(OOC: No complaints here, looks good to me.)

For a moment after pressing the button, nothing happened. Then, the cage vibrated, and the door slid open!

Blood had been keeping his distance, knowing he would frighten the little ones, and so he was the only one who noticed the human worker at the door! The human gasped in surprise, and ran down the hall, speaking rapidly on his radio, "ohmigosh Bob! The last container, they've opened it, they're getting away!"

"Who's getting away? Calm down, Jimmy, what's going on?"

"The container I was going to get just now, some animals broke loose and -"

Blood got to him, and 'Jimmy' let out a whimper as he was dragged to the ground.

From the radio, the voice of Dr. Mobius rang out, "Worker Bob, all the containers have been accounted for. Jimmy was napping and having a bad dream. Move the cargo trucks out."

"Yes, sir!"

The radio turned off.

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(OOC: This is Shadow Lady case you all didn't know.)

Stormcloud remained silent, staring blankly ahead. The older cat shook her head and turned back to look at Gem. There was uncertainty in the stray's blue eyes, but a certain determination Gem had never seen before.

"Gem...I..I can't let you do this..." Storm said, ears drooping. Fenix stepped back.

Gem shook her head as well. "No, Stormcloud, this is my decision. I already gave you my reasons. Now I'm going to stick to them!"

"At least let me trade places with you. I know you have good intentions, but're still a young cat. You have your whole life ahead of you. I've lived most of mine...done everything I can do. As of late, I haven't been doing anything very important, nor have I been important myself. This way, I'd be doing all the things you'd have done yourself, and you could tell Rhymane." Stormcloud smiled half-heartedly to show the meaning of her words.

Gem, meanwhile, was slightly in shock. She would be willing to do that...for me?? The housecat couldn't yet find the words to reply to her friend's small, unexpected speech.

A few seconds passed before she could manage quietly saying, "We could both do it...both of us."

At once Storm replied, "No. That wouldn't work. Remember what you said about Rhy? He needs someone...normal to tell him it's alright, and that we're not traitors. If we both go as two-legged cats, do you think his reaction would be any better than it was upon seeing Fenix?"

"She's right..." Fenix murmured, a silent tear slipping down her cheek.

"No! No, Stormcloud, Rhy would trust you more! You're older and wiser than me...more trustworthy..." Gem stuttered, glancing from cat to vixen.

"Gem, right now Rhy would trust either of us. I should do it. I don't want you to throw away your heard the doctor. It may take weeks, months, even years to change you back! Better me than you. You have more to lose than I." The silver and white stray sighed and came up to give Gem a nudge.

"But...but, I...."

It was at this time that Dr. Mobius came back into the room, his smile fading slightly as he spotted the quarreling cats. He knew what was going on, so he said, "Alright, who's it going to be?"

(OOC: Just so you know Way, Gem can still refuse if you want.)


Ruby watched as the little fox kits scurried out of the cage quickly and went to hide behind Rhymane. Suddenly she found herself wanting to protect these little ones no matter what with a fierce determination. The vixen knew that her maternal instincts had kicked in, so she quickly went to obey them.

"Shhh, hush now little ones...we'll find your mommy! Don't're safe now." Ruby murmured as she went to give the kits a few licks on their heads. Rhy turned to shoot her a grateful look, and she just nodded with a weak smile.

"When are we gonna get outta here?" One of the cubs asked, eyes wide and terrified. The vixen bent her head to nuzzle him, saying, "Don't worry...we'll get out soon. We won't stay any longer, alright?"

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(OOC: Whoops posted at the same time as SL...let me read her post and I'll edit mo.

Edit: Ok there...I think that flows okay.)

"Ruby's right" Rhy started, trying to sound calm and reassuring, "your mother is okay, and we're going to come back and get her once all of you are outside. Right now we all need to just stay quiet and try to keep calm, okay? Let's work together and we'll be fine."

He stepped forward and put his nose on the top of the cage again, allowing Meeka to climb down his back to the floor. He winced slightly as the rat's sharp claws dug in to his skin, but fortunately it wasn't nearly hard enough to draw blood.

He turned back to the rest of the group to see the cubs with tears in their eyes, many of them shaking in fright! "Hey, I know it's scary, but we'll be fine." he murmured. "Don't worry about it!" He wasn't used to this...he wasn't good with children. Fortunately Ruby seemed to be having better luck with them...

At this point Blood re-entered the room. "I hate to interrupt our little bonding session, but we have a problem." he drawled, his eyes flicking from one to the other of the animals. "We've been descovered, and while it seems we've been deemed as unimportant I wouldn't recommend staying here for long. Also, I heard our good friend Mobius talking about moving "cargo trucks out". It seems they're planning to go somewhere, and if we don't act fast, we may lose them permanently."

The appearence of the snake, coupled with the words, increased the cubs to a new level of fear, but Rhymane gritted his teeth. "Oh this can't be happening!" he muttered.

"I have a suggestion...while you and Ruby are practicing being parents, how about I go look for the Doctor? I doubt they'd leave without him, and if he were delayed..."

Ruby blinked at Blood, supprised. "You want to take on the Humans alone?"

Blood's eyes narrowed. "You seem to forget that I am a my home swamps I saw nobody but my mate and my prey." His familliar condisending leer returned. "But of course you forget, you are no more a hunter than the city animals."

"Okay fine, Blood." retorted Rhymane. "You want to go...go ahead. Try to keep them here as long as possible! We'll drop the cubs off at the park, and come back with Marshall, and hopefully, a plan."

Without another word, Blood turned and left the room again. Rhy turned to Ruby and Meeka. "Okay, let's get out of here, and let's do it now!"

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Gem looked into Storm's eyes for a brief, intense moment. "...alright, you go ahead. That's a good plan. We'll do that."

Dr. Mobius said, "well then, it's ready."

Gem looked up at him. "Before you do this...I want to know one thing: how are you and White connected?"

Dr. Mobius had a whimsical expression on his face. "Well, well...a good question. We first met, about a year ago. She was investigating an animal kidnaping, and managed to slip her way into this facility, before we installed security and hired more hands. I was performing an experiment on the kidnaped animals, and she tried to stop me. We fought, and she lost. She would have died, but I happened to have enough tools on hand to repair her throat. At the same time, I installed that speaker you experimental method of communication. We talked for hours, and it was from her I learned much of your language. She decided she would rather leave the city than see my project continue, even though she expressed an interest."

"So, the two of you didn't lay a trap for us?"

"No, not at all! This was the first time we've met for over a year! You've been with her all the time before you found me, as well. She knew about my work, and though we remodeled the place, she still knows her way around. Our relationship now is more like two...dragons, if you will, respecting the territory of the other."

"I see..."

Dr. Mobius clapped his hands together. "So! Are you ready, my dear?"

Attila watched as the secret passage to an underground parking garage opened, and the trucks began to move out. They had done a fine job, and had gotten the equipment loaded up rapidly. She was still concerned for her partner, but he had given her strict orders to escort the trucks to their destination.

But why would her partner leave the animals here, and why would he cover for their enemies? Why did he order her to not engage them?

Regardless of these questions, she trusted him and his motives. There was one more truck here, waiting for Dr. Mobius and his machine, as well as other 'cargo' he might have. It had no driver, for the Doctor himself would drive it. Attila boarded one of the leaving trucks, and they were off! She would probably never see this place again...even though she loathed the other humans, the rest of them were going to make it out safely, and she was glad for that.

Amber and Wraith found the animal cargo rooms, and were searching for ways to open the cages. Wraith jumped on top of a table, and called to Amber, "hey, come help me with this!"

"What is it?"

Amber made a leap for the table, landing on it deftly. There was a large lever, and it seemed important. Wraith gestured to it. "This should do the trick!"

They worked together, pushing and pulling with all their might! The lever began to budge, and with a resounding crash, the lever fell to the other side! At the moment it did that, every single cage door in the room opened! As animals began to pile out, thanking them for their heroic efforts, Amber and Wraith directed them to the exit.

Only a few more rooms to go...and now that they knew what to do, it wouldn't take long!


Stormcloud was intimidated by the large machine. Dr. Mobius indicated a large container, and the stray jumped into it. It was surprisingly well-padded. Dr. Mobius was eagerly near the giant red switch and lever that would get the machine going. "Comfy? I hope so."

Storm glanced out at him. "As comfortable as I can be, I guess..."

Fenix raised her hands in front of her, clasping them together. "It's not painful or anything...there was this tingly sensation, but I slept right through most of it!"

Gem just stared as a glass panel began to slowly slide over the opening to the container. Storm could easily tell that Fenix had been here, when she was still 'normal', just a little while ago...

Dr. Mobius wrung his hands, and it seemed he was enjoying this far too much. "Give me the word, my dear, and it shall begin!"

Posts: 240
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"Meeka sorry he make it rain, at least now now smaller foxies out, yes yes. No cry smaller foxies, Meeka much smaller than you, poor Meeka, and Meeka get in here, and Meeka no hurtified, and bigger foxies and much much bigger slinkie in here, no hurting, nasty humans but no hurting? So much much escaping and much much freedom, no worryings, cheersies up."
One of the cubs tilted his head commically.
"What's a slinky?"

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Amber sighed happily inside, at least she managed to fulfill her promise, she would free them all, then maybe she could help the others...

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Rhymane grinned at the question, but didn't answer. There would be time for that later. "Come on everyone." he called, leading the way out of he room, "let's go."

The others followed, the cubs looking around fearfully. They were still lost in the maze of corridors, but by now Rhy had regained enough of his composure to use his nose, and it wasn't long before they reached the ramp up into the pet store again.

"We can't get out the way we came in." muttered Ruby, looking up at the air vent in the ceiling. "Unless anyone here can fly?"

Meeka twitched his whiskers. "What about little bitty window that Stormy cat-cat findings earlier?" he chattered.

Rhymane raised his eyebrows. "You're right...Storm said there was a breakable window..." he looked up at the wall. "...there!"

Sure enough, the window was there, small, but big enough for thm to fit through. There was a table underneath it, with several boxes stacked on it, almost reaching the sill. Rhymane jumped up onto the table and carefully climbed up to the glass. Fortunately the boxes seemed stable.

"How can we break it?" asked Ruby, looking up at him from the floor a little anxiously. Rhy gritted his teeth.

"I've had it with this place...had it completely!" with a loud bark he jumped forward, slamming into the glass with his shoulder! He yelped in pain, but a crack appeared in the glass, fanning out from the center like a spider web!

Most other foxes would have been hard put to get through, but thanks to his size and strength, coupled with his emotions, the dog fox finally smashed his way out, toppling through the hole and landing with a thump on the grass behind the shop. His back was red with blood from numerous cuts caused by the glass, but he simply wasn't in the mood to care! He looked up at the window, calling to the others inside. "Okay come on! Just make sure you jump away from the wall to avoid the glass on the floor!"

The cubs came first, Ruby picking them up by the scruff of the neck and tossing them out onto the grass to avoid them landing on the sharp spikes below. Then came Meeka, rather unceremoniously picked up in the same way. He let out a screech as he came sailing through the window, his eyes wide. "Oooh...Meeka no like thiiiiiiissss!"

Eventually they had all made it outside. Rhymane immeadeatelyset off again, running round the side of the shop and setting off down the road, now bathed in the early morning sunlight. "Come on, we need to get to the park and back by two hours ago!" he called over his shoulder...

(OOC: Sorry for taking over a little here, I'm just trying to keep things moving and keep up with the lab scene as well. Hope it's alright.)

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A voice came from a nearby alley, startling Rhymane! "Rhy! There you are! Get over here, quick!"

Wheat's head stuck out from around the corner. Making sure the others were with him, he ran across the deserted street and into the alley. "What are you doing here?" Rhy asked. Ruby stepped up next to him, the 'flock' congregated around her.

Wheat looked cautiously around, and motioned for them to follow. "Marshall told us to look out for you...mentioned where you were heading. Now that the sun is up, it's not safe to walk around. Follow me, and I'll take you through the alleys to Central Park." Seeing the blood on Rhymane, he added, "we should take care of that, first..." With the expression on Rhymane's face, Wheat said, "but perhaps we should get to Central Park as fast as possible, and you can talk about it then..."

The group hurried on.

(OOCC: If that ruined anything you were planning, feel free to change it. I just planned on Wheat being there, but things could work out differently)


(OOCC: Shadow Lady, I'll PM you before moving on with the Lab scene. EDIT: Here goes!)


Stormcloud nodded. "I'm ready."

With a huge grin, Dr. Mobius flipped the lever and hit the button! The glass door closed the container, sealing it. Storm's fur began to feel tingly, and energy began to flow through the container! The noise of the machine kept on increasing, and some sort of gas began to obscure Storm from view, as the energy shot out in waves!

Gem watched in utter fascination! The bright lights were so pretty! As had happened before, the power to the facility began to die!

No pain, just some crazy tingling...Storm found herself growing weary very rapidly. eyes...opennnnnnn...

The peaceful darkness of Sleep overcame her...


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"Stay with us and don't wander off, OK?" Ruby herded the young kits into a tight group, making sure none of them wandered off.

The vixen's fur was slightly bristling from being outside once again. She was also experiencing the same emotions as Rhy had...anger and confusion. Why would Fenix be alright with her new form? Didn't she know that her children needed her? The fear and terror Ruby had read in some of the kits' eyes moved her deeply, making her want to tell the youngsters all about their mother and what had happened to her...but she knew that would only serve to make them more frightened. Rhymane had used good discretion when deciding whether or not to tell them.

Maybe later, when they've calmed down...She thought.

As they walked, Ruby noticed Rhy moving more painfully. Her eyes widened a little when she remembered his bloodied back, and instantly she was walking beside the larger fox.

"Rhy...Rhy, are you alright? Your back...." Ruby said quietly, nudging him with her muzzle.


It was quiet as she stirred...there wasn't any other sound in the room except for her peaceful breathing. Sitting up, Stormcloud stretched her arms....

...and nearly yelped in surprise as she saw what had happened to her!

Her body was long and graceful, covered in her trademark silver and white-flecked fur. She had long legs and toes, long fingers, and yes...even thumbs! As Storm flexed her hands into fists and curled and uncurled her toes, she also noticed she was wearing the same white dress Fenix had been wearing. The fabric felt light against her fur, and abruptly she stood and did a small twirl, delighted at how the skirt swayed and brushed against her legs. Stormcloud looked behind her and saw her long cat tail moving lazily around...then felt her head and smiled as she felt her ears twitching back and forth.

Her face was distinctly that of a cat, and hadn't changed much, save the slight human-esque qualities.

Suddenly Storm felt alight with a strange energy and hugged herself, reveling in this new sensation! It was all very new to her, but it felt so interesting, and in some ways quite invigorating! Stormcloud outlined the curves of her body with her new hands, marveling in the drastic change her body-shape had taken. How different this all felt!

But then, a weight came to land upon her shoulders. What was happening to her?? She wasn't supposed to like all this! She was supposed to be solemn and serious about this change, not giggling like a love-struck kitten! It wasn't right, and she knew it wasn't what she was supposed to be feeling...but she just couldn't help it! It was so hard to not be excited, for this body was a new experience and was so interesting to her.

A little voice in the back of her head was saying, "Go ahead, enjoy never know if you'll have another experience like this!"

And, ever so slowly, Storm's delightedness began to come back. Her strange feelings had taken the backseat to her mind as of now, but they were still there....

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"I'm ok." was Rhymane's only reply through gritted teeth.

"But some of those cuts look deep..."

"Ruby, not now...we don't have time."

Ruby's eyes dropped to the floor and she sighed. Rhy noticed the movement and looked oer at her. "I'm sorry, I appreciate your concern. It's just that as far as I'm concerned I'd die trying to save them. My wellbeing is secondary...what matters is the others."

The vixen looked up at him whistfully. "You really love her, don't you."

"This isn't just about Fenix." replied Rhy quietly. "Yes I loved her...yes I still do, but I've accepted the fact that she can never love me after what I've done. It...It doesn't make it any easier, but..." He sighed, tears coming to his eyes again.

Ruby stepped closer, touching her body against his. "I want to help you Rhy." she murmured. "I can't imagine how hard it is, but I want to help you any way I can..."

He looked at her again, then smiled weakly. "Thanks."

"Big woof!" exclaimed Meeka's voice suddenly. Rhymane looked up to see that they were now on the main road through the center of the city, with the gates to the park a little way ahead, and stood by the gates watching them draw closer, was Marshall!

Rhymane broke into a run. "Marshall, we have to do something!" he called as he charged up to the dog...


Blood had taken to the air vents. It was the logical choice...his serpantine body would have no trouble moving in the area, and he wouldn't be seen. He was moving from grating to grating looking down them in turn, trying to memorise the lay6out of the area.

He paused as he looked into one grating, spotting a large white form that he recognised moving along the corridor underneath. He glared at her angrily. He would deal with the wolf in time!

But now was not the time. slowly he moved on, making a mental note of the direction she was headed.

A few gratings later he spotted Wraith and Amber racing down the corridor with a large group of other animals behind them! He couldn't join them, but he decided this was worth pausing for. He slid his nose underneath the grating, which was only slotted into place and not secured with screws, and began to lower his head into the corridor, making sure enough of his long body was still in the vent so as to anchor him.

"Hello there." he drawled as the group came close. "Having a party are we?"

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Gem and Fenix sat in the room with the comfortable furniture, mostly in silence, staring at the closed door. Behind that door is where Stormcloud had been put to recover from the 'operation'. Dr. Mobius was taking key components from the large machine, putting them in boxes, and sliding them on a conveyor belt that would take them to the garage. "We'll have to leave soon, Fenix."

"What do you mean, we?"

"My people are moving to a more secure location, and I need to go with them...and you and Stormcloud need to come with me."

"But, why?" Gem asked. "Can't they come with me?"

Dr. Mobius turned to the Persian. "I wish...but you saw the reaction of your companions. Most people, human and animal alike, won't be able to understand the true beauty of this fantastic evolution! Almost everyone has a fear of the unknown, and to overcome that, they need time. Gem, with what you've learned, and with what you intend on doing, the animals will be one step closer to accepting this. For now, though, I must keep them safe, and so they need to come with me. Who knows what the foolish people out there would do to my 'children'...!"

Fenix was remembering the reaction of Rhymane. "I're right, if White and you hadn't been here, I might not have been safe! Let's talk to Stormcloud about this, and see what she wants to do..."

They turned to the door, and Dr. Mobius commented, "she should be coming out any moment now..."

"Of course, her ears should be good enough that, if she was awake, she heard all that...saves us the time if she did."

Central Park

Marshall looked up. "Rhymane, you're late! Oh main, you're hurt!" He barked up at a tree. "William, medic! And call Mossbelly!"

Marshall directed the group beneath the cover of a few trees, out of sight of the early-risers who regularly jogged through the forest. He stopped Rhymane from speaking. "You need to save your strength, just rest for a bit, okay?"

A small pack of squirrels came down from the trees, with medicine. They weren't anywhere near as skilled as Fenix or Gem, but they could ease the pain and stop the bleeding, so they set to work.

Mossbelly came scampering up, and Marshall directed her to help Ruby and the kits.

Once they had gotten settled, Marshall looked over at them. He'd been very pushy about keeping them quiet so he could concentrate on one task at a time. "Wheat, what's happened?"

Wheat cocked his head to the side. "I wish I knew! We hurried here as fast as we could - no time for chatting..."

Marshall counted mentally for a moment. "Wait - Rhymane, Ruby, Meeka? Where are the others?! And...are those Fenix's kits!?"

Rhymane, agitated at being forced to be quiet, rolled his eyes and said...

(OOC: Left it open-ended deliberately.)

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Quietly, almost shyly, the door was pushed open, and out stepped the newly transformed Stormcloud. She smiled lightly when she saw Gem and Fenix. As the stray approached her friends, she twitched her ears toward Dr. Mobius.

"Doctor..I heard something about.....leaving? Where?" The cat said, talking fluent human.

The doctor smiled, obviously glad his second test had been a success. "Yes, you heard right Stormcloud. We're moving to a more secure location for certain reasons I had mentioned earlier, if you had happened to be listening."

"I see."

For a few more moments, Storm was silent, taking it all in. Then: "What about our plan to convince Rhymane that we're not all bad? What are we going to do about that?"

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"Yes, they are, and we have no time to chat Marshall! We heard that they were planning to leave! We have to get there quick!"

Marshall fixed him with a gaze. "Rhy, whatever happened in there is obviously scary, but we need to form some kind of plan if we're going in there, and for that we need information! The quickest and safest way to sort things out right now is for all of you to outline exactly what's going on, and what you saw."

Rhy took a deep breath. "You're right." he muttered. "The others are still in there." He quickly went on to outline the trip in detail, explaining what they had found and what had happened to the others. As he spoke new tears came to his eyes, and his voice became hoarse.

He bit his lip as he finished. "Fenix said she liked what had happened to her, and that's her choice. I don't, but it isn't my place to speak for her, but they must have brainwashed her into doing it! She was ignoring her cubs, Marshall! It was almost as though she didn't care about them! Fenix would never do know her as well as I do, and I'm worried that if they've brainwashed her into doing that, then they've brainwashed her into liking her new body too!"

He closed his eyes tight. "If someone wanted to live like that then that would be their choice. Fenix isn't the's the things Doctor Mobius did to her that are monsterous, but if she wanted that, then it's her decision to make...but, it isn't her decision! He's forced it upon her, brainwashed her into going along with it...! We have to rescue her, for her sake and the sake of her cubs!"

He looked up at Marshall, pleading with him with his eyes. "We have to act, and we have to act now!"

Posts: 240
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"Big woof Foxies be right right, yes yes! Must move quick quick, nasty wrong things nasty manthings, nasty not right foxie things, cat-cats and big howly woof, not as big as big white howly woof, there still still. Big white howly woof have metal neck and speak speak man thing, yes yes! Lots of nasty not right things! Must move quick quick save many fuzzies and not-so-fuzzies from nasty manthings! Now now yes yes! Meeka know what do they do yes yes! ( the only char I've made where a grammer error is actually wanted :P) Must save manfoxie for big foxie friend, have manfoxie smaller foxies safe safe here, now now save manfoxie, manfoxie bad head yes yes, poor manfoxie, nash nash bite manthing! You understandy what Meeka be saying to big woof? Yes yes? No. No?"
The rat sat there and stared up at Marshal questioningly,
"Plan plan later or be not ime for rescuings, manthings move fast, big things much much quick quick than Meeka, poor Meeka, so decidey must now big woof."
The rat panted for a bit flecks of foam on his whiskers, he paused thoughtfully to wipe tem clean and lick his sharp yelow teeth.
"Well, well? Well. Well???"

Posts: 279
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Amber looked up at Blood and raised an eyebrow,
"No invitation? Shame, Blood, where are the others, did they get out safely?"
She called up to the reptile in the vent, sounding a lot calmer than she felt, she felt that had to hurry, get veryone out fo the cage and then run.
"If you're going to reply make it quick 'cause I have to free more animals before something goes wrong..."

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"Well isn't this a wonderful world where everyone cares for everyone else and helps each other out!" drawled the snake sarcasticly. "Just be careful not to make too many may starve to death with not being able to kill them." He leered at the group behind Amber, who were staring at him wide-eyed. Many of them backed away apprehensivley.

"And yes, the others are out." continued Blood. "I'm still here for our good friend Mobius and to settle a score with dear old White, who, by the way, is wondering the corridors possibly looking for you."

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Marshall unexpectedly barked at Rhymane! "Shuddup, you idiot, and use your brain! Think. It's daylight, and humans are walking around. I can't send a group out, because the humans have leash laws, so if they see a stray, they'll call the animal catchers! I don't have anyone on hand who's in any shape to go anyway. And you! You have the heart, but look at yourself! You've been running around for hours, and you've been hurt! You're in no shape to be helping anybody right now! And what's more, what can you do? I don't know exactly what went down over there, but if you weren't able to do anything then, what's going to be different now!?! You gotta do what's smart, Rhymane, or you'll just throw your life away!"

Rhymane said quietly, in an almost-defiant tone, "...the smart thing isn't always the right thing..."

Marshall's heart softened. "...main, am I old...Right, here's the plan! William will take over here! Wheat, take Rhymane, several of Slayer's gang, and anyone else who wants to go with you! I'll run a distraction for the humans so you can make it there safely!"

William's voice came from the tree above. "Marshall, the humans will capture you."

Marshall closed his eyes for a moment, smiling. "Yeah, I know. Maybe the city doesn't need Admins anymore...I can't ask anyone else to make that sacrifice! And, besides, maybe being with a human family again wouldn't be a bad thing..."

"I see. If you're sure..."

Marshall snapped his eyes open, body tensed for action! "Right! If we're ready, let's go!"


Mobius glanced at a clock on the wall. In reply to Storm's question, he stated, "if my calculations are correct, most of the captured animals will be on their way out about now. Gem can get out easily with them, and can meet with Rhymane and the others. She is our bid to make them understand."

Fenix listened, nodding. Her mind was distracted, though. She was trying to think of her children, of going to them, but something was holding her thoughts away from them.

"Where are my children?"

"They can handle themselves. Don't worry about it."

"But I want to know where-"

"You do know where they are. Mobius has told you that they are safe. Trust him. He wouldn't lie to you."


"They are old enough, they don't need you anymore. Besides, they've always been such a pain."

"No! They haven't been! They are my pride and joy, I love them, and I can't leave them! Let me find them!"

"NO! You will obey me! We have power now, more power than anyone else! They are obstacles to this power, they'll only hold you back! We must follow Mobius, for only he can keep us from those fools."

" children...I..."

"OBEY! You must only think of yourself now! You aren't the same anymore, but if you listen to Mobius, and keep him safe, he will bring them to you. OBEY! I promise you they will be safe, but you must promise to submit to the Will of Mobius!"



Mobius continued to speak. "I know it is sudden, but it is necessary for now. Gem and I reviewed the path she will take. Do you remember where you're supposed to go?"

Gem bobbed her head. "Yes, I think so."

Mobius had a coy smile on his face. "Alright Gem, you've seen that the process doesn't hurt. Is there anything else you need to know or hear before you go?"

"I...don't think so."

"Then here's what is going to happen. Stormcloud and Fenix, you two will go through that door over there, and wait by the truck. Gem, you'll head out on the path we decided upon. I need to...take care of something before I meet you at the truck. There'll be a few boxes there already, and if you want, you can load them up in the back of the truck. When I arrive, we'll leave for the other facility in this city. If there's anything else, speak up! Otherwise..."


White had found a small, empty room. She hurried inside, and locked the door by hitting a switch, just like Mobius had taught her. Now, at long last, she was alone, and there was no way out. All this time, her mind had been burning as a struggle ensued. Now that she was alone, she let her mind go.

"I'm ready."

"Where is he?! We must find him and kill him, and all of them! OBEY!"

"Listen! They're in the facility with us! Fight, fight and you might take them!"

"Their blood will stain my lips! RAAAARGH!!!"

White went berserk, slamming against the door, claws scraping and teeth gnashing! Everything in this room was an enemy, and nothing went unmarked by her fury!

Posts: 240
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Meeka hopped around for a bit chittering before speaking up.
"Meeka come, Meeka small, poor Meeka, but Meeka shall help help yes yes. No let nasty manthings take Big woof no no, Meeka bite nasty manthings, Meeka sharp sharp teeth much much." He nashed his teeth to show his point and scuttled up Marshals tail on up onto his back...

Posts: 1631
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Rhymane was on his feet in an instant. "Okay let's go!"As he passed Marshall he gave a respectful nod to the old dog."I'll try to make sure nothing happens to you, just like Meeka, but if it does..." He sighed slightly before continuing. "...I hope we meet again Marshall. Thank you."

Posts: 279
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Amber nodded, "Thankyou Blood. I'll get on with my job, thankyou for the warning about White." The cat looked back at Wraith adn the large group behind them at the moment.
"Wraith, would you like to take this lot to the exit now while I check out this room?"

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Blood leered at Wraith as the wolf nodded, turning to the others and calling "Okay everyone, follow me."

The snake chuckled a dry laugh. "I had high hopes for you...pity." he muttered. Wraith span round, about to retort, but the snake was already raising himself back up into the air vents.

Blood let the grating drop back into place and set off again down thevent, glancing into the rooms below as he went. He continued for some time without seeing anyone, but at one grate he passed he suddenly stopped, doing a double take!

The room below was much larger than most, some kind of veichle garage apparently, although there was only one truck in it at the moment. hat caught his attention though, was the two figures stood beside the veichle, waiting!

Well looked like Mobius had been buisy! If both Fenix and Storm were now in his pay, it could be dangerousletting them see him, but on the other hand, they would be a surefire way to locate the good doctor. He considered for a moment, eventually coming to the conclusion that he would be fine. Those two wouldn't be much of a threat, especially while still getting used to their new forms, and he had seen no guards in the base.

The vent was near the wall of the garage, and a pile of boxes were stacked directly underneath the grating. Blood forced his nose under the mesh same as he had with the other, and carefully dropped himself down, this time allowing his tail to follow. Storm and Fenix jumped and looked round as his tail dropped onto the boxes with a loud FLUMP.

Blood quickly glanced around, making sure there was no one else in the garage, and, satisfied there wasn't, raised the front of his body off the ground, pushing his head into the air so he was looking down on the two ahead.

"We meet again." he spat sourly, his face serious. "Where's your master, mutants?"

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(OOC: Agh! The week hunted me down and bit me in the butt! Sorry for not getting to this sooner...)

Mobius was standing over a control panel, in a small side room. A caution sign to the side read: Danger! Experimental biological substances! Check safety gear before operating!

The doctor's hands played over the keyboard, and a satisfied grin formed on his face when the readout stated, "Vaccine sequence initiated."

Shutting down the terminal, Mobius left, heading back to the garage.

(Note: This was the vaccine to the virus mentioned on the 2nd page, the one that caused humans to become allergic to their pets. This means that humans will soon be able to take animals back into their homes, an end to an inexplicable event...)


Fenix had seen Blood before, but still didn't know him at all. "Er, 'Master'?"

Storm had picked up more easily what he meant. "He's not our master, and the doctor should be coming this way at anytime. Why, what's it to you?"


It wasn't hard for Gem to slip into the group that was escaping. Amber and Wraith had done an excellent job, and now the animals were congregrating near the exit. She heard Slayer comment, "you're saying we're all supposed to get out through one door? It's daytime, the humans will be out! They will catch on fast that something isn't right."

Wraith spoke back to him, "that's why we'll go out in small groups, dummy! We'll make sure the coast is clear, and then we make a break for it!"

Animals had already been checking the street and going out in small groups, meeting up with some of Slayer's gang, who could direct them to a safe place.

Meanwhile, Amber was free to explore...


Marshall stopped the group (currently, Rhymane, Wheat, and several of Slayer's gang are with him. Anyone else can be there if they want. I'll also assume Meeka is there). He looked out on the street. "It's a main road...way too many people to make it without being seen. I'll run the distraction, the rest of you make a break for it when you see the opportunity! Here I go!"

The Great Dane dashed out into the street, barking at the top of his lungs and narrowly avoiding traffic! As he ran down the street, people yelled, cars slammed on their brakes, and there were a few people making calls on their phones! His huge tail knocked a couple of people down, as he jogged around to people in a friendly manner! A few people tried to restrain him, but as a Dane he was virtually unstoppable!

Wheat led the group across the street; the confusion of Marshall's distraction was so great that they made it with no problem at all! Wheat whispered, "thanks, Marshall," before moving on.

Wheat and Rhymane led the way, and they would be there soon...

A Solitary Room

The red haze lifted from White's mind, as she got to her feet and looked around. She was panting, tired from the rabid exertion. But now, the darkness that was in her mind had ended, wearing itself out and giving her the opportunity to be in control! The claw marks and bite marks she had left on the walls were deep! When berserk, she really was a monster! But now, it would be safe for her to be around others, at least for a little while...

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Amber looked around some more rooms, but these wer empty of animals, it seemed they had managed to get them all out.
"At least that's done." She muttered to herself, as she moved off to the corridor, intent on leaving the building now, she caught a scent which was both familiar but slightly different and another she'd only smelt of a few minites ago. Her eyes widened.
"Storm cloud? No..." Shocked at her new discovery she followed the scent, ideas forming in her mind, as well as many unanswered questions, but amidst the confusion her loyalty came to light.
"I'll have to follow her," she sighed, "Wherever it is she and Fenix are going. If what Rhymane says is true, and that they've been brain washed..." She didn't finish the sentence but she did follow the trail, eventually coming to a garage of some sort where she heard voices.
Amber peered round the corner of the door and saw Fenix and what had to be Storm cloud, she felt a tingle of shock, pain and sorrow flow over her and restrained it. Her eyes flicked from the truck to the pair and to Blood up on his high perch. She gathered from the conversation that they were going to go somewhere.
"Maybe I can sneek on with them, the others will need to know where they're going..."

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(OOC: I'm really sorry, everyone, for my dissapearence. I was half way through updating RPs on Saturday when my internet imploded, and it's only just been fixed now! Sorry for the delay, but now I'm back and ready to rock :thumbsup )


"Don't play like everything is rosy with the world!" spat blood angrily. "The Doctor is coming...good. Now don't interfere...I have no qualms about killing you both, but Rhymane would be upset at me if I did, and I really can't be bothered with petty squabbles right now!"

"Killing us both?" repeated Storm, her eyes narrowing. "You're welcome to try!"

"Don't tempt me! I'm hungry, and you would make a wonderful meal!"

Fenix looked worried. "But...what are you going to do to Mobius? You can't really be planning to..."

Blood leered again. "Eat him? It's why I'm here! I'm not on this mission for the good of my health! I'm hungry, and I also want to get at the Humans. This way I do both." His leer widened as he fixed the vixen-morph with a stare. "Your cubs were wonderful appitisers you's a pity I had to move so fast or I would have taken some of them."

Fenix caught her breath. "Wh...what...?"

"Your precious cubs. Why I didn't think you cared...the way you left them like that! There was nothing to stop me feasting on them you was so tempting!" Bloods voice was dripping with sarcasm...he was obviously enjoying watching Fenix's reactions.

Suddenly there was a noise over by the door, and Blood spun round, his forked tongue flicking. "Silence!" he hissed through clenched teeth as he quietly dropped from the boxes and moved towards the entrance...


The journey to the pet store was indeed quick.

"We got in through the air ventilation shaft." said Rhymane, not waiting for the others as he charged round the side of the building.

Ruby noticed the groups of animals leaving the building and sighed in relief. It looked like most of them were getting out!

Rhymane was already dissapearing into the vent, just his bushy red tail sticking out as he crawled along. "Almost there..." came his echoing voice from inside the tube...

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Stormcloud said nothing else as Blood slithered into place, getting ready for the doctor. She felt she should warn Mobius, as it was he who had made this body possible...And after all, he wasn't as bad as Rhymane had made him seem. But yet, another part of her mind kept her from uttering a single sound after her one protest. She was at a loss for what to do at the moment. Storm and Fenix exchanged looks, Stormcloud reading the fear for her cubs in Fenix's eyes.

"What are we going to do Stormcloud...?" Fenix whispered ever so quietly. The humanoid cat beside her shook her head.

"I..I do not know...."

Fenix bit her lip and began to wonder if Rhy had been right. She was really starting to worry about her cubs! What had become of them? And where were they now...?


"Rhymane! Wait for me!" Ruby hissed as she bounded up to the air-vent and shouldered her way inside. Since she was slightly smaller than Rhy, it was a littler easier goings for her.

"Rhy..Rhy, what are we going to do...once we get there?" She asked him, wondering how he would handle it. She heard Rhymane grunt, but whether it was because of her question or the tight space, she didn't know.

Posts: 240
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Meeka still clung to Marshal's fur,
"Yes yes Meeka say much much animalses be here, see see!" He chittered scanning the croud and his eyes widened.
"Me no see Amber cat cat, me see big howly woof, but me no see Amber cat cat!"
He chittered again rechecking the crowd.
"Yes yes, no no no, no Amber cat cat. We find poor cat cat, poor Meeka gone strange, saving cat cats poor Meeka, yes yes, save from nasty manthing."
He jumped around expectantly waiting for Marshal to get in the vent...

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(OOC: Heh heh...the RP Guild was near dead, and Wraith had vanished, so everything I was involved in had ground to a halt. As such, I decided it would be safe to leave it alone for a while. Imagine my surprise when I come back, more than a week later, and find out that Wraith came back a week ago. Speaking of which, I found that it's almost impossible for me to get online during holiday. Apologies, all, for my absence.

groovygerbil: As Marshall is currently distracting the humans and hasn't moved on, he would have made sure Meeka was with Rhymane and the others. I didn't really think about that until now, but Marshall isn't so absent-minded that he would forget about the animal on his back when he knows he's probably going to be captured. So, to clarify, Marshall is not with Rhymane and the others, but is now by himself.

General: Okay, if I read it right, Ruby has followed Rhymane, and so I assume that means they left the cubs at Central Park. This is okay, as (unless this changes) Mossbelly is there, and there are plenty of capable refugees there as well. Just mentioning it, in case someone thinks of it.)

After making sure the coast was clear, Wheat sent most of his group to lead the escapees to safety, while he took three other dogs with him and followed Rhymane and Ruby. As an order to his crew, he said, "remember, our top priority is to make sure everyone gets out safely!"


As Fenix watched Blood get into position, her hands balled into fists, and began to tremble from the pressure! "I swear, if he has hurt a single one of them, I-"

"They're safe. Just wait, and watch. Do not help the Doctor in this."

"What? Why not, and how do you know?"

There was no reply to her questions. She cast an uneasy glance at Storm, but didn't move.

The door slid open, and Mobius stepped through, unaware that Blood lay in ambush so close to him! "Ah, sorry to keep you waiting! We can go now."

Entrance region to Facility

Gem happened to glance up in time to see and hear Rhymane and those following him entering the building again. She had to talk to him, try to ease his mind about this! Fighting through the steadily shrinking crowd, she hoped she could reach him before he got too deep inside!

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Rhy didn't answer Ruby's question...truth was he was so wrapped up in getting into the building he hadn't even heard it! He made it to the main vent, where it opened out enough to walk normally, and immeadeately ran to the hole where the grating had been that they had got in through before! He jumped down to the floor, then turned, looking up as the others followed him down.

When he was sure they had all exited the vent he nodded towards the ramp in the floor, now clear of escaping animals. "Come on, this way!" he exclaimed.

"Rhy, wait!" Ruby had her head cocked to one side, her ears up, listening. "Is another of your group following us?" she murmured quietly to Wheat. The reply was a shake of the head.

They could all hear it now...a scuffling, as though some other creature were crawling through the vent behind them, coming towards the grating! They all looked up in unison, curious as to who it would be...


The movement was as fast as fast it was almost invisible! Mobius barely had time to cry out before he found himself on the floor, surrounded by tight, powerful coils!

Blood's head hovvered above his, leering down at him through an open mouth, grinning wildly. "You should take more care!" he drawled in his crooning, sarcastic manner.

Mobius tried to move his arms, but found them securely pinned by his sides! "I thought you left with the others." he muttered, narrowing his eyes. "You came back for me did you?"

"Oh yes!" replied Blood, leaning his head down and running his forked tongue across the man's cheek. "I wouldn't miss a chance like this for the world!"

"I wouldn't recommend trying anything against me!" exclaimed Mobius in retort. Blood's leer grew.

"Whyever not?" he drawled as he slowly began to contract his coils. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't!"

(OOC: Up to you, Way, if there IS a reason, or if Mobius was just bluffing here. I take it from your last post you have some kind of plan.)

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(OOC: Wraith: I don't know who that mention of the grates was meant for, so that's why I took it. And, yeh, didn't want you killing him too's why.)

Mobius stared intently into Blood's eyes. "Let's just say...that you are a twig, trying to shatter a rock."

Speaking in riddles wasn't a good way to stop Blood, it seemed; he began to tighten his coils, intent upon crushing the human! Fenix couldn't help but watch in horror...and fascination at the anaconda's work.

...but Mobius didn't collapse like the human sponge he was. Blood was confused. He was putting forth enough strength to snap the bones of a bear, yet he didn't seem to be breaking anything on the human! He remained trapped in the coils, apparently unharmed!

A small laugh from Mobius confirmed that it wasn't working. "I tried to tell you."

Blood observed the human's face, trying to divine his strange behavior. "What are you?"

"Bite me."

A strange two words to say, not really a defiant retort, but more of a challenge...Blood decided, with a cunning smirk, to do what he asked. Teeth flashed, and he snapped down on Mobius' neck!


The metallic noise was unexpected, and Blood pulled back to see he had removed some of the skin on Mobius' neck. But the real surprise came when, instead of blood and sinew, the serpent saw metal! "...a machine?"

Dr. Mobius had that most intricate of smiles on his face. "A long history goes into what I am, but the short version is that my body was replaced with this robot body. Only a small part of me is human. Much of me is 'more', yet I am at best a half-step in best, half of what Mobians are. You are still unevolved, still weak. If you will follow me for a short time, I can give you the strength to kill me with ease, and so much more...all you have to do is let me go for now."


Gem had hurried as fast as she could back inside the building. Because of the crowds, she had opted to go back through the ceiling vents. She half-ran, half-fell out the vent and into the view of Rhymane. So many thoughts rushed through her mind as she looked up at him, and so many emotions, too.

"Gem, you're okay?!" Ruby exclaimed as she stepped forward, checking the kitten over.

Gem spoke rapidly. "Rhymane, I found you! Please, you've got to listen! Mobius didn't mean to hurt anyone! They're not monsters, they're just...different..." She trailed off into silence. For a moment, she was utterly lost for words.

Rhymane had a puzzled expression. "'They?' Look, Gem, there's no time right now...we've gotta go."

Gem gulped and nodded. "Okay, just...please, don't be angry with them."

Rhymane turned, and began to proceed down the tunnels, and the group followed. Gem trailed behind them, trying to keep up.

(OOC: Blargle. Brain cramps aren't cool. I can't even read cues anymore. I'm pretty out of it right now. Can't even remember if there's another side I need to post with.

I need to get better sleep, but this time of year always makes me so cold...then hot...then cold...etc ad infinitum

On the plus side, I get some of my best whacked-out dreams during nights like that.)

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Yeah I was kinda leaving that open for Gem, Way, since you said she followed the group^^)


For the first time in his entire life, Blood was at a loss as to what to do!

"You try to tempt me with the offer of giving me the power to destroy you..." he spat, really just playing for time while he considered his options, "...but you fail to mention that in the process you will destroy me! You fool no-one, and you scare no-one either!"

"I wouldn't destroy you." crooned Mobius. "I'd improve you! You would become so much more...!"

"So much more subserviant to your commands, just like them!" interrupted the anaconda, jerking his head towards Fenix and Storm. "I am a hunter, I will be no-one's slave! You would have to kill me first!" His attitude was slowly returning after the initial shock of descovering Mobius' secret. After all, he had evaluated the situation in his head, and had come to one simple conclusion...

...Mobius may be immune to his attacks, but he was still trapped! If the good doctor was capable of escaping from Blood's coils, why had he not done so already? Granted, Blood was incapacitated while he held him, but they weren't the only ones in the room...!

His eyes flicked up to Storm and enix, still watching wide-eyed from beside the truck. "You two, go find something long and thin...preferably sharp. Let's find out exactly what our friend here looks like on the inside!"

The two figures simply stared at him, as though unsure of how to react! Storm seemed thoughtful, but Fenix appeared concerned...wether for the doctor or for Blood was questionable. The snake decided to give her in particular an added incentive.

"Do you hear me?" he hissed angrily. "Do as I say or once this is over I hunt down your cubs one by one and kill them all in cold blood!" The sarcastic leer suddenly returned and his tingue flicked out as he grinned: "Oh wait, I don't care about them anymore do you."


Mobius didn't mean to hurt anyone!

That was it...from the moment Gem uttered those words, Rhymane had marked her down as a threat.

Fenix had cared for her cubs...Fenix loved her cubs and would do absolutely anything to protect and look after them. This he knew...he had watched her all his life, and had continued to do so even after she had chosen her mate.

She would never abandon them, of this he was certain. he only reason she would act the way she did was if somehow her mind was being influenced...if she had been brainwashed to forget them.

Gem had been seperated from the group as they made their escape before...maybe...maybe she had even chosen to stay! With that suspicion, and with the possibillity of some kind of mind control, there was simply no way on Earth that she could be trusted, especially when she started speaking about Mobius being kind!

Was it possible she had joined his side? And even if she hadn't, maybe she had been brainwashed just like Fenix! If Mobius was so capable as to do the horrors that he had achived, surely altering a small cat's mind without altering her appearence would be cubsplay!

He had said nothing...there wasn't time for a debate. If what Blood had said about Mobius leaving was true, they would need every second they could get! The fact that Gem came out to meet them may mean that Mobius expected their coming and was waiting for changed nothing. There was no other way into the complex they knew about, and to look for another would take too long. They would simply have to attempt to be prepared for anything.

He simply waived Gem off with his words as he ran down the ramp into the corridors, but secretly he was watching her carefully. He would have to keep an eye on her at all times, just incase.

And something else worried him...something that almost had made him stop and ask questions, using up their precious time!

What did she mean by "they"???

He narrowed his eyes as he came to a junction in the corridor. "Ruby, Meeka, which way was it???"

(OOC Is Meeka actually with the group now, or is he staying with Marshall? If he's with Marshall not with everyone else, just say Rhymane never noticed him leave^^)

Posts: 240
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Meeka slipped to the ground and put his nose to the floor sniffing slightly then he sat up on his haunches and twitched his whiskers thoughtfully. Finally he nodded his head sagely and pointed a paw down a corridor.
"Thisie way Meeka thinkses, poor Meeka, Meeka has to think of everything yes yes, ah well, Meeka do so anyways. Follow poor small footed Meeka, who can not move very quickly and can be squished by Big woofie foxies and cat cats, poor Meeka."
The rat scuttled down the corridor keeping his nose to the ground, sometimes pausing and thinking but still dutifully leading the way...

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Fenix's fists clenched again, a glare forming on her face. "Why, you...!"

But after a moment, she relented, and looked around for something that could be used.

"Stop! What are you doing? Don't listen to the snake, he is your enemy!"


"I told you, they are safe! OBEY!"


On and on, the battle went in her mind, until she collapsed to her knees, holding her head in pain! "Augh!"

The others in the room looked on in interest and concern, but with a hand she gestured for Storm to not come any closer. Fenix's hands wrapped around the base of a Caution: Ramp sign, and with a twist, she pulled it out and stood up. As she walked to Mobius slowly, she grimaced as though still in pain, the voice in her head pounding away at her psyche. "Tell me one thing, Doctor...did you put something in my head to make me obey?"

Mobius had a confused and concerned look. "No, I didn't. What are you...?" Then he gasped as he remembered that White had been having similar symptoms after he had installed the mechanical throat! "I think I know what you are talking about, but I promise you, I had nothing to do with it!"

"Pity...then you might have been able to fix it."

As Fenix slowly, very deliberately walked toward Mobius, her inner battle was still going on. Both her mind and the other one were vying for control of her body, and right now she was so charged with emotion about her kids, she was winning!

Meanwhile, Stormcloud was watching from near the truck.


"Huh? Who's there?"

"I'm you, the true you."

"I am the true me!"

"Think of your conscious. In the truck, the keys are on the driver's seat. Take the keys, and drive away."

"But, I don't know how to drive."

"It will come naturally...I will show you how. There is a mansion outside of the city. If you go there, you can have the best of the human world, and have the power to do whatever you want in the animal world. I will ensure it. Think of the can do everything your heart desires. Everything!"


Mobius looked up at Fenix, fear no longer apparent. "Fenix. My superiors will understand, and they will still take you in." He gave a reassuring smile. "There is a map in the truck, and the location of the other facilities are marked. If you ever need a shelter, go to one of them." He closed his eyes. "Do what you have to do."

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The group followed Meeka quickly, looking round the deserted corridors apprehensivley. Rhymane looked agitated at the slow pace of their advance, but he bit his lip, knowing it was pointless saying anything. Meeka was going as fast as he could, and Rhy had to admire his memory! The fox hadn't expected to return here like this, so hadn't bothered to memorise the way in much.

It wasn't too long before they arrived at the room where they had first met Doctor Mobius. Meeka turned and grinned widely at them, his nose twitching with excitement. "See, see!" he exclaimed. "Poor Meeka find place when cat-cats and big woofie foxes lost!"

Rhymane looked around the room quickly, gritting his teeth in a snarl as he saw it was deserted. He stared at the chair that Fenix had been sat in, shivering inadvertantly as he remembered seeing her there smiling at them. "Where are they?" he muttered, testing the air with his nose.

(OOC: Anyone seen Ferret recently...? I'm just wondering if he would want to come in anytime on the garage scene, since Amber is there looking on. Also, SL hasn't posted in a bit. She said in other RPs she's buisy, but I don't want to rush things too fast and end up leaving Storm and Ruby behind.

I'll leave the garage scene for now, and if nobody has posted in a bit, I'll carry on with Blood.)

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