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From Another's Eyes...
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From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

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(OOC: As of DEC 14/15 2005, I will be unable to make regular visits here, for an undetermined (and probably large) length of time. As such, my involvement in this RP must stop. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, but I have no choice in this matter.

As this is my RP, I realize this causes a few more problems than this might otherwise; HOWEVER, this RP is at a point where anything can happen. I have no real devious plans or anything. So, feel free to take it in any direction.)

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Downer Way ; ; Hope you get back soon man.

A for the RP, I'd really love to see this carry on, as I had some ideas for it as well! Unfortunately it seems some others have dissapeared too. Is anyone still here, and if they are, do they want to continue?)

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(OOC: SO sorry everyone! I've been so busy with school and projects and the holidays...guh, I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm just now recovering from a cold I got while in New York. If anyone has any problems or questions about where I'm standing or what I plan to do, just PM me.

Here's a small little post...I'll edit later if I can with something better)


Ruby glanced at Rhy, worry evident in her eyes. Of course, she was worried about his back, but she was also concerned about how he was handling all this! She had no way to tell what Rhymane was going to do next, and she was beginning to wonder if he was truly okay. At this, the vixen sighed and said to him, "Rhymane...are you alright?"

Without looking at her, as he was busy sniffing the air, Rhy replied, "If you mean my back, Ruby--"

"No, not your back. You." With this, Ruby planted herself in front of him and drew her brows together in a need-to-know manner.


Stormcloud looked from the truck to Fenix and back again. Whatever joy or fascination she had found in this new body of hers, she was a little frightened and confused about the voice in her head. Because of its command to take the keys and drive away, the Stray felt a compelling urge to obey. But the rational part of her mind say no, and went on trying to block out the strange voice.

"I'm not leaving Fenix alone. I'm worried for her."

"No. Get in the truck and drive away. Fenix will be fine; just look at her! I doubt she'd listen to you if even you tried. Don't bother. Obey!"

"But why? What could it hurt to try? Besides, I don't want anything bad to happen...I need to help Fenix!"

"No! You must obey! I am the true you!"

Stormcloud began to get a headache from all this; she wanted to obey, needed to obey...but she knew it wouldn't be right if she did! So, with one hand to her pounding head Storm began walking toward Fenix, all the while trying to ignore the voice again...

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Welcome back SL^^ Now we just need Ferret too. Wonder where he got to...

I'll carry on posting here too, if you are then^^ Give me a little time to re-read the last page or so and I'll be ready^^

As far as the story itself goes, how do you want to work it? We each just throw up ideas as they come to us, or one of us takes over where Way left off?

And I hope Way can make it back soon too^^)


"No of course I'm not alright! Are you???"

Ruby was taken aback by the sudden outburst. She blinked, taking a step backwards slowly.

Immeadeately Rhy's face fell and he closed his eyes. "Ruby...I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." He paused for a moment, then opened his eyes again. "I'm just worried for my friends." he continued. "I'm petrefied something may have happened to them. You saw Fenix's cubs...there's something going on here...something bad!"

Ruby shook her head slowly. " can't make yourself responsible for all your friends! It's admirable what you're doing, and I understand your motivation, but you can't look after everyone!"

Rhymane gritted his teeth. "I can try!"

Before Ruby could reply, Wheat, who had been scouring the area with a sensitive nose, suddenly looked round from neat the second door to the room. "Hey, I have a scent over here!"

The others ran forward, sampling the smell themselves. "Bad doctor man!" exclaimed Meeka. "And ugly metal monster breath too!"

"They must have gone this way!" muttered Rhymane, already setting off down the corridor. "Come on all!"


Blood was secretly annoyed that Mobius seemed to be taking this threat to his existance so calmly, but he didn't show it. He leered once again as Fenix slowly knelt down beside them, sign in hand. "I wish I could say it was nice knowing you Doctor, but I don't lie either."

"It makes no difference, snake." muttered Mobius quietly. "I've done my part. That's what is important."

Blood's leer froze on his face. Wasn't this Human going to be upset at anything??? He nodded to Fenix. "Cut him...deep." he spat.

Fenix gritted her teeth and reached forward with the metal in her hand, pressing down on Mobius' forehead. There was a screeching sound of metal on metal as the skin on his face was split, right down the middle! The thing underneath the outer covering was less than Human!

Blood was watching interestedly. "Go for the eyes!" he advised. "Blind him!"


All three looked round in shock, to see Rhymane, Ruby, Meeka and the others stood in the doorway to the garage, looking on with wide eyes!

Rhymane took a step forward. "While Mobius should get everything he deserves, now isn't the time." he muttered, staring at the Doctor's prone form. He felt he should have been scared stiff by the metal, but he was past scaring any more. "He is the only one that can turn Fenix back to her real self..." His eyes flicked up to the other figure beside the truck. "...and Storm."

"But who's to say they'd want to turn back, Rhy?" came a call from behind him. "That's what I came to find you for!" exclaimed Gem, stepping alongside him. "Is it really so bad, what's happened to them?"

Posts: 240
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OOC: Soz I haven't been here for a while. Back now though.

Meeka looked back and forth at Storm and Mobius in surprise.
"Cat cat no cat cat no more? No no, bad thing, no, poor Meeka, giant cat cat must be easier bettering at catchifying poor Meeka, poor Meeka, nasty manthing now metal man thing, Meeka no likie this place, nasty bad things, yes yes, nasty nasty nasty bad things."
He scuttled round Rhymane and chittered unhappily.

Posts: 279
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OOC: I'm back guys, sorry about my absense, I just got a dog so I've been busy. But I'm back now and willing to continue.

Amber stepped out of the cart now the others were here.
She called out to them, feeling her hopes rise, she hadn't realised how much she'd come to rely on them for support.
She moved swiftly across the room to them then stopped,
"Did the others escape? The animals we got out of the cages, did you see them leave?"
"Yes, don't worry."
Sighing with relief she slipped among the others, waiting to hear what the plan was now...

OOC: Sorry it's so short, I'll try to keep up my posting though. Oh yeah, and just for the record, I'm female 😛

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(OOC: Will edit with a decent post when I can...sorry I haven't been here)

Posts: 1321
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(OOC: I'm ba-ack! Hee hee. It seems to me the holidays have bitten a lot of people, but hey, as long as they are enjoying themselves...

I hope this post doesn't throw a damper into anyone's plans. If so, we can talk about it and change it. I hesitate to post this up, as I seem to have gotten pretty good at changing things around too much in this RP.)

IC: Before Rhymane could snap at Gem's crazy talk, and before Fenix or Storm could do anything else, and even before anyone else could say anything else, they were interrupted by a powerful, familiar voice: "Stop!"

White the wolf bounded into the middle of the room. She raised her head, glancing from Fenix to Rhymane, and back again. "Fenix, Rhymane has a secret he needs to tell you."

Rhymane took a moment to glare, then stare pleadingly at White. "What are you playing at?"

White growled at Rhymane. "If you won't tell her, I will!"

Fenix stood up straight. "Tell me what?"

Ruby cast a worried gaze upon Rhymane. "Rhy..."

White grinned a little at him. "He knows...he knows exactly what I mean. It's the truth. This might be the last chance she has to hear it."

Fenix's face was a mixture of puzzlement, concern, confusion, and curiosity. "What? The truth? Rhymane, do you know what she's talking about?"

White said no more, looking at Rhymane expectantly.

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(OOC: Welcome back Way^^)


Rhymane met White's gaze with aworried yet resolved look. "White, now's not the time. We came to rescue Fenix and the others, and that's what we need to do! Things like that can wait until..."

"It's with regard to Striker." interrupted White, turning to face Fenix.

"ALL RIGHT!" Rhymane stepped forwards slowly, his head down and his tail between his legs. "Fenix...I was going to tell you when we were out of this, but..." He bit his lip. "I still wonder if it was the right thing not to tell you initially, but that wasn't my choice." He paused, flashing White a venomous glance before continuing.

" know I've always cared for you...I-I'd do anything for you...I've loved you ever since I first saw you."

Fenix was still knelt down by Mobius, the bent sign in her paw, staring at Rhymane through wide eyes.

"A short time ago, I made a mistake...a mistake that will be with me for the rest of my life...a mistake that I can never forgive myself for." Tears were in Rhymane's eyes once again, and his voice was slightly hoarse as he muttered quietly: "I'm the one...that...killed Striker."

Fenix blinked in supprise, her mouth slowly beginning to drop open as the words sunk in.

"I didn't intend to!" continued Rhymane through gritted teeth, a force behind each word like a hammerblow, as though he was trying to break his clenched teeth. " was an accident...I let my emotions take over...I never realised my own strength! I was...jelous of him...I-I wanted you..."

Slowly, Fenix reached down, placing a hand on the floor to support herself. It wasn't easy to miss the fact that her hands had begun to shake...

Rhymane raised his head and their eyes met. "Fenix..." he continued quietly, "...I know I was wrong, and I know what I've done is unforgivable. If you want to kill me after this, then I will let you! But I came here...for you. I came to try to make up in some way for past mistakes. I heard you were in trouble, and your cubs, and I came to rescue you! Once we are all back home and safe, you can tear me to pieces for my error, but please, whatever happens, remember this...I love you Fenix...I always have and I always will, and if there is anything I can do to ensure your safety or that of your children...anything at all, I would do it!"

His tears were flowing freely now, as he bowed his head again and finished. "I don't ask for forgiveness, I don't ask for exemption from punishment. All I ask is that you try to remember me with at least the smallest ammout of honor, despite my mistake, and know that I only want what's best for you, and the cubs..."

His voice petered out into a quiet sobbing, and the room fell largely silent. All eyes slowly slid across to Fenix, to see what the response would be, apart for Blood, who was still fixed firmly on Rhymane.

"Killing a rival for a mate." he drawled slowly. "I thought for a moment there was hope for you after all, but looking at your reaction now you've made me sick of your weaknesses once again."

"Shut your sly mouth, worm!" spat White, bearing her teeth. "Or I'll shut it permanently!"

Blood leered at her a moment, but said nothing more, as he was still tied up with Mobius at the moment...

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White had a contented smile on her face. She had accomplished one more thing that she had wanted to do, and now the die had been cast. She turned, and began to walk away.

The shock that had been given to Fenix was obvious in her face. She stood up carefully, and began to walk towards Rhymane slowly. The sign clattered from her hands to the floor. Tears flowed freely from her face. She managed to swallow, her lips trembling.

Rhymane expected the worst. They all did. And they were all surprised by what happened next.

Fenix fell to her knees, and wrapped her arms around Rhymane's broad shoulders, sobbing! "I-I'm s-so...I'm so sorry, R-Rhymane!"

Though he couldn't say it, it seemed obvious that Rhymane would have asked, "Sorry? Why?"

"All this time...all the pain you must have been going through...because of me. And all that...a waste because now...we...just look at me! I...I'm...I'm a...monst-"

She couldn't finish her sentence.

Mobius had been watching the scene with interest. Seeing how his 'child' reacted to such a powerful emotional experience was valuable data. It troubled him that she was taking the situation both so well and so badly. Her sudden change in feelings towards her body must have been due to the emotional stress of having to give up part of her past she was attached to, he thought.

Still, all is not lost. She will recover, will be even better for us all if he willingly accepts the process, to be with her. The leaps that will make in science! But, how to convince him...?

(OOC: Note that White has not yet had time to leave the room, if anyone wants to do anything there)

Posts: 1631
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Rhymane bent his neck and began nuzzling Fenix's ear softly. "Fenix...Fenix you aren't a monster!" he murmured, barely audibly. "Your emotions have proven that you aren't! I recognise you, Fenix...the real you. You were being controlled, against your will!"

Fenix sat back slightly, looking at him through watery eyes. "Now you're back," Rhymane continued, "aren't you. You're back to your normal self! There's only one monster here..." His gaze slid over to the metal features of Doctor Mobius. "...isn't there, Doctor."

Blood's expression suddenly perked up. "Oh finally we get to the good stuff!" he muttered, grinning.

Rhy looked across at the Mobian Vixen knelt by him. "Fenix, your cubs are waiting in the park." he murmured. "Let's finish all this and you can go get them, alright?"

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Fenix sniffed, recovering some of her composure. "O-okay, but...what do we do about him?" Her gaze darted to Mobius for a brief moment. "Should we kill him? We might need him."

Mobius darted into action. A shock of electricity bounced over his body! Blood was caught and surprised long enough for Mobius to throw him off! As Blood snapped at him in anger, Mobius moved quickly, rolling to his feet, and as he went he picked up the bent sign Fenix had dropped! Holding it up in front of him defensively, he faced the animals.

Gem bounded forward, standing beside Mobius and shouting, "He's not a monster! Maybe you can't understand his genius right now, but I promise you that someday you will regret not joining him sooner!"

Mobius had his crazy smile back on his face. "There is too much to be done, too much to learn! I can't die here!" Mobius glanced over at his other 'child'. "Lady Storm, if you would be so kind as to start up the truck for us...Lady Fenix, I invite you to join us. It's not too late to dive into the future!"

Fenix stood up and faced Mobius. She realized now that the commanding voice in her head was gone! Had she overcome it? "Doctor, I...I can't. Not right now, not anymore."

Mobius nodded. "I thought so." A hand brushed through his hair in excitement. "Oh, the valuable data this brings! I must see the results of this at the Northern Lab!"

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"Gem, what are you saying?" asked Ruby, stepping forward with her eyes fixed on the cat. "How can you defend him?"

Before Gem could answer, Rhymane's voice cut in, adressing Mobius. "No!" he shouted. "Leave them alone! Just turn them back the way they were and leave us all alone!!!"

"My dear Rhymane," replied the Doctor, his metal features wearing a grotesque grin now the skin on his face was gone, "this is just too important! I can't let what you say take place!"

"Okay!" Rhymane was shaking, and his voice was almost hoarse, but he stepped forward, boldly fixing his eyes on Mobius and ignoring the threatening brandishing of the sharp sign in the Doctor's hand. "Turn them back to normal...let them go, and all the others too...and you can have me!"

Mobius paused, supprised. "What?"

"Turn Storm and Fenix back to how they were, and let everyone go, and I'll offer myself to you, for your experiments." growled Rhymane through gritted teeth. "You can do whatever you want to me...just...let them go, as they were!"

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Amber's eyes widened. "Rhymane don't!" She cried darting to stand beside him,
"There has to be another way! You're needed here."
She stared up at him hopefully but she could see grim determination in his face.
"Well if you're going I'm going too, I can't let you punish yourself like this." Her eyes glinted dangerously as the small cat looked up at him with equal determination.

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"No!" retorted Rhymane, rounding on Amber quickly. "The whole point of me doing this is that nobody else has to go through it! So long as all of you are safe, it's a price I'm willing to pay, but if any of you are with me, it makes the whole thing pointless!"

"But Rhy, you can't..."

"Don't make me fight you on this Amber!" interrupted Rhymane, an unusually dark tone to his voice! He turned back to Mobius, his eyes narrowed. "So what'll it be?"

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"Well you're going to have to fight me 'cause I'm not letting you go alone." She retorted. Her fur standing up on end.
"Besides," she shot a glance at Gem and Storm,
"I think it's them you should be trying to convince, not me. How do you know they'll agree."

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(OOC: Trying to wait for Shadow Lady...that's why I'm dragging the scene out. I sent her an ezmessage, but I don't know when she's going to have time (i.e. be back and have enough time from school and such).)


As the animals shared their banter, Mobius diverted his gaze towards Storm. She still hadn't moved. What was going on? Surely, she would have decided on a side by now? Or, at the very least, want to get away to have the time to think about things?

The voice inside Storm's head was growing weaker, but still insisting she run away by herself to that mansion. The conflict within her own mind is what made her pause: Mobius, Mossbelly, Rhymane, or herself? The choice here just might change everything...

Gem looked up into Mobius' face, a worried note in her voice. "Doctor...?"

He bent his knees slightly, enough to reach a hand down to gently stroke Gem's fur. A purr escaped Gem. "Don't worry, dear."


Mobius straightened, turning his full attention to Rhymane. "You are an interesting specimen, and that is an interesting offer, but what makes you think I would want you more than any other? I already have access to dozens of animals, with or without the ones here. And, I would be hard-pressed to find subjects as valuable to me as Fenix, Stormcloud, and Gem." He had to keep his tongue in check, to make sure he didn't inform Rhymane that he was high on Mobius' list as well, and also that Gem was useful only for her rare devotion. "However, you do have me in a rather uncommon position, so I am willing to negotiate. How about this: If both Rhymane and Ruby willingly come with me, then I will let Storm and Gem choose for themselves, and will make no attempts to force or coerce them to come with me. And, the same goes for Fenix, though it seems she has already chosen. What do you say? Do you have any better offers than that?"

Posts: 240
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Meeka sat looking back and forth at the conversation, his tail twitching agitatedly.
"Meeka no likie nasty man thing, this not good, not good at alls. Meeka go findie somethink to help poor Meeka relaxie, nasty manthingie metal nasty." He sat up and suddenly sped across to the truck, slipping in through the partly open door, and scuttling to a halt ontop of the patch of carpet, "Meeka know know a rat rat come to big metal thing find soft stuffs, rippy rippy chew chew much fun yes yes." He nodded to himself and started ripping up parts of carpet, investigating areas under the steering wheel in particular, and the breaks...

OOC: Soz I haven't posted in a while guys, if this is interfering wit6h the plot then you can ignore him or chuck him out later.

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"I have a better offer." muttered Blood, irritation in his voice. "You die, and everyone here does what they want. How's that?"

"He's right Doctor." growled Rhymane, stepping forward slowly, seeming to have found new confidence. "You aren't the one who's making offers here. Either you releace everyone here, right now, turning them back to how they were, and get me, or we force you to turn them back, then you die. Your choice."

"Rhymane, you can't!" cried Gem, alarmed, then suddenly she cowered as the big fox's cold gaze flicked to her.

"Why are you defending him, Gem??? Can't you see what kind of a monster he is???" Rhy muttered through gritted teeth. "Whatever he's done to you, fight it! You can beat it, Gem...Fenix has! Don't let him control you!"

Posts: 409
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(OOC: Terribly sorry for my absence...I replied to Way's note, but I little too late I see. At the mo I'm still tied up but I will try to write up something decent. If worst comes to worst I may have to pull out. Right now, though, I'm just gonna see what happens - I'm still in.)

Posts: 1631
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This one's the same as Ghost'd be a major downer to see it drop, but several players have left or gone AWOL, so it's looking like it may be over. It's a real shame, this was a good RP. If it can be revived, I'm in, but I can't see how that would be possible...

Posts: 279
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OOC: If it is still possible for this to continue I'm still here.

Posts: 409
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*sigh* If that's the case, it appears I've been a little late...again. Like you Wraith, I'm up for bringing this thing back, but if it can't be done we might as well accept defeat yet again. D:

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Hey Ferret...long time no see^^

Yeah, I'd like to continue it, but I'm not sure how we'd be able to. I figure the only way would be for one of us to take up Way's mantle and take control of the story...I don't know how you two would feel about that, but personally, whilst I have various ideas for the plot, I simply don't believe I'm good enough to live up to the mantle Way created with his characters and his storytelling, and I can't help feeling if I tried to take over, the thing would just spiral downwards into oblivion.

Do either of you think you'd be able to do it? As I said, it'd be a shame to see such an innovative story collapse...

Posts: 409
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To be honest, I doubt I'd have the gut nor the creativity for the job. Once again, I'm agreeing with you Wraith; I just don't think I'd be able to live up to the level of goodness Way has made for this story. While I know I'm certainly capable of giving it a whirl, I also know that I'd most likely go into one of my fits again (like I did recently) and justt forget my duties. That of course would be no good, and we might as well be back at square one.

If any of you are really wanting to see this thing come back, I mean really wanting to see it live, and none of us want to take control of it, I propose we do a kind of collab...thing. That's just an idea, in case you all don't want it that badly. I don't know how much help I'd be in that position but I know it'd be better than me being GM in Way's place.

In any case, that's my take on it. Indeed, seeing this thing collapse would be just awful, but if there's nothing we can do...

Posts: 279
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OOC: From what I see here I don't think we'd be able to continue this very well, it's already half dead anyway, it was a great RP but yeah...I'll stick with it if you guys want to continue it though, sorry if I sounded really pessimistic just then. But at least I was honest.

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