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Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

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Posts: 186
Estimable Member

ooc: thats cool. Ive been saving the replies to my usb drive. so when I have free time I can add some here and there.

Posts: 481
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Topic starter

(OOC: Ok...time for me to stop neglecting my baby. >.>; *cough* I mean this RP.

Also...another thing that I came up with... Remember how I said that cross-species unions were frowned upon? Well while still true...there is a...loophole, if you will.  Species that are similar enough, are considered the same species, and therefore a union between them would be acceptable. For example...a brown hyena could be with a spotted or striped without any negative repercussions (there might be funny looks if a spotted was with an aardwolf (Which is technically a hyena and NOT a wolf) since aardwolves are considered "lesser" hyenas, but it would still be accepted.)  I'm making this confusing, I know. XP

Also...this next part with Surge and Discord, could be better, but...well it's the best I've been able to think up.



"This is'll never work!"

"If you keep that attitude, yes, you're right.  Relax, I know what I'm doing." ...I hope... Surge tried to quash his misgivings.

"But...I look nothing like an echidna!  I'm too tall anyway!" At Surge's suggestion, Discord had rubbed grey rock-dust into his fur...obscuring his markings.  "And didn't you say most of them were redish?"

"Most, yes, but not all of them.  And our echidnas have a wide range of heights...some of them can get pretty tall. Here...Put this over your muzzle." Surge had used one of his quills to poke a hole in a discarded peice of tan cloth...through which he poked something small, shiny, black and conical.

Discord quirked an eyebrow. "A funnel? That looks nothing like a nose!" He put the funnel-bandana on anyway. "And it makes me sound funny."

"Don't do any talking then.  Pretend you're mute.  The funnel looks enough like a nose in the darkness...It'll be fine." Surge smiled reassuringly, before rummaging in the refuse pile again, reamerging with a length of grey cloth, which he tore into sections, some of which he wadded up and rolled in some of the others. Taking that quill again, he poked holes in the edges, threading a length of thin wire through the holes and sewing it shut. He then took another lenghth of cloth, poked holes at each end of it and at the top of the roled cloth cones, then sewed them togeather as well.  He then repeated this several more times, until there was a sort of makeshift echidna-dred-hat.  Where the remnants of the head-cloth hung down, he poked more holes, through which he threaded two lengths of on each side.  "There.  Done.  Put this on, tie it under your chin, then tuck it in your hood.  No one will know the difference.

Full of doubt, the hyena did so. "I still don't think this will work...what about my tail? That looks nothing like an echidna's!"

"That's easy..." Surge said, rummaging again.  He produced more grey cloth.  "Just wrap this around your tail nice and tight...and I'll sew the ends shut." He cought his new friend's shocked look, and laughed nervously, "No no! I'm not sewing it TO your tail!  I'm just gonna sew it to itself...we can tear it off later...though you might want to keep the disguise while you're here...If as you say there's a bounty on your head."

"Well...ok...I guess..."

Several minutes later, the costume was complete...aside from a few straggly hairs that escaped the wrap on Discord's tail. Surge shrugged it off.  "Oh don't worry about that...just keep it under your cloak and nobody will know...the only reason we needed to wrap it at all is if for some reason your tail poked out from under the cloak..."


"Can't I do ANYthing to help out though? I hate sittin here like an invalid while my least if I was doin' somethin...even just around duty or something? Couldn't I be a lookout? That doesn't take a fully healed leg...and it's almost better now anyway, thanks to your healing--"

Liberty sighed, placing a hand to her forehead.  "Look...I have somebody on lookout.  There's not many of us left from the attack...and nobody else that's used to actually fighting...but there's enough to survive.  I can't have you going on lookout because...and I'm sorry to say this, since I know how much you prize your speed, the moment you'd be too slow to escape if that...demon...showed up agian..."

Sonic winced.  He knew she didn't mean to be cruel, but...the 'too slow' comment still stung.  And the worst part of it his heart he knew she was right.  But that would be fixed soon...he just KNEW it...Something else caught his attention though, and his ears pricked forward. "Demon?  What demon?"

The hyena sighed.  "Me and my big mouth.  We think Nimbus and Robotnik somehow woke it.  And they've been using it against some of our villages.  It would come in every few days and break something...They couldn't even fix what it broke before it would come back...It's been a huge drain on our already limited resources...In the end, each village plagued by it ended up surrendering...rather than fight a losing battle.  It's shameful, but it's the truth.  There was nothing they could do...It's a demoralizing tactic, I suspect.  It never found the Crystal Caves...but instead the robots did..."


(OOC: I know, I didn't get to Reni.  You guys will just have to be in suspense a little longer. XP *is evil*)

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

OOC: Thanks for the lead-in Vi, time to introduce my character I guess!

Name: Moros
Species: Hybrid (blends aspects of Bat, predominantly Clouded Leopard, and a few Dragon features) Techno-Organic Weapon
Gender: Male
Brilliant scarlet (occassionally change to look like two
orbs of fire)
Fur Colour:
Tawny with large, irregularly-shaped black markings
Age: Unknown (appears to be in his
early 20's)
Team: None (is on
no-one's side but his own)
Nicknames: The
Demon, Winged Death, etc
Appearance: Some detail required here,
so bear with me! Moros has long, black hair that extends from his head
to halfway down his back, usually worn loose. Both eyes are brilliant
scarlet, and have a dangerous intensity to them. Appears to wear boots,
gauntlets, breastplate and tassets made of a bright, seamless metal.
Underneath these, he seems to wear close-fitting black garments, on his
lower half at least. Visible on his upper arms and his face are
tattoo-like markings which seem to be made from the same metal, as though the fur growing from those areas has been coated with it . He has a
long tail, retractable claws on each digit, and large, batlike wings.
Sometimes, a murderously sharp blade can be seen covering the end of his
tail, his wings will look metallic and razor-edged, and his long hair
and other parts of him will seem to be aflame, giving him an almost
infernal look.

Personality: Intelligent,
cunning and a deep thinker, Moros can appear to be calmly subservient
or a berserker warrior with equal ease. However, despite seeming as
unperturbed by slaying people as destroying robots, he isn't entirely
uncaring, and may well aid others- if it suits his purposes. Make no
mistake though, everything he does he does to advance his own agenda,
and if there's a chance that a favour here or a killing there might give
him some leverage, he'll exploit the opportunity. Slow to trust anyone,
but if you gain his trust he makes a good friend. If you prove
untrustworthy, he makes a deadly enemy. If he has any pet hates or
character quirks, no-one is close enough to him to have seen them.
Abilities: Moros is neither strictly
organic or mechanical, nor is he a cyborg. Instead, he is- from the
atoms up- a blend of biology and technology that generally gives him the
best of both worlds. Although not the fastest runner- that honour goes
to certain hedgehogs- he is nevertheless quite quick on his feet and
skilled in hand to hand combat. His forte though, is flight. Once on the
wing, he can fly several times faster than the speed of sound, and is
highly manouverable. His technological side enables him to sheath most
of his body in a lightweight alloy that is very resilient, protecting
him from most wounds and enabling him to give razor-edges to his wings
and a deadly tip to his tail. It is also possible that the technological
side of his nature enables him to interface directly with other
technologies, and to have a prodigious memory. The fact that he is
able to exude extremely hot flames from his body without burning is also
Weaknesses: Despite
all the abilites mentioned above, there are some chinks in the armour.
Firstly, although Moros can generate a protective alloy, he seems only
capable of covering so-much of his body with it, leaving the rest more
vulnerable. Also, the fact that he is part technology may mean that he
is vulnerable to computer viruses in much the same way that others are
vulnerable to regular viruses, though this remains untested. In addition
to this electromagnetic pulses- while not being able to knock him out
completely- can nevertheless temporarily stun him, and dampen or even
neutralise his technological abilities for a time. If there are other
potential weaknesses they remain unknown- for now.
Weapons: Himself.
Other Relatives: None.
Brief history: Moros comes from a zone
that was created by the fusion of the two worlds, a zone which never
existed on either world, but mingles aspects of both. Though it has only existed for five years, this zone came complete with its own culture and history, and to the mind of its inhabitants (inhabitant rather, Moros being the only individual within the zone) it has always existed. Long ago- by the reckoning of Moros and by the records that still exist there- this
zone was the home of a race of people who used highly advanced
magic-based technology. As hostilities between themselves and another
race of similar technological prowess increased they produced a
prototype techno-organic weapon, one that would- if successful- be the
first of many made to protect their land and deliver death to their
foes. However, before he could be awoken, the land was destroyed and the
weapon remained in stasis beneath the ruins, programmed and ready but
not awake- until Robotnik found him two years ago and revived him, to work for himself and
Nimbus, striking terror into such rebels as remain free. However, while Moros gives the impression of being a fully obedient, mindless slave, taking orders directly- and only- from the two tyrants, he is in fact fully sentient and aware. He also has plans and an agenda of his own, and merely continues to act as a mindless slave because it suits his purposes to have Robotnik and Nimbus think him so...

Long character bio I know, now let's see if I can keep the IC stuff short!

IC: While Surge and Discord conspired to save Reni from her ignoble fate and the two tyrants plotted with and against each other, a sinister figure prowled through the darkened corridors of the tyrant's lair. Red eyes glowed eerily in the gloom, taking in every aspect of the environment, and a dangerous mind entertained deep and deadly thoughts. For the past two years Moros- known and feared by slaves, rebels and minions alike as "The Demon"- had been loyally carrying out the will of the two dictators; Lord Robotnik and Lord Nimbus. He was doing so even now, for it pleased the two tyrants to have him patrol the fortress in random patterns, occassionally scaring either slaves or minions in order to keep everyone on their toes. The dictators themselves were the only two people in the world he was strictly forbidden to kill. Robotnik believed he had- at the time of awakening Moros- successfully reprogrammed him, making him a mindless slave, even if there was much he didn't understand about the strange technologies that had been used to create Moros to begin with. Had he understood Moros a little better however, he would have re-evaluated that opinion, for Moros was a living being first and a weapon second. And there was only one inflexible, unalterable rule written into the very atoms of Moros's being- a rule that could not be removed or violated without killing Moros himself. The rule went like this: No command or programme which negates the capacity of the system to function in the manner deemed best by it, which disregards the free will of the individual, shall ever be binding or authorative. Or more simply put: no violating free will and no rule that says you can't change the rules. And changing the rules was something that had been on Moros's mind a lot as of late. In the two years he had been active he had been watching and observing- learning through his access to Robotnik's databases and through every whisper he picked up on here in the fortress. Learning who was who and who was loyal to whom. Now it was almost time to put into motion a plan of his own. All he needed was a slave to start things. It had to be the right slave though, not just any slave. And it was the process of elimination that was occupying his mind just now, as he prowled the corridors...

OOC: Hope all that doesn't make folk's eyes swim! I guess the IC isn't very informative, but I want to leave things as open as possible just now for whoever posts next. 

Posts: 186
Estimable Member


back to what we were talking about before being interrupted by big
dumb and ugly, Hells halls. Is beautiful from what I heard. it’s a
cave system that was formed by the fusing of the two worlds. The
intense heat and pressure formed caverns, strange rock formations and
precious gems which line or fill its walls. A majority being
emeralds. He’s using captives and slaves to mine them. Then using
the emeralds to fund his little world domination fantasy. The slaves
are beaten, tortured, and killed sometimes brutally. Earning the
place the name hells halls or something like that. I was in a rush as
it was being explained to me.", Lucky explained stepping over a
fallen tree.

looked down at the still spinning compass. He sat down on a nearby
rock to catch his breath and get an idea of where he was, “Wish I
was back home. I grew up in a town outside the city limits. It was
nice. Everyone knew everybody. Lots to do. No war, no killing, just
good friends and good times. Then I volunteer... Ooooh go see a new
world meet new people just fly through this portal… it was fun at
first. The kingdom the Earth Special Forces stayed at was untouched
by robotnik. It was beautiful. Only had a patrol to worry about every
couple of days as well as flying in supplies and food. A few months
later there is the NOF on behalf of robotnik. We helped as many
escape as we could evacuating to earth through the portal while
holding them off as long as possible. It wasn’t hard but they just
kept coming. After 2 days of fighting those of us that volunteered to
stay behind fell back. Before we knew it we had been pushed out of the kingdom. A
few days after that we went back on a rescue mission for the others.
That’s how I met her. Well I knew her before too but not as well.
Before robotnik sent the NOF I was just another earth soldier doing
patrols in her fathers kingdom. Let me tell you looking like a
overlander doesn’t exactly make you that popular.“, lucky took
out Tatiana’s photo, ”Nimbus had the royal family executed so
there would be no question to his authority. They left her for dead.
No one was left in that kingdom. Just her. Everyone else was either
evacuated, dead, or enslaved. We went into hiding. Then a few months
after that The Attack began. The NOF caught a lot of us off guard.
She was captured and enslaved. I just pray nimbus doesn’t find out
who she is/was. I was shot and left to bleed out. They presumed I was
dead… However when I started paying their patrols visits they
started calling me The Ghost. So I played along with it. I’ve also
heard the demon but I don’t think that’s referring to me… The
rumors I heard are the demon burns people alive, destroys villages,
or hacks people to pieces with a giant blade. Usually resulting on
casualties on all sides.”

un-slung the rifle from his shoulder and sat it against the rock he
was sitting on, “ I’m surprised we haven’t run into any patrols
or rebel forces out here. I don’t mean to talk endlessly but what’s
your story kid?”

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

OOC: Darn Yuku ate that other post.  Oh well.

Chase scratched the back of his neck, his ear flicking at Lucky's question.  "Eh...well, I guess it's better to start from the beginning.  Sis and I lived in a town that got caught in the Merge - we managed to escape with a few other kids, and met up with some other survivors in a caravan.  But about a year ago, we were traveling to find a safer place when we got attacked by the Oppression Force, and...and I ran away, thinking I'd meet up with Sis again later.  She...I didn't see what happened to her, and I thought I might never see her again, but you know, you have to still search even if you don't know if they're still alive, right?

"So I joined the Coalition - oh right, didn't mention, they found a bunch of us and helped us out, so I joined their scouts and got some training so I could look for Sis.  A few days ago I finally overheard something about a cheetah girl, so I tried to sneak into the caves, thinking it'd be guarded by NOF goons, but it turned out to be robots instead.  And well, here I am.  Last thing I heard was that Hell's Halls was where she was at, so I'm going to find her this time for sure!"

* * *

The hyenas had left Sicily alone with the remaining work of removing the rocks - it was nearly done, and they wanted to get the other slaves back to work.  So it was only one hyena guard who yawned as he leaned back against the cave wall, idly watching Sicily as she shoveled away at the rock pile.

Her temper had cooled, thanks to the hyenas getting busy joking among themselves and not hitting her again or even remarking about her.  Maybe they sensed the murderous intent she had felt so strongly for a few minutes there, and decided not to push things.  Regardless, she wasn't sure this was much of a better situation, being alone with one of the hyenas - her crippled arm was usually enough to keep them away, but the hyenas could get pretty frisky when they wanted to.

So when she shoveled out a section of rocks that showed through to the other side of the pile, she was shocked to see a pair of burning orbs staring back at her - scarlet eyes that startled her out of her grumbliing thoughts as she slid down the pile a little, her shovel up and at the ready to defend herself as she looked sharply back at the eyes.

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

that’s why I write all my replies in word or open office first. o.-


I get what you mean. It would be wrong to give up hope and quit
searching, and if they arent. May god have mercy on the poor bastard
who killed them. Because that is who Id be looking for next. As for
the robots. They’re pretty much pop up targets. One good hit center
mass or to the visor makes them pretty much worthless. NOF soldiers
are a hit and miss. I’ve ran into well trained ones and ones that
couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. Usually to closer you get to
someone high in command the harder they are to fight off.”, Lucky

we better get moving before we run into anything… or anyone else.“,
Lucky picked up his bag, slung the rifle back over his shoulder and
began walking again.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member
Topic starter

(OOC: Heh...that's why I copy-paste before I hit 'post' XP  Anyway...I'm thinking I should have not made a crossover and just gotten into the actual world by itself.  But...the dream the RP was based on was a definite crossover...and Reni likes to get herself into EVERYTHING. XP  Oh well.  I still don't really know the world well enough to actually start on the comic or whatever I'm going to do with it.  And I need more of the language! But nothing has come to me yet.  I
need special names for ranks and stuff.  But I haven't thought of

Eh. Don't mind me...I'm just being insecure. XP Onward!)


"Now we just need to figure out how to get into that throne room to save her..." Surge pondered as they made their way back to the rock face. Hoping his breif absense had not been noticed by the guards, he picked up his pickaxe and swung it at the wall.

Discord in his disguise found a shovel nearby and started moving the loose rock dislodged from the wall into carts to be sorted and then discarded elsewhere.  "I still think this is a bad idea." He mumbled nervously.

"Shh! You're supposed to be mute, remember?"

"Oh...yeah..whoops!  Shutting up now..." He glanced around. There were guards nearby, but they didn't seem to take notice of them.

"Soooo....hmmm..." Surge went back to pondering. "How to get into that throne room...."

Discord kept eyeing the guards distrustfully. Don't I know one of them?...His face looks familiar...I hope he doesn't reckognize me... He shuddered, his mind bringing up memories he didn't want it to...There he was...with that same guard and one other...They'd told him something unspeakable.  That it was an initiation rite.  He had rebelled, knocking the other guards senseless and unlocking the chains from the hapless slave, who fled...This was long before the fusion. He didn't know what had happened to the slave, because he fled shortly thereafter (knowing he had essentially forfeited his life with that one treasonous act) another direction.  He shuddered, and the memory faded.  Unfortunately, the guards were now coming toward them!  Panicking, he tapped Surge on the shoulder and pointed frantically, somehow managing to remember to stay in character.

Surge glanced up at his new friend's warning, wisely shutting his mouth.  They both stared in horror as the guards approached. Had they seen or heard anything?

"You two!" The guard familiar to Discord barked.  "Come with us. NOW!" 

There was nothing they could do but comply, both worried that their cover had somehow been blown. Discord hunched over, making sure the cloak covered his face, and affected a shuffle.

"Lord Nimbus needs some...ah...'hired' muscle to move something into his chambers." The other guard explained, smirking.

Surge and Discord exchanged glances.  I guess we're getting in to his throne room easier than we thought... Both of them thought, following the guards.


(OOC: That's have to wait some more. XP)

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

Ooc:  You and your waiting. Lol. Also if you need help with ranks I
could probably show you some real ones for example. Officers(General,
colonel, captain, lieutanant) are higher ranking and usually have it the
easiest while the Enlisted  the lower ranks (sargeant, corporal,
specialist, etc) do the most work or things the officers don’t want to
do. For each branch or different military there are different names for
ranks. But yeah waiting on you so I can play my other chars.

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Moros regarded the startled slave before him as he advanced towards the opening she had created in the rock-pile. The technological aspects of his nature informing him which parts of the pile were thinnest and which were most stable. More of the metal that composed his armour and the tattoo-like marks upon his face now flowed around his wings, encasing them and extending beyond the wings, at the same time reinforcing their natural strength. Placing a foot on the base of his side of the rock pile, he extended his now modified wings, using them as improvised yet effective shovels, to clear the debris from in front of him as he climbed through the expanding opening, managing to make the feat look both effortless and easy. Standing atop the pile and shaking the debris slowly from his wings he took in the situation: A single slave and a single guard, who was still half-asleep. He withdrew the alloy from his wings, gliding to the bottom of the pile before folding them again. Then Moros headed towards the guard, considering the crippled slave as he did so. She was Mobian, so she would be on Robotnik's databases since Robotnik had gained access to every single significant database on Mobius pre-fusion. And since the contents of most of those databases were now in Moros's memories too, he would soon learn who she was. She might not be his ideal choice for his plan, having but one good arm....but at this stage he could afford a little experimentation. Standing before the guard, yet never letting the slave out of his sight Moros spoke.

"Guard," he said in a booming, emotionless voice that sounded like it issued from an iron voice-box, "you are neglecting your duties". The hyena jerked fully awake at the sound of the voice, the colour draining from his face as he saw who stood before him. It wasn't simply the fact that his reputation as The Demon had spread that caused such fear, Moros knew, but also the fact that the guard was well aware of who The Demon answered directly too. And should The Demon report the guard's negligence to Lord Nimbus...the hyena snapped rigidly to attention, attempting to stammer an apology or an excuse, or anything that might keep that from happening. Moros let him do so for a moment before interrupting. "Fatigue has clearly blunted your vigilance," he flatly informed the guard, "go and rest. I shall guard the slave. She will be safe under my watch, for I do not sleep". The guard paused, and Moros could see clearly that he was wavering between trying to decide whether to leave the slave in The Demon's care, or whether to stand guard with The Demon for company. If he left her, he could be accused of disobeying orders from his immediate superiors. Yet, if he obeyed them, disobeying The Demon might be painful and constitute disregarding orders sanctioned with the authority of Lord Nimbus. Before he could come to his own conclusion Moros spoke again. "Are my instructions unclear?" he said. The guard yelped at this, stammering, "n-no s-sir," before scurrying away down the corridor. As he left, Moros turned his full attention back to the girl.

She stood where she had before, as though she'd found the entire exchange of guards surreal and unbelievable in the worst possible way. As the scarlet eyes turned fully towards her again though, she seemed to come back to herself, gripping her shovel tightly as though torn between preparing to fight for her life and returning to her work. Moros internally skimmed the notes he had on her. Her name was Sicily. She was loyal to the Mobian royal family to which the captive queen and princess Robotnik prized so highly belonged. She had put up a fight when captured, which had resulted in the crippling of one arm. She had a younger brother, Chase, who remained unaccounted for. And, Moros noted, she was spirited, even now. Perhaps she wasn't one of the slaves he planned to use later- but, if he could work with her, she would be an excellent place to start. She was still clearly very uneasy, even if she didn't know exactly who he was she clearly realised he was much more dangerous than others in this place. Unbeknownst to the two dictators, the voice Moros had used to address the guard was not  the only voice he possessed. He had another voice, his own true voice, the voice of a sentient living being. Alone now with the slave, this was the voice he chose to use. Keeping his eyes unblinkingly upon her, Moros spoke again. "Does my presence here disturb you, Sicily?" he asked.  

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

Ooc: lol that came out wrong in my last post. Meant to say waiting on you  so I can play my chars. Need to bring this thing to life.


Lucky continued down the trail slowing his pace everynow and then so the cheetah could keep up. His throat was starting to get itchy and his mouth dry he hadn’t had anything to drink since the rainstorm the day before.

“I thought you cheetahs were supposed to be quick on your feet.”, He joked as he navigated the rocky terrain avoiding the holes as he went.

A stream came into view a few yards ahead. Lucky dropped the rifle with plans to retrieve it later and reached behind him as he walked retrieving a water bottle from his bag.

“COME ON!”, he shouted back to chase as he ran down to the stream.

He dropped to his knees practically skidding in the dirt to a stop at the waters edge. He started to fill the bottle with water only to stop as a red slick floated downstream in front of him. He heard voices on the other side behind the brush.

“Sh#$”, he muttered under his breath.

He knew there was no way they didn’t hear that.
“Well that takes care of those rebels. You think nimbus will be mad we killed them?”, One of the NOF soldiers looked at the other.

“No they opposed him why would he be mad”, the other rolled the body into the water.

“Because he needs sla…”

The soldiers flinched as they heard what sounded like a bag of rocks being dropped on the other side of the stream

“What was that!”, They made their way through the brush to the stream.

Lucky dropped done on his stomache laying as close to the ground as possible hoping the foliage would conceal him. He closed his eyes and bit his lip.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member
Topic starter

(OOC: I WON! =D My faith in the justice system has been restored! (not that it was ever really lost, but...still...))


"Put yer BACKS into it!"

Surge grunted as the lash cut cruelly across his shoulders as he strained under the table's weight.  He stumbled over an uneven part of the floor, and had to concentrate to keep from dropping the heavy wood structure. I just HAD to altruistically take the back-facing end...That guard isn't helping things...Why does Nimbus need such a big table anyway? He moved his hands down further on the table-legs to keep them from dragging on the ground, and caught a glimpse behind him to reorient before resuming his backward pace.

"Careful, now, we're entering the throne room! I said CAREful!" Another whiplash. 

Surge caught the appologetic glance from his new friend as he winced, feeling blood running down his back.  He smiled back to reassure the disguised hyena that it wasn't his fault.  They were finally allowed to set down their burden, but the guard wasn't done with them.  He directed them to adjust the placement several times, and when it was finally deemed perfect, he addressed them again.

"You two will wait until Lord Nimbus no longer needs this table and then you will carry it out again.  Until then, you will stand along the wall. Do not get in His Lordship's way or it will go bad with you.  Do not look him in the face either.  Do you understand me?"

"Y-yessir." Surge mumbled, and the disguised Discord nodded.

"YOU!" The guard pointed an accusing finger at Discord, who flinched, "I didn't hear you!  Do you understand me, or do I have to repeat myself?!"

"S-sir?" Surge ventured, "I beg your pardon, but Cordus cannot speak.  Uh-- His vocal cords were ripped out by a mutant before we were captured, sir..."  Surge winced, expecting rebuff for his boldness. There was a long pause while the guard considered this, durring which time, Surge and Discord noted several other slaves enter and begin to prepare the table, supplying tablecloth and utinsels for a meal. They exchanged glances.

"...That so?" The guard finally said archly, raising an eyebrow. 'Cordus' nodded, hoping the guard didn't see through the ruse.  "....Verry well." The guard relented gruffly.  "Get to your post.  By the wall"  He pointed and they obeyed, both heaving a silent sigh of relief.

Well...We're in... Surge thought aprehensively.


(OOC: Guess what?  More waiting. Next time, I promise. XP)

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Sicily kept her shovel up, holding the shaft in one hand while she steadied it with her stump, ready as she regarded the strange...was it a creature?  It resembled a robot in more ways than one, though the voice it had just spoken in was as normal and organic a voice as any she'd heard.  It was a little unnerving to hear that come from such a wicked-looking thing, however, not to mention those eyes, unblinking and red...

"Yes, it does bother me," she answered bluntly.  There were many questions she could have asked, but she had a quick enough mind to cut to the chase.  "Why did you send that guard away just now?"  She tensed, narrowing her eyes as she waited for an answer.

* * *

Chase stopped to grab Lucky's rifle as the human dropped it behind him.  Even though he was just as thirsty, he was still wide-eyed and alert to the dangers of the wild chaotic area they had entered.  Holes in the ground everywhere were dangerous enough in open areas where they could see them; but trying to dodge such holes that were disguised by underbrush or trees were another, and he wasn't about to throw away some of the only protection they had against the wild creatures that actually lived in this kind of place, even if just for a moment.

He smelled the blood nearby, right before Lucky dipped his bottle in.  Chase dashed forward to warn Lucky, but halted and darted behind a tree when he saw the backs of the two NOF soldiers nearby.

Oh my gosh...Lucky's still out there! he thought, trying to keep his breathing calm and casual.  Gotta create a distraction...

Thinking quickly, he scooped up some rocks into one of his belt pouches, detached it, and gave it a heaving throw towards the other side of the stream.  As he predicted, it made a noisy clatter when it hit the ground, and far enough away from both himself and Lucky that it would draw them away.

"What was that?!"

Chase only dared a peek after a few moments, and the two NOF soldiers - one a hyena, the other a mountain cat - still had their backs to them, looking across the stream.  Chase also managed to spy out Lucky nearby behind a bush, and felt glad to know his ruse was working so far.

"Must have been your imagination, you jumpy hyena," snarled the mountain cat in what may have been a friendly manner.

"I definitely heard something," shot back the hyena, pointing across the stream, and then bending over to try to get a better look.  "Maybe one of them managed to escape that way!"

"Then look for them yourself," sneered the mountain lion as he shoved the hyena from behind.  The hyena lost his balance and fell into the water with a splash, and nearly slid away in the stream's current before picking himself up and crawling to the other bank, clearly intimidated by the cougar's muscular size.

"It's too bad," said the mountain lion wistfully, "that those rebels looked so stringy.  Otherwise I might have stopped to have myself a little lunch."

Chase gulped, and held his breath...

Posts: 186
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Lucky gathered himself taking in a deep breath he lifted himself up watching the NOF Soldiers. He undid the strap holding the knife in its sheath and pulled it out. Reversing his grip so the blade faced away from him. He started moving back toward the tree chase was hiding behind.

Lucky took a few more steps backwards watching the NOF soldiers until he was sure he was out of earshot then turned and sprinted to the tree. He jumped and slid behind it, “Thanks for that!”

“Again with the knife…”, chase nervously snickered trying to make light of the situation.

Lucky smiled as he took his rifle back, “It was better than nothing at the time… I figured if I could get a good throw I could take one out… I could take one out then… well I don’t know what I’d do after that. that’s how its been for the past couple years… bs’ing my way through confrontations. it’s a wonder I’m not dead yet.”

Lucky mounted the scope and started scanning the area around the stream… the crosshairs glided across the water now crimson in color. He followed it upstream to a ridge. Smoke crept over the horizon, “Pretty sure those two came from over there. As much as Id like to ghost these them… firing any shots might get the attention of whoever might be over that ridge. Any ideas?”

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(OOC: Ok, here we go. The big one. Maybe. XP

Also...more info I came up with on the world.

The Haven (name subject to change, if I think of something better) : used to refer to the departed alien race responsible for placing the (quadrupedal, feral-form) ancestors of gaiaterrans on the planet; name derived from lettering found on ruins, which are on a continent similar to Australia (in that it has an isolated position on the planet) Also, the race that lives around there has dedicated themselves to researching it...they have a kind of scientific/religious view of the ruins...more about that later...maybe. XP

Also, debating making this: a riding-beast for the gaiaterrans.  The only problem is they are not a native creature for this world, but another world that I created, but I think I have a workaround for that.



"Stop. Something's missing." Scowl grabbed the enslaved princess roughly on the arm and spun her around until she was staring into the traitorous reptile's critical eyes. They had barely left the tcaitcha living chambers.  Serenity was annoyed at the delay.  Couldn't they just get this over with? Scowl squinted at her, frowning.  "Looks like SOMEONE forgot her veil!"  

Serenity visibly bristled at the tone of her captor's voice.  This was going to be REAL hard to endure without punching the woman. "Not MY fault I was never GIVEN one!" She countered bravely.  She received a clout across the face for her efforts.

"You're LUCKY I have to keep you in reasonably good shape, Princess. That little remark just earned you twenty lashes when your meeting with Lord Nimbus is over! As for not being given a veil, here, you're lucky I just HAPPEN to have one with me.  When I find out who neglected to give you one..."  The Scowl trailed off ominously.

Wordlessly, Serenity put on the veil, hoping it would hide the bruise she could feel forming on her cheek, feeling sorry for whatever poor wretch would be punished for her lack of forsight in supplying veils to new tcaitchas.

The treck to the throne room resumed, and Serenity glanced bitterly - and a little fearfully - at her "guide."  Each step brought her closer to her feeling of impending doom...but at least she wouldn't have to deal with this-- Her thought broke off as she found herself staring at an imposing set of wooden doors festooned with huge wrought iron hinges and unplesant designs, adhered to the dark wood with bolts that were more like spikes.  She gulped as they began to swing open.  

The Scowl roughly turned the purple hedgehog to face her again.  "Lissen up.  Before you go in there, there's some rules you need to adhere to.  IF you don't, I PROMISE you, you'll get MORE than just twenty lashes after he's done with you.

"One: Refer to him only as Lord Nimbus, Sir, or Master"

"Well duh." Serenity couldn't help but mutter.  She recieved a murderous glare in response.  She returned it, though the crocodile appeared not to notice, or chose not to.

"Two: Do NOT look at his face unless he tells you to or gives you permission." The Scowl gave a little snort, as if she doubted that.  Frankly, Reni was inclined to agree this time.

"Three: Do EXACTLY as he says, and you MAY come out of this without being turned into a fireball." Reni gulped. "Heh...good LUCK...Princess" Scowl added as a snide afterthought, smirking as she shoved the chained hedgehog through the open maw.

Yeah...RIGHT.  Good luck.  NOT my strong point. Serenity thought, picking herself off the floor and looking about the room, trying to avoid looking down the length of the velvet carpet at her feet.  She glanced at the walls...and shuddered.  Everywhere she looked was a scene of opulence mixed with grotesquerie.  The walls glittered with gold and jewels...and bones...REAL bones. Even the flickering torch-wall-sconces and the free-standing torch-stands located to either side of the velvet pathway were a mixture of jewels and bones and gold filligree.  She cast a fleeting glance at the throne at the end of the hall before averting her gaze again. In the dim lighting, it looked even more forboding than she could have ever imagined.  A canopy of black velvet encased it on all sides, the curtains pulled apart slightly in the front.  The throne itself was encrusted with just as many bones and jewels and gold as the walls and the torch-holders...add to that that it had long, curved, spikes coming off the tall back.  The legs of the throne were not visible, draped in the same black velvet as the curtains, but the chair's arms...she shuddered as she found herself staring into the empty sockets of the inset skulls.  She hugged herself, fighting the urge to curl up and hide within her quills.  A grey-furred clawed hand dropped to rest on one of the skulls, and Serenity quickly averted her gaze.

"Welcome, Princess." The voice was different than what she had been dreading, as velvety as the curtains framing the throne, but draped in an ominous undertone.  "Come forward, please."

Serenity stayed where she was, frozen in fear...


(More later.  More suspense for you. I'd been waiting to get that description in there. XP)

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Moros added another quality to the mental list: Sicily was perceptive as well- a very promising candidate. She could probably handle an honest answer to her question. Meeting her eyes with his, Moros answered. "Because I wished to speak to you alone and uninterrupted," he informed her. He noticed her tense further at that and, guessing her probable line of thought spoke again. "You may be at ease," he told her, "I have no wish to harm you- if I wanted that I could have done it by now. Neither do I want anything...more distasteful. Aside from anything else, you are too young for me by nearly six thousand years. What I wish to discuss with you are the possibilities of inciting insurrection and revolution against the two residing tyrants; Robotnik and Nimbus".

Sicily neither relaxed nor lowered the shovel. She made no attempt to answer, but Moros could see the suspicion in her eyes plainly. "I see you suspect that you cannot trust me," he intoned, "and perhaps you believe that I am nothing more than a machine designed by Robotnik to deceive you. Very well, allow me to explain myself a little more clearly. Perhaps in understanding more about me, you will come to understand my motives better". So saying, Moros raised one hand clearly and in a non-threatening manner. As he did so, the alloy that coated it like a gauntlet disappeared, revealing the fur and flesh beneath. Keeping his hand in plain sight, Moros moved his other hand close, drawing a claw across his own flesh. "You see?" he said to Sicily as he did so, "I too am flesh and blood. My flesh may be a little different from yours, but it is still flesh. And-," here he temporarily broke off to hold up the uncovered hand, revealing a red streak upon it, "-if I'm cut I bleed; just like you". He flexed his fingers a little as he lowered the bleeding hand, allowing the alloy to flow seamlessly over it once more. Since Sicily didn't seem inclined to interrrupt- possibly hoping to keep him talking while she searched for a means of escape- Moros continued. "Perhaps you wonder," he said, "why I would contemplate revolution since I have a comfortable position within the present regime? To answer that I must tell you a little more about myself. I was not made by either Robotnik or Nimbus," he informed her, "but by the inhabitants of a land now in ruins, during an age now consigned to antiquity. Those people were a prosperus and peaceful people, whose civilisation was powered by magic-based technologies. They thrived on a powerful and extensive trade network, and the people flourished in a peacful and pioneering empire, reaping the benefits of a golden age. But that age was an age doomed to a swift end. There was another nation," Moros revealed, "of similar technological prowess, but one that was ruled by a despotic tyrant and that was driven entirely by war and bloodshed. The nation that created me was the only nation with technologies that surpassed theirs- therefore it represented the greatest threat, and the tyrant declared war upon it. The people of that realm," Moros revealed to Sicily, "began frantically to consruct defences and weapons for the coming war. And one of the most powerful weapons they made was myself: A living being, but also a weapon, designed to be the first of a long line of powerful, self-perpetuating guardians of the empire. It was my purpose," Moros revealed, "to safeguard a peaceful people from despots and tyrants".

There was a deep silence as Moros sighed before continuing. "But those who created me did not create me soon enough," he said, "for the enemy struck them before I could be awakened. What sorcery they used I do not know, but in a single instant they blotted out the people and their empire forever, leaving much of their land barren, with only ruins here and there to say that it had ever been inhabited. Beneath the surface much remained intact though. I remained buried beneath the ruins for 6,000 years- and then I was awakened to this". On the word this, Moros gestured at the environment around them. "The rest you know or have guessed," Moros informed Sicily, "it was Robotnik who awakened me, to be the personal slave and newest weapon of both himself and Nimbus. And so everything I was made to be has been twisted into a bitter caricature of itself. I, who was made to guard an empire against tyrants now help tyrants build an empire. I, who was made to inflict terror upon the armies of a tyrant in open war, now instill the fear of two tyrants upon harmless civilians, upon the weak, the helpless and the enslaved. I myself am only free as long as I remain a mindless slave in the eyes of my masters- and that shames and galls me, mocking the memory of everything my makers stood for". Moros paused again as he observed Sicily. She remained wary,and he guessed she would either have more questions or attempt action once he finished. "Perhaps you wonder," he said, "why- if everything I say is true- I do not openly rebel against my masters? The answer is relatively simple: For as long as they think me their mindless slave, I remain free to roam where I will and more importantly, I remain the last individual they would suspect of fomenting insurrection, any more than Robonik would suspect one of his own droids. I am ideally placed to aid internal revoulution but," here he lowered his voice, "in order to aid a revolution there must be revolutionaries- freedom fighters- to aid. If word could be delivered to a select number of individuals who have been freedom fighters, who know their enemies- and who know how to keep silent- then it would not be impossible to overthrow the current regime. And that is my current intention". Having said all this, Moros then said to Sicily, "now that you've heard my explanation I suspect you'll have questions. Feel free to ask".    

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ooc:  Lucky's luck runs out in 3... 2...
Forty five minutes have passed lucky batted at the mosquitos that were attracted to a meal that was not moving much. He peered around the tree.

“Those two idiots have not left yet. What’s the deal?”, He muttered as he looked over at chase.

His heart leaped into his throat as he heard a twig snap on the other side of the tree. A blaster rifles barrel poked from the other side of the tree.

Lucky took a deep breath, He picked up his rifle then stood quietly to his feet.

"I cant let them get near this kid", He thought to himself.

He took another deep breath and started sprinting toward the stream drawing attention to himself.

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OOC: Figure I should at least put down a note here, I've been really busy with the final week of rehearsals for the melodrama I'm in, so if I get a post in here before next week it'll be a miracle.  I'll try to post when I can though.

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(OOC: BTW, feel free to play as any of the orriginal Freedom Fighters I haven't brought up (and even if I do eventually bring them up) if you want. It's possible some of them escaped...or you could have them in the mines or elsewhere or something. *shrug*  All cannon Sonic characters are considered NPC in this (except for Sonic, I...kinda need him for future plot reasons obviously. XP But the rest are open.) Hmmm...I need to get some exploring of the world done in here...*ponder* Maybe I'll get a sub-plot going somewhere else at some point...or add to some that are already going...or something...but first...I have to get to more of Reni's current dooooooooom.... > Get ready...long one comming up.  Ahhh...I'm back in my's been YEARS since I wrote a good long post. n.n)



The ominous voice had not been raised at all, but there was something even more menacing about it, and Serenity felt disinclined to push her already terrible luck further. She took a hesitant step forward, eyes fixed on that one beckoning claw so she wouldn't have to look elsewhere.  She soon found herself in the imposing throne's shadow.  Clueless as to what she was supposed to do next, she dropped to her knees and stared at the frightfully steel-spiked toe of Nimbus's boot, hoping it didn't decide to connect with her ribs.  She hated herself for acting so frightened and submissive, but what else could she do?

"...That's better." There was a slight creak, as of someone leaning backwards in their seat.  There was silence for an exasperating eternity before the tyrant spoke again. "Look at me."  Serenity didn't budge, locked in terror.  She wanted to curl up right then and there, but didn't dare.  The claw reached out and tilted her chin up for her.  She found herself staring into a face far more terrifying than even Robotnik's.  The mismatched eyes, one glinting green in a yellow sclera, one black and red like Robotnik's, but with three jagged scars running accross it (but curiously under the bushy black eyebrow) - regarded her with calous apreciation.  He unplesant sneer full of sharp teeh in a powerful-looking jaw.  His ears, formerly pinned in annoyance, came forward now that she was obeying him, and she noticed the mane between them.  The hairs were a mixture of reds, yellows and oranges, and mostly stood STRAIGHT up, the longest ones about a foot in length, the way his mane clumped, and the flame-like color in contrast to the ash and coal of the rest of his face gave a very distinct impression of a raging fire, and she suddenly began to understand why her make-shift beautician had had a hand shaped burn on her face...And those very same dangerous hands were now inspecting her face appreaciatively.  She wanted to pull away, but she felt the strength behind those hands, and knew she didn't have a chance of getting away.  She'd probably only end up dislocating her neck if she tried.  She knelt there, trembling.  "Are you afraid of me, Princess?" He asked silkily.  She only nodded, as he tilted her head this way and that, lifted her bead-bedecked forelock with one of those frightening hands, and stared right into her eyes. "Hmm.  Good.  Your eyes are beautiful." The forelock dropped back into place as he finally released her face. 

Immediately she shrank down into a defensive curl, shaking and mentally kicking herself for such an obvious display of fear. Daddy would never act this way... She berated herself.  But then...he's a guy...he wouldn't even be IN here...except to kick this guy so low he'd never be able to...

Her thoughts were cut off as her captor spoke again, somewhat more sharply. "What are you doing?"

She forced herself out of the curl and back to her kneeling position. "S-sorry, S-sir. Instinct."  She hated the waver in her voice.  It was betraying her even more than her shaking. What is wrong with me? I should be punching this guy in his sneering maw...

"Hmmmm...Stand up."

Having no other choice, she did so, feeling terribly exposed.  Her quills flared out of their own accord, trying to make her more intimidating as the hyena rose from his throne and preceded to stalk around her, inspecting the rest of her as his spike-studded clothing glinted in the torchlight. I swear if he lays one hand on me, I'll be out that door before...No...I can't. Robotnik stole my shoes... She stood there trembling, feeling very much like prey in the sights of a predator.  Thankfully, the hyena was content to look...for now anyway.  His long fur cape flowed behind him as he returned to his throne, still contemplating her as she stared at the velvet carpet.  " may go."

Serenity looked up sharply, not believing what she was hearing.

"Hahaha...not YOU, my dear.  Them." he jerked a thumb behind him at three other tcaitcha, two holding fans which they had been wafting over him, and one who had been holding a gold platter with an assortment of foods.  Silently the three girls put away their items, the plate-holder placing it on a nearby stand (it still held plenty of food), and departed...not through the door that Serenity had entered, but a small one, almost behind the throne.  Her captor then turned to someone else the purple hedgehog hadn't noticed until now...two other hyenas - royal guards by the look of them - behind him. One of them was wiry, with a mane that clumped into mohawk-like spikes, a twisted muzzle and a constantly shifty grin; the other was large and muscle-bound, had more of a crew-cut mane, a HUGE scar running diagonally accross his entire face, narrowly missing BOTH eyes, and a somewhat vacant expression. "Havoc, Mangle, leave us for the time being.  I will call if I need you."

"Aww, but boss...we!" The brute drawled.

"Shut up, you idiot!  When the boss says go, we go!" Havoc gave the other lackey a clout on the nose. "Now c'mon!"

"Oww..." Mumbled the other, rubbing his snout as they made their way back down the velvet carpet to the main entrance.

"Now then..." Nimbus turned back to the purple hedgehog, who had again crumpled down into a curl.

Here it comes... Serenity thought dejectedly.  Aloud, she mumbled, "Please, Lord Nimbus...Sir...I know what it is you want...and I know I have no choice but to give it, but...please...just please get it over with quickly..."

The hyena raised his eyebrows at this slightly and pondered for a while, before bursting into laughter that made the mortified hedgehog flinch instinctively.  "Hahahah!  My dear, that may be your main purpose here, but I am by no means an uncouth tyrant.  I know that you are a treated like a princess. Come." He stood and beckoned toward a lavishly decorated banquet table. Serenity came out of her curl just enough to let her jaw hit the floor. Was he actually inviting her to dinner?


Posts: 186
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Ooc: just speeding up the situation.

A shot from the blaster rifle scathed lucky’s shoulder followed by an intense burning sensation then one on the back of his calf. His sprint had turned into somewhat of a slight run and limp. A third and final direct shot to his side spun him into the dirt.

He grimaced as he rolled on the dirt grabbing his side.

He looked at his hand, “No blood, thank god it didn’t penetrate he thought.”

He picked up his rifle just as one of  the NOF Soldiers came up on him and fired three shots. One catching the hyena in the shoulder. He pulled the trigger again. Nothing…

“Looks like your lucks run out freedom fighter”, The hyena snarled.

“Freedom fighter? I thought that’s what you were.”, Lucky bluffed.

“Well we’ll just let lord nimbus determine who you really are then. NOW GET UP!”, The hyena grabbed lucky by the back of his vest raising him to his feet.

“You can keep your bag and personal effects. Weapons and ammo must be disposed of”, He then grabbed luck’s rifle and threw it into the stream along with any ammo or he might have had in his vest or pack.

“This is now mine.”, The mountain lion grabbed the knife from off his chest.

Lucky rolled his eyes and let out a slight chuckle which was cut short as his hands were bound behind his back.

He was led behind a bush to a waiting vehicle.

“So where are we going”, Lucky asked.

“First to treat your injuries then to hells halls. There is a slight chance of  you being a new nof soldier since you seem to have the experience. Lord Nimbus will determine that. However if your discovered to be a freedom fighter or have aided them you’ll become a slave, prisoner or be executed”, The hyena answered.

“Whoopee”, lucky said in a sarcastic tone.

The vehicle lifted off the ground and took off. Lucky looked out the window to see chase still behind the tree…

“Good he’s safe”, Lucky thought to himself. He took Tatiana’s picture out of his back pocket and hid it between the layers of the back of his vest.

A loud radio transmission rang throughout the jackals room.

“LT. Your presence is needed at the landing pad!”, a voice crackled over the radio.

“Dammit!”, She threw herself off the bed before sliding her feet into the boots on the ground and tying them she grabbed her sidearm and headed out her door.

Dust blew everywhere as the craft landed. The door opened and lucky was pushed out.

“He’s your problem now LT. Take him to be evaluated possible new recruit. If not the usual slave”, the hyena growled shutting the door. The craft took off to continue patrols.

The Jackal ran over to where the human had performed a perfect tactical faceplant. She kicked him onto his back.

“LISTEN HERE YOU…”, She stopped mid sentence almost as if she had seen a ghost.

“Nice to see you too Mika. Still an insomniac?”, Lucky spit some blood out of his mouth trying to smile.

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was you!“, She lifted him to his feet and cut the ropes.

Lucky rubbed his wrist where the rope had been digging in.

“I thought you died. Everybody did. After the invasion it was either join the NOF or be enslaved. What happened?”, Mika explained.

Josh sat back down on the ground still holding his side from the kick, “I became a merc. Figured if I was ever captured I could play the whole neutral or ally for the right price game.”

“Why didn’t you didn’t tell anyone?”, she asked.

“Its better to be dead here. Nimbus can evaluate all he wants but I wont be on any list or wanted poster.”, Lucky answered.

“Well actually I decide your fate now. Nimbus only comes into the picture now to determine your rank.”, Mika explained.
“So now I’m NOF?”, lucky asked.

“Pretty much. Nimbus is currently busy but he will see you in a couple hours with my recommendation that you are given the rank of Capt.”, she answered.

“That’s higher than you though?”, lucky was now confused.

“Our current capt is lazy beligerant and sucks at his job. We need someone with skill.”, She explained.

Lucky’s voice lowered, “Your asking me to lead the NOF… the very people who took everything from us.”

“Look its this or slavery take your pick but the average slave doesn’t make it past 5 years.”, Mika stated, “Be at this room in an hour. You’ll meet with nimbus in an hour and forty five minutes.”

“Great…”, Josh thought to himself.

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Sicily had been hardened by her slave's life, but not so hard that the act of trust that this person committed by cutting himself, allowing her to see him bleed, did not have an effect on her.  While she didn't understand all of the details of the story - an ancient civilization?  A people from long ago with more advanced technology than that had nowadays? - she knew honesty when she saw it.

She finally lowered her shovel.  "Just one - when do we get started?"

* * *

Chase wasted no time in retrieving Lucky's rifle from the stream - at least, after making sure the coast was clear.  Oh man, the water's probably ruined it by now...but if it dries out, maybe it could be used again.  The ammo's no good though after being dumped like that, no point in getting it.

He dashed after the NOF troopers who had captured Lucky, and made sure to keep himself hidden as he followed them.  Aw man, bad luck...heh, guess he wasn't as Lucky as he thought he was...that's terrible, Chase, he's in real trouble now!  But maybe I can use this to help find the NOF base where my sister is supposed to be held at, since she was definitely captured by the NOF and not by robots...

It was difficult to stay hidden the closer he followed them back to the base, though - the pockmarked landscape, twisted as it was with the eternal holes and random spouts of lava that characterized the chaos-ridden land, had fewer and fewer trees and bushes to hide behind.  But he managed to get close enough to see and hear Lucky get imprisoned, if even only temporarily...

Ouch, I hope he realizes that becoming a member of the NOF means you get those ear piercings...yikes, is he really going to go undercover like that?  He's pretty, he wouldn't really turn over to them, would he?  He seemed like he hated them so much...

Chase spotted one or two entrances into this new base, built into the side of a mountain that was obviously well-worked over from mining.  Sicily has got to be here!  This place is crawling with the I just gotta figure out how to get to her...

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"...But first, we really must do something about THIS eyesore."  Nimbus motioned to the heavy iron chains on Serenity's wrists and ankles. He turned to an alcove behind his throne, retrieving what was waiting there. He turned back to the enslaved princess, and with a wave of his hand, the locking mechanism of her old chains was melted off and they fell away.  Serenity spent several minutes massaging the rubbed-raw areas where they had been. Her captor "Tsk'ed." "Is he TRYING to mar that lovely purple pelt of yours? Here, Try these. They're padded."  He then brought out the new chains, which glittered gold with inset jewels.  Inside, they were indeed coated with a silky padding.

Serenity blinked as the new chains replaced the old ones.  She tested their strength by tugging on them.  "Huh?  But I thought gold was supposed to be a soft metal....How can these be so strong?"

"They're only plated with gold.  The inside is still iron.  But that's just between you and me, eh?" He winked at her as he led her back to the table. "The gold suits you better.  Much more appropriate for a princess, eh?" He pulled out a chair and motioned her to sit.

"...W-why are you being so nice to me?" And yet I'm still obviously a slave... Reni thought, staring at the new chains.  "Why aren't you just taking what you want?"

"Oh don't worry, my pet, we'll get to that. Eventually. For now, enjoy my generosity." the hyena spread his arms wide, indicating the table and the food that was spread out on it.

The purple hedgehog bristled and momentarily flattened her ears, mumbling, "I am NOT your pet..." before a familiar smell demanded her attention. Could it be...? I never thought I'd ever smell that again... She gazed longingly as the pizza was placed on the table, however she didn't really trust this. She squinted at it.

"Please, eat as much as you like, the kitchen slaves are prepared to make more. Also, drink as much as you want." He indicated the wine. "It's from my private collection."

Like I'M part of your private collection? She thought bitterly, wrinkling her nose at the beverage. "I don't drink."

"Oh don't worry, it's not poisoned."

"It's not poison I'm worried about.  And I DON'T drink.  And another wine and dine me...while my people starve." She crossed her arms, refusing to eat any of it. "I'm not really hungry, anyway." Serenity's stomach took that exact moment to betray her by growling loudly.

"Indeed?" Nimbus raised an eyebrow increadulously. "Suit yourself.'ll just go to waste if you don't eat it."

Serenity sighed in defeat as her stomach grew even more insistent. Finally she took a slice.  But she still didn't eat it right away...just stared at it while her stomach grew more and more impatient. She took a nibble experimentally.  It WAS good, but...this was wrong. The small taste of her favorite food had kicked her appetite into full gear, and she couldn't resist eating more. Curse my high metabolism...

"You DO like it then."

Serenity mumbled a begruding acknowledgement. "Yeah, I guess so...Lord Nimbus, Sir."

"That's good.  However...While those addresses are correct and acceptable, I'd MUCH rather you called me 'Master.' " Nimbus grinned unplesantly.

Serenity almost choked on the food. After she got the paroxism under control, she managed, "W-what?"

"You heard me." He looked at his claws, feigning disinterest.

Reni drew herself up as regally as she could, considering the circumstances. "I am Crown Princess Serenity Alicia Acorn Hedgehog, Daughter of Queen Sally and King Sonic The Hedgehog.  I do NOT call ANYONE 'Master'...Sir." She said bravely.

"You think that matters to me?  Say it."

Serenity was proudly silent.

Nimbus's tone grew darker. "Say it...slave."  A tiny spark of flame ignited itself in his hand momentarily.

"..." Serenity sighed and finally mumbled, "Mzzr."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" The flame appeared again.


"I still can't hear you." The flame grew larger.


"Better...but less rebeliousness in it please."  The fire grew larger still.

Sigh ".....Yes, Master." Serenity hung her head in shame.

The flame vanished. "Good.  Make sure you remember it.  I can be a very nice guy...if you obey me."


Posts: 186
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Mika led lucky down a long hallway passing the corridor which led to Lord Nimbus’s quarters. He walked along staring at the gemstones and bones that lined the hallways.

“If these halls could talk…”, lucky said nervously under his breath.

“They’d tell a story of greed and death… be careful what you say around here though. It may come back to haunt you. Well here we are. Ill let Nimbus know we have a special recruit. Do you need anything? Food? Drink?”, Mika led him to a small waiting room.

“No, I’m fine thanks. Save it for someone who needs it.”, lucky sat down.

Mika made her way back to Nimbus’s corridor as she turned to go through the doors lucky took notice of the whip she kept coiled on her hip and the dried red material on the end of it.

“What am I doing…”, he brought a hand up to his forehead.

The LT made her way down the hallway to find havoc standing at one end sharpening a knife and mangle leaning with his ears propped to the door.

“AHEM! Mingle.. dingbat... I need to borrow that door for a second.” She stood canted crossing her arms.

Mangle Stood straight up “LT! I was uh… Inspecting his lordships door for cracks! Yeah that’s it cracks!”

Mika rolled her eyes and pushed passed mangle she pulled her fist back getting ready to knock.

“I wouldn’t do that lord nimbus is busy! He said no one should bother him for an hour.”, Havoc approached his arms crossed.

“Well when he is not busy could you tell him he has a new recruit in the room down the hallway. His rank needs to be determined. Issued a uniform. Etc.”,  Mika instructed.

“Will do. Now get out of my hallway.”, Havoc ordered.

“watch your tongue. I was a slave 4 years ago. I’m an LT and now your superior… you just got lucky on getting the body guard position though you’d have to be pretty dumb to be one of his bullet catchers.”, she snapped.


“You’re the exception mangle”, She looked at the hyena.

“Yay I are smart!”,  Mangle went back to leaning on the door.

Mika turned and left.


Tatiana sat on her pillow nervously awaiting the dragons response.

Ooc: Hopefully I did a good job with mangle and havoc. Please forgive me if I didn’t.

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Moros allowed a smile to apppear on his face in response to Sicily's question. Together with his intense scarlet eyes and his intimidating appearence, the grin might have seemed malevolent if Sicily hadn't known he wasn't her enemy. "We can start right now," he informed her, "by laying a little groundwork. For these first steps, I shall depend greatly upon you and hope that we both prove worthy of the other's trust. I need you to be my eyes and ears amongst those enslaved. Find out whose spirit is not yet completely broken, who might have the courage to rebel. Take special note of those who were amongst your world's freedom fighters- I know you were unyieldingly loyal to the Acorn royal family, I suspect you will have a pretty good idea as to which of their fighters and rebels could be trusted to start brewing an internal revolution. Also, make note of any Gaiaterran slaves you think can be trusted. Above all, those you choose must be able to keep silent. We must not give away our intentions. We cannot afford to give hope to everyone prematurely, only to see that hope crushed by carelessness- if something goes wrong, better for all if it wasn't common knowledge that there was still something left to go wrong". Sicily nodded slightly at this, the logic behind these words evidently apparent to her. Moros reviewed his plan mentally before continuing.

"When you have selected those you trust," he told them, "tell them that there is yet hope. I am aware that both Sonic and Liberty remain unaccounted for- free in all probability from what I have heard our two tyrants say- and that that yet gives hope to the captive freedom fighters, but it is a vague hope: A hope that someday someone might aid them. They need a more immediate, tangible hope that will galvanise them, give them the lift they need to prepare for action. It will be up to you to provide that hope by telling them that someone in a position of power amongst the tyrants' forces is sympathetic to their cause- but tell no-one save those you trust the most who unless absolutely necessary. I realise that I shall need more contacts than yourself if I am to effectively communicate with those you choose without drawing undue attention to you," Moros said, "but I am also certain that the freedom fighters of either world would find it next to impossible to believe me if I told them I was for them. Hovever, they would find it less difficult to believe you, especially if you were able to tell them that I had already gained your trust by both word and action. I shall reveal myself to them only if it becomes essential for me to do so". Sicily nodded again and asked, "what next?"

"The next steps are tricky and have many variables," Moros informed her, "and they depend a great deal upon whom you select and tell, so we must focus on that for now. But in future there is at least one thing that we must focus upon: In as much as it is within your power to insure it, no more Chaos Gems must be found- or rather, they must not be known or reported to be found if we can help it. Robotnik and Nimbus have entirely too many already. We need to keep some for ourselves to have a hope of tipping the balance. Above all, no-one must find the Chaos Amethyst- if either tyrant gets ahold of that, none of our plotting or planning is going to matter. If we were to get hold of it though, maybe we could restore things to the way they should be again". Having said all this Moros again modified his wings and spent some minutes clearing the remaining rock. Then he turned back to Sicily again. "Now that that is done," he informed her, "you are free to rejoin the other slaves. I shall accompany you until then, for no-one shall stop or question you when you are with me. I hope you don't find that objectionable?"

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(OOC: "Yay, I are smart!" XDXD that made me giggle.  I had to go back and reread what Tatiatna asked several posts ago. Also, bare with me, there's a lot of talking in this meeting between Reni and Nimbus, but we'll get to some action eventually)


The dragoness paused, considering her reply carefully. "He...has ways." She sqeezed her eyes shut. "Trust me...if you want your love to be safe, you'll forget him." She glanced nervously down the hallway.  " Y-you'll need this. I don't know who forgot to hand them out, but she's probably going to be regreting it soon. Or one of us will at any rate."  The dragon handed Tatiana a veil. "I REALLY have to go now, bye!" She said quickly, casting a glance over her shoulder down the hall again before dissappearing deeper into the tcaitcha chambers. Shortly thereafter a certain crocodile-femme stalked down the halway, whip in hand menacingly, in an even fouler mood than usual.  The other tcaitcha quickly busied themselves with whatever task was closest at hand. 

The Scowl stalked past Tatiana, ignoring her for the moment as she zeroed in on a young lioness who showed the tell-tale signs of long years of being a scapegoat.  She was covered with more whipscars and burns than the rest, and cringed in fear of the overbearing reptile.

"YOU!  You're the one that escorted that princess here, aren't you?!  You're the one that forgot to give her or that other new girl a veil!" 

The lioness cowered.  Although she wasn't really the one that had made the error, she replied in a small voice anyway, "Yes M'm."

"Come!" The Scowl grabbed her by the ear and began dragging her away as she yelped in pain.

(OOC: That part kinda got longer than I had intended XD; )


"...And that's why when I returned, I had all the ruling females executed.  Except for my sister...who got away." Nimbus finished in a growl, ravinously tearing a chunk off of the roast he was eating.

"...Fascinating." Serenity said, disinterested.  She rotatated her plate for the hundredth time...poking at the food nervously.  This conversation had kind of killed her appetite.  "I don't really understand your culture much, but...You killed everyone, JUST because they deprived you of a right to rule that you thought you had?"

"I DID have it.  Untill SHE was born."

"...I see." Though she didn't, really. "So now you're a misanthrope.  I'm no shrink or anythin...and please forgive me overstepping my bounds as a SLAVE, but...that sounds to me more like a kid having a temper-tantrum over being deprived of a toy than the actions of a proper ruler."

Nimbus growled. "I'd advise you not to irritate me in one word and then in the same breath remind me of your purpose here, tcaitcha."

The purple hedgehog winced I should not have used the word 'toy'...

"...And I believe the proper word in your language is misogynist...NOT misanthrope."

"...Whatever....Master." She added bitterly as an afterthought.

"And I don't hate females...indeed...I enjoy them...immensely." He grinned at Serenity, causing her to shudder and curl up slightly.

"Can about something else?"

"Certainly.  You know...if you please me...I can give you anything you might desire here." the hyena spread his arms wide.

"Uh huh. Suuuuure."

"You sound unconvinced."

"Maybe because I AM unconvinced."

"Try me.  What would you like me to give you?"

Serenity was silent for a while, "..........My freedom." she then added, "And freedom for my people."

"Hm. You're right. That's one thing I cannot give you."

Serenity snorted. "Figures."

"I mean I COULD, technically...but where would my reputation as a tyrant be then, eh? Hahahah."

Reni just glowered at her plate.


(OOC: One more of this, then there'll be some action probably.)

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“I hope chase saw them dump the weapons… I really hope he realizes the ammo was water proof.”, lucky thought to himself as he tapped his fingers on a makeshift wooden table that sat in front of him.

He dug into his bag pulling out a auto knife.(Modern switchblade) that they had missed. He cut threads hanging loose on his clothing, and cleaned his fingernails with the tip out of boredom, trying to make himself somewhat presentable with the meeting with the tyrant.

He looked around the room at the various maps and wanted posters that adorned the walls. He took notice of one in particular the name reading “Princess Tatiana of the Merkaige Kingdom“. A reward of jewels and gold was offered or if a slave was the one to claim the bounty, freedom. He shut his eyes hoping the tyrant didn’t realize he already had her. He also noticed a large red stain on the floor and several on the table, “Great their waiting room doubles as an interrogation room or they really like red wine...”

He looked over his shoulder at a mirror. Though the face he saw wasn’t his it was that of a 25 year old war fighter. Weary from conflict, running, hunger, thirst and lack of sleep. A large scar from a knife wound ran down his forearm along with one on shoulder where a bullet grazed him on earth. He had grown a beard that covered his face. It was matted with dirt and dust. His khakis pants were stained light and dark in different spots with buttons missing on both cargo pockets. His T-shirt or at least what was visible under the tan vest was also stained and had a hole in the sleeve. Some of the straps on the vest were frayed while others were loose, though the magazine pouches and a holster that used to hold a pistol stayed firm. Several areas of the vest showed the tell tale signs that it had been hit multiple times by blaster rifle fire.  He ran his left hand over a black widow patch studying it as it folded over in places were the thread had come loose and frayed. The man in the mirror not only looked beat down but angry almost to a point of madness. Maybe that’s why he didn’t leave upon being released by Mika. He had been through so much. He watched helplessly as Tatiana’s family was executed. His friends were either dead or missing, or had turned against him. He felt he had to do something even if it meant getting on the inside of the people he hated most. He clenched his fist and punched the the mirror and watched as the glass shattered and fell to the floor. Lucky stepped back took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself.

When his nerves had somewhat settled he went to a sink. His hands still shaking a little. He turned the handle on the faucet. Water came out, brownish water but still water non the less . He cupped his hands and splashed it onto his face. He then grabbed a towel that was hung nearby and dried off.

“what the (happy word ) am I doing? What the (another happy word! W00t! ) is mika doing associating herself with these people!”, He thought as he walked back to the chair in front of the table, sat back down and awaited his host.

He threw the knife into the hard wood table.


Mika returned to her room and flipped the mattress on her bed to access her storage compartment.  She moved the various documents, uniform items, and an extra pair of boots that sat on top of a large locked case.

“Was really hoping to keep these for myself but since he’s not dead it wouldn’t be right too. Besides if he’s gonna serve in the NOF with me I’d hope he‘d want to use these.”, she thought

She lifted it out and leaned it against her locker on the other side of the room before she returned to the mattress and laid it back flat then laid down.

“Ill see if Lucky is  ready in an hour”, she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.


Tatiana immediately looked away from the scowl as she passed and started picking any loose threads off her veil. A cold chill ran down her spine as the croc made her way toward one of the other tcaitchas. she watched as the scowl grabbed the lioness by the ear not with two fingers like a mother would a misbehaving child but a tight firm grip as though she was grabbing a animal by the scruff of its neck.

Closing her eyes winced as the lioness yelled out in pain as the croc started to drag her away.

“STOP! Your hurting her! It’s obvious she didn’t do anything!”, The words escaped Tatiana’s mouth as she stood up she quickly turned her back to the scowl covering her mouth realizing what she had just done.  She then turned back to face the croc crossing her arms to hide the fact they were now shaking nervously, though now it was her whole body that was shaking.

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Chase dashed through the cave, desperately trying not to give in to the fear threatening to cave in his chest.  He had managed to sneak past the guards outside, and was in the tunnel complex - but now he had no idea where he was or where he was going, and he was deep within enemy territory.

What was I even thinking?  This is way too much for me to deal with on my own!  And the coalition needs to know where this is...holy crud, if we struck here, that could turn the tide of this war...

But the sound of bootsteps in the distance returned his mind to his terrifying present.  He ducked and crawled into a nearby hole in the wall that was too small for the hyenas to enter, determined first to live, and second to get back to the coalition's base camp.  It tasted bitter in his throat...but he wasn't sure if his sister was even alive, much less in this place.  The glitter of crystal dust was his only illumination as uniformed soldiers of the NOF passed by his hiding spot.

If only Commander Bunnie or Rotor were here...heck, I'd even take that sneaky skunk Broker right now!

* * *

Sicily nodded, a little grim in her expression.  "I know who to trust for this plan," she stated as she and Moros walked back toward the slaves' quarters.  They had already discussed many of the details, only stopping to pass by the suspicious glances of "There have been many waiting for word from outside so we could mobilize in here...but it's time we stopped waiting.  We need to earn our own freedom, and hope there's someone out there to help out when it counts."

"That is more like it," affirmed Moros.  "I'll leave you now to join the rest of your people.  Good luck, and may Mobius watch over us all."

Despite just having met Moros in his true form, Sicily felt a little...disappointed that he couldn't stay longer.  She found it almost strange how quickly she had come to trust him.  But she knew just as well how delicate his position was, to take such a risk for their sake even though he could live comfortably enough in the current power structure.  She nodded silently to him, and watched him vanish back down the corridor with his wings cloaking him back into the visage of the frightening servant of the tyrants.  When she couldn't see him any more through the darkness of the caves, she turned and entered the slave barracks that she was assigned to.

Wasting no time, she immediately went to Queen Sally Acorn and bowed to one knee.  "Sally," she whispered, looking up into the squirrel's bright blue eyes, "there is much we must discuss."

* * *

Chase scrabbled out of the hole as soon as the NOF troopers were gone, and zipped away down another corner, desperate to reach the exit and get back to the free skies.  Gotta tell the coalition...

He grunted as he tripped up on a rocky outcropping in the floor, and when he glanced up, he found himself gaping into the red glowing eyes of some nightmare...

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Moros gazed down at the dishevelled creature that had just prostrated itself before him. Despite the cave-dust that was sprinkled throughout his coat, Moros recognised the younger brother of Sicily immediately. He kept his face impassive, though he felt considerable surprise at running into both siblings in one day- and in the same place! Chase was supposed to be unaccounted for. A quick look at the terrified younger cheetah revealed that he wasn't wearing slave-garb, or the outfit of the N.O.F, but garments that marked him as one of the few rebels still free. And even if the garments didn't the rifle he had with him- which looked strangely out of place on the young cheetah- would have betrayed his loyalties to Moros instantly. It would also, Moros realised, betray him to anyone else within the tyrant's stronghold, and the N.O.F frequently patrolled these corridors. It was a wonder that Chase hadn't been spotted earlier! Making a quick decision, Moros took two swift strides towards the terrified cheetah and, reaching down, raised him up from the ground and off his feet by the scruff of his neck, elevating him to Moros's own eye-level without apparent effort. As the young cheetah's green eyes gazed fearfully into his glowing scarlet ones, Moros spoke in the same lifeless metallic voice he had used before taking Sicily into his confidence.

"Young one," he boomed, "you should not have chosen to wander here. I know who you are and that you are listed as 'unaccounted for'. Therefore what happens to you now is of no consequence- you will remain unaccounted for". So saying, Moros held Chase at arms' length as he marched through the corridors that led towards the outside. He passed maybe a dozen different groups of N.O.F soldiers as he did so, but none either cared- or dared- to question The Demon, or his interest in the creature he carried. Not until he reached the exit anyway, where a sentry informed him- most tremulously and reluctantly- that though The Demon was indeed free to come and go as and when the lords Robotnik and Nimbus wished, he would need some explanation for the individual The Demon was taking with him. Moros felt Chase tense at the mention of 'The Demon'- evidently he had heard the name somewhere. Keeping his face impassive, Moros answered the sentry's question. "Sport," he informed the sentry curtly, "this child is a cheetah- I intend to see how fast he can go. You are unlikely to be troubled by his presence again". The sentry seemed satisfied with this and made some snyde remark to Chase about how he must have picked the mother of all short-straws earlier that day. Ignoring the sentry, Moros made his way to a particular pass amongst the odd, twisted landscape of the surface of Hell's Halls- a pass he knew was seldom used. Alone with Chase, Moros used his true voice again.

"I am not going to hunt you," he whispered to the cheetah, "nor am I your enemy- despite appearences. I did what I had to do to get you out of there before you were captured- or worse. Now listen closely, for your survival depends on what I am about to tell you: The pass before you is stable but seldom used. It is seldom used because all sorts of creatures- whether people who had the misfortune to fuse when the worlds did, or aberrations generated by the fusion I neither know nor care- infest it frequently. These creatures have a very nasty habit of attacking anything that passes their way. At the end of the pass there is a stream, not more than seven feet wide and three feet deep at the deepest, beyond which the creatures will not venture, for the waters of the stream are caustic and highly toxic if you drink them. If you make it to the end of that pass, you will be safely out of here and should be able to find your way back to whatever rebel force you belong to in relative peace. But you will have to be fast and no matter what, do not stop. I will fly over you and keep the creatures at bay. Once you are free of here, take word back to your allies, telling them what you have seen. Tell them also that there is a revolution starting to brew amongst the imprisoned freedom fighters in Hell's Halls. And-," here he lowered his voice even more, "-you, Chase Cheetah, can go in the knowledge that your sister still lives and is an integral part of the coming revolution. So, are you ready to find out just how fast you are?"   

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Chase gulped.  He had gone from "dead meat" to "free and clear, mostly" so quickly that his head spun a little, but right now he couldn't think of any other way he could have reacted.  Whoever this dark figure really was, they were fast - he had hardly realized he had been grabbed in the first place.

But as quickly as he was informed about his escape plan, the main thing that made him ready to go was knowing that his sister was okay.  He didn't know exactly why, but he felt like he could trust this person.  Chase nodded.  "Roger that!" he exclaimed, giving a thumbs up before dashing off down the canyon path.

He only had the one way to go...

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(OOC: I meant to get to this before I went on my trip last week, but my 'net died before I could get to it. It's fixed now though so everything's good.)


The crocodile turned slowly toward Tatiana.  "ExCUSE me?  Are you
addressing ME, tcaitcha?!" She said archly.  Releasing her hold on the
young lioness she advanced on the meerkat.  "Care to say that my whip, little missy?" 

Hardly believing her luck,
the lioness stood there, forgotten.  She thought about retreating, but
instead dove in front of Tatiana, flattening herself to the ground in
front of the irate crocodile-feme.  "P-please!  She's new!  D-don't
hurt her, she didn't know! It's my fault!  It's always my fault! 
Please! Punish me! Not her!" Looking back at the meerkat, she mumbled,
"Please...I'm used to this...they ALWAYS beat me...don't risk yourself
for me...PLEASE...."

Grumbling about insubordinate slaves, the crocodile again took hold of the lioness by the ear and resumed dragging her off.


"Now then...the REAL reason I called you here today, princess..."

Serenity winced...Quit drawing it out...just get it OVER with already!... However, now that she thought about it...she was NOT looking forward to what this would inevitably lead up to.

"...Tell me, what do you know of my ally, princess?"

"Huh?" That was NOT what she had been expecting him to say.

"I wish to know more about this Robotnik person...and what better source than from someone who has faught with him many times, eh?"

"Er..." The purple hedgehog shot her host/captor a confused glance.

"What are his weaknesses? Phobias? An achiles heel of some sort? Anything?"

The purple hedgehog was silent a while.  This was an unexpected conversational turn.

"Princess?..." The hyena's voice started taking on a dangerous tone again.

" might be better off asking my dad....not that he'd TELL you..." She squinted at him distrustingly.

"Ah, but I'm asking YOU, my dear.  You should be jumping at the chance to tell me...for, you see...I intend to get rid of him for you."

"Uh huh.  And instate yourself in his place.  I see what you did there.  And frankly, I'd rather have to deal with the despot I KNOW."

"You'd rather did he put it?... robotisized? "

Serenity didn't even have to think of an answer, "Yes. At least I wouldn't have to demean myself for your amusement...MASTER."

"Watch your tone, tcaitcha."  The fireball appeared in his hand again momentarily.

She gulped and shut her mouth, glaring at her plate. When faced with...THAT...I'd gladly walk into the robotisizer of my own will. It was strange, but for some reason, she felt a certain loyalty to her own world's villain.

His voice turned cajoling again, "You're sure you can't tell me anything at all?"

Reni remained silent.

"...Very well. I have other ways of finding out these things."

"...Can I go now?" It was a long shot, but she didn't have much ELSE to lose by trying it.

"Ahahahah! Hardly. I'm FAR from done with you yet."

SIGH She had been afraid of that.

Nimbus rose from his chair and stalked around the other side of the table, stopping right behind Serenity.  She tensed, curling somewhat.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and she flinched, curling even more.

"Tsk.  I'm not going to hurt you."

"Pfft.Yeah right.What...are you doing..." Was he actually MASSAGING her shoulders?

"You're so tense."

"Gee, I wonder WHY." She replied sardonically. She tensed even further as his hand moved to the part of her arm that had her birthmark on it.

"...What's this?"

"D-don't touch that." Her voice was more of a squeak than she had intended.


"Er...Don't touch my Mark...please? Sir?" She was grabbing at straws...she did NOT want him this close to her.

He examined the marking with interest for several minutes. "Hmmm...extraordinary."  He then appeared to lose interest. Serenity gave a huge sigh of releif when he moved away from her and resumed his place at the table. "You are quite the specimen, my dear." Serenity made a face and squirmed uncumfortably as he continued. "I think I'll keep you."

Sighing, she layed her head on the table...poking at the plate in front of her with a finger.  She mumbled, "Daddy's gonna make you SORRY you ever layed yer claws on me..."

"Pfft.  From what I heard, he was last seen running screaming from the battlefield...just from killing ONE of my men.  Some hero. I'm surprised your world hasn't fallen sooner with a coward like THAT leading it."

That was the last straw.  Serenity's head snapped up off the table, her ears flattened themselves to her head as her quills flared out. She lept to her feet and pointed an accusing finger at her captor. "How DARE you malign my Daddy!  He's far braver than you could EVER immagine, you fear-mongering ol' MONSTER!  He'll make you REGRET you EVER touched me!" Angry tears were streaming down her face.

"ExCUSE me, tcaitcha?!  Are you actually raising your voice at ME?!" In one swift movement, the fireball was headed straight for her.

Wincing, she prepared for the searing pain...that never came.  She gaped in astonishment as the fireball exploded against a barrier formed from electricity...


(OOC: Cliffhanger! XP)

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ooc: you and your cliff hangers! Ill post something soon.

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A few hours later Mika awoke throwing the sheets off  she stood up and stretched letting out a  yawn. She looked around the room and grabbed her uniform throwing it on.

“I wonder how his meeting with nimbus”, she pondered pulling the jacket tight and buttoning it in place.

She grabbed the large black case. The skulls that lined the wall seemed to watch her every movement as she made her way down the hallway leading from the sleeping quarters to the waiting room.
She opened the door to find lucky face down on the table his head in his arms.

“Oh god he killed him!“, she gasped bringing her hand up to her mouth. She went to his side and nudged him.

“IM NOT ASLEEP SIR!”, Lucky jumped from his chair startled falling backwards. He looked around realizing where he was. He stood to his feet” Dear god please don’t do that again. You scared the living (happy word J) out of me.”

“So how did it go?” The LT asked

“How did… Oh he hasn’t shown up yet.”, Lucky answered.

“typical… he gets a new toy and you cant get him away from it.“,  Mika muttered under her breath.

Lucky raised an eyebrow, “ what are you talking about?”

“tcaitchas… he got some new ones. Anyway I brought your stuff. I’m surprised I was able to hold onto something this long even when I was a slave. How do you open this thing anyway?”, Mika asked.

“Its not too hard. What is a tcaitcha? You were a slave?”, Lucky knelt down by the case pushing up on the latch then lifting outward and raising it up. He lifted the lid.

Mika watched in disbelief as he reached in and pulled out a gray and black sig 551 rifle. Engraved in gold on the stock was the symbol for the merkaige kingdom, “You mean to tell me I have been sitting on that this entire time…. I could have… I wouldn’t… anyway a tcaitcha is a female slave. I was lucky enough to to get found out and just do manual labor.”

“Yeah you would have been really well off… Although against nimbus unless you have a really really good shot and the right bullet its practically useless. He just melts the lead and steel ones before they can hit him and blaster rifles are practically useless.”, He reached in grabbing a black .45 pistol. He slid it into his vest making sure it locked into place. He dug into the case again retrieving a handful of magazines and a holo sight for the rifle.

A loud crack and a scream of pain broke the silence.

“Why are they always so freakin loud…”, Mika growled under her breath.

Lucky glanced up from tinkering with some stuff on his rifle, “Mika I don’t know if I like the direction you’ve gone. I’m not even sure if I like the one  I’m going.”

“Your one to talk you left us to die.”, Mika shot back

“ What where did that come from? I left to get help by the time I returned the place was over run and there was nothing I could do.“, lucky stood from the seat. The rifle slung across his chess underneath his crossed arms. A piece of  olive drab duct tape cut in the shape of a spade covered the intricate gold inlay symbol that was on the stock.,” However if you want to play the blame game why don’t you start with… screw it. This argument isn’t going anywhere.”

“Fine. Are you still sure you want to be in the NOF? It is not a hard decision.”,  Mika asked a bit irritated

Lucky looked up, “whoever said I wanted to be. I never asked nor was I asked until now. But I’m not going to refuse and get chucked into your lordships rock collection.”

The were another crack followed by a shriek.

“Your right its not a hard decision. I’m making mine now. (happy word J) the NOF.”, with that lucky brushed passed Mika and covered his face with the skull facewrap, “Feel free to make yours.”

He attached the silencer to the rifle, and proceeded down the hallway toward the sound of the cracking whip. He pulled the cocking lever back on the side of the rifle. Another crack filled the air this time a slight groan followed.

Lucky burst through the door. The rifle raised firing a full auto burst into the NOF soldier who had been whipping the slave.

Lucky knelt down by the barely conscious fox. He looked at the deep gashes that the whip had left. He opened a small patch on the side of his vest and removed some gauze, bandage, and a syringe. He cleaned the wounds with water, pressed gauze into them to stop the bleeding and wrapped the bandages around his torso.

“Two tails… weird.”, He left the room leaving the fox to recover and hopefully run.

He stopped in his tracks to find Mika pointing a pistol at his head. She sighed as she lowered the pistol

“Your right. I’m making my decision now too. Did anyone see you?”, Mika crossed her arms

“…”, Lucky answered.

Mika leaned behind lucky looking into the room, “Why do you always leave a bloody mess? There’s almost no covering this up. We need to get moving right now!”

Mika turned and beckoned for him to follow. She made her way down the hallway with lucky not too far behind. She turned a corner only to run into someone a large someone. A pair of large red eyes looked back at them.

Mika went to a knee bowing before the demon, “Moros! I'm showing this new recruit around. If that is ok…”,

Lucky looked up at moros winced for a second.


“But hes so angry. I think he needs a hug!”, lucky fell to his face dropping his rifle. A syringe protruded through the medical pack poking into his side.

“Oh for (happy word J) sake”, Mika brought her palm to her face.


“Very well.“, Tatiana hung her head ashamed she was allowing this to happen.

She watched as the mobian croc continued to drag the lioness. Something inside just couldn’t let her stand aside. She caught up with the two and grabbed the lioness by her arm pulling her away.

“What are you doing!”, The lioness looked confused.

Tatiana stood inbetween the crocodile and lioness, “I don’t think you heard me traitor. I said she didn’t do it”

Ooc: Woo hoo musical tcaitchas! Anyway I edited the crap out of this. So if you see mistakes just pretend they aren’t there.

Posts: 328
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OOC: Reading Spyder's last post made me realise something I might have forgotten to make clear earlier. No-one knows Moros's name apart from Moros himself at the present time. Robotnik and Nimbus didn't care to ask for a name when they woke him up, so long as they could use him, and everyone else is either too scared to ask his name or don't care/don't realise that he has one, because they think he's not truly alive. They think he's like Robotnik's droids, so everyone calls him "The Demon". Sorry for not making that clear earlier! ^_^;

IC: Moros observed the two before him, noting, as the human male fell to the ground, the syringe that was poking into him. Either this new recruit was very new indeed, or he was exceptionally unlucky, and inattentive with the equipment he carried. Moros wasn't entirely certain which. What he was certain of though, were the facts the technological aspects of his being were bringing to his attention. The LT was too tense and fearful- true, most people were fearful when they ran into The Demon, but the unease in her voice and posture indicated she was too fearful for that alone. Further, there was a lingering scent- faint, but discernible to him- of gunsmoke emanating from the hallway these two had just come from, and the smell of fresh blood. And the scent of death. Something had happened, and the LT was afraid he would find out about it- find out and do something. What he would do Moros wasn't entirely certain yet- it depended upon who had died and who had done the shooting- but he would do something. The first thing he would do though, would be to find out what had happened-and keep these two where he could see them. His lifeless voice boomed as he answered the LT.

"Showing a new recruit the ropes is a commendable activity," he intoned, "and I would be happy to leave you to continue- but for one thing. I sense that a fatality has occurred close by, by cause of a powerful firearm. Your anxiety suggests that you know of this, or knew that something was wrong, but were at a loss as to what to do about it. I shall tell you what to do: Stay close to me and we shall investigate the matter. You may either deposit the recruit somewhere, or drag him with you if you believe him still capable of moving, but do not leave him to clutter the corridor. Once the fatality has been investigated, I shall report my findings to my superiors". Having delivered these instructions Moros set off down the hallway, not letting the two soldiers out of his sight, while he reviewed in his mind what he had accomplished with Chase...

A short while earlier...
Moros allowed the alloy to flow over his wings as he unfurled them, and a deadly point to form on the end of his tail. His eyes turned to orbs of blank, baleful fire, and flames burst into being over his body and through his mane of hair as he took to the wing and soared above the young cheetah, easily keeping pace with him. Whenever one of the creatures that haunted the pass sprang forth to attack, Moros would swoop down upon it, cutting and burning with a ferocity that left no doubt as to where his nickname of 'The Demon' had come from. None of the terrible, mutated monstrosities that dwelt in the canyon got within three feet of Chase before Moros would send them shrieking back to the shadows they lurked in. The journey through the pass was far from pleasant or uneventful, but it was quick and soon Chase was splashing his way across the stream as Moros swooped down to land on the far bank- discharging a final few streamers of fire to deter the last creatures. Once Chase was safely across Moros spoke to him. "There are two things I want to ask you before you go," he said to Chase, "the first is this: Where did you get the gun from? I can tell it isn't yours, you aren't used to the weight of it, and it isn't sitting correctly on you. Secondly," he continued, as he generated a small but sophisticated device from the alloy covering one of his forearms, "I can record holographic messages and keep them secure from any set of prying eyes. So I was wondering if you'd like me to deliver a message to your sister before you and I part company?"  

Posts: 2438
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OOC: Note that I do refer to Moros as such in my posts, but that's just for sake of convenience rather than because my characters actually know his name.

Chase caught his breath, then opened his eyes as he looked up at Moros.  "This actually belongs to someone I was traveling with to Hell's Halls, but he got captured."

Chase felt an immediate pang of guilt at not mentioning it earlier - it had been a long time now and it was possible Lucky had been tortured, even killed.  Even if he wasn't in danger just yet, he certainly would be soon...

"Can you make sure that he's okay?" pleaded Chase.  "His name is Lucky - and it won't be that hard to find him, since he's a human.  And you can tell him I've still got his rifle; I'll bring it back with me when I come back with reinforcements from the coalition."

"And for your sister?"

Chase took in a deep breath.  ", I haven't seen her for a year, goes."

He faced the recording device.  "Hey, uh,'s Chase.  Hope you're doing okay.  Geez, this is so awkward...look, I know where you are now, and I'm going to get help.  The coalition is still kicking.  I'd rather get you out of there right now, but I remember how stubborn you can'd rather be in there making a difference so that when the coalition comes in, it'll count.  I'll come to get you as soon as I can...and Sis?  I...I love you."  He looked up at Moros, choking back tears.  "I think that's it."

Moros nodded as he closed up the device inside of his arm.  "You should inform your people that Queen Acorn and her daughter are among the slaves as well - and will most likely also be part of the revolution."

That news sent a shock up and down Chase's young body.  "Y-you mean there are still members of the House of Acorn still alive?  Command is going to want to know that right away!  Several of Queen Acorn's friends are part of the coalition's leadership, I'm sure they'll be relieved to know she lives and fights on!"

"I am certain that Queen Acorn will feel the same.  Go, young Chase - and good luck."

The cheetah boy didn't hesitate as he turned on his heel and dashed away, his spotted tail trailing behind him as he ran to the safety of nearby cover that would lead him back to the coalition headquarters.  There was no doubt in his mind now - he had to relay these news to the leaders of the last resistance force of the merged worlds.

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(OOC: Sorry I haven't posted lately...haven't felt well the past couple days...but I feel better friend just gave me Portal, so I was playing that all day XD; I should be in bed right now (it's 5 AM XD ), but...My muse won't let me alone until I wrote this so...Also realized I forgot to post for Sally.)


The Scowl whirled around, eyes blazing.  "WHAT was that, tcaitcha?" She grabbed the meerkat in a delicate, yet surprisingly strong, grip, menacing her with her whip. "It seems SOMEONE actually WANTS to be punished, eh? Very well. You wish to take punishment FOR this wretch, eh?"  She waved her whip in Tatiana's face.  "Too bad. I have to keep you in one piece for His Lordship. However AFTERWARDS..."  She trailed off menacingly. "However...since you can't seem to leave well enough alone, you get to come along and WATCH me beat this worthless peice of trash. Maybe THEN you'll consider holding your tounge next time..." With that she resumed her march toward the punishment chamber, dragging both slaves along with her.


The ground squirrel sighed heavily, those blue eyes tired.  Her fighter's spirit, though still there, was well hidden, tempered by the year of oppression spent in the mine.  Also...she was very worried for her daugther.  Though she knew that neither tyrant would destroy Serenity - not yet anyway...for the simple reason that the purple hedgehog was FAR more valuable to both alive - that didn't stop her from was only natural.  Sally brought her mind back to the present as Sicily addressed her.  Sighing she said tiredly, "Please...don't bow.  It...makes me self-concious.  Besides...I'm...not much of a ruler anymore..."  She looked off into the distance if there was something intangible she was searching for. She sighed again and returned her attention to her visitor.  "But enough about that.  What was it you needed to say?" She glanced around to make sure none of the guards were paying attention, and then motioned over to a dark corner of the cave so they could have a bit more security.  She had a feeling whatever Sicily had to say might be important...

(OOC: Hopefully that wasn't out of character...)


*SIGH* "Ok, you can get up and move around...BUT! NO running yet.  You are to use crutches until fully healed, you understand me?  I don't want all my hard work to be in vain just because you are impatient to save your daughter."  Liberty thought for a moment. "Also...I know that when you ARE fully healed you will eventually go to search for her.  I won't stop you when that time comes, but...You should be aware that the Terrible Two will probably have some elaborate trap set for you...with her as the bait."

"Yeah, I know." Sonic said matter-of-factly, testing out the crutches. "But that never stopped me before.  I can get through ANY trap Ol' 'Butt'nik can throw at me!"

"Uh-huh.  Just like you 'got through' that tree, eh?"

"Eh...Minor mishap."

Liberty sighed again, placing her head in her palm.  This was going to take some getting used to.

"So Uh...what's this place like anyway? All I've seen is this one room!"

"I'll show remember to take it slow."

"Whoops...busted..." He had been about to discard the crutches, but thought better of it.  "Say, Uh, Lib?"


"You got any Clilli Dogs aroun' here?"

"Any what?"

"Aw Man!   Don't tell me you don't know what Chilli Dogs are!"

"Not...really..." The hyena was confused...Her mind pictured a bunch of shivering canines as she followed her convalescing guest.

"Man are you in for a treat...where's the kitchens around here?"

"This way..." Liberty said, still scratching her head...What would cold canines be doing in the kitchen?


(OOC: Reni's gonna have to wait again. : XP )

Posts: 369
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OOC: Hi VW and everyone.

I am a big pain. I do still really REALLY want to join. I need to read this RP though. Might print it off at work on Monday though. My cheap contraption is packing up... unless I find time to read this weekend after I've written other portfolio work up.

Transition from Uni to professional life has been time consuming like I said to VW.

Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes GemaJinn! Am so late checking, will write to you soon hun!

Ok... uhm *topples away awkwardly* :S XD

Posts: 481
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(OOC:  I can put this on pause until you're ready (though there's a post that I REALLY want to get to (the next one)) Gah, nested parenthesis! XD; Anyway...I just joined I may be distracted by that a lot soon...I haven't decided what story idea to use for it yet...Maybe the non-crossover version of this? This is the thing that I have the most world-building worked out for so far...But then again...there's so many other ideas...*flail* >.< I'm still missing a name for the non-'Fused Worlds' version though...)

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

ooc: finally for the LOOOOONG delay. Im finally state side and still trying to get settled back in.


course.”, mika responded. She nervously walked a bit further down
the hall and put lucky in a room across the hall from the demon
leaning him against the wall and layed his rifle across his lap. The
tape had peeled back leaving the gold inlay on the stock to glisten
in the light possibly catching the attention of anyone waiting in the

quickly pushed it back down looking over her shoulder as she did so.

the demon hadn’t noticed… “, she thought to herself. She went
back out to the waiting demon hoping lucky would wake up before they…
or just he returned.

nervousness grew to an uncontrollable shake as they approached the
room. The last person that had done something like this had been made
an example of. Executed… slowly in front of slave and soldier

“After you
sir”, She collected herself and pushed open the door and stood
aside for moros to pass.


Tatiana struggled
to break free as she was dragged down the hallway. She could feel the
scowls grip tighten the reptilian claws digging into her skin. She
winced lsoing her step and let out a slight welp. The scowl grabbed
her by the back of the kneck.
Picking her up. It became too
much. Tatiana Elbowed the gator in the side breaking free of her
grasp she turned and bolted down the hallway.

“There has to be a way out of here.”,
She thought to herself as he ran down the corridors.

She looked over her shoulder hoping she
was putting some space between herself and the scowl.


Half an hour had
passed. Lucky started to stir again. His head pounded from the
sedatives. He sat up from the stone concrete floor. It started to
spin a little. He placed both his hands on the ground and shut his

“Someone must've got a good hit on
me”, He thought to himself. He looked down noticing the rifle now
leaning across his legs,”Maybe not. But where am I now?”

He looked around the room noticing a
variety of different whips and chains hanging from the wall behind
the door. He looked at the opposing wall lining it were chains and
shackles. It was stained along with the floor around it leading to a
drain in the center of the room.

“Wtf...”, He thought to himself
looking at the walls. He pulled the mask back up over his face and
attempted to stand. His mild dizziness became more serious causing
him to fall to the floor again. He heard foot steps run as he lay on
the floor slipping in and out of consciousness as the sedatives wore

Posts: 481
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(OOC: Probably the last post before I'm heavily distracted by NaNo...but I HAD to get it out there...)



Nimbus and Serenity both looked over sharply at the irate new voice, as the shield fizzled out, it's purpose spent.

"If you so much as burn ONE quill on her head, I'll...I'll..." Surge thundered, fuming, his ears pinned back, quills flared out and sparking, as he held a lighting ball at the ready.

"...Surge?" Oh no... Serenity thought...her gut twisting as she thought of what her captor would do now that Surge had revealed himself. She hadn't seen him since they were separated in the confusion of the invasion of Knothole, and she'd hoped maybe he'd escaped, or at least knew enough to lay low. Apparently not. She placed her head in her palm.

Nimbus glanced from the intruder to his captive, quirking an eyebrow expectantly. "Princess, what IS this? He some sort of FREIND of yours?" The question was, of coarse, loaded.

Think fast, Ren. Or he's a goner... She squeezed her eyes shut briefely Surge...please forgive me...I don't want to hurt you, but...this is the only way I can think of to save you... She affected an annoyed look. "Surge?! What are YOU doing here?"

His ball of lightning fizzled as he stared at her, flabbergasted. "Reni? W-what do you mean? I'm here to save you!"

Nimbus sat back, smirking. "This ought to be good..." He mumbled, watching. He knew what was eventually comming, but...he liked to toy with his prey a little...let them think they were getting away with this ruse...

"Surge, what is WRONG with you?"

"Reni I..."

"I don't NEED saving, Surge."

"But he...and we...You...I..."

"Surge, I TOLD you...You and I are just friends." She said, emphasizing the point.

Surge's heart sank. It was the dreaded 'just friends' line. "But...No you didn't! I thought...After everything we...You'd rather be with...THAT?" He said, motioning toward the sneering hyena.

Surge's betrayed expression was tearing her heart out. But...this was the only thing she could do...she hoped he'd take the hint and give up. "Surge, I have no choice. I don't love him, I never will, but...I'm a slave, Surge...I HAVE to do what he wants. And you and I were never an item. You're my friend...nothing more." Please, Surge...desist...this hurts me as much as it does you... She turned her gaze back to the table, reaching for another slice of pizza, though she didn't think she had the stomach to eat it right now.


"Is this boy bothering you, Princess?"

"No Master."

"Really? You know I could have him taken away..."

"You don't have to."

"I don't HAVE to...but maybe I WANT to, eh?"

Serenity winced inwardly. She said nothing...knowing she would have no say in it either way.

"Since he's not a a boyfriend or wouldn't mind if I killed him, would you?" The tyrant grinned wickedly; he loved making her squirm.

"All due respect, Sir...He may not be a love interest...but I still would rather not see him hurt."

Nimbus snickered. An uneasy silence followed.

Surge! Get out of here! Serenity silently willed the other hedgehog to take the oportunity while it was available.

However, with a wave of his hand, Nimbus had already summoned several guards, who flanked Surge, grabbing him by the arms. The silence stretched out. Surge struggled futilly to escape the guards' grasp.

The hyena continued. "However...since he inadvertantly prevented me from harming your pretty face," He grabbed Serenity by the chin briefly. Serenity considered biting his hand when he did this...but then thought better of it. "- something I would have regretted having to do, by the way - I think I'll let it slide...THIS time..." He grinned toothily, looking directly at Surge. "But...after your duty here is finished...mark my words, will be severely disciplined..." He waved his hand dismissively. "Now....Get back to your post, and do not inturrupt my audience with the Princess again...or I WILL be forced to execute you."

"Y-yessir." Surge mumbled, looking at the ground as he was escorted back to his place by the wall. His heart was in peices...all fight had left him when he'd heard the purple hedgehog refer to him merely as a friend. As he resumed his position by the wall, he felt a hand fall on his shoulder comfortingly. He didn't look up. He didn't want his new friend to see the tears that refused to dry.


Posts: 328
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Moros had noticed the glitter of the gold inlay on the stock of Lucky's weapon- momentary though it was, the fleeting glance was enough for him to perfectly capture the partial symbol the exposed inlay formed- and to start running it through his memories for potential matches. Whatever else it may be he knew it wasn't an insignia used by either Robotnik or Nimbus, and therefore hinted that the weapon's owner's loyalties might lie elsewhere- unless it was simply a trophy, part of the goods seized during one of the many raids and invasions that taken place over the past 5 years. Whatever the case, the knowledge might come in useful later. Moros strode through the door as Mika stood aside, his eyes sweeping the room, taking in everything. With his tecnological capacities and natural senses alike analysing the chamber, he could reconstruct the scenario with great accuracy. The N.O.F. guard- whose bullet-riddled remains lay before Moros- had been killed by a powerful firearm. That it was a projectile weapon and not an energy weapon suggested it wasn't one of Robotnik's droids that had done the job- a suggestion strengthened by the fact that there were multiple wounds on the body; a droid would only have needed one shot. In addition, it was unlikely to be another N.O.F. member who was responsible. Though it was true that fights and scuffles did break out amongst them, they knew better than to go killing one another while their ruthless leader was in an uneasy alliance with another dictator no less cruel and ambitious- they needed every pair of hands they had for the eventual domination of the world. Added to that, Moros had observed that the greater percentage of the N.O.F. preferred weapons such as swords and clubs and crossbows, since the more sophisticated technologies available to them were still inferior to Mobian technologies and heavily magic-dependent. Therefore the culprit was most likely one with access to a limited arsenal, one that wasn't magic-dependent, but still not up to the standard of Robotnik's mechanised army: The culprit was a rogue or a rebel. And Moros could guess who.

He flicked a brief glance at Mika. Either she was feeling very cold, or she was beset by fear- perhaps the fear of being discovered? She was right to be afraid. Moros knew she hadn't fired these shots, but could say with some certainty that she knew who had. The firearm the new recruit had been holding- the one with the insignia Mika had hastily tried to re-conceal- had been warmer than an unused firearm that was being carried should be- even if it had been carried for most of the day. It had been warm in specific areas too- as though it had been used very recently. That, coupled with the fact that the scent Moros had mentioned detecting to Mika, was strongest around the firearm just about proved what he'd read from the room itself. The new recruit had burst in here, surprising the N.O.F. guard and fired nearly a full round into him before stopping. What had motivated the attack though? There were plenty of reasons to attack the N.O.F. granted, but what specifically had provoked the rebel- one apparently trying to infiltrate the enemy stronghold at that- to such a ferocious assault? Moros noted the whip still clutched in the hand of the corpse and that not all the blood staining the floor had originated from the same place. The different blood- staining both the floor and the whip Moros noted- was still fresh. The guard had been beating a slave, and beating that slave hard. That explained the measures the rebel had used in retaliation. It also meant there was a slave- no longer present in the room- who knew what had happened. That was a concern, but a minor concern only- the slave, whoever it was, would probably be smart enough not to talk. Satisfied that he knew what had happened, Moros turned his attention back to Mika, who's trembling only seemed to increase as he approached her. Stopping about three feet from her, Moros addressed her.

"It seems," he intoned in his lifeless voice, "that your new recruit has very poor luck. In addition to the act of injecting himself with sedatives- a feat I would deem highly improbable had I not witnessed it- he has also apparently had a similar stroke of ill-fortune with his firearm. Clearly he is unfamiliar with it and inadvertantly discharged a round into the unfortunate now lying in this room. Much as your desire to keep a new recruit out of trouble is commendable, you will have to make clear to Lord Nimbus his accident-prone nature. Since he is new however, and if you can think of any noteworthy features that will outweigh his ill-luck, then there exists the strong probability that Lord Nimbus will be lenient- this time". Finishing this sentence, Moros recalled what Chase had said about the owner of the weapon he had been carrying and spoke again. "Since I shall have to report this matter," he intoned, "and since you are the ranking officer assigned to this new recruit, relate to me his name for the record. And confirm for me; was my analysis consistent with the events themselves?" 

Posts: 186
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ooc: Sorry I dropped the ball. Ill post something within a day or two.

Posts: 186
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The jackal looked up to the demon not believing what she had heard, "His names is lucky. He works as a merc and from what I understand his work has been completely neutral. Despite the minor set backs here I have read some amazing reports of what he is capable of. I do believe your analysis of the events are consistent. If you dont mind I need to go make sure his dumb(happy word ) is ok."

With that mika turned on her heel and excused herself from the demons presence. She walked slow at first but once around the corner her pace quickened. She paused to see Tatiana bolting down the hallway. She stood in the way at first but stepped aside.

"When the scowl catches you it's gonna be hell!", Mika yelled after her.

She made it to the room to find lucky on the floor still out like a light.

"Get up!", she kicked him in the side.

"Huh?", Lucky regained conciouness completely.

"WHAT THE (HAPPY WORD!) WERE YOU THINKING? DO YOU KNOW WHAT LORD NIMBUS WOULD... WILL DO... WHEN HE FINDS OUT ABOUT YOUR ACCIDENT!", Mika screamed only to wink as to say shes putting on a show for anyone listening.

Lucky stood to his feet grabbing his rifle he stumbled around, he placed his hand on the wall to regain his balance, "Don't know nor do I care to know. We got other things to worry about."

He started walking out into the hallway a large mobian alligator ran right into him knocking him back onto the ground.

"Geez what is your freakin hurry", He said grabbing his forehead

"SHES GETTING AWAY!", the scowl growled pushing lucky aside.

Lucky looked up trying to make out the figure down the hall only catching a glimpse of tatianas shoulder and tail disappearing around a corner.

"It cant be...", He thought to himself.

He slid the rifle strap in front of the scowls foot causing the reptile to faceplant once again, "I owed you that. I don't care who you think you work for mobian. She's not getting out of here".

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(OOC: I'm back.  NaNo is over, so I can spend more time on this.  Also, I should be sleeping now, but my muse won't let me until I post (again).  Spyder, I didn't quite understand the last part of your post.  Did he mean "She is getting out of here" ? the "not" is what's confusing me.)


"Now then, Princess...Are you finished with dinner so that we can get on to...other things?"  Nimbus asked casually, leering.

Serenity started to panic.  "Uh...n-no Sir...I-I mean Master...I-I mean..."   Hastily she grabbed for another slice of pizza, trying to prolong the inevitable.

"Oh...I think you are.  We've put it off long enough.  Come."

Oh no...Ohnohnohono...  She scrambled away from the table, still chewing on the pizza that she had hastily crammed in her mouth, backing away. Swallowing it, she glanced around, looking for some escape.  Suddenly she fled, knocking over the chairs and some of the dishes on the table as a futile attempt at distraction.  Her feet burned from the use of her speed without her protective shoes, and her collar zapped her painfully, but her need to escape was greater.

There was no way out however, as she found herself cornered, unable to run any more due to the friction burning in her feet.   All doorways into the throne room were blocked by guards.  She tried to calm her pounding heart as Nimbus stalked toward her menacingly on all fours.  This should have been awkward for a bipedal being, but he still managed to make it look malevolently graceful.  Serenity cast a frantic glance around the room again, looking for somewhere to hide while the burning sensation in her feet subsided. 

Suddenly he was there in front of her, caging her with his arms on the wall to either side of her.  "What's the matter, Princess?  What happened to 'Please!  Just get it over with!'" Nimbus mocked in a sing-song voice.


"You what?" 

He was still toying with her.  Serenity wondered when he would get serious and pounce.  "...I-changed-my-mind-I-don't-want-anything-to-do-with-you!"  She blurted out in a rush, trying to melt into the wall, feeling the bone decor pressing her spines against her back.

"...Ahahahah...You do know you have no choice, do you not, my Slave-Princess?"

"I...yes..." She mumbled.  In this position, she couldn't even curl up.

"Does your sudden reluctance have anything to do with lover-boy back there?  'Cuz I can still have him executed, you know."

New fear burst to the surface.  Not for herself but for Surge.  But...she just COULDN'T submit to this...She stayed silent.

Nimbus tried a different tack.  "You know I enjoy the ones with fight the most.  The more you fight, the more fun I have breaking you."

Serenity squeezed her eyes shut as he pressed closer. She heard her voice squeek out a strained "Daddieeee..."

Nimbus laughed again.  "Your father can't help you.  You already tried that tactic and it didn't work...Now...I can just..."

"Lord Nimbus, Sir!" A guard rushed up suddenly.

Nimbus swung his head around swiftly -- but not taking his hands off the wall -- and snarled. "WHAT?!   CAN'T YOU SEE I'M A LITTLE BUSY?!!"

"Y-y-yes Sir!" The guard stammered,  "S-so s-s-sorry to inturupt you when you're with one of your many c-consorts...b-b-but, I think you should know,!"

Robotnik?!  Oh great...this just gets better and better... Serenity thought to herself, mortified.  However, Nimbus was distracted, so she found her chance to slip out from under his arms.  Once she was clear, she fled to the nearest shelter she could find...the space beneath Nimbus's throne.  There, hidden by the drapery surrounding the chair's legs, she curled up tightly, shivering.  She knew it was only a temporary escape while her tormentor was distracted, but...

"Now look what you've done!  You distracted me and now she's escaped! Get out before I turn you into a lightning rod!"

"Y-y-yes Sir!  Lord Nimbus, Sir!"  The guard fled.

Nimbus returned to stalking quadrupedally.  "Oh Prrrrrriiiiiiinceeeeeess...I see we're playing a hiding game now, are we?  No matter.  I'll find you eventually.  Come out, come out, wherevvvvvvverrrrr you arrrrrrrreeeee..." he sang, stalking around the room.

Serenity curled tighter in her spot under the throne, flaring her quills to lock her in the small space.  There was silence in the throne room for a while.  What...was Nimbus up to?  She glanced up, lifting a corner of the drape and cautiously peering out.

Suddenly the drapery flew upward and she was staring into her captor's leering face. "BOO!"  Serenity squeeked and curled again as Nimbus laughed. "Ahahahah!  I found you!  Come on out now and quit playing games...we have work to--"


Oh no... Serenity knew that voice. Robotnik.


(OOC: Gah, why was that so fun? XD;;  Villains...*shakes head* Also...another cliffie.  Am I evil? Ohhhh yesssss... )

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Nodding his assent to Mika, Moros paid her only minimal attention as she exited the room where the body lay, analysing what she had just told him. There was little doubt now in his mind that the new recruit and the individual Chase had been travelling with were one and the same: Both were human, both were called Lucky, and both were in the same vicinity Chase had been in. The probability of there being two individuals with so many similarities was minimal, almost non-existent in fact. In addition to that, there was Mika's response to his questions to support the evidence that indicated this recruit and Chase's friend were the same. He had described to Mika a scenario that he'd known from the outset was completely at odds with he physical evidence- an accidental discharge of a projectile firearm wouldn't have resulted in a concentration of so many shots in so small an area. Had it been an accident, there would have been a great many more stray shots, and a substantial number of bullet-holes decorating the room as a result. Instead, all the bullet-holes were squarely in the corpse at his feet, meaning that whoever had done the firing was familiar with the firearm and had considerable skill. Yet, in spite of this, Mika had confirmed that his description of events was consistent with the events themselves- a lie which indicated that, for one reason or another, Mika had aligned herself with Lucky. Who in turn seemed to be aligned with the rebels- or at least have enough of a grudge against the tyrants to open fire on one of their minions, in their own stronghold, while apparently trying to keep a low profile.

Moros though, had no intention of letting any of these fascinating details enter his report to the tyrants though. Two more enemies of Nimbus and Robotnik amongst the ranks of their own followers could prove useful. Though, Moros reflected, given how obviously Mika had been lying to him and how reckless Lucky apparently was, perhaps he should wait before making himself truly known to them. Mika could maybe be trusted not to act rashly, but if pressured, Moros wondered how good she'd be at keeping a secret? Lucky probably wouldn't succumb to any pressure Robotnik and Nimbus could bring against him- but could he control himself and not take matters into his own hands? Mika had been telling the truth when she said that Lucky's capabilities were amazing- that much Moros had gleaned from her voice and body language when she'd told him. But Moros wasn't about to gamble the well-laid plans he had only begun to initiate on two wild cards, unless some concrete evidence that they weren't as wild as first impressions indicated emerged. The request Chase had made regarding Lucky called itself to his attention. He had asked Moros to make sure Lucky was okay, and to tell him that the young cheetah would return his rifle to him when he returned with reinforcements from the coalition. The first part was accomplished- apart from a self-inflicted fight with some sedatives Lucky was fine. But the other part would have to wait- for now. Before Moros could contemplate his next step too deeply two things happened.

There was a sudden commotion down the hallway, Mika screaming at Lucky (a show for himself and anyone else Moros was certain) followed by light, running footsteps, a thud and another voice bellowing, "SHE'S GETTING AWAY!" That in turn was followed by another thud. At the same moment that Moros left the room to investigate the commotion, he received an encrypted message from Robotnik. It seemed that the Mobian dictator was headed for a meeting with Lord Nimbus and wanted Moros to be present. This wasn't too uncommon a happening: Ever since they had awakened him, both tyrants liked him to be present for a good number of their meetings- not because they believed he would contribute any relevant information, but because both liked knowing that they had a powerful weapon in the room that was a mutual threat to either, even if he was forbidden to kill them both. Moros paused momentarily- which would be best; to investigate the commotion before making his way to the meeting, or to ignore the commotion and go directly to Robotnik? After an instant's consideration, Moros decided he could do both: Investigate the cause of the commotion on his way to the meeting. That way he could discover whatever points of interest the commotion might reveal while obeying an order. His decision made, Moros started down the hallway towards the area all the ruckus was coming from...    

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OOC: no more cliffs cant take any more cliffs… post coming tomorrow maybe.

Posts: 186
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OOC: sorry took longer than expected. Not great but itll do I guess.

Tatiana ran down the hall catching a glimpse of the demon she made a quick turn and ran as fast as she could down the opposite corridor Hoping he hadn’t spotted her. She came to a stop in front of two large double doors. She quickly went inside at the sight of two soldiers walking the hallway, shut the doors behind her, and locked them.

She turned only to find herself in the presence of  nimbus and robotnik. Letting out a slight gasp she turned to try and leave unnoticed


Lucky stood to his feet crossing his arms letting the rifle hung at his side from the retention strap. A stern but smug look across his face. He started to make another harsh comment when. He recognized the red eyes floating his way again.

Mika walked into the hallway looking down at the scowl who was shuffling to get up then back to lucky noticing his gaze she looked in the direction of the approaching demon.

“What now?”, she thought to herself as she dropped to her knee.

She reached up and jerked lucky down to his.

“Can I stand for a second before someone else knocks me to the freakin ground every two seconds.”, Lucky said as he was jerked down again.

“If you can shut the h*ll up for two seconds and quit making smart@$$ comments. Then yes.”,  mika sneered.

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Moros took in the situation as he approached the place the commotion had come from: a brief glimpse of a fast-fleeing Mobian girl, who seemed to be in the standard clothing- if that was the word- of a tcaitcha. The two potential wildcard soldiers he had happened upon earlier, who knelt as they spotted him approaching- or at least the jackal did, dragging the human down with her. The Mobian reptile struggling to get to her feet, whom Moros knew to be charged with caring for- so to speak- the tcaitchas. In light of her presence Moros could put together the most probable scenario easily: A tcaitcha had somehow escaped the quarters she was supposed to be confined to. The overseer of those quarters had set off in pursuit of the escapee, and in the process had stumbled across- literally from the looks of it- the two rebel soldiers. A plan formed in Moros's mind as he considered this, a means by which he might be able to determine the objectives of the two soldiers before him. "Rise," he commanded them as he approached, "I have been summoned by the Lord Robotnik and do not have time for niceties. What is the meaning of the commotion I heard?" The Mobian reptile was the first to answer as she rose to her feet. "One of the tcaitchas has escaped sir!" she reported, her habitual scowl already in place, "I was pursuing her when I bumped into these two clowns wandering around in the middle of the corridor!" Moros regarded the reptile for a second before saying simply, "report," to the two soldiers. "That isn't how it happened sir," the jackal responded, "I was just in the process of taking my recruit on patrol when this ,-" she broke off as she jerked a thumb at the reptile, apparently choosing her next word carefully, "-individual came charging down the corridor and ploughed into him, knocking them both down in the process sir". She finished. The reptile glared at the jackal, before either they or the human could speak however, Moros intervened. "You can apportion blame later," he intoned, "but as I have already said I do not have time to linger. Now, answer quickly. You," he boomed as he pointed at the reptile, "are responsible for the tcaitchas, is that right?"

"Yes sir," The Scowl responded. "Then whom did you leave in your stead when you ran after this escapee?" Moros asked. The Scowl blinked, apparently surprised by the question. "Well, no-one sir but-," she began. "Then no-one is watching the tcaitchas now?" Moros enquired. Before she could answer he continued, "leaving your charges unsupervised is a violation of your duty and nothing less than a deliberate desertion of your post. You blindly pursued one tcaitcha, not thinking that your absence would give all the others a chance to escape? Aren't there soldiers here? Would they not recognise one lone girl, running around in the distinctive garments of a tcaitcha as an escapee? Wouldn't they know where to return her, and know to return her undamaged? You have been absent from your post long enough. Return at once. As for your charge against these two," he continued, turning his gaze upon Lucky and Mika, "our soldiers are meant to patrol the corridors. That you should find them there is no surprise. And since they are here," he continued, "here is what the two of you shall do: Pursue the runaway tcaitcha and see to it that she is apprehended alive and undamaged. You know where to take her once you have captured her. That is all. Dismissed". Having given his instructions, Moros made his way towards the place Robotnik had specified as the meeting-place. Pausing to knock politely but loudly upon the doors he called out, "as you have summoned me, my lord, so I have come," awaiting for the response Robotnik was sure to give.      

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(OOC: Heh...I couldn't wait to post this...but then I go and not get to it until two days later than I had originally come up with it.  My life is getting hectic again.  I start my class on this coming Monday. (Finally.) On the one hand, I'm glad it's finally going to get started, but on the other hand...why'd they have to start it the week before x-mas?!  As if my life isn't busy enough as it is with the holiday (and my parents) coming and all...Ah well.  It would be better if they could have waited a week to start, but...beggers can't be choosy I guess. XD; Anyway...on to the story...Be prepared for a LONG one. XP )


As she trudged back to the tcaitcha quarters, The Scowl seethed inwardly at having rank pulled on her.  That was HER job!  However, she was able to recognize the fact that the Demon DID indeed out-rank her...for NOW....Wait...what was she THINKING?  NO ONE tried to oust the Demon from his position!  She hated to admit it, but she was as afraid of him as even the lowest slave was.  There simply was NO challenging the rulers' pet project!  However, it made her feel powerless...and she HATED that.  The reptile reigned in her temper enough not to slam the door as she re-entered the tcaitcha chamber.  Patroling the premises, she made sure none of them HAD escaped...and then returned to the punishment room, where the scapegoat lioness still cowered on the floor where she had been left.  She could at least finish what she'd started here.  Besides, punishing helpless slaves always made her feel better.


Surge couldn't believe he was standing there doing nothing as the girl that he loved that...THING...that...MONSTER.  It didn't matter that Reni had used the dreaded 'just friends' line with him...he still loved her.  And there was nothing he could do to help her now.  He was about to be forced to watch her him.  He tore his eyes away.  This was the ultimate torture.  There was nothing worse Nimbus could do to punish him.  He squeezed his eyes shut and flattened his ears to his head, hoping that would drown out the inevitable screams. He knew it wouldn't though.  "Reni...I'm sorry..." He mumbled, though he didn't exactly know why.  

Discord tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the table.  Kitchen slaves were already clearing the used dishes and uneaten food from it.  Surge's stomach rumbled just to spite him.  He had had only the same amount of gruel as the other slaves, and seeing all that uneaten food being discarded was just as tortuous as...He shook his head.  He just couldn't let himself think about it.  The guards soon prodded the two table-carriers back to their positions at either end of the table.  Before he could stop himself, Surge had caught another glimpse of what was happening at the other end of the room...just in time to see Reni dive under the tyrant's throne.  Again, he wished he could help her.  But there was nothing he could do.  

The guard jabbed him again. "Pay attention, slave!  Yer in enough trouble already...DON'T make it worse!"

With a heavy heart, he returned his attention to carrying the table back to where they got it.



Liberty sighed and placed one hand to her forehead, while using the other to keep her charge in his seat.  She knew it was too soon to have told him, but...he was so persistant about it...her tounge had slipped and the information she had been trying to withhold from him had tumbled right out.  She sighed.  "It's true."

"But...She'd never submit to that!  She shouldn't have to!"

"I brother...doesn't take no for an answer.  If she doesn't want to...he..." She trailed off, finishing in a small voice. "He'll force her. Nimbus always gets what he wants."

"NEVER!  I won't let him do that to my daughter!"  Sonic pounded the table with his fist, making his half-eaten chilli dog jump on it's plate.

It was all Liberty could do to keep him in his seat.  "Look.  You go speeding off when your leg isn't completely healed, you'll just go and break it again!  And possibly get yourself killed in the process!  I've been trying to tell you this the whole time you've been here!"

" daughter...I can't let that monster...I'm healed already!"

"NO, you're NOT completely healed yet.  The bone may be mostly repaired now, but it still has to finish knitting and strengthening itself.  You just have to wait.  I'm sorry about your daughter, really I am, but...she WILL live.  My brother tends to like to draw things out...generate as much fear as possible first...We'll just have to hope he hasn't gotten to her yet.  You ARE staying put if I have to TIE you to your bed, do you understand me?"  Liberty's voice brooked no arguement.

Sonic still tried to argue anyway. "But..."

"NO. And that's final.  One more word about it, and I WILL lock you in your room."

"I'm not a child, you know."

"I'm still stronger than you."

"But I'm quicker."

"Not with a broken leg you're not."

"Wanna bet?"

"No.  If you want to be able to leave your room at all, you'll stop this arguement."

"...Fine." Sonic said huffily, crossing his arms.  "But if anything happens to my daughter..."  But he knew it was an empty threat.  There was nothing either of them could do at the moment.


Nimbus hastily dropped the drapery at the base of the throne back into place, nonchalantly settling into the seat.  Serenity could feel the chair give slightly above her from his weight.  "Stay under there, slave." He hissed under his breath, kicking the hedgehog princess with the heal of his boot.  She re-curled, flaring her quills so that the longer ones poked through the seat cushion.  She could hopefully make him uncomfortable at least.  She was rewarded with a hushed yelp, as one one of her quills hit home.  "I can have you shaved, you know." he growled, before returning his attention to his unexpected guest.  "Robotnik!  To what purpose do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?"

"I think you know why I'm here." the other tyrant growled.

"Not really.  Enlighten me." Nimbus said with false friendliness.

"You have stolen something of mine."

"I assure you, all the gems are in their proper place."

"Not the Chaos Gems.  My robots inform me that a certain IMPORTANT royal slave is not in her assigned sector."

"Maybe they overlooked somethi--OW!"  Serenity had taken that moment to jab him again.  Again the boot heel kicked at her face, though her curled position made it impossible for it to connect.

Robotnik eyed him calculatingly. "Indeed...Nimbus, robots do not often overlook important details like a missing slave...You are hiding something." He added abruptly.

"No I'm not...OW!" The boot came back again, missing Serenity completely. "Are you TRYING to get discovered?" He hissed under his breath at her.

"Yes." the purple hedgehog muttered to herself, though she hoped he didn't hear her.

"I think you're hiding something." Robotnik was saying, pacing around the throne.

"I hide nothing from you, my aly."

"Don't play innocent with're hardly the innocent type."

"Well neither are you."

Robotnik was quiet a while as he considered this. "True.  However. You have stolen from me."

"I have not."

"I think you have."  Robotnik's voice was now coming from the right side of the throne.  

Serenity could not hold back her curiousity, despite herself.  She drew back the fabric a fraction to look out.  Suddenly a familiar robotic arm shot into her hiding place and yanked her out so quickly, some of her quills stayed embedded in the cushion she had poked them through. She hung there in his hand, rubbing the back of her head where the quills had been ripped out abruptly. "Owwww..."

"See?" Robotnik sauntered back around to a position facing the throne, and then dropped Serenity uncerimoniously on the floor in front of him.  His flanking robots converged, surrounding her so she'd have no escape.  Robotnik glared at his 'aly'  "You stole from me."

Nimbus appeared unconcerned. "So?  Her, uh...talents were being squandered in that mine.  I have far more use for her."

Robotnik spoke slowly and menacingly. "She. Is. MINE.  MY property, NOT yours.  You can have any slave in these caves, save for the captured Freedom Fighters, which includes HER, by the way." he added pointedly.

"But it seemed such a waste that a pretty thing like her should be ruined by that robot-i-si-zer of yours!"

"That is not your concern.  She is MINE.  You hear me. M.I.N.E.  Not yours.  She is instrumental in my plan to bring down the REST of the Freedom Fighters that escaped"

They're fighting over me. Serenity thought ironically to herself, as she glanced first at one villain, then at the other. I'm being fought over by tyrants...

Nimbus pondered a while.  "...Tell you what.  I'll buy her.  After your plot draws out the rest of the rebels, I'll buy her from you."

"Your currency means nothing to me."

"Then one of the gems not yet found perhaps?"

"Hmmm...I MIGHT accept the amount of the Chaos Amethyst."

"That won't work.  We SHARE that one, remember?"

It was Robotnik's turn to ponder. "Hmm...then...the next five Chaos Gems that are found."

"Five is too many. The next two."




Serenity cowered on the ground, her gaze going back and fourth between the two tyrants. I'm being bartered for...sold... She thought miserably.




"...Deal. But only AFTER my plan succeeds and the rest of the rebels are min--ours."

"Hmm...That is acceptable."

"One other thing.  She's to be returned to the mine for the interim."


"Because..." Robotnik stated in a condecending tone, "It is essential to my plan, that she be visible to Sonic and the rest of the free rebels when they come."

"...Very well...but!"

"But what?!" Robotnik grumbled.

"...I get use of her periodically between now and then."

"Oh FINE.  Though I don't know WHY you're so interested in that pathetic pile of spines." His tone implied that Serenity was lower than slime in his eyes.

"I don't know either.  I just...AM." Nimbus reached out a hand and cupped Reni's chin in it, forcing her to look up into his toothy grin.  She shuddered and tried to pull away.  To her surprise, he released her.  The hyena returned his attention to Robotnik as he was preparing to leave. "Oh, one other lasting whipmarks.  I want her hide blemish-free."

Robitnik was tireing of this game.  "FINE.  But for now, she goes back to the mine."

Nimbus made a pouty face. "Aww...but I didn't even get to have fun with her yet!"

Robotnik grimmaced, disgusted.  "You'll get your chance, I'm sure.  But I want to see her back at her post within an NORMAL slave clothes!"  With that, he swept out of the room, his robot enterage following.

Serenity felt about ready to die of shame.


OOC: I warned you it would be long! XP

Posts: 186
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ooc: editededed

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ooc: holidays are over lets get this rollin again ^.^

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