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Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

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Posts: 240
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OOC: Yikes, I'm still here, soz guys, had a busy time, internet has been hard to come by lately, soz.

Eternity shook with adrenaline and smiled sadly,
"If I live I'm going to buy the biggest drink of something I can find, 'cause if they don't killl me, my thirst will. And someone remind me to equip Zaeda with a decent gun."
She clenched her fist round her weapon and tried to slow her breathing, she'd have to aim as well as she could, from what she'd heard,every shot had to count...

OOC: Soz it's brief, spent most of my time reading what I missed.

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: I'm also sorry, but I'm back, believe it or not I now have a dog so that's why I've been a tad unavailable. Soz.

Amber's eyes narrowed against the glare, and felt her pulse speed up, despite her fear she didn't regret her choice, she'd rather die with her friends here on the Crusader than anywhere else.
"I just wish they didn't have such a bright light." she muttered suprisingly calmly and steadied her gun arm to aim at the approaching adnihilo...

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

(OOC: Hey Wraith...guys. Sorries again for not posting; that cold I had got much worse and I was sick as a dog for a while there. But I'm better now. I'll post a little bit right now, but I don't have time for a better-quality post. Will try and edit if I can...we'll see.)

Ruby, despite the heavy feeling in her chest, was grinning from ear to ear. Her chest was heaving, taking deep breaths as though they might be her last. And in the past few hours, she had learned that you really could be dead by the end of the hour in this place. Instinctively she edged closer to Slayde, knowing that she would protect her captain no matter what. It was her duty, and Ruby could feel a sense of calm settling over her.

The calm before the storm...She thought grimly.

Turning to Slayde Ruby murmured, "I'm going to make my dad proud, if I live through all this."

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

OOC: I'm back!


*Super Ferret*: "...believe it or not I now have a dog so that's why I've been a tad unavailable."

*Shadow Lady*: "...that cold I had got much worse and I was sick as a dog for a while there."

Hmm...anyone else smell a conspiracy? >.>

IC: Ivalice didn't flinch at the bright light or at the screech. His modifications to the controls were almost done...

The scrabbling of claws on metal was getting closer. In a nervous reaction, a burst of steam came out of his shoulder pipes.


Ivalice left that small portion of himself with the controls, and turned to join his crew. He stepped near them, scanning around for available cover. His fingers opened, energy charging, and he prepared for action. "It has been a great honor, and most educational, working alongside all of you. Use me for cover, if necessary."

He bent his legs, ready to charge the enemy. His scanners were calibrated to pick them up, and he was studying their movement patterns. Too soon...


Nova Star clenched her fists at the sight of the attacking Adnihilo swarming upon the Kirov! "Horrible monsters! They must not be allowed to claim more lives! They must be punished!"

A powerful green glow surrounded her hands and filled her eyes, as she flew forward, straight into the fray!

Madame O affixed her space mask upon her head, and stepped into the airlock. "Morpheus, Tinker Toy, I'm leaving the Adnihilo attacking the Quasar to you! I'll try to take out one of their ships, fight them at the source!"

The parasite attached to Madame O's back screeched and waved in unease. "I know," she cooed, "but I'll make you proud. You can feast upon their blood!"

Madame O leapt out of the ship, on a straight course for the nearest Adnihilo ship she could reach. Several parasitic tentacles pulled out of her back, and opened to fire cannon-like blasts! She didn't see any entrances convenient for her species, so she would just have to make one!

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Np all, welcome back, and thanks for continuing^^

I was kinda waiting for a post from Vic too, to put in Halter's reactions. Anyone heard from him recently?

Anywho, I'll carry on for now. The notes about the different Adnihilo types are on page 3, for reference^^)


At the airlock between the Cruisader and the Kirov, crewmembers poured through onto the old ship, many of them with injuries of various kinds. Of the large crew, only a small percentage remained from the Adnihilo's visious onslaught!

Peterson dragged Halter through the airlock as the rest of the bridge crew followed him, firing backwards at the oncoming swarm of creatures. There couldn't be any more susvivors beond them.

As the last crewmembers passed onto the Cruisader, Peterson lowered Halter to the floor and turned to the officer by the airlock controls. "Seal it, now!" he ordered, looking out at the writhing mass of creatures racing towards them! The officer opperated the controls, and the massive door hissed closed, just as the lead Adnihilo lunged at the door! There was a loud SPLAT from the other side, and the window suddenly turned green from alien blood.

Peterson jabbed the comm system on the wall. "Peterson to Grahams, we're out!"

"Understood." came the reply. "Detaching docking clamps now."

Peterson closed his eyes, and his deep voice went quiet as he murmured: "God speed, sir."

A low moan from behind him made him turn around, and he blinked as he saw Halter slowly getting to his feet, holding his head and leaning on the wall for support. Peterson raced forward to offer his assistance too. "Sir...are you ok?"


Grahams opperated the controls, and with a throbbing BOOM that echoed through the ship, the Kirov disengaged from the Cruisader. As he thrusted away from the other ships, Grahams glanced over his shoulder at the massive blast doors sealing off the bridge from the rest of the ship. He could hear the muffled scratchings and screeches from the other wouldn't be long before they broke through...

...long enough. Grahams swung back to face the panorama of space in front of him. He was dead, no matter what happened now, but he promised himself he would go down fighting!

"Computer, de-activate life support on all levels except for the bridge, channel all power into weapons and shielding." The Adnihilo could survive in a vaccum, but the lack of gravity may make things tougher for them. "Tranfer weapon controls to helm station."

With a roar of power, the mighty Kirov arced round to face the oncoming Adnihilo warships...!


Slayde gritted his teeth as the scuttling noise got louder. Well, here goes nothing!

They appeared round the corner, a swarm of them, at least nine strong, made up of the Warrior type that Proffesor Ensign's logs described. They were scuttling along the floor, walls, even some hanging from the pipes on the roof as they scuttled out of the other corridor, spreading out like water running into all the gaps in the ship.

Appaerntly they hadn't realised the crew of the Quasar were there, and many of them turned the other way down the corridor or ran straight across, ignoring the group completely! It wasn't until one of the ones heading their way saw them and let out a screech that they turned and started charging towards them!

Slayde gritted his teeth. More of them were coming from the corridor all the many of them were there? He just hoped the power pack on his lazer would last long enough! Taking a deep breath, he narrowed his eyes at the advancing crowd. "Firrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee!!!"


The third Adnihilo Warship had finished splitting, and was now proceeding to break again! It's progeny had already fired up it's engines and was racing towards the three ships to join it's two brothers, and it was this ship that Madame O jumped towards. Her fire tore open a large, ragged hole in the side of the ship, from which more of the blood-like substance leaked, and, gritting her teeth as she came close, Madame O reached out her tentacles, grabbing the sides of the hole and dragging herself in.

The Quasar, meanwhile, opperated by Ivallice's marines, had also slipped her moorings with the Cruisader and was pulling away from the ship, her weapons powering up. It turned, thundering round in a huge circle to face the Warship that had been damaged by the Kirov's weapons, the one that was adrift!

On board the Kirov, Grahams saw the move and nodded. "Good thinking guys." he muttered, before activating the comm and calling "Kirov to Quasar, I'm right behind you!"

The two ships roared alongside each other as they targeted the broken vessel, the massive Cruiser dwarfing the smaller transport in it's huge shadow. On the Quasar bridge, the marines were staring hard at the controls.

"Weapons range in 5...4...3...2..."

The darkness of space lit up with fireworks as the two ships opened up their batteries on the slowly spinning craft! Energy bolts slammed into the target, renting the hull to shreads and snapping the organic bulkheads like twigs! Blast after blast thudded into the side of the craft, until, after a moments hammering, the ship was suddenly torn apart in a spectacular explosion!

Grahams raised a fist. "Yes!" His excitement was short-lived, though, as the Kirov suddenly rocked from more energy blasts! The other Warship, enraged by the demise of it's fellow, was going on the offensive!

Once again the Kirov shuddered as the Adnihilo ship blasted it's plasma bolts at it, aiming specifically for it's weapons systems! The large ship tried to move, but it's huge size made it somewhat ponderous compared to the smaller Adnihilo craft! The Quasar had ducked out from the Kirov's shadow and was launching an assault of it's own, but without the heavier guns of the Millitery ship, it could do scant little damage!

Grahams gritted his teeth as he tried to reallign the guns, but at the back of his mind, he knew that this was it...the Kirov was simply too badly damaged...there was no way he could regain the upper hand. He watched the Adnihillo ship arcing round to the side, swinging around to deliver the final, killing blow...

Suddenly a flash of light impacted on the ship, brighter, more blinding than anything Grahams had seen before! He had to look away to retain his vision, but as the light faded, he looked around again in shock.

The ship was no longer there! Where the Warship had been, there was now little more than a small ammount of floating debris and blood! He looked around, trying desperately to locate the scourse of the blast...

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Eternity opened fire at the charging adnihilo, trying to aim as best she could with her laser, suddenly Zaeda surprised her by giving off a loud adni8hilo shreik, turning to stare at him in confusion for a few seconds he explained,
"Might confuse them. I recorded it earlier on."

Posts: 33
Eminent Member


Remember, the Adnihilo are controlled by "Proponos". Kill those and they'll be confused. They don't really communicate orally. The lower castes are psychic receivers only, so without the appropriate signals, they go nuts. ^^

You don't have to change anything, though. It's fine. The characters may not remember or even know that the Adnihilo communicate in such ways. :D


As Halter regained his senses, having received a powerful blow from Graham, he shook his head repeatedly, as if it would remove the stinging pain in his mouth.

"That moron wants to be a hero," he commented as he looked at Peterson. "What the hell are you looking at?" He followed Peterson's gaze, and he simply remained gaping in awe at the source of the powerful blasts that had obliterated an entire warship.


The Warrior in front of Eternity leapt powerfully forward, spewing acid. She rolled out of the way just barely in time and opened fire on its less protected back, tearing right through its body. As it lay bleeding on the floor, effervescence could be observed on the metal as its acid sacs leaked.

"Don't let it touch you," warned Zaeda.

"I know," she replied, shooting at yet another.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

(OOC: Err, Lucia? I really, really, don't want to be a bother, and I admit that the situation isn't important, but:

Major Main and Beige are being ignored again. I'm absolutely daft when it comes to taking hints, so if you wanted me to go ahead with that, I will. Of course, I suppose Wraith had a chance to do something there, too, and may have made it difficult for you to fit it in. And you probably have a busy schedule. And I could have done something earlier, or even taken it to ezmessaging.

I'm not upset or anything. I simply didn't want to go beyond my bounds on character control (and this is, at times, a character flaw of mine). And especially with my lack of foresight in other situations, I didn't want to make the same mistakes.

Apologies for the bother. Again, it's not really all that important because, for one thing, the Kirov is pretty much gone right now, so we would have to rewind time a bit for them. Also, they probably will die soon, anyway. :D )

Posts: 1631
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...Way I'd kinda figured they had been dragged out of the Kirov with the rest of the crew, in which case wouldn't you be able to control them? Far be it from me to interfere if you two have things worked out though :p )

Posts: 33
Eminent Member


Dang. I'm sorry, Way. But yeah, they should've been dragged out with the rest of the crew. I wasn't really expecting Wraith to abruptly bring them all out, but that's fine.

As for Main and Beige... My apologies. It's another flaw of mine to forget things. Bleh. >>

And Wraith, Way and I haven't arranged anything yet. So whatever's ahead, go put it in. :D

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

(OOC: Well, see, they're still prisoners, so can't really do all that much...and I should have specified that was what I meant.

So, I guess whoever gets to it first, eh? I might edit this for an IC post today, just not right now.)

Posts: 9
Active Member

...(Wraith here on an alt) Sorry Vic, I was waiting for you to post, but I didn't want the RP to slow down too much, so I went ahead. I should have waited longer though. That was my bad.

I'll let you guys work out what happened to them, as my next post may be a plot point and while I wanna keep this going at a good speed, I don't wanna rush it either.)

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

(OOC: Alright, I've thought it over and I think I have something for them. Lemme know what you think. Also, doing things with other chars. Leaving Ivalice alone for others to use, I'm sure by now you have a good idea of his capabilities.)


Beige focused upon being the best ship she could. Major Main watched as they and the bugs moved closer to each other, hands tight on the controls. The life boats were behind them, and they stood in the path of the Adnihilo that seemed interested in them. Main swallowed in anticipation, the bomb collar on his neck adding to the tension.

Beige played back the last few scenes again in her mind, trying to bring herself to terms with what had happened.

They had made it off the Kirov with the rest of the crew, joining them near the airlock. Once they got on board, the marines guarding them had found the nearest ranking person, and informed them of the situation. It was then that Beige begged to be allowed to help. There was hesitation, as she and Main were prisoners, enemies for having tried to sabotage the ship. But, as the Adnihilo began to follow them, it was easier to convince them. The bomb collar stayed on, just in case.

I can't believe all that's happened, and in such a short time, too. I hope everyone makes it out okay...

Main interrupted her thoughts with, "Beige, they're almost within range."


Together, they jetted forth, weapons blazing! They were not going to let a single enemy through!

Nova Star

From her comm, she knew it was too late for her to enter the Kirov and help them keep it safe. She couldn't fight a whole ship by herself, she knew that, so she flew down, closer to the Kirov's lifeboats, and began to fight Adnihilo there.

"For justice! For peace! For Nnglack Thaw!"

Firing explosive blasts of energy from her hands, and using her super strength when she had to, Nova Star went all out! She saw Major Main and Beige enter the fray, and smiled within, greatly appreciating the help, but too involved to exchange banter.

Her resistant skin absorbed most of the blow from a bug that got too close, and she whacked it hard to send it splatting into another bug!

Madame O

The inside of the Adnihilo ship was just as she should have expected it. Still, Madame O was quite unnerved by what were truly alien surroundings. Of course, the Adnihilo weren't just going to let her walk all over their ship freely!

BLAM! The parasitic half of her was going at full tilt, tentacles swinging and cannons firing, all from her back! Even with her incredible speed, the Adnihilo were keeping her surrounded, making it hard for her to manuever. They swarmed around her, and even as she pounded and blasted a few, several more kept coming!

She was getting deeper into the ship, aiming to find something of importance worth destroying, but another hundred barred her path! Cut and wounded from many injuries, her parasite barely coping with the acids, she cried out, "You won't stop me, not unless I can take you with me!"

She considered overcharging her generator, so that should she die, it would cause a massive explosion. She kept that option open, and began the process, pushing her systems beyond 100% and charging forward! Covered in bug blood, mixed with her own damage, she was quite a fearsome sight, many limbs spreading out and joining the fray!

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

Amber fired at the mass of adnihilo, there were so many, how would they kill them all! She kept on firing trying to aim for what looked like sensitive spots, though it was hard to tell since there were so many coming at once. Every now and then she would glance down to see how many shots she had left, it didn't seem like enough, deffinitely not enough...

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

(OOC: Again, I'm sorry for disappearing. I've had to pull out of some RPs, as I'm in a kind of rut right now. I'm still continuing this one, though, so no worries. ^_^)


The grin that had been plastered to Ruby's face only moments ago was replaced with a frenzied expression. Her eyes were darting every which way and her tail was lashing from side to side. It was getting harder and harder for her to keep up; her fingers and arms were visibly twitching under the pressure of firing so many shots at once. With a glance at her energy meter, Ruby knew it was only a matter of time before her blaster quit on her and she was deemed defenseless. But until then she was giving it her all!

With a cry, Ruby barely managed to shoot down an Adnihilo warrior before her. A few drops of the creatures blood hit her gloved hand causing her to wrinkle her lip in disgust. (OOC: I'm assuming they still have their space-suits on, helmets included...correct me if I'm wrong)The Grotesnian whirled around and fired at a warrior crawling on the ceiling, barely finishing it off as another one took its place.

This is nuts! She thought, biting her lip. There was no way they'd survive this onslaught! Edging closer to Slayde once again Ruby said, "Captain! There must be a way to stop these things! Do you know it?"

Posts: 1631
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SL, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like this has finally ended. Watfarer has actually left the Guild, Vic seems to have gone too, and I haven't heard fom Ferret, Gerbil, or anyone else here for some time.

It's a pity...we were getting so close to the end, and I had a major twist planned for the final scene (believe it or not the characters would have made it out alive...almost all of them anyway) but it looks like it isn't going to happen.

Thanks for sticking with it though, even though you're so buisy. You're a great RPer (as was everyone else here^^) and I hope when you aren't so buisy any more we can RP alongside each other again sometime (same goes for everyone.)

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Hmmm...yeah, I replied to the message Way sent me a while ago, only to realize I was too late. D: I was really hoping to continue with this, and it saddens me so to hear it's gonna hafta close down. But seeing as we two can't function alone, I can understand that.

In any case, I look forward to other RPs of yours Wraith, and as you said it was a blast RPing with you. ^^ You're very talented, and it's a shame we can't end this the way it deserves to be ended.

All in all, great times were had. Maybe we can indeed do this again sometime. ^__^

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: Aaark! Don't end it, Gerbil and I are still her to do this. We were just waiting for someone else to post. If this was posted too late then I'm sorry. It was a great RP though and I had fun in it, I agree with SL and hope I can be in another Rp like this one.

Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Gone? GONE? WAT U MEAN GONE?!?! My Internet sploded. c.c;

Anyway, it's back up now. You guys wanna continue this? I'm still in.

Posts: 1631
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lol I know how internet exploding feels >.> Welcome back Vic^^ And welcome Ferret and Gerbil too...I wondered where you two had got to lol.

Wow, well that was unnexpected! lol so you three are still up for finishing?

I guess if everyone's back I'd be up for it^^ It is very close to the end anyway. Whilst I'm kinda in trepidation about taking on Wayfarer's characters (There were quite a few of them lol!) I'd be willing to give it a go if everyone else is up for it^^

What do you say then SL? It seems the others are still here after bad for not realizing lol. You still up for this too?

Small note: I'm going on holiday on Thursday...due back on Monday. If we were to restart I could put in a long post to give you all something to do until I get back if you like.

EDIT: Ok I've found enough time to put in this update before I go away, and this is a big one^^ Prepare yourslef all! Carry on RPing, and I'll post as soon as I can Monday or Tuesday.


Slayde gritted his teeth as more of the invaders swarmed down the corridor. They were slowly gaining wouldn't be long before they broke through and killed the team off!

Then, suddenly, like someone turning off a tap, the flood of enemies ceased!

The group blasted the stragglers as the came running down the corridor, their heads exploding into sticky mush and their bodies collapsing and rolling along the floor. They paused, weapons still raised, breathing heavily, unable to bring themselves to move!

Eternity was the first to speak, her voice hoarse. " that...all of them?"

Ivallice stood up from his crouch and stepped forward, his arm blasters still leveled at the junction in the corridor ahead. "I'll go and check. wait here."

"That will not be nessecery sir." chimed in Zaeda, looking down at them from the bridge roof. "My scanners say there are no more Adnihillo on board. That's 'all of them'."

Slayde allowed his shoulders to sag, and almost keeled over forwards as he took a deep breath. "That's all...for now." he muttered. "Somehow I don'[t think they've finished with us yet."

"What now?" asked Ruby, looking over her shoulder at him.

Slayde stood up slowly and turned, stepping over to the massive bridge window. He sighed and shook his head slowly. "I don't know." he murmured. "We have to get out of here, but..."

He raised his eyes, looking out the window, and jumped as the massive bulk of the Kirov suddenly roared into view, it's huge shape thundering past, damage and wear clearly visable on it's hull! "Halter...!" he muttered to himself quietly. He reached down and activated his communicator on his wrist. "Slayde to Halter. Captain, are you there?"

"I'm here." came the reply. "Captain Slatde, I'm on board the Cruisader! My first officer has taken the Kirov and is battling the Adnihillo outside. Myself and the rest of my crew are on board with you."

Slayde blinked, glancing out the window at the Kirov once again. "Oh!" he replied, at a loss for words. "Right...okay, I suggest we meet up and try to fortify ourselves somewhere on the ship...make a final stand. At least we'll go down fighting."

There was a pause, then Halter's voice, somewhat drained, replied: "Yeah, you're right."

"I'll be in touch...stand by." Slayde flicked his communicator off and stepped over to the nearest computer console, activatig it. "Okay, we need to get as many weapons as we can from the ship's armoury. We'll also need to find somewhere to make a stand...somewhere without many entrances...maybe this bridge would..."

"Captain!" said a voice behind him. He turned to see the others staring at him wide-eyed.

He sighed a long, painful sigh. "I'm sorry everyone." he muttered. "I know it's not what we wanted. Let's face it though...if we tried to escape, they'd wipe us out. They'd blow up any ship leaving." He looked down at the floor dejectedly. "I'm sorry you all got involved in this. It wasn't ment to turn out this way."

Another blinding flash errupted from outside the windows, and everyone covered their eyes. The blasts seemed to be emmenationg from the bright vortex that had formed earlier, in front of the Cruisader! "And I still wish I knew what that thing was." murmured Slayde bitterly, looking out at the distortion. "It has to be the force on the ship, but...what was it?"

"It no longer matters." Ivallice stepped forward, his metal form bowing low. "Captain, you're correct. The Adnihillo would never releace us. The only form of communication they understand is weapons fire. Our best chance is to barracade ourselves in somewhere." The large robot stood up from his bow. "I am with you sir."

"Me too." interjected Ruby, stepping forward. "Not like we have anything better to do anyway." she murmured a little quieter.

Amber swallowed hard, then nodded herself. "I guess." she murmured. Eternity had her eyes closed and her head down, but she nodded too.

Slayde sighed again as he looked around at the group. It wasn't ment to end this way! But Ivallice had summed up the situation well...they would never releace...only form of communication...release...communication...release...

He stopped, his mouth slowly dropping open.

It was like a light flicking on in his brain, brighter than the powerful energy blasts outside, so searingly bright he had to shield his eyes!

Why had he never seen this before???

"!" he muttered, pausing after each word as his mind examined the theory. " can't be...!"

The others looke at him questioningly, and Amber stepped forward, raising her eyebrows. "Sir?"

Slayde looked down at her for a moment, then slowly turned and stepped towards the bridge windows again, looking out at the anomaly ahead. "Communication..." he muttered. "Understand...release me..." He span round again, his form silluhetted against the light outside. "I think I finally know what's going on!"

There was a pause, as the others looked at him, confused, then suddenly he burst into action. "Ivallice, what's the radiation level in the engeneering hull now?"

The robot turned and metal hands played over the controls of a nearby computer terminal, accessing the readings. "Now within tolerable levels Captain." he replied evenly.

Slayde had moved to his own console, and was buisy tapping away at the keyboard. "Someone activate the security console and raise the blast doors on that sector!" he said quickly.

"Yes sir." said Eternity, turning and running across the room.

Ruby stepped alongside Slayde as he opperated the console, looking down at his hunched back curiously. "Captain, what's going on?"

"I think I finally know what's happening here!" replaied Slayde, slightly breathless with excitement! "No time to explain, but if I'm right, we may still have a chance to get out of here!"


"Trust me!" Slayde stopped typing on the controls and a large map of the Cruisader's corridors appeared on the screen in front of him. "Okay, Halter is at the airlock, here." He pointed to a small room near the front of the ship. "And we're on the bridge here. Ship's armoury is here." He touched a small room near the front of the ship, almost on a level with the airlock, but deeper into the hull. "We'll meet there, gather all the weapons we can carry and make for the engineering section! It's imperrative we get there!" Once agin he reached for the communicator on his wrist...


"...understood? Meet us at the armoury."

"The purpose being, though, Captain?" asked Halter, staring down at his communicator with a puzzled expression.

"There's no time to explain Captain. You'll just have to trust me! I pray that I'm right!"

Halter was about to protest, but then he sighed. What else was there to do?

His thoughts were interrupted by a noise at the airlock. He looked around to see several Marines getting into position around it, their weapons aimed at the door! "What's going on?"

"Something's activated the airlock from the outside sir!" called Peterson. "Something's coming in!"

"What???" Surely the Adnihillo wouldn't have the intellegence to do that! Halter pulled out his own gun and aimed down off the gantry, ready for the inner door to open.

There was a hissing sound as the airlock pressurised, then the door slid open with a whirr...

"Don't shoot!"

Halter blinked in supprise as a rather bedraggled Nova Star staggered from the chamber, apparently exhausted and injured! He didn't really know who she was, but anyone who fought the Adnihillo was good in his book! "Help her, quick!"

The Marines dropped their guns and stepped forward, supporting Star as she slowly collapsed to the floor. "Where are the other two...the prisoners?" asked one of them, looking back through the airlock again.

"Beige...Major Main..." Nova Star paused for breath. "They're dead...the Ad...Ad...they got them."

Halter sighed slightly. More troops down. "I hate to rush you ma'am, but can you stand?" he asked, looking down from the gantry. "WE're about to move out."

Nova Star took several deep breaths, then slowly stood, wobbling slightly, but soon finding her footing. She nodded slowly. "Okay."


Grahams had no clue where the blast came from, but he certainly wasn't complaining! Quickly he brought the Kirov round, sending her thundering past the front end of the Cruisader, looking for more Adnihillo to attack!

It was then that he noticed the warning lights on his console. The reactor was going critical, and the weapons systems, hit by the last Adnihillo volley, were offline! He gritted his teeth and hit the console angrily with his fist. He wanted to finish off more of the b...

He paused as he heard noises behind him! Spinning his chair round, he stared hard at the blast doors seperating him from the Adnihillo on the ship. Muffled noises were coming from the other side...something...

Pow, Pow...

An alien screech...

Pow... That sounded like weapons fire!

Suddenly the blast door sprung open, revealing a heaving mass of Adnihillo behind! Grahams cried out in shock. What had caused the door to open???

A number of the aliens saw him and chareged into the room, racing towards him with claws bared...!

POW a flash of light, and the beasts exploded, showering Grahams with blood! He quickly rubbed his eyes, trying to see through the mess.

"Sorry I'm late chief...just having a swell party here with some old friends!"

"Bezarin???" exclaimed Grahams as he saw the figure step into the room. He was covered in blood, both his own and Adnihillo, and had many deep scars all over him, but he was still standing! As he came, he walked backwards, blasting away at the Adnihillo that tried to follow him quickly. His clothes were torn to shreads, barely covering him any more! His face was twisted into a broad, insane grin, and manic laughter escaped his lips.

"Brilliant...brilliant!" he kept shouting, blasting away with twin blaster rifles!

Grahams turned in his seat again and quickly opperated the controls infront of him, and the blast door once again slammed shut, chopping several Adnihillo on the threshold in half! Berazin blinked and looked across at him, his face suddenly annoyed. "What did you do that for???"

"To stop them killing us!" retorted Grahams, looking out the panoramic bridge windows again.

"I can do that!"

"Maybe, but I think the door is safer."

"Open it, now!" There was a certain venom in Berazin's words that sent a chill down Grahams' spine. He didn't doubt the soldier would kill him to get back into battle!

"Wait!" he called, as his eyes fixed on something outside. "The Adnihillo are leaving! Soon there aren't going to be any left to fight!"

"I said open it!"

"Look" Grahams pointed out the window at the Cruisader. Sure enough, another cloud of aliens, much denser than the one before, had been disgorged from both the Kirov and the Adnihillo Warship, making for the scarred, battered hull of the old Cruiser! They had apparently realised that most of the Kirov crew had migrated there! "They're all headed for the Cruisader! If you want a fight, go there!"

"I said open it!" roared Berazin, aiming one of his rifles at Grahams' head! It seemed the man couldn't be reasoned with.

Grahams thought for a moment, then sighed. " win." He made as if to turn back to the console, but instead quickly dived forward, sholder-tackling Berazin and knocking him backwards...

...straight into an escape pod!

The solder let out a loud, insane roar of anger, but before he could retalliate the pod hatch closed! Grahams quickly tapped in a course for the Cruisader and launched it, watching it race away towards the other ship.

"The Captain has more use for you than I do." he muttered with a sigh.

Jumping up, he quickly returned to the controls, scanning the space nearby once again to see what was happening. The Warship on the edge of the calm zone had split again, and was commencing to do so yet another time!

He shielded his eyes as another searing blast of light errupted from the rift before the Cruisader, liquefying the second of the origional three Warships in a powerful blast! He didn't know what that thing was, but it seemed to be powerful enough to take out the ships!

He took a deep breath...yes, the anomaly, whatever it was, could deal with the remaining ships. All he needed to do now was to make sure no more appeared!

Gritting his teeth, he swung the massive, battle scarred Kirov around, setting course for the ship on the edge of the calm zone...

...collision course. The core was about to blow anyway. This way he could finish them for good!

He slammed the engines to full power, and the huge ship shuddered as it's afterburners fired, sending it roaring towards the splitting Warship!

The other ship that had just been created swung round towards the cruiser, firing it's plasma cannons! More explosions ripped through the scarred hull, and several systems on the bridge exploded, blowing out the entire section! Grahams was killed instantly.

But still the wrecked shell ploughed forward, thundering like a juggernaut towards the Warship ahead, gouts of flame pouring like water from the many craters on it's shattered hull! Still the second Warship fired, releasing a devastating volley of plasma bolts into the ship's side.

It could damage it, but the Kirov was simply too big to be destroyed so quickly.

While splitting, the other Adnihillo Warship was incapacitated, unable to move out of the way.

The wreck of the Kirov slammed into the Warship, it's front end compacting as it hit! The Adnihillo ship buckled under the impact, it's irregular, half-split shape distorting even more from the blow!

Then, the Kirov's engine core exploded.

The burst of light flashed across space, followed quickly by a powerful shockwave! Both Adnihillo ships near the explosion were torn to shreads as the shockwave extended outwards in a sphere, oblitterating everything in it's path!


On board the Cruisader, Slayde hear the rumble and felt the vibrations as the shockwave came close! The team were now moving away from the bridge down one of the many corridors towards the armoury, to meet up with Halter. Slayde quicly ran to the side of the corridor, bracing himself against one of the support bulkheads. "Look out!!!" he shouted, hoping the others would do the same.

The Cruisader rocked like a ship in a storm as the shockwave hit, and despite his precaution, Slayde was thrown clean across the corridor, slamming into the other wall hard! He gritted his teeth as pain explioded through his head and back. Fortunately, it seemed the others had escaped major injury.

The shockwave passed, slowly dissipating as it traveled further away, and the ship leveled again. Slayde picked himself up, rubbing the back of his head, and sighed. "What was that???"

Before anyone could reply, though, they all heard a familiar, spine chilling noise...the distant clanging and bumping of many hard-shelled creatures inpacting on the hull of the ship!

"Adnihillo." muttered Eternity quietly.

"Let's!" called Slayde, setting off down the corridor at a run!


Madame O was beaten.

She had massichered countless Adnihillo on the ship, but more kept coming from all sides! Still she fought, but her strength was giving out, and her injuries were taking their toll.

She didn't know that this was the last remaining Adnihillo Warship, but it would have made no difference if she had. Valiantly she continued to fight, her bedraggled appearence making her look far more dangerous than she actually was in her current state!

Got to keep to keep killing...


Impressive. The creature had killed itself to kill the others.

Useful ment there was less to deal with. It also proved th point...these creatures were just as visious and nasty as it had expected.

One ship left. It would take care of that, then these creatures, these Humans, responsible for all it's pain and suffering...

...they would pay. Oh yes, they would pay dearly!

And the rest of the insectiod race on board the ship? They would die as well.

It was beond compassion now...beond care...beond reason.

Everything would die!


The energy flux before the Cruisader glowed again, and another powerful beam of light blasted out, striking the last remaining Adnihillo ship and incinnerating it into little more than space dust! As soon as the ship exploded, the energy flux flichered and began to shrink, getting smaller and smaller until it winked out of existance like it was never there!

Space became quiet again, the Cruisader's dark, forboding hull and the smaller Quasar the only things left in the void.

)OOC: Well there you have it! And so begins the final chapter...the endgame! It's an all out battle royale against the Adnihillo through the corridors of the Cruisader, with the unseen force taking part as well!

Feel free to play Slayde as an NPC while I'm away. The teams want to meet up in the armoury, then head to the engineering section, but with the Adnihillo on board that'll be far from easy! Feel free to bring the force on the Cruisader into this as well, using either the methods already witnessed or making up your own, but bear in mind that the force would be attacking both the Humans and the Adnihillo^^

Important point: Don't get to the engineering section yet, as I have plans for there. If you want to be drawing close to it as Monday approaches that's fine, but feel free to extend the battle if you'd prefare^^ I'll catch up when I get back and intro the engine core, either right away or after the battle, then^^

Remember, description of Adnihillo on Page 3, if you need it, and the Adnihillo are Vic's creation, so feel free to ask him too.


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"Move quickly," said Ray as he stepped away from the airlock with his sidearm. "Whatever's left of this force, organise yourselves and move!"

"Sir, yes, Sir!" exclaimed a sergeant, raising his arm. "All right, you heard the Cap! Split into fire teams of four, and bring as much ammo as you can! We're headed to the armoury!" The sergeant then turned to Ray. "We're behind you all the way, Sir."

"Good. I want the strongest man you have to carry her," instructed Ray. As he said that, yet another noise came from the airlock. The marines gathered around the airlock again, and waited for it to open. Out came a rather annoyed Bezarin, covered in Adnihilo blood. His wounds had healed while he was spending his time punching the escape pod, leaving only his tattered trousers and boots stained with the Adnihilo blood. "Perfect."

"I'm pretty pissed, but what're your orders?" the venemous voice hissed.

"Carry her," came the reply as Ray pointed to Nova Star. Bezarin complied, handing the bloodstained weapons to Ray, who kept his sidearm and passed one of the guns to an unarmed medic. "Make good use of it."

"I'm ready, Sir," declared Bezarin. Ray turned to the rest of the marines, who probably totalled no more than thirty.

"All right... I can't guarantee that all of you are going to survive. But we have nothing to lose and nothing to return to... So fight for what you have left - your lives. Now move!" a suddenly inspired Ray said.

They hurried down the corridors to the armoury, hoping that they would not have to fight their way through to it...

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(OOC: Yay! I'm so glad this is still on! ^^)


Ruby winced as she followed Slayde; she was shaken, bruised, and right now had a very strong feeling she had broken a finger or two on her left hand. As the Cruisader had been rocked by the violent shockwaves she had tried to brace herself much like the captain. But as with him, Ruby was tossed across the corridor, barely missing a collision with Ivalice as well as landing on her hand. It was throbbing right now, and the Grotesnian could see her third finger (what we call our pinky) turning purple. With a huff she tried to ignore the pain and glanced at her fellow crewmembers, inspecting them as well.

Ivalice had a dent on his shoulder, but he looked alright otherwise. Amber and Eternity had no visible injuries from what Ruby could tell, though they did look a bit stunned.

Don't blame much has happened....I doubt any of us will be the same after this.......A sad look briefly passed over her features as she reflected on the deceased officers, mainly Officer Moore. Ruby had held a certain respect for the young man, and it depressed her to think his life had been cut so short.

And then her mind turned toward Captain Slayde's earlier exclamations. Just what did he mean when he said he understood? What exactly was going on? It made her anxious, the captain being this excited and making guesses without telling her and the others. She felt confused and tired, hoping that Slayde knew what he was doing, and praying to God that whatever it was would work. Please work.

Whatever it is...please, please let it work....I want this over with. Before she had time to think about this further, Ruby realized that the scraping noises were getting louder. Her muscles tensed as they rounded the next bend in the hallway, praying as well that they make it to the armoury before the Adnihilo overwhelm them...


Aboard the Quasar the crew was frantic as they watched the cloud of insects head for the Cruisader. They all knew their captain was still on the old ship as well as a handful of remaining other officers. Under the command of Officer Dana McKinley, the Quasar had held its own against the alien ships and the tremendous shockwaves made from the destruction of the Kirov. Now they were at a loss for what to do, since opening fire upon the Cruisader was obviously out of the question. McKinley sat in Slayde's chair, watching the ship from the Quasar's windows.

With white-blonde hair pulled back into a bun and green eyes clouded with worry, the young woman officer tried to find her voice. Standing up she cleared her throat and addressed everyone....

"Everyone...everyone, keep it together! Watch the monitors and man the weapons console! Keep alert. Search for any remaining Adnihilos." Orders given, Dana sat back down and surveyed the crew once again.

Many had heard her words and nodded, turning back to their tasks and intent on exterminating any other alien warriors. Some had remained where they were, nodding faintly yet still watching the Cruisader. It was these people Dana called out to next, not wanting anyone unprepared and not wanting the Quasar to suffer for such unpreparedness.

"Kingsley, Marks...ready the weapons. We take no chances," McKinley said, satisfied at their nods. "Turner, be on standby with the shields."

(OOC: Just going inside the Quasar for a bit...letting them in on the action. ^^ Dana is an NPC, so feel free to use her if need be.)

Posts: 279
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OOC: I'm glad this is continuing :)

Amber had observed Slayde and Ruby's injuries with concern but they weren't complaining so she let it be, nursing her sore arm mentally whil eshe tried to sort things out in her head.
She could already hear the Adnihilo again and couldn't help wondering what could create such horrific beings, and where was the strange force on the ship?
It killed Leo...
She felt stubborn anger rising in her at the thought of so many dying at the hands of both it and the Adnihilo.
I won't let it end here...
She looked to the captain, she trusted him, and hoped his plan would work, only wondering what it was, something about releasing...
Her eyes lit up as she realised something, he knew something.
Relaxing slightly at the thought she concentrated on her surroundings and prepared hersefl for the inevitable Adnihilo rush.
Time for some payback...

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OOC: (I've been busy lately... sorry... >> I'm not sure that even if I tried I could keep up anymore. Anyone who wants to, feel free to use or kill of my chars.)

(... If you havn't already, because I havn't ready any of this. xx)

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...Hey Silv man! Welcome back^^

Np about dissapearing...I know how it feels when RL pulls you in XD TheBugs haven't been killed off yet, although they've drifted out of the story slightly. I was trying to think of what to do with them, and I had a few ideas, but nothing's implemented yet.

Of course, you're welcome to come back and retake control of them if you like^^ The more the merrier, and we'd sure like you too "> If you feel you can't, then I understand, and no worries bud, but if you want to, feel free to come back in^^ If you aren't sure how to re-intro them then I have a few ideas, but if you have an idea yourself then go ahead.

And looking good all^^ keep it up :) No IC right now, as this story takes brainpower, something I'm lacking after a full days travel, but I'll try to update tomorrow, and in the meantime, feel free to continue yourselves^^)


Slayde's group was first to reach the armoury. They rounded the corner in the corridor carefully, still looking round for any attacks. Distant clanging and scuffling noises echoed down the long corridors, and the occasional shriek could be heard.

Slayde motioned the others to take up positions guarding both lengths of the corridor, then made his way over to the large double doors in the wall. He knelt down by the control pannel and started fiddling with the controls.

"Security clearence...darn." he muttered to himself. "This could take a while..."

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"Not necessarily." Piped up Zaeda, floating over to the console, a small plug like mechanism emerged from under a metal cver and attached itself to a slot in the side, after severeal moments of blurred clicking the door to the armoury opened.
"All yours Captain." He bobbed away so Slayde could enter.

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(OOC: Seems all I do is apoligize, eh? xD Well, sorries once again. Annoying social studies projects won't gimme a rest. T.T)

Ruby hadn't realized she had been holding her breath in anticipation of the doors opening until she began to feel light-headed. Blinking she released the breath slowly, her heart racing. She was beginning to wonder if her heart rate would ever return to normal after this trip.

Martin and Terra would have seizures if they could see me now... Ruby could just imagine her brother and sister-in-law gaping at her frenzied appearance. Her slightly ripped space-suit. Her mussed hair, bloodshot eyes. Her swollen finger (she was sure it was broken now).

Somehow the thought wasn't as funny as Ruby wished it could have been.

"We better get inside now and wait for Captain Halter," Slayde said quietly to all of them, breaking Ruby's chain of thoughts. They murmured in agreement, following him through the doors.

"Um, Captain...might I ask what you're planning on doing?" She said, coming up beside him again.

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She stepped into the armoury and looked around nervously, it was locked though so nothing could be in here. Right?
She warily scanned the room before passing it off as clear and then turned her attention and ears to the corridor from wence they'd come, adnihilo were stil out there...

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(OOC: Sorry for the delay. Past few days have been chaos.)


"I already told you...get to engineering." replied Slayde, moving into the room and scanning across the many racks of weapons stored there. The Cruisader was sure equipped well! He wondered over to the racks of Shockwave Pulse Launchers, big, shoulder-mounted bazookas that fired a ball of energy a long distance, that exploded in a powerful shockwave when it hit something.Judging by the number of Adnihillo, something like that would probably come in handy!

"That isn't what I ment!" retorted Ruby pointedly, putting her hands on her hips (as best she could with her broken finger) and watching his retreating back.

"If there's time to explain, I will, but right now I'm afraid we have far too much to do Ruby!" Slayde countered, lumbering one of the large Pulse Launchers down off it's stand and holding it experimentally. "We have to barricade ourselves here until Halter comes, then get out there without being torn to shreads by the Adnihillo! Let's get equipped!"

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Ruby was about to say something else when she looked at her blaster, remembering it was low on energy and would soon run out. Suddenly she felt very vulnerable without a working weapon, and she moved toward another rack of guns. These were the Blade Sweepers, long-range laser-guns whose laser cut the victim much like an axe would. Instantly Ruby grabbed one and examined it, laying her measly blaster in its place. Once she deemed the Sweeper addequate, she looked around for smaller weapons she might put on a belt for backup.

In the range of 5 minutes Ruby had found a belt and had stocked it with nine hand-grenades, two blasters, and a thin cyllinder-like object. There was a green and a blue button on it, and a large handle ran the length of the object. There were the words "Lyte BLADE" printed in black beneath the handle. The Lyte blade was a sword much like a light-saber, though Lyte blades flashed and pulsed with electrical energy. Ruby had a feeling this particular weapon would come in handy in case any close-range combat would be needed.

Gripping the Blade Sweeper in her good hand, the Grotesnian walked back over to the doors, which had been closed upon their entrance. Slayde was nearby, his Pulse Launcher on a table next to him.

Ruby asked him, "How shall we begin barricading the armoury, Captain Slayde?"

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Eternity moved into the room loking at the blade sweepers with interest she picked one up and looked at Zaeda curiously, "I think this could be useful." She quickly grabbed him before he could protest and opened him up fiddling around with the laser she had used previously. Now she took out the Blade sweeper, after a few more minutes she managed to do what she wanted and fixed it inside Zaeda. With a satisfied sigh she clicked his access panel closed again and Zaeda rose back into the air again.
"Eternity, I am fully aware we are in a bit of a predicament but did you really have to do that?
"Yes, now you can kill things to."
Ignoring any more complaints for rough handling and that she could have asked she moved over to the lyte blades and examined them.
"Ah hell, what do I have to lose," she muttered, taking three and started work on her metal hand, attaching the lyte blades and testing them out slightly, they would be useful.
The tiger then grabbed some basic artillery, a pistol and two sub machine guns, attaching ammo clips to a belt she found, much like Ruby did.
"Okay, I'm all set, I'll help with the barricading."
"Did you listen to ANYTHIGN I said to you!" Zaeda spluttered angrily,
"No, not really, no."

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Slayde was rummaging through one of the weapons lockers near the door, seemingly searching for something. Suddenly they heard his voice, muffled in the locker, cry out: "Aha!"

He quickly withdrew, holding his prize in both hands carefully. "Here we are." he said, turning to the others. "Energy mines. These should block off the corridor pretty officially!"

"But what about when Captain Halter comes?" asked Eternity. "We don't want to blow him up too!"

"I'll let him know we're laying them." Slayde replied. "He can call us when he's getting close and we'll de-activate a few." He passed the mine to the others and pointed back into the locker. "Start laying them. I'll help in a sec."

As the others got to work he pulled out his communicator, flicking it on again. "Slayde to Halter, come in please."

"What's up?"

"Just letting you know, we're mining the entrance to the armoury in case the Adnihillo arrive here before you do. Let us know when you're getting close and we'll de-activate some to let you in, okay?"

"Understood, thanks for the warning."

At that moment a sudden gust of wind whistled down the corridor and the air suddenly became a whole lot colder! Captain Halter's voice on the communicator blurred into static. All of them paused in their work, looking round hesitantly. Wind on a spaceship?

Ivallice, who had limited his weapons collection to a few extra power packs for his arm cannons, stood up from the mine he was placing. "Detecting fluctuating energy readings in the area...scource unknown." he called out, his robotic voice harsh in the cold air.

Slayde grimaced, grabbing an energy rifle from a nearby rack and slinging it over his shoulder. "Right on cue." he muttered quietly.

The lights in the corridor abruptly flickered and died, plunging the whole section into dense blackness! From around the corner at the end of the corridor, a strainge, eerie yellow glow emminated, steadily growing stronger as it reflected of the wall! With it, came an alien, animal screech...

It rounded the corner, stopping at the end of the corridor, it's massive, glowing form filling the corridor! The same, skelletal creature they had seen earlier in the service tubes!

The others immeadeately raised their weapons, but Slayde quickly stepped in front of them, holding up his hand! "Wait, don't shoot!"

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Ruby's head snapped back to face Slayde, fear and puzzlement visible in the silvery depths of her eyes. "Don't shoot?" She yelled. "What do we do then??"

Disbelief played in her voice, but slowly she lowered her Blade Sweeper. Her hands were trembling as the memories came flooding back; the wall of hands, the death of the four officers. She had to use all her will power to follow the captain's orders, her eyes riveted on the horrific creature.

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Angrily Amber lowered her weapon, she glared at the thing that she hated for killing Leo, if she could have stood a chance she would have charged at it right now.
"Fine," she said through gritted teeth, "I won't shoot at it, I just wish you'd tell me why."

Posts: 166
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OOC: Hey, guys. I'm leaving in 11 days for Los Angeles, and I don't know how often I'll be able to get online. So, bear with me because I'll be gone from early March until April >_>;

I'm a little lost as to where Ray is. Could someone help me out here? >>

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(OOC: Sorry for the delay in posting.

Vic, I think Halter was on his way to the armoury with the remaining Kirov Marines, heading there from the airlock. Nova Star and Bezarin are with him too. He should be arriving any moment so far as I can tell.)


With a screech that echoed down the corridor, the yellow shape began to advance, slowly, deliberately, flexing it's long, sharp, skeletal claws as it came. It's long neck twisted and writhed, and it's long, thin, skullike head swayed from side to side, the long teeth clicking together as it opened and closed it's mouth repeatedly.

Slayde stepped forward, his hand holding the pulse rifle he had picked up, but not aiming it. "STOP!" he shouted at the top of his voice, holding up a hand as though he was a parson trying to banish some deamon!

To the shock of everyone in the corridor, even, judging by his reaction, Slayde, the creature stopped, still some way down the corridor, it's writhing, fearsome movements slowed as though it was supprised at the shout!

Slayde took another step forward...his face looked dead calm, but sweat was visable on his forehead, running down his face like tears. "I know what you are!" he called in a powerful voice. "I finally understand. All I need is confirmation."

The creature hissed menacingly, it's head dipping like a snake ready to strike, but then, unnexpectedly, ir spoke! "You already knew what I was when you took me!"

"Took you..." repeated Slayde, pausing for a moment, then he began to shake his head. "No, no it wasn't like that at all!"

"For the torture you have plagued me with you will die a thousand times over! You will all come to regret your mistakes!"

Slayde's voice was getting anxious. "No, listen to me! There's no need for us to fight...!" The tension level in the corridor was rising as the beast at the far end began to hiss once again, slowly lowering it's body to the floor and curling up...why did it seem to resemble a cat preparing to pounce on it's prey...?

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"Move! Move!" came an echo from down the corridor. Dozens of feet trampled the metal floor as the marines hurried to the armoury with their leader.

"Captain Slayde, this is Halter. Where are you?" There was no response; only a strange clicking sound in the background. "Captain Slayde?" He shook his head and turned to the marines. "Something's wrong. Don't let your guard down.

"Sir, we haven't let our guard down ever since we brought Bezarin on board," declared the point man.

"What's that supposed to mean?" demanded Bezarin angrily. Ray put his weapon to Bezarin's head, and lifted a small device in his left hand.

"Shut up and move, or you're dead."

"Heh, you need me and you know it," Bezarin replied confidently. "I'm sure you understand." Ray mentally cursed; he was right.

"Fine. Keep moving."

"Whatever you say, Sir." The last word had a hint of sarcasm so obvious that anyone would notice. Ray retracted his arm, and they continued down the corridor quickly.

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"Stop, damn you! Just stop and listen!"

Everyone jumped, turning ever so slightly to look surprisedly at the one who had shouted. It was Ruby, gripping her Blade Sweeper as if it was her only lifeline and she would die by letting go. It took a moment for her to realize that it had indeed been her who had yelled. Her face paled, but she realized as well that it was too late to take it back. The creature paused in its actions, its glowing eyes burning as they rested on Ruby.


"I don't know what the hell went on here, twenty-five years ago...I don't know who or what you are. But all you've done is attack without question! Far as I know, we...we didn't do a thing to hurt you." Ruby tried her hardest not to flinch as the thing clicked its teeth.

She continued, "And...and you've killed what? Six of my fellow officers? Not to mention num...numerous marines."

All was quiet for a spell, until Slayde took the lead again, giving Ruby a brief look she couldn't interpret. "Please...just let me explain!" He pleaded again.

"You've got it all wrong! There's no need to fight when we can just resolve this!" Everyone turned to the creature, knowing that if it did not want to listen, it wouldn't.

So they waited for its reply....

(OOC: Hope I didn't go to far or anything..)

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(OOC: Vic, I've got Halter and the others arriving at the armoury in this post...if it's too soon for any reason, let me know and I'll edit, k?^^)

Another alien screech echoed around the corridor as the creature threw it's head back and opened it's mouth in a bloodcurdling cry, then, quick as a flash, it charged towards them down the corridor, storming forward like a train!

The whole group raised their weapons in unison, laying down a hail of energy fire that flashed down the corridor at the advancing monster, impacting on it's glowing hide and creating ripples of energy like on the surface of a pond! The creature's advance, however, wasn't slowed...instead it's body began to dematerialise, the shape losing cohesion and reverting back to the fine yellow mist that it had come from!

"Look out!!!" shouted Eternity as the mist gained on them, throwing herself to the floor quickly! The others did the same, but Slayde, at the front of the group, wasn't quite quick enough! As he threw himself to the side, the yellow ball of energy caught his left shoulder and arm as it passed! He cried out in agony as his clothes burned and his skin turned black and almost liquefied, melting into a sticky, oozing mass that began to drip from his bones like tar!

It was at that precise moment that Halter and his crew arrived on the scene! As they came running round the corner they jumped in shock at the scene before them...they came from the corridor behind the other group, and the yellow mist was headed directly for them too!

"Hit the deck!" roared Halter as the Marines dropped, trying to escape the burning cloud. Three of them didn't drop quick enough, and their screams echoed around the corridor as their bodies melted to the floor!

As the team began to pick themselves up again and look around, Amber, who was closest to where Slayde had fallen, quickly crawled along the deack plating to his body. Carefully she put a hand to his neck, checking his pulse to see if he was still alive. She jumped out of her skin as he rolled over to face her!

He was still consious, but his face was contorted with incredible pain! The skin on his arm had now hardened from it's melted state, but it was still extremely hot and smoked slightly in the dim light of the corridor! The skin was a dull black, and shriveled around the bone like an old rutted tree! The joints in his arm had locked up, the melted skin and muscle running into the gaps then cementing them closed as they hardened again, baked into a rock-solid mass. The seperate bones in his wrist and fingers were clearly visable through the shriveled flesh, and in the middle of his forearm the skin had actually shrunk around the bones to such a degree that there was a gap between his fibula and tibia!

His breathing was erratic, and Amber called to the others "He needs help!" As they came running over though, Slayde's eyes opened and he looked up at her pointedly.

"No...time..." he groaned through gtitted teeth. " back..." He tried to roll slightly to sit himself up, but as he did so his scorched arm touched the floor and he screamed in pain! "I know...what it is!" he continued as the pain subsided slightly. "Communication...confirmed engineering..."

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Eternity rushed over to Slayde, Zaeda bobbing close to examine the wounds, wincing sympathetically, she motioned for Zaeda to come in close the droid floated closely down and injected into the damaged part of the arm. Before doing it on the other side.
"I'm sorry if it hurts but it will take away the pain, if it still hurts there's obviously still living flesh there but I wasn't sure if it would work, the other arm though, deffinitely, it should take affect soon, it just depends on time. If it works for your hurt arm it will be soon okay?" She looked over his arm but knew there was nothing more she could do right now, maybe later she could take a proper look at it...

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Ruby was trying desperately to keep a level head, while mentally beating herself for yelling and making the creature madder. Martin had always said she had crazy impulses and compulsions. He really wasn't kidding.

With all the disgusting and horrific things that she had witnessed lately, Ruby had thought Slayde's injury wouldn't phase her in the slightest. Wrong. Her stomach churned at the sight of the wound, and her blood ran cold. Immediately her first thought was to look away before she lost it, but the rational side of her mind forced her to look at his arm as long as possible. When she couldn't take it anymore, Ruby allowed herself to look away, this time focusing on Slayde's face. It hurt to look at her captain like this, in so much pain. She wanted so badly to fix it. To fix everything.

"Communication...confirmed engineering..." She heard him say.

Ruby shook her head vigorously, "We can't do that, captain. You're hurt bad, and if something's not done right away you might die. We have to tend to that arm, captain. Eternity!"

The tiger answered, "Yes?"

"What was that you had Zaeda inject? And do you know from a few looks if that arm is worth saving? If it is, you'd better do as much as you can, and quick!" The Grotesnian felt totally useless as she waited for Eternity's response, also debating on what to do....

Another look at Slayde's pained face, and Ruby began to feel a shaft of panic.

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"NO!" Everyone blinked in shock as Slayde actually physically pushed Eternity away with his good arm, slowly sitting himself up and trying to stagger to his feet! " get out...alive!" he spat, slowly climbing to his knees and extending himself to his full height! His teeth were gritted, and sweat was pouring from his forehead, but his face wore a determined, unconquerable look!

Ivallice stepped forward. "Captain, I'm inclined to agree with're in no condition to..."

Slayde raised a hand, cutting the robot off mid sentance. "My condition...doesn't matter! I think there's a way...we can escape, but...we have to act...right now!" Still staggering slightly, he stepped forward, moving over to Captain Halter and his team. "Captain...quick, get whatever weapons you can carry...get everyone ready...we have to move now!" He turned again, stepping back into the armoury, and picked up another of the large rifles stood in racks along the wall. "I know what you're thinking." he said as he turned back to the rest of the group. "I'll explain everything...on the way...please, just let's get moving now...there may not be much time!"

(OOC: lol Slayde seems to be getting less and less sane by the moment >.> There is a reason for it though...ah yess, all will be explained XD )

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Ruby quickly went to Slayde's side, afraid he might fall and hurt himself more. She made no move to support him, but instead turned to Captain Halter and the remaining marines. They stared at her and Slayde, frozen in place. Ruby looked to Halter, who immediately motioned for his marines to follow him into the armoury. Eternity, Amber, Zaeda and Ivalice turned their heads toward the Grotesnian, whose face had become blank yet again.

"Let's move out, then," She said to them as they watched Halter issue orders, her voice quavering a little.

Amber's eyes widened. "But...the captain..!"

"...gave his orders. We follow them. We....have no choice." Ruby's face was set. "We must move while we are able. I think we've forgotten the fact that it's not only this ship's ghost who wants us dead."

At this, everyone exchanged glances and nodded. Slayde managed a grim smile, seemingly glad his crew was pulling it back together. And while they waited for the the Kirov marines, Ruby leaned in to Slayde, whispering so no one else but he could hear...

"I'll not let you go down with this ship, captain." Her eyes glistened in that brief moment she locked eyes with him, respect flooding their silver depths.

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Slayde blinked and looked around, supprised. How had she...?

He saw her expression and he forced his face into a warm, if pained, smile. "Who said anything like that? We're gonna get out of here, I'll see to that. Don't worry." Wether the pain in his arm was dying (was that a good thing or a bad thing?) or wether he was just getting used to it, he seemed a lot more level headed now, more back to his old self, despite his injury.

He slung the strap of the rifle over his good shoulder and stepped forward, moving out of the armoury again and turning to face all the others, most of whom were rifling through the weapons for anything they liked the look of. "Okay everyone...lets...let's go!"

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Ruby nodded, a weary smile gracing her face for a few moments. Once again, she remembered all that had happened, and all that they had to do. It burdened her mind, and she felt more tired than she had in the past years of her life. But knowing how much their lives depended on being alert, Ruby shook her head clear of all its grogginess as best she could and looked ahead. For now their passage was clear.

Halter and his crew joined the few from the Quasar, allowing Slayde and Halter positions at the front of the pack. Ruby let herself fall back, walking at the edge of the large group, yet still keeping her eyes on Slayde. Though she felt reassured by his words, she was taking no chances. Eternity, she saw, was right behind the captains, while Ivalice was in the middle of the pack. Amber was nearby Ivalice, holding her weapon steady. Everyone moved quickly and quietly; eyes shifted here and there, trying to find any sources of danger. All was deathly silent. No one dared speak.

Ruby's muscles were tense as she gripped her Blade Sweeper, her large ears swiveling back and forth. Her hearing, like most Grotesnians, was five times better than the average human. Thus she made it her job to listen for anything out of the ordinary. And though she strained her ears, Ruby could hear no traces of the Adnihilo, which made her doubly uneasy.

They can't just disappear into thin air...She thought grimly, Unless I wasn't informed they could do that too.

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Eternity's ears twicthed nervously as she continued with the others, she couldn't help but look at Slayde's arm with concern, forcing herself to think on other matters she checked Zaeda again, making sure his new weapon wouldn't short circuit him or cut him to bits. But everything was fine.
With a sigh she shakily kept pace with the others, chancing a glance back at Ruby and then turning to Amber, Ivalice and Slayde.
They had been through so much, how much more could they take?

The tiger being shivered at the memoried but banishedthem, there was no time for that, she had to stay alert.
She just hoped the painkillers she'd given Slayde were working.

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"Okay," muttered Slayde quietly as they set off down the corridor, loud enough for the group to hear, but not too loud as to drown out any noise around them, "I'll do my best to explain my theorey to you sounds farfetched, but from what I can tell it's the best possibillity we have." He winced slightly as he turned, jolting his arm, but not nearly as badly as before. The pain was much less...thank goodness for Eternity's ministrations!

"This thing, whatever it is, is more powerful than I have ever encountered, and I daresay, more than anyone else here too. It's methods, like using dead bodies, were making me, and maybe all of us, thinking that it was something supernatural!" Slayde paused for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't think it is anymore." he continued slowly. "I think what we're dealing with here is nothing more than a scientific anomoly."

"You make it sound so simple." muttered Halter, his voice rasping irritation. "This 'scientific anomaly' has cost my ship and almost my entire crew, plus a large suathe of yours too, Captain!"

"True," replied Slayde evenly, "but I don't think the intention was evil. I think this is a simple misunderstanding."

"A what???" Halter turned to look at him open mouthed.

"This ship was experemental." continued Slayde, his eyes still casting down the dark corridors they were passing carefully. "The first ever test of a Quantum Field Drive, designed to take the ship into Quantum space for much quicker propulsion...but think about it: space, as we Humans found out when we left earth, has other life forms in it...aliens who for a long while we thought of as strange and had trouble communicating with. Who's to say that Quantum space doesn't as well?"

There was a profound silence as Slayde's words slowly sank in, and everyone began looking at each other curiously.

"Quantum space is chaotic, so it would make sence that any life forms there would be much more powerful than those in our space, to survive in that relm." continued Slayde. "And the phrase that that creature kept repeating..."release me"...what if an alien from Quantum space somehow got trapped on board the Cruisader when she jumped, thought it was some kind of attack, and so attacked the crew in self defence?"

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OOC: Oooh. The plot thickensssss (sic).


Slayde had a point, so Halter nodded.

"Possible," he stated. "I never thought of that possibility. However... Regardless of what has happaned, we have lost so many men and women. I couldn't care less about my ship - my people are more valuable than an object I can sacrifice." He sighed, scratching his face. "They've been with me for years. They're all hardened veterans. They fought long and hard against a familiar enemy, and we thought we'd vanquished them... We were wrong. But so many have perished today; a waste of talents and lives."

"Sir... You're making us cry," a grinning marine said.

"Shut up, 'Smarty'," scolded a non-commisioned officer, hitting him on the back of his helmet.

Halter could only smile. The way his men interacted never ceased to astound him.

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Amber's eyes widened, that would explian everything, then the way to get rid of the creature was to...could it be that simple?
Yet it wouldn't be, nothing was anymore,
"Okay then if that's what you think is wrong with it, then I trust you." She kept her ears trained on other sounds but despite herself smiled, there was a way out of this. Even if she died at least she knew, there was a chance.

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OOC: Heya. I leave for LA in less than 19 hours, so my participation may be very sporadic. Hopefully I'll get daily Internet access. Otherwise, feel free to control my remaining characters. ^^

Good luck to all of you.

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