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Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

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(OOC: Downer Vic, we're just about to get into some major action! lol

np man, just post whenever you're able. Hope you can ragularly, but if not we understand. And have a good time^^ lol)


"If that really is the case, Captain, what difference would it make to our situation?" Ivallice's voice rang out.

"A bargening tool." replied Slayde, glancing over his shoulder at the machine. "Maybe we could arrainge our escape in return for us getting it free!"

Nova Star, who had been largely quiet for some time now, spoke up. "Wait, this creature has killed so many...surely you can't be thinking about letting it go unpunished???"

"If you can think of any way to disable it before it kills us, then be my guest!" retorted Slayde somewhat dryly. "It would never allow us, and even if we somehow did manage, it's the creature's power that's keeping this ship intact! Remember The Dead Zone?" Everyone nodded slowly as they recalled where in space they were. "This calm isn't's being sustained. If the creature was to die, the back holes in the area would lunge back to their normal positions and both the Cruisader and the Quasar would be crushed to atoms...and that's assuming this theory is correct anyway, we can't know for sure until we reach engineering!"

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Ruby nodded slowly, "Yes...yes, it all makes sense now! I don't know why I never thought of that myself."

There were murmurs within the group, everyone having the same surprised reaction followed by understanding. A female marine next to Ruby was looking doubtful, and so voiced her opinion.

"I don't see why that thing couldn't have done a little research first before attacking." The marine's eyes darted around. Some others mumbled agreement.

Ruby sighed, "Would you, if you were thrown inside a large metal contraption with no way out? If you were stuck with a few hundred creatures you had never seen? Would you let down you defenses if they looked dangerous? You forget that humans, as well as hybrids and Grotesnians, tend to shoot first at something they percieve dangerous."

That silenced the woman, causing her to look downward and place her gun in her left hand, away from Ruby's sight. The Grotesnian blinked and then refocused on Slayde and Halter. They were silent, Slayde nodding at her words.

"That makes me more convinced, Ruby, that this really isn't magic at all. Just some thing trying to defend itself against the dangerous ones: us."

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(OOC: My appologies all...the reason for my dissapearence: Past week my doctor has been trying me on some new tablets for my depression, and they've been completely turning my head inside out. I've been tired all the time, often dizzy, and most times not able to think straight, so I haven't been able to focus enough for most RPs I'm afraid. I'm getting used to them now though, so I hope to be able to update this one as soon as I can.

Sorry again, I'll post asap.)

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(OOC: Take your time Wraith, there's really no hurry. ^^ I'm a bit busy myself so I prolly won't be able to make a decent post at all this week. I'm performing in a play for my school this next weekend as well, so I'm going to be busy busy.

Glad to hear you've been doing a bit better though, Wraith. Keep getting better man! ^-^)

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A clattering of metal echoed down the hallway suddenly, and everyone froze, raising their weapons and looking around with worried expressions on their faces. "They're coming." muttered Halter quietly.

Slayde was looking around slowly. Another noise echoed from somewhere behind them and they all spun round, Slayde nearly falling over with the movement! He let out an exaspirated grunt and raised the rifle in his hand, the barrel pointing squarely at the elbow of his injured arm! Before any of the others could say anything, there was a sharp POW and a flash of energy, and his whole left forearm dropped to the floor with a CLANG, leaving him dismembered from the elbow!

Slayde looked up to see shocked eyes staring at him curiously. "It was completely dead from there down." he muttered, shaking his head. "Interfering with my balance. It's better this way." He turned and set off down the corridor again, brushing the event aside. "Come on, let's keep moving."

The rest of the group fell into step behind him, staring with morbid fascination at the withered, blackened hand lay on the floor as they passed it. As they set off moving again, they began to notice a sound in the background, a constant rustling, like the noise of millions of feet scuttling around somewhere deep within the bowels of the ship, steadily getting louder and louder...

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"Never could do it the old fashioned way..." Ruby heard Eternity mutter as the group moved on.

The Grotesnian's eyebrows lifted as she passed Slayde's dismembered limb, wondering about a replacement she could make for him afterward. If there was any afterward. But anyway, her mind was jumping at the chance to divert its attention away from the hideous situation they were all in. Ruby thought about where she might be able to get the parts and how long it might take to...

She froze, spinning around as her ears detected the clicking and clacking of claws on metal. It was much, much louder than before. Everyone followed her lead, looking fearfully from her to the hallway behind them. An inhumane screech echoed down the corridors, acting like an alarm which sent everyone scrambling.

"Go, go, go!" Slayde shouted, leading the run. They were all bolting forward, hoping to put as much distance as the could between them and the Adnihilo before the first shots were fired.

All thoughts of replacements for the captain's arm left Ruby's mind immediately as she reached for her blaster.

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Amber ran backwards, keeping balance and ready for any signs of adnihilo, though she couldn't help thinking about the arm...but she had to concentrate. She tightened her grip and kept her ears back so she could tell what people were doing behind her.

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(OOC: Um...I know everyone is prolly busy and all.....but are we going to continue this? I'm gonna post some small tidbit anyway, not too big just in case anyone is trying to get on to post something of theirs.)

As soon as the first warrior came into sight Ruby squeezed the trigger of her blaster. Not waiting to see the creature's destruction she fired a few more haphazardly aimed shots, then she reached for her Blade Sweeper. The real onslaught of Adnihilo was just coming around the corner, and already some of the Kirov marines were turning around to fire. Ruby ran a little ways and then stopped, making sure there were no marines in front of her. She pulled back the trigger on the Blade Sweeper and swung the gun from side to side, watching as the laser sliced through the warriors like a knife through hot butter.

Upon seeing her make use of the Sweeper the Kirov marines had run to catch up with the rest of the group, and some were yelling for Ruby to get the hell out of there. All too willingly she obliged, switching guns once again. Her Blade Sweeper had effectively taken out at least two dozen Adnihilo, but Ruby didn't dwell on the small victory. There were millions more waiting to take the place of their fallen comrades....too many for the Grotesnian to take care of on her own.

So, she ran.

Amidst the shots being fired from the Kirov/Quasar group, she was also forced to dodge the acid of the warriors. Having to run and fire at the same time was hard enough. She was tempted to stop and take careful aim, since most of her shots bounced off the metal walls and only some found their targets. But Ruby knew that was foolish and practically suicidal (Although she was beginning to think dying 'sooner' was better than the inevitable 'later').

Run, shoot, dodge. Run, shoot, dodge. Ruby saw that the Adnihilo was gaining, so she threw a grenade over her shoulder and lengthened her stride to put some distance between herself and the imminent explosion. Boom. The others glanced back, startled.

Slayde merely yelled, "Keep running!"

And so they did. (OOC: Alright, so it's a little longer than I had promised.... ^^; )

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OOC: I'd like to see this continue...

Amber started firing off her shots as well, trying to be as accurate as possible to conserve ammo, only fire when you know you'll hit something. She also had to avoid marines and other people trying to stay alive.
Spinning round to shoot in the other direction she ignored the fact that the numbers of the adnihilo were huge and their group, not so. Her ears winced and flexed back at the sound of an explosion, a grenade? She just hope the ship wasn't damaged enough that it would break under the strain and the armour crack, sending them all flying out into space...

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(OOC: I'm sorry, the same problem I mentioned in my last post, coupled with a nasty bout of the flu and waiting to see if Vic would have internet have kept me from posting here for a while, however I too want to finish this if we can, considering how close to the end we are^^ I was kinda hoping Vic would be here to help us with the Adnihillo, as they're his creation, but I'll try to get a good length IC in either today or tomorrow^^)


The cautious walk had become a mad rush for survival!

Ivalice was running forwards with the others, his upper body swiveled round to face backwards, his arm lazers glowing with heat as they blasted away at high speed at the oncoming swarm! Slayde fired off shots whenever he could, but right now he was more concerned with keeping his balance without an arm!

"This way!" he shouted, turning a corner into another corridor. The group raced round the corner...and froze in fear! There, waiting for them at the next junction in the corridor, was the creature of the Cruisader!

Halter swore. "This just gets better and better!"

"Do we fire, Captain?" asked Ivalice, bringing his weapon to bear on the glowing yellow form. Slayde paused in a moment of indecision, listening to the noise of approaching insects behind them. Frying pan, or fire?

A loud, insectoid screech filled the air, and the group watched in amazement as suddenly another wave of Adnihillo burst from the corridor ahead, swarming around and on top of the yellow creature before them like a green wave! The creature hissed in anger, turning to slash at them with it's claws, wiping out great suathes of the enemy at a time, but at least it was a destraction! "Come on!" called Slayde, turning back the way they had come and racing back into the first corridor. The origional swarm of Adnihillo were much closer now, bearing down on them relentlessly, a moving wall of teeth and claws! The Marines fired a barrage of energy into the oncoming hoarde as the group set off running again, racing down the corridor deeper into the ship.

"Without going that way, we'lol have to go through the cargo bays." said Halter s he ran, remembering the ship schematics they had been looking at before. "You think they'll be free of bugs?"

"You're the Adnihillo expert here Captain." retorted Slayde, brushing sweat-drenched hair from his brow as he ran.

Halter grimaced. "Okay, put it this way: "It'd darn well better be free of bugs!"."

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OOC: HOLY ****. o.o;;; I forgot to post about my return! Sorry. >> No IC for now; just announcing that I have regained exclusive access to my UBER COMMIE INTERNET. XD I'll wait for a chance to IC.

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As Amber fired off more shots and tried to ignore the growing panic inside as they had to turn back she noted Slayde's problem and ran up beside him,
"Need a hand? I could help you balance? Trust me it won't slow anyone down."

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(OOC: Welcome back Vic^^

And sorry for my dissapearence -yet again- >< I'm beginning to dread RL nowadays >.> )

Slayde glanced at Amber with a slight smile on his face. Here they were, running for their lives from a ravenous pack of deadly aliens, and she was offering her help to him like they were out on a sunday walk in the park! Still, if it helped morale, he couldn't fault the outlook...

"Thanks, I may take you up on that in the cargo bays, but we're almost there." Indeed, as they turned the next corner, they saw the hatch in the floor blocking off the ladder into the deep, dark holds of the ship.

"Erm...problem." muttered Eternity as they ran towards it. "How do we get it open without being torn up in the process?"

"We need to form a perimeter." muttered Halter, his combat training coming into play. "Marines, fan out! Guard the corridor!"

"Ivallice, you're with them." called Slayde. "The rest of us will get the hatch open. Let's move all!!!" The hatch was a small dome on the floor, capping the tube below, with a hinge on one side. It had two handholds on it so it could be lifted, but it was very heavy at the best of times! Now as the group clustered around it and tried to lift it, it wouldn't move in the slightest!

"The computer must have locked it down!" exclaimed Amber in shock. "How do we get it open now???"

"We'll have to cut our way through." muttered Slayde ruefully. "It'll take ages, but there's no way of overiding the computer from here. Weapons, everyone!"

The mass of Adnihillo rounded the corner like a living, moving river, surging down the corridor towards them! Slayde gritted his teeth. "Captain Halter, hold them off as long as you can!!!"

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Ruby looked from the hatch to the Adnihilo and back, then listened as close as she could to Slayde. Her mind whirled, and she wondered what else could go wrong!

"I have a Blade Sweeper, Captain Slayde...this might help us remove the hatch faster, if you just tell me where to hit." She propped the weapon up on her shoulder, then used her free hand to push a strand of hair out of her eye.

(OOC: Sorry about the shortness...don't have much time, and I won't be able to get on much)

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Amber growled in annoyance at the sight of the locked door,
was all of fate against them? Deciding that her own weapons probably wouldn't work too well on the door, especially in the face of Ruby's blade sweeper.
"Slayde, I'll help the marines, goodluck on the door."
Then she turned back to face the horde of Adnihilo, releasing rapid fire shots, the swarm too thick to need to aim properly.

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Slayde gave Ruby a nod, and she pulled the trigger on her weapon, the beam of light lancing down at the hatch and causing a section of it to glow with heat!

"It's working!" exclaimed Slayde as he watched the metal where the beam was touching beginning to glow and slowly melt. "It'll take some time, but it's getting through! Can you keep it held like that?" he asked, looking up at Ruby.

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(OOC: Sorry...I've been a bit busy)

The alien woman nodded, keeping her eyes fixed on the target. "Sure thing. Just make sure nothing bumps my aim, ok?"

It was a stupid thing to ask, but she said it with a small smile. Once again, her humor was having another go, revived after the mad dash down the hall. It had gone by so fast she hadn't really had time to think much about cracking jokes.

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(OOC: No probs SL, you aren't the only one ;) got family weddings/anneversaries etc coming up, so can't IC just now, but I'll update asap^^)

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OOC: Sorry I've not posted lately.
"May I be of assistance?" The droid hovered over to the door and fired the laser he had been equipped thanks to Eternity's modifications. Aiding the speed of the operation.
OOC: And to think I was intending to have him blown up in the first few pages, well, I guess there's still time 😛

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(OOC: That's ok GG. From what Wraith said we've all been a bit busy. ^^)

"Almost to the halfway mark, Cap'n..." Ruby said, raising her voice to be heard over the din. It was hard not to turn around and join the marines in the fight against the Adnihilo. She felt blind and somewhat unprotected, even though her crewmates were standing in a circle around the hatch and her.

"May I be of assistance?" Eternity's droid friend asked, aiming its laser carefully. With Ruby's nod it fired and joined the point of her own laser, effectively speeding up the process.

"Thanks, Zaeda." She let out a breath, carefully moving her bangs aside.

"Glad to be of service." Was the computerized reply.

We might just make it...She thought, a determined smile lighting her face. Her silvery eyes stayed on the two lasers as they burned a path in the metal of the hatch door, willing them to go faster....

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Amber took a quick glance back to see how Ruby was doing with the door, she hoped they'd make it. She was relieved to note that Zaeda was helping now and that they were about halfway through. That was all she had before she had to turn back and continue firing at the Adnihilo. Grimly she acknowledged her gradually depleting ammo. Just hold on...keep on firing dang you!

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OOC: Well, this story was good and SF told me about Wraith's email, so, I thought I'd just push it back up so then we can continue posting, K?
This post will probably not eb very imaginative though. My apologies in advance.

As Zaeda and Ruby worked on the door, everyone else was trying to keep back the flood of adnihilo, it was a race against time, but they still didn't know what Slayde had in mind, but at the moment, it was their only hope of survival.
Eternity glanced back from her position, they were almsot through the door, she just hoped there were no nasty surprises on the other side...

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(OOC: Hey there Gerbil! My sincerest appologies, I'm afraid I forgot that you oo were still here and taking part in this! It's good to see you back though, and I hope you forgive me for not contacting you as I did the others.

Yeah, due to popular demand, we'll try to finish this one off (mods please note, this is not just a bump of an old topic, we're trying to revive it) and after now finding out that I am NOT going on holiday today, I have time to post an update now "> I'll have to get back into the story to some degree, so forgive me if my first posts seem a little disjointed and wobbly, but hopefully they'll improve. And hopefully life won't jump up and bite me again either, like it has done so much recently :0o

Now let's see if we can finish this thing :nn; )

The acrid smell of burning metal filled the corridor as the glowing ring of molten alloy slowly came together along it's two edges, forming a complete circle around the outside of the hatch. Ruby looked up from her work triumphantly. "Done sir!"

Slayde glanced over his shoulder, then quickly stepped back and grabbed the circular handle of the hatch with his remaining arm, grunting at the intense heat just below from the still molten metal parts of the door. Bracing his back and legs, he began to slowly lift the hatch up into the air, renting it free from the outer ring that was still attached to the floor with a curious slurping of liquid metal. The door was heavy, but not overly so, and he was able to lift it out without too much trouble.

The space below was dark, almost pitch black. a single metal ladder embedded into the wall streached away into the shadow below, at least three storeys above floor level. "Alright, everybody in!" shouted Slayde, the hatchway still in his hand. Whatever you do, don't touch the molten edges as you get onto the ladder!"

Slowly the others began to back towards the hole, ready to dart down it, and as they came Slayde's eyes alighted on a dark red tube on the far wall, marked "FIRE EXTINGUISHER". He blinked as an idea suddenly occured to him.

"Eternity, grab that extinguisher as you come! We'll need it!"

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(OOC: Good to be back in action y'all!)

Ruby took position with her Blade Sweeper, lancing back and forth along the lines of charging Adnihilo. It occurred to her that melting the hatch door had been the easy part; getting everyone down there in one piece was going to be a lot trickier. Slowly she manuevered herself along the protective barrier formed by the marines, gesturing and shouting so that the line inched backward ever so slowly. When an opening came the marines went one at a time, darting toward the hatch and disappearing down the ladder without looking back.

This is crazy! Ruby though, gritting her teeth as sweat poured into her eyes. Openings came less and less often; no one had time to run for the hatch, for fear of allowing the Adnihilo to overwhelm them all. If we only had a few minutes' break, I'm sure we could make it!

Then, an idea struck her. A quick glance told her she still had eight grenades left, and that was all the motivation she needed. Slowly Ruby sidled back toward the hatch and Captain Slayde, all the while making good use of the Blade Sweeper.

"Captain Slayde!" She panted. "If we make a break in the defensive wall the Adnihilo will overwhelm us before we even close the hatch! I believe a grenade or two would come in handy?"

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Slayde nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking of how to deal with that problem myself, and that's as good a way as any. Do it!"

(OOC: Short update...meep! Wanna give everyone a chance to post before moving it on though...)

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Bezarin still exists. :D


"Hmm." The large man put down Nova Star. "Someone else carry her." His voice was projected clearly over all the gunfire. "Now!"

"Do as he says if you want to live!" exclaimed Ray. The device he used to destroy the telomerase in Bezarin's body was in his left hand, and his sidearm was trained on Bezarin's head. He was taking no chances.

"That's good," he said as a marine dropped his weapon to pick her up. "Good." He picked the machinegun and the box of spare ammunition up and advanced to the very front. "I'll do it."

"You... what?" asked Ray, his chin dropping. He would never have expected Bezarin to do something like this. And then again, the man lived only for battle and nothing else.

"I will hold them back." He turned around and opened fire, walking steadily forward into the fray. The marines stopped firing one by one, watching with their mouths agape as Bezarin marched forward with the machinegun at his hip. Adnihilo of all sorts began slashing at him and cutting away at his flesh, which instantly regenerated as he laughed like the maniac he was.

"Don't just stand there! Move it!" shouted Ray as he watched Bezarin fight alone, standing. His laughter echoed down the corridor as he pushed the ever-advancing Adnihilo back inch by painstaking inch, until he ran out of ammunition - he'd expended all three hundred rounds including the extra ammunition - and used the gun as a bat to smash them. "Move! Go! Go! Go!" He fired a shot at the Adnihilo to get their attention.

He counted twenty remaining marines. He cursed and swore. Too much blood had been spilled today.

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Ruby, who had been about to pull the pin on one of her hand grenades, watched in horror and relief as Bezarin went to work. She waited for a few seconds, watching him push the swarm back inch by gruesome inch. Then she felt Slayde grip her arm and pull her back toward the hatch. Nodding Ruby whirled around and ran with the captain, stopping at the device to allow him to climb down first.

"Careful down there!" She shouted down to the marine below Slayde. "Captain Slayde is on his way down!" Turning to the captain she began to help him onto the ladder. "The crew is down there to catch you sir, should you lose your grip. And I'll be right behind you."

Slayde made a face but did as she wanted. Once she was sure he was down far enough, Ruby eased herself onto the ladder and began climbing down as slowly as she dared so as not to find herself stepping on his head or hand. The light from the open hatch disappeared briefly as a marine followed her down, trying to be as careful as she...

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(OOC: Vic :eek you're still here! Forgive me, I thought you had given up on this RP. It's awesome to see you're back though, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't make assumptions : Thanks for sticking with it with us "> )

Slayde tried to avoid going down the ladder first, but it was clear from the look in her eyes, Ruby wouldn't take no for an answer. With a sigh he dropped the remains of the hatch on the floor and stepped over to the opening.

Just before he went, though, he looked around at whoever was left above the hatch. "Listen carefully." he called quickly. "Whoever is last down the ladder, pull the hatch lid over the entrance so the melted edges connect, then use that fire extinguisher Eternity has to cool the metal until it solidifies! That should buy us some extra time, if the Adnihillo can't get down to the holds this way!" His plan spoken, he quickly jumped down into the hole, beginning to climb down the ladder as swiftly as he could with only one arm...

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Eternity looked around at the remaining people and sighed to herself, they were running out of time and people, how long until even Bezarin was overrun? Zaeda floated behidn her waitintg patiently for instruction.
"Alright, I'll go last," She found herself saying, "I'll seal the hatch, if for some reason I fail, Zaeda will make sure it stays closed." She glanced back at the droid, he bobbed in understanding.
"The needs of the many out way the needs of the few or the one," He stated, firing off a few shots at the adnihilo surrounding Bezarin.
Now they just had to wait for everyone to get down...

OOC: Heh he,just saw Star Trek movies 2-4 for the first time, mehehe 😛

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OOC: Gah, meant to post but never got round to it...

Now that the distraction was at hand, she quickly backed off to theeir exit, she gave a nod to Eternity in passing and hoped everything would work out okay, in the general sense as well. When she got to looking down into the darkness she felt a pang of worry, as soon as the door was shut there'd be no light at all.
Attempting to crush her anxiety with action she carefuly stepped in and took hold of the rungs, following after the ones who had already gone down...

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Slayde landed at the bottom of the ladder and looked around. The cargo bay was indeed very dark, the only light coming from small lamps strung on the walls with lots of space between them. To conserve power the Earth Millitery had deemed it unnessecery to fully light the gigantic room where few people would go anyway, thinking people could just use torches when needed, so now the rows and rows of supplies and equipment, layed out in long corridors like a massive warehouse and piled over eighty feet high, were dark and shadowy. Still, it was better this than the Adnihillo!

Slayde raised one of the rifles he carried on his shoulder, flicking on the torch set into the top, and gave the area a quick sweep (the Marines were already securing the section so they would be able to guard far better than him) before looking up at the ladder and watching the remaining survivors climbing down. Halter was stepping off the ladder as he looked, and Slayde glanced at him. "I'm not happy about leaving that guy up there Captain, even if he is extremely tough..."

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"He can't die," stated Ray. "Not unless I press some buttons here." Slayde eyed him curiously, and he showed the device in what light there was. "This kills the telomerase in his body and controls the electric signals going to the glands that produce them. Unless I destroy the telomerase in his body, he won't die."

"I'm still not happy about leaving a man up there," Slayde declared.

"You won't have time to be happy if he comes back berserk. He'll kill anyone he's not happy with."

"Even so, did we have to leave him behind?"

"It's best that way. He'll live even if they overrun him. He's invincible unless you can destroy his entire body in the same instant, or I use this device. He's done us a great favour, but I assure you that it was not out of kindness or anything of the sort. He simply wanted a battle. If we link up again, only God knows what will happen."

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Ruby had managed to touch the floor soon after Slayde; she was now looking warily around, her sensitive ears working in overtime to try and flush out any potential hazards from the shadows. As they strained and flickered back and forth, the Grotesnian couldn't help but hear Slayde and Halter's conversation. A rueful grin appeared on her muzzle.

"The only thing I'm not happy about is the fact that your Superman up there butted in before I had a chance to put my little friend to use." She used her tail to tap the pockets in her belt where the grenades were stored; her comment caused a few nearby marines to chuckle at her choice of words.

It wasn't comedy central, but Ruby felt better for lightening the mood, if only for a few minutes. Too much blood had been spilled and too many lives lost. They would all breathe much easier once they were out of this God-forsaken area of space!

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When Amber finally rached the end of the ladder it was with relief, she even smiled at Ruby's comment. Her eyes automatically scanned the darkness for any hidden forms, but she relaxed slightly when she found nothing, peace and safety for a while at least. All they needed now was for the door to be shut behind them and hopefully that would hold up the Adnihilo...for a while atleast.
Unconsciously her gaze fell on Slayde.
What now?

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The last of them had gone down now, ti was just down to her. Quickly she got into the hole, balancing herself so that she could still hold the fire extinguisher and get in at the same time without fallign down into the darkness. Zaeda helpfully floated over, supporting her from behind so she could complete her mission. For a few moments she hesitated, watchign Bezarin as he bought them time. Forcing herself to look away, Eternity pulled the door closed and sealed it using the fire extinguisher.
For a few moments they were shrouded in darkness before Zaeda lit the area with his own torchbeam.
It was time to go join the others, so she made her way down, trying to block out the sounds of fighting that seemed to seep through the metal. She felt so tainted for having to do that, seal up a fellow living being's escape route.
"We have to keep moving Eternity."
She blinked in surprise, she hadn't even realised she'd stopped, Zaeda floated patiently while she gathered her thoughts together and proceeded down to where her only chance of survival was, the only way of getting out of here was to work as a team and sometimes sacrifices had to be made.
Then she had stepped among the others, Zaeda's beam flicked efficiently round the area before stating, "Zone clear."
"The door's shut now, that should buy us some time," She said to those around, more as something to break her own feeling of silence than anything else...

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One of Ruby's large fox ears flickered toward Eternity in recognition and thanks. The tiger saw this and nodded; she had served with the Grotesnian long enough to know her ways and habits. For a heartbeat after the medic spoke, no one else did. Finally Ruby turned her full attention on Slayde and Halter (mainly Slayde)....

"So the hatch is sealed then, Captain," She said quietly. Quite the opposite of her shipmate, Ruby felt as if every word echoed off the cargo bay walls like a gong and felt better with the silence. "What are your orders now?"

Shifting to replace her halfway-depleted Blade Sweeper for her blaster, she winced and lashed her tail in pain as she remembered her broken finger. In all the excitement she had completely forgotten; but how could she now, when it was throbbing and hurting like hell? Trying to hide the pain she continued to look at Slayde, ears swivelling every now and then....

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Slayde was scanning the darkened room with his eyes, targetting the beam of torchlight from the top of his gun around the various crates and boxes carefully. "Good work everyone." he muttered, his voice sounding hollow in the still air of the massive room. "Now if I remember the ship schematics correctly, these cargo bays run the length of the forward section. We should be able to come up right near the corridor to the engineering section and head straight through." He jerked his head as he began to step down the corridor between the wall and the first row of shipping crates. "Let's get moving."

The group began to follow him, the Kirov marines carefully covering the rear and sides as they turned the first corner and set off into the sea of supply crates spanning out over the massive bay. The air was cold...heating was a problem in such a gigantic space, and wasn't considered top priority in the ship's design anyway...and still, somehow opressive with it's silence and closeness. Slayde walked quickly but carefully, glancing down each corridor between the rows of supplies as they made their way through the gloom, their torches shining like searchlights lancing through the darkness.

Somewhere a long way away across the gigantic, dark room, something clattered, as though falling from a height to the floor, distant and echoing in the vast space...

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As Slayde continued walking slowly, he began to feel a strange tingling sensation in the back of his neck...the same feeling he had had when they had first re-activated the Cruisader and he had been alone on the bridge. His skin crawled as he got the sneaking feeling that someone was watching them...

He shook his head, trying to dismiss the thoughts, but on closer reflection, perhaps it wasn't as rediculous as it sounded. After all, if his theory about what was going on here was correct, it was conciveable that they were indeed being watched, whatever "it" was. And before it had seemed to hold off while the Adnihillo were attacking, perhaps hoping they would be killed by them. Now...?

He took a deep breath as suddenly the darkness and silence seemed to get a whole lot more menacing. Now there were no distractions. Now they were alone. Now...they were vunerable...

"Let's pick up the pace." he muttered, increasing the lengths of his strides noticably as he desperately tried to resist the urge to run. The atmosphere felt to be getting closer and colder with every passing minute.

Suddenly one of the Kirov Marines paused, hissing to everyone to stop. "You hear that?"

Everyone went quiet, listening, and sure enough, there was a noise...a muffled, distant voice, echoing around the dark, empty space between the rows of supplies, seeming to come from somewhere up ahead. The noise was the sound of crying...

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"I don't like the sound of that one bit," said Ray, trying to catch his breath after all that action. "I want a volunteer."

All the marines raised their hands. He sighed, and shook his head. "I want a VOLUNTEER."

One man stepped forward ahead of the rest, the torchlight under the barrel of the assault rifle lighting his path. "I'll go."

"This is what I mean by a volunteer," declared Ray as he checked the ammunition in his pistol. There wasn't much left, and from where he was he could still hear the gore and violence above the ladder. Evidently, Bezarin was still having his share of fun. "Go ahead."

"Yes, Sir," acknowledged the marine as he took a few steps forward.

"The rest of you, spread out but maintain your fire sectors. I don't want all of you dying in one go," Ray ordered. They complied like obedient marines should, but that they might die was not a very comforting thought.

They waited, as the volunteer made his way forward to check for the source of the noise.

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Eternity watched the marine move away and she readied herself for another attack, Zaeda hovering around and muttering something about something interfering with his scanner efficiency.
Please just be some random recording or something...trick of the ventialtion or whatever...
Her tail twitched nervously as she waited impatiently for whatever was going to happen,
I'm not going to let this thing kill me...

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Ruby was getting a bad feeling. A very bad feeling. She didn't like sending that man out by himself, but she knew objecting to Captain Halter's orders would be rude. After all, when had she ever commanded men and women like his? Never. So in conclusion she told herself he knew best, though she didn't like it one bit.

In her ears the weeping noises were a bit louder, sounding like a forlorn little child who had lost its mother. But what on earth would a child be doing on the Crusader? Instinct told Ruby that they should keep moving, that they shouldn't stop to investigate this obviously out-of-place sound. But she obeyed orders, her nerves perfectly honed for flight by the past few hours.

No...she didn't like this. Something was definitely wrong.

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The Marine edged forward, checking each of the dark alleyways in turn, looking for the source of the sound. He was getting closer...he could hear the noise getting steadily louder as he moved. It seemed to be coming from the next exit...

Carefully he turned the corner, shining the light into the darkness...

A figure! Very small, dressed in a small version of the earth millitery uniform. A young child, perhaps five or six, with short black hair, apparently dirty...some of the strands seemed to be matted together with grime. His back was turned to the marine, knelt down hugging his knees to his chest as his shoulders shook with crying.

The Marine immeadeately looked back at the rest of the group further down the large room. "Sir, in here!"

The others quickly followed, stepping forward so they could look into the corridor, and Slayde took a deep breath. "It can't be real." he muttered quietly. "There were definitely no children on board when the ship left can't be true..."

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"Sir," Ruby whispered, "I think we should keep moving. It probably isn't...."

She stopped, peering over her shoulder at the little boy sitting a few feet in front of them. "...real." Craning her neck the Grotesnian tried in vain to catch a glimpse of the child's face; when she couldn't, the aprehension returned full force. What Slayde said was true: The Crusader had disappeared 25 years ago, and surely this boy wasn't that old! Ruby muttered some words in her native language, something she always did when she was nervous.

"Sir," She tried again, not taking her silvery eyes off the huddled figure, "Should we...keep going?"

Posts: 166
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"Not until we are sure there is no threat," hissed Ray in the hopes that only their side would hear it. "We don't want to be attacked from behind."

"Something tells me that it's not one bit normal," added Slayde. Several pairs of eyes were on him as he said this, whilst the others remained fixated on the childlike figure.

Ray shuddered for a moment subconsciously.

Posts: 186
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ooc: Ill post here in a second but I wanted to clear things up any space program would be through airforce space command... The navy is not involved with air/space travel however this is the future so Ill let it slide this time cough VICTOR cough cough.:cackle :jester Ic post coming soon from the know it all airman.:read

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(OOC: Uh, Spyder, was that post definitely ment for this thread...?)

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ooc: Ill post here in a second but I wanted to clear things up any space program would be through airforce space command... The navy is not involved with air/space travel however this is the future so Ill let it slide this time cough VICTOR cough cough. Ic post coming soon from the know it all airman.

The American capitalist dogs do not control the whole of Earth. Even if they did, it is not their air force space command that controls things. This is not a mild 'space program'. Entire FLEETS operate from GALAXIES. PIRATES run wild in their own ships in different star systems. This is about INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL becoming a common thing. NOT A SPACE PROGRAM. What was once outer space has become like water - a common transportation medium. I don't want to make an enemy out of you like I may have before.

And seriously.

Was your post meant for this RP? O.o It IS about to wrap up. And what you're writing seems to be rather pointless.

Posts: 240
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Eternity watched the child with a feeling of both dread and confusion, this child would have been picked up in a scan if it had been previously alive, so tta meant it could only be a creation of the strange adn deadly creature, was it a message or a trap, or had their scanners missed something?
Cautiously, she raised her weapon jsut enough so she could fire on it if neccessary.

Posts: 279
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OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, internet was playing up...

Amber waited, something had to happen soon, and even if she didn't like their situation, she had to follow their Captain's orders, and shooting the child, if it was a child, probably wouldn't help right now. Not until they new if it was hostile or not at any rate.
The child was still crying and part of her was being torn y it's piteous sobs, but she stood firm, it had to be a trick, there was no way a child could last this long on their own in these circumstances.

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(OOC: Really sorry for the delay all. My life has been a killer brother getting beaten up at work, relatives coming round a lot, dental appointments etc...Hopefully it'll be calming down a little from now.)


Slayde stiffened as the child's voice cut through his sobs. Slowly he lowered his weapon, edging forward carefully. Was there a chance he could...?

"What do you...want with me???"

Slowly the child began to raise his head. Slayde had known what was coming, he had expected it somehow, but even so it sent a chill down his spine.

The boy's face was ashen white, and large chunks of his skin were missing, the bone of his skull visable beneath. One of these patches was over the left eye, the missing eyelid making the eye seem large and staring...the right eye was missing altogether. The boy's nose had been crushed flat, and his lower jaw hung askew, his cheek missing on one side making the point where the jaw had broken from the rest of the skull on that side clearly visable. He shouldn't have been able to talk at all...

"You have to listen to us." Slayde could hear his voice, rasping and hoarse, coming from his almost felt like he wasn't speaking himself, like the words were just coming out all on their own. "I think...I think this is a mistake..."

"It is a mistake!" retorted the child, leaping to his feet (it was only then that Slayde noticed one of his legs ended in a bloody stump just below the knee). "Look! Look at what your mistake has cost you!"

Suddenly there was a rustling from the shadows around them. The Kirov Marines immeadeately raised their weapons, moving to surround the small group and guard all vectors.

Lights appeared in the darkness, yellow, looking like glowing, gleaming eyes, and slowly figures shuffled forwards into the light from the flashlights, seeming to come from all directions at once! A macabre army of dead, all dressed in Cruisader uniforms, all with hideous, grotesque injuries contorting their faces and bodies, all eyeless, with nothing but glowing yellow energy in the sockets that they used to see out of. The crowd slowly shuffled to a stop at each end of the long corridor between boxes of supplies, cutting off the exits on either side. Halter grimaced as he watched the pale crowd. "I guess now we can write off the bodies that we couldn't account for earlier..."

"We didn't do this!" Slayde exclaimed to the child, his gun raised again at the mass of corpses stood behind the boy. "We didn't kill them!" He almost added you did! to the end of the sentance, but stopped himself before he wouldn't help to enrage the boy even further.

"Why did you take me???" screamed the boy in responce, his remaining eye wild with rage. "Why did you kidnap me??? You did that, so you are responsible for all this!!! It's your fault!!!"

"Listen to us...!"

"No! I've suffered enough at your hands! Releace me, or die!!!"

Suddenly the child's body exploded into a wave of yellow energy that swooped up into the air, dissapearing over the top of the cargo containers like a wraith or a ghost. On either side, the large army of the dead Cruisader crew began to step forward, closing in on the group from all sides.

Slayde took a deep breath as the mass began to close in. There was only one way to go now...they had to get the thing to listen to them, and the only way of doing that now was, he was sure, in the engineering section. And between them and it, an army of dead, animated corpses ready to tear them limb from limb.

He gritted his teeth, raising his rifle to head hight ready to fire. "Everyone..." What else was there to do? "!"

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