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Hacked (MFW, Endurance/Survival)

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This may or maynot be a group mission, but it reflects on the current condition of the MF. Ever if the Board gets better, this will go on hopefully o.o Anyway... Yeah. On to the storyline.

In a random highly Tecnological univeres next to MFW's Universe...

"Sir, the other ship is ready and in position. Aiming digitalizing ray At target!", A Uniformed Chao-like creature Said to another uniformed Chao-like Creature. "Good, commence test of Digitalizing and Hacking rays!", The Second said. "...Right! Firing... Now! Hey.. SIR!", The first said. "What is it?!", The second asked. "Plothole directly infront of Target, and the beam can't be shut down!", The first replied. "Can the other ship stop th-", The second asked, but was interrupted. "No sir, you forgot to install the "STOP" buttons again.", The First interrupted. "...Tea?" "Sounds good, I'm in."

Back in the MFW...

The Random Inhabitants of the MFW looked up, seeing a not-so-often noticed and very-super-big Plothole. Most took no notice and continued on with their daily lives. For about 3.465826484 seconds, giver or take .000000007 seconds. It was then that the first beam hit. Only the people the were looking toward the skies saw any difference, that being a green grid appearing and dissapearing over them. But when the second beam hit, everyone noticed, some more than others. Mostly the ones still loking toward the skies, who saw the sky go black with "ERROR" blinking over and over.

Two days since then, and Buildings have been annihalated. All major buildings have been destroyed, some, never to be repaired. Smaller, weaker versions of these buildings now stand, stongholds against whatever is thrown at the inhabitants next. But hope is being lost fast, and nothing yet has been found as of a cure to this... virus.

"Anything yet?", Silver asked as he... asked if there was anything yet. "Not yet, we have some time to rest, Nothings going to attack so soon after the last attack.", A guard said. Silver nooded, and headed toward a building marked "0". This was the main stronghold for the moment, and quite a few people took residence there.


OOC Okay! You can probably figure out what happened to get MFW HACK'D!, so yeah. Anyway Profiles go like this:

Name: ( Duh)

Silver the Hedgehog

Age: ( also Duh)


Current Stronghold: (Where you are currently positioned, choose from "0", "RP", "CI", "SI", or "KV")

"0" (MF0)

Weapons/powers: ( Also Also Duh)

Twin Fireswords, Basic Firepowers come with the package.

Bio: ( Go back to the VERY ROOTS, like, where they came from before they came to MFW)

Created from DNA from Shadow and Sonic by Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnic, He came to MFC via Plothole. Has been living a normal life since then. He now is one of the guards of "0".

Weaknesses due to Hacking: ( Duh again)

There are occational periods where he will start to fade in and out of existance very quickly, causing great pain, greatly hindering him.

Strengths due to Hacking: ( Duh again again)

When he is not shifting in and out of existance, there are times where his atoms become very un-stable, and he can shapeshift to any living creature with equal or lesser density, once atoms start becoming stable, he will go back to normal.


There you Go, feel free to join! n_n

EDIT: almost forgot, the other strongholds are "SI" (south Island), "KV" (Knothole village), and "CI" (carnival Island)

Posts: 3468
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Name: SX the Kitsune/Chao (Just SX)
Stronghold: MF0
Weapons: Always carries dual .50 pistols, an assault rifle, and some sort of RPG.
Powers: Chaos powers.
Due to Hack: Invisibility and stealthy attributes.
Due to Hack: Can be lured into trapes easily andis very careless.
Bio: SX is an agless being Ultimate LifeForm created hundreds of years ago by a military conspiracy...Just look up my Carnival Island topic...
Important parts: Created by Earth military. Highly trained in warfare. Weakness...He's very weak to the cold. Usually quite cocky and social when not in combat. In combat he becomes quiet and professional.

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Name: Pach
Species: Echidna
Age: 16
Current Stronghold: None
Weapons/Powers: He carries a small wooden cane but isnt so well used in hand to hand combat/melee combat fights. Instead he a Magick user but an extremely inexperienced one. He has limited control of the wind and can shape a few attacks towards this element, but they arent very powerful.
Bio: Pach grew up in a small Echidna society separated from the rest of the MoFo world, where the society trained and practiced his magicks for the benefit of mankind and the future, in order to help people in times of need or crisis. Nowhere was this more necessary and apparent then now. The hacking incident threatened and devastated the society greatly unfortunately it had devastated and even killed several of the members, whilst scattering the rest even further. Pach has been wandering dazed and confused although his destiny is to aid others his relative inexperience and thrust into such a dangerous time has been overwhelming especially without the rest of his society. He has been growing and adapting slightly though, coming to terms with it and resolving to make a difference.

Pach stood still, looking at the carnage and chaos that was once a bustling environment. Now stood ruins of buildings that had fallen into rubble and destruction, and this put a sore taste in his mouth. He closed his eyes and felt outwards, feeling the wind, that was blowing wildly and uncontrollably. It almost seemed to be crying.

This thing has to be corrected. The cause understood, and resolved. Pach said aloud, and then turned around, walking towards an erected safe spot in this new world, a base called MFC 0. He slowly entered it and looked inside, a few refugees were inside. He sighed, as the weight of the situation began to dawn on him once more and the impact nailed home

Posts: 153
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OOC: Looks fun.

Name: Vesash
Species: Wolf furry
Age: seems about 20


Current Stronghold: RP, though he's not always there. He's a brave bugger.

Weapons/powers: retractable claws, sword. Powers include many energy-based attacks, such as hadouken.

Bio: Vesash Lived mostly away from civilization, until the hack occurred. After that, he started to seek something that would help reverse the negative effects. He is somewhat untrusting of strangers, but has recently gotten over it so it wouldn't hinder his search.

Weaknesses due to Hacking: At some times, he can become EXTREMELY unstable mentally, which usually requires him to be subdued by some people until it passes. His eyes change to a gold color when this happens.

Strengths due to Hacking: Vesash is occasonally flooded with energy, increasing his abilities like crazy. His eyes change to dark red when this happens.

Posts: 622
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Name: Roxy-Lu the Echidna
Alias: Regita


Current Stronghold: "CI"

Weapons/powers: Ice gun, Fire gun, Wind spears, Spirit of Earth, telepathic

Bio: Roxy-Lu was walking to school one day when she heard someone scream. She looked around but couldn't see anyone. It's not until she saw Shana-Ka, the most unpopular echidna in school running past her, talking about committing suicide. Roxy could still hear the screaming, but Shana-Ka wasn't opening her mouth. It took her two months of familiar events to realise she was telepathic.
But one of her rivals tried to kill her, resulting in Roxy-Lu having to have a robotic left arm and leg.
She is able to master the elements using a technique called Spririt Control with the Spirit of Earth.
She came to the MFW after following a few beings who entered a building marked "CI", and soon became a trusted ally and friend.

Weakness due to Hacking: Robotic limbs will sometimes short out, causing her to walk with a terrible limp and be vunerable to attacks

Strengths due to hacking: Sometimes she is able to channnel with the Spirit of Earth more powerfully than normal

Posts: 1269
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Name: Harley Quinn hyenaholic

Age: 20

Gender: Negociable

Species: Domestic Cat

Weapons: Lots of guns, and the Electrobar 3000. Thanks to the hack, the guns are out of ammo and the electrobar doesn't.

Improvised weapons: Big steel bar, rusty breadknife.

Weaknesses: Depleted mental stability from trauma. Rabid paranoia.


Harley was RPing when the disaster happened. Laughing as she recalled some of the fantasic smut she'd sneaked into the MoFo, she suddenly noticed that it was disappearing, block by block, page by page.

Some frantic clicking later, she discovered to her horror that it was happening all over the MoFo!!!

"IT'S A RAID!!!" she screamed, and ran out of the RP Zone to warn some people who also indulged heavily in RPing. Then she saw the green grid thing cross the sky and the ERROR message shine brightly.

"Oh gods damn hell!!!" she screamed, and tried to fire the semi-automatic gatling gun at the sky. There was a *click* as she realised that her normally limitless weapons were running on empty.

No RP. No MoFo. No safe buffer from the world outside Ezboard. She could already feel her sanity slipping away at the prospect.

"YOU WANNA GET NUTS?!" she screamed at the sky, "LET'S GET NUTS!!!"

Present day...

"We have to go out there and find the people who did this to our precious forums and gut them like fish!" Harley shouted at Silver.

"So that they can't do it again?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Posts: 3468
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SX looked up. "I agree Harley. Let's kill them all." SX loaded his M-16. "I'm up for a little hunting."

Posts: 153
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Vesash was wandering nearby when he heard something about hunting.

"Hunting? If it's for the ones that caused that," He said, gesturing to the large ERROR message in the sky "I'd like to help." He said.

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OOC; Harley, you DO know that we're IN the MF, right? And that the MF isn't on the inter net... well, wasn't but is now with you in it? >>And everyone that was there?

EDIT: Oh, right. I suppose that the MFW WOULD have an MF fourm online.>_> *read that wrong*

Posts: 104
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OOC: Alright, I'm in.

Name: Ryan AKA Cosmic Kid (More commonly known by the latter)
Age: 13
Stronghold: None. Is trying to make his way to the nearest one, though.
Weapons/powers: No weapons, but has super strength, the ability to shoot energy beams from his hands, can fly, but if he does it for more than for little over ten minutes, and is fast. Not super speed fast though, just fast.
Bio: Cosmic Kid worked with a partner, named Blaster Boy, who taught him everything he knows, to use his powers for good, not to abuse them, and not to kill. Cosmic watched as a young child died before his eyes, Brendan "Chaos" Peterson. Cosmic then activated Blasterboy's (who's super powers are super strebgth, and being REALLY smart) Dimension Portal, and, ran away from Planet Evergreen forever.
Weaknesses from hacking: The hacking has affected his mind, making him hallucinate, and often relive, painful memories from the past. This causes him to often get very emotional, and sometimes will affect his mind. He also gets horrible headaches when this happens.
Strengths from hacking: Due to it affecting his mind, it has also given him some weak telekenetic powers that are beyond his control. They just seem to happen.

IC: Cosmic walked through the horror. The chaos raced around him again. "Cosmic, help!", "You're a murderer!", and "What did you do to my parents?!". The memories came back to him over and over.And, all the while, results of the hacking were killing him. He was going to die. As he laid in the middle of the town, he saw someone in the corner.
"H-hello? Who are you?"
A young boy looked up. "C-cosmic Kid?! No way... I'm being saved by a hero? This sort of thing only happens in dreams..."
Cosmic approached the boy, but an all too familiar pain hurt his head.
"Don't worry, I'll- AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
"C-cosmic?! What's wrong?"
" head... it hurts..."

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"Sooo... Harley, your out to get the people that destroyed teh RPs online, but don't geve a damn about what's happened to the city?", Silver asked, half sarcastic and half puzzled. The responce, being"Damn right!", Almost made him go into a facefall hedplant with a 180 degree counter clockwise front flip. "R-riiiight. Just don't blame me when-", he was interrupted by a sudden pain, everywhere. He began to fade in look, and it seemed as if static was showing on him. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Posts: 153
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Vesash noticed Silver was in quite a bit of pain.

"That's not... normal..." he said, getting slightly closer to Silver, trying to figure out what was happening.

Posts: 2234
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Pach frowned at what was occuring to Silver, but he had to address the situation with Harley first about what she was aiming at doing and how she had managed to rally so many people.

"Harley," Pach stopped slightly, making sure if that was her name. He had only heard others say it as he had not met her before, but as she turned around to him, Pach nodded and began to continue. "Gutting them for what they've done is well... agreeable, I suppose, but how in the world do you think you'll be able to find them? We haven't managed to locate who done this ever since it actually happened. What makes you think you'll be able to find them, let alone 'gut' them with the power they've got? If they've managed to do this to this city what do you think they'll be able to do to you?"

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Harley looked at Silver, who was trying to regain solidity, and considered this, "Okay... so first we have to find them? Then we can gut them! I know a good place to start!"

"Where?" asked Pachamac.

"It's a board called 'The Great Ezboard Disaster Of 2005'," said Harley, "I found it when I was trawling sites for shouting at people in it. Many of its inhabitants think that this was an inside job - that the alien hackers had help from someone in the Great Council of Ezboard. It's the only explanation for how they were able to do so much damage so quickly! I say we start by gutting the squealer!"

"But what about the damage they could do to you?" asked Pachamac.

Harley, who had a mind like a tank missing both steering wheel and brakes at the best of times, wasn't really paying attention. She looked at Silver again, and tried to grab him. Her hands passed right through him, and she got a nasty static electricity shock, "Ow! Get a grip, Silver!" she shouted, "You're the GM, you have to lead us so that I can kill things!"

Posts: 153
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"Really... That's quite a name for a board." Vesash said. "I'm not sure it'll last too long after this incident is fixed, but that's besides the point." He continued.

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OOC: Harley, okay, now what you said needs editing. MFW is a place, not a board. GET IT RIGHT. x_@;
EDIT:in other words, think of it this was. Earth(MFW, But I'm using Earth as an example) Got turned into a big ball of digital data, and was HACK'D. Yes, I suppose and sites on Earth's (MFW's) Internet would be pretty damn messed up to, but Earth(MFW) is not on Ezboard, but thee is an Earth(MFW) board on Earth's(MFW's) Internet. I hope that clears things up.

Posts: 2438
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Okay, there's your link to the official Mobius Forum World roleplaying setting website(TM). I hope that will help sort out any questions by itself, though I'm not sure whether it's been updated with the latest info yet or not.

Hate to make this a big post, but I need to give you some background here. A few years ago when I first came to the Mobius Forum, myself and some others made the mistake of thinking that the MFW was merely an online extension of the real Mobius Forum board - that it was some kind of digital world, like in Digimon or .Hack or something like that. But what the Mobius Forum actually is, is a pocket dimension (TBlood would call it a "Demi-Plane," you D&D buffs will recognize why he'd use that term). This pocket dimension contains, as far as we've created it, a single planet, the Mobius Forum World, or MFW for short. It is connected to many other worlds via the Newbie Distribution Center, which is basically a huge room with a near-infinite number of doors leading to and from most of the other worlds in the Multiverse. This is why it is possible for the inhabitants of Sega City, a City on the surface of the MFW, to have people from such different backgrounds together in one place.

Now, just to point this out, Harley could be playing a character who is hallucinating and has some serious sanity issues, explaining her obsession with roleplaying to the point of assigning another character to be her "GM!" I'm not sure that's actually Harley's intention though, which is why I'm a little hesitant to peg that as what she's doing.

I'm trying to keep an eye on this, so let me know if this helps y'all out. PM or IM or e-mail me if you have any other questions.

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OOC: Yeah, I'll just pretend that what you said is what harley is doing.
Unless she IS accually doing that in wich case I'm not pretending.

Silver slowly got back to his feet, and quickly replied to what had been said with: "Harley, I think that you should lay off the Rps a bit if this ever gets resolved.", When this was returned with a puzzled look, he just sighed and got back to checking some maps. "Okay, so... The origonal plothole that seemed to start this thing. Sooo... odd. That's where the smallest amount of damage was. Harley, you go with me and we'll check there for anything. "

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Name: Joshua

Age: ???? (Looks to be 17.)

Gender: Male

Species: Indeterminate (looks human).

Weapons: None, though is a fairly competent fighter

- Inter-dimensional shifting (traveling to other universes and such).
- Power to heal others
- Hard to kill. (Linked to his healing powers)

Joshua is an odd person who seems to have the ability to shift (travel) to other universes. This gift seems to be natural to his race. What or who they are isnt quite none other then the fact they have a long life span and rarely ever encounter one another. Though in terms as to how old he is when compared to others of his kind Joshua is pretty young. Unfortunately for the traveler, as he is sometimes referred to, he appeared in MFW at the moment it was being hacked. This screwed up his shifting abilities and is now stranded until such time the issue is resolved.

Weaknesses due to Hacking:
- Use of his inter-dimensional shifting abilities is virtually non-existent.
- Healing powers are a little hit or miss from time to time.

Strengths due to Hacking:
- Is still hard to kill.


Maybe you should go with someone more mentally stable and less blood thirsty. A voice cut it causing the group to turned. All of them noticed a teen dressed all in black, t-shirt, jeans, boots and a leather overcoat and all. He looked like he stepped right out of the matrix movie. Though in actuality the last universe he had visited was one chalked full of Goths. Luckily for him during his time there he decided to forgo the spiked collar and black mascara. Which only limits his freakish look but only slightly.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

OoC: I always thought the MFW was:

Internet: World
Ezboard: Country
MoFo: City
Guild: District
Thread: Block
Page: Building
Post: Person

But okay, I'll go with insane. I already said that in the profile anyway.


"Who are you calling blood-thirsty?!" Harley asked Joshua, brandishing her knife.

Posts: 104
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The boy looked over at Cosmic Kid, who had collapsed on the ground clutching his head.
"W-what's wrong?"
"It's my head.. it hurts so much... I can't even remeber where to go..."
The boy looked puzzled, then kneeled down to the hero.
"I remember a lot more than I used to due to this... I probably know where to go"
Cosmic stood up and smiled at the boy. "Good... if anything happens, I'll protect you. You're the brains, I'm the brawn!"
"Okay! It'll be awesome working with you! We could be an awesome team! But-OW!"
The boy looked down, and saw a claw looking thing next to his leg, which was bleeding badly.
A mutant, caused from the hack, was attacking them, and the child ran behing a trash can.
"Don't worry kid, I got your back!"
Cosmic Kid ran around the monster, its deadly claws swiping at him. His palms started to glow and he threw a few laser blasts at it to confuse it, then gave a a fatally strong punch in the head. It collapsed to the ground, dead.
"Wow! That was AMAZING! I've never seen anything like that in my life!"
Cosmic smiled widely, obviously full of himself. "Yeah, I did do pretty good, didn't I?"
The young boy was very excited. "Yeah! I wish I could- WATCH OUT!"
"Huh?" Cosmic said as he turned around. But it was too late. The monster was still alive, and it struck Cosmic on the thigh with it's deadly talons.
"AGH!...You'll pay for that!" he screamed as he got very angry at it.
"Cosmic... look at what that pole is doing! It's-
"Not right now! I'm busy!"
He never got a chance to finish his sentence. The pole behind them had risen into the air. And lodged istelf in the monster's heart.
"What the..." Cosmic was obviously stunned beyond belief.
"That's what I was trying to tell you! I didn't know you could do that!"
"I.... I didn't know either.... C'mon... let's get to that fortress..."
"Hey... you don't know my name, do you? I'm Zack!"
"Alright Zack... I dount you can keep up with me, and we need medical attention fast... so hop on my back, okay?"
"Yes sir!" he said, beaming."Alright... a left turn, a right turn, then we go straight for a while!"
"Thanks kid... you rock..."
"Thanks!" he said.
They kept on talking for a while, as Carnival Island lay straight ahead.

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"Plothole sighted near Carnival Island base, and reports say that something huge is comeing out of it, we need any voulonteers to get there for backup, now!", A guard stationed at a radio yelled, and Silver quickly got out of the room, grabbbing his swords on the way. He entered the room with the radio. "Any details?" "It's huge, and looks like some kind of ship, but we can't be sure of anything at this point, you going down there?" Silver nodded, and continued down a hall, where a few other brave few joined him and ran out of the building.

Posts: 24
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So waving around a large hunting knife and wanting to disembowel people is the norm in this universe Joshua replied monotonously.

Posts: 1269
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"Nobody ever complained before," said Harley, following Silver. They looked out the door.

"Where'd the mutants come from?" she asked.

"RAAAARRGH! SUPPORT DIAL-UP!!!" bellowed something that was big and had a lot of teeth. It also had 'This post has been deleted and cannot be restored' written on hat was probably its front.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"She's a rogue and a dangerous one at that to us." Pach commented on, mostly towards Joshua who he knew would share his sentiments. Not only is she a danger to herself with her irrationality, but also to us and anyone else whose innocent in this world. Pach sighed, but looked down to the ground. However, shes no doubt determined a person like that would no doubt be a force to be reckoned with. I should imagine that once unleashed on our enemies, wherever they are, she would cause a lot of damage to them.

Pach nodded at his own words, but then looked up and began to follow Harley and subsequently Silver out of the base. I think Ill watch over her. Ill try and make sure she doesnt hurt anyone else and most importantly, herself. He tightened his grip on his staff and followed the others out of the room.

Posts: 24
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Joshua nodded in agreement. Indeed was all he needed to say as he watched Pach walk out of the room. He himself followed soon after and came right up along side the echidna. Im Joshua by the way. He held out a hand toward Pach. He figured if he was going to be apart of the group he may as well introduce himself

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Silver saw the "Suppport Dialup!" beast, and tried to think of what to do. It was thenthathe suddenly noticed something. "Alright, let's do this!", He said, using th beast as a ladder-type object, he jumped up and morphed into....

An anvil. Owch.

A couple of seconds later, he was bck to normal, not to say that he could'nt still shapeshift. "hey, guys. I'm going to scout Carn-Isle. I trust you'll be there in a bit.", he said, than changed into a small cheetah, and began running off toward CA.

About ten minutes in, (By this time he was back to normal.) He spotted cosmic and his friend. "hey, Cos! There are reports of a Giant plothole and ship-like object near Carn, Care to help cout it out?", He asked.

OOC: x.X Been gone for awhile, sory...
