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Heroes and Villains (parralel world, group mission RP)

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Posts: 2232
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Crimson folded his arms, looking into the sewers. They seemed exceedingly enclosed, just the thought of being in there, the walls all around, no visible way out, trapped...

...He shuddered, and regained his composure, forget his fears, down there was power they needed. SilverShadow had said that they couldn't always rely on him to help, and if that fox's power wasn't around, Crimson was unsure of the effeciveness they would have against this "Sabbath" creature.

"I think If that's the way to go to get the emeralds. We do it."

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"Do you think there will be Chaos energy there simply because that's where the ruins of Chaos' attack was?" Alex said, placing an index finger to his chin as he stopped to contemplate. "Or another Chaos Emerald?"

Or... you dont mean Alex took a step back in shock and surprise at the thought that just overtook him. He wasnt sure of the others knowledge of the Chaos epidemic apart from maybe Grail, and so didnt expect them to have the same reaction he did at the thought. He knew quite a bit from his friend Big, and one key aspect of his description was of that; water. You dont think his emotions could still be there in some of that water, and thats why Sabbaths after it? To try and resurrect or call him?

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

"I havent a clue what Sabbath thiks he's looking for, but we've already seen the results of the faction's experiments, controll over light and stuff. Whatever he wants down here, we're going to have to stop him."

"Just so you know, I can't help you," SilverShadow replied, "Not unless they start throwing around paranormal powers like last time, when they break the rules I'll step in but untill then you're on your own."

"Sabbath's just a mortal rat anyway," Grail shrugged, "We should be able to take him out.." 'Then why didn't you take him out last time, or the time before that. Or at any point in the last fifteen years since you first met him?" Grail wondered to himself, trying not to show how insecure he was beneath the smiling exterior.

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Nightsahde looked at the pumping station.
"Are we going to have to swim at all?"

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Hey guys. I suppose I owe you all a bit of an explanation as to why I didn't post in a while. It's cos my 'net access is severely limited at the moment, meaning I get occasional access at home and also some access at the local Library. I don't know how long this will remain the case, but till then I'm gonna be a little less active. Fortunately, for the time being I have a solution...

For now I'll be watching from the sidelines as it were. stated the silver kitsune. If I see that I'm needed, I'l step in. But for now... well, I'm pretty much... invisible... as these words left his mouth, SilverShadow faded from sight. He'd rendered himself invisible to the naked eye so he could follow without hindering the others.

Yeah, I know. It's short.


Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Alex looked to the disapearing SilverShadow and mentally sighed. He was an extremely powerful figure, that much was obvious, and he had done a lot for their group, especially on their last mission. He would have been a great help here too, but, Alex realised, they shouldn't have to expect to rely on him all the time, and they should make do with their own powers and abilities instead of having to trust another.

He had also heard Nightshade's question and wondered about that too, nodding.

"Are we?" he asked Grail as well, before walking into the direction of wha looked like an entrance. "And should we get going?"

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: I have something I have to do here with Reni for a little bit so...we'll just say they left her at the hospital to recover...K?

IC: Serenity clambered out of the bed to follow the group as they left her hospital room, only to be stopped by a nurse.

"Oh no you don't, need to stay here for now. No more crazy adventures for you. You're just a child, and you were almost killed! No. You're staying here until I can contact your parents."

"Um...." Serenity started, but then thought better of it, she didn't want to be sent to an orphanage, after all. Instead she just reluctantly returned to her bed. "Kay." She said, curling up in the bed. She was still a little fuzzy from all the medicine and pain-killers she had been given...Maybe it would just be better to get some sleep. She hadn't slept in an actual bed in a while anyway...this might be nice...


The nurse was downstairs doing research as she tried to find a way to contact the young hedgehog's parents. She gasped as she ran across the two separate news articles. "Oh my...the poor dear...No wonder she was wandering around without parental supervision!" She exclaimed softly to herself before making a phone call...


OOC: Uh-oh....:p No interference though...she has to go through this....

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: You just like putting your char's in the middle of problems don't you.

Angelo nodded his head,
"yes, if we have to swim that might be a tad problomatic, he gestured at his wings,
"They kind of...don't work in water."

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Heh. Yes. :p

P.S.: I hope that hacker pays...T_T

Aaaaaanyway...I can post again, and that's what really counts I guess...I hope they are able to restore the old posts...


The nurse re-entered Reni's room, carrying a syringe of painkiller medicine, followed a short time later by several officials. The officials had indicated that she should slip a sedative in with the pain killers as well. At first the nurse had hesitated at that, but the officials told her the child might otherwise balk at telling them what they needed to know. When the nurse entered, Reni gazed fearfully at the syringe.

"It's alright, sweetie. It's just painkillers for your wound." She hated lying to the child, WAS for her own good...

Reni nodded and gulped, looking away as the nurse injected her with the contents of the syringe. Soon she began feeling more fuzzy than ever, not even noticing that the other mobians that entered wore uniforms. She figured the fuzzyness was just a side affect of the medicine.

After several minutes, the nurse sat on the bed beside her. The purple hedgehog princess blinked at her as she spoke. "Sweetie...can I ask you a couple questions?"

"Uh...I guess so..."

"Where are your parents?" The nurse winced. She thought she'd jumped a little to quickly to the main question. She looked at the uniformed mobians for help. They merely nodded.

"P...parents?" Reni squeeked. She had not been expecting that. However, her mind was not as sharp as it might have been without the sedative and painkillers. She looked down. "G...gone..." She brushed the tear away.

"Gone?" The nurse prodded gently."

Reni gulped and sniffed. "Momma died several years ago...And Daddy...Daddy..." She started crying more freely. "Daddy was killed..." She said so quietly the nurse had trouble hearing it.

"I...I'm sorry to hear that...Do - Do you have anyone else to care for you?"


Oh poor thing... "Then have you been cared for?"

"I take car'ra myself."

The nurse stared at her for a while. Reni turned away from her and stared at the wall beside her bed, sniffing softly. After several minutes of silence, she said, "...Look...I'm kinda tired...could you please leave me alone?"

"O-of coarse, sweetheart..." The nurse herded the officials out, feeling slightly guilty for what she had been a party to.

"You've done well." whispered one of the officials. "Now we wait untill she's asleep and then we can take her off of your hands."

"But...I don't understand. Why'd you have me sedate her"

"Look, lady, we've been after this one for months. She has a reputation for evading the police."

The nurse gasped. "Has she done something wrong?"

"No, no, no..." The official said calmingly. "But she doesn't belong on the street. She has a thing against orphanages, apparently, but she needs to be cared for, and that's the best place for that to happen, since both of her parents are now dead. I'm truly sorry for having to do it this way, but there IS no other way."

Inside the room, Reni, her mind still fuzzy and the grief renewed by the breif interrogation, cried herself to sleep...


OOC: interuption...

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