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Legend of Dragoon RP

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OOC: Since I come to the library just about every day, I see no reason why I can't start an rp of my own. Anyway, this RP is loosely based on the game, Legend of Dragoon on the Playstation. Knowledge of this game will greatly help you figuring out the backstory of everything. If you've never played it, I'm sure wikipedia has a decent description of the games events or you can look here for the game's
Spoiler warnings obviously, before reading that anyway.

Now, onto the rp intro, this takes place in a futuristic form of the LoD world, all of the old cities are still intact (The ones that were still intact after the events in the game), so all the technology that exists in our world now exists in this one too. Now, for the limitations on Dragoons:

1. No cross-elemental Dragoons(I.E. Fire+Dark, etc.). It's just too powerful (They're pretty damn strong enough as it is...)
2. Your character does NOT have to be a dragoon. Although this rp is mostly about Dragoons, it is not a requirement.
3. In this world, species other than humans do exist (Gigantos, Winglies, etc.). So be free to choose from different races. But be sure to explain where they came from.
4. Divine Dragoon is a NO-NO! UH UH! TOO STRONG!
5. Be creative with Dragoon types. Just don't copy what others come up with. It's not a requirement, but I'd appreciate it if you pm'd me about unique Dragoon types. However, if I deem yours too strong or obviously copying anothers, I prolly will tell you no.
6. It's not required for your character to have their Dragoon powers instantly. They can aquire them over a period of time if you prefer.
7. I understand that while Dragoons are very powerful in their own right, I don't want overgodmodding here.
8. If you have a question, just pm me.
9. I'll wait for others to show their Dragoons or other characters before we go IC here (So that I can deem if they are appropriate for this rp or not)

Hope we can have an enjoyable rp here!

Edit: Okay, I'm going to try and start this and see if there's any activity.

Name: Aaron Jameson.
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 155lbs
Species: Human
Dragoon Spirit: Red-eyed Dragoon

IC: "F?! You've gotta be kidding me! Now I know this summer is really gonna suck."
A young teen wearing a bright red t-shirt and jeans walked across the street of his school, on the very last day of it. He knew that this was not going to please his parents at all and there would be no fun, no hanging out with friends.

Then, as he sulked home, fearing his enevitable fate, he found a mysterious shiny stone.

"What's this thing?" asked the boy as he picked up the stone.

"Well, I suppose I could sell this thing and make some cash out of it."

Then, several police officers ran right by the boy.

"Kid! Get the hell out of here if you want to live!" The officers left like there was no tommorrow.

I have a name. It's Aaron.

Aaron looked around and saw the sky go from an optimistic blue to a not-so-promising black.

"What the? What is that?" Aaron asked aloud.

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Name:Not Known, goes by Peaches
Hair:Dark brown, wavy, down to shoulders.
Clothing:Black Short-sleeved shirt and Jeans. Wears worn, black trench coat over it.
Weapon:Long Katana, roughly 4' long
Dragoon Element:Not Known

As Peaches sat on the edge of the cliff, he tried to think of what he knew of what was going on in the world today. "NOTHING!!" he screamed into the vast reaches of wilderness below. He had been in the wilderness for the past couple years and the only contact with the modern world was when he went to get supplies he couldn't acquire in the wild. "Alright... Guess it's time to start again." he stood up and headed back down the incline. When he did get supplies it was only in smaller towns, but that was for a reason. By now everyone had probably forgotten him. He was gone long enough to be declared dead. He picked up his bag that he had left near the bottom. "Only thing left to do now is decide where to go." He reached inside the bag for his map, then stopped. "I'll figure that out when I get there." Peaches turned toward the west and started walking.
A few steps forward he stopped. He turned around toward the east and pointed, "That way." With a new beginning why not start in the direction of the rising sun.

OOC:Yes, I edited again. I was gonna go with Darkness but, I figured that gender would stay the same through generations. AND I AM NOT A matter how sexy I am.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

OOC: I'm still the topic creator, under a different account, so PM this one if you have any questions
And I'm surprised that someone responded to this, I swore it was dead.

IC: The city of Seles was apparently under attack by some unknown force. Aaron had no clue what it was, but hell if he was going to stay and find out!

I'm too young to die! I'm too young to die!

Faster and faster the young boy ran, until he met the outer edges of the city, apparently safe from harm.

"Whew. I think I got away from them, whatever they were."

"Quite comfortable there, aren't you nemo?"

Aaron looked around to see the one talking to him. He looked like a human, but with wings. Weird. He had never seen such a sight. In fact, it looked oddly enough like the winglies that were talked about in history!

"Y-you're a-"

"A wingly," he interuppted. "They're supposed to be extinct, but we've been in isolation, waiting for a day to strike. And why not start with this town here? I guess I'll start with you while my friends take care of your puny town."

The wingly started things off by generating concentrated energy in his palm and launching it in the form of an ice spear at Aaron. Aaron quickly jumped out of the way, but couldn't escape getting scraped by it.

"Fast I see. Well, I'm faster. Watch." The wingly pulled out a sword and aimed to stab Aaron, badly injuring his arm in the process. Not that Aaron had a weapon to fight back with.

So this is how it ends? Talk about pathetic.

The wingly began to launch a powerful blast of energy from his palm at the human. Was Aaron toast?

OOC: Good interaction oppurtunity here peaches. =D
Also, another rule.
You may have an additional character provided the one you're using becomes deceased, decapitated, or unable to participate in the rp. The reason for this is like

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IC:He had walked a couple of miles before he saw a glimpse of civilization. "Oh, it's about time." He reached into his bag and pulled out a pair of small binoculars.

He peered through the underbrush trying to find a sign, or something that would give a hint as to where he was. It was hard to see because the branches here were thick. He then noticed that the sky had darkened. He removed the binoculars from his eyes and looked up through the trees. "Damn it, it's gonna rain." He looked back through the binoculars and yelled out in excitement, "Ah, Seles! Huh, now that I think about it, I didn't know I'd gone this far."

He put the binoculars back in his bag and began to work his way through the branches. They constantly got in the way and he had to force his way out. With enough effort he eventually made it out. He began to brush his pants off, "Ah, now to find the nearest... Dear sweet Soa." As he looked up he saw what was happening to the city.

Winglies had invaded Seles and were now causing havoc all through out the city. "Ah shhhhhhhhhhit!"
He began to run down the slope to the city. He had to do what he could, no matter what the consequences. As he thought this his foot slipped and he proceeded to tumble down the incline. "Ow! F@#$! Oh, god! Ow! Ah! Ow! OW! AAAH!" As he hit the bottom he let out a long agonizing groan. He stood up and quickly began to rush toward the city.

When he entered the city limits he saw what the Winglies had done in just a short time. The city had been completely overrun. The whole area was covered in flames. A large crowd of screaming citizens ran past him. As they quickly escaped the city he saw what they were running from. It was a young Wingly, he let out a long cackling laugh, "You humans, your all alike. You talk big, but when push comes to shove, you run like the vermin you are!" He launched a volley of small fire balls at their feet, just to watch them scream.

Peaches ran to the nearest dumpster and pulled out his katana, the black sheath gleaming in the light of the flames. He dropped his bag into the dumpster and ran out into the street. "Hey, Fairy Godmother, why don't you stop picking on the small fries and lets go!." The Wingly turned to face him, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" He pulled out a sword and charged at Peaches. "Take this, scum!",as the Wingly thrust the blade at him, Peaches used the sheathed weapon in his left hand to deflect the sword away from his body. This left the Wingly open long enough for Peaches to deliver a punishing right uppercut to the Wingly's gut. He followed this up by grabbing him and throwing him into the nearest wall. This was enough to knock the Wingly into unconsciousness. As he turned away he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He looked down and saw that his upper left leg had been cut. It wasn't deep but there was a chance that the blade might have been enchanted. "Mmm, I'm a little rusty."

Peaches ran deeper into the city and caught sight of an older Wingly assaulting some boy. He had just stabbed at the boy and was charging a large amount of energy in his hand. He charged as fast as he could and tackled the Wingly from the side, pushing him away just as he fired a large ice spear, "BACK OFF, FAIRY!!" The ice spear flew past the boy and struck into a building behind him.

Peaches turn looked over at the boy, but was careful not to turn his back on the Wingly, "You alright, kid?"
OOC:I hope this works for now.

Posts: 1986
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OOC: It is fine.

IC: The ice spears just narrowly avoided slicing Aaron into peices as he quickly got up and looked at the person who saved his life.

"I dunno who you are, but thanks a million!"

Aaron wouldn't mind fighting, if he had a weapon that is. The only object in his possesion was a small stone. What to do, what to do?!

"Uh, you got a weapon of some kind? Before the rest of these things tear us apart?"

Over their heads, even more Winglies were causing despiar and destruction, only to notice the two of them.

What would happen next?

Posts: 489
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OOC:You said that the technology of today exist in this RP, so I hope this works. If you need me to edit just say so.

IC: "Uh, you got a weapon of some kind? Before the rest of these things tear us apart?" Peaches looked down at his belt and saw the holster on the left side of his waist. It was his custom handgun. It was turned so that he could draw it with his right hand. He could give the kid his gun, but then again no one used his gun but him. Then he remembered something. He reached through his coat near the back of his waist and pulled out a rather large single edge dagger. The handle was carved with the words "Death Fears Me."
"Here kid, take this." He handed the kid the dagger and helped him up. Peaches removed his coat and revealed the back of his black shirt which featured an evil-looking skull with the word "DEATH" carved into its forehead. He removed the sheath from his blade and tossed both it and and his coat aside. He then proceeded to reach into his left pocket and pull out a pair of fingerless gloves. They had a rectangular hole in the center of the back, and they had to be buckled on to the wrist like a watch with what resembled a simple belt buckle. Peaches took care to secure each one well. The knuckles of the gloves had rounded studs on them that were made to fit over the knuckles of the hand. After donning his gloves, he rotated his gun so that he could draw it with his left hand.
"Remember kid, be aware of your surroundings and whatever you do, don't get in my way." Peaches placed his left foot out in front of him and moved his left hand to the bottom of his sword handle. He gripped the top of the handle tighter with his right hand as a large group of Winglies began to land in front of them. "You Fairies are so dead."
"What did you call us?" One of the Winglies asked as they touched down. Peaches gave them an evil smirk, "Does it really matter, because all of you are about to DIE!" Just as the last word left his lips Peaches charged at the group and slashed at the one in front. The Wingly blocked this attack with a sword of his own, but Peaches pushed hard with his katana, knocking the Wingly back. This gave him just enough of an opening to slice his opponent across the chest. He quickly attacked the next one to his right by smacking him with the butt of his hilt and following it up with a downward cut through that one's abdomen. He spun around with just enough time to parry an oncoming thrust from a rapier. He countered this attack with a jab to the chin with his right elbow and then swung his blade up and brought it back down to rest the tip on the ground in front of him. He heard the thud, the blood curdling scream as it left the Wingly's mouth, and out of the corner of his eye he could see the handle of the rapier as it left the fingers of the severed arm.
They would face his brutal side. A side that only came out when someone deserved it. Attacking an innocent town like this. They would pay. And his sword would be the collector. He looked up to the rest of the group as they back away in fear of his power, "Alright..., who's next?"
OOC:I'll detail on the gun later on. If this is a too brutal I can edit...again.

Posts: 1986
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IC: Aaron took the dagger that was thrown his way in stride, and stood before three more Winglies, all eying him.

"What is it you want? We didn't do anything to you! Why?"

"Why? We'll it won't hurt to tell a dead person" one Wingly sneered. "We need blood. Lots of it. And quickly for our goals. You two! Take the blood here and all the corpses to Mayfil Post Haste!"

Mayfil... Mayfil... why did that name ring a bell?

"Now, you get to die by my hand. Your silly little dagger won't have the cutting power to win against me!" the unnamed creature yelled as he pulled out what appeared to be a sword literally made of fire and aimed it towards Aaron. In turn, he attempted to stab his foe with his new dagger, but what kind of conclusion would occur?

OOC: Yeah, I'm sure you can figure out what happens next, D-Transformation time! ^_^
I'll wait for you in the meantime then.

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OOC:I'm not going to post, but I just wanted to let you know that the dagger has powers of its own that are triggered by certain things(hint,hint). I'll post the next time I get a chance.

Posts: 1986
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OOC: Alright. You can reveal those as the time goes on (I don't know what they are, so that's up to you obviously...), and since we have a lack of characters... I'm reconsidering the one char per user rule I set forth... anyway, I'll be waiting.

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IC:Peaches looked over to the kid he just saved, a Wingly was saying something to him, but he couldn't tell what he was saying. The dagger he gave him was one of the first weapon he had acquired when he first got his Dragoon spirit. It somehow reacted to the powers and was able to change its shape in accordance to the power. He hoped the kid would be alright, but right now he had to defend himself from the Wingly coming at him full speed with a large spear. He kicked the spear up and spun around to deliver a devastating round house kick. His heel plowed into the Wingly's face. He then slashed his katana through the Wingly as he fell through the air. The group of Wingly had dwindled down, it appeared some of them had run away. "It seems you fairies weren't prepared to fight a warrior of my caliber. Your friends have run away."

OOC:Sorry its short, kinda out of ideas at the moment.

Posts: 1986
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OOC: I rarely do uber long posts anyway. Maybe I'm just bad at rping, but that's just me. 😛

IC: Aaron was quickly hit by the shearing sabre of fire, just as he stabbed the Wingly. He was successful in drawing blood, but not enough for a fatal blow. Unfortunately, blood exploded from his shoulder as he screamed in agonizing pain and kneeled over in despair.

"Hmph. Your friend is powerful however, I'll have to be wary of a REAL opponent. Come back when you become stronger. Now, as for you..." he began, until a glowing light from his victim caused him to quickly turn around. "What the... no way..."

Aaron had no clue what the hell had happened, but after having his body be ripped apart and have some kind of spirit mingle with it, he felt stronger, A LOT stronger. And he had some wicked cool armor and wings to boot. And the dagger was a sword of fire also, amazing! And not just any fire, but a blazing inferno it was! He may not have known any special abilities in his new form, a Dragoon. But he sure felt like fighting. He took off, at least twice as fast as he previously was. He was still bleeding, but he didn't seem to feel it. Now it was time for payback, for hurting him and his home.

"Now, fairy. Shall we?"

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OOC:Sorry for the delay, I was waiting to get a broadband connection. Now I don't have to wait forever for the page to load.

IC:Peaches parried an oncoming attack from a large Wingly and was about to retaliate when he was blinded by a bright burst of light. He held up his free hand to shield his eyes. As the light receded he saw what the source was. It was the light of a dragoon spirit. The kid he had just saved was a dragoon! But not just any dragoon. This kid was the fire dragoon, one of the original seven!
Peaches mouth curved into a smirk, "Well now, that's something you don't see everyday." He looked up as another group of Winglies floated down. They stared in awe at the kid, engulfed in the blazing armor of the dragoon spirit. He quickly finished off the Wingly he was fighting with a stab in the gut and sprinted forward toward the unsuspecting fairies.
He leaped through the air and brought the tip of his katana into the back of the helpless Wingly. He then swept his foot around to the right of him and tripped the one next to him. The others to the left charged shot a volley of orange lighting at him. Peaches just managed to duck sideways to dodge the blasts. He then, with god-like reflexes, drew the gun from its holster and fired off four shots, taking out the two Winglies. He blew the smoke coming from the barrel of his large silver revolver away, and stab his blade deep into the shoulder of the Wingly lying on the ground next to him.
He knelt down and jabbed the barrel of the gun to the Wingly's chin, "Alright, you have about forty-five seconds, before I go and kill some more of your buddies. Now tell me why you attacked a defenseless and I might CONSIDER letting you live." The Wingly gave him a dirty look, "Go to Hell." Peaches stood back up, "Wrong answer." He switched the gun over to his right hand and pulled the trigger.

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IC: Aaron still hadn't had a clue what had happened, despite the fact he had awesome armor and although his wounds still remain underneath his armor, but he did not feel the pain of them. He did not know of this new power, but he liked it nonetheless. He saw a few of the fairies running off, but he could not chase after them, because his armor quickly disappeared as soon as it had appeared on himself. He could now feel the real damage he had taken in that fight, he wasn't meant for this. But he had to get some answers, he just hoped the person next to him knew medical treatments...

He really hoped he did, as he uttered one simple phrase to Peaches just before he collapsed "What the hell just happened?"

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After the last of the Winglies had run off the city seem to quiet down. Peaches holstered his revolver and hoisted the kid onto his shoulder. Apparently he didn't know much of his Dragoon powers. Though he could teach the kid a thing or two, it was probably best to leave him somewhere safe and move on. Peaches retrieved his coat and placed his katana safely within it's sheath. He lay the kid on the ground while he donned his coat and put away his gloves.

The sky began to clear a bit and the sun poked through the clouds. Peaches drew his gun, "Seems to be over," He removed the five empty shells of the shots he'd fired and completely loaded the chamber, "But better safe than sorry." He was careful not to remove the bullet that wasn't used. He loved his gun as if it was a brother. He had customized and tended to every single inch of it. The handle was more like that of a .5o caliber and the chamber was made to hold .357 rounds. The sight system was completely original, designed by him. He had altered the firing mechanism so that he only needed to pull the hammer back after reloading. The barrel was also like that of a .50 caliber, except that the grooves on the inside of the gun allowed the bullet to fire out at a higher rate of speed with more power at the slight sacrifice of accuracy. Which wouldn't matter at close range, but made it almost impossible to make a long range shot. It was a fairly large gun and was heavier than most, though no one argues when they're on the receiving end. After once again holstering his gun, making sure it was secure on his left waist and that it was placed reversed, he lifted the kid back up and proceeded onward.

He eventually found a doctor's office where he placed the kid at the door. Most of the fires seemed to have been put out and some people were coming out of the rubble. He looked back at the kid and noticed the dagger still grasped in his hand. Peaches was about to reach for it, but he stopped. That dagger had been given to him by someone else, it was only fitting he passed it on to someone. Maybe the kid could make some use out of it like he did, before he found a more suitable weapon... Well, weapons. Yet still he felt as if he could do more for the kid. "Hey," Peaches began to talk to the kid's limp body, "I know you can hear me. I'm thinking about sticking around for a little while. If you have any questions, you might want to try and find me. I just hope your pub isn't completely destroyed, because I'm in dire need of a drink."

Peaches walked away confident the kid would make a full recovery.

OOC:Hope this works for now. Couldn't really think of much else, so I just droned on about the gun.

Posts: 1986
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Fortunately, the pub was spared. The Winglies themselves like a drink or two, and did not like the idea of destroying such an oppurtunity. Aaron woke up, with his Dragoon Spirit in hand. His wounds still hurt, but were bearable as he could still stand up for now. Although he was underage, he followed Peaches into the bar, where a small portion of the citizens had fled to, and much to his surprise, a Wingly.

Aaron was shocked, didn't they drive them off? He had to say something, but knew he was in no condition to fight after the beating he took prior. "W-what the hell are you doing here?! What is you guys want?"

The wingly did not respond immeaditely. Instead, it got up, and smiled. "Kid, I'm not your enemy. And tell that to your friend who looks like he wants to maul me. Besides, I couldn't beat him if I tried, my magic isn't offensive, silly. And I'm not a guy," The wingly whose appearance was indeed different from the others. She smiled at the two of them and contiuned. "I guess you idiots weren't aware that there are multiple Wingly factions, were you? Not all of them want world domination you know... oh well. Looks like my welcome has run its course. I'll be seeing you two."

She smiled as she left the pub. She was indeed beautiful, and Aaron wondered if his new comrade was the lustful type, he wasn't sure, but he assumed he was going to find out one way or the other. She wore an elegant silver gown with white gloves, which went along well with her silvery eyes. Aaron appreciated her appearance, but did not fall madly in love, something he expected of Peaches...

OOC: Hope you don't mind, introducing a new char, since its just us two for now. If we get a third person in on this, that person can take her if they want. And as you can guess, there are good winglies, and bad. Now which is which? <_<
Also, I still don't have a home internet connection, I'm borrowing library computers, so my responses will be slow. But let's continue anyway, and please, get some people in on this, I'm having a blast already! >_>

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OOC:I kinda guessed about the good and bad factions of Winglies, taking the ending of Legend of Dragoon into account. I tied that concept into my character's back story.

IC:Peaches motioned for the kid to have a seat next to him at the bar, "Watch out the type of woman you take a fancy to, kid. You never know what you might get into. Hey barkeep, can I get a scotch over here?" The kid placed himself onto the rather uncomfortable barstool as the bartender brought Peaches his drink. The bartender gave the kid an evil eye but said nothing, taking notice that Peaches was armed, his katana hanging onto his holster by the strap on it's sheath.

Peaches let out a sigh as he slammed the glass down on the bar, having emptied it of the liquor it held within in one gulp. He turned to the kid, "So... You got a name?" The kid didn't really seem uncomfortable in the dark room of the pub, "My name's Aaron." Peaches hardly seemed to pay attention as he motioned to the bartender to refill his glass, "So, uh, Aaron, what's on your mind?"

OOC:Don't really know where to go from there.

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"Well, for one, I was thinking we should follow her. Besides, those winglies, we don't know what they're up to. Don't you think it would be wise to gain some information about them, and to see if what she said was true? I mean, the 'bad' factions could try another attack somewhere else. We don't know their altier motives, if any, so I think we need to act fast and quickly," Aaron responded, looking directly into Peaches eyes.

Aaron continued his speach. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" he asked, as he was headed out the pub door. "I think I heard her mumble something about a place near the sea southwest of here."

Aaron knew he would need Peaches help. After all, he hadn't fully recovered from that blow, he could stand, but not fight, not in his condition.

OOC: I already have our future direction planned out, but if you have ideas, I'd be glad to hear them. After all, an rp is a group activity, and all members need to be considered beforehand.

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"Whoa, whoa, slow down. You definitely don't need to go and start any problems with the Wingly factions. I know, it got me in deeper than I wanted to go. Besides, how old are you? You don't need to go running off. Your parents are probably hunting for you right now.", Peaches didn't move from his seat at the bar, gulping down his refilled drink after finishing his sentence, "Ah, that's good."

After he paid for the drink he stood up and took his katana off of his holster and headed out the door, grabbing Aaron by the shoulder in the process, "Come on, what are your parents gonna think when they find you in here. I am not gonna deal with any of that."

Posts: 1986
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Aaron only shrugged. "Well, I never believed the old legends of Dragoons that were forced down my throught in history class, yet I'm one of them... what I did matched the exact description. Besides, you saw the carnage that took place here didn't you? I've already accepted the fact that they are probably... you know..." he sighed, as he held his face low to the ground. THe thought pained him, but he couldn't stand around and let stuff go on without him doing something. But his new partner had a point, he couldn't go in, guns ablazing.

Aaron looked at the weapon Peaches gave him and asked, "Can I keep this?" He anxiously awaited his answer.

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OOC:What? Partners? I don't mean to be rude, but don't try to jump the gun. I don't really have much here but, I hope it works for now.

IC: "Sure, I have no use for it anymore. Just remember that this dagger is only a temporary weapon until you find a weapon that truly suits you." Peaches motioned for Aaron to follow him, "Now let's try to find your parents. You should never give up on something just because of a... uh, little scuffle. Trust me, I've seen worse."

Posts: 1986
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OOC: Sorry, I felt that suggesting that would be within my character's personality. I aplogize if I made you mad.

IC: "Alright then. Let's go," he said, as he followed Peaches into the seemingly deserted and desolate city of Seles. It was horribly in ruins, though a few building still stood, including a statue of a couple strange individuals, Dart and Shana Feld. He had no clue what they had done to get a statue of themselves, but he didn't bother with the thought right now, more important things to worry about. Good thing the fire department was still on top of things here. Aaron pointed out the location of his house, and found it was in still good condition, but found it empty.

"I don't see anysign of them. If they're not dead, maybe they ran off?" he asked him.

OOC: I might edit this post to include the adventures of the Wingly, and sorry about that. I didn't mean to alarm you.

Posts: 489
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OOC:I didn't get mad, it just took me off guard. Will edit tomorrow.

IC:Peaches looked over to Aaron, "Alright then lets go find them.", He motioned for Aaron to follow, "Any idea where they might be?"

OOC:Sorry, don't know where to go from there.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

OOC: Sorry for not being here for a while, been away.
IC: Aaron looked around the main living space of his house. He was going to head back here today, that is, until the hellish event had occured...
Aaron shrugged and turned to Peaches. "I dunno." He sighed and continued to inspect the house, and noticed a beautiful piece of jewerly that belonged to his mother. He had no idea if she was alive or not, but for luck, he decided he would take the item despite the fact that he was a guy. It did not matter to him if his mother was dead. The jewelry was collected in... Bale. Supposedly, a long time ago, an ancient King of Bale, what was his name? Albert maybe? Anyway, he changed it into a Parliamentary Democracy, with the King as just a figurehead. Not that it mattered, but he faced Peaches and smiled. "We head to Bale. If that's okay with you of course."

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"BALE!? Are you kidding? Do you know how far that is? Besides, what make you want to go there anyway?"

OOC:Not sure what else I could post. Sorry for the delay though. At loss for ideas here.

Posts: 1986
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OOC: SOrry for the delay myself. Have been doing things. And having writer's block too. >_<<br />
IC: Aaron looked back Peaches and responded. "Well, where do you think we should go? I'm willing to head over there by myself if the situation requires it. Where were you going to head to anyway, if I may ask? I mean, those Winglies are up to something, yet we havea Wingly that does not ally with them, so there must some answers somewhere, so I say there are in Bale."

Posts: 489
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OOC: Crap, I totally forgot about this!

He gave Aaron a look that showed a bit of his checkered past. "I wasn't going anywhere right now. AND I REALLY don't want to get involved. But, I can't just leave you here in this mess. So....." Peaches waved his arms unenthusiastically. "To Bale we go. If you have a problem with walking, say something now. 'Cause I have no other means of transportation."

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

"No," he said. "Walking is fine. I didn't really expect anything less." He said casually as he started their expidition into the wild. He never really had left town before. It was a couple of hours later though, that Aaron was getting tired after walking 6-8 miles. "Must... go... on..." He struggled to speak as he dragged himself through the road that led up to Bale, and luckily, found a convientely placed log around the route, and took advantage of that oppurtunity to sit down, or collapse rather, depending on how you view it. "Man... so... exhausting," Aaron uttered as his body slinked onto the log, his legs glad they could finally sit and rest.

(No problemo. I'm not exactly staring this topic down 24/7 either XD )

Posts: 489
Honorable Member

Peaches adjusted the bag on his shoulder. "Come on. We're burning daylight. We haven't got time for rest. If you don't hurry up, we might not find a safe place to rest. The daytime creatures around here are bad enough." As if by some strange coincidence, something rushed by in the bushes. "You gotta be kidding me." Peaches whipped out his handgun and pointed it at the bushes. "On your guard, kid. We got company." There was an empty silence as he waited to see what would emerge from the underbrush...

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Aaron looked on, still exhausted from this walking. He hadn't had a super powered physiche like others did, so he didn't have nearly as much stamina. He took several deep breathes as he waited and watched for what would emerge from the bushes that lay in front of them. He had no clue what it was... he could only wait and see what they were...

(I assume you'll control whatever it was in the bushes)
