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Lonely Journey

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Please do not aggrivate the situation further by flamebaiting OOC. Keep the discussion to the thread in EVC. I asked you in chat, now I'm telling you.

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Lucas nodded. "My hands going to be fine, besides I've had worse pain." wether he meant psyical or mental pain would be up to them to deciper but the fox looked at the male fox, James he thought was his name. Was that right?
"It was no problem, really." Lucas insisted as he blinked. "I was glad to help."
James nodded. "That I am greatful for."
Lucas nodded and looked to Breech. "I'm sure you'll do fine." he said. With a quick sigh on the tree he leaned on he began to think. Where would he go from here? And would they find him?

He feared that.

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The cub shook his head again. "No they weren't alive... I think momma called them robots. We tried to hide from them but they kept finding us, momma tried to fight them but they weren't hurt by her. And..." a loud growling noise erupted from his stomach. "we haven't eaten in a while..."

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Riku checked the pack on her waist and pulled out an apple. "Well it's all I have. I had more food on my hovercraft but..." She hesitated and looked back towards where the smoke came from. She tossed the fox the apple. "Wait, you said we? Are you talking about this elder fox with you or someone else?" She asked.

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OOC: Would you guys rather I not enforce any rules? If you think I shouldn't "argue" that is. *frustrated*

"Elder... heh, guess I am an old man around here." Rico muttered still not able to stand up.

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Riku looked at the older fox. "Oh so do you prefer to be called something else?" She said with a sarcastic tone in her voice. She didn't really think it was that big of an issue herself, just stating the obvious.

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Sarcasm, at least he could still do that. He chuckled painfully, "My name would be appropriate. Even in my old age of 23 I still remember that."

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"Mind telling me your name so I don't have to read your mind," She said, folding her arms though it sort of hurt.

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Craig quickly ducked back into his whole the moment Burn noticed him. After a few screams and harsh words the kitten poked his heat out once more to see what was going on. It was then he noticed a young fox cub running up to the two felines below. Craig then winced, seeing breech clamp onto Lucass paw like a vice grip and felt a little sorry for him. It didnt take much time after that before another figure appeared on the scene.

Gee, the forest is popular today. He thought silently to himself for a moment.

It wasnt until the appearance of a forth person, an infant, appeared. Craig went wide eyed finally connecting all the dots together. Hed never seen any one give birth before. The new comer, and older fox seemed to know the one laying down in the grass. The father perhaps? It really didnt matter all that much, only that the screaming and the shouting had stopped. Craig was convinced if it had continued his ears would start to bleed.

They look happy. It was then he noticed the group moving off toward the hidden village. It was starting to get cold now, and the group didnt seem to have anything what so ever to bundle the new baby up in to keep her warm. An idea popped in his little head and he vanished back into the hole. A few minutes later the young feline re-emerged from the entrance and started to climb down the tree, hopping from branch to branch before landing on all fours on the forest floor. With him he had a small blanket, something he took from a clothes line on one of his many ventures into Knothole.

So Craig quickly double timed it to catch up with the group, offering them the blanket to Breach when he finally caught up

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'What the heck are you doing?'

Said a small serious voice in the back of the kits head. Instead of making a dash for it, the cub had been listening to the other youth's story and was now standing up so he could get a better view. He was still partly hiddern by the tall root, but none the less far more visible then before. In fact it was only now that he realised his vurerbility, and promptly began to walk off towards the bushes, hopeing he wouldn't be noticed... he dashed a last look at the group, looking ever more put out by his cowardis.. and fell flat on his face with a yelp. Having been looking the other way he hadn't seen the rock before him and had walked straigt into it like a clumsy fool. "..ouch" he whined, hoping he hadn't been spotted, though it was pritty obvious that they'd probably heared his fall.

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OoC: If there's one thing I hate more than all other things associated with RP, it's posts that are pure OoC.

Oh, and Ebil, I'm sure I mentioned a towel earlier. Never mind.


Breech gasped and turned around, staring down at the kitten. She blinked, looking at the towel, and then at the kitten again.

"Who are you?" she asked him.

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The cub looked at the apple. His mother had always said be weary of food offered by overlanders. He sniffed the apple for any scents that may suggest that it were tainted. He stopped smelling the fruit when he heard someone cry out. "..ouch"

"Why are you hiding from everyone, is someone after you too?"

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The kit bit his bottom lip and stood back up, dusting off his knees, knowing he'd just made a total farce of himself. The short cub whinced, rubbing his grazed arm with a paw while he turned back to the other three, all of whome were looking straight at him. The look in his eyes was somewhere between awkwardness and sleep induced depression. Grumbling a little the kit looked away from the staring eyes "No, it's just... well, you see, this is 'my' spot see, but if you wan'it that's ok. It isn't quiet anymore, I'll go find somewhere else now... saw-sorry if I was intre-up-ting or.. stuff." The kit trailed off and turned to walk away head loosly bowed, silently cursing himself for not just staying put.

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Craig saw the towel wrapped around the infant then looked down at the blanket he had in his paws. Still the kitten offered it to Breech none the less. A towel wasnt much for combating the cold right? Besides this could be the babys first security blanket! Instead of declining on the small blanket breech accepted it, know that this young feline obviously meant well by it.

Who are you?

Craig froze up, he really hadnt thought this far ahead. How could he answer the question? He couldnt speak so communicating with them would be all the more difficult. Unless of course any one in the group knew sign, he was pretty much out of luck. So instead the kitten just raised his chin up exposing his neck to the group and placed a paw over it, tapping it three times and shook his head. It was the easiest way at the moment for him to think of to try and tell them he couldnt speak. He was only met with a confused look.Oh boy. Craig sighed as he scratched the back of his head.

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"Oh this is your spot." the kit said after him. "I didn't know that sorry for intruding...." he said ears drooping. "I seem to be making people upset today..."

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Riku spun around at the sound of the other voice. "Okay where are you and why were you eavesdropping?" She said, not really caring what the young furry had said. She hated people being sneaky like that. She also didn't feel like trudging through the thick brush to find him and she turned back to the young fox. "You can eat the apple. It's not poisonous and I'm not out to kill you."

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OOC: Harley, stop spamming. That has nothing to do with anything.

Rico was too tired to force himself to make an effort to stand, instead answering the question that had been forgotten in the confusion, "Rico." He sighed and sat back, just trying to interact with this people was exhausting him.

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"Rico huh? And could you try getting your lazy bum off the ground? It's annoying to speak with people who won't give you level eye contact. I'm getting a sore neck looking down at your old self," She said.

OOC: Yes Riku isn't very nice. That doesn't mean she's evil, just really really sarcastic at times...

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"Wait..." Breech took the blanket from the child. She had thought the kitten was just shy, but it didn't look like that way.

"Are you mute?" she asked him gently.

He nodded.

"Can you understand me?"

He nodded again.

Breech sighed with relief, "I know some sign language," she said, signing clumsily - it had been several years, "If you come with us to Knothole... perhaps we'll help you?"

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The slowly moved over and grabbed up his mothers jacket then scrambling back to where he was. He held it close to him and inhaled deeply taking in her scent. That calmed his nerves a bit.

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Lucas sighed as he shook his head at the three, well now four people in their group. The red fox sighed as he walked away and sighed. He was tired from his journey to this godforsaken forest in the first place. Luke yawned lightly as his ears twitched. Another voice in the forest was near, and he heard it fine, he'd think. It was only one reason he heard the voice, it was because he knew the voice and the vocie's user. It had been what..a year since he had even seen Rico? The red one-tailed kitsune could hear Rico speak, to someone not too far away.
"Rico." he heard.
With that Lucas began walking for the direction of the voice, but he was getting a bit tired. Too tired. His eyes began to droop, barely open. He knew he couldn't stay awake long. As Luke entered the area where Rico and Company were he couldn't walk a inch furthur.


With that the fox collapsed on the floor.

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Riku spun around when a red fox collapsed to the ground, just inside the clearing. It gave her a short scare but she regained her composure and walked over to the fox. She knelt next to him. "You okay?" She asked but he didn't seem to answer. She pulled off her small cateen and opened the top and dumped it on his head.

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"n-no," The kit stammered, looking back at the other child who was now hugging the jacket close to his chest "It's ok, I'll just find somewhere elce thats quiet... then again" he muttered more quietly "Sally's probably wur-reed by now.. I should realy get back... hay?" the kit looked at the older child again, tone remaining at its low, almost depresive 'why am I bothering' level "If your looking for your mom, Knothole's pritty near by, she might be there"
The kit sudenly yelped as luke colapsed into the clearing, turning back toward the group and backing off slightly.

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"Luke? Dammit." Rico snarled tensed up. GET UP! Telum no hac CALEM! The loud thought sent a wave of energy flowing into his haggard form. And yelp escaped his mouth as he suddenly seemed to regain his strength and stand up quickly. the fox darted over to his fallen friend, temporarily forgeting about the frightened cub in the adrenaline high.

He seemed to forget Riku's rude comments and helped brought the fox up for her. She scratched her head and waved a hand in front of his face, trying to see if she could get a reaction. Then she felt water falling on her paw. It wasn't raining, nor did it look like it was going to. He looked down at her hand and saw red drops on it, not water. Then she looked up at the fox that had suddenly gained his strength back for no apparent reason. The red drops were coming from his nose, it was bleeding.

"Damn allergies." Rico said sniffling. "Luke... Luke come on, say something bud."

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OOC: Paw? Her paw? Who are you talking about? If you mean Riku, she's a Terran/Overlander...:cuckoo

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The kit just stood there, a look of exhorsted fasination on his face as he watched everyone fussing over the colapsed boy. He knew Luke was ok, even before the boy spoke again, for if anyone had looked closly enough, they would have seen strange shades of blue moving though his Aqua irises, floating across the strata of his eyes like windows onto a cloudy sky.

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OOC: Oopsie all whining in the chat then was throwing me off. >.<

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Riku looked at the elder fox. "This guy's name is Luke? Can you tell what happened to him and how did you get so much energy? You trying to trick me or something?" She said, glaring at him. She didn't care too much for people tricking her and would give the fox a beatdown if that was the case.

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Voices. The sound of voices around him was faintly heard, and the feeling of water drenching his head made his body jump. The red fox blinked as he felt conciousness comming to him. He completely opened his eyes as he looked at the ground, with a quick breath he looked up. "Gah...." he shook his head as he saw Rico, Astral, and two faces he wasn't fammilar to. It had been a long while since he had seen any fammilar face but the kit sighed. He had a few scars on his arms and neck, but otherwise the fox looked fine. The scars though looked really recent. "Rick?" the fox muttered as his conciousness was fully regained. He smirked lightly. "Been awhile, eh?" he said with a smirk. The fox blinked as he rubbed the part where shadows had lcoked under his eyes. Though his long shoulder length hair was drenched in water now. "Water..." he spat as he spoke the sentence distastefully.

"Geh..." he muttered.

Posts: 24
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Craig gave Breech an odd look. Help? Me? HA! Hed been living alone for at least 5 years now and really had no problems surviving out here in the wilderness. The thought of accompanying them to Knothole did seem appealing at the moment. He gave a slight shrug before nodding a yes. Since his nap was cut short he may as well do something with his time

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"You think she would be there?" he asked the other cub. He looked over at the older fox who attended the other fox that was younger than the one helping him but older than himself. He sighed and took another glance around and then down at the apple. They didn't seem to want to hurt him. In fact they seemed kinda nice other than the human lady. What choice did he have out here by himself. He needed help from someone.

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Riku looked at Rico. "I can go get some water real quick. I passed by a lake before...uh crashing," She said.

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The kit, having aproached the group by a few steps, stopped and shrugged, still not quite looking at the other kit, as though embarrased or just extreamly shy "I done'know many people there..Sally says its because I'm a 'reclusive' or something.. But She says Knothole is the safest place in the whole forrest an' that a lot of lost people end up going there for..ref-reffoodge.. mrr, can't remember how you say that."

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Breech smiles, and nodded, wondering how long the child had been out here. She gathered up Dinah, and started walking again, carefully.

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But of course the thing was that his mother would never willingly go into a village. She hated being stared at by everyone she passed by. It wasn't every day you saw a bright red vixen with three tails that were tipped with orange and yellow. And how could he trust what they said anyway. For all he knew they could be a bunch of lies. He was still learning the whole process of being able to tell if someone lied or not. His mother on the other hand was very skilled in identifying a liar. He averted his gaze to the ground and held the jacket tightly.


He remained perfectly still sitting up in the branches of a nearby tree. Listening to the conversations only a few yards away. The cub undoubtedly ran into a few unexpected natives. He ran a black paw through his dark mane. His orangish red fur being rustled a bit by the wind. He wore a tight black body suit that made it a bit easier to be stealthy. It was no big deal really, he could wait all day for the right oppertunity to arise. The maned wolf didn't know if he had in fact heard right. Had the scrawny little grey cub said Knothole. Was it really true that he had in fact accidently stumbled apon the secret location of the village that the fat man wanted. He could transfur the cordinates to the big man if he wanted to... but where would be the fun in that. Besides if Ivo got ahold of Knothole he wouldn't be of any use to the fat man anymore. The resistance would be captured and the war would be over. He wasn't rooting for the freedom fighters but he wasn't rooting for the eggman either.

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James was distantly surprised by the visitors they were getting, but then again, something noisy like childbirth was sure to nab some attention. He mentally shrugged and continued on his way, helping Breech along. He smiled and nodded towards the generous kitten that had joined them, a friendly gesture.

He hoped nothing else would happen...he had his quota of adventure for the day.

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Rico shook his head, "I don't think I'll ever understand you. But... its good to see you're still alive." He paused for a moment before changing the mood, "Cause someone's gotta help me babysit these kids. I'm running on E as it is." He said wiping his nose annoyedly, "Pushed myself too hard again. Can only force your mind to force your mody to do so much before this crap starts happening." He said holding at blood stained paw up for both Lucas and Riku to see. "It'd be in my best interests to get somewhere safe, before I... well, collapse again. So... where ARE we anyway?"

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The grey child looked depresivly at the sky though the gap in the tree canopy again, part of him was definatly sceared to just be around people, nevermind talking to them. But in a moment or two, the cub screwed up his eyes and spoke out loud for the first time "We're in the grate forest just outside knothole" The kit whinced, as though expeting somthing quite bad to happen any minuet, keeping his eyes well shut.

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He sat and listened cocking his ears toward everyone who spoke. All he had to do was infiltrate and get the cubs trust. This would test his skill of infiltration, it was always fun to test how far he could go before he was caught in a lie. And then he would get him alone and deliver him to the boss. He jumped down from the trees into plain veiw. "Knothole eh?" he said in a deep voice. (Think Kouga from inu-yasha, deep sexah voice o,o' ... er yeah!)

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The kit let out a definate 'meep!' and span around as the stranger dropped down from the foliage. Eyes a wide as saursers, the poor kit looked as though he nearly wet himself at the sight of the practical giant of a preaditor that had apeared in the clearing. The Mained Wolf, much like a cross between a normal wolf, a hyena and good few other species of cainine was huge to say the least, dawfing the runt compleatly. Though part of him was already screaming the call of retreat, the cubs legs seemed to have become jellified with fear, and he simply stood there, mouth open, eyes wide, ears flat to the back of his head and tail clinging to his leg, one shaking paw gripped around the small stone that hung around his kneck.

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Out of the trees they could see that he had to shoulder holstered 9mm handguns. The wolf eyed the grey cub curiously. He wasn't that scary was he? None of the others seemed to be shaking in their boots. Course perhaps maybe the cub had been though something that made him a total coward. He could understand then. The other cub watched him carefully but wasn't shaking though he did look scared. "Sorry there kiddo, didn't mean to scare you..." he said leaning against the tree.

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The cub nodded to the wolf in acknolagement, taking several definate steps back as the stranger came fully out from the trees, gradualy edging closer to the protective cover of the shrubs. Though some of his initial shock seemed to have faided, the kit was still clearly frightened by something. His tail had at least resumed moving behind him, if only twiching slighly. True the wolfs apearnce was sceary to say the least, but the fact was that the kit was more frightened of the number of people that were invaiding his personal space. He had lerned from the numerus taunts of the other knothole children that groups of people were a bad thing, and thus kept to himself as much as was phisicaly posible. Now 'Groups of people' were one thing, but groups of sceary looking strangers was quite another, hence the kits tence state.

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Breech knew she had to keep walking. She cradled Dinah in her arms, uncertain of what to to, only knowing that she was tired.

She felt more tired than she should be.

She felt a little like passing out.

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Rico nodded and smirked, shaking his head, "Looks like fate is going keep bringing me back home no matter what stupid things I do."

The wolf dropped into the area in front of the kit, had the fox been rested and not on his last leg of energy he would have shot first and ask later. But his weakened state only allowed a glare in place of an attack. As protective as he was of the weak, not even Rico's Warden spirit could muster any defense for the cub.

Fate always dealt him a good hand, malice wasn't the intent of this new creature, and least not initially. "Dropping outta the trees is usually the best way to intimidate someone, Fluffy. Try walking out next time you want a less scary entrance." He put on the most unimpressed front he could with his remaining energy.

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The wolf shrugged lightly looking over at the unusually tall fox who seemed to be only an inch or two taller than himself. "I'm not usually one for walking directly up to anyone really. I prefur to wander up unnoticed. Goes with the job."

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The teenage red fox blinked as he helped himself up. "I think--" he stopped as he noticed the presence of a new figure, of course with the water splashed on his face earlier he was going to be awake for a while now. He bit his lip as his brown eyes starred at that wolf as he startled Astral. He snorted as he helped himself up - standing beside Rico now.

"And what damned job is that?" Lucas raised a eyebrow. "Spy> Bounty Hunter? Sniper?" he interogated him in laymens terms.


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The wolf glanced over at the teen. "Well it's more of a way of life than it is a job, you see young one I travel around from village to village, I do my best to help with little problems that they may have. May it be helping with repairs or getting rid of groups bandits or robots that attack them. To help my fellow mobians, thus my skills must be sharp at all times and never left to rust."

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Rico smirked adjusting his own sword sheath, "To put down the sword it is necessary to pick up the sword, and the vicious cycle continues."

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Lucas smirked at the comment. "Glad I don't use a sword, eh?" he muttered to himself as he eyebrowed the wolf. "I still don't trust you." he spat, the figure smelled of trouble. "I bet you work for--" Lucas began but was interuptted by the Wolf.

"The Freedom Fighters? Why yes, I guess you can say that." he smirked.

"Not what I was implying." the red fox spat as he blinked.

The setting still didn't seem right. Either he was trouble or someone else was watching.....

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"You may be decieved if you trust to much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough." he began. "Course i didn't expect for anyone to trust me right off. Trust is earned, not given freely. It is natural for one to be suspicious of another like myself. But that can't be helped, i am somewhat of a mystery." He combed his fingers though this jet black mane. "i suppose we should get started on the trusting issue. Step one is introductions. My name is Daryk Stryker..."

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