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Magic the Gathering RP sign-up.

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ooc: Now, before you say ANYTHING, this rp will not be a card game. It will be merely based upon it. This is NOT based on the set of books of Magic the Gathering. I have not read them and therefore, have no idea what they are about. Now, onto how this rp will work.

In this world, there are 5 Great Kingdoms.

The Red Kingdom, located high up in the mountains.

The Blue Kingdom, located in the oceans surrounded by islands.

The Green Kingdom, located deep within the forests.

The White Kingdom, located in the open plains.

And Finally, the Black Kingdom, located in the swamps.

There are also other countries that have no affiliation with the 5 Great Kingdoms, they are known as "Colorless Countries".

But there are some countries that have ties with one or more of the 5 Great Kingdoms. They are known as "Golden Countries."

Now, you will play as Sorcerer's of whatever place you choose. You can play as a Red Sorcerer, or a Blue one, or a Gold or maybe even as a Colorless one.

Why is this important? Because, all of these Kingdoms have been fighting each other for quite a while. So, it is neccessary to have a means of winning battles. Nowasays, magic is the rage, and that is the weapon of choice. Now, each Kingdom has a special strength and weakness.

Red: Specialize in destroying stuffs. Red Sorcerer's prefer short-term spells to devestate opponents rather than spells for the long-term.(Basically, if you can survive what a Red Sorcerer does to you, you'll probably beat him to a pulp)

Blue: Specialize in trickery. Counters enemy spells (Magic terminology for stopping spells) and returns creatures to where they came from instead of outright destroying them. However, Blue Sorcerer's are weak to when opposing sorcerer's constantly pound on them due to the weak nature of it's creatures.

Green: Specialize in creatures. Lots and lots of creatures. The spells that Green Sorcerer's use focus on powering up their creatures. However, destroying creatures outside of combat is a problem for Green Sorcerer's.

White: Specilize in Protecting it's creatures (Protection means that certain types of spells can't harm that creature. I.E. protection from Red means that your creature will not take damage from Red Spells).
White prefers small&weak creatures to few big&strong creatures. Obviously, the weakness here lies in that the inability to destroy enemy creatures.

Black: Black specialized in destroying nearly everything your opponent dishes out at a cost.
Black Sorcerer's tend to destroy resources and even themselves. This results in very little to work with later.

Colorless: These Sorcerer's can create artifacts, items which can create unique effects. Although the other 5 Great Kingdoms' Sorcerer's have the ablility to create artifacts, to a degree.

Gold: Not much is known about thses Sorcerer's powers as they are rarely seen. But it is known that their powers can vary greatly.

Now, Sorcerer's can cast more than one type of spell (I.E. there are sorcerer's who can use Red and Blue spells. Those sorcerer's gain the advantages of both spell types and also gain the DISadvangates of both types as well. But the process of learning another type of spell type takes a LONG time. It's not easy. So, don't go making a char. that can use all types of spells, mk?)

But I'm not done. Sorcerer's use spells in battle. And just so you are wondering, yes creatures DO count as spells.
Oh yeah, before I forget, you just can't pull off a spell out of thin air. You need mana, or magical energy. I'm not gonna go into a process of perfectly defining how much mana each spell requires. Just remember, if it's REALLY powerful, chances are, it's gonna take a lot of mana to pull off.
Now, the type of spells to use:

Creature-This shuld be rather obvious. There are many different types of Creatures but I won't go into that here. There's like, 20-30 different types of creatures.

Enchantment: A spell that can alter various things like a creatures power and what abliliities it has or control of a creature itself. They can also effect sorcerer's.

Instant/Sorcery: I put these together because they are very similar. They both can cause numerous effects for creatures/sorcerer's, etc. The only difference is that Sorcery's take longer to pull of than Instants do.

Now, can we get this rp started? Not yet.
First of all, the spells you cast, you can just make up names. I don't care. I'm not gonna make you know the names of the actual cards. Be realistic though. I don't want any "ZOMG U CREATURES R TEH DEDZORZ CAUSE I KILL THEM ALL WITH 1 SPELL!"

Now, if you decide to use names from actual cards, assuming you know what they are, please use a similar effect as to what the original card was (Yes, Unglued/Unhinged are allowed, how could I not allow it?) I just have a simple request... NO BLACK LOTUS! NONE! NEIN! Actaully, that includes the banned list. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, don't pay attention. Let's say these spells are "forbidden", mk?

When in actaul combat, no, it's not statistics and all. You just rp. There doesn't have to be an actual winner either. Something could happen where both Characters are swept up instantly. Remember, these nations are at war wth each other, all trying to gain power.

Now, where to start your charater? You can put him/her as a Sorcerer for a Kingdom. Doesn't matter which one. Or you could be an advisor to the King or something, just you can't be King. Sorry. I might change my mind though, so don't fret. I'll introduce my char later along with anything that I missed, I'm tired after typing all of this up...

Name: Hukos
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Weight: 175 lbs.
Affilation: Apprentice Blue Sorcerer.
Personality: Very Pessimistic about Life in General. Tries to be perfect in everything that he does. This often results in many mistakes although he has great potential.
