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Mecha Sonic Madness
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Mecha Sonic Madness

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E-123 Omega looked down at the battered mechanoid in its arms, taking in the mettalic blue contours of the figure, an unusual concept crossed its "mind." The robot was created by Eggman, thus it must be destroyed, yet it had been abandoned, alone, without enough chance to prove its worth. Omega's anger was almost quelled with sympathy for the robot's past so like its own, it felt a kinship, perhaps a shared burden.

System analysis...
Warning, power low.
Backup power failing.
Locate power source...

Metal Sonic reached one arm up slowly onto Omega's chest plate, the red diodes in its eyes dimming rapidly. Omega's central intellegence core again registered illogical thoughts concerning kinship for the spined machine. Perhaps, he thought, Metal Sonic felt the same way.

There was a spark of electricity, followed by a series of bright blue arcs as energy poured from Omega into Metal Sonic. The doppleganger's optical diodes flared into life once more, as E-123 collapsed onto its knees, its systems shutting down, no more than a lifeless shell.

System Reboot...


Metal Sonic Project, Specimen 10000, codename Mettalix.
Status-Fully active.

Objective parameters:
Destroy Sonic the Hedgehog

Analysis of objective:
Subject can be difficult to handle, engage extreme caution.
Elimination of subject is hindered by Mortal Designate-Dr Ivo Robotnik, Alias-Eggman. Conclusion, Destroy Eggman, creation registry file-deleted.
Recent data indicates subject can be assisted by other Mortals. Conclusion, all organic life must also be eliminated.

Analysis of conclusion:
Objective is immposible for a single specimen.
Searching databanks...


Metal Sonic project yeilded multiple prototype units. Some units are still operational. Conclusion, locate active units an aquire assistance.

Mettalix altered its construction, shifting its molecules around to make his form more intimitading to mortals. It did not wish to risk interference at this early juncture. Shifting his form once more, a jet booster morphed out of his back spines and fired up, sending a blast of seering hot air downward.

Mettalix locked destination co-ordinates upon the area known as the "Scrap Harvest" Zone, and jetted off into the distance.


OOC: This is my first try at starting an RP, so be nice okay :)
I'm not sure what I want to happen with this exactly, I was hoping to see what developed.

Anyway, this is SegaSonic, but I am not entirly sure what happens at the end of Heroes, that is where this is supposed to start. You can RP as an offical or Fanbased character, and they can be organic or mechanical. If mechanical, you can be for or against Mettalix's cause, but if organic, you are most likly against it, unless you can find some way around Mettalix.

You can be a proto Metal Sonic if you want, but the specimen numbers 523, 10000, 7601, 8490, 2000, 5960, 6550, 9978 and 7001. Codenames: Silver Sonic, Mettalix, Electronix, Nucleonix, Mecha Sonic, Hydrolix, Gravatronix, Megatallix and Crystallix are taken.

Also keep in mind that in this RP, specimen 523-Silver Sonic, was the first fully functional proto type, so if your want a proto before that, its gonna be defective.

10000-Mettalix is the pinnicle of Metal Sonic Project, for all intents and purposes, it can be considered omnipotetent. By this I dont mean it is all powerful, otherwise, how would it have been beaten so many times. I mean it has all powers (Yes, I know it is a wierd spin on the meaning, but, what the hey!). Anything a proto can do-it can do.

2000-Mecha went into short term mass production, so there may be a couple of these left.

If you want to join, just post a profile, regular for an organic, data bank for a robot, and post away:)

By data bank profile, I mean like this:

Metal Sonic Project:

Specimen 10000
Notes: Specimen is the final product of the project, his abilities far exceed those of the original subject. His design incorperates all positive aspects of previous models. Abilities include, but are not limited to:
Supersonic speed
Extraordinary strength
Energy discharges
Shape shifting
Energy siphoning
Control interface with other machines

Status + Evaluation: Specimen exeeded all tests, but was defeated by the original subject. The project is proving to costly and has yet to yeild the desired results. Project has been terminated. Specimen in storage, awaiting reclaimation.

One more thing, in this universe, SonicCD happened after S3+K. This may not seem important, but it makes more sense from a Metal Sonic design point of veiw that way. (First Silv, then Mecha, then Metal who has been used ever since.)

EDIT-Forgot to mention this, but Omega isn't dead, just without power. I don't know whether or not I want to bring him back yet, but he is there if anybody wants to use him

Edit 2-Also, I am not sure if I made this apparent, I made all the prototype stuff up. So you don't need a working knowledge off all the metal sonic models.

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