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NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

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"Right, that's enough for tonight," an Overlander bellowed at the slaving group, "Get your food, and get into your chambers."

"Why do they let us rest at all?" Breech muttered. Lack of sleep wasn't helping her sanity any.

She was sick of this place. Everybody was, so she really shouldn't complain, but still, she hated this place. She filed up for a bowl of lukewarm, thin gruel and a slice of bread.

Go on, snap, you know you want to, muttered the stupid, crazy voice in her head.

"Shut up," she agreed, eating. The bowls were plastic and there were no spoons, just in case anybody got any stupid ideas, but by her feet, there was a large shard of glass.

With barely any concious thought needed on her part, she picked it up and secreted it inside her rags.

Well done, congratulated the voice. Breech watched as the miners filed out of the mines.

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(OOC: Watch this space. I'll update it with a IC post when i get time. People of the former 2 New Mobius RP's through the course of three years will reconize two characters afore mentioned.)

The mines were cold. Very. So it was some of a relief to return to that baking sun, in that unnatural desert. Each mobian had their food in their hand. The routine wasn't new. Get you're food from the makeshift robot that served food in the mines. Then they would walk back into the scorching sun, that sandy terrain. The annoyance was there. Every day. But Swift looked upon the gates that led out of the camp. He nodded as the mobian line to leave got dense. He sighed again, and bit his lip as the line of mobians were pushed forward- "Hmph...why don't they just keep us working, I wonder?" he thought aloud as the line slowly moved out of the perimeter of the mining site and were sent toward the main base.
The main bases walls were much thicker and more defended, then the mining sites sole wall with barbed edges. With a snort, he adjusted his black leather belt to keep his pants on. Not that it would do anything for his slave appearance. His loose beige tanktop, and dark brown cloth pants with black sandals was nothing.

Compared to Overlanders, who bore kind of a worse attire. Which helped theyre anger at furs when they disobeyed. They bore a long black trenchcoat, that had to be buttoned all the way, black cloth pants, and black combat boots, a orange tanktop, and orange leather gloves also bore them. On the trenchcoat stripes of orange could be seen, dog-tags sailing from their neck. A pair of black shades on their eyes helped. Then there was theyre two weapons- stun pistol and taser-spear. It was understandable why they took joy in smacking around furs. It was more heat irritation then pleasure on theyre part.
Swift smirked at the thought, they werent all that different. But then again most Overlanders were suceeded by a AI robot. This camps Warden or AI @#%$ was a robot called XJC0202. Codenamed CS - Codename: Shockwave - he was six years in coordination, and was built eight years before. The former robot was transferred to better duties when CS took over.
Everyone seemed to fear robots except for the higher ups like Snively, Boris. and such.

Hey! Rodent! Stop daydreaming! a snarling overlander said who was walking side by side of Swift. Glaring. Swift nodded and indeed did stop. In moments time, the mobian line began being escorted from the mining site, and through the desert, barren at that- to the main camp. It was about a good mile hike away. Only problem with this camp was it was surrounded by mountains- so if a slave did run away, they had many caves to hide in.

Thats why security was tight.

YAH!!! yelled a voice, everyone turned towards it- and saw a lynx running- at top speed away into the mountains and away from the lines. All the overlanders in range powered up tasers and fired at it. Slave #10203941! Get back here! yelled one of the landers.

The lynx payed no attention, and ran out of site. Some were about to follow when the overlanders dropped circular objects on the ground and with a remote that had a red button; pressed it and out of the circular objects came other circular objects that patrolled the line. Real, hurtful weapons attached to the bots. A rapid-firing laser cannon. The line stiffened and the heading for the main camp continued.
A overlander then dialed a number on his comm-link and in moments in response, a jumping anthro figure came into view, wearing only a black cape, and robotic gloves. The figure had crimson eyes, and was a scorpion. A crimson tattoo with black markings was on his left shoulder. Some knew what that meant. He was a slave retriever- dead or alive. Preferably alive.

Who ran this time? the scorpion snorted.

The overlander bit his lip. was- a lynx. he stuttered. One reason was the scorpions weapon was not only that machete on his belt, or his stinger full of venom, or his quick reflexes-- it was his sly personality of unforgiveness.

A lynx, what number- hairless ape?

The overlander nodded. 102..03...94...1.

Ill look for him- you better hope CS wont eat you for this.

The overlander only nodded and the line continued. And upon the arrival of the main camp, robots were in more abundance- and heavily armed to boot. The slaves were sent to their section of the main camp. They had three hours of exercise; free time. After that time theyd sleep until roll call. And the weeks of mining were different, there were two sets of groups to mine. One mined one day, then the other mined. That meant Group A as this was called had the day off for fun- whether it was exercise, torture, mental abuse, vaccination, experimentation, draining of special powers or what have you.

Isnt this place just peachy?

(OOC: And just so ya guys know, nobody knows old egghead is dead- I'll only let it slide once. Got me?)

(OOC: New note, Breech told me of a slight sub-plot and I'm letting it by; so at this given momment Eggman being dead is only comming out of Breech's mouth.)

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OoC: ignore post.

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(OOC: There is nothing here, nor there ever was.)

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OOC: Need a wonderbread in here to combat all the whine. Fixed Mike, didn't know Robo's death wasn't player known.

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"Right, get into your cell."

Demo obeyed blankly, wondering into the cell and once again staring at the wall. The gas had cleared quite quickly from the tunnel and he had been ordered back to work for a time, but now it was time to pack up.

"Go dormant until we call you." ordered the Overlander. You'll have to work hard tomorrow to catch up."

Demo turned and lay down on the small, uncomfortable-looking matress in the cell, his movements precise, almost rombotic. The Overlander pressed a button on the control pannel and the cell door slowly swung shut, locking automatically with magnetic locks. Inside the cell a low frequency soundwave generator throbbed into life, sending pulses of sound through the small confines of the room. Demo's conditioning, programmed to respond to these waves, shut down his mind, and he fell asleep.

"And with that, he's out of our hair." grinned the Overlander as he pressed another button, setting the timer on the sound generator. "He won't be up until tomorrow. Come on, let's go."

Posts: 186
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ooc: Aw man. Mikey. Nobody reads rules at 3 a.m. after getting off work everyone knows crap. Um. Its your call man I really dont have to many characters. So I dont know if Ill be able to continue this rp. Just let me know.:cmon :fist <---where are those two from?

Posts: 1269
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Breech hardly resisted as she was pushed into her own solitary cell. Only a few slaves had solitary cells. Troublemakers, the inciteful, and the dangerously powerful. Breech had hers because she'd killed three other slaves in the last three months.

She lay down on the board that served as a matress, listening to the door lock.

Then she got up, took out the shard of glass, and started messing with the lock, cutting her paw several times and hardly even noticing. She had all night to burn.

Posts: 258
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James quietly walked inside the crowded miner barracks at the guards' insistance. It was time for those in his shift to sleep, and he certainly welcomed it. After the hard day of labor, he was completely exhausted.

He laid back onto his small cot. The good thing, and perhaps the only bright side he could see, was that he was too tired for nightmares... The wolf closed his eyes, almost immediately falling asleep.

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(OOC: Why, is it that Spyder- I am not suprised you didn't read my rules? You didn't in Elite Furs either. And if you think your'e too tired to read the rules- don't join a RP. The rules are the foundation without them the RP is nothing.)

Alot of people followed, -the place in which the mobians slept was more of a confinded prison. More floors to count, and there was at least ten complexes. Each cell contained typical things like toilet, bed, and light. The light however could only be on for three more hours. But its not like the overworked mobians had any lifeforce left in them to stay awake after touching the cot.
Swift sure didn't, he passed out momments after he laid down. In about three hours each cell's door was locked and closed, until morning so no one would be wandering in the prison. Yeah, prison- that was a better word for it.

As soon as daybreak hit, the large shocking feeling of their beds jolting with non-lethal volts of electricity was felt. Thats how they always woke up. Swift though, even in all his days in this camp stioll was suprised by it. A fear of electricity had slowly got through him in the years. The cell doors soon opened and requested the slaves to report out of the barracks. The mobian's complied and set theirselves to walk to the exit, which requested each's fingerprint on a electronmagntical device to let them out. Thats how roll call was tooken. After they would get past that, there was the large barren yard, with those walls towering above them. In the 'exercise yard' as some called it was indeed some sport court, gym equipment- old but still functional and other such things.

A robotic figure from the walls spoke. "All fur's will stay here until they are told otherwise." the robot said clearly and loudly.

The mobians nodded.

It was morning, but they wouldn't get breakfast for another hour or so.

Lovely, eh?

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Breech had been trying to pick the lock with a piece of glass for the best part of the night, and her left hand was almost completely sliced up.

She shuddered and tried to lick it clean of blood, while looking around the gym dispassionately.

Posts: 1631
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The Overlander wondered into shaft 205 wearily, once again flanked by the two robot guards. Thanks to their reduced quota from the gas pocket the previous day, the powers that be had decided they had to work a double shift today, starting early! As he numbly activated the control pannel and once again opened Demo's cell, he yawned long and hard. He was so tired!

"Alright, more in the same area today." he barked to the obedient Mantis. "Resonance scans show a thick mineral deposit near the shaft, so adjust your horizontal digging angle seven degrees left. I want that whole deposit out by the end of the day."

His eyes narrowed. "And you better work harder than you've ever worked before, or you'll be in for it."

Demo was of course impervious to threats...they were meaningless to his conditioned mind, but his brain did pick up on the "work harder" bit. He turned and once again wondered off into the tunnel, roboticly obeying the commands.



Pain, misery, anger...chaos.

He was trapped within a nightmare, a dark void, a limbo into which light nor sound penetrated.

He wanted to escape, but how could someone escape from a prison with no walls, a cell with no substance?

He didn't know how he got here. His memories were clouded...not just of how he got here, but of everything! Disconnected sounds and images, floating around like pieces of a ragged jigsaw puzzle where the shapes were dimentionally impossible and the picture too blurred to understand.

He had been here for a moment, an eternity. Time had no meaning in here, wherever "here" was. All that remained was emotion.

But there was no love, no compassion, no happiness. He had forgotten the meanings of such words. The only thing he had, the only thing that he desperately clung onto, the only thing that stopped him fully submitting to the void and giving up his mind was the feeling, the small shread of life, of conciousness that had somehow followed him into the darkness. He had grabbed it, cherished it, nurtured it...the only thing that existed in this nonxistant world...

The feeling of Hatred. what, or who...questions he didn't know the answers to...indeed, questions that he no longer understood. But it was there, a cold, brutal, terrifying rage, an anger so powerful it threatened to tear apart his mind and shread his sanity, had his mind and sanity been intact in the first place.

And yet, over the...however long, he had learned to control it, to channel it. Where, he didn't know. There was nowhere to send it in this void. One thing he did know though, was that if ever he got out, he would use it, not just in an uncontrolable frenzy, like he had sometimes been practicing into the blackness, but in a cold, calculating, mercyless manner...a deadly, unstoppable force.

A force for what, even he didn't know...


Demo reached the face he had been working on yesterday and, raising his metal claws once again, began to silently slice away at the rock, blankly obeying the orders he had been given...

Posts: 258
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James was awoken by the sun light that beamed down from a pleasant blue sky. For a moment he wondered if he was delusional. But the gentle sea breeze that ruffled his fur told him otherwise. Slowly, he sat up to survey his surroundings, finding himself sitting in the middle of a sand dune. The hardy grasses rocked gently in the wind and, in the near distance, the sound of the ocean could be heard breaking peacefully on the shore. James had once seen the sea, so long ago. Now, standing among the worn dunes and staring out across the vast blue expanse that lay before him, he felt strangely nostalgic.
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
The voice startled the wolf, and he turned his head to see where it had come from. There, sitting on the summit of a nearby dune, hands between his crossed legs, was a fox kit, not more then eight or ten years of age with artic grey fur, gazing out across sea with a look of total awe on his young face.
"I've always wanted to visit the sea, never really got the chance though."
James gaped, his mind demanding answers to the thousand questions that just formed. A second or two passed while the queries assembled themselves into some form of organised chaos.
"Who are you, where is here, and where is the mine?......Am.. Am I..?"
"Dead? No, far from it my friend. Youre still alive, just unconscious, dreaming." The kit said, still not turning to meet the wolfs stare. "Though I'm sure thats not much of a consolation considering what you must go back to. I'm sorry for the intrusion, but its the only way I could contact you."
With some puzzlement, James repeated his first enquiry "Who are you?"
The kit still didn't turn, but smiled as he spoke none the less "Difficult to say. Personally Id like to think of myself as being 'me', but I am also much more then that... Don't worry even I find it confusing, I think I was once called Ast At least I think I was... As for here... well you should know, it was you who brought us to this place after all."
"What?" James cambered "I've never been here, how can I bring myself to a place I've never been to, let alone take anyone else with me?"
"This is the place you feel most at peace James, thats why you chose it... But first..." The kits tone suddenly changed, ears drooping back in sorrow. "I'm sorry for all this..."
In his mind, James could feel the familiar state of confusion settling back into it's front row seat "Sorry for 'all' of what?"
The kits breath rasped in his dry throat, shouldres slumping inward and tail curing around the front of his legs, from where he grabbed it and hugged it to his chest, as though seeking some comfort in its long soft fur. "Everything... All the pain, the death, the suffering. I know it must be terrible for you down there but you must believe me, if there was anything I could have done to stop all of this I just couldn't help it... I couldnt stop him... I..." he trailed off as tears began to form in his eyes, though he held them back as best he could. After a moment or two of composure, the kit steadied himself and asked his all important question.
*sniff* James, do you ever dream of being free?... What...what would you say If I told you I could... that I could make you and your friends free?"
James frowned, looking quietly at the sad kit, wondering what the child was getting at. "I'd say that I'm listening."
Pulling together his thoughts, the boy masarged his tail fur as he spoke, almost as though it was a comfort he had been deprived of for sometime "I've been planning for a long time... soon, I'm not sure when, something big is gona' happen, And when it does you need to be ready."
"I'm always ready.", James replied darkly, "I've been ready for years." The wolf didn't see the harm in indulging in this too-real dream. Some part of him hoped this really was his chance, no matter how strange it seemed. "Tell me what I need to do."
As the wolf spoke the child began to look upward toward the sky, as though looking as something James couldn't see. After a short pause the kit finaly replied, "Trust me.." For the first time the kit looked back at the Wolf, revealing a face that though young in apearnce, had an aura of age and knowing in its eyes "and follow the lights."

And then James woke up.

Groaning, he rolled out of bed at the guards' insistance. Time to go down to the gym (as if he didn't get enough exercise in the mines) and then breakfast. And then back to the mines. Repeat cycle. He did as the guards wanted, going through the same routine....but today, he looked at everything a little differently. There was a hopeful bounce to his step that wasn't there before. Looking around the gym, he couldn't find that feline he met yesterday, Breech. Probably in a different area. He looked anyway, though. He wanted to speak with her. But there was something else he was looking for.

He was looking for lights.

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"You're weak brother." The words cold and degrading in his ears. Rico woke up, he'd passed out from using too much energy. Noone was there.

"Do you know why you're weak?" The voice came again, followed by memories of his older brother Trevor having his younger, weaker self pinned against a wall. He leaned forward, putting his mouth next to the younger fox's ear, "I'll tell you, brother. You lack hatred. You play with the kids, you appease the elders, you're nice. Nice people cannot be powerful. You hate me, but not enough to beat me." Rico's claws dug into the ground, fists clenching up dirt tightly thinking about the memories. "If you wish to defeat. You have to want to kill me. You need to hate me, scorn me, loathe me. My death must become your reason for living. Only then can you possibly hope to defeat me. Untill then, enjoy you're weak and pathetic existance. If you can call it an existance."

The fox sat on his knee's hands still clenched on the ground trembling in rage.

Posts: 481
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OOC: Since I didn't post in time for the night, my post will be before the next day starts.


Serenity was shoved, unresisting into her cell, covered in drying mud and urecognizable as the princess she used to be. Heedless of the mud or her cellmate, she collapsed onto the bunk and was instantly asleep.


Surge was hearded into his solitary cell, which was lined in electricity-repelling rubber. He was almost asleep before he hit his rock-hard mattress.


OOC: This part is the next day:


Serenity was awoken by the usual jolt to the matress. She let herself be hearded out. Still covered from head to toe in dried mud, she was no-longer purple, and her Mark was fully obscured.


Surge was unpleasantly woken the next day by the mattress dumping him onto the cold concrete floor. Unlike the other slaves, his bed was designed to dump him out, since a jolt of electricity would have actually benefitted him by giving him energy.

"Unngg...I wish it wouldn't do that..." he muttered as he was pushed and prodded out of the cell, the fingerprint reader beeping an affirmative as he passed it. Hmm...wonder what torment I'll get put through today...

He didn't even notice the formarly purple - now brown - hedgehog he had felt so protective of the day before, as she was driven relentlessly along slightly in front of him.


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"We meet again, Br...ouch. What happened to your paw?", James said as he kneeled down beside the feline. Taking her paw in his, he looked at the slashes across it. "What did this to you?"

As he questioned Breech about her paw, he caught a familiar scent in the air, one that reminded him of old friends and a time before the mines. Looking behind him for a second, he scanned the crowd for the source of it, the scent that was similar to that of his queen... but no. There were too many people around to pinpoint it. Sighing, he turned back to Breech. He still couldn't shake that feeling that something big was about to happen.

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"I did it to myself," Breech said flatly. She decided that she could, perhaps, trust the wolf a little, "I was trying to pick the lock to my door with a piece of glass."

He looked at her as if she was mad. Which was true, she conceded to herself.

"What is it?" she asked him, as she saw him looking around.

Posts: 383
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OOC: ARG! I missed it! ;_; I was in this before, but it's a bit too late to join now I guess...

If it isn't let me know? >_>

*reads through this*

Posts: 409
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(OOC: Sorry for my absence)

Kym had been dreaming again...dreaming of how life used to be, how she wished it was now. In her dream, she had managed to rally together the tired and beaten slaves and overpower the overlanders and robots. In her dream, she had broken out of this hellhole along with the others. They had all headed for the other slave camps. In her dream, they had freed the other slaves of the other camps and they all ended up taking Robotnik down. The sun had shined and everyone had rejoiced.

Come one...get real. It was just a dream.

With a sour look on her face, the young vixen followed the other slaves out of the barracks and into the gym. Gym. Back before all this, when she had actually been able to go to school, she had loathed the class called gym. Running laps, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping-jacks....and slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Now, gym class didn't seem like such a bad idea.

Then again, everything that didn't involve mining, mush, little sleep, and beds that shocked you awake....well, everything sounded better than that stuff.

Kym took her place off to the sides, as she always did. Standing there watching everyone wander aimlessly around as if to seem like they were really doing something was what she always did. This way she didn't lose much energy, and she got to observe those who worked the mines with her. Those who bled with her, sweated with her, hurt with her....yeah, this was what she always did.

Today, however, a pair of slaves caught her eye...a cat and a wolf, both of whom looked quite interesting.

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OOC: I doubt its too late. We don't even have a plot yet. :p

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The baking sun. How it tortured him. Swift winced quickily as he attempted to get away from that poison from the sky. Slowly eating away at him throughout these twenty-three years. He gathered up some saliva from his mouth and spat it on the hyrbrid of sand, metal, and rock.
The black and navy blue hedgehog looked ahead, in such he saw a few people ahead- one, feline- other, canine.
He'd seen both on several occasion's before. He just had never really conversed with them before.

No reason to, really.

Swift snorted lightly as he leaned aganist a steel wall of the building where they had exited earlier- their "prison" of which they had forced to sleep in every night of every day. The metal was hot. But then again, only a moron wouldn't know metal attracts heat in a desert.

The hedgehog grimly nodded.

(OOC: I PMed you about a week ago Silver, and let us continue the RP guys.)

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Quick question I waiting for you and Astral, or are you waiting for me? I figured I was waiting for Astral to make his move then I follow, but it's occured to me that maybe you guys are waiting for Tobias to do something...)

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(OOC: Well, I'm not sure your to wait for Astral or not. To be honest, its up between you two.)

Posts: 396
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ooc: There is B all I can do at the moment, asty being none corporial makes interaction kinda dificult, as dose not knowing when I'm suposed to start the ball roling for the more action indulging part of the RP. Mike if you want me to set things off or intend to do so yourself just say, but frankly we need everyone in the mines before we do so.

Posts: 2928
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OOC: er... where do I need to be again? I can move that lameo phox whereever.

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: I took my stock from that line of Astrals in his second post...


Dont weep soon, Ill free you from those chains in your mind. And unleash your fury. Ironic, isnt it? That you over all creatures will begin the war.

So I was kinda waiting for him to do something, but if you'd rather me start something on my own let me know and I will...I think I know a way I could.

Demo's already in the mine already, if he's needed for anything, he never left it.)


He hit the mineral deposit very soon.It was tougher than the normal rocks, but his Admantium-reenforced claws still smashed through without too much trouble. He simply increased th strength of his swings.

The cunks of rock he carved off were being ferried onto a conveyer belt by the guard robots. They had often complained about having to work whilst guarding, but no one payed them any attention.

Inside, the darkness remained, unbroken. There had to be a way out...somewhere...somehow...

Occasionally he would feel something, the slightest hint of a breeze, the gentle glow of a light, but they had slipped away, receding beond his grasp before he could turn to face them...

If ever one came again, he would not miss this time...

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

IC: As she was marched toward the gym, Serenity found herself thinking, Why do they even have us do this every other day? Wouldn't it be more efficient to make us work the mines EVERY day? She didn't want to give the slavedrivers any ideas, however, so she kept her mouth shut. She sighed as she realized how often she thought that same thing. Every other day, each time she was led in here, she caught herself thinking that...

Another thought entered the emaciated, mud-caked, purple hedgehog's mind. Why hasn't Egghead called for me lately? I used to be his personal servant...but then I was just reasigned to "cart girl" several years ago with no explanation... She pondered this for a while as she was shoved onto a treadmill. I sure was glad though...When he looked at me that way... She shuddered.

Her thoughts were jolted back to the present as a bot whipped her back, causing several flakes of dried mud to fall off along with the drops of blood frome the re-opened wound. *SIIIIGH...* They want me to generate power for them...THAT must be why I'm in here every other day for them...Dunno why I didn't connect it before...And to think...I used to ENJOY it's just another form of drudgery...


OOC: Nothing for Surgie right now.

Posts: 84
Estimable Member

Would it be OK for me to join in? (It should be known this is actually Silvershadow0 under an alt) I joined in the original enslaved RP with a character or two of mine. I've a rough idea how I'd like to join with them this time, but I guess I'll have to wait and see if it's alright.

~LightStrike (aka SilverShadow).

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OOC: Ah, Silvershadow - you were in the first rendition of New Mobius, right? I'd like to continue this RP, and I have more time now- everyone just to let you all know - the gym is the excercise yard.

Don't get confused. ^^;;

I'll post IC after SS0.

Posts: 84
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Hmmm... so this is the site that I saw...

Swift glanced round. That was odd... just a second ago he could've sworn he'd caught a glimpse of something shiny... other than all the metal robots and buildings around here that is...
But no, whatever it was he'd thought he'd seen, it wasn't there now.

Inside the gym, Kym stopped momentarily. She blinked. She could have sworn that for just a moment she'd seen - or thought she'd seen - someone staring straight at her. And they'd been stood right there in the middle of the gym... but there was no sign now.
Just as James brought his gaze back to Breech, he thought he'd caught a glimpse of something... something glimmering... but no, it was gone. Could it have been...? No, surely not...

And then in the mine... something passed by Zero One. He glanced round briefly, but whatever it was wasn't there now. He pulled himself to his feet to continue with his practice. Something emerged from the shadows nearby. An old-looking grey coloured fox. He sat himself on a rock nearby, watching Zero One. Zero One sighed wearily. You're probably not supposed to be here, you know. If you're looking for someone to talk to, you're wasting your time.
The grey fox continued to sit, looking at him with some interest. Zero One shrugged and turned away to continue working, but then the fox spoke.
Prisoner Zero One. Richard Underwood. One of the so-called "first". Interesting... Of all places, I would not have expected to see you here.
Zero One looked over his shoulder at the fox. Someone's been nosing around... And it's not that odd I'm here. I'm a prisoner after all. You should get back to work... you're like that punk wolf from before. he said, looking back to his work.
As you wish. replied the fox, Far be it from me to disregard the wishes of one of your kind...
Zero One turned. What do you mean by... he trailed off. The fox had vanished. He frowned, then resumed his work.

Back outside, Swift noticed an old-looking grey fox heading towards him. He merely grunted an acknowledgement as means of a greeting, but the old fox seemed intent on talking to him.
Greetings, young one. I just transferred here today, and thought I should acquaint myself with one or two people. What's your name?
Hmph... you're rather cheery sounding for an old guy... but it's Swift. I doubt you'll be as cheerful as this within a week of being here. You must've had it easy wherever you were.
Ah, Swift. Well, it's nice to meet you. My name is... well, I've been called lots of things actually... erm, just call me "Sable". I think that would work best.
Well, whatever. Nice to meet you I guess.

The next few weeks should be interesting...



Name: "Sable". Real name not known.

Slave Number: [70000000]

Species: Fox

Labour Experience: Appears to have had experience in all areas...

And there we have it. I hope this is all in order!

~LightStrike (aka SilverShadow)

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Well, whatever. Nice to meet you I guess. Swift snorted as he looked at Sable or thats how he introduced himself anyway. Sable seemed to be just a bit too cheery for this day and time. With this in thought, Swift snorted again. Welcome to our little piece of hell, Id get acquainted with other slaves while youre here. Swift said.

Breakfast will begin in a fewanyway. Youll know when it arrives. He snorts.

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Breakfast will begin in a few...anyway. You'll know when it arrives. the hedgehog snorted.
Ah, I see. Sable replied. He looked around himself. Well, until it arrives, I'll just amuse myself over here then, hmm? he smiled. Swift just shrugged at him.

Sable wandered off a short distance into the open area that passed as an exercise yard around here. He found himself a small space and began to stretch his limbs a bit, before taking up a well-practiced stance. With that, he began to go through the motions of tai-chi.

Swift watched the old guy doing his weird movements and merely grunted. Great, another odd person. he thought to himself. He was about to go off and find something else to do, when he noticed a guard approaching Sable. He idly watched to see what was going on.

Sable was aware of the guard approaching to his left. He didn't stop his movements though. Slave! What's your ID number? ...and what are you doing?
Sable glanced over at the man. I believe you will find my ID record under slave number 70000000. And I am merely doing what I can to keep body and soul in good shape. The guard pulled a small computer device from a pocket and punched in the ID code. Slave number 70000000... ah, here it is. he frowned. There's no given name for you apart from "Sable". And it says here you refuse to give your actual name.
That is correct. Sable replied, still running through his motions.
Wait... there's more here... the guard read further, muttering the details to himself. Transferred from site 1... Transferred to site 2; reason: injury to staff. Transferred to site 3... transferred to site 4... injury to staff... transferred... transferred... he skimmed over the details, until he reached the latest entry. Transferred to site 11 due to site 10 refusing to hold subject. Subject can at times be highly volatile and should not be unnecessarily provoked. In spite of this apparent formidability, subject shows no great desire for escape. Subject is a hard worker and can generally be trusted to work accordingly, in spite of his age. The guard gave Sable a derisive look. Apparently you've been quite the troublemaker... though given your age, I find that hard to believe.
Sable finally straightened up, a smile playing across his lips. Oh? Then I would hope that you are not unfortunate enough to "unnecessarily provoke" me...
The guard merely gave him a Hmph. and turned to walk away. After he had gone, Sable stretched a little more. Presently, he noticed Swift looking at him in an interested fashion.

Swift had heard what the guard had read out. Now that he'd left, Swift had wandered over to talk to the old fox, as it seemed there was more to him than he'd initially believed. How much of what was in that file is accurate? he pried. Sable looked over at him.
All of it. he replied nonchalantly. I've been in solitary ever since I transferred to site 2. Apparently an elderly gentleman such as myself presents a security risk of some sort...
Huh. I wonder what kind-- Swift started, but then a loud buzzer sounded to indicate that what counted for breakfast was about to be served. Sable straightened up again and turned in it's direction. Sounds like it's time to eat. he muttered, and headed in the general direction of the sound's origin.


~LightStrike (aka SilverShadow).

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Huh. I wonder what kind-- Swift started, but then a loud buzzer sounded to indicate that what counted for breakfast was about to be served. Sable straightened up again and turned in it's direction. Sounds like it's time to eat. he muttered, and headed in the general direction of the sound's origin. Swift nodded to this, "Obviousily." he said as he walked along with Sable to where they had to go to- the room which was where the slaves would get their, you couldn't even describe the slop they got like that. And it was never a decent ration, jut enough to get by- and then there was the fact it tasted repulsive.
In a few momments the slaves got their "meals" per se. And each opposing member was sent back into the schorching heat with that said meal.

"Enjoy the slop, Sable. Heh." Swift chuckled lightly as he ate some of his own food.

Posts: 481
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OOC: Arg....sorry 'bout the monthlong dissapearance. If this is still running, I can post in it again. But not right now....

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(OOC: I wouldn't mind if others in this are still interested.)

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(OOC: I'm still here if anyone else is...)

Posts: 84
Estimable Member


I'm still interested in continuing if everyone else is...

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Arg...RL is so annoying...I just haven't had any RP drive lately. :x :o I WILL get back to this soonish I hope...X.X

EDIT: *bump* I AM alive...and I DO want to continue this...just really, REALLY buisy right now....X.X Will get to it.....sometime.

Posts: 1334
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So that's how many willing to participate in this? 1...2...3...4. 4. Least tis something I'll write up somehting when I can.


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