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New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

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A little over a year ago I started an Rp entitled New Paths. It had a pretty good run, and would have went on longer if it wasn't for some personal buisness I had to tend to! New Paths was by far my favorite RP and I wanted to do so much more to it! However, since it is over a year old it wouldn't make much since to just start posting on it again not knowing where everyone that was previously involved went to! So I have decided to restart it a year later to take the same story and see what happens with new (maybe some old) players in this RP. The original is still here buried in this guild somewhere if you really want to see how it previously went. Also it takes place some time before Ian started writting the comics so just prtend everything he worked on doesn't exist! I've already wasted too much time much so without further ado I give you the original unchanged intro to New Paths. Enjoy!

"The entire Acorn family is dead!" St. John told sonic as they hid from the enemy forces, "It still baffles me! Snively was playing us the whole time, but how could he single handly wipe out the royal family?"
"It certainly beats the hell out of me!" Sonic replied.

Sonic didn't believe half of what he heard. It seemed that Snively took advantage of a top secret project the brain trust was working on, and twisted it so it would make him more powerful. He tried to think back to what Tails told him about the nano-machines and how they affected Someone's physical structure. Even if Snively was using nano-machines he still couldn't take out the royal family, and claim Knothole all by himslef.

Sonic and St. John's attention turned toward the castle as a cry of help was heard. It was Tommy Turtle, the royal guards had caught him trying to escape.
"Please let me go," the turtle pleaded, "I promise it won't happen again!"
"I'm sorry, but King Snively had ordered us to execute anyone who tried to exit Knothole without his permission!" the guard told him firmly.
"I"M SORRY!" Tommy wailed as a shot from the guards gun sent him crashing to the ground.
'How could they dod something like this?' Sonic thought to himself, 'unless Snively had infected them too.'

As much as they wanted to, Sonic and St. John couldn't come out to rescue the village. Coming out of their hiding spots would result in death for them. As it was they were already being hunted down by Snively's guards. The image seemed unreal, but yet it was happening right in front of them. They watched as each guard grabbed one of Tommy's legs and dragged him away leaving a thick trail of blood behind.

"I can't take this anymore!" Sonic said angered, "He has already taken everyone I love away form me!"
Sonic jumpped out of hideing and started running toward the edge of Knothole.
"No Sonic don't!" it was too late for St. John to try and stop him, all he could do now was pray!

The steets of Station Square were crowded as always, and the sun hung high in the sky it was another beautiful day. No one in town knew what was going down at Knothole.
"Hey look it's Sonic!" one child yelled as Sonic stumbled into the streets.

The hedgehog was battered up. Massive wounds could be seen all over his body, his blood poured onto the pavement in small amounts.
"What happened?" a woman asked as she kneeled down close to Sonic. She put her hand on his shoulder and shook him. She jumpped back in horror and shrieked, "OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD!"

This caused an errie silence thorughout the crowd. Whispers and murmers soon started to specualte what might have happened to the poor hedgehog. Some said it was Eggman, and some even blamed it on a horrific accident. No one knew what happened in Knothole, and waht is happening to the citizens at that exact moment!

All my life I have dreamed of this day! Not even Robotnik could achieve what I have today. All of the Knothole Freedom Fighters are dead! All that is left of Knothole are the hapless citizens whom I will use for my plans for global domination. I am King Snively soon to be ruler of all!

OOC: This RP starts right after the news reports on Sonic's death. They don't know the cause of death, but are trying to solve that theirselves.No one knows what is happening in Knothole so Sation Square decides to investiagte, but no one has returned. You can create a character who has just heard word of this mysterious death(or not), and go from there. You can use two characters if you so chose, and here is a simple profile to fill out if you so choose!
Allignment:( Eggman/Freedom Fighter/Civillian)

They can have special powers and abilities if you want, and you can start from anywhere you please. Any questions ask here or send a message and follow all board rules! Now all you have to do is have FUN!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

OOC: Here's the original RP for those of you who want to see how it went, as Eggpire mentioned.

Okay, here are my characters, unchanged from before... with the exception of a new character, that is (she's listed second):

Name:Kaeda Fox
Age: 15
Species: Double-Tailed Fox
Hometown: Station Square
Alignment: Freedom Fighter
Bio: As a young child, her village was burned to the ground, her mother slain, and older sister missing. She spent the last ten years with a relative in a neighboring village and joined the resistance movement three years ago. Now, she currently lives in Station Square with the same relative, that is until...

Name: Kanal the Echidna
Age: 8
Species: Echidna
Hometown: Angel Island
Alignment: Unknown
Bio: This child has been staying in Station Square with Kaeda for the past few months. Due to an incident on Angel Island, she had been sent away. Unfortunately, the aircraft crash-landed outside of the city. Since then, she has had no way of getting back. She terribly misses Knuckles, who she considers an older brother figure. Her origin, however, is unknown.

Name: Tiuren Fox
Age: 16 (estimated)
Species: Fox
Hometown: None (she's missing)
Alignment: None
Bio: Tiuren disappeared ten years ago when the village was burned down. Her sister Kaeda is currently searching for her.

Intro post to be written later.

Edit: Full profiles for Kaeda and Kanal can be found here.
Removed a profile.

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OOC: That's great Kaze, and while you've brought it up I'll post my character's profile for Flaming Chaso Slightly edited!

Name:Flaming Chaos (real name unknown)
Age: ???
Hometown: ???
Allignment:Freedom Fighter
Bio: Not much is known about Flaming Chaos. Some say he only appears in times of great despair. Others believe that he only appears to cause pain and suffering to the unsuspecting population. What is known, however to a select few, that he is the guardian of the Chaos Force, the mystical entitiy that supposedly keeps a balance between the powers of Chaos of the forces of nature. When this balance is upset it is believed that the Chaos Force will go to extremes to find and fix this disbalnce. That is where Flaming Chaos comes into play. He is a Feedom Fighter on a different term. His freedom comes from protecting his masters!

There it is an almost completey different bio for Flaming! I'll IC later setting alternate entry points into the story!

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

OOC: I keep forgetting to join this. Now that I'm not a n00b, it should go better XD. Characters have been revamped, but Mrder essentially replaces Switch and Retter is a new character.

Name: Mrder Alexander
Age: 19
Species: Fox
Home Town: Station Square
Alignment: Unknown
Bio: A mercenary. While currently could be considered a Freedom Fighter due to his disdain for Eggman, his actual intentions are unknown. He has one sister, who is the complete opposite of him.

Name: Retter Alexander
Age: 17
Species: Fox
Hometown: Station Sqaure
Alignment: Freedom Fighter
Bio: A friendly, but often intense guy who is the brother of Mrder. He is strongly against all things Eggman. He was in Station Square at the time of the attack on Knothole. Retter does not trust his brother.

An intro post to come later today, I'm a bit busy at the moment.

Posts: 2723
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Her eyes shifted to see a large crowd nearby, talking and murmuring amongst themselves about some corpse they had found.

"Making a spectacle out of the deceased. How disrespectful," the teenage vixen muttered bitterly to the younger echidna child who followed at her heels. "You'd think they'd at least scatter instead of stare."

"Who do you think it could be, Kaeda?" the child asked, uneasily twirling a dread.

"Beats me, Kanal. But then again, it doesn't concern us. Let's go."

Kaeda had only taken a step when she turned to see Kanal running for the crowd.

"Oh, that little--" the fox muttered again. "Kanal! Come back over here! Kanal!"

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OOC: And thus it begins...again!

The crowd seemed to be getting thicker by the second. The word was spreading fast of the hero's death, and everyone just had to see it for themselves.
"Sonic the Hedgehog is dead!" A bright orange echidna muttered to himself despartely trying to fight the crowd, "still like may others, I can't fully seem to grasp this fact. I have to see for myself!"
The echidna was nearing the crime scene inch by inch as the sun seemingly inches from the ground scorched the crowd. No one cared about the heat they just wanted to see the body of the hedgehog. Finally he could see it. The body of Sonic the Hedgehog was lying htere in front of him beaten and battered to an almost unreconizeable stae. It was a feeling of morbid fasination that went through the echidna's body. He didn't want to see Mobius' greatest hero sprawled out on a street corner lying lifeless drenched in his own blood, but for an odd reason he couldn't bring himself to look away. It was the fact that one could have never imagined that Sonic the hedgheog would...die. As much as the public wanted to beleive that Sonic was some sort of God the proof lay on a Station Square street curb that he was not!
The Echidna couldn't take it anymore. He turned and bolted back through the crowd knocking citizens out of they way as a feeling of sadness crept over the echidna's body. Never in his life has he feared for the safety of a people as he does now. He knew without a hero people would give up all hope and subcumb to the ways of Dr. Robotnik or any other force out there. He knew something had to be done to prevent future events like these from happening.
Then the echidna's mind drifted to the city of Knothole. If the hedgehog is dead then what has become of his friends and comrades had they too suffered the same fate? The echidna turned to face the ever growing crowd as sounds of sadness echoed throughout the city. It almost seemed that the Earth stood still for the whole of two hours. He noticed ambulance trying to make their way through the crowds to gather Sonic's body and bring him back to the hospital for examintaion. It seemed to be a hopless cause as no one seemed to even notice the ambulance. The echidna then turned aorund and face the empty city and just started walking. walking into the vast emptiness!

OOC: I hope this could serve as an alternate starting point for anyone that wants to join in, but doesn't know where to jump in at!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Darn you for bringing one of my favorite threads on the board back when I'm so buisy Egg! :lol

I really shouldn't rejoin this, I don't have the time and...oh who am I kidding! All being well I should be able to keep up, but if ever there is a problem with regard to posting, let me know and I'll take nessecery steps to rectify it.

Wraith's full bio etc. can be found in the Character Profiles Thread. Also I'll add a new character that wasn't in the origional, if that's ok. First post is largely the same, but with a few small alterations.

And I'm still a little rusty on Archie timelines, so if I make a mistake let me know.)


"Yo bro. What's new?"

Knuckles turned away from the console he was opperating, looking across the Emerald Chamber at the newcomer. "You're finally awake." he muttered, not without a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey, I'm on holiday here!" exclaimed the second echidna as he stepped into the room. "Come on, even I need a break sometimes! It's hard work fighting those SWATbots and Badniks all the time! When I get a rest, I live it!" His face was grinning as he moved across the room to stand next to his brother, the dim lights in the chamber glinting on his armour and the metal implant on his forehead. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Trying to get in touch with Knothole." replied Knuckles, turning back to the console and narrowing his eyes. "We lost their signal a while ago, and I can't contact them now."

The maroon echidna laughed. "Don't say Rotor fell on the radio again!" he joked, still grinning.

"It may be more serious than that, Wraith. I'm picking up some other radio signals from the village now too, ones I don't recognise."

Wraith blinked, suddenly serious. "Other radio signals?"

"Different that the Freedom Fighters never use."

"Can you tune to it?"

"'s been encrypted somehow." Knuckles shook his head, folding one arm across his chest and grabbing his chin with the other. "I wouldn't be worried, but it's been going on for a while."

Wraith looked down at the console, raising his eyebrows. "Let me know if there's anything I can do."

Knuckles just nodded as he reach out to the console again. Wraith turned and wondered over to another bank of computers on the far wall, flicking a switch on them. A large screen in the wall flickered for a moment, before resolving into an image, and sound filled the room from various speakers.

" as yet unknown, although investigations are already underway. We will keep you posted on any developments in the story."

The newsreader, a swan, seemed rather upset today. Wraith stared at her watery eyes staring out of the screen, and her voice sounded a little hoarse. What was going on?

"Here's an update for anybody who has just joined us. It is truly a sad day for all of Mobius today...Sonic the Hedgehog, hero, freedom fighter and savior, is dead."

Knuckles' head snapped round suddenly, staring at the screen. Wraith, already watching, felt his jaw drop.


The image on the screen changed to the picture of a crowded street, with an ambulance parked in the middle of the road, and a caption in the corner read 'Amature Video'.

"He was found this morning in the downtown area, severely injured." continued the newsreader's voice over the pictures. "He was immeadeately rushed to central hospital, but was pronnounced dead on arrival."

The camera jolted from side to side as it weaved it's way through the crowd. Several ambulance personel were carrying a bed towards the waiting veichle, rolling it on it's wheels, and as the camera came close, it was raised high above the crowd's heads to get a better vantage point. There, lay on the streacher, was a prone, motionless, famous blue form!

"Snakes!!!" spat Wraith, blinking as though he didn't believe his eyes. "This...this can't be true!!!"

By now his younger brother had stepped forward alongside him, his eyes as wide as Wraiths! "What could have...?" he started.

Wraith's head immeadiately flicked to him. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" he muttered, narrowing his eyes.

Knux nodded. "It can't be a co-incidence...something's going on at Knothole." He turned and set off across the room quickly. "We need to find out what it is! Come on!"

"Wait!" Knuckles paused and turned back to see Wraith looking up at the screen again. "If this really is true..." he muttered, "if Knothole has fallen and Sonic really is..." He had trouble saying the word. "...dead..."

He turned to face his brother again. "What's next on the list?" he asked, fixing Knux with a stare. "Robotnik's gonna move on to his next objective, and you can guarentee that the Chaos Emeralds will be somewhere high on that list! We can't afford to leave them unguarded!"

Knuckles looked around at the precious, powerful gems, nestles in their crystaline, flower-like niches on the wall. "'re right."

"You've been Guardian here longer than I have." continued Wraith, stepping forward. "It was you who descovered know the place better. I'll go down there...figure out what's going on."

Knuckles considered a moment. His expression didn't look happy. "Wraith, we don't have a clue what's going on down there. Yes, we need to guard the emeralds, but you going alone..."

"I'll contact Ianthe." interupted Wraith quickly, and Knux narrowed his eyes.

"You sure she'll come?"

"She may be a loner, but believe me, her loyalties are true."

"Alright." The reluctance was heavy in Knuckles' voice as he replied, but he nodded his head slowly in agreement. "Just...take care, okay?"


Far below the Angel Island, in the forests not too far from the Knothole village entrance, the trees basked in the bright sunlight and rustled slightly in the light breeze, the idellic, peaceful atmosphere contrasting starkly with the dark, forboding events occuring elsewhere in the world. Flickies flew lazily in the skies, filling the air with birdsong as they revelled in the warm summer heat, and insects chirped to each other between the trees.

Not all life in the forest was relaxing, however.

With a flash of red, a thin, lithe figure darted between the thick treetrunks, keeping low to the ground as it moved completely soundlessly. It's movements were graceful and smooth, like those of a ballet dancer or a gymnast, and breathtakingly fast as the figure shot from shadow to shadow beneath the trees.

Suddenly it paused beneath the branches of a particularly large oak, pressing itself up against the trunk as it glanced around the area for signs of danger, and thanks to it's speed slowing, it's form became more visible.

The figure was a squirrel, her fur a deep reddish-brown color with a long, fluffy tail curled up her back. The fact that she was female was also clearly evident by her thin, shapely body and waist length red-brown hair, ruler straight, with a brown headband keeping it back behind her ears. She wore no clothes save for a pair of knee-high brown leather boots, and a long, flowing brown cape over her back, tied around her neck with a golden glasp. Her face was thin and delicate, her nose small and pointed, and her eyes exceptionally large and glinting the broghtest emerald green, shining with intensity as she scanned her surroundings.

Content she was alone for now, she knelt down beside the tree, quickly dropping the two items she was carrying with her, a long, light, metal fighting pole a little taller than she was herself, and a small brown backpack hung over one shoulder. The reason she had stopped became evident as she quickly reached into the pack and pulled out a small mobile phone that was rumbling for attention, the ringtone switched off, but the vibration function noticable even through the material of the backpack. Lifting the phone to her ear, she answered in a voice soft and musical, but with an underlying hint of strength and bravery: "Yes?"

"Ianthe, it's Wraith." came the reply from the other end. "Listen, me and Knux think something may be going down at Knothole. We can't get in touch."

"I know." the squirrel replied evenly.

"What, you've been there?"

"No, but I'm headed there now to investigate. I saw a SWATbot patrol moving through the forest a short while ago, and thought something was amiss."

"Wait for me, okay?" Wraith replied immeadeately. "I'm getting a teleport down there right away. Losing contact with Knothole isn't all that's happened, and believe me, it's best neither of us go in there alone!"

"Very well." was the squirrel's only reply.

"I'll bring you up to speed with the news when I meet up with you...but it isn't good Ianthe, brace yourself. I'll be down there in minutes..."

(OOC: And finally, bio for Ianthe:

Name: Ianthe Irrin (occasionally varies, see bio.)
Age: 22
Species: Red Squirrel
Hometown: Origionally Knothole, now lives alone in the forests outside.
Allignment: Loner, occasional Freedom Fighter.
Bio: Ianthe is a brave, bold individual with a kind heart and a friendly nature, however her experiences in her life have caused her to become somewhat reserved and withdrawn. Her natural personallity is still there, and shines through on occasion, but she is very reluctant to show emotion anymore.

Ianthe was born with multiple personallity disorder, and from a young age has manifested countless different personallities over the years. This fact, coupled with the loss of her parents to Robotnik's roboticisers when she was just three, has led to her feeling very alone, and she fears for the safety of anyone around her should her personallity switch without warning. This is the cause of her self-imposed exile.

Her speed and grace have led to her being an exceptional fighter both with her staff and unarmed, being a master of the Capoeira fighting style. Her major weakness, though, is that her personallity can suddenly shift at any point, becoming someone totally different for a period of time. She has been known to manifest any number of other personallities, but usually just switches between two others besides Ianthe, her 'normal' psychie:

Fiona Blackwater ~ A girl much younger than Ianthe, perhaps seven or eight, who is perpetually afraid of everything and everyone, and wants to simply hide away from the world in fear. She is unaware of her multiple personallity disorder.

Solstice Equinox ~ An evil, dark figure that rarely, if ever, speaks. Solstice is a danger to anyone around her, even allies, and will injure and even kill for no apparent reason. Wether Solstice knows about her disorder is unknown.)

Posts: 1044
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OOC:Glad to see you could make it Wraith! It really is wonderful to have almost everyone back together RPing again. I was just checking out original and it was the first time I got to read the last few posts that were made. It really is said that it had to die when the the was just getting so juciy! No IC for now I'll wait for some of the others before my next post!

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

OOC: this sounds really good, hope it's okay if I jion.


Nightshade was sitting on the roof tops after seeing Sonic body get taken away in an ambulance.
It was a sad site to her, and many others for a great hero, was now gone forever.
Nightshade wipe the tears away, it wasn't good for her to cry, espesilly with the robotic parts on her face.
Her purple tanktop and partly her bark purple trousers were damp due to all the crying. Her left arm was completely robtic while her right was normal, she had partly robotic ears and around the eyes and along her black tail were also partly robotic.
She decide it was best for her to leave, and imform the guys if they didn't already known about Sonic's death, back at the garage.
She started jumping from roof top, to roof top, it was easy for her to do this for her legs had also were part machine
She Finally reached the guys garage, still with tears running down her checks.
""sniff" stupid tears"
Wiping more tears away before yelling..
"Hey guys!, you still in their?"
Their was a loud clank and muttering before she finally got a reply.
"Who goes there?"
She Recognises the voice to belong to Griff the Griffin.
"Griff you know its me, now let me in before I knock this door down!"
"Okay, okay, don't have to be so grumpy about it"
There was more sounds as Griff was unlocking the lockes of the door.
The door swinged open showing a brown griffin behinded it, with his green scraf that he was wearing around his neck, the green googles on his head and his green shoes that he was wearing on this feet.
He noticed the tears that were still around her purple eyes.
"Is there something wrong Night?"
Nightshade push past Griff and head towards the T.V, for it was uveous that they hadn't heard the news.
She turn on the T.V thnkful that it was already on the news channle.
Griff Had goten closer to see why Nightshade had turn on the T.V when he heard.
"Here's an update for anybody who has just joined us. It is truly a sad day for all of Mobius today...Sonic the Hedgehog, hero, freedom fighter and savior, is dead."

His beak dropped
"This can't be possible!...I'll got get Shdow and Star!"
She watched as Giff ran of, in the direction Star and Shadow. With her the robitic parts in her ears she could hear the conversation clearly. Shadow wasn't believing a word Griff was saying while Star kept saying "I don't believe it" over and over. After 5 minutes Griff had drag both of them to the T.V to here the report, luckly it was reapting the news and other updates about it still.
"So it is true" said Shadow......

OOC: I will put up profiles in my next post, and it's Shadow my fox char not Shadow the Hedgehog.

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: Mind if I join 😛

Tassiel watched from her vantage point on the roof of a building overlooking station square. Her binoculars were still in her hand, but her arm was hanging loosely at her side, Sonic was...dead?
It was hard to believe but was unfortunately true. The hyena sighed to herself and shook away the feeling of loss, no matter how sad this was, it was not yet a time for mourning, if Sonic was dead, who killed him?

It was time for a trip to Knothole, covertly of course. As an assassin she wasn't supposed to attract too much attention to herself, and if things were bad, then she probably wouldn't want to have whoever was calling the shots breathing down her neck.

She quickly picked up her navy jacket and pulled it on, zipping it up to obscure the all-black tactical gear she had underneath. Automatically she checked her knives, the metal blackened so it wouldn't 'glint' at a bad time. Her crossbow and bolts went in what looked like a sportsbag (all secured of course, she didn't want to have an accident with her own weaponry) and then she began her exit, who knew what would happen next, either way, she would have to keep an eye out for any leads. She may be an assasin, but she was still working for the same goals as the freedom fighters.

OOC: Hope that's all okay, I'll edit if I've messed up least I went back and cleaned up some of the typos 😛

Posts: 1044
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OOC:Welcome Groovygerbil and Super Ferret. It's nice to see some new faces! Everything seems perfect and good to go!
I should put up an IC to move the story a bit, but I can't think right now so I'll put one up tomorrow!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

The echidna girl didn't quite hear Kaeda calling after has she walked off towards the crowd.

Pushing her way through the mostly human crowd, she finally made it to the center, where her heart stopped at what she had seen.

"Sonic," was the only word that came from her lips as she tried to keep herself from screaming.

She had only seen the hedgehog once before speaking with Knuckles a while back, but she'd never thought she would see him like this...

She slowly backed away from the lifeless corpse until a hand touched her shoulder, making her yelp.

"Found you," Kaeda's voice drifted from behind. "I told you not to run off..."

Kanal looked up to the teenage fox with horror-stricken eyes, taking a hold of her hand.

"What's wrong, kid? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Kanal shook her head. "He's really gone! I can't believe he's gone!"

"Who are you--" Kaeda started to ask before her gaze followed the grieving child's pointed finger to the blue hedgehog's body ahead of them. The sight alone was enough to make the vixen curse.

"@#%$! This is bad... Kanal, I know you're hurting, but we have to go." Kaeda took the echidna by the hand. "We don't have any time to waste!"

Just when they were about to leave, however, an energy shot suddenly zoomed out of the sky and struck several cars!


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The bright orange echidna was halfway down Main Street when it happened! The massive explosion rocketed througout the streets. A cloud of debris was launched high into to air that could've been seen for miles around. A rancid around seemed to almost choke the echidna. Then he realized what was going on. Someone or something was gassing the entire city! The echidna turned and started to run back towards the crowd, but he could feel himself getting weker and weaker. He had only been a few meters away from the blast. Another energy shot burst through a tall skyscraper followed by another into a small pawn shop. The echidna saw large canisters parachuteing from the sky. More gas bombs it seemed. Whoever it was wanted them alive!

Inside the glorious throne room of castle acorn sat Snively. He sat in the same throne that was once occupied by the king only hours ago!
"It truely feels good to be king!" the evil monarch said proudly aloud to himself.
The throne room doors flew open sending in a cool breze that caused the tourches mounted on the walls to flicker a pale dim light across the chamber! It was a Knothole guard formerly under the command of King Elias.
"Sir the princess has been secured. She won't be escapeing anytime soon."
"Good, good," Snively said with a smile, "have you sent my transmission to my dear ol' "uncle" yet?"
"No sir. The communications array was damged during the invasion, and we wouldn't dare send any communications though our technologies sir?"
"How unfortunate, Get to patching up that array dish and let the good docter know exactly that I'm in charge!"
"Right away you majesty!"
The guard turned and left the throne room ready to carry out his masters bidding.
Snively pulled out a small radio, "Commander!" he hissed into it, "Activate project Diamond!"
"Are you sure sir? It isn't finished yet." a voice came back through.
"Don't question me only do what you're told!"
"Right away sir Snively!"
Snvely turned off the radio and a wide evil grin crept across his face.
"Finally my day of victory draws near! Soon everyone will be at my mercy and there will be no Robotnik to stop me!"

OOC:Just doing this (the snively bit) to start the crazy new direction I'm taking New Paths!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Wraith shot the squirrel a cold glance at the deadpan responce, frowning as he saw her calm, nondescript expression. "That all you can say?"

"What do you want me to say, Wraith?" came the reply, a little emotion finally breaking into Ianthe's face as her brow furrowed slightly. "What can we say in responce to news like that?"

The echidna sighed, biting his lower lip as he nodded slowly. She was right, there was no responce to Sonic's death...he knew it was still sinking in for him too, and it may be many days before it finally hit home. Ianthe turned her large emerald green eyes, staring of into the forest with a distant air. "What matters, though, is what we do about it."

"Sheesh, I always thought I was buisnesslike." Wraith muttered wryly, and Ianthe's gaze flicked back to him.

"When you live with a life of uncertanty, you learn to deal with it." she responded quietly. "And right now, sitting around moaning about what's happened will get us nowhere."

"You're right." Wraith murmured, standing up from the rock he had been sitting on. "We have to find out what's going on, and bring the perpetrators to justice. It's what Sonic would have wanted too."

"Exactly." Ianthe lifted her staff from the tree against which it had been leaning, resting it lightly on her shoulder as she fixed the echidna with a pointed gaze. "So what're our objectives?"

"We find out what's going down in Knothole." replied Wraith as he straightened his armour. "Keep a low profile, try to contact the royal family and any others of the Freedom Fighters who are still alive. Once we have more information, we can start formulating a plan."

"Agreed. Lead the way." Wraith nodded and set off moving to head past Ianthe into the forest, but as he passed her, the squirrel shot out a paw, grabbing his arm and making him pause. "And Wraith...I do care. Just because I'm used to controling my emotions doesn't mean I don't feel them."

Wraith stared into her deep, glittering green eyes for a moment before giving a curt nod in responce. "Let's just make sure he didn't die in vain, okay?"

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His black pupils scanned what was going on below as the figure stopped his troll on a side of the highway that ran through Station Square. Not letting out a single emotion as he observed the scene around him. Objects falling from the sky. Explosions. Riots. The Dark Red Echidna would close his eyes for a moment. This was carnage of a sort, but what was it?

"Something is Happening." the thought directly analyzed. "It looks like a attempt to capture the city or something. Not sure. I haven't seen anything like this before. This is bad. And I'm sure I won't be able to outrun that Gas." he thought in complete reply to the first thought. He took a light breath as he hoped for the best. He was calm about the matter. No need to cause a ruckus at this point. Didn't seem like a point to him.

Meanwhile as the mysterious Echidna began to accept whatever was happening, the crowd did not share quite the same feeling. And it seemed this invasion was going to be successful whoever it was. On the streets another pair of black pupils examined the event, just like the Echidna's did a moment before. This figure was a grey-furred hedgehog wearing a blue jacket and black denim jeans. A visor was pushed up into his hair as he observed the event beholding the town. He expected something like this eventually.

"Sonic the Hedgehog is dead and then a Terrorist Attack occurs?" he grinned in thought. "How Ironic."

He pushed his black-tinted visor down over his eyes. Although unlike anyone else around the gas, he was not gasping for air or anything of the sort. He clenched his fists. He'd just wait for the enemy forces to land. Then he could worry about what to do from there.

For the Hedgehog, the Echidna, and the People of Station Square. It was all waiting from there...


[[OOC: Excuse the shortness, I couldn't intro with much where I hoped in. Expect more characters in the future. And well yeah. Edit: Added another char here or whatever. ]]

Posts: 2723
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More energy shots rained from the sky as the citizens scattered helplessly about.

A suitable escape route was quickly becoming more difficult to find for Kaeda as she struggled to get a hold of Kanal.

"We can't leave him there!" the child protested. "We've gotta go back--"

"No way! Do you want to get blasted to bits?" Kaeda growled. "Besides, the ambulance'll take care of it. There's nothing I can do right now... I'm sorry, Kanal."

Kanal was about to open her mouth to reply, but, without warning, an energy projectile struck the ground behind her. The impact tossed the girl right into the surprised fox and knocked them both to the ground!

As they started to stand, Kaeda happened to look into the sky and inhaled sharply at what she saw...

Shadow-bots... and lots of them... soaring over Station Square with jet- propelled feet and bombarding the place with gas bombs and explosions.

"Kaeda, I'm scared," Kanal whispered.

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The echidna could feel himself blanking out. He quickly grasped the neon orange emerald which dangled around his neck and began to say a little chant that inly he and his bothers knew! The gas was getting thicker and the echida didn't know whether he was going to stay conscience long enough to finish the spell. At last the emerald began to emit a faint glow the steadily grew brighter and brighter until it surrounded the echidna in a soft warm glow. With a wave of his hand he managed to summon a strong gust of wind that blew away the gas cloud from his immediate area. A very sharp and painful feeling of relief rushed into his lungs!
"Th-that's better now t-to see..." the echidna began but stopped abruptly as he saw what had became of the former metropolis of Station Square!
The echidna crashed to his knees upon the sight he had to force himself to take in. Many of the tall buildings which had stood erect only minutes before, now lay strwen across the city streets slowly burning away. Another sight caught the stunned echidna's eyes. Shadow-bots. A batillion of Eggman's best soldiers marched down the city streets their target was pretty clear. They wanted to seize the entire Station Square for their glorious master.
The echidna then looked up to see literally hundreds and hundreds of Eggman's battleships blanketing the clear blue sky. He could see drop ships and lasers flying out of these behemonths! The echidna knew that Robotnik had already won this battle that had taken the entire city by surprise. The echidna the realized that he had to escape. He had to escape wih as many civillians as possible! With one deep breath the echidna darted headfirst into the danger that was so clear before him!

"What is the delay!" A angry Snively boomed as he burst through the Brain Trust HQ entrance way.
"Master Snively we have a problem!" one of Knothole's newly turned evil scientist.
Snively just slapped him across the face.
"Ever since I joined this little group I've been schemeing for the day that I can activate my newest weapon! Now that it is here why do you tell me there is a problem!?!"
"Master Sn-"
"KING SNIVELY!" he boomed.
"Sorry King Snively, but Diamond just isn't responding!"
The scientist then pointed toward a lifeless Silver an blue hedgheog standing atop the examination table.
"We activated him," the scientist continued, "and all he did was take a few steps the went into this strange trance like state which you see him in now! Another thing his readings just skyrocketed as soon as he went into this trance!"
"What do you mean?" the monarch asked very puzzled.
"Before his activation his redings was 92% afterwards it leapt to 134%."
"He's gotten more powerful by just standing here?"
"So it seems. However due to this wierd trance he's in I'd be willing to bet that he is tapping in to an unknown power source gainging more and more power until he's satisfied."
"What happens next?"
"Well sir that is anyone's guess!"

Sorry for such the long post but I wanted to build this background plot with Snively while foucusing on my own character in Station Square. Oh, and welcome Mike!

Posts: 2398
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OOC: I'm testing an archetype change. I'm not sure how this will work for a pass-a-long story so bear with me and try to give Toby any interaction you can.

Name:Tobias Underwood
Age: 26
Species: Kydane Rabbit
Hometown: Kyzarie City
Alignment: Freedom Fighters
Bio: The last time Tobias set foot on Mobius he was a boy, very few people would know about him and even fewer would recognize him. Tobias is an alien. What's happened between his last visit to this world and now is something waiting to be uncovered.

The world has changed that much that a hero could die? I've missed a lot. Focus. What is the right move? Obviously attempting to resist this attack is stupid at this point, I have no idea if It has any effect on non-sentient beings. I guess it's up to hiding for now.

The thoughts flowed easily through his head even as the chaos was erupting around him. He stood out, he was tall, very tall. His nearly six foot tall frame must have seemed a giant to the Mobians scattering in the streets. A familiar auburn trenchcoat fluttered around his legs in aftermath of lasers and explosions. Once past the overcoat and non-descript undergarments his head finally told some of his story. He was clearly a rabbit, his brownish fur, short nose, and long ears attested to the fact irrefutably. Two exceptions, had any of those that passed him not been too manic to notice, gave pause to his origin. His nose was black, almost canine-like. As well the knowing smile on his face bared sharp dog-like incisors, instead of the familiar goofy bucktoothed ones of a rabbit. His eyes were not easily seen, tinted square eyeglasses covered them enough that one could only guess at them being a brownish color.

The man stood for a time taking in his situation and the people around him. Calmly studying first Sonic's body, then the attacking robots, and finally the fleeing populus.

This attack was well thought out, I don't have time to examine that body to see if it's really him or not. The gas will see to that, I could but if I'm going to be accepted here I need to make myself a proven good guy in their eyes. This is not Robotnik's work, it's too methodical, a lot has changed.

The hare suddenly jogged to one side and leapt over a small bench. Two small mobian's were suddenly visible between him and what looked to be the direction toward the city limits.

Perfect, just need to find the way out.

"Kaeda!" The girl squeaked out. Kanal felt the hand she was gripping tightly rise into the air, making her flip around in a panic to see a large man holding her smaller charge. But despite his intimidating size and obscured eyes, there was something disarming about him. He lacked the muscular physique and piercing glare one would attribute to a strong person. And his words seemed more frightened than anything, "We gotta get outta here, which way? I'll follow you."

There wasn't time to argue, the gas would over take them soon. Kaeda nodded and pointed into the fog, as if her instinct was telling her where safety was. Wordless they took off with Kanal in tow. But within minutes of their escape the rabbit screeched to a halt to avoid running over an equally motionless Kaeda. They, alongside a teenaged squirrel, stood facing a trio of bots.

Though the others stood thinking of a way to fight their accosters, the rabbit's frightened demeanor wavered as his mind formed another plan. I can't chance failing here, not here. He would have failed. Turn around.

Kaeda's mind raced, the adult behind her seemed useless and weaponless. The other mobian that had appeared seemed to be ready to attack and fight to the death for his freedom with just his bare fists.

"Turn around." The voice was firm, and indeed both the young squirrel and Kaeda turned around. She caught something in the man's eyes, suddenly her mind screamed at her, Run. She knew the bots would fire but she ran anyway, she wanted to escape.

Save her. The words echoed in the squirrel's mind moments before he saw Kaeda dart away. The bots turned to eliminate their targets but the squirrel rocketed in front of their guns, a shield to both the rabbit and Kaeda as they vanished back into the thickening fog of war.

The laser blasts echoed behind them as the three fugitives ran for their lives.

OOC: Sorry Kaze, hope that wasn't too wonky.

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OOC: Guys, I just don't have the time to keep up with this; sorry to sya I was joining but I just can't. Sorry about that.

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More trouble was on the horizon as several of the battleships beagn to descend toward the ground.
"Robotnik's landing his fleet!" the echidna exclaimed, "He'll over run the city way before I can get everyone to safety!"
Another wave of his hand blew away some of the gases that flooded throughout the city streets. He saw several characters just a litle ways ahead of him retaliateing against the onslaught. Then as if magically appearing out of thin air the echidna slammed heafirst into sveral Shadow-bots marching down the streets. They bots reacted with lighting quick speed blasting at the echidna with wrist mounted cannons as he scurried to get back on his feet! The echidna could see several citizens begin to drop just in the near distance. The echidna dropped to the ground taking out the feet of the bots directly in front of him with a powerful slide. He knew they weren't even the slightest bit damaged, but it bought hime time. In the few seconds the echidna had earned he turned and took off once again toward the chaos filled city. The gas was getting thicker and the echidna was having a hard time making out what he was seeing. He stopped and gsped his emerald ready to clear the gas until...WHAM!
"Not again!" he cried as he flipped into the air awaiting the attack from the bots he had ran into.
Another look had shown that in fact he hadn't ran into more bots, but instead sevearl mobians. He had in fact ran into the fleeing Kadea.

Hello Toby and welcome. It's always good to see more people hop aboard! Everything seemed fine from my stand point and I look forward to RPing alongside you! Also it really is sad to see you go Trans! You were such a great player in the original.

Posts: 2723
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OOC: It's not a problem. @ Rico

It was becoming harder to see-- or even breathe-- as Kaeda attempted to shield herself from the potentially toxic fumes. She didn't have a clue how long she had been running; her only concern was getting to safety as soon as possible.

Jade eyes scanned their surroundings, vainly searching for a faster means of escape.

No... not that way, either...

Letting her feet do the running once again, she didn't realize at the moment that someone was headed her way... that is, until Kanal called out to her at the last second.

"Kaeda, look out!"


The fox fell backward onto the pavement. "Ow! Hey, watch where you're going!"

Posts: 1334
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The Echidna would put his arm over his face for a minute, his hand grasping his trenchcoat to keep the cloth over his face so if any of that gas got near him he had some sort of aid. He looked downward at the crowd and nodded to himself. He had to get down there, and do whatever he could.

He jumped downward- off of the highway, and as the air pulsed his body, he would prepare for landing. His feet directly touched the ground making a light dent in the pavement as he landed. He would look around, seeing a mass panic. He looked still, and saw some two figures take impact. Ouch. He winced for a moment at it. He walked for the area, glancing at the sky and seeing the works of a takeover in the process. He myswell make use of himself.

Like the Echidna, the Hedgehog who took no effect from any of the gas would look around, at the scene- seeing what he could do to help. Right now, he could see advancing robots from certain directions and all he could right now as the gas inducing panic towards the Mobian's was defend them from robot's if he could. So he ran to the same area the Echidna did in effort to- when he'd find a robot near him. He'd give it a good smack.

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Name: Nightshade
Age: 17
Species: Panther
Hometown: unknown
Allignment: Freedom Fighter
Bio: Nightshade doesnt remember where she came from, and doesnt remember much of her child hood either. She was rescued by Star and Shadow five years ago and ever since has stayed with them helping with their plans.

Name: Griff
Age: 18
Species: Griffin
Hometown: Unknown
Allignment: Freedom Fighter
Bio: Griffin was found by Star and Shadow in the citys streets, he was injured and couldnt remember how he got their. But Star and Shadow helped him to get back on his feet and ever since they have been close friends.

Name: Star
Age: 16
Species: Snow Fox
Hometown: Station Square
Allignment: Freedom Fighter
Bio: Star grew up on the streets of station square along side Shadow, they learnt the ways of living on the street till they met Shadows long lost grandfather who adopted both, and taught them useful skills.
Later in life when station square was getting attacked Shadows grandfather was killed and the two of them had to struggle trying to make a living till they met Griff.

Name: Shadow
Age: 17
Species: Black Fox
Hometown: Station Square
Allignment: Freedom Fighter
Bio: Shadows Family were killed when he was a baby, he doesnt known who but he would really wanted to get revenge when he was finally told by a family friend who had been looking after him ever since his family die. But one day she disappear and he was kicked on to the streets where he had met Star. A few years later he met his lost long grandfather, but it was only a couple of years later when his grandfather got killed in an attack on the city, he still morns for his grandfather but doesnt let anyone none it.

Shadow kept staring at the T.V screen, it was hard for him, Sonic was a great hero and now...he's dead.
Shadow looked at Star to see how she was taking it, tears were rolling down her checks.
Her blue eyes were filled with sorrow even though it was hard to see them for, they were covered by her yellow long bread locks that also covered a star mark that was on her forehead.
Tears were starting to get on her blue tanktop and blue trousers. Her white fur seemed to be turning grey but he knew it was just the light.
"Aww great the T.v just fazed out!"
"Umm...Shadow, I wouldn't care for the T.V right now"
"take a look outside" Griff was already by the small window
Shadow went wide eye as he saw the scene outside.
"Guys I think its time to leave"
They ran to the back room, where they open up a trap door that was hidden under a carpet, that lead down some stairs into a abandoned railway station that they had been using as an area to build their StormrunnerX plane.
As they ran Nightshade noticed that shadow was wearing his grandfathers red scraf and his brown jacket. They were the same clothes that he had been wearing on the day of her rescue.
But then Star pushed infront of her and started speaking to Shadow as they ran.
"Shadow do you think its wise to use the Stormrunner?, it hasen't even been tested yet!"
"Well Star I don't think we have much of a choice for it won't belong before it caves in here"
The plane was huge nearly filling up all the space that was in this section of the station. It was completely black exserpt, for the yellow and white wrighting, spelling "STROM RUNNER X"[/i.
"Shadow, this things is huge!, how the heck do you get the materal for this thing?"
"Well I'll have to tell you, some other time when the city above, isn't getting bombed, Nightshade"
"Umm Shadow how do we get in it?"
"Oh yeah!"
"Griff will you quickly do the hounors"
Griff suddenly stoped, and brought out a small gagert that he had hidden in his scarf, and then pointed it out the Stormrunner and a loud beeping sound started and a section of the ship started opening up.
"You guys put a cargo bay in this thing!"
"It was Stars idea"
"Oh forget lets get in!"
They ran throught the door and headed up to the cormand decck.
"Ereything checks out" said Star, as she was coming throught the control room door.
"Good, now Griff coutdown please!"
The rockets started blazing as the Stormrunner went rushing forward and started it's jounery down the railway staion tunnlers.
"Umm shadow, is their a way out of these tunnlers that are bigger another to have a plane sized like this to go threw?"
"Shall! you just have to wait a bit"
As the stromrunner thursted forward one of the tunnles open up to the gas filled city.
"Here we go!" Shouted Shadow as the stormrunner started lifting into the sky
"I can't believe this thing works!" shouted Nightshade as she looked through one of the windows.

Posts: 279
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OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner, things have been busy adn thsi moves pretty fast 😛

Great, gas, explosions and panicking people, how irritatingly brutal, not to mention noisy. Tassiel grumpily thumbled around in her pocket and picked up her compact breathing apparatus, she just hoped that it would filter out anything unhealthy. As she was attaching it she looked down into the chaos and sighed, traffic was bad, this was going to be messy, and then of course there was the bot force moving in if she didn't get out now then things would soon get decidedly difficult. Of course, she could always hide until things died down, but there was her investigation to carry out and she didn't really want to waste any more time playing hide and seek with a bunch of heavy handed brutes. She'd have to find a bunch of people to follow along, as one person it would be difficult to get out of the throng, even with her talents, she'd just get mobbed.
From her vantagepoint she scanned the crowd looking for a likely bunch that might give her a hope of escaping the chaos....
And there it was. Some tall rabbit thing, an echidna, a hedgehog- oh what did it matter, they seemed to be holding their own...sort of. At least they weren't as panicked looking as the others-ouch, that impact had to hurt, maybe the were, btu at least they were a group, it seemed a lot were jsut out to save their own skins.

She made quick progress to the ground level, and then things got complicated, their was of course the panicking crowds to get through. But she concentrated on not losing her sense of direction at one point she had to kick out at a bot and slash at it's optical sensors with a knife and she got turned around, but then she spied the group. Darting over she reached a hand out to the two Mobians on the ground (she was fairly tall for a mobian and so could afford to take the weight of the two shorter beings).
"Come on, no time for that, we need to get out of here."
She smiled warmly, even if she thought this was a right old mess and she honestly didn't have time for it, there was no reason to be discourteous to people you were counting on helping you get out of your current situation.

OOC: Sorry for the inevitable typos, but I had to do that in a hurry. Hope that was okay.

Edit: There thing I cleaned it up a bit

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The echidna grasped the hand that was held out. He looked around to see more figures emergeing out of the smog. There they seemed to be quite a hodgepodge of various mobian species rabbits, hedgehogs, foxes, and of course echidnas. They all seemed to be focused on one thing makeing it out of the city without being attacked by the attacking bots.
A blue laser bolt shot over top the echidna's head nearly striking him dead. He turned to see several bots charging at the group.
"We have to move now before we are trapped in here!" the echidna stated as he knew there were way to many bots for this small group to take on!
The echidna started to take off stopping to wait on the others, "We can leave through this direction!"

Posts: 1631
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Wraith and Ianthe were hidden in a large bush deep in the forest, looking out over the clearing that held the hidden entrance to Knothole Village...hidden no longer. The stump stood open to the world, and around it, stood in a circle facing outwards to cover all quaters, were a team of gleaming metal SWATbots!

"This day gets better and better..." Ianthe breathed behind him, her emerald eyes narrowing. "Do we beat our way in?"

"No." Wraith had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Look at them, they're guarding outwards, not inwards. They have nothing to fear from inside the village, which likely means they've already captured it, so who knows how many more of them are inside?"

"And if they loose contact with these, they'll send re-enforcements." evaluated Ianthe swiftly. "Good point. But that begs the do we get in?"

Wraith's eyes drifted to the nearby trees, and he raised his head, looking over the clearing as though clculating something in his head. "There might be a way if we..." he started, but immeadeately stopped again, reaching down to the pocket of his black jeans and pulling out a vibrating mobile phone. Making sure to keep his voice low so as to avoid detection, he answered: "Yo?"

"Wraith, our problems are worsening." came the voice of Knuckles from the other end. "I'm keeping an eye on the news...Station Square is under attack by Robotnik. He's blitzing the place...they don't stand a chance!"

Wraith raised a hand to his forehead as he listened. "Knothole, now Station Square?" he murmured in disbelief. "How could this be happening???"

Ianthe hadn't heard Knux's description, but she immeadeately picked up the basics from Wraith's expression. "Do we go and help out?"

" our first priority should be to secure the royal family and see who if any of the other FFs are still alive." Wraith replied quickly. "Once we've done that, then we can worry about Station Square." He took a long, difficult breath. "It pains me to say it, but they're on their own. Keep us informed Knux."

His brother acknowledged and rang off, and Wraith turned back to the clearing. "Okay, let's get past these bozos. Ianthe, we need to climb." Pointing towards a nearby tree, a large oak with thick trunk and strong bark, he dug his knuckledusters into the wood and began to climb hand over hand into the branches. Ianthe followed him up, her natural climbing abillities as a squirrel, enhanced by her grace and agillity, making her a far better climber even than the echidna, and within moments the two were sat high in the branches overlooking the clearing.

Wraith stood up, once again looking round the coppice as though measuring something. "Okay, let's hope this works." he muttered, choosing a particularly thick branch and crouching on it. "You'll have to get on my back."

"You sure you know what you're doing?" the squirrel replied as she stepped up behind him, wrapping an arm around his neck in a surprisingly strong grip. Wraith chuckled a dry, humourless laugh and shook his head.

"Nada, but the way I see it, it's our only chance. Hang on." Leaning forward, he lept off the branch, spreading his arms and dreadlocks out wide as he caught the air, beginning to glide over the scene below. The extra weight of having a passenger made the duo lose height much quicker than normal, but fortunately the distance they had to travel was short.

Wraith was muttering to himself: "...three, two,!" Suddenly he pulled his arms back in to his chest, allowing the air beneath him to dissipate, and the two of them began to drop like stones towards the forest floor and the waiting bots below...

...directly on target! With little more than a faint whistle of moving air, echidna and squirrel plummeted directly into the open tube that was Knothole Village's entryway, straight past the waiting guards, who all had their backs turned to the hole. As they passed, Wraith heard one of the machines speak: "Getting windy isn't it."

The tunnel flattened out in a smooth curve a little way down, breaking their fall and allowing them to control their descent. Wraith paused as Ianthe let go of his neck, grinning to himself in slight humour at her complete lack of fear at the whole manuver...many girls he knew would have screamed, even if they had known what he was planning, but she hadn't made a sound, and didn't look fazed in the slightest. Brushing a strand of her long hair from her face with a casual air, she simply adjusted her cape slightly on her back then nodded to him. "Nice move. Lead the way."

Nodding in responce, Wraith turned and set off moving down the tunnel towards the village, silently wondering what they would find when they got there...

Posts: 240
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"Crud!!!" Shadow shouted as the Stormrunner just missed a few laser firer.
"It's getting hecktic out here, I think you should just leave right now!, we don't know how much the Stormrunner can take..."
"Shadow we can't leave the city, like this, and let Eggman take over!"
"We don't have much of a choice, Star!"
"Shadow, Star's right we should try and help those below"
Interrupted Nightshade.
"Okay, you guys win, for I'm not ready to have a fight with you two, but if things start to get out of hand, then we'll out of here!"
Nighshade turn away from Shadow and Star who were at the controls, and turned back to the scene below, through the window.
Out of the gas and Bots, she was able to spot a group of furrys who were under attack by some of the Shadow-bots.
"Shadow down their!, I see some Civillians!"
As he turned the air crafted to the direction of Nightshade sighting, the aircraft got hit by two missiles on the left wing.
"Crud!, what heck was that!" shouted shadow
"We've been hit on the left wing" said Griff
"Just great, okay Night is now or never if we want to save those who are down their"
As two rockets came speeding out of the gas and headed towards the bots.
Then the group heard, the roar of blazing engines above....

"Just settel her down nice and show"
"Sorry, Shadow"

Their was a loud 'Chrunch', and then the gas seemed to dime out as a figure step forth holding in her hands what looked to be a rifle.
"Hey do any of you guys need a lift!"
Hope this is okay....

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"Do we have any other choice?" the echidna said running toward the figure as more lasers shot by over his head.
"Is that thing still operable?" the echidna said looking toward the da,aged air craft.

"He has gone stationary!" the scientist reported to King Snively, "The highest power surge was 141%"
"I don't care about that right now just get him up and running!" Snively demanded, "If it's more power that he neeeds then give him more power!"
"But from where we drained our resources-"
"I'm in control over the Source of All Dammit! We'll just tap into this near limitless power source and satisfy his hunger!"
"I wouldn't reccomend-"
"DO IT DAMN YOU!" Snively screamed as he thrust the crown into the generator.
"At once!" the scientist replied scared for his life as he strapped the mysterious hedgehog into the strange machine.
The machine began to whir and bang as a soft blue glow emitted from the crown.
"We have to increase power gradually until it reaches-"
The scientist lay on the ground out cold a snively throws a wrench to the side.
"If you want something done then do it yourself is how the saying goes!" Snively said as he started adjusting knobs on the control pannel, "afterall I'm the brains behind this operation!"
The meter began to rise as more power was pumped into the hedgehog. 150%, 160%, 190%... the hedgehog began to twitch.
"Yes, YES!" Snively let out a long rolling laugh.
220%, 250%, 290%... the soft warm glow began to surround the subject and began to get brighter and brighter.
"My newest weapon is almost complete!"
440%, 450%, 500%.... the shop was now shineing so bright it was impossible to see inches in front of you until... WHOOOM!!!
A bright blue light shot way up into the sky that could be seen for miles and miles around. The shop began to crumble to the ground as Snively leapt for cover. At last he had got what he what he set out achieve. The silve/blue hedgeog stood before him looking up at the sky. Snively began to crawl toward the craeture, but stopped when it turned to face him. At that moment Snively began to feel uneasy inside as if this creature would be the downfall of all of mankind!

OOC: Sorry if I went a little overboard, but I just wanted to get Diamond into play. Also forgive the wonkiness of my post. I had a hard time decideing how to word this. Hope that isn't too obvious!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

"Kaeda, are you okay? You don't look so well."

"I'm fine," Kaeda told the child, dusting of the tank top and shorts she wore, "don't worry about me." Checking out her current surroundings, she soon spotted what looked like some sort of aircraft in the sky.

"Over there!" she said, more to herself than to the others with her, "That's our ticket out of here!"

The vixen took off once more, unaware of the fact that their potential mode of transportation may not even be active.

Kanal tugged at the overcoat of the tall stranger. "Come on, Mister. Once Kaeda starts runnin', she usually keeps going till she can't anymore."

OOC: That's about it there, I had enough trouble as it is writing this post.

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

Pefect, I knew this group was the right one, what are the chances of a plane crashing nearby, and if it's nto functioning we can always use it as cover.The hyena followed the others towards the aircraft, not a model she recognised, and prepared to board.

OOC: Will post more later

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"Yer the boss miss." The rabbit stated plainly and took off after Kaeda.


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The trenchcoat-worn Echidna glanced at the machine that apparently was there ticket out. As he bashed a robot with the blunt end of his broadsword he nodded. "Alright, If that is what you Wish." he managed as he followed.

The hedgehog unaffected by the gas however made no movements towards the vehicle. "Go On. I'll be well off." he said as he threw a powerful punch to a robot's sensor... or well face. But robot's don't have face's. The hedgehog managed a grin after he swished a good high kick and the robot fell backwards.

"Heh." he chuckled.

"Once these Mobian's get the hell out of Dodge, I'll head out of the city. I'm wondering why the rest of Knothell haven't arrived to aid the Station Square situation here...."

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"Down!" Wraith dropped to the floor behind the hut at Ianthe's warning, holding his breath as he heard the whirring of robotic servos slowly file past, accompanied by heavy footfalls on the grassy floor. Ianthe had taken the lead as the duo entered the village, being more skilled in stealth than her companion, and if it hadn't been for her quick reactions and observant nature they would have been descovered many times already!

The village was deserted, none of the usual inhabitants around to greet them as they came, but instead, regular SWATbot patrols moved though the area, constantly checking the pathways and streets of the village for any sign of life. Now, as Wraith slowly sat up again after the patrol passed, he muttered darkly to himself: "What's happened to all the citizens?"

"You're right...if they'd been roboticized they would still be here, visible...I would have thought anyway." replied Ianthe with a nod, her gaze still focused on their surroundings for any sign of movement.

"So either they've been holed up somewhere and imprisoned, or Robotnik's taken them back to his base." Wraith murmured thoughtfully. "Darn, I hope he hasn't taken them back with him!"

Ianthe glanced over her shoulder. "I doubt he'd have taken to Royal Family so soon though, even if he has moved the civillians out."

"You're right, we need to get to Castle A..." Wraith's sentance was cut off as suddenly a blinding blue light errupted from somewhere in the distance, seeming to come from the direction of the castle itself. "What the hey...???"

"Whatever it is, it can't be good, especially so close to the Royal Family." Ianthe whispered, and the echidna nodded, gritting his teeth.

"Come on, let's check it out..."

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Snively stood and brushed himself off examining the lifeform he had unleashed. Snively slowly walked around the creature not knowing what might happen. Snively was prepared for an attack, but instead Diamond just stared at the king.
" worked." Snively said shocked, "It actually worked! All my life I had to stride to surpass Jullian, but in just one day alone I exceeded him and left him far behind!"
"What in Auruoa's name is going on here?" a guard said coming to inspect the damage!
"A master piece!" Snively said with glee!
"Well I really hate to ruin your happy spell, but Robotnik just invaded Station Square!"
Snivley's face turned to a dark shade of red.
"What do you mean he invaded Station Square?" he said with a hellish fury.
"He drove his egg fleet right in and bombarded the entire city! Well that is what the news reports said any ways!"
Then a wide grin crept across the nosely villian as he glanced over at the newly created lifeform!
"Oh Diamond!" he said, "Now's a good time to prove your loyalty to your great king!"
The hedgehog turned to face Snively.
"Travel to Station Square and kill Dr. Robotnik!"
The hedgehog turned and with lightning speed darted out into the city!
"Finally Doctor your days are numbered!"

sorry for my not being here yesterday, but I was out with my family!

Posts: 279
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Tassiel had boarded the ship, and it seemed a lot of the others had as well, now all they ahd to o was hope that this danged ship could fly them out of her in one peice. She did not relish the idea of being blasted out of the sky by laser fire, but she guessed that it was better than getting crushed in the ever tightening noose of swatbots.
And to think I thought it would be a nice quiet day today. Poor gullible me.

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OOC:no post here!

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"Dangit! Almost there!"

Kaeda felt as though her legs were going to give way as she pushed herself to her limit. Taking a look back, she saw that Kanal was starting to fall behind.

The young echidna was soon scooped up by the alien behind her, and she held onto his shoulder. If she weren't so out of breath, she would have thanked him.

With one last mad dash, the trio finally reached the ship as it started to rise.

"Finally," Kaeda sighed. "I thought for a moment I was gonna be a goner..."

OOC: Sorry about this post being sort of rushed.

Posts: 240
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OOC: Sorry for not posting but I am stil here, I've actually been waiting for Kaze's chars to get on, they're there now but you kind of posted before I go the chance to make the plane take off. And just for the record, I'm female.
Thanks for getting it moving anyway, I ust thought you sounded a bit harsh in regards to what I was doing. No offense.

Nightshade watch as three more hop on, just as the aircraft was taking off.
The door started closing as the ship started to rise higher.
"That was lucky" as she walked past them to get to the control room.
She made a head count before climding up the steps to the control room.
Nightshad went threw the door of the control room and heaaded to the seat that Shadow was on.
"I'm back"
"So whats the head count?"
"About five could be more if we stayed longer"
"Night, things are shooting at us, we didn't have a choice!"
"I guess but what would they say..."
"Just shut up, and keep an eye on our passengers and make shall they don't get into trouble down their"
Before she could turn around Shadow spoke.
"Nightshade, I do care for those in the city down there, but you also got to think about those we've just saved..."
"I know"
Nightshade then went through the door and down the stairs.

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OOC: I'm real sorry if I sounded mean! I wasn't in the best of moods yesterday, and I didn't know what you were doing. I hope you can forgive my hatefullness! No IC for now I'm short on time!
EDIT: to make up for my selfish act I'm editing and moving my previous post to here!

IC: They were on their way heading out of the city, and the echidna gazed down at all the carnage strewn across Station Square's streets.
"I fell terrible for not being able to save all of those civillians!" the echidna stated holding his emerald which dangled around his neck, "I know that I could have saved just a little more, but I got scared and retreated. Why must it be me of all people to portect the Chaos Force! I'm not cut out for this kind of work!

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"Well, I think we can safely assume that that is the source of that light." Wraith muttered as he surveyed the smouldering remains of the lab close to the castle walls. "Whatever caused it has gone now though."

"Some kind of laboratory?" Ianthe murmured as her eyes scanned across the high-tech remains. "Wonder what they were working on."

"Whatever it was, it was powerful." The squirrel turned her head to glance at Wraith, who was touching a gloved paw to the metal implant on his forehead with a slightly pained expression on his face. "I can feel the residual energy. It may have been some kind of robot or weapon."

"Speaking of robots and weapons..." a mechanical voice grated from directly behind the duo, and slowly they turned in unison to find themselves staring down the barrels of large rifles! The SWATbot patrol seemed to chuckle to themselves lightly as their leader gestured with it's finger to turn around. "Hands on head, and drop the staff. We're taking you in."

Ianthe and Wraith cast each other sidelong glances, as though somehow communicating without words, before slowly turning and obeying the instructions, dropping their weapons and placing their hands on their heads. "Okay, fine, take us in." muttered the Echidna dryly. "We were planning to head into the castle anyway."

"Silence!" the bot ordered as it knelt down and picked up Ianthe's staff. "Save your comments for the new King of Knothole...I'm sure he'll have fun handing out sentance on the two of you."

"New King?" exclaimed Ianthe, her brow dipping into a glare. "You can tell Robotnik that he can call himself what he likes, there's only one King of Knothole and it isn't him!"

"Robotnik? Who said anything about Robotnik? We're taking you to see King Snivley."

"King who???" both of the Freedom Fighters cried out in unison, but the bot was apparently tired of the conversation. "I said silence. You can talk all you want when the King speaks to you. Now quick march, move it!" It indicated with it's gun, while it's companions fell into step around them as escort. Wraith sighed and turned, preparing to set off towards the castle gates, but as he did so he caught Ianthe's eye again, and once again they seemed to pass a knowing look. Wraith nodded his head almost imperceptably...

Surrounded by a forest of guns, the group set off walking across the grass, but no sooner had they moved than Ianthe suddenly let out a cry, falling to the ground as her foot caught on a tree root! The bot behind them let out a mechanical hiss as it lent forward, reaching out a hand towards the Squirrel's arm to pull her roughly back to her feet.

It didn't, however, expect what happened next! Kicking up from the floor swiftly with her legs, Ianthe rose into a perfectly ballanced handstand, her paws on the grass as she raised her feet into the air. Pushing off with a hand, she suddenly thrust herself into a blistringly fast upside-down spin, lashing out with one of her feet at the bot's head as it ducked down, and a loud CRASH filled the air as the robot's head was smashed clean off!

Immeadeately the other SWATbots span round, raising their weapons, but the Squirrel quickly ducked into a roll, darting to the side and pushing herself off the ground completely as she lept into a smooth summersault, landing on her feet in a swift, fluid motion. No sooner had she stopped than she was on the move againleaping backwards in a reverse cartwheel as her feet came crashing down on the head of another of the droids, sparks showering from it's joints as it's head imploded!

Taking advantage of the distraction, Warith too launched into action, lashing out to either side with his gloved fists as his knuckledusters bit deep into the circuitry of the robots next to him, flooring them instantly. the SWATbot behind him raised it's rifle to slam the back of his head with it's handle, but he span round, grabbing the weapon as it dropped towards him and stopping the blow dead. His other fist swung forward, and the bot was thrown across the forest floor, slamming into a tree a short way away with a huge hole in it's chest!

The last two bots were delt with in double quick time, Ianthe kicking the legs out from beneath one with a low sweep before spinning back onto her hands as she delivered a crippling blow with her feet, while the other was pounded into the soil by a series of massive punches from Wraith's fists. As the robot's remains fizzed and crackled and finally went dead, silence descended once again on the small section of forest.

"Nice work." Ianthe murmured with a slight grin as she retrived her metal staff from the hands of one of the wrecked robots. "You haven't lost any of your strength I see."

"Nor you your speed, or grace." replied Wraith with his eyebrows raised. "That was some display! It always amazes me how you can do that."

"It comes with practice." Ianthe shrugged dismissivley. "I have plenty of time to learn things and hone skills, living on my own." She turned to look at the castle through the trees, placing a paw on her hip as she rested her staff on her shoulder with her other hand. "But we have more important things to worry about right now."

Wraith nodded, biting his lip thoughtfully as he followed her gaze. "King Snivley eh? I'd love to hear the explanation for this one. We should get inside and try to find the real royal family though."

Ianthe turned her intense emerald eyes his way. "Ideas?"

"Climb." Wraith raised his fist, flexing his fingers as he indicated the sharp spikes on his knuckles. "They may be on the lookout for siege towers and the like up there on the battlements, but I doubt they'll see us hopping up the wall and inside there."

Ianthe let out a sigh, her eyes narrowing. "This would involve me hanging on to your back again, wouldn't it." she muttered in a dark voice. "You know, if I didn't know you better I'd think you were thinking up ideas like this on purpose."

It was all Wraith could do to avoid laughing out loud at this! Ianthe wasn't known for her humour, but when she did let it show through, she could wield it as skillfully as a weapon! "Hey it's not my fault you inferior Squirrels can't climb stone walls and glide!" he responded with a chuckle. "You want a pickaxe with that, perchance?"

For the moment, at least, the two had managed to forget the horiffic events of just a short while ago...or perhaps they were purposefully trying to block it out, unable to deal with the pain...

(OOC: To visualise Ianthe's fighting style, think of Eddy Gourdo from the Tekken games.)

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Snively had retired back into his new living chambers after unleashing Diamond.
"SWAT-bots!" the king bellowed, "Have you managed to establish contact with Dr. Robotnik yet!?!"
"No-sir! He-seems-to-be-out-of-contact-range!"
"Then try his battle fleet! I believe he might be there insteadAnother bot enters the room as the other rwo leave.
"What?" Snively said a little angry.
"Castle Limits!?! How the hell did you robots let them get that close? Bah! Send another squad to scout the area! Bring me those intruders alive!"
Snivley turned and marched off toward the steam baths!

Posts: 240
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Nightshade reach the place where everyone was, she saw the crowd muttering to each other not sure what to do now.
She was about to speak and ask who everyones names when a lound screaching sound could be heard through out the ship.
She covered her ears as everyone else did, then suddenly it stop and Shadows voice could be heard.
"Testing, testing 1,2,3.."
"Lound speakers HE DIDN'T TELL ME, HE INSTALED THOSE!!!!, I'm going to cruddy kill him when I...."
Her voice was silence when Shadows voice was heard again.
"Err...sorry about that...this is your captain speaking, if you have any questions, please ask our lovely hostess Nighshade!!!"
Nighshade was about to trun around a climd back up those steps to saftly, when she notice all the eyes were on her...
She froze for a second she didn't know what to do, so she said the simplest thing any one could of said in that situation....
"Err...hi everybody!"
Hope this is okay...

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The fox didn't even take five steps aboard the aircraft before she sprawled out onto the cold, metal floor to catch her breath. There were times where she had to run for her life, but this time had to be the absolute worst...

"Kaeda, are you all right?" drifted Kanal's small voice.

"I'll be fine," the vixen replied breathlessly. "Don't worry 'bout me." She sat up for a moment, looking around at her now unfamiliar surroundings, the strangers she just ended up with (except for the echidna girl, at least).

It struck her as odd that such an attack had targetted Station Square like this as she gazed at smouldering buildings and the vomit-colored fumes that rose into the sky. Just what on Mobius is going on?

Meanwhile, Kanal's attention had shifted to the alien rabbit sitting off by himself in a corner. Driven by curiousity, she walked over to him and knelt down.

He looked to be in a sort of meditative state... Oh well...

"I've never seen anyone like you around before, Mister," she spoke up gently, her voice barely audible. "What's your name? I'm Kanal."

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The orange echidna looked toward Nightshade who was suddenly placed on the spot.
"I have a question miss...Nightshade was it?" he paused for a quick second to gather his thoughts, "Were exactly are you taking us? Also what comes next after this crushing defeat. By the way you can call me Flaming Chaos!"
He sat feeling slightly relieved after what had just happened.

* * * *

Elsewhere just inside what used to be Station Square's presidential house Shadow-bots marched political workers out the front entrance to be enslaved along with the rest of the city. Another Shadow-bot walked toward the presdient's living quarters along with the president himself. The door was thrust open, and Dr. Robotnik could be seen setting behind the "former" president's desk.
"What a nice humble abode you have here!" the Eggman laughed, "granted that I might have to mske several modifications to match my living requirments, but it's a nice place nonetheless!"
"What-shall-we-do-with-the-prisoner-Dr-Robotnik?" the Shadow-bot asked pointing toward the president.
"What did we do with all of the others?" Robotnik questioned his slave, "Throw him alongside the rest of the filth on board my transport crafts!"
"This is madness!" the president yelled, "You will never get away with this!"
"Oh and I guess Sonic the Hedgehog will somehow come back to life and foil my plans yet once again! Mr. Presidnet today is my ultimate victory, and Station Square will become the new capital of the Eggman Empire! Now Mr. President enjoy your stay in New Megaopolis!"
At that the doors slammed shut as the screaming presidnet was carried away like a dog, and tossed on board a vessil en-route to New Megaopolis!

Posts: 396
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---One hour ago---

We cant stand Idle while this atrocity unfolds.

The ferret was on his feat, his outburst sending a wave of silence across the beer stained table. The Travels Inn was an unsuspecting place for terrorist organization to be hosting a meeting. Yet gathered in the hidden back room the oldest and strongest rebel leaders were gathered for a surreptitious emergency meeting. Though it was not the most comfortable of situations in this dank room lit by a single lamp, it did at least provide the privacy the leaders of the infamous Rail Road required. If it was one thing this war had taught the rebellion, it was not to let your troops know your long term plans.

I agree with Thermos, seconded a shaggy looking sheep dog We have to do something. If not for station Square then for the men. Theyre tired; their will to fight was tried by the loss of Mobotropolice, its nire broken since the death of the acorn line.

There is nothing we can do.

All eyes turned to the figure sat opposite the still slightly twitching ferret. His face was mostly hidden by naturally matted hair, a brown furred muzzle protruding from the thick shadow cast by the impenetrable locks. For all intensive peruses he looked almost like any other bedraggled freedom fighter clinging to an outdated cause. Maybe the leaders aura would have been amplified if the darkness at the edges of the room had been allowed to encroach on the occupants. But as it stood, the solitary light bulb dangling from the ceiling was more then adequate to illuminate the proceedings, dispersing any doubt that what sat before them was no more then a man who had seen his fair share of combat. Despite this ragged appearance it was clear the others had a grate measure of respect for this urban warrior. They all remained silent, seemingly waiting for the wolf to finish his sentence, each of them searching for a glimmer of what was running through his complex military mind that lurked somewhere behind the blighting hair and those hands razed together in thoughtful contemplation.

Finally the restless ferret broke the silence So thats it? We just sit here and twiddle our thumbs while that fat bastard enslaves an entire city!? I dont believe this! Weve already allowed knothole to slip into that filthy wretchs hands and now were going to do the same for Station Square!

What would you have me do Thermos? March our people in a suicidal head long assault into the occupied capital? the wolf said firmly, his tone betraying the consortium of thoughts swirling about in his mind.
This attack was well planned, even though we knew it would come eventually the scale and audacity took everyone completely off guard. He already has air and ground superiority. With the hedgehog out of the picture, there is no one who can directly intervene with out first being gunned down by ground troops or pummeled by aerial assault. The city is already lost.

A twisted look of burning anger beset the ferrets already contorted features as he slammed a fist down into the table in frustrated animosity. But despite this, he bit his tong and after a few moments of glairing down at his drink retook his place at the assembly, throwing back the glass to down the dregs of his ale.

The wolfs head seemed to sink a little lower behind the horizon of his resting hands Nicky. The female raccoon to the wolfs right looked up from her entrancement with the center of the table. How many transports have already departed for NMT?

There was a moment of thought on her behalf, posture remaining as relaxed as ever in the stiff backed chair, Four at last count, one per hour and there were at least seven counted in the initial fleet. So we can assume that there are still three either loading captives or unloading equipment in the capital.

Or both. Added the young squirrel sitting next to her.

A drawn out moment passed while the unmoving wolf seemed to frame his plans. At last he looked up, predatory eyes finally unveiled as his hair fell back into place.

There is nothing we can do about the city, but maybe we can at least save a few from the robotorsizer. Elmo, do we still have those salvaged drop pods?

The red squirrels ears twitched as he met the wolfs gaze, Yeah, theyre in storage but theyre not-

Given full resource dedication, how long before you can have them operational and ready to fly.

Elmo staggered a little from his cut sentence, taking an open mouthed moment to do the calculation EhhWell if given five people for each pod and enough power to work all the electro-tools, two or three hours at best. But the drop pods are evacuation vessels, they dont fly-

That doesnt matter. Muttered the wolf Youve got twelve men and two hours to get both pods ready to launch. McGaul?
This time the sheepdog looked up.
Organize four teams, two for assault, two for engineering and piloting. Get everyone else on evac duty, the attack is the perfect smokescreen we need to move to the new secure location.
Nicky, get on the blower to Trent at the west outpost and tell him to expect company, then organize logistics, we need to know the optimum position to launch those pods. Brake into Robo-net and pull absolutely any information you can on those transports, schematics, codes, technical specifications, anything. Thermos?

The ferret looked up from the table with a sly, action thirsty smile on his face, Munitions?

Bingo. Those transports will be heavily armored and defended, so mag-boots, cutting gear and incendiary rounds are a must. We have a deadline people. The wolf stood from the table, looking to each of his comrades. If the pattern remains the same then the next transport window will be over West-outpost in two hours. When it dose I want us to be ready and this base moving as far east as possible.

The squirrel shook his head, a look of shock on his features You cant be serious sir. Those drop pods were meant to land on the ground after launching from a moving target, not the other way around.

The predatory eyes softened slightly as they surveyed the youngster Elmo, youre the best engineer this side of old Mobotropolis, modifying their tracking systems should be a breeze for you.

Yeah but... *sigh* it just sounds insane.

Maybe, agreed the wolf but McGauls right. We have to do Something. The people need a victory, even a small one, to show them they dont have to roll over and take this. People think the war is over, that theres no point in a resistance against such a force, even our own men are making sounds of abandoning the cause. We have to show them its still worth fighting, even if we only save twenty or thirty people itll be enough to make it worth while... Now, lets get too it. Ill brief the men youve chosen in one hour McGaul. Thats all.

OOC:I'm not sure if you're all waiting for me or something, either way carry on, I can't make my next move just yet.

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Dr. Robotnik stood in the offices of the former president of Station Square. He let out sinister laugh which proclaimed his complete rule of the city! He pulled out a portable communicator a flicked a switch on the left side of the device.
"Eggman to alpha 06!" he barked into the transmitor, "What is the status of your asssignment?"
A shrill robotic voice came through the other side responding to the dictaor's orders, "We-have-found-deceased-hedgehog-Dr.-Robotnik-sir!"
"Oh that is EXCELLENT!" the overweight madman almost fell out of the chair he was setting in when he heard this news!
"Quick round him up and bring him to the presdiental house ASAP! Daddy's got some experimenting to do!"
Eggman switched off the communicator and set back in the chair thinking of his schemes to capture the planet.
"Now that Station Square is out of the way next we will move to-"
"Knothole! Sir- we-are-recieving-a-ttansmission-from-knothole!" A shadow-bot interupted as it burst into the room!
"Ah surely it is that SNIVELING king Elias," Robotnik said to himself proudly, "No doubt he has heard reports of Station Squares attack and wants to bargan!"
"Not exactly!" said the great King Snively as his face filled up the vid-screen.
"SNIVELY!" Robotnik shrieked, "what is the meaning of this? Have you sided with our enimies? And I thought you were dead!"
"No I'm pretty much alive as you can tell. However I managed to do something you could never achieve! I wormed my way into Knothole kingdom's trust which eventually lead to my rise to power!"
"You mean?!?"
"Yes Robotnik, I'm now in complete control of Knothole kingdom! I am their GOD now!"
"Well this certainly makes things easier for me. With you in command I should be able to swarm Knothole effortlessly!"
"Maybe. It depends on how long you can stay alive." A grin spread across Snively's face, "With the Kingdom under my control the Source of All is also mine! With it's mystical powers I manged to up and create something that will surely show you who's in charge!"
At that the entire side of the presidental house erupted in flames as a strange Silver and blue hedgehog entered the abode.
"Doctor I would like to introduce you to Diamond!"

OOC: Just plot building in this post. I'm also bringing back my original idea of Eggman using Sonic's body for some sinistar purpose. Sadly I never got to reveal what it was in the original New Paths, but hey it makes it ever more mysterious the seond time around!

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The echidna was the broad sword at his side would speak next, completely ignoring the fact "Flaming Chaos" was already speaking.

"At Any Rate, where ever we are heading it better be secluded enough. Knowing that man, Robotnik; his robot's probably will be looking for this vehicle eventually."

He took a light breath afterwards.

"I've never seen so many robots at once..." he muttered under his breath.

Posts: 240
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Nightshade stared at the orange echidna and then at this Companion before, quickly saying.
"Just wait here, I'll be right back...."
Before rush towards the stairs,Nightshade ran up the stairs and into the control room.
"Shadow...where are we going?"
"We'll heading for floating Island, why did you ask?"
"Just an orange echidna, called Flaming Chaos wanted to know"
"Well I better get back down their, by"
Nightshade turned around and rushed down the stairs
And charged towards to two...."

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"The Floating Island!?! Isn't that under the control of Robotnik as well?" Flaming almost exclaimed remembering his last encounter with the guardian ending in dispute.

Just a year earlier when it was believed Sonic had perished at the hands of a formidble alien foe. Flaming Chaos had came to Mobius to fix the ruptures in the space/time continum. When he had went to Knuckles asking to use the Master Emrald for this task Knuckles reluctantly agreed if only he could supervise the situation. So the two had snuck to the Nrotheren Tundra and began to harness the Emeralds mystical power (from afar mind you. Knuckles wouldn't have his rock removed from its secure altar) the actual spell (if you call it that) was more exhausting due to its distance. When the patch was finished the duo had realised that they had been away from home over a week. Time seemed to pass by rapidly while trying to channel to power of the bauble and to them it only seemed as if mere hours had passed. Knuckles got enraged and almost attacked Flaming for not telling him how long it was going to take. When they returned the had found out that Robotnik's new (well at that time) air fleet had invaded the island fully placing it under his control. Flaming left after seeing this upon the rquest of Knuckles. Their friendship had eneded that day.
Now unkown to Flaming a small group of rebels had freed the Island from Eggman' control shortly after Sonic had been "resurected". But was it only freed so that it can be captureed yet once again by the same foe now that he has Station Square in his pocket?

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As soon as the words "Floating Island" drifted to Kanal's range of hearing, her attention turned to the conversation carrying on between the other echidna and panther.

She started to stand, but Kaeda's hand reached forward and took hold of the child's arm.

"Where are you wandering off to?"

"Those people over there... they say we're headed for the island."

The vixen let go of the young girl's arm for a moment, scratching her head. "So, we're headed right for your home, eh? Maybe you can see that Knuckles guy you keep telling me about."

"But, what about you, Kaeda?" Kanal inquired. "Aren't you still going to look for your sister?"

"I don't know... I haven't found any new leads in, like, forever..."

Back in Station Square

She had seen the explosion a mile away from her perch on a building.

"Hmmph... Looks like it's starting." The white vixen put away a pair of scopes in a small backpack.

Standing up to full height, she adjusted the black-framed goggles on her head and dusted off her outfit, a gray vest, black tank top, darker gray pants, and black boots.

Crimson eyes gazed at the chaos beginning to start up again, carefully examining the situation.

"Looks like most of his forces are going to be fighting that genetic freak soon... Good enough for me..."

Lowering her goggles, she smirked.

"Time to go, Tiuren."

OOC: Never got to actually got to introducing Tiuren last time, so, there you go.

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