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SWAT parts were tossed every which way possible. M and her SWAT comrades stood in a clearing. She presssed a button on her wrist, and a hologram of Dr. Robotnik came into view.

"I'm not getting any more beautiful so this better be important!" he hissed

"We've arrived at the castle, Father!" M rported, "Awaiting instructions."

"INSTRUCTIONS?!? I thought I already gave you your instructions!" he screamed, "Turn that damned castle into ash! I don't care how, I just don't want to see it around ever again!"

The hologram vanished and M turned to the SWATs, "Locked and loaded troops! We've a castle to destroy!"

One of the bots kneeled down and raised a advanced bazooka. He pressed a couple of buttons on the side then took aim. With one shot the front entrance to the castle blew open.

M pointed a finger to the entrance, "Destroy it from the inside!"

The SWAT-bots dashed to the gigantic hole and charged into the castle interior guns a blazeing. Snivelys guards didn't stand a chance. A battle inside the once peaceful Knothole castle had begun!

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The castle shook to it's foundations as the explosions ripped the air and walls around it, and Sally was getting more and more agitated! She started running for the door, but instantly the four guards were upon her.

"Sorry princess." they said, surrounding her. "No can do."

"But the castle is being're part of the Royal Guard, for Mobius' sake!!!"

The guards didn't reply.

Wraith, meanwhile, had his teeth gritted. As the castle shook, the wood holding him up was cracking even more, slowly splintering away and beginning to peel like a banana skin! It wouldn't be long before the bend was too much and it would snap...

He looked down. Could he take out those guards in time? Four on one...he may be able to, considering they were all so close together, but it would be risky. He didn't like the idea somehow felt wrong to hit one of the Royal Guard, like an acr of treason or something.

Not like he had much choice. He took a deep breath and unhooked his knuckledusters from the roof, allowing himself to drop. Instantly he spread his arms, turning himself over and beginning to glide!

He didn't spread his dreadlocks fully out...he wanted to retain some speed as he floated down. Carefully he angled his descent, arcing round the room and heading directly towards the two guards in front of Sally. As he drew close, he brought his finsts in front of him, clenched tight.

The guards never saw him coming as he slammed into them hard, bowling them over and KOing them instantly. The other two guards jumped, bringing their guns up to their shoulders!

Wraith curled up as best he could as a hail of bullets streaked towards him. Fortunately, his armour deflected the attack, and the air filled with PING sounds as the bullets ricoched off and hit the floor.

Then, abruptly, the gunfire stopped!

Wraith put his head up hesitantly, looking round to see Sally stood over the unconsious bodies of the other two guards, looking down at them a little sadly. "I'm sorry." she murmured.

Wraith jumped up. "Thanks." he started. "You okay?"

Sally nodded. "I think so. It's good to see you Wraith!"

"Likewise! Where's the King and Queen?"

"I...I don't know...Snivley's got them somewhere." Another explosion shook the castle, and Sally looked alarmed. "What's going on???"

Wraith shook his head. "I have no idea. I suggest we"

" and dad...?"

"We'll find them Princess, but we'll have to stay uncaptured to do it! We have to get out of here and find somewhere to hide for now." Wraith reached out his hand. "Come on, we'll get this sorted. I'm not alone...there are others. We'll liberate the village again and teach Snivley a lesson for his crimes!"

Sally nodded, sniffing slightly. "You've got that right." she replied, narrowing her eyes. She reached out and took hold of Wraith's outstreached hand. "Let's do this!"

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Kaeda and Switch bolted out of the corridor, trying to get out of the castle while keeping out of sight.

When they rounded another corner, Kaeda paused.
Switch stopped and turned around. "Why are you standing there?! Come on if you don't want to die!"

"You keep going," the fox told him. "I'm going to go find Geoffery.

"Suit yourself, then." He turned around and kept going.

Kaeda saw him turn around another corner and disappear. Making sure she was alone, she took off to her left.

After a few turns and ducking into corridors, she found herself at a dead end.

"Come on," she said to herself. "Where could he be...?"

"Right behind you," said a mysterious voice.


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Everyone that was being affected by the cloaking device suddenly heard a telepathic message from Flaming, "I'm sorry something has come up the cloaking field is down! I'm sure you'll handle everything smoothly. Beaware Robotnik's robots are invading the castle. They are going to destroy it from the inside out! I'll try to be along shortly, but you'll be fine without me! Ciao!"

I'm sorry if it seems to be moving to fast. It'll begin to slow down a bit, I promise!

Posts: 1358
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Switch grunted. He ran along the halls, until a SWATbot jumped in his way. Oh no you dont..." He smashed into it dazing it. Soon he was running down a hall when he saw one of Ms bots, which was holding a rather oversized gun. It fired without a world, he dodged it, and knocked it over. Contuing to run down the hall, he wondered what GUN had wanted him for...

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Kaeda froze. Who was it?

"Kae, it's all right," said the voice. "It's me."

Kaeda turned around. Standing there was a skunk with a small grin on his face.

"Glad to see you finally made it," Geoffery St. John said. "What took you, anyway?"

"It's a long story," said Kaeda. "I'm not here alone, though. We need to get out of here though."

"I know. Robotnik's attacking the castle again. You know, I did find out some good news, though..."

"What's that?"

"I overheard some guards talking about it, but I think the Royal family MAY still be alive!"

"What?" Kaeda was shocked.

"Come on," Geoff motioned to her. "I'll tell you about it on the way out. Follow me."


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M watched as chunks of the castle blew across the courtyard. For some reason she didn't want her troops to take down Snively. She wanted him alive. She would bring him in to Eggman, and watch him suffer a fate worse than death! With that notion in her mind she entered the castle to find the no good "king"!

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As Wraith and Sally charged down the corridors, they went mercyfully unchallenged. It seemed almost all of Snivley's force had been diverted to the battle outside.

Wraith took point, checking round each corner before they ran. You can never be too careful he thought to himself as he poked his head around the umpteenth doorway.

He hated to admit it, but it kept his head clear too. Ever since he had first met the Freedom Fighters, after being woken up on the Floating Island, he had secretly had a crush on Sal. She was beutiful, intelligent and strong all in one! Her kind was one in a million, and he had immeadeately been dazzled!

But of course, she was a Princess, and Sonic's girl too. Wraith was a decent guy...despite his feelings, he had said nothing, accepting the fact that his dreams were impossible. He didn't resent either Sal or Sonic for it, it was just the way of things.

But that didn't stop his mind being destracted ever so slightly whenever he was near her.

They were running down a corridor, when suddenly they heard a heavy tramping of feet coming from a corner a short way ahead! Wraith froze, but Sally grabbed his arm and pulled him into a doorway slightly behind them, shutting the door. The noise grew louder as whatever was making it passed outside the door, lots of feet, possibly an entire SWATbot troop! The noise died again and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go." muttered Wraith, reaching out to the door handle again.

"Wait." He looked round to see Sally staring around the room they were in. "Maybe we can find something useful in here." she murmured, stepping forwards into the mess.

It was the castle med bay, but a large part of it had apparently been cannibalized for robot repair rather than medical. The Royal Physicion...what was his name, Dr. Quack?...was nowhere to be seen.

Wraith scratched his head as he looked around at the masses of robotic parts piled on work tables and hanging from the celing. "What do you mean, Princess?" he asked curiously. "We can't use robot parts, surely. They'd only weigh us down, and they wouldn't be any point..."

"Don't bother with the "Princess" lark, Wraith." replied Sal as she dissapeared behind a pile of SWATbot armour unceremoniously dumped on one of the medical beds. "This isn't exactly a formal occasion...besides, you're a friend of mine. Friends use each other's names."

Wraith blinked. He had assumed only Sonic and a few others were that close to her. He was an outsider...granted they had known each other for over a year now, faught alongside each other many times, but it somehow felt...uncomfortable. Still, if that's what she wanted. It felt good to be called "a friend".

"Besides," continued Sally's disembodied voice, "I'm looking for something in particular. I heard one of the guards say they were bringing her here to...aha!"

The exclamation made Wraith jump, and he quickly ran around the medical bed to see what was wrong. Sally was stood by one of the many desks in the room, holding something in her hands, something small and metal, with long wires trailing from it to a computer system on the desk. He recognised it immeadeately. "Nicole!"

Sally looked puzzled. "Something's wrong...she isn't activating." she murmured, thoughtfully tapping away at the small computer. She pulled out the wires linking it to the main system, but still the small box remained lifeless, dead. "I'll have to work on her." Sally murmured, putting her into the inside pocket of her top. "Come on, we can't do it here."

Wraith nodded and turned back to the door, Sally following close behind. He opened the door slowly, checking up and down the long corridor, then set off running, keeping his ears sharp for any more footsteps. They reached the corner they had been heading for earlier, and raced around it...

WHAP! Wraith let out a cry as he bounced off the figure coming the other way and landed on the floor with a THUD. The other character was just as supprised, falling backwards himself and holding his forehead. Sally jumped, peering round the corner in shock.

Immeadeately Wraith leaped to his feet, raising his fists ready to block any attacks, but then he realised who it was he had run into!


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"Well look who it is..." Switch said nonchalantly. He then realized his prized fire arm was missing. Ready to punch Wraith in the face he contiued. "Well I see you've dropped any unnecisary (pardon the sp) weight." Pausing for a moment, he contiued. "And Princess Sally, I see you are in one piece." Taking yet another pause he contiued. "Well I've got the information we need, lets move." Switch headed down the hall, not caring if they followed him or not.

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"Testy as ever." muttered Wraith as he stared at the hedgehog's back. Sally watched him too, her eyebrows raised.

"He's friendly." she muttered. "Who is he?"

Wraith shrugged. "Beats me, but he has a death wish. Calls hemself Switch. I met him here in the village...he'd infiltrated too, aparently."

"Can we trust him?"

Wraith blinked. "I dunno." he muttered as he set off after Switch. Suddenly he remembered something, and called out: "Hey!"

Switch turned round. "What?"

Wraith reached into his armour and pulled out Switch's gun, holding it out to the hedgehog by the barrel. "Like I said, I'm not into guns. I kept it safe for you though."

Switch stared at him for a second, before turning and stepping up to him, snatching the weapon away a little angrily. Wraith blinked as the firearm was taken...he suddenly noticed something he hadn't before!

" come that's a GUN weapon?" he quieried, frowning.

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Switchs eyes flashed pure hate. He coveredthe GUN emblem engraved on the handle. "If you were smart, you will follow me. Actually lets make a deal. You forget about this, and I'll give you the precoius data I risked my neck to recover."

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Wraith blinked, taken aback. "The hey...?" he muttered, a look of supprise on his features.

Sally was less stoic though. "Data you recovered?" she asked, stepping forward. "Do you have some information that could help releace this village and my parents from Snivley's control???"

Switched paused, as though considering wether to answer, and Sally's face darkened. "By order of the Royal Family of Acorn I order you to hand over that information immeadeately, or I'll place you under arrest for treason against the King!" she spat, glaring at him with fury. "Hand it over, now!"

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He smirked. "Ah can't quite do that. You see, theres information on here you really don't need to ah, view. But if you give me a few minutes I can write it to a memory card you can use with your, ah, pocket computer. I'm assuming you've heard of GUN? Well, I can theorically bring an army down on ole' Eggman's and Snively's head. So if you work with me, I can make things go much easier."

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M ran through the courtroom looking around for Snively.

"I knew you would arive sooner or later!" A voice called out from behind her.

She turned aroud to face Flaming Chaos.

"You've been spying on me!" she accused.

"Not exactly," he grined, "I figured it out now, how you are so powerful. Robotnik created you some sort of Chaos material. You're not here to bring Snively into your "father", but to rather exploit his unknown CHaos source! You was then going to use your new power to overthrow Robotnik. I do hate to inform you that you will never make it to Snively now!"

Flaming lept backwards and launched a devastating Chaos blast at M. She was quick to dodge, and countered with one of her eye laser blasts. It struck the ground beside Flaming, and tried to counter with a CHaos Hellfire. When he did an explosion rocketed the upstairs chamber sending huge chunks of debris into the courtroom cuting off any attacks for a brief moment!

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"That's a direct order Snitch...or whatever the hey you call yourself!" retorted Sally, her face black as thunder! "Just who do you think you are to withold information that could save hundreds of lives and free the Kingdom???"

"Sal's right." muttered Wraith, stepping forward menacingly. "I don't know what your agenda is here pal, but you're out of line! You're going nowhere until you hand over that computer of yours!" He clenched his fists in front of him, as if to emphasise the point.

Switch's brow dropped. "Is that a threat?"

"I'd rather it not come to that, but whatever the case, right now your allegance is looking seriously dodgy. Just how do we know you aren't working for Snivley?"

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He calmly removed a small memory card from it and tossed it to Sally. "Now, to answer why i'm not working for Snivley, I have direct orders to eliminate him and Eggman." Pausing, he contiued, "Now, you two, quit acting so childish and follow me out of here." He went on walking without a word.

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"It's funny you should mention that, Geoff," Kaeda said, "because I saw some guards marching by with the Princess!"

"What?" Geoffery was astounded. "Where were they taking her?"

"Don't know."

"This'll be some good news for the others," Geoff said, regaining his composure.

"Others?" Kaeda raised an eyebrow, curious.


Posts: 2438
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OOC: Making a quick post here, PMed Wraith and Eggpire about my joining but I wanted to declare my intentions here as well. You have a neat RP going and I'd like to join up. Possibly as a Royal Guardsman (or woman), possibly as a member of whatever resistance Geoffrey St. John's set up. I'll try to join up later after I get some input on how best to join up.

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Flaming leaped over the ruble and saw M. She didn't have the chance to dodge the debris. She glared at him unsure of what to do next.

"You'll do me no harm as long as you're trapped under there!" He gave an evil look at the helpless Cyborg, "I've got a king to catch!"

As Flaming darted out of the courtroom, M pulled out a small comlink and raised up to her mouth.

"ADAM help me! I've found my self in a rather embarassing situation!"

She lowered her head as she got no response.

"ADAM must have failed again!"

As she gave up all hope ADAM suddenly ran into the room blasting at the ruble ontop of M.
* * * * * * *

Flaming dashed around another corner, and stopped when he seen some of Snively's SWATs trying to protect their castle.

"SNIVELY's-shuttle-is-ready-and-waiting!" one of them said.



Flaming looked down at his feet, "I've got to alert the others of Snively trying to escape! He must be stopped!"

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"Wraith," murmured Sally quietly, looking at Switch's retreating back, "please feel free to kill him quickly as soon as we're outside the castle! I'll find a way to get you a royal pardon!"

Wraith grinned as he looked over at her. "No kidding!" he muttered. "I may just take you up on that."

Sally sighed, her anger draining slightly as she looked down at the memory stick in her hand. "And of course, with Nicole offline right now we have no way of knowing if what he's given us is what we asked for!" she said despondantly. "We'll have to keep track of him until we can verify it."

"Well, for all his attitude and possible loyalty problems, he did have a point about getting out of here."

Sally nodded, clasping her fist around the memory rod as she looked up. "True. Let's go."

The two of them set off running after the black hedgehog quickly, both of them keeping a careful eye on Switch as they followed. The castle shook again as the fighting reached it's climax outside! It wasn't long before the trio reached the main lobby of the massive fort.

As they ran into the room Sally stopped in shock, putting her hands either side of her face. "Oh no!"

The other two stared in shock as well. The whole front wall of the castle had collapsed, leaving a gaping hole where the main door and wall used to be! The castle was strong, built to withstand attack, but not by the powerful weapons in Robotnik's arsenel!

Suddenly a piece of rubble next to them exploded into shards, and all three jumped back quickly. A batalion of SWATbots had seen them through the gaping hole in the wall, and were coming running into the castle, guns blazing! "Look out!!!" roared Wraith as he jumped to the side, the area where he had been standing not a second before bursting into flames.

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"Yes, there are others," Geoffery explained to Kaeda. "Since Snively took over Knothole, a lot of the Freedom Fighters here were captured and imprisoned, killed, or went missing. I didn't have any way to find out where they were so until then, I had to form a rag-tag resistance group here. They're hiding all throughout the castle in secret, however, so you wouldn't even know who they are."

"I see." Kaeda nodded.

"By the way, did you get any more leads about the whereabouts of your sister?" Geoff questioned.

"No. I hadn't found anything new in months. In any case, we have to get going... Who knows when the ground is gonna start shaking again!"

"Not yet, Kae," Geoff said, grabbing a hold of her arm. "There's someone I want you to meet first... and she should be arriving here shortly..."

OOC: I hope this is an okay starting point for you to introduce your character, Terg.

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Flaming ran down the hallway when he heard an explosion nearby. He made his way toward the direction of the noise, and found Wraith and Sally under attack. Flaming lept into the action taking out a few bots woth a few well placed Chaos blasts.

"Snively's on the rooftop!" Flaming yelled over the racket, "He has a getaway craft up there! This ould be our last chance to get him! I'll hold the bots off while someone goes after Snively!"

Flaming prepared for more bots to come pouring in!

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(OOC: Hey all, I'm on holiday from Thursday until Monday...sorry for the late notice, but wasn't sure if we'd be going. In this post I'll leave it so the story can be continued, and pick up when I get back. Since Sally is an Arche character, she should be fine as an NPC till Monday, as others will know how to play her, and I'll take care of Wraith. Just try to keep him in the story somehow lol^^)


"You what???" exclaimed Wraith, jumping out of the way of yet another lazer blast. "Great, as if things weren't already tough!"

"Go!" called Flaming, pointing to the stairs they had just come down. "Get him quick!"

"How many guards did he have?"

"Not many...he's leaving right away! Go!"

"You can't take all of these alone man!" retorted Wraith. He lunged forward, smashing a SWATbot in the groin and knocking it backwards into three others, causing them all to explode, then he turned to Sally. "Sal, you go stop him! I'll catch up to you as soon as I can!"

Sally had been decappitating another bot with a deadly flying kick, and as she landed she turned and nodded to him. "Okay!"

Wraith thought about asking Switch to go with her too, but he decided it would be too risky for one of them to be alone with the hedgehog. Besides, Sally should be able to hadle it herself.

Switch, meanwhile, was slamming another of the bots into the wall, causing more of the castle roof to give way above them! Wraith dived forward, shouting to him: "Switch, look out!"

Switch saw the falling stones in time, and dived out of the way, but unfortunately, Wraith's movements had put him directly in the way!

He cried out as a large stone dropped onto his head, a loud CLANG sounding as it struck his implant! The others saw it happen, and Sally and Flaming both called out in unison: "Wraith!"

Flaming ran over to him, checking his neck for a pulse. "He's okay!" he called out to the others. "He's out cold though!"

Sally took a step forward, ready to help, but Flaming waved her away, "No, take care of Snivley! We'll make sure he's okay!"

Sally paused for a moment, staring at Wraith's unconsious form for a moment, before nodding and running off up the stairs. As she ran, she swallowed hard. She had already lost too many close friends today...she couldn't lose another!

(OOC: And there you have it^^ Hope that's ok. Wraith can be unconsious until I return on Monday...just drag him along behind you or hole him up somewhere if you like lol.

See you then^^)

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Switch grunted and simply shot another SWATbot. ,i.Boy things are just going great.</i> He saw Wraith get hurt, but even though he looked slightly concerned, he wasn't. <i>At least that pest is out of the way.</i> "Well Flaming you better have a cunning idea to get us out of this."

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"Geoffrey, we got trouble!"

A female raccoon turned around the corner, dressed in the red and blue uniform of the Royal Guard. She had a rifle slung over her shoulder. Her bright blue eyes, framed in the black fur of her "mask," flashed from Geoffrey to Kaeda, her expression serious but professional. Who the...

"Kaeda, this is Taffy Tanner, one of the Royal Guards who's remained loyal to the princess since the takeover," said Geoffrey, gesturing to the raccoon. "Luv, this is Kaeda Fox. Good friend of mine, we can trust her."

Some of the tension instantly drained away from Taffy's face when Geoffrey said this. "Glad to hear, there's been too much betrayal lately," said Taffy gruffly. "But there's no time for pleasantries now, it looks like Robotnik sent another squad of SWATbots. They're trying to destroy the entire castle, they've already taken down the front wall!"

"This is serious...we'll have to get everyone out of the castle, immediately," ordered Geoffrey, his Aussie accent showing through though lightly. "The Princess was last seen being escorted to the throne room, but it's all too likely that Snively would try to escape with her. She's too valuable a prisoner to let go so easily."

"One of the others found out that Snively has an escape vehicle on top of the castle," announced Taffy. "That's where they'd be headed. But the SWATbots will be blowing up the castle, it won't be long until they bring it down and if they do that while we're up there..."

"Chance we'll have to take, luv," said Geoffrey as he gave Taffy a roguish grin. "And we can let the others know as we go. Let's go!"

Taffy nodded, pulling her rifle from her shoulder and holding it ready in both hands. "Right!"

OOC: Hope that worked out as an entrance.

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That's fine! Welcome aboard!

Flaming just glared at Switch.

"I've got to get Wraith to safety," Flaming told Switch as more bots came through, "As for you, well you're on your own!"

With that Flaming dodged a couple of blasts and picked up the out-cold Wraith. Switch just looked at the echidnas.

"If you want Snively so bad, you know where he's at," Flaming told him, "If you want to leave this damned castle then follow me! Remeber though, you're on your own!"

Flaming began to trek thorugh the damaged hallway toward the exit never looking back.
* * * * * * *

"Hurry up!" Snively shouted at one of the royal guards who was preparing the escape craft, "They already know I'm up here!"

The guard pulled out a wrench and struck Snively across the face with it.

"I'm not taking orders from you no longer!" the guard said in a firece tone.

Snively wiped the blood from his lip and respinded to the traitor, "Then this will be your grave!"

A SWAT pulled out Katana and ran it through the guard's chest. The guard grunted as the blood began to pour from the mortal wound. The SWAT pulled the blade out and watched the guard fall to the ground.

"You will never make it out alive," the guard told the king on his last breath.

"Quickly we must retreat!" Snively commanded, "As long as the source is in my hands, Eggman will be defenseless!"

"And what if I take it from you?" a robotic voice called out from behind.

Snively looked behind him to face Mecha and ADAM.

"Well if it isn't Robotnik's darling daughter! You don't seem to be in a shape to demand anything from me!"

Sniv was right. After the incident in the courtroom, M's exterior flesh covering was badly damaged. All that remined was the inoraginc looking meatl interior of her body.

"It looks as if you been through hell and back!" Snively laughed.

"Well they're selling round trip tickets!" M smarted back as she shot an eye beam at a SWAT!

"She's delaying us! Hury get my shuttle moving!" Snively demanded. He looked back as she started to walk toward his shuttle.

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OOC: Sorry for not posting yesterday, I really couldn't think of anything... but today's a different story...


With Geoffery in the lead, the trio began to make their way up to the castle roof. Outside, more explosions could be heard, making the ground shake quite dangerously.

Kaeda had nearly lost her balance a few times already, and it was really slowing her down.

In the back of her mind, there was something nagging at her. In all the three years time she had spent as a Freedom Fighter, this whole situation with Snively and Robotnik was like a whole mystery to her...

What happened to all the citizens of Knothole?
What happened to the original Knothole Freedom Fighters?
Why were Snively's SWATbots much more powerful than Robotnik's?

All of these and even more questions were swimming around in her head... none of which she knew the answer to...

(OOC: Sorry again. Short post...)

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...I'm back^^ Wow, this seems to have slowed down...I hope it isn't permanent. I'd hate to see this one die >.>

What do you want me to do with Wraith, Egg? Wake him now or leave him out for a bit?)

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Welcome back wraith! Things may have slowed a bit considering I haven't been on since Saturday. And as for your character, Wraith, Well it's really up to you!


Flaming made his way out of the castle un touched. He set Wraith on the ground and looked up at the top of the castle. From where he was standing at he couldn't see Snively. He saw a thin cloud of smoke arise from the opposite side so he knew Snively was up there, and under attack to top it off. Flaming looked behinf him to see a few run down bots. other than that Knothole was empty. It seemed strange, but yet here it was! Eggman hadn't won, and from the looks of things Snively isn't about to win either!
Flaming was wamdering what would happen to Snively now that everyone was chasing him down!

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(OOC: I'll leave him out for the moment then, but Sal is still awake.)


Sally raced up the long flights of stairs to the roof, taking the steps two or three at a time. Snivley would pay for this...he would pay dearly, and he couldn't be allowed to escape!

Fortunately she went unchallenged. All of Snivley's forces had now vacated the castle, intent on repelling the invaders outside, and the corridors were deserted.

As she ran, she noticed something at the back of her emotion...a dream...a cry for help...

The Source! Something was wrong with the Source!

She gritted her teeth and willed her legs to run faster. Snivley had to be stopped at all cost!

She rounded the last corner and set off up the stairs towards the roof, completely failing to notice the other figures coming down the corridor she had just turned into!

"Princess!" She jumped and turned, breathing heavily as she raised her hands to defend herself. This could be bad...she'd need to catch her breath before she could fight anything!

Her blue eyes widened when she saw who it was though. "Geoffrey!"

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay luv!" exclaimed St John as he came running up to her. "Kaeda here said she'd seen you captured by Snivley!" He jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the young vixen as he spoke, while reaching out with his other hand to take her paw in his. "We were worried he might still have you, or...well...worse...!"

Sally glanced at Kaeda and Taffy behind him, but didn't greet them. Pulling her hand away from Geoffrey, she began to turn back to the stairs. "It's good to see you too, Geoffrey, but we have no time for pleasentries! We have to stop Snivley, right now!"

"Right you are!" replied Geoffrey, nodding. "Let's move it!"

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(OOC: I'll have an IC soon, I'm just waiting for Terg to post again!)

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Taffy followed the princess, Geoffrey St. John and Kaeda up the stairs that led to the roof, trying to figure out why Kaeda looked so familiar. It was as if she'd seen someone who looked very much like Kaeda before...

But she didn't have time to think more on it, for they reached the roof and Taffy joined the others there, rifle held at the ready. The wind was blowing hard this high up, and it added to the tense atmosphere. A few of Snively's modified SWATbots were engaging a damaged Mecha, who was in the process of demolishing them with her deadly eyebeams. She was assisted by an unusual-looking SWATbot. Taffy could see Snively next to the escape vehicle, a small sleek gray shuttle, which was being prepared by some of the other modified SWATbots that Snively had in his employ.

Taffy bent down to one knee and raised the rifle up so she could get a steady shot. But she found herself hesitating as she couldn't decide which targets to hit first. Mecha and ADAM are dangerous, but we can't let Snively get away free, not after the butchering he's done...

Her sight hovered over Snively's head for a moment, but then she turned it to one of the SWATbots that were preparing the shuttle. A quick pull of the trigger, and it launched an ionized beam of light that smashed into the SWATbot's vulnerable visor.

We're going to catch that murderer and bring him to justice, thought Taffy grimly.

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At once, Snively looked back at the small group. His lips turned into a nasty grin.

"Ah, Princess," he sneered, "I see you've brought some company with you..."

"Stop right where you are, Snively," Sally demanded.

"Or what? There's no way you can stop me," Snively replied, "but I can, at the very least, send you and these intruders off to their deaths." He turned to his group of SWATbots.


Kaeda bit her lower lip as the 'bots started towards them.

This was going to be a real test of her skill... all the training she had beat into her...

She reached for the small handgun in it's holster on her bag, aimed at the one ahead of the pack, and fired. It hit directly in its head, making it explode, but...

"What the hell?!" she exclaimed.

The lead SWAT was still standing, walking towards them, gun arm raised to strike!

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OOC:Sorry, really havent thought what tto do with Switch yet, but I guesss I'll fo ahead.

He had been observering the fighting, watching as sides exchanged blows, and monitoring the action on the roof. He notcied the fight on the roof. He linded the targeting barrel of his pistol up, and aimed at the lead bot, and fired a dead on shot.

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With the king's crown Snively is in control over the Source of All. All that remains of the source. The source is directly connected to the Chaos Force, with Snively in control he had almost limitless power! Only one question remains, how did Snively amass an army of SWAT-bots? It could possibly have been ruined SWATs from the past just revamped. But it seems they are a little TOO revamped! Snively had to have some other source to upgrade the robots dramtically! Just what can it be?

Flaming was thinnking to himself of all the possiblities. He then thought of something he overlooked.

"Snively doesn't have complete control over the Source!" he said outloud, "There is one other artifact that was forgotten! The sword still remains! It has mysteriously vanished from the face of Mobius! Even if Snively escapes, he can never control the Source as long as the sword exists!"

OOC: Just filling in some of the mysteries of the psat!

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(OOC: Say Egg, quick question, is this before or after Sal has been chosen by the Source? I put a bit in before about it, but it occured to me since that it may not have happened yet. What do you want me to do?)

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To tell you the truth I forgot about Sal geting chosen by the Source while posting. We'll just naturally say that Snively has used the crown to Seize almost complete control over the Source. He thinks the sword no longer exists so that is how we'll tie in that part! Sound good?

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(OOC: Okey kokey, we'll try it^^)


Sally jumped forward, but aiming between the SWATbots, aiming for the little man himself! It wasn't the robots that mattered, it was Snivley and the crown!

The bots spun round, trying to grab her as she dodged past them, but she managed to avoid their flailing hands and lunged for Snivley full pelt! "You won't get away!" she shouted angrily.

Snivley spun round from his tranport and extended his arm, his palm facing the Princess with fingers outstreached! There was a sudden blinding flash of yellow energy, and a loud POWWW, and Sally found herself thrown backwards across the rooftop, slamming to the floor and rolling close to the edge of the roof! Snivley let out a high pitched, cackling laugh as he watched her slowly picking herself up, bringing a hand to her head. "Don't even try, Princess...I control the Source cannot harm me!"

He kept his grin stable, but inside he was confused, and a little worried. That blast should have killed her...!



The muttered noise brought Flaming back to his sences, and he spun round to see Wraith picking himself up onto an elbow, holding his head with his other hand. "Ugh." muttered the maroon echidna. "Why do these things always happen to me?"

Flaming knelt down beside him. "You okay man?"

"I will be, I guess. What's our status?"

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Another shot from the SWATbots hit the ground where Kaeda had once stood. It was getting harder to dodge these things, and they were sure taking a long time to defeat.

This seemed to be getting to Geoffery and Taffy also, who were shooting and running like she was.

They continued to march towards them, only with missing arms, legs, and in most cases, holes in their torsos and missing heads.

"What are these things?!" the vixen shouted angrily. "They just won't go down!!"

"I know what you mean, Kae," Geoff said, "But we've gotta keep-- AUGH!!"

A blast of energy hit St. John in the left shoulder, making him drop his weapon. His right hand gripped the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Geoff!" Taffy called, running over to him.

Kaeda was about to do the same, but a SWAT nearby had its weapon aimed at her.

"LOOK OUT!" the fox exclaimed, taking off towards the raccoon.

The next few seconds were a blur... she was sure she pushed Taffy out the way, but at the same time, she wasn't.

All she knew was the searing pain in her side, her blood dripping on the ground, and her blurred vision.

She was sure she could hear Geoff's and Taffy's voices trying to talk to her, but it sounded distant... faint...

No... I can't lose consciousness...

I can't...

afford... to lose...

Kaeda collapsed to the ground, unconscious...

(OOC: Hi all, just wanted to say I probably won't be around much to post here after today, as I may end up really busy. Just keep Kaeda in the story somehow,like as an NPC just don't kill her off. ^^; Okay? Thanks!)

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Sure thing Kaze!

Flaming looked over at Wraith then at the rooftops of the castle.

"Showdown," Flaming told Wraith, "Sniv is cornered and things look bad for the short fella! There still is much to do once Snively falls. You should be prepared!"

Flaming watched the fight on the castle some more.
* * * * * *

Snively was furious. He didn't want to go down! This was his moment of glory!

"Sir the shuttle is ready!" A SWAT reported.

"About damn time!" Snively shouted as he waved off debris and keeping close watch on Sally.

With one press of a switch the craft levitated into the air. One minute later it went crashing into a cottage bellow. One of M's bot's had shot out one of Snively's engines. The crash site was no more than ten meters from Flaming and Wraith.

"Noone is inside." Flaming said studying the wreck.

They looked up at the castle to see Snively dangleing from the rooftop crying for his life!

"Well now isn't this fun to watch?" Flaming laughed seeing the helpless man hang on to the roof for dear life!

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(OOC: Whoa... no one's posting now... THIS RP CANNOT DIE! Anywho, I'll probably have an IC tomorrow afternoon. I'll be focusing a little on Kae's aunt back in Station Square and maybe a bit on her past as well... what will actually be there may change, though; it depends on what I do...

BTW, I won't be as busy as I thought I would be, so if I'm able to think of something, I'll post. If not, like I said before, Kaeda is in NPC mode. See you.)

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Switch watched the escape vehicle fall. Fool. He Really thoguht he could escape. I could shoot him off, but GUN might want him alive... and alive person always brings a better price than a dead one. But I can't get up there, and sniping him off is too dangerous... He walked over to Flameing and Wraith. They won't go for myu plan, but if they capture him, I can simply record the inf

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(OOC: Sorry, I haven't posted in a bit either. Past few days I've been quite ill, so not felt up to it. I'm still here, although I can't post as much as I'd like to at the moment. Not leaving or anything though. Keep it going^^)

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Taffy fired again and again, but even when her shots struck the SWATbots, it seemed as if they would keep on going despite what parts they had lost. She shot a head off, the SWATbot would still aim and shoot as if it was still in place. A leg joint, and the SWAT would pull itself along the ground. No wonder Snively took over so quickly! These things are a lot more sturdily built than any SWATbot I've ever seen!

To Taffy's sixth sense, she could feel danger radiating from the SWATbots as they strode around, trying to protect Snively. At that moment she felt less danger from Mecha, whose powerful blaster shots were more successful against the undying SWATbots but even she was having trouble with them. They were utterly relentless, still moving, still coming...

Taffy couldn't even spare a glance down and back to Kaeda, who had fallen. Geoffrey was tying up her wound with a medical patch, and Taffy focused on keeping the SWATbots away with her rifle, which was quickly dwindling in its energy supply. Can't keep this up forever, we've got to stop Snively!

"H-help me, you imbeciles!" shouted Snively in his nasal whiny voice.

All of Snively's SWATbots stopped what they were doing and in unison turned and walked toward the edge where Snively was hanging on for dear life. Mecha took this opportunity to start blasting them, a pair of SWATbots falling off the castle and crashing to the ground below after bouncing off the sides of the castle. But the SWATbots were completely loyal and did not show any signs of self-preservation as they pulled Snively up to safety, safety that their hard metallic bodies provided.

So now what? thought Taffy.

"Destroy the intruders, now!" demanded Snively. "I want them all dead!"

"AFFIRMATIVE," responded the crowd of SWATbots, and they turned around in time to face a flurry of shots from Taffy, Geoffrey, Mecha and ADAM, who were the only remaining people on the roof fighting against Snively. All of Mecha's SWATbots had been overpowered by Snively's upgraded SWATbots.

"We have to fall back!" shouted Geoffrey as he fired a shot from his pistol, then reached down and swung Kaeda over his shoulder. "We can't take him from this position!"

"Can you afford to turn your backs on them? Snively's SWATbots are using advanced nanotechnology, that is how they are able to keep on coming," explained Mecha.

"Why're you telling us that?" asked Taffy over the gunfire.

"Because as much as I hate to say it, we have to work together or else we're both vaped."

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(OOC: Egg, just a question. Are any other of the Knothole Freedom Fighters going to appear here? I did have something in mind, but it's not fully worked out yet. I just wanted to know before I went ahead and did something...)

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I did have plans to make them show up, so yeah! Go ahead with your plan!

"The only way to really defeat the powere monsters of SWAT-bots id to attack the nano-machines within!" M explained, "These Nano-bots are advanced versions of what you're used to! They won't go down easily!"

Snively looked at the group of fighters. He grined as his secret was out! With the advanced nano-machines the robots seemed almost invicible! When one falls the nanoites kick it repairing all internal and external damage. M new this, It was the secret experiment of the Brain Trust! She had hacked into the Brain Trust's computer to discover all that they had been working on. They seemed to have no weakness due to the fact that Brain Trust never recorded one! Snively's grin grew wider. Even if she could find some way to destroy the nano-bots, Snvely still had a seemingly endless supply of these nanoites. He was determined to use that to his advantage!
* * * * * *

"We're being hacked!" Dr. Robotnik's voice boomed across his Megaopolis lab, "It seems that someone has found a weakness in our advanced firewall and exploited it!"

Robotnik went crazy punching in key commands. "I'll show him who's boss! I'll hack back through and delete his entire hardrive! Everything his has of mine will be deleted!"

A SWAT walks up to Robotnik, "What if he has info on PROJECT SONIC?"

"We just can't take that chance!" Eggman grined, "THERE! All of his data has been deleted, and I have figured out where he is hacking us from! Commander! Send assassians to take out the target! Any info this character has will go with him to the grave!"

Just fleshing out the entire story a bit more. This is all in preparation for a future event I've got planned!

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Sally was stood slightly behind the others as they talked...with an absence of projectile weapons, there was little she could do to assist them.

He reached into her pocket, bringing out the still unfunctional Nicole. She sighed slightly as she looked down at her blank screen. "Nicole may be able to shut the nanites down somehow, but she's still offline. It'd take a while to fix her."

A blast from a lazer singed over her head and she ducked quickly.

"Somehow, luv, I don't think we have a while." muttered Geoffrey ove his shoulder, still blasting away at the bots for all he was worth!


"We have to get up there!" exclaimed Wraith, staring up at the roof of the castle oh so far away.

Flaming shook his head. "Never make it in time. You know how many flights of stairs there are to get that high?"

"Yeah, I do, but I wasn't talking about the stairs." retorted Wraith. He looked down at Flaming's hands. "You're an Echidna...can you climb?"

Flaming looked at him curiously.

"We could climb the'd be much faster than taking the stairs, and we could sneak up behind Snivley...attack from a vector he isn't expecting!"

"Hey, I can't climb!" muttered Switch, glaring at him angrily.

"You could..." Wraith paused while he tried to think up an excuse. "You could watch don here in case Snivley falls off again...he's likely to, knowing him. You could catch him." Without waiting for Switch's responce, he turned back to Flaming. "So, can you climb?" he asked again.

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OOC: Okay, here goes nothing!


It seemed like an eternity since Miles "Tails" Prower had been thrown in this dungeon cell. He was isolated from the rest of the world; he didn't even know what had happened to any of the other Knothole Freedom Fighters recently; more particularly, his best friend Sonic. Usually, a Royal Guard keeping watch outside his cell would relay tidbits of news, but that wasn't the case now.

All he knew was that he kept hearing rumbling and explosions from above, and felt the ground shake, sometimes violently.

Without warning, he heard rushing footsteps outside the large steel door, followed by shouting.

"Quickly! Set free all the prisoners while there's still time! The castle could collapse any second!"

"Yes sir!"

The ten-year old fox kit stood up and ran over to the door.

"Set free?" he thought. What's going on?

A guard's footsteps came to a halt outside of Tails' cell door. The sound of keys could be heard jingling through the metal.

"Hang on, I'll get you out," he said in a deep booming voice.

A couple of clicks of the locks later, and the door swung open, illuminating the cell with blinding light. Tails covered his eyes.

"Come on," the Guard told him, "and leave the castle! All of King Snively's SWATs are gone! They're off fighting Robotnik's forces outside the castle!"

Tails raised an eyebrow. "What really?"

"Yes, now go~!" The Guard took the young fox by the hand and pulled him out of the cell!

OOC: Yep! I've brought in Tails! This whole part did sound a bit better in my head though. No worries, though! I had to do something seeing as how Kae's not going to be doing anything for the time being, so I'll just go with Tails for a bit. He's an NPC.

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Sorry if I didn't post yesterday. I took this quiz that told me I was going to hell because I'm greedy! Oh well. Everything seems fine Kaze! Bringing up Tails was pretty smart on your part!

"So can you climb?" Wraith asked the orange echidna.
He said nothing for a bit then responded, "Yeah," he said softly, "Yeah I can climb! That thought never crossed my mind!"
Flaming started toward the castle. "Maybe this could be the turning point between Snively and the rest!"
He waved to the others. As they approached, Flaming looked down at Switch.
"Can't climb no problem! Just hop on my back! I may not look it, but during my training I made the record for most weight carried on one's back! You weigh much less than those damned creatures I had to carry!"
Flaming looked at Switch then at Wraith. This may be the climax of the battle.

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It was amazing just how many people were imprisoned by Snively!

It was also quite puzzling as well to the young fox. Everyone from elderly men to pregnant mothers and even mothers with young children were being led through the corridors, all looking just as confused and frightened as he was. Nevertheless, they were all crowded into the corridors, being led out by members of the Royal Guard.

Tails was glad for this. He didn't have to sit in that smelly old cell by himself anymore!

He quickly looked out over the crowd, trying to see if there were any familiar faces... there weren't any...

What happened to the others? he wondered. Where are they?

His thoughts were interrupted as the castle shook again, sending Tails to the ground. The corridors filled with the sounds of complaining people and screaming infants. The Guards tried their best to calm them, but it seemed futile, as they told them to press on.

The orange fox followed along, wondering why it was taking so long to get out of this smelly dungeon. One look ahead, though, told him he wouldn't have to stand the smell much longer. The exit was just ahead, and people were running for their lives up the stone steps.

It wasn't long before Tails reached the doorway. A Guard put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll tell you like I told everyone else," he said. "Keep running forward and don't look back here. You'll get out of the castle quicker."

"Okay," Tails said.

"Get going now. And I'm sorry..."

"Huh? What are you--" Tails started to say before he was shoved forward by the guard.


His head filled with new questions, Tails' feet pounded the stone steps as he ran forward. His stomach had a sinking feeling as he thought about what the guard had just told him...


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