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Newbie RP Thread: Undertow

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Posts: 1334
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(NOTE: The original idea for a newbie thread is not mine.)

OOC: This is a newbie thread. The purpose of this thread is to allow those who are unsure how to participate in an rp thread some opportunity to practice. The beginning is fairly generic and merely sets the scene, it is up to anyone posting to the thread afterwards to carry on the story, the person making the post may end up never making another post to this particular thread, they may but don't expect them to do so.

Anyone can join in on the thread as long as their entrance is fitting for the thread and at the very least seems believeable. Do not e-mail or otherwise contact the person that started this thread for permission to post, you already have it. Also these threads are subject to comments from outside sources (please make all comments after OOC (Out Of Character) so we know it is a comment and then IC (In Character) if you have a story element to add). If OOC or IC are not used then the post is considered IC for these threads.

Veterans are asked to keep a watchful distance and offer guidance to those new to the rp world on any mistakes they do and possible ways to correct them or prevent them in the future. If a veteran rper really wishes to then there is no stopping them from joining in on the thread (and perhaps at least one per thread would be a good thing), keep in mind that these threads will in no way be perfect as these are where the mistakes are to be made.

While the setting is currently a generic Sonic based one, it is not set in stone. However, if you noticed that one Role Player has already started going with one form of story, try not to do anything that would directly contradict it. Try to communicate with your fellow Role Players to create a wonderful story that you may one day look back at with pride.

Start posting and enjoy.

The auroma of the feeding blackness darkned the area around the high plauteu's and rolling hills and deep trenches of an canyon in the middle of nowhere. Occasional pines and conferious trees scattered the area with the occasional river going up the hill, down the canyon and into the trench. A figure was in the middle of it. Beside the river, laid against one of the rolling hills the figure was laid on the ground. His stomach facing the gentle yellow grass. As the next water current passed him by, a flow of water splashed out of the river and onto his head. His fox ears twitched. And groaned. As he attempted to get to his feet he shook his head and coughed.


As he came to realize, he could only remember two things. His name and the fact he was running for something.

"...what..where am I?" the maroon fox coughed.

He definitally did not feel at home.

Posts: 369
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"Boy, you sure chose a funny place to nap! Trying to get in touch with your 'feminine side'... being out here with nature and all that?" said blunt voice, accompanied by a shadow that peered over.

The maroon fox blinked several times in a confused manner, before grumbling and sitting up straight to settle his erratic head- but more importantly, to get a better view of who had approached him so randomly.

It appeared to be a tall, white hybrid creature, (of possibly a hedgehog, fox, and possibly weasel?)- with striking and empowering azure coloured eyes- but with a profound looking scar on one eye.

'I'll ask later...' he thought light-headedly, momentarily dwelling on the concept that every scar or 'whatever' bared a tale to tell or that character.

"Oh? Too shy for conversation?" she asked, tilting her head and smirking "why don't you start off by telling me your name? And what you're doing here?"

Posts: 1334
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He blinked for a second, taking in the creatures words. "My names...Luke. And I'm here...because I was running."

"Oh?" the creature inquired. "From what?"

".....Something, something-- direct and massive. I don't remember much. I just jumped into the woods..." his mind flashed and he was presented with a flashback.

Sweat dripped down his face as his feet collided with the ground, as he kept running he could hear bulletfire behind him... and a loud command.

"The Warlock!! Don't let him get away!" they shouted.

He kept moving, for a minute. Until his left leg felt pure steel shred through it. As the bullet passed he tripped into a roll sideways-- his back colliding with a tree as he rolled downward into the canyon. He soon faded out.

"I...was being chased. Men in black type-cloth of sorts. Armed with guns...I was shot and thats all I really remember...."

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

The white hyrbid blinked several times, a perplexed expression on her face as she studied the individual in front of her, who he had introduced himself as 'Luke'. And she had also learnt, as of yet, that he had been running away from certain pursuers and that he had been shot.

"Damnit... they shot you?" she said at last, if not a little stoic in tone "who's they, Luke? And why?"

"Dgeeze! So many questions considering I was shot!" Luke snarled, but winced as the placebo effect of the temporary amnesia (unfortunatly) of the gunshot wore off.

"Well I'm curious." she said, maintaining her apathetic tone of voice "it's been too damn peaceful around these parts- so if there's any trouble lurking about... I have a right to know so that I can sort it out!" she declared, spontaneously pulling out a katana and unsheaving it, performing a few swooping movements, before pushing the sharp end into the ground pretentiously.

"Anything more you can recall about these 'Men in black type cloth of sorts'?"

"I told you that's all I remember!" he frowned momentarily, before pursing his lips and lightening up in expression "what about you?"

"...what about me?" she replied, her eyes fixed on her weapon as she yanked it out of the ground and polished it with an old cloth.

"Well, who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you so inquisitive... and what's with the sword?" he wrinkled his nose as he pointed at her.

She smirked, continueing to polish her elongated weapon, before resheaving it.

"I'm Komachi. I have always protected these parts... from secret societies, trouble makers and sorts. Spywork. You're the one that appears inquisitive to me... and on to your last question. The sword...?"

Luke sat there patiently, expecting a profound answer from Komachi.

"Well, sensible to be armed and protected. Espicially when we're being threatened by black clothed freaks who shoot people and give them amnesia... right?" she replied, curious as to how he would respond.

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He narrowed his eyes. He still couldn't remember quite a bit and cursed under his breath. "But you didn't even know of... these gunmen- so obviously you have other reasons for that blade. And you say your a guardian of these areas? Whats so precious in here that needs to be guarded? Hmm?" he answered back with a meak grin on his face.

He chuckled a bit in his mind as he waited for her responce, thoguh this loss of memory was really getting to him. He smacked his head in reaction to it.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

"Who, when, where, why, how? All that should matter is were you head now." Someone had snuck up on them. A grey furred canine of some persuasion sauntered into the open. His actual physique was obscured by a blue mantle, pretty ornate for someone wandering around the woods. But it seemed to help conceal things about him. How strong he was, if he was carrying weapons, in fact looking at his face if he didn't have his rather extravagent outerwear he'd be rather ordinary. Dull green eyes, generic facial features, plain grey fur, he was so generic his exact species seemed impossible to determine based on appearance alone.

Posts: 2234
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"Hum de dum, hoo hoo, ha de ha~~ came a surprising sound from along the riverbed. Walking upwards and against the flow of the river, the humming belonged to a strange and perplexing mole was seemed to be tip-toeing on the edge, forwards. He was doing strange little jiggles in tune to his off key humming, and generally seemed to be having fun. He danced, stopped, wiggled his behind, then continued moving forwards. Such was the loud humming and striking appearance of the mole, that all three who had been gathered together; Luke, Komachi and the generic canine couldnt help but stare.

The mole wore a long grey, dirtied trenchcoat. He wore dusty black trousers and bold, wearied boots. Across his back was a shovel, which seemed unusual given that usually, the mole should have been able to dig with his own claws. He wore a pair of pitch black, small, rounded glasses which reflected the suns light.

A zig zag, zoobie de do~! he continued to hum along the edge, precariously teetering over the edge.

His walk ended, as he arrived next to the group. He didnt turn around, but seemed to acknowledge their presence as soon as he was next to them, as if it was only then that he noticed them. His head tilted upwards in realization. Well Ill be, some people! Didnt expect to see some people out over here, no siree. Its a- heehaw, good day, yeah? The mole spoke.

who the heck are you? Luke asked, bewildered.

Who am I? Dobee, do do dooo! Im merely a traveller. Zekes my name! The mole introduced himself.

Posts: 2928
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The canine smirked, "And he emits his own sound effects too."

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Luke blinked, a lot of people were appearing mighty fast. A real thick coincidence.... he bit his lip looking around for any possible escape routes if things decided to turn sour. "Well...gee..." Luke chuckled a bit.
