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Planet of the Pokem...
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Planet of the Pokemon RP [parody, sci-fi]

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Posts: 6
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OCC:Testing 1,2,3 Join the revoultion!

still OCC:good!, it's back online, to reinform the people, since most of the story here's how it goes.

Eric, Baily, and Jenny, are at the Pokemon Center, since Baily caught a Porygon named PGY64, here's the party of each person.

Eric's pokemon
Charmander [Drago]lv 13
Metal Claw

Metapod [Catty] lv 7
String Shot

Jenny's pokemon

Treeco [Mat] lv 13
left the group for now
so he doesn't count for the

Dratini [name unknown] lv 14
Thunder Wave

Pikachu [Piko] Lv 12
Thunder Wave
Quick Attack

Baily's Pokemon

Totodile [Bud] Lv 13
Water Gun

Pidgey [Pidget] Lv 13
Sand Attack
Quick Attack

that's all of the Pokemon the players have

now an update of known allies and enemies

Cecilia [a Combusken]
Timmy [a Torchic]
William [a Tauros]
Millie [a Miltank]

Salmonzo [a Salamence]
Nigel [A Dragonite]
Miulyn [ A Milotic]
Murkron [A Murkrow]
Fearon [A Fearow]
Scizina [a Scizor]

that's the updates on the allies and enemies.

Posts: 1044
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It's nice to see that you are trying to continue the story even though that the rest of it is down. Now if I remember correctly the last post I made was after the Rocket Members fled the center close to Mt. Moon, and it gets a bit fuzzy after that. But I remember most of the story so I can make an IC from that point.

The group stood in the main lobby of the poke center looking on at the destruction of the building. It was just recently that a couple of rockets attacked using a rare porygon, but Baily Rogers used his prototype to capture the Porygon and use it against them. Now the group are faced from two threats the evil Greg and his Genger, REVOLVER, and now Rocket their luck has went from bad to worse.
"I've got a terribly bad feeling about all of this!" Rogers stated, "We are in the middle of restricted territory. If I'm correct Rocket has taken complete control over the Moon Mountain!"
The sound of a helicopter could be heard overhead and that defunatly wasn't a good sign!

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"Crud!" Drago said, "We just repelled them and now they come back"

"We should try and head into the cave" Catty said, "the mountain cave is vast, and should give us the slip"

"You sure it's safe" Eric said to Drago

"It may be infested with Rockets, but I would take my chance with the ruffians in the cave then the Rockets" Drago replied.

the group headed inside the cave.

"Drago," Piko said,"those Pokemon may be ruffians, but they can help us out"

"Piko, your one smart Pikachu" Drago replied, "Eric, many Pokemon here hate Rockets, but a few work for them, so be very careful who we talk to"

OCC:I wonder if Super Ferret will rejoin

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: Wonder no more for I have returned :cuckoo

Jenny groaned, she looked around for the dratini she'd rescued and found that he was beside her looking up fearfully at the ceiling.
She was about to ask him a question when she realised she didn't know his name.
"Ur...I know this isn't the best time to ask but what is your name?"
A little surprised he looked up at her and replied.
"My name is Dracean. But you may call me Drace."
"Don't you think it would be wise to take up a defensive position?" Asked the dratini, looking a little worried as the sound of the chopper became louder.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Rogers stood watching through the window. He could now see the helicopter. Of course noone was paying attention to him when the crew on the helicopter started loding up weapons in the choppers rocket launchers.
"Ah, DAMMIT," Baily shouted as he rushed toward the others, "Everyone get down now!"
Rogers hid under a table as the roar of the rocket launching disrupted the silence. The missle hit the building deadone destroying the rooftop. Another one this time taking out the far wall. Rogers crawled across the floor trying to reach his other friends.

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"Baily, hurry, we got to get to the cave" Eric said, as he hurries to help Baily. Drago looks around with a worried look.

"Eric, Baily, have you seen that Magikarp girl? She was with me, but she's not here" Drago said.

Posts: 1044
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"No did she get out before us?" Rogers yelled over the roar of the chopper.
Another loud bang as another projectile rammed the side of the center.

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"I don't know" Drago said, "maybe she headed to the cave"

Eric then saw the chopper leaving the pokemon center

"why did they leave?" Eric said

"I think it may have to do with that Magikarp girl that left" the Chansey said, "They go by any means to get them back"

"Wait, Drago" Piko said, "you said you bought her, to save her"

"Yes, It was from some Zubat, he looked weird, and he had a ring that had an "R" ensigna" Drago replied.

"that's weird" Eric said, "wait, of course!", Eric said, realizing it. "they weren't after us, but they were after the Magikarp girl, they thought they could get her easily, but since Baily caught PGY-64, they had to use the chopper"

"how did you find that out?" Catty said

"It's just a wild guess, why would they attack us for?, besides us stealing their Porygon" Eric said.

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