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Weeeel, I've returned to RP and updated my profiles extremely... or something.

(Note: Profiles may contain some religious-based ideas that all people may not "like." Deal with it. =P)

The T
Age: 15 (Immortal)
Species: Human/Demon/Light Being
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Handedness: Left

Description: Wearing all black clothing, long sleeved, a black cape on his shoulders going down to his heels, and a large two-handed sword on his back, handle over his right shoulder. He is not overly buff or overly thin, he is perfectly average weighted.

History: He was created as the first son of Satan, and along with his brother The A, was destined to bring the apocalypse. God realized this, and using all her energy, she transferred a large portion of her light energy into The T, purifying him. He and his brother were also turned part human with the remaining energy. Then God passed away, possibly never to be seen again. The T lived a life like any other human in that time. Then, came his first death. He was reborn that instant, and lived another life. This has happened on and on, forever and ever again. Until at one point his service was needed to protect the Earth. He found a "loophole" of sorts in time, and using his limited control over it, found he could choose any time in the past to be reborn as long as at one point in time he is always living, and there can not be two The T's at one time who are both over the age of 12. Unfortunately, his brother has a power identical to this. They fight a constant war through all of time. If one kills the other, then they return. The T has never been beaten by The A once under any circumstances.

Spiro T. Hedgehog
Age: 16
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male
Fur: Red
Eyes: Hazel

Description: A very intelligent hedgehog, his intelligence is much higher than Tails. He looks alot like Sonic, with the skin-tone like stomach, but he has three pieces of hair sticking over the top of his head. His shoes are like Sonic's, only the blue is switched with Red.

History: He's your normal everyday hedgehog. He's lived in various cities, including Station Square, San Francisco, and Sega City. He watches alot of anime, and basically knows any anime character if he is ever in they're realm. Met The T in a weird turnabout to be documented later.

CJ The Hedgehog
Age: Between 9 and 12
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male
Fur: Aqua

Description: Watch out for CJ The Hedgehog, Master of Disguise! He's an aqua (that's a light green-ish) hedgehog wearing a brown vest. His shoes are striped down the middle two colors of oranges. He also carries around a costume suit-case which seems like it may have some link to Subspace... any costume CJ will need, he'll have it. He can be anyone. It may not appear very convincing, but it sure fools everyone.
Other: Best friend with Spiro T. Hedgehog.

The A
Age: 16 (Immortal)
Species: Human/Demon
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Handedness: Left

Description: Wearing all black clothing, long sleeved, a black cape on his shoulders going down to his heels, and an average size sword on his right side, at his belt.

History: He was created as the second son of Satan, and along with his brother The T, was destined to bring the apocalypse. God realized this, and using all her energy, she transferred a large portion of her light energy into The T, purifying him. They were also turned part human with the remaining energy. Then God passed away, possibly never to be seen again. The A lived a life of vengeance, searching all over the planet to find The T. Then, came his first death. He was reborn that instant, and lived another life. This has happened on and on, forever and ever again. They fight a constant war through all of time. If one kills the other, then they return. The A has never beaten The T once under any circumstances.

Spec C. Echidna
Age: 17
Species: Echidna
Gender: Male
Fur: Blue
Eyes: Grey

Description: The smartest echidna in existence, and well proud of it. Rubs it in Spiro's face whenever he gets the chance. He is blue, wears no clothing spar shoes, and the tips of his dreadlocks are naturally red. Allied with The A.

Diamont Avalon
Age: Mid-60's
Species: Human, 1/4 Vampire
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Description: Wears a tuxedo. Is rather buff for his old age, and keeps his vampiric appearance up, even though he shares no traits of them. After years of long study, has learned the ability to "leech" another person's appearance and abilities, simply by touhching them. In this way, the person being leeched does not have any side effects. Allied with The A.

Silver Streak (aka The Rider)
Real Name: Maurice Smith
Age: 20's
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black and Silver
Skin: Caucasian
Vehicles: Black Kawasaki Motorcycle, Car (Haven't decided any details on the car yet)

As The Rider: Wears black jeans and a black leather jacket open over a white shirt. Wears black glasses. When riding a vehicle, wears a helmet that is black with red streaks going toward the back.
As Silver Streak: Wears a silver jacket, blue jeans, a white shirt. Wears black glasses. Keeps his gun in his jacket.

About: Doesn't care much for people. Spends the majority of his time racing his motorcycle or car in various competitions. Has done some missions for various organizations to raise money for modificiations for his bike and car. Has worked with one partner, Lucas George, who he perticularly disliked.

Lucas George
Age: Late 10's - Early 20's
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Caucasian

Appearance: Wears normal fashion for whatever is in. Usually wears a baggy shirt and normal jeans.

About: A fun loving kind of person. He loves playing Dance Dance Revolution. He enjoys playing games in general and just having fun. He learned most of what he knows in The Heero Yuy Academy, and later moved on to work as a part time assasin part time spy. Worked with Silver Streak a few times, and Silver hates him passionately.

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Name: Rexus Webster

Species: Echidna

Gender: Male

Age: Varies with RP's

Appearance: Rexus is a black echidna, with Brown hair that goes down to his neck, his fringe and two streaks of his hair are dark blue. He has red eyes and white stripes going down his dreads as well as having a bandage tied around the first dreadlock on the right hand side of his face.

He usually wears a Red "hoody" with a graphic of the word Pyromaniac on fire across the front, a golden pendent with a glowing orange gem embeded in it, a white T-shirt with a black stripe going around one sleave, Normal Dark Blue Jeans and a pair dark Red shoes with a black stripe going over the top of them and steel soles although he sometimes wears a black leather jacket with a hawk emblazend on the back rather than the Hoody.

The Dark Edge: A large Night Blue Broadsword that has been infused with Rexus's powers, It doesn't improve any of the weapons power but allows Rexus to carry it with considerable ease. Rexus forged the sword himself, but inexplicably runic language apeared on the sword after it was created. Rexus can't decipher it
The Dream Destroyer: An average sized green Japanese Katana, theres nothing special about it and Rexus only keeps it with him because it was his fathers sword. Contains the same runes as The Dark Edge
Berreta: Its a gun, he doesn't even have this in most RP's

Items: Flute, Skates, Shades, Magic book, eye piece.

Bio: Rexus inherited highly unstable magical power from one of his ancestors, the power can manifest itself at any time so Rexus is forced to wear a pendent that contains the power, He tries to lead as normal a Life as possible but finds it difficult to make new friends for fear of hurting them.

He's generally a fun loving Echidna around those who know him but if anyone gets on his bad side he's likely to Lash out against them. He keeps his opinions to himself most of the time in fear that people will just see him as an idiot and ignore him.

He tries to avoid using his magic as it usually gets him into more trouble than its worth and when he uses it he begins to change into another quite sadistic demon form, In this form he looses all control and attacks friends and foe alike.

Theme Song: The Kids aren't all right ~ The Offspring

Occupation: Captain of the Skiecrew

Name: Colt Clawtooth

Species: Cat

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: Colt has Darkish Red hair that looks like Clouds from FF7, he has pale blue eyes and a scar across his forehead and his fur is a tan brown colour. he has a white bandana tied around his forehead over where the scar should be.

He wears a black trenchcoat that goes down to his feet, Dark green Combat jeans a white T shirt and Steel rimmed red shoes. He has a belt with two holsters for his Uzis and a strap on the back of the trenchcoat for his shotgun.

He usually has a dark expression or scowl on his face, and he has a pair of fingerless gloves which he sometimes wears.

Weapons: Shotgun, a shotgun the Colt obtained through corrupt means, he always seems to be getting his shotguns destroyed however.
Duel Uzi's, bone white plated Uzi's that Colt stole from a gang lord connected with his girlfriends death.

Theme Song: By Myself ~ Linkin Park


Name: The Master Echidna
Codename: T-M-E

Species: Robotic Echidna

Age: 6

Appearance: T-M-E stands at roughly 6 feet tall, he has Blood red eyes, with dark Red streaks in the uper corners of them. His shell is metallic silver and bulks out on his forearms and lower legs. His forearms, lower legs and the top of his Dreads are lined with Dark red plates.

His Shoes are navy blue with a silver plate on the top. He has a hand blade slot on the back of each hand.

Hand Blades: Dark Blue blades that slide out from the back of each hand, in his second form they are Red and are much longer, in third form they each spilt into two seperate claw like blades.
Plasma Rifle: A chargable rifle that can fire two types of beam for a limited time.

Theme Song: The Touch ~ Stan Bush

Occupation: Heavy Weapons Expert of the Skiecrew

Bio: T-M-E was created by Robotnik as an early project, he was a sentinent Robot created to wipe out Sonic. However T-M-E's intelligence level was so high he decided to turn on his master and destroyed his base at Chemical Plant completely before going after Green hill zone.

He embarked upon a blaze of destruction across the world destroying everything in sight before suddenly disapearing, as life was returning to normal reports of a large space station, equalled only by the likes of the death egg, was orbiting the planet.

The Space Station was eventually destroyed by Sonic and co and T-M-E's body was later found and restored by Rexus Webster.

T-M-E subsequently travelled the world on the run from his ex-master, using his skills to help those in need until Robotnik finally caught up with him, T-M-E fought off Robotniks forces valiantly, trying to protect the village where he'd been found, but he ultimately failed and was presumed destroyed when he was blasted down the Villages well.

T-M-E's back up generator kicked in and he found himself in an underground shrine heavily damaged, slowly he pulled himself up using the shrines altar to do so, but as soon as he placed his hand on it he gained a dread destructive force, one he had no chance of Controling.

The demonic force that fused with T-M-E's body gave itself the name Necro-M-E. Necro-M-E usually stays dormant within T-M-E until he sences a moment of weakness, then he takes over, Transforming T-M-E into a form capable of the destruction he performed before his reprogramming. No matter how hard T-M-E tries however, he is always under the strain of not giving into the primal needs of Necro-M-E and as such has a hard time keeping it under tabs,


Name: Diamond Highwind

Species: Rabbit

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Skycutter: A white Javelin with Silver and gold patterns on it.

Occupation: Main Reconisance for Skiecrew

Appearance: A Grey Rabbit with blue eyes and sky blue hair which goes to her waist, she wears a white T shirt, Green combat pants and black shoes.

Theme song: Time after Time ~ Cyndi Lauper


Name: Jack "Revolt" Firestorm

Species: Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Mp5 : A rapid fire Assault weapon
C4: Plastic Explosives
Desert Eagle Magnum

Occupation: Weapons Expert for Skiecrew

Appearance: An orange hedgehog with a red visor over his eyes, he wears a blue sleaveless shirt, Black Tracksuit bottoms and yellow shoes.

Theme song: Hunger ~ Spectre General


Name: Rowley

Species: Spider

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Berreta Pistol

Occupation: Communications Expert for Skiecrew

Appearance: A black Spider with harry potter style glasses. he wears a white T shirt and white jeans with Black shoes

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-WOLF PACK (things that go for all five members)-
Tools: AV-Link
Allies (friends): Shark and the SEALs; Nate Fox; the Freedom Fighters; the Chaotix; and anyone else fighting Robotnikevil people!
Enemies: Robotnik; Enerjax; TDL; and whoever else trys taking over Mobius, enslaving people, hurting innocent people, ruling mercilessly etc.
Transportation: The Sky Wolf. A huge command ship (actually a redesigned and reconstructed B-52 Stratofortress) which can hold all five of the ops' personal transports, as well as having all the computer equipment you'd expect (not quite as much computers as Burrock, their main base, but still has a lot). As far as the weapons go, it has some vulcan cannons, plasma rocket pods, a nice selection of bombs, a Bombast Proton Cannon (which is pretty powerful but takes a long time to charge and uses a TON of the ship's power) and a Palex Missile Launcher, which is a huge, "not-quite-nuclear" missile pad located in the top, and besides atmospheric use, is capable of being fired to or from space. It destroys pretty much everything within a half-mile radius of the blast range, but they only have 1 missile at a time and the Sky Wolf MUST be set down on the ground otherwise the ship will be pushed earthward at a high velocity due to it's tremendous recoil.

Nickname: Raze
Specialty: Assault and Leadership
Race: Timber Wolf (dark grey with black streaks)
Gender: M
Age: 28
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 403 lbs (because of cyber arm)
Description: Black everything like what Neo wears.
Armament: (1) M-512 Rocket Launcher; (1) 7.62x54mm SAW; (2) HK MP-5s; (2) Desert Eagle .50 AE; Grappling Hook (cyber arm); extendable claws in both hands
Personal Transport: A Mustang Mach IIICobra-R (hybrid of the two Mustang sub-models). It's black and is suped-up with bullet proofed glass, machine guns built into the headlights, rocket pods that fire from inside the engine compartment after the grill folds down, oil spill dispencers out the back, a grappling hook fired from under the front bumper, and much more "James Bond" type gadgets. It also has an internal protective Duranium cage which protects it from getting smashed up, state of the art computers and is fast due to the fact of it being a Mach IIICobra-R.
Abilities: Dodge bullets; jump long distances; can transform (not very often) into his ultimate form, Alpha Wolf

Nickname: Mel (only by Razor), Liss
Specialty: Martial Arts and Electronics
Race: Red Fox (red-orange with white streaks)
Gender: F
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 112 lbs
Description: Short coat (buttoned up), cargos, boots (female style). All black.
ToolsArmament: (2) 9mm Uzis; (2) Photon Blade backcurve Daggers; (1) Ninja Katana; (1) Multi-Function Laptop (including a program hooked to Hawkeye's Micro-Scout)
Personal Transport: The Eagle. It's a one person hang-glider with small jet booster engines on the sides. It has a plasma snub cannon hooked to a helmet she wears that will fire wherever she is looking while pressing the trigger.
Abilities: Awesome at martial arts and gymnastics

Nickname: Sabre, Sabe, Red Bomber
Specialty: Demolitions and Field Medic
Race: Red Wolf (orange with black streaks)
Gender: M
Age: 26
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 207 lbs
Description: Black tanktop, cargos and boots. Shades only come on as a blast-debris guard.
Armament: (1) HK G3A3; (1) Desert Eagle .44 Mag; (10) C-4 Satchel Charges; (5) Frag Grenades; (5) Concussion Grenades; (5) Claymore Mines; (1) LAW (2 shots); (1) Electronic Bomb Defusing Kit; (1) Laser Designator for Sky Wolf bombardment; (1) Hypospray Medic Pack
Personal Transport: The Diablo del Fuego (or just Diablo for short). It's a fairly big jet bomber with twin vulcan blaster cannons and LOTS of varied bombs.
Abilities: Expert pyrotecnition (he can defuse bombs also) and also helps with injuries.

-HAWKEYE FOX (in order to distinguish him between John "Hawkeye" Pierce of the SEALs)-
Nickname: Hawk
Specialty: Sniping
Race: Red Fox (red with white and black streaks [he is Melissa's "little" brother])
Gender: M
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 163 lbs
Description: Long sleeved shirt and pants and boots, all black. Scar above and below left eye and left eye is gone. In place is a bionic eye able to see infrared, ultraviolet, has night vision, zoom capable and Micro-Scout viewscreen.
ToolsArmament: (1) PSG1-SD; (1) Desert Eagle .357-SD; bionic eye (mentioned above); Personal Cloaking Device (limited power); Micro-Scout with Docking Watch (about the size of a housefly, this tiny flying video camera can be flown by the buttons on the Docking Watch. also, as the name suggests, the Docking Watch is where it is stored when not in use. Hawkeye uses a feature in his bionic eye linked with the camera to see what it sees.)
Personal Transport: The Sceptre. A small atmospheric fighter with napalm bombs and long-range plasma lasers.
Abilities: Naturally accurate with firearms.

Nickname: Spec
Specialty: Recon
Race: Coyote (black with faint white streaks)
Gender: F
Age: 24
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 117 lbs
Description: Tanktop, cargos, Neo coat (except only theigh-high), boots (female style). All black.
ToolsArmament: (2) MP-5A5s; (5) Cold Steel Thunderchief throwing daggers; electronic lockpick kit; Personal Cloaking Device (limited power); homing beacons used with a program on Melissa's laptop.
Personal Transport: The Phantom. A small black hovercraft which looks a little like a Kawasaki Ninja except without the tires (duh!). Has a more powerful Cloaking Device then her personal one. Also has twin Vulcan cannons.
Abilities: Hiding and sneaking around is a sinch.

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NAME: Shark Bites
AGE: 21
OCCUPATION: Command Admiral of the MSR
WEAPONS: fire element sword; double-handed sword; battle axe
ARMOR: Afterburn design armor with spikes helmet; thunder shield
HISTORY: Shark was once a proud Lord of Fire for the King of Uma. While he was in a battle he was knocked unconcious. When he woke he found himself in the middle of Mobius still on his White Stallion, Phalanx. He then Founded the Disciples of Kaliba with Kie, Razor the Werewolf, and Marcus (Nate) Fox. The name changed to Mobius Secret Reserve. He eventually met a cybernetic black hedgehog named Blast who had a strange hatred for the human. He eventually met Cyber and quickly became an ongoing rival for the dark echidna. Shark then gains godlike status by a strange other world being. No one knows what happened to Shark's gallant steed. Shark still searches for Phalanx in hope that he will find him.

NAME: Ike Eisenhower
OCCUPATION: General of the MSR Navy SEALS
WEAPONS: Depends on mission
ARMOR: basic P.C.V.
EYE COLOR: ice blue
HISTORY: Unknown

NAME: John "Hawkeye" Pierce
AGE: 60
OCCUPATION: Expert Sniper for MSR Navy SEALS
WEAPONS: Usually sniper rifle. Depends on mission
ARMOR: basic P.C.V. with zoom in HUD
HAIR COLOR: slightly grey with golden brown
EYE COLOR: brown

NAME: Blast Hedgehog
WEAPONS: Bionic components varies
ARMOR: biomechanical armor
EYE COLOR: Nonbionic, green, bionic, red
HISTORY: He was a young every day black hedgehog until Robotnik roboticized the village. He was only partially roboticized and the roboticization machine malfunctioned right when Shark entered the world. He has a mysterious hatred for him and will kill him any way he can. He was designed by Robotnik to be the best bot he's created. He can gain more technology once he meets something of higher tech. Then himself. Healso has a self-repairing system so he can be healed within the hour. He can now change into D.E.A.T.H. He doesn't even know what it stands for.

NAME: Jonathan Maverick
SPECIES: Genetically Engineered Echidna
OCCUPATION: Military Commander of the Nation:Euronia
ARMOR: Genetically Enhanced Skin.
WEAPON: Varies
SKIN COLOR: Black with red ring (Sounds like a Dark Chao)
EYE COLOR: Black with Red iris

Edit: Took off those accidental smileys!

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Name: Nytro Starfire
Age: 14
Species: Cat
Fur: grey
Eyes: Left-Red Right-gold
hair: usually either dark grey that fades to red, or orange that fades to black.
Fire and dark power. uses KI, Kinetic Intellegence, to control his Auroa into energy.
He is a Chaos Mage of the Dark Realm.
weapons: his Chronic 374 Magnum and the Legendary Blade of Fire of the Ancients, Crimson Axis

he has a big fluffy tail. He's cute. he's funny. and depending on who he's talking to(girl, he'll flirt, or make laugh/be himself) guy, he'll anoy or poke. ^__^

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Name: Knight
Species: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearence: White colored hedgehog with blue eyes.Wears a dark green shirt with a black trenchcoat over it with blue jeans. Crential Pheonix sheathed at his side.
Abilities: Skilled in swordsmanship with his Crential Pheonix. Can also withstand freezing temperatures, due to being raised on a glacier continent.
Personality: When he isn't fighting, Knight enjoys making the people around him laugh by doing crazy things.

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Name: Claw
Species: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Blood Type: 11AB- A highly unstable, unknown, type that seems to allow him a quick recovery time
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 205 lbs
Appearance: Brown fur, red pupiless eyes, perfectly sharp teeth, extendable claws (up to seven feet is the record thus far)
Clothing: Tan trench coat and Fedora, or Black cape and black fedora; always has a wrist computer that's very much like a PDA on steroids (typical, I can pick a lock, shoot out grappling hooks, hack computers type thing). utility belt with various uh... utilities. Holster for his Protec gun

Weapons: Protec Gun, shoots highly compressed plasma (basically a space-aged magnum). His extendable, unbreakable claws of course, and his amazing taktra martial arts skills. And (this causes tons of pain and lots of exaustion so don't think I'm over vamping him here) he can absorp ENERGY weapon blasts and convert it into energy for an optic blast (of course the conversion weakens the blast).

Personality: Highly uncaring and pessimestic. Hates happy people (or at least pretends to) and is always a loner, hard for him to trust people and vice versa. No one knows his true motives

Origin: Always the one to call for that pesky person you want assasinated in your life. Does various odd jobs that picks and chooses at his own leisure but always seems to be searching for someone or something in the process. No one knows who his parents are, where he comes from, where he was born, or even what species he is. Has no known friends or family. (If you read any of my posts and junk I tend to reveal more about him.)

Name: Evalc
Species: Half Evolian, Half ?
Age: Unknown
Blood Type: Evolian W, typical universal doner and reciever of Evolain blood
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 295 lbs
Appearance: Covered in dark green and black armor, a plate of metal that extends from the base of his neck up to his nose, covering his mouth. Cold green eyes, the only visible skin (which is on his face) is a dark, cragged, gray.
Clothing: Heavy Armor, Huge, Black general's cape that arcs at his shoulders. Black armored gauntlets and boots.

Weapons: 7 ft. long, 3 ft. wide broad sword, mastery of energy concentration and exulsion. Mastery of various fighting techniques and maneuvers.

Personality: Cold, harsh, and merciless against his enemies. A stern, caring demeanor for his army and his people. Wants to bring the universe under his protective wing and conform it to his high standards. Many people see his conformists views as slavery and revolt.

Origin: He created his own army and his own race through various genetic expiraments and direct power concentration with his own hands. Some say he comes from a different universe than that of Mobius's...

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Here is my bio...

Name: Paul Tomasz
Age:13, will be 14 on August 2nd, this Thursday.
Appearance: 3 tailed black Kitsune, with a robotic arm.
Weapons:Lightsaber, robotic arm
Abilities: Magic,Very good with bladed weapons (lightsaber, swords, daggers, etc.), good with computers, and can fly, as soon as he is taught.Also can not die from old age or CAN age because of an adverse effect from the roboticization.
Allies:Shark, The T, Star, TME, Rexus, mostly everyone here!
Enemies:Anyone who stands in his way, especially if he/she is evil.

Bio:Formerly a human from Earth, he was teleported to Mobius due to an accident with one of Rotors devices.He enlisted in the Freedom Fighters, and got caught in his first mission fighting off SWATbots.He was almost roboticized by Robotnik, but Sonic the Hedgehog rescued him in time.He transformed into the Kitsune he is now from unknown causes.He now travels the world in search of adventure and the good life.Due to heavy duty training at a Training camp, he is very powerful.

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Name- Nate Fox
Spieces- Fox
Appearance- Orange fur bleech blonde streaks in hair. He has a ear ring in his left ear, and a lip ring on the right side of his mouth. kind of skinny, but with good muscle tone. Wears red cargo pants that are kind of baggy, and has black shoes.
Weapons- Has his clasic nija style sword, very good with a bow and arrow, and a magic ring.
Abilities- Great Matial Artist, has in training magical abilities because he just recieved the ring, and is learning to unleash it's powers.
personality He's a nice guy unless your a bad guy, then He gets a little P.Oed so watch out. Huge flirt to girls, and is a funny guy.
info - Nate was the youngest son of a multi-national crime boss. He was trained to run the company when his father died. This made his brother Shawn Fox to be very angry, and he set Nate up to be caught. It was Nate's first mission, and they went to a very large company to steal bank account info. When Nate was sent to the owners office, Shawn set off an alarm and left. NAte was trapped on the top floor and when he tried to escape an officer stopped him. In panic Nate shot the officer, and ran. He had been on the run for four years, making his way as a traveling Musician. When he was caught, and was given a deal to help an Mobian government to stop Nate's brother from taking over Mobotropolis' funds. Nate helped them, and had his name cleared, but never his consence.

Name- Crystal Vixen
Speices - Fox
Age 17
Appearance - Orange fur, and red hair. Has two ear rings in both ears. She is in good shape, and wears a white shirt, with blue with white stripes addiadas type pants.Has black sporty shoes.
Weapons- has nija stars, and a dagger.
abilities- Kick @$$ fighter, and is a technical wizzard.
personality- Well is very kind, caring, loving, unless you make her mad then you better run. Very smart, but not nerdish.
info- Crystal is Nate's girlfriend. Sorry ladies Nate isn't single. 8) She was a well brought up girl, who went on to get her criminal justice degree from Mobotropolis university. She now works for a company that helps the Mobotrpolis government sove crimes. She help catch Nate and worked with him to stop Nate's Brother.

Name - Jason Boyd
Species - Squirrel
age - 20
Occupation - He is a theif. And a traveling magician
weapons - Has a crossbow. Throwing daggers, and his bare paws. oh, yes and has magical abilities(kind of limited)
Personallity - A smart alike guy, who is not very trust worthy.
Affiliation - Pretty nuetral, works with who ever pays him the most.
Abilities - Magic, very agile and quick. pretty strong.
Look - wears a black under shirt, with army pants. Has a backwards visor, and sun glases.
Background - Lived in a broken home were his mother had died, durring birth. His father, was a drunk and abusive. He mostly fended for himself, and began to steal things at a young age, and discovered his magical abilities while running from the cops. That's usually how he gets away. Also has ties to Nate, but thats another story.

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name: Torian
Race: Human/Overlander OR (In some RPGs) White fox.
Class: Demonhunter
Alignment: Neutral Good
Description: Caucasian male, green eyes, 5'11", light build. If white fox, equivalent stats. human form wears Blue fleece pants and jacket over white T-shirt, and White Fox form (being a furry) is limited to a simple bandoleer and special jet boots.
Weapons: Combat Staff, PSG-2 enhanced sniper rifle.
Ablities: All sorts of magic skills mostly focused onto healing, plus the ability to use his rifle like almost any weapon (Machinegun, missile launher, and signal flregun.) If he fires it at a party, it's going to be the pop-up-penguin bullets.

name: Incardine
Race: Human/overlander (DOES NOT CHANGE)
Class: Castle Mage
Description: Buy one of the John DeChancie books and find out. ^_^ Okay, it's black hair, changing eye color, and a weak build. He wears long kingly robes most of the time, though he often changes to simple street clothes. Tip: Although you may find a coidncidenetial similarity between him andan Admin, do not mistake him for such. He's an NPD memebr and that's it.
Abilities: The closer he is to the Castle (the only 100% magic-ficient place in existance) the stronger his spells are. It is also dependant on how powerful the area's magic fields are, the sronger the better. Recently, though, his powers have weakened considerably after he and Sailor PErilous split into seperate bodies.

Name: Sailor Perilous
Race: Human/Overlander (DOES NOT CHANGE)
Class: Castle Mage/ MoFo Scout
Description: With the same black hair as Incardine, only longer, she is really pretty cute,although she deoesn't exactly flaunt it. She wears a grey and black sailor fuku most of the time, Though after she split form Incardine she can now wear abotu whatever she wants. WITHOUT losing her powers at that. (NOTE: The last two sentences do not apply to GMSailorness)
Abilities: She has half of Castle Perilous' powers (the other half being Incardine's, or occasionally Evil Dogbert's.) And has some of the most overall useful Scout powers- the Spirit mine (A small version of a Spirit bomb form DragonBall that can either stun victims or act as a highh-power bomb) and the Judo Chop. (Instant K.O. and teleportation to the enemy's location- note that she cannot teleport except in the use of thsi technique.) She is basically like Incardine in personality, and therfore tends to come out as a fiar bit of a Tomboy. She is very trusting of fellow Sailors as well, whereas Incardine is more trustng of said Sialor's normal forms.

Name: Evil Dogbert (or just Dogbert now, though it is good not to confuse him with the ORIGINAL SSDogbert22, who initially came LATE LATE in the Server apps days.)
Race: Sometimes human, sometimes extra-kawaii dog.
class: Changes a lot.
Description: IF you've read Dilbert, you know what Evil Dogbert looks like (And yu know that the Evil Part is a bit redundant) and his human form is a lot like Incaridne, excpet he dresses like Torian. (above)
Abilities: Pretty random, but he consistently has the Chibificaion Ray, which instantly turns a person into a shrunken extra-kawaii version of themself.

There, I'm done.

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Name: Kathy-Lu
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Species: Echidna (full blooded echidna, but had a lil' problem at birth, which made her have catlike instincts)
"Occupation": Warrior
Weapons: Sword, whip, dagger
Powers: Tooooooo many to list. Main power that is used the most is the "Genshi Bakuhatsu"
Hystory:( Very badly written, But I'll edit it later) Born on Angel Island, but adopted by a King miles from the Island. Kingdom was attacked, and she wondered the forest for a few weeks. Taken in to the Dark Legion. Left Dark Legion, and wondered again in the Forests. Years later, finds the Island and meets her brother Knuckles.
Personality: Very sweet tempered. Depending on if your a stranger or not, and what you plan to do. She has a very good judge of character. Sonic annoys her, but she gets along with him. Loves her brother to death, and would do anything to protect him and her friends and such. (in otherwords, she's a good guy ^^)

This is the main plot of her Bio, but I edit later. *exales, and tries to catch breath* =-^.^-= mew

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Name: (not known,militairy records refer to him as) Cyber Echidna
Age: (apperancewise) 15-20
Species: Dark Echidna (Militairy Discripition)
Clothes: A metal plate on his snout, A Black and Gold Trenchcoat (similar very complicated design over all) Armored Gaultnlets and knee high militairy boots (similar to sigma MMX and Treize Kushrenada GW)
Blood type: Neo-Type an unkown type of blood, very odd its green and is Translucent
Affiliation:Evil(maybe someone could turn him around..)

Descripition:Cyber is probably the one person you would NOT want to mess with, He has an Army of mechinized troops and highly trained and high powered Genome Troopers....His mission was to purge life off the planet....

Personality: Believe it or not, Cyber is not a bad person if you dig deep enough, His life was full of death,Saddness, anger, and hate,Possibly leading him to do such horrible things like wipe out nations.....A very sweet and kind person if you knew him before the assult on FINAL WEAPON (yes there was another assult before the one in UD witch ultimatley destroyed the weapon).

History: Cyber Echidna as you would know him as, was the pinnicale of Bio-Engineering and Technology. Renforcing his sekeleton with an unbreakable metal, making him almost impoervious to broken bones,Bullets and other injury of the sort.He was originally designed by the design team as a savior to mankind, perfect in almost everysense of the word,but as all good things there are bad things...Cyber was also desinged as a militairy weapon...and was used as so.

Cyber Had a Happy life until the Army came to the station to get results on a massproduction version of the original. Yet Shuch a task was not possible so the army figured, use the people he cared about as hostatges so he'd do as they say...that plan ultimatley came to be their undoing as one day the Proffesor Stood out in protest and told Cyber to " Kill the Bastards! don't ever be a cannon fodder for them! After your use has been completed they are gonna kill us all anyway! don't let us die in vain!" right after the proffesor was killed in fornt of him making him mad...and eventually wiped the country and its population right off the face of the planet.

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Blood type:Rare type 0 negative

Race:Human not overlander

occupation:Works in a performance shop and street races for a living cross his path and you willl regret it,Racer,and occassionally smuggling weapons.

Appearance:Brown hair blue eyes dressed in usually a grey hooded sweater ,black khakis ,a black hat and grey and black shoes.
Abilities:Precision driving at very high speeds hand to hand combat driving at speeds over 395 snipering skills and escape tactics,Racing and weapons expert

Weapons:Mostly mind games also has a collection of magnums mp-5kmsds eaquipped with silencer and grenade launchers his car is a weapon itself.

personality:Kind very caring likes to show off but can get very aggressive if messed with.Friendly

History:Left earth when a nuclear war broke and came to mobius was a gaurd at the acorn palace until they found out he was a street racer and then sent away shortly after robotnik took over and he was forced to go into hiding .formed an elite gorup of street racers who have wrecked havoc on robotniks streets ever since

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NAME: Syera Rosette Miktayee
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 3 feet.
SPECIES: Mobian Desert Hedgehog
OTHER FEATURES: Quills stick up in the front and lay down as they go down her head and back. Has locks of curls above her forehead and below her ears. Tail is longer than a standard Mobian hedgehog--about the length of a Mobian Echidna's tail.
POWERS: Can form positive energy in her hands which glows a rich yellow. Used for calming people down or lighting up the dark. Owns a wooden staff with a purple and blue gem on the end which can shoot fire, water, electricity, wind, and can heal injuries. She can also conjure her staff to her hand when she wants it, even if it's been destroyed or lost.
WEAKNESSES: Isn't very strong physically--uses her staff if she is ever forced to fight. She also hates running because her feet often have problems that prevent her from running very far. Still, she can defend herself quite well.
PREFERRED WEAPON: Se'mirii staff - the Se'mirii staff is a technological weapon that has been used on Kavis for many years. The Se'mirii, a technologically-advanced race from the planet Se'mir, began trade with the Kavians. One gift to the Kavians consisted of several Se'mirii staffs, which have been handed down for generations. Syera's is not among these original staffs, however, as she received hers on Se'mir.
LIKES: Climbing trees, kids, mints, dragons.
DISLIKES: Eggs, mayo, jerks, evil.
CHARACTER BACKGROUND: While Syera is a Mobian hedgehog, she is actually from a planet called Kavis. Her parents escaped just as Robotnik took over and she was born soon after their arrival on the planet. Syera was very much around the culture of the Kavians, so she tends to think more like a Kavian than a Mobian. This can make her quite unconventional at times!
OTHER INFO: Syera can be fiercely protective of children, anyone who is weak, or her friends. (And don't consider Syera a friend just because she said 'Hi' to you!) Syera is a Scorpio and has many of the traits, including a sense of competiveness. She may look harmless on the outside, and is relatively so, but when provoked can become quite nasty.

Usually she will not seek vengeance, but will instead desert anyone she no longer deems friendworthy.

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NAME: bcd-X

AGE: 16

SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: A robotic right arm which can be used to carry
VERY heavy objects. I would be very agile in fights etc, and i can use
whatever is around against the enemy.

DESCRIPTION: A mellow character with medium blur hair, and my trusty
backpack with gadgets to get me out of sticky situations.

Laptop: Whenever i'm in a sticky situation my specially designed laptop would
come up with the answer (it would act like Princess Sally's machine in SatAM).

Binoculars: To help me on my journey whenever i'm lost.

Phone: to keep in contact with other people

Walkman: Just for fun.

Now i don't know what sort of world i should be in or how to join other
people because i just don't know. If people could help me in what i am
supposed to do i would gladly appreciate it

Thanks a lot


I wanna fly high, So I can reach the highest of all the heavens, Somebody will
be waiting for me, so i gotta fly higher, gotta keep going, everything is a
brave new challenge for me, i will believe in myself, cos this the only start for

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Full Name: Guardian Princess Raygirl of the Glade of Dreams.
(or just Raygirl)

Nicknames: Raye, RG, Redhead, Freakshow, fireball, 'hothead'.

Age: 16

Home: The Glade of Dreams, currently residing on Infinity Island.

Family: (long list) Father:Boston, Mother: Louanne, Grandmother:Queen Electra, Grandfather:Rapid, Great Grandparents: Rayman and Vixy, Great Great grandparents:Drafter and Rosemary, Soul mate: Raya Fox.

Alies: Betina Freedman (BFree), Aleena Aceheart, Jana-Su Chimo, Crystella Banshee, Raya Fox (Ray Fox), Skooter Icewolf, Vacio Cabeza, and all the familiars. Anyone else who is good and kind to others.

Enemies: Lady Becca and Portia DarkMistress.

Likes: Fire, light, vollyball, annoying Vacio

Disikes: Deep water, being princess, being picked up by her hair, cold snow.

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One char for now, maybe some others later. Who woulda thought the idea for a char would come from a conversation with a friend.....

NAME: Karen "Patches" Meada
GENDER: Female
AGE: 17
SPECIES: Kangaroo
ORIGIN: Presumed Downunda, is currently living in the Great Forest
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 154 lbs.
EQUIPMENT: Backpack with bare essentials, blaster pistol (designed for hunting medium/big game, and makes a nice 'bot blaster too ;) )
DESCRIPTION: Completely light brown in color, save for her face--she has a white patch of fur over her left eye, a black patch of fur on the right eye, and a blue S-curve fur line between her eyes. Wears a shirt that is black with a white shirt pocket on the left side, white with a black pocket on the right side, and black jeans. Neck-length hair is black and white colored, and is allowed to hang freely from her head.
PERSONALITY: Tends to look at things seriously. Loves kickboxing and tries to get in a sparring match at least once a day. Around friends she's somewhat more relaxed and fun, but those friends are few and far between. Hates being called Patches by anyone who's not a friend.

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---Basic Profile---

Name: Hiroshi Zelanda
Age: 20 (Current)
Height: 5'9
Species: Human/Fox
Alingment: Chaotic-Nuetral
Abilities: Strong Dark and wind Elemental magic, excellent pilot and experiance with many worlds.
Weapon: Scythes or Wind Element Katanas.

---In Depth Information---

*Place of Birth*

Hiroshi was born in a desolate region of Mobius known as Sandapolis. The particular city he lived in was disconnected from the rest of society about the time of the uprising. Because of this many of the people, including Hiroshi were peaceful and more concerned with sorcery and the balance of the sacred elements than with fighting the hoards of machines which plagued the planet.

Ironically this desolate land housed a temple where the very essence of the sacred element: Wind, was housed.


By appearance one would say Hiroshi was a skeleton, due to the rigorous training and lack of food he does not boast much of body mass. His grey hair like paper ash, does not win him much favor with many people he meets, however his personality kind and gentle like a spring breeze allowed him to attain friendship on his travels. Because of the mystic powers of the Wind Sapphire, a gem which is the essence of the Wind he has the powers and curse of becoming a full blown fox at random times. In his fox form Hiroshi is light grey in color and possesses his grey hair but at much longer length, which is loosely tied in a tail. As unusual as his curse is his eye color. Against the genetic makeup of all the couples who live in the Sandapolis city, Hiroshi posseses green eyes which are maintaned in his diffrent forms. His body mass and build only slightly improve as a fox because of all the running and eating he does when he runs into furry villages.

*Weaponry and Techniques*

Hiroshi posseses a powerfull weapon with him at all times, known as the Masamune of Wind. The katana was a replica of an oriental masterpiece blade, infused with the powers of the Wind Sapphire by a mysterious sage. The Katana itself has latent powers which include unnatrually razor edge, and the abilities to create sharp razors of wind when certain pressure and exersion is used on the weapon.

Air Razor technique used by simple exersion on the blade is a technique well known by Hiroshi. Despite of cutting things and knocking over objects to escape a trap the technique itself only works if the pulse manages to hit easily rippable matter such as paper or skin flesh.

Aura of Wind technique is simply a thin armor against water and earth based attacks. Completely useless in battle, but has a special purpose for Hiroshi in his search for the other essences of the sacred elements. The aura itself allows Hiroshi to feel the proximity of powerfull elemental objects such as other elementalists or weapons, and of course the essence gems.

Boomer-Blade. Hiroshi simply never uses this technique due to the insane danger it places him under. This technique is used when the blade is spun in an arc then thrown like a boomerang as a projectile weapon. Then returns with arbitrary friendliness, and as we know... Nothing is more accurate than incoming friendly fire.


When Hiroshi was 17 years old, he learned of the devastation that was occuring outside of the city he lived in by one of his own kind. Everyone but him felt content and ignored the plight of billions of other living things, and he felt that he had to do something to help. The moment this intense feeling that he had to do something was the last he would ever have of peace and quiet. Hiroshi on a cold autumn night, confronted the essence of Wind for the power he needed.

"You, one of the chosen; Finnaly you appear before me demanding for the power to restore order to the world. If you truely wish for the chaotic imbalance to be diminished you must seek the other essences and gather them at the focal point of the galaxy. From this day forth foolish boy, you give up all chance to continue your life with your kind, for you too now will have to deal with the uncertinties and fear of the natives of this planet that your kind has caused. My curse will become appearant in the worst time possible as a trial to prove your worth to the sacred order."

After the frightening moment a sage had appeared and created from the gem's aura a katana that was to protect Hiroshi, and serve him during times of great peril. The sage mentioned very little to reassure Hiroshi, infact he only reiterated the danger and the curse that was on the poor lad now.

It became appearant what the curse had been when he was taken prisoner by an unknown robotic force. He saw his reflection on the shiny white battle armor of what is known as a Terrabot. He had taken the form of a mobian fox. Fate smiled on Hiroshi on this occasion and he was freed by a gurilla attack led by furries and was admitted to a safe haven on the outskirts of the desert within a secret canyon.

It was then here where he trained, and once again set out looking for adventure to improve and one day attain his ultimate goal.

The 6 other gems which hold the sacred elements.

Fire, Water, Earth, Light, Darkness, Time.

2 years after his journey had begun, Hiroshi learned of his abilities to also control the darkness, and for a short time attained his second weapon: The Scythe of the Apocalypse. The scythe was found within an ancient tower where 4 elements met in the golden age. Abusing his transformation to a human, he was able to join an archealogical dig under the command of the very tyrant which captured him earlier and investigate the tower.

In the ancient tower he learned of Shinryuu, a mythical dragon who stole the gem of flame and was reveled as a god in the dark ages. Hiroshi headed towards the land of dragons only to find out that it was already occupied and razed by the then mysterious regime he falsely joined.

Hiroshi spent 1 year, and to current to date learning how to use scientific inventions and pilot aircraft. Hiroshi also spent time learning and abosrbing all sorts of information from alien landings and data from crude probes sent to planets nearby that he had access to.

Hiroshi's advanatage ended when he reverted into a fox. This time however he was able to use his Katana to make a close escape into what is known to him as "The Great Forest". He met and made friends with the furry populace within, and awaited the day he could continue the journey he intended.


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EDIT: In the works of creating updated profiles.

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I'll post my character profiles. I have quite a bit of characters.

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Species: Hedgehog
Color: blue
Nicknames: Rodent, cuz, Sugah Hog
Age: 13 or 14 (this is my Game world Chaos Sonic who is younger than usual.)
Abilities: tripple spin, homing attack, light dash,
Weapons: a strange green jewel taht gives him power, power rings, grappling hook
Defence: fire shield, bubble shield, and shock shield
Bio: His history is basically the same as the SatAm Sonic's, but he has siblings being Manic, Sonic, and Boggle(fan character), and he has a cousin named Tau.
Other Froms: Super Sonic, Hyper Sonic, Ultra Sonic, Mega Sonic(who looks exactly like Mega), Mecha Sonic ( When roboticized.see pic below)

Name: Tau the Hedgehog
Species: Hedgehog
Color: Black
Nicknames: Smarty Pants,
Age: 13
Abilities: Same as Sonic's except he has a few extras like his metal punch,hyper spin, and Chaos Control
Weapons: the eigth chaos emerald which is on his neclace.
Defence: his emerald can project a shield.
Bio: His parents were killed by Robotnik so he was raised by Uncle Chuck along with Sonic and his siblings. He found his eigth chaos emerald while goofing off in Uncle Chuck's lab. Maybe it was an experiment, but he didn't care. So he took it. Eversince he got the emerald he has formed a strange bond with it.
Other Forms: None yet.

Name: Vyborg the Bounty Hunter
Species: cyborg dragon
color: red.
Nicknames: Vybutt
Age: Unknown
Abilities: teleportation, elemental blast, opening up other zones
Defence: He can project a shield.
Bio: Little is known about Vyborg, but he has been sent to deliver a mission for some unknown villain.
Other Forms: None

Name: MegaSonic Hedgehog.
Species: Hedgehog
Color: Red
Nicknames: Mega
Age: 13
Abilities: Shoting stars out of thin air, Giga punch, Mega Spin, Mega Light Dash, hover,
Defence: He uses the stars he can shoot to block enemy attacks.
Bio: Mega comes from another zone and was originally a bisic blue hedgehog until he got infected with nuclear waste and the master emerald. Eversince then he has been stuck like this.
Other Forms: None anymore since he is stuck in his Mega Form forever.

Name: Cyber Sonic
Species: roboticized hedgehog
Color: Purple
Nicknames: Cyber
Age: Unknown
Abilities: Same as Sonic's and he can shoot lasers out of one of his hands.
Weapons: Just his built in parts
Defence: shield projection
Bio: He is from an alternate zone where everyone got roboticized. He was once just like Sonic Sonic. After being roboticized he managed to keep his free will and somehow turned purple. He now dwells in the No-Zone where the ZoneCops once stood until their destruction. He spends time wishing he was back to normal.
Other Forms: None yet.

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Name: Miles Steele
Age: 21 or 20
Hair: Brown
Eyes: One Green and One blue
Powers: Uh none...he has weak healing powers because of the fairy blood in him but not entirely useful.


Miles is a knight in training under the tuleage of Azor. He is the leader type and is quick to quell arguments. He can be impatient at times and rash but he is generally an effective knight. He has more skill with the sword than many but is not so quick to draw his sword. He despises the Crescent Sun.

Any more info on'd be advised to go to my Deviantart site and read the story on there. This is based on a long storyline I have...

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Nickname:Hot Head

Species:White Tiger/Human





Skin:White (Strangely)

Description:Vynx is a white tiger/human.She has grey blue eyes and red hair that shines a pinkish color when it's infront of light.She wears a black suit that has a few purple sides to it.(Not very good at descripting)She has two tiger-like ears that has black tips and a long tail (about 2 feet long or so) that also has a black tip at the end.She has a scar under her left eye that was caused in a battle she had.

Personality:She is a very quiet person.She's not used to having any friends or being near alot of people.She can get angry very easily and hates being stared at.(Which happens alot)She never really shows her happy side in public, mostly when she is alone.

History:When Vynx was young, she lived with her mother and older sister in a tribe that was very small.Many were killed in their tribe by demons and other creatures that they would encounter.Her mother died when she was 7,beacuse she was protecting her and her sister from one of the demons.Soon only her sister and a few tribe members were alive and they moved to a small town that seemed deserted.Of course Vynx and her sister went along as well.They lived there for a few months before a sorcerer appeared and captured all except Vynx, who was hiding.As years went by, Vynx had to survive on her own.Training her fighting skills and stealing food from villages and other places.Vynx is searching for the sorcerer and hopes to find her sister, if she's still alive.(Heh....cheesy? o.o; )

Likes:Food,night time,animals,nature,quiet.

Dislikes:Humans,Day time, noisy places,cities.

Heheh...I hope you like..?o_o Well....cya later..

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Name: A.J.
Species: Hedgehog
Age: 13
Fur and Spine color: Red
Nickname: Red

I'm sorry I tried to start a role Play in the Topic that we could talk about anything. I thought that there wouldn't be a whole set of role play stuff and stories.

The Red guy Is a red hedgehog with baggy blue jeans, A leather vest, a sharktooth necklace, and green shoes that have shoe laces. he likes things peaceful. He most importantly hates arguing. His Long Sword is very sharp and Is matched with his elemental power: Lighting.

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This one is a crossover, but i thought it'd be fun to use for the whole Sonic theme that's so prominent here.
NAME: Crash Bandicoot
AGE: 16
HEIGHT: 4 feet.
SPECIES: Bandicoot (Eastern Barred, I think)
Belly Flop-When at the peak of his jump, Crash will stretch out his arms and legs and slam face fisrt into the ground. This does not hurt him, suprisingly.
Slide-Crash sldes across the ground after running, useful for tripping enemies.
Tornado Spin- Crash spins wildly, like a tornado, his arms slapping anything that crosses his path.
Double Jump-Crash can jump a second time, allowing him to avoid sticky situations more easily.
STRENGTHS: Very fast, very clever.
WEAKNESSES: Very stupid. Explosives. Can't swim. Wumpa Fruits. (The "apples" in his games)
LIKES: Wumpa Fruits, shiny rocks like crystals and gems, his yo-yo.
DISLIKES: Explosives, water, evil megalomaniacs with a large "N" tatooed on their foreheads.
CHARACTER BACKGROUND: Crash was created by the evil megalonmaniac Dr. Neo Cortex to lead his army of vicious biologically enhanced army of native Australian animals. Cortex was running an experiment to make a super smart, super strong Bandicoot warrior (as bandicoots are naturally born leaders) out of Crash. However, Cortex's experiments failed, and Crash escaped, brainless, and nearly powerless. However, he was motivated to foil the plans of his evil creator, if it cost him his life.

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Age:somewhere in his thirties
Species: Sentient cardboard box
Eyes:Unknown, since he has an infinite amount of sun glasses covering his eyes.
skin: brown cardboard.
handness:none He doesn't have any hands
Description: I can't describe him I'll post a picture later.
family: box twins 1-999,999, evil box twins 1-999,999,and evil batbox
Weakness: Water.
Bio: batbox had always had an adventurous life. since his evil twin, evil batbox had always kept creating evil plots. but then one day batbox accidentally created a tear in the time and space in his apartement.So now Batbox will sometimes randomly slip in to another universe to star in another RP.

Species: sentient sphere
eyes: black
handness: none, he doesn't have any hands
weakness:pointy objects, you can pop him with them.
Description: The only hints of a face, are his two eyes.his eyes are simple circles with a dot in them.
bio:a friend of batbox, carnivball almost always gets involved in any adventure batbox has, and gets always injured.Being a rubber ball it is quiet easy for carnivbal to get popped.Because of that, carnivball is starting to show stress, and he could betray batbox. But the stress isn't that bad enough, But the stress is increasing.

I'll put them in someday.

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Age: 15
Species: Hedgehog
Fur: Blue with green stripes
Eyes: Blue

Description: A created hedgehog to be an equal to Sonic, but something went wrong, and Flare became a bit lower in statistics than Sonic. Flare wants to be alot like Sonic, but his creator was the Great grandson of Professor Gerald, Dr. Eggman. So Flare turns bad at times, but most of the time he's good.

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Name:Tailsy the Fox
Fur:Blondish Red
Weapons:Piko Pow Hammer,Kendama,Magical Umbrella,Tarot Cards, and the power to fly!

Overall description:He's a hyper and cheerful fox whose easily amused and loves to have fun. He is really kinda simple-minded blonde. But he's rather strong and can teach harsh lessons.

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NAME: Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper.
AGE: Five. (His soul is that of a seventeen-year-old)
DESCRIPTION: Hazy grey spikes. Very dark, blue eyes. Wears a dark, black, oversized robe. Has a blue symbol on his right hand-three crescent moons with a circle in the middle.
ITEMS: Sword of the Spirit, Boots of the Gospel, Helm of Salvation, Breastplate of Righteousness, Belt of Truth, Shield of Faith - Pieces of the Armor of God, enhances the users abilities for each item. The Holy Grail - Embues the drinker with eternal life and also can never spill. No, I haven't drank from it, but that no-spilling ability can come in handy. The Arc of the Covenant - Upon opening, can create mass destruction to all that look upon it during opening. Stone of the North Wall - Answers any prayer. Spear of Christ - Heals the user to an extreme.
MEANING:[b/] Wants to return to the future and find his human body. He was deincarnated to the past by a magician's dark magic.

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