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Pure Sonic RP ~Operation: Heartpierce

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Series Title: Operation Heartpierce

Storyline: All or most of the characters used by the RPers are on their way to an FF Core sponsored meet within Robotnik's territory, called to pool resources and attack power for an all-out thrust at Robotnik's capitol and he himself; all known enemies of his and the resistors of his rule have been summoned, who could be reached via normal communications. Word of mouth is encouraged and it is hoped that many of the solo fighters in and at the borders of Robotnik's territories will be encountered and made aware of the meeting and opt to attend. Attendees are requested to make their own way as they are able, striking where they can so as to disrupt Robotnik's relative order and calm. The timetable is three days to the actual meeting, with early arrivals welcome and several preliminary spy excursions preposed. Useful equipment, weapons and new technological data are requested and a base of temporay operations is in the making even now. Battle gear and electronic manufacturing systems are prepared to come online and supply the volunteer Field Battalion which it is hoped will be formed shortly; the design and manufacturing teams being headed by Helixia of the dissolved Frontliners and Rotor of the still active Knothole Freedom Fighters. The S(pecial)A(pprentices)S(ubdusion) Unit agents have been summoned, along with all other dutifully inclined Prentices still 'in control'.

I hope you all find this angle on the Sonic Universe interesting and playable,


Posts: 1758
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Most people probably won't take your RP seriously if you give the official characters ridiculous names. It also seems to be very fanficcish with the history and fan powers.

Posts: 11
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OCC: Jump in where you wish. I suggest you create multiple characters and run them together at "The Meet", then you can control your own team in the 'field'.

OCC: Enter the black panther and exit the ocelot . . .

IC: Bekka rose quickly from kneeling over the prone form of of her male panther companion; Victor was having one of his 'spells' and she had ensured that the approaching bots would ignore him as an 'enemy target'.

With butterflies in her stomach having nothing to do with the risk she was taking upon herself, the female ocelot took to her heels amid the growth surrounding Victor's 'resting' place, running parralel to the intercept course the approaching bots were coming on.

To her relief she heard them begin to move faster, swinging to intercept or chase her down. 'That's right, scrape you!' she thought elatedly. 'Come and get my hide!'

Bekka left something important behind with Victor's 'body'.

They surrounded her almost a half mile away, far enough so that she dared hope that Victor would be safe when he finally awoke from his enforced slumber.

She faced the commanding bot down defiantly, wondering secretly at the fact that it was one of Robotnik's special AmphControl bots. 'He must be hunting the insurgents' she thought worriedly. Hopefully, he had taken direct control of the bot after she had drawn the squad away from Victor, or he wouldn't survive the hour.

Their lazors having been at 'safty arms' since they had moved in on her, she felt her heart skip a beat as the Amphbot raise its own finally.

A fighter at heart, but wishing to see Victor again, she saluted the commanding bot with her winnow rod. Then she dropped it and raised her hands.

The Amphbot responded by retrieving something from its waist supply and tossing it at her underhand.

'Oh mother! Goodbye Victor!' she thought quickly, recoiling from the object.

She gave it two seconds and then dared look; it was a note wrapped around a rock.

Bekka bent and picked it up with mixed emotions, eyeing the Amphbot warily. 'You'd down me unarmed, wouldn't you, you mechanical freakaziod?' she accused Robotnik silently.

The note was short. 'You've got to be kidding me,' it read simply.

It took a moment for her to realize what the real message was; looking up and seeing the Amphbot carve a Reaper's Cross out of the air with the tip of its lazor rifle helped considerably.

She wouldn't die without saying it. "Death just as surely as mine to the Tyrant Lord!" she screamed furiously.

The other bots raised their lazors as well.

'Awake and run with my legacy, my love,' she though as she felt the first burning cut; it traced through her side to her left lung in the barest of moments.

'Good hunting, Jag.' She could think nothing else as she was carved apart by tracer beams of purest white-hotness.


OCC: Enter the timber wolf . . .

IC: "I thought I heard someone say something," Mari'arryn reported to her 'action partner', a twig-thin beaver. The female timber wolf strained her ears after the bots they were following, which had seemed to be moving unusually fast.

He shushed her with a wave as he pressed his earpiece. "I didn't hear a thing," he informed her with a shrug. " 'Mom' says to get our tails back to her; that team of bots was probably just a pinch patrol. Besides, Relief has stumbled on an unconscious male panther."

A fire lit in her eyes but went unnoticed by the beaver. "Is he black?" she asked, trying to keep her keen interest out of her voice.

"Don't know," he shrugged again. "We'll be finding out. Why? You gonna wanna carry him?"

"Pattycake, shut your yap or I'll trim your buckteeth," she warned him unceremoniously.

"Yes, ma'am," he said with a smile.

At least he hadn't shrugged . . . again.


He was black and he was still unconscious when she and Pattycake rejoined the other three members of their team near his limp form.

Standing beside the panther on one side was their elected field commander, a sly weasel they had nicknamed Mother. Kneeling on the panther's other side was Relief, an under-tall, over-anxiously inclined otter who was also their team's field medic. Moving forward to cover their backs was Glare, a coydog who was anything but coy or shy in potential battle situations.

None of them called any of the others by their real names.

"Great, he'll weigh a ton as sure as anything," the beaver pronounced, looking down at the panther and resisting the urge to shrug for the reason that he would have to do any probable carrying. "Please tell me you can wake him up?" he begged Relief.

Relief didn't look too hopeful. "He'll wake up, but not for a while and I won't have a thing to do with it," she answered, speaking as much to their elected field commander as she was to Pattycake.

Shifting several of the panther's silver chains a bit farther, the otter indicated a band of adaptable nylon around his neck which had a gizmo of some sort clipped to it, beside his jugular. "That thing is set with a timelock, enacted until one thirty-four. I'm not exactly sure what it does, so I dare not mess with it. I'm guessing however that it is connected to his unconscious state."

She checked her watch. "It is now eleven fifty-eight," she announced, giving Pattycake an apologetic look.

The beaver heaved a sigh . . . and then shrugged. "Fine. Help me hoist him up."

"Anything to be seen, Howeller?" Mother asked Mari`arryn, wondering why the wolf was giving the panther such an intense going over with her sharp eyes. Perhaps it was the dozen or so amulets and medallions he wore on silver chains around his neck?

"Not before we broke off from following them," came the distracted reply. "I thought I heard a voice near where we both thought they had paused, but you were buzzing in his ear, just then."

"My fault, then," Mother admitted.

Mari`arryn tore her eyes from the panther with seemingly little effort and gave Pattycake a dark look. "No problem," she told the weasel with obvious disgust at the beaver; "He's deaf anyway."

Oblivious to the wolf's comment and turned to face back at Switchel, he asked suddenly, "What's that sound?"

Her attention having been diverted by the panther, Mari`arryn had not noticed anything herself. In fact, her first thought was that Pattycake was trying to be funny.

She changed her mind when she saw Glare raise his Spender rifle out of the corner of her eye.

"Company's coming," the coydog announced calmly. "At a guess, I'd say that pinch patrol is stumping back this way." He frowned and said uncertainly to Mother, "They must not know we're here if they're not shooting already."

"No visual confirm. that there isn't an Amph with them," Pattycake said nervously, wishing now that he and Mari`arryn had moved in closer to check out the squad of bots when they had stopped for whatever reason.

"Oh, robotical lovelyness," Relief said, giving the beaver a worried glance; he didn't look too comfortable standing under his extra load.

Mother gave Pattycake a firm shove which he had known to expect. "Get your fantail in gear," she ordered him quickly. "We'll cut and run behind you. Make a hundred yards, then start looking for a good place to lay some cover fire and pick off what we still have on us."

The beaver nodded and took off as fast as he could.

"You go with him," the weasel added to Relief. "I'll let him know if we need you for anything special."

The otter bolted after Pattycake before the shooting might start from behind her.

"Glare; you take deep left and get angle on them if you can."

The coydog grinned and disappeared amid the nearby undergrowth in about three seconds.

Mother snapped her fingers at Mari`arryn and indicated a thick tree to their right. "Let's grab some cover."

"At least they didn't sneak up and duckshoot us," Mari'arryn muttered with the barest hint of greatfulness, as she followed on the heels of the weasel.

"Well, why don't you watch my back while I do the duckshooting, since you mention it," Mother said amiably. She frowned widely and shook her head. "I can't believe they don't know we're here yet. They must be coming to see about that panther."

'I share their interest,' Mari`arryn thought with a grim smile as she programed a lazor disc the weasel handed her with a safety range.

She glanced after Pattycake's flightpath. 'I wouldn't let him out of my sight for anything, if I didn't know where to find him. He's got to be the one . . .'
