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Quiksilver's journa...
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Quiksilver's journal.

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Posts: 509
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hi. im quiksilver. my brother is a character known by lots of people on mobius. me and my brother share the same abilitys. one being time travel. my brother went to the past of robius. back when everyone called it mobius. his name, is silver the hedgehog. in my journal, i like to write things about everyday. today, i killed off eggman mega with supersonic, shadow, and my puny little brother, silver. he always told his freinds how he was better than me. i let him in my battles though. i still dont know why, when all he does is talk about how he did better than me.:rolleyes but i have still always done better than him. THAT PUNY LITTLE LIAR! I WILL CRUSH HIM NEXT TIME HE DOES THAT! HE SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO, CAUSE NEXT TIME, ITS JUST ME AND SHADOW! THINK ABOUT THAT, SILVER THE WHIMP! :nn; sorry, i get like that when im angry. but heres the story. "hey, qsliver. why dont you drive?" that is what silver said. and when he asked me that, i thought silver's soft side to me had finnaly broke through. but during the ride, geuss what else silver said. "hey guys! last battle wanna know what happened! like every time when i had more rings than him, he went begging to me to give him some rings." uhh. :| that was it! i pushed him out and when supersonic said to me how he wanted to hear the rest of the story, i pushed him out to. and like ive always wanted it, it was me and shadow gone solo. but silver had somehow ran fast enough to pash me and the silvotron. (thats the name of the car) and when me and shadow arrived at the eggfactory, silver and sonic were already there. i was so angry, but i had a plan to show that whimp how its done. i got right next to silver, and tossed the dark rings at sonic and shadow when they didnt have light ones, so they lost a life. and they were at theyre house, so that was that. then we headed to the factory's first act. :? there were conveyor belts and machinery everywhere! and the place was heavily gaurded with traps and robots. me and silver walked slowly to find a swarm of level 3 robots. it was a 2 to 20 battle. "stay back!" i yelled. he stepped back as i did a superspin dashout and killed 10 of them and then used the black tornado and knocked em out. we moved on to where there were conveyor belts that took us places. we had to knock out five robots to automate the switch which should make ladders and monkey bars appear that would take us over to the battle vault number 1. when i used my homing bounce, i had also landed on the switch which i could now use to climb the bars. silver climbed up as i did. except he used jumping skills to jump across to each platform, but they were close enough i could use speed to zoom across each one without falling through. i was there in half the time he was. time for eggman mega's secretary. we were now fighting with, :blackthumb blackthumb. he stood on this huge platform and we had to hit each of the buttons all at once before they go up again. then a stomper should smash blackthumb and the platform would fall giving us acces to use a homing attack on the guy. then the platform came up with a ladder. silver sat down as i climbed up and drill robots surrounded the ground that silver stomped. :idea when i get up i should be able to jump on it and send it down but this time, silvers on duty..... i :read while he :spin after that, we had to go to round 2. eggman's cousin maria robotnik.... :cmon it was a normal battle as all i need to do is blam the crud out of her. bu then i had to face with the fathead hancho himself. EGGMAN MEGA! :fist he bassicly an around and when he ran on a hole, push the correct button and hell blow up. once we did that to him on all 4 holes, bam he was dead! it was a success. but this time, i told the truth by telling sonic and shadow how this time i did better then silver the "whimpy" hedgehog.

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

OOC: Ur, dude? You do realize this is a Role Playing forum, right? Unless this is meant to go somewhere and you're intending to edit your post later.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

You don't seem to have the hang of how this board works. I'm going to offer some advice, on the off chance that you want to stick around and mature and develop as a role-play. One of the things I like about this board is that when newbies screw up we try and help them rather than chewing them out and chasing him off, but sadly that trend seems to be tailing off and I for one would like to keep it alive.


I apologise if I come off as patronising, but I'm going to start off with a definition of what roleplaying actually is: you take a character, be it a character from a professional work, one you've made up yourself, one in the public domain or even just yourself (although on this board as a rule-of-thumb most people use their own original characters and fan characters), place them in a situation and then act out how that character reacts to and what that character would do in that situation.

Naturally, there are a whole crapload of styles of roleplay, from computer role-playing games to pretending to buy stuff in a shop in a foreign country for language class. Virtually all RPing on this particular board is freeform narrative role playing, whereby there are no hard-and-fast rules for action resolution so instead the players take it in turns to describe their characters' speech and actions by writing narrative. Sort of like a collaborative story, except generally you try to minimise the degree to which you prescribe effects to other people's characters and the world as a whole. The precise degree to which you may utilise other people's characters and NPCs will vary from RP to RP and from RPer to RPer.

Which brings me to my next point: on this particular forum, each thread is its own self-contained story with its own world (original or borrowed from another setting) and its own plot. What goes on in one thread almost never affects going ons in another unless the one RP is a continuation/sequel/prequel/etc of the other, although more experienced RPers if they re-use a character may carry over character developments from previous RPs that character has been used in to completely separate RPs. The general rule is that the threads are as separate as a pile of random books would be. This is in contrast to some other role playing communities that employ a more persistent world set up whereby the entire board share a setting and timeline and events in one thread can have repercussions for the world as a whole. We don't do that here.

So how does one go about RPing on this forum? Generally, one person (who may be known as the storyteller (ST) or the game master (GM) or whatever) decides they have a plot they want to role play and make a thread. Generally, the first post in an RP thread will introduce the game in both an in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) fashion. The IC introduction is the most varied part but may include some history of the world, a prologue describing the events leading up to the beginning of the story, a short segment introducing the main character(s) and how they become involved in the story (sort of like what you have) or some combination of the previous. It's generally a good idea to make this first IC segment as intriguing and exciting as possible and skilled GMs will include one or more 'hooks', i.e. events that allow other players to get their characters into the action from the get-go.

As for the OOC introduction, generally it's shorter than the IC intro although it can get very detailed, especially if the RP is set in an original world of the GM's design. The most important part of the OOC intro is to define the world the RP is setting, be it an established setting (Sonic, Megaman, Faern, Lost, popular-anime-of-the-week, whatever), an original world, a generic fantasy/sci-fi/horror/etc setting or even the real world. If a setting has multiple continuities (as is the case with Sonic, where you have the games, two different comic series, at least four cartoons, etc) it's important to specify which one you're using. Also, if the RP world differs from what's established in anyway it's important to state this. Usually the GM will also define the genre (adventure/mystery/comedy/survival horror) and style of the RP (long posts? short posts? degree of control over people's characters?) and general guidelines for character creation such as what species/powers/occupations/ages/whatevers are allowed. Sometimes a synopsis of the plot is also included, but you don't want to reveal too much as it spoils the fun.

A good GM can get away with just an IC intro and only very brief or even non-existant OOC intro, especially if using a setting everyone's familiar with, but generally it's advisable to include at least some OOC blurb as to what the RP's about and how you want people to play.

Once the first post is done, interested players will post OOC character profiles, write their characters into the story or both. Sometimes GMs request that people wait for approval before starting to post IC, but most of the time on this board you're allowed to just knock yourself out and get posting right away so long as you keep it reasonable.

After that, the RP gets underway, usually with the GM leading the action, but sometimes taking a back seat to the whim of the players. It's hard to explicitly define how to do this beyond what I said in my fourth paragraph, so the best advice I can offer is to read some of the RPs on this board to get a feel for how it's done. It's basic netiquette and is a good idea on any forum/internet community, not just role playing boards. It's also a good idea to wet your feet by joining other people's RPs before you start directing your own. Hell, I've been playing here on and off for the best part of half a decade and I've yet to start my own RP, but I've seen enough start to know how it's done.

Sometimes RPs get going quite well initially but people lose interest after a while and they die off. Other times they never get off the ground in the first place, getting pushed off the board without a single post in extreme cases. On occasion RPs will last for weeks, months, years or even - shock horror! - run to completion (sadly this is the exception rather than the rule). It's very touch and go, so don't be disheartened if it doesn't work out.

Now, enough waffle about RPing on this board in general, on to your post itself. What you have here could function as the intro to an RP, a character bio, the beginning of a fanfic, random spam or any number of other possibilities. Unless you really know what you're doing (which, no offense, you clearly don't) it's a good idea to include some sort of introduction saying what your post is for.

Is this meant to be the beginning of a role play? If so, re-read what I said about OOC introductions and include some more information so people know what the hell they're dealing with. Also, add in a bit at the end that gives people a place to write their characters into the story. Look at other RPs for ideas on how to do this. Maybe your character is telling his story to the Freedom Fighters or whoever and all of a sudden a bunch of Eggman's goons attack. Whatever.

Is this meant to be a character bio (albeit from a first-person IC perspective)? If so, it would be better off posted in the Post Your Character Profiles Here thread at the top of the forum.

Is this the beginning of a fan-fic? If so, it should really be in Carnival Island. I'll be happy to move it for you.

If none of the above applies, what is this meant to be? Chances are you're in some way mistaken about the purpose of the board. Maybe you thought it was more of a persistant world style RP community? I dunno.

Finally, I'd like to leave offering some style and formatting advice. I'm sorry of I come off as some sort of grammar nazi, but it would be a good idea to tidy up your writing style. For a start, paragraphs would be nice - preferrably double spaced like mine - as it's bloody hard to read huge walls of text. Also, I'm not saying you have to be a complete master of all the subtleties and idiosyncracies of English grammar, but you could at least punctuate properly. Capital letters to begin sentences and proper nouns, for instance. It's probably a good idea to drop the smilies as well. While they're all well and good in general forum posting, they're generally considered bad form in all but the silliest of RPs.

I'm not trying to flame you, but there are two good reasons to be careful about spelling, punctuation, grammar and overall writing style when role playing even if you don't bother when posting elsewhere on the board or when chatting. Firstly, it makes your posts a lot easier to read and, secondly, people will take you more seriously as GM and as an RPer if you can write competently.

In closing, if you plan on sticking around here and RPing regularly, you'd be well advised to heed my advise and that of other experienced RPers. (On a side note, is there a MoFo RPing guide anywhere? I know there used to be, if there's not any more perhaps we should establish a new one). Finally, if you want to gain an understanding of how we do things around here, in the words of /b/: LURK MOAR.

EDIT: hahaha oh wow this came out way more tl;dr than I was intending.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Since the subject of an RPing guide came up, I'll say that we really don't have one anymore. The old one we used to have has a link in that box at the top of the main RP Guild forum, but the page isn't there anymore.

Temporarily, I would say this place here would be a good starting point for any aspiring new roleplayers. It is not written specifically for our board but it covers the basics of general online message board roleplaying really well.

I second what Nuchtos has said; if you stick around long enough to read it and apply it, you will do well here. Welcome to the board.
