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"Code 8-9-3" Sign Up Sheet

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Well since my other RP "Age Of Bedlam" was a huge flop since no one cared to join...I'm finally ready to start anew, and I think it just might be kickass.

Ok first off, I know what you're thinking...What is the 8-9-3 for? 8-9-3 is basically another way of saying know, the Yakuza, the orginized Japanese Mafia? Well enough of this blatant rambling...time for basics, like, the story behind this RP...and here's the segments for it

November 5, 2189-Japan: Dawn of the Prosthetic Bodies

Science has entered a new era in human life changes, Prosthetic Bodies, that can give a human being the life of an android and a human, it's quite practically part of almost playing God...Humans can trade their old feble, frail human existances for that of an android, and yet all will still have the feelings and sences of humanity...It's immortality wrapped in a pretty bow. But still even with these stronger, faster, and more sleak android bodies, they still have the feeling of pain and anguish, so they can also still feel the feeling of death, like going into war for example, the fear of death is still put into the eyes of android/humanity

November 14, 2191-Japan: Discovery of the Cyber Cells

One of Science's blunders have been found with in the prosthetic bodies, something extra was put in...These are called "Cyber Cells", quite like blood cells, only found in Prosthetics...most likely have military applications, but other have found it has nursing applications, some prosthetic human-androids have found they have healing powers to give themselves and others...But There are people out there that feared the power of the cyber cells, because these cells have more of a destructive capability, they can be used as infinate pockets for weaponry and other items, plus these cyber cells also have elemental capabilities, to bend the elements of nature to their whims! There has been a total recall on all Cyber Celled Prosthetics, but there are those that refuse...Those that wish to help the people, but much more of those that use them for personal gain

March 12, 2199-Japan(duh)- Cyber Cell Metamorphosis!

More of those that refused to the recall eight years ago, have now found they had the power to transform into beasts, and most of them with a mythical extra power that has also been logged into the files of "CyberDax"...the place where the Prosthetic Bodies were created...Truly anarchy is upon the Japan reigon.

May 3, 2209-Japan(again)- The Cyber Yakuza Wars

The Yakuza has been known to terrorize all of Japan, and just about all of the Yakuza gangs have members that have Cyber Cells, and all of them are cauzing havoc and destruction across the country, but there is one gang that is almost like the Robin Hoods of the Yakuza...It's like Japan has friends in the criminal orginizations, but they are the most targeted by the feds and CyberDax...These 'criminals' called the 'Jinketsu', named after their leader "Keiko Jinketsu" are here to try and put an end to the wars, but there is one Yakuza gang that is the most dangerous and the most evil, their existance is unknown.


And that's pretty much all that is needed to say, basicaly

Now here's something...just something of suggestion really...If you intend to play this RP, may I strongly urge you to make an almost entirely new character...I just want this thing to have as much originality as possible...I got as much opinions from as many as possible...and there are those that say they don't think I'm "asking too much"...and speaking of originality, let's talk about Melee weapons...PLEASE Make up your OWN original melee keyblades, no swords made up by certain series like Inuyasha...(talking about weapons with original names, basically)I mean make up your own original melee weapon, please...and if you want an original gun, go for it, just make it original! Those that are making their own original character, you can still keep your special traits you don't want to throw away...those special traits are still recyclable..also I apologize if the backstory of the RP seems bland to you

Not trying to enforce something, just laying down some @#%$ that some mods have said to you before.

I know some of you are probably sick to death of hearing this from anyone, but NO GODMODDING! As in, no invunerability, if you get hit, you're hit. And if you get injured, you're bleeding and feeling the pain..and don't start out so frigging powerful(like this one RPer from another forums decided to have all three of the demon swords from the Inuyasha series, you know Tetsuiga, Tenseiga, and I forgot the other one...little bas-tage)'s not cool and not fair to other RPers.

This is a rule that really I should apply too...Pay attention to the other posts, read them before posting so you can be sure...Me I'm just a lazy ass! But I'll try to follow

This is something from my personal experiance...there are those that hate it when someone just read it all, and they're ready to post when they find 4 new posts already made! I don't know what to say about that, but damn it's annoying, right?

Okay, the sheet.

Name(yes, we REALLY do need a name)
Alias(if any)
Race(all are prosthetic[or not, your call], but many are diffrent race by appearance, like a fox demon for example)
Special Skills/Powers(if any, but very highly likely, right?!)
Martial Arts(not necessary, just throwing it out there)
Beast Form(if any)
Weapon(original, if any)
Apperance(please, make it detailed as possible)
Backstory/Origin(please, try to stray away from the dead girlfriend or amnesia senario if you can)

Okay...Now for my Character, and no...It's not the drow *GASP!*

Name: Akira Teichou
Alias: The Lightning Wolf!
Race: Human *GASP!*
Special Skills/Powers: Agility and Furocity of a Wolf, and Thundermancy
Martial Arts: Ni-ten Senki Ryu
Beast Form: Werewolf(duh!)
Weapon: The Okami(heh, sounds like that game, but it's realy because it's japanese for wolf is why it's called the "Okami")..A long Katana charged with electrical energy
Appearance: Silver short spiky hair, green eyes, black muscleshirt, dark grey pants with belts covering the right knee cap of the pants, and chains around the front hip pockets, and black boots.

Backstory: Akira is currently the captain of the 8th squad of the Jinketsu gang...His reason being a part of this is because of the CyberDax industries. He has reason to belive that certain people were captured for CyberDax because it's a rumor that they are using some of the cyber celled prosthetic androids for lab tests, and they aren't letting them free. He's fighting for their freedom, because those people used to be part of his neighborhood, some people he grew up with and will not allow any one to imprisson them. Akira has the attitude of many badasses, and just as fierce.

Some additional info on the RP....Um...Mech suits! Yes, Mech Suits people, when have we had an RP with both mech suits and the Yakuza? Never! But the Mech Suits will only be about twice your size, so they'd only cover about 1/4th or 1/6th of a skyscraper building's roof and they all have this giant visor instead of a mechanical head, plus they transform into vehicles, and each has weaponry(Yakuza Issued)...But reason being I didn't say put Mech Suits into the RP spreadsheet is because I want these mechs to appear somewhere AFTER the the Weapon thing in the spreadsheet are for "Original" weapons for current guns, well...Think Standard G.I. Issue...Pistols, Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Snipers, Rocket Launcher Cannons, and the like....please say I'm not asking for too much, please!

Since my character's a captain of A squad, hey you can be one as well, I don't care

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I'm willing to give this RP a shot. I have introductory posts for both of my characters, if you would like me to post those as well.

Name: Deuce Gallows
Alias: The Bladerunner
Race: Human
Special Skills/Powers: Extreme agility
Weapon: Phase refractor blades - These are energy blades, shaped like straight-edged pincers, that appear around Deuce's hands when he creates them from the Cyber Cells in his arms. They act as normal swords for the most part, but can deflect bullets and energy blasts as well as slice through targets that are normally ethereal.
Appearance: Long black hair in spiked locks that are slicked back, somewhat on the skinny and tall side overall, vibrant amber eyes, tight black tank top and pants with black leather straps on his upper arms and legs, dark purple duster, black combat boots, often wears shades
Backstory/Origin: Deuce Gallows is an honorable warrior who serves the Yakuza, and has been assigned to the task of eliminating the Jinketsu group. A young but accomplished man, Deuce is the quiet, intense type, and is an idealist who sees the Yakuza as the true power in Japan that will rescue its people from the tyranny of the corrupted government. He has faced Ace Freedman before, and the two of them are bitter rivals are a Yin and Yang unto themselves.

Name: Ace Freedman
Alias: Hotshot
Race: Human
Special Skills/Powers: Excellent multi-tasking skills
Weapon: Bit system - Ace's Cyber Cells allow him to produce up to three "bits," or small round robot drones with gun barrels that poke out of them. These bits fire small bullet-like energy projectiles that act much like regular bullets. He can control these bits independently and use them simultaneously, even while he is performing other actions.
Appearance: Blond hair that stands straight up in a flat top cut, steel eyes, yellow and black striped bandanna, long white coat with a fur collar, baggy jeans, tie-dye shirt and bright yellow sneakers.
Backstory/Origin: Ace Freedman is a loud, obnoxious person who is dedicated to the ideal of the rebel - outspoken, opinionated, a show-off and a glory hog. His only real virtue is that he is willing to back up his big talk with action - impulsive, often thoughtless action, but action nevertheless. He joined the Jinketsu even though he is an American by birth and descent - he is a revolutionary at heart, so their underdog status fits his style. He uses his musical talents to advance the grassroots cause of the Jinketsu while he uses his bit system Cyber Cells to act as a neo-gunslinger. He has encountered Deuce Gallows before, and they both have scars from that meeting. They are locked in a bitter rivalry, as their ideals clash against one another.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

I guess I'll join my first rp.
Name: Hukos
Alias: None.
Race: Human.
Special Skills/Powers: Very skilled with the katana and other melee weapons. Very much so that guns are almost useless against him.
Martial Arts: A little bit, but not much.
Beast Form: None.
Weapon: Has a custom made katana. The blade doesn't have special powers, or anything, just very durable.
Apperance: 6'2" Brown hair, male, wears T-Shirts and Blue Jeans and has blue eyes.
Backstory/Origin: Born in America, he now lives in Japan. He acts like a loner, but can make friends and work in a team if need be. Prefers to do the job on his own though. Currently 17 years old. He dislikes being controlled or being used by others and doing the same to other people.
Will work for those who treat him with respect.

Posts: 16
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Wee...(please don't let me be too late!)...someone's actually joining...Let me wait on a few more...I waited this long, a few more days wouldn't hurt


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