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"Miranda, That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore"

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And when Miranda sang
Everyone turned away
Used to the noose they obey
-"Miranda, That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore," The Mars Volta

OOC:: Hi ^^. I've posted here before. Haven't done anything for maybe a year or two, but sudden inspiration stuck me and I hope it will be successful.

If anyone has read the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, they will most likely understand what I'm trying with this, but it's certainly not required, as a) this thread is set in a different world anyway, and b) I'm going to give you all the information you need in this intro. But, just as an FYI, yes, the thread idea was inspired by the aforementioned trilogy, and I highly recommend people read it.

The World

This thread is set in an alternate reality, as separate world entirely from both our world or any world in these role-plays. The primary species on the planet are your traditional anthropomorphic denizens, as varied in species and appearance as there are lower species. Humans do not exist, but a very limited form of magic does.

The geography is much like our Earth, and the story begins in what would be called Spain here. It is called Espana in the role-play. Many of the cities and nations are similar to our Earth. London, Paris, Madrid, Dublin, Moscow, and most major cities all exist. Beyond Espana, I have no plans for the other nations, so you are free to do what you like with them.

The technology level is, mostly, pre-industrial. Small scattered towns and farms cover most of the land. There are zeppelins, trains, and balloons however, but large factories are few and mostly in the sparse large cities.


Everyone has a daemon, an animal familiar that follows them around from birth. It is like the person's soul. The person and their daemon are tied together emotionally, physically, and mentally. If the person is frightened, the daemon is frighted, if it is hurt, the person feels the pain, if it is suspicious of someone, the person picks up on that suspicion.

A few guidelines on daemons:

The daemon can talk and will talk to others besides it's person, but usually will not.

The daemon of a child is a shape shifter, it can become any animal it wants. At the time of puberty however, if assumes a single shape, usually something reflective of their person's personality.

The daemon cannot be separated from it's person by any great distance. Twenty feet is the limit, typically, before the strain of separation becomes painful. Separating a person and their daemon is an emotionally and physically painful experience. Children and their daemons often test the limits of their ability, both walking straight away from each other until the strain becomes so unbearable they rush back together. It is rumored that the connection between a daemon and it's person can be severed, but is typically believed to destroy the mind of both creatures.

The daemon's and it's person's lives are entwined. If the daemon dies, it's person dies. If the person dies, it's daemon dies.

No person should ever touch another's daemon, nor should the daemon touch another person. There's a great social taboo against it, as it is--effectively--like touching their soul and gives a feeling of intense violation to the person.

Usually the daemon will take on a gender opposite of their person, although exceptions happen enough that it's not a huge deal when the genders coincide.

The Church

All across the world, the Church has control. Anyone familiar with the Catholic Church of the middle ages, knows what this is like. The Church oversees everything: scientific advance, politics, rise and fall of aristocracies, and education.

The branch of Inquisition has just been reformed. A vast wave of oppression has broken out as the Church attempts to crack down on heresy.


This is not typical magic, Final Fantasy magic, with arcs of lightning from the fingertips or flying fireballs. The magic of this world is more akin to witchcraft, rituals and chanting, magical artifacts of strength, potions and so on. It's limited only by your imagination, just make sure it is imaginative. ;)

Alrighty... beyond that... Have fun, be creative... this thread isn't intended to convey any religious belief on my part. Please don't push any of your own beliefs on other RPers. You may make your own statements and philosophies, just... be courteous, please?

Here's hoping someone posts ^^ Cheers! ::IC


Miranda wasn't a heretic. The Church evidently thought she was. However, she read the book and the Bible never said she was, but the Inquisition seemed to not let anything as petty as the Holy Book get in the way.

She lay curled up on the hard stone floor of her cell, her fennec body in perfect imitation of Creideiki, her ferret daemon, who was curled up against her chest. She stared unblinkingly at the empty tray by the door of the dungeon. Seven hours it had been empty and she had no illusions of them filling it anytime soon. At least she got food, she mused, she could be in the gallows.

"Don't kid yourself, Miranda," Creideiki's voice came to her from her breast. His voice was strong and carried well, despite the diminutive size of the ferret form he settled on when she had turned thirteen. Three years had passed since he had changed to that silky white ferret body, whose piercing red eyes showed an amazing intelligence as he turned his little triangular head to look at the teen aged fennec, "We'll be at the gallows sooner than you like."

"I wouldn't really like to go to the gallows at all, Crei, if it could be helped."

"Precisely my point."

Two days she had spent in this cell. Miranda was past crying, she ran out of sympathy for her own fear. All she had now was hunger. Even her hopelessness could not fight off that void in her gut any more than the small sampling of stale bread and broth-less soup could. She was in the hunger phase of her digestive cycle, so she laid in a ball until her stomach acid stopped jumbling around. Creideiki pressed his warm body up against her breast in an attempt to distract her from the gnawing in her stomach. He could feel her hunger, although he required no food of his own.

"You really don't think we'll survive, Crei?"

"It doesn't look hopeful."

"Maybe some chivalrous knight will come save me."

She could hear Creideiki's little ferret scoff, "And then maybe you'll run off into the woods and adopt seven short men who like mining."

"I've got the skin tone for it..." She said with a half smile.

"That's because you haven't seen sunlight in two days."

Miranda turned her attention to the wall, feeling her stomach acid abating. "I will see it again though, Crei, the sunlight... I promise. And it won't be with a rope around my neck."

Creideiki turned around in a circle and curled up again, his face pressed inward against her now as he attempted to find warmth in her flesh. "I hope you're right, Miranda."

Character Profile:

Name: Miranda Trujilla
Daemon: Creideiki [Form: Ferret]
Species: Fennec (small fox with overlarge ears and bushy tail)
Age: 16
Description: Considered tall for both her species and her gender. Her fur is long and infected with a rustic red color. Highlights of white sprout from under the red fur. Her eyes are deep smooth coffee color. She's showing some signs of malnutrition at the moment, but evidence of a strong figure and build are still noticeable.
Nationality: Espana (can speak both English and Espanol)

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Ladadadada, juuuuuuust testing as well.... *shot*

EDIT: works! @.@;; Though we've lost so much........

Posts: 6
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Holy mother--[Expletive deleted] Stupid effing blah blah blah.

I finished coloring that picture of Miranda I drew way back when:

Also, I'll try and post something (assuming I can remember where we were) later.

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