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Resident Evil: Infection

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Raccoon City

It had now been a matter of months since the cannibal murders which had been plaguing the settlement of Raccoon City had ended, and with it the curfew that had been enacted to protect its citizens. This was in May of the same year, a grisly spate of murders that unsettled this once quiet, peaceful city and enveloped it in a paradigm of fear. One such article of the 'Raccoon Times', published May 27th, detailed an supposed attack from feral dogs, but later reports from the police after a significant incident determined it to be the cause of cannibal killers.

The murders occured in the nearby Arklay Mountains, that bordered the city. In late of July, after little headway into the investigation, the city'sS.T.A.R.S unit, (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was brought in to investigate. A special team composed of former police, military and civilians, they were formed to instantly respond to acts of terrorism, organised crime and any other trouble considered too big for the police to handle. It was natural then, for them to be brought into this situation.

And then, something happened. Across the days of July 23rd to July 25th, a situation devloped in the Arklay Mountains' forests. The S.T.A.R.S team had been sent in to investigate the area, the supposed site of the cannibal attacks, but almost none of them made it back. One of the S.T.A.R.S two teams, Bravo Team, had encountered engine failure in their helicopter and crashed, killing almost all of their number. Alpha teamwas sent in to retrieve and rescue them but that induced failure as well, and a number of their unit had died as well, presumably from unexpected incompetence. What eventually marked off this event was an explosion at the abadoned Spencer Mansion estate that was located in the forests of the Arklay Mountains.

Only 5 members of the S.T.A.R.S had escaped the shadowy and mysterious events of those two July days, and what came of their report of the situation was staggering.

They claimed that the cannibal murders were as a result of an infection, of a virus that transformed the people into grotesque monsters. Monsters that would rise up from death itself and begin hunting you down, intent on eating you alive. The S.T.A.R.S members claimed this culminated in theSpencer Mansion, which was actually a front for a hidden laboratory involved in the development of this virus, and that the outbreak of this virus had cause this transformation, transforming the workers of the laboratory into the monsters that roamed the mansion and indeed caused the cannibal murders. It was also these monsters that had caused the deaths of the S.T.A.R.S teams sent in to investigate, and that ultimately, the responsibility of all this, the virus development, and outbreak, was the fault of a company called Umbrella.

And what a preposterous claim it was, too. The Umbrella Corporation. A pharmaceutical company founded by Ozwell E.Spencer, dedicated to the development of new medicines and cures for the rising diseases in the world. The Umbrella Corporation was a renowned company whose advances led to the betterment of mankind. It was also thanks to the Corporation that allowed the once small rural town of Raccoon to develop as rapidly as it did, with development of Umbrella factories leading to growth of the city. The close relationship of Umbrella and Raccoon's mayor, Michael Warren, led to a prosperous future for the city. The Umbrella Corporation had contributed to not only the livelihood of countless hundred thousands of citizens the world over involved in its medical research, but the result of that research had also saved countless numerous lives.

And the ridiculous claims of these few S.T.A.R.S survivors informed that everything Umbrella was doing was not as it seemed. It was actually involved in military bio-weapon development. And it was this accidental outbreak of a 'T-Virus' in the Spencer Mansion which ended up killing the lives of numerous researchers and the cannibalised hikers in the Mountains.

But it was all utter nonsense, of course. The Spencer Mansion exploded from a leaking gas pipe, and it was presumed that one of the cannibal killers who used the abadoned mansion as a shelter must have accidently alit it and sent the whole estate in flames. Instead, it was the wild accusations of a small band of fools whose own incompetence led to the deaths of many of their coworkers, and they were looking for a scapegoat. The Spencer mansion, obviously being owned by Umbrella's founder, Ozwell E. Spencer must have made for a fitting alibi. But this report was ridiculous tripe, of course. How could Umbrella possibly be involved in bioterrorism, after all the good the company continues to make?

The S.T.A.R.S reports were obviously ignored and the members disciplined. The event was quickly glossed over as an embarrassment of the city's lS.T.A.R.S enforcement, and in a short time, things were forgotten. Raccoon City began to become more peaceful again in fact with the cannibal killings over, and the curfew was lifted. Life began to resume...

J's Bar

"...but that doesn't seem right with me. Things can't be as simple as that. As far as wild accussations go, the S.T.A.R.S' was way too specific and... ridiculous, that it almost had to be real. Honestly, if you were to come up with a story to explain the incompetence of an investigation mission, you'd use something a bit more believable and realistic. And besides, these guys were supposed to be professionals. Even if their investigation mission ended in a failure due to this 'so called incompetence', I'd have expected them to have owned up to it and taken responsibility."

The man took another taste of his drink, and laid the glass back on top of the bar. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and dusted his worn jacket off a bit. He looked obviously unruffled and unkept, his white shirt dirtied and crimy, his hair a mess. If anyone was to look at him, they'd have seen a crazed buffoon, probably a homeless fellow preaching nonsense. The only clue as to his occupation was the camera held around his neck. He must have been a photographer, or a reporter.

"And you're telling me this, why? Mr..." The man's companion at the bar replied, blinking her eyes a few times in mild confusion. The woman had just come into the bar to wait for a friend of hers, when this strange man had arrived, and sat down at the bar next to her and began telling her this story of his about the killings that were months ago.

"West, ma'am. Frank, West." The man replied, flashing a smile. "And the reason why I'm telling you is because you can tell its strange, can't you?"

"I can't see why it really matters." The woman replied. "That was months ago. The whole thing was settled, wasn't it? Why bring it back up now?"

"Because it doesn't make much sense." Frank commented in turn. "Imagine if those S.T.A.R.S guys were right. Think of what a scoop this is... and all of the newspapers around this country has just ignored it. Honestly, I'm not too sure, but I smell a coverup. Something's not right about the whole thing."

"I think I smell something too... but that's probably just you." The woman said, with a bemused look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. I've been a bit busy lately to really sort myself out. Just came into the city y'know, to investigate this whole thing." Frank answered, taking another drink. "Anyway, I just thought I could grab a few opinions from you, to help my report later, Miss Walker."

Elza Walker sighed and brought her hand up to her head, facepalming. The man she was talking to seemed literally absurd, but it made the wait for her friend more interesting. She was a fairly tall, and shapely figure, dressed in a red and white racesuit. Her blonde hair was tied into a short ponytail and she wiped her bangs out of her eyes as she inspected Frank again. He was definitely eccentric and over the top, but at the same time amusing. He was definitely into this whole conspiracy theory of his, and seemed to have a great passion for it.

"Well, I'll have to give you my comments some other time, I'm afraid, I'm waiting for a friend, right now." Elza replied.

Frank studied Elza's face. He may have been wild and passionate about his career, but he wasn't stupid. He could see that Elza clearly wasn't particularly interested, and he didn't have high hopes for that interview, but no matter. Whiling away his second day in Raccoon City by talking to a pretty girl didn't hurt. Of course, he didn't expect things to turn to hell in such a short amount of time.


A menagerie of loud and unusual sounds came from outside the bar. Frank and Elza, along with many of the bar's other patrons that weren't consumed in their own various discussions, turned their heads towards the entrance of the bar, and from where the sounds came from. They were certainly unusual, but after a while the sounds just suddenly vanished, and then there was nothing more from outside. One of the bar's patrons went to the jukebox and started up a song, that drowned out anymore noise that could come from outside, as the bar's liveliness increased.

"So Miss Walker, how long have you been waiting for your frie-


Frank's question was immediately cut off from the loud crash of a person falling through into the bar from the entrance's swivel doors. The person collapsed to the ground, and the bar's patrons were all in suspended disbelief at the sudden and strange occurance.

"Hey, I thought people normally fell out of bars, not into them." Frank cracked, whilst Elza looked on, stunned at the figure that just entered.

"Hey buddy, you alright?" asked one of the bar's other customers, who walked up to and knelt down besides the crumpled figure on the floor. He outstretched a hand to help the person up, and his eyes widened in surprise at the appearance of the figure. He couldn't describe it exactly, but something looked seriously off about the person. Suddenly there was a scream, and Frank and Elza first thought that it belonged to the figure who collapsed on the floor, before realising it was the other man who was trying to help.

He had just been bitten in the leg, the collapsed man's mouth firmly gripped across the screaming man's appendage. Blood was dripping every which way, and there were more screams from all around the bar.

...more than that though, there were screams from all around the city. This bar incident was not localised. Something viciously violent was outbreaking, and it would ensure that the city of Raccoon, and its citizenry, would never be the same again.

OOC: And that's it for the beginning of the Resident Evil rp. Sorry if it was a bit long (heck, I know it was too long) but I felt like I had to lay down the basics of all the players of the Resident Evil universe for those not in the know, so that involved a brief description of the Mansion Incident, the Umbrella Corporation and Raccoon City itself. Of course, a lot of those past events might not have any effect on the events of this particular rp and the characters who will be trying to survive the zombie outbreak, but at the same time it serves as a decent enough prologue.

Also, a lot of movies and games and general stories I've found involve it beginning at a point where the zombie outbreak has already happened, and not at the point where the infection is beginning. I figured this might be a good point to start from, and see how society begins to break up and the legion of zombies begins to increase and increase.

My characters are based on, as some of you might guess, from Frank West of Dead Rising fame and Elza Walker, the prototype protaginist from RE2. I figured they'd both be familiar and fun enough to rp with.

I don't really have any rules for this since the idea for a Raccoon City rp isn't mine, I just felt like starting it up, but I guess you can figure the general rules of rps apply. Events can follow alongside the games or not, iirc the suggestion was this is an AU so that's fine.

Now, down to the zombie apocalypse survival! Go, go, go!

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

J's Bar

It had been an average day so far for Harold Wilson, He had started at 9.15am on the dot, with his arrival at the bus station. From there he had proceeded to get more familiar with his surroundings, to make sure everything correleted with the map he had been issued. Around the bus-station, it all seemed fine.

Following this, at 9.30 on the dot. He had started to get to work. Visiting people, making contacts. Learning names and getting estimates. A perfect city it seemed for his work. The rain helped as well. So by lunch (1.15pm precisly) he was feeling confident about his days work. Perhaps there would be a bonus in his paycheck soon.

He certainly deserved it.

After lunch however was a different story. His rounds beggining again, at 2.00pm on the dot, were met with... setbacks. Rejections. Insults.
Of course, this is to be expected, not everybody is accepting of his line of work. So of course he pressed on. Door to door, visiting as many as he could, all the while looking at potential property for expansion.

And his day was done. So here he was, sat in this bar enjoying a nice, hot coffee, in his finely pressed suit and tie. Blond hair cropped in perfect, millimetre prescision, tie loosened exactly half an inch to relax as he keeps an eye on his breifcase and umbrella. Dull grey eyes framed by his hard edged glasses. As usual. When he was done seventeen and a half minutes from now, he would collect his things and head to the hotel. Where he would watch the news for exactly one hour and then retire to his bed, going over tommorow's plan untill he would fall asleep at 11.30 pm. On. The. Dot.

So obviously when a gravely injured man came flying into the bar during what sounded like a full scale riot. He was needless to say, a little perturbed.

Posts: 980
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{{ Since I'm moving, I can't take part in the idea that, Ironically, was one I thought of. XD; I'll be online again in a month, with any luck. See y'all then! }}

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

( Remember the original Resident Evil roleplay I made a few years back? That was fun, I'll definitely involve myself here! Hope this is good guys! )

J's Bar

WILLIAM ALEXSFORD wasn't keen on the small bar since the time he had stepped in the small pivot of building. The twenty year old thought it was a rather strange piece of well.. trash. A few of his friends thought it'd be the best place to hang around, Will really wasn't sure, but they hadn't even showed up yet and that kept him from running back to the uptown district of Raccoon City. The red haired kid was merely another nobody, well he thought he was somebody. With a lit cigarette in his mouth he leaned against one of the bar's walls. Really he was just trying to appear to look cool or something of that sort. He was within earshot of Frank West's conversation and he did feel it was something... to listen to. It was better than sitting here being completely bored.

...and then there was a crash of glass and flesh as a body was thrown into the bar.

"What the hell?" Will spat as he removed the cigarette with his right hand. That's when the man... if you could call it that took a big bite out of the guy going up to help him. Will's mouth dropped and his eyes widened in addition to his hand loosening and the cigarette hitting the floor of the bar. What was going on?!

Posts: 1984
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(Can I play a zombie? )

Posts: 1334
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( Personally, I see how it could work but not at the current point of view. )

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OOC: The zombies in Resident Evil are of the traditional kind: slow and shambling and literally brain-dead. I haven't got a clue how you'd be able to roleplay as a zombie other than your character eventually falling to infection and mutating into one, and then roleplaying the zombie's craving for human life, but when it gets to player interaction...

Could be interesting, just depends on how well you can pull it off, I guess.

J's Bar

A scream of agony escaped the lips of the man who had offered his aid to the lumbering shambles of a man that had stumbled into the bar. His screams echoed and reverberated throughout the tavern, before falling into dank gurgles and violent coughing as blood escaped his mouth. The man who was on the floor and whom had taken a vicious bite of the other's leg continued his vicious and unrelenting assault on the screamer's leg; the attack revealing a massive gouge of blood and flesh tearing away to show glistening red sinewy muscles and white bone underneath. It was unbelievable.

It was almost a minute before someone had gained the composure to get involved and stop the attack. A burly, muscle bound man with a thick beard of hair on his face and a earring through his pierced left ear ran to the entrance of the bar, and in one heavy movement, swung his foot outwards, kicking the biting man's head away from his victim, and sending the man flying across the tavern.

"Jesus Christ!"

"What the hell?!"

"Oh my god!"

Various cries escaped the assembled users of the tavern, as many had finally stood up in shock and disbelief at the scene that had just occurred. The entrance of the tavern was now coated in a thick spray of red blood, and the bitten victim lay crouched down, his hands shakily holding onto his ruined leg. His whole body quivered in pain and shock, and blood continued to ooze from the fresh wound.

"What on earth was that?!" Elza Walker exclaimed, as she too had stood up in awe and shock of the spectacle. Frank West similarly shared a disbelieving expression on his face, but he remained seated. Unlike the majority of the drinking people within the building, his mind was racing not just through the unexpected and incredible scene that had unfolded before him, but rationalising it to that of the case he'd been researching beforehand, and what had ultimately brought him here to Raccoon City.

The Cannibal Murders…

No way was this a coincidence. What the hell was this, then? A definite relation to the cannibal killings a few months ago, but in what way? That the cannibal killers hadn't been caught beforehand and had escaped the fire they were supposedly involved in at the Spencer Estate (if the official police and press report was to be believed)? Or was it something to do with what the S.T.A.R.S report had sa-

"Is that man okay?" Shouted a concerned woman who ran over to the crouched, bleeding man. "That was unbelievable! I mean, who in their right mind would do what that other man just did?"

The muscled, bearded man nodded to the approaching woman, as she arrived next to him and began inspecting the wounded man. The bearded man turned his focus to the attacker, who continued to lie still on the floor by the wall of the bar. Whatever was wrong with that man seemed to be over. They needed to call the police, get the R.P.D over here and arrest the man at once…

He couldn't believe it. No one could. Slowly and disbelievingly, the shambled, grimy man who had stumbled into the bar before, performed a sickening attack and who had been kicked halfway across the bar slowly began to rise to his feet. But it wasn't just the fact that he was getting back up again, but it was the manner in which he was doing so. His body movements were erratic, almost spasm-like. A low moan escaped the breath of the man, as his limp head began to lift up. Higher and higher… until the whites of his eyes could be seen… and that was all there was. No pupils, no sign of recognition or clarity his eyes, just an eerie and unnerving look, complete with the lower half of his face coated in what was a man's blood…




The attendants of the bar looked around, their almost trance-like attention to the inhuman man brought back to reality. The sounds of the city outside could be heard; chaotic, unreal and unnatural sounds. Some could swear that they could hear screams echoing all around them. And more frightening of all was the collection of people around the windowed entrance, all of whom had the same deathly appearance of the attacking man in the bar, and all of whom were pounding on the glass windows from outside.

The chaotic sounds of outside, the screams, banging and crashing, the implosions and sounds of ignited fires began to drown out in the sea of moaning that seemed to be encroaching from all around them. The continued pounding of the weakening glass windows from the unreal and unnatural people outside; the slow, shambling walking of the attacking man inside the bar moving forward, fresh blood dripping from his maw; and finally, another scream.

The woman and muscled, bearded man who had came to the defence of the attacked man were now in turn, being attacked. With an almost unbelievable amount of strength and persistence, the smaller attacked man suddenly grabbed the muscled, bearded man and forced him onto the floor. And before any of the other tavern's patrons could intervene, a booming crash sounded from the entrance, as the tavern's windows were smashed in, and the seeping masses of shambling, scraggy men and women from outside shuffled inwards, aiming for the innocent patrons within, trying to grab them, to scrape and scratch them, to BITE them.

"What the hell is this?! What's going on?!" Elza screamed, to no one in particular, but just trying to find sense in all this unbelievable chaos.

"We… we need to get out of here, now." Frank said, finally leaving his stool from the bar, grabbing on to Elza's arm and re-alerting her attention to the man she had been talking to moments earlier. She looked into his eyes, and saw an almost cold sense of dread and urgency within them. What she saw, she didn't like… it was frightening.

"H-here!" Called a voice from the side of the bar, as one of the bar's servers kicked open a door, revealing stairs leading up to the bar's typically restricted first floor. "This way! We've got to get out of here!"

Amid the numbing moans and brain tearing screams, Frank and Elza began moving to the bar's stairs.

Posts: 1334
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Alex wasn't going to be one to be left for dead, so within a second as the door opened and the suggestion said of going upstairs was heeded he did not hesitate. It wasn't like there was another way to go at any rate, people if you could call them that were pouring in from the shattered glass. He nodded to himself and quickly headed to the door and kept such pace as he followed a few people up the flight of stairs...

This was going to be a bad day. He could feel it.

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Frank and Elza clambered up the staircase, along with the myriad of other survivors who had the good sense to follow this. In the panic of the stair's narrow corridor and confinement, there was a struggle to get up it, and those who were at the back of the pack had the misfortune to be grabbed by the unholy, ghoulish monstrosities that had broken into the bar moments earlier, and for all intents and purposes, began eating people.

Some of the other survivors tried to rescue their friends and those who needed aid, but some of them too found themselves trapped in despair as they too were grabbed by an inhuman strength from these lumbering, shambling figures, and were pulled down into a blood-soaked bar area.

Those who pressed on, intent on saving themselves and getting away from the mass panic stricken level of chaos downstairs, found themselves on the first floor of the building, running along a wooden floor corridor surrounded by doors on one wall to various rooms, the other covered in windows, providing coverage to exactly what was going on in the streets below.

Frank took a brief moment to pause, and stared outside, a horror-stricken expression plastered on his face. The scene below was truly undescribable, and the screams that were coming all around him would surely haunt his dreams. He was pulled away from the mesmerisation, as Elza tugged on his jacket and brought him running back in the corridor along with the other few bar patron survivors, desperately trying to escape the madness that was all around them.

They climbed up another flight of stairs, to the bar's second floor. It was similar in appearance to the first, with a long narrow corridor with doors on one wall giving access to the bar's many rooms. At the end of a corridor was yet another door, that led to the rooftop. One of the miscellaneous members of the survivors sprinted to this door, and pulled on the door to open it, but recieved aggressive resistance as the door wouldn't open. It was locked, and it needed a key to open it.

"Damn it!" The survivor yelled. "It's locked! Anyone got any idea how to open this damn thing?!"

Posts: 2232
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Harold panted from the mad dash up the stairs, glaring with annoyence at the various survivors jostling him and creasing his meticulously pressed suit. "What do you mean it's locked? Isn't this a fire door? Is that not a health and safety violation! This is preposterous!" He yelled, adjusting his glasses and looking behind him.

"And what was wrong with those people downstairs? If this is how Raccoon city police handle drug addicts I am not impressed. Not impressed at all!"

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Frank twisted his head around to look at the latest voice that spoke amidst all the other cries of panic and chaos. His attention was turned to that of a suited and tied man carrying with him, bizarrely, a briefcase and umbrella. Frank would have thought that in all the bedlam that transpired, everyone would have forgotten their belongings and ran for their own lives, but he guessed not.

Frank could understand the man's agitated voice and lack of composure; after all, everyone, including him were feeling the same effect. Frank continued to look around though, something the man said had inspired him. He had asked whether the locked door was a fire escape door (to Frank's knowledge and all available signs, it wasn't. Maybe it led to another corridor that, at the end of, had the fire escape door to the roof, but he had no idea), and that gave Frank the idea that their might be some sort of fire assist item nearby that could hep break the door down. A fire extinguisher, or better yet, an axe.

"Can anyone see something we can use to break this down?!" Frank shouted, kicking the door and meeting stiff resistance. He continued trying, feeling the wooden door weakening with each strike, but the situation was becoming dramatically tense. Some of the bizarre ghouls that had entered the building were beginning to shuffle up the multitude of stairs and rooms to begin closing on them... they needed to escape immediately.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

lol it's been 3 months since this RP got a post. Is it still active. It would be a shame for the thing to die now so early in its story. I mean the story hasn't even started really.

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I'd love to continue it but it depends on the interest from other people. Anyone else want to try and keep this rp going (or started, rather)?

Posts: 1984
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Well I've got free time and I want to join.

Posts: 2234
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Then that's cool, but I think we'd need more than two people to run this rp, unless you'd be willing to do it with just us and make it more of a two person story collaboration?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I've been considering it but because of my lack of free time to put consideration into any meaningful writing. You wouldn't get the best out of me. So I'm afraid I can't participate unless at least 1 to 2 other people join in.

Posts: 980
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I can join now - of course, because of my penchant for Awesome characters and such, I'm gonna hit it up Wesker-style. :3
You know you need a bad ass running around in the shadows, clearly!
