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Robotnik's Revenge (Fleetway Sonic RP)

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Posts: 1631
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It's been a while since anyone did a Fleetway RP, so I figure I'll have a go at one.

Any of the Fleetway characters are playable, including villans if you wish (to add elements to the story, although the main story will be Sonic and the others Vs Robotnik). For continuity, we'll say it happens after the last Fleetway story, the one with Chaos in it.

I will play Robotnik, and also Knuckles. I use some of the other characters to set the scene, but after that they're open for anyone.

NB: Only Sonic and Tails are mentioned on the Floating Island, but the rest of the gang can be there too, or not, if you'd prefare :)

Any questions, post here or PM me :thumbsup

Floating Island, 9:15 am

He looked around the Emerald Chamber, scanning all the consoles with his eyes. Things were running smoothly...too smoothly. Robotnik had been quiet for months, and there had been no system faliures on the Island for weeks!

Times like this he got worried. When things were so quiet, it almost invariably ment a storm was coming.

Right on cue, an alarm started beeping on the main console. That was the security alarm...something had breached the island's shield! He ran over to the console, his red dreadlocks swaying with the movement. He pressed a button on the control pannel, and one of the floating screens flickered into life, showing the cause of the alert.

His eyes widened. Oh great!!! This was worse than he could possibly have imagined! Wherever they showed up there was guarenteed to be trouble!

He turned and raced across the room, jumping into the Zoom Tube. Seconds later he emerged in the Marble Garden Zone, the area the little red bi-plane was making for. Sure enough, the plane had just landed at the bottom of thie hill, and the occupants were getting out.

"I thought I told you to stay away from here!" Knuckles called down to them, folding his arms.

"Oh lighten up Chuckles!" exclaimed the blue hedgehog as he hopped down from the top wing of the plane. "You don't nearly get out enough!"

"Just what are you doing here anyway?" asked Knux, narrowing his eyes.

"Simple!" grinned Sonic, grabbing a long flat board from the cargo compartment in the plane's tail. "We're headed for the Ice Cap Zone!"

Tails jumped out of the planes cotpit and grinned up at Knuckles a little sheepishly. "Since Robotnik's not doing anything, we figured we'd get some R&R." he clarified. "Sonic said he felt like some snowboarding."

Knuckles sighed. "Okay, putting aside the fact that you're here uninvited once again, what happens if Robotnik tries something while you're here?"

"Already covered Red. Kintobor is watching Lardbelly's base on Flicky Island like a hawk. He so much as breathes we'll know."

Knuckles fixed Sonic with a gaze and shook his head slowly. The guy was so irritating he sometimes just wanted to...

"Okay." he growled. "But don't you dare make a habit of this!"


Flicky Island, 9:15 am

"I'm so glad you got your spirit back after your recent depression Master." drawled the green-skinned figure in a long white lab coat. "I really was worried about you!"

The large round figure sat at the desk nodded, his eyes fixed on the computer screen in front of him. "True Grimer, very true." he muttered, stroking his long orange moustache thoughtfully. "All that buisness with Super Sonic and the Chaos Creature reminded me how much fun it was trying to take over the world..." He slammed a large hand down on the desk. "...and how much I hate that blasted blue spikeball!!!" he roared, standing up and sending the chair he was sat on flying.

"Grimer, are our latest plans nearly ready?"

"Almost Master." Grimer leered. "As soon as you were feeling better I instigated a resumption of work on Project E.S, and our latest invention has cleared all tests and is ready for deployment!"

Robotnik rubbed his hands together in glee. "Wonderful!" he grinned. "We have those dumb heroes this time!!!"

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Right, I think these might be important questions that other people interested might be wondering as well...

Are fan characters allowed in?

If not, or even so, what lengths are you allowed to play as official characters? All official Fleetway chars other then the ones you're controlling, or is this limited? To the main ones (Actual freedom fighters and such) or secondary characters (Ebony, Pyjamas etc)?

Posts: 1631
Noble Member
Topic starter

OOC: I'd tend to shy away from fan characters, although I guess if someone really really wanted to they could...

And yeah, absolutley any Fleetway character...Max Gamble, Shortfuse, even Fabien Vane or Norris Wimple if anyone wanted too, although I doubt anyone would (watch someone play them now )

Naturally it would be helpful if most of the major characters were played mainly, but multiple characters are allowed too, so someone could play a main and a background one if they wanted.

Hope that cleared things up a bit :thumbsup )

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Ah, okay. Thanks for clearing that up. :) I might join later, depending on if I can think of a good official character to use. :)
