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Slave of the Teknia...
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Slave of the Teknians (Sonic escape survival)

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While treating Wraiths back T.H answers his question.
"Not really, all your equipment and clothes are in a storage base, but dont worry its not heavily guarded, I will gladly help you and your friends get your belongins back" Says T.H while applying some medication on Wraiths scarred back. Ray had already opened one of the food boxes.
"Hey that T.H guy got us really delicious food!" says Ray while picking out a can of Tuna fish and potato chips.
"Im with you on this, we must start a big rebellion while we have the chance now, it will be a while when they build all the Tekdroids and Tekbots we destroyed in the other rebellion so lets do it now when we are more than them" says Barby to Kouji and Sera.

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"It's settled, then," Kouji said. "First things first, though: The wounded have to be taken someplace safe so their injuries can be treated... along with anyone unwilling to fight. We have to find out if and where they keep their medical supplies and weapons... we'll be needing those as well..."

He paced back and forth as more ideas came to him, much to the dismay of Sera, who sat on the ground, wiping away her tears.

She sometimes wished he weren't so brave at a time like this...

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Wraith nodded. "Okay cool." With that he stood up, stepping away from TH slightly. "Thanks for all your help, but we need to conserve our medical supplies...don't use them all up on me. You got the worst of it, so the rest will heal in time." He handed the note he had written to the Taknian with a nod. "Yeah, Ianthe usually hangs out near the river I believe, on the east side. Look for a park that the river runs through, and leave this by the park entrance so it's clearly visable. She should see it."

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"Very well" says T.H taking the note and his pencil back into his pocket then looks at Wraith
"Im going to drive away the Teknolia truck now, keep the Teknolia comunicator so I can talk with you" says T.H then he climbs into the Teknolia truck and leaves the cave.
"Well what should we do now Wraith?" asks Mighty as he limped toward him with help of a crutch.
The Tekdroid Corps with K.H and Nack notices in the way the disabled Tekeye.
"Look there is the Tekeye we sent after the Teknolia truck" said one of the Tekdroid Corps, K.H get down from the Teknolia bike to pick up the Tekeye and all the Teknolia pieces, the Tekeye starts making computer like noises.
"What! you got hitted with the Teknolia truck when you where asking my brother if he had the rest of the slaves with him?" says K.H surprised as he walked back to the Tekdroid Corps and Nack.
"Okay, I will start telling the slaves that want to fight" said Barby to Kouji while standing up.

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"First, we rest." replied Wraith as he stepped over to the large wooden containers they had unloaded from the truck. "We'll need TH's imput to come up with a rescue plan anyway, and we've all been through a lot." Clenching his fist, he jabbed one of the cases with a sharp punch, and the sides fell off with a dull THUD on the cave floor. Wraith knocked the top of the case off onto the ground, then grabbed one of the small plastic boxes inside, his face grinning. "Let's eat!"


(OOC: Alex, putting this bit in to keep the story flowing, but if you want to do something else with TH and the truck instead let me know and I'll edit it out.)

Station Square was a ghost town nowadays. All the Humans had been killed by the invaders, and everyone else was dragged off to the mines as slaves. Virtualy nothing existed in the city anymore, and it's quiet, mournful emptyness had laid unbroken for so long she couldn't remember. She'd grown so used to the silence, the stillness, that the sound of a motor veichle in the distance was as alien to her as the noise of a spacecraft in the sky!

She looked up quickly, her small, pointed ears flicking round to locate the source of the noise. Her figure was stock still for a moment, then suddenly in a flurry of movement, she sprang to her feet and raced off across the park she had made her home, grabbing a long thin metal staff that was lay against a rock nearby on the way. She had to find out what this thing was.

The sound grew louder as she reached the gates to the park, and she quickly ran across the road, climbing onto a metal fire escape on the side of the building nearby and racing up the steps to the roof, miving with incredible speed and grace even for her small, thin body. Once on the top of the building, she crouched down and looked off over the surrounding rooftops, looking for the location the motor was coming from. Up here on the roof, it was very unlikely that anybody would be able to see her, but she would be able to see them easily.

Sure enough, she spotted the blue truck moving along one of the nearby roads slowly...she didn't recognise the design. Just who was it, and what was their buisness in this dead city? The veichle seemed to be headed in the general direction of the park she had just come from...


Nack simply couldn't help a slight grin as KH stepped back towards them. Without thinking, he muttered "Told ya."

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"Yay!" Kanal cheered as she picked up a box as well. Even though she had eaten some time ago, she was still felt very hungry; she hardly ever ate while still in the Teknian mines.

Bean shrugged and did the same, considering himself lucky he was getting some actual food. He looked over at Bark and saw the polar bear had three boxes tucked under one arm.

"Hey, you know you can't eat all that," he said bitterly. "This stuff needs to last us for as long as possible..."

"It's not all for me," Bark replied coolly, handing one to Jet and Mighty.

"Oh." Bean proceeded to open his box and take out a roll. "Whatever, then..."

Kanal had already opened her box and was happily munching on an apple. "This is great!" she said with tiny bits of the fruit flying from her mouth as she spoke.

Bean was about to say something to the child about talking and eating at the same time, but he decided against it; he himself was too busy stuffing his own face as well.

Hearing all kinds of muffled noises around him, Night started to groan. He didn't have the strength to move his arms or legs...

The torture room seemed just a faint nightmare now, though the wounds on his back were still quite fresh and painful...

Where was he anyway? Back in the cell? He was no longer hanging a few feet from the floor, so he had to be on the ground.

Not aware of the tattered blanket he'd been wrapped up in, the hedgehog slowly opened his eyes to see a gray blurred shape towering over him...

Dad...? What is he doing?

The slaves in the cell were all murmuring amongst themselves after Kouji continued to pace back and forth, trying to think of a plan... he was never one to think of a strategy, so this would probably take a while... he didn't have a lot of time to waste, either...

"Does anyone have any ideas?" the gray echidna finally spoke up, hoping he'd get a response.

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Mikey picked up a box and opened it, it contained a chili dog and orange juice, then he sat down near bean and ate silently.
T.H stops near the park and threws onto the road the note atached to a rock.
"Now I only need to take the Teknolia truck as far as possible" says T.H then drives away from Station Square.
K.H glares at Nack.
"Watch your mouth Weasel!, we will see if my brother is really a traitor when we find him with the escaped slaves, but I still doubt that my brother is a traitor" says K.H a bit angry.
Barby walks to Kouji.
"We are in luck, most of the slaves in here are willing to fight again for their freedom, now here is the plan as soon as the Tekdroids slavedrivers come to take someone to the torture room, we will capture them then we will break the locks on the other cells in this area with the pick axes over there" says Barby pointing at the piled pick axes outside the cells in a corner "then when we are out of the cells room we will encourage the slaves that are still working outside to help us" Barby says a look of determination in her eyes.

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Kouji paused in his tracks for a moment. "That's actually not a bad idea."

"But what about the wounded?" Sera asked, looking over at Night. "And your son?"

"Well, I was thinking that you could take everyone who's hurt someplace safe... someplace hidden so that injuries can be treated... you can do that, can you?"

Sera nodded reluctantly. "Yes, I'll try."

"That's good," Barby said quietly. "Now, all we have to do is sit and wait."

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Jet was deep in thought at the moment. He hadn't opened the food Bark had handed him. He was pondering over what TH had said about Station Square. About how NO ONE was left there. Did the same thing happen to HIS city?

Jet was a bit worried now. He couldn't help but wonder... "Are Tech and Amanda alright?"

He wasn't sure what had happened in the day he'd been gone, but he was fearing the worst. He couldn't do a thing right now either. That made the sick feeling in his stomach worse. He was free. And though he was hurt, he was ok.

But what about his friends? His family? What became of them?

Jet, not knowing, just silently began eating his can of food.

"Hmmm. Tuna." He thought.

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The figure on the top of the building watched curiously as the truck came to a stop, then sped off down the road again swiftly. Her attentive eyes had not missed the small parcel of note and rock tossed out the window towards the park entrance.

She waited until the truck had dissapeared again, then quickly darted back down the fire escape, stepping out onto the road and carefully approaching the object that had been thrown from the truck. Yes, her initial thoughts had been correct, it was just a rock, nothing more. Satisfied that it wouldn't blow up in her face, she reached down and picked it up, unravelling the note wrapped around it and beginning to read carefully. As she read, her eyebrows raised in surprise. A voice, soft and flowing, almost musical, murmured into the wind: "You're lucky Wraith...if it were anyone else..."

Tearing the note into scraps, she set off running again, heading back into the park. As she went, she scattered the remains of the paper under a bush to avoid them being found by anyone...


Wraith took a while over his supplies, trying to enjoy each mouthful to it's fullest. Not only had he not eaten for a while, he also knew his body had gotten used to having so little food, so eating too much all at once would probably only make him retch. Much as he was tempted to dive in head first and eat everything he could, he deliberately made sure to take his time over the meal, and it was a good hour or so before he had emtied his crate fully.

Finally having something worthwhile to digest, his body immeadeately got to work, and he felt tired. He leaned back on one of the wasn't comfortable, but it was better than those darned beds in the camp!...and closed his eyes with a sigh. he missed it's taste.

"You hear that?" Bark, who had finished his meal some time ago, stood up from where he was sat, staring at the entrance carefully. Mighty looked round at him.

"You what?"

"Shh...thought I heard something."

Wraith opened his eyes again and sat up, following Bark's gaze towards the entrance. "I didn't hear anything, but I wasn't listening." he muttered in responce.

"Then you've lost your edge." Everyone in the cave jumped as a figure stepped into the cave mouth, long brown hair, reaching down to the small of her back, blowing in the breeze as she surveyed the escapees. She was a Mobian Red Squirrel, clearly evident from the long bushy tail that curved up her back behind her. Her face was thin and delicate, with pointed ears, a small pointed nose, and two large emerald green eyes that looked incredibly sharp and intelligent. She was a little on the short side, but she seemed to convey a presence and charisma far beond her size. She was thin, but clearly reasonably strong with it, and her body was exceptionally well formed and proportioned, making her look quite attractive. The only clothes she wore were a large pair of brown leather boots that reached almost to her knees and a brown cape slung over her shoulders, tied at her collarbone with a golden clasp. In her hand, leaning lightly on her shoulder, was a thin metal staff, both light and strong, apparently used for defence.

Some of the others began to step forward, planning to either imprison her or fight her in case she was working for the Teknians, but Wraith jumped from his rock quickly, stepping forward and waving them away. "It's okay guys, she's on our side."

"I'm on nobody's side, Wraith." retorted the squirrel pointedly. "I've come here to hear your plans, nothing more. I might join you if I like what I hear, but I'm not making any promises."

The echidna grinned slightly and nodded. "Yeah, I thought as much. Anyway, it's good to see you again." Turning to the rest of the group, he held his hand out towards the squirrel. "Everyone, meet Ianthe Irrin, friend of mine from some time ago. She's a good fighter and a credit to any team."

Ianthe stepped forward and bowed to the group respectfully, but as she straightened up again, the muttered quietly out of the corner of her mouth: "They know?"

"No." replied Wraith just as quietly, making sure none of the others could hear. "I was waiting to see if you wanted them to know."

"No, I don't." Ianthe replied bluntly. "But it may be best, to avoid missunderstandings."

"Okay, we'll do it in a bit. Wait for the Teknian guy who was helping us to get back first though, so we don't have to explain twice."


"Yeah, we'll see, that's for sure." replied Nack with a nod, still grinning slightly. "Hey listen, I know a couple of places the so called "Heroes" used to hang out before you guys came...if we can't find this van that they stole maybe we could check some of those areas, see if they're hiding up there again, huh?"

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Kanal had shrank back in surprise when the squirrel appeared, dropping the fruit she still had in her scarred hands.

Once she heard the details, though, she'd calmed down, getting a hold of her nerves. Kanal had been on edge quite a bit since leaving the mines... it wasn't really surprising considering what she had gone through...

I wonder... what about those slaves still left behind...?


It didn't take long for Kouji and Barby's plan to be set in motion...

A small group of Tekdroid Corp soldiers rounded the corner of the hall to the holding cell. Their leader paused in his tracks on the other side of the bars to open the door while the others looked on, standing guard.

They didn't notice the look the slaves had in their eyes, and were overwhelmed by the large group suddenly attacking them with anything they could get their hands on-- rocks, bricks, bowls, and food.

The Tekdroids were pushed back towards the way they came by a grizzly bear and several rabbits and foxes, while Kouji, Sera, carrying the still half-conscious Night (she's got some strength on her), and Barby led the rest out of the holding cell.

"Where do we go now?" asked Sera hysterically.

"This way!" Barby shouted, pointing towards the Tekdroids. "Chances are they're headed from someplace vital around here."

This was good enough for Kouji to hear. "You all get that?!" the echidna shouted over the small crowd. "Topple the Teknians!"

With a roar of voices in response from the slaves, the Tekdroids were trampled... at least, not before one of them alerted a squadron of Tekbots in the area...

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OOC: wow this is getting really good.

Mikey had already finished his Chilidog and was interested who was the female Squirrel. After a while T.H came back to the cave.
"Ok I have hidden the Teknolia Truck and left the message Wraith" says T.H and then notices Ianthe.
"So is she the person you told me to leave the Message, she was really fast getting here!" Says T.H surprised.
"Ok we will follow you for now, where do we search first?" says K.H to Nack.
"Now get the pickaxes and free the others slaves in the cells, we need to push the Teknians back!" yelled Barby while he picked up one of the pickaxes and proceded to break the locks of the cells freeing more slaves willing to help fighting the Teknians.

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"I'm a fast runner." Ianthe replied, somewhat nonplussed as she stepped into the cave, picking up a bottle of water from the supplies and sitting down on a rock with it. "Besides, you had to get here from parking that truck too."

"Okay we have plans to make." said Wraith as he stepped forward, putting his fists on his hips. "Now TH has got back we can start figuring out where to go from here..." He paused for a second, glancing down at Ianthe. "...but just before we do, there's somthing you might be best knowing."

Ianthe just sighed, fixing her eyes on the far wall of the cave, clearly uneasy. Apparently she wasn't going to say it, so Wraith continued. "Ianthe is an excellent fighter...she's been my friend for a while and she's invaluable. She's fast, quick thinking, and has great skill with her staff and with the Capoeira fighting style, but you should all be aware too...she suffers from multiple personallity disorder."

"At any point my personallity can change." interjected the squirrel, her eyes still fixed firmly on the other wall in tense embarassment. "Usually between one of three, but occasionally to others too. If I start acting strangely for a time, that'll be why."

Some of the others in the cave exchanged silent glances with each other, but the moves were not lost on Wraith. "Alright that's enough. We only mentioned this right at the beginning to make sure people were aware and to avoid any missunderstandings. It doesn't make her any less of a Mobian to be ill, you all got that?" Without waiting for a reply, he quickly changed the subject, moving on so as to avoid Ianthe feeling any more embarassed than she already was. "Now let's move onto plans. I'd say first thing to do would be to get our equipment back, so we can be better prepared. Anybody have any views on that?"


"Ok we will follow you for now, where do we search first?"

Nack muttered something under his breath that might possibly have been the word "finally", but nobody with him could be sure. Hopping off the back of the motorbike he quickly stepped up to KH. "Alright let's work this got a map on you or want me to give directions as we go? That second one might be hard since I'm kinda clinging on to the back of these things for dear life though."

(OOC: by the way, in case anybody is wondering what the Capoeira fighting style is, here's a link. Also, for anybody that's seen the Tekken series of games, the character Eddy Gourdo uses that fighting style.)

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OOC: Alex, here's a pic of Night's parentsand of Night himself.

I'll edit when I have an idea for an IC.

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(OOC: Really sorry for the delay all. My life has been a killer brother getting beaten up at work, relatives coming round a lot, dental appointments etc...Hopefully it'll be calming down a little from now.

At least it seems I haven't missed much lol :

On another note, cool pics Kaze^^ I'm actually considering a couple of pics of my own on this RP too, if nobody would mind me experimenting with drawing their characters? I doubt anything decent would come of it, but I wanna get back into drawing and this seems like a way. That be ok for everyone if I tried, using their characters? Oh and on an extension to that, Alex, any chance we could get a detailed pic of the various Teknian units so I could possibly use them in a pic too? Thit's if it's ok with you of course^^)

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OOC: If you were gonna try drawing my character Wraith it's cool with me. ^^ Jet's tail is a lot longer than the ref pic I linked to in this RP though. XD

Hmmm.. No IC right now. I gotta think of one first. I'll try to post one soon though. Sorry for the wait. ^^;

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OOC: I'll post an updated pic of Kanal soon enough, but for now here's a short IC.


All shouting in unison, the crowd of slaves picked up whatever they could get their hands on and continually bashed whoever came their way. Tekdroid bodies lay littered in the corridors, horribly injured or even dead.


Sera, left alone with those too injured to move and who didn't want to fight, finally got up the courage to talk, knowing her freedom was depending on it.

"Everyone that can stand and walk straight, come with me. We need to find some proper supplies so that we can properly treat the wounded and get rid of these collars."

A few of them nodded and stood, ready to go. Sera was glad for this... She knelt down to Night, still lying down on the floor and kissed him gently on the forehead. "Hold on," she said to him. "I'll be back as soon as I can."


Elsewhere, a badly hurt Tekdroid managed to get to the Teknian General with the bad news.

"Sir," he said weakly, "the slaves... they're beginning to revolt again... they still must be spurred on... by the rebellion from earlier..."


Kouji was leading a rather large group of slaves to wherever the armory was in the underground workshop. Armed with anything they could find and get their hands on (pickaxes, rocks, and even Tekbot and Tekdroid parts), they were showing a continuing rise in strength and the hope and desire to be free.

As a new wave of Tekbots approached, Kouji lifted the pickaxe he held over his head and yelled out, "CHARGE!!"

At once, he and the rest of his group rushed forward, ready to lay waste to their oppressors (as well as the few who went off to break the locks on the cells of the other trapped slaves).


Kanal was hoping that she would never have to go back to those mines... but she remembered something... something important...

"My necklace," she said aloud, though in a soft voice. "A jewel shard on a string that Knuckles gave me before all this started... when I was captured, they took it from me. I think they might have put it in something like a storage space in some sort of a supply room, like when a teacher takes a toy from a kid and puts it in a drawer. It's in the same spot, but seperated from all the other stuff!"


OOC: BTW, Kanal's just making a wild guess. She doesn't really know. She's only 8.

EDIT: Here's the pic. She's got a slightly new look. It'll also be in my post in the profiles thread whenever I link it in there.

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Cool drawings Kaze, by the way I want to share with you a present Skyler Vane made for me, he wanted to make this themesong for my Roleplay, Thank you Skyler Vane I really liked it =)

(Gotta) Getaway

By Skyler Vane for Alex the Teknian

Chains and ropes, holding hopes . . .
of escape in our hearts
Whips and pains, yet no gains . . .
another hard day starts

Gotta get away . . . getaway . . . getaway
Gotta get out of here
'Cause I won't survive another day
I have got to get away!

Twist and turn, writhe and yearn . . . to escape
Remember what it was like to be free
It was only yesterday for me
And already it feels like (already I feel like)
I've been in here for a year!
Ev'ry man, woman and child
has gotta get out of here
Can you hear my heart
and see my lips say . . .
'We've all gotta get away!'?

All know and hold the signs of our slavehood in mind
Expecting to see them, each in their own time
The Sign of the Burning Fern means 'escape by death'
An 'escape' hardly worthy of the name, but is one nonetheless
The Lone Fiddlehead brings(means) 'hope to fading hearts'
Reminds us of our lives forced behind, in near and distant parts
And the Withered Rose, whispers to us of, 'attempting revolts' . . .
The waving of this mental flow'r, will one day throw our prison bolts
As long as we have a finger, for to write in the sand
Or for those kept down below, in 'abodes of granite' . . .
Enfettered wrists or links of chains held tight inhand
We will once again, hold the whole of our home planet!

There are those who save their strength, swallow their pride
Waiting . . . waiting . . . the time they hope they have left, they bide
Like all they wanna get away, fight for their freedom in the Outside

And there are those who toss their heads and throw their reigns
Angering their drivers and earning only wages of quick pains
I confess I'm one of these, taking it well (no choice) for lack of brains

Then there are those who only know how to fight
Has nothing to do with pride . . . but their way of life
The Citizens of the Darkness, from (the depths of) Lower Mobius
Most died in the shadows, rather than face the light

Lastly, there are those among our captive ranks
Who many too many times have had their blood draw
And they are none of them too far gone
To not want revenge in the baddest way
To seek Revenge is why they hold on . . . still
Waiting for a chance to strike . . . to kill

It's hard to strike from, underthumb
That's not to say it can't be done
We do our best, to give them a test
They will slip up . . . we're not giving up
They can't win, so we're not giving in
They should just say 'when'
When they've had enough
They're learning fast
That our hopes are tough!

In these 'deep, dark, pits of despair'
How else can we sustain ourselves
But by breathing our hopes of Freedom?

You've got us squarely
And where you want us
So do with us as you wish
But be aware of this . . . You can;
Crush our hopes and burn them
And their haunting ghosts, will rise from the ashes
Duck our heads and curse them
They'll always come up, despite the threat of lashes
Chain our feet and drive them
Our hearts run, unfettered, free in truest sum
Blind our eyes or close them
We still breath, and the mind's eye sees our freedom . . .

Just as long as we still breath
There's no way we won't believe
That our freedom's not in reach
Though our bodies suffer breach
From the cracking of your whips
We still hold "Hope" on our lips!

None here I know are resigned to this fate
All watch and pray and hope and wait
For some means of escape . . . before it's too late

Shake the bars, bear our scars
Recall how - not long ago -
A night's sleep used to feel good
But now we sleep in pain
Either of body or heart
The surest reminder of our
Servitude and slavehood

We used to have a certain term
That They now use freely
'Inside for all time' . . .
Underthumb, we don't say it
But when we rise, to freedom again
That's where we're gonna put them!

They'll see if we won't die hard
Even though it seems to us
That they've made living harder
The Teknians will pay in spades for our loved ones . . .
As our scars heal, may all of their remains fade away . . .

Even though I may not survive the Escape
At least I'll get away, in a way, anyway!

End Themesong.

here is my post

"The slaves are revolting again?!, capture them all before they make the rest of the slaves outside the mines to fight back as well, if they do we wont be able to hold them back!" Ordered the Teknian General angry at the Tekdroid Corp.
"Afirmative Teknian General" says the damaged Tekdroid Corp.
"Im sure your necklace is together with your clothes, dont worry" Says T.H warmly to Kanal.
"We have data and information of your whole planet, but if there are still any hidden locations like you said, show us" K.H orders Nack.

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Kanal nodded, adding, "I hope all the other prisoners are okay back there..."


Another wave of Tekdroids and Tekbots were called out to deal with the revolting slaves, a factor that Kouji was not counting on as the riot spread to where the supplies were kept.

Almost immediately, they were pushed back as the Tekdroids shot at the crowd, wounding whoever dared to lash out against them.

"Surrender!" they all kept saying. "Resistance is futile."

For a moment, it seemed to be working. The crowd started to lose their will to fight. Too bad it didn't last long...

"No, we can't back down," shouted a voice from near the back of the crowd. "We've got to keep going... We've got to be free!"

This seemed to renew the spirit in the slaves, even Kouji, who was beginning to worry about his wife and son, and, soon enough, the held his pickaxe above his head and roared, "CHARGE!!"

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(OOC: lol that song is cool :p )

"That's our first priority then." said Wraith with a nod. "TH, where is all our gear being kept anyway? You got a map or something so we can make a plan of action?"


Nack leered slightly as he hopped back onto the motorbike, this time right at the front, as though expecting the others to let him drive. "Well I dunno if your high and mighty scanners could pick up on some of the old terrorist's haunts, but I very much doubt it." he replied as he took hold of the handlebars. "They're well hidden. Hop on, I'll lead the way."

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Barby fiercely destroys Tekdroids and Tekbots with her pickaxe.
"Kouji we are almost out of the cells area, we must spread our rebellion to the slaves working outside tunnels and outnumber the Teknians!" says Barby panting hard from the fighting.
One of the slaves following Sera wich was a young Male Cat runs beside her.
"Ma'am, you may think Im insane but I know where the food and medical supplies are, I dont know if you have meet the Teknian T.H but he is on our side, he cured my wounds and feed me when I was tortured two days ago" says the young Cat to the Echidna.
K.H climbs on the Teknolia bike Nack is on.
"Only because you are going to guide us I will allow you to drive my Teknolia bike Weasell" said warningly one of the Tekdroid Corps who is the owner of the bike then climbed on other bike holding the driver.
"Finding the storage base wont be hard since I can detect it, but I can draw a map of the storage base" says T.H as he took out again his pencil and paper.

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"All right, lead us there." Kouji readied himself, ready to take on anything.

He looked back just in time to see Sera (carrying Night) and the rest of the wounded show up just at the end of the corridor.

"Kouji... I think Night's gotten worse..."

"It's okay. Follow this young man here, he knows where the supply room is."

The female hedgehog nodded, and led her group through the now cleared path in the hall.

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Barby, Kouji and the group of slaves finally get outside the cells area, the slaves breaking roocks with pickaxes turned their atention to the large group of slaves fighting Tekdroids slavedrivers and Tekdroid corps bravely, their atention got placed on the female Koala who was yelling.
"Dont let the Teknians continue exploiting you, join us in our fight for freedom!". one of the slaves imediately recognised the Koala.
"Look its Barby Koala from the Dowmunda freedom fighters!" he said surprised of seeing her.
"Barby is right we cant let those Teknians continue pushing us around, lets fight for our freedom!" said another, then many of the slaves who had listened Barby began to fight back the Tekdroids slavedrivers and Tekdroid Corps that came to capture them and increasing the army of Mobian slaves. The young Cat guided Sera and the group of wounded slaves trough another corridor until they reached a door with T.Hs name on it.
"This is his room help me opening the door!" said the cat, some slaves nodded and helped him by trying to slide open the door, after a big effort they succeded and entered T.Hs room.
"Lets see he must have the food and medical kits over here" said the young Cat as he walked to a wall of the room with a small vent, he took the cover off and peeked in.
"Here is it!, I will take them out" said the Cat slipping into the vent and started to push out the medication kits and food packages. While T.H started to draw the map of the storage base he suddenly looked up with a surpised face.
"I feel something is happening back at the slave workshop, it must be that the slaves are fighting back again!" T.H says. just when the Tekdroid Corps and K.H were about to keep searching the escaped slaves with Nack they all turned their heads toward the direction the slave workshop is.
"Those wretched slaves, they are doing a rebelion against us again!" said K.H getting furious.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"Huh? You serious?" asked Wraith, looking at TH curiously. "Come on guys, we need to help them out! TH, how close is that storage depot to the mines? We have time to stop off there on the way?" As he spoke he jumped up, pulling his gloves tighter onto his fists and turning towards the cave entrance. Ianthe also stood, gripping her metal staff tighter in her paws.


Nack paused from reving the engine of the bike, looking over his shoulder at the Teknians behind him. "Eh? Whayasay?"

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Kanal gasped when she heard the news. Another rebellion?!

"Aren't they going to get hurt?" she questioned worriedly, her mind going back to the first rebellion and all the wounded and injured people she had seen, even the older hedgehog boy with the head injury.


It didn't take long for Sera's group to reach the storage room. The feline in the lead of the group delivered a swift, strong kick to the grate blocking their way, sending it flying to the other side of the room. All the slaves poured in, and stormed the place, taking everything they could get their hands on.

Sera lay Night in a corner of the room just as someone passed her some damp cloths and water. They may have been fighting over who got what first, but at least they were sharing.

"It'll be okay now," Sera said to her son as she began cleaning up his wounds. "You'll be up and about in no time."

Posts: 208
Estimable Member
Topic starter

OOC: I didnt feelt quite satisfied with my post, so im changing it a bit, also im still here

"It wont be necesary for you to fight this time Wraith, they are winning thanks to the masive destruction of Tekdroids Corps and Tekbots your first rebellion caused, they wont have to worry of the Tekdroid slavedrivers either since they arent so strong like the Tekdroid Corps. But still it could be good to go and rescue them once they are free, besides the storage base is on the opposite direction from us and the slave workshop" explaned T.H smiling to Wraith. The leading Tekdroid Corp looks back at his team "We must hurry back to the slave workshop and protect the Teknian General, you two tetrieve the Telnolia Truck!" says the Tekdroid Corp. "Afirmative" says the other Tekdroids Corps and drived of two separating from the group and the rest with the leading Tekdroid Corp leaving Nack alone. Barby and Kouji where leading the slaves, fighting bravely against the Tekroid Corps and Tekbots.
"Where making it, keep it up, lets show this Teknians we arent weak!" yelled Barby to the Mobian slaves. meanwhile back at T.Hs room the slaves where treating the wounded ones and some others where sharing the food, one fox got near Sera and Night with two ration boxes and water bottles.
"Here, for you and your son" said the fox giving the bottles and food to Sera.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

OOC: No IC post yet, I've got no ideas. XD In any case I do have some art; Kanal as she would appear in this RP (at first anyway, just don't add the bruises and cuts). Sort of a reference, just look at this pic here. This one's at least in color, and she's in her regular clothes. It's an "updated" look from the pic in the Character Profiles thread.

I'll edit when I get some ideas.

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