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Sonic Survival Show RP

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OOC: Welcome! This is the Sonic Survival Show RP. Before I get into showing you how the RP works, I must tell where I got the idea for this. Really, I didn't. This is a variation of the Sonic Heroes Survival Show RP on a different board (Not sleazyboard related.). It was called that particularly because it was started just around the time that Sonic Heroes came out. I didn't come up with the idea for it though, several others did. So major credit must go to them for the idea, however, I have long since forgotten thier names. If you are one of the founders of this RP, please feel free to take credit of it. It was an extremely popular RP, which lasted for a loooooong time. For about 3 years. Yeah. However, eventually, many people involved in it left for their own reasons. Now, it is dead. But I have decided to revive it here! Now, time to show you how the RP will work.

This is supposed to be a reality show (Note: I despise reality shows, but the RP itself was fun, so that's why I'm reintroducing it.). All of the characters from the SegaSonic universe are present. Now, you can take control of UP TO 2. If not many people join, then I might consider 3. Maybe. You don't have to control a Sonic-related character either. However, you're own characters can also participate as well! As many of your own as you want! Now, all of the characters will be sent to this island, where there will be a mansion. In this mansion, all of the characters must co-exist with each other. But you could just use you're own characters and none of the Sonic characters if you wish.

Now, you don't have to emulate their personality perfectly. Seriously. It's not a serious RP. An interaction RP really. In fact, you could have Sonic's personality the complete opposite of what his normally is! If you want a specific character and another person already has that character, then ask about a trade with that person only. Just show me that both parties approve, and it'll be fine by me. And that is for only Sonic-related characters only! Obviously, you wouldn't want someone else using your own made characters would you?

Now, the description of the mansion: Outside, there is a large swimming pool and several hot tubs for everyone to use in the back of the mansion.

Next, the first floor. Upon opening the front door, there is the main room. Complete with a plasma HD television with every video game known to mankind. It also has several couches and chairs if anyone wishes to sleep out in the living room.

To the left of the main room, is the Kitchen. There is a dishwasher, refregerator (A rather large one, especially with Robotnik's diet:D ), sevearl tables (There's a lot of people in the mansion, ya know?), many cabinets, stove, sink, etc.

Past the kitchen, is the downstairs bathroom, nothing special there.

To the right of the main room, is the safe. Yes, the safe. Behind the painting of the seven Chaos Emeralds, there is a safe with a ton of cash. But what's the combination...

Past the main room, is the back door, and the staircase leading up to the second floor. And not to mention an elevator.

Now, we have the second floor. In here, we'll find just about everyone's bedroom. The rooms are split into 2 sides on the hallway. And the staircase for the 3rd floor along with another elevator near the staircase.

At last we have the 3rd floor. What's here? Security room. And info on everybody that lives here. And some more cash is stored here. But you need special access to get in. Otherwise, you are just in a completely white room. Unless you can get grubby hands on a keycard and the password that is...

Now, the character list. When people sign up for it, I will put their names down and repost it whenever I get the chance so as to not confuse people on who has what character. One more thing, I claim dibs on Sonic. >_>

One final note(I've got quite a few of those, don't I?), Those participating in the RP are NOT restricted to the main island. There's a train station near the mansion that will lead to Station Square, Mystic Ruins, etc. You can set up other plot points that way. Now, pick your character or make your own. Up to you really.

Sonic: MINE!
Tails: Open
Knuckles: Open
Amy: Open
Rouge: Open
Big: Open
Omega: Open
Charmy: Open
Vector: Open
Espio: Open
Mighty: Open
Nack: Open
Dr. Robotnik: MINE!
Metal Sonic: Open
Blaze: Open
Silver: Open
Cream: Open
Chaos: Open
Emerl: Open
Black Doom: Open
Tikal: Open
Elize: Open
Shahra: Open
Mephiles: Open
Erazor Djinn: Open

Your character should look like this for this RP:

Alias(If any):
Weapons: None. (All weapon are confiscated. But that doesn't mean that certain characters can't make any...)
Powers(Yes, powers are acceptable. Not Chaos Emerald powers though. That's cause they're locked up somewhere...):
Anything else you want to add that I forgot, you may do so as long as you talk to me about it first.

Now to use my personal character:
Name: Hukos
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Personality: Has come to join in on the fun, needing some time to relax. Likes a good time, but does enjoy his peace. But looks like he's not gonna get any in this place. >_>
Likes: Fun, peace, serenity.
Dislikes: Being bossed around, contradiction, seeing others get bossed around.
Powers: Earth elemental.

Now, like I said, if I forgot something that you notice, please tell me. And I'll try to fix it. Thanks!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: I originally thought this was going to be a Battle Royale. =D

Somewhat dissapointed that it wasn't but oh well.

Name: Nack the Weasel
Alias(If any): Fang the Sniper
Age: I dont bloody know. 18?
Sex: Male
Personality: Always looking for a profit for number one. As such, will try to turn any advantage to one that benefits himself, despite those around him. Isnt very popular in that respect =(
Likes: Money! Guns ^_^
Dislikes: Not having money. =(
Weapons: None. They got confiscated. =(
Powers: He can jump quite high by bouncing on his tail =D

Nack the Weasel reclined on the seat within the main rooms living area. He continually stroked the last protruding fang out of his mouth, until it was gleaming white. He was in deep concentration concerning the best way of making some profit in this deadbeat mansion. It shouldnt have been too hard after all there were plenty of people available to swindle from. But from who to start?

Posts: 731
Prominent Member
Topic starter

Sonic: MINE!
Tails: Open
Knuckles: Open
Amy: Open
Rouge: Open
Big: Open
Omega: Open
Charmy: Open
Vector: Open
Espio: Open
Mighty: Open
Nack: Pachamac
Dr. Robotnik: MINE!
Metal Sonic: Open
Blaze: Open
Silver: Open
Cream: Open
Chaos: Open
Emerl: Open
Black Doom: Open
Tikal: Open
Elize: Open
Shahra: Open
Mephiles: Open
Erazor Djinn: Open

Updated char list. Don't forget, your own chars are welcome also!

I guess I'll put down Sonic's profile, even though I meant that for Non-Sonic chars.

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Aliases: None.
Age: 16 or so.
Sex: Male
Species(I believe I forgot that one): Hedgehog
Likes: Speed, fast things, freedom.
Dislikes: Slowness, oppression, etc.
Personality: Uh, Sonic's normal personality I guess. Which would be carefree, cocky, and freedom loving.
Weapons: He doesn't use any.
Powers: Super speed.

Now, time for a introductory post for Sonic.

IC: Sonic the Hedgehog arrived at the mansion, into the main room, quickly noticing Nack the Weasel. He was very distrustful of the Weasel, for various reasons. But he decided, the hell with it. He took a seat next to Nack on the couch. He didn't fear Nack. The only thing worth of value to him was his special shoes which somehow enabled him to reach incredible speeds. And he was fast enough to the point where Nack would have great difficulty taking them. Sonic glanced at Nack and said, "Hey there! So, how much are you planning on stealing?"
