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Spark: Ressurection

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Five years ago, Robotnik started making a special kind of robot - he called them Infiltrators. They had a faux fur covering and a Modem that connected them back to Robotnik and other Infiltrators through a Network. But most importantly of all, they had Fursonality simulators. They could react perfectly with and to other furries, infiltrate hideouts, transmit information, emulate emotions... they were the perfect spy.

But they became known as Sparks because of the huge number that malfunctioned - almost 40% went wrong within a couple of months of activation, and there was any number of ways they could malfunction. Some just broke down, but the majority 'lost their Modems'. Their Modems broke, and they were no longer connected to the network. And their Fursonality simulators and their knowledge of the furry they were simulating made them believe they were the real furries.

That wasn't the worst thing though - all Sparks were made from the information gathered from dead or captured and then dead Rebel's brains. And then they were set loose to bring down rebel groups. The Fursonality simulators ensured that mental anguish was guarranteed to those who had to destroy them.

Not long after the Sparks were invented and activated, Robotnik started replacing his lackeys with them. And then, for some reason, all the Sparks malfunctioned at once. They overthrew and killed Robotnik, and started killing every living furry. Robotnik's remaining slaves escaped and tried to warn other rebel groups, but they weren't trusted. Natch.

Sally Acorn had been captured in the first skirmish with Formed Sparks. Then she'd escaped. Only she hadn't escaped; it was a Spark that had replaced her. Knothole had been crazy to think that a robotic simulation of a personality could be a leader. Most of it had been wiped out in a single night after the Spark had formed. It hadn't been easy to identify the bodies, because Sparks took the bodies, though at a pinch the heads would do. That way it was harder to know who was Missing, who was Dead, who was Sparked, and who was a combination.

After that, the different sides hadn't been quite so hate-filled towards one another. They were allies in a war against robots, and so much had changed, names changing with them.

There were the Overlanders, who were the least numerous thanks to Robotnik's treachery. There were the Bad-X, made up mostly from loners and Robotnik's slaves, because you couldn't survive long on your own, and there were the Freedom Fighters, sticking to the past with a desperate sort of insistance that Sally was going to return from the dead. Finally, there were the Wireless Crew, who wanted all Sparks to be able to break free from the Network and live in peace with Furries.

That was five years ago...


This is now.

Bridget Loranski, aka Breech Loader, leant back against a wall with a soft sigh, one paw stroking the fur of a child lying in her arms. Occasionally she coughed a little. Some of what she coughed up was blood. John Miller, the unit medic, had said she had some sort of lung disease a couple of weeks ago, but without equipment or medicine, he couldn't treat it.

He was lying in the corner opposite hers now, suffering from a disease of his own. Lead poisoning.

'Skagga', the military zealot, was only recognisable because he was still wearing his uniform. His head had been stoved in, but his hand still clutched his old pump-action shotgun like it was a way out. Breech recalled that shotgun being pointed at her only a couple of says ago.

Gus, the veteran. Breech could only see a bruise on his jaw, but the wall he'd been thrown into had cracked and was splattered with his own blood, and there was a pool of it under him. His neck was probably broken.

And there were so many. Missie Calhoun. Her chest had been ripped open.

Curtis Farlis. It was a morbid sort of relief to see that his throat had been shot out.

Crash and Burn had walked out about a month ago together, and Breech's only remaining hope that they were still alive came from the knowledge that they hadn't just vanished.

Prower... Miles Prower... Breech had no idea. She didn't want to look too closely at the dead fox cubs' corpse for fear she'd be sick again, but she still held his limp hand.

She continued to stroke Keith Loranski's back gingerly. Suddenly, her whole body tightened up. Her hand had slipped too low, and she'd touched the open wound. Her fingers were sticky with his blood. The illusion was shattered. She remembered again how they'd struggled with the gun, and she wasn't sure who'd been trying to save who. Either way it hadn't worked.

"Oh, gods..." she whispered to the unhearing room, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I failed you all..."

Suddenly, Keith's hand gripped hers, like a weak child at first, then he began to squeeze it, tighter and tighter. She gasped as metal claws began to dig into her hand. This was no miracle. This was the unit's treacherous Spark. It wasn't bleeding blood, it was bleeding sticky, white transmission fluid. It started to get up. Metal 'worms' began to work through its fur, destroying its outer flesh.

Breech managed to pull herself away from it with a horrified gasp, her fingers fumbling for her handgun as she aimed, shaking, at what had once been a perfect simulation of her only son. It had been ordered to Form into its true shape, which would take less than two minutes, and then it would deal with her, and take her corpse and the others for processing.

"Mom..." it managed, gulping up a mouthful of blood and transmission fluid, reaching out with hands that were now almost entirely metal, "Mom... I love... you... Please wake up..."

Breech felt a sob choke her throat, "Oh, no..." she moaned, unable to take her eyes off it, trying to dig her way into the wall with her shoulders. She struggled to her feet, snatching up Skagga's shotgun and using it to knock Keith back.

It hit the wall with a wail that almost shattered her heart, "Mom..." Keith pleaded, "What are you doing... You're hurting... me... What are you... doing?"

"Putting you down," Breech whispered. She fired three times rapidly, hitting the Spark in the CPU and watching as it slumped to the ground, its systems failing.

Then she sat down, put her head in her hands, and started to sob.

OoC: On Sparks

There are ten Rules you must follow if you want to be a Spark, a Wireless, a Furry or an Overlander in this RP.

1: Sparks NEVER tell anyone that they are a Spark. If you are playing a Spark, you don't have to tell anyone in your posts, you can act normally for your character, and absorb data and cause setbacks on the sly.
2: Sparks NEVER decide they have a grudge on another Spark and go on a revenge trip. They NEVER fall in love. They NEVER feel any desire to. Their Modem regulates their Fursonality so that they may simulate it perfectly and yet not get any adverse affects, such as a desire to spare lives.
3: Fully functioning Sparks know that they are Sparks.
4: Sparks bleed only superficially, but if wounded badly they will leak a white transmission fluid. The best way to 'kill' a Spark is by shooting out its Modem (in its chest), or its CPU (in its head).
5: A Spark that malfunctions is called a Wireless. Their Modems break down, and they believe absolutely that they are the life form that they are actually only simulating. They CANNOT be persuaded otherwise unless you do some serious damage to their internal systems and show them the metallic result. Anything goes for a Wireless, from revenge and spite to love and mercy.
6: A Wireless can only jack into the network manually, while a Spark is permanently transmitting data on what it sees, hears, smells and feels to High Command.
7: A Wireless will turn back into a Spark if its Modem starts working again. This can be triggered by jacking into the Network, becoming aware of robotness, or even jolts to the system. The only way to ensure against this is to either destroy the Wireless, or remove the Modem, which is so much trouble to go to that you might as well have destroyed it and saved yourself some time in the first place.
8: A Spark has the strength, skills and knowledge of its simulated Fursonality in order to avoid alarming Furries, until it Forms when it becomes super-powerful, and it must then return to High Command for a new skin if it is to resume spy duties.
9: A Spark's special features are infra-red vision, zoom, hypersensitive hearing and connection to the Network and other Sparks. They must be called up with the Modem. As a result, a Wireless cannot access them without the serious risk of ReSparking themselves.
10: Sparks CANNOT 'break free' of the Network. The only way they can gain their freedom is if their Modem breaks down for some reason, or is removed. If the Modem is removed, all special features are lost permanently.

And finally, I did NOT base 'Spark: Ressurrection' on 'Terminator 2'. I based them on 'Alien Ressurection' and 'I, Robot'.

I'd like a few people to want to join, before I really get going. If you've any questions, IM, PM, e-mail or post me. This RP is primarily about paranoia, survival in a post-apoleptic world, and deciding what truly makes a person alive. Oh, and stopping the Evil Robots from taking over the world.

Posts: 4
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I'll join, as soonas I think of a caracter that would work as a wireless...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I should have said this earlier - I hope that not everybody is going to want to be a Wireless. I honestly should have guessed.

Also, remember Rules 1 and 5 - Sparks don't tell people they're Sparks (not even posters, if they can help it) and the majority of Wireless have no idea that they are Wireless.

Also, the plural of Wireless is Wireless. It's just easier (and sounds better) that way.

I'm bringing in another rule - if you have a Wireless or Spark character, you must have at least one 'Fleshie', as Sparks call Furries and Overlanders when they can get away with it. I'm pretty lax, but this thing won't work if everyone wants to be a robot in disguise. You don't have to use your Fleshie a lot (hell, you can kill them off and ressurect them as Sparks if you want once we're going, they're your character), you don't have to bring them in immediantly, but they have to be there, whether ready or deady.

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

A lone fur snuck through the broken wasteland that was once downtown Robotropolis. In the current state of affairs, such an action would be seen as suicidal; a lone person trapped in robot central wouldn't survive very long. However, this was no ordinary fur. He was James Prower, Captain of a now long-dead Royal Guard. Asides from the extensive combat training he had recieved his whole life, he had the distinct advantage of being mostly mechanical himself. Not because of being a spark or one of the malfunctioning wireless; his mechanical transformation had occured 15 years ago during Robotnik's coup, he having been tossed in the dreaded roboticiser and his familly murdered before his eyes. Later, he had been freed by Robotnik's treacherous nephew, Snively, and given a unique upgrade that gave him an organic outer covering, making him look like his old fox self again.

Of course, 'ole needle-nose was long dead. As was most of the original Freedom Fighters, inculding the princess. He had no delusions; she was gone for good. Even if he could ever remake the Guard, it wouldn't be "royal" anymore. Most of his friends were gone. He had few loved ones left... there was his son, Miles. There was his friend, partner, and lover, Bridget Loranski, aka Breech Loader. And there was her son, Keith Loranski.

He hadn't seen all three in a long time. He had been off in the east investigating robot movements, trying to find some kind of pattern or master plan that they may have. Something to explain why they betrayed Robotnik...if they did at all. Those were paranoid thoughts, but it was a paranoid time. Point was, a matter of months had passed since he had seen them, and in that time, they could be dead for all he knew. This was why he was in so much of a hurry that he had decided to cut through a literal no-man's land to get to them. He could only hang on to hope....

Posts: 396
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A dark sky met Raynes confused eyes. He lay quite still as he reigned consciousness, the heavy water drops gently bouncing onto him from the stormy heavens, streaming though his soaked fur in small rivers and running out onto the hard concrete Where was he?
A sudden sharp pain made its presence known in the Coon's shoulder. The air was soiled with the smell of Ozone and burning fur, a distinct parallel in such a wet world as the one he had woken into, and it was clear from the agony that he had been hit by an energy weapon of some kind. Blinking again as more rain drops trickled into his eye, the kit slowly sat up and looked around, squinting slightly with the sudden flash of lightning that illuminated the skyline of a once grate city, now decrepit and derelict. His fore plume drooped low with the weight of the moisture it had absorbed, partly obscuring his vision with a small waterfall, but he could see well enough to realize he was on a roof of some kind, the tops of nearby buildings stretching as far as he could see in the dense storm, which wasnt more then fifty meters. Turning his shoulder, the kit inspected the large burn on its upper half, the fur had been scorched away but the actual wound wasn't that deep... I hurt though. It hurt a lot.

Looking down at his chest, a seconded revelation came to the young Raccoon He was completely naked. Where were his clothes!.. Of course.. he'd not been wearing anything when he ran for cover, having been in the middle of changing when all hell broke loose.

Howd he got here? The question seemed vague at first, but the memory of his narrow escape suddenly came to him, even down to the look on his friends face just before the Skunk was cut down by gunfire. He swallowed hard, poor Gail, the psychological wound where his best friend used to be was still raw, as if salt had been poured into it at the recollection of the memory. The kit thought he felt a tear run down his face but it could have been the rain water that was still tracing ever new rivers though his brown fur The convoy had been attacked, no doubt its location given away by a Sparker hidden among the refugees of the devastated station 12 sanctuary. Rayne had partly run and partly been dragged from the battle site by his mother, the rest of the family was missing, though most had probably followed the panic stricken crowd as it dispersed into the rat maze of the desecrated city. His mom had hid him amongst some debris, hoping it would mask his life signs from the Metallic army that was bearing down upon them while she went to search for Kathryn and his father... she didn't come back. After hours of waiting, the kit finally emerged. Crying and helplessly searching around for any signs of life he quickly found Gail, one of the two skunk twins and his best friend... then... oh god...

A small whimper escaped Rayne's throat at that horrible memory. This had to be a bad dream.. it just had to be.. But the pelting rain was evidence to the contrary. He desperately wanted to cry. Or scream. But he couldn't, his panic and distress reaching beyond what tears could release and instead, scared, alone, the coon started rocking gently to himself, his quick unsteady breathing just audible to his ears amongst the poring rain.
... 'Sitting here is not going to help you find mom dummy' the kit thought, swallowing his fears along with the cold tentatively testing his legs and then got to his feat, swaying precariously from standing up too fast. Watching the horizon, wincing as another bolt of lightning streaked overhead, Rayne realized he didnt recognize the skyline he was lost in the middle of the gutted robotroplise. He had to get out of the city... and he had to find his mom. She'd be worried sick by now if she'd made it back to the hole to find him gone... But what if shes already gone

"Rember, I'm always there Rayne. Just look inside and belive, and I'll be waiting for you... You be a brave boy for me now while I find your sister... Stay down.. keep hiden.. stay safe" His mothers last words echoed though the kits mind.

"Mom'ma" He whimpered, lip trembling as another bolt of lighting split the dark sky.

He started toward the edge of the roof, holding a paw to his aching shoulder and looking down the long rusted fire escape ladder to the streets far below. Rayne hated heights, but he had little choice but to close his eyes tightly and descend, rung by rung, into the pitch black ally below.

But luck was not on the Kits side that night. About a meater from the bottem there was a sickening crack as the rug he held onto gave way. Rayne yelped in shock as he fell backward, screaming in pain when he made contact with the hard tarmack on the aly floor. The Coon kit curled into a feotal position and sobbed to himself, his shouldure burning and body aching from the fall.

"Mom" He cryed from benight his whimpering sobs "MOM!... where are you..."

Posts: 134
Estimable Member

A small group looked down at the body of a crazed furry. the dog probably so paranoid with suspision of sparks that he thought every furry he came across was one. The group was forced to kill him sadly. The group consisted of two Echidna's a dark blue male and a bright red female, a light grey and white female wolf, and a brown and white fox cat. The dark blue echidna stood over the decapitated dog with a razored edge bomerang in his hand. He whipped the blood from it and placed it back in the holder on his belt. "It's sad..." the fox cat said. "How people are acting because of these mechanical creatures..." The light grey and white wolf was standing next to the red echidna as she emptied out her stomach.

"Why did you have to do that Midnight... There had to be another way." the red echidna said between coughs. The dark blue echidna called Midnight just shrugged.

"We had no way of knowing if he himself wasn't one of them." he stated.

"He's right Relm." the wolf said.

"But he wasn't and you took his life." Relm said pushing her dreads back. The fox cat looked over at her.

"It was either him or us, and i'm not ready to die and become a coat for those things...."

"Keyna-" Relm began.

"They would have killed him sooner or later...." the brown fox cat interupted.

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A loud clap of thunder made Rayne jump.

"Stealing is evil." An almost white furred fox stood with his hand out toward a crumpled body. His words hung in the air for a moment as the wind ruffled the tattered black jumpsuit he was wearing.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

OOC: I'm in. I hope you don't minf my usual characters.
It was dark.... very dark. Blood filled the streets along with many corpses. A group of furries hid in an alley although they just knew it wasn't safe. One of them, a purple fox with spiked shoes, had a huge gash in his chest. The other, a black hedgehog with a vest and a jewel neclace, seemed fine if you ignored the fact that he had a black eye and a sprained wrist. However, the red hedgehog was terribly injured. It wouldn't seem like much for an anverage mobian, but for Mega it was major. The green crystal in his shest had a chunk missing. If the rest of the gem were to be shattered then he would instantly die. The three sat still. They feared the Sparks for they had murdered so many. For all they knew, they could be next.
OOC: I hope that works. And I may decide to use a spark or wireless. I haven't really decided yet.

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

Midnight the echidna was an intimidating sight to those who didn't know him. A decendant of exiles from the floating island, his kind were a rare sight on the surface of Mobius; even more rare was an echidna with dark blue fur. He was very animalistic and primal, the result of having grown up in the forest alone for the majority of his life. He wore very little: just a brown leather belt from which he hung weapons, his boots, a strap diagonally across his chest, and his fingerless gloves.

His razor-edged boomerang hung from his belt in a specialized holster. On each hip were a holster for his wicked, curved knives he used for melee combat. Held in a band around each wrist were three electrical-discharge throwing knives. A strange, metal cylinder was held on his back by the leather strap. All in all, an impressive collection of instruments of death of which he had no qualms in using on those he considered his enemies, mechanical or organic. In an increasingly dangerous world, he had adapted to survive it both physically and with the ruthless mentallity required. But under his hard exterior was a genuinely kind and caring person, as his few friends could attest just had to be on his good side to see it.

"It was kill or be killed, and I didn't feel like dying. It doesn't matter, anyway...what is done is done. I'm sorry if I upset you, Relm..."

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"No... it's alright Midnight... I have to get used to this lifestyle sooner or later." No matter how much she knew she had to fight to survive she would always hate the sight of blood. It made her nausious at the very smell or sight of it.

"We should get moving... this fighting could attract unwanted attention..." the grey and white wolf stated.

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"We'll make it... we just need to get out of sight.", A light grey hedgehog said to a blueish-green fox. Had you know them, you would have know that their names were Silver the hedgehog and Teal the fox, but that didn't matter now. The hedgehog's arm had a long gash down it, and the fox's leg was bleeding from several cuts. The hedgehog carried a damaged sword in one hand, Before used as a harness for fire powers, but since he had lost the other sword and this one had been damaged, they had been lost. Teal carried a small dagger on a belt, but that was all.

"We... just need to get... to... shelter...", The Hedgehog said again, just making it into a covered side alley and collapsing into a pile of debris. Just before he fell, he thought he saw a few figures in front of him...

"Silver? Silver! Get up!", the blueish-green fox said to the greyish hedgehog, sobbing. "Please, someone help!"

OOC: Mega, those figures should so happen to be your characters.

Posts: 13
Active Member

OOC: Hello everyone! Since this is in the future of the Sonic universe, my character is going to be a little older.

Darkness... why is it in the world? What is it's purpose? So there would be light. Because without sadness and anger, there would be no joy. There would be nothing. Everything would be the same.

And so was a hedgehog's thoughts as he walked through the streets. 'The blood, the gore, the death, I feel right at home' he thought sarcastically. He heard many noises, but one sounded closer.

His armor, the black plate over his chest with red sholder guards and the armor that blocked his legs from attack, but still very flexible (OOC NOTE: It's easily breakable, I just made it to reflect my character's changes from the Spark War). The long red cape draped down from behind him. His messy green fur was wet from rain. And his eyes, the color of the ocean, were previously filled with tears after his mother was brutally murdered by the Sparks.

The sound grew louder. "Silver? Silver! Get up!". "More casulties", the hedgehog said to himself. As the hedgehog walked toward the sound, the hedgehog remembered many things about his past. The killing, the deaths, his entire life was a living hell. Even in his mind he wasn't alone. There was a person in there who would take control sometimes, and he couldn't do anything about it. He realized that there may be Sparks aruond, so he reached for his pistol, hanging from his belt."Hello?" The 21-year old hedgehog said, in a low, calming tone. "Is anybody there?" You may wonder what this hedgehog's name is. Well, his name was Boom the Hedgehog.

OOC: Alright, I hope that's good!

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

"I agree; we need to go."

The echidna gave a sharp nod and then reached over to pat Relm on the back.

"Come'll feel better if we go anyway."

Posts: 134
Estimable Member

Relm grabbed onto his arm and clung to him. Still feeling dizzy and lightheaded. "and there went my lunch..." she mumbled softly. She could still smell the blood in the air but she had nothing else to offer the ground but dry heaves. The other two kept an open eye and a well keened ear for anything that may try to ambush them. Since they did have the better hearing, being canine and all. Keyna was for the most part.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Tau turned his head to see two figure sin the distance. It seemed like they were injured too. Night scratched his head and said "SHould we help them?" Tau remained quiet. Mega attempted to get up and said, "But.....what..if.. they're Sparks.." Tau looked towards his friend "You're right Mega. I'll check it out while you two stay here. Got it?" The tohers nodded their heads. Tau walked towards the fox and hedgehog and asked, "Who are you?"

Posts: 4
New Member

"I... I'm Teal. But please... my brother... he needs some type of help soon... he's...", She choked on her last word, relising the harsh reality of the word. "He's dying... please... you have to help..."

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Tau sighed. "I don't know..." He looked at the injured hedgehog, "I'm not much of a doctor. I'll try to help, but I probably won't come to much use."

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Breech stopped crying after a while - it was doing nothing for her. She got to her feet, a soft moan of pain escaping. After some effort, she had carved the Modem out of the Spark's chest and pushed it into her backpack - who knew when it might come in handy.

After piling the bodies in the corner and taking all she could from them, including boots, she found some petrol, doused them, and laid a trail to the door.

You had to burn the bodies. Otherwise the next time you ran into them, they'd be shooting at you.

She lit a match, staring at the bodies, "Ashes, to ashes," she said softly, knowing full well how insane it sounded, and dropped it on the floor.

She ran down three flights of stairs, clutching the shotgun and shells, her handgun, and her Electrobar 3000 (in serious need of recharging) and made it out of the building before the fire really got going.

And collided with the red Echidna, Relm.

After a few painful seconds of wheezing for air, she looked up at the small group.

Well, you were looking for a new unit, if these guys don't kill you they're as good as any other jerks...

Posts: 396
Reputable Member

Rayne struggled backward, crawling back into the shadow cast walls of the ally, eyes wide with fear and flicking between the fox and the copse before him. There was no way the fox hadn't heard his cries from this close, if it was a spark he was as good as dead. Yet he still sought sanctuary in the darkness, compelled by instinct to hide from what scared him most... There was a loud symbol like crash as the kit collided with a dustbin, sending it's precariously balanced lid clattering onto the stony ground. The kit clamped his hands over his ears at the sound, fearing what was to come next. He could practically already feel the hand of death hovering nearby, its white fur doused by the heavy water that cascade from the black sky above...

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

With the arm that Relm was occupying, Midnight kept the red female from stumbling to the ground. In a flash, his other arm and drawn his boomerang and prepared to throw it at the newcomer. His grey eyes locked on those of the feline that had ran into them and knocked the wind out of herself. He didn't need to look up to see that the building she had left was on fire; he could smell it. Specifically, he could smell burning flesh, which made him wonder if the feline was organic or a spark that had just got done murdering the furs she had fallen in with.

Decisions, decisions...let her up and give her the chance to possibly kill them all, or just be safe and kill her first...Throwing first and asking questions later would not endear him to his friends. Besides, she didn't feel heavy enough to be a spark. And he didn't want to end up like the paranoid canine whose head he had seperated from its shoulders. He slowly, methodically put the boomerang away.

"Greetings. And who might you be?"

Posts: 134
Estimable Member

"Are you alright?" Relm asked after she got her bearing back. "What happened up there, you look like something horrible occured." There was no point in arguing if Relms concern was genuine. You could see it in her eyes that she didn't care that she just met the feline or not. Wondering how she would have survived all this time was easy to see that it was her three companions that made sure she didn't get hurt.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Breech looked from Relm to Midnight and back again.

"I... uh, my name's Breech Loader... I just..."

She pointed up, "There. SWATbots have been attacking my unit for the last couple of weeks, and today... today the Spark that was tipping them off to our every damn move killed everyone. It was Forming right in front of me..."

Breech shuddered visibly and coughed briefly, then straightened up again, "So I shot it and set the building on fire to destroy it and the bodies."

"So... you survived and all your friends are dead," said Midnight, suspiciously.

"That's about it," said Breech.

"How do we know you're not one of Them?" Midnight asked her.

"How do I know you're not one of Them?" Breech returned, sourly.

"Ah, touch," said Midnight.

"We'd better get out of here," said Breech, "Before the building collapses, or draws the attention of SWATbots or Sparks."

Posts: 134
Estimable Member

The fox cat nodded briefly before speaking. "She's right. Swat-bots and or sparks are the last thing we need on our tails..." her bright yellow eyes looking around for anything out of the ordinary. "lets go..."

Posts: 258
Reputable Member

Midnight nodded slowly and then reached down to take Breech's hand, lifting her to her feet.

"Agreed. The fire and smoke will attract the machines. We need to be gone by the time they get here. They'll be coming from the south, so I suggest we go east or north."


Hiding under a pile of trash for the moment, James poked his snout out and sniffed the air. Smoke. He peeked his eyes out and looked skyward. Indeed, there was a fresh cloud of smoke rising into the sky. A building north of his position was on fire. A spark attack? Possibly. He knew that some resistance groups had hidden in uptown Robotropolis. And he knew that it was the last place Breech and the kids were at...

The fox started making his way towards the fire, hoping he wasn't too late...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Breech frowned, "East would bring us up against Knothole; it's been swarming with Sparks for years now. We should try-" There was an large explosion from the top floor of the building as the power cell of the Spark she'd destroyed overheated and blew up.

The dust and debris filtered down, and Breech was unlucky enough to be inhaling at the time. She started choking on the smoke in the air, gasping for breath as she coughed up specks of blood.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: This looks very intriguing. I'm wondering if it would be alowed for me to put Reni into this, as I have an idea of an interesting way to put her in, but, as she's the daughter of two cannons, one of which is assumed dead in this and the other of undetermined life status, I'm seeking permission first. If not, I'll think of someone else. BTW, You never said what happened to Sonic in this. It would really help me to know...

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

The fox turned and glared directly at his location. Then turned and strode menacingly forward, one hand making strange symbols in the air. He came closer and the paw started glowing violently. Rayne winced watching him point the paw at him, waiting for the coming blast of death.

A loud snap deafened him, his fur tingled and stood on end, but no pain came. "You're not one of them... Why are you here?" Came a tired voice.

Posts: 13
Active Member

As Boom walked the streets, something grasped his ankle. "What?!". It was a Spark, trying to kill him in it's last moments. It was lying on the ground, in it's true form. "Sorry about this" he said as he pulled out his pistol and shot it in the head, killing it. As he walked around the corner, he heard more of that group.

"He's dying.. please.. you have to help him..."

"Well, I'm not that much of a doctor..."

Boom took his pistol out of his belt, just in case. He approached them, his pistol aiming at them. "So... who are you?"

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

OoC: You got it, Violet. Undetermined Life Status. That's what goes for the people of Knothole. I didn't feel like listing them, and I wasn't keen on people playing Canons. Suffice to say that at least half of Knothole is dead, and nobody knows what happens to Furries who are captured alive.

Look at it this way... sure, you can play as Sonic, but if he's dead, (likely) you'll be playing him as a Spark on the sly. And I don't want anybody playing more than one Canon either way.

I think I'll clear up what happens to Furries captured alive now.

BiC: Quite a long way away...

*Download 75% complete*

Knuckles screamed. He wasn't sure how long he'd been screaming now, but it felt like forever. The Sparks weren't used to capturing subjects alive. They didn't need to pump him full of electricity to get his brain data, but that wasn't stopping them.

Something large and metallc beeped beside him, then translated its binary code language into something he could understand.

"Name: Knuckles the Echidna. Gender: Male. Leader of Western Echidna Resistance. Age: 21. Terrorist activities: High."

"Try extreme, you heap of scrap metal," Knuckles managed through gritted teeth.

"Main Fursonality characteristics: Gullible, stubborn, short-tempered, low intelligence."

"Who are you saying has low intelligence, you glorified toaster?!" Knuckes yelled at it, struggling.

*Download 95% complete. Scanning body statistics*

Another jolt of searing pain pushed through Knuckles and he screamed again.

*Download 100% complete. Approximating RAM and ROM required*

A different voice said, "It is done. Lock it up in Cell 45B for execution."

A couple of Formed Sparks tased Knuckles and dragged him away, semi-concious.

"He will escape from Cell 45B. His personality gives him a 98% chance of attempting and his skills give him a 78% chance of success."

"That's the point. The Fleshies must have hope, otherwise they will discontinue belief of the Spark's programmed escape responses. A genuine escape or two will instill some hope into them. We can always catch him again later."

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Ok. thanks. Just to clear it up though...I won't be playing directly as Sonic, but as his daughter, Reni...if that's allowed.

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