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Star Wars: Mobian Purge

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It is ten years since the rise of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, the once guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, have all but been hunted to extinction. The few surviving knights have scattered to the stars and gone into hiding in the hopes of preserving their legacy until a day they can rise again.

One such knight has been discovered on the world of Mobius, a planet far from the galactic core. The dreaded Dr. Robotnik, the sinister dictator of this war-torn world, has committed his forces to finding and apprehending the Jedi to bolster his reputation in the Empire. Little does he know that his right-hand assistant has secretly informed the Empire of the Jedi's presence.

Emperor Palpatine, lacking confidence in the abilities of the regional governor, has dispatched his apprentice, the evil Darth Vader, to hunt down and eliminate this threat to the Empire. Trapped by the machinations of Robotnik and pursued by agents of the Emperor, the lone Jedi's only hope may rest with the small band of Freedom Fighters desperately attempting to liberate their world...


Space itself split apart as a massive steel wedge emerged from hyperspace, cruising towards the blue and green planet ahead. Kilometers long, bristling with weaponry, and packed with thousands of soldiers and crewers, the starship was designed strictly for the purpose of war and enforcing the will of the Empire across countless worlds. As it neared Mobius, a birdlike lambda-class shuttle descended from its belly hanger bay and extended its wings before rocketing away from the star destroyer, escorted by two TIE starfighters.

As the shuttle descended into the atmosphere of the planet, it transmitted its identification code to the capital city of Robotropolis. An ID code of the highest priority...

Within the heart of this putrid industrial hell, the colossal, foreboding spire that was Robotnik's Command Center bristled with atypical active life as it received the overtly imperative signal. A diminutive man with sunken features, a balding head, and an abnormally elongated nose hastily responded to the critical transmission. As he scurried towards the core of the massive chamber, a monumental throne of emerald hue and immense proportions ascended from the depths of the abyss below, awaiting the miniscule human's report. "Emergency light, Dr. Robotnik! Priority Zero!"

The command chair swiveled with haste, revealing the menacing form of an enormous individual obscured through the draping shadows, only his intensely sinister crimson pupils glaring through. The figure rumbled in a sharp mechanical tone, "What are you deliberating for, you little mutant! Prepare the primary landing platform IMMEDIATELY!"

Y-yes, s-s-sir! At o-once, sir!" Snively lurched in shock, and then hurriedly ran off to arrange their ceremonial SWATbot legions. Meanwhile, the opulent tyrant leaped from his perch and bolted towards the exit; he had to prepare his long forgotten attire, an olive uniform he hadn't anticipated on wearing for a long while.

Elsewhere, the elegant Lambda-class Shuttle descended from the murky troposphere and into the defiled air that blanketed the limitless skyline of Mobius' formerly ivory laden metropolis. Its wings folding up, the shuttle slowly, ominously descended through the thick smog and landed on the platform. Overhead, the TIE fighters roared past, the mechanical screech of their engines piercing the thick air. For a moment, all was still, and the steel bird from the stars perched there, waiting.

Entry doors on the opposite side of the hangar slid open to reveal sorted lines of SWATbot platoons, each division forming two parallel walls of robot soldiers on either side of the shuttle's base. Striding up through the formed ranks was none other than the extensively uniformed figure of Moff Robotnik, governor of the Furcia Sector and administrator of all Imperial operations on Mobius. The corpulent man halted respectfully in front of the shuttle, awaiting the ominous exit ramp's descent.

The hiss of escaping gasses split the silence as the ramp slowly descended, wreathed in billowing white fog. The bone-chilling sound of harsh, mechanical breathing emerged from the fog first, along with heavy, booted footsteps. From the white mists, a dark, nightmarish figure emerged with a hybrid appearance of warrior armor and high-tech spacesuit, towering over the SWATbots to either side. There were numerous rumors and stories about this dark creature. Some said he was a droid, a cyborg, human, or alien. Some said he was once a Jedi or a bizarre creation of the Emperor's laboratories. However, out of all of the rumors, there were two things that were certain: of all people in the galaxy, his power was second only to the Emperor's, and that to fail him was to die. He was Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Robotnik stood perfectly erect, cautiously allowing the imposing figure of the Dark Lord to approach before extending his greetings, "L-Lord Vader, what an unexpected delight. I am profoundly honored to be graced by your presence." The Moff joined Vader as they walked down the lines of troops.

"You may cease with your impudent fawning, Governor. I'm here under orders to rectify the consequences of your incompetence."

Robotnik furrowed his brow and donned the look of an innocent victim, "But, my lord, I have no knowledge of any such difficulties. I can assure you my operations-"

"Do not play games with me, Moff", the dark lord's synthesized voice boomed angrily through the mask's grill as he stomped past Robotnik, "You are well aware of the reason I am here, and I am most displeased with your apparent disobedience." Robotnik could practically feel the anger and disgust rolling off the black-armored cyborg.

Robotnik snarled behind the towering man's back, it was futile to even fathom stringing this one along; he would have to play into Vader's hands for the time being. Perhaps he could even use the infamous Sith Lord's meddling to his advantage. "Yessss, Lord Vader. I assume you are referring to the errant Jedi Knight I discovered just a few days earlier; a native to this planet as a matter of fact. With all due respect, my lord, I hardly considered such a diminutive hindrance worthy of your valuable time. As a lone relic left behind by an extinct religion, I-"

"Your inability to handle the primitive natives of this planet does not inspire confidence in your ability to eliminate a Jedi, Governor. From now on, all forces under your command will answer to me.", was the Sith's taunting reply. He added, spitting the words out harshly, I trust that your battle droids are up to the task.

Like you could do better?! Regardless of Robotnik's outrage, he had no other choice but to give in to Vader's demands, "Very well, as you wish my lord..." As if on cue, the Governor's trembling nephew Snively rushed forward and snapped to attention. "Snively, proceed to accompany our honored guest on a tour of the complex and be certain to inform him of all ongoing procedures. I will personally see to your accommodations, Lord Vader." The little man did as he was told, and led the dark lord into the command center as Robotnik bowed and turned towards Vader's shuttle, where he was greeted by several white-armored Stormtroopers.

As Vader and Snively walked towards the entry doors, a ridiculous contrast if there ever was once, the dark lord paused and looked out towards a nearby building, the only sound made being his mechanically-assisted breath. I-Is something wrong, m-my lord?, Snively stammered. After another uncomfortable moment, the dark lord looked away and resumed walking. No, was his answer.


Whoa, whos tall, dark, and gruesome?, asked Sonic the Hedgehog as he looked through a pair of binoculars at the black-armored figure walking into the command center, And those other guys with him, are they some kinda new SWATbot?

He and Princess Sally were watching the parade from a nearby, grungy rooftop. The Princess took the binoculars away from her blue companion. I dont think so, she said as she observed the white-armored troops, I think they are overlander troops.

Huh?, Sonic said, his head snapping towards her in surprise, I thought all the overlanders were wiped out in the war. cides from Robotnik and Snively. Sally put the binoculars down and shook her head. The armor is a little different and their gear has changed, but its definitely them, she said with a sigh. The same thought was going through their heads: the last thing they needed was another Great War. The last one nearly destroyed the kingdom; another one surely would.

Well whatever they are, if theyre working for Buttnik, theyre up to no good! Its juice time!, Sonic shouted, his feet becoming a red blur beneath him as he revved up. A stab of fear sliced into the Princess guts, and she reached out, snatching Sonics arm and stopping him. No, Sonic!, she demanded, We dont know what we are dealing with! Im aborting the mission. Lets regroup with the others and get back to Knothole. Maybe our new guest knows something about this.

The guest she was referring to was the feline that had saved her and several other Freedom Fighters in their last, failed mission to Knothole. Cornered in an alleyway, with several SWATbots closing in, the stranger had leapt into the midst of them and cut them down with a strange energy blade. The cat, who had called himself Sabin, didnt talk much about his past or where he had learned to fight like that. Maybe now was a good time to push him for answers.

Taking one final look at the troops and armored visitor, Sally muttered, I have a bad feeling about this.


Sitting cross-legged in the middle of Knothole village was a feline dressed in an oddly old-fashion brown tunic and pants with a black, hooded cloak draped over his shoulders. The orange and cream furred cat had his eyes closed, deep in meditation, his breathing slow and even. Anyone passing by would certainly wonder about the stranger and his odd dress, but what would really draw their attention would be the five rocks that were levitating above his head like a stone halo.

Abruptly, those five stones dropped from the air, and the felines green eyes snapped open and looked skyward as he sensed a distinct, dark presence enter the system. The moment he had been dreading had arrived. The Empire had come to Mobius.

Wonderful, Sabin muttered, shaking his head. If he hadnt been so rash earlier in Robotropolis, this could have been avoided. He had been so focused on saving the Freedom Fighters that he hadnt noticed the spy orb recording the fight until it was too late. And because of that, he had brought something far worse than Robotnik to the planet


OOC: And so it begins. Be nice, follow the rules, and have fun. Be a canon character or one of your own creation. Freedom Fighter, agent of Robotniks, or soldier for the Empire. Doesnt matter to me, but Lord Vader and Sabin are taken. If youre using a char of your own creation, tell us a little about him/her/it before you begin.

This is a SatAM/Star Wars crossover, but I will allow some elements of Archie in if necessary. Keep them to a minimum. Discuss, prepare, and enjoy!

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: :lol this lo9oks crazy! I'm in!

I'm assuming it's somewhat removed from the Star Wars timeline?)

Not three solar years after the Star Destroyer had entered orbit around Mobius, another ship blasted out of hyperspace into the system. Much smaller than the Empire ship, it bosted an unusual design: mainly in the shape of a disk, but with two elongated struts facing forwards from the main body, and the cocpict out on a limb to the side. Underneath it carried what looked like a somewhat hastily constructed docking frame, carrying a third, much smaller craft, a one man fighter with long, streamlined nose and four thin wings.

A large furry creature in the cabin of the larger vessel turned from his controls and uttered a series of long growls followed by a short, gruff grunt. The figure he was staring at, stood at the back of the cabin examining a computer console, turned.

"Already?" he asked, his thin, slightly rugged features registering supprise. "Okay Chewy, get us closer, but keep us out of sight."

The furry figure nodded and turned back to the controls, turning the craft behind the planet's moon to shield it from the Star Destroyer's sensors. The Human ran a hand through his black hair as he left the cabin and moved down the short corridor into the center of the ship.


The figure in the lounge looked round, his waivy blond hair bouncing from the movement and his youthful face registering curiosity. "What's up?"

"We're there. We made better time than we thought. I would have thought you'd already know about that if Vader is there though."

Luke stood up from his chair, placing the star charts he'd been studying on the desk. "We must be too far away from the planet yet." he muttered. "You taking us in Han?"

Han solo nodded, but his face looked thoughtful. "Or maybe the info was wrong." he muttered. "Maybe Vader isn't on this mission at all."

"He'll be here. I'm sure of it." replied Luke, narrowing his eyes. "We have to find Sabin before he does...he's a powerful Jedi, and we need his help if we're going to defeat the Empire!"

Solo shrugged. "Well, if you're sure he's here, flyboy. I'm still not happy about you going alone though. You should let me an' Chewie..."

"No, it's better I go alone Han. Thanks for your concern though." Luke smiled, nodding to the older man respectfully. "I'll go get ready for deployment."


The Millenium Falcon roared round the back of Mobius' moon, afterburners glowing in the cold dark of space. As it arced round the moon, the frame on the underside opened up from it's locked position, and the smaller fighter powered up it's engines, extended it's X-shaped wings, and powered off towards the planet. The Falcon arced right the way round, staying in the shadow of the moon, and blasted away with it's hyperspace engines, dissapearing into the night...

Posts: 2928
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"He felt something." The mutter came from a clearly alien fox, he was much taller than the mobian's in fact he was nearly the size of a overlander. All six feet of him was clothed is baggy garments, a strange lightweight auburn trenchcoat over his shoulders. He was sitting on the ground outside of the many huts adorning the village. Never taking his eyes off Sabin.

Standing near him was cat, shorter, maybe four foot high. His body frame was clearly adolscent, and rather lanky even for that. His eyes were the same dull grey as his fur, his expression and demeanor seemed to match just as well. He was quiet, shy, and obedient to the fox he was standing by, "Rico'ki*?" He said questioningly, unsure what the fox had meant.

Rico put his hand thoughtfull to his muzzle, "He felt something, Patrick. I know one of them when I see 'em. Maybe Sally won't listen to me but that doesn't mean I can't make sure he doesn't destroy this world. The universe maybe have forgotten Palawa, but some of us haven't. He knows something and isn't telling us, isn't he?" The fox said lowly through his paw. The cat, Patrick, nodded slightly, "He's troubled about something."

Rico snorted lightly, "Even I can see that, kid. Don't those abilities of yours tell you anything else?" The kitten blinked sadly, "No, I don't sense anything. I'm sorry Rico'ki." Rico smirked, "No reason for that, I know he's a Jedi. I'm surprised you saw he was troubled, he must not be a very good jedi if he can only control his emotion part of the time. See if you can find out what's up."

The boy swallowed and glanced over at Sabin. Rico smirked, "Go on, you have a better chance than me. You're younger and an empath. I tried to kill him once already." Patrick nodded and hesistantly walked over, standind behind the older cat and nervously figeting. "Um... Uh, Sabin'ki*?"

* 'ki - A native Kyzarie term added to a name. Generally used to express respect toward an elder, older sibling, or admired person.

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(OCC: Um, I hate to put it this way to ya, Wraith, but at when I set this, Luke Skywalker is only about ten years old, and I doubt Han has even seen the Falcon yet. Neither of them will meet each other for another decade. This is taking place right between episodes III and IV. XD But I appreciate the effort you put into that post, and I'd like you in this RP, although with a different character(s).)

Blinking his eyes, Sabin unfurled his legs and turned around to face the younger feline. He didn't need any special senses to see that the younger cat was shy and nervous. Maybe he was like that among most people. Or maybe it was just him. The robed figure was sure that there were rumors of all kinds circulating about him, and there bound to be some which discussed him in a negative way.

"Just Sabin", the cat said, smiling slightly towards the child. For the moment, he pushed his concerns out of his mind, grateful for the little distraction. "What is your name, and how may I be of service to you?", he asked kindly.

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The adolscent dawdled, playing with his fingers. He knew he shouldn't look back at Rico, the fox had told him that countless times. He still hadn't actually made eye contact with the older cat but did manage to answer the questions he was told, "Patrick K.K.Kosam" He said stuttered slightly, "" He paused, his mouth looked like it was trying to say I but for some reason his vocal cords wouldn't respond. It finally came making the first of his sentence rushed, "Iw-wanna know w-what you felt." He turned red under his fur, embarrassed at his stuttering.

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This is it. I'm in.

Nobuo Aaron was a Mobian polar bear known as Icecap. Being a Hunter, Him and the rest of Team Cascade travel to various worlds, eliminating the threat in that world, and return back to the Hunter Base in Japan to just hang out and wait for the next mission. Icecap is not a nice person, and even though he has some of the best fighters on his team, the job isn't always easy. This is one of those times.

"Icecap, we've got a mission from Unit 17. X says we need to head to Mobius for this one." one of his Teammates reported. "Ah. This is great! I finally get to return home. Alright, then. Get us out of here, Michael." His teammates were then phased into mobius, where Icecap met an old friend...

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"It's ok, Patrick. You have nothing to fear from me", the orange feline said, trying to calm the younger cat down, "What I felt?"

The Jedi narrowed his eyes, focusing his senses on the young one before him, gently probing at his feelings and radiating calm ones of his own to him in the hopes that it would soothe him. "You mean when I dropped the rocks just now?"

The feline immediately questioned the wisdom of telling a child that a military invasion force had arrived on his doorstep. The next thing he questioned was how the kid could have known he was sensing anything out of the ordinary. A telepath? Force-sensitive?

"It wasn't good", he admitted, "Something I've worried would happen for a long while now. But I don't want you to concern yourself with it, ok? You're safe here in Knothole."

Not the whole truth, but as much as he thought the child could take.

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Rico popped his neck watching the discussion.

Patrick furrowed his brow, "You don't want to tell me?" He looked back at Rico, who waved his hand at the kid telling him to keep going. Again he was having trouble making a "T" sound, after a few moments it came, "T-Tell Rico then? He's really worried."

Posts: 1334
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At the ridge of the Mobian solar system, another spaceship seemed to emerge into the space. A small fighter, hexing at high speeds. It was colored a bright white, with a small slit for the sight of the cockpit. A crimson red stripe dashed across the fighters sides. A rank of the pilot, supposedly. The fighter was surprisingly fast for what it was- a fighter. But despite its great agility, three ships chased it vigorously throughout the solar system. The chasing fighter's were shaped as if in a claw, with a red orb in the center, where the cockpit of that ship was. The evading ship's Pilot cursed- a navy-blue fox, with a black tipped tail. He would wear a short black pilots jacket. He had dark green eyes and his hair was his fur color, cut short, but combed forward. A white tanktop under his jacket and a lovely pair of dark grey jeans, and black boots. A badge on his shoulder of his jacket signified his rank. He looked to his rear camera that shown him his rear.


The bright orange lasers from the guns on the enemy ships hit him. Making him push forward. He wouldnt die here, the Grawl may have been just behind him but he needed to land somewhere habitable, modern, and safely. When landed hed figure what to do. He quickly looked his map radar. Any Class 4 planet would do. A class 3 even. There had to be one in this system! He bit his lip as he saw the bright red light in the cockpit turn on. Shields were fatally low.

...Why me?! he cursed.

Suddenly his radar blinked, several times. He was in the closer fringe of the system and- what luck! There was a Class 4 planet. Tech Levels went slightly above Arc.2. I guess itll have to do. - as he said this a good laser hit his rear and alarms blared in his ship. He was gonna crash. His ship made a horrible, unpleasing sound to the ear as it screeched- heat shields going on in time as it made its way to a expansive forest. And he couldnt control anything of the fighter.

Yiff! Yiff! Yiff! he cursed loudly as he braced for impact.

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"Rico?", asked the feline as he looked back and noticed the alien fox watching him, "Oh." Rico, which Sabin had learned was the name of the tall fox, seemed to have nothing but hostility towards the Jedi Knight since that fateful day in Robotropolis, and as of yet, he had no clue where that hostility stemmed from.

Sighing, Sabin stood up and walked towards the taller fox, keeping his posture as non-threatening as he could. "You know", he said, "If you want to ask something of me, you don't have to send someone else to do so."


Meanwhile, in orbit of Mobius, the massive Imperial Star Destroyer had noticed the little firefight that had resulted in a starship plunging into Mobius' atmosphere. Several TIE fighters broke off from their patrol routes and moved to intercept the alien ships.

"Unidentified fighters, alter your course as indicated. Identify yourselves and state your destination and intentions."

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The Grawl ships stopped, a hissing sound comming from their engines. It would take a good few minutes before the Star Destroyer could interpet their language. Even then it was still broken and sickly sounding.

"Name. Flyt Okyt, with Flyt recruit Dekld and Zym. We serve the Grawl empire, and we. We chasing, enemy pilot of Furcadian enemy. Intentions. Destroy or Capture enemy."

"Who are you to order usssss?"


The crash had landed far enough away from a nearby village, and for that this fox was thankful. He quickily kicked open the cockpit, it falling off of the fighter with a loud 'thud'. He jumped out and landed quickily.
This fox stood at 5'7" and on his side was a Class 7 Repeating Magnum. As he recovered from the crash he coughed, and looked at the fighters damage. Cockpit cover was torn, dents, impact damage, and the weapons on it were broken. He cursed.

"....yiff it all." he sighed. At least he was okay. He adjusted his jacket and tightened his angel white headband around his forehead and pulled out a datapad. "Z.E.K.E. On." he commanded. It bleeped in responce. "Activate cloaking on what remains of Fighter Ship - Class A." he ordered. It bleeped in reply, and then he put the datapad on his side, parallel to the blaster.

He then remember the village he'd detected on Radar, he would head for it. The Grawl were taking a awful long time to come searching for him. That big ship must of stopped them.

He sighed in relief as he walked off.

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Rico eyed the cat, then looked over at a sulking Patrick. "Sorry Rico'ki."

Rico nodded his head then smirked, "I told ya to stop with the appologetic stuff." He eyed Sabin with a soured expression, "I don't want your answer. I want what Pat here tells me about your answer." He smirked at the younger cat, "Well?"

Patrick glanced up at Sabid a few times before talking about the cat like he wasn't there, "He said something bad was happening. But we didn't need to worry." Rico kept his eyes on the boy for time expecting more. But receiving it he prompted, "And..." The kitten shrunk away from Sabin, "He wasn't tell me everything."

Rico smiled, "Ya'see? It woulda done no good to ask you. Now I know we have trouble AND that you're a liar." Patrick winced at the harsher term Rico had used and quickly slid over to the fox as if he expected Sabin to attack him.

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Sabin didn't attack; the feline just stood there for a moment with a blank expression on his face, hiding whatever emotion he was feeling. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he replied quietly, "Or maybe I just didn't want to scare the kid by telling him that an Imperial task force has arrived, most likely with the intent of finding and killing me."

Crossing his hands behind his back, Sabin continued, "The truth can be just as harmful as a lie when used improperly. It can be used as a weapon."


"This is the Star Destroyer Dominator of the Galactic Empire ordering you to shut down your shields and weapons systems and to alter your course away from that planet. If you do not comply, your intentions will be considered to be hostile, and appropriate action will be take", the destroyer warned the fighters.

The TIEs had formed into an attack formation, backing up the threat.

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"Make wrong enemy, Galactic Empire." was the last transmission before the Grawl fighters disappeared back into space. They had not worry about the Furcadian anyway, he was stuck on that planet. Besides if he tried to exit the Solar System...they would arrange a ambush.

But for now, they could do nothing.

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Rico waved a long piece of grass around casually, "Pat's tougher than he looks." He put the end of the weed in his mouth and gnawed on it nonchalantly, "So the once again the benevolent Jedi come to rain death and destruction on primitive people. You old enough to remember the massacre of Palawa?"

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Sabin narrowed his eyes, wondering what the fox was getting at. He knew that the Empire had taking great pains to make the Jedi out to be monsters and traitors to the galaxy. It seemed that Rico had bought into it.

"Palawa? I don't recall hearing that name. Care to enlighten me?", the feline asked calmly.

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The fox seemed to get irritated, "Pat?"

The boy shook his head, "He's telling the truth."

Rico grunted, "Bunduki was a peaceful world, a little backwater but it was a good place. You Jedi and Sith destroyed it in your little war. The survivors made sure others knew what happened." He gritted his teeth on the piece of grass, "The Followers of Palawa. Scholars and other curious people that studied the Force. They even developed a new fighting style based on their knowledge."

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Sabin scratched his cheek thoughtfully, trying to recall the Followers of Palawa and the planet Bunduki. He thought he was well versed in the history of the Sith and the conflicts that the Jedi waged against them, but this bit of trivia escaped him. He didn't sense any duplicity in Rico, so at the very least, he really believed in what he was talking about.

"Sorry, I really don't remember that battle", Sabin admitted with a sigh, "But I seriously doubt the Jedi Order intended harm to that planet. We try to protect worlds, not destroy them."

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"They never do." He said plainly, watching Sabin carefully. "I'll put this bluntly. I don't trust you. Your little cult robbed my brother of his skill, his indivduality, and in the end his life." He shrugged, "I know what you're going to say an I don't even need Pat to tell me. But I'll say this, I knew an old man once that said, 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the road the heaven is paved with gold. I'd rather not build either.' Probably the only smart thing he said."

Patrick remained quit, he sat down timidly as close to the fox as he could get.

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"Ah", Sabin said softly, a smile growing on his face, "So..let me get this straight: You're blaming me for the death of your brother, a guy I never knew, along with the destruction of a planet in a battle I had no part of. That's nice. Perfectly reasonable." It sounded like he could have been being sarcastic, but his tone of voice reamined calm, pleasant even, which only added an odd unreality to the situation.

"Well, perhaps I should share a bit of wisdom I've heard before concerning trageties like this. It's quite comforting when I remember the galaxy I faithfully served turning on me, and my own troops trying to shoot me in the back."

The feline leaned forward, that cheerful smile still on his face. "@#%$ happens."

With that, the Jedi turned around and walked back the way he came, again sitting down cross-legged and resuming his meditation.

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"Thats why I sent you Pat. They just walk on eggshells around kids. But if anyone else crosses them, they're no different than the Empire. One corrupt bunch of peace keepers to the next." His muttered blankly, watching the Jedi depart.

"Um. Is he right?" Patrick faltered back, again no stuttering to his hesistant voice.

Rico shrugged and leaned back, "Not that it matters kiddo, but no. I'm more judging him on his merits. He dove into that fight and probably lit up the quadrant to his location. Now we're going to have Imperial troops here. Probably sith junkies too. I don't blame Jedi. I was a @#%$ brother and let them charm Tobe in with laser swords and fancy ideals. This guy must have a lot of guilt pent up to take the blame himself."

Patricked looked down, "Yes, I did feel sorrow. But mostly uneasiness."

Rico spit out the grass blade, "Lotta emotion, bad for a Jedi. Though thats probably a good thing thought, least he can feel the consquences of his actions. Ta think we came here to away from the war. Coulda stayed on Mesric if we wanted this."

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It had been a good few minutes of him walking from the "crash" site, and he already was getting lost. In this forest. "Meh..." he muttered as he walked on, furhur. He licked his parched lips as he breathed. He coughed as he walked further, the dirt slopping aganist his boots.

His watch beeped. Radar. There were people not to far off. He had to keep going...

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Yikes I only went away for about 12 hours!!! Talk about fast moving!

lol sorry Froggy...only now after re-reading the first post do I notice the timeframe you set. I guess it was the fact of refaring to Clone Troopers as Stormtroopers that threw me, but yeah, my fault entirely.

I'll try something else then, but one question for as I said this was baised mainly on the SatAM universe. Did Station Square exist in that universe? I have an idea, but I'd have to start there, and if it didn't, I wouldn't be able to.

If not, then no worries...let me know and I'll try to come up with something else. Otherwise, I'll intro my character in my next post^^)

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(OOC: Station Square exists in the games and Archie comics, but not SatAM. Sorry if that's a problem. : P And yeah, they are called stormtroopers by this point; the Empire has evolved into its familiar form from the Original Trilogy)

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Hmm...okaey kokey. I'll see if I can work something else out then. Let you know when I think of something lol)

Posts: 186
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ooc: Im in as well, gotta go to work so Ill post later.

Posts: 186
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A jet black craft droned miles over robotropolis out of site of radar and normal view against the night sky. The bay doors opened and two figures jumped from the cargo hold. Several hand signs were exchanged. One took a look at his altimeter then pulled his ripcord. The other waited then did the same.
The two glided onto a roof top. They hit the ground running releasing their chutes they quickly gathered their gear and hid any evidence of their being there.

"This is ScreamingEagle one to screamingEagle two. Fall out and commence patrol. then report to the Helo 7 clicks to the east.", One said into his mic.

The other gained his composure and quicly replied "Wilco."

Spyder started scanning the area with the scope mounted on the silenced m4. Zero pulled the shotgun from his pack and breached the door that lead to the roof. He went in spyder following close behind him. Zero spotted a swat on patrol down one of the corridors.

"Contact at my 12", He whispered into the throat mic.

He pulled a high powered flashlight from his belt and snuck quickly behind the bot. He gave it a jolt by shoving it. The robot made a quick spin to greet its attacker. Zero turned the flashlight on in the pitch black frying the swats optical sensors. leaving it unable to confirm if it was attacked or bumped into something zero quickly made a sweeping kick and disarmed the bot as spyder swiftly but quietly ran by. zero ducked under the bots outreached arms and ran past it as well.

"We better move quick Robotnik will have a service team heading this way to repair that heap of crap any minute now." zero whispered into the mic again.

"Crap When do I get to shoot something your doing all the fun stuff", spyder replied.

ooc: More to this post just dont feel like finishing it right here and now.

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(OOC: >.> This seems to have, erm, stopped. I hope you guys aren't waiting for me are you...? If you are, then I'm rally sorry...I didn't realise. Carry on, don't wait. I've been quite ill recently, so haven't been able to update here as often as I would like. I'm still here though, and if I can when I'm feeling better I'll come in on this^^)

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OOC: Waiting on GM.

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Meanwhile, in front of Robotnik's HQ, a pair of stormtroopers were standing guard.

"This place creeps me out", said TK-051, his voice muffled slightly by his helmet, "There's nothing alive here. The whole place is like some automated smog factory."

"I know what you mean", replied TK-226, "At least 'ole Kamino was sterile..."

"You've been to Kamino?", the younger trooper asked. TK-226 turned his head silently towards the other trooper for a moment. "Oh yeah, I forgot. You're one of those new 'recruits'. I was grown and trained on Kamino. Was a nice place until the Clone Rebellion."

"Clone Rebellion?"

"Never officially happened, but trust me, it did. The Kaminoans appearantly didn't like what the Empire was doing with their technology, so they built another clone army to challange us with in record time."

"Really? What time?"

TK-226 shrugged, "Three years or so."

TK-051's head snapped up in surprise. "Three years?! That's impossible!"

"Appearantly, the Kaminoans found a way. Some kind of flash memory technology; basically it programs a clone with everything they need to know while still growing in their tube. They come out all ready to a bunch of kriffing droids."

The younger trooper shook his head. "That's just wrong. Troopers shouldn't be stamped out like that. It's inhuman."

"Damn right", TK-226 said, "The day the Empire makes troops like that is the day we've lost all the principles upon which we stand. Stinking droids...I hate battle droids, including the ones that doctor has marching around here. Every time I see one, my trigger finger gets itchy, you know what I mean?"

TK-051 nodded. "Yeah...but what really gets me are those droids that look like the natives. Have you seen them? They look like...zombified animals or something. And the doctor himself...there's just something wrong with him. Him and those glowing eyes of his..."

"You don't have anything against cyborgs, do you? Don't forget that Lord Vader is one, too."

"Yeah, well..." TK-051 quieted slightly, nervous. "I don't feel comfortable around him either. I heard...I heard he uses stormtroopers for lightsaber practice."

TK-226 stiffened. "Now who told you that nonsense?", he asked angrily, "I'll have you know that Lord Vader has nothing but respect for us troopers. It's those kriffing fleet officers he has a problem with, and I don't blame him. Treats us like a bunch of wetdroids, they do... Unlike them, Vader will go into battle right beside us. Always been that way, even during the Clone Wars..."

"You knew Darth Vader in the Clone Wars?"

"Not personally", TK-226 said with a shrug, "And only at the end. I fought beside him during the purge of the Jedi Temple."

Even through his armor, TK-051's shiver was visible. "Jedi... I sure hope I don't run into any of them."

"Don't let those tales about their powers get to your head", TK-226 said calmly, "Jedi aren't so tough to kill if you know how. I killed a few of them myself. Don't face them alone if you can avoid it. Form a firing squad or attack them from different directions at the same time. Also stagger your fire and make it unpredictable; it confuses them. Jedi can deflect blaster fire with their lightsabers, but the blade can only be in one place at a time. Exlosives are effective, but if you aren't careful, they'll toss 'em back to you with their telekinetic skills. Remember that in the end they are not soldiers, just bouncy monks with glowsticks. Stick with me, kid, and you should be alright."

"Alright. I'll take your word on...what was that?"

TK-051's head turned skyward, and TK-226's followed immediately after. "What was what?", the older trooper asked. "I saw some big...thing land on that rooftop over there. Could have been someone gliding in, from the looks of it."

"Alright, I'll call it in", said the senior stormtrooper before informing the commander about the possible disturbance over his helmet comlink, "Let's go check it out and see if its trouble."

TK-051 nodded in agreement and hefted his rifle. Together, the two armored troopers walked towards the building, alert and ready for a confrontation.

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OOC: I assume this is still open to interested RPers?


Victor sat on the roof of his hut, cutting away at what now looked like a wooden pole with a combat knife. It was his habit; he'd built a small collection of them so far to practise with.

There had been plenty of commotion recently, especially when a lightsabre-wielding character saved some of the Freedom Fighters from certain death.

Stories about it had been circulating, each with their own variations. He'd yet to hear anything that he believed was accurate.

"Done," he declared to nobody in particular as he lifted the cover of the opening. He went down, replaced the cover and slid down the ladder, holding the pole between two fingers. Once he reached the floor, he put it on a small rack holding four other such poles, and slid the knife back into its scabbard tied around his ankle.

He walked out the door, stretching his back and adjusting his trousers, which had random forest camouflage patterns all over them. Such was the life of a guerilla freedom fighter.

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They made their way to the bottom of the building walking quietly through the corridors and clearing any rooms and or hallways as they went.

"So why do you think that swat was here?", spyder asked.

"probably wandered off from its patrol stick together and think before you pull that trigger. Robotnik would have been alerted if we shot that thing to pieces.", zero answered back as he glanced out the window.

"We got company." He said as he moved away from the window before being spotted.

"Ok here is what we are going to do. go down the corridor we passed about 25 feet back and exit out the back of the building. Hopefully they think the swat was the only one making the noise in here.", spyder replied.

A loud crash was heard from a couple floors up in the stairwell.

"The thing is as blind as a bat so it will attract them before we do with all the noise its making.", spyder continued "lets move"

They made a quick sprint down the hallway and to the corridor spyder sweeping behind him every couple of feet to make sure they were not followed They came to the door clearly marked exit. Spyder and zero moved to opposite sides of the door. Spyder threw it open and zero went out ready to lay down cover fire. spyder followed and closed the door silently behind him.

"Whew. No one in sight. Quick down this alleyway", spyder whispered.He took aim at an antenna on the roof of the building they just left and fire one silenced shot. The antenna fell over on the metallic roof once again making more noise to distract their possible pursuers. Spyder slung the rifle over his shoulder.

"I hope we find her in time.", he said quietly before disappearing into the dark alleyway.

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A shot from TK-226's blaster rifle turned the confused SWATbot into scrap metal.

"Damn metal heads...", the veteran stormtrooper muttered. His younger partner looked down at the ruined robot and asked, "What was wrong with it?"

TK-226 pointed at the machine's head and explained, "It looked like its photoceptors were burned out, probably by whoever you saw land on the roof. He didn't blast it because he didn't want to draw attention to himself. This guy is smart, whoever he is. Even took out the antenna on the roof so the droid couldn't signal for help. He must have got out the back way. If we hurry, we may still be able to catch him."

The two stormtroopers quickly made their way down the stairs and cooridors, covering each other, and left out the back entrance into the alleyway in pursuit of the intruders.


Sabin opened his eyes and sighed. There was too much on his mind; he couldn't concentrate on meditation. Standing up, the orange cat's mind turned back to Rico's words about the Jedi devestating a world and being responsible for his brother's death. He didn't want to admit it, but the fox was probably telling the truth, or at least his distorted view of it. No organization was perfect; no organization was free of error. The fact that the Jedi Order was all but destroyed illustrated that point quite well.

He looked over at the fox, and feline instinct battled Jedi training. He knew he should appologize and try to get on the stranger's good side, but that instinctive independant streak told him to ignore the fox. If he wanted to hate him and Jedi, so be it! Let him have that attitude right until the Empire blasts him for being in the general proximity of a Jedi...

No, he couldn't do that. And was going to need all the allies he could get. Taking a calming breath, he walked back over towards Rico and Patrick, hands cupped in front of him and his ears slightly lowered.

"Sorry...It was wrong of me to say that. I just want to say that whatever the Jedi Order did to you and your familly...well, I'm not the Jedi Order, I'm me, and I want to be judged by my own merits. Do that, and I'll do the same for you. You should know as well as I do the kind of threat the Empire presents to Mobius. We're going to need to stick together in the days to come."

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(OOC: Ok, I've thought of something^^ Let me know if this is ok Frogman ;) )


"You are sure he is here?" The grey skinned, goggle-eyed alien stepped onto the bridge, his long, flowing robes trailing behind him as he walked. He was flanked by others of his race, their large, mirrored eyes reflecting the room as they entered.

"Completely sir." replied one. "Our information has been double and triple checked."

"Excellent!" The leader of the column paused, looking at some computr reaouts on a nearby console. "And the weapon?" he asked, his wide mouth flapping as he spoke.

"Fully programmed and ready for launch, sir."

"Perfect, this will be the ideal testing ground!" The leader raised a fist. "The Emperor will regret challenging the might of the Trade Federation! Once the weapon has eliminated Vader, we can send it after the Emperor himself! Our brothers shall be avenged!"

"Launch window is closing sir." called one of the figures behind him. "Launch in ten...nine...eight..."


The ship was holding position at the edge of the Mobian solar system, just out of range of the Star Destroyer's sensors. It was a huge ship, the central sphere well over three miles across, and the outer ring around it much bigger! There weren't many of these Trade Federation Capital Ships left now that the Empire was in control, but a few still plied the space lanes.

Suddenly a small torpedo streaked from the side of the craft, blasting into the system towards planet Mobius! The timing was perfect...the missile remained hidden from the Empire ship by the Mobian moon as it plunged into the atmosphere, turning into a white-hot shooting star as it plummeted to the ground!

It landed with a CRASH in a dense forest, calving a rut into the soil and smashing several trees as it slid for a way, before finally coming to rest. For a moment, nothing moved, then suddenly the sides of the missile fell away onto the grass with a CLUNK, exposing the object the missile was carrying...

Three small legs immeadeately extended downwards. The circular, curled up form unraveled like a coiled snake. The dark brown metal gleamed in the sunlight as the machine stood to it's five feet, extending it's two small arms, both equipped with powerful repeating blasters.

System Online

System check:

Shield system.........opperational.
Cloak system.........opperational.
EMP Pulse cannon.........opperational.
Thermal Detonator launcher.........opperational.

Commencing primary objective: Eliminate Lord Vader.

The Droideka crouched down again and set off through the forest with it's perculiar rolling motion. As it moved, it kept it's sensors alert for any signs of movement around it...

(OOC: This is no normal Destroyer droid, it's been modded with the latest weapons and systems, and it's intelligence upgraded as high as possible, simply for the sole purpose of fighting the Sith! A note about the shield and cloak: To stop them getting into the relm of powerplaying, they can only be active for thirty straight seconds, then they have to recharge (As is true in the films...they kept switching them off and on every time thy fired) and the cloak isn't complete...if someone were to look closely, they would see a slight distortion^^)

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Chirping came from the city sized ship's computer, indicating something was approaching. Suddenly a flash of light fired in the distant and several sleek looking ships streaked in from nowhere, rubberbanding to their original forms and slowing to a crawl.

The lead ship was larger than the other three, obviously some kind of flagship. The second two where similar look but smaller. Al three having saucerish shaped fronts and two glowing engine-like pods on their aft sides. The fourth was diminuitive in the wake of the larger frigates and cruiser. Maybe large enough for a dozen or so crew members, it had a plane-like shape completely with nose and wings, it maintained speed for the planet while the other the took up offensive circling patterns around the Trade Federation station-like ship.

The message came through on all known channels to the ship that had , "This is Ian Warnaca of Kydane StarCom, you have violated Kydane space, power down your combat systems and respond. You have 30 seconds to comply or you will be fired on."


Rico smirked, "You already are finger wiggler. Lets hope you start doing better."


"Hey tincan! Wanna play!" Came a yell seconds after the droids sensors had picked up something seeming to appear from nowhere. A grey rabbit jumped out of the undergrowth with a large weapon. He swung the multibarreled rifle easily and let loose a barrage of blaster fire unto the droid.

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(OOC: Thanks for the intervention, Rico. And no, I'm not alright with that, Wraith. For one thing, the Trade Federation and the CIS is finished. Besides, I don't want a bunch of external threats jumping in system and getting involved. At least not now; maybe later. Let's just keep this on Mobius, ok? We got the people on Mobius and the Imperials who have arrived. That's enough.)

"Finger wiggler?", the feline said, "Nah, I prefer the wider, more dramatic hand motions. Looks a lot cooler."

"You WILL give me all your money, strip naked, and hop on one leg in the center of the village while shouting a series of profanities for five hours", he joked, making an exagerated hand gesture in front of the tall fox's face.

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Patrick let one edge of his muzzle raise up in a slight smirk, from the sheer volume of wit between the two.

Rico raised an eyebrow, "First anger and now sarcasm? What'd you do, graduate from the holonet jedi correspondence course?"

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"Top of my class", Sabin replied with a mock salute and a smile, "I spent a lot of time out of the Jedi Temple during and after my training. I think that was a flaw in the training of most; too sheltered, not enough real-world experience."

The cat shrugged his shoulders, his cloak exagerating the motion. "The council never really valued my views, though. They called on me when they needed someone to lead troops or when they needed my expertise. The rest of the time they ignored and tolerated me."

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The fox blinked, smirk still going full force, "Well expect nothing less from us. Nothing more either."

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"I never do", was the cat's response. It was becoming increasingly appearant to him that Rico just wasn't interested in talking. Sabin couldn't read the fox's emotions to see what he was feeling. Either he was actively blocking the Jedi's probes...or there just wasn't anything there to sense.

"If you need me for anything, you can find me around the village", Sabin said with a short bow, "Thank you for your time."

As he turned to leave, his green eyes looked into Patrick's; his eyes turned towards the tree he intended on walking towards, and he planted a slight mental suggestion in the younger feline's mind to join him there. Sabin walked over to the large, long-lived tree and leaned against it, waiting for the child to join him.

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"He wants me to follow him." Patrick said bluntly looking after the older cat. Rico stared at the sky, "Don't need jedi powers to see that. Just... Be careful. If he - "

"I know. He won't, I don't feel any kind of malice." The catboy said quietly before walking off.

"Damn." Rico muttered quietly to himself watching his companion depart.

"Yes?" Came the youth's reserved voice from behind Sabin.

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Still leaning against the tree, Sabin turned towards the younger feline and smiled slightly. The kid knew he was being asked over. Talented little fella.

"Nice of you to join me. Thanks. ...I don't quite know what to make of your friend there. Its obvious that he doesn't like me and is not willing to talk much. What happened to him? What is this about his brother and the Jedi? And for that matter, where do you and he come from? I can tell you're not natives to Mobius."

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"Rico is... pain." Patrick said slowly, as if chosing one word that accurated described the fox.

"We are - from another planet, Kyzarie. We came here to escape a civil war. Some time ago we were discovered to be sensitive of what you call the Force." He blinked making sure he'd said the right words and as if putting the next section of speech together. He didn't seem to care he was pausing, in fact he almost looked aristocratic about it.

"Our brother decided to go with a Jedi to train. Rico was too proud to stop him, he didn't want to hold Toby back. He was so sad when brother became a padawan, but really proud at the same time." He looked at Sabin concernedly, as if he was waiting to see his words settle into the Jedi and be understood before continuing. It was rather eerie the amount of control the young man had when speaking. Not like before when he was echoing Rico. Now it was as if he knew he was in control.

"The Elders told us brother was killed before he could become a Knight, something about a rogue dark jedi. They lied to us, I could feel deception. But we don't know what or why." He paused again, his tone and demeanor were completely disarming. There was no indication of anything but compassion in his voice. The boy seemed confident, likeable, trustworthy, and strong willed. It was like speaking with a confidant or a counselor, someone trained to make people feel comfortable talking about things.

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Sabin found the boy's presence soothing, a welcome change from the cold and vaguely hostile Rico. His pauses did bother him; he appreciated Patrick's polite and measured way of speaking.

Kyzarie was another planet Sabin wasn't particularly familiar with, but it was a big galaxy. It sounded familiar, though, like he may have studied it in the past. He'd have to check his records to see if there was anything about it there.

Rubbing his chin with one hand, the orange cat asked, "How old was your brother when he died? Was he a teenager, maybe close to becoming a Knight, or was he closer to your age?"

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Patrick sighed, "Our people age strangely, there are those there were exposed to a type of mineral as part of a religious ceremony. It inhibits the growth of the people that come into contact with it. Sometimes the effects are fleeting, sometimes lasting, somethimes they're permanate. Toby's case was the latter, I don't know the exact chronological age of my adopted family. It was irrelevant as they will stay the way they are untill the effects of the mineral wear off."

Sabin could feel sadness in Patrick just like Patrick knew the empathy Sabin was feeling, and the shock that came from his next sentence.

"Toby was eight years old."

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"Eight years old...", Sabin said quietly, closing his eyes. Slain at eight years old, not having a master of his own yet, it limited the number of places the child could have been during the Jedi Purge to exactly one location at one time.

The older feline's voice was strained with emotion as he said, "At the very beginning of the Purge, there was an attack on the Jedi Temple. Hundreds of clonetroopers stormed the temple, and no one was spared. The few old masters there at the time, the padawans, even the children who had just begun training."

His green eyes opened slowly. "One man led the troops, a Sith Lord named Darth Vader. I don't know who he was before or where he came from; he showed up at the end of the Clone War and has been the terror of Jedi survivors ever since. He's the one most responsible for your brother's death."

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"Too kill unarmed children, I can't imagine what he would feel like." Patrick said taking in the knowledge of the massacre.

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Spyder and zero ran down the alleyway as quickly as possible. Spyder crouched for a second.

"What are you doing.", zero asked

"If were followed we're gonna know it", Josh answered as he layed the transparent trip wire which was tied to two star clusters pointed at the sky.

Spyder quickly got back up and took off running past zero.

"Come on. we need to make it to our second check point and radio in our findings.", spyder said into his throat mic.

ooc: The star cluster is a shell that launches a flare hundreds of feet into the air and it then explodes much like a fireworks display creating a bunch of what looks like crackling stars in the air.

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"I don't want to know.", Sabin said, slowly shaking his head. He was sure that the day he could truly understand why someone would murder children was the day he ceased to be a Jedi.


TK-051 cursed loudly as a flash of white light lit the sky above him, him having stepped on the trip wire.

"Yeah, he's smart all right", TK-226 noted, "Left this behind so he'd know if he's being followed. You're lucky it wasn't a mine, kid."

The older stormtrooper sighed and shook his head. "I don't like this one bit. I'm calling it in. Let's see how well our intruder friend does with the whole city alerted to him."

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Patrick looked down, "I don't have that choice. I'm not sure but I think Rico will try to kill this Vader person." He looked down in deep thought, "Should I tell him?"

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