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Star Wars: Mobian Purge

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His eyes widened. God no! He did NOT need any more damage to the fighter. He quickily retrieved his blaster magnum and aimed at the rifle.

The laser directed at the rifle and it directly spun it out of the anthro's hands. Though it was not damaged besides of a large laser burn on it.

He quickily emerged from the trees. "My ship does not need any more damage thank you very much."

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Kinnear blinked, staring at the rifle for a minute. Then, much to the vulpine's shock, stood up calmly and dusted himself off. Then ran a hand through his dyed blond hair, flicking it back and posing rather cockily before walking over to Nero.

He started to raise his hand, Kevin looking on still as forlorn as ever, Nero was about to do the same to shake hands as a standard greeting when the rabbit turned feral and grabbed his head with a battlecry before bashing his own forehead into the fox's with every syllable. "That. Was. My. Fav. o. rite. T. twen. ty. one. you. little. snot."

Kevin raised an eyebrow during the whole event, then groaned.

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He growled. "It isn't even damaged!" he shouted as he clenched his free fist. "You are the one who was going to shoot my SHIP."

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"IT ATTACKED ME!" The rabbit yelped back spinning around and tossing the fox into a tree.

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Nero quickily flipped himself as he was forced towards a tree- his feet connecting with the tree and soon made himself to the ground. He coughed for a bit.

"You ran into it." he groaned irriateably.

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John pouted then changed the subject, "Wait... If it was invisible how are you going to get back into it anyway?!"

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He sighed. As he clicked a button on his datapad. "Cloaking, off." he snorted and it obeyed with a beep. The damaged ship was revealed as well as its occasional peices that flew off from it or fell off of it around it.

"Thats how."

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The rabbit blinked, looked the ship over, then started laughing. "Are you telling me this hunk of junk can actually fly?" He spat out between fits of chuckling.

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"....I was shot down. God Dang Yiffer." he groaned as he wiped his face.

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The rabbit's eye twitched, he shot over a made a mock glare covered a very ticked looking gerbil's ears, "Watch that mouth, there are children present."

"I swear on the Remembrance if you don't stop the short joke, I'll... SHOW YOU YIFFING!" Kevin squeaked out elbowing the rabbit hard in the stomach. Kinnear wheezed and coughed staggering back some, "Hey if I wanted to see you and Rico's video's I'd just get 'em off the holon- oh crap." He knew the joke was bad too late. The gerbil's mock anger faded and he walked off, over to the ship staring intently at the ground.

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"Rico...Rico...Oh. Mr. Box." he muttered silently. SLightly curious. He assumed, that these two knew Rico to some degree in obvious remark.

"Rico- the orange fox in that Village nearby?"

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John looked up trying to feign insincerity, "Yeah, you haven't noticed any strange around here have you? Imperials, rebel sympathizes showing up dead, nervous jedi...?"

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"Rebel dead?"


He blinked. Having no idea. "What?"

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John grinned stupidly, "Oh nothing." Kevin sneered, "This chowder head thinks that that whiney, clumsy, stupid excuse for a fox is the guy the rebels are after for killing a buncha their soldiers they even claim he not only found some jedi before the empire, he slaughtered like a dozen of them or something. He's nuts or are the rebels for offering that kinda money for a rumor. Tell him to 'yiff' off, if that means what I think it does."

Posts: 1334
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"Well from what I heard and seen from the fox, he sure doesn't look like a mass murderer of any type. I mean a guy that hangs out with a child, I would really doubt it." Nero said as he wiped his face. "Guy just seems like a "brick wall" if you know what I mean." he nodded as he heard Adi's comment.

"He's nuts or are the rebels for offering that kinda money for a rumor. Tell him to 'yiff' off, if that means what I think it does."

"Heh." Nero chuckled.

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"Eh hehe, kids say the darndest things. Lets... get moving to knothole, eh?" Said rabbit said nervously shoving the smaller rodent forward.

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He nodded, and did a scan on his ship and had the data saved to his datapad. When done, he put it back in stealth but also put camo on- the camo being the form of a large tree. "That should work." he'd mutter as he turned and holstered his blaster.

"So, pray tell- what planet am I on?"

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For those few moments the two had been in a shoving match which stopped suddenly as the question was posed. "Um, Mobius. Primitive rock." Kevin said quizical at how a pilot could have no idea where he was. John snickered whispering, "Told ya it was a POS, probably doesn't HAVE a navigation system."

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"I have a fine navigational system. I just really haven't been in this solar system before. I stumbled upon it by incident, really. And most planets that are unnamed by my technology are usually numbered. Doesn't really help me much." he blinked. "May I ask a estiamte of this planets technology? I need repairs, not sure on exacts yet- for my ship. And if that fails; do you know where the nearest radio communication tower is?"

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"Our ship might -MRF" Kinnear grinned sheepishly holding a hand over the gerbil's mouth, "I think Knothole has a radioOOO! Dammit!" He yelped holding his hand in pain after having been biten by the gerbil's sharp teeth. Kevin snorted at him, "I was going to say our ship but since some dumbass is desparate to goto that hole on the wall I would imagine Rotor has his comm equipment up and running."

John nursed his injured paw pouting, "Well, it is closer."

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"I suppose if the Princess is done with what she had to do, I guess thats the right decision then. Alright. Oh. By the name. Names Nero."

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Kinnear grinned, "Kinnear, Jonathon Kinnear. And this Adi." The gerbil snarled, "Don't EVER use that name you @#%$. My name is Kevin. Can we GO, NOW." The rabbit smirked and shrugged looking at Nero, "Shall we?"

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"We are walking aren't we?" Nero asked with a smirk.

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"Darth Vader is the worst kind of news", the orange feline said with a sigh as he sat down, slumping in his seat, "He's a Sith Lord, basically the antithesis of the Jedi, and he's also the right-hand man of the Emperor. He's cruel, he's ruthless, and he is very powerful. Since the rise of the Empire, he's been obsessed with exterminating the remaining Jedi.

Sabin shook his head. "What did I ever do to become so popular?"

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"Well we already match on the latter two points. Of course some people around here would agree with the first two as well. When I do meet this Vader?" A familiar sarcastic voice piped up behind them.

Rico stood in the doorway grinning stupidly, wearing a goddy white mantle. He smirked seeing Sally raising an eyebrow. "Like it, Sal? Got it from my old sensei on Kyzarie when I went that trip last year."

Patrick started shaking and shrunk behind Sabin, "R...Rico'ki, please stop joking around. P...Please take it off."

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Sabin looked back at Patrick and then returned his gaze to Rico before standing up, his tail pausing behind him like a predator ready to pounce. He ran his eyes up and down the fox's outfit.

"I don't know", he remarked, "White really isn't your color. I'd suggest an earthy brown...or better yet, a good, funeral black. Yeah, that would look nice."

The cat's eyes meet and locked with the fox's unblinkingly. "Is there a reason for you being here, or did you just come to discuss fashion and frighten children?"

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"Heh" Rico let out a half-chuckle, "If you knew what this little number was you'd be shaking too, Jedi." He grinned, "I'm feeling like telling a story. There's a clearing just beyond the entrance to this village. When you're done babysitting and telling these people how the Empire is going to slaughter them, And how you're their only hope, meet me there." He smirked again and spun around to walk out. The mantle making every movement of the fox seem much creepier than it should have been.

"S...Sabin'ki, don't go. There's something wrong with him. Worse than before." Patrick stammered shaking even worse than before.

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As the fox walked off, Sabin looked down and patted the younger feline on the head. "Don't worry", he told Patrick, "He wants me to be afraid of him, and that's exactly what I'm not going to do. I'll be back shortly, I promise."

The orange tabby walked towards and out the door, saying out loud, "The best way to deal with a bully is to look him right in the eye."

Sabin took his time walking to the clearing outside the village, as if he didn't have a care in the world, breathing in the scents of the forest around him, enjoying the soft breeze. Nature didn't care one way or the other about the arguments of sentient beings.

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"Have you ever wondered what it would like to let lose of those feelings, Jedi?" He heard the fox say. Rico wasn't even trying to hide. Standing stoically at the edge of the clearing. "I assume part of you wanted to cut me when I shoved the boy earlier. I assure you I mean him no harm, he wastes his time on me. I can only imagine what you wanted to do me when he was cowering in fear."

"Do you know why he was so afraid?" The fox said menacingly. Sabin blinked, keeping his eyes on the fox, "Do I need to? You're going to tell me anyway I suppose." Rico didn't smile at all, "Of course. This mantle is a symbol of a Kydane Legend. A powerful man known as Kenji Pendragon. Three different religions claim him as their god. A god that I killed."

He breathed a sigh, "My brother was killed in the Jedi Temple. By a Jedi. I wanted to kill every one of you until I found the one that destroyed my life. I imagine my effects weren't even felt though in the grand scheme of things. A handful of Jedi hid on a small planet named Oakmaek, wearing this robe I killed them."

Sabin gritted his teeth at the admission of murder, "Are you coming to a point anytime soon?"

The eerie smile returned, "Do you know they still hunt me. I stupidly wanted to forget it all. I was ashamed of I'd done, I even wanted to attone for my part in the near extinction of the Jedi and the murder of many of the their supporters." He pulled his weapon out of his belt, "Kydane Royality carry a ceremonial sword with their family emblem embedded in the hilt." He turned his ornate sheath and hilt to face Sabin, "Mine has no emblem, to symbolize that my family renounced me."

Sabin grunted, "Gee, I can't imagine why."

"Because like the heartfelt fool I was back then I risked my life to save my little half brother and all the other oppressed people of my world." Rico continued ignoring Sabin completely. "Before the Jedi took him from me that final time to make him a padawan, he did one last thing for me. His... final gift, before he died." Rico swung the sword around by the handle, letting the force of the swing throw the sheath to the side to reveal... nothing. It was a hilt, no blade.

Sabin narrowed his eyes. Rico chuckled, "Thats not the surprise - This is."


The almost infamous sound hit the air as a blue blade ignited and appear out of the hilt. "Cleverly disguised, don't you think? The inner workings are almost half the size of a normal saber. My brother was a genius. A Genius destroyed by Jedi!" The final words a battlecry, the fox charged the mobian.

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Sabin watched Rico charge at him with a bored expression on his face, only taking action at the last minute, leaping high over the fox and landing behind him. The feline shrugged off his black cloak, and he reached down to take his lightsaber in hand.

"I knew you were an emotional wreck, Rico, but I didn't think you were stupid.", the cat spat. With a sharp snap-hiss, his lightsaber ignited, an emerald green blade extending from the hilt. "Jedi do not kill their own, and they do not kill children."

"There is a reason the Emperor sent his favorite servent to eliminate me", he said, turning back towards Rico, a look of focused anger on his face, "I am no ordinary Jedi."

The feline leapt into battle, holding his saber with one hand, launching a chain of swift, precise stabs and short swipes at his foe.

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The tell-tale snaps and crackling of battle between lightsabers carried in the wind, mobian natives with their advanced hearing turned ear to wind trying to place the strange, foreign sound to them.

He was fast, faster than he should be. Sabin could tell from his saber handling that this guy had had extensive melee weapon training, although the lightweight and odd battling style of a saber wasn't in his course study. His blocking was quick but it was almost as if he was looking for too great an opening to attack. His stance and two hand hold on the saber indicated he was used to heavier metal swords which took longer to swing than a saber and required more leverage to attack with. Still the style of his swordsmanship was quick and powerful at the same time, one Sabin hadn't encountered anywhere yet.

He jerked back away from the cat swing his weapon down to his side, almost as if he was trying to mimic it being sheathed, and charge again. The force behind the attack was far greater than Sabin anticipated forced Sabin to loose ground and jump backward. "It'd be safer to avoid his attacks. They aren't overpowering but if this goes on too long and that keeps up he could wear down my strength."

More cracking and humming filled the air as Sabin tried to keep the fox from break free for another charging attack. Sabin quickly locked blades with Rico again quickly shoving his blade to one side and trying to strike the fox with his elbow while pinning the blade. He dodged, a move that should have not been possible for a normal person, taking Sabin offguard. It only a split second but it was all Rico need to lunge back again and lower his sword into position for another assault. Sabin grimaced and readied himself block another forceful attack.


Another figure charged into the area, a small figure in an inky blue cloak. Rico seem oblivious to it, but Sabin sensed it, the corner of his eye told him it was directly for him, moving to counter would be very dangerous due to the unpredictability of Rico's speed and movement. The figure grabbed it his side and pulled out a shining silver blade that was almost as long as it was. The assassin attire it wore gave no indication of who it was; gloves, boots, cowl, even a mask over its mouth and nose. The only feature visible was the eyes, two small icey blue eyes.

Rico broke, charging the Jedi, Sabin jumped back at the last second hoping the two attackers would interfere with each other. *Thud* He felt the air gush out of his lungs has something hit his gut with the force of a landspeeder throwing him back. He watched groggily as the small opponent hit Rico in the gut, jaw, and shoulder before he could react. The fox suddenly flew back into a tree, it was like a demon, small and fast, uncaring of its target and silent. Those eyes showed no sign of hesitation or remorse, in fact they show no emotion at all.

Feeling his connection with the Force Sabin's disorientation from the surprising blow receeded. Had someone with a metal sword really just parried attacks from two lightsabers? The demonic figure walked over to fox slowly, obviously intent on finishing them both.

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Somewhere in the bowls of the palace, the Imperial forward command post was finally operational, their systems taking a little longer then expected to integrate with the Robotrpolice network. Lieutenant Rossmand Welch was in charge of the severance station, monitoring all frequencies for any sign of unusual activity, no mean feat in a city as mechanized as the doctor's capital. Any somewhere, amid all the chaos, he'd managed to lock down a particular trasmition feed that, though emanating from within the city, had such a wide band that its destination was unascertainable. The station officer stood up and signaled to his superior, going back to make sure the tracer was still active on the trasmition source.
"Sir take a look at this" Rossmand said lightly, replaying the scrap of images he'd managed to siphon from the scrambled message "It origianated from within the city boundaries. It appears as though the local resistance has several baces right located somewhere within this stronghold."
The comaner rubbed his chin thoughtfully "Hmm, Lord vader will wish to hear of this, he's on a tour of the facilities. I will inform him personally. In the mean time locate and isolate those bases. I want to know where they are and their strategically value." He turned to stalk away, muttering to himself "What kind of two bit operation has that fool been running here, spies in his city."

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Spyder and zero walked quietly down the road. They had intentionally given away their position in hopes of further understanding what they were dealing with.

"You know this is suicide.", zero said.

"Meh, We are psychological operations. First thing they are going to think. Why did they so easily give away their position second if they were the enemy how come they didnt kill those troops. Anyway capturing us would be about as smart as tossing a live grenade into your pocket. Besides I like messing with peoples heads.", spyder answered.

"what ever, If you get me killed youll be in for it", zero answered.

"Basically if anyone asks we are bounty hunters looking for work. its far from the truth but much more beleivable. Now to hide any evidence we are with the acorns para military... I suggest you do the same.", spyder continued as he dropped a few velcro patches and his radio into a plastic baggy and discarded it into a vent on one of the buildings.

They continued walking through robotropolis. towards were they last saw the storm troopers.

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