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STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

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Waller quickly ran up the boarding ramp almost forgeting his bag. The translator followed closely behind. Waller made his way to the cockoit to set for the flight!

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Casira jumped into her fighter and started the engines. Before closing the cotpit she took one last look around.

The Fetts were there, waving them off, as was Lien and several of the other Kaminoans. She waved back to them, then inserted her hands into the control pads again. The cotpit whirred closed and the engines roared as the fighter began to lift from the landing pad.

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"Casira, I need you to do me a favor while we are on Corellia. If I tell you to rum, do it. Don't hesitate. Something wicked is going on there, and I might be the only one able to stop it. Strong you are, but experienced you are not."

He got up and walked to a smaller room of the ship where he took the sleeves off his tunic. Scars were all over his arm. Each one told a story. There was one that almost went all the way around his arm. That was from his fight with his brother. Conme's arm stayed barely attatched. After the fight, he went to Kamino. He fell in love wiht the planet. And the people were excellent to him. They took care of his arm and all his other wounds and let him rest up. It was there that Darth Maul found Conme.

"Master, I don't know if I can do this. I'm scared"

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Casira simply acknowledged Conme's request. But I'm not going to leave you unless I absolutely have too! she thought to herself as she piloted her fighter out of the atmosphere. She set course for the co-ordinates that the other two had given her, and with a flash her ship dissapeared from the skies of Kamino, blasting into Hyperspace and off towards Corellia.


(OOC: Cy gone away for a few days?

Cy, hope you don't mind, to keep things moving I'll advance things back on Courscant a little. No major changes to your character or anything, just moving time on a little.)


"Unforseen, your appearence was. Can we trust you, we wonder."

The small green figure sat back on his chair, which engulfed his tiny form like it was swallowing him. He stroked his chin, his long, pointed ears twitching slightly. "A colorful past you have." he continued.

"I know." replied Lashar, nodding slowly.

One of the other figures sat in the large circular room leaned forward, long tantacles at the back of his head swaying with the movement. "You turned your back on us and became a Sith," he muttered, "and now you arrive back openly, saying you want to help us, and yet refusing to rejoin the Jedi order. Just what are we supposed to make of it?"

(OOC: Braxxon is in the Council Chamber too, in case you want him to say anything. As far as the Council itself goes, SS said the only one that would be familliar would be Yoda, so we can all make up names and characters ourselves^^)

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OOC: Looks like Teh ebil bunny isn't doing anything so I'll just say that Alex didn't come out of meditation when she was tapped on the shoulder.

Lily watched the meeting from the safety of some interesting architecture.he winced in the realisation that in her second wandering she'd walked into some kind of council meeting and would probably be found out any second. Her eyes flicked around eyeing the council members, she didn't really want to be cornered and questioned, and probably advised to rejoin the order.
Lily flattened herself against the wall and thought through her list of escape roputes to one that could lead her out of the temple stealthily and quickly if need be.

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OOC: ack! I almost forgot about this!


Lashar looked down at the floor. "It''s because of the guilt I still carry. I came to help in what ways I could...I doubt I would be welcomed back so quickly and my sins forgotten like so much vapor...and, Master Yoda, if I may be so bold, I feel a certain need to atone for my deeds." He knelt prostrate on the floor in front of the entire Council, laying his lightsaber and blasters in front of him. "I'm at your mercy."

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Yoda nodded slowly. "Atone, you must." he muttered. "Prove your heart to us you shall, before we can accept you back."

Lashar nodded too. "I understand."

A Human sat on Yoda's other side spoke up. He had a bald head, but a long grey beard reaching down to his waist! "You'll remember three months ago we felt the prescence of the Sith here on Courscant, along with a power we didn't recognise. We sent someone to investigate, but the Sith escaped, along with the unkown alien."

Lashar nodded in responce.

"It's been very tough, but we think we have tracked their movements, and we've noticed something strainge."

"On Courscant, the anomaly Courscant the ship comes." said Yoda. "To Raxxus Prime, they Raxxus Prime, the ship goes."

"We believe the ship is following them." continued the Human. "For what reason we don't know."

Braxxon, who had been stood near the door, spoke up. "Master Drahll, why not simply try to board the ship and investigate?"

"Too risky." replied Drahll. "The ship is heavily armed. It's doubtful that even the entire Republic Fleet could take it down. Not only is our Galaxy in danger from the Sith, and this rennagade power that has allied with them, but this alien ship is an unknown quantity."

"What do you want is to do?" asked Lashar quietly.

"Tracked the Sith to Kamino, we have." replied Yoda. "Interest in the alien, the ship has shown. Therefore capture the alien, we must, to stop her fall to the Dark Side, and to draw the ship to us."

"We cannot allow this alien, with her power, to become a tool for the Sith." said the figure on Yoda's right. "Plus, if we have her here, it will draw the ship here so that we can communicate with it, find out who they are and why they've come."

"But it will be dangerous." continued Drahll. "It will involve going up aginst at least two Sith Lords, plus the power of this alien is a force to be reckond with, and we cannot predict what would happen if the ship finds you" He sighed and sat back in his chair. "As you are not part of the Jedi Order, we cannot force you to take this mission. All we can do is ask you to voulenteer. It's your choice."

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Just then in the council chamber the forward doors flew open and in walked a mysterious man. He wore a light blue jump suit, and had red hair down to his shoulders. He had a deep voice when he spoke, but he was no foe.
"Masters," he began, "Sorry for my intrusion, but I have some rather pleasing news for you. If you don't mind sparing an extra second. Me, Jackx Malo, has returned with none other than Chonai Striken! He's been captured and brought to me. As a matter of a fact he is on my ship just outside. He's got an attiyude on him, but we should work it out! Who knows maybe we can turn him back to the lightside!"

OOC:A very unexpected twist, but I was planning it for quite some time now. I felt the action in Couruscant is faltering so I decided to skip stright to it. Jackx Malo is a temporay character, as a matter of fact will be disappearing in a few more posts. The sith in route to Corellia has no idea that Stiken is on Coruscant.

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Lashar bowed low. "I will do it. Alone. No need to get more than necessary involved." He stood up as the man burst through the door. Lashar summoned his blasters to his holsters and his saber to his belt. With a swish of the cloak, he was on his way out. "I have a good feeling about this mission. I shall succeed or die trying."


Lashar tapped a small device behind his ear.
Elsewhere, the Regret flared to life and flew to its master's call. Climbing in, Lashar tapped in the coordinates. "Ready or not, here I come. Ship, once we're cleared, hyper-jump to the coordinates."

In orbit...
"Roger that, Regret, you are cleared to hyper-jump." "Thank you, control tower, this is Lashar and Regret signing off." The ship pinged into the distance.

Over the surface of Raxxus Prime...
The space-bend went hopefully unnoticed. "Regret, initiate scans. Tell me where that ship is."

OOC: there, edited for now. Hopefully this'll work better.

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(OOC: O.O Cy, you may have missed a detail...Yoda said the Jedi had tracked them to Kamino after they went to Raxxus. If you have a plan in heading there then ok, but if you didn't you may want to edit.)

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OOC: I thought the ship was still at Raxxus. His mission's to find the ship.

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"Tracked the Sith to Kamino, we have." replied Yoda. "Interest in the alien, the ship has shown. Therefore capture the alien, we must, to stop her fall to the Dark Side, and to draw the ship to us."


"We cannot allow this alien, with her power, to become a tool for the Sith." said the figure on Yoda's right. "Plus, if we have her here, it will draw the ship here so that we can communicate with it, find out who they are and why they've come."

Sorry my bad >< I should have been more clear. I'm just trying to think of a way to get a bit more character interaction, and I have an idea for Casira.)

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OOC: Right. Disregard my last two posts as I really don't feel like going back and editing them.
**In space**

The Regret pulled out of hyperspace over the planet Kamino. "Lightsaber, check." Lashar tightened the buckle on his lightsaber scabbard. "Armor, check." He double-checked the fasteners on his armor. "Blasters, check." With a quick twirl, he holstered the blasters and climbed into the cockpit portion of the ship. "Slave link, check." He tapped a button on the console and adjusted a few switches, then tapped the apparatus behind his ear. "Computer, give me an estimate." "Affirmitive, sir. Landing site found on current night side of the planet. Landing protocols engaged. Lower deflector shields enabled in event of hostile anti-ship fire. Descent in T-minus"

Above the troposphere, the shields began heating up. To any observers out that night, it would appear as though a shooting star was passing overhead. Hopefully, no one would be curious enough to check out its trajectory. Any force-sensitives could easily find him, though. He climbed into the escape pod. "Computer. Engage shield coolant on my mark." "Affirmative." "Mark!" The ship began spraying anti-fire coolant onto its own shields, giving the "shooting star" the impression that it was burning itself out. "Computer, launch escape pod, then find a suitable hiding location." "Affirmative. Escape pod away."

The shooting star suddenly jettisoned part of itself.

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The small black fighter flashed out of hyperspace above Corellia, again faster than the Sith's transport. Casira eased the craft into a stable orbit. Goodness knew what was waiting for them down there; it would be better to land together.

She removed herself from the ship's systems as she waited. She looked down at the planet below. Another world. Another home for someone.

At least their home was still here.

She would have to find somewhere eventually, another planet, preferably uninhabited, and somewhere out of the way, nit in danger of being attacked by nearby races. Was there such a place? In her own galaxy, in this one...both seemed fraught with danger and risk.

Her hand inadvertantly went to her stomach.

She sighed. There had to be. The universe couldn't be so cruel. No matter how long it took, she would find it. She had to.

Another flash errupted nearby, and Conme's transport appeared above the planet. Casira reached out, taking control of the ship again.

"This is Casira, I'll follow you down."

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After the pod landed safely in a heavily brush-laden area, Lashar climbed out and closed his eyes in meditation.
Lashar tapped the button, hoping the jammers would be enough...and that no one would notice his transmission.
He sat back in the captain's chair of the Regret. "Computer, once we've reloaded, take me up to orbit." "But sir, your orders were to..." "There's nothing here anomalous in nature. They may have seen me coming, and jumped." "Roger that, sir." As the escape pod was secured and the hatch sealed behind it, the Regret was once again skyborne.

In orbit above Kamino...

"Prepare, encrypt, encode and transmit this message to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant via ten transmitter bounces. It's slower, but it'll leave less of a trail if anyone's snooping." "Affirmative, sir. The camera is ready." "All right." He cleared his throat and faced the camera. "Masters. I arrived and landed on Kamino with little or no error or incident. However, I detected no presence of the anomaly. I have sensed some residues of strong Force energy, though. By the time you recieve this message, five hours should have passed, as I'm sending this through at least three security measures. I'm taking Regret into orbit now and scanning for anything I can get. My idea is that they've jumped. If so, I should send my next transmission from my destination. This is your servant, Lashar, signing out." He bowed as the camera cut out. "Now. Computer. Run scans for ion trails, jump signatures, anything recent." "Affirmative..."

Two hours later...

"Sir!" "Yes?" Lashar looked up from his meditation. "I've picked up two jump signatures headed in same direction." "Good...can you estimate?" "How far? Certainly." A star chart popped up on-screen. "Judging by angle and speed, they should pull out..." A small star system near the core blipped up. "Corell. Computer, lock coordinates and charge the drives up. We're visiting home."

Three hours later, the Regret winked back into hyperspace.

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Waller went into the back to prepare landing. It might have been wiser to have remained seated in his safety harness, as the ship entered atmosphere Waller slid across the floor ramming his had into a holoproj generator. Waller roared in pain, and the translator didn't translate. Waller's language would have made every holy man form every single religon across the galaxy shun him! It really didn't matter though, Conme knew what he said. If you could see Waller's face underneath the fur, it would have been a glowing pink. Waller shook the embarassment off and continued on.

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OOC: I HAV ERETURNED! THE LEGEND CONTINUES! Nice touch Egg. Comedy is good.

"Waller, you have to stay strapped in. You're going to really hurt yourself."

Conme and Waller walk out of the ship to meet Casira and rendevous, perhaps for the lkast time depending on what happens here.

"Waller, do you think you could find out where that message came from and send one of the seeker droids out to find the origin point. Until then, we will wait here for it to return."

OOC: I do want Conme's true brother to show up in this. It's important for the later part, and quite possibly a sequel to this roleplay. And I have a big surprise plaanned for the very end of the story. And I want to take this time to acknowledge Wraiths excelllent surprise as well. Don't worry, the end isn't anytime soon. We have alot more to do.

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At house somewhere on Corellia...

The Regret landed on the landing platform outside the dome-shaped house. "La...Lashar?" "Yeah, it's me, Ma." The old woman ran up and threw her arms around the man, who returned the gesture. It was rare a Jedi got to see his family again. "I wish I could stay here longer, Mom, but I'm actually here on business." "I...understand. You go kick their butts, son!" Lashar smiled a bit. "I will. May the Force be with you." The Regret lifted off again as Lashar waved to the old woman down on the ground. "Computer, scan for the ships with the hyperspace tags we detected earlier." "Affirmative. Scanning..."

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Suddenly the communicator bleeped into life, showing an incoming transmission on a secure channel. Lashar fround as he responded: "Yes?"

"I said I liked people who get straight to the point, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone move so fast in my life!"

"Who is this?"

"It's Braxxon." called the man with the goatee as he piloted his Jedi Starfighter down into the planet's atmosphere. "You left Courscant so quick I've had trouble catching up with you!"

Lashar sighed sligtly. "I said I'd do this mission alone. You needn't be here."

"The Council doesn't agree." replied Braxxon conversationally. "They told you you had to earn their trust. You'll be going up against the Sith, whom seduced you once before. This mission is to important and the situation to dangerous to risk letting you go alone. No offence."

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Lashar sighed again. "Very well. Meet me at the coordinates I'm sending you." He turned to the com camera. "Masters. The Sith and the anomaly have jumped to Coruscant, so I pursued, and am currently broadcasting from there. I have made contact with master Braxxon. We will hopefully proceed with the mission without further delay. Lashar out."

later, in a commercial starport...

Lashar stepped out of his ship. "Computer, security systems on full, and be ready in the event I call." He walked out to greet the Jedi master...

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OOC: Sorry guys, there's just nothing really happening with my char so I'm leaving, I can't seem to post in time to get myself in on the action 😛 Good RP though, goodluck with the story

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The doors on Malo's ship flew open with a hiss, and at the same second a lightsaber shot out from the interior impaleing Jackx in the head. The Jedi knights backed up and ignited their lightsabers as Malo's body crashed to the floor. A figure emerges from the ship. Though ragged and beaten badly, it wasn't hard to tell who it was. Chonai Striken raised his viloet blade at the Jedi knights challengeing them to make a move at him. They charge at him, and Striken knows that he can't fight them. As the knights get closer Striken jumps into the air over the side of the temple. It was going to be a long drop!

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The seeker droid came back to notify that the signals origin had been located, but Striken wasn't there.

"Waller, go back into the ship and contact Striken."

Just then, a presence was felt. It was so strong that it almost knocked COnme off his feet. He felt it, he knew it, but this time, he didn't fear it. He was right. Everything he predicted. His brother was here.

"Casira, remember that favor I asked you earlier? I want you to stick to. I know you feel it too. Get on the ship with Waller and tell him to take off and hide until further contact from me."

He saw Casira hesitate. She wanted to help, but she can't. It was COnme's fight and his alone.

"GO! NOW!" He screamed.

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Casira looked over at the figure stood some way away from them. It was dificult to see his face...he was stood in the shadows of the nearby buildings. She could feel his power though.

"But what if...?"

"Casira please!"

There was something in his voice...something that said more than his words did. She glanced across at him, but heis eyes were fixed firmly on the figure ahead.

Slowly, reluctantly, she began to back towards the transport...


Braxxon landed his fighter in one of the starport's bays and jumped out. Lashar was already walking across the massive room to meet him. He didn't look happy.

"I know how you must feel." said Braxxon, not bothering with a greeting. Lashar didn't look like he wanted one. "You have to understand though, we can't be certain we can fully trust you, and we can't afford to risk giving the Sith yet another ally for their cause."

Lashar just stared at him silently.

"Can you feel them?" Braxxon asked.


"So can I. They're close."

He thought through the briefing the Jedi Council had given them. "Apparently there were three Sith with the anomoly, Lord Conme, Lord Stricken, and an apprentice called Waller. We have stricken in custody, which means just two left."

"There's another." said Lashar. "Someone else."

Braxxon sighed. "I was worried you were going to say that. I thought I might be wrong, that the anomoly was clouding my sences, but if you can feel it too..." He turned to his fighter, looking at the R droid on it's wing. "Mind the ship R9, we'll be back shortly."

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Conme let the robe fall of his shoulders and on to the ground to reveal him in all black. He took that layer off too. to reveal his whole body coveed in bandages up to the neck. He wasn't injured, but he felt that they helped his performance.

"I've been waiting for you brother!" Yelled the figure.

"Why? Why did you do what you did? Why our family Corbe?"

Apparently that was Conme's brother's name. After that short dialogue, both of their lightsabers ignited. Conme's inner black and outer white and Corbe's outer black and inner white. Corbe threw his robe off to reveal the resmblence of of the two brothers.


He thrust at Conme vertically, but he was blocked by his blade. hat strength. He knew he couldn't win. He kicked his older brother in the stomach to make him fly back.

"You're god Corbe, but not good enough."

He pulled out a diferent lightsaber with a significantly longer handle. It emerged as a whip. Inner black outer white. He had been working on it in secret for Casira, but he had to use it now.

OOC: Okay Wraith, now you do something because I still need a while to think.

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"I've sent a message to the Council, so they should know where we are in a matter of hours." Lashar drew his robes up around himself as they walked. Braxxon was right. He had been tricked once...he didn't want to go that road again...

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"We need to help him!"

"We can't!" replied Waller as he ran from console to console in the transport's control room, the translation droid having trouble keeping up with him. "Master Conme needs to do this alone! Besides, we have other problems!"

Casira tore her eyes away from the window and looked around. "What?"

Waller looked up. "You haven't felt them?"

Casira blinked. Waller was right, there WAS something else in the atmosphere, two other figures, somewhere not too far away! She hadn't noticed them before, being so wrapped up in Conme's fight. "Jedi?" she murmured quietly.

Waller nodded. "Has to be. They must hve tracked us somehow. The best thing that we can do at the moment is destract them so that Master Conme has time to finish! If they were to arrive while he was still fighting he could be in even deeper trouble!"

Casira looked out the window again at the two figures. Still they hadn't engaged each other. They were simply stood talking. Slowly she nodded.

"You're right, we have to buy him time." She turned and strode across the room, making for the doorway. "Come on, let's get going. There's no time to waste!"

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Waller ran down the boarding ramp with his new lightsaber in hand. He ignited it, and nothing came out of the hilt. He had it switched on ivisibility. Making hardly no noise at all it would be the perect weapon for taking the Jedi off guard!

Striken crahed to the ground hard. He used what was left of his force abilities to soften the landing, but that did help much. He had only one lightsaber, and he was exhausted. Whatever happend back on Corellia certainly screwed his force powers! Now not knowing what to do or where the go, Striken took off toward the courtyard exit. He would lose any tailing Jedi in tyhe city!

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Lashar lifted his head and looked over his shoulder. "You feel that, too? Isn't that the 'anomaly'?...and there's another with it."

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"They're getting closer..." Braxxon looked around the crowded marketplace they were stood in. "This is a bad place to meet them!"

"I don't think we have much choice." replied Lashar, nodding his head forward. There in the distance, slowly stepping into the marketplace, were two figures, a large Wookie with a little droid hovering nearby, and a four-legged catlike creature with white fur and golden armour.

Braxxon sighed. Bringing his hands up to his mouth to amplify his voice, he began to shout; "Ladies and Gentlemen, please vacate the area in a calm and orderly fasshion. The Jedi have some buisness to attend to."

"There." growled Waller, pointing at the two figures ahead. "Come on let's go."

"Wait." replied Casira, holding up her hand. "Let the area clear first. They're doing a good thing, moving all the civillians."

"We need to take them now, while they're off guard!" retorted Waller. "If a few civillians get in the way it's unfortunate, but the Jedi are far too dangerous for us to be worrying about civilians!"

Casira looked at him, her eyes wide. "You can't be serious!?"

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That remark took Waller off guard. All throughout his teachings he learned that innocents in the way of battle were ignorant to stay there. Casira seemed to be concerned about the civillians, and Waller decided to let the Jedi clear out the area before they began. He knew he was putting all that he learned aside, if Casira could care for someone's life maybe Waller should try considering it.

After the civillians left Waller turned to the Jedi, "Let's have at it now!"
With that Waller ran at the Jedi with his invisible blade ignited.

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Lashar's eyes flashed for a second. There...he could see it...his flesh being rended by air from the empty hilt of the wookie's lightsaber. Not if he could help it. The wookie was charging like a crazed barbarian. He closed his eyes and, as though fluid, slid right out of the way of the saberslash, and the orange lightsaber was out in a split second. "I guess this means we accept the challenge."

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OOC: After an email from Wraith I got an idea so I'm putting Lily back in. 😛 Wish me luck on a second try.

Lily closed her eyes and wondered once again why the heck she was doing this, but something in her had made up its mind, she had to carry it through. She steered the ship down, watching the land coming up fast, and the four force weilding fighters were too.
"Oh please forgive me if I hit one of you." she muttered, pulling the ship into a steeper dive, she suddenly cut the engines and let it free fall she'd done this a couple of times, but never this close to the ground, not with such high stakes.
Then she pulled up, without engines she was simply running on the wings gliding ability, she thought back briefly to the moment she made her decision...

...she'd over heard the conversation and snuck into the hangar taking one of the fastest craft she could find, small unarmed and light, the ship she'd chosen had been good for the job, tailing Lashar's ship hadn't been easy, and then following it again the second time still undetected was even harder, then she'd hung back for a while trying to figure out what to do, meditating, in her meditation she sensed Cassira and the others, she also sensed the two other jedi, now they were charging into battle and she had to stop them...

she came back to the present and quickly engaed the engines, putting them on reverse thrust to slow the impact and bailed.
sge fell the remaining drop to the ground, the fight had stopped for now, distracted temporarily by the craft. She winced at the sound of its explosionbehind her.
"Sorry about that but I have to stop this, you don't need to fight."

OOC: Hope that's alright guys

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(OOC: Looks good Gerbil, glad you could rejoin^^)

Braxxon jumped backwards, performing a backflip in mid air and landing on his feet several meters away. With a flash he activated his lightsaber, the green and orange blade flickering into life and casting an orange glow on his face.

"A Wookie Sith Lord?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "What will they think of next?"

Waller growled at this, and lunged toward Braxxon, his invisable lightsaber slicing through the air with a whistling noise. Braxxon quickly sidestepped, glancing Waller's blow off with his own saber. It would take a lot more concentration than normal to avoid that would have to look where the handle was pointing, rather than at the blade itself!

The Wookie spun round and came at him again, and this time Braxxon stood his ground. Sparks flew as their sabers clashed, the Human desperately trying to block Waller's attacks.

Suddenly Waller slashed to the side with his saber, knocking Braxxon's own saber out of the way! He quicly followed through with a sharp punch, throwing all of his Wookie strength into the movement!

Braxxon went flying, landing on the concrete floor some way away and skidding on his back. He let out a cry of pain. Waller began to run forward, raising his saber high in the air to slice the Human in two...

...but as his blow fell, another lightsaber flashed across, blocking the strike!

"You should be more careful." grinned Lashar as he parried Waller's blow and knocked the Wookie off balance temporarely, making him step backward.

Casira meanwhile had been supprised by Waller's sudden charge, and was momentarily uncertain of what to do! She quickly pulled herself together and grabbed her light whip...she had the saber Conme had given to her, but she wasn't as proficient with it yet as she was with her natural weapon.

She began to run forward as Waller smashed Braxxon to the floor. She had to admit she wasn't keen on the thought of fighting these Jedi, even less so in her condition, but the image of Conme facing off against his brother haunted her mind.

She had no choice...

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Lily sighed, it looked like the others were still going to fight, wether or not a ship practically crashed over their heads.
The cat like girl surveyed the scene, she felt torn and then made up her mind, she had to stop this fight, she had a feeling if they all talked to each over then possibly they would stop trying to cut each others limbs off.
She leapt skillfully into battle, avoiding the blows aimed at the others and managed to draw her lightsaber and ignite it, finally intersepting an attack.
"Please listen to me, you don't have to fight!"

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(OOC: WHOOPS well that was a good start by me! Sorry Gerbil I mis-read your post...didn't realise you were so close to the battle...and after working out ways to get you back in too, sorry. My brain's been on autopilot for a week or so, had a lot of problems irl and I'm still not thinking straight.

I can edit if you like, and if it's ok with everyone else?)

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Lashar regarded Lily with some suspicion. "You're half right, lady," He swung his lightsaber up to meet Waller's, "but bear in mind. We didn't start the fight."
He leapt high into the air, bringing his saber down at Waller in a dive attack...

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OOC: That's alright Wraith, no need to edit, its okay :)

Lily dodged a thrust aimed at someone else and sighed again, this was going to be harder than she thought.
She considered jumping into the battle and fighting for a side but knew that someone as young as her facing people as experienced as them would not last five seconds in a fight.
"Please, everyone, just calm down and back off." Lily turned off and put away her lightsaber, feeling more defenseless without it. Then she took a deep breathe, she always had one just in case...but could she use it...
"If you don't then I'll activate this before you can do anything."
She suddenly whipped out a small demoliton charge pack and held her thumb over the button.
"One move to try and snatch from me and I'll trigger it."

OOC: Just want to see if I can calm everyone down in a rather odd way that's sure to backfire.:P I can always edit if you think it interferes with the the plot or something.

Posts: 1631
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Braxxon had stood up after his fall, and was recovering from being winded. He stared at Lily wide-eyed.

"What are you doing here? This is no place for a youngling!"

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Waller regained his footing and sneered at the new arival.
"What makes you think I couldn't knock that charge out of your hand before you could even activate it?" the droid translated, "I will not stop intil I'm dead!"
Waller charged at the group once again not knowing what danger he was getting everyone into!

Posts: 774
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that fool 'll get us all killed!

Lashar held out a hand, a powerful force shockwave emanating from it directed at the wookie...he couldn't let the girl activate the charges...the innocents had only cleared the general area...debris could still hit.

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COnme fell down, clutching his heart. His brother had just slashed him across the chest. It was deep. He couldn't give up.

"Tisk, tisk Conme. Looks like I got you again. YOU'RE PATHETIC! NOW YOU MUST DIE!"

He pulled the lightsaber back behind him and swong down with mighty force, but his attack ultimately failed. Just before it reached Conme, the lightsaber broke. The blade had failed.


Earlier in the battle Conme had wrapped his lightsaber around Corbe's and that must have overloaded Corbe's blade.

Conme started making his whip type lightsaber go in a circular direction over his head.


He let the whip come down to his side, then he lept for Corbe and cut his left arm clean off.

"Why did you come looking for me brother?" Said Conme.

"Your apprentice. The powerful four legged one. She is the only one powerful enough to save the galaxy. The Jedi needed her and they sent out many to find her. I thought if I could get to her first, I could bring her to them and they would have to pay me."

Conme grabbed corbe by the neck. "SAVE THE GALAXY FROM WHAT?" He yelled.

Corbe could barely breathe with his brothers hand around his neck. "They are coming to Coruscant. A whole lot of them." He gasped.


"The Necr-" he hadpassed out.

"HEY! WAKE UP DAMMIT!" Conme screamed.


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Suddenly an arm wrapped itself around Lily and a hand grabbed her wrist, making her drop the detonator in supprise.

"This is too big for you, child." murmured Casira as she pulled Lily back, away from the fighting. She had planned to move in and attack Braxxon, leaving Waller free to engage Lashar, but when Lily jumped into the middle of the battle her surging maternal instincts had taken over. Didn't the kid see the danger she was getting herself into???

Braxxon's reaction was instantnious. "Unhand her!" he shouted, stepping forward. Waller swung his lightsaber, forcing the Jedi to block and stopping his advance.

"Kill her!" roared the Wookie over his shoulder. "Get her out of the picture then we can take these Jedi!"

Casira's eyes widened. "She's too young! You can't just kill her!"

"She's going to be a Jedi! We need to take her before she completes her training and becomes dangerous!"

Lily began to struggle in Casira's arms. "No, no please, you can't kill me!"

Suddenly, Casira's world fell apart.

Pain...death...evil. How could she not have seen this???

Time seemed to slow as she looked from one figure to the other in the marketplace. She could feel the waves of emotion blasting through the air...anger, hatred, malevolence, a cold, merciless rage...and pleasure, pleasure in death and destruction.

She could feel Waller's hatred of the badly he wanted them dead, how he would go to any lengths to achive it!

Was this the true face of the Sith...?

Fear gripped her as she realised...had everything she had been taught a lie? What was she working for...good, or evil?


She needed space...time to think! Still holding Lily in a vice-like grip, she turned and ran.

Braxxon stared after her, his eyes wide. "The youngling...!"
He jumped backwards, dodging another of Waller's mighty blows. "Lashar, I have to help her! Keep him occupied!"

Lashar simply nodded as he lunged forward, lightsaber spinning through the air.

Braxxon holstered his own saber and set off running out of the marketplace after Casira...

Posts: 774
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Keep the wookie busy, eh?

Not hard to do.

Lashar, after successfulyl feinting with the spinning saber trick, landed and holstered his saber. His eyes glowing again, he drew both pistols and began opening fire...suppression fire, mainly...

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As Casira ran down the alley, Conme stood halfway to intercept her. He was getting cold. It musthave been the fact that he was bare-chested from the fight. He felt Casira and all the confusion inside her. Sadness. Pain. Betrayal. It all became clear. She had an internal conflict with her own emotions. He knew she wouldn't be with him much longer. It was only a matter of time. This was especially hard for him, due to the fact that they had grown so close. They had a love for each other that no one else had. A father daughter relationship: dissipated, just like that. It was strange, because, in the meantime, with all the training, he had forgotten. Forgotten that he belonged to the Sith, forgotten all about the Jedi, forgotten that she was some sort of valuable asset to the dark side. Forgotten all about everything that was going on, because none of that mattered anymore. It's like, for the time they were together, before Corellia, everything was as it should've been. Like it was back on Naboo when Conme was a child. He knew he'd have to let her go, but before that, he had to let her know.

"Casira...what is ti that's troubling you?"

Stupid question, for he already knew the answer, but it was the only thing he could think of to say.

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She slowed and stopped as she saw him, staring at him with intensity. Slowly she released Lily, who stepped a little away from her and eyed her and Conme uncertainly.

"Casira...what is ti that's troubling you?"

She took a deep breath. "You lied to me." Conme's eyes dropped to the floor. "How could you...why didn't you tell me???"

"Casira, I only wanted what was best for you. I wante to help..."

"By lying to me???" interrupted Casira, pain in her voice. "What are you Conme? What are the Sith???"

Conme sighed. "The Sith...are power hungry. They crave the worship and fear of others, and will stop at nothing to get it." He looked her in the eye pointedly. "But I am not a Sith, Casira, not any more."

Casira was momentarilly lost for words. She stared at him in shock. "What...?"

"I am not the evil that I once have changed me! I see where I was wrong...where I was misguided." He took a step forward, extending his hand. "Casira, I ment it when I said I wanted to help you. You saved me from myself...made me realise just what a monster I was! Lying to you was wrong, and I appologise, but I still want to help you!"

Lily was staring at him wide-eyed. "You're lying now!" she exclaimed suddenly. "Nobody leaves the Sith!"

Conme's gaze flicked to Lily, recognising her from the landing platforms on Courscant. For the barest moment he felt a flicker of anger, wanting to kill the child for what she might become, but it passed.

Casira was stood with her eyes closed. Slowly tears began to run down her face, staining her fur darker than normal. She opened her eyes and stared at him. "I trusted you." she whispered. "You became like a father to me. I...I wish I could believe what you can I believe anything you say ever again?"

Conme closed his eyes, sighing. He was afraid of this.

"You tricked me into joining evil!" she continued, her voice hoarse. "Even if it was for my own good, how can you justify that???"

"He can't."

Everyone spun round in shock, staring down the alleyway at the owner of the voice.

Braxxon slowly began to walk forwards, lightsaber humming in his hand. "All the Sith want is control of the universe. They are pure evil, and will stop at nothing to get it, even genoside."

Conme's eyes narrowed. "Yes they are, but I'm not like that anymore!"

Braxxon chuckled to himself. "They're also notorious for deception." he drawled. He stopped a few meters away from the group and fixed Casira with a gaze. "The Jedi are sworn to protect the innocent and the weak." he murmured. "We are the light side of the Force. We fight for justice and honor."

"And emotionless life." muttered Conme through clenched teeth. "What I said about them taking your children was the truth Casira." He activated his saber with a flash. "Get out of here. I'll keep him buisy while you go."

"What happens to the children is for the Council to decide," replied Braxxon evenly, "but we are not completely without emotion. We understand a child's need for it's parent, and vice-versa."

Casira was stood in the middle, looking from one to the other with tears in her eyes. What could she do??? Who could she trust???

Suddenly a blast of pain swept through her mind, and she cried out in agony, holding her hands to her head.

"Casira!" shouted Conme, diving forward.

Braxxon was looking up towards the sky, on edge. "What is that...?" he muttered.

They all felt it...a sudden opressiveness, a pain.

A void in the Force. An area of space where the Force didn't exist in any form. It was impossible...yet it was there, and it was getting closer!

Lily looked around tensely. "Something's...coming...!"

Casira was visably shaking! Slowly she raised her head, looking up at the sky. "No." she whispered, sheer panic in her voice. "No please, it can't be...!"

A thunderous, throbbing, rumbling noise filled the air, and slowly a massive shadow swept across the entire city, blotting out the sun. Screams errupted from the suburbs as the mighty metal obelisk cruesd overhead. Transports began to take off as people tried to flee the unknown.

The ship was gigantic, streaching right across the city in all directions! It was the size of a small moon, so big it had it's own gravity well that started to play havoc with the tides of the planet!

It was roughly wedge shaped, with massive fins running from the nose across the back to the huge engines at the back. It was a dull black color, with no lights or windows of any kind visable.

The throbbing noise got louder and louder, becoming opressive on the ears as the ship dropped lower and lower! The small group in the alley just stared in awe, looking up at the sea of metal as it slowly drifted past overhead. In the markets, Waller and Striken both stopped fighting, lightsabers almost touching, and stared upwards as the massive vessel slowed to a standstill over the city!

Casira was still shaking with fear, tears in her eyes as she stared up at the ship's belly. Her nightmares had returned...her memories were flooding back...!

"Oh no...!"

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Waller looked in the sky to see the massive ship approaching. He didn't know what was happening. First he had upset Casira somehow, and now it seemed that something bad was approaching! He couldn't place it, but he felt something evil about it, far more evil than the Sith!

Chonai Striken was hiding behind a trash dumpster when he felt it. That familiar feeling was coming back to him once more. His number one goal was nearby.
He grabed his lightsabers and talked to himself with a wide grin, "The amulent is in this city! I must act quick before I lose it once again!"

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Conme stood for a minute and watched the sky. He had something bothering him though. This Jedi. What did he know about Conme anyway? And the Sith for that matter. He loved Casira with all his heart, but he knew what he was trying to do was useless. But she did change him, and for the better. He cared nothing for the Sith. He Hadn't associated with them for such a period that they probably believed him dead. That's exactly how he wanted it to be. He wanted no control on the universe. He wanted freedom for it. The Republic was good and he knew that, but he wanted Casira to join him. Yes, because she was powerful, but that isn't what matters.

Back when Conme was being taught the ways of the Jedi by his brother, who ultimately made him go to the dark side in the first place, he met a girl. She was only a year younger than him, but she had a hard time moving from place to place. You see, she was crippled from an accident that happened on Coruscant. Someone who was angry with the Republic had set a bomb that destroyed the building. She escaped, with her ankles crushed by a building support. Her parents weren't so lucky. They died in that building, along with the rest of her family.

Afer a year of helping her to get her strength back, she was killed along with Conme's family. This is why he wanted to be with Casira so badly. She reminded him of that girl. All of her family died, just like Casira's. But COnme and Casira bonded so much more than him and the little girl. But he still, from that day forward, has always wanted to help someone in need, because he felt that he failed that little girl. Failed to help her, and protect her.

A tear ran down his face and he snapped back to reality. He had a sudden rage flow through him. He was so angry. This Jedi had no right to talk about him without knowing him. He wanted to tell him. For once, he wanted to solve his problems without violence. It appears that they had bigger things to worry about. he feelings radiating off Casira were strong. They almost hurt Conme himself.

" it...?"

Posts: 240
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Lily looked back at where her detonation charge pack lay, she pulled it back to her with ease and looked up at the ship, it would hardly scratch it but it migt come in handy, she put it back in her bag and looked at Conme.
"Are ou telling the truth, I know its a bad time but say what you said again please, I might be able know, if I concentrate." Lily had seen the tear, she felt he had a right not to be judged like she had.
"Oh yes and just so everyone knows I'm ROGUE not Jedi or Sith, okay, I just wanted to make that clear and please stop calling me a youngling, its demeaning, just call me Lily."
She looked to Comne again, feeling the pain from above,
"I know this isn't a good time but I need to know that I can trust you, I have a feeling we may all have to work together if that's what I think it is." Lily made a side long glance at Casira...

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Waller ran over to the other two as the thing came closer.
"Does anyone know what that damned thing is?" the droid translated rapidly, "I'm senseing something strange within it!"
Waller was actually afraid of this strange vessel, and hid behind Casira and Conme.

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