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Survival (Sonic/Esc...
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Survival (Sonic/Escape)

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Alrighty, this is my new rp. Yeah, yeah, I know another escape rp. This is a variation of an old rp I had that went down the old flusher. You might remember it. It was called Survival, and it will keep its title.

This takes place about seven years after the events in SA2 Battle. Its two years after a five year long bloody war between the humans and furries. Heres how it happened: Robotnik disguised himself and became the Presidents Chief Political Advisor as part of his terrible plan. He got the president to believe the furries were a threat and must be controlled. This ignited the war. For the first two years, the furries were winning. It seemed the war would soon end. The furries began to celebrate their victory a little too soon. In the governments weakened state, Robotnik revealed himself and easily overthrew the president. With him as the new leader of the humans, production of SWATs increased by forty percent. They were appearing faster than the furries could destroy them.

At the end of the third year the tables were turned, and the furries were losing. As a precaution, Sonic was put into cryogenic stasis. He would be brought out of it only in a case of absolute desperation. Only a handful of furries knew his location. At this time, war was everywhere, and there were few safe havens. In an effort to preserve their species, all children under sixteen, the elderly, and mothers with very small children were ordered to take refuge in the Great Forest.

In the middle of the fifth year, the furries were still losing, and their numbers were dwindling. The older children in the Forest wanted to help, but the leaders refused. On of the few furries who knew the location of Sonic, was tired of war. She wanted it to be over, at any cost. In secret, she gave away Sonics location to Robotnik. He was soon taken by the humans. That was when the furries gave up. Robotnik gave them an offer. If they would officially surrender, he would allow the ones in the Great Forest to live. The remaining furries not in the Forest were tired and sad and they agreed. The wolf that told Robotnik of Sonics location was my very own Green Eyes. Shes much different in this rp than Shadows, so Ill post her profile later.

He rounded up all the furries, and right in front of them, burned the Great Forest to the ground. They were all declared slaves and were made to work in a mine a mile away from where the Forest once stood. They were forced to mine granite under Green Eyes, and used it to build an immense wall surrounding the burned Forest. Green Eyes is the chief overseer, and quite cruel. She is the only furry Robotnik tolerates, and she is his right hand. Many of his orders are given through her. She has a lot of contact with the slaves, and holds the power between life and death. They also built various necessary buildings within the compound. They built a fortress outside the walls for Robotnik. Beyond the massive wall in an electric fence thirty feet high. The compound is swarming with SWATs. Escape is virtually impossible.

Robotnik made one mistake though. When he took Sonic in his stasis pod, he did not kill him. Instead he keeps him on display in his fortress. A surveillance camera projects the image on a huge screen above the slaves barracks, to remind them of their imprisonment. Not killing Sonic gave the furries something he did not intend. Knowing there was a possibility, however small; that they would be saved gave the furries hope.

Our mission is to form a group that will scale the wall, find a way past the electric fence, into Robotniks fortress, and free Sonic from his stasis. There is no guarantee that even Sonic will be able to help though.

Hope you like my idea. Please feel extra free to point out any flaws; I havent started an rp in awhile. I havent decided which character to use, so Ill post their profile and the new Green Eyes when I have time. Please join!

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