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Survival (Sonic/Escape)

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Posts: 409
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Mik sighed, "I may be clueless, but I ain't stupid!"
Flipping a special visor down, the meerkat jumped off to the side, doing a somer-sault and landing right in front of Josh. She then promptly fell over, scrambling to her feet once more. Taking one step back, she got in fighting stance, looking at the human with interest.
"You're not from around here, are you?"


The figure laughed hoarsely as it wriggled in Zero's grasp, paying no mind to the knife.
"Robotnik?! Peh, he destroyed my life! Why would I side with... a twisted..... tyrant like him!?!?" With that, the person slipped out, jumping back a few feet.
"Die quickly, huh? Ha, that's what everyone says." The spy took off its helmet, revealing a smirking red vixen with silver eyes.


Name: Rebekkah "Ruby" Foster
Age: 18
Species: Fox/Raccoon hybrid
Gender: Girl
Hair/Fur color: Her hair is violet; her fur is red, with white muzzle and tipped tails
Eye color: Silver
Clothes/accesories: Blue sleeveless vest with a black shirt, blue skort, blue boots with yellow tips, dark blue fingerless gloves; hair is in a long braid

Weapons: Her genius and many, many gadgets

Strengths/Weaknesses: Ruby is very flexible/agile, and she can handle herself when it comes to one-on-one combat. She makes gadgets and can solve just about any problem. She's also a pretty sound person; snide comments don't usually get to her. One of her weaknesses, though, is that when and IF someone gets under her skin, she doubts herself and can put whole groups in jeopardy.

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

"No. I was sent here by my military when we received a distress call about a tyrant named robotnik. He believes he has killed us. We'd like to keep it that way.", josh replied.


"Well if thats the case then I dont have a fight with you. Robotnik is a enemy of mine as well", Zero said as he replaced the knife back into its sheath. With that he picked up his rifle and started to walk away to a new location.

ooc: Short post

Posts: 409
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Mik blinked, slapping herself with embarrassment.
"Ai-carumba... distress call, eh? I was sent to get Princess Serenity and free Sonic...." The meerkat shook her head, a sudden feeling of insecurity sweeping over her. They had cause much ruckus, and SWATbots were sure to show up...


Rolling her eyes, the vixen started walking awkwardly beside Zero, until she decided to break the silence.
"What, per say, were you aiming at?" She asked, putting one hand on her hip, while cradling her helmet with the other.

Posts: 481
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Serenity stood there, wincing every now and then, her head hung low. "Can...Can we just go...? I...If we're gonna free Daddy, we'd better do it before the bots an' overseers notice I'm not in my Solitary..." Her voice was a tiny whisper, as her ears twitched, constantly alert for the approach of the overseers..."I...think we need to go as soon as possible..." She said meekly. Surge and Vivi-An placed reasuring hands on either shoulder.

Freedom, hidden nearby, sneered disapprovingly. They're gonna get caught fer sure...standin 'round like that an' not workin's bound to getcha noticed... She snorted. But why do I care? As long's I'm not in trouble, who cares what those jokers do...I should just get back to my station...but...What am I doin sittin here waitin for them! They ain't smart...They's gonna get' so'm I fer slackin...But... The fennec's mind was in turmoil. She didn't want to get herself in trouble...but at the same time, a small part of her cared enough for her friends to make her stick around...


OOC: We gonna get moving here? there's something Reni has to go through...but it can only happen when they get into the fortress....

Posts: 186
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"Aiming... wasnt aiming at anything. I just have a bad habit of trying to look at things through my rifles scope instead of the binoculars.",Zero answered.


"Well it actually goes back alot further we had originally received the signal when robotnik made his first appearance seems that we werent able to get here til a few years later", Josh explained.

Tatiana caught up to Josh.
"We better get moving.", she nervously insisted.

Posts: 409
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Mik blinked and nodded once she heard the younger meerkat speak. Placing her helmet back on, the spy held out her hand to Josh and smiled beneath the visor.
"I believe we can work faster and more efficiently if we do so together." Smirking, the meerkat added, "By the way, the name's Mik. What about you?"


"Aiming, looking, same difference! What were you looking at?" Ruby spat, annoyed. She wasn't exactly an angel when she stayed up all night planning.

Posts: 38
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OOC: Eeeep! I've been gone for so long.

Veernarmiah remained inside the cell even though the door stood wide open. Could she really trust this human? Or would he betray her like almost everyone else had. She truely didn't know, but she knew that they couldn't just stand out in the open like this. She was surprised that Robotnik hadn't caught on to the human's scheme. She sighed and tentively stepped out of the cell.

Posts: 186
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"Huh... Oh. Im Tatiana, princess. From a kingdom just outside the acorns kingdom. Josh was our gaurd until robotnik showed up.", Tatiana answered.


"I guess it was your buddy. Just making sure it wasnt one of robotniks goons.", Zero answered. He slung the rifle over the other shouldner.

Posts: 409
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Mik smiled at the young princess, and bowed. Then she turned to Josh, tapping her foot somewhat, "So, we gonna get this show on the road, or what?"


Ruby slapped her forehead, letting her paw slide down, and sighed. Just leave it to Mik...
"Well then... sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for the info! I have a feeling Mik's gonna do somethin' stupid...." And with that, the vixen placed her helmet back on and activated her rockets, saluting before running off into the distance.

Posts: 481
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Serenity snorted softly. Y'don' see anyone bowin to me... She thought bitterly. 'Coarse, how could'ya blame em? I don't exactly act...or look, like a princess... She thought, limping off in the direction Josh had indicated his escape hole was, still not completely trusting the human.

That lousy Lardbag...I'm just another slave to that' e's ruined me... She let her teeth bare slightly at the thought, before continuing her limping plod, head hung low, ears twitching for the sound of possible danger...especially one in particular...She shuddered at the thought of meeting HIM again...especially out here, where he could easily take what he wanted and then kill her without anyone noticing or caring...

She gulped. Sooner or later, it had to happen...she'd come face to face with her tormentor, her Master soon enough...


OOC: Little bit of forshadowing there...And just trying to get us moving again.

Posts: 409
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Mik noticed Serenity limping off, and remembered why she had come in the first place. Jogging up to the roughed-up princess, the meerkat studied her for a moment before bowing slightly.
"Princess Serenity... I didn't realize..... IIII-um, do you need help?" Blinking, the spy sighed at her stuttering.
"If you do, I have something that will help..."

OOC: Slight writer's block....

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

"Follow me.", Josh instructed as he made his way toward the edge of some brush.

ooc: writers block is contagious?

Posts: 409
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OOC: Guess so. ;) Stiiiiill blocked...

Posts: 481
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Serenity shrugged and contued her shuffling, limping walk,folowing the human toward his escape route. Even if it was a trick, and she was caught and disciplined for trying to ecape, she didn't care. It had happened enough...she was used to it. To the meerkat, she said, "We all need help...I'll be ok, long as...HE doesn't show up..." She shivered as the memories returned. She shook her head, trying to dislodge them. She felt slightly quesy, and hoped it wasn't what she thought it was. "An' don' bow. I....Maybe I used to be a princess...but now...I'm just a slave, like everyone else here....


OOC: guessing as to the nature of her afliction...:P

Edit: EEP! NO dieing alowed...! Something more comming soon...

Posts: 409
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Mik nodded slowly, staying by Serenity's side nonetheless. It was her first job, and she wasn't about to screw up and let something bad happen to the princess.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Still here...will come up with something soon...I hope...

EDIT: Should we fast forward the escape a little bit? I need to get Reni to that fortress.

EDIT 2: Please bear with me...I am currently covered...COVERED in homework....I WILL return to this, I promise.

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

ooc: *Counter strike voice* Affirmative!

Actually I think we should fast forward it a bit. Kinda stayed in the same place way too long.:insane
violet, anyone, hello.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

OOC: Um.... o.o;; I thought we died.

Fast forward? Yeah, that sounds all well and good. *nods* But at the moment my creativity with this RP has run dry, and I have not a lot of time to recover it. u.u;;

Posts: 186
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ooc: violet are you uncovered yet?

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Sorry, sorry. I just got a new game and it has been controling all my free time as of late...:P

Must try to post something, though... May be short. 'Tis late.


The group managed to get through Josh's fence hole with surprisingly little resistance, and soon found themselves looking at the tyrant's imposing fortress.

Serenity trembled just looking at it, remembering other times she'd been here. She did NOT want to go in there..but she knew that if they were going to save her father, they'd have to...


Posts: 409
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Mik followed closely behind, staring at the fortress that loomed over them all. She didn't like the idea of having to go in there, but she knew that their only hope of getting back at the evil tyrant lay in the capsule. The heavily guarded capsule. Mik gulped, letting a ragged sigh escape her.
Don't mess this up....this might very well be the only chance you'll ever get.

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