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The Crunch [Freeroa...
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The Crunch [Freeroaming/experiment]

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Imagine the universe. Try, it. Go on. Can't can you, the fact of the matter is it is just too big, to immense, that the mind cannot grasp something utterly and totally infinate, we always try to put edges on. So lets think smaller, like say, a galaxy. Got that, you can imagine this, cant you, it's got edges, we've seen pictures. But we still don't get any sense of scale here, its so big, that we think of it being a lot smaller than it is.

So lets go smaller again. A planet. To whit, Earth. A humble little rock flying round and round a mass of reacting gas, and home to millions of people. It's still bigger than we think though, so big, so full of people like you and me, that at all times there are entire cultures awake, cities, towns.

It's on this "small" scale we start our tale, one night, one day, one dusk, one dawn and everything in between. This is where we begin. Listen carefully, and you might just hear it begin, with a small...pop.

-click- "The world is in confusion this morning as it awoke to something bizzar-" -click- "-a young Canadian father was astonished to find a 20ft transforming robot great him this morning with "Hi Dad!" this breathtaking story is happen-" -click- "-all over the country there has been an invasion of Furries, this moral outrage has not gone unoticed by-" -click- "Superheroes! Real ones! Appearing all over the place, and that isn't the-" -click- "-weirdest of creatures, of all shapes and sizes, all claiming to be people that we knew, this phenomenon is compounded by the fact that-" -click- "-internet has dissapeared, ma'am. We can't help you check your email, it isn't there. No, ma'am, I don't know what happened, everything-" -click- "Though still there physically, everything that made the modern internet usable has simply ceased to funtion, for more information we go live to the scene-" -click- "-here just outside Los Vegas where a 200 story skyscraper has been erected mysteriously, and without warning, inside appears to be full of mostly empty books, each with a definition on a certain subject, each with a pen attaced to the spine-" -click- "-of these books is simply attrocious, and what is with this new stock of board games, we never ordered a... "Legacy of the Authors" I demand to speak with-" -click- "An emergency meeting of the United Nations to discuss the true meaning of this...madness. I'm Frisky Stevens, currently a high Paladin, for Channel 5 news."

In the meeting hall of the United Nations, representitives of every country on earth have gathered to discuss weighty and mysterious matters, of great import. Which they are doing loudly, with panic. This panic is partly because their repsective countries have all had strange, inexplicable events occur, and partly because some of the members have been involved in these events themselves. Around the hall, the Representitive of Trinidad and Tobago can be seen arguing with a superintelligent shade of the colour blue, previously from Luxembourg.

In short, they are scared and confused, and to proud to admit it, and they havn't got the foggiest clue what is going on.

Which is where we turn to the entrance of one young man; a caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes, a neatly trimmed beard and a diconcerting smile. His hair reaches halfway down his back, and is tied in a simple, neat ponytail. Not to tall, but not short either, and build to a simple, easy standard, he is dressed in a black t-shirt, blue jeans, trainers, a collar and a coat. In short, he seems at first glance to be perfectly normal, except for two things.

Firstly his coat, anyone would assume from sight that it was a normal green canvas coat, except that the harder they stare at it, the less they can beleive it, looking straight at it seems almost like seeing it out of the corner of their eye. One could be forgiven for assumeing that perhaps it wasn't all there. But the more you look, the more you know, it is most definatly there, but you arn't sure what else is

Secondly, nobody saw him come in

Now, standing at a podium of address, he grins to himself, and speaks. "Gentleman, Ladies, everyone else. Your attention please." There is of course an uproar, who is this person, how did he get in here!? The young man smiles at them, almost guiltily. "Please, calm yourselves. I'm here to tell you what is going on. I'm not ther only one now who could, certainly. But I got here first..."

Information, they have seen he has what they need, and they quieten to a murmer.

"Now, I'm sure you all have noticed something slightly... amiss? Well, I'm here to tell you what has happened to the world." He pauses, concentrating hard on what he is going to say next. "The Internet, my good delegates, is...was, it was more than just a tool, more than an entertainment system, a resource database, more than just a series of tubes or a big truck. It was a dream. The collective dream of millions of people, a world in which we can be who we want, what we want, do anything. A world in which we make the rules...

"Well, now I'm here to tell you, that dream has come true. The internet is now reality, reality is the internet, we are how we wanted, how we dreamt. But this now poses a challenge, is it truely a dream we have been granted? A utopia? Is it really a paridise?

Or will it be a nightmare..."



Okay dokey people, I'm sure anyone who read that is thinking; WTF?! Well, What The... is right.
Welcome to the new world, things are different here, how different, that's up to you. What you do, who you are? Dosn't matter, pick something, are you A person who has suddenly woken up as his avatar? A person who never had an avatar? Are you yoursel? It dosn't matter, because the details of this universe are entirely up to you.

It's up to you to decide how the realities have merged, how laws will be enforced, how such a complete and utter change will affect everyday life.

You don't need a profile, just describe yourself well is all I ask. Now go forth, the world has changed. Deal with it =D

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OOC: I'm really, really rusty at board RPing, but this one, Crimbo, seems excellent enough to warrant joining. Without further delay, then, I suppose I'm going to go ahead and RP as myself 😯


Ben woke up in the same way he usually did, with a jolt. He had this awkward dream again, another really odd less-than-scary Nightmare on Elm Street inspired one. He didn't feel cut up or burnt anywhere, so he let out a sigh of relief. He totally kicked Freddy's ass that time, anyway.

Ben rolled over and turned off his made-to-look-like-an-alien-in-a-jar lamp, but stopped when he reached out and saw his hand.

It was purple. A dark shade of purple, and small claws clicked against the aluminum lamp softly. Immediately, Ben started playing scenarios out in his head, imagining being cut open and examined... but he was forced to shove those into the back of his head when he heard a knock on the door.

"Ben?" It was his older brother's voice. The sibling in the middle, Scott, was the one knocking. But something was different about his voice. Ben couldn't quite put his finger on it...


"Ben, unlock the door and let me in. Before Mom and Dad get up."

"I don't think I should really... I mean, um... my room's a mess, uh-"

"Unlock the door or I'll kick it down." He sounded serious.

"...Okay, let me get dressed first?" Ben quickly stood up out of his bed, and noticed something wrong immediately. He wasn't standing right, so he looked down at his feet, unsure of what was wrong.

And something WAS wrong. His feet were completely different, stretched out and as purple as his arms were. He was standing on the ends of them, and each toe ended in a small claw just as before. The pose made him feel... a little off balance, but taller. Dog feet, he thought. Paws. Actually, he was starting to notice, only his arms and legs were purple. His hands and feet, and a little bit above them, where black instead.

"What's taking you so long. I don't hear you changing in there, Ben!"

"Hold on, I'll be right out..." Ben went back to examining himself. He could see something, in front of his face, and he reached up to touch it and grabbed hold of a muzzle. Yes, a muzzle, purple on top, white on the bottom, if his mirror on the bedroom door was any indication. And about that, on top of his head, were two large, very canine ears. This was still all wrong, how could this be... he knew it wasn't a dream, because when it comes to dreams, you never stop to question if it is a dream or not. At least, he didn't.

He saw something behind himself, something moving, and he turned his head slowly around to find... a tail. It was far too large, nearly as long as he was tall, and nearly as wide as his own torso, purple on the most of it, and white on the end. Ben could move it on his own, and felt it when it bumped against the nearby cheap found-on-the-roadside entertainment center and the TV that sat upon it. He reached out to touch it and found that most of it's volume was a thick hair. This brought him to the realization that all the purples, whites, and blacks that covered him weren't skin. They were all fur.

"I'm a fox." Ben said aloud, plainly. There was a soft undertone to his voice, behind the flatness of it. There was just the slightest tinge of <i>excitement</i>.

"What?" Scott said, before testing the doornob. It jiggled a little, but of course didn't turn.

"...Nothing. I... don't think you should come in, something happened, I-"

"Something happened to you too?" was the confused reply.

"What do you mean?" Ben answered. Now *he* was confused.

"...I'm kind of a Navy SEAL all of the sudden, Ben. Like in Counter-Strike. I'm holding an M4 right now."

"What?" answered Ben again - with an almost tinge of laughter in his voice. "...You're sh*tting me, dude, stop."

"I'm dead serious, I don't have a reason to lie about something like that. Open the f**kin' door, man."

"...Alright, but... I'm not really... me here." Ben took a deep breath... and twisted the doorknob, the lock disengaging itself automatically as he did. As soon as their eyes met, they both opened their mouths in disbelief.

Scott wasn't kidding. He was a full blown Navy Seal. He was wearing all of the gear, all of it down to the M4 he holding in both hands and the frag and flashbang grenades clipped onto him at various points.

"You're a... a... you're, ah..." Scott couldn't quite put it into words. Ben looked down at himself when he replied.

"...A fox. Yeah." Before Scott could answer, the phone rang a few times.

"I got it." Scott said, and slung his M4 to go answer the phone. He had an afterthought, and put it on speakerphone. "Hello?"

The voice of another older brother, the oldest of the three, answered. "Scott?"

Scott waited a moment before answering. "Hey, Matt, what's up, man?"

"I'm a Jedi." was his quick answer.

"Huh? What, on that game?"

"No, in real life, Scott. That wasn't sarcastic, by the way. I have a lightsaber. I know exactly how it works. I just used the force a minute ago and levitated an appl-"

"You too?" Ben interrupted. "...Scott looks like a Navy Seal from Counter-Strike. And I'm, uh-"

Scott finised his sentence for him. "Ben looks like some Sonic character, but not cartoony. He, uh... has... fur... and a tail, and... well, yeah."

"Oh." Was Matt's reply. Nobody talked for a moment. The only movement was in Ben's tail, which acted involuntarily if he didn't make a really conscious effort to keep it still.

Matt broke the silence. "...I'm coming over," he declared. I'll be there in just a few minutes. Don't go anywhere. Seeya."

"Later," Ben and Scott both side simultaneously.

"Well, what now?" Ben said.

Scott removed his headgear, somehow already knowing exactly how to do so, before answering. "I... guess we wait."


They say down and turned on the TV, not sure of what to see, but they both watched wide-eyed when the news came on.

They weren't alone, apparently.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Crims. You subtly plugged my Board RP. I love you. ^^
Anyway. As a nice little tie-in, I might as well throw in a character from said RP... ^^ And maybe have him meet his maker at some point, that'd be fun. Anyways...

High above the Earth, a large black ship flew through the air. It looked not entirely dissimilar to a craft already known on Earth; the B2 Spirit, but it had some noticeable differences. For a start, there were the tail fins. They were long, sleek, and swept back in a very stylish looking way. As any astute aircraft geek would tell you, the Earthbound equivalent bore no such adornments. In addition, this thing's engines appeared larger, and then there was the fact that overall it was smoother around the edges.
However, perhaps the most obvious factor to give away it's unearthly origin was it's pilot. He was obviously not human. In fact, he looked an awful lot more like a fox than anything else. (A zoologist would tell you he looked like a Pseudalopex griseus except on a more human scale, were one to see him...) He had grey fur covering the back and top of his head, running all the way down his back and along the top edge of his tail. His underside was a white colour, and he had tints of a rusty orange here and there throughout his coat, save for his ears which had a concentration of the colour to their tips, and his muzzle which also had a strong concentration of it. A mop of brown hair cascaded down the back of his head to about his shoulders, and to roughly his cheeks round the front of his face. He was wearing a white shirt with a collar over his torso, and a pair of green loose-fitting cargo pants over his lower half. He had a set of black shoes on his feet and a stylish set of mirrored aviator style sunglasses on his face; which also wore an expression of confusion. very vexing... he muttered, looking around through the windows of his ship's cockpit, This doesn't look like any of the planets in the Nautilus system. I get the impression we're suddenly a long way from home!

Meanwhile, several hundred miles away, oblivious to the flying craft and the day's events in general thus far, a young man woke up and pulled himself out of bed. If you were to put this particular human and the aforementioned fox side by side, you'd note some startling similarities. For one thing, they had the same shoulder-length fair brown hair. For another, both of them had ocean-green eyes, with a tint that seemed to change depending on how the light struck them. However, there were quite a few differences too. This man was very tall, a good six and a half feet in size. In addition to that, he was still dressed in his pyjamas and had a very dishevelled look to him right now. He soon became a lot more awake looking when he peered out his window though.
I do NOT remember our residence having a helipad! he exclaimed, gazing in disbelief at the elevated structure outside. It was then that he noted a cow float past outside... It was accompanied by a few more, all of which had a symbol he recognised on them.
...Flying... Nu--no. No, this just can't be happening. They don't exist in the real world. That was just... huh... ...hey, I wonder if Uni's been cancelled in light of this? he brightened up at this thought. If the world had lost a screw, perhaps that meant the prospect of being able to stay out of his educational institute, even if only for a few days. In a somewhat uncharacteristic show of enthusiasm to get outside, he quickly dressed himself and headed out to explore his strange new world...


This... should be FUN...


Posts: 2398
Noble Member


...go away.... I'm on leave...


I said I'm on leave... go away. Fix the damn server yourselves.


The high pitched frantic adolescent yelling finally rosed him from sleep. He popped his neck and flopped up muttering to himself, "Wish the break would end soon, those kids better be bleeding all over my porch or somethin'."

Sleep had him numb, he didn't seem to notice any of the changes to him apon getting to the door and fumbling the locks to open it. A frail looking red haired boy tumbled into him shaking badly. "Spark..." The seriousness settled and focused him, "Hey, you alright, whats going on, where's your dad?" The boy stumbled back into the wall still shaking, "B...Ben, it happened to you to?! Geordi!" He yelped out still frantic. Another boy back his way into the house holding a shotgun tightly.

Things were still moving so fast, he still hadn't had time to look at himself. "Dammit, why the @#%$ do you have Brian's shotgun. Put it down Geordi, NOW!" Then he noticed his younger cousin's ears, the looked like a dog's. He froze, what was going on? The obvious was finally made clear when the strange looking child turned and exclaimed, "Dude, you're that rabbit. We're like turnin into your characters!"

He looked at his hand finally. Yellow fur? The kid was right, but he wasn't his character. "Wait, I'M Tobias? Then where's..." Geordi broke him off, "Dad. Dad is your fox dude. Ben what's going on?" Ben blinked, "Where is he? Whatever's going on we need him here. Rico can fix any-" "He's gone, he took mom and sis and vanished into thin air! He just... POOF." The rabbit cursed to himself and rifled through his desk drawers, "He's probably already trying to fix things. But he's got no clue how, he's probably losing his mind right-oops." He looked up from his desk holding a pistol to the still cowering human. "Sparky... He'll be alright little bro, he's probably the most powerful being on earth right now anyway."

"But what are WE going to do?" The dog eared adolscent crowed again. The rabbit sighed and put the gun in his pant waistline, "We turn on the TV and hope it tells us something we don't already know." He nodded and grabbed the remote and plopped down on the small blue loveseat flipping to a random news channel.

"Ben... where's my dad?" The small voice came from the only fully human being in the room. The newly transformed rabbit gritted his teeth and sat down by the boy as tears started to fall. "Andrew, knock it off, he's with you right now. All the time. Remember what I was telling you about my Rico character? How I finished him? Made him complete and stuff? He can see you right now and could be here right now if he needed to. Dad's trying to fix stuff right now, untill he gets things back to normal we're here with ya. Don't worry, besides, till he does you got your wish, heh. You can fight like Neji."

"WHOA! Hey, what can I do?!" The other boy's voice chimed up from the couch. Ben grimaced, "I'm.. not really sure. I never really decided what your character was good at or anything." The boy folded his arms and pouted, "Figures, he even got fanart and I didn't." The rabbit ground his teeth, "Dammit guys, cut it out, this is serious. What're the news channels saying?"

He pulled the still sulking Sparky to his feet and toss him unto the couch and plopped down himself hoping for some kind of news broadcast on what was going on, or any kind of information.

Posts: 2232
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A small pub, in a small, obnoxious town, in a small grey country known as England, sits a familiar face. Oddly familiar, because although we havn't seen it before, with it's neck length black hair, red soul-patch and anime blue eyes, it is immediatly recognisable in our minds as the same young man seen in the UN.

The anime looking man is sat nurseing a pint of good old fasioned ale, despite the fact that many bars now seemed inexplicably to by stocked with my things from "Fire-Drink" to "Overclocked-Energon". A simple glance from any onlooker worth their salt would tell them about his current mindset, he wore it on the sleve of his big, green coat. He was worried, nervous, and confused.

Accompanying him were several other guys about his age, some of them obviously affected by The Big Change, some not. The were acting of course, like nothing happened, except that you could tell it was getting to them, the were not usually out this early. Whether it was celebration or fear, who knew?

"Saw you on the news, Fehling." One, who was wearing a lab coat said, sipping on some cider. "How on earth did you know what you were saying to the UN? Wait.... And since when was your name Fehling?!"

The Anime boy frowned, thinking. "I have many names, now. It's... confusing. And how I know, I don't know, but I do, I just... can't grasp it." With a sigh he finished his pint and stood.

"So, what's so important about these guy's anyway?" One of his compatriots asked, a normal human, "Why do you have to go see them?"

Currently-Fehling sighed, "I don't really know, I just... it's something in the back of my mind. I have to see them, they are special... I will see you guys soon, have a pint for me!" He smiled and gave a thumbs up. "First stop, somewhere in america, I have to see a man about a box."

And with that, he vanished.

Halfway across the world, he reappeared, the same person, but distinctly different, his body now that of a 6ft walking red wolf, outside the home of one young, newly fluffy Ben.

On the news, there was trouble, as those with power, in a predictable move tried to take advantage of those without, but some of those with tried to defend thouse without.

It was beggining to get messy.

Posts: 6
Active Member

OOC: arrghhh way too long since i joined an RP let alone a forum, gah i missed it so. and since the interface has scared me i might as well stick right into an RP.

soz muchly fluffy.

In a small house a small boy woke up in a joyfull manner, not only had he awoken as a seven foot tall bioaugmented soldier but he had also awoked fully dressed in what apperared to be armour from his favorite game, halo 2. Of cours he the sqeeky voice screamed with delight as he ran rampent down theflight of stairs firing his weapon at anything, however the small childs day ended abruptly as his next door neigboor tossed a small grenade through the window, that was the end of the most happy day of the small childs life.

The internet was a mysteriouse place, riddled with viruses and hackers, spreading from personel computers to gaming consoles. Little billy from next door only managed to experience the whole joys of the internet for the whole matter a two minuites, the rest of the world however had to deal with it in a more civilised manner, namely not through aggravating people.

Approximatly seven hours ago a teenager had gone to sleep not only human and in his house but had now opened his eyes upside down, in another country, rather furry and with absolutley no depth perseption.
"Bolloks" Just so happened to be the first words that managed to murmer their way out of the newly formed muzzle.
As he managed to right himself he felt his face with his left arm, two things struck his mind.
1. He now had a muzzle and fur.
2. He had no feeling in his left arm.
"Bolloks" He repeated as he looked down at the metal hand.
The hand was entirely flexible and moved just like a real hand although it did concern him slightly.

The next two words the "man" managed to say werent actually "Bolloks" they were "Tail!" and "Eyepatch!" Which dubtly followed by a varied amount of curse words and punching the wall. "Finir...." he growled as he came to his senses leaning against the wall "Im now my is me, i get all the fun of a tail, one eye and.." He stopped and noticed the weapon that was where he had woken up. "... a semi automatic weapon" a grin spread widely across his face which soon stopped as he felt each tooth with his new tongue.

After sevevel minuites of self discovery "Finir" managed to get his way out of the alley way and look around. "Well this isnt England" He said stiffly as he stroked his bushy tail. "At least im not the only one like this" he said as he watched a series of counter terrorists chase after what appeared to be a an anime guy with a large sword. Finir couldnt help but frown as they ran past more bizzare things especialy when his veiw was blocked by a new head of long dark grey hair.

Posts: 2232
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OCC: Wuffboi, put in Capital Letters or I will, otherwise, welcome aboard!

Oh, and the rest of you get mucho <3

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

OOC: *wuv this RP*
Like most days where he was off school, Davis was awoken by a knowcking on his door and the words, "Davis! Wake up!". However, today they were spoken by his sister and followed by, "There's something wierd going on!". "Fine, gimme a sec.", he mumbled, and slowly got out of bed. He tried to put on a robe, but found it didn't fit. "...The heck?". He quickly ran to the bathroom and looked himself over. Instead of his usual self, he saw a Lightish-grey anthro Hedgehog, With faded emerald green eyes. "THE HECK?!"
The door to his room opened, and an elf leaned in and asked, "You too?" She sighed and walked out, mumbling something about explaining to the parents. Davis, meanwhile had other things on his mind. He checked his closet. Hanging there were, as he had expected, a pair of gloves, and what appeared to be swords. In fact, they were swords. Twin fireswords, to be exact. Realisation hit him like a brick. A brick being thrown at him by some... throwy thing. "Today is going to be very strange..."

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Hm, I just now got around to looking at whatever Tibby kept pestering me about. Looks interesting. If I remember to check this place, I'll RP. But; I haven't board RPed in forever. Forgive me if I post a short one at times.


Drew yawned as he stirred, refusing to open his eyes for a good half an hour before he tried to shift his pillow. As he did so, a cold metallic object brushed against his hand. "Aw, hell, I'm not sleeping on my PSP, am I? I gotta remember not to play this thing in bed," he said as he lifted his pillow to inspect the damage. He blinked when he saw what it was, a Beretta 92FS automatic handgun. "The f*ck?! W-What just happened to my voice, here..." he said, in a deep voice that was distinctly not his own. He sat up and looked down, the worst of panic showing in an unnatural calm. "Didn't I RP this once? ...DAD!" he shouted, at the empty house, immediately springing out of bed and turning his computer and the TV on.

The fact that he was experiencing nothing unique was of scant comfort.

OOC: We need to get some of the characters together somehow, I think. Won't last long if noone interacts with each other.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

OOC: Was telling SS that the other night. Tis why my dorks are watching TV. Give us a sign O' great GM.

Posts: 6
Active Member

OCC: I will find someone to help settle the problem.. at least till the "great G.M" can be bothered to write something

The large television screen at the other end of the street would have been some use to the situation of which country Finir was in let alone where but the fact that the news presenter was too buisy hyper-ventialting at the sight of his new found wiskers and tail.

Finir leaned against a nearby house and started fiddeling with the safety catch on his new found weapon, contemplation soon kicked in.

Okay...okay...where am I?...I need a plan of action! okay, I've got that far, Now to think of the plan!...this isnt working, whats that smell..Stay focused!

After a few minuites of sniffing around, Finir decided that contemplation wasnt going to help, plus the fact that the smell turned out to be rotten fish lying in a trash can. the thought of thinkning was out of the question, plus thinking about not thinking just made his head hurt. "I wonder what my brothers doing right now..." first off an image of his brother sitting in a lecture popped into his head, slowly the lecture turned into a meating of the leaders of the world and his pen into a pint. "nearly" he thought as his imagination took over his mind. Finaly the image off an incomatose student in a cess pit that you could name a bedroom if you were daring. "bingo" He muttered as the fresh aroma of the fish sank its way back into his nazel cavaties.

"I really need to lay of drawing for a while.." Finir sighed after pulling himself together and walking in a rather swift way from the fish. "Well I'm gonna have to find out where I am sooner or later.." He moaned eyeing up the closest house. "Here goes..."

Usualy after someone knocks at the door as followed by the door opening and someone saying "hello?" or someone just replying with "whos there?" but today, Finir had an odity on his hands...or hand and bionic arm...lets just say hands.

*knock* *knock* " a speechless grey hedgehog holding a pair of flaming swords opened the door with his mouth open. Any other day, even if he was human, they would be speechless to open the door to a seven foot grey wolf with an eyepatch holding a gun. especialy when they say something like. "excuse me? do hapopen to know which country im in?"

OCC: ive tried to meet someone best i can, good luck all!

Posts: 2232
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Topic starter

OOC: Signs are coming, but you know if I don't get my 20 hours a day nap time I get cranky ;P


It was in fact the Ben who's brother was a newly formed navy SEAL that the Crimson furred, familiar-coated wolf arrived, not the other ben who was currently surrounded by fluffy munchkins. Knocking on the door, he stood back and waited for an answer, concentrating on something.


On selected TV sets across the county now, the same thing is being broadcast:

"It's been two hours since the beggining of the event that people are giving many names. Some are calling it the "Merger" some the "New Age." Other have dubbed it "tr0n." But one thing is certain, with the mixed feelings across the world, there is also a new amount of chaos as some choose to abuse their new found power, considering themselves outside the law.

"But even those who try to follow the old system find themselves at risk. Some who found that they could now, "Respawn" were horrified as they transgressed against those who... could not. Borders have shifted with no reason, it is madness. The is echoed not just in america, but in the world, though some differences are abound. The only known change in england is the increase of the comment, "Who knew the royal family was into THAT?!" The UN is stil attempting to reach a ruling on this new world, after they were spoke to by a mysterious coated figure-"

Then on these selcected screens, those being watched by Benjikun, Drewsex, ToBen and oddly enough, a single tv in a shop window that a disheveled looking student was passing by, appeared the creamy muzzle of the red wolf, his hair just covering his eyebrows, as he looked, not just at the camera, but you could swear, at the people watching. And he spoke thusly:

"I don't know if you are all watching this. I can't tell, it's hard. But I know where you are, though not exactly what you are. I've talked to those who think they are important... now I... I need to talk to those who Are imporant." He stopped, looking tired "I will be meeting you all, but you need to meet each other. Some of you will find each other, some of you will be found by... something.. I don't know, I'm not sure of any of this. You need to head to the crux point of it all, I will try to send a sign, but untill then, follow your impulse. Be careful."

And the tv turned back to the news, now with the weathergirl, who was litrally a weather based superheroine.

So imagine the confusion Ben felt when he answered the door to find a person who just spoke over the tv.


Meanwhile, a musclebound cyborg with a chin that could sink the titanic was suprised to find upon opening his monthly delivery of comics with a pop of the packaging, that his usual Marvel centred collection now contained a suprising amount of Batman, Superman... Even Archie, Sonic, Judge Dread and Desperate Dan, all interacting. And so it seemed, did his entire back collection.

Posts: 3468
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OOC: I don't want to assume things. Is Drewsex me. o.o

Posts: 2232
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OOC: Who else is it going to be ;P

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OOC: Which Ben, Crimson?

EDIT: Ignore this post, I completely one of your posts that would have told me which Ben it was. I'm working on a post now.

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OOC: i'll edit in a post later. Probably. But I do need to say this first.

Fox News just took on a whooe new meaning. ^_^ Not that my TV isn't on CNN when it's off of the History Channel, but shut up.

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Davis...Silver, should he now call himself?... was just still getting just a bit too much new sensory input to handle. First, his sister was an elf, he was a hedgehog he knew all to well, minus the two alter egos that usually come with it, and there was a wolf with a gun at his door asking what country it was it. He quickly found that, even in the real world, though it might have been aided by this merging... thing. it was completely and easily possible to "o_o;".

"Uh, You're in.. this is... I mean...", he stuttered, before attempting to regain his composure, "You're in the United States of America, more specifically in California, unless some odd border change means this is Canada or Mexico or Russia or something." behind him, he heard soemthing on TV about some important people meeting up... he took note of it, but then dismissed it. He was probably anything but important. Somewhere down the street the sound of explosions, crashes, and gunfire were heard. A Red tank with Laser cannons to either side of it drove by his house, followed by thousands of what looked to be shorter, more heavily armed, and red versions of Darth Vader.

He turned to the newcomer again, "Erm, would you like to come in?"

OOC: Those who know what I'm referring to about the darth vader dudes gets an awesome nerd cookie.

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OOC: Since we're getting now to Character Interaction, posts I imagine are going to a bit simpler and shorter. Especially since I don't know what Crim is cooking up.


Suprised was a good word. Ben answered the door... and was greeted by the sight of a red wolf. His brother was behind Ben in an instant, tightly gripping an M4 and waiting for the smallest reason to open fire.

Ben had no such thoughts, or any specific thought at all as his mind was going 88 miles per hour as he managed to stammer out, "H-hello, who're you?"

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"cheers." Finir smiled showing his fangs only for him to shut it quickly as he realised a wolfs grin looks more threatening than freindly.The sound of a rolling tank perked his ears up followed by liuttle twitches per exploin. "i need to get used to these..." he muttered under his breath as he followed the hedgehog inside.
"Whats that?" the hedgehog asked, still a tad confused.
"Nothing...and Russia is still where it....wait..what?" Finir suddenly stopped realising what he was saying. "How did I.." both the house guest and greeter now were exchanging rather concerned and confused looks.

America? Why amercia? i really wish that If I'm going to get turned into a wolf, transported to america and know things that ive never even seen before, I at least want an explination!

The hedgehog himself was a bit confused to see that he had invited someone into his house to find him staring blankly at a wall. "Huh? oh sorry." He said snapping his head towards him which gave them both a shock. "Thats the second time thats happened today!" stupid brain... he managed to think without falling into a deep trance of thought.

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Drew - SX? - sighed as he tossed the Beretta onto his bed and hit the power button on his computer. "What the hell is going on here!" he shouted, intent on asking everyone on his Messenger lists if they, too, got this thing. The broadcast about the internet dissappearing hadn't clicked for him yet. By the time FireFox flashed the 404 message, SX, Drew, Whoever the hell he was, was already moving to do a typical keyboard-into-bed slam, complete with a short burst of heavy language. "The f*ck do I do now?!"

OOC: *wait for event to involve Drew/SX*

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OOC: I'm currently in full-on revision mode, so this may have to go back-burner for the moment. Please excuse slowness, I'm bad at this ;P Good news is that since I'm currently revising things beyond the ken of mortal men, this RP should fit right in with my mindset afterwards.


Ben was not the only one suprised, it seems that the coat clad one had not been expecting the fox's brother to be there as well, especially not toting a machine gun at him. Funny thing that Omniscience, never works when you really need it.

Fighting the urge to run screaming from the big burly scary man, the wolf nodded nervously, turning back to his purpose. "Hello, Ben. Who am I? Well that's... changing. But for now I am Crimson. I'm here to speak with you, because of what's happening in the world."

He seemed to think for a moment.

"Um... I don't suppose I could bother you for a spot of tea? This is... Complicated."

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OOC: My band of misfits are waiting in the wings for when we are needed.

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"Crimson..." Ben looked thoughtful. It couldn't be who he was imagining. Could it? "Well, uh... as it is... we don't have any tea. We've got, uh, milk and apple juice. And water, of course." He stepped aside and let the person in.

Scott's mind was flurrying with confusion. Why should HE be the one standing back, letting Ben talk with this stranger and let him inside the house? HE was older. He should be taking charge here!

Ben, meanwhile, asked after letting the wolf inside a question. "...Didn't I just see you on TV? You said you were going to be finding people who were important?" Ben didn't even begin to suspect it was him, and was already waiting for the wolf to mention Scott or Matt, or his parents, when another question struck him. "How did you know my name?"

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"Milk would be nice, um, thanks." Stepping inside, Crimson looked round "Yeah, the name thing. I know you, Ben, your important for this world, this dream. That's why I spoke to you... uh... do I know you from somewhere else? I have a little trouble organising my memories anymore..."

It seemed he also had trouble organising himself, since in passing over the threashold of the door, he was now, and had always been, a tall, leather clad, grey mouse. Unless you thought really hard about it, the wolf had never been there at all...

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"...Maybe, uh..." Ben blinked a few times, he could have sworn he was talking to a wolf, not a mouse. "...Is your other name Patty by any chance? Or just Pat or something?"

Meanwhile, Scott was still thinking about taking control of the situation. He had the means, but... his little brother seems to have it under control. And apparently, he was "important."

Yeah, this Crimson fellow sounded more and more like a cultist every second, Scott thought.

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The mouse thought for a second. "Yes, it is one of my names. I should not be suprised you know." Turning more serious again, he brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Anyway, this new world, what's happenening, well... How to put this, it's unstable. But there are others like you, who can stabilise it. I think that's the word. I think that's whats going on."

The mouse seemed more and more confused with every word he spoke, out of the corner of his eye, he was watching Scott warily.

"You must meet the others, find them. I will be seeing each of them in turn. Whether they choose to move without me, or not, they most move. I think."

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A short smile spread acrossed Ben's lips, which due to his having sharp, canine teeth, looked just a scotia less friendly and a scotia more threatening. But only a scotia. "Patty. From Europe, right? Before all of this started... you went to a little forum about Sonic the Hedgehog? You knew someone named Ben there, didn't you?"

While Ben was talking about this... Scott started to disbelieve what he was hearing. Ben was having this dramatic meeting with someone all the way from Europe after they both turned into furries and now they're talking about saving the world. He was getting almost... frustrated. He was here too, turned into something crazy, what about HIM!? He sighed, a bit frustratedly, and slung his weapon.

The fox Ben's ears suddenly turned towards the hall, towards the sound of footsteps. Who showed up in their place was none other than Ben's... mother. A slightly short, middle-aged about 44 year old brown-haired woman with skin that wasn't wrinkley, but not fair, and thin-rimmed glasses. Who upon seeing her kitchen filled with two creatures that shouldn't exist and a heavily armed military member in her kitchen, lost balance, leaned on the refridgerator and almost screamed for the other parental figure, had it not been for Ben rushing over and covering her mouth. She struggled for a moment, but Ben held her still - he found himself... stronger than he used to be - and tried to start explaining. "Mom, it's me, Ben, it's me, calm down... that's, that's Scott, there, see? It's us."

The mother regained a little composure, enough to cast the world's most confused glance at her two sons - or at least, that's what they claimed to be, and let out a very worried one of those "Ooooh..." things that mothers tend to do.

Ben quickly recapped himself, waking up like he was, and there was crazy stuff like this going on all over the world on the TV. Scott explained himself as well, but the mother turned to face the mouse in the kitchen, and interrupted Scott, saying "Who is THAT, then?!" she snapped, apparently very unsettled and unexcited about human-mouse hybrid seemingly adult strangers in a kitchen alone with her children. Ben tried to explain it himself, but was at a loss for words, and his mother made him stop talking, putting a finger to his fox lips and insisting on an answer directly from the intruder himself.

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It's that Ben? Crimson thought to himself It's a small world after all. Getting smaller too.

Trying to remain as non menacing as possible, Crimson spoke up. "Um, no need to panic Miss..uh, Bens mum...." He stopped to concentrate for a moment, and his coat seemed to shimmer, but only out of the corner of the eye "Um, Iona?" He frowned "That can't be right... anyway, theres no need to panic, I'm just here for your Son."

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'Iona' as her name actually was would have lunged at and tackled Crimson to the floor in a strangledhold if it wasn't for both Ben AND Scott holding her back. Scott spoke up on Ben's behalf: "He doesn't mean it like THAT, mom, let him explain, he was just talking to us..." She stopped again, after a moment, and picked her glasses up off the floor. "Well, what does some stranger want to kidnap my son for, then, before I call 911 and get my husband!" She was calmer, but no less irritated.

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"Kidnap?!" Eep! "NO!Nonononono.. I really didn't mean it like that!" Crimson was practically backing behind the nearest cupboard door now.

"I just came to set him on his path! I can't take him anywhere! Uh... not that I would, ma'am."

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That one just confused her, and she stopped struggling from Ben and Scott's holding her back long enough to ask, "Set him on WHAT path? Start making sense! ...And that accent, you're from Europe somewhere, aren't you?"

Ben was starting to see that this line of dialog wasn't going anywhere, so he said, "Mom, come in here, look at the TV, at the news." Scott looked at Ben and decided he agreed with that particular way of going about getting Mom to calm down. They forced her into the living room and turned the TV back on.

Iona stared open-mouthed for a few minutes, in disbelief. Ben leaned around the corner and gave Crimson a come-on gesture. "Tell her what you told us, about the world being... unstable and stuff."

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The young man stopped upon seeing the message on the TV.
Surely he couldn't mean--hey wait... that guy actually looked somewhat familiar... he frowned. And then, on closer inspection, Crims? Oh Lordy, the world's gotten even more messed up than I initially gave it credit for. It was at about this point that a thought struck him. A really wonderful thought.
Wait. If what's been said on the news is true (not that I ever gave it that much credit for being), then that would mean... that would mean that certain individuals would exist here now who only existed in my head before... A broad grin spread across his face. And if things are now as they were on the net, then... Unable to stop from grinning about what this would mean if he were right, he ducked into a back alley.
Looking around to be sure he wasn't seen, he raised a hand above his head, then brought it downward and snapped his fingers. He waited... and nothing happened. He frowned.
Come on Bryan. You gotta believe. Let's try again. He raised his hand again, bringing it down as before. For about a second, nothing happened, and he was just starting to wonder whether he was right, when a sudden bright flash in front of him gave him some idea as to whether he had been or not. When the light died out, a tall figure stood there. It was clad in a dark coloured cloak, which concealed it's figure entirely, save for a nose sticking out slightly from underneath the hood that adorned the top of the cloak. The young man smiled.
Well well. In the flesh. Nice to meet you at last... SilverShadow! The cloaked figure merely regarded him for a few seconds with an air of distaste. He clearly wasn't happy about something. Come come. Don't give me the silent treatment. Surely you know who I am, yes?
The cloaked figure reached for his hood and pulled it back, revealing the face of a dark silver-furred fox. He had a mop of wild-looking, slightly unkempt hair atop his head which was silver also, ending in black tips. His ears and muzzle were black as well. Of course, as anyone who'd met with him before would know, the most unnerving thing about the fox's appearance were his eyes: deep, dark black where most people's are white, with shiny silver irises. His expression changed to one of slight annoyance and perhaps boredom.
Indeed, your name is known to me. It is your identity that troubles me... I cannot deny the fact that you are my creator. Yet, at the same time, I know that it was not you who created me... and this troubles me. He looked a little confused, which must have been a first for him. Bryan just smiled back at him.
Don't let it worry you. Just trust me... things are going to be a little different from how they have been... I think. The fox just sighed at this.
I hope that, for both of our sakes, you are right. The young man named Bryan just nodded back at him.
Yeah, I hope so too... He started back out towards the main street, then stopped. Oh hey. I guess you'll want to turn yourself invi--uh. He stopped. A voice spoke from next to him.
Way ahead of you. I've been doing this for years, remember? Just be careful not to move to your right suddenly. It'd look odd if you fell over for no reason. Bryan grinned.
Gotcha. he smiled, then headed out of the alley. Things were looking up after all...


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And so with much confusion all around, Crims explained to Iona exactly what he had said to Ben, and it still made no sense.

"I'm afraid I've spent to much time here already, there are others I must see..." Crimson concluded, apruptly. "Thankyou for your hospitality. Ben, please, as soon as you can, head toward this site..." He pulled a map out of his coat, it seemed to have a marking on it somewhere in the middle of Kansas.

"I will try to get the others to join you as soon as possible." And with that, he was gone, leaving Ben, Scott and Iona to settle things amongst themselves.

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"Erm, could you wait here a sec, I need to check on something...", Silver (as he decided he would call himself to anyone he didn't know) asked then quickly ran to the other room, and turned on his computer. He hadn't heard the announcement that the internet was down. He quickly found out. "Gaah. Dangit, I bet the same thing's happening to SX and Terg... and everyon-AAAH!", he quickly attempted to jump back, failed because a chair was in the way, tripped, and fell on his back, as what he can only described as an unusually large spider landed between him and his moniter. His arachnaphobia kicked in before his brain recovered from the shock, and tripped over the coffee table, floor, and couch before finally slamming into a wall on his short trip as far from the spider as possible. Then his brain turned back on, and he realised what this particular spider was. ~It's Giant Spider. Silver's Pet. Calming down... wait, if it's here, wouldn't all of my other characters be around somewhere too...?~ The spider just stared at him in a confused manner. He carefully walked up to it, ignoring his arachnophobia. About halfway there, it jumped on his head. Silver resisted the urger to scream. ~Okay... I've got a spider on my head. freaky, but I'm sure there's worse things in store. Get used to it, self.~ Then he remembered he still had a visitor in the other room. He hurried back, spiderhead and all. "Erm, do you want anything to drink? Tea, Coffee?"

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"tea please" Finir managed to say without looking confused at the spider sitting atop his hosts head."thanks" But before Finir turned back to his contemplation he realised something, the wall he had been staring at was gone. The confused look kicked in. "could you te.." his host had gone to make his drink before he could ask what had just happened.
The wall itself hadnt actualy disapeared, when he turned back to it it was there again. "laaaaaaaaaagy" Finir said without thinking.

If Finir was going to get anywhere, he needed to find someone that A, new what was going on, B, new how to control and/or stop this or C, find him some pie, he was getting a bit hungry. He followed his host into the kitchen and leaned against the wall. "so wha.." before he could finish there came a strange noise from the front door. Finir broke a smile to silver.

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"Pack those knives you got for Christmas, too, Ben." Scott whispered. All three brothers were down in the basement, stuffing bags and two suitcases full of things they might need.

Scott packed clothes, his scanner radio that allowed him to listen on police communication, some knives and a sword he got as gifts over the years, and all the money he could scrounge up. Ben packed clothes as well, and his own savings and pocket knives, and inevitably his old DS. Matt packed three katanas he too had received as gifts, his own brand new lightsaber he woke up with - a purple bladed one, to be exact - and of course, money and clothes.

Ben has a bit of a dilemma involving a certain new appendage. His tail got in the way of any pants he tried to wear normally. He was about to just try and wear it low and tighten the belt a lot in hopes it wouldn't fall, but Scott used one of his own knives to quickly fashion holes large enough for a tail to get through. It wasn't entirely comfortable, but it worked.

When it was time to pack provisions, Ben closed his eyes and let his mind drift back for a moment to what led up to them doing what they were doing.

"You are NOT going ANYWHERE, Ben, Scott, Matt, the last thing I need right now after my sons have turned into a Jedi, a marine-" Scott resisted the temptation to correct Iona's saying marine "- and a... a, wolf, is you running off after some child molester showed up here and told you to go to Kansas!"

"Mom, what about what the world needs here? He said th-"

"I don't CARE what he thinks he knows, he's lying and trying to kidnap you or lead you into some cult or some stupid sh*t like that! The whole world's going crazy, you think I'm letting my children run off with some nutjob?!"

Ben shook his head. This was insane, she was right, that they wanted to leave. But just looking at what the world had become around him, insane didn't have a very tight definition anymore. And this sounded just like... a fiction Ben would write, or something, but never share it with anyone.

He was important, and was going to save the world!

...Or something. Right now, he was trying to remember... which member was it that lived in really close to Kansas? He couldn't remember for the life of him. He tried and tried and tried to recall, and nothing came, until...

Get outta my hang out town Turtle or your mother will find you hanging from your thumbs behind Townwest.

It was Rico. He remembered it now, suddenly and so clearly, from the Frappr. Not KAnd he had a picture in his head, of a street, of a house. And he had to find it.

This was probably what it meant to follow his impulse as he was advised. He told the others about him knowing someone from really close to Kansas - at first they were disbelieving, but recalled what had been said. Ben was the important one here.

Not long after, they snuck all their equipment outside in the dead of night and got in Matt's car. It was going to be a long ride. And anticlimactically enough, the top thing on Ben's mind was that Rico's real name was Ben too.

Confusion was imminent.

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The announcement on the TV had been befuddling to the kids, and alarming to Ben. But now it was getting late, the elder boy was curled up beside him asleep and the younger was glued to the colorful screen of a random offline game he'd found on the computer.

In a tone uncharacteristic of a concerned adolescent should sound, Sparky rattled off between mouse clicks, "Are you going to leave us here when you go? Like Dad?"

Another suprise was the rabbit's only vague concern for the question. He did turn but his voice was only quiet, not overly concerned, "Ah stop it, you know I'm not going to. And your dad didn't leave you, he's really confused right now and doesn't know what he's doing. If he had his right mind he'd already be here." The boy seemed content with the answer and continued his was against pixelated beasts while Ben looked at the boy next to him, then his own foreign hand and murmured quietly, "I wish he was here too."

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OOC: This seemed like the most potentially great RP I've seen in guild in ages. I'd have been trying to keep it alive myself all these months, but I've been internetless and can't help but feel responsible as such for it's death. Everyone interested in bringing this back, post.

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OOC: I'd like this to be revived too.

In fact, I'd like the entire Guild t be revived, but the chances of that are less.

Posts: 178
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OOC: Huh, I thought it was going nowhere myself, mostly because I wandered off. However, if there are those out there interested other than just you two, I can bring it back. I already have plans forming actually }: D Heck, I could just try doing it for you two if your the only ones, but that might get a bit dull for you...

EDIT: But either way, nothing would happen till I get back from on holiday. Which is about a fortnight or so from now. I can't go sorting this thing out from payfer connections =P
