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The Great Escape

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OOC: Okay here goes my third Rp. We are all slaves captured by the evil Robotnik. He is having us build a pyrimid shaped building which is located right outside the Great Desert.Nobody nos for what reason. Our mission is to form a group and escape. But it won't be that easy,the land beyond is total desert,there are no bodies of water,and the food and water is limited, the only place where there is any is in Robotnik's clutchs. Also the place is surround by SWATs.
What do you think of this idea. I'll Ic post as soon as I get a replie.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: Hooray! She snapped! :thumbsup

IC: Nack was stunned and flew back. During that rough and very brief transition Reni had somehow gained the upper hand on him. Nack lost the hold on his pistol, it skittered across the cold floor and now it lay several feet away from the both of them. He tried to reach out and grab it but the chain was tight around his neck and it was no use.

"Gak!" "Stupid witch. You're surrounded. The Swats will gun you down if I tell em!"

Reni's eyes turned into small slits and she sneered in a way that gave Nack chills. " If you haven't noticed you're right here with me. If they shoot then I'll just put you in my way." "They may get me but dammit if they do you're going with me!" She pulled back more on the chain causing the weasel to gasp sharply in pain.
"Now call them off or you're dead!"

Nack was bad. He was cruel. And he was horrible to those who didn't contribute to his self-centered gain. And he also was a coward. What Reni said was true, he definitely didn't want to die and his panicked face showed that well. "Al-right! Al...righ...A'll tell them to hold off if ya jus stop..cho-king. me!"

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: That she did. ;) But can you honestly blame her?

IC: Reni loosened her grip on the chain, still keeping a wary eye on the weasel as he called off the robots. Without moving her glance away, she whispered, "Peace, grab his gun, and hand it to me, please."

The kitsune had been silent throught the entire scene. She had to admit, she was more than a little surprised by Reni's seeming sudden transformation. She nodded, and picked up the stun-gun with somewhat shaky hands, handing it to the desparately serious Serenity.

"Thanks." The purple hedgeog growled at Nack as she helped him up. "I'm going to remove this chain from your neck, but if you try anything..." She trailed off menacingly. Still watching him carefully, she turned her voice back to her friend. "Peace, help me secure his hands behind his back, please." Now, how am I gonna watch him and carry Surge at the same time?

Surge himself solved that problem by waking up at that moment. "Ungg...Oh, my head...Reni? Wha-what happened?"

The purple hedgehog did not turn her suspicious gaze from the bound weasel. "Nothin I couldn't handle, Surge. It's all under control now...Oh, and welcom back. Now you can help me keep Shifty here under control."



OOC: Are Ruby and Burn still in the vicinity?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: oy how many days have passed since I've even been to the Role Play Guild? @_o Many it seems. Forgive my not being here.

IC: Nack felt a mixture of rage and fear as the hedgehog and the kitsune bound his hands. He tried to see if he could possibly get them loose but to his surprise the chains were wrapped around his wrists well and tight. It was painful. With a groan he tried to stand but was instantly knocked back by the princess. "Not until I tell you to move." she hissed. Nack did as he was told since his gun was no longer in his possession. The cold realization struck him that he was no longer in control of this situation. He was at the whim of a girl who couldn't give a damn about whether he lived or died. Because he felt the same way about her for a very long time.

The Swats were called off as he was forced promise. The weasel noted with a frown that the male hedgehog was starting wake as well. Another foot to kick him now that he was down!

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

OOC: oo It's 2:19 AM. The chats and my buddy lists are empty. Sooo I finally remembered this place. =D

cc; Well anyway...


Metal banked around another corner, twisting his body to compensate for the sudden shift in direction. He was interested in the unusual reports of SWATbot behavior up ahead, and had hoped to find his friends there.

Metal rounded another corner, not turning this time since the room soon appeared in same direction he had been travelling. Stopping his lateral flight, Met landed in a doorway. Several yards ahead were Serenity and co., and some SWATbots which had stood down.

A bit confused at this, Metal approached cautiously. Serenity saw him, and he saw Serenity see him. The android raised an index finger to his mouth, and Reni subtly nodded, staying quiet. She made sure her weasal captive wasn't able to watch the android. Metal snuck up behind the nearest SWATbot by floating a little off the ground.

His form completely hidden by the bulky SWATbot, Reni gave an odd look for a moment, wondering what he was about to do. She then noticed a familiar gray hand reach up from behind the SWATbot. The hand grabbed the robot's head from behind, holding it in place for Metal's other hand, curled in a fist, to drive itself through the SWATbot's less dense armor. The fist nearly protruded from the other side, making a small bulge in the armor; sparks flew and the SWATbot's body seized and convulsed as lights from small explosions lit up the area behind its visor.

Metal withdrew his fist and curled slightly, still floating behind the SWATbot. When the impaled robot gave out, Metal grabbed its back and held it up, using it as a shield against the other SWATs, should they decide to fire.

"I wonder how much longer it'll be before they send reinforcements..." Metal wondered. "We've got to do something now."

Changing his mind about the shield concept, Metal shoved the SWATbot's body forwards, surprising the other two. They raised their blasters to fire at him, but one was met in the face with a sudden electrical blast--Reni had realized an opportunity and taken it, whirling around and firing Nack's stun gun at the robot. The last SWATbot got off a shot at Metal, which grazed the android as he attempted to dodge.

Nack, however, was not blind to the opportunity this presented, either. He, too turned and raised his chained wrists, attempting to either hit or strangle the princess. However, he did not get the chance to do either, as Metal caught the chain--and the wrists it was attached to--in mid-swipe.

"Don't you know it's not nice to hit a lady?" Metal spoke almost sarcastically.

Nack sneered. "Unhand me, you freak hedgehog!"

Serenity turned around again to see what was going on. Surge, not having been awake enough to alert the princess to Nack's attack, did however manage to alert her to the attack of the third SWATbot. "Reni, DUCK!" He yelled. Instinctively, Serenity ducked, leaving a clear line of sight between the SWATbot's gun and Nack's head.

The weasal grimaced, waiting for the pain, but none came. After a brief moment, he openned an eye. Realizing that the SWATbot had not fired, he relaxed a little. "At least th' danged thing's smart enough to know better th'n to shoot me..."

The SWATbot, after a moment or two of hesitation, lowered both its gun and its head, aiming and looking at the Princess once more. Surge cringed, and tensed when he heard the sound of metal pinging off of metal. At first, he thought he or perhaps Serenity had been hit, but it then occurred to him that SWATs didn't use solid weapons. He looked in time to see the yellow-tinted flashes of outward-pointing light appearing and disappearing in the same millisecond as the SWATbot's armor was barraged by bullets.

Satisfied that he had thrown off the SWATbot's aim, Metal stopped firing and lowered his free arm, which currently had its minigun barrels extended. Not hesitating--or letting the SWAT get its aim back--Metal yanked Nack backwards, then flung him at the SWATbot's legs. There was a loud clanging of metal when the weasal hit, and the SWATbot went down.

After a moment, Reni stood up. She looked at Metal; this...robot...this machine; he was one of them, yet he had helped them...he had saved her. Well, not really saved her, but protected her, at least. And he obviously had no qualms about killing his own kind...not that that was always a good thing...she wondered about all of this within the space of about a second and a half, her mind quickly moving back to the matter at hand. "Which way is out?" She asked, not really directing the question at anyone.

OOC: Two~ things. One, I hope I haven't forgotten anyone else's characters that are in this area...however, I do realize that I've forgotten what became of Ruby. o.o; Anyone else remember, by chance? o.x;

More importantly than all of that, perhaps, is that I hope I haven't messed anything up with my little burst of RPing there. oo; Lemme know if I did...

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: I have also lost track of the one known as Ruby. My Deja character is still lost somewhere. And the other characters are still left behind. Perhaps following, I don't know. But no Metal I think you got it right.

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

OOC: oo; I read back a bit, and Ruby hasn't been mentioned for over 20 posts. Buuuut I think she's still with Reni 'n co...which means that since Metal's back they're all together again! YAAAY @___@; Now they can get back to doing...whatever it was they were here to do. o_@;

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: I have run into a problem...My portable hard drive just died, so, I may not be making any posts until I get a new one...sorries...

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

OOC: ...I won't be able to continue. I'm losing the internet today; we cant afford it anymore...and so...I can't RP anymore. I'm sorry. You guys control my characters.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Oh man! I'm sorry to hear that...:(

EDIT: I will be getting back to this...just not at the moment...

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