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The Great Escape

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OOC: >>; Yus..I have the net back for the time being, but I'll need more moneys to keep it longer oo; Hoping to get them soon.

No IC for now, tho. c.x

Oh, and this is M2, for those that don't know. oo *too lazy to switch accounts*

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: If anybody would like. I'll try to type something IC. I just need to think of it first ^^;

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Yay! I wondered if you'd be back here, or if you just had time for the chat only...Anyway, Welcome back again, Met! :D No IC at the moment...

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

"GET UP!!"

Nack growled,struggled and winced in pain. The yelling seemed to have kicked him back into consiouness. His vision wavered, trickled and swam. Was something broken? There was a lot of pain. He had been thrown so hard that it felt as if his brains were still bouncing frantically inside his skull. In a daze he rose slightly, a sort of slouch, as far as he could go without feeling too much pain. The hazy outline of the princess came into focus. The weasel gritted his teeth hard trying not to shrink back under the princess' intimidating stare that he had just now taken notice of.

"I know you heard me ask, weasel! Which way is out!" Serinity had figured that they couldn't leave Nack here. She still wanted to teach him a lesson.

Nack sneered. If only I had mah pistol, Ah'd hang this bratty hog out ta dry! He was about to let out some very rude comment to serinity but noticed how closely Metal stood nearby. Provoking the robot's anger, he knew, might mean the end of him so he grudgingly swallowed his battered pride. "If Ah show ya tha way'll let me go...thats all ah ask of ya." The bounty hunter tensed for the harsh answer that he knew would be "no" Looking up at the princess he saw her ponder the thought.

OOC: Short yes but something! Woah. Been too long...Anybody still here?

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Yay...something new...:thumbsup But I'm exhausted from school right now...*collapse*

EDIT: Still here, but I feel kinda crummy right now, so...IC maybe later. (Black eye = massive PAIN)

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: I'm not dead! Holy watermellon seeds! Anyway...May be a bit breif, as I'm still burried in homework and class-sceduling conflicts, but...I finally have SOME time, since I did a lot of said homework friday and yesterday, and I finally feel like writing. :)


Serenity bared her teeth slightly, giving a soft snort. "Fine. But no funny business! Or..." She trailed off, "Surge and..." She glanced slightly at Metal, trying her best to not act distrustful of him, "Well...we'll be watching..." She finished, slightly awkwardly, begrudgingly letting the weasel up. "Remember...NO clever moves, or we leave you for the slaves...And I got news for ya...they DON'T take kindly to traitors." She bared her teeth again.

Throughout the time that Nack was their prisoner/guide, She kept one suspicious eye on him and her ears automatically flattened at him with his every slightest possibly shifty move.


Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: I don't know where the story could go from here. Unless I'm missing something, or Robotnik makes a surprise appearance, there seems to be no other major threat standing in the groups way. But I'll be thinking.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Oh,I have something planned for the grand finalle...TRUST me...:P

EDIT: NO! This CAN'T die such an ignominous death! Back to the top with you, I say!

EDIT 2: NO dieing yet...I'm not done with you...*bump*

EDIT 3: NO. @ second page. *bump*

Edit 4: Not the second page again..*bump*

Posts: 38
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OOC: Well I'm still here, but the problem is GTE seems to have left. But I'm working on a post, I can hopefully have up soon to remedy her disapperance. I guess I can just control Green Eyes. BTW we are coming up on the second aniversery of this RP.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: XD really? Anniversary? Well thats nice. Well just give me a lead to follow and I'll try to come back into the fold, okay?

Posts: 481
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OOC: I've bumped this so many times it's not funny...*sigh...* But it's partly my fault for not having any ideas about how to get us out of here and to the next part of the plot. It's true, this RP is near it's end, but, I can't just abandon it like this...So...Moving us along a bit...Met, we need you...;p


After what seemed to Serenity like forever, the band of desparate rebels had what they'd come for and were finally on their way out of the slave camp in the midst of the ruins of Knothole. Reni was glad to leave behind the bad memories of the place as they boarded the hovercraft again and took up positions for the flight out and back to the Rebel's base under Robotropolis.

Despite Nacks protests and reminders of their deal that he was to be released, Serenity was not quite ready to relinquish him, for fear that he would go running back to the master to report them.

Instead he was placed in a sort of make-shift brig on board the hovercraft.

"Hey! We had a deal! You said you'd release me if-"

"I know..." The disinherrited princess growled at him, again flattening her ears warningly. "And I intend to keep my word...unlike SOME creatures might do..." She added scathingly. "But not yet. I decide the time an place of your release..." She hissed at the imprisoned weasil.

She had planned on releasing him in the center of the harsh desertified remains of the Great Forest, to live or die on his own. However, something in her mind made her stop and think. She was shocked to find herself thinking and acting so heartlessly. She finally decided what to do with the weasil...She'd release him in the city, where he might be able survive...albeit meagerly, but in a part of Robotropolis far awy from the secret entrance to the underground rebel base, so that he wouldn't be able to rat them out. Of coarse, he'd have to be knocked out before release...


OOC: There. Some new stuff. 😛

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Nack struggled in vain against his restraints. He knew he was in a bad situation, all his up front, bossy, and sleazy attitude, could not get him out of. He heard the contempt in Reni's voice. Her hate of him he could understand. Everybody hated him. Nack had placed many helpless lives into the ruthless hands of Robotnick. He knew that everyone hated him, but that was the price to make sure his own hide didn't end up in slavery. The weasel sighed and leaned against the metal walls of the hovercraft.

He spied the wolfix grinning over at him and he scowled at her. The bounty hunter was in a very bad mood. A few seconds of silence passed before Deja finally spoke.

"Well you know you wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't work for Robotnick."
Nack looked at her for one second, then turned away.

"Well just be glad they didn't rid themselves of you back at that slave place. That would have been the easy thing to do. But instead I think they're going to let you live."
The weasel didn't move and Deja wondered if her words were reaching him. Her grin faded into something more solemn.

"Nack you don't deserve any mercy from these people. You are a traitor to them...where ever you end up at the end of this, just remember the could have done you much much worse..."

Nack shuffled and turned his body away from her. Deja could hear him cursing her from under his breath.

All Deja could do was sigh and shake her head

Posts: 38
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Nightshade dragged his left hand along the nearest wall as he raced back down the passage. He didnt turn around, but he could hear Dejas footsteps fading into the distance. Images flashed before his sightless eyes. It was so dim; he could barley make out bars of the prisons. He moved quickly not bothering to linger. Somewhere Green Eyes was waiting. Then he sensed it she was near. He moved quickly not bothering to linger. He slowed a few hundred yards from the closest cell. Carefully he approached the confinement.

Green Green Eyes are you in there? he murmured, he waited expectantly for her voice.

It didnt take long for her to dive at the bars. Night Shade is it really you?! Please, please dont leave me, her voice came in sobbing gasps.

I dont have a key, he hadnt realized it until then, what a dumb mistake, he cursed himself for it. J-Just hang on, Ill be back.
Wait dont leave! she pleaded desperately; she reached vainly through the bars trying to grasp his hand.

I promise Ill be back. Please, please, just hang on for a little longer With that said he raced down the hall in the direction that Deja had gone.

OOC: Wow I finally updated, Im so proud of myself! XD Now to find the rest of the group ><

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: Can we safely say that Greeneyes and Nightshade made it to the hovercraft just like the others? And not left behind?

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: :jawdrop :"> Ooooohhhhh....THAT FLIPPIN HACKER! Mhrrr....all the previous posts...all our hard work...GONE!
At least I can post again...

EDIT: GAH. Now more of them are gone! When will the nightmare end?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

OOC: Gah! Well this sucks! But please, go on and post. *grumbles*

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: I refuse to let this die...will be back in about a week and a half...

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Wow. I was starting to wonder o.o;

Posts: 38
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OOC: I was just curious, if any one managed to save any posts could you possibly send them to me.

If anyone is still interested in continuing it I'm for it.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: I have my posts...but nobody else's. Will be able to send them only after I get back to school in a couple of days if you can wait that long.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I can wait.

Posts: 3
New Member

OOC: It's not letting me edit my posts. *bump* will edit with something soon hopefully

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

For some reason, I have two accounts. Huh. Anyway, I am back, howver, it is late, so no RP right now.

EDIT: Attempting to get into my mail to send that document with my posts, Shadow, but my E-mail is being really slow right now.

EDIT: Hey Shadow615, did you get my E-mail with the posts?

EDIT3: Come on...let's not let this die...there's still more plot I had intened to reveal!

EDIT4: OK...not waiting for Shadow 615 much longer...I WILL post, but I'm low on time right now...

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I'm still here. I'm just waiting. Is there anyway i can help out?

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

Guh. Back from my month away. Sorry I let this fall. I REFUSE to let this die...Well...then again...maybe i should call it done and just write out a wrap-up/climax post....Wil get to that soon if I decide it'd be better off dune, but not right now....

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