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The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

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Take one part Power. Take one part Fear. You have the recipe for Control. But you may directly think of Dr. Robotnik and think he is the one with the power, the one with fear, the one with complete control. As long as there is Resistance there is no fear. That is what Robotnik has discovered over these years. But this tale may reference him, but this is not about him in any less. In the shadows of darkness lives an ancient cult simple called the Order. Once this cult was an established religion, in the times of lore. But the History Books never reveal what happened after a war long before the Great War occurred. A Holy War. This war brought the devastation and eradication of several religions and nations. But in the end one remained. And their power only grew as they got obsessed with one emotion. Not Power. Not Glory. Not Greed. They were touched with the emotion of Fear.


Fear, would bring this religion into a huge cult obsessed with control. As time withered and ancient scrolls were buried, we come to the present time. Where a Tyrant named Robotnik is trying to conquer the world. At the moment, the Cult remains a hidden shadowy entity. But from village to village, to keep their religion, fear, and power strong.... they kill innocent people for no reason, they claim it is for the call of their lord. They claim it is cleansing evil. But in reality it is just maintaining the dirty closet of Fear. The villages usually small and bleak and ranging from every random continent to another. But we take a look into a village on the continent of Teriv. Once known for the now deceased empires of Acorn and Kitsunia.

Robotnik's ravaging of the world has only helped this mysterious and dark Order. This dark Order taking advantage of the Fear that Robotnik leaves in his wake. Now let us go to that village, the village of Dunril. Just north of the swamps of Dunnywood, and several miles south of Knothole. This is where our story starts. But perhaps we should give you some insight a bit more.

The Order now, is a giant group of people settled somewhere in the Eastern Hemisphere. They follow a leader only known as the Observer. A man who has lived since the Holy War itself. But he is never seen, but only heard through telekentic orbs inside forts that the Cult members take place in around the world. The Order's members take place in extensive training and are trained in the magic of lightning and the art of creating a sword like weapon around a arm or weapon. This called the Reaver of Repentance. It is often flickering from Blue to Red. The two colors depend on the power absorbed by the reaver. Once souls are killed the reaver is thrust in the corpse and absorbs all of the creatures lifeforce, the embodiment of the mobian soul. This is the extent to the knowledge of their powers. These cretin wear thick linen cloth robes, colored white. This has been known to be the color of fear now.

But it is all up to who can muster to save the world.

This is the Order Saga: Dawn of Fear.

OOC - This roleplay takes place a few years after the basic Archie timeline, which is 3 years afterwards. The War on Robotnik is still going strong. This is only based on the Archie timeline and not any Archie events. Now let us begin, a profile is not necessary, it is only asked that you RP to the best of your ability and enjoy thyself. And follow basic RP Guidelines like "Do not Godmod", "No Powerplay", or Hijack the Story.

The OLD Map of "Sengia"-Mobius is Here. Please OOC or PM me questions.

Heres a Map of Teriv (where the story begins) with some Points of Interest: LINK.

Otherwise we may began when I post a intro following this text.

Feel free to join with any character to your imagination, just be keen to remember knowledge of the Order is very minimum and very low in quantity of those who know outside of Orderlings themselves. And I'd prefer nobody but I and Drew control/create Orderling's for the time being.

Please join in either way, be that you are passing through the village, heading to the village, or witnessing the events in the village.

The sky was dark on the day, which evidently was just a preamble to events to come. The sky was already shedding tears for the lives that would be lost today. The raindrops slowly raining upon the woodland village of Dunril, just due north of the Dunnywood swamplands. The villagers were outside conversating as a figure could be seen trailing down on the road from the swamps- over the weak woodland bridges. A bright white cloak, with a blood red marking on the back. The figures hood was risen. And a ever creepy smirk was on the face. "Give me the power to commit your bidding, lord." the figure would think for a minute. Most would think these 'Orderlings' would have no conscience, but alas this one although on the outside was ready and willing- on the inside was a bit doubtful already. He didn't wish to slaughter the three people he had to. But it was his Lord's will. To cleanse the sinners.

He chuckled a bit as he approached a man.

"Can I help you, traveler?" the squirrel in front of the cloaked fox managed.

There was no verbal response. He withdrew a sword from his side and in a second the squirrel's eyes widened. And his ... corpse fell to the ground. The other villagers would stare, and then scream. And in a moment there were guards around him.

"You committed a Murder!" one guard exclaimed. "Why!?"

"The Lord does not explain, he just gives the task."


"It is now your time." he chuckled.

This was not going to be pleasant. In a surge of 'defending' himself, the cloaked fox tightened his grip on his sword and in haste as they moved their weapons at him- he jumped up in the air, and dealt his sword in a downward attack. Eliminating one of the guards now under him. As he landed back on the ground he faced the other few guards around him. "You see, as long as you defy the Lord, you will always perish." he spoke.

"Who are you?!" a guard demanded.

"I am the Servant of the Lord, you may call me Rauzilos. And I am here to commit to his biddings."

"'re insane!" the Guard exclaimed as he charged at the warrior of "god". Rauzilos only smirked for that moment. A chuckle escaped his lips. As the man charged him he closed his eyes. "Amon Ra." he chanted under his lips and in a bright flash of blue light he appeared behind the guard. And the guard's life was ended there. For this much murder of the guards, the people began to get into a panic.

"Fear....." he thought for a moment. It seemed so perfect. Yet.... he felt there was something wrong here. But alas, he ignored it.

He looked like he caused his ill quota to be full, but the more fear he'd cause the better.

In a moment he would of cornered a family in their own home, his blood stained sword eager to gather more blood. But the child's eyes seemed to make him not advance any further. The agony of killing a child tormented the back of his mind, and it would not have it. Before he could contemplate much more a voice came from behind him.

"You'd think as much carnage you have unveiled today, you would be not stopping to think about your judgment."

Rauzilos turned around to see the eyes of a old feline, murked in a tattered gray robe, and black pants.

"And you are not apart of the carnage, so I advise you leave."

The feline made no response.

"Very well. I don't have time for this." Rauzilos sighed as he turned to prepare to attack this new foe. The feline was quick to respond, his hand casually on the sheathed training sword, which he had been using as a walking stick for the time being. Rauzilos was quick in technique and withdrew his sword and intended to simple behead the annoyance. The wooden training sword and it's sheath was drawn upward; blocking the attack casually.

"What the-" was Rauzilos' immediate reaction in thought as his sword was stopped by a hunk of wood.

"So tell me something. Why do you kill innocent people?"

"They are not innocents. They are tainted souls and are marked as to be cleansed." he responded, his weapon still locked.

"Heh. Do you not question why these people are tainted? They live normal simple lives. Why would they sin enough to be tainted?"

The orderling had not a reply. He had thought about these "cleansing" for a good time now. But this did not deter him. "The Lord will not be Questioned." Rauzilos blinked. "The Lord will be served."

"Then why didn't you kill that child like you were about to? Why did you hesitate?"

He growled in response and retrieved his sword from the lock and charged the metal hitting the wood once more. After a good while he would stop again.

"You seem angered by my questions. Is that because you see my logic?"

"No!" he growled.

"I think you do." he smirked.

Rauzilos narrowed his eyes as he chanted again. "Amon Ra." he muttered and in that same flash of light he was behind the feline. In a odd occurance, the feline did not turn to block. The sword was dug into the wise feline's back in a rush of instant anger. The feline fell almost in a instant.

Taking heavy breaths, he would find the man's words going through his mind. He began questioning himself and his faith even more.

He sighed before a loud voice entered his head, it was not his own.

"Orderling, Rauzilos what is taking your cleansing so long?" a sneer, smug voice remarked.

"...I'm just taking my time, Versulos." he lied.

"Well hurry up with it!"

"Alright then." he replied before looking around at the carnage he had unleashed. The blood he had shed. The lives he had ended.

He asked himself a question in thought. "Why?" he shrugged it off quickly before looking around the town. He had done his job here, he would then speak those same two words and disappear from the town in a flash of light.

This would only be the beginning.

Around a good three hours later, the vision of the old feline became to haze back to consciousness. He had not taken a surprise blow like that in a long time, and the stiff pain was there. But at least he was alive.

Alas, it seemed the massacring scene was still evident and in front of him, many bodies torn and corpses on the village ground. The worse part is, was he was not sure his message and query had got to the boy. With the town in this state, he was sure.... he would not be healed this time.

He chuckled. "Well, it was fun." he managed to say as he managed to lean himself against a tree.

But who knew? Maybe someone- a traveler would of heard the screams of the villagers earlier, or a passerby would see this massacre or something of the sort. All he had was that hope right now.

OOC - Please Note, that not every person in the village was slain; as if that was the case: fear could not be established. 3/4 of the village were just massacred evidently. Now I wait for your replies if you are interested.

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"Duuuude, they're all dead! COOL!" A high pitched and strangely cheerful voice fired up into the air.

The corpse of the feline was being... poked, repeatedly, the small pale finger jabbed the bloody head repeatedly to the background giggling of a child. The owner of the finger, he was no more than ten or so, a small frail looking human boy. His fair skin, red hair, blue eyes, and small glasses only further complicated his reaction to the carnage. Something else drew attention away from his disarming appearance, the boy's clothing was not normal for a child like him. Black clothing cover by a maroon trenchcoat, a sized overcoat that looked specially made for the small child.

"Hehehehe," he giggled again standing up. "He's gonna be in troooouble." As the youth held out the vowel on his final word his face twisted into a mocking smirk as he began dancing goofily while chanting, "Old dude's in trouble. Old dude's in trouble. Old dude's in trouble." in a continuing pace that didn't show any signs of stopping.

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He had faded out for a minute. Resting his eyes as his wounds took to him, but a moment later he would feel the force of someone.... poking him?

"...Who's there?" he managed to speak as he opened his eyes to whoever was.. apparently poking him. In reality he would see the form of a Humanoid child... dancing, but unlike most Mobian's he would not immediately get intimidated or assuming.

"Is there a reason you were poking me?"

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The boy froze, landing on his feet from mid-dance with a terrified look on his face. He paused for a moment then took off running screaming, "ZOMBIE! DAAAAAAAAD!"

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He managed to let out a chuckle as the child took off, screaming 'Zombie' and calling for his father apparently. He the reached for his sword and used it to help himself up again. His wound on his back was still open. He had myswell looked for a survivor or two and help himself with a bandage, even though over the hours he did loose a lot of blood.

He looked around. And closed his eyes for a second, before reopening them.

"Feels like their are survivors in the Town Hall." he muttered, before heading towards the building as fast as a old feline with a terrible wound could.

In a minute he would of made it to the stagnant wood and stone structure of the village's town hall. He would find the door open, and inside mostly scared villagers were cowering where they could.

"It's fine. He's gone. You folks better start cleaning up his mess." the feline managed.

One stood up. "Otis? Are you okay?" someone had managed to recognize him in one way or another. While the question was asked a few others headed outside to deal with the fatalities of the massacre.

"Yeah. I'm good, except for this near fatal sword wound in my Back." he replied perkily. And with that comment one of the village 'doctors' if you could call them that stepped forward. "Well, then. Lets get that cleaned and bandaged up."

"If its going to help any."


As the event was occurring of healing of the feline, a hedgehogian figure trekked inward from the swamps; in a long black trenchcoat. The only thing he could see pointly was a few villagers kneeling over some bodies.
It was pretty terrible, he could smell the blood from the bridge, and Master Otis had left the encampment about 3 or more hours ago. He now was fearing for the worse, no attack of any sort had ever.... been so..... bleak.

With his arms crossed he entered the village he took a light breath.

Whoever did this was well trained.

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"SEE DAD! SEE! He's gone, he got killed and died and then stood up! The old dude put a sword in his back and everything! I checked too, he was dead!" The human boy was back and this time "dad" was with him.

"Dad" looked like a very large mobian, standing over six feet in height and every characteristic of a fox breed of mobian. His attire was nearly identical to his so-called son's in every way save for he wore a sword strapped to his belt. He looked around nonchalantly before rolling his eyes, "He wasn't dead, Keedis. And calm down, you're embarrassing me." The boy pouted and insisted again, "I checked! He was dead!" The larger fox grunted, "What did you do, poke him?"

A grin and some giggling was the reply and more than sufficent. The fox shook his head and leaned against a wall looking skyward as if oblivious to the bloodshed. The hedgehog felt something strange about the fox, something unexplainable, but he differently wasn't normal, and it wasn't just him calling a human his son.

"Hey old man! Are you a Zombie too?" The hedgehog blinked, the human child had wandered over and was grinning stupidly at him.

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A Zombie? Was this kid kidding?

The black hedgehog raised a brow. "I wouldn't even joke about something like that." he replied after a minute of contemplation about the events around him, and the kids.... comment.

"Well, at any rate. I don't think Master Otis lost his life here. I'm sure I can feel him in the village... living." he thought for a moment.

He sighed. "What happened here is a travesty."

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"Whats travesty mean? And I wasn't joking, that REALLY old guy is a zombie. Cuz I saw him die and then come back to life!"

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"Really Old Guy?" he blinked and then smirked. "Good, I was getting worried that he had gotten killed. Must of been a pretty bad wound to make him fall into unconsciousness." he replied to his former statement.

He chuckled a bit.


The wound on Otis was cleaned briefly and bandaged, but the damage had been done. And he didn't see the point in cleaning it. Such an attack should of killed him. He thought back to Rauzilos. The 'soldier of god' must of been doubting himself so much the attack was so weak and sloppy that it didn't do much damage as it should of. Maybe. Maybe he was just a terrible swordsman. Either way, he was alive and well off. But the thick curiosity in his mind about this Order began to dwell.

"Thanks for the bandage." he managed to say as he stood up.

"Of course, Otis." the 'doctor' nodded.

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"Hey! Old man, you didn't answer me. What's travesty mean? HEY!" The boy whined.

"I missed this place. It's so beautiful here." The fox muttered to himself still looking lost in the sky.

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"Never Mind." he managed to reply to the kid. As he blinked as he looked over to the fox for a moment before leaning against a tree.

"I just can't believe someone could cause so much bloodshed." he would mutter to himself as he sighed.


The feline would find himself out of the Town Hall and slowly walk back to where he entered the town, but then he stopped. Still with the mention of the 'Soldier of God' in his mind he kept a curious mind. Why would he do such a thing, and who brainwashed him so much? There wasn't much to help him in this predicament. All he could do is hope that assialant would come across him again sometime, although he doubted that would happen. Perhaps he would seek him out... hm.

Otis Fahalris took a light breath.

"Wait. Blade's nearby. He must of got worried of a sort. Better go talk to him of what happened here." he thought as he began to ehad over to where Blade was.

[OOC: Groovy. Going to keep this small talk and development going. Heh. Pretty decent post movement for one day. Kudos.]

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"Note to self...don't build the house in a swamp." These were the words of a young man, well, a young human man. Well, one could say "mostly human." Most of the Mobians he met called him an overlander, a group of humanoids that he had met in his travels.

Travels. He really couldn't call wandering around the world traveling now, could he? Hell, he was constantly getting lost in the huge wooded areas, constantly being run out by fearful folk, constantly being branded an outcast by so many.

Many mobians didn't want him living near them because he looked like an overlander, and many overlanders ran him out because he was not an overlander. Constant states of identity crisis like those were all too apparent in his life.

His name was Drew Mears, and he was pushing twenty years old. And, as anyone could tell, he wasn't in Kansas anymore. Or really anywhere he recognized. It hadn't been too long since he had actually arrived on the world.

The exact details of his arrival were hazy. Of course, crashing into a planet in a frozen chunk of matter wasn't a process many people would want to remember.

And now he was trying to find a place to build a home. Well, more or less construct a shack to sleep in while he worked on a way to find his way to his OWN home, but finding a place to at least sleep at night. Sleeping on hard ground was nice and all, but nothing could beat a nice soft bed.

And so, here went this young human man, walking straight into the village of Durnil, unaware of the massacre that had occurred.

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"Why do you say that?" The fox spoke plainly, shifting his eyes to the Mobian.

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Blade glanced to the fox. "I just can't believe somebody had enough rage or desire to murder so many...." he replied. "I mean. Why?"

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The fox smiled lightly, "What makes you think it was rage?"

"Daddy you're BORING! I'm gonna go play!" The human whined and darted off, seeming to forget about learning a new word. The fox didn't take his eyes off Blade.

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"Why else would someone murder so many people?" he replied. Before anything else happened a voice joined the conversation.

"Religion." a old voice responded.

Blade turned. And he smirked for a minute. He didn't want to end the conversation due to his "master" revealing himself to be okay to him.

"But Religion?" Blade raised a brow.

"Yes. A 'soldier of god' as he proclaimed himself was the reason for this bloodshed. I spoke with him before he decided to finish."

Blade didn't have anything to say to that. Religion making someone kill so many people. It was a bit nerveracking to him.

The old feline looked at the fox, not ever recognizing him from the village before. "I don't recall seeing you before. Are you a new traveller?"

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The fox cocked his head and kept his pose and moved his eyes over to the newcomer speaking deliberately, "Nope, this is my home. I'm Rico."

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It wasn't long until Drew found himself in the midst of the destruction in the town. "Dear god!" Drew exclaimed, nearly falling flat on his bottom.

He began to stumble around through the destruction, until he finally found people standing around and actually talking. "Excuse me..." he started, walking towards the ground, "Can someone explain to me what in the hell happened here?"

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The old feline, Otis nodded at the Fox, Rico. "Well it's good as any."
"I've been living in this area for the entirety of my life, and it's good to see a new face." he turned to the hedgehog. "This is Blade. At least thats what he goes by anyway."

Blade nodded. But before the conversation could continue, Otis turned around to see a Humanoid. Two in One Day. That was new. He blinked hearing his question and spoke. "Well, how curious" he smirked.

"Apparently, all we really know is some random soldier of 'god' came here and killed people and that's it." Blade bluntly stated.

"Thats as far as my knowledge is, as well." Otis nodded.

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Rico looked confused, but answered, "Someone killed people. I thought it was a logical conclusion."

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"Christ on a candlestick..." Drew muttered. "What are we in, The Crusades Mach two?"

He shook his head. "I mean, all of this destruction over a god? Geez."

He cocked an eyebrow. "The murderer's gone, I hope?"

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"Quite So." he nodded at Drew. "Welcome to Dunril, at any rate." he added as well. "My name is Otis Fahalris. May I help you with anything else besides the information surrounding the Massacre that I just informed you about?"

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"My name's Drew Mears. I'm...well, to tell the truth, i'm undeniably and completely lost. I spent three days lost in a swamp, and now I wind up in a town full of dead bodies."

He shifted in his coat, the outline of a blade poking out from it. "On the bright side, you guys haven't run me out of town screaming Overlander. That's always nice."

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"Well, the other villager's who do that often are right now preoccupied with the bodies. Myself, I have no quam with the Humanoid race. At any rate, I live outside in the swamps with Blade here. Were the only real defense this village has when the rare attacks do happen." he replied to Drew simply.

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"Haha, thats cuz my daddy would kick their asses if they did." The boy had seemingly popped out of nowhere again. This time wielding a stick like a sword and mock attacking the air in front of him.

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Drew sighed and sat down on the ground, tapping the basket hilt of his own blade. "So, this...mass murderer is a new thing then?"

He shook his head. "Damnit, I really don't feel like fighting anyone with the kind of gall to raze an entire village."

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As Drew shook his head and spoke the words, "Damnit, I really don't feel like fighting anyone with the kind of gall to raze an entire village." Otis would nod and prepare a reply.

"He May or May Not Return, if that will make you feel any better." he commented. "Either way, you are welcome in the village and my Encampment to the south." Otis added.

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Drew nodded. "Thanks. I guess lightning rarely strikes twice anyways." He looked around. "I'd hate to take advantage of a bad situation. I don't want to mooch off people who are already suffering."

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"Were a low-class swamp-based town that rarely gets noticed. I'm sure nobody will mind you settling in here." the old feline replied.

"And I'm sure that sword of yours will come in handy." he thought.

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Drew nodded at Otis' comment. "Maybe I can stick around for a bit, just until this whole thing blows over." He looked around at the people. "It doesn't seem like there are many warriors around. I mean-i'm not saying i'm some Blademaster, but I do have a sword, yaknow?"

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Blade decided to speak up. "Well there were town guards." he spoke in a meak tone. "But Mister Religious Servant decided to take out the 5 guards the town had. So me and Master Otis live outside of town, so we can't really be quick to jump to defend the town. So I'm sure they'll be more than happy you'll defend them." Blade added.

Otis turned to Blade and then Drew.

"Although bleak, but Blade is correct. The town guard was quickly dispatched of. And I can only hope you'll guard the town for the time being." Otis nodded.

Blade shrugged. "Either way, I hope you can deal some decent damage in case anyone does decide to attack our little backwater village."

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"Well, back home I was..." Drew shook his head. "Nevermind." He didn't feel like delving into the past, seeing how literally painful it was.

Drew unsheathed his blade-it was a fairly long sword, the blade was double edged, and met at a basket handled hilt. The basket protecting the handle had a simple silver cross inbedded in the front.

Drew took the time to swing the blade around for a few seconds, showing at least a small amount of prowess in swordplay.

"If someone does make trouble, i've learned that stabbing works quite well to quell anger."

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"Well, at any rate; if you need help with swordplay, my camp is along the road to the south through the swamps." Otis said.

Blade nodded in addition. "Mhm. But we don't get much villains like we did today. Usually it's a swamp creature or the rare robot patrol. Nothing that is too much trouble." Blade said.

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"Robots?" Drew raised an eyebrow. "What kind of robots are we talking about? The huge big scary crush you kind? Or the humanoid laser canon on the hand kind?"

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"The Latter." Blade replied. "You can blame Robotnik for them. But were so far from Robotropilis that it doesn't matter. Probally because Knothole deals enough resistance to him that it doesn't deter much any one else." Blade added.

"But I don't know that much, I've lived here for most of my life."

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Drew nodded. "Well, I can defiantly use some practice with my sword play. It's been a while since i've actually used the blade in actual combat."

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"Alright. Just keep my offer in mind then, since your considering it." Otis nodded. "But right now, I'm going to see how the villager's are doing on cleaning up.... this massacre." Otis replied as he walked off.

Blade leaned against a tree as he lightly yawned. "I find it very curious you didn't know about the robots."

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Drew sighed. "Truth is, i'm not from around here." Drew looked up at the sky. "Really, really really not from around here."

He sat back down on the ground and scratched his head. "I've not been around here long either." He stopped and added, "Where ever here is."

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"Eh, you must of been some secluded nation to not know whats been happening for the past 10 or so years." Blade shrugged. "And your on the continent of Teriv, currently in the deep south of the Great Forest. And you seemed to be trekking through the Dunnywood Swamps, so you must of came from a bit further south. Hm." Blade smirked for a moment.


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Drew chuckled. "I guess you could say i'm from another nation." He kicked a small rock, pacing a bit. "So, your name's Blade, eh? That for the knife on your back?"

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"Yeah, well- I don't know my actual name. I wandered awhile through the desert 'til I ran into Otis in a village on the continent near here. He took me in when I was like 7 or something. He began to train me with this 'knife' and I guess I jsut decided to go by Blade sooner or later." he shrugged.

"And I'd hardly call this a knife."

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"It's just a figure of speech, friend." Drew was tapping his own blade with a finger. "I got the ol' Cross Sabre a while back. I think it was a gift."

He tapped the blade, causing it to make a melodic hum. "She's a good blade, though."

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Blade only managed to speak meakly. "Heh. Yeah."

[OOC - I think right now we myswell let Rico catch up, and any potential joiner's read up. But feel free to reply or whatever. But we don't want to leave anyone in the dust now do we. =o ]

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The fox looked annoyed, "People that carry weapons are murderers, or will be. Weapons are meant to murder, altering adjective's doesn't change that. In the end you are no better than him."

"And bringin' knives to gunfights is STUUUUUUUUPID!" The human boy chimed in without missing a beat with his newfound stick he was using to club a nearby tree.

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Blade turned to glance at Rico. "Maybe. But I'd rather 'murder' protecting the innocent, rather than murdering for my own benefits."

He shrugged for a minute. "That Rico has some weird Logic." he thought.

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The fox shrugged not seeming to want to further the banter, "Whatever floats yer boat."

"I'd kick ass to save people cuz it benefits me! Like this! SPINNING AXE SWORD ATTACK! YAW!" The boy blurted out, whipping his small frame around and breaking his tree branch on the very same tree from which he'd acquired it.

"Aw poopy, I broke my sword." He rambled off looking at remnants of his mighty weapon with forlorn indignation.

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As the humanoid child whined about his broken 'weapon' another strike, like the one that occurred earlier in this town of Dunric, would occur in another only a bit further in the Great Forest- a ways northwest of Dunric in a small town called Maplewood Vale.....


Outside the village of Maplewood Vale a figure in that same ghastly cloak would... yawn? Before looking at the village in inquiry. "Well, Well. This may just be the fun I was looking for today." a smug and sharp voice chuckled. His mouth was quick to mutter something one would not want to hear. "I do love the taste of blood from my fresh blade, oh yes. And I do love it when they scream and run around!" he exclaimed to himself. "Hm. I wonder if there are any decent female brethren in this village.... that would make it any more fun!" he laughed a bit louder. A guard near the village seeing the odd cloaked figure laugh aloud, did not give him a good feeling.

But before the guard could even speak a word to the new traveler, he had already disappeared from his sight.

"What the hell?" he blinked.

"Oh c'mon, is your senses so weak you couldn't feel me rush behind you?" the maniac's voice was slick, and it put the guard's hairs on end. Well, that's the only thing that would be "on end". The long sword was retrieved in a quick flash, using quick reflexes he directly forced his blade in a most uncomfortable spot.

The dog fell down in a instant. His sword tainted a good red, he glanced at the village.

"Lets have some fun." he grinned.

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"Just stay where I can see you."

The familiar parental phrase was muttered forth by a rabbit wearing tinted glasses. A ratted auburn trenchcoat tossed carelessly on the ground by him. He looked in his mid-twenties and his fur was light brown. The man didn't appear to be much of a fighter, as the telltale bulge of his shirt spoke to him carrying some extra baggage. He was clad in a simple T-shirt with some alien looking design on the front as well as in long cargo-shorts.

However, he was armed with what looked to be a fighting knife and handgun of some sort on his belt. Although his eyes were slightly obscured by his glasses the rest of his face and physique was quite disarming. He looked more of the teddy bear type than anything, this was made more clear by the response of the target individual he'd just spoke to.

"Your FACE can see you!" Fired back a rather indignant sounding and energetic adolescent. Although his clothing was just as simple as his older counterpart his appearance was anything but. The youth was an obviously halfbreed of some sort, looking like a mixture of overlander and canine. The majority of his features were humanoid, his skin was tan and his eyes were a greenish hazel color. However the features that stood out were a decisively dog-like nose and large floppy puppy-like ears instead of normal human features.

He mocked the older rabbit again and darted off toward the town outskirts. The rabbit sighed, "Definitely an Underwood."

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Having his hands casually in his robe's pockets he looked around the village, casually. His blood-stained sword casually at his side.

"I wonder if it's Bingo Mondays...." he would mutter in curious tone before chuckling. He'd see the village going through a normal procedure.


The figure would only stare at the cloaked fox.

"What is that a no? TOO BAD! TIME TO JOIN ANYWAY!" he laughed as he charged the man. The charging figure was quite frightening and as the villager attempted to outrun the enemy who was quite insane.... he felt a pulse of energy pierce is ribs. He glanced behind him.... faintly.

A glowing sword-like enity was created on the fox's right hand, which spawned from his elbow to about 3 feet or more in length. It felt like a pulse of pure lightning, inside of him. And as the fox "attacking" him would blink his eyes many a time before the Reaver would explode and flicker from his ribs and the fox's arm.

But the thing was... the victim had no ribs anymore. And the wound bled furiously, the wound where it would normally be a brown or black- was a glowing teal. And this was keeping the wound open.

Not like a man with destroyed ribs would be alive anyway.


Back at the swamp-based village, Blade cocked a light smirk as the child broke his "sword".

"Heh." he would manage to chuckle before he glanced back at Drew. "All blade's are. So, is there anything else you want to know?"

Posts: 49
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Drew placed a hand at his chin and began tapping. "Hmm, well, being a new face, anything I should know? Like, the big do's and dont's?"


As the 'insane fox' ripped through the man's chest, a large wolf was standing on the roof of a small house, holding a knife in his hands. He had the upperhand-the element of suprise, and this freak was going down. The wolf jumped, falling towards the murderer with his blade out and-

A loud crack echoed out-and the wolf's body smashed right in front of the Fox, blood pouring out from his own head. A Weasel appeared behind the Fox, hefting a large rifle over his shoulders. "You need to keep a good watch at your surroundings, Versulos. Chasing after wenches and playing with your kills makes you an easy target."

The Weasel was dressed in the same cloak as before. His face was grizzled and grayed, a large scar covering half his face. He sighed and cocked the huge rifle, looking towards another small building. "This town is too easy. So many vantage points-and not many good covering positions. Hell, I could whipe this hole out myself." He wheezily chuckled and began to walk away. "Let's just get this done with."

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