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The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

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"Just as well, bullets aren't exactly easy to come by." The rabbit stated putting away with his weapon. His smaller companion suddenly looked nervous, though he too put away his gun, muttering, "We need to get to the nearest town, Tobe."

The rabbit raised an eyebrow, "I'm Tobias, the kid here is Henry. You see who it was that was chasing ya?" The youth fiddled a little waiting for a response but hearing the rabbit continue talking to the newcomer he spoke again, this time more insistently, "Uncle Toby... We need to get somewhere else, it's getting dark."

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"Seven." The ferret's voice sounded small and scared. "My name is Seven."

She felt less on edge now as she started to stand, but she still kept a firm grip on her father's knife. After what she'd been through today, she didn't want to let down her guard.

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"Who in gods' name, names their kid after a number? Man this place is weird..." The rabbit complained folding his arms.

"Toby..." The youth whined again.

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Seven looked down at the ground, unconsciously tightening her grip on the knife. "My parents thought it would bring me luck... but now..."

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"They were proved right." The rabbit smirked out, "You got in trouble and some strange men appeared and saved you."

Although being refered to as a man made him feel bigger somehow the hybrid child continued his incessant ranting, this time pulling on his older companion's shirt make him stop ignoring him. "Tooobe, I don't like it when I can't see."

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Drew looked back at Otis and nodded. "Sounds like trouble."

His hand went to grasp the hilt of his blade, and started a walk towards the sound.

"Well, best investigate then, right?"

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The village had already been in sight from Otis, and he had expected to drop by to grab a mount, but due to the screams other forces seemed to have other plans. He nodded at Drew.

"Stay on your feet." the feline noted.

As they approached the tavern, they could feel it... the air thicker and thicker, like it was a warning sign. Don't enter. Don't enter. But it seems the fools nearby would ignore it, well if you could Otis and Drew fools. But then again the three others more further north, may be on their way too. It all was up to fate.

Inside the tavern / inn, was a scene. The men who attacked the female white-cloaked figure had set fate for most of the tavern, when they were all took down in easy successful blows, the other patrons and workers dashed off. The fear even thicker than before. She had but a sly smirk on her face as she finished playing with the last dead body by impaling it to the wall using some shards of glass from a broken window, where she had thrown one patron out as he tried to stop her from killing one of the males who assaulted her.

She chuckled a bit faintly. "Foolish of the-" she stopped looking in direction of the door.

"Do I have more self-proclaimed heroes?"

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"Heroes?" He looked over at Otis. "The old cat may be, but i'm just the old, 'wrong guy in the wrong place' kind of fellow."

He gave a look of sarcasm, and folded his arms, looking at Otis. "So, what's the plan? Full on attack? One on one? Do some werid drunken martial arts?"

He shook his head and muttered. "Alright, humor aside, I guess there's no other choice but to fight, right?" He sighed and unsheathed his sabre.

"I hate this stuff."

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"Aren't you eager, Overlander." she kept her grin. Her hand on her sword's sheath.

"If you wish to die, then I'll be glad to help you with that task." she spat.

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"Again with people calling me an Overlander. I don't believe I came from any anything of that sort. I mean, what is up with that?" The question was more or less directed at no one. He most likely looked completely incompetent-making jokes and observations at the eve of battle.

Of course, this was not so. Drew's skill with a blade was...very different. This White-Cloaked killer would be in for a surprise very soon.

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Just then the door busted open and in walked a very tall man in a green coat. His hair was spiky and white like snow; his eyes were blood red. The man barely gave anyone a look as he stepped inside, waving off everyones stares. Dont mind me, carry on; Im just here for the booze.

Stepping over to the bar, the man sat to order a drink. He blinked, realizing the bartender was rather, well, dead. With an annoyed sigh, he reached over and grabbed a bottle of whatever the closest thing was, skipped over the glass, and, upon spinning the lid off, he took a large swig.

A satisfied sigh replaced the annoyed one, and he spun around on his seat to get a better look at was going on.

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"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized, taking notice of the younger boy's impatience. "I don't mean to keep you from wherever you're going..."

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The brown rabbit snickered lightly, "He's just whining because he doesn't want to walk. He's trying to pretend he's scared of the dark."

The boy folded his arms indignantly.

"We should get going though, I've heard rumors those people after you aren't the only bad eggs roaming around. And guns aren't going to protect us if we can't see to use them. We should head for the next town, yourself included. It wouldn't do to save you just so whoever those guys were can kill you later, you should stick with us at least to the next town." The rabbit stated looking down the road.

The youth perked up and started to complain, "But my fe-"

"I'm not carrying you Henry, get over it." The rabbit quickly snapped.

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Drew looked over to the newcomer, who had decided to stroll in amongst the dead and grab some liquor. "Jesus, who in this world isn't freaking bonkers?" The question was more or less directed to himself, not expecting an answer from Otis, nor the Whitecloak, or the new guy.

At least this new guy looked human.

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Seven nodded, trying not to laugh at Henry's antics. "Okay..."
She withdrew the knife into its cover, feeling relieved that she was with some people she could actually trust for a change... even if they did seem a bit strange, now that she thought about it.

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"Um... by the way... Where IS the nearest town?" the rabbit said sheepishly.

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The Orderling female eyed the newcomer in the Green Coat, but she had other things to be bothered with. She sighed lightly. "Hn." her sight went back to Otis and Drew.

"So your a bumbling idiot, and I take it this is some old man." she retorted. "I don't even think your worth my time." she added.

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"Uh..." The ferret was almost at a loss, as she had never really strayed too far from her former home before, except when travelling to other towns with her parents to sell goods.

"Just beyond these woods," she stated, fairly certain of herself. "If we left now and kept walking all night, we should be there by sunrise tomorrow." Looking around to make sure no other attacker sprang out from the woods, she added, "I don't think I want to stick around here any longer than I have to."

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Tobias nodded, "Fine then, dangerous as it is it doesn't look like we have a choice. Corky, lets get moving." The youth continued his pouting from the previous revelation regarding piggy back rides but followed.

It was going to be a long walk. But would it eventful? *prod GM*

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"Hey lady, just because I got a bit of facial hair doesn't make me old, alright?" There it was-humor again. What was the plan,to kill his enemies with corny jokes?

"Alright then lady," Drew spun the sabre in his hand a few times. "I don't care what you think. You killed these people just like the ones killed back in the last village. Either you're the same murderer, or they're all connected."

He pointed his blade at her now. "I want some answers, now. And if I have to beat it out of you, I will."

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"Are you kidding? You threatening me for answers?" she giggled disheartedly. The same sly grin on her face. "Fool." she spat.

Otis raised a eyebrow to the lady, she wasn't like the last one.... she wasn't hesitating on nothing. She was grimer, the old feline took a light breath and his breath spoke.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed, too?" he retorted to Drew as he shook his head.

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"Don't worry pops-I have a plan." Drew winked at the old cat and gave him a thumbs up. "Acting like a complete idiot and nearly getting killed-that's my specialty."

He took another step forward towards the female. "Alright ma'am, I hate to lead in a dance, so i'll let the first attack go to you." He gave a half-hearted joking bow to her, and then swung his sabre around again.

This was going to be interesting.

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"How cute. But it's a waste of my time, my quota has been met. I'm done here, I don't need to kill another idiot." she retorted with a non-impressed look on her face towards the Overlander.

"As much as I'd love to kill this idiot, my shift is done. I don't need to be here anymore. The idiots of the town have enough fear shoved down their throats." she thought for a moment.

"You are so quick to jump into death. Its such a shame I don't have any time for it."

As she commented back towards Drew, Otis shook his head. This was more trouble then it was worth. If the kid was that.... heroric, let him do it by himself. He was only on this trip to gather information, not draw blood. He sighed for a breif moment as he walked over to the bar where the Green Coated fellow had sat, and took himself a seat.

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"Don't have time for it? What, you schedule random acts of murder? Do you have a business card and a secretary so I can reschedule fighting you?" Drew scoffed, and nearly turned and walked to the bar.

"I mean, who-or what-the hell are you, lady? Some psycho killer? Some evil mercenary? Perhaps a demoness possessing a poor vessel?"

He ran a hand through his head. "I mean, why do you have to kill all these people, and then be all 'high and mighty' when offered a challenge? Or, are you just a coward?"

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Her eyes narrowed. "Coward...." she muttered before looking to him and his other questions. "The only thing you need to know is that I serve a divine order with a high purpose." she retorted.

"And who I am is Alfiros." she also smirked a bit more.

"If your so desperate to fight me, then you'll end up like the children outside of this tavern that I scewered into a Tree." she drly, ensured.

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Drew stopped cold. "You...killed...children?" Feelings rushed and surged throughout his body-his face turning pale with shock, and slowly gaining color back with rage.

" and your goddamned ilk! You're all scum!" His fist clenched the handle of his blade, his eyes narrow slits. "Innocent children, you monsters!"

Memories surged in his mind-more death and suffering and battles. He made no more jokes, his face did not change. He was no longer the sarcastic joking man he had been-he was different now. His muscles tensed, his body ready to spring, emotions running through his head. No longer was he here to interrogate-this @#%$-this murderess-she was going to die here and now. He would bring justice to the dead.

He wasted no time for comment or joke. He swung with the blade-swinging hard. The aim was right-the metal shined with a flash of light-aiming for her neck. One fell stroke. One fatal blow.

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Her eyes widened for a moment. He switched that... fast? Her shocked ex-pression changed to a apathetic one and Alfiros jumped back her hand twisting to her sword and withdrawing it in a upward flash- to block the strike. The two steel weapons would clash and the large click. Otis kept back a bit, examining Drew and Alfiros. This woman, just didn't pit him right.... he was hoping to run into that one he met in his own village. He took a light breath.

This "Order" thing of theirs.... what exactly was it?

Alfiros kept her eyes on Drew. "So does this mean your worthless interrogation and bad jokes is done?" she smirked. "Good."

Lightning sparked her free arm as the blades crossed and she was ready to plow this idiot down. The old man and the green-coated stranger she didn't care for. They could watch for all she cared. As long as they didn't help this fool....

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No more jokes. The time for questions, the time for talking was over. All that mattered to the man now was blood-this woman's blood. The force of his blade was amazing-every block Alfiros would make would shake her entire arm.

If Drew had any mind-he would fear the lightning blade.

He had no idea what would come to pass.

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Where the lightning was, as the man had seen- was a energetic like blade, absorbing and coursing her free arm. "What a Fool! He does not even fear the Reaver of Repentance!" she thought as her Steel weapon began to take a lot of force from this.... idiot.... but he wasn't as weak as the others she had killed.

How was she supposed to know?

The Reaver formed she prepared herself and took a nice slice at Drew, but Drew felt himself being snagged back as a wooden item hunched him out of the reaver's aim by his neck. Neck would stumble backwards, as the Reaver would hunch into the wooden floor making a searing hole into the ground without much effort.

"You tryin' to get yourself killed, kid?" Otis retorted as he removed his wooden training sword out of the position of Drew's neck and back to his side.

Alfiros yanked her Reaver out of the floor and narrowed her eyes. "Looks like I have two more corpses."

"I told you to not interfere." she spat.

"Well call me senile, then." Otis smirked sheepishly.

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Seven trudged along silently behind the rabbit and the child. Now that she thought of it, she'd never really seen attire like theirs before...

"Say, you're not really from around these parts, are you?" she asked, her light green eyes reflecting her curiosity.

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The rabbit smirked, "You could say that, but I used to live here, for awhile at least. Never thought I'd be back here again."

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"Otis, stay out of this!" His face turned to reveal a man full of rage and anger. For the first time, he looked angry-not happy or kind. "This is my fight!"

He ran forward again, his blows impressively powerful-especially for such a weak looking man. He made sure to dodge the white blade-he knew magic when he saw it-and kept at the woman.

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Otis raised his brow for a minute. This kid got so serious in a second, was this guy for real? Not to mention he almost got killed by that entity that pierced the floor there.

"You are either really brave, or immensely stupid." the old feline sighed as he stood back. "Go ahead Suicide Boy."

Alfiros narrowed her eyes. How was this guy pulling his punches like this? He wasn't very bulky or anything... wait. Spirit. Right. This guy had spirit, not like she cared; but she hadn't the time for someone who had such a strong spirit. Her eyes scanned him as she jumped back. His aura... had increased at a alarming rate, what the hell was this guy?

She frowned and sheathed her steel blade. She focuse deher effort into the Reaver of Repentance. The next time he struck, the Reaver would strike him.

But this time Otis wouldn't save him.

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Another swing-she dodged-and it hit.

The blade pierced Drew's chest as his blade fell inches from the woman's face-inches from a fatal blow. She had beaten him to it. Pain seared into his stomach-and to his own back-as the blade itself ran through his body.

Everything slowed down, and it seemed every second was a passing year. Blood filled his mouth-every orifice he knew. He coughed-blood would hit the Whitecloak and the floor.

Everything went into blackness. And his eyes...

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As Drew fell and Alfiros rose the reaver again to deal a final... pity strike she was immediately knocked back by a swift and hard bash with the Wooden Training Sword's blunt side. Otis had seen the fire in her eyes, her cold will to end Drew even more as his wounds seeped him into unconsciousness.

"Why'd I let that kid fight..." he spat as he looked to the recovering Alfiros who was on the floor recovering from the blunt strike. He turned to Drew next as he sighed, in a light breath he cursed.

Alfiros stared at Otis' back with a scowl.

"Self-Proclaimed Heroes deserve to die." she muttered.

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"Whoa there, cowboy."

Something suddenly grabbed Drew from the back of his shirt, keeping him from dropping to the ground."If you fall now, you lose the fight." The man with the white hair was standing behind Drew, holding him up.

He pulled Drew back, keeping his blood-red eyes on the woman before him. "Sorry, but it looks like he can't go any further. I guess I'll have to be your dance partner."

The man grinned slightly, cracking his neck.

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Alfiros narrowed here eyes and looked to the white-haired fellow. She managed to stand up. "Oh, isn't that nice. Your life for his will be lovely compensation... or maybe I'll just kill all of you." she chuckled morbidly. Otis looked to the white-haired fellow.

"Your sure you can handle her?" he smirked. "..or will I have to save you, last minute?" he chuckled faintly.

Alfiros narrowed her eyes.


As Seven and company walked upon the forest floor, they didn't really expect to run into their own situation.

Nearby; a loud, shrill female scream filled the air. The scream filled with the epitome of fear. It was just that, a little bit away from them was a female fox running in panic of something. That something being actually: another Fox. This fox that was apparently chasing her was attired in a blood-stained white cloak and hood, the hood overlapping his head, but his wicked grin was still very visible. He shouted back to the girl, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Hey! Hey! Where you going, we haven't started my fun yet!" he exclaimed and chuckled as he walked after her.

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"Shut up, grandpa, and hold this dude," the man replied, handing over Drew's seemingly lifeless body to Otis. He gave his neck a few good cracks apparently not getting into any fighting stance.

"Alright, Al, let's do this."

Apparently this man wasn't going to draw a weapon, either. He just stood there with a simple grin, waiting for her to attack.

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She grinned. "This is going to be easier than I thought..." she spat under her breath. With that said, she looked at the white-haired figure. She looked down to her Reaver of Repentance and thought for a minute.

"I ought to conserve my Aura strength." she thought and the Reaver began t ospark before disappearing into nothing. Her hand was on her hilt of her physical weapon; her sword for the time being.

"Won't even need my Reaver of Repentance for you." she laughed cockily as she charged at the man, her hand on the hilt of her blade, ready to unleash the sword at any second.

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"Another psycho priest? Great, I'm still limping from the LAST one. Did this place always have these idiots?" The youth grumbled pulling his weapon out. Tobias grunted and did the same. "No, I thought it was the robots we had to worry about."

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The male fox was the same from the village, the one who had encountered the two of the three before. The blood from Maplewood Vale was still drenched in his cloak, although dry. He yawned for a bit, as he turned his sight to his right, seeing that kid again.

"Eh... wonderful." he yawned afterwards. He turned back to where the girl had taken off. He looked to the ground. "I lost my fun for the night...too." he pouted for a moment.

He lost the ex-pression quickly as he looked at the three with a cheap smirk.

"You look like good gravestones." he casually said.

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Seven took a step backwards out of fear, keeping her hands on her own short blade. If anything, she was still pretty traumatized at the murders she'd witnessed by these hooded freaks before.

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Henry yelped out suddenly, "Don't you got anything better to do than kill people?"

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"Well I was going to Rape that girl, but she ran away." he yawned.

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"That's... that's horrible," the ferret gasped. "Why... why do you do these things?"

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The first swing was sidestepped. Another swing was dodged. The man grinned, ducking another swipe. "What's up? You swattin' flies?"

Before she could swing again, the stranger grabbed her arm and sent a punch straight into her jaw. She was sent skidding across the floor, through a few chairs.

"Stop underestimating me, little girl," the stranger snorted, seemingly not in a good mood anymore. "Or else you'll get hurt worse than you're already going to be."

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He looked up at the sky for a minute. "And here I thought I was born after wedlock....yet, I'm a bastard? Huh." he looked to them again.

"I don't get it." his smirk still apparent.


Alfiros cursed under her breath. He rejected her attacks so easily... this really wasn't her day. "....meh." she muttered. "It's not that I'm underestimating you, it's that I'm not wasting my Aura." she thought.

She smirked a bit as she moved her hand to wipe her mouth before she jumped back to her feet, and carefully advanced again.

A good fake swing, and a roundhouse kick would work just fine. Heh.

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"R...rape" it wasn't nerves that cause the stutter, it was rage. Rage that sent waves of adrenaline through his small injury riddled frame.

The rabbit suddenly clamped a hand on the enraged boy's shoulder, then glared at the white robed fiend. "If you knew the danger of saying something like that, you'd keep your mouth shut."

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"Why. It's become a regular activity for me. I just love hearing their screams and their begging for me to end it! It's just so FUN to see them SQUIRM!" he chuckled morbidly as he began twiddling his fingers.

"...mmmmm....Rape. Such a Fun Hobby of Mine."

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