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The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

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"Bastard!" The boy cried out, firing wildly at the sadistic man. Tobias maintained his aim on the man, as well as his grip on the boy.

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He blinked. "Oh Wow." he had to act fast. He didn't want to be full of lead anytime soon. Using his learned theories he stagnated and concentrated the environment's Aura and then worked it together. The bullets weren't far when a force of invisible energy deflected the first wave of bullets, giving the fox time to shield himself behind a tree.

"Never got shot before! I have to admit, I had to think fast on that one kid!" he chuckled.

"And if I waited a second longer, I'd be full of lead." he thought with a scowl in his mind.

"Too Bad I'm superior to you!"

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"Thought so, didn't think our kind would be the only one's to discover ambient magic." Tobias muttered. Then he fired on shot at the fire, more to get the man's attention than anything. "If your kind have discovered the plane that power rests on then I assume you're aware of the creatures that inhabit it. And what those creature are capable of when provoked. If you want to live I advise you walk away right now, this kid has one of those creatures in him. Do you really want think you're powerful enough to fight something you can't even see?"

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"Sure, Whatever." the fox spat. "I don't really like fighting gunmen right now, though. But I do feel like killing you folks."

"Decisions, Decisions." he coyly chuckled.

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"Tobias of House Underwood. The boy is Henry Vand. If you want to fight then we should at least know who is doing the fighting." Toby spoke plainly, taking his hand off Henry and fiddling with his glasses.

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"That's nice. I suppose it'd be nice to know who is going to kill you." Versul laughed.

"My name is Isen of the "House" of Versul. But you may call me by my Work ID: Versulos." he spat.

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It all slowed as the man spoke his own name.

Isen Versul.

Tobias suddenly smirked, his ace was now put securely in his sleeve. He had all he needed to win, but to show your trump at the beginning of the game would be a costly mistake.

"Versulos... Interesting." He stated smugly, switch his gun to his left hand and removing his knife from it's sheath with his right. "I wonder how close I have to be in order for your ability to change my bullet's trajectories to become useless."

Henry was still seething, demons from his past inching their way up his spine, making him shudder. He tried desperately to make the memories go away, but he couldn't. They were too powerful. His legs started to buckle.

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[ OOC: Well good to see we are advancing. ;D ]

Versul chuckled smugly. "Talking to yourself is pretty idiotic." he spat, his hand on his hilt of his flachion within a second. It was drawn in a quick flash, and his eyes narrowed.

"Tell me what. If you give me a interesting fight, I might let you live." he laughed to himself as he twirled his falchion, his free hand sparking with lightning, and a sly grin on his face.

"I just hope you don't bore me."

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"I was asking you, I'm going to find out anyway so you may as well tell me so I can get this over with. I owe you some abuse for trying to hurt the kid." He stated tapping his right wrist and bringing both hands forward, locking his knife hand under his gun hand for stability.

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The stranger stared at her plainly as she advanced, giving his fingers a few good cracks. He was rather odd-looking, she would've noticed. His long green coat looked pretty worn, and his whole right sleeve was gone. He had wraps around his right hand, and a weird-looking armored glove on his left. Three black scars adorned his left cheek, and a pendant hung from his neck; a red orb, with silver claws around it. He didn't have any apparent weapons.

Not that it seemed like he'd need one right now. With a swing of her sword, the man blocked it with the armor on the back of his glove, and caught the round-house kick that came sneaking up on his right. He brought his own leg up and sent a kick right into her stomach, once again sending the lady Alfiros sprawling to the floor.

"You may wanna stop being careful, little girl, and start going all out, because I'm getting bored."

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Versul chuckled. "Well then.... lets Dance!" he exclaimed as he darted from behind the tree his free arm, palm open aimed at the Rabbit. A spark ignited and a blast of lightning shot from it with thunderous force.

Though it was easily seen by Versul's technique. He was sloppy.


Alfiros cursed as she recovered from his quick movements again. "Curse it all to hell." she muttered as she sheathed her weapon again and decided to NOT charge at the man; with her hand sparking, but not the whole arm. She opened her palm and aimed at the stranger. And a bolt of powerful lightning shot from it.

Kinda odd, that two Orderlings in two different locations were using a same technique.

At any rate, as she shot the attack she jumpe dto the side, kicked off the wall and flipped - the momentum of that flip would deal a good kick to his head. Now if he grabbed her - he's get fried. If he dodged the bolt, he get kicked.

It had to be flawless!

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It would seem so, except that the stranger noted how her kick was coming from the left, and the bolt was coming from straight down the middle. So he simply... well, dodged to the right, spun around to gain a few feet, then his hands set on fire. "Wanna play with magic, little girl? Let's do it."

Forming in his hands were fireballs, and he began throwing a barrage of them at the woman.

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"He...dodged it?!"

Thinking Fast, and Using the little manipulation she had knowledge of she held out her hand in the air, and the air underneath that hand seemed to form a light barrier which she used the flip back and gain her control back. Although she wasn't quite fast enough, and as she gained control a searing hot flash of fire and ash scorched her right shoulder - which hit her unexpectedly.

Which was bad.

Fireball upon Fireball whisked into her and the force of the man's pyromania pushed her back and forced her into the wall behind her, the magical force cracking the wall until the man decided to stop; she would fall to the ground - her hand slamming against the floor, and her crouching to breath heavily.

She coughed.

The saliva was thick red, and she felt the pain. She tired to glance at the stranger, but the damage hurt. Her foe was so collected, and calm. But.... what the hell? She was a servant of the Order, she was trained for resistance. Who the hell was he?

Her coughing came to a halt, a grin came to her face.

Even with the strength of her abilities, she couldn't be cocky anymore. No matter if she was a bit worn and hurt. She wouldn't lose to this fool. She had to report back and get stronger, she knew now.... she had a long way to go.
She managed to stand up, her eyes narrowed.

"I doubted you, that was my fault." she muttered. "But that ends with your life. Now."

She cracked her knuckles and put them together and they sparked again, she closed her eyes at the last second when a short-blinding flash shot through.

"Thats the only defensive technique, I really have. Hopefully it'll give me a opening..." she thought quickly as her arm sparked and ran at the man; the reaver forming as she dashed. Once she was halfway she jumped to the side, and then jumped quick and well.

A Downward slash of the Reaver would end him.

It HAD to.

If that man managed to dodge.... he was truly out of her league.

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The body of the man in Otis' arms moved. If the old cat had noticed, the blood would have already stopped-the wound however, would still be open. Something was holding the blood back-or forcing it back in the body. And that's when the body moved.

Drew's body stumbled forward, his arm out-if his hand caught the Whitecloak's arm, her reaver would miss Wolfos completely. If he caught her arm, of course.

His right arm was covering the open wound. The blade had gone through him, however-how was this man still alive?

"Always...keep your guard..." the man rasped. Blood still trickled from his mouth, and yet he still had the strength to move-and the strength to breathe.

A wound like that-even the strongest man would have fallen from the blow.

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"What! Impossible!" her eyes darted to the man who gripped her wrist. "Th-That isn't possible! Nobody could live after that!" she mumbled, in utter shock.

'Always...keep your guard...'

The words made her curse herself. These two and the old man... she had underestimated all of them.... damn it all. Otis himself had a snarky smirk. "Well, it looks like you should give up and give us some answers."

Alfiros blinked for a brief moment before the reaver dissipated, but its energy was not entirely gone - it sent shocks around her arm, causing the man who was gripping her to let go... or she'd think he would. He stood his ground, his arm firmly gripping her wrist.

"What the hell are you people?!"

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"Lady," Drew rasped, his hand convulsing from the energy in his arm. He eventually let go, his hand scarred and burned. "I'm just the wrong guy, in the right place."

He smirked, and looked over to Otis and then to the stranger.

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Sadly, his smirk was cut short when a fist came flying around and struck him square in the jaw. It wasn't the Orderling, though; it was the stranger. He didn't look that happy. "You idiot! You already lost the damn fight, and it was mine now!"

He snorted, scratching his white hair. Damn, that Alfiros chick didn't seem up to fighting any more. This really was boring now.

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He hit the ground-and blood started gushing out of his wound.
"Jesus! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted back to the psychopath. "That lighting blade thing would have impaled you!"

He pushed himself back up, stumbling a bit. He was groggy and felt...well, terrible.

"Jeez, freaking people these days..."

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Alfiros raised a eyebrow at these two. "Well, it's been fun. But as much as I'd hate to run off...." she muttered as she managed to dart backwards a bit.

Her eyes keeping on the trio intently.

"Okay, I have to get the hell out of here. I can't take any of them at my strength., than sorry." she thought as she decided to gather the rest of her aura in preparation to get the hell out. It'd take awhile at her strength, but she just had to.

There was no way in hell she was going to be interrogated by these heroes.

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He rolled his eyes, sliding his hands into his pockets and heading back over to the bar. He grabbed the bottle and chucked what else was left. In mid drink, his eyes flashed over to the woman, feeling her aura pulsing strangely. The hell was she doing?!

"Watch out!!" He yelled, kicking off the bar; he just might get to her in time...

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Damn him to hell! There was no way she could get enough Aura formulated in this short of a time span. She jumped back, drawing her sword and holding it in front of her in a defensive stance.

But there was a still in the environment, and a enormous force of a punch slammed into the white-haired figures jaw. Alfiros jumped back at the force and then she saw it, and sighed in relief. In the heat of all, "help" had arrived. There was indeed another, with a charged fist. A black fox in a hooded white cloak. The same one she was wearing. In his free arm was a stick... a staff maybe. No, there was a sharp and thick bladed item on the end of it: it was a pike.

He spoke.

"Damn it, Alfiros. Is this what's taking you so long?"

"Sod off, Rauzilos. I'm so glad you decided to come and help and all, but don't be a smartass."

"I wasn't."

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The man, being in midair and all, was struck full-force by the new Orderling's attack. He crashed back into the bar, managing to put a nice dent in it as well.

"Argh...What now...?"

He pushed himself up, cracking his neck. Upon seeing another white cloaked man, the stranger couldn't help a grin. "Heh, looks like this is turning into a party. All we need now is some music."

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Following her own instinct, the ferret backed further away from Tobias and Versul. She knew she would only get in the way.

I'm not even strong enough anyway. If I get involved, I'll probably die.

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"I don't need to deal with some self-proclaimed hero." Rauz yawned. "I've just came to rescue this Grunt as she was taking too long." he replied as he glanced to Otis and then back to the white-haired man.

"Besides I need to get back to the Archives and have a lot of work to do. I don't need to kill someone today. I did that earlier in Dunric." he added apathetically.

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"I ain't a hero, Mr. Evil Cult Man," Wolfos grinned, cracking his knuckles. "I'm just a guy that likes to beat the living hell out of guys like you. As long as you put up a decent fight."

He walked closer, dusting his coat off. "Wanna dance?"

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"No Thanks, Whitey." he simply yawned as he looked over to Drew and Otis.

"I thought I killed you, Old Man." he yawned. "Can't have my work known to be sloppy and faulty, now can I?" he frowned. "I'm sorry but I'm going to kill you."

"Like you backed off from killing those kids?" Otis replied with a chuckle.

The Orderling sighed. "That was an accident, I'm sure you understand."

Otis just smirked tapping his hand on his training sword for the time being. Rauz took a step towards the old man as he yawned once more. Rauz stopped for a minute and glanced at Drew, seeing his wound. "I'm surprised you are still standing. A Reaver Wound usually kills one instantly. It's a shame our Reaver's of Repentance make sure the wound can never naturally heal due to it's formulation."

"If you weren't such a hero, I'm sure the Order would love to try to Recruit you."

As Rauz spoke to Drew, Alfiros kept her eyes on the white-haired man. Not sure how he was going to react, being ignored like that.

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Drew looked at the new Orderling, and smiled, raising his right hand-the only finger up being his middle finger.

"Here's what I think of your Order." He wheezed.

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The rabbit smirked and batted the attack away stating, "Seven, get Corky somewhere safe, he's took shaken to fight."

His arm fizzled, he winced and tossed what looked like a piece of metal to the ground muttering, "Damn, didn't think it could take direct hit anyway, not from magic.

What else can you do. I may be outta practice but protecting myself from magic does come naturally to us." He yipped snapping another armband on, "Not to mention I carry a few of these around too. Hope you you got more than finger wiggling. I didn't grow up in the middle of a civil war and not learn a few tricks."

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The stranger sighed, rubbing the back of his head. Damn it all to hell, here he was, all worked up, and no one wanted to fight any more. And, damn it, he had dropped his bottle when he jumped off the bar, so it was gone, too. This was turning into a really crappy day.

He cracked a grin, noticing the Alfiros lady was still keeping an eye on him. "What's the matter, Al? Still wanna play? Or have you just never seen a man as good looking as me on this piece of dirt you people call a planet?"

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"Why are you raising that finger?" he raised a brow. "Either way." he turned back to Otis; twirling his pike. "So how should I kill you?"

Otis shook his head. "Isn't it rude to fight me when someone else wants to fight you?"

"I don't want to fight you. I want to kill you."

Otis stepped back a bit. Rauz was different this time around, he was collected and calm. He wasn't shaken and doubtful. This was bad.

As the tension hit, Alfiros looked at Wolfos and let out a smirk. "Heh." she muttered and spoke to Rauz's direction. "You sure you want to waste your time on that senile goof?" she added to her query as well: "I mean, it'll be wasting your energy."

Rauz turned to Alfiros his eyes narrowed, his free hand open and sparking again. A bolt of energy ignited and shot at the girl.


Versul raised a brow. "Well, I'll give you that - Bunny-Boy!" he grinend afterwards as he began to formulate his aura and flow of life. His uncanny ability to manipulate aura so easily helped, and his eyes twitched and they flashed for a moment.

"Gotta love the Soul trait of being able to manipulate rage." he thought with glee as he tightened his fists.

He then darted at the rabbit with a insane glare.


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The white-haired man was suddenly in front of Alfiros. A flash of fire energy struck into the bolt that Rauz fired, and, with a small explosion, they both dispelled.

"Geez, how many times do I have to say it. She's my fight, no one elses."

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Do or die time. Wish I'd had more time to practice this crap with the kid. Least I know I'm the only race that can pull this off.

He flicked his glasses back and bent his knees, waiting for the white robed buffoon to get close. The moment he started to strike Tobias unleashed his own innate ability. A lepoid's insanely powerful legs, the man pushed as hard as he could in a reckless but nearly eight meter jump straight into the air.

"If there was one thing the other buckteeth taught me, it was from that kid John. Only our race is capable of using the Lapine fighting style, maybe the canine's are strong and the feline's more agile. But they don't have our legs." He though to himself as his flight slowed and he started to return to the ground. Aside from 'that' ability this is all I have. I hope it's enough.

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Alfiros blinked. "....he stepped in?" she thought. Why would he do that, though. She was confused, but for a moment. Her eyes narrowed. "What the hell did you do that for?" Alfiros retorted, but in her mindset she was a bit iffed on what Rauz would do now that his punishment for her back-talking him was... halted. She stepped back for a moment.

"Now you just endangered yourself." Rauz spat, twirling his spear and facing the white-haired man.

"Tell Me Your Name. Now." he demanded to the greed-coated figure.


Versul jumped back as the rabbit jumped high into the air, and stopped his eyes keeping track of his movements.

"So is that all? Jumping?" he chuckled.

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He landed and smirked, "Why don't you come here and see."

He was as ready as he'd ever be, knife, gun, feet, it was all he had.

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The man grinned slightly, holding his arms out dramatically. "My name...!"

He cocked his head. "Damn, I went and forgot. Too bad."

The white-haired stranger smiled at Rauz, putting one hand in his pocket, the other out in an explanatory way. "Thing is, I don't have to tell you @#%$. Especially when you demand it like that. If you want my name so bad, you'll have to beat it out of me."

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Drew's eyes darted around. "Ugh." He was leaning against a broken table, everything he could do to keep his guts in his stomach.

"Just kill these bastards already, whitey."

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"Okay then!" Versul exclaimed. "Promise me it won't end quickly." he grinned sharply as he darted at the Rabbit once more, his fists curled and the force of the aura within him made sparks form around his fists. Giving them even more of a Oomph! and when he already had his edge of manipulating his rage... it wasn't too comforting...


Meanwhile, back in Dunric: the scene seemed to be gaining momentum. With the green-coated figure refusing to give his name, Rauz sighed in slight irritation.

"It wasn't like I was going to forgive you for protecting that grunt, anyway." he replied casually. "You look like a idiot and a fool. You make the first move."

"...or are you too frightened?"

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"Heh, that's a pretty lame taunt," the stranger chuckled, cracking his fingers. "But, since I guess I am kind of the challenger, it's my duty."

"Just kill these bastards already, whitey," choked the man that had been run-through only moments ago.

He grinned slyly, "Just what I had in mind, browny."

With a crack of his neck, he slid forward - a starting punch directly to the face. A good start.

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The rabbit repeated his dodge, jumping straight into the air, he didn't seem to go quite as high this time.

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Orderling Rauzieun rose his pike upwards - the flat blade of the weapon to block the punch, and when that would occur; he would let the pike drop for a moment and dart to the side and deal a punch of his own.

A quick movement for a counterattack of the first movement.


Versul kept his eyes on the rabbit, but aimed his free hand upwards. Another spark, another blast of lightning. But this one was aimed upwards, and the rabbit had to deal with gravity; so he would have to think a bit quickly.

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However, the stranger opened his hand at the last moment, grabbing the blade of the pike instead of punching it. There was no blood though; apparently his glove could stand up to the blade's sharpness. He yanked it forward and brought his leg directly up into Rauz's chin.

If that attack landed, he instantly followed up with a downward kick right into Rauz's up-turned face.

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The attack wasn't too obvious, but he did not doubt his enemy for the slightest. At the second he saw the man's hand not halt at the blade, he jumped back with a quick backwards flip.

He kept his position for a moment, and nodded to himself. He began to manipualte his energy and aura, and his arm began to spark, and another "Reaver of Repentance" appeared. Apparently, it was their finishing weapon of choice? But why did he unveil it so early?

He didn't smirk, he just took a light breath and charged at the white-haired man: again.

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He smirked, just like before he used the energy shield on his arm to bat the magic away, and then leveled his weapon on the man as he fell back to earth.

"Close enough?" He muttered smugly, peppering Versul with gunfire.

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He saw it, but he wasn't smart enough to dodge. He felt the pattering of raw lead being pulsed into his torso - searing into his cloak and hitting his fur underneath. He cursed under his breath, but before any more lead could strike him, he rolled to the side.

"" he muttered as he took a breath. Only for a moment, though. He darted back behind a tree.

Oh, how he hated bullets. "You know what, using a weapon like that is cheap!" he exclaimed behind the tree.

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The white-haired man, stood his ground, dodging each slash made at him with the reaver. With one horizontal slash, he ducked, then came back up with an uppercut. In an instant after it, he swung around with a roundhouse kick to Rauz's kidneys.

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Damn, this guy was quick.

At any rate Rauz jumped back out of the uppercuts range just in time and in good motion moved his free hand to block-grab the kidney blow. With that move in eventful in place he let go of his grip and jumped backwards once more, and decided to analyze the situation further.

The Tavern was well-lit but small. There were many obstacles, three other figures that could be used to advantage: as well as a short ceiling. There were many things to use to his advantage, as he thought. But nonetheless this character's raw force and endurance was apparent. It was not going to be easy.

Sure, he: himself was no weakling. But, if anything he had to use his perceptiveness and agility to win.

But what tactic to use?

He had no time to think about that while standing. He also decided not to waste his aura and dissipated the reaver in a good motion. He glanced at Alfiros and glared in a quick glance.

She buckled and tossed her sword, and he caught it with his right hand and turned back to the enemy and put himself in a defensive poise.


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Simple enough, he hate bullets. Just wish I was a better shot.

He though reloading quickly with his only spare clip. For a moment, but a only a moment, he wish his father was here. A Warden of War, master of kinetic manipulation. None of his bullets would miss. Just another thing his brother had taken from him. It passed though, and he once again glared at the tree that shielded the man.

He had someone that could force him into the open, but the robed cretin had unknowingly said possibly the only thing that would or could frighten the boy to his knees. Henry only had two fears, and this man had lucked on to one of them.

He leveled his weapon at the tree and braced it to aim. Waiting for their accosted to poke his hand out to use more magic.

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Versulos took another breath, the lead in him was not very pleasant. Not at All. He was no thinker like Rauzieun, but his brash movements wouldn't work while that bunny had ammunition, and he assumed he had reloaded by now.

He formulated his aura, and due to him have not using a whole lot of it, he could do this much quicker.


In a flash of white light he disappeared entirely from his position from the tree, and reappeared on top of a branch of another tree in a instant. He quickly decided to use that new ability he learned. He hadn't completely perfected it, but it would cloak his aura and make him hard to detect. Doing so, he formulated his aura to a unsteady balance to cloak it.

Hopefully, it was cloaked well enough that the rabbit wouldn't see him jump and slice downwards and cut that damn rabbit in half with his falchion sword.

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Seven nodded as she lifted one of Corky's arms over her shoulder to support him. They both retreated some distance back into the woods, away from the fight, but not so far away as to end up lost.

We should be okay enough here, she thought to herself, shutting her eyes tight as the sounds from the battle drifted to her ears.

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Versulos dove.

Tobias suddenly tensed, Murderous intent? From... @#%$ He suddenly jerked his arm upward. The sword came down perpendicular to the wrist that held the firearm.


A metal bracer? Why would he wear that? Did he expect to fight someone wielding a sword? In this day and age?

There wasn't more time to think, the rabbit's free hard held a dagger, one that was at this moment speeding for his torso.

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