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The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

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Versul saw the knife coming, he had been in enough sparring tote with the other watchmen to know how to dodge some attacks. This one was way too obvious. He pushed his feet against the dirt and using momentum and force jumped backwards.

He smirked a little.

"So, you have some abilities of your own." he grinned, obviously noting Tobias' detection of his sneak attack. He chuckled to himself for a moment. "This is going to get fun."

He pulled his sword underneath his arm, in a type of offensive attack form.

He jumped to the right, and then the left. Keeping the rabbit's eyes moving before he started to dart and circle around his enemy. He wasn't too fast, however.


The noise was apparent. A metallic clank, and it had came from Versul, in a moment a chain with a axehead was extended at a quick speed at Tobias. A chained weapon attached to his sword?

Odd, the weapon in question: his falchion, he had sheathed it- and he was holding a longer blade in both of his hands now. So the bugger had another weapon. This Versul just had to be a pain, but now Tobias had to worry about the chained axehead coming at his neck.

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The stranger sighed. This guy was really damn boring. He didn't counter any of the stranger's attacks, and refused to attack back, deciding to, instead, wait for him to attack again. How lame. This was turning into a boring fight. The so-called warriors of the stupid world were sure as hell disappointing. Maybe it was a sign.

He, once again, cracked his neck, then rolled it, apparently not really heeding Rauz's defensive stance. "Right, so, either you're gonna fight me or you're just gonna defend the whole time. Remember what I said? If you actually want my name, you'll have to beat it out of me."

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Drew was steadily passing in and out of conscious. Who was this white haired guy, and why was he so so...strong and...crazy?

He looked down-his wound still wouldn't heal. But-his wounds always healed, no matter what. What the hell was this...Reaver of Repentance, and who were these White Cloaked freaks?

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"You have a big mouth." Rauz retorted, "Being so eager to die is not a amusing trait. Not at all." he added as he began to sidestep to the right, getting a good eye at the figure, while being on the safe side. The girls blade wasn't very useful for this position, either. He was used to styles with polearm weapons, not a short sword.

"This is her fault, for not being able to handle herself.... then again. What did she really do wrong here?" he thought for a moment. The old man's voice came back to the tip of his mind, but it wasn't words the feline had spoke yet. His mind was trying to condemn him again.

What are you doing? Being so sinister and evil, someone with your wisdom shouldn't be doing this. Its evil. Its vile. Listen to your conscious.

Rauz closed his eyes for a second before opening them and narrowing them at the stranger. He needed something to fuel his anger at his inner-mind, and this white-haired idiot was first to be retaliated upon. His sword was in a defensive position used by the Kitsunian's in the Great War. A easy position where one would foreshadow the attack about to hit them, and use a several combo-strikes as a pre-emptive strike, to maintain defense.

With that move in motion and thought he ran at the enemy at a steady pace, once the stranger moved any ounce of his motion for his own attack or defense; a series of strikes with the sword would leave him with damage.

And hell once he started laying down strikes, he wouldn't stop: until the enemy was dead.

As the Orderling jumped into the fray, Otis knelt down to Drew; not noticing or analyzing the fight going on. "Damn, whatever that girl hit you with... it sure is doing damage." he said under his breath. But for a moment remembering Rauz's words to Drew, earlier:

"I'm surprised you are still standing. A Reaver Wound usually kills one instantly. It's a shame our Reaver's of Repentance make sure the wound can never naturally heal due to it's formulation."

That scared him for a minute. "But dang, Kid. How you holding up?"

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"Don't worry Otis, i'll be fine once the fighting's done. I just need some time to lick my wounds." He grimaced, and gave the old feline a thumbs up.

"I've had worse cuts shaving, after all." He chuckled, and flinched in pain, holding his wound.

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"Now, your just lying boy." he chuckled faintly. "If anything we are going to have to get that stitched up when this whole battle ends. I'm sure the town for the most part is still alive and helpful." he took a light breath.

"It was stupid what you did. Running into her weapon like that."

"Who taught you to fight? A wolverine?"

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"Can't say anyone taught me how to fight but myself. Until now, I never did have to worry about getting hurt in battle, so I always threw myself in front of my enemies. Usually they never expected that, and they usually does."

He smiled. "Guess times are changing, eh?"

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"You have a long way to go, if you think fighting like that will work on sophisticated enemies." Otis replied.

"But we'll worry about all that later."

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But the stranger did something rather unexpected. Instead of attacking back or defending, he simply...kicked up a fallen chair at Rauz's face. It'd make him waste his attack deflecting the chair, or, at the very least, duck so he'd have to change his attack pattern.

"So damn pathetic. You Orderlings. It's the same thing every where I go," he snorted. " 'grr, look at us, we can kill people so fear us'."

He snorted. "Give me a break. If you're gonna kill, do it for a better reason."

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His mind didn't hear the remark, because while staying in attack position he had also gathered aura. His pupils expanded for a second before a certain word... or words fell upon his lips. "...Amon Ra." with the words; but moreso the aura built up and stagnated in a flash of light he was gone.

Otis gritted his teeth. He knew this, but there was no way he could warn him in time.

The Orderling, Rauzilos reappeared behind the stranger, switching his stance from defensive to offensive. He slashed with a strong and powerful blow. He had switched to an Adsgarnian Offensive Style. Essentially a power-attack form.

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The stranger could sense it coming, though. It was the same gathering of energy the girl had been doing before, when Rauz had first appeared. The aura broke down in a split second...and...moved. Short range teleportation?

The sword clashed against Wolfos' armored glove. He didn't turn around. "Ah, so that's what 'Amon Ra' does. Attacking from the back, though? Pretty cowardly," he chuckled. "But, hey, I guess that style of fighting fits your little club, huh?"

He instantly ducked and preformed sweep move by spinning around at Rauz's legs. And, if it landed, he'd instantly rise and throw down a punch at his stomach.

"You know what you are, Rauzilos? You're just a little, pathetic puppet."

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He was thrown down and a fist was forced into his stomach. He couldn't help but feel the force of this man. He was clearly a very strong individual, but this kept him in a bad situation, and it wasn't helping he was appealing to whatever conscious he had left.

"...You don't know what your even going on about." he spat as he would grab the next punch and raise a hard kick to the enemy's chin.

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Why was he even bothering talking to this guy?

That was the thought going through his head as Rauz's attack connected with his chin and knocked him back a ways. He grunted, regaining his footing. Maybe these guys just pissed him off that much.

"Oh, I think I do. I know that you guys seem to have the belief that killing people will help your little club grow stronger. Tell me, Rauzilos, what would you call a puppet?"

He stepped forward, waving the Orderling towards him. "A puppet is something that can't and won't move without a master pulling it's strings. And it does exactly what ever that master says without question. In fact, it doesn't know what a question is. Because mindlessly taking orders is its only reality."

He sprung forward. "Remind you of anyone?" Three consecutive strikes, to the stomach, neck, and face.

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This guy.... was throwing mindblwos between his punches, and he hated that. He was always iffy on this 'religion' of his, and killing people without remorse was always something that irked him. He thought back to the person who recruited him as his hands sparked and a walled shell of lightning split a quick barrier for a second-- the man's punches wouldn't hit him.

"You seek knowledge, and this religion is for you." the words of Gandrilos.

But then he thought back to the villages, the screams, the blood. He closed his eyes tight for a few seconds and opened them again. The barrier had been gone for a bit, and a punch knocked him back into a wall.

Damn It! How could he let his guard down like that?

Another fist was heading to his face, he quickly dodged to the side, the fist connecting with the wooden wall behind him, in a swift movement he rose his leg for a hard roundhouse kick to the enemy's back, and if the hit connected he would use his momentum to turn and do another kick and then jump back to maintain his view of the enemy.

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Another sneak attack bounced harmlessly off his armband. The rabbit took a second to marvel at how much use he was getting out of an item meant solely for another fight. These were getting dangerous, if he didn't figure out a way to escape or drive him off soon Corky would regain himself.

The boy was unpredictable and considering this man's previous grievances against his surrogate nephew he wasn't sure that Versul's life wasn't in more danger than already noted. Someone like this couldn't be masterminding an organization, so killing him would simply put them on a very dangerous radar. He had to prevent that, regardless the cost.

For now he readied himself for whatever the man was going to try next.


"Where are we going, boy." Rico's gruff voice stated flated as they wandered deeper into the darkening woods. "It's been hours."

"To seeeeeeeee, someone." The human boy fired back in a cheerful mocking tone.

"Don't lie to me son. I know where we're going, why are we going there." The fox said watching the sky as they walked.

"Cuz I WANNA, ok? GOD!" The boy yelped back with a flair of defiance.

Rico sneered, "Whatever, we should be there soon. Why you want to see that man is beyond my comprehension."

"Well he's YOOOOOOUR brother! Dorkface."

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Yeah, this guy really pissed him off. He could tell this Orderling was struggling with himself, and allowing himself to get distracted in the middle of a fight. This stupid guy really needed to be taught a lesson.

"First the bar, now the damn wall. I hope you know you're paying for all this," the stranger snorted as he stood up. He was outside, but could be seen clearly through the hole in the wall that his muscular frame just created.

"C'mon though, punk, you didn't answer my question," he said with a light sigh, dusting himself off once again. "Am I hitting a little too close to the truth?"

Stepping through the hole in the wall back into the tavern, the stranger cracked his fingers, staring down Rauz. "But if you're getting mad about it, you sure aren't showing it with these pathetic attacks. What's wrong? Not used to trying to kill someone that actually has the power to fight back?"

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....his attack was deflected? Well, this guy wasn't half bad. He chuckled halfheartedly as he sheathed his long sword on his back. Regardless of how much fun he was having, he needed to keep that weapon out of sight. He chuckled a bit under his breath as he took one step towards the rabbit.

"Not Bad. Not Bad at all."

His eyes narrowed and his smirk grew. "I wonder how you will fair against an Reaver of Repentance." Versul laughed a bit beofre his arm began to spark and like the other two Orderlings before him in the tavern, his left arm was soon enveloped in the form of a bladed form of pure energy.

"Let's Dance." he charged at the rabbit.


It was kinda ironic, that was half-of-the-point. No Orderling, let alone a Watchmen Class one was used to dealing with much effort of a fight outside of when they would spar with their own.

He took a light breath a he knelt down to pick up the sword he had dropped a few minutes earlier.

"....Stop trying to put words in my Mouth." Rauz retorted. He ran at the enemy with a steady and analyzing pace, having the sword in his right hand, but as the enemy prepared for a counterattack, Rauzilos jumped backwards in a backflip and in the middle threw the sword at his enemies torso, his hands also sparked in good succession and as he landed he fired two of those beams of energy at the enemy.

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Energy sword... I remember. I can't stop it, damnit, Corky told me to exercise and I didn't listen. He's moving to fast. Tobias's mind raced, but nothing came, no escape this time. His only trick would be his only trump card, and it came at a heavy price.

"Repent this BASTARD!" A youthful cry shrieked out to his left. Seven had tried to hold the boy under cover but once his senses returned he proved to be too much of a handful despite his stature.

*Bang Bang, Bang*

More shots rang out as the boy attempted to lead the shots into the charging figure.

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He didn't even sense that damn runt. He cursed in thought as bullets surged towards his right. Lead started to pierce into his arm, causing him to switch his advance to jumped to the side. Glaring towards the kid, and holding his injured arm he spat.

"Damn it. Interrupting my technique..." he muttered under his breath displeasantly.

As he prepared himself and let a frown go on his face for the first time in the battle, and then began his footing and ran at the kid; holding his Reaver of Repentance in front of his face as a Defensive Weapon. The Reaver wouldn't destroy the shells if they came at him, but they sure as hell would deflect them.

Once he was close to that kid.

He was getting hurt.

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"Corky RUN!" The rabbit spat out charging after Versul, but he was too slow to hope to catch the muscular attacker.

The boy did no such thing, in fact he charged the man emptying his gun at him then tossing it and ripping out his knife and throwing his other hand behind him, he appeared to be preparing to lunge to one side. The youth was far from graceful or experienced.

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Versul smirked and let out a chuckle as his eyes kept on the kid. Ignoring Tobias was a far foolish movement.

As the kid would lunge, when he did: he'd jump to the opposite direction, turn in a fast motion and then stab the foolish kid.

Finally...some bloodshed. -or so he hoped.

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He jerked to the right, but even as the weapon buried itself in the fat of his side, he smiled. They came to a stop, the boy was holding the sword with bloody small hands. He smirked, waving his knife at Versul, blood leaking from the wound. "No fair, yours is longer."

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"Ragh!" Versul snarled as the kid mocked him. He mocked him! He used the force of his Reaver outward which would force and throw the kid off the reaver and probably into a nearby tree.

"How dare he smile and mock me!" he thought morbidly before he heard the scuffle of footsteps behind him. Damn It! He forgot about the rabbit!

He attempted to turn around. But was he fast enough?

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He knew the boy was tough, he knew what he'd been through, he was almost the only one. Still the sight of this... creature so brazenly trying to kill him mixed with the burning image of the sword jabbed into his young partners side.

He now had a goal, new blood boiled, a blood far more diabolical and sadistic than any Versul had yet to meet. A blood that even the powerful Wardens of ancient Kyzarie held a secret fear of.

The glasses were off, the eyes shown red, his speed increased, fear dissipated, senses sharpened, in the nighttime air it wasn't noticable but had the light been one then the onlookers would swear his fur darken a few shades.

The rabbit's knife came again, twice as fast, half as hesistant, twice as malicious.

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The knife ran across his cloth quickly and reached into his flesh, ripping through the fur and causing more vital damage to the fox. Versul was thrown back due to the momentum of the Rabbit's attacks.

He cursed loudly as he hit the ground.

"...shouldn't of let down my guard." he thought. But he had to move. That rabbit was too much for him, and he was just sure this was not a good place for him to be in. He quickily performed a quick flip- backwards. He had to manipulate his energy again, and soon he managed to pulse all of the aura the weapon around his arm had consumed and had left. The energy was in reserve now, and he had to concentrate it.

Doing so while moving would be tiresome, but necessary.

He kept on the move, attempting to keep his distance from his enemies.

"Shiiiiit." he muttered under his breath as he kept moving.

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Tobe... no... The boy cursed to himself. He'd thought that allowing the jerk to stab him would hold him long enough for Tobias to kill him. But he'd forgotten his uncle's protective nature and the exploitive nature of his inner demons. He was losing control, losing himself. DAMN, no good, I have to hold on, thing are getting shakey from blood loss. We have to finish this fast before I pass out, I can't let him push Toby too far.

Suddenly both the rabbit and his partner were moving far beyond what they'd seemed capable of. Tobias's face was twisted in a wicked grin, Henry's mocking smile was replaced with a stoic gaze that looked so very out of place on a face with adolescent features.

The whole situation was completely different now. These two weren't the people he thought they were when he pushed them around in the town. What WERE they?

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His teeth clenched. "...what the hell...." he muttered under his breath as he kept moving away from his enemies. He almost had enough aura stagnated and collected to get the hell out of dodge. He cursed in his mind. Almost wasn't going to help. It didn't help that.... kid was moving after a fatal blow like that. His mind began to race.

"This is impos-impossible! They are runts! How can they be so collected and strong?" he cursed in thought.


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The fox frozen like a statue.

"Dad? Daddy? HEY DADDY!" The human yelped yanking on the fox's sleeve.

He sensed it, it was so much stronger than ever before. THAT man was gaining ground, if he overpowered the host... No, he couldn't let it happen. He wasn't ready to deal with this yet.


The youth was cut off mid-daddy when the fox suddenly sparked to motion and grabbed him around the midsection and shot forward.

The wind was ripping through his hair and over his skin with almost hurricane force. He forced his eyes open to see trees flying past at insane speeds, it was like a dream, he could feel his father's strong arm holding him. Then, barely audible over the rushing wind, he heard the distinctly metallic chink of his fathers sword being loosed from it's sheath. He saw that mans free hand rip the sword free and swing it back behind him as if the wind was forcing it back, not allowing it pump like a normal person would run. His body leaned into the run, faster, he was completely committed to his dash. The boy thought his father was going so fast he would break the sound barrier.


Meanwhile Corky's vision was starting to blur, he forced adrenaline, hyping himself with thoughts of revenge and death. It was all he could do to force his body to push forward despite the horrific wound, I can't let Tobe catch this guy. I just can't. I'll lose him, I can't lose him... He's all I have.

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Versul kept moving, his feet pushing himself. The more he borrowed the stagnated aura to increased his stanima and speed, the longer it was going to take to get out of here.

Damn It All!

He wasn't prepared for someone this powerful, but how was he supposed to know this? He couldn't let them catch him, he wasn't going to get more vital damage done to him. For the first time in his career as a servant of the Order... he wanted someone to help him.

But that wasn't going to happen. He kept on his feet, he couldn't keep increasing his speed if he wanted to get out of here. He pushed himself and forced himself into a jump, and began jumping from a side of a tree to another tree - to use momentum to replace speed. If this was done, he could get enough Aura...right about... now!

But then there was a loud sound.


His foot had caught a weak, dead tree. And he fell face-flat on the ground. He still had his collective of Aura. But now he had to focus it.

He had to do it now. Before that bunny found him, and ended him.

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He was already on him, the rabbit had incredible speed. The air around him felt like death, those red eyes staring like the reaper himself as the hare dove down at him.



Versul had to blink to believe his eyes. Suddenly another man appeared, carrying an overlander child. His long katana clashed with the rabbit's armband. As stylish his rescue, his savior fox's face was etched with terror.

"Naxcan... Yatoso!" The alien words echoed.


The heat was blistering, the shockwave intense. Versul heard a crunch that was undoubtedly the rabbit's body hitting a tree. The heat was vanishing quickly, sight was returning, would Versul stick around to thank his would-be rescuer?

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Versul didn't care to do much, but scramble back to his feet; he also quickly regained his posture.
He looked at the group for a minute before thanking his luck in his mind. A sly smirk coming on his face. "Better get the hell out of here, though." he thought before he muttered another comment.=, referencing to when he thought nobody would save his sorry soul.

"Heh. I guess I was wrong." he smirked develishily.

Collecting himself for a minute he gathered his energy and two words came out of his mouth soon thereafter.


With the words exclaimed, a white flash came afterwards. But unlike the first time, he had not retreated to a location near them. His aura had disappeared from the area. Wherever he went, he was gone.

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A massive fluctuation of magic energy. Who the hell was-" *CLANG*

Rico had no time for contemplation. In front of him was a smile he'd only seen in his nightmares. The smug face of his mentor plaster on the face of someone who was once his whole world. His sword was suddenly trapped between the metal bracer the rabbit was wearing on the fighting knife in his other hand.

The voice wasn't the rabbit's, it was far less innocent, it was smoother, more knowing and arrogant. The voice's words turned the fox's blood to ice.

"It's been a long time, Koibito."

He struggled, he felt like a small child in the grasp of an adult. He couldn't think, he couldn't remember what to do, how to retaliate to this.

"You're sweating Ricky, do I make you nervous?"

Suddenly the rabbit was pulled back, his sword was free again.

"Nugh... Sparky HELP ME!" The wounded half breed yelped throwing the surprised hare to the ground and tackling him. the human stood watching in a dumbed stuper.

"Get off me you disgusting sin!" The rabbit roared kneeing Corky in the wound on his side to loosen his grip, then throwing him off and flipping up to his feet.

The boy made another run at him, but the rabbit caught him across the chest, the boy weighed no more than eighty pounds and was sent flying bad almost to the brush line.

He turned to face Rico again, but the fox had vanished. Leaving the human child to face the now possessed rabbit.

As Corky started to lose consciousness finally, he knew he wouldn't wake back up, he didn't want to, he'd lost him. He heard movement in the bushes just as darkness overtook him.

Seven emerged from the brush carrying the rabbit's eyeglasses thoughtfully. The scene looked grim, the rabbit that had saved her was looking menacingly at a small overlander child, his partner was bleeding out on the ground beside her, and the original attacker was nowhere to be seen.

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The white-haired man's hand flashed forward, skillfully catching the sword in his hand. He immediately jumped into the air, over the blasts of energy, and then threw the sword directly down at Rauz.

The Orderling quickly black-flipped away, getting back to his feet just in time to dodge a punch to the side. The stranger quickly followed up with two quick strikes, which Rauz managed to block. "So are you going to admit it yet?" he said, his dark red eyes staring into Rauz's. "How your little club is nothing but a gathering of a cowards?"

"Maybe the full name is the Order of Cowardly Bastards?" He smirked, throwing a fast, hard punch right for Rauz's face.

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He jumped back, and dodged to the side. The fist missing, in that succession. "The Divine Order of Thalzan, is hardly Cowardly." Rauzilos managed to retort, even though his own mind was becoming sketchy... he had to keep a good attitude and balance. He couldn't let this man get under his skin. Quickly shuffling his feet: he jumped back to the spot where his Pike, Destiny -- was shoved and skewered into the tavern's wooden floor.

"It's nice of you to try and get under my skin, but I'm sorry; it is not working." he smirked lightly. "As much as I enjoy your banter--" he stopped, a chill lathering down his spine.

A morbid voice went out. "So... what is taking you so long Rauzilos?" the voice came in his mind. "Since your taking so long, I'll be glad to come and retrieve your ass. Whatever you are involved in-- that wasn't why you were sent."

"I guess I'll give you a little more time to get back to my fort. I have much to talk to my Watchmen about."

Rauz didn't reply to this emphatic voice.

Gandililos. His superior.

Rauz seemed to immediately speak out loud again. "-- I apologize, stranger. But I can't be continuing this fight today." he said simply.

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"I rest my case," the green-coated man scoffed. He rubbed the back of his neck looking off towards the tavern's dark wooden walls. "It was a boring fight anyway." He chuckled to himself, wondering if he had even ever talked that much in his life.

He looked back at Rauz, his red eyes glazing slightly. "Perhaps if one day you find a way to cut your strings, little puppet, we'll be able to fight properly."

He glanced over at Alfiros, giving the redhead a slight grin. "Same goes for you, babe."

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The glasses fell from her hands as she knelt down next to the hybrid youth's limp, bloody form, shaking him as though he'd simply fallen asleep.

"Please, wake up," she pleaded, on the verge of tears. She even turned to his companion, even though the man clearly wasn't himself. "Tobias, what are you doing?! Your friend needs help!"

As soon as she spotted the Overlander kid, her own focus shifted.

Silently cursing herself for leaving Henry, she scrambled to her feet, ran over to Toby, grabbed the rabbit's arm, and tugged as hard as she could.

"Tobias! What's wrong with you? Snap out of it, Your friend needs help! TOBIAS!"

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"Oh, I'd love to stay and finish you." Rauz muttered, half-truthfully. He turned to Alfiros. "Gandililos wants all Watchmen and back. If you want to stay, which I doubt you do: you can." he said simply.

"...yeah, let's get out of here. Too many heroes." she spat as she touched his shoulder as he began to concentrate his energy. He wasn't beaten so this wouldn't take long.

He turned to the white-haired stanger with a slight frown.

"I am not a Puppet." with that bluntly said he muttered two familiar words as he prepared the energy. "Amon Ra." in a flash of light: Alfiros and Rauzilos were gone.

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He sighed, watching them disappear before muttering, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that, pal."

He turned on his heel, his green coat sweeping around behind him as he walked back to the bar. He grabbed three glasses, a bottle of scotch, and kicked a table so that it'd stand upright once more. Pulling a wooden chair up, he sat down and set the three glasses on the table, pouring the bottle's contents into each.

"Sit down, we'll give that guy some scotch," he said to Otis, taking a swig from his glass. "That should fix him right up."

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Otis pried a smirk on his voice as he helped Drew up by shouldering him, and made his way to the bar of the tavern. With his faded smirk he chuckled and replied.

"That wasn't half bad, kid." he chuckled. "Though, I wish I could of gathered more information out of those 'conversations' between shots."

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The human seemed to march toward the now rather sinister looking rabbit. He didn't seem to show fear at all. She couldn't take it and started pulling harder, human or not she couldn't let another child get hurt.

Suddenly he started to turn and focus on her.

*Urf* The rabbit suddenly dropped back some holding his gut. The human glared defiantly at him, "Stop being a jerk." With the rabbit bent over his face was in range.


The boy delivered a loud open palm smack to the side of Tobias's face. Seven winced ready for whatever the retaliation maybe for that embarassment.

Suddenly the rabbit stopped straining against her grasp. Then quietly sunk to the ground. The human folded his arms and plopped down too, still glaring at the rabbit.

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Drew nodded at Otis, and sat down, holding his wound again. "Well, I now understand that there are probably a lot of these guys out there, and those weren't even the strongest ones." That was bad, too. Drew had faced many powerful enemies during his travels, but these guys were on a whole new level.

Drew looked at the white haired fellow now. "Could you just get me a glass of water? Alcohol doesn't bode too well with me."

A word flashed back into Drew's mind. The Order. That's what they called themselves. The Order. These guys had terrible strength and weapons that could even hurt him. He had to get stronger somehow, or he wouldn't be able to fight at all.

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Wolfos sighed and got up, went to the bar, grabbed a pitcher of water, and placed it in front of the brown-haired man. He sat himself down and took a sip of his drink.

"Heh, well, I have to say, this world isn't as dull as I thought it was going to be."

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The ferret didn't really get what happened, but she let go of the rabbit and stepped back a few paces sank to her knees yet again.

Things were starting to seem stranger by the second to her.

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Otis raised a brow at the white-haired strangers comment about the planet and shrugged it off for the time being.

"At any event, I'm going in town to find Drew here a Medic to stitch this wound up." he replied as he went for the tavern door.

"I won't be long, kid." he managed as he left.


Meanwhile at a distant fort a good distance south of Dunric, in the thick marshy swamps of the Dunnywood Region two flashes of light occurred inside, similar to Versulos, Rauzilos, and Alfiros' own occurances earlier. Inside the fort was a gathering of several white-cloaked figures, a collection of them were donning hoods while the others weren't. The blood red symbols on the back of their cloaks were also different. Perhaps showing rank. In front of them was the one who headed the fort, a orderling of artic-wolf descent and his arms crossed.

"This region, this Acornian Great Forest, this is where we finally step up from years of preparation of presenting our power and truth of our faith upon the world. Many are tainted. Many are non-believers. At this, many must be punished." the Elite Watchmen, Gandililos said.

"Today, I ordered three joint cleanings on three villages. Two went perfectly. One went not-so-well." he added, referring to Rauzilos and Alfiros. "You need not to spread the faith any more today, but I shall speak with some watchmen that seem to have attracted some self-proclaimed people who are strong and want to demolish our religion. That is all."

With that a majority of the grouping left to their posts, patrols, or rest except for the Watchmen Ranks. Which included a good 6 people. Two of which were Versulos and Rauzilos.

"It seems both Versulos and Rauzilos ran into two interesting groups today who were more than a challenge for them single-handedly. However, pathetic that is; that means there are individuals out there who are not weak. This means you have to look caution when cleansing the taint." he spat regrettably.

"Cleansings will go as usual and on order as planned. We'll deal with these 'heroes' when we across them again....and if things have to I will aid you in killing them." he smirked.

"Again, that is all..."

Posts: 2398
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"What are they?"

Words finally broke the horrible silence of nothing buy Henry's labored breathing. It had come from the rabbit, he stood up as if nothing had happened. But the satirical tone was gone from his voice now. He didn't even look at her, instead he went straight over to the injured hybrid and pulled him into his lap, looking over his wounds.

Posts: 2723
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"Do you mean that man who showed up before?" The ferret turned around. "I-I don't know..."

She looked down at the ground. "Now that I think about it, I've seen him before-- back in my village. He and two others in cloaks just like his-- they slaughtered everyone."

The tears started to form in her eyes as the not-so distant memories resurfaced, like a recurring nightmare. "My mother, my father-- my friends-- they're all gone!"

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Topic starter

[[OOC: Okay, guys. I think we've let this go on break for long enough, eh? Everyone still in and participating? ]]

Posts: 2723
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OOC: I'm still here. I was really starting to think I had killed it for some odd reason. o_o;

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

OOC: Looks like I killed it. It died when I was MIA during a Sparky crisis.

"Stop whining." The rabbit snapped loudly, "Don't act like you're the only one who's lost people. Whatever they are, they're insanely powerful. This kind of anomaly, here? Why?"

He shook his head and gritted his teeth, ignoring his own fatigue and lifting the youth up. "I don't know my way anymore, it's been too long. We need to get to a good doctor, now. Henry may not feel pain but the injuries are every bit as serious as they look. I need you to clam up and lead the way, if they attack again I'm going to hesitate. I refuse to lose Corky."

Posts: 2723
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The ferret wiped the tears from her face with one arm. "A-all right. I'm sorry."

Looking down the road, she saw that the moon had risen a little higher. "I don't think it'll much longer before dawn."

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