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The Original Do Anything R.P.

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Self Explanatory, Man. Do anything, say anything, Make stuff happen without you actually doing it.

Rules: Pick a character. Do anything, Say anything. That is all.

Basic profile:

Theme: (optional)

And here's mine:

Name: Jack Ian Spade
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Reploid
Theme: Assault on the Wu Territory (Dynasty Warriors 3, Koei)

*phase in*

Whoa. That was cool.

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Name: Flair Starlight
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human (genetically-modified)

The starfighter dove toward the blue and green planet, the force of its atmospheric entry rattling the copper-colored ship. One of the dual engines spouted smoke and sparks, and its twin strained to keep the ship moving in a controlled manner as it penetrated the sky and rammed towards the planet below. A streamlined slab of metal tore off from the side of the stingray-shaped ship.

And inside the roomy but smoke-filled cockpit of the fighter was a humanoid being, a full-bodied female wearing a white body-conforming space suit, her helmet concealing her facial features. It was also this helmet that kept her from suffocating in the extreme conditions, and she grunted as she pulled back onto the throttle, the starfighter responding sluggishly to the controls. "C'mon, you hunk of space junk, pull up! Pull up!"

The ground beneath became more visible as the ship descended, and the pilot saw that there was a sizable body of water nearby, next to what looked like a city. "Great! The people in the city will see me coming down, but at least I can make a splashdown! Nova, can you scan to see what kinds of lifeforms are in that city? Be nice to know what kind of company we'll be having."

"Negative," said the calm, comforting feminine voice of the ship's computer. "Long-range sensor systems were damaged in that last fight with the Galactic Patrol. We'll only have short-range sensors available up to two hundred feet."

"Grrreaat. Well, they aren't shooting at us with anything so they probably don't have any orbital defenses to worry about. Prepare the ship for splashdown, we're about to hit the water!"

"Acknowledged. Dividing all available power to shields and to starboard engine."


The lake swallowed up the starfighter, and a cloud of steam hissed up from the splash left in the wake of its passing. A few moments more, and the starfighter popped up to the surface, the cockpit sliding open to release the smoke inside and allowing the pilot to stand up and unseal her helmet. She took it off and shook her spiky metallic-purple hair out so that it dropped to its full length down at her ankles. Her face, though human, had skin that was iridescent green, and cat-ears poked out from the top of her hair. She was smiling, looking out onto the sunwashed beach nearby, the clear blue water, the skyscrapers and other buildings of the nearby city.

"Now THAT was a landing!" she hooted as she dropped back down into the pilot's seat and flipped some switches. "Nova, release a travelsphere, we're gonna need to find a place we can fix the ship up at." A panel slid aside to reveal a collection of various handguns, of which she picked out two large dangerous-looking ones and strapped them onto her utility belt.

A circular panel slid open and a silvery baseball-sized sphere emerged, hovering in the air by the tall woman's shoulder as she stood up again and jumped into the water, swimming for land. "Yes, your highness, we will procure a safehouse to repair the ship in, and some friendly contacts as well. It wouldn't do to be captured by the natives, though it is unlikely they will be able to unlock the ship's weapon stockpiles."

"I told you a thousand times, don't call me that! And what planet is this anyway? You said it was listed but that it hadn't made extraplanetary contact yet."

"Earth. Resident species is very similar to your own, though your choice of skin pigmentation and your tail and ears will give you away as non-native. Be wary, however, there are also other native species here that can be dangerous, and there might also be other smugglers like us or other criminals who have escaped to this planet who may present a danger."

"Well if they mess with Flair Starlight, they'll get what they deserve," said the woman with a cocky air as she climbed up onto the beach, the water dripping easily from the waterproof suit. "Now let's head for that city!"

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The ball went sailing through the air, its curve long and wide, before the ball finally crash landed right into Old Man Browns garden. Again. It wasnt the first time, and it was sure not going to be the last time. But for now, they had no more balls left, so baseball would have to end. Sure, they could have tried to sneakily retrieve it, but, well past experiences showed that it wasnt a good thing.

Nice going, Matt. The group of five boys almost seemed to say in unison. Another fine game youve wrecked again.

Ah, can it guys. Youve all done it before as well. Matt replied, his tone hardly enthusiastic, not just because of what happened to the ball but because of the attitude his friends were displaying to him.

But not as many times as you have. One of the others added. Im going in. See you lot later. He added. The rest of the group mumbled in agreement and all went their separate directions to return home, leaving Matt behind.

Ugh, I wish they would give us a decent park to be able to play in instead of just the streets. Matt thought to himself, walking away from the scene and towards his own home. Darn developers. Sure, most kids our age wouldnt give a damn about it, but when it cramps your ability to have fun

His eyes suddenly widened in complete and unexpected surprise. A glint in the sky had suddenly and shockingly attracted his attention. He instantly shot his head upwards to find the source, or what appeared to be a shooting star. But it was day time could it have been a burning comet then? A crashing airplane? Whatever it was, where it was heading was nearby!

Hmp. Ive got an essay due in tomorrow for McKenzie. Do I do that and be the good little boy I am or investigate something as cool as this? He spoke to himself as he had his arms folded, head held low in a contemplative stance. I think the answers pretty obvious!

And with that, Matt Hunter turned on the spot and headed in the opposite direction from where his home would have been, instead to begin investigating something fantastic.

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Jack: Hphm. Another freaking TRUTH commercial. Oh, and who are you?
*stares into thin air*

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Silver ran screaming into the plothole, chased by a thousand tiny killer rabbits.
He was saved from one distaster, and thrown directly into another.

"Hey, Flair! It's you! ...wait. are we about to crash, again?"

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Name: Kaze
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Chao (Bioengineered)

"NOO!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" Kaze shouted.
For the past hour she was being pursued by Omo-chao through Chao World, who were all interested in the fact that she can speak human language.

"Come-back!" one of them said.

"We-won't-hurt-you," said a second.

"That's what you say," Kaze shot back, looking at them with frightened sky blue eyes. "You fiends melted my lucky sword!" She waved a melted hunk of plastic at them.

"Weapons-are-not-allowed," said a third Omochao.

"We-shall-have-to-confiscate-it-from-you," added a fourth.

"Go ahead, take it!" Kaze tossed the piece of plastic at them, hitting the first Omo-chao and destroying it. The other three turned on her with glowing red eyes.


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Flair immediately started to run alongside Silver as they ran before the fleet of killer rabbits, the baseball-sized bunnies hopping furiously after them with their cute wittle fangs bared. "You already missed the crashing part, Silver!" she shouted. "Fancy meeting you here though! After that one fiasco in the Nerudon Nebula I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Eh, not THAT easy to get rid of me," replied Silver almost casually.

Flair was about to crack another joke when she looked up and saw a Chao running out of a dimensional portal before a squadron of Omo-Chao. "Silver, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Run our pursuers into those Omo-Chao and get away in the confusion?"

"You got it! On!"

On the signal, Flair and Silver both raced up to the Chao and picked her up, one hand from each of them grabbing the Chao, before sprinting as fast as they could away from the rabbits and Omo-Chao, which had started to attack each other in terrible confusion. The Omo-Chao were being overwhelmed, but their firepower mowed down hundreds of rabbits at a time, so it was a frighteningly-even match.

"So, how about introductions then?" asked Flair with a mischievous grin as they finally stopped just outside the city limits near the highway.

"Yeah, how about?" asked the nearby human boy who was looking at the three strangers with curiousity. Little did they know that this was Matt Hunter, and that the Chao was Kaze...

OOC: Heh, this is gonna be fun.

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*phase in for no apparent reason*

Jack: Oh, hi. I just came in here to pick up my chao that I left here: A black Omochao. you seen him? Cause I would like him back. gah, i almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jack Ian Spade. nice to meet..... whoever you are.

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Detecive Duke Stone glanced at the streaking light in the sky as he drove along in his black Mercedes. That was exactly what he had been waiting for. The sat-track boys were getting scarily good at their job now. Still, the had to do something other than just the government's money to look into women's shower rooms from space.

Why did it have to come down so near a populated town though, that's always tricky. Always. Still, that was his job he guessed. And compared to some of his jobs over the years, this one was usually a nice test of his diplomacy, rather than his brute reactions. He just had to hope that the E.T hadn't got to far from the hot-zone yet...

As he drove towards where it looked like the I.E.O had come down, he reviewed his mission in his head. They had spotted the Incoming Extraterrestular Object headed through the solar system toward earth a couple of days ago, and some sprecta-checks confirmed that it was obviously a constucted object, not a meteor or an asteroid. That ment it was out of the hands of the astronomers, and into the hands of the "Greys." The mythical Men in Black, Duke's organisation. In actualality, the amount of extra-terrestrials on earth was extremly low, and the official stance of earth was that they didn't exist. Some bad experiences had already happened with aliens, and it seemed it didn't pay to advertise these days. After all, we didn't want another vietnam.

And thus, it came to the Greys. Or more usually, down to Duke, to make sure that nobody knew of these aliens, but also that the...visitors, felt welcome here, made a good first contact...and never left.

He could already tell, it was going to be a long day...

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Kaze simply looked around these new and unfamiliar surroundings with curiosity. And who were these people?

The ball floating over her head turned into a question mark as the questions floated around in her head. She didn't want to say anything, however; these strangers might react like the Omo-chao that were chasing her up until a moment ago...

And she really didn't want that at all...

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*silence. then......*

Jack: Hey look, it's a chao. I haven't seen any of them since I went to Kyoto the other day. So, have you seen a Black Omochao anywhere around here?

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Silver pointed to a black Omochao that the other Omochao near the back seemed to be worshiping. "That look like him?", he asked. He then noticed the chao's question mark. "Whatcha thinkin' about, litttle guy?", Silver asked, not expecting an intelligible response from a Chao.

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Jack: Oh, there you are! I need to get you back to 21XX, Vic. *phases Vic out* So, how's it goin, Silver?

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That would be none of your business, Kaze thought.

It wasn't like the hedgehog could hear her thoughts anyway, but she still didn't want to say anything.

Looking back at those Omo-chao made her shiver. If they saw her now, they'd come after her again...

She wished she still had her lucky sword right now...

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Jack: Wait a second..... You're Kaze, aren't you? I've seen your kind before, so I know how your body structure functions. Now, I think this could be of some use to you: *drops beam saber*
