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The Rise and Fall

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Celey looked down at the ground after being asked the question. She always hated that question, "Your fighting for the same reasons where's your proof?" She simplely despised it. It this day and age that was the first question pretty much everybody asks before they even ask your name! Celey knew she was fighting a good cause, but she never knew exactly what that cause was. She had always just kind of made her place in life as she suffered through the same five years. Help someone here, help someone there, then die!

Celey looked up at Max, "Well I-I," she stammered, "I always make it a habit to help those in need!"
Celey Dalton was clueless.
"Well tha's really nice and all," Max said almost with a chuckle, "but that still doesn't clarify to us that you can be trusted!"

"I mean I don't know what to say! I don't know how it was like before the ARK disaster, but I'm sure it was much more peaceful than the hell everyone has to trudge through now!" she noticed the others were having a slight bit of trouble hearing her so she spoke up a little louder, "I just want to return to former glory of planet Mobius. I hate having to run and hide everytime rival gangs take it to the street! I hate having builodings come crashing down upon poor innocent souls because the only shelter they have is an old ruined bulding! Most of all I hate living to survive and surviving to live! I just want to walk through a medow full of multicolored flowers with the wind breezeing through my hair! I just want peace! Could anyone else really ask for much more! I used to believe G.U.N. would someday restore that peace, but I found out they cause more chaos than those damn gangs themselves! So is that good enough for you or are you just going to leave me here to rot in this cell, either way it doesn't really matter to me!"

A tear began to roll down her dark gray colored cheeks as she awaited a response from the Neo freedom Fighters.

Posts: 369
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OOC: Note guys; I have sort off ripped this idea from Eternal Darkness, this forum I always wanted to RP in, but never got a chance to complete the LONG application from. I have been lurking there though. So credit must go to them for the ideas I have implemented in here. I hope they dont mind. Namely I took the idea of ARK crashing on earth, and the rise of gangs and teams.


After the events of the Sonic Heroes, where primarily Sonic, Tails and Knuckles had stopped the illegitimate plans of Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic from unravelling in the 11th hour, order and hope had been restored and all had been relatively peaceful throughout the world. At least, the heroes were able to take their deserved rest and relive a conventional way of life. It almost seemed as if all the other teams had taken off in their separate directions quite happily, whether still in their teams or individually. Contact became somewhat lost between certain heroes, and not a stutter or confirmation on Eggmans death or survival was verified. However, this did not deter the heroes or the civilians sense of well being at the end of the day.
What the civilians hadnt banked on was the following rapid events that unfolded, which would spell out the beginning of live chaos and disarray within the cities.
The president of Station Square had been assassinated and the shock and grief suddenly spread throughout the nations. The fingers were pointed towards a certain mysterious and dark hedgehog, Shadow, which some doubted as they presumed him to be dead. However, other witnesses who claim to have seen the troubled individual wielding a gun with proof have reinforced the certain rumours to statements.
Shortly afterwards, the space colony ARK had unexpectedly lost control of its orbit around the galaxy, and upon approaching the planet Earth, headed on an immediate collision course towards the planet. Before anyone was able to decipher the sudden disaster, the deep impact had already been made whereby parts of the colony had split off in different directions and taken down earths populations in countries all over the world. Cities and wildlife, were left in ruins and the lands that hadnt been subjected to crash landings had suffered all the same from the abrasive tidal waves from the fallen parts in the sea.
An accident or set up- one may have asked themselves.
However, from the ashes of the humans and furries alike that arose from the stone and rubble within station square, none stopped to ask that question. The aftermath of the new world, where power and order had broken down, was slowly being attacked from the rise of teams and gangs. With no official power or authority to exert control, the world suddenly began to run amok. Many steps it seemed had been taken backwards from civilization, despite the appearance of what was left of the modern world.
Five years after the fall, had it taken the world to become what it is today. Corrupt and overridden by disorder.
Now it seemed that dark organisations had the opportunity to gather in daylight, whereas the failing light side began to hide, holding on to that last bit of hope that order would be restored. Other neutral beings carried on with their everyday lives, inventions, hobbies, anything to make the days pass by without going unharmed in the new world. At the same time, questions were afire as to where Sonic and his friends were. Rumours had been spreading once again of the sudden appearances of the lone Shadow the hedgehog, and his gun- but his appearance tended to spark controversy as well as wonder. As well as that, sudden occurrences of superior figures, and gang members had emerged from the darkness- all who may well be the worlds greatest challenges yet.
An accident or set up- one may have asked themselves.

Give me your damn Chaos Emerald! snapped a fierce looking blue and lavender striped hedgehog, who stood in front of the victim as two other Doberman gang members held a victimless fox on either side of his arm. The blue hedgehog, Sachio, was young, but strengthy, lean and powerful with a bark worse than his bite. He wore a neat collar with studs, and had a wild indigo coloured hairstyle with bangs that covered his partially wild face.
I dont have it! Tails wailed, his eyes filling with tears, which washed over his blue eyes and made them sparkle, but with certain sadness. The two tailed fox looked around himself, finding that he was trapped within a basketball court with towering fences and was being ganged up by a fierce group of rebels.
Liar! Sachio shouted, and took the opportunity to punch the fox in the stomach, causing him to cry out and to bend double to the ground. At that point, the adjacent Dobermans released their grip as they watched the frail form of the fox fall.
Tails sobbed, opening his eyes slightly as he studied the dark grit on the ground, which had scraped his face. The scars were fresh and were burning him, and the former punches and abuse dealt by the gang members had left him limp, bruised and weak.
Sachio stood there, a prominent and proud stance as he sniggered maliciously at the weak and frail fox. Before he was able to step forwards and deal him a kick whilst he was down, just for the fun of it, he suddenly felt a harsh brush against his shoulder.
Was that really necessary?! asked a female hedgehog who turned around and faced him with a frown. Morgaine, Sachios sister was slightly older than him, smirked, before casting her glance at the weakened form of Tails.
What good is gonna be at talking if you keep on hitting him like that? she said as she placed her hands on her hips and stood up in a more tall stance.
Hmpf. Lets just say that that two-tailed son of freak annoys me, Sachio said curtly I doubt the likes of him has a Chaos Emerald. And he claims to be the sidekick of that blue hedgehog well maybe I should just put this fool out of his misery the tempered young hedgehog began, before his fists suddenly started to flicker with a glowing white and pink light- as he was in the process of manifesting a Chaos nightmare orb.
Wait! Morgaine protested, before standing in front of the fox as she glared at Sachio stop being so rash stupid!
Sachio huffed, his unnatural wild magenta eyes flaring, before he lowered his hands in reluctance of obeying his sister.
Morgaine smiled, before bending down and helping to pick Tails up. She briefly turned to look at Sachio and smirked, before recasting her glance back at Tails whilst she helped him to stand up.
Sonics sidekick are you? she sniggered Oh my god! I am SUCH a fan. So glad to finally meet one you losers.
Tails momentarily glanced at her, his form and mind despite weak, was able to deduce that the greeting wasnt as genuinely forthcoming as some may have perceived it to be.
I like your two tails! she suddenly beamed, before she rolled her eyes and her smile do they mean anything?
Sachio laughed slightly at the remark given by his sister, and heard her mutter stupid shortly afterwards to add to the insult.
Its like this foxboy. Given who you are and how little you heroes get out these days- we couldnt resist stealing a minute or two off you, Morgaine explained, whilst supporting him what we also know is that the Chaos Emeralds are being traded by ignorant tramps around the streets. Maybe someone in particular has this illusion that collecting them all will make them some superior being Morgaine trailed off, before she looked to study Tails worn down appearance. Although the bruises and scars did nothing to help this outlook, he was also donning a scruffy black shirt and bloodstained shoes.
During which time, Tails had still not added anything to the conversation, which began to annoy Morgaine.
And its just occurred to me you look like a tramp euw! she exclaimed before shoving the fox off and watching him fall back down to the ground in a heap.
As the Dobermans laughed at this action, Morgaine stepped forwards and kicked Tails to roll him over so that he could at least face the bullies on his side. He did his best to hide the thudding pain of the blow. Sachio raised an eyebrow, his expression giving little hint as to whether he was amused or annoyed.
WHERE is the Chaos Emerald? Loser?! she sneered, her smoky shadowed and red eyes glaring at the fox, despite being half her face being covered by her fringe which added to the intense features.
As Tails shielded his eyes, suspecting another kick coming his direction, a siren suddenly broke out which made the whole gang freeze in their positions for a brief moment.
Damn! exclaimed one of the Dobermans who is it? The police?
More likely to be a GUN squadron and their pathetic hotshot mechs Sachio replied nothing I cant handle he said, gritting his teeth, before warily casting his glance around the area.
Not now! Morgaine commanded as she grabbed her brother by the hand before he could speed off we might be outnumbered. And besides weve got bigger fish to fry for now. No point in wasting time.
Sachio growled, but nodded once reluctantly.
Followed shortly afterwards, a loud gun shot was heard which spontaneously made everyones ears stand on end as the proximity of the danger suddenly became evident.
Lets go already! Theyre close! Morgaine insisted.
And with that, the group needed no second bidding to sprint from the area in their separate directions to make themselves scarce.

Tails in the meantime, shuddered, still weak and dazed from the events. He was also aware of the sound that had scared off his attackers and he wondered whether he the danger was equal on his behalf and whether he had been left for dead.
However, the sound died eventually, and all seemed to be relatively peaceful within the basketball court for a while.
Tails was on the brink of losing consciousness- the pains of the bruises overwhelming him. In the short time he had left to think before passing out, he asked himself why the force never came in his direction. Or whether this was all a set up. A nave part of his mind liked to believe that someone helped him out from his predicament, without any of the gang members getting hurt. Two of them were kids after all, and he was older than they were. Despite their malicious lashings and attitude, he somehow wondered what it was that caused them or who was influencing them to be so corrupt at that age.
For the last few seconds that his vision was enabling him to see, he could have sworn he saw a nearby, spiked silhouette covered by shades. Was it Sonic? But then the figure appeared to be carrying a gun, and that was uncharacteristic of Sonic. And yet, it had been 5 years since he had seen Sonic, and a lot could have changed about him since then. The world itself, after all, had changed in that period of time.
Before Tails could think any more, he blacked out- a rare-to-come peaceful expression on his face.

OOC: Okay then, though this RP was taken off of a SegaSonic Universe setting, it doesn't have to be Segasonic. To cut a long story short, the world is in disorder and chaos, teams and gangs have formed and the former heroes have scattered. Dead or alive, players can decide that. This RP was sort of taken as a spin off from the new Shadow game. So Shadows main role here is basically is to be quell the gangs activities but at the same time, he is a suspect of having assassinated the president and the gun himself gives him a tarnished image so now he is viewed at both good and bad extremes but which is he- and what are his true motives? That is the question.
This RP is not about him though.
The RP is open to almost anything basically. Just thought Id add a setting of some sort of plot for starters but anyone is welcome to bring in their characters/plots and so forth.
Just to confirm, this disarrayed world has been going on for five years, parts of the colony ARK are scattered across the earth and Sonic is missing. Tails has spent the last five years alone and trying to fend for himself.
So will this new world plummet into more darkness and chaos, or is there hope for the restoration of order and peace? And was this incident an accident...?

Thats pretty much it.
However, should anybody have any questions, dont hesitate to ask^^

Just fill out this profile, or submit one your own provided it is not too short and under detailed.
Many thanks!

Weapon (if any):
Motif if this RP (if needed):
Link to picture of character (if one):

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Name: Asher
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Cat/fox hybrid
Weapon (if any): Sword
Abilities: Fist-fighting, is agile, can use his sword
Hobbies: Drawing, pestering his sister
Quirks: Can have insanity fits
Background: Asher is the son (one of twins, his sister is Angel) of two rebels, who disappeared in the squabble. This left him and his twin sister to fend for themselves, hoping one day to be reunited.
Link to picture of character (if one): Asher

Name: Angela (Angel)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Cat/Fox hybrid
Weapon (if any): Metal rod
Abilities: Same as her brother; agile, can fight in many different styles, uses her rod
Hobbies: Writing, getting back at her brother
Quirks: See above profile
Background: See above
Appearance: Dark red fox with stripes and a blonde mop-top with a long ponytail. She wears a pink ribbon around her neck and a sky-blue, button-up, sleeveless shirt. She has matching, ankle-length boots with yellow swirls and black, fingerless gloves.

IC later.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I'll join! Looks pretty cool!)

Name: Wraith
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Echidna
Appearence: Deep, almost maroon red fur, with dark grey, almost black eyes. Similar to his brother Knuckles in appearance, although wears a burnished bronze coloured suit of Talainium armour, very light and strong, that covers his chest and back. Also has a small metal implant on his head, triangular shape, coloured the same as his armour. It is wired directly to his brain. Since the chaos broke out five years ago he has also taken to wearing a leather trench coat and black trilby hat over his armour.
Personallity: Somewhat more laid back than his bro Knux, he has a decent sence of humour and a slight streak of bravado, but he is deathly serious when needed, and his loyalty to his friends is unshakable. Very brave, has a slight temper at times, but is generally level-headed and calm no matter how bad the situation gets.
Weapons: Spiked knuckledusters on his gloves.
Abillities: Extremely strong, and has very quick reactions. Can climb and glide same as Knux. Also the armour he wears is extremely tough, almost indestructable.
Hobbies: Sparring matches with his brother Knux, Freedom Fighting, some extreme sports and playing computer games.
Quirks: The implant wired to his brain can be disrupted by lots of electronics, or by certain sound frequencies, knocking him dizzy or (in extreme cases) KOing him altogether. Also suffers from acute arachnophobia.
Background:Descovered in the bowels of the Floating Island in stasis, he was revived by Knuckles, and found he had no memory of his past, save for his name and the fact he was Knuckles' older brother. He joined the Freedom Fighters and fought Robotnik with them. At the start of the chaos he heard about the dissapearence of Sonic, along with his own brother Knux, and resolved to find them and help them restore order in this world gone mad. To do so he got together a gang of his friends, and started hunting down every lead they could find, hoping to turn something up. Just recently, they have heared roumours about a certain black hedgehog with a gun, and they want to find him and question him, believeing he has information.
Motif: (See custom signature on left)

Name: Arista Leyenne
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Red Fox
Appearence: A little short for her age, but quite well built. Bright orange fur with a white stripe down her front, and dark brown fur on her feet. Her eyes are bright blue. Wears a short black vest and short leather waistcoat, and long black jeans.
Personallity: Origionally very friendly and excitable, her experiences during the chaos outbreak have hardened her somewhat, although she still has a good sence of humour. Brave and very headstrong, her temper has got her into trouble many times in the past, although she is trying to control it. She rarely shows her sensitive side anymore, but it is there, and just sometimes she will let down the barriers and show people her true self, although she will only do this to those she believes she can trust.
Weapons: Small rapid-fire pistol and a dagger with a 5 inch blade.
Abillities: Fast and agile, Arista is a good assasin, and very proficient with stealth. While lacking physical strength, she is also good at some martial arts, particularly using the enemy's weight as a weapon, and can usually take on adversaries much bigger than herself.
Hobbies: Rockclimbing, swimming, writing stories, some computer games and music.
Quirks: Is secretly in love with Wraith, but scared to tell him just how she feels. This can lead to her being destracted at times, and rather foolhardy if his life is in danger. Also is plagued by guilt and sadness over her parents.
Background: Arista origionally lived a normal, quiet life in the city with her parents. They would often go on holidays together, and it was on a rock climbing holiday three years before the chaos that she met Wraith. They became good friends, and kept in touch through letters ever since, until the chaos started. Her and her family were captured, and she was forced to watch while her parents were tortured to death. She still blames herself for not doing anything, even though she knows there was nothing she could do. She eventually managed to escape and sent Wraith a letter, outlining her situation. He and his gang immeadeately came to help her, and she has since joined them and started to help them in their goal. She has become the unofficial second-in-command of the gang, and Wraith often comes to her for advice and help.

Wraith sifted through the papers on his desk, scanning them over quickly. "Any leads yet?" he asked.

"None so far." replied the bulldog stood opposite. "We've been keeping our ears firm to the ground, but absolutely nothing has surfaced. Whoever this hedgehog is, he's good at hiding."

Wraith sat back in his chair and sighed. "Ok, how about the rest?"

"Moses is following up the lead about Knuckles we had the other week, but it's not looking promising, and that trail we had on Sonic has fizzled out."

Wraith's fists clenched. "So basically we're at a load of dead-ends?" The bulldog just nodded. "Ok Max, keep me posted on any updates. Thy can't just have dissapeared into thin air."

Max saluted smartly and left the room.

Wraith sighed, looking round at the dark, musty appartment. His gang were working flat out, but it was a cruel world out there, and any information, especially about former heroes, was hard to come by! But he would succeed. He had to. Knux was his brother, and Sonic was almost the only way of restoring law and order to the anarchy that reigned throughout the planet. His mind slipped back to the years before the chaos, the years fighting Robotnik. They were good times, and he missed them dearly. It was dangerous, but there was a cause to fight for, a reason to live...

...nowadays it was much harder to find one...

The bedroom door opened and Arista stook her head out. "Any news?"

Wraith just shook his head slowly, and the vixen stared at him with pity. She wanted to cheer him up make everything better, but she knew she couldn't.

"You should get some rest. You've been up all night."

"I can't sleep."

"You haven't even tried!"

The Echidna rubbed his eyes slowly. He WAS tired. "Maybe you're right." he murmured, and stood up, moving across the room to the couch. Arista jumped forward, blocking his way.

"No, not the couch again. I'm not in the bedroom anymore, so you can go in. You deserve a good long rest in your own bed!" Wraith stared at her for a moment, then meekly complied, wondering into the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

Arista sat down on the couch, a worried look on her face. She had never seen Wraith so despondant in all the time she had known him! He was taking it really hard. Of course he was! Who wouldn't if they didn't know if their brother was alive or dead? Who wouldn't if one of their best friends was missing and the world they had faught to protect was collapsing around them?

Her presence didn't help. Wraith had been a propper gentleman and allowed her to sleep in his bed, while he used the couch. That had been the arraingement ever since the gang had saved her almost six months ago. She wanted to get out of his hair, to allow him his space, but she had nowhere to go to. Besides, after what she had been through Wraith had promised her his protection, and she would have a hard time convincing him to let her go.

She sighed and stood up, beginning to clear up the empty pizza boxes and beer cans that were scattered around the room. The gang was so buisy they didn't bother too much about their living conditions, and Arista had taken it upon herself to clean up the warehouse they used as a base of operations. As she went, she began thinking about her parents again, and the last time she had seen them. Slowly, a tear welled in her eye, rolled down her face and dropped to the floor...

(OOC note: All the other members of Wraith's gang that I introduce are NPCs, free for anyone to use them at will. Just try not to kill absolutely ALL of them "> lol)

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Ben, you know Im in this. :) I might have exams coming soon, so I might be busy at some times, but Im definitely in, and Ive got a small amount of time before the exams come in mass, so I should be okay in getting into it. A very well written prologue as well, your ideas are extremely well executed, especially the ARK idea, which throws the whole world into chaos very well. Nicely written as well, the two siblings seem extremely intense and I really felt for Tails wellbeing then.

And SL, nice chars. Asher definitely seems to remind me of me, having a twin sister, having a hobby of drawing and not to forget mentioning the name. :D Although, bouts of insanity, heh, no :)

And without further ado:
Name: Trey
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Cheetah
Weapon (if any): N/A
Abilities: Trey has a keen ability at tracking other scents and in this dangerous world is a skill highly important in his survival. Trey is also highly agile and quite swift, and is an extremely powerful fighter in use of his legs, whose kicks can shatter small boulders. However, he never uses his arm.
Hobbies: He has none.
Quirks: Believes himself a defender of the weak, and would try to help others.
Background: Trey lived a fairly peaceful life before the events of five years ago occurred. Although whilst living in the city he was under almost constant threat from Dr. Eggman and various other mythical creatures alike the Perfect Chaos incident. He lived comfortably within the city alongside his family, his mother a caf waitress and his younger 5 year old sister attending the nearest school, whilst his hardworking providing father was a member of G.U.N. All of that, his past peaceful life was shattered and destroyed 5 years ago when the ruins of ARK devastated the world.

One piece of shard of ruin automatically collapsed and engulfed a whole city block of the city. His mother and sister, who had been collected from the school, were killed instantaneously. Treys left arm had been brutally destroyed and crushed, absolutely ruined, whilst he was trapped in a small pocket and gap in the ruin, as the outside world descended into chaos and the rise of gang warfare arose. Luckily, 7 days later, Trey managed to survive through the incident and was rescued by a man in his forties who had managed to hear the 18 year olds desperate pleas for help. The fate of Treys father was unknown, he had been serving outside in another country whilst the devastation had hit. Trey doesnt know if his father is alive of dead, either from the initial catastrophe or from later conflicts with gangs.

The 44yr old man, Aaron, managed to help amputate Trey left, ruined arm and rid him of a useless appendage in the safety of his hideout he had managed to erect throughout the whole chaos, and had met Trey when he went out searching for food. Aaron began teaching Trey ways to defend himself in this dark new world, after he revealed he had once been a sports teacher, but the mans past ran deeper then that. However, of that he never revealed. But it was here that Trey was taught how to fight and he specifically trained his feet to fight, becoming an agile powerful fighter even though he was handicapped with the loss of his left arm.

Unfortunately, the pair was drastically cut away from each other and a semblance of order for them destroyed. A particularly harsh, evil gang called the Tarans had found of the hideout and broke in, aiming at killing the two people simply for the thrill of it. Trey and Aaron managed to fight back and defeat them, but in the end it cost them dearly. Aaron was mortally wounded from a bullet and his life was rapidly decreasing. Trey managed to watch over and cradle the dying master as he told Trey to leave the former safety of the hideout and seek to restore balance and order in a world of chaos and destruction, helping the people that he could. Trey agreed, pledging to live on his tutors wishes and to make sure that no other succumbed to the fate that Aaron, his mother, sister, and possibly father, met in the world.

Motif if this RP (if needed): To restore balance and order into the world, and to save the lives of innocents in the world.
Appearance: Trey wears a cloak that comes down to his knees and is arranged to be on his left side, covering the area where his missing appendage is. He usually wears the hood up on his cloak to try and mask his appearance as best as he can, but when the cloak is lowered it can be seen he has clear yellow fur with black spots dotted around him. His torso seems to be covered in dirty bandages from various wounds he has received over the years for his efforts. He has fairly standard, black trousers and boots.
Link to picture of character (if one): Ill draw Trey later at some point, I havent got a pic of him at the moment unfortunately.

He looked from the edge and corner of a close building near to the basketball court, as he stared at the wounded and unconscious fox that had been brutally beaten up by Sachios gang. Yes, he had heard of them, they were fairly popular and famous for their unruly actions, and it was because of them why Trey stopped where he did instead of continuing after the person he had been looking for. For the last six weeks Trey had been searching after leads of Miles Prower, often referred to as Tails, a legendary figure and hero who had fought to protect the world several times over. He hadnt been mentioned much since the event of five years ago and it was for this reason that it was thought he was dead, but that by the contrary. Trey had been searching for this hero to help aid him, to support him on his quest on a world gone mad. He should have helped him when Sachios gang brutally bullied him, but he couldnt. There was nothing he would have been able to do, without getting killed. But now, after their leaving, was different. He could come out into the open.

Trey walked out from the corner of the building and towards the basketball court, walking through the entrance and past the lazy, swinging gate entrance that was off one of its hinges. He continued walking, and then stopped, looking down at the miserable fox and sighing, before crouching and extending a hand and prodding Tails.

Cmon buddy, theyre gone now. Trey spoke, trying to whip up half a smile but found it impossible. Ive been looking for you for a long time, I dont expect you to die on me now. Trey found that, for the moment, this was getting him nowhere, and so placed his arm around the fox and lifted him up gently. We should get to a safe place. You dont know who else might be around out here

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

OOC: Mmm...yes, glad you find Asher amusing. I'm also glad you're not alike in his aspect of insanity. :D

But we all know total sanity isn't possible.


"Lil' help there, partner?"

Trey looked up to see two silhouetted figures approaching. The one that had spoken to him was a striped vixen, twirling a metal rod, a grim expression on her face. Next to her appeared a cat, with two cat-tails tipped purple.

Angel stopped twirling her rod for a moment and sighed.

"Name's Angel...and you are?"

When the cheetah didn't answer immediately, the cat stepped up, a small smile on his face. "I'm Asher."

The twins stood, waiting for a reply from Trey. Even as they waited, they moved closer to the unconcious Tails, not yet noticing the fingure Tails had seen....

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

OOC: I'll try and join another RP this time for good. Are Overlanders/humans able to be in this RP?

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Basketball court

Trey turned slightly as he noticed the twins moving forward, using his right arm to motion Tails away from their sight as best as he could and blocking the way with the cloak that was on his left side. Although they seemed friendly and they offered their help, you still couldnt be too sure and automatically trusting, not now, not since five years ago. Its not nice, but anyone could be an enemy even those two, even trey himself. And he had to look at the two and frown upon their actions if they were innocent. It was a risky move just showing up like that and speaking to another, in case Trey was an enemy. But then, the cheetahs gaze rested Ashers sheathed sword and Angels metal rod. It looked like they could at least be able to defend themselves, and against two people, one unconscious and one handicapped (well, they wouldnt know Trey only had one arm, since it was covered by the cloak), there wouldnt have been too much a problem. But in Treys view at any rate, this could be a problem.

Angel noticed Treys movement and hesitation. Im sorry? she asked.

No, dont be. Trey replied, sadly. These are dangerous times, and there are a lot of bad people around. If youre genuinely good, then please accept my apology for being cautious. Trey nodded, before looking at their weapons quickly, and then the twins faces. They definitely looked younger then him so perhaps if a fight ever did break out between them he might manage to hold his own. Dont blame me for not being automatically trusting. Its a fault that can get you easily killed.

The twins seemed to be taken aback slightly by this, and then Asher frowned. Before he could continue though, Trey spoke once more. I could do with the help though, if youre still offering. My friend heres unconscious, and its well, difficult for me to move him safely. Trey moved around, turning his body so that his left hand side and the cloak were no longer in the way and that Tails form was more visible. Please.

Wraith's warehouse

Max sat down onto the couch in the adjacent room to Wraiths office, and then leaned forward as he fiddled around with the small device in front of him. It was a radio, and was the only real means of communication in the world anymore, and even then it was extremely limiting. Across the world though, and more specifically in the city itself, there was some small private stations that tended to just present information to the public, but even then this was dangerous. A lot of the information could be heard by anyone that was able to secure a radio, and so rival gangs could also hear what was being broadcasting. And even in some cases, a rival gang might even broadcast false information to try and lure any other gangs such as Wraith into the open, where they could be dealt with easily. It was a very delicate matter and one that had to be taken cautiously. The majority of the time the leads that were usually based upon the old heroes were false, but the radio was still used as a source, in case anything genuine ever did come up.

Max sighed, there didnt seem to be anything really worthwhile on at the moment. He fiddled around with the dial, and changed it, until he found a different radio broadcast which played an old blues song. Memphis Blues it was, a little familiar song he had heard before this tragedy five years ago. The bulldog sighed and looked down to the ground, smiling in irony. How fitting he muttered.

The bulldog let it play for a short while, reflecting as he did so. He heard sounds coming from the other room, Wraiths office, just slightly under the noise of the blues song, something like cleaning and organizing. That wouldnt be Wraith Max spoke quietly. I guess Aristas up he turned his attention away from the nearby room and then continued to stare at the radio, and the playing song.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

OOC: Looks like it could be fun. Mind if I join? I shan't use Lokki this time (I'm already using him in two and a half RPs), but my other main character...

Name: Edward Xavier "Nuchtos" Night III
Age: Real age 71, apparent age 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Artificial Chaos
Weapon: Two pairs of retractable blades
Abilities: Being part artificial chaos, he is able to stretch all parts of his body elastically. Also, he can control his internal consistency osmotically, his human skin counteracting excessive expansion. By becoming more flaccid, he gains agility but loses physical strength and endurance. As he increases in turgor, the reverse happens. There are limits both ways: his skin puts a cap on how turgid he can become, though if he becomes too flaccid he will shrivel up and die. He can also ooze acid and digestive enzymes. Finally, he is able to transform between a human appearance and one that more obviously betrays his mixed genes, the latter of which allows him to exhibit his powers more easily.
Hobbies: I'll fill this in later.
Personality: Edward is incomprehensibly calm and easy-going. He can take virtually anything in his stride, with but one exception: injustice. He is very righteous and has a somewhat nave outlook on the world, so he does what he can to help those in need, though curiously only if he encounters them directly - he does not actively seek out cruelty and suffering or set out to right wrongs. He takes his time over everything, including relationships and as such may seem slow to trust, though (within reason) he is similarly slow to break trust as well. In his Nuchtos form, he is very quiet, seldom speaking at all.
Background: Ed's father, Edward Night II was a respected scientist specialising in biotechnology and cybernetics and with much experience in related fields such as genetics and robotics. He worked for GUN on the ARK and contributed greatly to the development of the artificial Chaos creatures. However, shortly before the ARK was abandoned, his son (Ed III) was diagnosed with a fatal cancer and, abusing the facilities available on the ARK, Ed II put his sixteen-year old son into cyrogenic stasis until such time as a cure could be found. This incident got him fired, although he was allowed to keep the stasis pod in which his son was held.

Ed II continued his research in private, first working on combining mechanical parts with living organsims, then later attempting to perform the same using artificial chaos technology in place of robotics. However, for many years, all attempts failed. Eventually, he retired (and ultimately died at the age of 89, 47 years after Ed III was put in stasis and three years before he was awakened) and his other son, Isaac (four years younger than Ed) took over his research. Fifty years after Ed II's dismissal from the ARK, Isaac had a stroke of genius. Remembering that cancers occur due to mutant DNA causing hyperaccelerated cell divison, he theorised that this heightened cell growth might allow animal and artificial chaos DNA to more readily merge, he decided to use his own brother in his experiments. Miraculously, the procedure worked and Nuchtos was born - a bizarre, twisted hybrid of man and chaos. Unfortunately, in the process, Ed III lost many of his memories and experiences of the world.

As Isaac was putting the finishing touches on his creation - cybernetic implants to increase viability - disaster struck. One of the shards of the ARK landed directly atop Isaac's secret laboratory. The two managed to escape, but Ed could not find his brother again afterwards and so he was left alone in the world to fend for himself.
Motif if this RP: N/A. Edward's only memories of life before the fall of the ARK are vague fragments from his childhood and are by now over five decades out of date. As such, he has no concrete, long-term objectives and simply lives from day to day. The very notion of a purpose in life is alien to him. However, he would like to find his brother again (if Isaac is even alive at all), though this is more a passive wish than an active desire.
Link to picture of character:-
Human form:
Nuchtos form:

IC to follow tomorrow most likely (it's pretty late here). Let me know if you should like anything changed.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith had slept for all of 3 hours, but he was feeling much better. He yawned for a moment, then stood up from the bed and stepped over to the door.

His office was empty. Arista must have been elswhere. Cracking his knuckles (a mannerism he had got in to) he wondered over to a refrigerator in the corner of the room and took out a beer can. Then he stepped over to his desk and sat back in his chair.

The paper had been delivered, he noticed. It wasn't the large metropolitan newsmine that is used to be, but it contained some news stories. He picked it up from off the desk and began to flick through.

Neo-Freedom Fighters in bank robbery

Great, they were being mis-represented in the news again! The truth was they had tried to foil the robbery, but they had failed! As well as chasing leads on the heroes, Wraith and his friends sometimes acted as a peace keeping force, fighting injustice wherever it showed. But if this is the reward they got...!

Hero spotted in Metropolis Zone

Wraith sat up straight suddenly. He continued to read the article.

Roumours are abundant in the Metropolis today of a two-tailed fox sighted in the area, believed to be none other than Miles "Tails" Prower, one of the heroes from before the chaos! Sightings have been reported from the Downtown area, not far from the Slum Zone. Our investigative reporters...

Wraith didn't bother reading any more. He stood up and dived across the room, grabbing his coat and hat from a stand by the door, then he stepped out into the warehouse.

The room was massive, nearly fifty freet long. In one corner were a pile of sofas and chairs, gathered round a TV set. Off in the other corner were beds, where the rest of the gang slept. Dotted around the room were various arcade machines and pinball games, and at the bottom of the stairs up to Wraith's office was their operations desk, where all their operations were planned and monitored.

Lots of the gang were in the warehouse, either chilling out or hard at work reviewing information. Wraith looked down from the balcony, scanning across the room to decide who to take with him. Arista was a certanty. He rarely left the warehouse without her.

"Lexx, Ari, grab your things. We're going out." Lexx, a massive Silverback Gorilla, stood up from his chair in front of the TV and grabbed his leather jacket.

"Whatcha got boss?"

"Something I just found in the paper. May be a load of rubbish, but if it is true it's too good to miss."

Arista, who had been stood at the operations desk sorting through some files, quickly dropped them and ran up the stairs to get her things. As she passed Wraith, he flashed her a warm smile.

Arista's heart skipped a beat, but outwardly she didn't show it. She just returned the smile quickly, then stepped into the office.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angel slid her rod into a special sheathe on her back before nodding and coming closer to Trey. She understood how trust was difficult to come by these days, and she had her hand ready to grab her weapon, should the cheetah before her prove to be dangerous. As her arm reached out to grab Tails' arm in order to help Trey stand him up, the Focat (fox/cat) paused. Then without so much as a word, she helped prop the little fox up.

Asher immediately went to his sister's aid, blowing his long black bangs out of the way. It was a habit he had grown accustomed to. The two-tailed cat also had his hand ready to grab for his sword, thinking along the same cautionary lines as his twin had. Seeing Trey's difficulty in holding up Tails on his end, Asher helped by grabbing the kitsune's shoulder.

"Now...where to?" He smiled a goofy smile.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Sorry it took a while to get back here guys! My hall's server is down so I have limited time on the net via the library and net cafes. Could have sworn it was going to be back up today... and then it hit me it was bank holiday Monday! Which means the IT department aren't around to fix our problem.. maaaan! Hopefully tomorrow then...:ohbrother

That aside, seriously wow! I read all the profiles and entries like a book! All the posts were extremely well written and all the characters on offer are original and exciting! Can't wait until this RP unfolds! ">

Shadow Lady, great to see ya sister. And your characters Asher and Angela sound well exciting! =] Also gotta love that sibling bond there. It's something I don't see often in Rp's. Seriously keep up the great Rping^^

Pach, it's wicked to see you as well! And Trey is such an original character! Seriously, and it's actually new and interesting to have a cheetah as a character. His history is also believable and really well written (;.

Wraith, brilliant posts there! And you are offering all sorts of ideas to the RP's already which I am really liking a lot. And your characters are also so alive (as with everyone else of course)- but it's great to have you in the RP! I also like how Wraith is related to Knuckles... *plots*
Incidentally, I was going to bring my most developed character Wraith the hedgehog into the RP- well, actually he's just called 'Wraith'. But I will change his name to Frost for this RP. This will be to avoid confusion and as long as I know what the character is like mentally. Just occurred to me I've kinda ripped the name from Blade's enemy in 'Blade', that vampire film but now that I think of it, he reminds me of him a lot.

Good stuff Torn! Well, hope to see you in. And yup, Overlanders/humans and such are allowed in this RP. It's pretty much flexible for a lot of things =)

Nuchtos, profile looks perfect to me! It's really well thought out actually and lends itself to many story oppurtunities. I also liked the DNA mutation concept there and how Nuchtos came about to live- and the fact that he is a human/artificial Chaos. I also like how his motifs are not concrete as such (yet), and it's believable he's just getting by. A certain loss and tragedy it sounds like. Though I hope his father's still alive and that he does find him one day.

I'm terrible, I should have posted pics of my characters and was meant to as I am lazy with descriptions.


Note that the first two pictures were drawn by my friend Kara, and I drew the 3rd picture of Morgaine.

Okay, if you're reading this, I'm probably writing the next post. I'm not sure when the library is closing on this blasted bank holiday though. But just a quick note here nonetheless, will get an IC up by tonight (;

If I missed anything or failed to answer anyone's question, kindly remind me.^^

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

OOC: looks interesting. Count me in. I hope no one minds my use of Khaos.

Name: Khaos
Age: old. I'll leave it at that.
Gender: Male ?
Species: Liquid monster
Weapon (if any): Himself
Abilities: Everything that Chaos has, such as Chaos impact. He's a little weaker than Chaos, though.
Hobbies: Randomly destroying things, taking care of Chao (I know, it's wierd.)
Quirks: He's a little wary around Echidnas.

One day Chaos was set free by Dr. Robotnik. Chaos helped Robotnik until he got all the seven Chaos Emeralds, becoming Perfect Chaos. Then Super Sonic defeated him, banishing the darkness from his heart. Tikal showed Chaos the Chao that he had been protecting were still alive after many years. Now Chaos lives in peace with and Tikal...for now anyways.

Khaos is the darkness that was banished from Chaos that day, barely surviving. He recovered, and is once again back in the world. Because he is naturally dark, he isn't trusting or very nice, but he can still be befriended. He is able to mindspeak, an ability unknown to the original Chaos. All of Chaos' normal abilities are in Khaos, and Khaos has some undiscovered abilities. Also, Chaos does not change physically with each emerald fused with him, but stores it in his body as energy, which increases his abilities. He will change, however, once he attains all seven emeralds, into Perfect Khaos.

Strangely, Chaos and Khaos consider each other as brothers.

Motif if this RP (if needed): None really, he is just attracted to the darkness that has bloomed in the world, and just resurfaced.
Link to picture of character (if one): picture


Khaos was simply wandering today. Destroying things had become boring for the time, and he didn't know where to find a chao. He had gotten quite a few strange looks as he went, ranging from 'what the heck is that?' looks to 'I hope that thing doesn't see me...' looks. Khaos paid no attention to them. He really couldn't help it that he looked like his brother. As he walked through an intersection, something orange caught his eye. Looking towards it, he actually recognized the shape. He remembered that two tailed fox, the one that had helped the strong hedgehog and Tikal to defeat him years ago. He started towards the fox, sudddenly interested.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Sure, no probs CodeZX. Welcome to the RP. As long as he is kept under restraint then I see now harm.^^ Interesting spin off from Chaos as well. (=

Basketball court

Tails' flicked an ear slightly. It seemed as if his mind, despite somewhat dull and numb in its activity, was slowly being tuned to the world outside of him... unless it was all a dream. It was hard to tell from this never-ending seeming nightmare. And frankly, there were days he wished that he could curl up and die and in effect- give it all up.
However, his eyes suddenly fluttered open slightly and despite the foreign sight that came into view, didn't startle him by instinct.
He felt himself propped up, and supported by the hands of a cheetah, and two similiar looking hybrids of a kind.
When he suddenly registered that this sight wasn't a dream, suddenly cried out and tried to shift away hastily, but found himself obstructed by the back of the fence, which rattled from having backed up too much.
Everyone was also startled and jumped back slightly. Angela, however, immediatly calmed herself down again and looked towards the frightened fox.
"It's okay... it's okay... we're here to help!" Angela insisted, motioning with her hands for the two-tailed kitsune to calm down, as she watched him hide behind a basketball pole.
"Argh!" Tails screamed again, squinting his eyes as he gripped the pole "danger!"
"Now just hold your horses!" Asher spoke up "we're not the 'dangerous' type... you can trust us, okay?!"
"Not you... him!" Tails said, pointing at a dark creature, (namely Khaos) who was making their way in their direction.

OOC: Gonna update soon with other scenes... but there's one scene for starters. ^^

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Trey suddenly shifted on the spot and turned around completely to look at the dark creature, and his eyes widened. At first, when Tails had cried out, he had wondered if this two tailed kitsune was the hero he had heard of all those years ago, but then realised that considering what had happened to him not son long ago, it was understandable. But then, when Trey saw Khaos, he frowned, and his teeth gritted and tightened.

He didnt know exactly what it was, but its resemblance to the being Chaos, the thing that had destroyed the majority of Station Square all those years ago, was uncanny. The only thing that was really different about him here was that he was dark, blacker colour, but either way, the creature appeared threatening. He couldnt believe it, first this whole destruction caused five years ago, and now, this old threat resurfaces as well.

Trey stood in front of Tails way, to try and block the kitsune as the creature came closer, in case it tried to attack. What do you want? Trey called out.

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

Khaos stopped, looking at Trey.

"That fox... I remember him..." Khaos said, mostly to himself.

"But you, who are you, any why are you blocking me?" he said to Trey, in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

Posts: 8
Active Member

EDIT: This is Bentleee
The outback

Around a hundred miles away from the station square, where the brawling had taken place, the destroyed outskirts had turned into a somewhat jungle sort of wildlife. It was savage in its nature, and had a chance to prosper due to the fact that plantations and wildlife, and general ecosystems no longer had to compete with the pollution and industrialization of mankind. To another extreme, it was a rather unfriendly environment, and some believed that due to some of the colony ARK fragments, that some nuclear energy that used to run certain sections of colony had ended up deposited within the wildlife area and helped the trees to grow on a rapid and unnatural scale. The outback, however, was no longer toxic in anyway. At the time when the half-life of the energy was at its strongest, however, it was evidently seen in that the average frog, spider, bird and tree had become twice it size than what it was five years ago. The vines and thorny shrubs themselves had managed to cover up and practically hide fallen ruins from buildings that used to stand five years ago.
It was in this dark and well-hidden area that one of the world's most cruel, calculating and notorious villains had chosen to hideout. His base was situated within a ruined temple- that was secluded by thick colonies of trees that made his base almost impossible to find. The hideout in actually fact... belonged to Dr. Eggman.

"You called...?" said a collected but cold voice, belonging to stern and icy looking hedgehog, who stood in the middle half way in the darkness, and halfway into a strong beam of light which came from an opening of the ceiling of a room in the ruin.
"You arrived sooner than I expected... well done for finding my base!" replied Dr. Eggman, as he kept his gaze on the monitor screens which were built into the stony ruins. He tried to setup his own computer systems, all set up with monitors which linked to surveillance cameras within the city so that he could effectively 'spy' on the population within the ruined station square.
Frost simply kept silent. He actually hated Dr. Eggman and didn't trust him at all. Then again, he was known to hate everyone and everything. Somehow, he was compelled to listen to what the doctor's proposed offer, whatever it was.
"So what do you want?" Frost asked, tilting his head slightly with a scowl in his face.
"A few things. I have some requests..."
"And WHAT makes you think I will fill them out?!" Frost snapped instantaneously.
"Temper temper!" Dr. Eggman said as he got up from his chair and turned around to face the hedgehog "you haven't even listened to what I was about to say... and in addition, your manners are terrible! Didn't your mother ever teach you some socially acceptable behaviour in front of people?"
Frost smirked slightly, before standing up taller in a more dominant fashion.
"That all depends you see because... I never had a mother and secondly... I'll exhibit whatever behaviour I redeem socially acceptable to anyone!"
"Quite..." Eggman trailed off, before looking towards a human figure that walked in the room, as if from the darkness. It looked like an scientist, a stern well built man in his mid forties who was carrying a clipboard and a pen.
Frost immediately caught sight of the man, and growled on instinct.
"Who is he?" the hedgehog demanded, pointing an accusing finger at him.
"This... is Major. Kellerman... ex-GUN commissioned officer and doctor..."
"I hate GUN officials... active or ex..." Frost butted in, as he slowly raised a fist.
"Stop! It's not like that... I reassure you..." Dr. Eggman motioned for the icey hedgehog to calm down "he's the reason I was able to implement this base with some advanced technology and how I was able to get some word from the outside world as well... via his contacts."
"Really?" Frost sneered unconvinced, as he folded his arms "what makes you think he won't stab you in the back when your gaze is turned?!"
"Who can you trust anyway these days, Frost?" Eggman smiled "at the end of the day, none of us work on trust, but rather, we bank what our rewards from lending each other a favour or two..."
Frost kept quiet. He still looked at Major. Kellerman suspiciously, before waiting for some awaiting, proceeded talk.
"Well, greetings Dr. Eggman... 'Frost'," the Major said, trying to give the hedgehog a friendly smiled, which was dismissed by the hedgehog rolling his eyes.
"As you may have heard... there have been rumours of a certain black and red hedgehog going around... namely Shadow. And he has a gun..."
"Ha!" Frost laughed, taken aback at the ridicule of the tale so far.
"AND... he's been quelling gang fights. For a reason myself and other colleagues... who I assure you are NOT from GUN..." Kellerman said, addressing Frost with that statement "are also unable to decipher."
"So who cares? Sounds like the pathetic sap is fighting a losing battle anyway?" Frost explained, unfolding his arms as he motioned his hands along with his speech.
"No. It won't do. This will simply NOT do!" Kellerman insisted "it takes one individual to reinforce some hope... and if the heroes managed to reunite and rise again... this could hinder our plans..."
"Plans...?" Frost said as he raised his ears with interest, flicking his eyes from Kellerman and Dr. Eggman "what plans?"


Basketball court

Tails frowned, despite his eyes being tightly shut and scared out of his mind of the creature. He wondered what the creature meant by saying he 'remembered' him.
The fox slowly opened his eyes, once again, seeing the dark creature he had seen at a distance.
However, this time round, some memories were suddenly triggered- of the blue Chaos monster.
But this creature had a different colour. And he also didn't particular like his tone of voice when addressing the cheetah. Granted he didn't even know who the cheetah was yet, but at the same time, Tails had grown to despise hostility, even in its smallest forms. Besides, the cheetah appeared to be protecting him from this somewhat scary looking creature.
"W-what do you want?" Tails asked.

OOC: Have to go now. If someone could play out Tails with his experience with Chaos, because I haven't actually played SA : DX unfortunatly...
Tails incidentally, can be controlled by anyone. There is no complicated past in particular to grasp for him. If I need him for major significant scenes and stuff I know, I will take over. But I'll respond with him from my part as well, whilst people play him.

The former scene is just to get a possibility going. ^^

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

Khaos looked at the fox.

"Me? I seek nothing from you." Khaos said.

"Unless you carry a Chaos emerald. I seek those now."

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Name: Sirus Kael
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Overlander/Humanoid
Appearance: Sirus is a auburn haired individual that wears a dark maroon cloak and hood, aswell as a dark maroon robe. A black cloth shirt and cloth pants are on him. Dark brown boots and gloves attire him as well. He has silver eyes which are covered by a small pair of sunglasses. His hair style is spikey, but jept in a ponytail. But usually his hood makes sure the only part of the face you could see is the glimmer of silver eyes.
Weapon: N/A
Abilities: Sirus is a master of the light magics, and his elemental orb of kinetic energy is what aymbolizes him. With his abillity he can make barriers, bolts, waves, balls, and barrages well. He is magically coordinated. Otherwise his abillities include coordinated reflexes and nothing much else.
Hobbies: He has no Hobbies.
Background: Sirus' true childhood is unknown. And you won't pry it from him either. What is known about Sirus is that he is a Magical Guardian of some caliber. His motive is it always have been to make sure no sentiment life is harmed. That including nature, wildlife, or High Races. He is a coordinated magical enity and knows how to use his "power" well but he would never use it for self gain. He is a enity of defense. Defendeding the defenseless at no cause.
Motif if this RP: To restore the balance of the world, and make sure no more souls are harmed in this "war".

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Good to see you in it, Mike, with what sounds like a fantastic character! :D

Trey eyed the Khaos monster and frowned.

"There are no Chaos Emeralds here," he said, as he related the events he had watched occur earlier when Sachio and Morgraine's gang had visciously hurt Tails seeking information about a Chaos Emerald from him, and from Tails' reaction it was obvious he didn't know of where one was. Unless of course he was lying and instead refusing to tell the gang anything, in which case he admired him for that.

"Although I did hear there was one occupired by a person called Sachio." Trey lied, he didn't really know if that hedgehog did have one or not, but either way he hoped it would lead Khaos away and would cause some devastation in a gang who didn't seem to have such high standards and regards to other innocent people. "Unfortunately I don't know where he is or where he might be, but I suggest searching around for him and asking people about him, I'm sure you'd get some information." With that, Trey tried to smile genuinely.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Wow this is going fast! lol. And hey sorry Ben, never realised you had a Wraith character too! No plagerism intended. I agree that this RP is shaping up to be awesome though! Keep it up everyone!^^)

It didn't take long for Wraith, Arista and Lexx to reach the downtown area. They moved purposefully and fast, putting on a formidable appearence to deter any criminals who fancied their chances against the trio. Not that many would. Dressed mainly in black leather and denim, all three looked dangerous.

"Ok, we're here." muttered Wraith to the others. "Now we'll start questioning people, see if they know anything."

Arista raised her eyebrows at him questioningly. "It may help if you tell us what you expect them to know." Wraith nodded, suddenly realising that in his haste, he had forgotten to tell the others exactly what he had seen in the paper! He quickly outlined the situation. "...and so we need to ask as many people as possible."

"We split up?" asked Lexx, but Wraith shook his head, his dreads bouncing below his trilby.

"Too dangerous. Some of the larger gangs operate round here. Try to look like you're just passing through."

They began to move slowly from street to street, pausing to question people they met. But every question drew a blank. After the umpteenth person walked off (rather hurredly, frightened by the three) Arista sighed, letting her hands drop by their sides. "This is hopeless! No one knows anything!"

Wraith was stood with his arms folded, holding his chin with one hand. "There's got to be someone..." he muttered, shaking his head slowly.

Suddenly they heard a loud, high-pitched scream from somewhere a few blocks away. All three automatically tensed, staring round warily. "What was that?" growled Lexx under his breath.

"I don't know, but it sounds like trouble!" replied Wraith. "We have to check it out. Come on." He motioned the others to follow then set off running down the street, in the direction the noise had come from.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angela perked up, "Oh yes indeed. Trey is right, you know. Sachio's gang does indeed have a chaos emerald."

Asher stared at his sister for a moment, not quite getting the purpose of her and Trey's actions. He was about to protest the truth of the statement, when she jabbed him in the side with her elbow. Glaring at Angel, the two-tailed cat was once again about to say something, until he caught her harsh glance. Don't you dare...

Asher blinked. "Ahhh...yes, yep! They're right."

Tails looked from Trey to the twins, understanding what they meant to do much quicker than Asher had. The kitsune rolled his hands into fists out of nervousness, so hard he felt his nails digging into his palms. He was tired, yes, not having a decent sleep in ages. All this fear and anxiety and stress just would not allow it! The young Prower looked around Angela's side, staring at Khaos. First Sachio's gang, then this only had to wonder what was next.

"R-right...I remember s-seeing them with one....." Tails squeaked.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Hope you don't mind me doing this, Wraith, you did say any of ther other gang members beside Wraith and Arista were free to play as NPCs and I just wanted to introduce possibly a small situation and interaction. ;)

IC: The group of three's movement stopped short as a gunshot was fired and could be heard, the sound surprising and disorienting the small group and forcing them to come to a standstill. The street was fairly wide and empty and for them , it could be dangerously easy for a sniper to be able to hit, although the gunshot that was fired in their direction would later be realised as a warning shot.

"Get down!" Lexx shouted, ducking behind a burned out, ruined chassis of a car that had since rusted down and found its tyres molded to the cold pavement beneath it. The sound of the scream would have to wait.

"Where did that come from?" asked one of the others.

Lexx shook his head, to indicate he wasn't sure. "I think it came in that direction." Lexx pointed over his shoulder to what looked like a derelict building, but was actually occupied by the lone shooter, who fired another warning shot from his handgun. It was a pathetic weapon for something so far away in distance, and its shots were wild and very off target, although the shooter didn't want to hit any of them at the moment. The group weren't to know what the wepaon was, but at any rate it was a tense situation and for them they were practically forced to stand down. "Who is that and what do you want?!" Lexx called out.

"Nobody passes Alonzo turf!" The shooter shouted back, although in all truth this was a lie. He was the only figure in the immediate area now, and there was no such thing as an Alonzo turf. Whether the group would be able to pick this up in the slight shakiness of the shooter's voice would have to be seen.

"What should we do, Wraith?" Lexx asked.

Posts: 3
New Member

Interesting! I really like this scenerio.. Sorry if I joined one too late, I dont think I'd have the darned guts to read every post.. but I'll see if I can gather up some time and attempt that. :^^;

Here are my two characters I'll include in this RP~

Name: Airlight
Age: Mentally teen, 17. Technically lived for 12 years.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Hermaphrodite, though referred as a female during RP (she, her)
Species: Mutated Hybrid Cyborg, preferably arthropodic
General Appearance: Airlight has long spindly spines, and the majority of her body is a magenta violet color mix with the exception of her muzzle, eyelids and the insides of her ears which you rarely see due to them being down for the majority of the time. The tips of her spines and ears have a pattern of orange with green flames floating over them (spines) She has greenish yellow eyes and long front hairs. Airlight has a scorpion tail for behind defense and robotic phanlanges and metacarpals for added brute strength.
Attire: Has green tinted x-ray, heat vision, and night vision goggles, used very often by Airlight during battles and undercover missions. Also can be used as diving goggles and targeting for use of the bow or gun. Airlight has a dark red scarf wrapped around her neck for protection from the cold. Blue-green vest with regular green shirt inside. Belt with Yellow-green pants, rolled up for the metallic talons Air is covered in. Has shoulder pads and arm pads.
Weapon (if any): Long Range - Technotronic Bow
Abilities: Cyborgic Strength and High Agility. Has programmed martial art skills and the force to control winds. Also can glide for short distances by fluttering wings. The tips of Air's spines have small green embers floating on them, green if hot, blue if cold. they can change temperature depending on the environment and provide ample source of light. Airlight is also immune to fire attacks and extreme high temperatures, plus static shocks of electricity. Also has the intellectual ability to deal with any technology and can find weaknesses and strengths of machines. She is generally a hacker and a mechanic.
Hobbies: Usually independently trains in different forms of martial arts, builds machinery and mechanical inventions, and has a small liking for cooking and gardening. Airlight also is a bookworm. Listens to techno and metal music often.
Quirks: Gets extremely pissed if the professor gets injured in any way, and usually never would have mercy for the sorry soul that intended to harm him in the first place. Has an extreme combat and enviromental weakness for ice, because her structure is contagious to freezing temperatures and her system would crash easily.
Background: Airlight is the mutated cyborg engineered to be a bodyguard and a close friend of Professor Ethoudoral's. The professor treated Air like his own child and she grew her love for him, loving him like a father. After his death, Airlight became destructive and is generally merciless during combat. Though mostly, she is a collected, calm person. She is an intellectual that even brought the professor back to life at one point, and lives with him currently.
Motif if this RP (if needed): generally has none
Link to picture of character (if one): Image of Airlight


Name: Ferrigan Ethoudoral (Refered to as Professor Ethoudoral)
Age: 46
Alignment: Good Neutral (Partially Lawful Good)
Gender: Male
Species: Porcupine
General Appearance: His body is a tan-brown color, and generally has long quills coming out from the back of his head. Most of them are tilted downwards, and the others are upwards or jagged. He has long front hairs, yellow eyes, and a thin body with no spines from his back. He has a tail slightly longer than those of a hedgehog.
Attire: His general clothing consists of a large white labcoat that is worn open. He wears a buttoned shirt underneath with a dark red tie, though sometimes he sports a red shirt. He has partially baggy dark-khaki pants with plain red shoes. He also has a pair of rectangular glasses that he has to wear or he cannot see.
Weapon (if any): Often uses a cannon or a gun, but usually is equipped with his own high tech gadgets and barrier projectors.
Abilities: His weapon handling and combat defense is a large strength. He has very accurate timing when it comes to putting up a barrier for him and his partners when fighting, and he can deflect missle attacks. The professor also has a very good accurate eye when locking on to an opponent. His mechanical ability is higher than Air's, and he's a genious when dealing with problems and dilenmas. He's also a scientist, so he has vast ammounts of knowledge. A walking encyclopedia of science, he is.
Hobbies: He experiments and builds machines, and pleases others by selling some of his inventions. He also has a small hobby for musical instruments.
Quirks: He's a slight bit weak in the attack area, but his defense makes up for it. If he loses his glasses, he goes 'blind'. His old age also can make him more vulnerable and prone to attack.
Background: The professor is a kindly person which usually offers to help another when he gets the chance. He has a deep background story and has graduated from over 15 colleges and universities with degrees regarding most subjects and fields of science. Although he has a gentle nature, he does however have a limit to that. If he gets ticked, he would give the person no rest until he gets an apology, or until he gets revenge. Unlike Airlight's motive, he gives the victim a chance to surrender before he finishes them off.
Motif if this RP (if needed): generally has none
Link to picture of character (if one):
Image of Ethoudoral

Blaah those are my characters :D might as well start this RP.. soon.. *reads the other user's posts*

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Just so you know, I made a bit of a mistake in Nuch's history. His father is not called Isaac, but Edward (specifically, Edward Night II). Isaac is Nuch's younger brother (67 as of the present time) and carried on Ed II's work after he retired (Ed II would be 97 by now if he hadn't died of old age while Nuch was in stasis). Isaac is the one who successfully merged human and artificial chaos genes. I will go back and edit Nuch's profile after posting this.

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

Khaos stared at them for a second.

"Fine, I'll look for this... Saicho. If I do meet him, though, and he doesn't have one... I'll let you figure it out." Khaos said, stalking away. His form shifted into a echidna-like shape, his entire body seeming to make an almost perfect copy. He started asking passerbys if they knew anything of someone called Saicho.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Pach, I was actually planning for the scream to be the one Tails emits when he sees Khaos, and Wraith and the others arrive at the basketball court, but hey, I'll play along. I assume Alonzo is an NPC...?)

"And just who is Alonzo?" Wraith shouted at the building. The answer was quick. "Alonzo is me, and you try anything, you're dead!"

Wraith sighed. Probably another young kid who got his hands on a gun and decided to scare some people with it, to make himself feel tough. He hated that. Still, even if Alonzo was only a kid, he had them pinned down pretty well!

Lexx grabbed a large chunk of concrete on the floor nearby and hoofed it up onto his shoulder. "I say we rush him!" he growled. "I can keep him ocupied throwing things while you two get inside."

"No chance Lexx." retorted Wraith. "From that building he has a clear view of the whole street. He'd spot us." The Gorilla lowered the chunk of masonry, somewhat grudgingly.

"Maybe not..."

Wraith looked across at Arista, who was peering round the side of the burnt out car, carefuly showing as little of her face as possible. "What?"

The Vixen ducked back behind the car and turned to face the other two. "We can't make it to the door, but if you two can make a big enough destraction I think I could make it to that window over there." She pointed to a window in the building next to Alonzo's, the glass of which had been smashed. "Once I get there I could go up to the roof and get into the other building that way."

Lexx was nodding in aproval, but Wraith shook his head. "No, it's too dangerous. Even if you did make it into the building, you'd be alone. You'd have to deal with that Alonzo fellow without help, and who's to say there isn't more in there?"

Arista fixed Wraith with a hurt look. "You're saying I can't handle them?"

"No I didn't say that. All I'm saying is that it's dangerous to split up."

The Vixen stared at Wraith as he turned and peered out from behind the car, the same way she had done. Inside, she was both shocked and insulted. "You always do this!" she murmered. "Every time we go on a mission you force me to hide in the shadows as though I'm nothing but an extra!" Wraith spun round and looked at her, his face registering a look of suprise.

"What??? No, I don't think you're an extra! You're tough!"

Arista's eyes flashed manicingly. Her temper was taking control again. "No, you think I'm weak! You think I can't handle myself alone!"

Wraith held up his hands. "Ari, just wait a..."

"Haven't you been paying attention these past six months? When you first rescued me I was like that, but now I'm different! Now I can handle myself, but you never let me! You always stop me before I get the chance!" She drew her gun from her belt and primed it. "Now I'm going to prove it to you!"

Before Wraith could stop her she stood up and began to run towards the window at top speed. Lexx, who had been trying to dissapear so as not to get involved in the quarrel, immeadeately grabbed the concrete and lobbed it over the top of the car with all his might.

The gun in the building began to fire, and in horror Wraith saw the bullet impacts clipping the road around Arista's feet! The Vixen noteced them too, and suddenly threw herself into a bluringly fast cartwheel, trying to throw off the sniper's aim. A split second later she landed and jumped head first through the window, dissapearing from view.

Wraith closed his eyes and began to breathe again. Lexx, who had continued to lob more debris at the building, now crouched down behind the car and sighed long and hard.

"Ok she made it." he muttered. "Now what...?"

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

Khaos walked by Wraith. Noticing them, he walked to them.

"Do any of you know of someone called Saicho?" He asked, somewhat politely. He didn't want to make people uneasy if it meant he could get an emerald.

"Or where any Chaos emeralds are?"

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


Name: Riku
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Terran
Weapon (if any): A long sword and a dagger.
Abilities: She can enter the minds of others and she is able to self heal herself but it is very slow and generally super powerful evil form either.
Hobbies: Adventuring, ticking people off, finding treasure, reading old books.
Quirks: None
Background: Riku's history is a secret to her and thus is why she doesn't feel eager to share it with anyone. She is an inhabitant of Terra Nova but has been brought to Earth against her will. She resided in Station Square before the ARK incident and now wanders around, looking for a new home. She stays out of the ways of various gangs, even though some wish to recruit her.
Motif if this RP (if needed): To avoid joining a gang and explore the hectic world.
Link to picture of character (if one):

Will post IC soon enough...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith jumped at the arrival of the newcomer, then stared in amazement!


Lexx looked from Wraith, to the creature, and back again. "Boss, you know this...thing...?"

Wraith nodded. "Yeah, from a very long time ago!" he replied. "A little escapade involving the Special Zone." He carefully poked his head around the car again, looking for any sign of movement from inside the house. He hadn't heard anything from their attacker since Arista dissapeared, and he hoped the guy hadn't gone searching for her. The thought also occured that he may have seen Khaos approach and was paralysed with fear, wondering what he was...

He turned back to Khaos. "Look we're kind of buisy right now. I'm afraid I've never heard of this "Saicho" and the Chaos Emeralds are missing. Sorry I can't stop and talk." He turned his back on Khaos, looking for any sign from the house that Ari had made it in.

In the back of his mind he also made a mental note to find a safer hiding place for the Chaos Emerald he had. He would have to find all the others too, he was their joint guardien after all! Sonic had to be found first though, before society degraded to the point that the Chaos Emeralds were no longer safe anywhere on the planet!

(OOC note: Wraith and Khaos know each other from another RP.)

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Though it was fifty-five years ago, Ed remembered it like it was yesterday. Strangely, it was his only clear memory from that era.

"Don't worry, son. It'll be alright," was the last thing his father had said before he had gone into suspended animation. "I don't know how long it'll be before I see you again, but however long it is, it'll go by in an instant for you. Just like sleeping."

His father had not lied. In an apparent instant, he was seemingly transported from the pristine, clinical crispness of the hospitals aboard the ARK half a century through time to a dank and disordered laboratory. A sole, dim light flickered over head and sparks sparked sporadically from multitudinous, derelict computers and machines.

"Hello?" had said a familiar face experimentally as the man it belonged to leant over him.

"F-f-father...?" had been Ed's stuttered reply.

* * *

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots propelled Ed from his reminiscence to the present day. Looking around to ascertain the source, he surpressed the urge to let his more feral artificial chaos side take over - he was not in any immediate danger, after all.

Concealing himself in some shadows where the side street in which he was located intersected another road, he looked out to see a mostly deserted street save a single gunman inside a building being hid from by a trio of furries behind the rusting wreck of a car. He watched one of them - a vixen - traverse the street acrobatically while another - a gorilla - provided a distracting cover of missiles. Then the street fell silent again, until another echidna arrived (OOC: this is Khaos; Ed can't tell him apart from any other echidna at a distance) and started questioning the first.

Grabbing onto a crooked lamppost, he stretched his arms out and flung himself across the street to land neatly and crouch behind the vehicle where the gorilla and the two echidnas resided. The former immediately spun round to glare at Ed menacingly.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?"

"Relax! I'm unarmed!" replied Ed swiftly, turning his side pockets inside-out and raising his arms in the air, without ever standing up. Of course, he was lying: he always carried two pairs of blades with him, as they were part of his body, though they were imperceptible to anyone lacking x-ray vision equipment (which, rather conveniently, though unsurprisingly, was most people). "I was just passing by and thought I might see what was going on." It probably was not a good idea to get involved in the everyday gang conflicts that occured around these parts - he guessed that was what this was - but it was not as though he was doing anything more interesting at the moment...

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

Khaos stood silently, looking down the street. He shrugged.

"Grr... not even a start. I might have to go back there and give that two-tailed fox something to be worried about, if this Saicho doesn't even exist..." Khaos growled, returning to his original form. He stalked off again, randomly destroying things in his anger, such as lampposts and fire hydrants.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

OOC: I'll join with my traditional RP character(with an odd twist) and some new ones. 0.0

Name: V18 265 Mega (AKA: Mega. :P)
Gender: Male
Weapon (if any): N/A
Abilities: hovering, somewhat fast speed, super punches
Hobbies: None really.
Quirks: If the gem in his chest is ever removed then he dies almost instantly.
Background: Mega is a strange hedgie. He has had many experiments performed on him causing him to have a strange appearance. Throughout his life he had been teased forbeing strange which drove him into hiding. Without any friends or family he has become lonely and filled with anger.

Name: Sabrex
Gender: Male
Weapon (if any): gun
Abilities: He is very experienced in fighting.
Hobbies: Collecting gems
Quirks: Although Sabrex is strong, he isn't the quickest of creatures.
Background: Sabrex was raised in a slum where he had to fight for survival. His family was poor which meant that t=he had to eat from the trash. When he grew older, he left the slums in order to find a new and better life.
Motif if this RP (if needed): To find a better life.
Link to picture of character (if one): I'll draw him eventually.

Name: Diablo
Gender: Male
Species: Velociraptor
Weapon: spear
Abilities: He is light and a fast runner. His claws and teeth give him a fighting advantage
Quirks: He has a very low temper, being a carnivor, and tends to pay no attention to his surroundings when angered.
Background: Diablo is the leader of a gang called the Raptors. The gang itself tends to steal from others and pick on the weak.
Motif in theis RP: to steal the Chaos Emeralds
Link to Picture: I have yet to scan it, but just so you know in advance, he does have feathers.

I'll IC later.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Arista had cursed herself as she crouched behind the window, nursing her paws. She had let her temper get the better of her again! It was true that Wraith often refused to let her use her skills, making her stay in the background, but in this case he had been right about sticking together. As the bullets had started to wizz past her she had realised just how much danger she had put herself in! Fortunately she had managed to dodge the shots and dive through the window, but the floor beneath the window still held shards of broken glass, and as she had landed from her dive, rolling onto her feet, she had picked up a few splinters in her hands.

Fortunately there weren't many, and it took her less than half a minute to extract them all. It was painful though, and she hoped she would still be as acurate with her gun as normal! Well, there was no turning back now...

She stood up and spotted a staircase in front of her. Quickly she began to climb, taking two steps at a time as she moved up from floor to floor. Eventually she emerged on the roof of the building. Taking a short run up, she jumped the small gap between that building and the next, again landing with a roll to cushion the impact. Before she started down the stairs to find their assailant, she moved to the edge of the building and looked down at the street below.

Wraith had company! There was a Human crouched down behind the car, and...a...creature...was moving off down the street, apparently destroying anything in it's way!

She decided not to least not now. She waved at Wraith to attract his attention (silently wondering how the two visitors had escaped the gunfire from the sniper in the window), then, when she knew he had seen her, she set off towards the stairs.


Wraith's ears pricked up at Khaos' mention of a two-tailed fox, but he was far too buisy to act on it at the moment. The situation was further complicated by the arrival of another newcomer, a human who had apparently appeared from nowhere! Normally Wraith would have been wary of anyone who introduced themselves as "...just passing by and thought I might see what was going on", but right now he just had too much on his mind to care.

"I'm Wraith, he's Lexx and we're really buisy right now." he replied, his eyes once again fixed firmly on the building. The Human grinned. "Yeah, that I can see..."

Wraith suddenly spotted Arista on the roof of the building, waving at him. She was ok! He sighed with relief, then turned to Lexx, who was eyeing the newcomer suspiciously.

"Lexx, we have to create a diversion while Ari goes in! Let's put on a show!"

The Gorilla nodded and once again began to pick up chunks of surrounding debris. Wraith focused on the Human. "I'd recommend you stay down!" Then he picked up some chunks of metal himself and began to aim them at the windows of the building, sneaking out from behind the car as he did so.

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

Khaos was simply angry. That had never been a good thing. He glared at anyone that even made a mention of him. From anger alone, he could have caused amazing destruction. He didn't though. Instead, he stopped, and leaned against a nearby wall. He used his affinity with the emeralds to call to them, to let him know about where they were.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Ezbug ate my post. =/

Can't be bothered to OOC all I said. But I will brief as I was friendly and polite last time, and I mean the same now despite how choppy this OOC will sound.

Wraith, no probs!^^ I am not the first person ever to name their character Wraith.

Torn, the profile regarding motif meaning if your character has a specific objective in the RP e.g. The world being in ruins and taking the oppurtunity to rule the world. Interesting that you're using Riku. (:

Welcome Airlight! Glad to see you! I can try and come onto MSN sometime today and explain the RP to you if it is a little overwhelming to read.

One more thing guys, it's Sachio... not Sai-cho


Tails stood up straight, relieved that the Chaos monster had left. He blinked for a few moments- generally feeling more at ease that the presence of gang members were absent for now and that there was no one fierce looking for now nearby. In any event, he didn't like the sounds of this creature going after chaos emeralds.
Tails studied his worn appearance, and suddenly felt slightly self-concious. Fair enough his black shirt covered up any stains- but his general bruised appearance that made him look abused made him wonder whether people would look at him in a puzzled and disturbed manner.
And then he brushed the thoughts aside. In general, he didn't really care what people thought about him and at the same time, he no longer cared about himself. After all, in the last five years, he felt as if he as a person and the hero he once was had fallen greatly. He felt nothing but a former shadow of his old self. Had he been a half-worthy being, he would've found Sonic a long time ago. And it was this factor that contrebuted to a lot of his guilt and somewhat suffering through the years.
He turned away for a moment from the trio, and swept away a tear with his black sleeve.
"Are you okay?" Asher asked politely.
"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." Tails answered, taking a deep breath and scholding himself for being seen like this.
He suddenly turned back to the group and forced a smile.
"Well... we may as well introduce each other, right?" he began "I am... or at least I think I am or was Miles "Tails" Prower..." he said, not feeling worthy of any of those names for some reason.
He took a moment to scratch his chin, as he gazed at the trio in front of him. He wondered whether he was coming across as friendly- or a complete and utter idiot.
"Gotta hand it to you people. You probably saved my fur back there from that Khaos guy... thank you!" he continued "and now... may I asked who you guys are? It's been a long time since I've seen some friendly faces around here..." he trailed off, hoping that someone would do some talking for a change.

OOC2: Will update other scenes next time -_-

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC3: Welcome Mike! Great character ^_^
Am afraid to edit in case the Ezbug destroys this thread or something...

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Bentleee, when you sent me a message telling me you had started your own RP I had expected something good, but here you have gone beyond that and created a vast world with limitless potential for a roleplay! Some excellent themes being put forward, and I absolutely love your array of characters, they are extremely well presented. Sachio and Morgaine are jerks, but thats why theyre cool ;P

Everyone, I am most pleased to say that I find each and every one of the characters that have been put forward to not only be incredibly creative, but extremely well presented in their adventures! Everyone here is really putting in some fantastic effort when it comes to writing a post, it has been a pleasure to read all of them, you all got me hooked! (yes I read ALL of them!).

Well, without further ado, I join the fray.

Oh, for those who have seen my other roleplay characters and notice some familiarities here with my character for this RP, dont assume anything, its not who you think it is!

Dusk began to come over the battered city-scape, and the street gangs began to emerge from their daytime hiding spots, the shroud of darkness almost calling out to each of them, like predators of the night.

The city always looked grim, no matter what light it was in, but it was at this particular time of day that everything took up what seemed like a twisted contrast of colours. The sky was amber, with smoggy maroon clouds laced through it and the sun bleeding through any gaps in between them, almost looking like it was dying, and the shadows cast by the many beaten buildings and wreck sites carried a purple-ish blue hue.

Amidst the purple-blue shadows underneath a dead sky; there was a large clearing of un-claimed concrete turf surrounded by 8-12 story battered buildings. In it, stood a group of very rugged looking individuals.

They were a group of eight, not a particularly large party, but then again not too small to complete a given task. They donned the gear of your average slum-dwellers, ripped shirts, stained jackets, beaten jeans, boots, old sneakers, some were even barefoot. They stood in what could be described as a crude formation.

From observing their positioning, it could be read which of them was head honcho. Standing in the spot that would seem as the leaders position was a rather tattered dark blue Bat, wearing a black vest with red edges, a red bandana tied around his left knee, black gloves with finger-holes, boots and 2 silver earrings on one ear.

Upon first glance, one would assume him to be your typical street-trash, but upon looking long enough at him, details had a way of coming out of hiding. His hair, for instance, came down in thin almost silk-like droops that went below his chin, strangely well groomed for someone living in the gutter. Although wearing not the finest of accessories (but still of higher quality than his group), the Bat had a strange majesty about him, a sort of aura that brimmed with wisdom and guile. It became clearer and clearer that the individual was in charge as one kept observing him.

While his group maintained expressions of simple obedient glee and the occasional toothy grin, the blue Bat just simply kept his arms crossed and his point of view straight ahead, with a stern facial expression, in a constant state of readiness.

The Bat took a moment to take a cigarette out of his jacket pocket. He lit it using a common lighter and then proceeded to smoke casually, no nervous twitch or eager haste, just simple calm smoking, like it was simply a thing he felt like doing. The glowing ember on the end of the cigarette pierced through the shadows of the buildings and provided a small addition of light aside from the bleeding sun.

I dont think theyre coming grumbled a gecko in a hooded jacket standing next to the Bat, whom had his back facing his group. The Bat took the cigarette out of his mouth with one hand and breathed out a thin stream of smoke before placing it back. A devilish smirk grew across the bats face as he proceeded to speak fluently even with the cigarette in his mouth, Theyll be here Dread-painters arent the kind of gang thatll pass up a chance to save their own asses theyre already falling apart thanks to last weeks raid.

The bat looked up at two of the surrounding buildings rooftops, and narrowed his eyes and grinned as he observed his backup men at work, one gang member on each of those two rooftops with single-barrel shotguns.

The gecko became excited by the thoughts of their plans Heh, theyll come here expecting a peace treaty, and instead they get the red carpet treatment. Hehehe

The bat withdrew his smile, it annoyed him when his accomplices acted like children when involved in such carefully planned matters

The Gecko all of a sudden stopped smiling and a curious look came over him, he had just hit a disturbing thought What makes you think they wont suspect its a trap Lucent? he asked to his leader.

The dark blue bat, Lucent didnt face his comrade as he talked to him, They WILL suspect its a trap but what are they going to do about it? We could have finished them last week when we re-claimed Jerome Park if we wanted to, and they know it. We are now offering a peace treaty, what choice do they have for survival but to risk it? Either way, well end this, Plugg itd just be easier to take down their leader now and send them all into turmoil. Gangs are like chess sets you see, take down the king and the pawns are left with nothing.

Plugg the Gecko nodded, it gave him a rush to hear his boss explain his ideals, Lucent always seemed to amaze him, and having him around certainly made him feel safer. Lucent on the other hand despised Pluggs company, and the company of the rest of his gang. They were all simple minded fools who he had become the leader of by wowing them. He only stayed with them because numbers improved survival in this new world.

A strange metallic squeaking noise came from the corner entry-way to the concrete clearing, followed by what sounded like stomping noises that grew louder and louder. Lucents eyes widened slightly as he saw what came around the corner, it was the Dread-painter gang, all shouting as they raggedly marched forward with their weapons. Seemed like the whole remainder of the gang was there, all 15 of them (thanks to the previous raid, their numbers were greatly decreased), including their leader, a Warthog who went by the name of Sledge and he was mounted in what appeared to be a 1 and a half storey high military scout walker mecha; a walking battle contraption with two mechanical chicken legs, a main cockpit protected by a glass casing, and two machineguns mounted the cockpits sides.

Lucents gang immediately ran and took cover behind a wall of charred car remains around the rear of the alleyway. Lucent stood there calmly and threw away his cigarette. ahcripes. He muttered before turning and skidding to cover alongside his gang.

Sledge in his combat-walker began firing in an inaccurate spasm, pouring a stream of bullets into the surroundings, denting the surrounding buildings which already looked on the verge of collapsing as it was. Sledge snorted some laughter before pausing his machine-gun hail for a moment. The glass of the cockpit wasnt tinted, so it could be seen that sledge was pressing some buttons on his control panel. A small hatch opened at the top of the mecha and a special speaker emerged,
Hey Lucent! How do ya like my new wheels? Sludges voice could be heard emitting from the speaker.

Theyre legs you nimrod! replied Lucent

Whatever! Hey, why dont you come and hang out with us for a while man? The partys only jus startin! Sledge began hailing machine-gun shells around the environment again, only now it seemed like he was actually trying to aim for Lucents shielded gang, but with great difficulty. Sledges gang cheered him on all the same.

Lucent growled and looked over at Plugg menacingly, Care to explain how you and your scouts my supposed eyes and ears, managed to overlook a military scout-walker? he grabbed Plugg by the collar of his hooded jacket.

Plugg desperately fumbled for an answer, i-i.. -.. we w-we.. uhh.. w-we uhhmm i

Lucent threw him against the ground violently and Plugg felt the back of his head begin to bleed. The gang looked up at Lucent with fearful eyes, even the really big grizzly bear that outweighed Lucent in muscles by far.

Lucent brushed himself off and took charge again, no matter listen up! I need you dimwits to keep all the drones busy while I take down boss pig and for christs sake someone signal lose bloody riflemen on the roof to start shooting! Does it take that much common sense to be able to pull a trigger when you need to?

The gang nodded nervously and began preparing their weapons. A young member of the gang, a wolf waved his arms in visible sight of the riflemen, who in turn began firing randomly at the Dread-painters. The young wolf received several bullets to the arms from Sledge as he rose them up, he immediately withdrew and fell to the ground, where some gang members were prepared to help him.

Lucent waved a hand in front of the gang members who bent down to aid the wolf, Weve got more important things to worry about. If he was stupid enough to signal without looking for a safe opening then thats his own bad luck. GET YOUR WEAPONS! NOW!

The group reluctantly obeyed, drawing out an assortment of street weapons: baseball bats, planks of wood, switchblades, wrenches, screwdrivers, broken pipe leads, and one had a handgun. Lucent drew out his own weapon, a lead of chain with spikes welded into some of the joints. Only Lucent had been able to use this weapon without injuring himself in the process. Plugg stopped tending to his aching head and drew out his weapon, a stolen police baton.

Lucent avoided some falling building shrapnel from above and approached the injured wolf who was sitting up leaning against one of the burnt cars, his arms lying limp to one side with at least 3 bullets in each. He was hyperventilating.

The boy wouldve only been 13. Lucent kneeled down next to the boy, let me see breathe properly you imbecile let me see!. The young wolf struggled to move his arms across to Lucents field of vision. Lucent inspected the wounds and growled, youre useless now stay here! he readied his chain and signalled to the rest of the gang.

All hell broke loose as Lucents small efficient hunting party became the prey in this assassination gone wrong. So happens Sledge HAD believed Lucent when he offered a peace treaty, and in turn thought itd be an opportunity to strike at Lucent unsuspectingly.

The gangs collided and the alleyway became a war zone. Sledge fired into the crowd aimlessly with his mecha, hitting both friendly and hostile targets, the adrenaline rush from piloting the vehicle had gotten to his brain, it puzzled Lucent as to how Sledge had become the leader of the Dread-painters in the first place.

A weasel with a metal baseball bat charged at Lucent as he ran toward Sledge. Lucent stopped in his tracks, then whipped his chain around low to the ground, catching the weasel by the lower legs. The dread-painters battle cry was interrupted as he yelped in pain from the spikes in the chain piercing his ankles. Lucent casually walked over and yanked his chain free, scratching the weasel severely on the legs. Lucents eyes remained stern and narrow, and he grinned, exposing his canines, he took delight in seeing his enemies reduced to nothing.

Lucent coiled his chain around the weasels neck and propped him up like a meat shield, the weasel kicked and tried to break free, but the spikes in the chain made it almost impossible to get a hold of it, not to mention two of the spikes were digging into his throat.

Lucent moved forward, using the weasel as a shield from the occasional stray bullet from Sledge. The weasel was dead by now, several bullets embedded across his body, Lucent never did treat rivals with respect, be them alive or dead.

Sledge ceased firing aimlessly and spotted Lucent carefully approaching through his left side window. He grinned beneath his warthog tusks before turning the mecha 90 degrees to charge-run at Lucent.

The robotic legs operated in perfect synchronisation as the machine swiftly stomped through the crowd, one of Sledges own gang members got his leg crushed by the mecha as he was knocked down into its path.

Lucent cursed under his breath and dropped the weasels corpse, withdrawing his chain and leaping out of the way. The battle-mecha halted on the spot where Lucent once stood, its mighty feet crushed the limp weasels body, leaving red stains on the soles.

Sledge snort-laughed again, not taking notice of how he just crushed his comrade, nhuff nhuff! Gotcha now Lucy! Nhuff nhuff!
Lucent gritted his teeth, if there was one thing he absolutely hated above many things, it was being called Lucy. Sledge focused his eyes on his target and pressed some buttons on his control panel. The mechas machine-guns pivoted and began firing at Lucent. Lucent used his wings to push off and glide backwards in time to dodge the hail. At the end of his backward glide, Lucent collided with a brick wall, bruising his wings. He cursed under his breath as he realised he was cornered.

The mecha raised its torso and the guns pivoted again, Sledge drooled as his fingers clasped around the triggers on his twin joysticks. There was a metallic click of parts moving inside the guns, but no fiery booming. Sledge panicked and pressed a few buttons on his terminal. On the screen that displayed the fuel and battery meters, the little ammo counter flashed and read -depleted-

Lucent noticed Sledges panic and grinned, he readied himself with his chain. Sledge looked up from his control panel at Lucent and squeal-shouted as he charged the mecha straight at him. Lucent waited until the mecha was just in reach when he lashed out with his chain and hooked around one of its legs. As the mecha collided with the wall, Lucent used the momentum to swing up onto the top of the glass-sealed cockpit.

The mecha shuddered as it met the wall, the front glass from the cockpit cracking and sending shards everywhere, and leaving a huge gaping hole in the wall of the abandoned office building. The machines autopilot functionality made it automatically stop on the spot after colliding.

Sledge stopped covering his face with his arms and looked up to see the front end of his mecha was ruined. The control panel had shards of brick sticking out of it and large components of it were flickering with electricity. The only screen still functioning was the annoying little one that read -depleted- for the ammo.

Sledge looked around frantically for his target through the side windows, but Lucent was nowhere to be seen. Just as he brought his face back to the broken front window, he squealed in fear as he came into eye-contact with Lucent, who had dust all over him and a trail of blood coming from his mouth.

Sledge tugged frantically at the release lever for the cockpit door as Lucent placed his palm against the gap in the glass. Lucent smiled wickedly as he observed the sight of Sledge squealing and panicking like a scared little child.

Svarminus Paralia! in a burst of white and light blue magic, that made everyone on the battlefield stop and observe, a comet-like projectile launched from Lucents palm and smashed through the mecha cockpit, sending glass shards, twisted metal, and warthog blood splattering everywhere.

Lucent did a back flip and landed in an almost kneeling position as he watched the mecha topple over, a cloud of smoke emitting from the cockpit as an internal fire started.

Lucents gang, the Nocturnes raised their weapons and cheered at their leaders victory. The Dread-painters on the other hand, froze on the spot and began to shiver at seeing their own leader fall. Lucent stood up straight and faced them with a wide smirk, the blood running down his chin, and the warthog blood stains on his fur only adding to his fearful aura. Your leader is roast bacon now you Dread-painters are done. mused Lucent

Many of the Dread-painters turned and ran, dropping their weapons behind them. Those that stayed tried to look stern. Lucent raised his palm at a young mouse Dread-painter, aged around 14. Svarminus Paralia! blue magic spurted form his hand again and a magical comet bashed into the wide-eyed child, knocking him severely in the chest and sending him into a wall, where he skidded down in a smear of blood, dead without a doubt. Needless to say, this caused the remainder to run. The member of Lucents gang with the handgun took the opportunity to shoot at the running Dread-painters, hitting one of them in the back and causing them to drop to the ground, writhing in pain until a second shot was delivered.
Lucent kept his smile and began to brush off his dust-covered clothes. His smile faded as the remainder of his group approached him. Only 4 remained, and among those four was one of the riflemen from the roof only one. Plugg limped while clutching at a bullet wound on his shoulder.

Lucent looked over at his group, severely bruised and wounded, but victorious over seemingly hopeless odds. Lucent stared at Pluggs gun-wound for a moment, Hows the kid doing? he asked. Plugg looked down and bit his lower lip, he uhhh hes dead boss he lost a lot of blood a disheartened look came over the gecko.

Lucent raised his chin at Plugg in a manner that showed little emotion and turned around, leading the walk back to more friendly turf with both his hands in his pockets, casually. Well let them run for now, theyll think theyre safe then tomorrow morning, when theyre unsuspecting, we go bag us some Dread-painter piglets, get em to squeal some information as to how the bloody hell Sledge got his greasy hooves on a military mecha even if it was just a scout mecha, its still means something HELL! even handguns are hard to come by these days!

Plugg nodded and winced in pain as his wound began to sting again. The pain was growing worse as the bruised group walked out, following their leader. uhhmm.. Lucent? Can you umm heal my arm or something?

Lucent spat out some blood onto the floor in a swift manner and then answered his underling in an annoyed tone, Im a Lunar magician, not a weakling priest

The grizzly bear who had many rips in his black tank top spoke up, yeah but, uh.. cant you use that chaos errr gem thing to do somethin?

Lucent stopped walking and kept his head turned away from his group. The followers jumped a bit, scared by their leaders actions, fearful that they had just angered him. Lucent turned to be barely facing them and withdrew a yellow chaos emerald from his pocket, which was tied crudely with a length of string to form a necklace, but today he chose not to wear it, simply keep it in his pocket.

Lucent smiled as he rolled the gem around in his fingers. Lucent may have been a Lunar magician, but his clan of magicians was broken up during the collision of space colony ARK, himself being the only survivor. Thus, it stood that his magical studies were unfinished, and he had not learned how to use magic without the use of too much of his own magical harmonic energies. It was thanks to the fact that he was carrying a chaos emerald that meant he was able to use his magic more often. He was still formidable without the emerald of course, but having it with him meant that magic didnt take as long to cast, and that he would be able to use more of it. Not that he needed to use very much in the battle that had just transpired.

Chaos Emeralds have many different applications Dirge answered Lucent to the Grizzly, Unfortunately I do not know all of them. If its healing we need, get it the old fashioned way. Get Nurse back at base to patch you up.

Plugg and the others nodded, each in turn letting out a compressed groan as they followed their leader. It was a long walk back to the rest of the gang at home turf.


For everyone who read all of that, congrats! Sorry for such a long post, but I felt that for an entry into a Roleplay that was full of such talented writers, I should make something extravagant. I hope everyone enjoyed it, because I enjoyed writing it.

Now, down to an explanation of my character:

A few people here including Bentleee, know of my character Eclipse the Bat who is a Lunar magician aged around 14 or 15. The character I have used here, Lucent the Bat is a twist on Eclipses father. I have gotten the character of Eclipses father from when he was in his younger years, and shaped him to suit this world. Lucent was originally an evil bastard anyways according to my traditional storyline ;P

That is why his fur colour and spells are identical to Eclipse, but for those that know about Eclipses quirks from the other RP, dont worry, Lucent is toned down, a LOT because I felt it would suit this RP more, plus I dont wanna steal the show form any of these fantastically developed characters that I love so much.

Okay, Profile time:

Name: Lucent
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Bat
Weapon (if any): Spiked metal chain
Abilities: Quite a tactician, can wield Lunar magic from his former life.
Hobbies: Practicing Lunar magic in hopes of one day achieving a heightened clarity of magical prowess. He also smokes, but not in a way of habit, just something he does whenever he feels like it, so it is in effect more of a hobby.

Quirks: Lucent is formidable a fighter, but lacks in terms of physical strength, possessing just enough to be augmented by his agile and cunning as well as his magical abilities.

Using magic takes effort and a considerable amount of energy, Lucent will only rely on it if he has an opening to wield it in battle. However, being currently in possession of a chaos emerald, Lucent is able to tap into a segment of its power and use it to aid him in using magic, cutting casting time and energy usage by a considerable amount, although using magic still requires his usual effort.

Amongst all this, Lucent has a tendency to be quite cocky, and cannot resist a personal challenge.

Background: 8 years ago, Lucent begun his studies as a member of the evil Lunar magic practitioners known as the Nocturne Mages, a notorious group of magicians who used their knowledge of Lunar Arcanum to execute their plans of gaining control over the magical harmonic energies of the entire planet, and twist them to their will, shaping the world in their own image, becoming god-like figures.

Right from the beginning Lucent was a talented individual, exceeding even a few of the higher rank members in magical power, but he lacked control and often depleted his energies in mere moments at the start of a practice duel. Despite the elder members pointing this out to him, it only encouraged him to utilise a fighting style that would mean finishing an enemy quickly with no holding back.

After 3 years of training, Lucents power had heightened considerably, and he became one of the most highly regarded of the Nocturnes despite his flaws. Lucent however had only become more confident in his powers to a degree where he had settled his mind on finishing his studies, and then proceed to seize the position as leader of the Nocturnes for himself, by force preferably.

Unfortunately, it was at the time when he was nearing the end of his magical studies, almost at a stage where he could wield magic without using very much energy, when the space colony ARK incident occurred. The turmoil that ensued had caused the underground lair of the Nocturnes to completely collapse, burying the entire evil order alive. Lucent had managed to survive because he had snuck outside that night to practice magic on his own.

His order shattered, his studies incomplete, his only means of learning magic, a large cache of magical grimoires inside a large underground vault now sealed beneath endless layers of earth and collapsed cliff sides, Lucent became a wanderer. Lucent decided that his best course of action would be to venture to civilisation and take up survival supplies from the rubble. On his travels he encountered many individuals who had demanded money from him, it was desperate times. Lucent butchered them all with his magic, and it was in this everyday routine that he had proceeded to continue his magic studies the hard way.

It was while journeying across a thick area of what was now called the outback, a twisted mutated form of forest, that he stumbled across one of the legendary chaos emeralds, an item that he knew was renowned for power. Upon picking it up, Lucent felt its power surge through him, his own magical harmonics had somehow proved as a medium for tapping into the emeralds power. Upon seeing how it augmented his magical abilities, Lucent made it one of his new priorities to gather all 7 of the fabled gems and use their supposed combined power to become a being of power enough to continue the Nocturne Mages original plans.

After 4 years went by, Lucent came across a city and had used his magical abilities to wow over a street gang called the Creepers to his will, overthrowing their former leader and renaming the gang the Nocturnes in homage to his old group. Before Lucents arrival, the Creepers were among the bottom of the street gang hierarchy, but under his leadership, they have become a topic in any discussion of the most feared street gangs, seen as a bit of a rising underdog. Word has already begun to spread of a strange bat who seemingly came from nowhere wielding energies that were compared to those of leaders of the more prominent street gangs, such as individuals named Sachio and Morgaine, two notorious leaders of a gang that is among the top ranks of the street-gang hierarchy, if not the very top.

To the discomfort of many street-gang leaders, Lucent and the Nocturnes have already begun snatching turf from numerous different gangs of varying strengths and are almost relentless in their victories. Although still not seen as a major power in the city, tabs are still being kept on the Nocturnes as they are becoming more recognised as a threat.

Personality: Lucent has been described as ruthless, a tyrant, but those statements barely scratch the surface. Lucent is a sharp minded individual and a brilliant tactician, although it is true he is a tyrant, he rules his possessions with an iron fist. Lucent has little regard for the well-being of others, but it is his incredible skills in tactics and personal fighting prowess that have made him respected amongst his comrades, who wouldnt dare question an order. He has little patience for incompetence and will not stand for failure to comply with orders. Lucent always speaks in a deadly calm tone of voice and seems to always have his brows down to form a facial expression of either serious pondering, or a devilish glare that has become one of his insignias. In battle, Lucent is ruthless, and has little regard for things such as honour, killing his opponents in simply the most efficient mannerisms, even those that are seen by street gang members as sick and twisted. This doesnt mean that he is a berserker in battle, in fact quite the opposite, every one of Lucents moves is carefully planned and deadly-accurate.

Motive in this RP (if needed): Lucent aims to become leader of all the street gangs and become lord of the city, then he wishes to use this newfound army of his to conquer more land. Lucent also wishes to obtain all 7 chaos emeralds so that he may assume god-like status and use his knowledge of the Nocturne Mages original plans and corrupt the harmonic energies of the planet, obtaining all 7 chaos emeralds would render the idea of a street-gang army obsolete, but that didnt mean he wouldnt want his own empire to rule over, a king can still make use for pawns.

Link to picture of character (if one): -Hope to make one soon, preferably after exams-.

Now, to finalise, I have left many openings for my character in this roleplay in terms of involvement with all the others. Her are some key points.

-Lucents name is fast spreading throughout the street-gang network, and his gang the Nocturnes is also being widely talked about due to theirincreasingly fast rise through the ranks of street gangs. This could mean that word could spread to leaders of other gangs i.e Wraith, Sachio and Morgaine etc, and they could either see Lucent as a threat, an obstacle, a pestilence, or even a rival if they really wanted, so feel free to have some gang-leader involvement with Lucent people!

-Lucent has a chaos emerald, so this could mean that anyone searching for them may come across him. Although definite word hasnt spread that he has it, there are still rumours going around amongst the street gangs, so both gang leaders and wanderers alike might come face to face with him.

-Because he is a villain, and word is spreading about him, this could mean that there are people trying to hunt him down and/or quell his gang.

-You can all also feel free to make it so that your character had some knowledge about his old secretive order of the Nocturne Mages, and might have an interest in him, being the sole survivor. But keep in mind, they were secretive, so if anything is known about them, it wont be a huge amount, also it wont help if every second character in the RP has some knowledge, so try and keep that controlled as an option people!

Well, thats all people! Once again I am sorry for the big post, I just wanted to establish my character clearly amongst everyone, not to mention I couldnt help but keep writing X)

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: ROFL that "Warning very long post" line...yeah no kidding! Nice ideas though Eclipse! Sounds cool!)

Arista heard the commotion in the street below as Wraith and Lexx began their attack. She also heard the loud crack of a gun firing repeatedly. So Alonzo was still there after all, despite his silence for so long!

She quickly ran down the staircase of the building until her sensitive hearing detected the gunshots as being on the same floor as her. Quietly she slid the door open and slipped into the room.

It was an old office, a wide open space devided into compartments by small walls. It hadn't been used in a long time though, and dust was piled high on all the sirfaces. The lights were off, and the light filtering in the dirty windows didn't do much to brighten the large room.

Arista quietly slipped along the rows of booths, keeping her head down so she wouldn't be noticed. Before long she reached the outer wall of the building, and she crouched down behind an old photocopier, peering out along the row of windows overlooking the street.

There, silluohetted against one of the windows, was "Alonzo".

He was a rat, his big ears and long thin tail clearly visable against the light from outside. He was wearing a light coloured t-shirt and a pair of shorts, both looking like they'd seen better days. He only looked young, maybe 14 or 15. In his hand, he held a rather large rifle, that he was urgently aiming at various places in the street and firing, almost in panic. Every now and then a large chunk of masonry came flying through one of the windows, smashing the glass and cracking the desks in the office. Lexx's work no doubt. They hadn't found Alonzo's window yet though.

Arista slowly stood up and took a quick look around. No one else in the room. The kid was alone, and he was so fixed on what was happening outside that she could probably have walked right up to him and he wouldn't have noticed! Apparently he hadn't made the connection that Arista's dissapearence implied.

Pulling out her pistol, the vixen took careful aim at the butt of the rifle, and fired. Alonzo, already on edge, jumped four feet in the air as the bullet impacted, and he instinctivley dropped the weapon. Hanging half way out the window, the rifle overbalanced and fell with a clatter on the street outside. Arista stood up and stepped towards the cowering rat, replacing her gun in it's holster as she did so.

"Okay kid, you've had your fun." Alonzo cast about the office in panic, then suddenly lunged towards her, arms flailing wildly, trying to catch her off guard. But he hadn't accounted for her martial arts training!

Arista neatly sidestepped the rat's headlong rush, and as he raced past, she quickly grabbed his wrist and gave a quick flick, using Alonzo's own momentum and weight to offbalance him. He lost his footing and performed a neat backward summersault before crashing to the floor of the office, hard.


Outside, Wraith and Lexx were still pelting debris through the windows of the building. They had managed to pinpoint which floor Alonzo was on, but not which window he was firing from.

Wraith had edged out from behind the car and was now strafing side to side, all the while moving closer and closer to the building. It was incredibly dangerous, but he wanted to be ready to dive in and help Arista should she need it. Fortunately the sniper was one of the worst aims he'd ever seen.

Suddenly Alonzo did find his target, and Wraith stepped back in suprise as he felt the impact on his chest. Fortunately his trusty Talainium armour deflected the blow, the bullet glancing off with a sharp "PING". For a moment though Wraith faultered, suddenly realising how dangerous his situation was! If that bullet had been a few inches higher...

Lexx spotted it too. "Wraith get back here!!!" he roared. "You'll get yourself killed!!!" The echidna knew that it was good advice, but he waved Lexx down and resumed his straifing. Inside, he knew he couldn't do it...he couldn't stop. He had to try and get into the building. The reason was simple...if anything was to happen to...

There was another loud CRACK of a gun, only this time it sounded to come from somewhere inside the building! A few seconds later a large rifle fell from one of the windows, landing with a clatter in the street.

"Lexx, that's our cue!" he shouted. "Get in the main doors and up the stairs!!!" Not even bothering to look around, he shot forward and gug his knuckledusters into the masonry of the building, then, hand over hand, he bagan to climb.

(OOC note: please don't think I'm just ignoring the other characters here btw. I'm just getting into character. Wraith has a lot on his mind atm, so he isn't really taking any notice of anyone else. When he has less to concentrate on he'll be able to take notice of things a lot more.)

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

OOC: Sorry bottom reply button didn't work...:razz

Oh and Riku's motif is undetermined at the moment...


Riku strode down a street at night, not exactly the safest thing to do at a time like this. She lived near one of the parts of ARK that had crashed to the ground and it had destroyed her first home. Now with all the gangs around, she often had to defend herself. Her skill with the sword wasn't admirable but with her ability to enter the minds of others, she used that to paralyze her foes with horrible visions so she could make her escape. She noticed a blue bat and his gang walking down the street and she almost paled for a moment. The bat looked a lot like Eclipse but had a rougher look. She was curious to know if he knew Eclipse but she wasn't in the mood for a fight, yet.

OOC: Yes this takes place after the Forest RP so that's why she has lost most of her powers...well in actuallity she hasn't lost them but she has forgotten them but they are still there but not for this RP...:p

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Torn, an interesting post, but as i mentioned, this character 'Lucent' is a mod of Eclipse's father. In Forest of the future, Eclipse's father Lucent is in his mid-forties, but i have modified him to go into this world here.

Are you assuming that Riku has been somehow warped from her dimension back onto this one and has come across an alternate world? just, otherwise it doesnt make sense.

I never intended for this roleplay to link with forest of the future in any way.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC2: basically Torn, Eclipse isn't born yet. This is his father aged 21.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

OOC: Forgot to mention that it was a time warp. Don't ask for good details but basically it involves Riku toying around with some old artifacts back in her world that were enchanted...

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: ah, all's good then. Glad you cleared that up, and it still is an interesting post. unfortunately i haven't got time to IC at the moment, gotta get some sleep for tomorrow, its about 2:55AM over here in Australia O_O

need.... sleep...

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Edward watched as the events unfolded before him; he saw no reason to get involved just yet, though the one echidna's sudden transformation intrigued him. There was something curiously familiar about the metamorphosis - both its mechanism and product - but Ed chose not investigate, since the being question seemed pretty angry.

Some moments later, a loud clatter attracted his attention. Looking around, he saw the sniper's weapon had fallen from its perch and the gorilla and the other echidna were moving to intercept their former assailant - one via the doors, the other by a somewhat more direct route. Deciding he wanted to follow this new turn of events, Ed stood before the wall of the building, next to where the echidna was climbing up it and jumped.

Of course, said jump only lifted Ed about a foot or two off the ground, but upon landing, he took advantage of his unique physiology by allowing his legs to compress under his weight. Upon reaching sufficient pressure, his legs snapped back to their original length, propelling Ed much further into the air, though still not to the height of the sniper's window. Grabbing hold of and swinging himself up from the various window sills in turn, he swiftly scaled the building - faster than the other below him, at any rate.

Pulling himself through the window, he surveyed the scene: a darkened office littered with destroyed furniture, inhabited only by the vixen from earlier and some kind of rodent - quite a young one at that, judging from his appearance.

"So this is the guy that was shooting at you?" asked Ed rhetorically, the unfamiliar voice startling Arista slightly. He strode over to the adolescent rat and crouched down, shielding the creature's body with his own. "He's so young. Sign of the times, I guess..." he continued.

"Wh- who are you?" inquired Alonzo weakly, having just recovered from his fall.

"That is none of your concern," answered Edward, "Though I'm involved with neither your attackees nor attacker."

Just then, the large ape from earlier burst through the office door. Looking over to the window, Ed noticed that the echidna had finished his ascent. Standing up to his full height in an almost primal attempt to appear more fearsome, he stood defensively over the adolescent rodent and waited for the three furries to react. As much as Ed realised that the rat deserved punishment, he did not want too much harm to befall the boy.

"Stay back, lads. I'll handle the sniper - he's only a kid after all," he announced.

OOC: Don't worry, if Ed has to do that jump thing anywhere else in the RP, I'll probably be a bit more succinct in narrating it. ;P Just to clarify, Ed is still in his human form - I'd be calling him Nuchtos if he wasn't.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

In shock Wraith stared at the Human, then out the window at the street, then back at the Human again. How had he...?

It didn't matter. He quickly jumped down from the windowsill, his long coat flapping with the movement, and stood up inside the office.

Arista moved over to him, and he grabbed her by the arm. "You ok?" She nodded, and Wraith let out a subtle sigh. "We'll talk about this later." he muttered.

Arista stared at him with her large blue eyes. Just what did he mean by that? For a moment she considered replying, but decided against it. There were other things to be delt with first.

Wraith turned to the Human and looked him over warily. There was more to him than met the eye...

Lexx was advancing on him menacingly, but Wraith waved the gorilla away, then he floded his arms across his chest.

"You seem to have forgotten, sir, that this boy was shooting at us, not you." he stepped towards the Human, craning his neck to look over the man's shoulder. Alonzo seemed to be recovering his sences, sitting up and looking around. "As you said when you arrived, you were just passing through. This matter doesn't concern you, so what's your stake in it?"

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Ed paused a moment - he was not even sure himself how exactly he intended to deal with the rodent. Regardless, he answered the question put before him in firm tone: "None save mere concern for the lad. The world isn't exactly a safe place nowadays, and - no offence - I can't be certain what you're gonna do with him. He has his whole life ahead of him; it'd be a shame to have it tragically cut short. That's not to say I can't understand why you're mad, though. I've had my fair few less than friendly encounters myself."

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith smiled wryly. It seemed he'd misjudged this Human. It was rare to find someone willing to stand up for justice these days.

"I can assure you that's not what the Neo-Freedom Fighters are about." he replied. He stepped up to the man and offered his hand. "It seems we have something in common. I'm Wraith, former Freedom Fighter and friend of Sonic the Hedgehog. All our team is interested in is restoring law and justice to our world. We don't want to kill anyone."

His eyes suddenly narrowed. "And don't believe everything you see in the papers about us. We've been mis-represented a few times."

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Edward was somewhat taken aback by the benevolence of the echidna's reply. Still, it was easy to claim such things - Ed had no more cause or reason to believe the person before him than he did Ed. Still, now that the Neo-Freedom Fighters were mentionned, the echidna did seem rather familiar, so at least one part of his testimony was true.

"Very well then," began the human, "if that is truly the case, then I see no reason why I shouldn't release the boy for you to do with him as you please. Like you quite rightly said, this is by far more your concern than mine."

With that, Ed relaxed a little, then stepped aside and back so as to no longer shield the rodent. Seizing the opportunity, Alonzo bolted towards the room's exit in order to escape.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

'Heroes, pah!' Alonzo thought to himself. 'Who're they kidding? This world is too dark for that... ain't nothing that's going to save us!'

The rat's fleeing stopped short however, as he tripped over a long cable that extended from one end of the office room to a ruined computer terminal, crashing to the ground. "Damn..." he muttered.

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