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The Rise and Fall

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Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Fine be me too Pach...we were hatching some rough plans, but nothing substantial as yet. We're kinda waiting on the Boathouse, Warehouse and Hospital too, to try to tie in time periods, so extra delay is fine lol :lol )


Ianthe immeadeately grabbed her staff, swinging it off her shoulder and holding it in front of her in one hand. "Get back!" she called to Tech, waiving him away with her other hand.

The leapordess had seen her movements, and immeadeately marked her down as the more dangerous one, altering her course to charge at her! Ianthe just stood in the middle of the road, stock still, waiting.

The leapord came closer...closer...

Suddenly there was a flurry of movement as Ianthe swung her staff, catching the leapord on the cheek as she drew close! She let out a cry of pain and staggered slightly, her course waivering off.

Ianthe continued to move in a smooth, fluid arc, using the momentum from the strike to spin her round and sideways, out of the way of her attacker! As she piruhetted around, she once again brought her staff flying across to impact the leapord's head, this time on the back of her skull! She staggered forward, almost falling over, holding her head in pain.

Then came the finisher! The staff rammed into her back end first, slamming her forward onto a large pile of rubble! She let out another cry as she landed, grazing her knees and hands. Ianthe came to a stop, bent low, staff flung out behind her, her brown cloak swaying over her shoulder from the momentum. She was incredibly fast, and graceful, both at once, and her skill with the staff was impressive!

The leapordess picked herself up again, brushing a hand across her face. She wasn't finished yet! Ianthe just regarded her calmly, waiting for the next move. As she did so, her eyes also flicked across to Tech...the leapordess seemed to have forgotten about him for the moment...that could prove usefull...

(OOC: Not meaning to be too powerfull here or anything...just intro-ing Ianthe's fighting style.

Small note, on Thursday I may be going on holiday for a few days...I'll keep you posted.)

Posts: 407
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OOC: Have fun if you do go man. ^_^

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Exactly what Jet said, Wraith. :)

The leopardess continued to tend to her newly acquired wounds with her arms, whilst her eyes narrowed in looking towards Ianthe. The narrowed eyes suddenly transformed into widened pupils and at last tears began to stream down upon her face.

This at first confused Ianthe such a reaction from a vicious and earlier enraged feline was unexpected, and she certainly didnt expect for the feline to bend down and reach for a wayward small piece of rubble, as the leopardess hurtled it towards Ianthes face. Ianthe easily ducked her head to the side to cleanly avoid it, but even then the projectile was easily off course and stood no chance of harming the squirrel anyway. What kind of attack was that?

The leopardess looked increasingly alarmed by the failure of her attempt, and her tears became ever increasing in intensity. Her left arm soothed her cheek, whilst her right tended to the back of her head. Her back hurt less compared to the other two, but even then it still stung badly!

The leopardess turned to almost run away, she could see that there would be nothing to gain here at all, but as she turned she tripped over an out jutting rock and fell other onto her front completely. Wincing at the pain, she tried to quickly pick herself up again, but this ended in failure as she fell over yet again.

Roooooaaar! The leopard let out a hurtful cry of pain, anger and anxiety. She had had enough, nothing was seeming to work out here. All she wanted now was to escape, run away, but that seemed to be denied from her.

Losing hope in being able to get away, the leopardess simply collapsed in her place and once again begun shivering. She laid there on the floor, in a foetal position, continually crying.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member


IC: Tech knew it could be a bad idea, but he couldn't help himself. It was in his nature to help others if he can, and the leopardess certainly looked troubled.
Tech cautiously went over to where she was laying on the ground and simply asked her,"Why did you attack us? Were you in trouble?"


Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: sorry for the extremely long wait for this post, ive just been really unmotivated during these holidays... for EVERYTHING. i dunno wots gotten into me, but luckily Sword wasnt in a position that affected anybody. still, sorry bout that. awesome stuff going on here. man jet and wraith, you two have really been going at it lol. your new character is awesome wraith. i was wondering what happened to that cheetah as well, good to have her back, she interesting ^^. anywayz on with the post, hope it was worth the wait. not much happens ^^;;;

IC: Sword studied the spiders actions. Hed figured she would play little part in the proceedings, or rather his role in them, but she intrigued him. At first she simply appeared to be a lackey of that annoying bat, albeit a skilled one, but now pulling a sai on your own leader? Then not using it? Then there was also her elusive response to his question earlier.

She remained an enigma.

Still, there were more pressing matters at hand. With Sachio now dead it would be far more difficult to gain the information he required, his only remaining led being Morgaine. He had to ensure that she did not go the way of her bother. He turned and began heading along the beachfront, retracing his steps. Three figures remained on the beach, the associate of Sachio and Morgaine, Lienna, who appeared to be encased in a web, no doubt one of the spiders abilities, and the two overlanders, still lying unconscious in the sand. Tracks left by Morgaine and the fox lead to a boathouse not too far away. The boathouse jutted out over the water.

Sword paused, a feeling of apprehension filling him.

The sensation had been there for a while now, pushed to the back of his mind as he focussed on the matters at hand. There it had stayed, nibbling slowly at the base of his skull. Now it had begun to surface. His neck muscles tightened. He fought it, forcing his disciplined mind to swamp the feeling, to drown it out, to shove it back into the depths of his subconscious. He had a task and he would complete it.

He continued onward, pushing for each step. The boathouse drew closer, inch by slow inch. His foot set down on wet sand. The abrupt change in temperature jolted his senses. He looked down slowly as his toes curled downward. The sand pushed up between them as his talons easily dug through the grains. Moisture soaked into the material covering his foot. A wave broke on shore, the white froth rushing up to meet Sword before losing pace and backing away. His gaze followed it back, back into the endless expanse of deep blue that stretched up to and across the entire horizon, only broken by white crest of a peaking wave or the glare of the sun reflecting off its surface. Then it struck; a wall of all consuming fear that hit with the force of a jet in full flight. It ploughed through, washing over him as ocean waves now did Sachio. He had to get away.

He had to get away.

He had to run!

It was coming!


Good fight, youre improving quickly

I should hope so, otherwise Ill never beat you, Sword replied to his companion, sitting down and leaning back on a large boulder that was covered in numerous, and some very deep, grooves.

The darker eagle next to him chuckled a little. What makes you think you can? he asked, grinning at him and breathing heavily.

Sword made an amused sound, a one sided smile developing on his face. He leaned his head back on the rock and released a breath of air.

You look thirsty. Take a swig of this, his companion said, throwing a water skin at him and wiping a few drops away from his beak.

Thanks, replied Sword, taking a swig. The water pour out quickly, relieving his parched mouth.

Say, how long have you been able to activate Arch Blade anyway?

My first time was just before our last fight.

Riiiight, the eagle looked at him sceptically, why didnt you use it then huh?

Gotta keep one ace up your sleeve, besides, I could barely hold it. You might have noticed I only used it this time because I couldnt see any other way to win. If I tried it as my opening move I wouldnt have lasted 20 seconds.

Drains you that quick eh?

Thats right, keep boasting.

He laughed again. Ill tell you what. Meet me here tomorrow and Ill try help you out with it. The key to Arch Blade is to be disciplined enough to his voice trailed off as his gaze focused over Swords shoulder.

Sword noticed this immediately and turned to see what had caught his attention. His eyes widened. The eastern sky had turned a deep orange, as though the sky were burning. The colour quickly spread, enveloping the light blue, the sky being painted by an invisible hand until only a rim at the edge of the horizon remained. Multiple objects streaked through the sky, searing white hot as they flew through the atmosphere, many breaking up, the smaller fragments vaporising quickly. Past these one large meteorite dominated the fiery background, cutting the sky in two with its long burning tail. It flew over at an unimaginable speed, passing the two eagles and the village below in a matter of seconds before disappearing near the horizon.

The ocean seemed to boil for a moment, a fraction of a second, before it rose. It rose higher and higher, speeding toward the coastline. Screams echoed from the village beneath as the eagles fled. The ocean at the beachfront turned eerily calm before being sucked back, pulled hundreds of metres out, to join the wall of blue rushing upon them.


Sword turned and ran. He ran as hard and fast as he could, all rational thought having been forced out of his mind. He had to get away. He hurdled the beach wall, his talons gouging the pavement as he landed. Sprinting down the road he rapidly approached a large group of Mobians before a blast emanating from that area made him start, jolting him back to his senses.

He skidded to a halt, his mind reeling, his breath coming hard. He paused, taking in the scene before thinking better of being in the open as a new volley of gunshots sounded from the group in front of him. He dashed behind a fence. Sword leaned against it and closed his eyes, regathering his thoughts before silently cursing himself.

Idiot! How could you let fear gain control like that. He shook his head violently.

Sword stood perfectly still, eyes still closed, thinking. Opening them again he looked up at the tall building towering over him. A hotel. All may not be lost. If that was Sachio and Morgaines hideout, which was probable considering the sizeable force outside it, there was a high possibility that their office would contain information on their weapon dealings. The main problem was, which office on which floor.

He looked around the corner again at the two warring gangs. The front entrance would be very difficult to get through. Scanning around he noticed a familiar sight, the G.U.N. helicopter that had pursued him from the raid sight had found the abandoned Hum Vee and were now heading over toward the hotel, obviously having noticed the series of explosions going off in the area.

A small smile formed at the edges of Swords mouth. This could be used to his benefit.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

The Beach

Azieral sighed to herself. She wasnt sure whether she was making the right decision or not, but at the moment that wasnt her main interest right now. Rather, she had difficulty deciding on what exactly to do now.

The explosions and gun shots from the hotel before her made it evidently clear that Plugg and the rest of the Nocturnes were doing the job they were supposed to do. And, on the infiltration team, they had at least performed half of the their chosen mission. Sachio was dead, and their was one more left. That being of Morgraine. Her fate was rather quite crucial, as it would help be a deciding factor for Azieral herself on whether the man who laid unconscious in her myriad of arms would live or die.

Morgraine, and her opponent, Arista, were still in the boathouse. That much was sure, as Azieral strange affinity with the Chaos Emeralds meant that she could sense its location. She wasnt sure on what she should have done, to go towards the boathouse and finish off Morgraine alongside Arista, or but rather get Lucent himself to a safer area.

On the beach, Azieral could see three figures. Two of them, the Overlanders, were lying still, unconscious. The third, Lienne, continued to struggle with no success at freeing herself from her webbed cocoon.

Perhaps she should, after having placed Lucent in a safe and secure location, made sure she solved and finished the situation developing within the hotel itself, effectively attacking Morgraines forces from behind. But no, rather it would be most beneficial for herself, and all of the Nocturnes if it was that she had went to the boathouse, and helped Arista finish off Morgraine once and for all.

And that is what she started to do.

She darted forwards, running at a constant pace towards the boathouse that became ever nearer and nearer. Within minutes, even with Lucents extra weight crippling her, Azieral had arrived at the boathouse. The door to the entrance was open, and through this Azieral peered inside to see just what was occurring.

Within the darkness, Azieral could make out three figures? The numbers didnt add up. After a short while, Azieral was able to make out the shapes of the figures and identify that it seemed that two of them, one of them being Arista, were next to each, almost squaring up against Morgraine. Azieral didnt know who the stranger was, but as long as it made things considerably easier for themselves it didnt much matter.

Azieral drew from her satchel with one of her arms a Sai, and then proceeded to throw it towards Aristas feet. If Arista had taken the moment to move forwards at all, her feet would have been stabbed, but as it stood the blade had cut through the air and landed imbedded within the wooden planks. Arista was able to see that, indeed, a blade was now there, seemingly from nowhere, and she was then able to pick it up.

But where had it come from? As she quickly darted her eyes around the boathouse, she was eyeing for any other figures, or enemies, that intended for the blade to actually hit Arista. At last, she could see Azieral, looking towards her, holding the battered and wounded Lucent, slip and slink back into the shadows as she allowed the pair of Arista and Jet continue their battle with the dreaded Morgraine, with herself as an observer.

Station Square Streets

The leopardess looked up towards Tech, her face streaming with tears as the young boy spoke out to him. Why did you attack us? Were you in trouble? he had asked. The leopardess simply gritted her teeth together, and in a swift motion, had swung her claws out and scrapped Techs leg!

The boy screamed out in surprise, and Ianthes took this sign to attack their own attacker, swinging and aiming to slam the staff down, but already the leopardess had jumped back and out of the weapons range. Ianthe tensed and narrowed her eyes, looking at the leopardess and gauging her opponent, ready for when to attack. But instead, the leopardess turned, and this time was finally able to run away without tripping over. Before the pair of Ianthe or Tech could do anything, she had vanished within the shadows of an alleyway, and disappeared into another street away from them.

Tech wasnt really hurt, it was only a shallow scratch, but it was still a surprise!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: It's confirmed...I'm away until Monday. Last post will probably be tomorrow.

Seleth, welcome back, and I just have to say, that post was something else! Awesome stuff man!

And without further ado...)


Ianthe stood stock still for a moment, before slowly lowering her staff again. "Hm." she muttered. "What was that all about?" Before Tech could reply, she turned, her emerald eyes focusing on him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." replied Tech, a hand on his leg.

Ianthe stepped forward and knelt down, prizing the weasel's hand off the wound long enough to look at it. "It isn't deep." she evaluated. "You'll be okay."

"That's what I get for trying to be nice." muttered Tech a little sarcastically.

Ianthe nodded. "You can't trust anybody out here, no matter how helpless and down they look." she replied. Slowly she turned and looked down the road after the leapord, sighing slightly. "You can't help but feel sorry for them though." she murmured whistfully.

Tech looked up, supprised by her display of emotion. Maybe there was more to Ianthe than her cool, calm exterior belayed!

The squirrel stood again and offered her hand to him, pulling him onto his feet. "Keep your eyes open." she continued as she did so. "We may not have seen the last of her. Let's stay alert."

Tech nodded in reply, and side by side they set off once again down the road. As they walked, Tech noticed Ianthe seemed to be murmuring something to herself under her breath...her lips were moving slightly, and her breath was coming out in short, controlled whispers...


Ari jumped at the THUD of the sai as it impacted ahead of her, but when she spotted Azerial moving away she smiled slightly. Well, if the spider wanted to help her, who was she to argue???

The Chaos Emerald might still come in handy, but she could keep that as the joker up her sleeve. She grabbed the sai from the rotting wood, picking it up in her good right hand and brandishing it ready for attack or defence. Wether Morgaine had seen where it came from or not she wasn't certain, but she seemed supprised to see it in her hand!

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

<b>OOC:</b> thanks wraith ^^. btw, just so everyone knows the two overlanders can be controlled by anybody for any purpose, afterall, Sword has just left them there to do their own thing and they were NPC to start with anyway. keep in mind that they were part of the weapons raid group though.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: Okay Bent told me to go ahead and update the boathouse scene, so here goes something! Let me know if something needs changing ok? I don't care WHAT it is! If you don't like something, tell me! ^_^


Jet's unusual attack had sent him flying backwards and he skidded a ways hitting his head against the floor again. He paused a moment and rubbed his head as he stood up. He ran his finger across one spot again. He thought he felt something. YUP! He had a cut on the back of his head now. Cement does tend to do that after all.

It was now Morgaine against Arista and Jet. At first glance, Ari looked much more rugged than the clean-cut, leather-clad weasel despite the fact that he was now covered in dust and bleeding from the cut he got after skidding across the floor.

That is a common mistake people make if they don't know who he is. A common idea was that he's a weak little wanna-be. Usually brought on because of his physical appearance.

Those large ears ears were cute, but the large size also allowed his hearing to be far better than many.

Many also assume he can't do much because of his lengthy tail. That's not true either. His tail was quite aesthetically appealing too, but it helped him to be able to jump around and be the "acrobat" he was by helping him balance jumps. He simply swishes it around and it helps him stay oriented the way he wants.

The final myth is that he is an unarmed weakling. Jet doesn't use guns, poles, or even daggers like what Ari used. He used his claws! They were really all he needed. They were stronger than what was normal for weasels. he can tear metal with them if he uses enough force. His tail was a weapon too. It wasn't big and bushy just to be cute. The thick fur helped keep him from hurting it when he fought! It acted as "padding" to prevent injury.

(OOC: I'm sorry if that was random or boring. I wanted to get something in about how Jet fights and such. I thought it would be a good idea. :) )

Jet was ready when Ari was as he bore his claws and swished his tail a few times waiting for Morgaine to make her move.
Ari stood right by him with the dagger that the spider spectator had thrown to her. They both stood ready and waiting as Morgaine approached them.

"Well Foxmink. What's this? Too big of a baby to do your own battles so you get weasel boy to help?" she laughed. "A lot of good HE'S gonna do! He can't even make a proper entrance without hurting himself!" She couldn't use the full length of the whip. So she tied a few knots near the handle so the long lethery end was short enough for use. She then drew back her whip and lashed out at the two fighters. Ari and Jet leaped back just missing the whip.

Ari clenched the dagger and made a rush at Morgaine! Before she could pull her whip back completely Ari rushed past and cut her shoulder with the blade! It wasn't deep though. It wasn't on the arm she weilded her whip with either.

"Aaaugh!!" Cried Morgaine as she stepped back grabbing her shoulder. "You're gonna PAY for that foxie!" She bellowed as she turned towards the fox and ran forward kicking Ari in the stomach! Ari stumbled back a few feet. She was still standing though.

Just as Ari fell back a bit, Jet did a round house kick that sent Morgaine into the floor! Morgaine was barely phased and knocked Jet's legs out from under him with her leg and got up before the weasel did.

He was about to get up when Morgaine's foot met his ribcage with a sickening "THUNK"! She then used her whip's handle to bash his head! Which didn't do a thing for the cut he recieved there! Ari winced but saw her chance to attack again and kicked Morgaine in the back knocking her forwards. "Ooof!"she yelped.

Jet just knelt a moment with his arms wrapped around him in pain. He got up after a few seconds though and charged at Morgaine again! Morgaine was ready with her modified whip again and lashed at Jet! But just before it hit him he jumped over Morgaine and slammed his fists into the back of her head as he landed behind her! She stumbled a forwards and was met with Ari's leg to her side before she hit the floor!

"Nice!" Jet responded. "Thanks." She replied to the weasel.

Morgaine finally stood up. She was now as beaten and bruised up as Ari and Jet were. She decided to try to get the weasel first. Then it would be easier to get at the already injured fox. Before Jet could react Morgaine managed to wrap the end of her whip around one of his legs and pull it back hard enough to send him across the floor into a support beam to the roof. He hit with such force that it broke!

Now debris and splintered wood rained down from the ceiling as the boathouse was barely being held up by anything due to the damage it recieved. Morgaine the managed to grab Ari's arm the same way and throw her too! She flew into Jet slamming his body into the floor even harder than before. The whole time Morgaine laughed at the scene unfolding before her. She then strolled over to where they had fallen with her whip held in an almost casual position, as if to mock Ari and the weasel she was sitting on.

Ari sat rubbing her now soar arm and Jet simply layed on the ground a bit stunned from the impact!

"You ok?" Jet asked. "I'm fine!" Ari snapped back.

"Did I hurt your arm?" Morgaine spoke sarcastically. "Good!" she sneered as she stood over the two drawing her whip back planning to end it!

Ari didn't realize it at the moment, but she was pinning Jet as she was sitting on his stomach. Jet looked down and noticed his tail was free. Then he got an idea.

"Get ready to attack." he whispered to Ari who simply looked up to see Morgaine about to strike. Jet had just enough room to hit her legs with his tail. So he did. He whipped his tail back and hit Morgaine's legs causing her to stammer back. "Hit her now! he cried. Then Ari jumped to her feet and kicked Morgaine hard enough to send her skidding backwards!

Jet finally was able to get up! He and Arista both went over to where the hedgehog was. Morgaine was laying on the floor in a slight daze when Jet walked up to her and placed his foot on her arm and grabbed her whip tossing it aside!

"You won't be needing this anymore!" he said glaring at the Hedgehog as he took a step back. Ari was standing close by with the dagger in hand in case Morgaine tried anything.

Jet is a fairly tough weasel. He can endure a lot of stuff and injury happens to be one of them. But that doesn't mean he doesn't get hurt. He had stepped back to wait for Morgaine's next move when he felt his chest hurt slightly. He was certain he had no broken bones, but he did have an uncomfortable feeling in the back of his throat. He bent over a bit to try and ease it somehow, or maybe try to clear whatever was in it. As he did though, a small trickle of blood began flowing from his mouth! He hadn't felt anything wrong with his mouth either! No cuts, no missing teeth, no bitten tongue.

"Uh-oh! Maybe that kick did more than I thought!" he said as Ari just stood watching him and Morgaine at the same time.

OOC: Wow! That's long! I basically decided to let Jet take the most thrashing. His injury is not too bad cause he'll survive. I wanted to illustrate that he can take some damage even though he's not fully aware of this yet. I don't want him to come off as being too strong though, and I'm not comfortable completly trashing someone else's character. Whoever wants to can go ahead and trash him some more. I hope my post doesn't suck too bad! As I said, I'll change it if you ask me too. =)

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

OOC: Thinking about Rejoining this one- but got to figure where me two main chars are. DeLougere and Sirus.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Nicely written, Jet. A very well described series of events there and I think the injuries given and taken were fair.

It's nice to see you thinking of rejoining Mike, however, as for your characters... whilst nothing had happened to Sirus since his last appearance, DeLougere's dead. The crazy rabbit went and ignited a crashed and burning truck that blew himself up completely.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

(OOC: Guess Alex aint meeting his dad then, eh? Well thats cool that leaves Sirus and I think I had a Sage, too. Heh.)

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Hmm, I don't think I ever actually intended to introduce Alex into this RP at all. I don't think he'd have been able to survive the last 5 years.

And yeah you did have a Sage, who sort of vanished during the time when the group searched for Arista.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Thanks Pach! I'm glad you think it's good.
Hi Mike. It'd be awesome to have you back!
I'm not sure, but I think your sage disappeared around the time the rabbit was killed. =/

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

OOC: If Pach gets on MSN we could talk and stuff, but yeah Im back in.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: can we just reconfirm the location of the Chaos Emeralds? i cant find the last post on who had em. i remember GUN had three (dunno wot colours), Lucent has the yellow one and Frost has two (again dunno wot colours) but whos got the last one? we've talked about this befoer but i cant remember ^^;

Posts: 108
Estimable Member


Sorry for the lack of updates on my part people, i've had serious writer's block :(

I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to say that Brent and i are both going to be awqay on a 3 day camp starting this wednesday, so that will obviously mean no updates in that time.

I'll try to get a post up tomorrow if i can, but if i don't then that obviously means there won't be one 'til saturday.

Sorry for the long wait everyone :(

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: As you said, G.U.N has three of them located across different parts of the world. The colour of these Chaos Emeralds is unknown.

1st one:
Two of them are located in secret G.U.N Outposts in the most inhospitable places in the world. Bill replied. One of them is in the freezing climate conditions of the Ice Hoven continent up north. Where exactly around there though isnt known safety measures, but its located on that place.

2nd one:
Another is located across the Sahanra desert region, an area Im sure you can guess is completely different from the Ice Hoven. And again, where exactly in that vast expanse of desert I dont really know. Again, safety purposes.

3rd one:
Absolutely no information about that at all. Nothing. We havent a clue where it is, unfortunately. G.U.N is reported to have it, but this is the ultimate means of defence, by not even telling each other where it is.

Arista has Lucents yellow Chaos Emerald.

Frost has two other Chaos Emeralds, one of them a light blue given by Dr. Eggman and the other a red one which he stole from the truck.

As for the last one, I dont think there was ever any mention of it.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Real sorry everyone, doesn't look like i'll be getting that post up tonight. it's 10PM here atm and i've been spending most of my time afterschool trying to find missing books and packing stuff for camp tomorrow.

Not to mention trying to organise my homework schedule, (it's a study camp so we actually have to do homework while on the camp itself!).

And on top of everything else, i'm not feeling confident in my writing at the moment, almost out of the writer's block but don't feel quite there yet. :(

I'll try as best i can come weekend.

Take care everyone!

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: No worries Eclipse. I'm a bit short on ideas too. Good luck at that study camp.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I'm back from holiday all^^

Jet, nice post! You always say you aren't good with battle scenes, but that seemed to work out fine^^ Well done! I'll try to update there with Ari too,k and maybe in the Hospital, since Eclipse is away. One more you want to put in another thing with Ianthe and Switch before I do, or not? Just thinking about that last bit where Switch may notice Ianthe talking to herself, but maybe not. If you haven't updated tomorow I'll do it.

Mike, awesome to have you back man! Good to hear, and welcome! Look forward to seeing more of your characters, especially Sirius!

Pach and Seleth, the seventh emerald has been mentioned: Wraith has it. It hasn't been mentioned where he keeps it, but it's in his posession. No color has been mentioned, but I've been thinking about bringing that in sometime soon, and I was thinking...if nobody minds, could his be the grey emerald? It would make sence, since he is the joint guardian of the emeralds (with his brother Knux) that he would prize the control emerald most of all, and would have taken even more care than normal to make sure it didn't get lost like the others. Let me know what you all think, but yeah, that's where the 7th emerald is.

James and Brent, again, no worries^^ I had a holiday myself lol^^ I'll try to continue Wraith and Myst's scene while you're away.

There, I think that wa everything I needed to say. IC tomorrow all being well^^)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: I don't mind if you add to the Tech and Ianthe scene. ^_^ Go ahead. And thanks for the compliment Wraith. I must have edited that post 5 times at least! :x

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Wraith was having trouble with the stairs, but he kept his mouth shut. Not only would it cause problems he didn't need right now with his escort, making a sound would alert Lucent to their approach, and that could cause problems!

He swallowed hard as he climbed the stairs, ignoring as best he could the pain in his knee. Myst was still behind him, alone in her own thoughts. What is she thinking anyway...she's been quiet since we came back in.

They reached the second to top floor and set off down the corridor, heading for the stairs to the very top level of the building. There was no noise around, and Wraith was getting worried. surely if Lucent was back, he would be fighting David and the others, and if they were fighting, then were was the noise? Had the bat polished them all off already?

He narrowed his eyes as he stepped down the dark corridor. The sterile, chemical, hospital smell still permiated the building, despite it's age, and it was starting to give him a headache. Or was it the pain in his leg that was doing that? Either way, he didn't particularly feel well.

It happened in a flash, so quick that neither he nor Myst had a chance to cry out! One moment they were walking free down the corridor, the next something had grabbed them from behind, clamping a powerful grip over their mouths and pinning them from behind with considerable force! Wraith struggled , but try as he might, he simply couldn't break free from the grip! Whatever it was that was holding them, it was strong!

He could hear Myst struggling too over to his side, but because of the angle he was being held at, he couldn't see her. He cursed himself in his head. Great, he had walked straight into the trap! Lucent had been waiting for them, probably in one of the rooms off the corridor to the side, and now they were in his grasp, helpless! The bat was far stronger than he had anticipated!

Hold on...if Lucent had captured them, how come he had captured Myst too...?

Doors further down the corridor opened and he saw two figures step out. The corridor was far too dark to see their features, but one seemed reasonably tall, the other quite short. Their heads seemed irregular, as though they were wearing something, but what, he couldn't make out.

The figures stepped forward, but remained in the shadow, apparently being careful to keep their faces hidden. It occured to Wraith that maybe they wouldn't be able to see his or Myst's faces either, not that it particularly mattered. They had them imobilised securely anyway.

The taller of the two figures spoke, his voice muffled by some kind of padding. "Alright, neither of you move, you got that? We're looking for information. Give it to us, and you won't be harmed."

(OOC: Got a few things on atm, so will edit in other scenes later.^^)


Warrick stood, despite his wounds, squinting through the smoke and flame, looking for movement. Nothing...

It can't be that easy...?

Behind him, Agis quickly stood and stepped alongside him, following his gaze and at the same time exposing the icy cuffs on her wrists to the raging heat of the motorbike! The ice began to melt, and slowly she felt feeling returning to her fingers.

"Whoever you are...thank you." she muttered quietly. Warrick shot her a glance.

"Don't let your guard down."

WHAM no sooner had the man spoken than Agis was sent flying backwards almost the width of the warehouse, slamming into the opperations desk and sending papers flying everywhere! Warrick raised his gun, but he was too late...the split second destraction was all it took!

A cold hand clamped around his throat, while another grabbed his wrist, twisting it and forcing him to drop the shotgun! He felt himself bodily lifted into the air, a cold, icy film forming around his neck.

He looked down into Frost's sinister eyes. "I've had enough of you." hissed the hedgehog, no longer humerously sarcastic. His body was blackened...wether burned or just black with soot Warrick couldn't tell, but there were definitely6 scars on his skin! The explosion had injured him, although the extent of those injuries were uncertain...Warrick's eyes bulged as he saw no less than two Emeralds in his hands! They must have protected him from the explosion too!

Frost let go of Warrick's wrist and slowly pulled back his hand, gaining a run up for his fist! The movement was slow...apparently he wanted Warrick to wait for the impact.

Something he wasn't prepared to do. Warrick swung his leg forward as hard as he could, aiming a powerful kick at Frost's midsection! Just as his kick connected, the hedgehog launched his punch!

Had the situation not been so tense it would have been comical! Both figures went flying backwards, Warrick clean across the warehouse much the same way as Agis had done, and Frost backwards and down, landing on his back and skidding some way across the floor! Instantly he was on his feet again, but arrick, already injured, took somewhat longer.

"It's time you learned to give up!" spat Frost as he tossed both his Chaos Emeralds into his pockets and clenched his fists, racing forwards towards Warrick as though to pound him into the wall! "Die!" Warrick steeled himself, but he knew the impact would be deadly...this could be the killer...

Suddenly something shot out in front of Frost's headlong charge, clotheslining him as he ran! He fell over backwards, his momentum throwing him into the air and performing multiple backflips before he flew clean over Warrick and impacted on the wall behind him with a CRASH! As he fell to the floor, Warrick span round, looking for the scourse of the attack!

Agis grinned, her long, whispy ears twitching as she slowly lowered her powerful, muscular leg. "Time we tought this jerk a lesson!" she exclaimed, slamming one fist into the palm of her other hand towards Warrick.

Frost had actually been stunned by the impact with the wall, such was his speed, and now he picked himself up, slowly this time, putting a hand to his forehead. One thing was certain about his manner though...he was mad!

Before he could completely regain his sences though, Agis moved in! Using her skill with Kickboxing, she spun around, delivering a huge roundhouse kick to the hedgehog's back and slamming him into the wall once again! "This is for all the gang members you've killed here!" she spat as she swung again, slamming Frost's temple with her heel and sending him flying across the floor towards the pile of bodies! "Jaxxon...Moses...Ali..." She began to recite the names one by one, punctuating each one with a savage kick to the hedgehog's body, knocking him across the warehouse into what remained of the furnature. "Crimson...Jeth..."

Warrick took the oppertunity to reclaim his shotgun, and as he picked it up from where it had fallen, he spun round, ready to offr any assistance he could...

"Creyala..." WHUMP blurring movement, and the powerful kick was blocked by an arm! Shocked by the sudden movement, Agis momentarilly froze mid-kick, unsure of what to do next!

Frost's eyes flicked open, narrow, wether from anger or pain, but cold and unfeeling none the less.



WHOP once again Agis found herself flying as Frost slammed a punch into her stomach, so powerful that this time she was actually thrown clean through the wall of the warehouse, causing a shower of plaster and bricks to fall around and on top of her! She lay still, unmoving.

Warrick raised his gun, but by the time he had fired Frost was no longer there. Quick as a flash, the hedgehog bounded up the balcony and climbed towards the huge hole in the warehouse wall that had been caused by the exploding motorbike! A thin girder remained, bent like a twig, cutting across the hole and silluhetted against the daylight behind! Frost jumped onto the girder, himself becoming a silluhette, and turned to face the GUN Captain with his fists clenched tight!

"You're more trouble than you're worth!" he roared angrily. "It's time you were finally put out of your misery!"

Warrick glanced around the warehouse, reviewing his options. He knew Frost had climbed up there to gain an extra run-up, intending to finish him once and for all! One thing the hedgehog hadn't noticed, though, was the noise in the background, slowly getting louder...

"Wrong, Frost!" he roared in reply. "It's you that's going down today!"

"Insolent wretch!" spat the hedgehog, looking down at him. "You'll never defeat me!"

"Maybe not, but they sure will!"

THUD-THUD-THUD-THUD... suddenly the air in the warehouse was whipped up into a storm and a deafening, repetative thumping noise filled the air, so loud that what remained of the windows in the old, ricketty warehouse shattered and rained to the floor with a crashing of glass! Frost spun round, looking out the gaping hole in the wall, to see the massive GUN helicopter dropping down not ten feet away from him, blinding searchlight and multiple heavy guns all trained on his small form! He shielded his eyes from the blinding light and the powerful wind, crouching slightly to avoid being blown clean off the girder...!

(OOC: Hope I played Warrick and Frost okay here...I wanted to have Agis see a little more action, and I had a vision of that last bit where the copter drops down right outside the warehouse...I just had to try that bit! Hope it's ok with everyone.

Oh and another thing...does Frost have pockets? I've put them in here, since I don't know where he'd keep the Emeralds otherwise, but if it's wrong let me know and I'll edit.)

Midtown Station Square:


Ianthe's eyes flicked over to him. "What?"

"I didn't catch what you said."

"I didn't say anything."

Tech blinked. "Oh, sorry. I just thought that the whispering...sorry, my bad."

"Whispering?" repeated Ianthe, a puzzled frown coming to her face. Apparently it was a rehtorical question soon as she spoke, she turned her head back to the road ahead, apparently not awaiting any answer.

She was traveling at some pace, and Tech found he was beginning to have trouble keeping up! They traveled for a long way in silence...the weasel was trying to think of something to say, but every time he looked across at Ianthe she seemed like she didn't want to talk. Her face was straight and emotionless, her only movements glancing down the back alleys they passed for any sign of life!

Then as they turned into another street, Tech spotted some figures moving on the road ahead...five of them, each with powerful looking rifles slung over their arms. They were moving from one pile of wreckage to another, seemingly rooting around in them looking for something. Tech nudged Ianthe on the shoulder, pointing to the gang.

"Over there." Ianthe murmured quickly, nodding her head to the doorway of an old block of flats. Quickly the two of them dived into the darkness, hoping they hadn't been seen...!

(OOC: Again, short on time. Arista's update when I can.)

Posts: 407
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OOC: just letting the world know I'm not dead. XD

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I'm still here too, but been ill these past few days, plus I'm having trouble working out where to go with Ari. I may just wait for Ben to post before updating her, as I can't help but feel I'll be repeating myself somewhat. Still here though^^ Jet, if you want to carry on with Tech and Ianthe while we wait for the others, I'm still game...up to you.

Posts: 407
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OOC: That works. XD I'm gonna get Amanda in here too I think. =)



It was the afternoon. It was nice out if you could get past the distant strom clouds that seemed to be approaching the city.

(OOC: I seem to recall mention of a storm somewhere. Correct me if I'm wrong though. ^^;)

Station Square has been through a lot! Across the river was were a piece of ARK actually landed. The buildings were more damaged here than some other areas. There was a small white, two story house with a fair share of damage to the outside. It was still standing though.

Inside the small house a young female mole was impatiently waiting for her friends to meet her. More specifically, she was waiting for Tech and her boyfriend Jet to come back. Amanda was getting worried.

"Those two!" she said. "They always do this! They take off and don't return until hours later!"

Amanda has know Jet for almost 10 years. She's dated him for 5 of those years. They've grown very close. If Jet wasn't fighting gangs, helping Tech with his computer stuff or doing research at a library, you could bet he was with Amanda.

Amanda was pacing in the living room and watching an old clock. "Ack! It's 3:00 in the afternoon!" she exclaimed. "They went to the library at around 10:00 this morning!" growing more nervous with worry with each word she spoke.

"Oh Jet. What'd you two get involved with this time?" she wondered knowing that all she could do was stay there and wait for him and Tech. She simply sat down on one of the sofas and tried not to worry.

If she knew that Jet was fighting Morgaine, she'd probably faint with fear for what could happen. She wouldn't feel much better about Tech's situation either unfortunatly.

No! She had no clue what those two were up to. Amanda could only do one thing. The hardest thing of all when it comes to someone you love. She could only wait.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: IM BACK BABY!!! just so you know, okay i got back a few days ago but still... just lettin ya know i am dead and you cant be recieving this post due to that fact. now, ah... o... wait... you are...never mind ^^; anywayz im just waiting on either ben or james to post on the gang fight so i can update sword.

also thanks to pachmac and wraith for the info from my question before. i thought all the chaos emeralds had been mentioned at some point, i just couldnt remember who had which.

btw jet, with your last post, are you sure it would be sunset yet? i was thinking it would only be around mid afternoon cause we had the raid scene at dawn, then travel time to sachio and morgaine's which took us to around late morning/early afternoon last time we discussed time of day. its just i wouldnt have thought that the scene on the beach could have lasted anymore than an hour or two so i was thinking more 3 o'clock, 4 at max. sorry im just a little picky about specifics :^^; . good stuff with amanda though, anyone would think that she worries about jet a lot, lol.

Posts: 407
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OOC: My bad! I fixed it! It's only 3 now. ^^;
About Amanda. Yeah, you're supposed to think that. I thought it'd be funny if Jet had to explain himself when he finally DOES meet her. XP



Ari could only stand and stare a moment. The stranger that had just helped her take down Morgaine was now hunched over coughing up his own blood.

Jet was definately in pain now! His entire body was hurting mainly because of how bad his chest hurt! It was so bad it felt like it was spreading to the uninjured parts of his beat up self. His head was hurting again too. He was able to regain his composure though. As he got up wiping away a small trail of blood near his mouth he saw Ari take out a dagger and head over towards Morgaine.

Jet got a bad feeling about it, so he gently grabbed Ari's arm and held it firm enough to prevent her from moving any closer.

"What are you doing?! Let go of me!"

Jet simply shook his head and replied, "That's enough. She's done." he spoke quietly wiping away more blood.

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Jet was very quiet for a moment. She lost her parents too?

"I understand how you feel. If losing parents justified killing, I would have slain every G.U.N agent I met!" He answered.

"They have something to do with my adoptive parents sudden disappearance. I think they know why I can't remember my biological parents too. I just KNOW IT! They know something..." He stated. "Why else would they hunt me down like an animal! They know something about my past." he said.

"But killing them won't bring my parents back any more than killing Morgaine will end her gang's murdering. They'd continue their torture with or without her." He calmly stated, still holding his grip. "If we killed her, we'd have to kill any others who try to take her place in order to stop it. Killing one to save another is still wrong. There's another way to save the innocents if we look for it." he reasoned. " I fully understand why you want her dead! But it's a mistake."

With that he suddenly let go of Ari's arm and was on his knees hunched over again clutching his chest. It was hurting him still but the sharp pain caught him off guard. "It's wrong to kill her..." He said as he glanced at the fox. He then slowly got up again.

He could do nothing. Jet can take a lot of hurt and not be slowed down. But with everything that had happened that day he felt that he was spent! He wouldn't be able to hold onto Ari now. If she struggled it could make his injury worse. If he could even figure out WHAT his was. He wouldn't be any help if he were hurt too much.

All Jet could do, was hope Ari wouldn't do anything rash. He didn't want to force his beliefs on others, but he hoped she understood his trying to stop her. He hoped she wouldn't kill the stunned hedgehog. He couldn't stand killing of any kind!


"Oh shoot!" Tech sighed. "They'll find us if she doesn't stop making so much noise!"

He ran as fast as he could to keep up. It was hard to do while he carried that staff of hers.

He got to a hallway and lost her. "Oh no! Which way?" he thought until he saw a bright red tail disappear around a corner. "Oh! There she goes!" And he quickly followed her to a large room where the squirrel once again screamed at him.

"Go away!! Leave me alone!"

"What do you mean? YOU were following ME!" Tech retorted.

OOC: Gah! I have waaay too much fun picking on Jet! His injury isn't serious for him, but it will slow him up and cause him pain for a while. XD And yeah G.U.N chases after Jet for reasons he doesn't understand.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

From the shadows of the boathouse shot forth a thin, almost invisible strand of webbing, followed by yet another strand of webbing a second later. The two fired strands, in unison, gripped Jets feet, and before he could do anything about it, the sticky substance had firmly coated his legs up to his shins and had now firmly trapped him into the ground itself.

The nave fool is incorrect. The voice sullied out from the darkness. How such a man has been able to survive this long, I dont know.

Aristas and Jets gaze darted to the sound of the voice, both of them surprised by Azieral appearance as she stepped into the light. Arista was of course less surprised since she was aware of the black widows attendance in the boathouse. Jet, of course, wasnt, and he became even more alarmed at the notice that his legs were now stuck. Try as he might to pull himself free, he couldnt!

We do not have much time, Arista. Finish Morgraine off, and lets go. Azieral powerfully commanded. Arista was now able to see that, supported within Azieral six arms was the bruised and bloody form of Lucent himself!

Who are you, and what are you talking about?! Killing is wro- Jets speech was suddenly and unexpectedly ended when his mouth was webbed shut. The remainder was little more then a series of un-comprehending mumbling.

Do you believe, Arista, that by sparing Morgraines life here, that it would change anything? That Morgraine would become a better person after a simple beating? Far from it. The wicked devil would in fact continue to kill and destroy others lives, and until her death, that is the way it would remain to be. Azieral began speaking. This nave weasel needs to understand that it is not just the law of this land, that this extends only to this city. It is in fact a law of the entire world. I have seen it happen before, foolish idiots sparing their opponents, only for them to die afterwards.

Jets eyes widened as he heard the widow speak. He didnt know who Azieral was, but even then her appearance in the boathouse wasnt comforting, nor was her words. He had to wonder though, just how she had managed to see these fools spare their opponents and eventually be killed, before considering the possibility that it was her who killed them.

She killed your parents. Think about how many other childrens parents would die if she remained to live.

Azieral narrowed all eight of her eyes on Arista.

Do it.

Posts: 407
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IC: Jet was frustrated by the spiders words. Trying to get Ari to kill Morgaine, calling him Naive, a fool, and indirectly calling him weak. He knew it was up to Ari. He REALLY couldn't do anything now. He could only try to get the webbing off.

He understood the spiders reasoning, and she did make valid points about how Morgaine wouldn't change by being spared. He also felt that whether Morgaine died or not, people were going to continue dying by the hands of her gang. Sparing Morgaine most likely would mean nothing to her. But it was one less death. He hated the thought, but he could do nothing but stare at the spider as she spoke to the fox and try to free himself.

"This is probably the worst day I've ever had!" he thought as he continued prying at the webbing covering his mouth. He tried to get it off with his claws but it was tough stuff. He was barely even able to scratch it. He finally gave in and just waited to see what the fox would do.

"Don't do it foxgirl! You won't be much better than Morgaine if you do!" he thought to himself.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Arista had been staring up at Azerial wile the spider spoke, and now her eyes dropped to Jet, looking at himwith a slightly pained expression. She could see the emotion in his eyes...even though he couldn't speak, he was willing her to avoid it.

But she couldn't. Her whole life had been leading to this...ever since she had escaped from Morgaine's clutches she had planned this had given her strength in had given her endurance when times were tough.

It was the meaning of her life now.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, shaking her head slightly at Jet. "I have to."

There was a noise behind her as Morgaine stirred...she was coming round. Arista turned, gripping the sai tighter in her paw, and stepped up to the hedgehog's body. She knelt down, placing the sai at Morgaine's neck, touching her skin. The blade was deadly sharp, and even the slightest pressure drew blood. To slice clean through her neck would be as easy as cutting butter.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed down hard.

Nothing happened. For a moment she wondered if she had slipped into a dreamworld, and time had frozen or something. But no, this was real. She could still feel the sai in her hand, she could still feel the wind whistling through the cracks in the boathouse and hear the water lapping at the wood underneath them.

Her hand had refused to move.

She bit her lip, trying again, but again her hand was frozen! She closed her eyes and averted her head, trying to remove the image of Morgaine's prone form, but still her hand refused to move!

Why? She could feel her emotions welling up inside her. I can do this...I MUST do this...! Her hand remained frozen. WHY???

Azerial stepped forward slowly, narrowing her eyes. "What are you waiting for, Arista?" she muttered sinisterly. "Finish this!"

Tears were coming to the vixen's eyes as she looked down at the sai in her hand. "I...I can't!"


"I can't! I...I'm trying!"

Morgaine stirred again, and her hand slowly clenched. Azerial began to move her arms slowly, tranferring Lucent's body over to one side as, with a free hand, she drew her other sai carefully. "She's coming round, Arista!" she cautioned. "Do it now, before she recovers!"

Ari's eyes were streaming. It's not supposed to be like this!!! She could see her parents in her mind's eye, their terrible, greusome deaths flashing before her eyes like a movie at a cinema! She could feel her blood boiling, her anger screaming inside her head, threatening to break her skull to get out! She could see herself, so many years younger, chained up at the corne of the room, screaming at her captors to stop their torture...

WHY CAN'T I DO IT??? She shook her head, gritting her teeth as though a chainsaw was cutting into her scalp! Images and words flew around her like a twister, screaming in her ears and deafening her to th world around her! I have to do this I have to do this...

She stopped shaking her head, her eyes staring blankly into space, her mind spinning so fast that she didn't even see where she was looking! I cannot do this because...because...because...

Beacons cutting through the storm.

Her eyes widened as she saw, finally, where her eyes had come to rest.

Eyes! Eyes that spoke a thousand words! Eyes that were so packed with emotion they almost burst! Eyes that called out to her, reaching out an invisible hand into her whirlpool of insanity and dragged her relentlessly into the harbour of hope! I cannot do this, because it would be wrong!


Jet blinked in supprise. He'd been called a few names in his time, but not that one! And yet, Ari's gaze didn't seem to be looking at him...true she had met his eyes, but she seemed to be staring past him, around him somehow...

Ari blinked as the world jumped back up to greet her and she found herself staring blankly into Jet's eyes. She looked away, back down at Morgaine, who was by now rolling her head to the side slowly, as though her brain was weighted. No, Jet wasn't Wraith, but his eyes had reflected the same emotion, the same feelings...

...the same revulsion of death.

Ari looked down at the sai in her hand, still held against Morgaine's neck. What had she done??? Revenge...she had wanted revenge...still she wanted it...still she wanted to slice down through the hedgehog's neck and laugh as her blood painted the wooden floor...

...but it's wrong! Wraith would never do such a thing. He was a hero, both to Mobius, and to her! He knew it was wrong. He knew it couldn't be done...!

And she knew it too! That was why she wasn't able to kill Morgaine, despite wanting to so hard! She knew, deep down inside, that no matter how bad the hedgehog might have been, it was wrong!

And when she had joined Lucent? When she had deserted the Neo-Freedom Fighters in search of her revenge? Maybe...maybe she had just had to prove to herself the fact. She had known it all along, but she didn't want to believe it!

Slowly she raised her head, her eyes wide. "Wraith!" she murmured. "Wraith, I'm sorry!"

"Arista!" Azerial's shout brought her back to reality with a jolt. "Kill!"

Ari looked down at Morgaine's sorry form, sighing slightly. There was a pause, then she slowly lifted the sai from the hedgehog's neck and stood up. "No."

Azerial's brow furrowed as she glared, but Ari turned, fixing her with a tired, but powerful gaze. "She deserves to be punished, but she needs a trial." the vixen continued quietly. "We need to imprison her, not kill her in cold blood. Tie her up with your webs." Ari stepped past the spider slowly, bending down by the still imprisoned Jet and using the sai to cut him free. "Maybe after a trial she will be found deserving of death," she continued as she worked, "but not a motive, nor a justification for a murder."

(OOC: Ianthe and Tech's additions when I can...late atm^^)

Posts: 407
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Jet fell to his knees and stared at the fox.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, shaking her head slightly at Jet. "I have to."

His chest still hurt him. His head still hurt him... And now his stomach was giving him trouble as the fox went over to where the hedgehog laid.

He knew what was coming next and he could do nothing! His heart sank and an almost wistful look appeared in his eyes as he watched.

"It's wrong to kill her..." he thought.

As the fox prepared to cut the hedgehogs neck with the sai he looked on. He wanted to look away, but something kept him from doing so.

He kept watching as she appeared to have missed. Jet swallowed hard as he saw her prepare to try again! But what was this? She was having trouble! Jet was still watching and heard the fox say she was trying to kill Morgaine, but he jumped when she turned and stared at him.

"Wraith!" she cried out!

His ears twitched slightly at her cry. Loud sounds were hard on his ears. Jet simply blinked a few times out of confusion. "Wraith?" he wondered.

Slowly Ari raised her head, her eyes wide. "Wraith!" she murmured. "Wraith, I'm sorry!"

"Arista!" Azerial's shout brought her back to reality with a jolt. "Kill!"

Ari looked down at Morgaine's sorry form, sighing slightly. There was a pause, then she slowly lifted the sai from the hedgehog's neck and stood up. "No."

She wasn't going to kill her?

Jet was very curious now, but that changed when he noticed her coming towards him!

"Oh shoot! Now what?"

What was she going to do? Was she going to hurt him for his ... lecture? He was a bit nervous as she had the sai drawn.

Azerial's brow furrowed as she glared, but Ari turned, fixing her with a tired, but powerful gaze. "She deserves to be punished, but she needs a trial." the vixen continued quietly. "We need to imprison her, not kill her in cold blood. Tie her up with your webs."

Ari stepped past the spider slowly, bending down by the still imprisoned Jet and used the sai to cut him free. "Maybe after a trial she will be found deserving of death," she continued as she worked, "but not a motive, nor a justification for a murder."

Once he was freed he took a moment to clear some web out of his mouth. Azerial did string shoot him in mid sentance after all. He was a bit annoyed though when he saw he cleared out some more blood along with the stringy webbing.

That annoyance didn't last though. He turned to meet Ari's gaze. He was greatly relieved that Ari didn't kill Morgaine.

"Thank you." he said as a very faint smile crept onto his face. "We'd better get Morgaine tied up quickly!" he said as he walked over to where she was still laying on the floor.

"Oh yeah! May I ask what your name is? My name's Jet Kabokhan. Friends call me Jet though." he said as he glanced over at the hedgehog.

OOC: I was wondering about a post like that working! You read my mind Wraith! Brilliant post!

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: woah! awesome stuff you to. especially you wraith. the emotion you were showing in arista in your last post was incredible :thumbsup . btw anybody know whats happened to ben? i guess she must be having trouble getting somewhere with net but i was just wondering if anyone knew anything. as for james ill ask him later.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Azieral narrowed her eyes in frustration. Arista did NOT kill Morgraine? What the hell was she thinking?! Azieral walked forwards, Lucent supported on one side of her body, while her other had her Sai drawn, ready to impale it into Morgraine herself!

But, after a few steps forward, she had stopped, almost in a realization of her own. Aristas mention of capturing Morgraine, and saving her for a trial was an immensely successful idea. G.U.N had order Azieral for the twins, as well as Lucents, death. But, bringing her back alive for G.U.N might have been more rewarding as it was!

Azieral put her Sai away, and shot a stream of webbing forwards, covering Morgraines prone body, and ensnaring her in the strong, sticky substance, so that she would not be able to break free.

Youre right about a trial, Azieral mentioned. Yet, who do you believe should hold it?

Arista was a bit surprised by this, and, just as she was about to speak, Azieral rose up one of her hands to stop her.

I shall take her to G.U.N, along with her brother. Azieral answered. As for you.

Arista looked surprised, and reeled back slightly.

You keep mentioning this Wraith. No doubt it is who I think it is you need to re-think your loyalties. Azieral spoke out. Lucent here is unconscious for now. If you do decide to just go on with your pathetic friends in the Neo Freedom Fighters, itd be wise to leave now. Get as far away as you can. Because when Lucent awakens, and he finds you have abandoned the Nocturnes youd be dead.

Arista was speechless by this, and after Azieral extended out in her hand, in an obvious manner that she wanted the Sai returned to her, Arista complied silently. Azierals Sai was returned, and she sheathed her in her satchel along with her other Sai.

She then bent down, and picked up Morgraines still, trapped body. Whether I see you later or not, goodbye. This was directed only to Arista, and not towards Jet. As far as Azieral was concerned, Jet was a pathetic fool, who only surprising feature was that through his naivety he had survived so long.

Exiting the boathouse, Azieral turned her gaze towards the hotel. The sounds of explosions and gun fire could be heard easily from where she was standing, and that was a matter which needed to be resolved now especially as she couldnt carry three people. She threw Morgraines cocooned form onto the ground slightly, and this sparked up a circle of dust into the air. Then, she ran forwards, towards the battle by the Nocturnes distraction force.

Making sure so as not to get too close, she went down the side of the street next to the street where the battle took place, using the buildings for her own safety. Once she had reached the area where she could see the Nocturnes, she ducked down into the alleyway, and running through it, came to its end where she could see two of the Nocturnes already; Plugg and Dirge.

Hey, Plugg! she shouted out over the gunfire. The gecko and grizzlys attention was turned to that of Azieral, and as soon as they saw her their eyes opened wide in surprise. Not just because of her arrival, but of the condition of their boss, Lucent.

H-hey! What happened to him?! Plugg shouted out. And wheres Arista?!

Were done with Sachio and Morgraine. You can make sure now to get out of here, and here, Dirge and Plugg walked towards the nearby safety of the alleyway next to Azieral, where Azieral lightened her load and handed Lucent to Dirge himself. Make sure you get him and the rest of yourselves back to the base.

Dirge nodded, but Plugg was still pressing forth the issue about Arista. What about Arista?!

Azieral was silent for a while, but relented, if only to stop Pluggs incessant questioning. You might see her again. Now, goodbye.

Azieral lithely darted off, and speeding down the way back to the beach through the adjacent street, moved further away from the sounds of gunfire (which, in itself was beginning to wane after Plugg had given the order to retreat). Within moments, the transaction had been completed and Azieral was back on the beach, next to Morgraines body again. Thankfully, nobody had moved it. Arista and Jet had warily just exited the boathouse at this time, and were surprised to see Azieral having to live up Morgraines cocooned body again. They would have said something to the black widow, but Azierals steady, hard gaze at them made them realize it would be unwise to do so.

Just so you know, that idiot Pluggs still worried about you. Azieral muttered. This surprised Arista greatly, she hardly cared about Plugg and was more concerned with Wraith himself, and just as she was about to protest, Azieral had disappeared once more, racing down the beach towards the cliff, and where Sachios prone corpse laid.

Afterall, she had to bring evidence to G.U.N that he was dead.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member


Youre right about a trial, Azieral mentioned. Yet, who do you believe should hold it?

Jet wasn't sure what the spider meant, but figured it was not good judging from the fox's suprised expression.

I shall take her to G.U.N, along with her brother. Azieral answered. As for you.

You keep mentioning this Wraith. No doubt it is who I think it is you need to re-think your loyalties. Azieral spoke out. Lucent here is unconscious for now. If you do decide to just go on with your pathetic friends in the Neo Freedom Fighters, itd be wise to leave now. Get as far away as you can. Because when Lucent awakens, and he finds you have abandoned the Nocturnes youd be dead.

After Ari returned Azieral's sai she went over to Morgaine was still tied up where they left her.

She then bent down, and picked up Morgraines still, trapped body. Whether I see you later or not, goodbye.

Jet kinda figured the spider didn't care for him at all. It made him a bit uneasy, but then again, it's not like he has never had enemies before.

"I guess that's one more for my long list." he thought to himself. The two left the boathouse and noticed Morgaine was left on the ground.

"That's kinda odd." he thought.

"So your name's Arista?" he asked as the two stood outside.

"So what's next for you? I mean... do you have somewhere to go from here?" he asked the fox.

"Not sure." She answered.

Jet could tell she didn't feel much like talking to him, but he was kinda glad to meet her. It had been a long time since he'd met an individual who didn't speak to him as if he were some sort of criminal.

It really frustrated him when no one cared to share what they'd heard about him. He thought it would help him understand why folks reacted to him the way they did at times. He really wanted to know after G.U.N started to give him trouble.

Jet was about to say something when Azieral had returned for Morgaine! As Azieral picked up the hedgehogs body she turned to Ari.

Just so you know, that idiot Pluggs still worried about you. Azieral muttered.

Ari looked a bit upset by the comment. Jet said nothing worried that the spider would do something if he said so much as one syllable. After the spider ran off to retrieve Sachios body, Jet decided to let Arista be by herself. He didn't want to be a pest. She appeared to be deep in thought. He assumed, she had stuff on her mind so he just went over to the beach and sat down.

His day was complete chaos too. First G.U.N, then Morgaine, then the spider...

After a quick glance around him, he decided to see what kind of damage Morgaines kick had dealt him. He opened hi coat up to have a look and found that his white shirt was now stained red on the front. Apparently something on her boot had carved him up on the front. Jet simply sighed and closed his coat again. He didn't want any sand getting in the laceration. It hurt enough as it was!

"Do I dare ask what else could happen?" he thought as he watched a few birds fly by overhead.

He was well worn for one day. He needed to take a bit of a break before doing anything else.

"I hope you're alright Tech." he sighed. With that he just laid down on the sand and watched the clouds. He wasn't sure if he should meet Amanda first and find Tech together, or find Tech and then meet her.

With all the chaos that happened in one day, he wasn't sure of either of his friends safety now. He also didn't quite know what to make of Arista. Was she a friend now? Or was she simply cooperating because he was trying to help her? He can never be too sure.

OOC: Sorry about editing my posts so much! I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Hope it works ok. ^^;

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"So what's next for you? I mean... do you have somewhere to go from here?"

It was a profound that almost brought tears to her eyes! Now, looking back over all she had done, she couldn't believe that it was her! Could Wraith ever forgive her for her actions? Could she ever forgive herself...?

"Not sure." she mumbled, answering both Jet's question and her own to quieries at once. The adrenneline and fear had drained from her, and now, looking down at the prone form of Morgaine, she realised...

...her life was now empty.

The driving force behind her had come to it's completion...Morgaine, scourge of her history and deamon of her nightmares, was defeated, lying imprisoned at her feet, and Sachio...well, from what Azerial had said, and from Lucent's appearence, he was beaten too! Wraith would have wanted to see them both, confirm with his own eyes that thy had been taken out of the picture, but her word would be good enough (or should that be would "have been" good enough?). GUN was a safe bet for them now...Wraith would probably have chosen that himself.

Before she could think any more, Azerial returned, picking up Morgaine. Just so you know, that idiot Pluggs still worried about you. she commented as she urned to leave.

Ari's mouth dropped open. She had forgotten about him! Again, she couldn't believe what she had done! She ha played with him...toyed with him...made fun of him, and all the time he had thought it was real! It wasn't her...she was kind...caring...

Slowly, deliberately, she sat down on the sand, wincing slightly as she accidentally bent her broken wrist. The weasel...Jet, had he said his name was?...was lay on his back, spread eagled, looking at the clouds silently. Who was he? He had helped her, and he seemed a decent guy, but...

It was no use...she couldn't run, couldn't hide...

Hugging her knees to her chest, she closed her eyes, hung her head, and began to weep profusely.

Jet raised his head with a start as he heard the noise, looking round in supprise. Seeing Ari curled up nearby, he stood up and stepped over to her, bending down beside her and hesitantly extending a hand. " okay?"

For a long time she couldn't reply...the tears were too strong. She felt like the little girl again, chained up in the dark room while her mother and father were beaten to death before her eyes! Helpless, empty, lost, destraught...

Only this time, she had only herself to blame. She had let a stupid quest for revenge turn her into a monster and make her lose everything she held dear. She had destroyed her life!

Slowly she regained enough composure to speak, stifling the sobs as much as she could. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Jet's face looking at her, wearing an almost comical expression as though he wasn't sure what to do.

How could she tell him? They had only just met...did she want to tell him? Should she tell him?

"I...I don't know what to do now." she replied to Jet's query between sobs. "I've...made some...terrible mistakes...I...I have nothing left now!" She burried her face in her knees again as the tears reasserted themselves, her shoulders shaking with the emotion...


"What do you mean? YOU were following ME!"

Tech was beginning to get angry, but Ianthe seemed unfazed by the chaos she was causing...still she scrambled away from him, curling up in the far corner of the room like a cornered rabbit and staring at him with unbelieveably wide green eyes! She had grabbed hold of the brown cape on her back, pulling it around her shoulders as though to hide herself in the corner...she seemed to be visably shaking with fear, and her eyes were watery, gleaming with terror!

There was a loud BANG from down the hall as something was slammed against a wall...the gang had entered the building! Tech's sensitive ears could hear their footfalls as they crossed the room he and Ianthe had been in earlier and started up the hallway after them!

Ianthe had apparently heard them too...her wide eyes had transferred to the doorway of the room, and she was anxiously biting the nails of one hand whilst trying to sink even further behind her cape at the same time. Tech had almost been ready to shout at her, but there was something about her actions, her eyes, that made him pause. He didn't understand at all, but he could tell...that was real fear!

He'd have been lying if he didn't feel similar himself, but he swallowed hard and tried to focus his mind. Slowly he held out a hand to the cowering squirrel. "Ianthe, listen to me...we can get out of here, but we're going to have to work together! It's scary, but we have to move!"

Her eyes flicked back to him. "I said stay away from me! I want my mommy!"

"Ianthe, I'm on your side! I want to help you!"

She blinked, her huge eyes burning into him. " can help me find mommy?"

"I'll see what I can do!" replied Tech quickly. "But first we have to get away from these Ovelanders! Come on...take my hand!"

Slowly...painfully slowly...Ianthe released her grip on her cape and began to uncoil her limbs from the corner. Her eyes emained fixed on Tech as she slowly, gingerly stood up, as though she expected him to jump forward and bite her at any moment! Tech gritted his teeth as he listened to the footfalls drawing closer, but he remained still, his hand still outstreached. Tentatively Ianthe stepped forward, reaching out her slender fingers, and placed her hand in his.

She jumped as he swung her staff forward, proffering it in front of her for her to take. "You may need this." he murmured.

She looked down at it for a second, then her eyes returned to his. "What is it?"

"HEY GUYS, IN HERE!" Tech spun round to see the large figure of an Overlander stood in the doorway, his large frame filling it like a tank! He wore dark green combats and a black cotton shirt, both torn and dirtied in many places, and his short black hair was ruffled and unkempt. His strong jawline carried a considerable growth of stubble, uneven in places, as though when he had last shaved it hadn't been a good job. His grey eyes were wild and staring, and he carried a rather nasty rifle in his hand, the shoulder strap casually slung over one arm as though it was set too long. "WE GOT LIVE ONES!" he bawled down the hallway as he leered at the duo menacingly.

Ianthe screamed again...

(OOC: Hmm...Morgaine's defeat kinda throws a spanner in the works for some of my plans...I'll have to get thinking lol)

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: everyone just remember that Sword is still in the area (i might IC soon since the gunfight scene has been updated) and there is a gun helicopter closing in on the hotel. since my last post was a while ago i thought it would probably be good to mention it ^^;

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: Oh! I remember now Seleth! Thanks for the reminder! I'll see if I can get something started for you to work with.

Jets expression had changed from concern to empathetic. He understood what it felt like to have no meaning to life. He had experienced it twice! First, when he was 8 years old and lost his entire memory, except his name, and again when he lost his adoptive family, the Alexanders. Only two things kept him from giving up on life. Amanda and Tech...

"I'm sorry." he said lowering his ears. "I know what that feels like. You aren't completely out of options though..." he began. "I'm not gonna ask what happened to you. It's none of my business. I will say this though. It's something my dad told me."

(OOC: His adoptive dad of course. ^^)

Ari was still in tears, but she was a bit curious as to what the strange weasel had to say. It was very unusual for someone to try and be friends with someone they had only just met! After all, being too trusting can get one killed in these times. Why was he trying to be so kind to her after what happened in the boathouse? She didn't know... but she still wondered. Ari simply sat quietly and let the weasel finish his story. She wasn't quite sure what to make of what he was saying. She still found it a bit... odd, that he was so friendly to a complete stranger.

"He told me that as long as you have a chance to either fix, or make up for a bad choice, take the chance and see what happens. Then you can take some comfort in knowing you tried instead of going on in life and regret that you never tried." he said to the fox. "I'm hoping to find out what happened to mine. I'm hoping to find out about my biological parents too. I know I may never find them, or the Alexanders. But I feel better in knowing that I'm doing what I can at least."

Jet realized he had trailed off! He was known for his philosophical tangents! Amanda and Tech liked to tease him from time to time.

"Oh shoot... I tend to carry on a bit too much. I'm sorry. If I upset you... I... I didn't mean to! ... Oh boy." he mumbled as he pulled the bill of his hat down over his eyes as if to hide his embarrassment. He really hoped he was some sort of help, but... he also hoped he didn't manage to make her feel worse!

Her situation reminded him of his own after the Alexanders vanished. He's felt a bit lost in life ever since...

That was 4 years ago. If not for Tech and Amanda, he'd be completely alone. He then got an idea.

"I don't know your plans, but if you need a place to hide out or just to think for a while... you're welcome at my place in the East end of of the city. I don't normally invite strangers, but I feel like I can trust you." he said finally.

Ari was about to speak but she noticed Jet wasn't even paying attention anymore. His attention was on a mechanical noise from the distance.

His hearing was almost second to none when he was paying attention, but the fighting had kept his ears occupied.

He just stood with his arms crossed and his ears turned towards the sound to listen. His eyes widened as he looked up. The sound was a helicopter! He couldn't see it, but he recignized the sound the propellers made. Jet was feeling a bit nervous as his long tail twitched a few times. He knew that only G.U.N had helicopters. Even worse, the sound was getting closer. This made his fur bristle slightly.

He wasn't sure where it was headed exactly, but the thought of another chase made him uneasy. He wasn't even sure he'd be able to handle having to run away again. He was drained from the fight with Morgaine and all the other events of the day...

"Oh great!" he exclaimed.

Tech was pretty nervous about the towering figure standing between Ianthe, himself and the door!

"W..what do you want with us? We haven't doen anything to you. We're not planning to either! We were just passing through is all! Please let us get through here." Tech pleaded with the overlander.

OOC: Oui! Well, sorry if Jet talks too much. He tends to be a bit of a philosopher at times. He likes to try and help if he can.

Anything related to G.U.N will make him very nervous. I thought I'd alert folks to that. XD

I'll update Amanda when either Jet, or Tech finally meet her. Or whenever an opprotunity comes up. =/

I think I'll see if James or Ben post soon or not. I don't want to get too far ahead.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I think I'll see if James or Ben post soon or not. I don't want to get too far ahead.

Tru dat. Me pause too.

EDIT: Question for anyone who knows anything about image files on computers: Does anybody know a way of coloring scanned in pencil drawings without having to go over all the lines of the drawing by hand?

The reason for this question: I have recently got myself a scanner, and am currently working on some piccies of characters in this RP (not that I can draw in the slightest, but I figure it may help a little for people to get an idea of where I'm coming from). Trouble is, I want some of the pics colored, and if I have to etch them all out in black outline with the mouse first it's gonna take a darn long time! ny assistance anyone may be able to give would be most appreciated^^

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: That depends on what program you want to color it with Wraith. Photoshop is my personal fave, but what are you using?

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: At the moment, MS Paint, but I may be looking to get something else seeing as that's, well, pants. You think Photoshop would do it?)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Oh yeah! With photoshop you can do a ton of cool stuff. You can make the pencil drawing darker by adjusting the contrast. Then, you can set the programs brush tool to darken. That lets you color the picture without hurting black lines or any lines that are darker than the color you use.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Everything that Jet said is perfect. Personally though, for my pictures I prefer to hand ink them before hand, as I consider pencil grey a bit fussy to colour around in Photoshop, even with the 'Multiply' tool on. That, and it makes comic pages look nicer.

It's a shame though that my inking pens are quickly running out. D= And there is nowhere near to where I live that sells the types of pens I need. Bah.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Sorry I wasn't around. Explanation? Won't burden you with that.

I've nearly read all the posts. Bare with me =)

EDIT: Done. Gawd. I had NO idea all of this had happened in the RP. Wish I had been here rather than getting hung up about the irrelevant stuff IRL X).
Am in Ireland this weekend with my dear ol' dad. Maybe there's certain luck, as I feel better already and have managed to catch up!
Finally got that 'Shadow the hedgehog' game incidentally. Well, my console was at home in Ireland all this time. Kinda funny how Westopolis in the game is apococalyptic, like this post-ARK Station Square scenario deal.

Jet, your writing skills are improving at a geometric rate. Very VERY well done.

The whole scene with Arista being torn between revenge, and Jet's defiance on what he thought was right was just very strong and perceptive- as well as Azieral's dissatisfaction on Ari's indecisiveness.

Chaos Emerald colours;
Frost: Red and Light Blue
Lucent: Yellow
Wraith: Grey
Ice cap Zone: ?
Sahara desert: ?
Classified G.U.N location: ?

That leaves Green, Pink, and Blue... right :?

Btw Pach, if you don't mind me saying so, it's Morgaine, not 'Morgraine'. Was wondering whether it was a consistent typo at first XD.

Did anybody raise any previous questions/matters that I've neglected? If so, raise them again... now. Had a bit to read and my memory has little retention today.

Okay, just need to have a quick think about the fate a certain character or two of mine. Mean people! Will be back tomorrow at the latest. Seriously, having read up is the biggest hurdle overcome. Not that I mind reading the posts at all. Just I got high-strung over stupid things IRL... am so over it now! :p

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Hello everyone, a thousand apologies for not posting in so long, and even worse, doing so without so much as hinting at an explanation.

The explanation however has been something that has been keeping me away from this as well as many other sites that i have accounts on, for it is a turning point in my life that will probably change me forever. That explanation can be found here: eclipse-james.deviantart....l/7927479/

I'm sorry if Im burdening anyone with my sorrows, i don't want anyone to be obligated to feel sorry for me, i don't like making that much of a fuss. Nonetheless, you have my thanks if you view the link and see what i'm on about.

Regardless of said issue, i am pressing on and trying not to dwell on it, there have been times when Ive collapsed mentally and physically because of issues leading up to this and it hasn't brought me any compensation, so instead I coldly let it pass me by.

And thus, I bring myself back here to immerse myself and become lost once again in our fictional world and, if only for a moment, leave my troubles in the care of my subconscious until my mind returns.

It will be a pleasure to proceed this roleplay from its current progress, everyones posts have been something quite above superb, and the developments are nothing short of intriguing.

Kate! It is more that wonderful to see you back, and feeling so much better nonetheless! Im so happy to see you so... well happy XD, yes I have to get over things myself. Glad to have you back.



Nocturne warzone

Dirge nodded, but Plugg was still pressing forth the issue about Arista. What about Arista?!

Azieral was silent for a while, but relented, if only to stop Pluggs incessant questioning. You might see her again. Now, goodbye. Dirge nodded, but Plugg was still pressing forth the issue about Arista. What about Arista?!

Azieral was silent for a while, but relented, if only to stop Pluggs incessant questioning. You might see her again. Now, goodbye.

As quickly as she appeared, Azieral vanished once more into the void of something that could only be described as the space between what one can see and what lies obscured by darkness.

Plugg and Dirge both look at each other upon being relieved of the she-spiders presence, their gaze then almost immediately falling onto the frail, blood-soaked figure of their leader, cradled within Dirges great arms like a child deep in slumber.

Just just whaddya think happened? asked Dirge, shaking his head in disbelief at the state of his master.

Plugg adjusted his jaw before speaking, as he didnt realise his mouth was still wide in shock, w-well, well uhhmm obviously he look just forget it, we have to get the boss, and us outta this warzone!

Dirge nodded instantaneously and began making the necessary arrangements for escape alongside Plugg.

WARS OVER BOYS! PACK IT UP AND LETS GO! shouted Plugg as he scrambled over bodies, debris and other miscellaneous obstacles that littered the streets.

The word for retreat spread like wildfire amongst the weary and shaken Nocturnes, many of which seeing it as somewhat of a godsend, being a justifiable means of escaping this seemingly one-sided blood bath. As confident as they are mindlessly obedient, the Nocturnes make for a force that lives up to their increasing reputation, but that could all mean nothing when they are so clearly outgunned.

Like a panicked crowd of civilians in a time of crisis, the Nocturnes swiftly but clumsily ceased all fighting and stumbled off the battlefield. Weapons were dropped, backs were turned and wounded comrades were abandoned for the sake of individual survival. The sight of their enemies fleeing was enough to make the forces of Sachio and Morgaines henchmen stop all shooting to ceremoniously raise their weapons into the sun and shout out roars of victory, an ignorant celebration.

Stray bullets screamed past the fleeing Nocturnes as Sachio and Morgaines base became smaller behind them. Luck didnt smile upon all of the Nocturnes as a number of those stray bullets found and hit their mark with lethal accuracy.

The chaos was short lived, if not ignored as the Nocturnes finally made their way to a safe haven out of sight from the hostile marksmen. Hyped up on adrenalin the gang found it hard to un-tense and relax as they took a breather.

hey hey dirge heaved Plugg, hows the boss doing?

Dirge, slumped against a wall, looked down at Lucent in his arms, as far as he could tell, he hadnt obtained any new wounds, although it was very difficult to see through all of the already apparent injuries, upon first glance, one would assume Lucent wasnt a blue bat at all, but instead a deep crimson one covered in blotches of blue paint.

he*huff* hes gonna need tsee Nurse, and real pronto like replied Dirge with some effort placed into his speech.

Yo, whaddya you guys talkin bout? interrupted a cockroach, Ryan, as he overheard Dirge and Plugg, stomping over to see what all the fuss was about. His face twisted into a look that spoke of both disbelief and interest at the sight of Lucent.

wellwheres boss been? he said in a voice that almost mused.

That dont matter flea-features! retorted Plugg, We jus gotta worry about getting him back to the base and with Nurse.

Ryan scratched his chin and nodded, his gaze not leaving Lucent, yeah, yeah youre right. We dont wanna lose our leader after all, then wed be in a whole lotta trouble am I right?

Plugg shot Ryan a greasy sneer before he signalled to Dirge and began moving again. Dirge got up carefully, trying not to unsettle Lucent as he in turn began to spread the signal to the others, like a convoy the Nocturnes resumed their travels.

Surrounded by hustle and bustle, Ryan stood still, letting fellow Nocturnes get ahead of him as he pondered over something with a contorted plaque ridden smile stretching its way across his rough featured-face. His eyes quickly darted to his left and his legs followed their direction as he joined in the Nocturne crowd, walking alongside a group of badly hurt little party.

Pretty beaten up arent we? poked Ryan to a parrot who was holding a bloodied piece of cloth over his forehead. The parrot replied with a look that spoke of both grumpiness and exhaustion. Whats it look like bugspray? teased a limping toad behind the wounded parrot, shooting Ryan an intimidating frown.

Ryan took it all in and grinned, makes ya wonder whos tblame dont it?

You got a point flea-brain? Youre already givin me a headache said the parrot.

Ryan noticed that he had acquired the interest of the circle of Nocturnes that surrounded him thanks to his ploy of riling up the wounded. Again he grinned as he motioned for everyone around him to come in closer as they walked.

Im jus sayin he began, unable to wipe that grin off his face, We jus went into a freakin warzone back there went up against guys with freakin handguns and machineguns, and all that crap, put our butts on the line, and then ran away with nothin to show for all that work but a pile odead guys and a few nasty bumps on our heads, he motioned to his parrot companion with his thumb as he finished.

The group around Ryan began mumbling amongst themselves, some of them knew where this was going. This only seemed to make Ryan grin wider.

Point is, whyd we do all that? Accordin to the boss, we was supposed to take over that dump back there, yknow, take some weapons, set up a new base, maybe make a little money on the side but we aint got none othat. The mob around him began to nod and mumble more.

Ya wanna know what I think? said Ryan, beginning to sound more and more like a politician looking for votes, I think this whole thing was nothin but an excuse for ol Lucy there to go an give that Sachio guy a little payback.

The group began to giggle with excitement, it wasnt everyday that a Nocturne could call their boss by that name and still be able to walk. This excitement, coupled with the not yet faded adrenaline rush, made for a strange ecstasy that kept them fascinated by Ryans manipulative way with words.

And yknow what else? said Ryan, his head jolting back and forth to face everyone at once, We always jus been followin Lucys orders the whole time, hopin for a piece o the good life, yknow what Im talkin bout, being the head honchos othis city, bein able to walk around like we own the freakin place, gettin all the cash and ALL the chicks, know what Im sayin? Half-witted sniggers spread across the group coupled with more of those spasm of giggles.

Ryan almost hopped around out of his own excitement, he had them all now! But look now eh? Lucys gotten himself beaten halfway to kingdom come, and were all goin back to the base, and then what huh? We all just gonna wait till Lucys all big and strong again and then we jus strart followin orders, getting beat up, waitin again, followin orders again, getting; beat up again, and over and over and over until were all too old to even dream about the good life no more? The group stopped their sniggering and then began to nod and mumble more.

No, were not boys. Were gonna take over this little show see? Were gonna bring this gang to higher places, with no more bats with magic tricks, no more hidin, no more livin in some damn hospital that smells like old geezers!

The group acknowledged with grunts of approval and even some quiet cheers. Although one listener, a labrador twisted his face in disbelief and looked at Ryan as though he were insane.

you youre crazy man! said the labrador, getting the attention of Ryan and his friends. We dont stand a chance against nobody without Lucent, Ive been in this gang before we even had Lucent, not like you Ryan, and you dont know what kinda trouble this gang was in before Lucent came along man. I aint bein a part othis! the labrador then turned his back and prepared to push through the crowd to make his way to the front and inform their designated leaders of Ryans talk of mutiny.

Ryans eyes widened and a bead of sweat made its way down between his eyes, he hadnt expected this, everything was going so well BANG!

Ryan jumped as the labrador fell to the ground and got walked over by the Nocturnes as they proceeded. The Toad next to him blew out the smoke from the barrel of the stolen handgun he wielded and swiftly stuffed it back into his pocket before anyone noticed.

WHAT WAS THAT? shouted Dirge above the rising murmurs of panic. Ryan raised up an arm and shouted back, Gunshot! Came from a roof and hit Lucas! Were bein followed!

PICK UP THE PACE BOYS! roared Dirge as he sped up.

Ryan breathed out a sigh of relief, and grinned as the parrot and toad both placed a hand on each of his shoulders and patted him on the back.

So boss, when do we start the uh revolution. said the Toad with anticipation riddling his voice.

Ryans eyes swept over all of the interested faces that awaited his reply, Patience boys takes time for a plan tcome together yknow.


St. Kindlesburys Hospital, inner corridor

The figures stepped forward, but remained in the shadow, apparently being careful to keep their faces hidden. It occured to Wraith that maybe they wouldn't be able to see his or Myst's faces either, not that it particularly mattered. They had them imobilised securely anyway.

The taller of the two figures spoke, his voice muffled by some kind of padding. "Alright, neither of you move, you got that? We're looking for information. Give it to us, and you won't be harmed."

Despite the reasoning she had just heard, Myst continued to struggle with the cold metal that bound her.

HEY! Whatd I just say? shouted the taller figure once again. Hold her a little tighter D

I assure you that I am adequately restraining both of these subjects sir. replied a slightly distorted voice behind Myst and Wraith, Any further restraint precautions may endanger their lives, and I cannot allow that.

Hang on a minute thought Wraith as he recognised the voice.

Listen to me you! shouted Myst as she kicked her legs madly, If its information you want, youll get it from me, but not from him she motioned to Wraith with her head, Hes not a Nocturne, only I am. Okay? So let him go. Besides, hes injured.

David? Max? said Wraith while trying to turn his head without bringing pain from the restrained position he was in.

W..Wraith? replied the tall figure.

Myst stopped struggling and squinted at the tall figure, do we know you?


Sir?....Sir? a muffled voice said through a small speaker, Sir?... Mister Lucent are you there?

Lucents vision began to rapidly clarify upon hearing his name being called but not in a familiar means.

Mister Lucent Sir? Hellooooooo!

Lucent jumped and almost fell off his desk chair as his environment materialised into being around him. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide in disbelief as he scanned his surroundings. He was inside an office a private office, with marble pillars, and paintings against his walls, and an abundance of pot plants.

what the? muttered Lucent, suddenly realising that he didnt feel any pain at all. He looked down at his hands and then at his whole body, what amazed him initially was the fact that his injuries were all gone, what amazed him even more was his attire. He was wearing the clothes of a businessman, medium grey pants and suit complete with a white shirt, navy tie and expensive looking polished black leather shoes.

*sigh* Mister Lucent, have you forgotten how to use the intercom again? spoke the small device on his desk, in-between a stand with some extravagant fountain pens held in it, and a small stack of documents of some sort.

Inter-what? fumed Lucent as he struggled to take control of his swivelling chair, turning full circle twice before taking hold of his desk and pulling himself inward, at least now he knew there was a screen of windows behind him.

Realising what had just whizzed past him, Lucent carefully turned to face the windows once again, a grand view of a pristine city from way up high being the first thing to greet him. The city, like this room, was so alien to Lucent, it was a complete shadow of everything station square was, this city was a technological wonder, with sunlight gleaming off the surface of tall, clean (and intact) skyscrapers, mono-rail tracks weaving in and out between structures, and numerous tall trees strewn about the whole scene, a spectacle of nature living side by side with the technological hustle and bustle.

This started Lucent, but he was unable to finish what he wanted to say, namely because he didnt know what to say in the first place, he merely stared in disbelief, and raised a hand to the glass to touch its cold surface.

HELLLOOO! Sir, its the orange button! Weve been through this so many times now, just press and hold it to talk. Are you there? I havent got time for games sir, April fools was yesterday, so you missed your chance to joke around, alright?

Tearing himself away from the view, Lucent turned back to his desk and at looked at the talking machine. Carefully he reached out with a finger and pressed the orange button as the voice had instructed, hmm? was all that he could say.

Good afternoon to you too sir. Replied the machine, I just wanted to let you know that your wife is here to see you sir, shes on her way up now.

Lucents eyes widened yet again, WIFE? he shouted to the machine, WIFE!?!?

*sigh* not this joke again. Said the machine in a dreary voice, Sir, dont you think thats getting a little old? Anyway, I gotta get back to work, you can stop pressing the orange button now sir.

Lucent let go of the orange button like he were suddenly letting go of something red hot. His breathing pattern began to increase rapidly as he was overwhelmed by all of this new information to absorb.

He slumped against the polished rosewood desk and placed both hands over his head, only to bring more discomfort to himself as he also felt a change in hairstyle. Instantly, he began to scrounge through the cupboards on his desk, finding a mirror inside one he picked it up and looked at himself. His ears were curved back in a sophisticated fashion, he wore no piercings, that notch of missing flesh on his right ear was gone, both ears in perfect shape, his hair was styled into a neat and tidy fashion, a slight fringe covering his forehead needless to say, the face he saw in the mirror was not his own, but at the same time his alone, still blue fur, still those cold light blue eyes, and still a bat, heck even his wings showed no sign of damage!

He dropped the mirror and began to fidget with all of objects on his desk, looking for something of any slight familiarity. He found a notebook filled with scribbled notes and diagrams, a rolodex with names and numbers that he didnt recognise, a sickeningly pink card entitled Welcome back boss, but most unsettling of all, at the very front of his desk, a gold stand with black letters that read: Chief Executive Officer Lucent, Nocturne Industries.

NocturneIndustries? he repeated over and over again, his hands shaking as he held the gold stand and stared down at it.

*click* Lucent jumped in his chair and nervously threw the gold stand across the room, almost falling over again.

The door to his office opened slowly as the doorknob twisted around. Lucent raised a palm to the door and was about to recite a spell before his eyes befell upon the figure who entered the room and casually approached his desk.

Hi sweety! said the female bat wearing a scarlet business suit.


Surprised to see me? she leant over the desk and planted a tender kiss on Lucents lips.

Lucent didnt react at all, he was completely and utterly bewildered from what had already happened to him.

Myst raised an arm and presented a brown paper bag and a black leather wallet, You left your wallet at home hon. So I bought you some lunch too on my way here.

She carefully placed the items in front of Lucent and sincerely awaited a reply with a cheerful expression on her face.

Lucent just looked at the wallet and the bag, and then up at Myst, his expression being completely blank, as though hypnotised.

i, again Lucent started talking without knowing what to say.

Mysts cheerful expression shifted to one of concern, is everything alright hon?

Lucent rubbed his brow with his right hand and tried opening his eyes again slowly.

Lucent? Are you okay sweetheart? Myst was still there and so was everything else.

I uhh began Lucent, Im.. Im sorry work hard.

A sincere smile came over Myst as she placed a hand on Lucents cheek and sat on his desk in front of him, Youve got to take it easy in the office hon, remember that talk we had on our honeymoon?

Lucent could feel his heart pumping faster, more information to take in meant more panic in this world he was in.

yeah he replied while taking a deep breath, yes, Ill, Ill take it easy.

Myst leant over and held Lucent in her arms, bringing him as close to her as possible, I just dont want you to be a nervous wreck honey, before you took leave for our wedding you would come home looking more tired each day. I dont want that to happen again.

Im sorry. replied Lucent in a soft voice.

Myst released him and began to remove the contents of the paper bag, a tall cup of coffee, a muffin of some sort, and a triangular plastic container that held two cut sandwiches, one with bacon, cheese and salad, and the other with just cheese and salad.

Ive already had my lunch so I just brought yours, did I bring enough? I know that you get real hungry sometimes

Lucent looked at the meal in front of him, it was the most edible looking food hed seen in a long time, street gang meals were never even close to this simple banquet. Despite this, Lucent wasnt feeling hungry, anxiety and panic filled his stomach.

Yes, its plenty. He said.

Myst smiled at Lucent and planted a kiss on his cheek, you can be really cute sometimes.

Lucent felt his cheeks heat up, something quite odd in that.

Fumbling through her purse, Myst brought out her own wallet, a colour that matched her business suit.
Hon you got change for a five? I used my last coin today

Lucent nodded and obediently opened the wallet that he was led to believe was his. As he opened it, he saw notes of all colours stuffed into various pockets and folds, an illustrious display of incredible wealth, although that wasnt what caught his eye. There right in the centre of the wallets innards was a card set in a transparent pocket, a drivers license. Lucents photo was on it and he was smiling cheerfully.

Lucents hands began to tremble again and his breathing pattern rapidly shifted, Myst noticed this.
Lucent? Whats wrong? Lucent?

Staring at the photo began to drive Lucent mad, he felt like screaming but all he could do was stare, stare at that impostor in his wallet and laugh, laugh like a madman.

Lucent? Mysts eyes widened in fright.

Im okay! said Lucent suddenly, his mad laughter disappearing entirely, leaving only a contorted snarl of an expression looking down at his own trembling hands, Im okay Im okay Im okay Im okay Im okay Im okay Im okayIM NOT OKAY! he shouted as the dropped the wallet onto the desk with a thud, and left his hands floating up into the air with demented fingers twitching from his palms like the legs of a dying spider.

WHAT IN THE HELL IS HAPPENING? he shouted before slumping back down to the desk, his face cupped in his hands.

Myst gazed upon him with caution, tears welling up in her eyes, Honey, whats wrong? Its your first day back, why are you so upset?

Lucent jolted upright and stared straight into her eyes, I dont I dont understand anything his voice began to quiver, how how did I get here?

Myst leaned over and hugged Lucent again, I thought we were done with this Lucent. She said with a hint of sadness, You have every right to be where you are, just because you inherited the company from your father doesnt mean you didnt work hard enough to earn it, thats why he included you in his will, because he believed in you, and he didnt want anyone else to-

no replied Lucent, his body beginning to tremble, Youre not listening to me how did I get here? Why am I here? Where am i? who am i?

Myst loosened her grip on Lucent and brought herself in front of him, her eyes staring directly into his, y-youre losing youre memory? a tear ran down her cheek.

no!... no no no Lucent whimpered, shaking Myst off him, I remember it all, nothing here is right! What happened to my injuries? I was in this fight and-

Lucent, youre scaring me said Myst while trying to calm down.

no murmured Lucent as his mind clung to an idea, this IS real that fight that was all fake


That blasted hedgehog and his strange magic, it made me have all those wild dreams, that fight was all a dream! Hes not dead! Hes alive somewhere, and now Im supposed to think this is a dream, but its not, and hes alive!


Ignoring Myst completely, Lucent began to run toward his office door, Hes alive! Hes outside somewhere! This is all his fault! He thinks hes tricked me, Im not beaten yet! Ill kill him! ILL KILL HIM!

Almost breaking the gold handle off, Lucent opened his office door and proceeded down a corridor and down a flight of stairs, faint cries being heard from Myst behind him.

From the bottom of the small flight of stair, Lucent emerged onto the level below his own, a corridor with doors leading to more private offices on either side. A grizzly bear emerged from one of the office doors and greeted Lucent, ah, Lucent! Great to see you back, howd your holiday go? I heard there was some great fishing over in-

The bear stopped talking when he noticed that Lucent was taking no notice of him whatsoever, instead the bat continued to irregularly walk and mumble to himself. Lucent?

Coming to an elevator, Lucent fidgeted with the buttons, pressing them madly until the unit began to move, he had no idea how these things worked.

When the doors opened, Lucent stumbled into a room full of people frantically working in cubicles, both Overlanders and Mobians.

As he stomped through the crowd, wrapped in delusion, voices could be heard all around him.

Look out, boss is coming! Pretend youre working.

Do you think he knows about the photocopier?

Oh crap, I forgot to sign the bosss card!

You think nows a good time to ask for that raise?

Lucent was stopped in his tracks when a gecko stood in front of him holding a small batch of papers, Excuse me sir, seeing as youre here I might as well just give these to you now, theyre forms that need to be filled out concerning the merger with SachioCorp.

Lucent began to tremble again, his mouth twisted into a bestial snarl, exposing his fangs and even some of his gums.

The Geckos pupils shrank and he began to run away from Lucent. Before long everyone in the whole room was running, even those that couldnt see Lucent.

It didnt take long for the room to empty, nor did it take long for Lucent to realise that they werent all running from him, but rather something behind him.

Slowly he turned, and quickly he wished he didnt. Standing at the far end of the room, directly opposite of where Lucent now stood, was a demented figure composed entirely of shadow, surrounded by a sickening aura of purple, complete with a single familiar bulging eye and a stretched grin composed of endless rows of sharp teeth.

you said Lucent as his knees became weak and he fell to the ground.

The figure was humanoid, but its limbs horribly disproportional. Although it had legs, it did not walk, it only slowly floated toward Lucent, sometimes touching what would be its toes against the round, only to come up again in a slight bounce.

Lucent tried to stand up but instead found himself scampering along the ground with his arms, only managing to sit himself upright with his back against the wall, as far from the creature as possible.

STAY BACK! screamed Lucent, trying to keep his heart from beating its way out of his ribcage.

The creature didnt even pause, in reply to Lucent it raised a hand from behind its back to present one of Mysts hands, stems of flesh sticking out from the torn wrist.

Lucents trembling turned into might tremors coursing through his body, its like he was no longer in control of his joints.

The creature began to laugh, with Lucents own voice it laughed.

In defiance, Lucent raised a palm straight at the creature, Sv-Svarminus Paralia!

The laughter continued as the creature drew ever closer to Lucent.

Lucent looked at his own palm with an expression of utter shock, Svarminus Paralia!

The laughter grew louder.

Travalia Levitus!, the creature drew closer, Travalia Taracta!, closer, Travalia Shakula, and closer still.

Lucent slumped in defeat, his magic would not heed his calls, and it seemed that his whole body would do so no longer as well.

The creature stood right over Lucent and looked down at him with the same wide grin as it continued to laugh, louder and louder, pointing down at Lucent with a twisted mocking index finger.

leave me murmured Lucent, just leave me.. please.. he curled into a fetus position and everything went black.


mrrmm.. leave me just leave me please

hey, the boss is sayin somethin! said Drige to Plugg as the gang continued in their stride.

whatd he say? asked Plugg.

he said tleave him!

look, hes wakin up!

Lucents eyes slowly opened, but everything was still a blur, where where? he muttered.

Boss, you gotta save your strength replied Plugg, were almost back at base, Nursell patchya up when we get there.

pain said Lucent through ruptured lips, is it real?

Boss, youve lost a lotta blood, try not to talk!

a small smile formed at Lucents mouth, its real no dreams. With that, he slipped back into unconsciousness.

Plugg and Dirge looked at each other with confused expressions.

Plugg then shrugged and said, Boss musta really taken a beatin!


OOC: It seems my posts are getting increasingly morbid XD I hope that my posts arent overly disturbing to anyone here, I know that my imagination can be quite odd, and I tend to enjoy writing dream sequences because they are meant to be so symbolic rather than straightforward and realistic. This dream sequence along with the other one are quite important in a sense, but Im not going to reveal any more than I already have.

Well, its 4:24AM over here, so I bid you all good morning.

Once again, its great yo have you back Kate.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Greetings to one and all. Just so you know, Kate and James, I have read your most recent DA journals and I can only sympathise with you on these situations, and hope things become better.

Kate, I honestly thought it was Morgraine. XD I never even seemed to notice that other people spelt it correctly, and simply read them as Morgraine as well. Ack, Ill try not to do so in the future.

James, a fantastically done post. The dream sequence, as well as the rest of it including the upcoming mutiny was awesome. Its a very interesting and twisted scenario actually to see Lucent in such a situation, especially as he hates technology why would he own a company in that manner? A suitably twisted experience, and Lucent really does have a tormented psyche.

And everyone else as well, weve all seen such fantastic growth in our own RPing skills, even if I do think my last post was pretty awful. Itll be interesting to see what develops next!

A building next to the earlier Nocturne/Sachio and Morgaines forces battle

The building was old and decrepit. It was located close to where the hedgehogs twins hotel was, yet surprisingly it was not inhabited by any of their personal minions. Instead, it looked like a vacant, depressing mess. There was no wallpaper, carpet or furniture, instead the room just represented a bleak grey mess of concrete.

He had originally decided on taking this place as a convenient hiding point for now, to get past the conflict until he could find his true targets, the leaders of the two factions. Yet, as soon as he had came in here, the conflict had died down, and the Nocturnes had fled. It would perhaps be increasingly difficult to find Lucent and Arista now.

He knelt down and laid his back against the hard, cold wall behind himself. Trey sighed, it appeared he had failed in defeating Lucent once and for all. In a way, it was perhaps a blessing he didnt meet Lucent; after all Trey was simply not ready for a conflict just yet. He was weary and devoid of any energy left, after his earlier encounter with the Nocturnes and his chase after them. What he needed was rest.

Thwup thwup thwup thwup thwup.

It appeared he wasnt going to get that rest anytime soon. GUN Helicopters, no doubt arriving here through the sounds of gunfire and explosion. They would have finally found Sachio and Morgraines hideout, that in itself was a relief. But theyd also be searching this entire area as well for anyone else, and therefore he needed to get out of here, before they would catch him.

But where to? There was nowhere else he could to other then his own personal hideout.

how strange that things come full circle.

The cliff-face

Azieral had left Morgaines entrapped form within the webbed cocoon upon the top of the cliff, whilst she slowly, but safely, descended across the cliff face, her many limbs securing her to the rocky relief, and effectively making her descent easier and quicker then by going around the top of the cliff to where the relief eased out to the bottom.

Stopping half-way, she was able to properly inspect her target now, and the extent of which the wounds Sachio had suffered before his untimely demise. The small cuts and bruises were evident, yet despite them no matter what, Azierals eight eyes were always diverted to the giant gap that was within Sachios chest, and the tip of the spiky rock that impaled him.

Using two of her hands as well as her legs to reaffirm her grip on the cliff-face, she used her four remaining hands to shoot off four distinct strands of webbing that stuck onto Sachios body in four different areas, sticking to his legs and his arms. Once she had released enough webbing to have had a firm, secure grip onto Sachios body, she slowly began to inch her way back up the cliff-face, desperately trying to pull Sachio up with her.

However, it appeared that he was quite firmly stuck. Azieral tried desperately to pull, more and more, yet through this the more force she exerted it almost felt that she would fall off from the cliff-face as well. Yet this was not the time that Azieral intended to suffer the same fate as Sachio.

Slowly, his body began to be free of the spiky rock that was imbedded within him, and Azieral managed to cover more ground as he inched upwards. Through Sachios release of the rock, more of his blood escaped his body into the ocean, as well as, quite unexpectedly, an organ or two. The wound was simply that large

*huff*, *huff* Azieral panted atop the cliff. It had taken her the best of 20 minutes to carry out the task, but at last it was completed. Hunched over in a crouched position whilst breathing rapidly, she was now surrounded by the hedgehog twins, both incapacitated. One of them, Sachio, was dead, whilst the other, Morgaine, was thankfully still webbed up and ensnared in the same location in which Azieral had left her.

Now, all that remained for her to do was to take the pair to GUN HQ, where she could collect her reward for the death of one of them and the capture of the other. Of course, it wasnt actually her who had killed Sachio, or wound Morgaine enough to capture her, but who was she to complain? In this brave new world manipulation was hardly new.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: That is amazing! Wow! Increadible job James! ^_^ I'll have a longer IC after Wraith updates.

Here's a quickie.


As Jet continued listening to the approaching Helicopter, he couldn't easily ignore one troubling thought at the back of his mind. What if G.U.N found him again? Even worse! What if they CAUGHT him. He began to fidget with his fingers as he thought.

He knew full well that they intended to catch him at any cost. They apparently didn't care if they had to kill him to do it either. But WHY??? Why were they after him? What was so important about him that it meritted this relentless chase.

Whether Ari had spoken to him or not, he didn't know. He was thinking what he should do now.

By now his fur was on end in a noticable fashion as he jerked his tail from side to side like a cat deep in thought.

He was wound up from the battle earlier. But this made matters worse and now his heart began pounding as though it would explode inside him. After a few nervous ear twitches, he realized he zoned out. After glancing around him a little he then turned back to Ari who was looking at him curiously.

"I'm so sorry..." he replied to Ari. He didn't meant to be rude. "Did...did you say something? I got lost in thought a moment there." he politly asked the vixen.

He tried to hide it, but it was obvious that something was troubling his mind.

It was hard for Ari to NOT notice his bristled fur, his somewhat odd expression, the slightly nervous tone in his voice as he spoke, and... Was he swishing his tail around in boredom or what? He was trying to compose himself, but she was still wondering what came over him to make him react like that.



You're probably wondering, "Well, why didn't the G.U.N Beetle from earlier freak him out?!"

Answer: G.U.N Beetles don't have HUMAN PILOTS. I guess G.U.N soldiers and memebers make him more nervous than anything.

He hates anything related to G.U.N, but the people involved with the group scare him. Just setting up something so I can use it if ii comes up. ^_^

Please bear with me.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Oh wow! Great to see you guys again. Thanks for the amicable greetings :] , James and Ash.

Thanks for your sympathy Ash, and don't worry about the 'Morgaine' thing. Happens to the best of us :)

James, fantastic to see you back as well :) ! I actually read your journal yesterday. My deepest sympathies as well. I seriously wish I knew what to say... could go on about stuff, but I'd rather be vague right now because I always feel like walking on eggshells when someone goes through these times.
Don't ever hesitate to vent about hard times. No one feels it's a burden, I'm sure.
Writing my recent 'morbid' journal on DA, I know I probably wrote it in the wrong place, and assumed not many people could perhaps, relate to it at the time, but it felt a bit better to get it out in writing for what it's worth. Lol, was so upset on the day I booked a ticket to Ireland that very day XD. Has been worth it, to get away from London, 'cept my flight is at 06:00 tomorrow o_O;.
Look, I know not everyone can just book a flight and go to say, Ibiza every time things go pear-shaped... but try and find out what works.

I know it sounds cliched, but I guess times like these we can learn to become stronger people.

Yeah, I think I need the 'fictional world' to numb it out :rolleyes

Fantastic posts people! As always.
That dream was so surreal James. Was rather entranced and mystified when I read it, as well as being in a great deal of suspense.
Trust Azieral to go claim the body as well!
Hmm... might have a scene for Jet there.

Okay, wrapping up the OOC.



The severity of the chopper's light-beam, that shrouded Frost's vision, caused him to shield his eyes as much as possible. He gritted his teeth as the threatening and thunderous sounds of the deployed G.U.N forces were rapidly intensifying.
He heard a few more windows shatter, and caught a fleet of shadows and silhouettes darting from the corner of his eyes- departing from landing masses which he presumed where the helicopters. Followed by that, he heard a distinct sequence of bullets within firearms being stacked, despite the deafening noise of the choppers.

It seemed that maximal measures were being taken to quash him. There was hardly anywhere to turn to! A perpetual gridlock of forces had him boxed in- a lone hedgehog in the middle of a vast warehouse.

Danmit... Frost snarled, though parsimonious if he did indeed, have any anxiety given this possible forthcoming doom.
He had his Chaos Emeralds. But he after the battle and the bike explosion he was somewhat worn... somewhat weak.

When he did finally lower his hands, in an almost gingerly manner, he cast his gaze around the panorama around him. His quills were whipped about by the force of the breeze from the choppers' blades.
The display of forces was clean-cut orderly. There was a horde of heavily armed men standing all round him; men with handguns and rifles at the front of line, and others armed towards the back with other assorted arsenals and other modern technical devices.
They all wore helmets, which came with black tinted shields for their eyes. This all added to the intimidating stealth of each and every soldier's identity, and their heavy duty intentions.

He nodded passively, stifling a laugh as he saw what the G.U.N forces had to resort. Even that damn fool, Captain Warrick, sacrificed his bike by shooting it right next to him to nuke him out explosively.
'It was a good attempt,' Frost admitted to himself mentally, as he noted a few burns in a zigzag like manner across his arms beneath his fur. It was only now that he could see them for the first time, that they actually stung sharply for the first time- he really hadn't anticipated that he had been caught up almost too close to the explosion of the bike.
He tried rubbing some of the soot off himself- and was lightly amused to see that despite the dull twang through rubbing his burns, he was still cerulean.
The scars were plainly visible in the bright light, as given off by the surrounding choppers that still hovered the air.

He folded his arms irritably and narrowed his eyes, almost immaturely, as he maintained an un-phased front in front of all the soldiers.

Specimen 156- otherwise known as the Specimen who likes to call himself 'Frost'! Warrick called out rather condescendingly, through an amplifier which he had collected off one of the Warrant Officers next to him you are under arrest for countless charges, including being dangerous, destructive, betraying our forces and for committing detrimental acts that have harmed station square and its citizens, and the rest of the world for years on end and up to now.
Warrick paused. He knew what he had said was an understatement and it angered him that the hedgehog had got away with so much injustice for such a long time.
Rather than having issued this statement, what he really wanted to do right now was to snatch a shotgun from the nearest soldier and blast the hedgehog to death!
However, he knew such a rash move might be perceived by the hedgehog too quickly, thereby giving him a chance to escape.

Frost smirked lightly, baring no shame to who and what he was and what he had done.

Are you done yet? he asked derisively, tilting his head to one side, before cracking his neck and straightening up again.
You sorry bunch of pansies! What's the point of those damn guns in my face if you're not going to use them... or do you just carry them to give you that 'power-high'?!

The chopper blades on the landed vehicles had stopped by now- and what was remaining from them were the ones hovering above. So Frost's insult was clearly heard- causing the soldiers all step in closer- tightening the circle followed a union of weapons clicking threateningly.

Come now, I'm sure you know you're pretty stuffed, right Frost? Warrick smirked as he lowered the microphone, adopting a less formal manner in his speech. He was amused that he hadn't used Chaos control yet to escape. Either he was too stubborn... or more to the truth, which he was pretty certain about, too weak.

Will you learn your place Frost, or must we kill you? shouted a commanding officer.

Did that sound like an offer back on your forces? Frost laughed, before pulling out the red Chaos Emerald, which flared intensely, it's red light reflecting off of all of the soldiers- causing them to all gasp momentarily.

... or perhaps a threat?! he sneered viciously, raising the Chaos Emerald vividly when will you EVER learn that no one tells me what to do!

He may not have had a lot of energy to teleport... but he knew he could spare some for this move.
With that, Frost swirled a hand, and as he did so- a self-perpetuating cyclone of red appeared and spontaneously struck the soldier right in front of him- right before anyone could even blink or contemplate this rapid sheer of a moment. A chaos spear had spelt the end of that soldier.

Ugh... the dying man moaned, before dropping dead to stone-cold the floor in a heap.

Don't shoot...! an officer cried, trying to restrain the angry individual next to him- but found himself stumbling back from the momentum and blast of the shotgun fire.

Frost merely flicked his head over his shoulder, smiling as he saw the rapidly approaching bullet merely visible by the glint from the surrounding spotlights. The projectile had been traveling at sound speed- to a sudden retardation of a snail's pace. It was then he was so able to aptly swerve out of the way- and watch as time picked up its pace again and watch the bullet hit an unfortunate soldier that was beside him.

Frost took the opportunity to run, starting his sprint with a spin dash to avoid a heavy flood of bullets coming his way- before picking up another run.

He felt a pounding sensation through his head and the rest of his body- as well as the flaring pain of the burn. The whirlwind of incidents were having a sudden head-on effect of him. But he knew he could escape them, as usual... if he could just.

But suddenly... any certainty or affirmation of getting away... blew up in his face, was taken in a dash and was silenced as he felt a wasp-like shot at the back of one his arms.
He found himself falling over in a dramatic tumble- picking up grit and splinters from the warehouse floorboards.
He winced- a tightened expression on his face as he anticipated an explosion of pain to overwhelm him... but why did he feel so numb?
Hesitantly, he directed a trembling hand towards the back of shoulder, whilst he used the other arm to steady himself off the ground fully.
However, his hand came across no moist substance or bloody wound. He found his hand wrenching out a more complex instrument... than a bullet!
He immediately studied the facet in his hand- and found resembled some sort of probed instrument... like... a syringe?!
He could see that the cartridge was almost fully empty.

He looked up and frowned naively, despite being bent double, at an approaching officer- who wore heavy, thick black glasses. With him was a colleague in a white coat.

What's this?! Frost demanded as he held the cartridge in an open palm.

320mg of theopentone- a general anaesthetic... though in this instance we're using it as a sedative... the man in the white coat began- though his words slowly began to become incoherent to Frost's ears.

Normally the recommended dose is 150mg- but for a strapping strong lad like yourself, we decided to up the dosage.

Really...? Frost asked, stoic and tired, any will to fight back or defend himself severely suppressed. Before he could talk any further, he suddenly found himself unconsciously against the floor with a thump- the empty cartridge rolling out his hand which stopped at doctor's feet.
Picking it up, he smiled at the commanding officer slyly.

Who needs that whole mass of weapons- when we have something much more quick and convenient? the doctor asked.

The Cliff face

Morgaine drowsily opened her eyes. She had constantly slipped in and out of consciousness for longer than she cared to remember.
Trying to move her limbs thought- she found she was unable to do so. Trapped- ensnared by some... sticky substance?!

'What the?!' she retorted in her mind, staring at her cocooned self in disbelief. She was still weak though. Even if she was tangled in this mass of webbing- it felt as she wouldn't even have the strength to pick up a pebble.

She gazed upon her surroundings, and gasped as she saw what seemed to be, the location of a cliff top.

Where am?! she demanded, though unable to suppress a vulnerable and helpless tone in her voice.

The Beach

Hey you! a voice called out from behind the weasel and the fox.

As Jet and Ari spontaneously span around, they gasped as the saw a brown hedgehog, authoritative looking, and conversely, like an individual who perhaps took too much pride in his appearance. He jogged over to the figures, holding up some I.D.

This is Cam'Ron Shaide, a G.U.N security operative... the hedgehog began we see there's been an incident or two around these parts... care to report?

OOC2: Sorry the other scenes are short. It took me such a long time to write all this. Hope I haven't neglected any details and such...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Sorry for the delay all. It seems we take turns to have problems in this RP lol.

Welcome back Ben and Eclipse^^. Ben, good to hear you're feeling better. Eclipse, I read the sympathies man.

I'm kinda going through it myself at the moment too...I won't bore you with the details, but it seems like my life has been on a kind of downward spiral for some time, and recently it's reached new lows. If I don't post very regularly for a bit, that's why, although I'll endevour to keep up.

Anyway, the story...AWESOME post Eclipse...that was amazing! And everyone else too...even though we all seem to be going through it in one way or another, we don't seem to be losing any creativity! Keep it up!

Jet, small note: I don't have anything in particular planned for Tech and Ianthe, so if you have any ideas, feel free to put them in^^ You should be able to tell Ianthe's(?) personallity from what's been said so far.)



Ari shook her head, herself looking off towards the sound of the GUN helecopters. "No, I...I didn't." she murmured quietly. She looked round at him, blinking tears away. " know, for trying to help and all. I'd love to come with you, but I can't...I have to get back to our base..." She paused, thinking. She didn't want to go there, but it had to be done. She had to see them one last time...see him one last time...

She wouldn't blame him for throwing her out, but she had to just tell him that she was sorry.

"Base?" asked Jet, still looking round nervously at the noise further down the beach.

"I'm part of the Neo-Freedom Fighters." replied Ari, standing up and shaking her tail to get the sand off it. "We fight for justice and may have heard of us." She couldn't help but thinking that was part of would be more apt.

Jet blinked. "But wait, I thought you were with..."

She looked at him meaningfully. "That was the mistake I mentioned." she murmured softly, her expression one of infinite sadness. Jet stared at her a moment, slightly bemused, but he didn't reply.

Ari turned, looking round the beach and at the old boathouse behind them, and as she did so, she suddenly remembered something, another reason that she had to see Wraith...Lucent's Chaos Emerald - she still had it! It brought a slight smile to her face as she thought about the would he be feeling now, without it? He seemed to have some connection to it, didn't he?

She didn't take the emerald out, or even mention it to Jet. There were those in this world who would still kill for them, and who knew if Jet was one of those. It would be too risky. He seemed like a nice guy though.

"So, is this goodbye?" she murmured. "You said you were headed towards the east side...I'm headed downtown, so we may be able to travel together some of the way if you like."

As she spoke, her sharp eye caught something else over on the sand a short way away, gleaming in the sun. She stepped forward and, with a small chuckle, realised it was none other than Lucent's chain that she had lost in the battle! It must have fallen out of the boathouse and landed in the sand here!

She knelt down and picked it up, looking it over. Now she had two of the bats possesions...possibly the two he most prized! There was a certain comfort in the thought that despite him being so evil and nasty to her, she had the last laugh...twice!

He slid the chain into her belt and turned to face Jet questioningly. "Shall we?"



Wraith nodded in the darkness. "Yeah, it's me. Now just what are you guys doing here when I explicitly ordered you all to stay away???"

"David, let him go!" exclaimed Max, grabbing the bandages and pulling them off his head. The robot complied and Wraith stepped forward, turning to see the familliar glowing blue eyes.

"Her too."

"Sir, she is by her own admission one of your enemies. I would recomm..."

"Do as I say!" interrupted Wraith angrily, fixing David with a glare. David nodded, and releaced his grip on Myst's arm. The bat quickly jumped away from him and stood, looking round at the assemblage wide-eyed.

"Good to see you're ok boss!" exclaimed Max, stepping forward. "We were all worried..."

"You still haven't answered my question, Max!" growled Wraith, turning on the buldog angrily. "Your being here could spark a gang war! I told you to leave me!"

"We couldn't do that Wraith!" called Tails, stepping forward too as he pulled the bandages off his face. "We had to make sure you were okay!"

"The kid's wrong, Wraith." muttered Max. "We did have to make sure you were okay, but I was the one who organised it. I'm the one to blame."

Tails looked up at him wide-eyed. "You what??? I came here too and I freely admit it! It isn't just your fault!"

"Enough!!!" barked Wraith, holding his hands up. "We can discuss all this later, but right now, we're in the middle of an enemy's base with the leader bearing down on us from somewhere near! We need to be prepared!"

"The leader?" echoed Tails, jumping slightly. Max was more level-headed though.

"Lucent isn't here, Wraith. We managed to fool the gang into thinking Tails was him. The real bat seems to be away somewhere from what we gather."

Wraith stared at him for a moment, then let out a slight chuckle. "Tails the bat, huh?" he muttered, grinning wryly at the fox. Tails chuckled himself, somewhat self-consiously, and grinned back.

"Okay." Wraith put a hand to his forehead and sighed. "So Lucent is still away...I know where he is, and we need to get there right away! There's something major going down here Max, and we need to sort it quick!"

Max nodded. "Let's get out of here first. After all of this is done, I'll accept whatever punishment you hand down for disobaying your orders boss."

Wraith glanced across at him with one eye, his hand still on his forehead. "Okay...and thanks...for coming for me."

During all this time, the forgotten part of this exchange had been looking from one to the other nervously, listening to the conversation as it progressed! Myst's mind was spinning. So Lucent wasn't back after all? And these friends of Wraith...were they launching an attack on the Noctournes? Had Wraith ordered them to stay away rather than risk a fight?

Wraith turned to her. "Guys, this is Myst. She's the Noctournes Medic...we can trust her." Without waiting for any replies, the Echidna stepped up to her, still limping slighty on his leg. "Myst, I can't thank you enough for your help, but we need to go now, and I don't want you getting in trouble for me leaving or anything..." His voice dipped slightly as he met her gaze. "We're going after Lucent, and you'd be a great help if you came with us. If you think he would listen to you, then we may be able to avoid a fight. I know this must be confusing and everything, but...will you help us?"


Midtown Area: Abandoned Flats

"Well I dunno, furball." drawled the Overlander as he slowly stepped forward into the room, advancing on them menacingly. "That staff of yours looks like a nice piece of equip! We're looking for anything we can use in any way, ya know..." Outside in the hall, more noise was emerging as his fellows came running to answer his call.

"Plus her!" the Overlander continued, pointing a finger at Ianthe who was cowering behind Tech's back, peeking over his shoulder. "Get's kinda lonely out here in the city sometimes, so whenever we get a chance at some...companionship..."

Tech blinked. "You wouldn't!"

The Overlander's leer increased. "What, she your sister or something?" he muttered. "Ya know, after five years of riskin' yer life and nearly bein' killed every day, ya learn to grab whatever little pleasures life throws your way with both hands! So what if she ain't Human...I'm past caring." He reached down to his belt, pulling out a long knife and brandishing it before him as he continued to advance. "That's right, we'll grab your stuff, gut ya, maybe eat ya if we can't find food today, and take her with us...oh don't worry, we'll treat her nice!"

By now the other Overlanders had arrived...they were crowding around the doorway, grinning, and they all laughed as the first figure finished speaking.

Tech was looking round nervously...there had to be a way out of this!!! He could feel Ianthe's hands on his shoulder, gripping so tightly it hurt! She whispered into his ear: "Don't let them take me! Please don't let them take me!"

Tech bit his lip. She seemed panicked, so panicked she was losing a grip on reality, but apparently she still understood what the Overlanders were getting at. It made him sick to think about it.

Suddenly he spotted something over in the corner of the room, to their right. It was buried behind a pile of rubble from where the roof had fallen in, so he hadn't noticed it at first, but now it stood out like a lifeline, a golden rope trailing down to them like a beacon!

Stairs up to the second floor! A way out!

Quick as a flash, he grabbed one of Ianthe's paws and jumped towards the stairs, pulling her with him! The Overlander let out a shout and threw the knife in his hand, but it swished past Tech's head and embedded itself in the wall next to them! By the time the man had raised his gun and fired, the duo were dissapearing up the stairs...

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