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The Rise and Fall

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Jet was relieved he hadn't upset her. That was the last thing he wanted! He was also feeling a bit better. His head didn't hurt so much and it appeared that, from what he could tell, his mouth wasn't bleeding anymore.

Maybe his day wasn't a total loss after all. It would seem that he had found a friend in Ari. He was glad that, even though they would have to go their seperate ways, he would get to be with his new friend for a little while at least.

"Shall we?" the vixen asked Jet.

"Sure." he replied as they turned to leave the beach. As they did though, Jet thought he heard someone coming. It caught him off guard again and he was wondering where it was. It was getting a lot closer too. He was trying to locate where the noise was, but it kept moving.

Then, finally, a voice called out from behind them.

Hey you! the voice cried out.

As Jet and Ari spontaneously span around, they gasped as the saw a brown hedgehog, authoritative looking, and conversely, like an individual who perhaps took too much pride in his appearance. He jogged over to the figures, holding up some I.D.

This is Cam'Ron Shaide, a G.U.N security operative... the hedgehog began we see there's been an incident or two around these parts... care to report?

A G.U.N official. Great! Like he wasn't having a bad enough day. He has one good thing happen all day only to have this happen.

The sight of the badge was enough to send cold shivers up and down the full length of Jets spine and his heart was still racing. He was extemely nervous now. He was trying to mask it, but it wasn't too hard to notice.

Jet wanted to run away, but knew better. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't! Jet was to nervous to try and speak. So Ari spoke up.

"There was a fight with Sachio and Morgaine, but it's over. Someone's already bringing the two hedeghogs to the G.U.N base." she calmly stated as the hedgehog listened intently.

The hedgehog didn't seem to take any notice of Jet, but he was still on edge as evidenced by the way he was fidgeting with his fingers a little and making sweeping motions with his tail again.

OOC: Oh! Nice addition Bent! This'll be fun to watch played out. ^_^

I'm glad you feel better too. You too James! Take care guys.

I'll update Ianthe and Tech later. =P

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: The hey...???? lol when did Ben post before me? I checked after writing my post and it wasn't there I swear! Sorry Ben, for not noticing. Let me read your post and see if anything needs editing, although I suspect Jet's covered my back for me lol. Sorry again, I don't know how I missed it!)

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: YAY! Ben's back ^^ :glomp: and so's james ^^. anywayz just letting pplz know im here. im gonna try and make a post with Sword soon. judging by how fast this is moving now if i dont then ill get left behind again ^^;; no promises though, ive been getting a lot of work since school started again *barf*

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

No worries Seleth. Just post when you're ready to. =) Good luck with school. It can be a pain. I know college can be. >_>;

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Yeah read up Ben's post now...sorry again, I don't know how I didn't see it >.>

We'll say that my last beach post took place before Ben's then, to keep continuity.

Also, I have an idea for the Warehouse scene...I presume Pach will be sorting that with Warrick now? Pach, messaging you about it^^)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: No worries Wraith. It's easy to lose track of posts. It happens. lol

Posts: 2234
Noble Member


Dr. Grey. Warrick spoke out from behind the doctor, who shifted his head to look over his shoulder to the approaching GUN captain. I see you decided to personally come yourself.

Dr. Grey paused slightly, considering whether it was worth the time now to actually speak to Warrick, or proceed with taking care of Frost. Eventually, he nodded. Someone had to finally do it, and do it right.

How fitting that it should be you, given how it really was your responsibility. Warrick countered. Frost should never have even been given the opportunity to do the things he has done, and through your incompetence, he did.

Dr. Grey didnt answer.

Warrick pulled out one of the 9mm Berettas he carried and pointed it towards Frosts head.

What do you think youre doing?! Dr. Grey called out, moving in front of and blocking Warricks aim. Weve finally caught him, and youre going to kill him now?!

Doctor, I hardly trust your competence enough to be able to keep Frost. My duty is to justice itself, and the only way in which this city and the world can be protected from this menace is if the murderer is killed right now.

And how, Captain Warrick, do you think our superiors will approve of that? The priority has always been to capture over murdering him, and now that weve finally captured him, your personal mission against him has been completed. Dr. Grey quickly spoke in response. Take relief, delight that youll probably get a promotion and at least satisfactory recognition for your efforts against him and in helping capture him, Captain, rather then waste it all by needlessly killing him.

Needlessly? How arrogant of you, Doctor. Do whatever, then, Frost is under your jurisdiction now. However, if Frost ever does escape again, and continue upon his terror, then regardless of GUNs orders I will hunt him down and kill him. Warrick hissed in front of Dr. Greys face, before placing the gun in his holster again.

How noble of you. You really do consider yourself a hero, hmm? Dr. Grey smirked somewhat, before ordering some of the nearby assembled soldiers to safely and securely place Frost in a restraint and to board him upon one of the helicopters for immediate dispatch to GUN Headquarters. Heroes no longer exist, Captain Warrick. It is time you realized that. Warrick glared at the smug doctor. One last thing, I believe it would be prudent you had your wounds rechecked and you actually took some rest, considering your last beating by Specimen 156. Perhaps a vacation is in order?

Go to hell, Doctor. Warrick spat in return, he turned around and began to storm out of the warehouse. Before he could fully do so however, and whilst there was a large gap put in between him and Dr. Grey, he was stopped before hand by a number of soldiers.

Captain Warrick, sir! shouted one of the Soldiers who ran to the Captain. We captured the members of the gang that were in this warehouse prior to Frosts arrival.

Warrick nodded, awaiting the soldiers to carry on his report.

Many of the gang members are dead, killed by Frost. However, those that are still alive are being interrogated and treated for injuries, those that suffer the more severe wounds being taken to GUN headquarters.

Hmm, that reminds me. Did you pick up the twins off by the truck explosion site? Warrick asked.

Yes, theyre held in custody and awaiting interrogation as well. The grunt replied. The surviving members, one of them, who appears to be the leader of them here called Agis. She claims that theyre the Neo Freedom Fighters, that they seek to create justice for the city and world.

Hmp, really? Warrick returned, in a sarcastic tone. I doubt it, but well get the answers soon enough.

The cliff

Azieral spotted the ever slight movement coming from Morgaine, who desperate attempts to free herself being restrained by the tight bonding of Azierals webbing. Azieral smirked somewhat at Morgaines evidently panicked eyes, which darted every which way to assure just where exactly she was.

Well, well, how was the sleep, princess? Azieral sarcastically asked. Morgaines eyes darted to Azierals where they were fixed eternally upon. Wondering what happened? Short story: You lost.

Morgaines eyes narrowed, as she tried to get her mind around the past few events, as well as stifle her anger towards her capturer.

Oh, that reminds me. Azieral added, before turning all her hands towards Sachio, and firing a strand of webbing from each one. Before Morgaine could see what it was Azieral had webbed up, the entirety of Sachios body was encased in an oval cocoon, from head to toe. I dont want to have to get blood all over me whilst transporting you to GUN Headquarters.

Blood?! Morgaine shouted out. Whose blood?!

Believe me, princess, you dont want to hear the answer to that. Azieral curtly responded, whilst fixing Morgaine a hard, steely gaze.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: I hate that 5 message limit! Bent! Go ahead and do what you were going to do. I'll have to message you later.

All I need to do right now is get Jet and his friends to meet. I can't really do what I have in mind until Jet gets to nose through the newspapers in Techs' backpack. XD

I think I have an IC to set up part of it. Or rather, to set up Jet's fear of G.U.N. a bit more here.


"Both of the twins have been caught?" the hedgehog asked in suprise. They'd been after those two for so long and had no luck.

"Yeah, both of them. They're being brought to G.U.N HQ." Ari said a bit annoyed at having to repeat herself. She also wanted to know why Jet was acting so strangly. First he was brave enough to take on Morgaine herself! Now he was acting like a frightened child.

The hedgehog, Cam'Ron, noticed his behavior too. "what's wrong with you?" He asked the weasel with curious tone in his voice.

"Nerves." he answered quietly trying not to sound so worried. He didn't want that hedgehog to call other units to the beach. He still refused to run away. That'd be way too suspicious if this hedgehog is aware of G.U.N being after him.

"Oh. Well I guess I can be on my... Say? You seem familiar weasel." Cam'Ron stated as he tried to get Jet to meet his gaze. Jet kept looking away though.

There are three things about Jet's physical appearance that are very different from normal weasels of his species. His tail is much longer, his ears are much larger, and weasels from his species are genetically incapable of having offspring with purple eyes.

Yet Jet's eyes were a brilliant purple color. It's hard for him to hide.

Jet was pretty sure his ears and his tail had been noticed by now. He knew that the last thing the hedgehog was trying to determine was what color his eyes were. Jet had to think as he stared at the ground a moment with his eyes half shut.

He's tried everything, but very few things hide the purple color well enough to avoid it's detection.

His sunglasses were at his hideout, so they weren't going to do him any good. Ari just stood a bit confused as Jet kept avoiding eye contact with the hedgehog who had just asked him a simple question.

Apparently Cam'Ron still hadn't figured out what he wanted to. Jet was relieved for the moment, but didn't know what to do next.


Tech was horrified by the overlanders plans! Companionship? Absolutely disgusting! Once they reached the top of the stairs Tech took a quick glance around looking for any way out!

Nothing! The stairs were badly damaged too. They couldn't go up any higher and the gang was almost up the stairs!

Tech was beginning to panic when he noticed a window. It was open too!

Tech thought a moment and glanced at Ianthe. She didn't look any bigger than Amanda. In fact she seemed a bit smaller.

"C'mon! We gotta get to that window!" he said as he held her wrist and went to the other end of the room.

"I need you to hold onto my legs. I'm gonne glide out the window with you." Tech calmly stated to the squirrel. She was very frightened.

"You'll fall! I'm too heavy!"

"You need to trust me. It's the only way out of this!"

"... Ok.." she said as she grabbed his legs. Tech can't actually fly with someone, but he can glide a very fair distance.

The overlanders had just reached the top of the stairs and entered the room with thier weapons drawn, but they were gone!

Tech had already lept out the window with Ianthe and was gliding towards the river. He could just barely see it!

The overlander ran over to the window and saw them gliding away! All he could do now was curse himself! They were moving to much to get a good aim at, so he had to let them go.

Tech could hear his angry shouts and cursing, but it didn't matter. They were going to be alright.

"How you doing down there?" Tech asked the squirrel as he reached over and gripped her wrists firmly.

"I... I think I'm ok. Did we get away?" She asked as she looked back nervously.

"We sure did!" Tech answered with a sigh of relief.

Now all he had to do was find Amanda! She was pobably worried by now!

OOC: Jet's most obvious feature is his purple eyes. His type of weasel can't have purple eyes. Jet doesn't know how he could have gotten his. Jet already knows what's different about his appearance. As for HOW he knows. All of that's for later. It's nothing special though, just feel like waiting. I can change it if needed though. ^^;

These events were not randomly thrown in. I've actually planned on introing them eventually. Bent's post just gave me a way to do it.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member



I hate that 5 message limit! Bent! Go ahead and do what you were going to do. I'll have to message you later.

... what? XD Is there a limit on msgs? Wasn't aware of that one.

But erm, only just got back from Ireland yesterday with 1 hour's sleep and a bunch of work to do so died from fatigue so I did. And I have to learn about Local anaesthetics for tomorrow (bunch of cranial nerves and bone structures)- as I will be learning how to administer them on another person. Quite frightening actually... but that's Dentistry for you.

BUT I have read all the posts. Great stuff as usual peeps.
But if I'm lagging, Wraith and Jet in particular, I'd say Cam'Ron would want to take Ari and Jet in for further questioning at the G.U.N base. Whether he succeeds or not is your choice. He won't be happy with Jet and Ari if they don't comply though... 😛

EDIT: I should hopefully be able to update tomorrow.
And thanks for the history on Jet, Jet. Going to print it out and read it at home. =)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: No prob Bent. Hopefully it's not too confusing. Feel free to note me with any questions as I do tend to accidently leave out details or just flat out make no sense. ^^; Hope it'll be useful. Sorry it's so long. Good luck with your school work too. =)

I've got one!

Ari stared at Cam'Ron and then back at Jet, who was still staring at the ground.

"Is that all officer?" she asked the slightly frustrated hedgehog.

"I'm afraid I'll need to take you in for questioning about the events here, Miss." he began. "And you!" he said while looking directly at the already slightly frightened Jet.

"You can stop staring at the sand now Jet!" the hedgehog spoke, almost sounding angry. "Or should I call you by the name G.U.N gave you?" he asked in an authoritive tone. "Subject 297. I was thoroughly informed of YOU!" he said reaching for a pair of hand-cuffs.

"You're both coming with me!" he said while reaching out with the hand cuffs for Jet.

Before Cam'Ron could even grab the weasels wrists, Jet had backed away a few steps. He had no clue why this officer had called him "subject 297", he didn't want to find out either!

"Isn't there any way to avoid this? I don't even know what they'll do to me if you bring me in!" Jet said with a paniced tone in his voice as he continued backing away from the advancing hedgehog.

"Oh don't worry weasel-boy. Whatever they decide to do, I'm sure you won't feel a thing." he said in an intimidating tone.

"What's going on here?!" Ari finally asked. "What has he done?" Was this weasel really a criminal? Was he dangerous? She was gonna find out! That much she knew.

"G.U.N has been after this weasel for years now! He's a threat to society like Shadow, or Frost!" the hedgehog answered. "The only thing to do is haul him off to HQ!"

(OOC: Jet is the same wanted level as Frost, but not nearly as powerful. The strongest he'll get is around maybe Lucents level.)

Jet was horrified! He was being called a criminal and a threat, but still had no clue as to why!! He could only guess what horrors awaited him at the G.U.N HQ. He had to get away! But how! He couldn't just leave his new friend to take the rap for him!


Tech and Ianthe had glided a fair distance. The ground was about 10ft below them. The river was drawing ever closer and Tech was relieved to see something on the horison. It was quite a ways off, but he could make out the building where Amanda would be waiting for him!

"Hold on Ianthe!" he said as he slowly began to descend faster. He then gently placed the girl on the ground and landed next to her.

"That was kinda fun!" she finally said!

"That's cool." Tech began. "We're going to head over to that river over there. I'm meeting a friend of mine."

"But... What about finding my mommy!?" she asked the small creature.

"Don't worry Ianthe. My friend will help us look for her."

"Oh... Okay." She said as she quietly followed the winged ferret.

The cityscape of this neighborhood was among the most destroyed. The tall buildings were in ruins that were bent and mangled from the original fall of the ARK. A perfect hiding place for thugs! Tech was on high alert. He could hear nor see anything though. After looking around a bit more, he and Ianthe pressed on for what seemed like hours!

Finally, they reached a small area with multiple buildings and small houses. Tech motioned for Ianthe to stay put. He then stepped out of the darkened alley and checked the area. Looking from one alley to the next he could hear no threats.

"It's ok Ianthe. C'mon." he said.

The squirrel then slowly walked into the opening to meet Tech while looking all around her, just in case! She finally took Techs small paw and followed him to a small white house. And after one final glance around him. He and the squirrel went inside.

"Amanda!" he called.

"Tech?" came a quiet voice from inside one of the rooms. "Tech! Oh my goodness! I was worried sick you know! What took you any...." Amanda stood staring at the young squirrel. "who's this Tech?"

"Amanda this is Ianthe. She's looking for her mom."

"I see. I'm Amanda. Nice meeting you." The pleasentries ended when Amanda suddenly noticed that a certain weasel was not present.

"Wait a minute! Where's JET?"

"Oh! Right.. uhh.."Tech began. He wasn't looking forward to it, but he had to tell her. No matter what! She had to be informed of Jet fighting Morgaine. "He got distracted."

"Distracted? By what? I thought he was just going to the library with you?"

"He got in a fight."

"What! Another fight!?" Amanda cried out. "Great! Who is it this time? Another street gang?"

"Morgaine" Tech said solemnly. "I was forced to leave just as it started. He was fighting Morgaine with some foxgirl at the beach by BlackBird Harbor."

"You left him!?" Amanda shrieked. Tech and Jet both agreed she had a tendancy towards worrying.

"He made me! I didn't want to go, but he made me! He wanted me to get these old papers back here in one piece."

Amanda knew what Morgaine was capable of. She couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to Jet! Not after all they've been through together! She became overcome with worry and was on the verge of tears.

"Amanda." Tech said quietly. "I'm sure he'll be fine. You shouldn't worry so much. It's not the first time he's fought in gang battles before." Tech said trying to comfort the mole as she began crying.

Tech just sighed and kept talking to her.

Ianthe was standing quietly watching. She really didn't know what to say. She barely knew Tech and had just met,...Amanda? That was it! Amanda.

OOC: Well. I hope that works for now. It's all leading up to something I'll explain bit by bit as the story goes. I'm gonna wait for Wraith now.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Oh you are KIDDING ME!!! Full post written out and I hit the add button, but the site logs me out so it refuses to post, and it's the ONE TIME I forget to Ctrl+C the post too!

I'm gonna kill em! I'm gonna kill em all!

Okay, give me some time to retype...I was gonna wait for Eclipse to post first, so I could update all the scenes at once, but I'll put these in here to keep things going.

Editing in IC. Stand by.)



"Hold on a minute." Ari stepped forward, placing herself in between Cam'Ron and Jet, looking from one to the other quickly. Then she turned to the hedgehog, putting her hands on her hips. "What's Jet done for you to take him in like this? I haven't known him long, but you should know he was instrumental in taking down Morgaine!"

"This doesn't concern you, vixen. Please stand aside."

"If Jet has commited a crime, then I agree he should be punished for it," retorted Ari, still standing between the two, "but from what I've seen so far he's an upstanding, brave and loyal figure, working to the same ends as GUN! As one of the New-Freedom Fighters, it's my job to stand by him, and yours as well!"

"Neo-Freedom Fighters?" echoed Cam'Ron, his ears pricking up. "Hullo, maybe you're of interest to me as well! That group of terrorists have to be delt with just like all the other street gangs!"

Arista blinked in shock. "Terrorists?" she spluttered. "We're fighting for the same thing you are! All we want is peace and freedom!"

"Tell that to your boss." retorted Cam'Ron, advancing again. "That echidna guy...Wraith, was it? The one involved in that gang shootout on the highway earlier."


"You didn't know? He was in a full blown gang war, and when we tried to arrest him, he ran. A shame he didn't listen to reason. In the end we were forced to kill him." Cam'Ron rubbed his nose with a finger thoughtfully. "Say, now that you mention it, I think I remember hearing something about the Neo-Freedom Fighters' base on the radio as I was coming over here...apparently some of our other forces did a raid and found out you were hiding that rennagade Specimen 156 too...yes, it seems you are of very much interest to me after all!" Cam'Ron grinned as he lifted the cuffs again. "Now are you both going to come quietly or do we have to do this the hard way?"

Ari wasn't listening...her mind had shut off at what the hedgehog had said earlier, the words echoing round and round her head: we were forced to kill him...forced to kill him...forced to kill him...

It couldn't be true...could it???

Amanda's hideout

Tech noticed the squirrel's uncertain gaze and turned to her for a moment. "Ianthe, make yourself at home. It isn't much, but it serves. We'll be along in a moment."

"Who's Ianthe?"

Tech blinked, dumbfounded, and Amanda looked round curiously. "What?"

"Who's Ianthe?" repeated the squirrel, hands clasped behind her back and head cocked to one side, emerald green eyes glittering with innocence. "You keep calling me that."

"But...but that's your name!" stumbled Tech, his face completely perplexed.

The squirrel shook her head vigerously, her long brown hair waiving with the motion. "I'm Fiona." she replied curtly.

Tech sighed slightly. This was beginning to get him annoyed! "Look," he muttered, scratching his head, "don't you think this is getting a bit old? It almost got us killed back there! Just...can we please drop the act, okay?"

The squirrel's face fell, mouth dropping open slightly and wide eyes becoming round with grief. Amanda stepped up behind Tech, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Leave her, Tech." she whispered quietly. "Can't you see she's frightened?"

"But this isn't her!" replied Tech in a low voice. "When I met her she was really brave and intelligent, and she called herself Ianthe! Look at her...she's acting like an eight year old now, but she's obviously older than that!"

"I don't know if she's changed, or what she was like origionally," said Amanda, "but I can tell that's real emotion in her eyes! She believes what she's saying!" Slowly she stepped forward, putting a hand on "Fiona"'s shoulder.

The squirrel's head was now hung on her chest, her large eyes closed, and tears seeped from the corners, staining her brown fur darker. "Please excuse Tech." Amanda murmured quietly to her. "He's just worried about Jet...both of us are. He didn't mean to speak like that."

Fiona's eyes opened and she peered at Amanda through the tears. "Jet your daddy?" she asked, her voice waivering slightly.

Amanda paused for a moment, then shook her head. "No, but he's a close friend of ours."

Fiona sniffed, wiping her eyes with slender fingers. "I lost my mommy." she continued. "I'm scared without her. I dunno what to do."

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Yeah, that happens all the time to me too, Wraith. The only time when you don't copy and paste the post it deletes in a Server Maintenance Alert. =(

At least there won't be any of those on Eliteboard.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: whoah, things are really picking up quick! Where the hell are you Brent?

Just a quick IC here... well, quick by my standards XD


St. Kindlesbury's hospital

"...I know this must be confusing and everything, but...will you help us?"

Myst flicked her gaze across to the rest of the 'party' before staring for a while into Wraith's eyes. Those eyes spoke a thousand words, they told stories of countless struggles within this god-forsaken city, tales of woe and misery, but at the same time, tales of unending determination and a heroic heart. Everything the rumours said about him and more, it was no wonder Myst had seen Wraith as such a great rolemodel for Lucent.

Myst's confused expression faded as a stoic look of pure determination crossed her face. "alright..." she nodded, and then a split second later she started walking down a corridor.

"uhh.. Myst? where are you going?" called Wraith, curioisity getting the best of him. The others were as confused as he was, aside from perhaps David, he was patiently observing the whole ordeal and saw interest in the whole ordeal rather than worry.

"just getting some things!" called Myst.

Wraith began to follow her out of curioisity and for the sake of staying as a group, the rest followed.

"Piece o' work that woman." said Max while stretching his arms, "that's street gangs for you i suppose."

Wraith turned to him sternly, "She's different Max, you have no idea." Max didn't reply.

"your leg sir, is it bothering you?" asked David to Wraith, quite curtly.

Wraith winced as the mention of his leg reminded him to feel the sting from it, "it's... it's alright."

"Sir, did you perform self-operation?" asked David while analysing.

"No, David. Myst helped out."

Max scratched his head, "man o' man Wraith, what exactly happened to you?"

Wraith waved a hand in front of himself, "it's a long story, i'll give you a full debriefing once we sort out our current mess."

The group followed Myst all the way to the medical room, Wraith and company moving slowly to stay at a constant pace.

As swiftly as she entered the room, Myst began systematically opening cupboards and withdrawing various medical supplies, placing them into a carry-satchel.

Max couldn't help but notice a deck of packeted syringes being placed into the satchel, and he felt inclined to ask, "what're those?"

"Tranquilizers" replied Myst without taking her eyes off her work, "to help avoid some fighting."

"And those?" asked Wraith, pointing at a small belt that held multiple scalpels and small scissors.

Myst glanced over at the group for a second and said, "those are for when a fight can't be avoided."

"resourceful" was all Tails could say, surgical equipment of any sort kinda creeped him out.

As soon as she was done, Myst attached the satchel-bag to her belt and fitted a scalpel into what looked to be an easily accessible notch that was cut on the belt at the hip, oviously self-made for purposes of survival in the city alone.

"we done?" asked Wraith, turning his back and getting ready to walk.

Myst stepped forward and nodded. The whole group began shuffling their way out. They made it to the front of the hospital interior before Tails interrupted, "whoah, wait! we forgot about the guards out there!"

"oh yeah.. crud" cursed Max.

Myst raised a hand and walked toward the front door, "i got it."

Casually Myst walked out to the crocodile form before, "hey Rangnarok!"

"hmmm?" was the reply she got.

"Lucent says you can all go inside now, but he said to go in through the back, something about not being obvious." Myst surprised herself at that sneaky little remark.

Ragnarok's teeth chattered before he replied, "Talked some sense into 'im eh? thanks Myst, i left my jacket inside."

Myst tapped him on the shoulder as he walked past, "oh, another thing, Lucent's already leaving again, and i'll be going with him."

Ragnarok's eyes shifted.

"so until either of us get back, you're in charge. Make sure Tyson doesn't shoot us on our way back in okay?"

Ragnarok nodded and gave a toothy grin, "now you're takin'!" and with that he started gathering the rest and the group made their way to the back entrance.

Myst dashed back inside and opened the front doors, "coast clear, c'mon, quickly!"


OOC: that post was kinda bleh on my part. sorry, but it's late over here atm, (watched one too many episodes of Bleach), but i still wanted to progress the story with Wraith, as i'm really looking forward to seeing that develop, seems poor Wraith has had a but of a slowdown compared to the other characters and their activity.

Anyway, i hope that was at least good enough for continuation's sake.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

I hate it when the board loses messages! Stupid ezbarf! Well, I think I'll wait a bit on my next IC too.

... Your post was great James. What do you mean "Blah"?

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Anything and everything's excusable for Bleach. <3

Just wondering, James and Brent, how many episodes have you seen so far? And have you read any of the manga?

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: This is Cam'Ron btw. Sometimes I can't be bothered with character details;

My post is going to be short, because the net cafe is closing soon.
Frost and Morgaine I am going to have to put on hold, as they will prolly be long IC's. Morgaine's reaction to Sachio's death isn't going to be half-hearted after all. And Frost's fate is going to change him I suspect.:0o


The Beach

Cam'Ron adjusted his glasses casually- wishing he had a mirror on him at least. But then he shook his head as he observed Ari stoically.

Clearing his throat, he straightened up.

"Okay, off we go!" he said, approaching them- with intentions to step behind them so as to prod them towards the chopper which would indeed, take the cast of characters back to the G.U.N HQ.

"But... but..." Jet panicked, stepping back as he sweatdropped.

"Wraith..." Arista simply echoed, fighting back the tears and becoming disorientated to her surroundings.

Cam'Ron rolled his eyes. It seemed that if a job needed doing, he had to do it himself.

Spontaenously, he yanked one of Arista's wrists.

"Owww!" she screamed, feeling the sharp pain as Cam'Ron happened to have wrenched her broken hand.

Cam'Ron felt no sympathy. He did notice that there was something floppy about the wrist though...

"Need some medical attention? The hand looks poorly..." he said, clapping the handcuff on hard- not caring how much it would hurt. He then entrapped the other wrist so that Ari was fully shackled.

Just as Jet was about to turn on the spot and run on the spot, he gasped as he found a hand fall on his shoulder- and turn him around to face the auburn hedgehog.

"Where are you going?" Cam'Ron laughed, picking him up by the scruff of the neck "it's time we brought you back where you belonged. You've been much wanted and dare I say... much missed." he said, closing his eyes and smirking.

"Y-y-yeah right!" Jet tried to say defiantly.

"Trust me- at the end of the day, we care about our subjects," Cam'Ron said insincerely, his face suddenly serious as he clapped on a pair of handcuffs onto Jet as well.

Placing him back on the ground, Cam'Ron suddenly pulled out a handgun- which drew a gasp and a wide-eyed expression from Ari.

"Now get going! The chopper's right in front of you. That's an order!"

OOC: Weeeell, you did have a chance to run you two XD

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: Oh wow! He's really cool looking Bent! ^_^ Love the coloring too!

Hmmm... Jet didn't run away because he would have felt badly about abandoning Arista. Oh well. That's what happens when you take too long to think Jet. XD

Hmm.... And now for an IC:


Jet was absolutely terrified. He was indeed caught. Jet blinked a couple times as if he was hoping to wake up... but no. This was all real. He and Ari were being brought to a helicopter headed for G.U.N HQ.

They reached the chopper and had Ari sit in a seat in the front row. Jet however, was seated in the back with two men. One seated at either side of the weasel both staring at him coldly.

"Not so tough now huh weasel boy?" the overlander snickered. The other just laughed along with him and yanked the frightened weasel onto the seat by his scruff again.

Jet was so confused! Everything was happening so quickly he couldn't think! Why were they so intent on his capture? Why was he being called a criminal? Why did they call him "Subject 297"? More importantly, now that they had him.... what were they going to DO with him?

Jet had never been so scared. He felt like his world was collapsing around him! His worst fears had been realized and his emotions had reached their peak. He didn't know what he had done wrong, and yet he was as wanted as much as Frost was.

He almost wanted to cry. It would be the third time anyone had seen him that upset. He was usually pretty calm, but this had him too wriled to speak. Even worse! His new friend Ari was in trouble too! There was nothing he could do!

Jet just hung his head in a solemn fashion as a few tears escaped his eyes. He had really BLOWN IT! There were other thoughts that made him feel worse. Were Amanda and Tech safe? What would happen in his absence? The one that brought him the most pain...

Was he ever going to see Tech or Amanda again?

Jet was not usually so sensative, but that thought almost brought him to his knees! After all. He didn't know what was going to happen and like it or not...

there was nothing he could do about it.

Jet simply sank into his seat and stared at the floor. The chopper was made for humans so Jet was small for the seats. Jet wrung his tail as he tried to think of anything! ANYTHING but what was happening around him. It was almost too much for him to bear!

With that, the chopper was getting ready to take off. Jet didn't know what to do at the moment. He was drawing a blank as his fear and stress made it hard to focus on anything.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Alleyways outside the hospital

It didn't take the small group long to put a slight distance between them and the hospital, despite Wraith's injury. He was getting more used to walking on it now, learning to do so without too much pain, and he made good time!

Inside, he felt like he'd been releaced from a cage! He had got out of the Noctournes base, a beehive of trouble if ever there was one, especially for him, without causing a gang war! He was on the road again (He always had trouble sitting still for too long) and finally felt like he was doing something.

But all of those feelings of vigor were tarnished by a deep, niggling fear that had rooted itself like a cold, hard mass in his bones, refusing to let go. What would they find when they reached their destination?

He shook his head, clearing his mind of those thoughts as best he could. There would be time to worry about that when they got there. He looked over at Myst, who was walking next to him...possibly trying to stay close to keep an eye on his leg. She spotted his gaze from the corner of her eye and looked around, and he smiled at her warmly. "Thanks for all your help. If it wasn't for you things would have turned out a whole lot different!"

She smiled too. "I'm glad I could be of assistance." she replied. Wraith couldn't help but notice her eyes though...there was something in them, behind the smile and amiable exterior, something sad, and worried.

He knew what it was. She was thinking about Lucent again.

What would happen if they met? Would they fight? Would they talk? Would they shake hands and slap each other on the back like old buddies and instantly become the best of friends?

Okay, now he was being silly, but he could always hope. Whatever happened though, he worried for Myst. Just how far would she go to protect Lucent? How far would Wraith be forced to go to stop her, let alone worrying about the bat himself!

Somehow, Lucent worried him less than the bat beside him right now...if anything happened to the gang leader, it could destroy Myst from the inside out!

"Wraith." Max stepped forward, interrupting his train of thought. "Any chance you could fill us in on what's happening with the Noctournes then?"

Wraith his haste, he had completely forgotten to tell the others what he'd found! He quickly outlined the details, explaining where Lucent was and the situation.

Max looked decidedly worried as Wraith finished. "Snakes!" he muttered quietly as the impact of the situation sank in. "I'm gonna call base, get the gang to meet us on the way to Sachio and Morgaine's hideout, okay? We're gonna need all the help we can get."

Wraith sighed slightly, but nodded. He didn't want to get into a turf war, but with stakes like these, there wasn't much choice! Max took out his mobile phone and dialled a number...


Warrick looked around the warehouse slowly. Most of the troops had cleared out by now, as they were no longer needed, and only one helicopter remained outside. Pretty soon the last group would be ready to move out too.

Mentally he patted himself on the back. Frost and the Neo-Freedom Fighters, all in one! Good day's work, although he said so himself.

He was so unprepared, he jumped nearly three feet into the air as the telephone on the desk in the corner rung! Several soldiers were taken by supprise too...they swung their guns round quickly, looking round for the scource of the noise.

Warrick took a deep breath to calm himself down as he stepped across the large room to the desk, reaching out for the phone's reciver...

Suddenly he stopped, thinking. Who could be phoning here? It wouldn't be GUN headquarters, they would use the radios. Who else would know the number? Freedom Fighter opperatives? Vigilantes?

His mind began to race as he spun round, looking across the remainder of the troops that were tydying up the warehouse and treating the injured. "Attention!" he snapped. "Absolute silence all! We have to keep our prescence here secret from as many as possible!" The troops looked up, immeadeately stopping talking, and silence descended on the room, apart for the steady peal of the phone.

"White! Over here, now!"

One of the soldiers quickly stepped forward and saluted smartly, face hidden by the riot helmet on his head. Warrick pointed to it. "Lose the helmet, quickly!"

The soldier complied, pulling the helmet off, and the slim features behind identified her as a woman. Warrick jerked a thumb towards the phone quickly. "This could be some more of the gang. I want you to pose as their leader here...that Lynx called Agis. You have a similar voice. I'll tell you what to say, okay?"

White looked a little taken aback, but she nodded in responce, and Warrick stabbed a finger at the "speaker" button on the phone.

White bent over the desk, licking her lips. "Uh...hello? Who's there?"

"This is Max...who is that?"

"It-it's Agis..." She was about to add "sir" on the end, but suddenly realised that she didn't know if this "Max" outranked Agis, or the other way round! "Is everything okay?"

There was the slightest pause on the other end, then Max continued: "Yeah, we're alright. Listen, we got Wraith! We found him! He's alive and well!"

White looked up at Warrick, unsure of how to proceed. Warrickclecnched his fists in front of his chest, pretending to cheer. "That's...that's great news!" exclaimed White, turning back to the phone. "We were so worried!" Warrick, meanwhile, brought his hand to his chin, looking thoughtful. Wraith...alive??? One of his soldiers had reported him dead, killed by his own hand! Come to think of it, nobody else had actually witnessed the death...what was going on here? He'd have to investigate this, and have a word with that soldier...what was his name again...?

"We don't have time to cellebrate though Agis...seems the Noctournes are going after the Dread Painters...we got a major gang war on our hands!"

Warrick's eyes bulged out of his head at this! He quickly grabbed the collar of a sholdier nearby, yanking him closer and hissing into his ear quietly so the phone wouldn't pick it up: "Get me Command, now!" The soldier nodded and ran off out of the warehouse, making for the parked helecopter outside.

White was stalling. "Oh no, that's...that's terrible!"

"Agis, are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"Yeah...yeah I am, I'm just...shocked!"

"Okay listen, we need you and the rest of the gang to get together and meet us downtown. We'll co-ordinate exact locations on the move, but move out, right away, you hear me?"

Warrick was frantically signalling with his hands, pointing at the phone, then down at the floor quickly. "Ah, sir," replied White, looking at him for guidence, "don't you think it'd be better for you to come back here first?"

"No time Agis, we need to be downtown about three hours ago!"

"But sir, we...uh...we're kinda stuck inside at the moment. We saw GUN troops pass nearby the base, and we're worried if we move they may spot us!"

Max's voice sounded shocked. "GUN troops??? Why didn't you say so before?"

"I didn't realise you'd need us to go out, sir!"

The phone went quiet for a moment, muffled noises in the background, sounding like somebody conffering with someone else, then Max came back. "Okay, I'll come back and asses the situation, just sit tight until I get there, got it?"

"Yes sir." replied White, noticing more movement from Warrick out of the corner of her eye. "Will all of you be coming back, sir?"

"No, just me. I'll be there as quick as I can."

"Understood sir."

There was a clicking noise, then the dialing tone hummed out from the speaker. White let out a long sigh of relief, standing up from the table slowly.

Warrrick, on the other hand, was full of action. "Okay, move it, we want to be ready for when he gets here! Get all the injured out, and move that chopper before he sees it! Let's get ready to arrest him the moment he walks in the door!"


"That sound like Agis to you?" asked Max, switching off the speaker on his phone.

Wraith shook his head slowly. "Not forcefull enough." he replied. "Something's going on, that's for sure."

They were all gathered round in a small circle in the alley, surrounding Max's phone. Tails looked up hesitantly. "What do you think it could be?"

Max stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "I dunno kid, but I'm sure gonna find out!" he pulled out one of his silver magnums from his belt, checking it was fully loaded. "And if it's anything wrong, I'll sort it out too!"

"Just don't forget they'll be waiting for you." warned Wraith, raising a finger and pointing at him. "Whoever that was will know you're coming."

"Know I'm coming, sure." replied Max. "Not him though." He nodded in David's direction as he spoke, and the robot smiled and bowed it's head slightly.

"I will assist you as best I can sir." he murmured in his smooth voice.

"Soon as everything's settled, contact us." muttered Wraith as the duo prepared to leave. "And Max...take care, okay?"

Max gave a curt nod as he rammed the magnum back into it's holster, and next moment he and David were running off down the road towards the Neo-Freedom Fighters' hideout.

"You think they'll be okay?" asked Tails as he watched them go. Wraith followed his gaze a moment, then turned and set off down the alley again, motioning the other two to follow him.

"Yeah, they should be."

(OOC: Update with Ari later.)

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: hey i was just wondering how exactly is each section going with relation to the time of day. i know the beach scene is around mid afternoon but what about everywhere else? just thought we ought to clear that up. one more thing, ben was the helicopter that shaide came from the same one i said that flew over from the raid site and was attracted by the gunfight or is it a different one? also what exactly is happening with the rest of the gang outside the hotel? sorry i just need to clear a few things up before i can post with sword, seeing as hes in the former gunfight area, though i might skimp on that for the moment and make an IC anyway but any info would help a lot.

sorry for the hold up with me. ive had this whole issue of me having lots of homework and somehow never getting around to it o.O. ill probably have an IC edited into this shortly, if not can we just hold this for a minute please? just so i dont fall any further behind. RaF seems to be going through one of its "flying through the story" modes. sorry for the wait pachmac, i will have one tomorrow if not today. good ol spares last 2 periods ^^.

o just a minor point wraith, the dread painters were a moderately powerful gang that Lucent fought with in james's opening post, not sachio and morgaines gang. i dont think we even have a name for them do we?

o yeah pach. BLEACH!!! im on ep 70 :cackle ^^ and yes i have read some of the manga, namely the recent ones ITS TEH AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :spin

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Ep 70? I didnt realise they had that many episodes already. XD Ive only seen up to Ep. 63 as the thought of the filler episodes doesnt sound appealing. =/ And even then I still need to have a gap so that when I return to it theres enough Bleach-y goodness for me. :D And Ive read up to Volume 11 of the manga.

As for the time of day for the character, I think everything is near enough around the same time together. Even though its been a while since you last posted with Sword, itd easily be explainable that hes simply moved on a while, through the buildings and such, making up time for the gap in your posts.

As for the gang in front of the Hotel, I should imagine that the resistance of Sachio and Morgaines forces are now in an upcoming battle against GUN which are coming around to that area too. Meaning Sword will have to deal with GUN, the gang, and you know who all at once. :O

The Neo Freedom Fighters Warehouse (or rather, what remains)

Warwick had immediately ordered the remaining soldiers of GUN within the ruined and devastated Neo Freedom Fighters base to achieve hiding positions within the shadows and behind debris so that, when Max would arrive, he would neither expect them to come at him from these areas and a surprise attack could be initiated.

The chopper had already been cleared, circling out and prepared to arrive back at the area once instructed to by Warrick. It would be a short while now before Max arrived, or so Warrick assumed at least. He hoped though, that the man would actually hurry up and arrive here, so as to get this job over and done with. Staying here for one man seemed incredibly tedious and almost pointless, but it was necessary.

White, he called out to the female soldier who had attempted to imitate Agis voice. Get your helmet on and move to your position, pronto. I want this gang member caught as soon as he gets here, understood?

Yes sir, White complied, and proceeded with her orders.


Max and Davids pace towards their warehouse headquarters was quick. The situation with Agis voice didnt inspire confidence, and they had to ascertain the fate of their group. As the pair rounded a corner around an alleyway, ready to go through the street which would lead to a back entrance of the warehouse, the pair of them suddenly stopped mid-run, David repeating what max himself did first.

Holy Max trailed off, looking at the devastation. Although it was the wall that was not in his direction, he could still see where it would be where a wall itself had been blown off from the warehouse in fact! What happened in here inspired greater fear. Also, along with the angling metal out jutting into the air from the remains of the wall, the rubble and debris surrounding the floor and the blackened scorch marks suggested it was likely to have been an explosion, a great fire. All at their headquarters.

Huh it doesnt surprise me that GUN could do that, but how in the world would have GUN knew where our headquarters was?! Max exclaimed. David nodded slowly, it didnt make much sense. I dont see any of the GUN soldiers around here they must be in the base. David, could you use your sensors to try and pick up their location from within there?

Of course, sir. However, this will be a drain on my systems, and already my energy is quite- David began.

Do it, please David. Max interjected. The being complied.

GUN has taken up hiding locations around the warehouse and are aiming towards the front entrance of the building. I count 15 of them in all total, each one equipped with a sophisticated weapon. There also appears to be prisoners, members of the Neo Freedom Fighters, 6 in all. David explained.

Ugh, I would have just left it but I cant let the others just be captured by GUN! Max spoke out loudly, gritting his teeth and tensing his hands within a fist tightly.

Sir, I would reconsider such an option, the Neo Freedom Fighters are evidently bait for the pair of us. It is likely to assume that, although they would be under capture, they would not come under serious harm by GUN, and simply be detained? David suggested, trying to interject reason within Max. My abilities might be sufficient in restraining a number of the soldiers, but I am unsure whether I would be able to withstand such firepower for long, especially if their weaponry is able to destroy a wall such has already been demonstrated. Added to this, you are not quite as resistant, and

We go in. Max curtly said. David had an incredulous look upon his face. Not only do we need to help them, but we can try and sort this whole @#%$ thing with GUN out. We need answers, and were not the bad guys. We sort this out, rescue our guys, and perhaps, if were lucky, get an alliance.

David paused. by my calculations and assessment of GUNs prior activities governing gangs members, such an alliance possibility only strikes up as

I dont want to hear it, David. Lets just do this, okay? We go through the back way, they wont expect us to come through there, and through that we can have some form of upper hand against them. Max spoke out.

Yes sir. David complied, and the two raced out from the alleyway towards the back of the warehouse, and the noticeable door which was thankfully undamaged in the earlier attack against Frost.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Did someone ask me a question... *ponders*

Oh yeah, Brent. Naw, it's another chopper. Not sure what y'all have planned with that one heading towards the hotel.
Sachio and Morgaine's gang are as good as useless without their leaders. Merely scattered renegades.
One of them... may well be back in the near future to throw a spanner in the works though.
Look forward to see how Sword deals with the caboodle :]

Well, am uninspired with the other scenes, but I wrote one IC yesterday, which is better than none. Besides, my tongue is numb from an LA IV block I got today.

Thanks for the compliments too Jet ^^

The cliff top

An unsettling feeling overwhelmed Morgaine as she listened to the sinister words of the assassin spider.
Her eyes suddenly hollowed up- a toll dulling through her head as she looked at Azieral attentively, and coversely,
drearily at the same time.

"Who is it?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

Azieral witheld from giving Morgaine an answer straight away. For no particular reason. Certainly it was neither the
fact that she was going to feel sympathy before or afterwards, nor the fact that she was taking delight in taunting
Morgaine by delaying the answer.

"Tell me danmit!" Morgaine demanded, her voice becoming shrill causing it to almost be lost by the roaring of the
ocean waves several feet below the clifftop.

Azieral took a few stealthy steps forwards, her eyes fixed on Morgaine. Stepping in close enough would mean she wouldn't
have to raise her voice so needlessly against the chaotic environment noise. She almost felt obliged to break the news with
a bit of tact too.

"Would you 'really' care now if I were to tell you?" she asked calmly "during all this time, when you and your sibling had
parted for that significant part of the battle, did it not once occur to you that something was wrong? That a part of you was
... missing?"

Morgaine looked back at Azieral defiantly.

"What are you talking about, eight eyes?" she asked, the wind tossing her fringe back and forth over her organge eye, where
as the saphire-green one was constantly visible.
Morgaine had thought for a moment that Azieral was mocking the fact that she couldn't handle a battle by herself; not without
her brother anyway.

"Oh come on buttercup, would you like it written out in blood?!" Azieral said, getting a bit impatient "your brother. Sachio. Is.

Morgaine's throat tightened, the world a sudden dizzy haze and swirl her eyes- the crashing waves of the ocean and the seagulls'
cries causing her head to throb with.

Forcing back the livid state that was about to subdue her, she looked back at the blood that had stained Azieral. The red hue
suddenly shone so brightly to her eyes, standing out from the rest of her tainted forsight. Followed by that, her eyes wondered
around the rock- and her heart stopped for a good second as she noticed a limp blue hand- creeping from behind the rock. So
young with promise- and yet so lifeless. The brilliant blue of him had faded by several shades and his fingers were stained with
coagulated swabs of blood.
From a world sudden shock and grief, some accompanying emotions of anger and rage flooded in.

"You killed him..." she uttered coldly "you killed Sachio! YOU KILLED SACHIO! You my murdered BROTHER..." she began, choking
violently as she tried to hold back the tears, but found it next to impossible. She was also thrashing against the webs that restrained her,
but more out of anger that dominated her than the will to escape.

"How could you... how could you do THAT?!?" her cry becoming more uncontrolled and violent in its tone, another rush of tears taking its
toll "he's the only family I had left... the only one I had left at ALL! And you killed him! For what?! Who are YOU?!? Even?! Insignificant shadow...
lurker... what the hell... where did you even come from you lurker?!" she continued with her accusations.

"...and what do you want with me?! Or what did you want with..." Morgaine struggled referring to her dead sibling "him... the both of us...?" she
asked, emotionally exhausted as she narrowed her tear-stained eyes.s

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

man this took me absolutely ages. almost an hour and a half and its only one page long >.< i dunno i just had a lot of trouble writting this but the end result seems ok. i was going to include a small section (which would probably end up as another whole page) regarding the two overlanders from the ram raid, seeing as their still lying on the beach but ive run out of time today. might try an add to it over the weekend. anyway enough talk for now, on with the post.

Sword studied the helicopters approach. Judging by its current heading and approach velocity it would most likely arrive within a minute. Ideas raced through his mind analysing a number of possibilities, trying to determine how best to infiltrate the hotel given the current situation.

A few problems were quickly illuminated. Contrary to his pervious thought the arrival of the GUN aircraft may actually prove detrimental. Rather than providing a distraction it was more likely to cause the warring gangs to scatter, with members re-entering the hotel, making it infinitely more difficult to successfully infiltrate the building, or they would take cover else where and he would be discovered. A less likely, but still possible, scenario would have GUN entering the fray as well, thus creating a three way battle. Then there was the trouble of entering the building and actually locating Sachio and Morgaines office in the multitude of levels it contained.

Swords train of thought was immediately broken by a hail of gunfire, far in excess of the random volleys that echoed throughout the city blocks a second earlier, as well as a constant, loud cheering. He peered around the corner. One side of the battle field had completely vacated the scene and the others were shouting a victory cry, gun raised above their heads as they danced in elation, many being fired into the air during the excitement.

You have got to be kidding. He thought. Dammit!

He glanced once more at the helicopter, turned, and sprinted down the alley. If he was to manage this at all, there was only one remaining option. He skidded around the corner and entered a small door to the building adjacent the hotel. While the hotel itself was in pristine condition this building appeared old and decrepit, though its worn appearance had nothing to do with actual damage, in fact the structure of the building itself appeared quite sound. No, it was merely neglect. Like so many other buildings in the city it had been abandoned for years. Hopefully that would mean it wasnt occupied by any of Sachio and Morgaines forces, though he wouldnt have time to find out.

He entered the stairwell and sprinted up each flight, his foot slipping occasionally. These steps had been designed for human feet or padded paws, not long toes sporting an equally long talon on each. The door to the top floor was ajar and Sword unceremoniously flung it open as he entered . . . and stopped dead.

A relatively large, well built figure, cat like in appearance and wearing a long black cloak, already occupied the room. One arm was raised in front of him in a defensive posture and his well muscled legs were bent slightly, ready to spring at an instance notice.

Sword similarly adopted his own fighting stance and studied him closely.

Who are you? Sword asked curtly, his eyes narrowing. Yet another inconvenience. This was turning into an extremely frustrating day.

ive figured that pretty much everything that has been happening around this area would have really only occured within about a 10 - 15 minute gap, so this new bit shouldnt really be very far behind the rest of the rp, thankfully. ill try IC again as quickly as i can but the length of time it takes for me to make a post acts as a rather effective deterant to posting fequently. i dunno, ive never been very fast at writting.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Trey froze up completely, instantly assuming a defensive stance the moment his hearing had picked up the sound of another person within this building. He had prayed that it was not a G.U.N soldier at least, for they would have been equipped with far more sophisticated weaponry. Instead, however, what he had found was an eagle, who appeared just as surprised by Treys appearance then Trey was of the eagle.

Who are you? Sword asked suspiciously. Following Swords own narrowing of his eyes, Trey did the same, and quickly responded with: I was going to ask you the same thing.

Then, there was an eerie, awkward silence as the two of them sized each other up, looking for weaknesses in one another to exploit, if the situation demanded of it. He didnt look like a G.U.N soldier, that much was sure, and it was doubtful that the Eagle worked for the Nocturnes, after all Trey hadnt seen him with the group before. And even if Sword was with the Nocturnes, he wouldnt have been in here, instead having escaped in another direction with the rest of Lucents forces.

Which left the most likely option of being a member of Sachio and Morgaines forces left, or a completely different sided individual altogether. He could, like Trey, be by himself.

My name is Trey, the Cheetah said, deciding to end the silence before the tension got to one of them and a confrontation actually started, one Trey was not ready for. Im here simply to take shelter, whilst the idiots, Lucents, Sachios and Morgaines henchmen fight each other.

He paused, and fixed a steely, yet curious gaze to Sword.

What about you? Who are you and why are you here? There was no sign of antagonising in Treys voice, simply one of curiosity and intrigue, and a desire to ascertain that whoever before him was not an enemy.

The cliff-top

Azieral stood speechless before Morgaine, the hedgehogs shouting reverberating in her ear drums. The girls desperate, shocked and erratic cries shocked and surprised her. But, even she had to admit, that it wasnt completely unexpected.

Thats why I didnt want you to have to see him, Azieral spoke out. She had no idea whether Morgaine was actually sane enough to pay attention, or whether her words fell on deaf ears. For the record, I didnt kill your brother. That privilege went to Lucent the Bat.

Morgaine turned her gaze towards Azieral, at the mere mention of that haunting name.

And by the way, princess, youre not the only one whos lost whatever family they had left. Azieral added to it, spitting the words out, and then doing a double take completely. She had just dawned upon a sudden realization that herself and Morgaine, now, were not completely different after all, and in fact were more similar then she had expected.

She found herself suddenly drained of energy, and slumped to the floor, landing on her bottom. She had found herself suddenly tired, this realization having overwhelmed her.

Morgaine. What about the rest of your family? There had to be more then just Sachio, right? What happened to them? Azieral asked, suddenly more interested and intrigued in the female hedgehog. She wanted to see just how similar they were.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Sorry for the delay in posting. Will catch up tomorrow (5:30 am here now) and post if I can.

EDIT: Ugh...anyone ever noticed how writer's block always waits until the most annoying times to strike? I have lots of ideas that I'm thinking of planning in the coming weeks for my characters, but the connecting sections before then at the moment are drawing complete blanks for me here! I think I'm starting to get over it now though, all being well. Post as soon as I can. My appologies all.

Small note for Jet, you may not have noticed as it was edited in rather than posted new, but my last post but one had in a section for Tech, Amanda and Fiona. I noticed you weren't updating that scene, just wondering if you noticed it? If not, sorry, my bad. I should have posted it seperately. If so and you're having a similar problem to me, then no worries.

Also Eclipse, who should post next with Myst, Wraith and or me? I'm not certain where to go with them at the moment...I have one idea, but it could be somewhat predictable. I dunno.

As I said, post as soon as I can. Sorry.)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: I think I have an IC now. I'll just sneak it in.



Amanda and Tech were both confused to say the least, but they still felt bad for Fiona. She really was scared. They could see it.

Amanda spoke up. "We'll help you Fiona." she said. "We need to wait for Jet to get here first though." she said in a depressed tone.

"I need to go upstairs a moment. I'll...I'll be right back down." Amanda said as she went up the stairway.

"Feel free to look around the place Fiona. Don't go outside though. No one knows about this place except for us and Jet." With that she disappeared upstairs.

Tech just looked back at Fiona and who seemed to have calmed down some. "Come on Fiona. Come and sit in the living room." he said as they both went over to the two rather worn sofas.

Tech threw his bag onto the sofa and took out some of the papers Jet got from the library. He was looking for anything of interest.

He stopped when he came across a headline that said "Lab Shutdown After Years of Illegal Operations!" It was the same paper Jet saw before having to leave the library, but Tech didn't know that.

Tech quietly began reading and was instantly pulled in! This was quite a story!

The basic story went like this.
Labratoy shut down after it was discovered to be operating illegally outside the city. The two main scientists Dr. Russel, and Dr. Porter were both arrested for illegal operation of the lab and for illegal genetic experimentation.

As Tech read on he learned that the two doctors worked on a special project for 8 years and that it was not found when the lab was raided. The doctors also used to work at St. Kindlesbury Hospital.

"Hmmm... 8 years ago? Maybe something connected to these events can explain Jet's memory loss of that time." Tech pondered.

"What are you reading Tech?" Fiona asked.

"Just reading an old paper. I'm going to show it to Jet when he gets back." he said. "Huh. Wonder what's keeping Amanda."

"I don't know." Fiona replied.

"Wait here. I'm going to get Amanda." Tech then heade up the stairs to see what Amanda was doing. He found her in her bedroom. She was just sitting quietly thinking.


"Oh! Tech. You startled me!"

"You coming back down?"

"Oh! Yeah. yeah. I'm coming." she said as she went with him back downstairs.

"You'd better be safe Jet!" she thought to herself.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Sorry for the delay. Have Endodontics for the next fortnight.
Will try to catch up other scenes.

The chopper had already ascended and taken flight, with its captives Ari and Jet within, closely guarded by the G.U.N soldiers.

Jet stared out the window, watching as the hotel, the beach, the ocean and the cityscape of the apocalyptic station square got smaller and smaller.
The sun was setting by now- but given the circumstances, it was somewhat hard to admire.

Ari simply sat there- the pain of her broken wrist throbbing somewhat after having been cuffed earlier on.
Though she was finding the mental anguish of finally coming towards her goal of killing Morgaine, and then discarding it leaving her lost and very alone.

Shaide came from the pilot's room. He said something to one of the G.U.N soldiers which was away from Jet and Ari's hearing range, before the soldier got up and went to the pilot's room.
With that, Cam'Ron took the soldier's place, next to Jet such that Jet was now in the middle of a soldier and Cam'Ron. He sat back in his seat, his arms behind his head and smiling as he looked at Jet.

"Well, what a day! Two highly sought after genetic freaks caught in one day..." Cam'Ron began "how uncanny!"

Ari slowly turned her head to look at Shaide- despite being lost in her own thoughts, her expression upheld a mystified frown.

"You seem quite harmless right now. Or is it a front...?" Shaide said "should we be wary of you, subject 297?"

Jet avoided his stare, his head hanging low- though his eyes tended to wander back and forth to the hedgehog warily.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jet said solemnly.

Cam'Ron sighed.

"You know, if you were a little more compliant, I could perhaps pull a few strings for ya," the hedgehog explained "you know, tell me more about the incident at the labs a few years ago- who you are, why you're here... hell, WHAT you are..." Cam'ron frowned as he eyed the weasel up and down.
"...and we might let you off lightly. Well, not let you off-but maybe get medical staff to disect you less than you'd want." he sniggered, awaiting the weasel's reaction.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Sorry everyone, especially Pach...we discussed scenarios in messages and when we finally agree on something, I get ill and writer's block >.> I hate life.

Worked something out now though. Still in discussions with Eclipse about Wraith and Myst, and Ari seems to be very intoverted at the moment...not much I can post with her without repeating myself. She's listening to the talk between Jet and Cam'ron though.

But yeah, here's Max and David.)


The door opened slowly, quietly, revealing the glowing blue eyes of the robot behind them. It led directly into Wraith's office on the upper level, a small set of stairs on the other side leading to the outer door. The outer door had been hidden by the gang under piles of rubbish, so nobody would know it was there, but it was useful to have for various situations...

...situations like these, for instance.

The room was empty, and David stepped forward, Max following close behind. His magnums gleamed in the dim light as he carefully advanced to the window, covered over by shutter blinds. As he went, he glanced across the room at the open door into Wraith's bedroom, seeing the bed beond. He shuddered as he remembered the note that Arista had left there...was the vixen okay now? Where was she?

He carefully parted the blinds with a finger, making as little desturbance as possible. David stepped alongside him as he cursed under his breath. "There's loads of 'em!" he muttered. "They're GUN for sure. Looks like they pulled a full raid!"

David's plastic face dropped into a frown. "I was under the impression GUN was a peace keeping force." he murmured quietly. "Why would they attack a group who is working for the same ideals as they are?"

"They can't see how alike we are." replied Max, surveying the scene in the main part of the warehouse from his limited vantage point. "And they don't like our methods. This is low, though, even for them! There's major damage out there...I can't believe they'd pull something like this!" His eyes fell upon the pile of bodies in the corner of the large room, the ones killed by Frost in his attack, and for a long moment he was silent.

"********!" he spat, barely remembering to keep his voice down! "They...they've killed them!" He stepped back from the window, priming his magnums and striding to the door. "That's it, they're gonna pay for that! I always had respect for GUN, but now they can stick it!"

David's hand clamped down on his shoulder quickly. "Sir, I strongly advise against going out will be overpowered in seconds!"

"This has gone beond an attack, David! They've murdered everyone in cold blood!" Max tried to shake himself free from the robot's cold grasp. "They're gonna pay! They're gonna pay for it all!"

"Sir, you cannot take down that many soldiers alone!"

Max suddenly stopped, looking round at David with a frown on his face. "No, I couldn't...but you could!"

"Sir, I refuse to kill anyone..."

"I know I know! I'm not talking about killing. I mean knocking them out...putting them to sleep while I find the commander of the force! I bet you could do that, right?"

David paused for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I believe so sir, however..."

"Do it!" interrupted Max, grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him towards the door. "Knock them all out except the guy who's in charge! He's mine!"


Warrick was getting impatient. Surely it wouldn't take this long for someone to get here?

He grunted as he looked at his watch again, then re-trained his shotgun on the entrance to the warehouse. This "Max" guy had better be quick!

Suddenly there was a noise over his shoulder, and he spun round quickly, as did all the other soldiers in the room. He had taken up station by the steps up to the upper level of the warehouse, and now as he looked up at the wooden gantry, he froze in shock.

The door was open, swinging slowly on it's hinges! He was sure it had been closed before! What could have...?


"Look out!"

A round of gunfire echoed around the large room, and Warrick sprang to his feet, looking over to see what had happened. He blinked in disbelief as he saw two of the soldiers over the other side lying prone on the floor, as though they had been shot!

"What's going on???"

"There's something in here sir!" came a worried reply from the other side of the room. "It's somewhere up in the rafters!"

Another soldier had crawled over to the bodies, and was checking their vital signs. "They're alive, but knocked out!" he called over to Warrick, waving a hand in the air.

RATATATA... another round of gunfire roared through the room from over in the corner, and spinning round, Warrick was just in time to see a white shape jumping with superhuman speed and strength back up to the roof, dissapearing into the shadows in the rafters of the tall celing! Four more soldiers lay unconsious where it had been!

"Form up!" Warrick ran over into the center of the room, followed by the other soldiers around him, all of them nervously pointing their guns up into the rafters, looking for any sign of movement! "Cover all flanks! Eyes open!" Gathering all the soldiers into the center was risky because they would all be in one place, but it would give them room to see around them, and get them away from the walls and the hiding places they contained!

"It looks like some kind of Mech sir." reported one of the soldiers as he stepped alongside him. "Humanoid. I think it may be..." His sentance was cut off as another hail of gunfire exploded into the rafters, pointing into the shadows up above.

Next thing, all hell broke loose.

The machine, whatever it was, dropped once again, right in the middle of the group! Ducking and dodging around with incredible speed, it managed to avoid all the gunfire around it as it lunged from figure to figure, touching them at pressure points on their neck and making them sink to the floor unconsious! Warrick let off a round from his shotgun, but the robot was simply too fast, so fast it was dificult to see, let alone aim for!

Then suddenly, it stopped moving, coming to rest not five feet in front of Warrick and looking round slowly. Warick's jaw dropped open as he stared at it. "Mech?" he exclaimed, almost incoherant with shock. "Doctor actually exists???"

"My apologies sir." remarked David's calm, flowing voice as he smiled at the commander. "I assure you all of your forces will be completely fine in approximately three hours."

Warrick raised his gun, pointing it squarely at David's head. "Just what are you, and what are you doing here?"

Before the robot could answer, though, another voice called from behind him: "Put the gun down, right now!"

Warrick froze, turning his head to look over his shoulder. There, stood on the balcony of the second level, one of his magnums pointing down at Warrick's back, was Max, his face as black as thunder! "Put it down, and step away!"

(OOC: Fiona later)

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"You know, if you were a little more compliant, I could perhaps pull a few strings for ya," the hedgehog explained.
"you know, tell me more about the incident at the labs a few years ago- who you are, why you're here... hell, WHAT you are..." Cam'ron frowned as he eyed the weasel up and down.
"...and we might let you off lightly. Well, not let you off-but maybe get medical staff to disect you less than you'd want." he sniggered, awaiting the weasel's reaction.

"What lab? I don't have any idea as to what you're talking about." Jet replied. "I don't remember anything before being 8 years old. And what do you mean when you call me a genetic freak?"

"I find it a bit hard to believe that you would forget that much information weasel!" Cam'Ron snapped getting frustrated with Jet! "But I guess if you won't talk to me, there's others who can get you talk at base." he said in an intimidating fashion.

Perhaps he was hoping to scare Jet into talking. It was the truth though. Jet had no memory of anything the hedgehog mentioned. "I already told you! I don't know anything! I don't even know what you're talking about!" Jet retorted.

"Save it for base 297. You had you're chance to talk. Now SHUT UP!" Cam'Ron spat back at Jet.

Jet just sank into his seat and stared out the window and then to Ari who was sitting up front. All he could do was wonder how did he let this happen...

Was he really this stupid?

At least he was right about one thing. G.U.N did know something about him. They seemed intent on keeping it to themselves though. Jet couldn't think about anything but the hedgehog's words. Genetic Freak? What did that mean for HIM? What were they going to do with him? Were they REALLY going to take him apart? It sounded a bit far-fetched, but he wasn't going to completely dismiss the possability.

Jet's gaze fell onto the cold blue floor again. He was more confused now than ever. He leaned back in the rather large seat and pulled his tail over his lap. He then folded his arms over it. He didn't know why, but he felt like holding it. It comforted him somehow as he stroked his tail like he was petting a cat.

Both the hedgehog and the overlander were looking out a window. Jet was still nervous, but he was controlling it better now. He had never felt like this but he felt as though he was fearing for his life. He was worried for Ari too. Were they going to hurt her?

He simply leaned forward and buried his face in his tail. He couldn't stand the thoughts going through his mind. It was mental torture! It was plain to see he was upset. He didn't want to be seen that way though. He didn't want to give the hedgehog anything else to question about him. Jet was already literally lost in his own thoughts.

This did strike Arista as odd. She wouldn't have assumed he would react so badly to a simple G.U.N. officer.

"What's bothering this weasel so much?" she wondered as she looked back and saw him doubled over in his seat. She knew he was upset, but why?

OOC: I'll let Wraith update Amanda's hideout. =P

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Warrick tensed, his eyes narrowing and gritting his teeth whilst looking over his shoulder to the bellowing voice emanating from Max. This situation had now suddenly gone from good to bad, and Warrick himself was almost in total disbelief about it! All of his forces had just as suddenly been defeated by only two people?

His fist tightened his grip upon his shotgun. He wasnt willing to simply back down from a fight, no, hed rather continue fighting and make the gangster pay for what he had done to his men! But then, there was the mechanoid, created by Dr. Amoz Warrick was still surprised by Davids presence, as well as cautious about his strength. If Warrick was correct, he was sure that all of his men fell solely because of him, the gunfire used as a distraction by this other newcomer.

He then turned around, and stared once again at Max, focusing upon his location. He was on the balcony of the second level! Surely it was already weakened by the earlier explosion that Warrick performed which completely destroyed an entire wall, and it was likely that, although was still standing, it was structurally unsafe, and wouldnt take much to collapse?

Take this, villain! Warrick shouted, darting forwards away from David, closer to Max. The sudden movement meant Maxs aim had been thrown off course, and before he could recalibrate it in time, or for David to stop Warrick, Warrick had instinctively shot forwards, aiming at the nearest column for the second balcony.

A loud BANG rocketed across the room, and the column, which was once whole, had suddenly in a split second been blasted backwards, a large circular hole piercing the middle of the column! Weakened, the balcony jerked forwards slightly, rumbling, and threw Max off his feet! The balcony rumbled once more, and then began to at last collapse!

David disappeared in a sudden blur, shooting past Warrick and clipping his shoulder on the way past, knocking Warrick over. During Maxs tumble down to the ground, he to suddenly disappeared, encompassed by a blur, as the rest of what was the balcony collapsed in a sudden and unexpected ruin, a growing heap of dust and rubble upon the ground.

Warrick blinked in surprise, at the apparent lack of his enemy being where he should have landed! A moments realization gave way to Warrick turning around, and spotting both Max and David now behind him, Max secure in Davids saving arms. The mechanoid had in fact, during the short time available, quickly moved at enough speed to save Max and bring the pair of them a short distance behind Warrick!

Huh, Max grunted, his facial expressions flaring up in greater anger. Ill forgive you for that one, if you only drop your weapon! Max shouted. Put it down and step away! he repeated.

Warrick narrowed his eyes, it appeared his ploy had failed, yet there was still a chance to save the situation. It appeared that neither Max or David suspected that Warrick also bore two 9mm Berettas along with his shotgun, and that, because they were still concealed, he would be able to use them if the opportunity called for it. which seemed likely.
Pah, fine, Warrick threw the shotgun a distance to his side, away from both him, Max and David, although he would still be closer to it, if needed. I have to admit, Im impressed, if only because of Dr. Amozs creation, here. Warrick spat.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Dang Max is steaming! There isn;t much that can get him this angry, but seeing all his friends dead and all he's worked for destroyed is one of them!

Look out Warrick! lol)

IC: Neo-Freedom Fighters' base

"You knew my father?" asked David, cocking his head to the side, but before Warrick could answer, Max cut in.

"You're gonna pay for all this!" he spat, advancing on the Human slowly, menacingly, his guns still trained at Warrick's head. "I know you weren't happy about us Neo-Freedom Fighters doing things our own way, but to launch an attack like kill so many innocent people...!" Max's hands were beginning to shake as he continued to step forward, getting closer and closer to Warrick with each step! "WHAT DID YOU GET OUT OF IT, HUH? A THRILL? FUN? WAS THAT IT???"

WHACK Warrick staggered backwards, almost tripping, as Max delivered him a backhand blow across the face! He turned back to the bulldog, who had quickly retrained his guns on Warrick after the blow, and was again advancing on him savagely! "I always thought GUN was a peacekeeping force, working for good and right, but it turns out you're NOTHING BUT COMMON TERRORISTS! NO BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE STREET GANG! THAT RIGHT, HUH???"

WHACK another blow...Warrick tried to block it this time, but Max's movements were fuled by rage-induced adrenneline, and his punch was incredibly hard! Warrick dropped to his knees, but quickly jumped up again, fixing Max with a stare. "You're thinking this is all our doing???" he retorted angrily. "We didn't kill your allies! We helped them! We have some survivors that will tell you what I'm saying is true!"

CLICK one of the gleaming silver magnums implanted itself directly between Warrick's eyes, Max's hand still shaking with anger as he glared into Warrick's eyes! "Give me one good reason why I should believe you, you furless freak...give me ONE GOOD REASON!!!"

David was alongside Max in an instant, his piercing blue eyes staring at the bulldog's face pointedly. "Sir, is this really ness..."

"SHUT UP DAVID!" roared Max, not taking his eyes off Warrick's gaze for a second. Jolting his arm, he pushed the barrel of the gun harder into Warrick's forehead. "Alright wise guy, if you didn't kill them all, then WHO DID???"

Posts: 2234
Noble Member


Warricks sole worded response completely shook up Max, as his perceptions quivered, his entirety shocked and surprised by the outcome of the reply. He had never met Frost, but it was enough to know of Frost. A cold, merciless killer who had ravaged this city, instilling a fear rivalling that of Lucent, Sachio and Morgaine themselves!

It was their duty to have defeated Frost before, yet in all accounts, all instances or reports where Frost had been at a site, rampaging, creating carnage in his wake whenever the Neo Freedom Fighters had arrived, they were always too later. No trace remained of Frost, a trail of which to follow the sinister hedgehog. The only constant reminder that he existed, that there was a Frost was the broken bodies, the blood smeared battleground, the instances of slowly thawing ice scattered around the landscape.

Max had inspected the aftermath of several of Frosts personal achievements, he was aware of the damage he could inflict! And now, to think that all the chaos, the destruction, the deaths of the Freedom Fighters here, was caused by Frost?

Now get that damn gun out of my face, Warwick curtly added, his right arm moving deftly in a long arc, before smashing into the bulldogs own arm, the one which had once firmly held the magnum between Warwicks eyes the arm went limp and waved in the air, before dropping the gun a distance away. The revelation of the cause of the chaos in the Neo Freedom Fighters warehouse had given way to a single instance for which Warrick could exploit it, and assure his own safety.

He reached towards one of his holsters and withdrew one of the two 9mm Berettas he was equipped with, and newly pointed it towards Max himself.

Perhaps its time you learnt some sense, kid, Warrick spoke.

OOC: Ack, sorry for the shortness of it. ^^;

Posts: 407
Reputable Member


Arista was sitting in her seat watching out the window. She was doing her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her wrist.

It wasn't working very well either.

She had a lot on her mind now, mostly about Wraith. She was almost brought to tears again about the whole situation. The intimidating hedgehog, the two overlanders and to a smaller extent.. the strange weasel in the back of the chopper. Was he really as dangerous as Cam'Ron made him out to be? It seemed strange somehow that such a friendly and overall good natured creature would be so highly sought after by G.U.N. She was extremly confused by everything that Cam'Ron said. Subject 297? Science labs? What were they talking about. She wondered.

Jet was still curled up on the seat. He was an emtional wreck by now. He had been looking out the windows off and on for what felt like an eternity. He suddenly felt a sharp chill come over him as he saw that the chopper had reached it's destination.

This was it! The worst moment of Jet's life and a bad one for Arista too.
OOC: Guess I'm waiting for Bent now. XD

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: sorry for the lack of posting on my part. i realise that im holding up a cricial (in the timeline at least) section of the rp that is already a way behind the rest of the sections (especially jet and arista which seems to have hit sunset, btw what time are we having the sunset approximately?). it just so happens the last year of high school seems to enjoy throwning large quantities of work at you *cries* and i havent been doing anywhere NEAR enough hw each night so my holidays, which start end of the week, are going to be full of hw as well as 2 holiday classes at school >.<. anywayz ill probably have a post up on friday or saturday, probably wont be a long post either but it'll get the scenario moving at least.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Glad to see you are at least taking some action and planning some sort of schedule upon which to post Brent. I on the other hand need to set the gears within my butt in motion and actually get off it to write something, and soon!

I must also apologise for the lack of updates everyone, i find myself within the same boat as Brent, although i do not feel as if i'm not dedicating enough time to homework each night, but rather i feel that i don't work fast enough on any given piece of work. Our friend Tanya at highschool managed to complete an entire art final on her computer in just a few hours one night, how bloody fast is that? Considering the awesome quality of her artwork as well only serves to make my head spin. To put it bluntly, her artwork makes mine look like cave drawings! Lazy girl needs to get motivated and make a DA account though.

Anyways, if you read my DA journal, you'll also know that i've been having a wonderful little fiasco with my heart which has meant i've been having doctor's appointments galore lately, so that only serves to make finding time for anything even more troublesome!

Rest assured though, when i do actually get around to posting, i don't think i'll be running dry for ideas for quite some time, i have a pretty lengthy list of things i'd like to do with my character(s), some of the ideas i present may even surprise quite a few of you.

Well, that's all from me. there's only so much typing i can do whilst wearing my pyjamas and sitting at a computer desk working on an art final.

Cheerio, and until we meet again. :)

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Have to apologise as well! Although I have read and caught up on all the posts, I am still in the middle of Endodontics. You know, 'Root Canal Treatment'?

It's a long and tedious module I'm having to do and frankly I feel flat out after every day :x

I do have ideas well for the next coming posts.

Bare with me. It'll all be over on Friday- not to be seen again til 3rd year I think. Hope I pass though. My recent tooth has ledges damnit!

Nice to hear from you James and Brent. I apologise to everyone to everyone else for keeping you waiting. Not really sure what to advise at this stage, except to... 'bare with me'? *shot*

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: It's okay guys. Brent, you do what you have to man, school's a pain. I think we can all relate to that.

James, I wish you the best too. There's no real rush to post. You have a life like everyone else here. We understand. That sort of thing happens sometimes. Just take care alright? I know I'll be here when you get back.
Bent, same thing. It's starting to sound like my biology class. I can relate to how you feel. Do what you have to do. Scool is a bugger at times. =/

Also, I guess I'm going to have to wait a bit as well. I'm not sure what G.U.N will do with Ari and Jet. I don't know where to go with Amanda Tech, and Fiona either. Hmmm... Maybe Thursday. X(

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I'm not certain where to go with Tach, Amanda and Fiona yet myself Jet, although something will come up, I'm sure^^ Maybe when we figure out what's happening to Wraith we can lead into that idea you had a while ago. We'll work something out^^)


Instantly the gun had been knocked from his hand, Max had raised his other arm, bringing his second magnum uo to face Warrick in a flash. The blow had knocked him back slightly too, so they were no longer close enough for the barrel to touch Warrick's skin, but the gun was still aimed squarely between his eyes.

Warrick, however, had pulled out his own ace-in-the-hole, or in this case, two, which he now fixed on Max much the same way the bulldog had fixed his guns on him! For a long moment neither moved, locked into a standoff, staring into each other's eyes coldly, neither willing to give!

"Okay..." muttered Max eventually. "Supposing what you say is true...what's with the guns? How come you're threatenin' me an' the rest of us like this if you're here to help, huh?"

"I seem to recall that you were the one who pulled a gun out at me first, you fool." rearked Warrick pointedly. "As you are still doing now, for that matter. I don't appreciate being threatened, or someone incapacitating my entire force!"

"Oh yeah? What about the guns facing the door as I came in?" retorted Max, his anger returning. "Where you planning to gun me down?"

"We were planning to arrest you!" snapped Warrick. "Like it or not, fur features, you and your little band are still a street gang, and your actions have not been sanctioned by GUN, nor are they welcome! While you claim to be working for good, you still refuse to accept our authority and turn over your opperation to us!"

"We aren't soldiers...we're heroes!"

Warrick burst out laughing. "Heroes?" he repeated with a snort. "Heroes no longer exist! They died a long time ago, and even then they were vigilanties who believed themselves above the law! They were wrong! Nobody is above the law, my friend, and in this city, in this age, the law is GUN. If you don't like it, you can kiss my..."

"I'm not being arrested." spat Max, interupting Warrick's speech. "I'm not gonna kill you, but I sure as hell ain't goin' with you! Now why don't we both put our guns away and turn around, walk our seperate ways, huh?"

EDIT OOC: on another note, it looks like it'll be a bit of time before I'm able to get a copy of Photoshop or anything like that, so in the meantime I've decided to post up some sketches that I've been working on. They were still WIPs, and I don't pretend that I can draw in the slightest, but at least it gives people an idea of what I'm talking about.

As yet only have pics of Wraith up...others on the way, but probably after I color some of them.

A very early pic of Wraith before I nailed his design fully. Here he's sporting the coat and hat he took to wearing in this RP.

Character study for Wraith. A few random pics to nail his design. Can see his armour more clearly in this. Also, origionally I designed him without pants, but as his design evolved he started to look better with jeans on, so that's what he's wearing here.

Wraith and Knux, sparring. I'm even worse at drawinf official characters than I am my own >.> eep! Still, I like the way Wraith's dreads came out in this^^

That's all for now. More when I have it.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

I think I have something.

The chopper had finally landed much to Jet's disliking. Ari was nervous too as an officer took her by the arm and led her out of the chopper to the building.

They weren't quite as gentle with Jet however. The two guards that sat on either side of him now took hold of both of Jet's arms. Once out they lifted him off the ground so he couldn't try to run. All Jet could do was stare at the ground in disbelief that this was happening to him!

The officers followed Cam'Ron inside. They took Jet one way and Ari another. Cam'Ron went with Ari. Most likely they were going to interogate her immediately.

Jet had no idea where they were taking him. All he was hoping for was to remain in one piece during his "visit".

He became even more frightened when they reached a room in a long hallway. There were all sorts of small devices and items scattered about. he didn't know what they were for. He was taked to a room at the back and thrown into it.

"We'll get to YOU later!" the two men said as they slammed the door shut locking him in.

It was meant as a cell of somesort. The walls were brick and the door was huge! He was playing with his handcuffs while deep in thought when he noticed he had scratched it deeply with his claw. Curious he dug in a bit deeper.

The steel was penetrable with his claws? He couldn't believe it! He scrapped at it until finally it came off. He wasn't concerned with the other hand cuff. He had to get out of this room and alert Amanda somehow!

He wasn't sure, but he decided to try and pick the lock with his claw too. No use. It wasn't long enough to get inside far enough.

"Now what do I do?" he wondered. Then he remembered what happened at the boathouse. That weird light! Maybe it'll help here?

He peered through the small window on the door and scanned the room. He saw one solitary camera mounted near the entrance.

"I'll have to get rid of it if I get out." He thought as his mind became clearer now that he was alone.

He sat quietly for a moment and listened for anyone close enough to cause trouble should they hear him. It was clear. The hallway was empty.

"What was that phrase again? Alamaris... something.." he pondered.
"Oh wait!" he thought. "Alamaris Perithus!" he said. The light came back! When it hit the door it blew it open! It was barely attached now. Jet was sent backwards into the wall hurting his head again.

"Oww! Nice day for head trauma I guess." He thought as he ran over to the camera and destroyed it.

He was still alone. Was there a phone in here he wondered. After rummaging through the many shelves and tables of what appeared to be medical tools and such he found one.

It was a cellphone that was accidently left under a rag of some sort. Jet was still cursing himself for leaving his phone at home along with his sunglasses. Hopefully this one worked.

After messing with it a little he dialed the number for Amanda's cellphone. He was growing very anxious! He wanted to talk to her so badly!

Finally someone picked up!

"Amanda! It's me!"
"Jet!? Oh my goodness! I was so..."
"Listen! I got caught! I... I may not be back for a little while."
"Jet where are you?"
"G.U.N HQ. I gotta go. I can't hang on the phone."
"I'll find you if I get out ok?"
"Ok... I.. I love you Jet."
"I love you too. But I have to go. If I'm not back by tomorrow head for the Mansion hideout. Take the long way around the gang territories ok?"
"Ok... I will. Good bye Jet."
"I'll see you soon Amanda."

With that he hung up. He wanted to cry having hung up on Amanda so abruptly. But he had to think!

He didn't know how, but he knew he had to get out somehow. He had to get Ari out too! He decided to search the hallway for an exit first. He peered through out the doorway and noticed someone was coming!

Jet felt himself growing scared again but fought it. "NO! That's how I got into this mess!" he said to himself. "I have to get out of here with Ari!" Jet knew he had to do something about the officer in the hallway if he wanted out! So he waited behind the door for him to enter the room.

He finally reached the room.

"What! What happened in here!?"

He was about to leave when something took his keys and slammed the door in his face!

Jet had locked him in the room! Now he had a chance to do some exploring. He first disabled the camera staring at him from the ceiling and went into the various rooms.

He then stumbled onto a room near the end of the hallway. Much to his surprise it was a file room. File cabinets lined all the walls and were even in the middle of the room. There were so many of them. He was quite intrigued.

Maybe somewhere in these files there was a clue as to what his past was. He took out another camera and began going through the first one he found. After browsing a bit he found one that caught his attention immediatly. It had "Subject 297" as the title. He opened it after a quick glance around and started reading it. He was amazed at what he found.

Subject 297

Species: weasel
Age: 8 at time of discovery.
Appearance: Light brown fur, redish hair, black tipped tail, ears and black feet and hands, purple eyes and unusually large ears and tail. also has black eyemarks.
Location: Unknown

Jet read on and on and found no mention of his name. He did find a word from an old language. It was "Ghett". It meant mystery. He also saw mention of the creature being the creation of Dr. Russel and Dr. Porter.

Back in the room the officer had managed to pry the door open. He then searched the cluttered room for something he could use to take out the troublesome critter that locked him in! After searching he found a large gun in one of the closets with a small box sitting next to it. After examining it he decided it was perfect. With that he loaded the gun and quietly left the room to search for the weasel.

Back in the fileroom, Jet didn't know what to make of his discovery! It was definately intriguing though. He was going to leave the room but when he got into the hallway he heard a gun go off and then he felt a sharp sting in his neck! He pulled it out only to find a needle of some sort. He was so absorbed in reading that the G.U.N officer managed to sneak up on him!

"Guess we underestimated ya huh weasel boy?" he snickered.

Jet tried to fight but he was feeling weak. Like he couldn't stay awake any longer! Then he realized he got hit with a tranquilizer! That had to be it! Once the thought hit him, he tried to fight it. It was no use though.Jet's sensative system reacted very quickly to the contents of the needle. After a moment or two he collapsed in an unconcious heap on the ground!

After nudging Jet with the gun's handle the man was satisfied that he was down for the count. He then grabbed Jet by his scruff and slung him over his shoulders.

"You're REALLY in trouble now critter." he laughed as he walked down the hallway after retrieving the weasel's hat.
"Maybe I'll keep it" he thought.

OOC: Sorry. It was a perfect chance to sneak in a part that I had been planning myself and another I talked about with Wraith. Sorry for not doing much with Ari too. I really don't know how to play as her. ^^;

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: No worries man, I'll take care of Ari...I have one or two ideas for her now, but I noticed Cam'ron went with her, so Ben, you wanna post before me or should I go for it?)

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Phew, glad Endodontics is over. Good ridance to it. =D

Okay, lemmy see what I can do from here. Obviously the posts will have to be tomorrow at the earliest as this netcafe is so closed soon.

I'll provide some leeway for Ari Wraith.

Can't promise decent insightful long upcoming posts due to upcoming hecticness this week, but some direction at least I reckon.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"Isn't gonna happen, you misguided fool," Warwick spat back. "Frankly, we need information, and whilst we certainly don't approve of your methods, with you in custody we can get that information."

"Nu uh, like I said, I'm NOT being arrested!" Max retorted. "Besides, you've already got in captivity most of my friends, those that weren't killed! And what makes you think I would talk when interrogated anyway?!"

"Because of your own foolish belief of justice and honor." Warwick answered curtly.

Max frowned, his eyes narrowing towards Warwick. He certainly didn't understand what it was that the Human was talking about!

"...what the hell are you talking about?" Max shouted.

"Think about it. Your gang's destroyed, many of them dead, killed because of Frost himself, and there are plently of other, worse people out in this city. Now, consider this: I don't know how many of you there are left, probably only a handful of a lucky few who weren't here when Frost attacked. What are you going to be able to do with that many people? The best option available to you is to be taken into custody and offer the information you have towards us, GUN, who are far more equipped to deal with the problems in this city regardless. You have nothing. You will not be able to aspire to anything, and the only thing that will be awaiting you and your friends in this life from now on... is death. A shot in the back by another criminal, perhaps." Warrick explained. He now narrowed his eyes at the last part. "The best way for you to achieve justice now is to surrender, be arrested, and offer whatever information you do have, to the services of GUN."

Max was staring in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he had just heard!

"Are you kidding?! This is what the Neo Freedom Fighters wanted! An alliance! A compromise!" Max shouted.

"I made you an offer, a compromise. Surrender yourself, be arrested, and the severity of your crimes will be lightened. You'll be able to live in a comfortable jail cell. And only through this manner could you EVER hope to aspire, and achieve, your justice." Warwick ended, solemnly looking at Max.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: My appologies once again all...the reason for my dissapearence: Past week my doctor has been trying me on some new tablets for my depression, and they've been completely turning my head inside out. I've been tired all the time, often dizzy, and most times not able to think straight, so I haven't been able to focus enough for most RPs I'm afraid. I'm getting used to them now though, so I hope to be able to update this one as soon as I can.

Sorry again, I'll post asap.)

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Don't apologise Wraith! I said I'd update the next day and as per usual- I disappear for a week or so |I .
Was looking forward to going clubbing with some friends for a pal's b-day but the girls got SO wasted- drinking on the tubes e.t.c that we never made it to the club. One person dropped unconcious and another girl (someone I despise) fell was bloody wasted- so we ended up arriving at leicester square- me having to hold up one of the plastered girls whilst we waited in the freezing cold for a cab to take us back home. NOT cool. I can't understand ppl that knock back booze so bad that they can't stand!:"> It's SO degrading!!1

I'm sorry about your situation as well Wraith. I hope it improves. I was sorta there once a long time ago. It's not cool. You seem like a strong individual- hope things eliviate themselves.

Sorry guys. Dentistry is a hard course, and my finances are so uncertain that I feel insecure getting home net. I ought to sort out a loan for myself. 90% of my year have one after all.

Hmmm... I won't promise anything but just to let you ppl know I'm still here.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: It's okay you guys. I'm really sorry for the both of you. =/ I hope you start to feel better Wraith.

Bent, good luck in school. As I've said. I felt the same way in my Biology class. Take care you guys. ^^

Hmmm... I think I have an IC for Amanda's hideout finally. It's short though.

"Good-bye my love.." Amanda thought as she heard the line go silent after Jet turned off the old cell-phone.

It had happened.
It had finally happened!

Jet had gotten into some REAL trouble. It was serious if he wanted them to leave without him. If they had to take the long way to the old Alexander's mansion they were in for a long walk.

Amanda just stood quietly taking in all that was happening now. She was now in tears. If Jet never returned, Tech and herself would be alone!

Jet was their biggest safety as he, and Tech to a lesser degree, did the fighting and protected her and the hideout when a wondering gang found it. She knew a little self defense, but it was pretty basic...if she can even remember it.

"Amanda? Is.. Is everything alright?" Tech asked after noticing her crying.

"Jet said to head out for the old Mansion by ourselves if he's not back by tomorrow morning." she said still sobbing.

"what? What's going on!? Where is he?!"

"He's at the G.U.N HQ..."

Amanda was still reeling from Jet's short phonecall. She still had a hard time grasping the reality herself. She didn't like the thought of waiting around either. She had no choice though. Or.. did she?

"I'm not waiting." Amanda said still crying. "We should go to him NOW!" She said in a stern but at the same time frightened voice.

She didn't know if it was a good idea, but she didn't care either. She had to help Jet if she could before they hurt him... or did something possibly worse.

"But! You said he wants us to wait! Why do you wanna go now? What if he comes back and we're not here?"

"I'm more worried about what if he DOESN'T." She answered. Get your equiptment Tech. We need to get Jet out somehow."

"I say you're nuts, but Okay. I can't stop you." Tech answered slightly concerned at what the girl was thinking.

"C'mon Fiona."

"Okay Tech..." she said.

After about five minutes or so Amanda peeked out the window of the small house and scanned the area for any "visitors".

"See anything Tech?"
"Nope. Don't hear anything either."
"Let's go Fiona." Amanda called to her.
"Coming guys!" She answered as they both walked out the door.

"We're taking the long way to G.U.N." Amanda said.

Tech just sighed. He had no clue how this was going to play out and it worried him.

"Okay.." he managed to answer.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Max gritted his teeth, his hand holding the magnum shaking again. This couldn't be was too much, too cruel...all his friends, the rest of the gang...

As much as he hated to admit it, Warrick had a point. With only himself, Wraith, Tails and David, and maybe one or two others that were away, they couldn't hope to do much, if anything, towards their ideals. The Neo-Freedom Fighters had been defeated. What else was left...?

"Okay look." he growled hotly, his brow dipping to a frown as he stared into Warrick's eyes. "I'll go with you simply for the good of the city, and for my friends. If we can work out some kind of deal where we work together, then I'm willing to try it, but I got some conditions that have to be met first!"

Warrick's face was somewhere between a sly grin and a glare as he nodded slowly. "Conditions, eh? Let's hear them."

"No cuffs, or being tied up, or any of that junk." started Max gruffly. "I'll surrender my weapons if you like, but you treat me or any of my friends like criminals and you'll regret it for the rest of your days! Second, I wanna see the survivors right away, to make sure they're okay and safe. Third, don't even bother to ask where Wraith is, because you ain't gettin' that info for squat, you got that??? And speaking of Wraith, I get one phone call to him from my mobile before I go with you, to let him know what's going down."

At this point David, who had been largely forgotten in the face-off, stepped forward, looking at Max with his head cocked to one side. "Sir, what do you want me to do?"

"You go catch up with Wraith." Max retorted over his shoulder, then fixing Warrick with a stare again, he continued: "Another of my conditions...the robot goes free. We have a deal?"


Fiona was sat in the downstairs room of the small house as Amanda came downstairs, where Tech had left her as he went to get his equipment. The squirrel had her head in her hands, and was shaking her head slowly, as though somehow disoriented.

Amanda peked out the window, looking for any movement, just as Tech entered from the other room, carrying, among other things, Ianthe's staff. Fiona looked up at the two of them as they entered, staring curiously at Amanda, but seeming to perk up slightly as Tech entered.

"See anything Tech?"

"Nope. Don't hear anything either."

Amanda nodded, turning for the door. "Let's go Fiona."

The squirrel sighed, a resigned expression flitting across her face for a moment, before she stood up and moved across the room towards the door herself. She moved a lot more purposefully than normal, seemingly with more confidence. "We're taking the long way to G.U.N." Amanda continued as she opened the door and stepped out into the street beond. Tech sighed, seeminly worried.


He jumped in supprise as Fiona, stepping past him, reached out and slipped the staff out of his hands, placing it over her own shoulder. "I'll take that back now...thanks for bringing it. I usually have to go looking for it every time."

He blinked as he watched her step into the road after Amanda. "Hey...wait a minute...!" Amanda looked round too, curious as to what was wrong.

The squirrel sighed, nodding her head slowly. "I know it must be hard to's a long story. I'll explain along the way. Right now though, all you need to know is that I'm Ianthe again, the same as when you first met me Tech. Now, would anyone be kind enough to explain exactly why we're heading out to GUN headquarters?"

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

OOC: sorry for my absense, esspecially considering im at a critical point in the RP and im holding up the whole beach scene section ^^;;. despite the fact that im on term holidays (which will be over come monday *cries*) ive basically had no time to write a post coz of all the bloody hw i was given beforehand. (quick run down, 4 chapters of questions from physics, 7 excersises from maths methods and writing up a revision sheet for a test, 9 from specialist maths, an essay and an oral presentation from english, and a sheet of questions from IT) I FREAKING HATE MATHS!!! least i wont have to do it next year. im in the last year of high school *dies*

anywayz, esspecially sorry to pachmac for holding up trey. i dunno if you had any plans for him but with how long im taking ive probably wrecked them. afterall we're already behind the rest of the rp thanks to me T_T.

sorry guyz. ill try post soon, considering i said i would 2 weeks ago, but no promises.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: I had no plans for Trey. :D So theres no worry about it. :)

Warrick paused slightly, looking at Max, and then closed his eyes, tilting his head down to the ground, and sighed.

Sorry, no. Thats a compromise Im not going to make. Warrick said, opening his eyes again and glaring at Max. Max was speechless, he didnt understand what it was this GUN idiot was doing!

The robot is a necessary commodity, and G.U.N property. He is not running free. Warrick added.

G.U.N property?! What are you saying?! And besides, this is the only compromise Im willing t- Max began, but was unable to finish his sentence.

Then we dont have a deal. You made a foolish mistake. Warrick interrupted. And you are certainly not having a phone call.

Max tensed, his grip on his weapon tightening. They had almost had a deal, but now they were back at square one again with a standoff! And Max had little other option available to him, this certainly wasnt good

I didnt want to have to harm, but for the greater good I will do what is necessary. No vigilantes and criminals are above the law. He frowned, and bared his gritting teeth. Warricks expression had suddenly shifted, and it was something that not only surprised Max but also sent a shiver of fear through him. Everything was now happening too quick, he couldnt-

Warricks head suddenly ducked backwards, and as he did so, a piece of spit left his mouth and shot out into the air. Within seconds, the single piece of spit had landed in Maxs eyes, and his aim was destroyed. His hand reflexively moved to wipe the spit out, and another seconds realization led him to fire his Magnum, hoping that it would its mark.

It didnt. Warwick had successfully moved out of the way, ducking as the spit hit Max, and now aimed his two own Berettas at Max. The one in his right hand fired, shooting a bullet which connected with the Magnum in Maxs hand, the clash of bullet and gun sending the weapon sprawling into the air and landing, spinning, a short distance away. In a continuing, fluid motion, Max then pressed the trigger on the Beretta in his left hand, but was welcomed by nothing more then a click. Again, he pressed the trigger, but nothing more then an unwelcome click responded to him.

Damn gun! he said, throwing the empty weapon instead at Max, but Max was easily able to dodge it. During the interim of a matter of seconds that Warrick was checking his weapon, Max had dived upon Warwick, and both bodies crashed onto the ground in a loud thump.

Damnit! We almost had a deal! Something the Neo Freedom Fighters only ever wanted! Max said, punching Warrick in the face. His vision was still obscured by the strand of spit in his eye, and he could not afford the time to wipe it clean. Adrenaline began to take over both of the warriors bodies, leaving their actions only to reflex.

Warrick recoiled with the hit, and swung up his right arm, still holding to remain Beretta to forcibly end this skirmish. But Maxs own two hands shot out as well, and grabbed the Beretta before Warrick could fire.

Now, the two fighters each held onto the gun, pulling with all their might to claim control of the weapon, and to end the battle between them once and for all. Slowly, however was beginning to gain ground, turning the gun back towards the weakened and injured Warrick. Before the inevitable would happen though, Warrick shot both of his legs upwards, smacking into Max and with enough force throwing him off of the GUN officer. The Beretta was flung away from both of them, skidding along the ground into a darkened corner of the room much like the Magnum earlier had been.

Huh persistent fool, Warrick muttered, catching his breath and finally standing up again. At the same time, Max himself had regained his stance upon the ground, and finally wiped the spit out of his eye.

Well, that cinches it. You GUN guys like nothing more then to fight dirty, Max spoke within heavy breaths.

Says you, Warrick curtly responded, raising both of his fists in front of his face and firmly standing, as best as he could, in front of Max. Max followed the initiative and assumed a similar stance. Both of their weapons had forcibly been removed from the playing field, and it turned out that they would need to resort to more basic methods.

Their fists.

Posts: 369
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The G.U.N officer stared at Jet's hat reflectively as he retrieved it off the ground. He then diverted his stare towards the sedated weasel, who was lying in a slump.

"What's the problem?" a voice interrupted the officer from behind, causing him to jump slightly and drop the hat.

An auburn hedgehog with bright red sunglasses over his head stood there, with his arms folded and tapped his foot.

"Caught weasel boy snooping around our stuff, the officer straightened up after clearing his throat "perhaps his confinement needs to be a little more absolute."

"Good thinking..." Cam'Ron muttered sarcastically, before bending down to pick up Jet by the scruff of the neck, causing him to dangle lifelessly "and WHO exactly was responsible for his initial incompetent confinement, may I ask?"

The officer kept his silence, causing Cam'Ron to smirk. The answer was obvious.

"Just leave it to me," Cam'Ron said assertively, glancing from side to side of the corridor warily "it's crucial we keep this subject under wraps until we decide his fate, or what to do with him..."

"I would have thought disobidient subjects would have been terminated," the Officer said.

"Oh, but what a waste that would be," Shaide chanted "genetic freaks have their uses when manipulated the right way. Like Frost will..."

"What?!" the Officer cried, before straightening up again "I was under the distinct impression that he was one subject to be terminated! He's a bloody killer who cannot be controlled nor manipulated! Where are you hearing this nonesense?"

"This 'nonesense' is an confirmed report, amongst the G.U.N superiors and the medical staff that Specimen 156 will engineered with both further medical and mechanical methods in order to make him compliant with our state of the art resources. With some of my knowledge, I will be able to assist and render him such that we can monitor his movements and... put simply... 'see through his eyes'..."

There was a pause.

"We'll be able to manipulate this loner as we send him trekking around the city... the world... to retrieve the remaining chaos emeralds- and to erradicate potential G.U.N enemies, such as gangs, renegades, Dr. Eggman- ANYONE who stands in his way!""

The officer frowned, mystified by this revelation.

"Even though it seemed the 'ideal' at the time to have a lifeform that was entirely organic, we've now decided that perhaps the error in our methods was to have left out automated components."

"And you believe that this is going to make him any more compliant than he is now?!" the officer replied, still skeptical "furthermore, these motives are tending towards defying G.U.N's ideals! It sounds as if you're going to use Frost to eradicate anyone that stands in his path? What about innocents within the city?"

"The medical staff and engineers have assured myself and many others that he will soon be at our total and utter disposal." Cam'Ron sniggered "besides s'arg, the city's gotten so messy- infested with too many minging gangs and renegades. All the chaos... running amock. Even our force can't contain it. It's hard to see black from white now. If we were to hang around, arresting all the underground scavengers the 'legitimate way'- we'd be at it for years until our resources, arms, weaponary, soldiers and general supplies were to run out. I think it would be best if we did one big clean."

The officer still stared at Cam'Ron, in somewhat disbelief.

"Few months down the line, G.U.N can expect to be back in control and to restore civilisation."

The officer stood there still- trying to take in everything that was said. It seemed dark and irksome- and corrupt to G.U.N's ideals. Cam'Ron's logic didn't seem to help either.

There was a silence, before Cam'Ron checked his watch.

"Anyway, would love to stay and chat... BUT..." Cam'Ron said, checking his wristwatch once again and sighing "I need to put this critter in his cage. So... Adios amigo!" Cam'Ron said, mock saluting with his free hand, and turning to walk off as he dragged Jet at the same time.


The Cliff top

Morgaine stared at Azieral, a numb expression on her face as the wind continued to blow her fringe back and forth over her face as she still lay against the rock, bound by the sticky webs Azieral had cast on her a while ago.
Had she been in a more sound state of mind right now, she would refuse to so much as utter a word to the assassin who had bound her up like this and offered a vague explanation to Sachio's death. Furthermore, she was not sure if she fully believed her as to who was responsible for Sachio's death.

She took a deep breath and gulped. As of now, she was utterly hopeless- and the dispair was chocking her.

"Yes, I had other family," Morgaine answered, battling to get the words out. She paused, not knowing exactly where to start.

She bit her lower lip as she stared at the ground- straining her thoughts as she REALLY didn't know where to start.

"Me and Sachio," she began "we came from... a broken home. Well. Maybe not a broken home. But..."

Azieral stared at Morgaine, appearing to be patient, but Morgaine couldn't really figure out whether that was certain. Was the assassin spider genuinely interested in what she had to say? Why did she even ask in the first place?

"Our parents. Our mum, Chaouse, tried to be there for us. Our dad was never really there... hardly know him..." she said with a bitter frown on her face "and when we did see him, he used to pick on Sachio, condemn him for being weak- blamed our mother for him inheriting her 'softer side', as you will." she tried to explain.

"And how was he with you?" Azieral asked for no particular reason. Perhaps it was just a sense of motion to keep the conversation going when seeing Morgaine in this distressed state.

"He was fine with me, you know?" she said, a bit more normal in her tone "isn't there a saying that the daughter is always closer to the father, and the son closer to the mother?" Morgaine asked.

Azieral didn't answer, causing Morgaine to look away and bite her lower lip again.

"Ultimately, as siblings we only had each other to confide in,," she explained "and for that, nothing stood in our way. Til now..."

Morgaine sniffed slightly, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Our mother went missing eventually, before the ARK incident. I actually doubt she's alive..."

"And as for my dad? I think he's around somewhere.. I guess..." she said rolling her eyes.

"You've told me your mum's name," Azieral recalled "but I don't believe I've heard your dad's name..."

Morgaine looked at Azieral, and smirked momentarily.

"Why, none other than the hedgehog as 'cold as ice'. The notorious and highly-feared Frost," she smiled, tilting her head in a child-like manner.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: Oh wow! Nice twist there with Sachio and Morgaine's Father being Frost! Hmmm... I think I have an IC.

I think I'll get a bit into what Jet can remember now after encountering Ari's chaos emerald.


Jet was completely at the mercy of the auburn hedgehog as he was dragged by his scruff down the hallway of the base.

One good thing did come from his unconciousness though. His mind was able to sort out a newly found memory.

It wasn't much. But it was a start.

: Dream/Flashback :

Jet was five years old and was in a rather plain looking room. His bed had a nice colorful dinosaur print on it as well as the rug. Everything else was white though.

That's not what bothered him though. He was used to the white walls. He had another checkup today. The 2 doctors decided it was high time Jet had a complete examination done in the main lab today and see how he was developing.

Jet hated exams! It involved needles, poking at him in various areas and lots of X-Rays! It scared him!

Jet was sitting on his bed when a German shephard walked in and took his tiny paw.

"Okay Jet. You must come with me now." the dog said.

"Awww! I don't want to! I hate those needles! They hurt!" Jet whined.

"It must be done to check for problems." he stated.

Hesitantly, Jet went with the big dog to the lab where a pig was waiting after he finished cleaning a few things up.

"Ah! There you are Russel. You have the weasel too I see. Let's begin." he said.

"Very good Porter." he replied as he put Jet on a table with some paper across it to keep it clean.

First they had Jet open his mouth so they could inspect his teeth and his throat. That went well.
Then the pig checked the toddler's eyes with a small light that he shined into them. Jet always did hate that though.
Then they checked Jet's ears, nose, fur condition overall external condition and then weighted and measured his height.

Then they placed Jet on his back and brought in a monsterously huge device. It was time for the X-Rays. First things first though. They placed a large lead cloth over him and took pics of his whole body from head to toe and then his tail.

After that, they sat him up again and had him do various movements to check his muscle development. They were concerned about how large his tail had grown. They concluded though from his results that his skeleton and muscles could easily cope with his overgrown tail. It could even prove useful to him in time.

After they decided to inspect the condition of Jet's heart. He remembered the pig mentioning that it was quite large for a weasel as they had planned. To top it off though, it was beating normally with no trouble at all. It was in perfect health.

Jet at his age was clueless as to what they were saying but he was also scared stiff. He knew it was time for a shot now. Dr. Porter was done preparing the needle and had now come over to where Jet was sitting cringing and almost in tears.

"Come on now. Give me your arm. I have to give you this shot."

"NO! It'll hurt like the last one did!"

"Oh come now! Dr. Russel shot back. "It's not THAT bad." he said trying to calm him down.


The dog finally just took the child's arm in his paws and held it firmly so Dr. Porter could give him the shot. Jet almost started crying when the needle went in and it did hurt like he expected.

By the end of the exam Jet had been given 4 shots and had blood drawn. He hadn't expected so many needles in one day and he was glad when it was over! His arms were still hurting though from the shots. Then the pig led Jet back to his room where he just climbed into his bed and curled up on the blanket crying.

Jet was about to fall asleep when an old Owl came in and sat next to him. "Hey there little guy." he said as he stroked the childs back. "Why are you crying?"

"I got a bunch of needles stuck in me today!" Jet cried as he sat up and faced the owl.

"You had an exam done today didn't you?".

Jet just nodded. "I don't know what they did! They looked different from the usual stuff I get." he said.

"Don't you worry Jet." The owl said. "One of these days I'm getting you out of this place!" he stated as Jet clung to his coat still in tears.

"I'd like that Dr. Westin!" the weasel said.

"For now try to sleep okay. Don't say a word of this to Porter or Russel." he spoke.

"Okay!" Jet chimmed.

"They still think I'm buying that tale that all the work I do here is for lab rats. If they ever find out that I know about you, I'd lose my job. Then I couldn't help you." He said as he laid the weasel in his bed and helped him get comfortable.

"Tomorrow I'm going to bring a suprise for you okay?" The owl smiled. "Okay." Jet said as he yawned and snuggled into his bed.

When Jet feel asleep in his dream, He woke up in the real world! Jet was still reeling from being tranquilized. He couldn't focus at all. His hearing was off. His sight was very blurred and fuzzy and his sense of smell was affected too. He didn't know that at the moment though.

He was a bit suprised now. He had somehow remembered a long lost memory. He tried and tried to think of what happened next, but it was no use. This event was all he could remember. As he sat up and rubbed his eyes in an attemp to clear his vision more, he realized he had been crying in his sleep. The fur by his eyes was a bit wet. Then he noticed something else.

"Huh? Where's my hat?" Jet wondered. He then got a better look at where he was. It was a large room with various cells and a gaurd staring at him. To top it off, the guard was wearing Jet's hat as if to mock him.

"*sigh* Do they really think this birdcage can hold me?"

As he got up and grabbed the bar, a strong jolt shot though his body and sent him into the floor! "The bars are electrified? How's that possible?"

The guard was laughing hysterically at the weasel's misfortune.

"Not your day huh rodent?" He shouted as he tried to contain his laughter.

It was quite a sight. Jet's hair was frazzled and his fur was standing on end. He had also burned his left hand. He couldn't do much in this cage.

"Maybe the spider is right. Maybe it is a miracle that a creature like me has survived at all. Maybe I'm not getting out of here..." he trailed off as he found himself thinking.

He hurt his head and his chest earlier at the boathouse. His neck hurt now,(from being dragged by the scruff), and now his left hand was burned. Jet curled up on his side and just laid on the floor deep in his thoughts.

He suspected his dream was caused by what happened to him on the roof of the boathouse before he fell throught it. That awful sensation that nearly paralyzed him he thought was to blame. But what caused it? Why had it happened?

Jet was still thinking when suddenly a man entered the large room. Jet turned an ear towards the chatter and heard the man mention, "So yeah. Subject 297 is wanted in the medical wing as soon as possible." Then the man left.

Jet was worried now. He half expected to be torn apart in the name of science or simply just to kill him. He didn't know!

He had a feeling though that he was not going to like it!


Tech was a bit surprised by the squirrel's actions. Was this a game? He decided to wait for Ianthe to explain as she said she would.

He had other problems now anyway, like watching Amanda's back! Jet would be furious if anything happened to either of his friends! Tech was concerned for Amanda though. She really wasn't cut out to be much of a fighter, but she did her best.

"Well Ianthe... This is the friend I mentioned back where you met me." Tech began. "This is Amanda. We're going to try and help my other friend Jet. He was caught and hauled off to G.U.N HQ!" he exclaimed.

"I'm certain that whatever they want with him is bad news! They've been after him for years and I think they mean to hurt him." Amanda added.

"Why is G.U.N after your friend may I ask?" the squirrel replied.

"He doesn't know. We don't know either. They just hunt him down for some reason." Tech explained to her. "Perhaps you can help us?" he asked.

The squirrel paused and thought for a moment. She wasn't sure yet of how they'd get ANYONE out of G.U.N! She turned back to Tech.

"This isn't going to be easy by any means you know."

"I know, but we have to try!" Amanda answered.

"I'll see what I can do then." she said as the group kept walking down the quiet alleys.

"Thanks Ianthe." Tech then rummaged through his pack and took out a handheld computer of some kind. He turned it on and punched a few numbers into it.

"Looks like we can go left after this alley and it will take us straight to the HQ." he said to the squirrel.

Ianthe just glanced back at the creature. "What else can that thing do?" she wondered to herself as they kept going.
Tech just kept messing around with the little computer though.

It was one of his fave passtimes. He managed to build the little PC himself about 3 years ago. Today was a good chance to try it's navigator program. He had been working on it for the past month now.

When Tech was satisfied that it was working he put it back in his bag to preserve the battery's power. He only had one more change of batteries and he wanted to save them for as long as possible. Then he just followed a little further behind watching for any movement Amanda may have missed. He felt really uncomfortable being out in the streets without Jet to look and listen with his excellent hearing and vision, but he had no choice. He would have to do his best! He felt a bit better however that Ianthe was "back" and willing to help them.

"Not to be rude Ianthe, but what happened in the house when you insisted on being called Fiona?" Tech asked quietly.
OOC: Sorry for the length of this thing. ^^;
I'm going to wait for some other folks to post here. ^^

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Hey all, question: would it be okay for me to change one of the details for Solstice, Ianthe's evil side, seeing as we haven't seen her yet? I've been thinking about what we were saying about her knowing Karate, and I've found something more unusual for her to fight with instead. It's still a form of martial arts, but it's much less widely known, and very different.

It's called Capoeira, and was invented by black slaves in South America, as far as I remember. The slaves used to fight a lot, but they were always punished for it by their masters, so they invented this art that made it look like they were dancing rather than fighting. Anyone know Eddy Gourdo of the Tekken games? He uses that fighting style.

Just thinking, like we were saying about adding something different and unique, hat may help some^^ If anyone objects for any reason, then no probloem, but if not, I'll make that adjustment^^)


"Sirs, forgive my interruption, but is all of this really nessecery?"

"You know I don't know why you stuck with that thing." muttered Warrick as he and Max circled each other slowly. "It's really annoying!"

Max shot a quick glance at David before replying: "He's useful. And I think you should call him "he" not "it", wise guy."

Warrick chuckled. "I'll call it whatever I want, he's he propperty of GUN now!" He ducked forward, launching a powerful punch towards Max's middle, but the bulldog blocked and countered with a punch of his own! Warrick fall to the floor, wincing at his earlier injuries, but qickly jumped up again, aiming a kick at Max's chest! This time Max went sprawling, Warrick running forward to press his advantage, but Max rolled out of the way as the Human jumped at him!

Both of them got to their feet and once again commenced circling. "I'm not being captured by GUN and neither is he!" spat Max, his face black as thunder.

"First you, then him." retorted Warrick. "It's inevitable! Face the truth!"

"Never!" Max spun round, sweeping a back kick across Warrick's face, but the Human ducked before it connected and jumpe forward, catching Max off balance! The two of them crashed to the floor, Warrick on top, and he raised his fist, preparing to slam Max into unconsiousness! Before he could deliver the punch, though, Max jabbed him in the stomach, winding him and knocking him backwards!

Once again the two of them stood, the battle very evenly matched! By now both of them were showing signs of pain and difficulty, their breathing more laboured.

"Even if I do go down, you won't get Wraith!" shouted Max as they circled once again. "David, get out of here! Go tell Wraith what's going on here! He needs to know now!"

"Don't move a muscle, Robot!" called Warrick, his eyes fixed firmly on Max. "Your future is with GUN!"

David had been watching the show from some distance, and now he stepped forward. "My appologies, sir, but I currently work for mister Max and the Neo-Freedom Fighters. They have treated me well, and I have seen nothing as yet that would make me wish to change that allegance." His blue eyes shifted to Max. "I will inform Wraith immeadeately, sir, however do you believe you will be okay here on your own?"

"Don't worry about me, just go!" snorted Max. "Wraith needs to know!"

David nodded his white head. "Yes sir." He turned, preparing to run off through the doorway of the broken warehouse.

"Robot...I know your maker! I can take you to see him!"

David stopped abruptly, and span round to look at Warrick. "Sir?" Max was supprised by this as well, and blinked, momentarilly taken aback.

Warrick saw his chance, and lunged forward, planting a firm fist on Max's jaw. The bulldog dropped like a stone, unconsious, and Warrick stepped back, cracking his knuckles.

David looked down at Max's prone form, then up at Warrick again, indecision registering on his face. Warrick spoke again quickly: "Yes, Doctor...what was his name...Amoz? I know him! I can take you to see him!"

"But Doctor Amoz is dead!"

Warrick shook his head. "No, he isn't dead. He's at GUN headquarters!" he replied quietly.

David looked down at Max again, his computerised brain locked in uncertanty. He didn't feel he could trust Warrick, from what the Human had been saying, and what he had done to Max, but a possible chance to see his father was indeed tempting! Max had given him an order, and he had to follow it, and yet finding Doctor Amoz was his origional purpose, one that he had forsook only because he believed him dead!

He remained, tensed, staring down at Max as his mind worked on the problem. It would take more convincing to get him to believe Warrick, that was for sure...


She prefared to be alone. Nobody else there, nobody else to look after and care for. Worry about herself and herself alone.

And she certainly didn't want to go on some mad mission to GUN, that was definite! Far too risky, and all for someone she had never even met!

So why had she agreed? Ianthe bit her lip as she wondered down the deserted street next to Tech and Amanda...she knew was stupid, completely stupid, but she knew.

He was cute. Tech was very cute, and she liked him. Not overly so...she never trusted people she had only just met, and even people she had known for a while, but of all the people she had met since the chaos, he was the nicest, most caring. If she was going to become friends with anybody, allow herself to care about anyone, it would be him.

Plus, the last thing she remembered was trying to escape from those Overlanders...she didn't know what had happened, but they must have made it, and she very much doubted Fiona would have been much help. It was very possible she owed Tech her life (lives, should that have been? she mentally dismissed the question.)

"Not to be rude Ianthe, but what happened in the house when you insisted on being called Fiona?"

She sighed, looking down at the floor before replying. Of course, it was bound to come up. This was it, this was the part where she would explain, then Tech and Amanda would both call her a freak and tell her to get away from them, or even attack her, trying to kill her! It always happened, and was the main reason she trusted nobody. Everyone was the same.

Still, he had saved her, so he deserved to know. Plus he had stuck with her through the change...that was unusual. Normally she would wake up from the change alone.

"It's my curse." she murmured quietly. "The problem I've been stuck with all my life,"

Tech and Amanda both looked at her curiously, raising their eyebrows and waiting for her to continue.

"I suffer from multiple personallity disorder." Ianthe said slowly. "Every so often my mind changes, and I become someone else entirely...usually one of three, but sometimes others too. When I change, I have no memory of events while I'm someone else. Fiona is a young girl, so I've been told, who's very shy and scared. It's hard to win her trust or anything." She took a deep breath and looked up from the floor, looking at the other two. "This, Ianthe, is the real me, but at any point I can change to someone else. If ever it happens, don't worry about me, okay? Just leave me and move on. I can't become a burden to you..." She paused, seemingly thinking about something, and her face seemed to darken slightly. "...or a dnager."

Yes, what would they say if they knew...?

Never mind that...what would they say now? Ianthe's grip tightened slightly on her staff and she tensed imperceptably, ready for the oh-so-frequent attack that usually accompanied the telling of her story...

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