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The Rise and Fall

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Posts: 407
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Tech and Amanda both paused and looked at each other thinking about what was said. Tech finally walked over to Ianthe.

"I'm sorry Ianthe." He began. "I can't imagine what it must be like. No matter what we won't leave you though. I consider you my friend now. You helped me." he said.

" We won't leave because of that. Jet has some issues too. Maybe we can find a way to help you?" Amanda pondered.

"well, either way. We'll stick with you." Tech replied smiling at the squirrel. He had grown pretty fond of her.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

The cliff top

Azieral was taken aback visibly, her eight eyes widening in surprise which caused Morgraine to laugh, not particularly surprised by the Black Widows reaction. Azieral had never met Frost, but she had heard of him after all, who hadnt?

After her initial surprise, Azieral calmed down somewhat, and took a moment to re-evaluate her situation. She had asked mainly to see if Morgraine herself was now alone, like herself that she had lost all of her family and for that, Azieral would have pitied her. But the knowledge that she still had a father, and that the father was Frost, made the possible similarities between them abruptly end.

A surprise, to be sure, Azieral finally mentioned. But now that I think about it, I see the similarities.

Oh, really? Morgraine somewhat sarcastically shot back.

Azieral nodded. Be glad then that you do still have someone left. Azieral curtly added.

She turned, and looked out to the city in the distance. She frowned, recollecting a memory.

You neednt worry too much, princess. If he keeps his word, and Im pretty sure he will, then youll be seeing your father sooner then you might expect. Azieral muttered.

It was now Morgraines turn to be shocked, as she recoiled from the statement. What do you mean?! she shouted back.

Youre going to GUN Headquarters. Theyll pay more for you alive, then dead. Azieral spoke. She briefly smiled, then lifted one of her arms upwards, and a sliver of webbing shot out within a second, ensnaring Morgraines mouth, entrapping it and resorting to any of her speech as nothing more then mere grunts. I guess I have more similarities with Lucents gang then you, after all

She walked forwards, and using all of her arms to gain leverage and support, slowly lifted Morgraine up, and placed the struggling (but failing) girl upon her shoulders. She was definitely lighter then she expected. If anything, most of the weight must have came from the webbing itself.

Theres no point struggling, you wont break free. Azieral said, walking slowly forwards, before picking up her pace into a small run, in the direction of GUN Headquarters

The ruins of the Neo Freedom Fighters warehouse

Warrick turned, and slowly walked away from the unconscious Max and towards his fellow colleagues. Kneeling down amongst them, he tried prodding them into conscious again, with little success. It seemed that Davids claim of three hours was correct.

David simply followed Warwicks movements, and was genuinely surprised. He would have assumed that he would have done something to Max, or actually spoken to David himself. Yet it almost appeared as if Warwick was ignoring him!

Warwick rummaged through the equipment of his allies, before pulling out what was revealed as a radio.

Confused, robot? I dont blame you. Warwick sat down upon some of the stacked up rubble, rubbing his injuries that he had recently sustained through his encounter with Max. You dont know whether to trust me, in case Im lying and that would lead to your capture, no?

David remained silent.

Well, think about it like this. If Dr. Amoz was to have survived, which, may I point out, if has, then where is the most logical place that he would be? With GUN, no? Warrick began.

David remained silent.

Just because youre in service for these Neo Freedom Fighters, doesnt mean that were the bad guys. You must have heard what I and your friend were talking about. GUN seeks justice over this entire, crazy world. Unless your goals are just to find your master, then you should realize that were the most logical option to go with. Because these Neo Freedom Fighters they did it in the most misguided way, but what they were ultimately seeking was peace and justice through lawlessness. If youre serving them, then you must aim for peace too. And you can achieve that with GUN.

David remained silent, not completely believing of Warricks argument.

Youd be best able to comply with the wishes and intents of this rabble with GUN. Warrick ended, and then turned to the radio and began communicating with the Headquarters, arranging a transport.

GUN Headquarters

The lone GUN soldier that had listened to CamRons speech remained in the room, speechless by what he had just learned. He wasnt sure what to do next, the information seemed to be so wild and against what GUNs own ideals and aims were to achieve peace! So then, why?

A shady character, isnt he? came a voice from the shadows. Spinning round in surprise, the GUN soldier looked to find the source, but couldnt identify just where it was that it was coming from! However then, slowly, a figure began to emerge from the darkness a Cheetah, garbed in GUN armour as well! But this Cheetah was instantly familiar to the GUN soldier, who instantly saluted to his superior. I didnt manage to hear everything that he said, only the tail end of it. You were fortunate enough to do so though and I need all of that information relayed to myself.

Sir? the GUN Soldier asked.

Despite what it is that the higher officials of GUN wants, the very premise, the very nature of GUN itself is of peace and justice. I wont allow bugs in the system to compromise this, to infect it The Cheetah soldier expressed. This needs to be quarantined and dealt with carefully

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Origionally his programming would have considered one thing alone: logic. Wraith had used it earlier, when convincing him to join the Neo-Freedom Fighters, and it was true that what Warrick was saying was indeed logical as well.

But now, there was something else, something much less quantifyable. He couldn't really explain it, but whenever he looked down at Max's prone form he felt it...yes, felt was the right word...a certain sence of emptyness, of worry and sorrow.

It seemed his emotional programming was slowly assetring itself more and more.

"I do not want to betray my friends."

Warrick looked up sharply, his face frowning. "What do you mean, you don't want?" he muttered. "You're a robot, you act on logic."

David shook his head. "Not any more." he replied evenly. "I was given the capacity to show emotion, and to feel them to a degree...but mainly to learn." His blue eyes dropped to Max on the floor. "They have taught me many things. I consider them my friends now."

Warrick seemed bemused for a moment, but then stood up and took a step towards David. "Okay, so they're your friends...even freindship and emotion must bow to irrefutable logic. Sometimes you have to do something for someone even if they themselves believe it to be wrong, because it is actually they who are wrong and they are making a mistake! You see the logic of my understand how what I say is better for them than what they have now."

David nodded slightly. "Yes..." His eyes fixed on Warrick with a sudden cold stare. "...if you tell the truth."

"Look, you want to know if what I say is true or not, come see for yourself...we'll let Doctor Amoz explain everything to you himself okay?" retorted Warrick, not without a hint of sarcasm. He was really getting sick of the inside of this warehouse!

David looed thoughtful for a moment. Another emotion at the thought of Doctor Amoz...this one he wasn't as familliar with...

"Very well." the robot replied quietly. "I will accompany you, however if I find out that you are lying I will do everything within my power to see that justice is done."


Near the river.

Ianthe looked taken aback for a moment. She had never had that reaction before! She smiled...for the first time in many years, a warm, genuine smile...and opened her mouth. For a moment she was speechless, but eventually found her voice.

"Thank you! I'll do my best to help you find him!"

Someone actually cared enough about her to stick with her? Someone was actually prepared to try and put up with her condition and help her through it? She hadn't had anything like that since her parents before the disaster...she had forgotten what it was like to have friends! Her eyes began to feel watery as she continued to walk alongside them. Maybe she wouldn't have to be alone anymore!

But...what if they found out about...her?

She bit her lip as she began to speak again. "Listen though...I think...I" Her voice dried up as she stuggled for the words. Tech smiled at her amiably.


"N...nothing. Nevermind."

She had to tell them...they had a right to know, but she just couldn't! She didn't want to lose their friendship...the only friendship she had known for oh so many years!

But what if they found out some other way? Then they would surely hate her...if they survived at all...! She began to think of ways of broaching the subject as they continued to move, trying to find a way of telling them the danger...

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

The warehouse; twenty minutes later

The larger then usual GUN helicopter finally landed upon the ground, its rotating blades clearing a path of dust and smaller rubble from its landing spot. Slowly, it came to a stop upon the weak and decaying stone, and activity from the machine itself seemed to cease, until finally a hatch opened and the door slid to the side, giving room for those aboard to disembark, and for them to upload the remainder of the people as the warehouse.

A distinctly GUN armoured clad man stepped forwards and walked quickly towards Warrick, whilst the other men compromising the force moved out to carry the unconscious GUN members onto the helicopter as well as the defeated Max.

Captain Warrick, sir, I apologise for the delay we took, the GUN soldier sympathetically spoke.

Well youre here now, so it doesnt matter. Lets just get on the damn whirlybird and back to Headquarters, Warrick replied. The GUN soldier nodded, and knelt down to help Warrick up from his seating position. It was evident to all that Warrick had suffered severe injuries. The GUN soldier couldnt but feel slightly awed at the dedication that Warrick seemed to possess.

Uh, sir? came a unsure query from another armoured GUN soldier. Through the right lighting it might have been possible to see the facial features of the woman throughout her visor, but for now all that there was as evidence that she was a woman was her higher pitched voice. Warrick and the GUN soldier that helped him both turned around to see her standing next to David, unsure as to how to react.

Hes with us, Warrick said, smiling slightly. Hes a creation of Dr. Amoz.

Whaaat?! The female soldier shouted out in surprise. Ymean the doctor actually managed to still have some creations out and about? I thought they were all confiscated or destroyed.

Misa! The GUN soldier aiding Warrick shouted. Remember your place and then watch your tone!

Oh! Misa shouted back in surprise. Im sorry, sir!

Huh, kids Warrick thought to himself, looking away, but then readdressed the situation. Its apparently true. Id have thought so too, but its unmistakable. Hes Amozs creation, and were taking him with us to see him.

That should be interesting! Misa shouted, and slowly she walked forwards to the helicopter with David.

All throughout, David had been silent, simply observing the actions of the humans. At first he didnt believe Warrick, but it almost seemed unmistakable now! The female soldier at least seemed to know of Dr. Amozs prescence at GUN Headquarters, and Warrick didnt have the time to brief the incoming soldiers about Dr. Amoz. David knew this for certain because he was watching Warrick the whole time!

Yet through it all, he couldnt shake this awful feeling that, although he was beginning to feel hopeful for Dr. Amozs survival, the fact that he was betraying his very friends in the Neo Freedom Fighters, even as they boarded the GUN helicopter

Posts: 2
New Member

OOC: This is Jet K under an alt. My normal account stopped working after I made this global one. Even though I gave it a different E-mail address to use. Oh well. I may wind up stuck with this one so folks know. ^^;

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: Whew! I fixed it. lol Right after I typed that first message too. Sorry for the double post too.

On to the RP. I'm going to wait until someone updates Arista before doing anything else with Jet.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member major ooc post ><

Firstly, Jet, check your inbox. Wanna chat a mo about Tech, Amanda and Ianthe.

Secondly, anybody seen Eclipse recently? He told me in a message that he'd put in the next post for Wraith, Tails and Myst, but that was some time ago. Hope he's alright. I'm also reluctant to carry on too far with the others as I don't want Wraith and co to be left too far behind.

Thirdly, about pics of characters: I'm still working on them, but still trying to get hold of that paint program that I can't even remember the name of right now lol However, I have recently aquired an office program (similar to MS office, with lots of different things in) that also has what looks like quite an advanced paint program in with it, and I am wondering if this may serve my needs instead of that (I got it for the wordprocessor, but maybe I can kill two Flickies with one stone^^). With that in view, could someone tell me the name of the function that you use on the other program to highlight pencil lines without having to go over them by hand plz, so I can look out for it here? I don't know what to look for, that's the problem...I'm kinda clueless with both art and computers :cackle Any suggestions as to what it may be housed under would be helpful too, incase it's called something different on this one. And in case anyone's curious, the program bundle is called Abillity Office, the paint program within being Abillity Photopaint Studio. Thanking you in advance for the assistance^^

Think that's all for now. IC soon, but as I said I don't wanna rush too far ahead for the other characters...)

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Hoo-boy, about time I got around to writing a post eh? What can I say people, I hate to sound like a broken record, but school really is proving to be more than a handful. I have so much to do, and it seems that no matter how long I work for, I never get the amount I want done, I just feel so very slow. >< Its really late here, 2:53AM, but I feel some drive for posting before I go off to bed, so Im going to take advantage of this while I have a moment I can actually afford to not be using for homework.

Before I get right back into it, I have to just say that this is the kind of roleplay that keeps drawing me back in, its damned impossible for me to lose interested in it, everyone here just has such good ways of putting twists on things, and the characters weve created to work with are so vibrant and deep. The latest updates have been so exciting to read, even if some do consist mainly of dialogue, just being able to see the difference in every characters manner of speech and motivations makes reading the posts like watching a movie.

Once I get some free time, Id like to make a character collage piece of all the driving characters that are currently present in the RP, (so this will sadly exclude those characters whom arent played anymore yet have appeared in the RP).

So far Ive listed the following to appear in that piece:

Sachio (even though he is deceased, I can use him for effect)
Captain Warwick (i'm confused a little, is it 'Warwick' or 'Warrick'?)
CamRon Shaide

Anybody know anyone else who should also feature in this? All up thats 21 characters already, so you can all see how Im reluctant to include characters who dont effectively drive the roleplay. Still open for suggestions though, so just holler! I hope I didnt forget anyone.

Big apology goes to Wraith especially, having waited so very patiently for me to post, despite promising to a few weeks ago if memory serves.

And now, onto posting.



see? I told you I heard something! said Myst while pointing at some street-gang members rushing past the alleyway within which she, Wraith and Tails hid.

Wraith nodded and grunted in a tone that could loosely be translated into disgruntled caution.

The group had been walking toward the casino whilst stopping for many distractions, most of which were accidental confrontations with wandering members of gangs other than the Nocturnes. Thankfully, no fighting had been necessary, the group managed to evade every one of their pursuers on guile and quick-thinking alone with the exception of maybe a few tranquilisers as well, but only a few.

Are you sure its the right gang this time? moaned Tails, all of the hostile encounters had taken their toll on his nerves, he still couldnt stop shivering.

Myst nodded to Tails, no other gang would be moving that fast unless they were involved in something on a large scale-

and no other gang would be travelling in such numbers at a time like this interrupted Wraith, whilst directing the attention of his friends to the increasing rush of gang members moving up ahead, a mass of them.

if we want to find Lucent in that crowd, then we better get a better view.

I could just fly up and take a look offered Tails, gathering some courage for the sake of his friends.

they might see you said Myst, waving a hand, we should just go up here instead she motioned toward a fire-escape on the building they were pressed against.

Tails should still try anyway if he feels that he can avoid detection. Said Wraith while giving Tails a look that said I hope you know what youre doing. Tails gave a nervous salute back.

you just be careful, kay sweetie? Myst sounded almost like an over-protective mother when she said that to Tails, Bright orange fur like that really stands out.

Tails nodded in reply and took to the air, whilst Wraith and Myst made their way up the fire-escape, obscured by shadows, and took up observational points on the rooftop of the 3 story building.

The pair looked out over the crowd of gang members below them and tried to spot out Lucent. They had assumed hed be somewhere around the front, triumphantly leading his gang back to base after a presumably successful mission.

Do you see him anywhere? asked Myst while frantically searching.

Wraith shuffled before replying, No, I cant spot him. He doesnt keep to the middle sometimes does he?

Myst was getting worried, no he always leads, he she started to panic, were too late, the battles obviously over and and maybe-

Dont think like that said Wraith, re-assuring Myst with a hand on her shoulder, True that we were too late to stop the fight, but dont start thinking too negatively. The gang wouldnt be moving in a group to their base if the leader was dead.

Myst looked at Wraith as he spoke, holding back tears and trying to be strong.

Ive had to deal with street gangs for a long time, a nostalgic feeling came over Wraith as he continued, and Ive been too late to stop a fight countless times. But if theres something Ive learned from only being on time to see the aftermath, its that a gang wont usually be so organised if their leader was dead. When the leader is killed, a gang usually just scatters all over the city, a gang wont stay together in a group if it means risking being found in one huge cluster by whoever theyre escaping from, a gang doesnt know how to organise themselves after a fight without their leader.

Myst calmed down and took a deep breath as she listened.

Hes in there somewhere. Wraith looked out at the crowd below again. Hes blue isnt he? Im not looking for the wrong colour am i?

no, hes blue, Replied Myst, also looking out into the crowd, a slight smile coming over her, a beautiful dark blue.

Myst and Wraith suddenly turned around as Tails landed with a slight thud behind them, rushing to their side and pointing to an area amongst the mass of gang members, somewhere around the further reaches, near the end.

I think Its him! announced Tails in a frenzy, I saw a blue bat being carried by a huge bear!

Carried!? said Wraith and Myst unanimously.

Tails propped his hands up in front of him, hey, I couldnt be sure without getting closer, but uhh dont get upset, but I uhh... I think hes hurt pretty bad... Looked unconscious

Oh no. said Wraith, trying to calm Myst down, she was already getting back into a panic.

H-hey! said tails while waving his hands about, I could be wrong! He could be fine, he might just be I dunno, he might-

tails. Stop. Interrupted Wraith. Tails ears flopped down, Im sorry.


Dirge tried his best to keep up his pace, but despite his strength, carrying Lucent constantly while also dealing with the pain of his own aches and bruises from the fight earlier was increasingly proving to be too much for him.

The massive grizzly slowed to a stop, taking in some heaved breaths of air while coping with numerous pushes and shoves as more gang members overtook him, bumping his shoulders on their way forward.

Plugg swam through the crowd to get to Dirge, Need to rest again big guy? he asked. Dirge nodded and shuffled over to the sidewalk to sit, and lay Lucent down.

lousy ingrates they all are! complained Plugg as he sat next to Dirge, no-one wants to help carry the boss cause theyre all afraid of gettin blasted if he wakes up! Id help ya carry him but... yknow *cough* my arm and all.

He..*huff* began Dirge in-between breaths, he really aint lookin good. Wont stop bleedin he raised his paws to show Plugg, they were covered in trickled paths composed of Lucents blood.

ah crap ah crap. Plugg started biting his nails.

Plugg what if he what if he dont make in time-

DONT YOU DARE! shouted Plugg through gritted teeth as be continued biting his nails, The boss aint dyin! no way man! Hes taken worse than this.

I dunno he looks really bad-

WHATD I JUST SAY? shouted Plugg once more. I oughta slap you if ya werent the one who had to carry im! The bossll be just fine, youll see. Nursell path him up in no time, just like she always does. Yeah, then before ya know it, well all be back out on the streets again, takin over stuff.

Dirge nodded with a smile, yeah, youre right. But i I gotta stop a few minutes, I dont know if im gonna make it myself.

hang in there big guy we aint got far to go.


THERE HE IS! announced Tails, frantically pointing over the edge of their surveillance point, the guy thats carrying him, hes stopped over there! Look!

Myst and Wraith both looked over and indeed, saw what Tails had said was there.

Thats Dirge and Plugg down there! said Myst, If we could get down there un-noticed somehow, I could take a look at Lucent!

She immediately turned to Wraith, Wraith, please, what do we do? I need to check on Lucent, he must be really hurt if Dirge is carrying him! Please, help me.

Id write more, but tiredness is setting in, and I really do need some sleep so I can get a lot more homework done tomorrow.

Goodnight all, and I hope everyone can work with what Ive written. Wraith, feel free to roleplay Dirge and Plugg if you need to.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Good luck with the homework, James. =D It was a fantastic post, and I know how you and others have a lack of time in order to RP because of work.

The idea of the character collage sounds fantastic! I'd love to see what you come up with, no doubt it's going to be great. :D

And for the record, it should be Warrick. I don't know where all these typos are coming from, either from a Spellchecker changing it or me merely not paying attention. o.o But yeah, Warrick it is.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: lol no problem at all Eclipse^^ as I've said before, I uderstand being buisy completely, as I am myself often. I was just worried you were dead or something :lol

I'll try to get a major IC in either today or tomorrow, probably involving all five of my characters, so it'll be a long one >.> lol)

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Sounds wicked James "> . Go for it chana!



The GUN soldier nodded at the cheetah, in acknowledgement of what he had to say. But then he couldn't help but frown.
Granted, he recognised this cheetah as an authorative amongst the force. But something was leaving him puzzled...

Perhaps this was all just adding to his confusion as to what was truely going on amongst this 'Guardian of the United Nations' force. Why were there secrets, and a certain anminosity suddenly going on?

"Yes, I must say I've been taken aback by all of this myself," the soldier replied. He frowned again.

"If I may ask though sir, before I proceed giving you 'further information'... under whose authority should I feel obliged to do so?"


Jet's eyelids pulsated, as he found himself walking at an uncomfortably rushed pace through the GUN corridors. Or, actually, it wasn't so much the pace that was uncomfortable, but rather the rifles that were constantly jabbed into the back of him.

"Keep moving rodent boy, we haven't got all day," Cam'Ron sneered, carrying his own handgun "doctors like patients to keep their appointments."

"I don't want this appointment!" Jet whimpered slightly.

"Too bad," Cam'Ron sniggered "it's just a check up. It's not like you're going to the dentist after all..."

'I think I'd prefer a dentist any day...' Jet thought numbly.

When the soldiers, the hedgehog, and weasel captive had finally found themselves outside what seemed to be a heavily clad, titanium steeled door, Cam'Ron punched in a combination of buttons which in turn, cause the door to whir open from bottom to top.

A bright white light that was cast from the room glared viciously, causing Jet to turn away slightly. He could not shield his eyes with his hands for the fact that they were cuffed in front of him.

The soldiers turned and marched off, whislt Cam'Ron simply put his red glasses on.

"This way," Cam'Ron nodded, pulling back the rifle and pushing it against Jet's back "can I prod you to go forwards?"

Jet reluctantly advanced into the spitefully white-lit room. The walls were simply white, heavily built and appeared to defy any ways of escape- which made this confined environment all the more intededating.

As Jet's eyes finally adjusted to the intensity of the light, he could make out an entourage of white coated men walking his way, which caused him to shrink as far as he could towards the ground- feeling cornered by both the intimedating group of medics and the handgun against his spine.

"The famous subject 297?" Dr. Platinum said, a six foot tall blond doctor, though young and in his twenties perhaps "he's a lot smaller than I thought..."

"Don't merge his size with his capabilities," a black-haired female doctor with heavy eyeliner replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Her name being Dr. Saphire.

"Capabilities?" smirked Dr. Ebony "he merely looks like a hybrid of some sort, judging by the unusual characteristics... long tail, long ears... perhaps this is one for the vet?"

"Don't be so complacent!" Dr. Grey snapped, stepping in front of group of doctors spontaneously "before we risk our lives carrying out any medical assessments, I suggest we see how he fairs against our newly upgraded specimen..."

Jet wrinkled his nose, before gasping so suddenly when his eyes fell upon a cerulean hedgehog that merged from a space amongst the bright white light shortly the doctor beckoned his name. He had unnaturally coloured frozen aqua-eyes. Let alone all the other confusion that was throwing his mind in dissarray due to the doctors' arguments- but this other specimen.

As Jet tried to brave his fear, to take a good look at this other creature, denoted by the 'specimen' noun, he chanced a serious look in his eyes.
As cold and cruel as they were, he seemed restrained and obidient- any evidence of free-will, gone.

"Specimen 156, attack this foe!" Dr. Grey called out.

And that instant, Frost stepped back slightly, his eyes flaring for a split second, before a twin set of parallel ice beams came streaking in Jet's direction...

Suburbian station square

"So where are we going?" Shadow asked, kicking a piece of rubble which went flying off a half crumbled down bridge.

"To find some food. I'm hungry," Athena replied, her frosty eyes hardening as she scanned the area in a predator-like manner.

"Oh?" Shadow asked stoically, stopping for a moment and standing up tall with his fists tightening as he gazed at some mountains in the distance, which were obviously miles and miles away from Station Square. The horizon looked familiar though, he had to confess.

"Correct. And if we don't find any sooooon..." Athena said, momentarily following Shadow's gaze and thus prolonging the last word in her sentence casually "then I'll have to bite you again, Shadow."

Shadow broke his stare from the mountains and purple sunset skyline and glared at Athena.

"I don't find your joke amusing."

"You think I'm joking?" Athena replied, stifling a laugh, before her long ears lowered gingerly.

"You know, I really could without your company." Shadow shot back with disgust "I don't need you to help me find my way, fox!"

"I think you might find yourself sadly mistaken, Shadow. Do you know where you're going, what you're even after?" Athena asked, her black eye-shadowed eyes half closed.

"Perhaps..." Shadow replied complacently, supplementing this with a few stubborn steps forward- before stopping and sighing with frustration.

Athena smirked, before tilting her head to one side.

"It's hard to know who to trust, or who to trust to help direct you to some answers," she said sympathetically, which earned Shadow's attention "but I can, and will help you, if you help me first."

Before the three-tailed fennec fox continued with her speech, her ears suddenly lowered wildly, followed by a sneer which precipitated upon her mussel.

Shadow frowned, a bit taken aback. It was as if she became a totally different creature.


But before Shadow could say any more, his eyes widened as he took in the spontaneous and rapid movements which entailed Athena leaping across a bush, into a river with a splash, before rising up again and pouncing upon a squirrel.

Namely Ianthe!

OOC: Wanted to update more scenes but have run out of time. Doh. Darn it. Sorry...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Im beginning to dread RL now... :| Sorry all. I've started work on the post, and as soon as it's finished I'll stick it up.)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Hmm... I don't know how tp play Frost so, I'll update what I can here.

Jet's eyes widened as the hedgehog attacked him! But had jumped just in time to miss the majority of Frost's attack! Frost did, however, manage to hit Jet's tail where the fur on the tip was black. This was going to make it harder for Jet to use it as he always had.

As Jet ran around avoiding Frost's attacks he had one thing on his mind. If he were to have any chance against this hedgehog....

...the handcuffs had to go!

Jet managed to circle Frost once more jumped up and leaped off Frosts head landing behind him. Now Frost was not hurt. He wasn't even scratched by this. He was just a bit surprised by the weasel's tactics as he stood up again.

At the same time, Jet was trying to get his handcuffs off. He tried to muster his stregnth as best he could. He was already worn from all the events that occurred before this. With great effort Jet finally broke his handcuffs off. His wrists were slightly sore now, but he could still use them. They weren't bothering him enough to hinder the use of his hands.

"I think this'll even the feild a bit." Jet spoke as he turned to face the cerulean hedgehog staring back at him coldly.

Jet was very frightened, but he did his best to keep it under wraps. What made things harder though was the fact that the room was full of people watching. What would they do to him if he lost!

Jet's ears lowered and he looked a bit worried. Were they planning to kill him if he lost to this hedgehog? Would they only let the victor live? Jet had no way of knowing, but he knew now that he had to try and do his best!

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: I thought you did well Jet ^_^
I actually forgot I left the cuffs on Jet when I got Frost to attack and only realised this after the netcafe closed and thought 'how mean of me...' >>
I'm going to go off the profile for his abilities Jet, but if I write something inaccurate or invalid, feel free to correct me.

Yeah, me too Wraith :| . It's not too bad but at the same time, it's a bit 'ugh' right now. :wantsthenetathomerealREALbad:



Dr. Grey raised an eyebrow as he observed the brief, but notably swift events that followed as Jet managed to almost dodge Frost's attack, and free himself of his handcuffs furthermore.

"Pretty damn good," Dr. Saphire, the female doctor smirked "good reflexes."

Frost turned his head over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at Jet.
And before Jet could so much as blink, he cried out as he found a boulder like force throwing him spontaneously backwards at an incredible speed.

On hitting a cold metallic wall which brought him to a sudden stop, the weasel winced as he found himself sliding slowly downwards to the floor.

"Spindash attack... so basic and yet so effective..." Dr. Ebony remarked.

"I'm surprised he's still alive right now," Dr. Platinum commented.

Jet slowly opened his eyes- his vision suddenly causing him to see double as Frost ran ruthlessly for another attack.

Shaking his head immediatly, Jet gasped, before instinctively turning to his right and grabbing a handle-like pole that was sticking out of the wall.

Dr. Grey tilted his head slightly, intrigued as he observed the pole gradually being bent from the seemingly extreme pressure of the weasel's tug- until it eventually... snapped off.

Jet instinctively jumped to his feet, and began swinging the double sharp ended pole towards Frost.

Frost immediatly blackflipped- narrowly dodging the first swing- before continueing this motion to avoid every other swift blow.

"Argh," Frost cried slightly as the pole managed to hit the back of his neck and causing him to buckle down to the ground momentarily.

As Jet came in to swing another whack upon Frost, he froze as he found the pole coming to a sudden stop midway in his thrash.

Frost had swiftly grabbed the pole with his right arm, whilst he supported the rest of his wait with his left arm with his palm against the floor.

Gritting his teeth angrily, Frost immediatly got up and swung the pole with remaining Jet on the other end- which sent him slipping off into the air and flying across the room- and through a sheet of glass which shattered into millions pieces on collision.

Jet cried out slightly as he found himself sprawled across the floor with the bouncing shards of glass with him. He eventually skid to a stop, and breathed in heavily with pain and exhaustion.

As Jet opened his eyes morbidly, he cried out as he saw a pair of icey eyes staring back at him so vividly and his arm in a vice-like grip as he found himself being dragged upwards- by the scruff of the collar.

"Okay, okay! That will do Specimen 156!" a doctor protested, coming into the next room where the glass had shattered.

"Now put subject 297 down!" Dr. Ebony said.

Frost turned around to look at the doctors, before placing Jet back down on the ground- stepping back and folding his arms.

There was a momentary silence, before Dr. Saphire spoke up.

"Those were some pretty slick moves back there," she smirked "tell me, where did you learn them. Or shall I saw... acquire them?"

Jet was still somewhat dazed, trying to decipher who it was that was talking to him.

"... it's not natural." she finished.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Jet slowly got up and brushed the glass off of him and shook his head and his tail to rid himself of any remaining shards. He then turned to the doctor that stood before him to answer.

If Jet weren't already beaten from earlier this may have been easier, but since he was already hurt he was exhausted. He answered the question as best as he could.

"I... I don't know where I learned that. It's just reflex I guess. I do it instictively you could say." Jet replied a bit nervously. Doctors made him almost as nervous as the GUN officers did, but he was too worn to really show except in his voice.

Jet was quite weak by now and rested a bit on the floor as he waited for the doctors to react. His chest was bleeding again, thanks to Frost's spindash, his heart was beating faster than ever and his breathing was labored and a bit painful. He also wondered about his tail. It was still hurting him too. Was it broken? It was hit pretty hard. Jet had many things going through his mind at the moment and all of them made him cringe. He wanted out of there badly!

As Jet scratched his head to think a bit more, he noticed the cut on his head got reopened too!

"Oh great! This is bleeding too?" He thought to himself. Jet looked back at the doctor as he lowered his ears, mostly from fear, and tried to keep himself calm. Becoming scared wouldn't help him at all.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Majorly sorry for the delay.

Ben, used Athenas bio in the character profiles thread in the fight between her and Ianthe, hope its okay. Theyre actually very similar style characters, so Ive done something unusual lol

Also, nobody interact with David for the time being. I have plans for him^^)


The helicopters roared over the broken city, the slowly setting sun gleaming off their metal hulls as they neared their destination...GUN headquarters. They came to land on a large helipad at the back of the main GUN building, and the soldiers onboard quickly disembarked, taking their passengers with them. Several medical staff were on scene, and they quickly took care of the unconsious troops, while other soldiers took care of the Neo-Freedom Fighters that had been captured. Warrick beconed David to follow him as he set off into the complex...


She sat alone in the cell, curled up on one of the beds in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest and staring at the floor. As yet they hadnt come to see her, or question her, or anything...they had seemed more interested in Jet, so much so that they had pretty much forgotten about her.

Arista sighed and closed her eyes. How could all of this have happened? Her life had fallen apart around her, and it had all happened so fast that she couldnt make sence of it all!

And the killer, the one thing that made it unbareable, was the fact that she had never had the chance to appoligise, to tell him she was sorry for what she had done! She just wanted him to understand, wanted him to know she loved him no matter what...

And now, it was too late. Wraith was dead, and she was captured. Even though she had cried so much she could cry no more, tears began once again to seep from her eyes and roll down her cheeks, staining her red fur dark. What now...?

She jumped as a loud CLUNK emminated from the door, and a moment later it swung open. She heard a voice say: Get in. then a number of figures stepped into the small cell one after the other, looking dejected and sullen.

Ari gasped as she recognised some of the faces! She stood up as the group trooped in, and a pair of soldiers followed them, carrying the body of someone else between them, seemingly unconsious. The other Neo-Freedom Fighters looked supprised themselves as they saw Arista in the cell with them, and they stepped over to her.

Arista, what are you doing here??? asked a large bull with reddish-brown fur. Didnt expect to see you!

I was...captured... Arista murmured in response, Wh...what about you?

Same. grunted the bull. Frost attacked our base, then GUN got wind of him being there somehow and blanketed the area with troops like they usually do. They captured us, but at least they saved us from Frost.

Frost??? thought Ari in shock. No, this couldnt be...after everything that had happened, this as well...??? Where are all the others?

Many of them didnt make it. replied the bull quietly. Frost was merciless...he...he killed so many...

Aris mouth dropped open. No... she whispered in disbelief.

The bull nodded slowly. If only Wraith had been there. he muttered. At least he escaped the worst of it, and Im sure that hell do whatever he can to get us out of here when he finds out where we are.

Ari closed her eyes. Please dont. It isnt funny.

The bull looked curious. What?

I know whats happened to Wraith.

You do? You of all people should know he wont leave us here to rot Ari! Hell come for us!

How can he if hes dead??? retorted Arista venomously, turning away from the bull in disgust. Stop messing around!

Dead??? The bull chuckled. Whered you hear that from? Wraiths indestructable, you know that! He got himself captured by the Noctournes, but he escaped and now hes going for Sacchio and Morgaine!

Ari spun round again, her eyes wide. You know this???

Yeah! Max found him and was with him! retorted the bull, gesturing to the prone figure on the floor. Only reason he was caught too is Wraith asked him to check out the Warehouse when GUN took over. Had Wraith known he probably would have come himself...

Ari was looking down at Max, only realising now who it was lay on the floor. She quickly knelt down beside him, checking his pulse in his neck, then she turned and looked back up at the bull, taking a deep breath. Okay, tell me everything...right from the beginning...!


The door hissed open, barely audible above the humming of equipment in the room, but loud enough to attract the attention of the figure inside. He didnt turn around though...he simply sat at the desk, continuing to play with something small in front of him as he spoke: Back again for your daily checkup, Doctor?

The man in the doorway grinned. He was of african origin, with short black hair and brown eyes, a little on the short side, but reasonably well built. He was flanked by two security guards in GUN uniforms. Dillan, Dillan, Dillan. he crooned, shaking his head as he stepped into the room. Why are you always so confontational? Were trying to be friendly here!

The man at the desk raised his head, his shadow from the rooms bright lights moving off the trinket he was fiddling with, revealing it to be a complex looking robotic servo mechanism inside a metal hand! A prison cell isnt exactly what Id call friendly. he growled sarcastically.

The other man sighed as he began to wonder around the lab, stopping off at various points to fiddle with computers or bits of machinery that were dotted around the large room. You know you arent a prisoner, Dillan. Youre our guest! Our friend!

WELL THIS GUEST HAS OUTSTAYED HIS WELCOME! shouted the man at the desk, spinning round in his chair to face the other man with a glare. The lights in the room outlined short, thinning grey hair and thick glasses, a thin, old but warm and pleasing face and gleaming blue eyes. Right now, though, the face looked haggard and worn-out, and the eyes had uncried tears in them. Youre keeping me here against my will, Doctor Kash! How can you call that anything but imprisonment?!?

Kash looked up from the rack of robotic parts on the wall. Youre free to go anytime Dillan, weve told you that often.

Doctor Amoz glared at him. Just as soon as I agree to your plans...right.

Kash shook his head again as he stepped forward. Doctor, its a dangerous world out there...were keeping you here for your own protection! If you were out there the gangs would tear you to pieces! And just think, you can stop all can bring order to the chaos out can help GUN re-establish sanity in this world gone mad! In one foul swoop you could help us eliminate the gangs and restore peace and harmony!

Amoz gritted his teeth, his spirit not dampened by age. I didnt agree to any of this yesterday, Doctor, nor the day before that, nor the day before that, or any other day youve kept me locked up in this god forsaken place! Just what makes you think Ill say yes now???

Your experience is vital to us, Doctor Amoz!

Vital for killing??? Amoz was shouting again. Back when I was doing robotics for the military I saw my share of blood! At the time I was young, impetuous! I didnt think what the abominations I was creating were doing to people! Now I think about it I cannot forgive myself! Not a night goes by when Im not haunted by dreams of the of people my creations killed, images of lives my monsters snuffed out! I will not be drawn into that again, Kash, no matter what anyone does to me!

We arent talking about genoside here, Doctor. replied Kash testily. GUN is a peacekeeping force, nothing more. Your robots would be simply restoring and keeping order!

And how many more will die to keep that order, hm? Dangit Kash, a private army is a private army, no matter who wields its power! Its too dangerous for anyone, including GUN!

And you wont change your mind?

Amoz didnt reply. He simply sat down on his chair and swiveled it back to face the desk, arms folded across his chest defiantly.

Kash nodded. Okay. he murmured, turning back to face the door. Youre in luck, Dillan. I can tell you now that you wont have to comply with our demands now. He signalled to the security guards, who had taken up station beside the door, and one of them stepped out of the room, returning a moment later with two figures in tow. One of our teams that recently reported in descovered something interesting on their mission. continued Kash, turning back to face Amoz, who had turned in his seat again, looking over at the doorway. I think it may be of interest to you as well...

Warrick stepped through the door, stepping to the side and taking up station near the security guards. He grunted in surprise as he saw Amoz. Hmph, they do look alike!

The second figure followed him in, stepping forward and looking round the room curiously. As his glowing blue eyes focused in on Amoz, his plastic mouth opened, and he took a step backwards in surprise!

Amoz looked completely gobsmacked, his mouth hanging open as far as it could go and his eyes bulging out of their sockets! His tongue began to move, trying to articulate some form of communication, but it was a few moments before any sound came out of his mouth!


Warrick nodded to Doctor Kash, then stepped out of the room, off on his own duties. His work here was done. Kash nodded in return, then turned back to the emotional reunion going on before him.

Father! replied David, stepping forward. I was informed you were deceased!

Amoz stood up from the chair slowly, a little shakily. I...left you...inactive. he stammered as he stepped forward. I was...hoping...nobody would find you...darn GUN...!

GUN were not the ones who activated me, father. replied David, shaking his head. I was activated accidentally by some children who had entered your laboratory. I went looking for you, but some friends I met up with informed me of your death.

Friends? echoed Amoz in amazement. Oh David...youve already evolved far beond what I could have dreamed! This...this is incredible!

David smiled, his blue eyes looking like he might start crying if he were able! I am relieved you are alive as well, father. he murmured. I see you!

Tears were rolling down Amozs face by now, and he leaned forward and hugged David tightly. I...I cant believe it! he exclaimed through the sobs. You...were like my son, David...leaving you behind was...the hardest thing Ive ever had to do! I thought Id never see you again!

Kash had been watching the exchange quietly, and now he stepped forward, a wide smile on his face. Its so heartwarming to see this, Dillan. he murmured dreamily. Im glad you liked our little surprise. Raising his hand into the air, he clicked his fingers, and the two guards by the door stepped forward, grabbing David by the arms. One of them placed a small device on his head, which began to bleep and flash with lights, then they proceeded to pull him backwards, out of Amozs arms, and out through the door!

Amoz stepped forward, his eyes wide. Wh...what??? What are you doing???

Its quite simple, Dillan. replied Kash conversationally. You wont build us our robots, and until now you were the only one who could, but now we have him, we no longer need your input. We can simply reverse-engineer him, take him apart to see how to build him and use that knowledge to make our own. You really did do a fine job, Dillan! Well done!

WHAT??? Amoz looked grief-stricken. You cant do that! Hes a living being! Its inhumane!!!

Oh dont worry Doctor, well put him back together again afterwards...if he survives the proceedure that is. Of course, you could make this unnessecery by doing as we ask...

CURSE YOU!!! shouted Amoz, lunging towards Kash and trying to strangle him, but Kash was easily able to fight the old man off. He shook his head in sarcastically exaggerated sorrow.

Not the reaction I was hoping for...a pity. Well, well keep you informed of the progress we make.

Amoz grunted as he fell to the floor, pushed off by Kash. He looked up, trying to shout out though winded: David! Save yourself! Fight them off!

The robot turned his head, looking down at his body, then looked up again, his face registering fear. I cannot father!

Ah, yes, the robotic inhibitor. murmured Kash, taking a device out of his pocket like the one the guard had attached to David. Very useful piece of equipment at times. Stops electronic signals in machines, locks up their systems. The door hissed closed as the guards exited, and Kash set off towards the entrance himself, replacing the inhibitor in his pocket. Well, I must get to work. See you later Dillan, and if ever you reconsider, dont hesitate to tell us right away.

Amoz groaned as he tried to pick himself up, one hand on his stomach. You...fool! he hissed. Davids brain is...delecately balanced! If you go in there idea what youre may trigger something...bad!

Kash turned back to the elderly Doctor as he paused by the door, a wide grin on his face. Im sure we could handle whatever goes wrong Doctor. he drawled condesendingly. Take care.

He stepped out of the room, the door closing and locking behind him. Amoz gave up trying to stand, and curled up on the floor, his body shaking as he began to cry...



Wraith, please, what do we do? I need to check on Lucent, he must be really hurt if Dirge is carrying him! Please, help me.

Wraith was looking down into the alleyway thoughtfully. Those two that are with him...what are they like? he asked quietly.

Plugg is annoying, and daft, but he can be funny sometimes...Dirge...hes got a mean temper, but hes loyal to Lucent. replied Myst, looking down at the pair again as the rest of the gang moved on, leaving them behind.

Wraith nodded in response. They both look injured too. he muttered. Well, Id say the best thing to do in this situation would be the direct approach...wait for the rest of the gang to get a bit father away, then go see them. He looked up at Myst. Do you want us to stay out of this? Showing up with me and Tails may be a little dangerous, but I cant really see any way of explaining it away without us...

Now it was Mysts turn to pause as she thought. After a second or two she nodded. Yeah, I dont care if they see you...I just have to make sure Lucents okay. She swallowed. Just...try not to hurt them too much, okay?

Im hoping it wont come to that at all. replied Wraith as he turned and moved over to the other edge of the roof, one that ran alongside another alley that intersected the one Lucent and co. were in at rightangles. If they have any sence whatsoever they wont try anything while theyre injured like that.

Yeah, but Dirge will want to protect Lucent and... Myst paused, deciding not to continue with the line she was going to: Plugg doesnt have any sence whatsoever. Besides, it was true that there wasnt much else they could do.

Tails, bring Myst. Ill glide down. Wraith stepped up onto the wall surrounding the roof-top and jumped off, opening out his dreadlocks to catch the air as he began to glide to the floor. Tails jumped into the air, spinning his tails, and offered a hand down to Myst...


...I mean youd think theyd wait! I mean, its the Boss were talking about!

Dirge was rapidly beginning to wonder which was worst...the pain of his injuries as he walked, or the pain of Plugg dribbling on and on with his words like a water hose! Why had he stopped with him anyway??? He gritted his teeth...maybe he should be happy for the company whoever it was true that the rest of the gang had continued seemingly unheeding of his plight. He didnt particularly feel like walking the rest of the way completely alone.

And youd think theyd listen to me as well! continued Plugg, off on one of his famous speeches now. I mean, I was chosen by Lucent for that mission and everything...I have authority now, and people in authority deserved to be listened to! Honestly, if the Boss was awake, hed show them! Hed put them in their place! Remember when he gave me that job...entrusted me with the responsibillity? I tell you, when he told me to do that, all I could say in responce was-YIKES!!!!

Dirge looked up suddenly as Plugg ran behind him and crouched down, peeking over his shoulder like a frightened child. He spotted the shadow over by the wall, stepping towards them, and his eyes narrowed. Great, just what they needed! Whos that?

Relax, Dirge, its me. replied Myst as she stepped out of the shadows, into the last rays of sunlight beaming down the alley. Im here to help.

Both Plugg and Dirge stared at her with wide eyes as she knelt down beside them, grabbing Lucents wrist and checking for a pulse. N...Nurse? exclaimed Plugg in shock. What are you doing here??? I thought you were waiting back at base!

I was going to, but I had to make sure Lucent was okay. she replied. I came looking for you.

You came out here alone? asked Dirge in disbelief.

No, I had help.

At this point two more figures stepped out of the shadows, marching up to the group quietly. Plugg began to stammer again: Dirge quickly clambered to his feet, not without some difficulty, and laid Lucents prone form on the floor of the alley.

Nurse, look out!

No! exclaimed Myst, raising a hand. Its okay, theyre not going to attack us! Theyre with me!

You what??? Dirges eyes scanned over Wraith and Tails sinisterly. Who are these guys? he muttered, then he spotted the kitsunes second tail and his mouth dropped open. Tails???

Wraith and Miles. retorted Myst, concentrating on Lucent again. They helped me to find you.

Wraith and Miles the heroes??? growled Dirge in amazement. Myst, what were you thinking??? Theyve got that Freedom Fighting gang...theyll probably arrest us all! Youve led them straight...!

Cool it, big guy. interrupted Wraith, stepping past him and staring down the alley after the rest of the gang, hoping they didnt return. What Myst says is true, right now our main concern is Lucent. Well deal with everything else later, okay?

Dirge looked down at Lucent, then back at Wraith, as though in two minds as to how to react. I wont let you take him! he barked, glaring at Wraiths back.

The Echidna span round. I said later! he retorted. Right now we have to make sure he lives! He looked down at Myst, then at the unconsious Lucent. How is he?


Suburban station square

Shouldnt be long now. murmured Tech, consulting his map. There may be perimeter defences in the area around their headquarters. Wed better be alert.

Amanda nodded in response, but Ianthe didnt respond at all...she seemed to be deep in thought, troubled by something. The others noticed this.

Ianthe, you okay? asked Amanda, looking over at her. The squirrel shook herself out of her revier and looked up.


Before Amanda could repeat the question, though, there was a splash in the river next to them, and suddenly something dived out of the water, leaping onto Ianthe with paws outstreached!

Ianthe quickly ducked, and her attacker failed to land on her back, instead raking her fur with her nails as she flew past. It wasnt enough to break the skin, but it still hurt! The fox rolled on the floor and quickly sprung to her feet again, spinning round to face Ianthe with a crazed look on her face. Ianthe herself span round as well, raising her staff as she faced the strange abomination before her. You two get out of here!

Athena lunged forward again, aiming a swift punch at Ianthes head, but the squirrel dodged and swung her staff in a sweeping blow, aiming for Athenas legs. The fox jumped, spinning round and aiming a powerful elbow towards the back of Ianthes head, but Ianthe jumped backwards, performing a full backflip in mid air, and landed a short way away, staff raised high for defence!

Tech and Amanda watched, awestruck. Both fighters were incredibly fast, with exceptional reactions and acrobatic skills, so much so that neither could land a single blow on the other! Athena was swinging her fists and claws, Ianthe using her staff and kicks, but all attacks were either dodged, or blocked and countered, and the speed of the movements was incredible! They jumped as another figure suddenly skidded to a halt next to them, seemingly using some kind of special boots like rollerblades! He looked at the two fighters, then turned to stare at Tech and Amanda, seemingly as confused at the attack as they were!

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Super post Wraith! Was absorbed in all the scenes there. I think you did super with Athena as well :)
Glad the profile thread came in handy. I really ought to update it with the rest of my characters. It will make things easier in the long run.

Jet, I've replied to your note. Repondez-vous s'il vous plait and I'll update Jet's scene =)!


Suburbian Station square

Shadow took a mere second to stare at Amanda and Tech, before returning his attention to the fighting females at each others throats- though one perhaps more than the other.

"Enough of this!" Shadow declared, stepping in to barricade her from Ianthe.

"Out of my way black hog!" Athena hissed, her fringe and fur wild and wet after having splashed pounced from the river.

Ianthe stepped back slightly, holding her staff across her body defensively- staring at Athena attentively and fully focused as her emerald coloured eyes hardened.

"You don't have to do this..."

"Yes I do!" Athena cried "it's the only way I stay alive..."

"Don't be ridiculous...!" Shadow interupted.

"Ridiculous?! You're giving me every reason to gorge on you like a parasite right now!" Athena was practically screaming, which caused Shadow to open his eyes ever so slightly.

'Ashamed of her condition?' he wondered.

Athena couldn't handle it any longer, however. The hunger was causing her head to throb, her throat to dry up, the insanity to overwhelm her.

With that, she violently shoved Shadow out of the way which sent him flying backwards and flying against a nearby rock.

"Guh!" he groaned, his back smacking the sharp-ended and hard surface of the rock which almost winded him.

Athena pounced upon Ianthe- pinning her to the ground and knocking the staff out of her hands.

As the hysterical and violent Fennec began to swing a series of clawy punches towards Ianthe's face- the squirrel was however, apt enough to counter every blow with the palm of her hands.

"Argh!" Ianthe yelped as she saw a tripled track of claw marks brand her wrist- which drew blood. Ianthe immediatly managed to retrieved her staff with that hand in one swift action and sweep Athena off with a blow to the torso.

Athena rolled back, grunting from the suddeness of the move. She was almost entirely certain she had the squirrel victim that time! How gutted she felt to be wrong.

Spinning around and stepping up, her three tails following her movement. Athena suddenly jumped up- really high such that Ianthe and the other observers lost gith of her.

Shadow picked himself up, still groaning from the pain in his back and shook his head to recollect his thoughts. What a mighty shove that was!

"Oh gosh! She's crazy!" Tech exclaimed, flitting his eyes all over the place nervously.

"Wait... is she gone...?" Amanda said in a hushed tone of voice- giving Ianthe a concerned look.

Shadow shook his head once again- before eyes suddenly fell upon a nearby tree, where he heard a lot of cluttering and shortly after, a few leaves falling out of the branches.
It was right behind Ianthe.

"Behind you!" Shadow shouted to Ianthe, but found it was too late as Ianthe was rapidly thrown to the ground like a meteorite when the dynamic Athena, darted down on her.

"Ha ha!" Athena laughed nastily.

"Ianthe!" Amanda gasped.

The two creatures fought tooth and nail- a massive exchange of attacks having been undergone.

Before Athena found a moment- where she could finally sink her fangs into Ianthe's throat- an extremely loud gunshot was heard which caused the the fennec to retract immediatly and back off from Ianthe and standing up straight- warily and for the first time since the attack, a bit of sanity and seriousness in her face.

Everyone immediatly turned their attention to the source of the sound- a tall standing black and hedgehog with his finger resting on the trigger of a handgun.

"Thank you." Shadow breathed warily, nodding his head once and closing his eyes momentarily"now, can we all be a bit civil? Or not...?" he said, more of a statement than a request as he opened his eyes angrily and reloaded his gun with a 'click'.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

OOC: Sorry. This just a really quick update I thought up. If this doesn't work Bent, Please tell me and I'll change it. ^^
The doctors were conversing amongst themselves. Jet had brushed away the glass on the floor where he was and felt the need to lay down. He wasn't feeling well after the fight he was just in. He was becoming very hungry too. All the fighting that happened that day had left him no time to find food. Jet was laying on his side still dazed.

The doctors had suddenly motioned for Cam'Ron to retrieve the weakened and exhausted weasel from his spot on the floor. Jet was to weak to resist as he was forced to stand and walk with a gun poking his back as they followed the doctors to where ever they were going.

Jet was tired, hungry and in extreme pain. Now, he was on the verge of panicking too. What were they planning to do with/to him?

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"If I may ask though sir, before I proceed giving you 'further information'... under whose authority should I feel obliged to do so?" The soldier asked, looking towards the Cheetah.

The Cheetah narrowed his eyes as he looked to the soldier, and sighed. Under Captain Warricks authority, of course. The Cheetah replied. Hell want to know what else exactly this CamRon Shaide has been doing, especially considering hes only a new recruit, and from what I heard at the tail end of the discussion, he was throwing out some mighty large plans that GUN would be apparently considering.

The soldier slowly nodded, and from there, proceeded to tell the Cheetah everything that CamRon had conversed to him.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: lol Dis gr8ly offends me! I finally start feeling better and getting some more free time on my hands, able to update this RP more frequently, aaaaand...everyone else dissapears :0o :lol Is there anybody...out there? lol

Was waiting so could update a few scenes at a time, but I'll put this in now to avoid doing a purely OOC post)


"now, can we all be a bit civil? Or not...?"

"Tell that to your sister here, blackie." spat Ianthe as she glared venomously at Athena, still tensed for battle as she watched the kitsune carefully for any hostile movement, her staff held tightly in her hand. "Just who are you two anyway, and what's with attacking us?"

(OOC: Sorry it's short. Having not played any Sonic Adventure games or anything apart from Heroes, I'm none to certain of Shadow's personallity, and I've not seen Athena played before either, so I'm not sure how to RP her. Given a few posts I'll probably get a feel for them, but until then I'd better leave them to you to be on the safe side Kate (Can I call you that or not? Is your name even that or did I dream that up? Hmm...when in hole, do not dig. Ooookay, I'm gonna shut up now.))

Posts: 108
Estimable Member


Sorry Wraith! and everybody.

I just finished handing in my graphics folio yesterday, which had been the cause for many hours of sleep lost. so today i've been relaxing, but i've still felt burnt out, despite that i STILL HAVE HOMEWORK FROM OTHER CLASSES THAT PLAGUES ME!

so yeah, i'm sorry but i'm trying to gather some creative energy as well as juggle remaining homework. That Folio took a lot of my creative energy as well as physical energy.

I'll do my best to get a post up when i can. i won't make any sepecific promises on a time because i just hate the idea of making promises that turn out to be false.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: No worries James. Good luck with your load!

Oh well, it's half 1 in the morning, and I've just discovered I can go to my own chemistry lab uni which allows com access 24-7. Wowees.

Lol, Kate is indeed my name Wraith. Or Katy as derived from Katheryn. Either is of the former two are cool, but Katheryn is a bit too formal for me o_o.

Okay, well, I know I'd feel a little more enthuasiastic if I didn't feel like such a loser at being the only one to post. I know people are busy, but I also no some people are lazy. Not mad, but just saying and sounding politically incorrect as well XD.

But I'll sort out the next few scenes I owe. I do have a massive exam in a month's time- but nothing that will anchor me down.

Have a nice weekend all and take it easy.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: lol I wasn't meaning you, James, or anyone in particular^^ Don't worry about that ">

Heh, my sister-in-law is called Katy too, and my mother is called Catherine with a C. Popular name :p

And for the record, my RL name is Joe, although I never liked it much, so I usually don't make it known on the net lol :lol

And yeah, no worries if people can't post for any reason...I understand. You know, I've said that about 15 times so far, I think I'm gonna not bother from now on as everyone already knows it rofl)

Posts: 407
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OOC: No worries you guys. Take care and good luck in class. I just wanted to wait for Bent to update before I post again. ^^;

Posts: 369
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OOC: Okay kiddies, I'm back with homenet.
I wonder if we can make this flow better?


Heh, my sister-in-law is called Katy too, and my mother is called Catherine with a C. Popular name

I know hey -_-. Wish my mum called me something a little more original sometimes. In the UK, there were 3 Katie/Katys in my class and in South Africa, there were 5 Catherine/Katherine/Kat heryns in the year. Couldn't win either name.
The majority of people at my uni are asian though, which is cool as that name is handed out so readily now :P. Naturally the cosmopolitan aspect is awesome too!

Aw, but Joe is such a nice name ^^. Nice to know your real name now 😛

Here we go then; I wonder how much damage my absence really has done;



"Up you get fuzzball," Cam'Ron said, picking up the limp and featherweight Jet.

Jet was currently experiencing a bout of dizziness and disorientation, and anything that was said audibly was becoming more and more hazy- but he thought as hard as he could to stay awake. After all, he was vulnerable and at the mercy of these ruthless medics.

He suddenly found himself placed upon a table, seemingly in the middle of the lab. He could make out the smug Cam'Ron smirking back at him, before a frosty eyed cerulean hedgehog walked up and stopped shortly before the table- staring hard and cold at the weasel.

"Okay hun, you stay still now, this won't hurt a bit..." Dr. Saphire said, slamming a hand against his shoulder- which was not particularly needed as Jet was too weak to resist anyway.

"...but," Jet tried to protest, but suddenly winced as he felt a jab in the back of his left shoulder.

"120mg of Theopentone. Think it's enough?" enquired Dr. Platinum as he administered the anaesthetic, in a slow fashion so as to distribute it to the appropriate nerves to be anaesthetised.

"Well, if it worked for Specimen 156, it should work for shorty too," Cam'Ron said, smirking at Frost.
Frost simply stared back- his expression unreadable. Whether he remembered anything, or even did mentally acknowledge what Cam'Ron had to say was unknown.

Jet stared at the hedgehogs and some of the other doctors droopy-eyed- before falling flat on his face against the table with a thud.

At that moment, a group of doctors swooped in with miscellaneous hand instruments which gleamed under the harsh white hospital lights.

"So where do we start then?" Dr. Platinum asked, putting on some rubber latex gloves and tying a mask around his mouth.

"The mouth of course, we'll work on head and neck first, before examining the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and blood circulation.

Dr. Saphire thus stepped forward, with a mouth mirror and a probe. After adjusting Jet appropriately, she retracted the left side of his cheek with the mirror and examined the soft tissues of the mouth and Jet's set of teeth. Dr. Platinum meanwhile reached up to bring down a light which projected from the ceiling on some poles and fixed it such that the light shone in Jet's mouth.

"Tooth structure is a bit out of the norm..." Dr. Saphire frowned "unusual structure on he canines. A bit sharper than the usual... but he's got the typical count of 32 teeth, eight incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars. Other soft tissues, namely gingivae and tongue appear to be healthy..." she concluded, stepping back to dispose of the instruments.

"Interesting," remarked a Doctor as he recorded the data.

"And now?"

"We'll cut his chest open."

Cam'Ron raised an eyebrow as he saw a slight twitch of the weasel's hand from what he could see amongst the crowd of doctor. He then resumed to fold his arms and sigh heavily.

"Okay, get me the scalpel." Dr. Ebony motioned with his hand.

As Dr. Ebony was passed the scalpel, and was about to step in to make an incision, he suddenly dropped the scalpel which hit the floor with a deafning pang- followed by a few drops of blood which stained the floor.

"Ouch!!" he cried, desperately clutching his bloodied hand and wincing.

"What happened?!" Dr. Saphire enquired frantically.

"He scratched me with his razor claws damnit...!" the doctor continued to wince as he protested.

"Don't be ridiculous. He's out cold!" Dr. Saphire growled.

"I swear it! He did just that. Do you honestly think I did this to myself?!?"

"Let me see..." she said, pulling out his wounded hand and examining it. It was hard to make out the nature of the fresh scar though. A cut, or scratch...?
Dr. Saphire turned her attention to Jet and looked on stoically as the weasel still appeared to be unconcious and void of life.

"Go clean yourself up. We'll carry on from here," she said assertively, dismissing the doctor as she stepped in with the other group to carry on their examinations.

River valley

Athena snorted slightly as she gazed back at Athena with hostility.

Shadow put his gun away, sensing that the group were perhaps not as much as a threat as he had anticipated. And if they were to turn out to be, he'd deal with them post-haste. With or without the gun.

He took a split second to reflect over Ianthe's question. For her, perhaps she just anticipated a quick answer- a name and brief individual account. Shadow though... 'Just who are you' was a far more deeper and profound question that had been haunting him for years.

"I'm the Ultimate Lifeform. Shadow the hedgehog," he said solenmly. That was all he had to and wanted to say, for now.

Athena looked at Shadow quizically, before staring back amongst the group.

"I... I apologise for my savage behaviour," she said licking a paw "I'm Athena. I have a slight medical condition. Blackie is helping me find a cure, and in turn, he wants me to help him find the Chaos Emerald so that he can find some answers to his past..."

She pursed her lips, lowering her head such that her fringe covered her face- before jerking back and revealing her smoky eyes again.

"And what about the group of you? What brings you here? Don't you know gangs lurk around here and eat people like you for breakfast...?" she smirked, exposing a sharp canine through her smile.

Posts: 407
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Jet's mind was reeling from the anaesthetics. After he was put under he had a strange dream. Since Jet was already emotionally distraut it carried into his dream. He was being approached by a figure trying to make Jet come with him.

Jet wouldn't go. And when Jet refused the figure grabbed for his arm and tried to force him to come. In his dream Jet reacted by slashing at their arm forcing them to lose their grip.

In real life however, he was waking up and had cut Dr. Ebony on the arm as he moved in to cut him open. Jet may have seen Ebony as the figure as he was barely under now.

Unknown to the doctors, Jet was beginning to wake up from his unconcious state. Scratching Dr. Ebony was a mere accident.

As the doctors moved in to try and finish, they noticed Jet was beginning to stir as he swished his tail weakly and began to move his arms and legs a little.

"How can he be waking up? That was more than enough to keep him under for at least a few hours!" Dr. Platinum pondered as he motioned for Dr. Saphire to bring him more anaesthetia.

"There is something very different about this weasel." Dr. Saphire spoke. She then got the needle ready with what she felt was enough to keep him unconcious this time.

Before she could do anything though, Jet opened his eyes with a look of pure terror as he saw the Doctor coming over with the needle and saw a tray of instruments right beside him.

Dr. Saphire motioned to Frost to hold the weasel down. Cam'Ron decided to help as well, even though Jet was so weak it would have taken ONLY Frost to hold him.

As Jet began to panick he felt himself being held to the table by Frost and Cam'Ron as they kept him still for some more Theopentone.

"What are you doing!?!" Jet cried out as he tried to struggle. Jet was still too weak to do anything but it was clear he was trying though.

"It's alright Hun. You'll be fine." Dr. Saphire said as she stuck him in the shoulder again.

"We just need to see what makes you tick." Dr. Platinum replied.

As Jet slipped unconcious again, he had a few thoughts go through his mind. He feared that perhaps he wasn't escaping from this place. The second was pondering about his dream. He wondered if it was merely from the anaesthetic or if there was a meaning behind it. Then he wondered if he would even live to find out. How did he know they weren't going to mess up and kill him?

As Jet was still held down by Cam'Ron and Frost he had one more thought as he closed his eyes. Maybe he really was never going to see his friends again. He felt that now, he really was without hope.

Cam'Ron sighed as he and Frost let up on the now unconcious weasel.

"Sheesh! I'm glad that's over." Cam'Ron stated as he stepped back a bit to watch. He felt he had best stay close, just in case he was needed. Frost simply stood near the table watching the weasel with cold eyes to be sure he was indeed out.

"We should wait a minute or two to make sure he's fully unconcious." Dr. Saphire said calmly. "We don't want him waking up once we get him open." She finished.

Dr. Platinum nodded as they watched Jet's now limp form for any movement of any kind.

OOC: Well I hope that's okay Bent. I didn't think Jet would have much fight in him if he's affected by anaesthetia.

I do have a plan with Jet's dream as well but it's no problem for me to change it if you had other plans. I can rewrite the whole thing if needed. I just assumed that it was Jet who scratched Dr. Ebony.

I made the scratch a reactoin to the dream because I'm not sure Jet would want to stir up trouble in his weakened state. He doesn't want to be roughed up by Frost again because he couldn't handle another fight right now. X3

I will also hold off a bit longer on updating Tech and Amanda. I'm not sure what to do with them at the moment.

Oh yeah. One quick edit. Bent, in the first sentence of River Valley, you said Athena looeked at Athena. I thought you may want to know about that. ^^;

Posts: 1631
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East Side River:

Ianthe's ears pricked up as Shadow spoke, and her green eyes shifted across to him, her expression one of suprise. She completely ignored Athena's speech for the moment (though kept an eye on her movements, in case she should attack again) as she looked the black hedgehog up and down.

"Shadow?" she echoed curiously. "The Shadow? The Shadow who assasinated the President?"

Shadow's eyes narrowed. He had said all he wanted to say...he didn't like questions. Plus he'd hoped that all of that mess would have been forgotten by now! "Don't believe everything you hear." was his only reply, hissed through gritted teeth as his hands clenched into fists by his sides.

Ianthe raised an eyebrow...interesting, she never thought she'd have the chance to meet anyone so famous...or should that be her life. It was also interesting to note his reaction...she'd have to question him more on that later.

Amanda meanwhile had stepped alongside her and was looking at Athena with concern on her features. "I'm sorry to hear about your condition." she said quietly. "If there's anything I can do to help..." Athena's face was slowly darkening, and Amanda decfided to leave it there...apparently it was a rather sensitive subject. "Well...I'm Amanda, this is Tech and this is Ianthe." she spoke up again, trying to diffuse some of the tension. "We're on our way to GUN of our friends has been captured and we want to help him."

"Getting into GUN HQ alone?" muttered Shadow, now his turn to raise an eyebrow.

Ianthe had relaxed her stance somewhat, once again resting her staff on her shoulder, but she was still tense, watching for any hostile movement from Athena should she try anything. Ianthe didn't like being attacked out of the blue.

She had also shot a somewhat irritated glance at Amanda as she had intrduced them all...why should they trust these two enough to give out their names so freely? What's done is done though, and she sighed and accepted it, nodding as Shadow asked his question. "We can handle them." she replied evenly. "Not exaclty as crazy a mission as looking for the Chaos they even exist!"


"Okay, initial scans complete."

Kash turned away from the computers, shaking his head in disbelief. "Amoz has incredible skills!" he muttered, jerking a thumb at some of the schematic displays on the screens behind him. "I can't wait to get down to the details!"

The lab was much smaller than the one Amoz had been in, and circular, brightly lit by floodlights taking up almost the entire celing. Computers lined the walls, and various pieces of equipment were all over the center of the room and hanging from arms from the roof, surrounding a large tabel a little like an opperating table in the middle. On the table lay the prone, immobile form of David.

His plastic features looked worried as his eyes moved, trying to pick out the details of his surroundings without being able to move his neck. "Please, I do not understand why you feel you must do this!" he pleaded as heavy metal shackles were locked closed over his arms and legs. "There must be another way for you to acchive what you want!"

Kash stepped forward, looking down at David with a gleam in his eye. "Outstanding!" he muttered. "Advanced emotion simulation and everything...much more and I think this thing could be classed as a living being in it's own right!"

David looked at him pleadingly. "If I am a living being, it would be immoral to harm me against my wishes!" he replied quickly.

Kash chuckled to himself and placed a hand on the robot's shoulder. "I said almost, pal, not fully. You're still just a robot. Besides, we're talking about the greater good here. With the secrets locked up in your body and mind we can end the gang warefare once and for all! You should be proud of what you're going to achive!"

David blinked. "How can I acchive something if I am dead?" he asked plaintevley.

Kash smiled, shaking his head. "And thus proves my point." he muttered. "A living being would matter how good your programming is, it isn't yet capable of fully simulating emotions, so you are not yet fully a living being."

"I am programmed to learn." replied David as Kash turned away, making adjustments to some of the equipment nearby. "In time, I may come to understand details which may be alien to me now. Is it right to classify something on what it has not yet acchived? After all, is not the process of learning common to all life forms?"

Kash didn't reply, focusing on the computer.

"Is a child not a life form, doctor?" David continued, unable to turn his head to look at the man. "It has limited intelligence and understanding, but it has the capacity to learn. Is that not what defines life?"

Kash looked up from the computer, grinning slightly. "Nice try." he drawled quietly. "But the decision has been made." He picked up some tools lay on a bench nearby and signaled to the other people in the room as he stepped around to behind David's head. "Let's get started. We'll examine the neural network structuring firs, see if we can isolate the behaviour angorythms." He pressed a hidden button on David's temple, and the entire top half of the robot's skull came away on his hands, revealing the complex mechanisms within.

David blinked again, his face looking positively terrified, as he quietly spoke: "Please...tell my father...I love him..."

Posts: 2234
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Warrick finally came down in a slouch, stretching his legs out as he, for the first time in a long while, finally relaxed.

He had to admit, he was impressed with himself. Despite his injuries, he had accomplished a lot in the past day, including such notable endeavours as finally capturing Frost and the remnants of the Neo Freedom Fighters whom survived. But that wasnt all, he had been across the city numerous times, at first investigating the many instances of explosions, meeting up with those other two members of the Neo Freedom Fighters who had alerted him to the warehouse, as well as meet up with the enigmatic Joy. She was someone hed need to report to GUN of, just for their awareness.


The bell to his private quarters sounded off. Warrick frowned and gritted his teeth as he looked to the metallic door in the near distance. He had only just came in he hadnt even had the time to inspect his wounds.

Who the hell is it? Captain Warrick shouted.

Lieutenant Alexander, sir. Came a reply from the other side of the door. May I come in?

It depends. Ive earned some much needed relaxation and off time, I want a chance to rest. Warrick uttered.

Sir, GUN may not last that long. The voice declared.

Warricks eyes widened in monumental surprise. He turned to the door and cautiously looked at it once more. Got anything else you can say to make me understand better, without letting you in?

Silence. The other voice hesitated, unsure on how to react.

Alright. This might not be the best place to talk about it, at any rate. The voice muttered. Here. A piece of paper was pushed through the thin gap at the bottom of the door.

Meet me there. Tuesday, 4:15pm. The voice muttered. Should give you some time to rest, Captain. It is imperative that you come. I need you to.

Warrick didnt reply. The voice walked off, heavy boots created resounding footsteps that trailed off.

Posts: 407
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OOC: I'm gonna wait for some of you others to post before I update anything. I want to see where all this is heading. =3

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Just a quick question to all: I said a while ago I'm drawing my characters in this RP. Now those pics have kinda gone on hold while I try to find me a Photoshop (although I posted those sketches of Wraith earlier), but I was wondering, would it help people any to see the WIP pics I'm doing, even though they aren't finished, just to get an idea of some of my other characters, so you know more what they're supposed to be like? If so, let me know and I'll stick a few up, even though they're still WIPs. And sorry for the delay in the finished products, I didn't anticipate them taking this long ><

EDIT: Okay, finally found a way to get hold of Photoshop...on order from our local PC superstore for around 550 English Pounds!!! Did anyone else have to pay such a massive ammount??? I'm debating wether it's worth it or not, and scouting to see if I can find a cheaper version. I'll keep you posted, but any advice would be welcime.)

Posts: 407
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OOC: Well I paid around $600 for my version when it was new. So far it's been worth it too. I don't think I'll ever use any other color programs since I have Photoshop.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member


Howdy there everyone, long time no see.

I must formally apologise to everyone for my lack of participation with the roleplay as of late, despite working with roleplayers such as Wraith specifically to progress the happenings with the activity involving Myst and Lucent which seems to be holding up many things in a chain reaction of hesitation.

I am currently starting my second week of school holidays, though to those that know my DA page (new one, named 'JimValid') will know that i have posted about my work-filled experiences so far, describing my holidays as 'school at home', and quite fittingly as my workload is quite ridiculous, though what all students of my year level have come to expect from our final year of highschool.

As such, this is the year where my grades really count, and i have been bound to my work books intensely because of it. Thus, my roleplay posting frenzy was somewhat short-lived.

I hope to be posting soon though, as i have worked exceptionally hard this past week in order to free up some time for most of my second week, actually makes some HOLIDAYS out of my holidays.

I apologise again to everyone, be wary that i haven't been neglecting this roleplay alone, my other roleplay participations have subsequently suffered at the claws of my bloody textbooks.

Once again i find myself requesting patience, i'm sorry to keep doing this, but i am trying my hardest.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member


yo. sorry for the long absense on my part ^^;. looks like ive gotten left a long way behind again AND held trey back with me. my reasons? basically, the same as james's (we go to the same school). last year of school and homework's a @#%$. that and the fact i have been extremely uninspired/unmotivated for just about everything. truthfully i considered pulling out due to my lack of contrebutions, at least till the end of the school year at any rate. i would love to still be a part of this afterall, it just while school is still on i REALLY cbf doing anything that requires any form of thinking. luckily summer holidays start very early this year and last for about six months as uni starts later than school (assuming i get in, with the score i require it shouldn really be a problem though. anyway i gtg. cya.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I've said it before and I'll say it again guys...I don't care how long this thing takes to finish, just so long as we do get to finish it!

Take all the time you need, I won't be worried. Just if you say you're quitting that you'll have to take out bodyguards ;) :p )

Posts: 369
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OOC: Lol! It's always an incentive to see someone still dedicated :)

But seriously, are we ALL still in this? Or not. I don't wanna write a 2 pg essay, and THEN sit there twiddling my thumbs for two months for the next post. Cos then I lose that wavelength, you know what I mean?

Can I get a count of who is in and out and then I can work out the rest?

Cheers and take it easy!

Posts: 407
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OOC: I'm in. ^_^ I think I'm a given though. lol

Posts: 369
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OOC: Good good. (lol, there's a guy from our Uni, every time I say 'And how ar eyou Duncan?' he's like 'good good goooood!') ROFL

Well, James, Jet, possibly Brent (hey, I'll bail you out with your Sword if you want- just need to go on MSN more often so that we can talk about it?) and Jo. So far.

Good enough for me.

Expect a post soonish. Possibly tonight! =) Serious!

Posts: 1631
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Expect a post soonish. Possibly tonight! =) Serious!

Is this irony? :p

Posts: 369
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Yes it is! Totally. >_<

Maaaan. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Well, I do. I have free time but I am having horrible repercussions from my past. If the truth be told...
because I have been out of the fiction world for so long also, I'm having such a hard time stepping back in. Can anyone relate? ...anyone?

For what it's worth, I'm not giving up on this. I swear it.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I can't relate I'm life is fictional atm :/

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: I can relate, Kate. It's been ages since I did any RPing whatsoever, however I have suddenly been spurred on to do some more again. And in other fictional related instances, I'm in the planning stages of a project I'm (hopefully) working on. But yes, it is hard to get back into it after so long, but I find it's well worth it.

And I'm still in this. :D

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: To help us get back into it, I'll stick in an update then^^)

"This - is - in - credible!" murmured Kash quietly, pausing after each word as he focused on his work.

The atmosphere in the room was electric, absolutely silent with intensity and excitement as the roboticist slowly examined David's workings. They had turned the robot over so as to access his neural network easier, and also temporarely cut the power to his sensory input systems to stop him speaking. The machine's face was currently flat against the metal table, expressionless, the eyes staring unseeingly at the wall beneath him.

The back of his head had been removed, exposing circuitry and wires, over which Doctor Kash was currently pouring with various instruments, poking things here and there as he explored. The rest of the scientists in the room were all craning their necks to try and get a view of the "operation", trying to see what Kash was doing.

"Multiple dual-feed processors for the base programming..." muttered Kash to himself, "...nanofibre replication technology for the net itself...constantly in a state of flux..." He raised his head, pulling the pair of magnification goggles over his eyes up to his forehead. "I want to try electro-feeding some of these personallity circuits, see if we can figure out the structure of his brain and see if it's similar to an organic life form."

The technitions around him nodded, and one of them moved over to a computer on the far wall, programming in some perameters for the test. "Ready sir."

Kash pulled the goggles down again and bent his head back down to the circuitry below, reaching forward with two small electrodes to touch some of the miniscule connections. "Okay, let's try this out..." Slowly, gently, he pushed the electrodes forward, into contact with the wires.

FFFSSSHHHH BANG the entire room jumped as sparks suddenly exploded from the robot's brain, shooting across the room like lightning and scorching the wall oppisite! Kash lept backwards, dropping the electrodes as he did so. "Oh darn...that wasn't supposed to happen! Scan the synaptic connections, make sure all the systems are still functioning! We don't wanna cause damage we can't fix here!" As the techs got to work, rushing around the room with various pieces of equipment, he couldn't help but remember Amoz's words just before he left him..."David's brain is delecately balanced! If you go in there without knowing what you're doing you may trigger something bad!" Kash shook his head to himself. "Darn you doc." he muttered. "You probably booby-trapped the bot to wipe it's core memory if anyone tampered or something didn't you!"

The tech at the computer turned away from the screen. "Sir, all synaptic pathways are within normal perameters...nothing was damaged in it's brain."

Kash looked somewhat surprised. "Well that's good news! I thought Amoz had set him to explode or something. Maybe we can still test the relays then."

"I am picking up something strange in the secondary processors though sir." continued the tech, turning back to the screen. "It looks like the neural relays between the base programming and the neural net have's brain is working, but the interface transferring commands to the body is broken."

"Darn!" grunted Kash as he strode round the table and up to the computer. "Those circuits were delecately balanced too!"

The tech didn't sem to be listening...he was staring at the screen's readouts with a puzzled expression. "Sir, I don't get it...the brain isn't connected to the base processors anymore, but the processors are running at almost 100%'s almost as though thousands of signals are being sent through, but they can't be..."

Kash blinked, stepping alongside the tech and staring at the screen. "Can you get a feed of the programming running through the processors?" he asked curiously. "The base programming was seperate to the neural net to initialise the system...perhaps now the connection has been cut, something in the base programming is re-asserting itself." He turned to look at David's prone form thoughtfully. "If he wasn't powered down, what would he be doing right now?"

"I have the feed sir." said the tech as the screen flickered to show thousands of lines of code scrolling up the screen quickly. "This is what's going through it's processors right now." Kash turned back to look, and his brow dipped low.

"What the hey???" He leaned forward, trying to read some of the coding as it flashed past. "Enemy identity: subroot - unconfirmed? Mission objectives? Assasination protocol???"

The tech was shaking his head slowly. "That sounds like..."

"Millitery programming!" finished Kash, his eyes growing wide. "Dangit Amoz, you left the millitery protocols in the base programming??? Were you insane???"

The tech looked round, shocked. "Sir???"

Kash spun round to face the table again, his eyes fixed on David's prone form. "Amoz origionally worked on millitery cybernetics...AI for combat mechs and the like! He must have baised the AI for this robot on those specs, and left the full millitery programming in the base network! Now that the brain has been cut off from the body, the millitery protocols are taking over!"

The rest of the people in the room let out a collective gasp, and one of them muttered "Thank goodness we cut the power and immobilised him! he could have become uncontrolable!"

Kash was silent for a second, his eyes growing even wider than before, then he looked up suddenly. "Oh god...!" The rest of the group lopoked towards him, fear showing in their faces.

Suddenly Kash exploded into action! "Check the power relays for any sign of activity! Test the frequency of the robotic imobilizer...and somebody call some heavy duty security immeadeately!" He spun back around to the computer and started typing away on it frantically. "If I remember the latest version of millitery AI before Amoz left the service, he had imput a protocol to counter any form of deactivation or imprisonment!" he muttered as he worked. "It was capable of reactivating power relays and overloading inhibitors, freeing itself! If it's the latest form of millitery software inside that thing..."

"Sir, there's a power buildup in the inhibitor!" shouted one of the techs from across the room. "It's going to overload!"

Kash froze, stock still like he had been petrified! "Sound a basewide red alert!" he hissed, his voice hoarse. "It's going to..."

BOOM the last words of Kash's sentance were drowned out by a shower of sparks as the inhibitor on David's head exploded, sending sparks flying across the room yet again! Suddenly there was a blur of movement as the robot lept upwards from the table, performing a full backflip in the air and landing back on the table with a loud CLANG, this time on his feet! The robotic head began to swivel around as the eyes opened, scanning the small circular room systematically...

...his eyes were no longer a glowing pale blue, but a firey, burning red!

The technitions froze in terror, staring up at the abomination before them as it crouched like a tiger ready to pounce, it's white plastic face and glowing red eyes regarding them silently. For a long moment there was no movement at all, a standoff, man against machine! Slowly, Kash reached out a hand towards the computer, making for a large red button to the side of the normal keyboard. His hand found it, and he pushed down on it hard. Instantly loud alarms began to echo down the corridors of the entire base, and red lights began to flash, signalling the alert!

The split-second he pushed the button, moving so fast he was almost invisible, David lept towards him...!

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Ooc: I was reading some of this RP last night for old time's sake... and wanted to curl up and die!
... it was SO good. You know why? Because of all you brilliant players. I don't know. EVeryone's writing styles were so intricate and animated, as were their lovable characters. I mean it D:. The story really DID keep getting better and better... reaching realms I couldn't even have dreamt of. *shot for corniness*

Oh curses, if only I could go back in time and regather the 'gathering', when everyone's activity was consistent and such.

So I guess, what I will ask is... in anyone at all who used to be in this RP interested in bringing this back to life?

Honest answers on a piece of paper. Obviously people's honest opinions will bring about a realistic point of view on all of this.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

In a word: yes.

Although 'yes' doesn't do it about 'very yes!'? Or 'most definitely yes!'? Or 'for the love of all that is awesome, yes!!!'?

So in other words...yes.

Posts: 369
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OOC: Oh wow, that's SOOO cool! And motivates me enough to read and summarise to provide a user friendly reintro into things!
I think Seleth might rejoin- but spoke of commitment issues, or something XD. But he probably would consider coming back for what it's worth.

Need to dig out the other people somehow. It's been a while after all!

This is so convenient... my phone connection at my new accommodation got cut off on Sunday night D: rest assured, net is something I have to have. So, guess I'll be forking out and reactivating myself a new account instead of relying on the dumb landlords and their broken English -__-;

Sit tight, and thanks so much for showing some enthuasiasm Wraith!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

To be honest, I'd like to, but I can't remember a thing. I can't remember who my characters were, their motivations, the story, other characters, their interactions, etc etc.

Well. I think I get vague memories of some elements, but I'm probably confusing them with Shadow's Revenge since they were both post-apocalyptic in nature?

I dunno. I might give it a skim through but it depends on how many others would want to carry on. I don't want to impose on you to do a summary or anything for it, Ben, since I know you hated having to do that for a number of rps a few times before, and I can't blame you.

That was all a bit vague. Hmm. Make this a 'watch and see', I guess?

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Hey Pach!

I totally agree with you in terms of where we last left off. It was nearly two years ago after all! I really wouldn't expect anyone with the most photogenic memory to remember even a summary of the story/rp. I read my first post yesterday, and I feel like my writing skills were so much better then and that they are rusty now... in other words, I hardly remember writing it.

So, I think what might help is if I actually read through it all again- then summarise and do some reintroductory post for people to join in. 'If'. As of yet, I am keen to read through it as everyone has written great stuff. It would take a few days... but what's a few days to 2 years were other potential RP's were unfortunatly, abandoned?

I am keen to get this started again and I'll test this current interest by commiting myself to reading through it, and then think of some way to get it into gear again in some way or another.

Also, from having done so many presentations on my damned dentistry course (yes, love the dentistry but hate the PBL stuff)- I've learnt the skills of 'to the point and less than half an hour summarising'. In the past, I felt the need to include EVERY single detail. That's why I used to get rather tired of summarising.

Shame about 'Shadow's revenge' as well. Pity that hacking incident wiped out the story, or I mght have considered rescueing THAT as well. Funny how Froggy's former character, 'Darkness' (or something') kind of resembled 'Black Doom' in the 'Shadow the hedgehog' game. And the SR RP happened BEFORE the 'Shadow the hedgehog' release game. Not to mention you had the option of playing Shadow as an evil and twisted soul.
Heh, just an observation.

But yes, keeping it all real, we'll see what transpires. Either I'll get this RP started up again, or, I'll start a new one. Or bother. But perhaps one RP just for starters.

Should get my net back at my digs by next Tuesday. Ugh, feel like I am in the dark ages...

Thanks for your input btw. I consider you and Wraith to amongst the best RPers so I really consider your opinions with... great consideration. Er, or perhaps highly is a better word ^^;

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I actually remember a great deal of this without having to look back, simply because I liked it so much that I've read all through it many times both while we were working on it and since it stopped. I'd be happy to help out with a summary if anyone would like assistance, expecially if it gets the thing going again.

Like you though Ben, I've noticed a change in my writing style too when I look back at some of the earlier posts on this topic, although in my case it's the oppisite way round - I cringe when I look back at some of those old posts, and now that I've had a lot more practice at forum RPs and the like, I think I could do a darn sight better job of the thing than those early days (Hard to believe I'd only been RPing for a few months when I first joined this!).

Be good if we could get all the other oldbies back in on this too, although some may be more difficult than others. I haven't heard from Eclipse in a long while, do you guys know how to contact him? And I have Jet K/Sunsetfox's DA account, but I haven't seen her active there for a while, so I dunno how easy it'd be to contact her. I could try though.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Wow, help with the summary. THat's mighty decent of you.
Hmm... I really should by a memory stick and take this home to read or something. But I'm feeling to parsimonious and am hanging on waiting for my BT line. Blargh!

Oh, so your writing's style's got better? That's awesome =]. I'm gonna feel like such a novice writing with you ppl again!

James... hope he's not mad at me. Last time we spoke, he made some arb comment about some DA photo and I think I gave him a brash answer, or something. At least it sounded brash but wasn't meant to be XD. That's the problem with net talking. No tone of voice to accompany what you say :/

Jet K. Yeah, we should send out distress signals to all these guys. Or simply contact them.

Let's start now. Sooner the better!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Start now? Okay.

The review as I see it, let me know if I miss anything:

The story started with the assasination of the Station Square President by a mysterious black Hedgehog with a gun. Coupled with that was the destruction of ARK, which plunged to the planet and caused widespread devastation all over, and the two incidents together were enough to plunge the whole world into anarchy and chaos. The former heroes were nowhere to be found in this new world, and gang warfare prevailed. One of the primary gangs was the one run by Sachio and Morgaine (I have, however, forgotten the name of their gang, unfortunately.) who had a base on the south side in an old hotel. The other major power was Lucent the Bat and his 'Nocturnes' who had holed up in St. Kindlebury's Hospital in the northern downtown area, and over to the east a third, smaller gang calling themselves the 'Neo Freedom Fighters' had taken over a large warehouse, setting themselves up as a law enforcement vigilante group under the command of Wraith the Echidna, Knuckles' older brother and former Freedom Fighter himself.

At the very beginning of the action Tails, who had been in hiding for a long while during the chaos, was being confronted by Sachio and Morgaine about the Chaos Emeralds, watched by a lone Cheetah named Trey with only a single arm. Tails was eventually left for dead, and Trey took him into his hideout to allow him to recover. Meanwhile Wraith and co heard about a possible sighting of Tails and set out to search for him, taking along Arista, a young Vixen who was a long time friend or Wraith's and had been rescued from Sachio and Morgaine's torturous clutches just a few months ago. At the same time on the outskirts of the city, a certain egg-shaped evil genius who everybody considered dead is conspiring with some ex-GUN officials about rumours of a certain black Hedgehog with a gun playing hero in the city and stopping gang fights, and this is not to their liking. In the hopes of stopping this situation, they recruit the dark Hedgehog Frost into their service, charging him with the killing of this new gun-toting Hedgehog, and the capture of the other heroes aside from Knuckles, who is already in their custody. Also, they require him to collect the seven Chaos Emerals, which are instrumental to their plans, and wish the current chaotic state of affairs in the city to continue. They provide him with the blue emerald in their posession to get him started.

As the Neo Freedom Fighters are out looking for Tails, the Nocturnes are clearing up some buisness of their own in another part of the city, and it is revealed that their leader Lucent is in posession of the yellow chaos emerald. As they return to their base, however, they are attacked by Azieral, an assasin ninja spider who seems intent on killing the bat. They fight, but after a while it becomes clear that in reallity Azieral simply wants to join Lucent's gang, which he agrees to. In a seperate development, within a strange hidden factory deep in the slums, an experimental servant robot that had been in storage for several years is accidentally activated. Calling itself David, it sets out into the city looking for it's lost creator, Doctor Dillan Amoz (who unbeknowest to him is reported as dead), and after a short encounter with Lucent and Azieral, eventually comes across Wraith and his group. With David's help Wraith locates Trey's hideout and Tails within, and they all return to the Neo Freedom Fighter's warehouse, agreeing that they're all on the same side. As they go, however, Trey mentions a small detail about the hideout of Sachio and Morgaine, which Arista picks up on, secretly wanting revenge for her parents who died at the twins' hands, and takes to heart. Meanwhile Azieral is confronted by a certain Captain Warrick of GUN, and it turns out she is actually in the organisation's pay to kill Lucent, although secretly her loyalties are uncertain. As they part, Warrick catches a glimpse of Shadow nearby...apparently the Hedgehog is indeed still around, however he is confused, and claims not to have done any of the things he is accused of. While Azieral is away, Lucent is ambushed by Sachio, and they battle with ferocity...both of them eventually escape, however the towering inferno caused by their fight can be seen across the city, including from the Nocturnes base where the gang's nurse Myst, who cares for Lucent deeply thanks to their history, is watching.

As the night draws to a close, Warrick is attacked at GUN headquaters by Frost, looking for information about chaos emeralds and former heroes, but the man escapes and the Hedgehog GUN operative Camron Shaide makes an appearance to save him from a nasty fall. Frost finds out from other sources, however, that GUN have three chaos emeralds, one hidden in a base up in the cold north, another in the deserts of the equator, and the third nobody seems to know the location of. Armed with that info, Frost escapes. Back with the Neo Freedom Fighters, Tails reveals that he himself was the one that saw Shadow fleeing the scene of the President's assasination, but he can remember little of it. It's also revealed that Wraith has a chaos emerald of his own - the grey one, bringing the total number of emeralds located to 6. Frost encounters Shadow on his escape from GUN HQ, and in the ensuing battle the black Hedgehog falls to his death from the top of a skyscraper...


And I'll come back to this asap with the next section of recap. I'm currently on page four, about half way down, right before Wraith and his gang wake up, Ari goes awol, and Azieral and Plugg set off on their resupply mission. Sorry if I seem to be going overboard with the detail, but I'm trying to distill all the most important plot points and character points of characters that are still currently in the RP, and with an RP as complex as this, there's quite a few of them! Only 7 or 8 more pages to go tho lol^^


EDIT: Recap continue -

In the Neo Freedom Fighter's base, Wraith wakes up to his second in command, the bulldog Max, telling him there's been a ram-raid on one of the downtown police stations. The gang swiftly mobilise to get after the crooks, but as they prepare they find that Arista has left, leaving a cryptic note asking them not to follow. Wraith believes it is his fault for telling her last night that he was in love with her, but Max takes David to go look for her, and Trey agrees to go along with them too. Azieral and the mentally challenged geko Plugg are sent off on a supplies mission by Lucent to pick up more medical equipment from another hospital, while the bat himself takes most of the gang with him in a hunt for Sachio and Morgaine's hideout. During his investigations, he is found by Arista, who has gone rogue looking for the twins herself, and when she hears who the bat is after, she immediately wants in on his quest!

On the highway, Wraith and some of his gang members chase down the thugs, eventually stopping them, however the situation devellops into a firefight and GUN swiftly interviene. Most of the gang members are caught, however Wraith escapes into the sewers with the help of one of his closest friends, how promptly dies from being shot by GUN. Wraith carries on, however he is badly injured himself, and it doesn't take the soldiers long to find him. They do not kill him, however, the leader instead performing an elaborate ruse to let him live, while making the GUN superiors think he is dead. This leader bears a somewhat striking resemblance to Trey. Meanwhile the battle on the freeway is watched by a mysterious Eagle named Sword, who pulls two of the thugs from the ram raid gang out of their wrecked car and takes them with him away from the scene. Wraith manages to contect Max, who immediately leaves David and Trey to the search for Ari while he sets out on his own to look for Wraith. As he does so, Trey comes across a strange cheetah girl who was being attacked by a couple of thugs, but when he tries to help out the girl fights him off and runs away. Shortly after the encounter, he also descoveres Ari, now surrounded by the legions of Nocturnes.

Wraith, meanwhile, escapes the sewers and is picked up by Plugg and Azieral on their way back from their supply mission. They bring him back to the Nocturnes' base and immediately set out after Lucent and his gang, while Wraith is looked after by Myst, who tends his wounds. The two start talking, and develop a kind of understanding between them, allowing Myst to confide some of her fears for Lucent in the echidna. Back in the downtown area, Lucent descovers Trey shadowing them and forces the cheetah and Arista to fight each other to prove the vixen's loyalty. They fight, but Trey manages to escape the scene before they are forced to kill each other, and with the aid of David shake off any tail from the Nocturnes gang. Lucent moves to attack Arista for her loss, however after a short battle in which Ari manages to momentarilly gain the upper hand, they seperate again, Lucent deciding to let her live out of a grudging respect for her abillities. During the fight, Ari also manages to swipe Lucent's chaos emerald. The group then continue towards Sachio and Morgaine's base, and along the way Plugg becomes quite infatuated with Ari, who starts to play mind games with him.

Shadow, as it happens, is not dead at all! He wakes up in an old abandoned room to find himself being attacked by a strange and mysterious female vulpine by the name of Athena, who seems to have a taste for blood. Wraith convinces Myst to let him use the phone at the Nocturnes' base, and finds out from Max that Ari has gone after Sachio and Morgaine with Lucent. Meanwhile the call gives Max the number to the place Wraith is currently hidden out, and he quickly heads back to base to find out where it is. Frost is contacted by his 'employers', who give him information on some of the dangerous figures in the area he is likely to meet - Lucent is marked for elimination, while Wraith is to be brought in for certain experiments to do with his implant. Trey, deciding he can work better on his own, leaves David and sets off after Ari and Lucent alone, leaving the robot to return to the Neo Freedom Fighter's base. Meanwhile Sword, who seems interested in the men he rescued for their weapon dealing connections, finds out from them about Sachio and Morgaine as potential customers or dealers, and sets off towards the south side beach himself. And lastly Plugg reveals to both Lucent and Ari that Wraith has been captured and is now waiting at the Nocturnes base for when they return.


And I'm up to the end of page 7-beginning of page 8. Gonna have to get some sleep now, but hopefully I'll be able to finish it off tomorrow, barring fire, flood or act of ISP.

By the way, I also sent a message to Sunsetfox on DA, so I'll let you know if and when she responds as to wether she'll be returning to play Jet and her other characters. Hopefully she will^^


And on~

Frost tracks down the seventh chaos emerald - the red one, bringing the number of emeralds in his posession to two. In his aquisition of the gem, however, he blows up a truck, alerting the Neo Freedom Fighters, who's base is not far away, to his presence. They send out a team to investigate what the commotion is all about, however Frost destroys them, and in the process learns the location of their base. The warehouse is now in his sights, but on his way there he meets a strange blind rat who seems to be some kind of sage, knowing things about him that the figure would have no way of knowing, and saying deep things that seem to stick in his mind. He ignores the man, but the encounter shakes him somewhat. Back at the Freedom Fighters' base, Max and the rest of the gang track the number Wraith called on to the hospital on the north side. Deciding to disobey Wraith's orders, Max organises a rescue mission, drafting in David for his strength and reactions, and Tails, who had been resting at the warehouse, insists on coming too. They leave, heading towards the Nocturnes base, but shortly after they go Frost attacks. The battle is brutal, with the Freedom Fighters putting up quite a fight, and even GUN and Captain Warrick arrives to back them up, but many of the gang are still killed. Not finding his target of Wraith, however, Frost leaves, and GUN takes control of the area, arresting any of the gang who have survived the onslaught.

Back at the beach hotel, Sword and his Overlander companions are picked up by Sachio and Morgaine's scouts, and Sachio immediately comes running to challenge them. Meanwhile Lucent, having located the enemy base, puts his plan into operation - while the main bulk of the Noctournes' forces attack the building head-on, he, Azieral and Ari are to infiltrate the place and take out Sachio and Morgaine directly, leaving the gang leaderless and vunerable. As they move in, however, they witness the scene with Sword, and Lucent immediately moves to attack Sachio, leaving his two companions stunned. The two hotheads begin to fight, and as they do Morgaine appears with her trusty whip. Seeing her chance, Ari moves to attack her, and they begin to battle too. Sword, meanwhile, after watching the various fights for a time, moves into Sachio and Morgaine's hotel to look for any info he can find about their weapons dealings. In the background, Trey is also present, watching the scene as he looks for Arista and Lucent.

As Max, Tails and David reach the Nocturnes' base, they are spotted by the guards outside, however Tails manages to trick them into thinking that he is really Lucent returned from his mission, and sends them all to guard the area around the hospital. Word filters through to Wraith and Myst, however, that Lucent has returned, and they immediately go to find him, Wraith worried for Ari's safety and the safety of the city if Lucent, Sachio and Morgaine are fighting, and Myst worried for the bat. The two groups meet, and after a moment of missunderstanding, they catch up on what is going on and begin to make plans. Wraith is intent on getting to the south side hotel as quickly as possible, to stop the gang war, and Tails and Max agree to go with him. Myst too accompanies them, for fear of what they may do to Lucent if they find him. Evading the guards outside, they set off, but along the way Max phones the warehouse to inform them of the situation and get the whole Neo Freedom Fighters force to join them near the beach.

Meanwhile in the downtown libary, two newcomers to the scene are doing some reaserch. The first, a weasel-like figure named Jet Kabochan, and his friend, a ferret with wings called Tech, are looking for any small clues they can find with regard to biological experiments and genetic reaserch programs, hoping to find something that may explain Jet's mysterious loss of memory for a large section of his life. As they search, however, they come under attack from a force of GUN robotic drones, and while they both manage to escape, they are seperated in the process. They eventually meet up again on the beach in an old boathouse, but in doing so they inadvertantly get drawn into the fight between Ari and Morgaine

The battle between Lucent and Sachio comes to a climax as, finally, the bat manages to push the hedgehog off a cliff, killing him. Weakened by his extremely severe injuries, however, Lucent then promptly collapses, falling unconsious where he lies. Azieral picks him up and brings him back to the beach, where she moves to watch the battle in the boathouse. Morgaine is giving Ari quite a fight, while Jet, reluctant to get involved, helps out a little wherever he can, however they eventually manage to knock the cruel gang leader out. Ari immediately tries to kill her, egged on by Azieral, but she finds she is unable to, her sence of justice and honor finally winning through thanks to a little unnexpected assistance from Jet, who's noble words of warning remind her of Wraith. Azieral prepares to do the deed herself instead, but then realises that GUN will pay handsomely for Morgaine as a prisoner, alive, and so ties her up in a web ready for delivery to the security force instead. Swiftly detouring to deliver Lucent's unconsious body to Plugg and the other Nocturnes outside the hotel, telling them to go home, she then picks up Sachio's corpse and sets off with both the twins towards GUN HQ.

Meanwhile Tech leaves the area, heading out to meet up with Amanda, a close friend of him and Jet. As he flies over the downtown area, though, he is forced to drop to the ground to avoid some GUN helicopters, and as he does so he comes across the swift, intelligent red squirrel Ianthe, a young woman who has apparently been surviving all alone out in the city for a number of years. She is mistrustful of him, however agrees to escort him to the river where he intends to meet up with Amanda, possibly out of concern for his safety, although such a caring motive is by no means certain. As they start to move, they are attacked by the same strange cheetah girl that Trey descovered earlier, but just like last time, she attacks then swiftly retreats, dissapearing into the maze of city streets once again without a sign.


Wow, not covered many pages in that section, but there was a whole lot to write! Looks like I won't be able to finish the recap tonight after all, but at least there's only 2 more pages to go^^ I'm now up to page 10, about half way down, just before Ianthe's first personallity switch and Warrick getting his GUN soldiers to impersonate the Neo Freedom Fighters on the phone. Shouldn't take too long to do that last bit, I'll try and finish it all tomorrow.


Woo, more of it ~

Gun is taking control. On the beach, as Ari and Jet recover from their fight, a GUN helicopter lands and out steps the hedgehog Cam'Ron with a number of troops. They immediately arrest any of Sachio and Morgaine's gang left in the area, but are about to let Ari and Jet go, until they descover that Ari is part of the Neo Freedom Fighters and Jet has some history with GUN. Ari is shocked to learn that Wraith has been reported dead in GUN's files, so offers little resustance when she is taken prisoner, however she does still have Lucent's two most prized posessions - his chain weapon, and his chaos emerald. The two are taken back to GUN HQ, where Jet manages to escape and contact Amanda, however he can do little more than explain where he is before he is hit by a tranquilizer dart and recaptured. Meanwhile Trey, worried GUN's sweeps of the area will detect him too, prepares to leave for his hideout once again, however on the way he comes face to face with the eagle Sword, leading to an uneasy standoff between the two loners..

Meanwhile at the Neo Freedom Fighter's base, Max's phone call gets through just as Warrick is cleaning up the remnants of the fight with Frost. Warrick quickly gets one of the soldiers to impersonate the gang, and in the conversation he finds out that Wraith is not actually dead after all...perhaps the squad leader that reported him as dead needs a little more debriefing. Wraith and Max are not convinced by the soldier's performance on the phone, however, and Max takes David back to the warehouse to investigate. As they enter Max and Warrick begin to fight, the Captain finally gaining the upper hand and knocking Max out. This done, he then turns to David, and shocks the robot with the news that Dillan Amoz, his creator, is alive after all! All this time he has been under the protective custody of GUN! David agrees to go with Warrick back to HQ, and the Neo Freedom Fighter prisoners, along with Max, are loaded into the helicopters too. Not far away, Frost is making his escape, but he is ambushed by GUN soldiers and gets hit by a tranquilizer dart. Unable to resist it's effects, he collapses and is taken prisoner too.

In the midtown area, Tech and Ianthe are making good progress when they are ambushed by a small roaming gang of Overlander thugs. They try to hide from them, but Ianthe suddenly undergoes a wierd change, seeming to become a completely different person entirely, and it is left to Jet to get them out of the situation. He manages to help them escape, and the duo meet up with Amanda, but Ianthe is still acting strange, insisting that everyone call her 'Fiona'. Amanda explains that Jet has been captured by GUN, and she and Tech decide to go try and rescue him. As they set off, Ianthe returns to normal and explains that she suffers from multiple personallity disorder, which can strike her at any time. On hearing where the duo are going, however, she decides to join them on their quest in return for Tech saving her life from the Overlander thugs earlier. Shortly after setting off, however, they are attacked by Athena, who is followed moments later by Shadow. Ianthe and the fox fight for a while, being very evenly matched in battle tactics, before Shadow parts them and reveals he is looking for the chaos emeralds, having enlisted Athena's help on the grounds of looking for a cure for her condition. On hearing that Tech, Amanda and Ianthe are headed for GUN, he decides to join them too, with a rather sour Athena in tow.

Jet is wheeled into a GUN operating theatre for some tests on his powers and his genetic makeup. As this goes on, Cam'Ron reveals that the tests are also being performed on Frost, with a view to controlling him, making him switch sides and work for GUN instead. The mysterious cheetah that met up with Wraith before, however, overhears the conversation, and he is determined not to let the despicable travesty go ahead...although he knows he much be careful in dealing with the situation. Perhaps arranging to meet with Captain Warrick and explaining the situation to him will help some. In the theatre, Jet suddenly finds himself thrown into combat with a seemingly GUN subservient Frost, and is forced to defend himself. Frost eventually overpowers him, but is called off by the GUN doctors watching before he can be killed. He is then laid out on the operating table, with Frost helping to subdue him, for the tests.

Meanwhile Azieral, taking Sachio and Morgaine to GUN, gets talking to her female prisoner, and finds out that the twins' father is actually Frost himself. Back in the downtown alleyways, Wraith, Tails and Myst come across the Nocturnes gang returning from their fight at the hotel, with Plugg, and another gang member at the back of the pack carrying Lucent, still unconsious. They manage to halt these few ithout alerting the rest of the gang, and Myst moves to examine the bat while Wraith, Tails, and the Nocturnes members have a subdued standoff.

Back at GUN HQ, Ari is put into a cell with the rest of the captured Neo Freedom Fighters, including a still unconsious Max, but there she learns that Wraith isn't actually dead after is only what GUN believes. Elsewhere in the complex, Dr. Amoz is, it turns out, being held captive by GUN so that he can create a robotic army for them, something he keeps refusing to do. David is brought in to see him, an emotional time for both man and machine, however GUN decide to reverse engineer the robot in the hopes of using him to create their army. They begin to examine him, however as they do so they accidentally activate an old dormant millitery program buried in his programming, and he goes berzerk, destroying the lab, before moving on to the rest of the base...


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's all of it! So, final character positions as I make it:

Wraith, Myst, and Tails are in the alleyway with Plugg and an unconsious Lucent. They have only just met up, and Myst is examining Lucent's injuries.

Max, Ari and a large suathe of the Neo Freedom Fighters are holed up in GUN's holding cells.

Frost and Jet are also at GUN, although Frost has been pressed into service by their experiments on him, and is currently holding Jet down while the doctors try and cut the weasel open. Cam'Ron is also watching over the operation.

David is in GUNs robotics labs, going mental. Alarms have just been sounded, and he is breaking free.

Warrick too is at GUN, trying to get some rest after his action, however he has just recived word from the mysterious cheetah soldier to meet him in secret.

Azieral is on her way towards GUN with Scahio's body and Morgaine as her prisoners.

Amanda, Tech, Ianthe, Shadow and Athena are headed towards GUN from the east side river.

Sword and Trey are both still at the beach, facing each other down in the building next to the hotel gang base.

And the unnamed cheetah girl encountered by Trey, Tech and Ianthe is currently missing.

I think that's everyone, let me know who I missed.

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